#monsoon allergies in India
ayurcraft · 2 months
 Ayurvedic Pharma Franchise in India
Protect yourself from seasonal allergies in monsoon climate
When the monsoon season comes, it cools things down from the heat and makes the environment look better, but it also brings a lot of allergens that can make people's lives unpleasant. Every year, people who don't usually have allergies during the rainy season often get them during this time. Here, we'll talk about why people get monsoon allergies, some common allergens to watch out for, and effective ways to fight them so you can enjoy the rainy season without always being sniffly. Ayurvedic medicine can help you quickly deal with these allergies. You can buy Ayurvedic medicine from Ayurcraft Healthcare which is the best Ayurvedic Pharma Franchise in India. 
Understanding Monsoon Allergies
Monsoon allergies are caused mainly by the higher humidity, which makes mould and fungus grow because it's damp. These allergens can grow well in rainwater, which can cause allergic reactions in sensitive people. Also, the amount of pollen tends to be higher during the monsoon season, making symptoms even worse for people allergic to certain weeds or plants.
Typical Allergens Throughout Monsoon
1. Mould and fungus: Dampness and atmospheric moisture provide an ideal habitat for mould and fungus to flourish. Particularly vulnerable are indoors, including toilets, kitchens, and basements. Typical symptoms include sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, and respiratory problems.
2. Dust mites: Rising humidity also results in higher populations of dust mites. These microscopic organisms can aggravate allergies like itching, wheezing, and skin rashes and flourish in humid environments.
3. Pollen: While monsoon season counts are usually lower, some plants and grasses produce pollen particles that could aggravate allergies in sensitive people. The symptoms include watery eyes, an itching throat, and nasal congestion.
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Tips on controlling monsoon allergies
Regular cleaning of your house will help to keep your living space free of mould and moisture-prone regions. Use paint resistant to mould and provide adequate airflow to stop moisture from building up. 
Use air conditioners or dehumidifiers to keep interior humidity between forty and fifty per cent. Reduced humidity helps stop mould from growing and lowers the dust mite population.
Ensure your house's surrounding drainage systems are adequate to prevent water stagnation. Attend to any leaks or dampening sites right away. In places prone to wetness, steer clear of carpet or rug use since they might trap allergens.
Practise personal hygiene by often washing your hands, particularly before touching your face, to reduce the likelihood of allergens entering your system. After arriving indoors, shower to rid your body or hair of any allergens they might have clung to.
If you have severe allergies, think about covering your nose and mouth outside with a mask or scarf. This can help cut allergens' influence on your respiratory system and help filter them.
Visit doctor: See an allergist if your allergies are severe or recurring; they can run tests to pinpoint specific allergens and suggest suitable courses of action, such as antihistamines or allergy injections.
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In Bottom Line: 
Allow monsoon allergies to not sour your enjoyment throughout the wet season. Following these easy guidelines and implementing excellent hygienic habits will help you reduce allergy symptoms and minimize your contact with allergens. Remember to maintain a dry and clean living space, monitor indoor humidity levels, and, when needed, consult a specialist. With these allergies, you can acquire immunity-boosting supplements that prepare your body. Ayurcraft Healthcare, an Ayurvedic Pharma Franchise in India , offers the best Ayurvedic supplement. 
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today3467h · 7 months
Delhi Flood 2023: Understanding Health Concerns and Practicing Precautions
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In the year 2023, Delhi, the bustling capital of India, faced an unprecedented natural disaster that shook the very foundations of the city. The heavy monsoon rains, which typically bring relief from summer temperatures, turned into a destruction leading to the catastrophic event known as the “Delhi Flood 2023.”
The city’s ill-equipped drainage systems struggled to cope with the relentless downpour, leaving vast areas submerged under water. As the floodwaters receded, a trail of devastation emerged, leaving behind damaged homes, collapsed infrastructure, and shattered lives.
The Delhi Flood 2023 proved to be more than just a disaster of property and infrastructure; it brought forth a multitude of health concerns. As floodwaters infiltrated homes, and public spaces, the city’s inhabitants found themselves facing a formidable enemy – waterborne diseases. 
The contamination of floodwaters with harmful pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites elevated the risk of outbreaks, posing severe health threats to the affected population.
Waterborne diseases have long been a menace during floods, and Delhi was no exception. As families sought refuge on rooftops and in overcrowded shelters, the lack of access to clean drinking water exacerbated the situation, making it challenging to maintain basic hygiene practices. 
The fear of diseases like cholera, typhoid, and gastroenteritis loomed large, prompting a desperate need for immediate preventive measures.
Beyond waterborne diseases, the stagnant floodwaters provided an ideal breeding ground for disease-carrying vectors, particularly mosquitoes. This led to a rise in vector-borne diseases, with dengue, malaria, and chikungunya becoming prevalent threats.
 As the flood-ravaged city attempted to recover, the spread of these mosquito-borne illnesses posed a secondary health crisis, demanding equal attention and proactive intervention.
The devastating flood also had a profound impact on respiratory health. The streets were tainted with pollutants, sewage, and chemicals, creating a toxic mix that polluted the air.
 Residents exposed to this hazardous air quality faced an increased risk of respiratory issues, allergies, and aggravation of pre-existing conditions like asthma. The need to protect respiratory health became imperative during the clean-up and recovery phase.
Moreover, the prolonged contact with floodwaters took a toll on the skin health of the affected individuals. Cases of skin infections and rashes soared due to exposure to contaminated water, particularly for those with open wounds or cuts. The urgency to address skin health concerns added another dimension to the multifaceted health challenges the city grappled with.
Along with the physical health concerns, the psychological well-being of the flood-stricken population also emerged as a critical aspect to be addressed. 
The trauma of witnessing the destruction of homes and livelihoods, coupled with the uncertainty of recovery, left many residents emotionally overwhelmed. 
Mental health support and awareness became paramount to help individuals cope with the aftermath of the disaster.
As the city embarked on the journey of rebuilding, it became evident that understanding the health risks and adopting precautionary measures were indispensable for the well-being of the residents.
This article seeks to shed light on the various health concerns that arose during and after the Delhi Flood 2023 and the essential precautions that individuals must practice to safeguard themselves and their communities from potential health hazards.
The impact of waterborne diseases, vector-borne illnesses, respiratory issues, skin infections, and mental health concerns, The collective effort of the government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and citizens becomes imperative to create a resilient and prepared community, ready to face the challenges posed by natural disasters and protect the health of its people.
Health Concerns During and After the Flood
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Floods are natural disasters that can have far-reaching and long-lasting impacts on public health. They bring issues of health concerns for the affected population, both during the flood’s peak and in the aftermath as communities begin the process of recovery and rebuilding. The deluge of floodwaters can create an environment ripe for the spread of various diseases and pose significant risks to the well-being of individuals.
Waterborne Diseases
One of the most pressing health concerns during and after a flood is the risk of waterborne diseases. Floodwaters are often contaminated with sewage, industrial waste, and various harmful microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, and parasites.
When people come into direct contact with these contaminated waters or consume them unknowingly, they are at high risk of contracting waterborne diseases.
Cholera is a significant concern during floods. The Vibrio cholerae bacterium thrives in waterlogged environments and can cause severe diarrhea and dehydration, leading to rapid and life-threatening health deterioration if not treated promptly. Other waterborne diseases like typhoid, hepatitis A, and gastroenteritis also pose a significant threat to public health during and after a flood.
Vector-Borne Diseases
Stagnant floodwaters provide ideal breeding grounds for disease-carrying vectors, such as mosquitoes and flies. As flood-hit areas become inundated with standing water, mosquitoes multiply rapidly, increasing the risk of mosquito-borne diseases. Dengue fever, malaria, and chikungunya are among the most prevalent vector-borne diseases that can see a surge during and after a flood.
The female Aides mosquito, responsible for transmitting dengue and chikungunya viruses, thrives in stagnant water. Inadequate waste management and standing water left behind after the flood create an environment conducive to mosquito breeding, leading to potential outbreaks.
Respiratory Issues
Floods not only contaminate water sources but also pollute the air. As floodwaters mix with sewage and other pollutants, the air quality in flood-affected areas deteriorates significantly. Inhalation of contaminated air can lead to respiratory issues, particularly for vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly, and individuals with pre-existing respiratory conditions like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Mold growth is another concern during the aftermath of a flood. As water seeps into buildings and houses, it fosters mold formation on walls, furniture, and other porous surfaces. Mold releases spores into the air, which, when inhaled, can cause allergic reactions, respiratory problems, and other health issues.
Skin Infections
Extended exposure to floodwaters can cause skin infections and rashes. The contaminants present in the floodwaters can irritate the skin and lead to bacterial and fungal infections. Open wounds and cuts are particularly susceptible to infection, putting individuals engaged in rescue and clean-up efforts at higher risk.
Mental Health Concerns
Floods can be traumatic events, causing emotional distress and mental health issues for those affected. The loss of homes, belongings, and livelihoods can lead to feelings of helplessness, anxiety, and depression. Additionally, the uncertainty of the recovery process and the fear of future flooding can compound the psychological impact on individuals and communities.
Disruption of Healthcare Services
Floods can disrupt essential healthcare services, making it challenging for individuals to access medical facilities. Flooded roads, damaged infrastructure, and overwhelmed healthcare facilities can hamper the timely provision of medical assistance, exacerbating health concerns for those in need of immediate care.
Food Safety
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Floods can also impact food safety, leading to the contamination of food supplies. Floodwaters can carry pollutants and infectious agents into food storage areas and fields, affecting crops and food products. Consuming contaminated food can cause foodborne illnesses, further straining public health resources.
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kapeefit · 9 months
Treating That Pesky Cough: Soothing Home Remedies
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Coughing is one of the most common ailments that brings people to the doctor in India. Environmental factors like pollution and dust, changing weather patterns, chronic respiratory issues and viral infections all contribute to cough prevalence throughout the country.
While Western medicine certainly has its place in treating chronic and persistent coughs, many Indians also look to time-tested natural remedies as an adjunct for finding cough relief. In this comprehensive guide, we will cover home remedies using familiar kitchen ingredients that can help suppress coughing and soothe irritated throats.
What Causes Coughing in Indians?
Coughs come in two main varieties: productive and non-productive. Knowing what underlies your cough helps determine the best treatment approach. Common culprits in India include:
Environmental irritants - Outdoor air pollution, indoor cooking smoke, dust mites, mold spores
Allergies - Pollen, pets, foods
Asthma - Chronic inflammatory airway disease
COPD - Emphysema, chronic bronchitis
Gastroesophageal reflux - Acid reflux aggravating the throat
Postnasal drip - Excess mucus dripping down throat
Smoking - Chemical irritation and lung damage
Viruses - Colds, flu, monsoon illnesses like dengue
Bacteria - Pneumonia, pertussis, H. pylori infections
Pinpointing whether your cough is from allergies, an infection or another trigger guides appropriate natural remedies and when to see a doctor.
Problematic Effects of Chronic Coughing
While occasionally coughing helps clear irritants or mucus from the airways, ongoing uncontrolled coughs can have disruptive effects:
Sleep disruption & fatigue
Embarrassment in social settings
Difficulty talking, eating and swallowing
Urinary incontinence
Lightheadedness or passing out
Ribs fractures from repeated strain
Teary eyes and facial pain
Herpes outbreaks from mouth irritation
The constant urge to cough can severely impact quality of life. Thankfully, many natural remedies can safely help suppress coughs when used appropriately.
Soothing Foods and Drinks
Warming and coating foods and beverages provide age-old relief for Indian cough sufferers. Options to try:
Honey - Honey coats and soothes irritated throats. Mix 2 teaspoons into hot water or tea. For wheezing, have it with black pepper.
Ginger-tulsi tea - Chop ginger and tulsi leaves and steep in hot water, then mix in honey. This offers antimicrobial benefits.
Turmeric milk - Add 1/2 teaspoon turmeric to warmed milk. Turmeric has antioxidant properties to fight inflammation.
Pepper and jaggery - Boil crushed black pepper and jaggery in water until it thickens. This eases itchy throats.
Chicken soup - Warm broth soothes the throat while hydrating the system. Add garlic for added antiviral effects.
Warm water - Sipping plain hot water dilutes thick mucus for productive coughs and lubricates the throat.
Amla juice - Indian gooseberry juice offers vitamin C to boost immunity against cough-causing viruses and bacteria.
Vegetable broth - Sodium in savory broth thins mucus. Use veggie scraps to make your own.
Chrysanthemum tea - This slightly sweet, flowery tea eases dry coughs and phlegm in the throat.
Pomegranate juice - Both the juice and seeds soothe irritated throats.
These time-tested drinks provide relief whether your cough is dry or productive. They can be enjoyed as often as needed to suppress coughing.
Herbal Cough Remedies
Many plants and spices used in Ayurvedic medicine have cough-calming properties. Popular options include:
Peppermint - Menthol has an anesthetic effect to reduce throat irritation. Inhale steam, chew leaves or use lozenges.
Eucalyptus - Adding eucalyptus oil to steam inhalation breaks up mucus and reduces coughing episodes.
Licorice root - Demulcent herbs like licorice soothe mucous membranes and decrease urge to cough.
Basil - Chewing basil leaves provides phytonutrients that may relax cough spasms.
Thyme - Thymol compounds give thyme cough-suppressing and antimicrobial actions.
Fennel - The mucilage in fennel coats the throat and minimizes cough reflex.
Marshmallow root - As another soothing demulcent, marshmallow relieves dry hacking coughs.
Slippery elm - Mixing slippery elm powder into hot water creates a coating gel for irritated throats.
For best effects, use herbal teas, throat drops or syrups, steam inhalation or chewing leaves of the raw herbs. Most are safe for adults and older children when used as directed.
Kitchen Spice Remedies
Familiar spices from the Indian pantry can also tame nagging coughs:
Clove - Eugenol gives cloves numbing, antibacterial and lung-relaxing effects to minimize coughing.
Black pepper - Piperine offers anti-inflammatory benefits. Add to honey or meals to calm coughs.
Cinnamon - Thins mucus while providing antimicrobial effects, especially when paired with honey.
Cardamom - Warming and soothing, cardamom relieves coughs and throat discomfort when used in food or masala chai tea.
Cumin - This kitchen staple thins mucus secretions while calming spasmodic coughs.
Garlic - Raw garlic combats viruses and bacteria that lead to coughs. Let it melt slowly in the mouth.
Onion - Similar to garlic, onion acts as an antimicrobial and expectorant. Add it cooked into foods.
Ginger - Gingerol offers broad anti-inflammatory effects to decrease coughing caused by irritation.
Spices not only add flavor to foods - they provide science-backed benefits for suppressing coughs of various origins when used liberally in your cooking.
Topical Home Remedies
Applying preparations directly on the throat brings fast, targeted relief:
Massage with essential oils - Eucalyptus, mint, pine and thyme oils reduce coughs when applied topically. Add to a carrier oil or diffuser.
Salt water gargle - Gargling with warm salt water reduces swollen tissues in the throat. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water.
Hot towel - Drape a towel soaked in hot water over your chest and throat to ease coughing. Reheat periodically.
Vicks VapoRub - This ointment containing camphor, menthol and eucalyptus can minimize coughing frequency when massaged on the throat and chest.
Turmeric paste - Mix turmeric powder with warm water or milk into a paste and apply to the neck. Leave on for 30 minutes before rinsing.
Onion poultice - Slice an onion and place it on the chest beneath a cloth while lying down to harness its antibacterial effects.
Using soothing rubs, liniments and heat therapy brings relief right to the source for fast-acting, effective cough relief.
When to See a Doctor
While home remedies can help mild or intermittent coughs, contact your doctor if any of the following apply:
Cough persists longer than 3 weeks in adults or 4 weeks in children
Shortness of breath, wheezing or chest tightness
Fever above 101°F, chills or body aches
Nausea, vomiting or stomach pain
Blood or yellow/green mucus
Unexplained weight loss
Exposure to anyone with tuberculosis (TB)
High risk for pneumonia
Seek immediate medical care if coughing up blood, fainting or very rapid breathing occurs. Chronic coughs in smokers, the elderly, or those with lung disease warrant prompt medical evaluation as well.
With disciplined use of time-tested natural remedies, coughing doesn’t have to disrupt your daily life. Maintain vigilance and see a doctor if symptoms don’t improve or worsen. With the right blend of traditional wisdom and modern medicine, cough relief is within reach.
The Takeaway
From Delhi to Mumbai and everywhere in between, coughing is ubiquitous in India due to pollution, allergens and rampant respiratory infections. Persistent coughs impact work, sleep and quality of life. With knowledge of the medicinal plants, warming fluids and pantry spices used for generations, the traditional Indian kitchen offers safe, effective options for suppressing coughs when used sensibly. While medical intervention is sometimes necessary, homemade natural remedies can provide soothing adjunctive relief. Observe cough hygiene, identify possible causes and intelligently leverage Ayurvedic wisdom and modern medicine to quiet coughs and restore respiratory comfort.
Find relief for your cough with KapeeFit! Explore soothing home remedies to tackle that pesky cough. Embrace natural solutions for comfort and well-being. Discover more at KapeeFit.com. Act now!
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aavanagreens · 11 months
Is Artificial Grass in Dehradun Suitable for All Seasons? 5 Things to Know
Dehradun, the scenic capital of Uttarakhand. It is as famous for its natural beauty as its rapidly modernizing lifestyle. As people look for new ways to beautify their outdoor spaces while keeping maintenance low, artificial grass is making a splash in the city. But a question that often pops up is, "Is Artificial Grass in Dehradun suitable for all seasons?" The weather in Dehradun can be quite varied, from hot summers to chilling winters and monsoon rains.
Aavana Greens Private Limited is a leading Artificial Garden Manufacturer. It assures that artificial grass can indeed be a four-season wonder. Let's explore why this new-age landscaping option could be perfect for you.
Durability in All Weather Conditions
Dehradun sees everything from hot sun to heavy rainfall and cold winters. The best part about artificial grass is its durability. Unlike natural grass, it won't turn brown under the sun or become muddy during rain. Plus, most Artificial Grass Manufacturers in Bangalore use UV-resistant materials. It ensures that the color stays vibrant through all seasons.
Low Maintenance: A Year-Round Benefit
Natural grass requires continuous care: watering, fertilizing, and mowing. Artificial grass eliminates those tasks, making it especially appealing for busy Dehradun residents. Moreover, given the Artificial Grass Cost, it is a long-term investment. It pays off through low maintenance costs, regardless of the season.
Allergy-Free Seasons
As seasons change, so do the types of allergens in the air. Artificial grass reduces the risk of grass allergies, a common problem during both spring and autumn. This particularly benefits kids and pets, providing a safe outdoor environment year-round.
Versatility in Design
While Dehradun doesn't have the same high-rises as metro cities, space can still be a concern. The versatility of artificial grass allows you to create various landscape designs. It includes simple lawns to complex Vertical Gardens in Dehradun. Not only does it make your property look beautiful, but it also adds functional space for activities throughout the year.
Cost-Effective Seasonal Decor
Imagine not having to change your garden layout with every season! Given the Artificial Grass Price per Sq Ft in India, it's a one-time investment. It offers unlimited opportunities for seasonal decor. Artificial grass provides the perfect backdrop, whether setting up a winter wonderland or a sunny summer garden.
Conclusion: Aavana Greens – The One-Stop Solution for Your Four-Season Artificial Grass
If you're contemplating whether or not to go for artificial grass in Dehradun, the decision should now be easier. It’s a robust, versatile, and aesthetically pleasing option that suits the city's varied climatic conditions. To take the first step towards a beautiful, low-maintenance, and all-season lawn, consider Aavana Greens Private Limited. They specialize in various artificial grass products to meet every need and budget. Visit Aavana Greens today for top-quality Artificial Grass Dehradun and make your dream lawn a reality.
So, is artificial grass suitable for all seasons in Dehradun? Definitely! And it allows you to enjoy your outdoor space without the hassle of seasonal maintenance.
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ziqitzarajasthan00 · 1 year
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Managing allergic reactions during the monsoon season requires some basic precautions and healthy habits. Understanding common allergens, recognizing allergy symptoms, and allergy-proofing your home are important steps in preventing allergic reactions. If you suffer from severe allergies, seeking professional help is essential. Ziqitza Health Care Limited is committed to providing the best medical care to the people of India, and their trained medical professionals are always ready to serve you in case of any medical emergency. Stay safe and healthy during the monsoon season.
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sraddhasen12 · 1 year
The Best Exterior Laminate For Your Home Is Dirtproof And Waterproof
Every single time you always want to give a beautiful look to your home ,But some time its not happened to your house, because you didn’t use the right paint or the right brand ,so basically you want a good consult like Paint Sutra. The climate of our nation is very erratic. From sweltering heat to heavy rainfalls and dusty winds to high humidity, a lot occurs throughout the year. Although we are sheltered within our home, the exterior walls can suffer from weather fluctuations. Exterior paint is very important for your home and it’s gives a nice vibes every time. Regular paint can only withstand so much before it starts chipping, developing algae and fading away. Indigo Dirtproof and Waterproof Exterior Laminate is different from traditional exterior paints as it contains flexible acrylic emulsion and silicone polymers which provide UV protection while also keeping your walls safe from dirt, water, and fungal growth - ensuring they look new for years.
Protects against UV damage
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Pervasive sun exposure every year in our country leads to fading of wall paint due to UV radiation, making protection essential. Indigo Dirtproof & Waterproof Exterior Laminate provides an ideal cover that resists the impact of long hours of sunlight, due to its effective combination acrylic emulsion and silicone polymers. This armor protects the colour firmly, rounding it off economically too, making expensive options unnecessary.
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The use of waterproof paint
Water is one of the main causes for degraded wall paint. Substantial absorption of moisture by concrete, exposure to monsoons and rains can degrade the coat of your wall’s paint efficiently. To revamp your walls from rain damages opt for Dirtproof & Waterproof Exterior Laminate which is especially fabricated to dodge the negative impacts from rains and water. It builds protection against moisture build-up and maintains even coverage preventing hairline qualities or patches in texture or appearance.
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Anti-fungal and anti-algae properties
Algae and fungi, better known as mould, can be a nuisance on our walls. In India, it is common to see green algae and brown-black fungi on the walls of homes, which makes them look run-down and aged. Not only does this have an aesthetic impact but it can also present health risks. Mould forms when humid air condenses on cooler surfaces; it typically appears on walls and windows and proliferates quickly. It is important to take action with chemical treatments, machines, plastering or paint restoration in order to get rid of mould from the walls. To avoid any mould growth in the first place you may consider using Indigo Dirtproof & Waterproof Exterior Laminate for your exterior paint which has anti algal and anti fungal properties that will keep your wall looking fresh all the time..
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Dirtproof paint
We routinely remove the dirt from our furniture, however we can't do the same with our walls. Exterior walls of our home are constantly subject to dust and dirt and this causes them to become discolored, fading and looking worn out. Standard paints will diminish their luster, so they appear colorless. Additionally, large amounts of dust can cause allergies or other breathing difficulties which is worse for anyone with asthma at home. Since cleaning exterior walls is not feasible, using a paint like Indigo Dirtproof & Waterproof Exterior Laminate is suggested since its nanoparticle technology and flexible acrylic emulsion make it resistant to dirt.
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asthmabhawan-blog · 2 years
Hence, Book an appointment today or call us Emergency Line (+91) 9352934531 to know more about Types of Monsoon Diseases- Causes | Prevention | Treatment
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sleepysera · 2 years
8.22.22 Headlines
India: Floods, landslides leave 40 dead (AP)
“At least 40 people have died and others are missing in flash floods triggered by intense monsoon rains in northern India over the past three days, officials said Sunday. The rains inundated hundreds of villages, swept away mud houses, flooded roads and destroyed bridges in some parts of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand states. The Indian Meteorological Department predicted that heavy to very heavy rain would continue to fall in the region for the next two days.”
China: Fights brush fires, extends power rationing in drought (AP)
“Brush fires have forced the evacuation of more than 1,500 people in southwest China and power rationing for factories has reportedly been extended as weeks of record heat and drought batter the region. Some shopping malls in the megacity of Chongqing have been ordered closed for most of the day to reduce electricity demand, state broadcaster CCTV said, limiting opening hours to 4 to 9 p.m.”
Mexico: Maya village’s water, future threatened by Mexican train (AP)
“Mexico’s ambitious Maya Train project is supposed to bring development to the Yucatan Peninsula, but along the country’s Caribbean coast it is threatening the Indigenous Maya people it was named for and dividing communities it was meant to help. One controversial stretch cuts a more than 68-mile (110-kilometer) swath through the jungle between the resorts of Cancun and Tulum, over some of the most complex and fragile underground cave systems in the world.”
Police Brutality: 3 Arkansas officers suspended after video captures beating (AP)
“Three Arkansas law enforcement officers were suspended, and state police launched an investigation after a video posted on social media showed two of them beating a suspect while a third officer held him on the ground. The officers were responding to a report of a man making threats outside a convenience store Sunday in the small town of Mulberry, about 140 miles (220 kilometers) northwest of Little Rock, near the border with Oklahoma, authorities said.”
Anthony Fauci: Stepping down after decades as top US infection expert (AP)
“Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert who became a household name — and the subject of partisan attacks — during the COVID-19 pandemic, announced Monday he will leave the federal government in December after more than five decades. Fauci directs the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden and also leads a lab studying the immune system.”
Floods: Hiker missing in Utah flooding as monsoon hits US Southwest (AP)
“Authorities have been searching for days for an Arizona woman reported missing after being swept away by floodwaters in Utah’s Zion National Park as strong seasonal rain storms hit parts of the U.S. Southwest. National Park Service officials said rangers and members of the Zion Search and Rescue Team were in the Virgin River area Sunday looking for Jetal Agnihotri, 29, of Tucson.”
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oswincoleman · 4 years
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Jenna Coleman appeared on the “Table Manners with Jessie Ware” podcast today, available here: 
It’s a lovely interview, conducted by Jessie Ware and her mother Lennie Ware, that primarily focusses on food. 
Jenna and Jessie already knew each other from various fashion shows, like this Miu Miu show in 2018, when they were pictured together with Lily Collins: 
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To begin with, they mention how normal, down to Earth, gorgeous, and demure Jenna is, that she is becoming a national treasure. How she took her friend Sally to the Miu Miu Fashion Show in Paris (see picture below, from Jenna’s Instagram stories at the time)
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As always, Jenna talked about how terrified she was when she started shooting The Serpent in Thailand, working only together with French actors who she constantly had to speak French with. But how after a while, she and Tahar Rahim had established a dynamic, and she became confident in playing her role. 
She also mentioned the difficulties of filming, how a 4 month shoot became a 13 month shoot, how the party scenes were shot in monsoon season, when every few minutes they had to go to shelter and perhaps film a scene with the monkey, before trying again. How the filming was stopped with just 4 days of filming left in Bangkok, and how the scenes in India, Paris, and Thailand were then filmed in Tring in August 2020. For that filming, a COVID test was part of the makeup and costume procedure. 
The only things Jenna took from the set of The Serpent was a 1970s pencil sharpener, and a little Thai statue (and a fake newspaper with Charles and Marie on the cover, as the Interpol most wanted criminals). While Tahar Rahim took several of the tailored suits and sunglasses he wore in the show, Jenna didn’t take any of her amazing wardrobe with her. 
Jenna talked about how in her childhood, her gran would make sunday roast, with the entire large family coming for that. 
She mentioned that as child she went through a phase when she wouldn’t eat anything besides cream cheese sandwiches and Heinz tomato soup. And sometimes she would hide her sandwiches in a vase, to pretend she had eaten them, because she just wanted to go back to play, rather than eat. 
But she said that now she loves to cook. She spoke in depth about being diagnosed with a gluten allergy 5 years ago, and how it was difficult at first to deal with that, but that she has absolutely gotten used to it by now. But it means she can’t eat pasta, pizza, croissants, or drink beer (some examples that Jenna chose). It was incredible how much that changed her life. 
When asked what she would have for a last meal, or a last day of meals, Jenna answered that she would have things that she wouldn’t otherwise be able to eat because of her gluten allergy. She said that she had prepared for this question, but didn’t know she had to select a whole day’s worth of food. 
So her choice was: egg and soldiers for breakfast, with two flat white coffees. Jenna said that she was a massive coffee addict. For lunch she would have pizza, which once again she can’t eat, but if it’s her last day, then she wouldn’t care about her allergy. As a side, she would have a fresh Italian tomato salad with basil and olive oil. 
For dinner, she would have the raw salmon with avocado mousse that she had had several times in Paris, when she was there last year with her mum. For a main course she would have medium rare steak with chimichurri, fries, and garlic spinach. She said that she does like cooking steak herself, but that she is a haphazard cooker, gets the timings wrong, and is impatient. 
And for desert, she would have her 5 year old niece’s “joy bowls”. Jenna is not really a sweet person, but when she met her family over Christmas, her niece had a recipe book of “happiness bowls”, that she renamed to “joy bowls”, which really helped lift the spirits of everyone at the time. 
As a drink, and I don’t think anyone will be surprised by this, Jenna chose a margarita. Apparently, she never liked them, until one year ago, but she has been pefecting her recipe for it, and considers it to be her best cooking. She does not like wine that much, and gets hungover after drinking one glass of red wine, and her favourite type of wine is Rosé. But she does like to use wine in her cooking. 
She also talked about filming The Cry in Melbourne, Australia, and eating fantastic brunches there.  
Jenna also talked about her next projects. Apparently, she will start filming for her secret NDA project in February, and then film her indie dark comedy in March. 
Finally, Jenna mentions doing karaoke in Ibiza when she was 12, and singing “Wake me up before you go go” together with a friend, who was Charlotte Church, who was so much better at singing than she was. Jenna hasn’t done karaoke ever since then, and has had a fear of singing since then. For Victoria, she initially considered having someone voiceover for when she had to sing there, but in the end decided to do the singing parts herself after all. 
Jenna was in the Cotswolds while conducting this interview over Zoom, and apparently had a horrible internet connection. 
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kisanwindow · 3 years
How Monsoon Impacts Your Health?
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As we are halfway into June, the weather has taken a turn from humidity & scorching sun to light showers. This relief that the rainy season brings after the unbearable summer heat is unparalleled. Though the rainy season is something to be thankful for, the health issues that this season brings can prove to be very degrading health wise. With the covid-19 situation still in effect to a great extent, keeping yourself healthy should be a priority. 
Here are a few health hazards you should be keeping an eye out for. 
Lack of vitamin D:
Since the sun is a direct source of vitamin D for us, the rainy season may hinder this due to the lack of sunlight during monsoon. Vitamin D being a necessary nutrient for you, it’s deficiency can become a cause of numerous health diseases including autoimmune diseases. 
Vitamin D is another nutrient whose lack has been proven to be hazardous in terms of coronavirus as well. Including foods in your diet that are rich sources of vitamin D can help you further. 
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Some of these foods are:
Orange juice
Soy milk
A number of reports indicate that during the monsoon season, the tropical regions are far more prone to infections than the non-tropical ones. This happens due to the combination of heat & humidity. The humidity during the monsoon season is high due to the rising temperature which aids the growth of a particular fungus, dermatophytes, which leads to fungal infection. 
Although this impacts mostly your hair & nails, maintaining proper health may prove beneficial & shield-like against all types of infections.
Monsoon season is triggering numerous allergies & specifically respiratory allergies. The pollen grains, fungus & dust all add to this trigger. This is a much more harmful issue since having an unhygienic respiratory tract is another great cause of covid-19. Lockdowns being in effect across India, ensuring that your house is sanitized properly can help with this further.
Water & mosquito related diseases:
It is estimated that a total of 37.7 million Indians are affected by waterborne diseases throughout the year, almost 3.4 million out of these taking place in monsoons. A number of diseases including diarrhea, typhoid, jaundice are caused during monsoons & need to be taken care of if it catches onto you.
Contaminated water is a big cause of it & the mosquitoes that breed in this dirty water birth many more illnesses. The mosquitos bred from dirty water can cause diseases like malaria & dengue. Keeping the water in your surroundings clean & ensuring that no contaminated water is collected can help ward these diseases off.
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sparkzonnutra · 4 years
☀️ Wild Ferns Manuka Honey Moisturiser with SPF 15 75 ml
#india Natural and organic  Replenishing SPF 15 Made in NewzealandIts is formulated for daily use - particularly in the morning due to the added sun protection factor.Two in One Moisturiser with SPF 15  Wild Ferns Manuka Honey Moisturiser with SPF 15 75 mlDuring summer and monsoon when you skin becomes very sensitive it's important to use products that don't cause irritation or damage. Allergy Tested & 100% Paraben FreeShop Here:  https://goo.gl/PeKU5c  Offer: Buy Online Payment  get 25% discount  
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patankar · 2 years
Ayurvedic Tea In Rainy Season
After bearing the scorching heat for months, monsoon comes as a sigh of relief. The Arrival of monsoon also brings along with it a rise in seasonal flu and viral infections. Ayurveda suggests that there is an aggravation in the vata dosha during the monsoon which makes people prone to illnesses. In order to keep these illnesses at bay we need to make some modifications in our everyday routines as per the changing seasons. Monsoon is also the best season to enjoy some hot pakodas and tea but these are not very good for the overall health and immunity due to high calories and lots of oil. But you need not give up on these cravings, rather you can combine these dishes with any of the ayurvedic teas which can help in boosting the immunity as well balance out some of the negative effects.
The following ayurvedic teas can be easily made at home with the help of some simple ingredients available in the kitchen.
1) Brown Sugar Ginger Tea
Brown Sugar Ginger Tea is one of the most versatile and is consumable in any season. It has lots of benefits to offer. Ginger is a super food which helps in strengthening an individual from within as it prepares the body to withstand any season. During the monsoon season, our digestive system becomes sluggish and consuming ginger tea is the best way to tackle this problem. In monsoon, there are many people who suffer from common cold, respiratory tract infections, scratchy throat and other allergy symptoms, ginger tea can serve as the most effective remedy to prevent such symptoms.
How to make:
Ginger tea is a quick and easy ayurvedic tea which requires only two ingredients, one is ginger powder and the other one is Khandsari (brown) sugar. To make the tea, boil few teaspoons of Ginger powder or fresh ginger slices in water for about 15 minutes. Add Khandsari (brown) sugar to this ginger water and simmer for about 5 minutes. Strain and consume this miraculous tea loaded with lots of health benefits.
2) Tulsi Leaves Tea
Tulsi also known as Indian basil is considered as sacred in India. It is used as a medicinal herb in ayurveda since ages. It is believed that Tulsi can help in treating almost all illnesses. It helps in building strong immunity. It can help in getting rid of digestive issues. Serves as one of the best remedies for seasonal allergies and respiratory tract infections. It can relieve flu symptoms like headache and fever very effectively. Hot Tulsi tea can serve as a great immunity booster in the monsoon season to keep illnesses at bay.
How to make:
In order to make this divine immunity boosting tea, just boil few Tulsi leaves for a period of 10 to 15 minutes. The tea is ready to consume. It is not necessary to strain this tea as Tulsi leaves can be eaten along with the tea for extra health benefits.
3) Immunity Boosting Kadha
Immunity boosting Ayurvedic Kadha consists of an incredible blend of immunity boosting herbs such as Tulsi, Cinnamon, Clove, Ginger and Peppercorns. It is a little hot in nature making it perfect to be consumed during the monsoon season. This tea serves as the best remedy for people with a weak immune system.
How to make:
This magical ayurvedic decoction can be made by boiling around 5 to 6 leaves of sacred Tulsi, a bark of cinnamon, 2 cloves and 4 peppercorns. This decoction needs to be boiled until it reduces to half and then strained. The Immunity boosting ayurvedic kadha is ready to be consumed.
4) Yellow Tea
Turmeric has been used as a medicinal herb in Ayurvedic medicines since ages. It has been known for its antibacterial properties. Turmeric tea when combined with ingredients such as honey, lemon and ginger can serve as the most delicious tea to be consumed in monsoon. This tea has helps in preventing or getting rid of monsoon related illnesses. It also helps in reducing arthritis symptoms, boosting immunity and regulating the blood pressure levels.
How to make:
In order to make this tea, powdered, grated or ground turmeric has to be boiled in around 4 cups of water for 10 to 15 minutes. This magical yellow tea can be strained and consumed as it is or few other ingredients such as lemon, honey, black pepper or ginger can be added to enhance the flavour as well as the nutritional value.
5) Minty Tea
Peppermint leaves are used as an ayurvedic remedy for indigestion, diarrhoea, fever, cough etc. It is known to reduce stress as well as calm the mind. Having Peppermint tea after meals helps to improve the digestive system and increase the energy levels by reducing stress. Having it before bedtime induces peaceful and calming sleep.
How to make:
Boil 2 to 3 cups of water and turn off the flame. Add few peppermint leaves in this water. Leave it aside for 5 minutes. Strain this decoction and have it warm.
To conclude, monsoon is the best season to enjoy with friends and family provided that you do not fall ill. Monsoon brings along with it lots of fun and joy but also infections, allergies, diseases etc. which we can prevent by having one or a combination of these magical, powerful and effective ayurvedic decoctions.
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Monsoon allergies: Are air purifiers helpful - Times of India
Monsoon allergies: Are air purifiers helpful – Times of India
— Muzaffar IzamuddinWe all know that air purifiers are known to improve air quality, but do air purifiers help with allergies? Most people think that the rainy season cleans up the air, but another lesser-known fact is that it also brings along triggers for allergies. Here’s talking about the high levels of indoor allergens and how certain air purifiers are designed to clean the air in a room by…
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cofsilsindia · 2 years
Health Signs You Should Not Ignore This Monsoon
Nobody likes to be down and out with a fever or an upset stomach. But sometimes try as you might to stave off illnesses and diseases, you still find yourself dealing with certain undesirable symptoms. At such times, you need to start hunting for the best cough syrup or seek professional help to ensure you get back on your feet soon. While at times self medicating will do the trick for you, oftentimes you need to seek professional advice. Here are some symptoms that you absolutely should not ignore these monsoons.
It is fine to ignore a sore throat or a cough for a while. Sometimes allergies and other conditions can cause these symptoms and you should be able to deal with it by yourself at home with the help of an ayurvedic cough syrup. But if it persists for too long you will end up falling seriously ill. If you develop a high fever along with these symptoms, you should go to a doctor and get treated immediately. A high fever indicates a throat infection and it also tells you that you may probably need antibiotics and antipyretics to fight your symptoms and get back to full health. Similarly, it is quite common to have an upset stomach during the monsoons. You can expect to have tummy aches and some amount of gas, especially if you eat out frequently. If the pain is too much to bear or if you develop other symptoms like frequent loose motions, it is a clear sign that you need to take your symptoms seriously.
 These could signal a stronger stomach or GI infection and you will need medical intervention to deal with these. In India, gastrointestinal diseases like jaundice, cholera, and typhoid are common enough that you may need to get checked for these as well.For more details visit website cofsils.com.
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salubritasmed · 2 years
Include these 5 foods in your diet to prevent Monsoon hair fall.
The season of rain is already here. The monsoon season is the most celebrated of all seasons in India as it provides relief after a long scorching summer. But along with its perks, monsoon brings some common health problems like skin allergies, infections and hair fall.
Hair Fall is one of the most common problems experienced during monsoons. No matter how much oil you use on your scalp, or braid your hair with protective hairstyles, nothing can stop your hair from falling. The humidity in the atmosphere makes your hair fall, more than normal. But, in such a situation, you can switch to a healthy diet to provide immense nutrition to your hair roots from within.
The top General physician in Delhi suggests the list of following foods that you must necessarily include in your diet during monsoon:
1.  Fenugreek seed water.
You must have read about the several benefits fenugreek water provides for hair health. You must have also come across several videos on youtube for Instagram where influencers are claiming that fenugreek water can help with hair regrowth and can help to bring shine to your dull hair. But rarely you might have heard that drinking fenugreek seed water regularly can help with hair fall problems. Yes, start soaking fenugreek water overnight in a bowl, if you want to see visible differences in your hair regrowth.
2.  Eggs.
As per the best physician in Delhi, Eggs are an excellent source of protein and biotin which qualifies them as the best superfood for hair health. You can include eggs in your diet in any form. Boiled eggs, omelettes, poached eggs or egg whites are all equally healthy. These can provide nutrition to your body from within and help with hair growth.
3.  Indian blackberry or Jamun.
The doctor at the best General physician clinic in Delhi suggests that Indian blackberries are loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants which help to promote collagen production and help to keep scalp health in check. You should consume this seasonal fruit regularly to curb the hair fall concern by significant means.  
4.  Spinach.
As per the general physician near me, Leafy greens like spinach and kale are a powerhouse of essential antioxidants and vitamins which can help to boost hair growth and prevent hair fall. You can consume spinach in any form, by including it in your salad, sandwiches, veg rolls, soups, gravies, stews, etc. Spinach is one such ingredient that has been considered life-giving for hair fall concerns.
5.  Fatty fish.
Fatty fish is an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, and protein, all of which are considered life-giving for hair health. According to the top General physician in Delhi, Vitamin A is responsible for producing Sebum, whereas omega-3 fatty acids can increase hair density and add volume and shine to hair.   It is best if you can include fatty fish in your diet but if not then you can buy fish oil tablets from the market as they are equally effective.
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tccoithechai · 2 years
Our cup of tea
We're all in need of a fresh start. Every morning, you begin your day with a cup of freshly prepared tea. There are some people who love coffee, but I prefer a cup of ginger-infused natural tea. There's nothing like a nice cup of tea to get your day started. For centuries, Chinese culture has made references to tea and the rites that surround it. The tea plant, Camellia Sinensis, is native to the region that today comprises northeast India, north Burma, southwest China, and Tibet. And, there’s nothing better than TCCOI Assam tea to have our cup of tea.
In fact, I recall a mention to the Tea tradition in Asterix Comics' Asterix in England. With the exception of the Boston Tea Party, the Western Hemisphere has traditionally been more coffee-driven. Tea and selling tea have a lot of political overtones in modern Indian politics. Tea has left an indelible mark on our lives. Several people have met their future spouses at tea ceremonies. Over a cup of tea, we're listening to popular Bollywood music. During the monsoons, hot mugs of tea and fritters have resulted in numerous love tales. During monsoon and winter hikes, hardened trekkers will remember the experience of tea and food. Tea has been overlaid in our recollections at many train stops and dhabas around the country. Over limitless cups of tea, innumerable hours of disputes and pointless conversations have been held in college canteens and vendor carts. 
Tea is popular because of its natural, earthy flavor, but it also boasts a plethora of health advantages. So congratulate yourself on the back if you drink tea on a daily basis since you've given your body a wonderful gift of health! Teas come in a variety of flavors, including black, green, white, chamomile, and herbal. Green tea has been designated as "the healthiest tea" among these varieties. Green tea use has been shown to lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes when combined with a diet rich in healthy grains, fruits, and vegetables. The epigallocatechin-3-gallate catechin is the most important form of catechin found in green tea (EGCG). The capacity of EGCG to prevent or treat cancer has been established via research. As a result, drinking green tea on a daily basis provides a significant health advantage. As a result, incorporating green tea into your diet may be beneficial. 
Caffeine is commonly found in black tea. Despite this, the quantity of caffeine in black tea is often lower than that in coffee. When the leaves of Camilla sinensis (the plant that produces tea leaves) are crushed, dried, and fermented, they turn black. The tea gets its distinctive black colour as a result of the fermenting process. Catechins react with other flavonoids to generate theaflavins or other flavonoids during the fermentation process. These flavonoids provide a variety of health advantages, including weight loss and sugar control. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects as well. All of these health advantages are provided by black tea. There are many different kinds of herbal tea on the market. Chamomile, mint, lemon ginger, rooibos, and honeybush are a few examples. Because of their calming properties, chamomile and rooibos teas are commonly drank at night. Because not everyone can tolerate herbal teas, it's a good idea to see your primary health care physician before consuming any herbal tea. With that stated, let us return to the health advantages of chamomile tea. According to Medical News Today, chamomile tea has a number of health benefits, including alleviating menstrual cramps, producing drowsiness, and lowering inflammation. People with severe pollen allergies should avoid chamomile tea, according to the authors. 
It's been said that we're like tea; we don't realise our own strength until we're in boiling water. There's a saying that where there's tea, there's hope. Some people believe that a chest of tea has a tremendous deal of poetry and feeling. A decent cup of tea is sometimes all you need.
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