#moo montana
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dreadmom · 21 days
Little C.O.W. Boys
Some remember the comic series Tales of the TMNT, specifically the crossover with the Wild West C.O.W.-boys of Moo Mesa, thinking about both the cartoon and the comic, how different could certain episodes of the cartoon be if we follow the comic version of Mirage
In this mini comic I base myself on the episode "Skull Duggery Rides Again", where Skull Duggery and his henchmen instead of aging Cowtown, what they do is rejuvenate COW-Boys, physically and mentally, with the goal of killing them more easily, Cowlorado manages to escape with them and takes them to J.R. to ask for help knowing that the ghosts are hot on their heels
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Little Moo and Dakota are based on this link
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unsafescapewolf · 1 year
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Summer Kofi doodles part 11!
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ryanmoody · 5 months
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C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa Figures From The Nacelle Company
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19molly97 · 4 months
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Saddle up, y'all! The C.O.W-boys are back! (No sign of the Dakota Dude, or Cowlorado Kidd yet, though.)
I gotta say, the Nacelle company makes high quality stuff. I wonder how long until our bovine buddies get their own reboot?
(Still, wouldn't a crossover between the C.o.w-boys and the Biker Mice be interesting?)
Sceenshot from https://nacellestore.com/collections/c-o-w-boys-of-moo-mesa
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bitofthisandthat · 1 year
The KRANG connection to the C.O.W Boys...
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{ Rereading through some of the IDW and crossover comics for the COWBOYS ( since they are written by the TMNT creators too ) and in one of the iterations they come right out and say it: In the Cowboys' world, "the Mesa" is actually a segmented part of a distant planet similar to Earth, where the KRANG were using the lifeforms as an experiment platform. Which, of course, led to a galactic war above to kick them out. So when they were waging a war in the stars above said planet, their shrapnel and war machines created the "comet" that created "the Mesa." The mystic stones they used to power the Technodrome were attached to a lot of that shrapnel, and it fell into this planet's new formation, and created a radiation cloud that mutated most of the animals into what they are now.
The radiation from the crystal is ( canonly ) the base catalyst for the "Ooze" in the TMNT world. So the Cowboys and everyone on the Mesa that are now humanoid? Mutants. ( Not aliens as once thought )
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pgoeltz · 2 years
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 days
Fallen angel; Dean Winchester x reader
*Author's note*
Well this request was really starting to collect dust in my inbox but I finally got around to doing it so I'd like to thank @topstory21 for being so patient with me for their request and hope that you enjoy it.
Warnings: Swearing, violence (this is SPN after all), mentions of family death, some angst and fluff.
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I awoke to find myself out in a field and the sound of mooing next to me.  I turned with a groan to see a few cows staring at me as they continued their grazing, their deep brown eyes staring deep into my very soul.  Slowly I got up feeling nothing but aches and pains in my body which I found strange.
Normally my body heals on its own pretty fast being an angel and all that but now my powers weren’t working.  Wait, how did I even get down to earth in the first place? Dean didn’t pray for me and Cas wasn’t in trouble nor was big brother Gabriel causing any trouble.
After composing myself I walked out of the field and followed the road to the nearest town where I managed to find a convenient store.  I walked in and saw on the tv above about a meteor shower the like of which these humans had never seen before.  It was then I remembered what had happened.
I—I had fallen.  And not just me but—every angel in heaven had been cast out and fallen to earth.  I tried to tap into the angel radio but I came up with nothing, not even static.  No, no, no, no this couldn’t be happening.
“Miss? Miss? Are you alright?” I turned to see a young man in his young teen years and I asked him.
“Where am I?”
“Miles City, Montana.” He answered.  “Do you uhh—need me to call someone?”
“No, no I….thank you. Forget I was here.” I then walked out of the store and felt a sudden overwhelming feeling after realizing that I had now become a fallen angel, I wasn’t in Kansas, I can’t communicate with any of my brothers and sisters, and I had no access to my powers.  “Why didn’t I accept that cellphone that Dean offered me? I just had to follow the rules. No human technology in heaven. I could’ve played off like big brother Cas but nooo.”
Okay (Y/n) just calm down and think about this.  You’ve got a location, now all you need to do is find a way to get in contact with either Dean, Sam or Cas.  Surely someone will let me use their phone for just a moment or two to make a call.  I saw a group of skater teens gathered by another convenient store and I walked up to them and asked.
“Excuse me, could I use one of your cellphones to call someone?”
“Why can’t you just use your own lady?” asked a rude boy with face acne.
“I—seemed to have misplaced it. Please it’d just be for a minute or two.”
“Sorry lady. We don’t even carry our own phones. Parents tracking us and all that shit. That’s why we just have our go-pros.” Said another boy with long brown hair.
“Your parents only worry for your safety.”
“Jesus Christ another Karen comin to tell us to what to do. Let’s get out of here.” The teens then got on their skateboards and bikes and soon left me in the dust (quite literally as they purposefully kicked up the rocks and debris nearby).
“I swear children today have no respect for anyone. And why do they keep using that term Karen?”
“The rise of social media and technology raising them and careless parents not fit to discipline them.” I jumped at the voice and saw a woman with curly blonde hair.  She appeared to be around her early to mid-40’s but she still held someone of a youthful glow about her.  Her hypnotic green eyes glared out towards the teenagers that had just left me in the dust.
“They do seem to think they’re above authority nowadays don’t they?” I vocalized my thoughts.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to intrude or anything but I had heard you were in a bit of a bind and just thought I’d offer my help.” She said turning toward me.
“I’d greatly appreciate it, thank you Miss…..”
“Agatha. Agatha Dubois.” She extended her hand out and I greatly took it as we shook hands.
“Thank you Miss DuBois, really I do appreciate it. You would not believe that I’ve been through today.”
“From what I heard about those meteor showers, I’d say it was quite an event. Some people have lost their homes due to collateral damage from the explosions that had been happening.” Oh my….I hope I didn’t cause anyone any harm when I had landed.  “If you don’t mind helping me load up some stuff into my truck, I’d be more than willing to allow you to use my telephone. Maybe even get you a nice home-cooked meal. Lord knows you look like you need it.”
Being an angel I’ve never really had the taste for food.  But now with my grace potentially gone and now feeling 100% human, I could feel the extreme hunger that was now knowing at the edges of my stomach.
“Are you sure about all that? All I’d really need is just to use a phone.”
“Ahhh don’t worry about it. Besides, my mama always taught me to help out a stranger in need.”
“Well, thank you Ms. DuBois.”
“Oh you can call me Agatha. Now c’mon, these gas tanks can get pretty heavy and you’d be a life savior if I didn’t have to make more than two trips.” I walked over towards her truck and helped her load up the gas tanks that I’ve seen be used to grills for barbecuing.  Once we were done, I got up in the passenger seat and she drove us towards her cabin out in the woods.
We unloaded her truck and after storing away the last gas tank in her shed, I wiped my forehead of the sweat that now clamped onto my brow.  Whew, who would’ve thought this is what humans feel like after every work day?
“I greatly appreciate you helping me out (Y/n).” Agatha thanked me.
“I’m glad I could help out. Now may I ask where you’re phones at?”
“Come with me to the kitchen and it’ll be right by the sink. Sometimes cell reception gets a little funky so I keep a landline just in case.” She escorted me towards her house and it was like any other home I had seen.
Decent cabin with various trinkets, knick-knacks, furniture and pictures.  Some by herself and others with what appeared to be either friends or family.  We got into the kitchen and she pointed the phone out to me.  And boy I hadn’t seen phones like that since the 1970’s.  I walked over to it, picked it up and began dialing Dean’s number but just as I started to press the last two numbers, I felt something hit the back of my neck and I was knocked out like a light.
*Dean’s POV*
Now we’ve had crazy things happen to us before, hell we started the freakin apocalypse for crying out loud. But this shit…..this was way beyond anything we’ve come across.  To be told that the trials for sealing off Hell for good was nothing but a rouse, a filthy lie.  And now hundreds maybe thousands of angels, including my girl are scattered throughout the world.
“Anything coming up yet?” I asked Sam who was on his laptop typing away.
“Nothing other than the news talking about the supposed ‘Great meteor shower of 2013’.”
“How bout Cas, heard anything from him?”
“No.” I let out a growl as I paced through the motel room. 
“I told that girl to keep the damn phone, why doesn’t she ever listen to me?”
“You can’t blame (Y/n) for this.”
“I’m not! She’s not the one who casted the angels out of heaven. And don’t go thinking I’m blaming you either, we both believed that those trials would be for the demons of Hell. If I ever see Metatron again…..”
“You won’t be able to do anything Dean.” We both jumped at the sudden voice of Cas appearing behind us.
“The hell have you been?! We’ve been calling and praying to you and you just ghost us!”
“In case you hadn’t noticed Dean, I’ve been a bit busy as of late.” Cas sneered sarcastically.
“Cas, what exactly is going on out there?” Sam asked him.
“The angel radio has been blaring nonstop of angels in a state of panic. However it’s about half the normal voices I usually hear. I fear that most of the angels that had fallen had also lost their grace. Including (Y/n).” oh fuck no! If she’s lost her grace then…..she’s practically useless out there.
Unlike most angels, she’s more of a diplomat than a soldier, hardly ever really fought unless her life depended on it.  She’s confessed that the only real wars she’s participated in was the 100 years War with Joan of Arc and some battle during the Civil war.  But she’s had her powers to use to take down any demon or monster that came at her, without it she’ll—NO!!
“Do you know where she might be?” I asked.
“I’ve tried everything in whatever power I have left since my own casting out and I’ve come up with….how you guys say, squat.” My breathing sharpened, “However, there might be someone we could see in order to find her.”
“What do you mean Cas?” I asked.
“In her secret visits down here to Earth back during the Civil war, I’m told she once connected with someone who was able to see and know all of the past and the future.”
“What you’re saying she met with a fortune teller?” asked Sam.
“No, not people who claim to know your fortunes I literally mean a deity that can see the past and the future. An oracle.” Said Cas.
“You—you serious? Like an actual oracle?”
“We’ve come across dragons before Dean, oracles don’t seem so farfetched.” Said Sam with a shrug.
“Alright well, how do we get in touch with this oracle?”
“If I recall, their last known location was deep in bayou of New Orleans.”
“Then Louisiana it is. We’re wasting time let’s go!” I ordered as the two of them followed me outside to the car and I floored it till we got to Louisiana.
We reached the city within a day and a half and managed to book a ferry ride down the bayou to where Cas would guide us.  He said the oracle lived on a small island on the bayou known as Moonscar isle.  I leaned up against the railings of the ferry staring out into the murky waters and creepy swamps.  Normally I’d be saying we’re living out an actual Scooby doo location but all my mind was thinking about was (Y/n).
“Dean.” Cas voice called out to me.  I felt his hand on my shoulder, “We’ll find her. She might not be the strongest fighter of my sisters but she is clever. If she does run into trouble, she’ll find a way out of it.”
“You better be right Cas. Cause I don’t know what I’ll do if we find her too late.” We soon reached the dock of Moonscar isle and I drove us through the bumpy roads.  I know you ain’t used to these roads Baby but I promise you, we’ll be back on the smooth road soon.
“Okay Cas did (Y/n) say anything specific on how to find this oracle’s location?” Sam questioned.
“It should be the only thing living on this island. No one has lived here since the days of the Civil War.”
“Seems easy enough.” I floored Baby a bit faster until we hit a hump which caused all of us to hit our heads on the roof.
“Dean I know you want to save (Y/n) but maybe try to go easy on the gas. At least until we hit smoother terrain.” Suggested Sam.  As we drove through the thick mist, we soon caught sight of what appeared to be torches lighting the way.  We followed the light until we came upon a small cabin.
I turned the engine off and the three of us got out of Baby and closed the doors.
“Typical, witchy and spooky. Remind me to question her friends when we find her.” I told them both before trudging through the wet mud and marshes towards the cabin.  I climbed up the ladder which lead to the cabin above and I opened the door only to be greeted by a hissing snake.  “JESUS…..”
“No Jesus Christ be ‘ere. Only the one who speaks between the realms of gods and mortals.” A female Cajun voice spoke up.  The snake retreated backward but kept its unblinking eyes on me as hand reached out and stroked it’s head.
Soon a woman in an old, and when I say old I meant like past century or two old, dress.  Long and elegant yet battered and weathered by time.  Her hair was styled in dreads and styled much like Eddie Van Halen’s hair.  But what had me unsettled was the snake-like eyes that she had.  Give me black, red, yellow, or even white eyes but not snake eyes.
“Calypso.” Cas greeted.
“Castiel.” Her wicked and rotten smile greeted.  Seriously I’ve seen vampires with better dental hygiene than this woman.  “And de Winchester brothers. Calypso ‘erd many tings about you two. Destiny and fate twists around you both like puppets on a string.” Calypso said as the snake that scared me now began wrapping itself around her neck.
“Yeah we uhh—get that a lot. Listen we’ve come to…..”
“I know what it is that you come for cher.” Calypso interrupted my brother.  “Enter but be weary of your step.” Oh yeah sure that’s comforting.  We entered inside the cabin and saw that the entire place was filled with jars, voodoo stuff, jars with the most randomness, weird, freaky and creepy stuff I had only seen be put in movies.  Snakes, bats, and rats also made their home in this cabin.  “Sit down.”
We were lead to a table that held scrolls, maps and books that would make even Bobby’s library seem like the kid’s section at the library.
“You ‘ave come to seek ma Cherie (Y/n).”
“Yeah, do you know where she is?”
“To answer such a question must be bound. For her heart may soon be in de ground.” I soon felt my chin being tilted upward as I was now forced to look up at her.  “You above the two share that bond with ma cher.” I forced my way out of her strong grip.
“I may have failed Spanish but I know what that endearment means so don’t be trying to call her any of that when she’s already spoken for.”
“Angels ave lived many lives. To stick to one partner is never just enough.” She said with me with a seductive smirk.  Okay so did she mean that she and (Y/n) once…..okay not that I don’t think it’s hot but c’mon Dean now’s really not the time to be thinking about things like that right now.
“Calypso. We’re worried about her, Cas has said she’s lost touch with angel radio. And if that’s true then that means she’s lost her grace when she fell from Heaven.”
“When de angels fell from the sky, Hell itself shook. More demons seep out now to destroy their lifelong foes. The balance between them has now shifted to Hell’s favor, and if not set straight, all will be lost.” Calypso said as she walked over towards one of her bookshelves and allowed the snake to slither down her arm and track down a rat.
As she spoke, just seeing the snake hunt down the rat and catch it before wrapping itself around it and squeezing it to death made me feel uncomfortable.
“Calypso, you and (Y/n) were close with one another. If you still care for her at all, will you help us find her?” the oracle remained silent before she said.
“I ave wha you seek, but I demand special payment before I can give this precious gift away.”
“What is it that you want?” I demanded.  A slow, wicked smirk came across her face.
*My POV*
I woke up feeling groggy and with a massive headache but I also felt my hands and feet were strapped down.  I struggled to get up but I heard Agatha’s voice.
“There’s no point in struggling.” I turned my head to see her cleaning up an angel blade.  “That there is angel blades mixed with the strongest iron melted and forged into handcuffs.”
“You know what I am?” I asked her.
“Trust me sweetheart, you’re not the first angel we came across.”
“We?” I then thought back to the photo’s I saw in her cabin.  “Your family.”
“Yeah. My husband Frank, and my two boys Nathan and Jake. My husband and I had left the hunter’s life behind in order to raise our two boys. But when word got out that the apocalypse and the end of the world was happening, well…..let’s just say the Winchester’s weren’t the only ones on the demons radar. Soon the angels started coming after us, all because we refused to be their pawns.”
“I take it that the angel that came to you was called Zachariah?”
“Yeah.” She sneered. 
“Figures. I hated that douchebag so much. Out of all my brothers, I hated him more than Lucifer and Michael combined.”
“Just because you claim that, doesn’t mean I’ll go easy on you.” She said as she stood over me and placed the angel blade right to my neck.
“Listen Agatha, even if you do kill me it won’t change anything.”
“I’m not gonna kill you. At least not yet. First you’re gonna tell me where I can find that rat bastard, and then once I’m through with him then I’ll kill you. And finally be rid of you angels.”
“I don’t think the angels will be the least of your concern these days. If any hunter out there knows all lore, then they’d know that what they witnessed wasn’t a meteor shower.”
“They were fallen angels yeah, yeah I read up more on the lore once we kept running into Zachariah and after he had killed my boys. That’s why I’ve been hunting down you angels that came here. And you dearie, make number three.”
“Who were the other two?”
“Didn’t care to ask them. But they proved useless to me in the end. But oh do I remember seeing your name in some of the lore books. The Angel of Mercy. So any angel that’s out there, you would know where they are.”
“That was before I had fallen. Now I’m as mortal as you are. I’m of no use to you Agatha. And even if you were to kill me, no angel is going to tell you where to find Zachariah.”
“Then I guess I’ll keep killing your kind until someone screams.” Gunshots suddenly fired just a few feet away from her and I heard Dean’s voice roar out.
“THE HELL YOU WILL!” we looked up to see Dean with his revolver pointed right at Agatha.
“The infamous Dean Winchester.” Agatha mocked in praise.  “Should I be honored by your presence?”
“Cut the small talk you psychotic bitch, I ain’t here to make friends.”
“From one hunter to another, I thought the job was to kill any monster that got in our way? That includes these so called ‘angels’.”
“Look, I’ll admit that most of them were douchebags with wings but the one you’ve got right there. She’s about as harmless as a kitten. So I’m only gonna say this one last time, let her go or I pump you full of lead.” It was then I saw Castiel and Sam sneaking in from the back, when I caught my brother’s eye, he pressed his finger to his lips as I withdrew his own angel blade while Sam took out his own pistol.
“Not until I get what I want. And I’ll kill anyone who gets in my way.” It was then Sam came up and grabbed Agatha in a headlock with the gun placed at her back.
“First rule you should’ve remembered. Never bring a knife to a gun fight.” Sam sneered in her ear.  Castiel then came up and freed me of my bonds and cupped my face checking me for injuries.
“Are you hurt?”
“Besides the ache in my head and the aftermath of falling from heaven, I’m fine.” I brushed his hands away from my face and stood up and walked over to Dean.  I placed my hand over his gun and gave him the look to lower his gun.  He stared at me wide eyed in anger but I gave him a harsh look which got him to obey my order.  “You misunderstood me what I had said earlier.”
“What do you mean?” Agatha snarled as she tried to struggle but Sam kept a firm hold of her.
“When I told you that no angel was going to tell you where Zachariah was. It’s because he’s no longer with us. This man here,” I gestured to Dean. “My boyfriend, he’s the one who killed Zachariah and ended his endless lies and deceit. So your vengeance is wasted.”
The harsh look in Agatha’s eyes slowly began to soften as her struggling ceased.
“Yes. He’s dead. And no one is bringing him back, but nor would killing him bring your family back. Ask yourself this Agatha, if your husband and boys could see you now, would they want this from you? To be so consumed by hatred and vengeance that you’d lose yourself to it?”
“So you’re telling me all of this was an Inigo Montoya scenario?” Dean asked incredulously.
“Not now babe.” I hushed him.  “You’ve been consumed by your hate for long enough Agatha, it’s time to let it go.” I then gave Sam a nod and he released Agatha who just fell to her knees.
“Three years felt like an eternity. Everytime I close my eyes I can still see how he did it. He snapped my youngest boys bones like twigs, I can still see his limbs all twisted and contorted. My eldest boy, he stabbed him right through the back. I still can’t get the blood off my face from it spurting out. And Fr—Frank he……” Agatha wept into her hands.
The guys’ anger soon turned to sympathy as they stared at their potential enemy they were so adamant on killing now break down in tears.  I walked over to Agatha and knelt down beside her.  I placed my hand to her head and she looked up at me, tears slipping down past her lashes.
“Know that didn’t blame you. And they’ll always be watching over you until you are all together again.” Agatha crumbled once more as she wept into the floor and I chose to walk out with the guys following behind me.
There was a moment of silence as we walked away from Agatha’s property until Sam spoke up.
“I still sometimes can’t get over how you can still find the mercy and compassion in situations (Y/n).”
“That is who my sister is Sam. As the Angel of Mercy, she knows when force is needed, or when someone needs a compassionate hand. Agatha Morrison was just a grieving wife and mother, not a monster.” Cas explained.
“Doesn’t mean I’ll forgive her for what she did to you.” Dean said to me.
“That is up to you. But if you choose to continuously live with hate in your heart Dean, that’s all your life will ever be. You already carry such a weight of regret on you already Dean. Don’t add hatred to the mix.” I said stopping him as I placed my hand over his heart.  He looked me in the eye and said.
“How is it that you always have to get the last word in whenever we argue?”
“Cause you know I’m always right. Even when I’m wrong, I’m right.”
“But now will this show you to at least carry a phone with you? Not every human is like Agatha. Be thankful she was mourning as you said she was. Next person could’ve been a John Wayne Gacey or Ted Bundy copy-cat.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“No, no thinking about it. I’ll give you one of my old burner phones. You don’t have to upgrade to a smartphone.”
“Fine, I’ll take one of the burners.”
“Thank you.” Dean then brought me into his arms and kissed the top of my head.  “I was so worried about you. And you’re sure you don’t got a concussion or something?”
“I’m fine Dean, really. But question though, how did you guys find me so quickly?”
“We called in a favor from your old…..uhh—lover.” Dean groaned out the last part.
“My old lover? Dean what are you talking about?”
“The Oracle, Calypso.” Sam said.  I bit back my laughter but it soon escaped me as Dean demanded.
“What’s so funny?”
“Oh you guys are a riot! Hahahaha! Calypso and me lovers! Hahaha!”
“Again not to say there’s anything wrong, especially now with people more accepting….”
“Sam, Calypso is just a friend. Nothing more. Being the child of Eros they’re a natural minx and will flirt with just about anyone, including me. But they never take it further than that cause they know I’m straight.”
“So you—you guys weren’t ever…..”
“Dean Winchester were you jealous?” I teased with a raised brow.
“What? No! No! No I’m completely comfortable with my masculinity and won’t be like those insecure bastards that feel the need to be possessive over their girls.”
“Tink again Winchester!” a portal soon opened up to Calypso’s cabin and there stood the old minx themself holding Juju, their albino python around their neck.  “You really got dis one wound up cher! Him really thought he was de only partner you ever had.” They laughed as they stroked Juju’s head with their index and tall fingers.
“Cally you are a card.” I shook my head as I entered through the portal and stood beside them.
“You know I can never resist a good joke mon cher.” I walked through the portal followed by Sam, Cas and Dean who was still flabbergasted.
After finding a motel in New Orleans, Dean lay down on the bed while I brushed through my hair.
“So you had us be sent out while you and Calypso talked. What did she—I mean they want? I mean the way they had it made, it sounded like they wanted something else like…..you know.”
“As I told you, being the child of a God of Love and lust, they can’t help but be attracted to anyone they see. But Calypso and I have no romantic feelings for one another. They merely demanded a poker game rematch.”
“Seriously? A poker game?”
“Yep. Our last poker game I had beaten her 10 games out of 12 and got 20lbs of their weight in gold they had collected. I’m gonna play against them in three days’ time to see if they’ve improved their skill to win back the gold.”
“And that’s all they want?”
“Yes Dean, now will you let this whole thing go?” I walked over to him and lay down beside him cupping the side of his face.  “The only one meant for me is you.”
“Your damn right I am.”
“Whatever happened to ‘not being the possessive boyfriend’ and ‘completely secure about my masculinity’?”
“I swear if you ever tell Sam this, I’ll deny every word of it.”
“Don’t worry, you don’t have to say it. And like I just told you, you don’t have to worry about anything.” I leaned in and gave him a soft kiss which he soon deepened before we proceeded to make love all night long after that.
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pricegouge · 3 months
Fatted Rabbit, Part Fifteen on AO3
Bearshifter!Price x reader | explicit
It's strange how different the drive north is from what the mad dash south had been. In John's anger, he'd felt stubborn and unyielding - a boulder in a stream, able to watch as little flickers of sensibility passed him by, yet unable to do anything to keep them. Even as the road had wound its way down the mountains, he had felt fixed. As if a rope had stretched straight and taut between him and his destination, and he'd had to work for every inch gained through sweat and blistered hands.
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It's strange how different the drive north is from what the mad dash south had been. In John's anger, he'd felt stubborn and unyielding - a boulder in a stream, able to watch as little flickers of sensibility passed him by, yet unable to do anything to keep them. Even as the road had wound its way down the mountains, he had felt fixed. As if a rope had stretched straight and taut between him and his destination, and he'd had to work for every inch gained through sweat and blistered hands.
Despite the low anxiety that boils in his belly regarding the unknown quality that is Shepherd, the return trip breezes past in a slow crawl of rolling peaks, distance measurable in the changing of the range characteristics. They pull over to sleep somewhere in southern Montana and John finally gets to test the limits of the Jeep's suspension. It would be a pleasant little road trip, if his bear would stop grumbling in the back of his mind.
There are some things his human form simply won't suffice for, evidently. And he needs to sniff her out properly, get her soft body under him and just keep her still for a whole night, pressed under the immense weight of himself. 
(He won't crush her. Not really. But he at least needs to see his big ol' mit splayed across her belly possessively.)
If she notices him driving straight past Columbia Falls and into Glacier, she doesn't say anything, keeps quiet until he parks far up a ranger path and goes to climb out.
"The one time I dared to presume I'd be invited over for the evening, and you leave me to sleep on my own on a cold fire trail in the dead of night." She's teasing when she shakes her head at him, but John is not amused.
"Not leaving you anywhere, bunny."
He gets her little mattress pad set up in a pre-existing bear bed under a canopy of maple boughs and tells her to settle in. She seems to know what he's got planned when she asks him to stay where she can see him while he changes. He shakes his head at her though and hides away behind a copse of pines, shakes the viscera off thoroughly before snuffling back to her. She may have seen a video of it already, but there was no need to keep subjecting her to it.
She grins like a fool when she spots him and John can't help the happy chuffing it incites. She giggles when he snuffles her hair, her neck. He dives into her belly with a series of frankly embarrassing grunts, but he can't bring himself to care when her giggles turn to outright laughter. He stops when she starts kicking, worried about her poor leg. It takes her a minute to catch her breath but when she does, she holds her arms out wide in clear invitation and John carefully lowers himself so he can duck his big head onto her chest. She sighs contentedly and threads her fingers into the fringe of his collar, which prompts a happy groan from him.
"You gonna stop pretending you don't know what I'm talking about when I ask you to make that noise again?"
John chuffs, heavy breath displacing some of her hair. When he lowers this time, her returning smile is brighter than the stars overhead.
"That fuckin' moo. I think it's my favorite noise you make." He grumbles, indignant about being told he moos , but she ignores him. "You know you make that weird huffy noise when you're human sometimes too, right?"
He chuffs at her again illustratively and she wipes off some of the slobber it blows at her.
"Nasty," she gripes, but she wiggles underneath him until she's on her side and John shifts himself up so she can tuck in under his arm. She wastes no time trying to wrap her arms around his body (can't, of course, but it's cute that she tries) and buries her face in the shaggy fur of his chest. John returns the favor, sinking his nose into her scalp and breathing deeply, sorting through all the scents to be sure any trace of the other man is gone.
When he's appeased, he ducks down even further to headbutt at her and she kisses him on the snout, pressing her face against his own as she reaches up to scratch behind his ear.
"I probably shouldn't find you so cute, considering everything, huh?"
He'd laugh if he were human. Settles for a soft nod instead which sets her own head lolling. 
"Well, too bad 'cause I don't. Though maybe my danger radar's busted. Would explain the ex, I suppose," she trails off. He growls and she's quick to change the subject, leaning back enough to look at him in feigned seriousness. "And crocodiles. I think those are cute too, and that can't be wise."
This time when he chuffs at her, he wraps a heavy arm around her and pulls her to his chest. Her laughter gets caught in his pelt, warm against his skin. When she tells him she loves him, it's muffled there too.
He ducks down enough to sniff at her, hopes it communicates his returning affections. He throws a leg over her own for good measure, careful of her cast.
In the morning he's happy to sit with her for a while, ignoring all the responsibilities they're sure to return to once they head toward the bar. He sits on his rear, gets her propped up between his spread legs so he can paw at her thighs and sniff at her while she plays on her little game. She pauses occasionally to inspect his paws. He expects her to grow pale at the sight of his claws, but she just tells him he has cute little toe beans and kisses at them.
He's a little indignant that she'd call anything about him 'little,' but he's also well aware he's being ridiculous so he just huffs at her and mouths gently at her ear.
They don't make it to the apartment unaccosted because that would just be too much good luck all at once. He's not even sure where they come from, making no noise as they creep up behind him while he helps bunny out of the boot. She doesn't seem to have noticed them either, if the way she squeaks when he closes the hatch to reveal them is any indication. 
John jumps, nearly decks the closest one. Gaz side steps easily with a sly smirk while Soap practically rips the rabbit out of his arms. 
"Bonnie!" He crows, twirling her around like a buffoon and then apologizing profusely when her plaster knocks Gaz's knee and she winces in pain. 
"Watch it," John growls, setting bunny back up with her crutches and checking her over as if he's suddenly developed X-ray vision to assess her fracture. 
"Sorry hen, but ah'm so excited! Ye had us all worried." 
"Yeah, sorry." She looks endlessly embarrassed as the three of them just revel in her very presence for a moment. "Um, who are you?" 
"Oh, Kyle. Was the bartender here before this clown." 
Kyle sticks his hand out to her but just holds hers between his once he gets it, smooth bastard.
"Right, good to put a name to a face." 
"Likewise," he winks, and bunny's ears practically twitch. 
"When'd you get in?" John interrupts, unable to completely ignore the growing ball of totally unearned jealousy in his stomach. Not his fault, it's been a rough few days. Soap uses the distraction as an opportunity to guide bunny inside. Through the bar door, not his own, he notes with annoyance.
"Last night. No one told me how the little mission went so I figured I'd come see for myself." 
"Bullshit, Simon was keeping you in the loop."
"Yeah. Still thought I'd stop in." He looks Price up and down pointedly, as if checking there's not still blood on him or something.
John grunts, brings him into a one armed hug. "It's good to see you, mate." 
"You too, cap. You've not gone off and signed your own arrest warrant though, I hope? From the look of things, Soap'll be only too happy to take care of your girl while you're away." 
"Have a feeling I don't need to worry about either thing, really." 
"You seen Simon around?" 
"Yeah, he's just inside, actually." 
"So not at the brewery, tinkering with his precious ale?"
Gaz pauses, hand on the door but not opening it. "Oh," he says quite simply, and then they shrug in unison and follow the sound of Soap's incessant brogue out to the bar.
It's blessedly empty out front. John never figured he'd be happy to hear his staff had unexpectedly closed for the day while he was out, but then he'd never been faced with the daunting task of sharing his mate with half the town after the week he's - they've - had. It's bad enough sharing her with this lot, although he does because she looks adorably flustered when Soap lifts her up onto a barstool ("Seriously, you too?") and because he supposes they owe Gaz some explanation for all the last minute favors he so discreetly handled. 
"No', wha ' happened tae yer gam, Bonnie? And would ye like ol' Soap ta kiss it better, hm?"
"Oh shucks. Thanks, but too late now. Locked away like a tomb, no kisses." She gives Soap a faux regretful smile, but he just grins all the harder, steps into her space. 
"Could always kiss a wee bit higher."
"Careful, Johnny. Anymore of that and cap might eat you alive," Simon threatens, completely deadpan. 
"That's right," so hands to yourself, Price doubles down. Soap sticks his hands up in dramatic surrender and scurries back behind the bar to get everyone comfortable, easy enough to distract; but Gaz is far too sly, watches bunny pale at their words with a shrewd eye that lets John know he won't be able to evade nearly as much as he'd hoped.
"Gaz, what'll it be?" Soap asks, setting up the standard orders for John and Simon. He gets a cider going for bunny which she thanks him prettily for.
"Just a water, mate, thanks."
Soap scoffs, affronted. "You dinnae wannae enjoy someone else doin' the work fer once?"
"Havin' too much fun watching someone else serve these picky bastards," he motions at his former bosses. "Don't wanna cloud the memory."
"Picky is it? They've no' complained abou' me yet." He places bunny's drink in front of her with a wink. "Mus' be ah'm better then, eh bonnie?"
"That's a good way to get that streak broken," John warns, motioning to Soap's lingering fingers on bunny's rim. He leans across the bar and grabs his own drink, claims the chair next to his girl and drags it pointedly closer to her.
"Ah, cap, ah'm jus' messin'. No harm."
But John was grumbling the second he heard the term of authority. "Christ, not you too?"
Soap cackles but bunny places a hand on his reassuringly. "Would it be better if I started calling you cap, too?"
"Hm, now there's a thought," John grins at her, leaning in for a kiss which is foiled when Soap turns the stream from the fountain hose on him. 
"See how ye like it," the Scot snarks, and John probably would've gone over the counter if not for Simon's rare, earnest laughter spilling through the room like thunder.
"Gotta say, cap. Wasn't expecting to like my replacement so much." Gaz has seated himself on the other side of bunny, while Simon stands at the very end of the bar, towering unapologetically. 
Soap tips his glass to the man, winks. "Had big shoes tae fill, I heard. Had tae step up."
John turns to catch the vanishingly scarce experience of watching Simon bite back a frown, finds the large man staring back at him already as if in challenge instead. John just huffs and goes back to smiling dopily at the back of bunny's head. 
"Well you certainly did that, bruv. Look at that brooding bastard. Never seen him go so long without swearing."
"Fuck off, Garrick." Simon deadpans.
"There it is. Anyway," Kyle turns to the soft girl beside him and smiles warmly. "You never did tell us what happened to your leg, luv."
"Oh yea!" Soap crows, a dog that's remembered it has a bone out in the yard. "You awrigh', bonnie?"
"Oh, uh. Yeah…" she flounders, looks to John for guidance, but for all their plotting, they had not expected Gaz, who knows far too much, to be in the same room with Soap, who knows the exact right amount - next to zero -, when they had to have this conversation.
John eyes Soap, eager and bright, and remembers how the man had been beside himself when Simon had said they were leaving to go retrieve her after being chased out of town by the nasty ex he himself had served. He doesn't trust the man with the whole truth, of course, but this bit…
"It's your leg, bunny. Up to you how much you wanna share," John shrugs.
She blinks, as if surprised to find that's an option, and then gives him a soft, private smile before turning back to Soap and rather bluntly sharing that her ex broke it.
If any of them were expecting a sober reaction, the speed at which Soap's complexion turns cherry red ruins any chance of a civil conversation. "Tha' fockin' cunt!" he hollers, waving his hands wildly enough he doesn't notice how bunny flinches a bit.
"Easy," John warns, but it's Simon holding his palm out to the Scot that gets his attention.
"Down, boy. Indoor voices." He cuts a subtle glance at the rabbit and Soap deflates just as quickly as he was set off.
"Ach, sorry las. I jus' don' deal well wi' tha' shite ," he hisses.
"That's okay," she shrugs, doesn't elaborate. John places a hand on her thigh and she threads her fingers through his, the contact hidden under the counter.
Gaz pats the rabbit's back soothingly, turns to Soap. "Don't worry, mate. From what I gather, cap here doesn't handle it too well, either."
Soap's eyes are bright as a Zippo's flame when he turns back to his boss. "Did ye take care o' him, cap?"
Four sets of eyes on him, John can't really lie like he thought he could. "Yes."
A beat. Soap frowns, wound up and put away wanting. "Well, how so? Bust his nose? Break his leg?"
John turns to Simon who stares back, apparently just as cowed by the notion of actually admitting what he'd taken part in. Kyle just keeps boring holes into the side of John's head. 
"A bear got him first."
To her credit, bunny doesn't flinch under the weight of everyone's gaze like John had. She takes a sip of her cider, casual as can be, smacks her lips.
"Huh?" Soap asks, eloquently.
"Bear. Got him first. Phil abducted me from my motel room four nights ago -."
"John and Simon - or rather Kyle, I gather; thanks," the man nods, tilting his water at her. "- tracked me down to the cabin where he'd been stowing me. God knows what John had planned for Phil, but that doesn't matter because in the funniest possible twist of fate imaginable, Phil was already dead by the time they got there."
A beat of silence follows. Two. John resolutely does not look at Simon, or even Kyle, but he allows himself a glance at Soap when the Scot scrunches up his face in confusion. "You said a bear?"
"Yep. Big, aggressive black bear."
"Did you call it in?" Gaz asks and bunny shakes her head, curling her lip.
"Honestly? Wanted to let the crows pick him apart." It's just enough honesty - enough admission - that Gaz nods once and frowns down at the counter in thought.
"Well, cannae blame ya there, bonnie." Soap grabs her another cider and assesses John openly. "What were you plannin' for the little shite when ye go' there?"
John shrugs, leans into how hard it is to meet the eyes of the men around them and plays it off for shame. "Didn't have one. Guess it depended on how hard he would've fought back."
"So you would've killed him?" Gaz accuses and John sighs, leans forward so he can see around bunny. 
"That fucker unloaded two cans of mace in my face, threatened to kill me, schemed his way into bunny's quarters by giving an old man a black eye, broke her fucking leg, and abducted her. And that's just what I've known about, since I personally met him. That's not counting all the -," he waves vaguely and bunny stiffens, proving his point. "So yeah, I might've. And I don't feel bad about leaving him there, either."
Gaz continues to squint, but Simon nods once and it's strange how it's that - after everything the big man had already done to help him along the way - is what finally lets John breathe a little easier, secure in the knowledge he may not have done the right thing, but he at least did the effective thing. Simon has always been a pillar of efficiency.
"Ah'm honestly a bit flapped that bear go' him first," Soap scoffs and John can feel the tension in the room melt around the edges a bit. Gaz continues to frown in a way that lets John know he's not heard the last of Kyle's opinion, but he loosens up a bit when Soap carries on about the particulars of how he would've chosen to dispose of Graves. He's funny about it, gets bunny laughing with increasingly more outlandish deaths. By the time it escalates to Acme products, even Simon is hiding a chuckle behind his mask.
And even Gaz forgets to be stuffy when Soap notes Simon's laughter with a smile, leans up to kiss his cheek with an obnoxious smack of his lips. Simon grumbles, but doesn't break his glass over the smaller man's stupid mohawk and John chokes on a peel of vindication.
He exchanges a wide-eyed glance with Kyle, nearly throws himself over the bar to wrap the two in a congratulatory hug. Bunny's firm grip on his thigh stops him, however, when she pushes him back into his seat and not-so-subtly nods back at Simon. The big lad is flushed pink up to his ears, clearly embarrassed enough. Any other time, John would take that as carte blanche to make the stoic man squirm, but he supposes after all the help he's been, Riley might deserve a little bit of grace.
Besides, the smitten, shit eating grin on Soap's face tells him he'll have plenty of opportunities in the future.
"Oh!' Bunny suddenly proclaims, patting herself all over as if in search of something. She blinks, rolls her eyes at herself and then turns pleading eyes on John. "Could you check to see how the muppets are doing? I lost track with everything going on."
John doesn't even have time to respond before Soap is thumping the counter with a heavy fist. "Elimination game six tonight! Nearly forgo'."
"How'd you know?" John asks as the other man sets up the TV.
"Always remember what my regulars want to watch." The wink he sends bunny is not diminished in quality at all by the kiss he'd just laid on Simon's cheek.
John waits until the muppets have a decent lead before sneaking out for a smoke. Gaz follows, much as John had expected he would. John debates busying himself with unpacking the cars just to stay out of Kyle's way, but he knows it will only delay the inevitable.
He doesn't even wait for John to properly light his cigar.
"You would've made me an accessory."
John nods contemplatively, spins his cigar over the open flame until it smolders. The man's right, is the hardest part. John had been selfish and hasty. Beyond reason. He'd prided himself for many years about his ability to control his bear, but here he'd gone and handed the reins off to the beast after just one altercation with his mate's. Happily. Unthinkingly.
"You didn't have to help." The furrow of Gaz's brow is ominous as he huffs, dropping eye contact. "Look, should I -."
"Not going to the cops," Kyle spits, as if even the taste of the words is bitter on his tongue.
"You know I wouldn't blame you if you did."
"I'm not -." Gaz cuts himself off with a sigh, rolls his head back to study the dead spiders under the awning. "I know it's not up to me to decide if Graves deserved what he got. I just -. I didn't think you were capable of something like that."
John grunts, smoke spilling from his lips. "Neither did I."
It takes a moment but Gaz eventually sighs, nods exactly once and then meets John's eye with a concentrated frown. "So now what?"
Cigar between his teeth, John can't help the overwhelmed sort of smile that stretches his lips. "Couldn't fuckin' tell ya." At Kyle's continued silence, John sighs. "Simon's kept you up to date?"
"Yeah. Most I've heard from him in years, probably."
"Love suits him, doesn't it?" John laughs.
"Don't change the subject."
"Right. Well. It depends on Shepherd, mostly. It's hard to know what he knew, so it's hard to know what to expect. If he knew the girl was there, it's possible he'll have some questions about why Grave's wasn't reported. But if he knew she was there, it's also likely he knew why she would just run for the hills the first chance she got." He shrugs. "Suppose it depends on how much he cares to waste his time and resources."
"Slimy bastards tend to stick together."
"Slimy bastards tend to care only about themselves," John counters. "A man was mauled to death by a big fucking bear in the middle of a tourist town. On his property. It's entirely possible he'll just want to bury this whole thing."
"And Graves was mauled by a bear, was he?"
John scoffs. "Graves was certainly mauled by a bear. No doubt in my mind. But let's say he wasn't. You don't think Shepherd would follow the same logic for murder on his property?"
Gaz looks like he has plenty more to say, but he just sighs, nods again. "Okay. Cross that bridge when we get there, I guess?"
"You won't be part of that, Gaz. Promise. The only crime that was committed was a failure to report a death. And it would be hard to prove any of us actually saw him."
"Should've at least reported the bear," Gaz grumbles and John suppresses a laugh.
"Yeah. Hindsight. Think we were all pretty shaken, though."
They sit in silence another moment while John studies the cherry of his cigar. "How's uni going?"
"Mm. Good. Learning a lot."
"Clearly," John chuckles, thinking of all the backdoor cyber gobbledegook nonsense the younger man must've pulled to help them out the way he had. "Sincerely can't thank you enough, Kyle."
"You can thank me by never asking me again."
"Fair. How long you in town?"
"Just the weekend. I'll be back for break, though."
"Gonna need a summer job, kid?"
"You offerin' one, old man?"
"Always got a spot for you."
Gaz laughs, sticks his hands in his pockets. "Suppose it depends if I'm still mad at you."
John laughs as he stubs out his cigar. "Fair again. Well I better head in. The woman says I must be a good luck charm for those muppets so she'll be mad they get behind in my absence. You coming in?"
"Whipped already?" Garrick teases and John just nods with a grin. "Nah, don't like fifth wheeling. I'm headed out for the night. Tell everyone I said goodnight. See you tomorrow?"
"'Fraid not. Busy all day."
"Gross," Kyle gripes, and John just laughs.
"Have a good night, Gaz," he says, clapping the man on the shoulder.
"I'd say the same to you but I'm scared you'll make an inappropriate joke about it."
"Reasonable fear."
Gaz turns back as he's climbing into his car. "She's cute, by the way. I'd say she's nice but, well."
"She is nice. Just don't break her leg. Or kidnap her."
"Right," Kyle grins. "'Night, cap."
The muppets end up winning by the skin of their teeth. Simon makes a comment about the next game and you huff something about one game at a time. 
It's late when you make your way up John's steps. Well, John does, rather. You just hold tight and marvel at his ability to climb stairs with you thrown over his shoulder.  He sets you up in bed while he putters about a little while longer, getting the place settled after being away so long. You think you see a touch of obsession in his meticulousness and you wonder if it has more to do with his human preferences, or his bear's need to keep a cozy den. You wonder how many other idiosyncrasies you've yet to discover.
You call him out on it when his fiddling brings him back to the bedroom but he just smiles and kisses your forehead, says he's nearly done.
"Keeping me awake!" you holler after him goodnaturedly when he heads back out the door. 
"Good, I need your opinion!"
When he returns, he's fussing with the fern he'd insisted on getting that day at the market, holding it out for inspection as he runs a finger over the coarse hairs of the aerial roots. "This look too dried out to you?"
You can't help but smile as your finger joins his, stroking over the knobby, dehydrated joints. The leaves look a little wilted, but they're still a good dark color. And John's nothing if not nurturing.
"Nothing you can't fix, I'm sure"
Aaaaand fin (?) Shoutout to @/400badrequest for the idea to cap this part off here. I rushed the last few chapters because I'm ready to move onto some other projects, and I didn't want to treat the last leg the same way. As of right now, the plan is to eventually add a second part to deal with Shepherd, but in case I don't, or if you don't return for the second half, just pretend that selfish asshole was just like, "Well that sucks. Feel better, Graves!" That being said, I still owe two anons a double date and a mating season scene which I didn't write up cause I thought I'd squeeze them in here somehow. So if you don't see them pop up in the drabbles, it's because I'm cooking with them for the next part >:) Please lmk what you think!
That's all but you can find some non-canonical drabbles of these two here
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jungle-angel · 6 months
A Boy And His Critters (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You and Bob think your oldest child might be an animal whisperer
Warnings: Mentions of birth, pregnancy, cuteness overload etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @callmemana @attapullman @withahappyrefrain @bobfloydsbabe
It was late in the afternoon in early spring, on a day when the hawthorn trees in your yard had just begun to bud and flower. Your birdfeeder already had more than enough visitors, your three cats, Freya, Thor and Pumpkin, having eyed them from the living room window. Already there had been fifteen calf births within the last two days with Bob, his father and his brothers and sisters having to wake at some ungodly hour to help with the births.
You were in the living room of your home in Montana, the soft Disney piano music playing from the speaker on your laptop. Bob lay on the spread out quilt on the living room floor, one pillow under his head and the other under his tummy while he gently rocked Baby Rudy in his little baby hammock. The sun streamed through the windows as you sat close to your husband and baby, the other three outside with their grandparents or aunts and uncles while you were busy carding the freshly shorn sheep's wool from the week before. You set aside your brushes and quickly took a snapshot of the sweet sight, hoping to add it to the photo album later.
You heard a loud meow and felt that familiar bushy tail brushing against you, looking down to find Thor rubbing against you. "You need a good brushing," you chuckled, teasing him with the carding combs.
"S'it the cat again?" Bob mumbled with a yawn.
"Yep," you answered, getting back to your work. "Rudy asleep?"
"Mmmhmm," Bob answered. "M'gonna go see if Dad needs help and come back for a nap."
Bob rose from his spot and kissed you before heading out to the barn to see if his father needed any help. "Hey sleepyhead!" the older Floyd greeted, tipping his black cowboy hat a little.
"Hey Dad," Bob answered sleepily. "Everything good?"
"Yeah everything's lookin good," Joe answered. "The hands have it all down so we don't have to worry until the spring auction. The baby go to sleep?"
"Just went down for a nap," Bob yawned. "I think I might too, my eyes are starting to itch."
Bob and his father conversed back and forth, totally unaware at first of the clanking of a metal bucket and the hurried footsteps of five year old Auggie.
"Bud?" Bob asked when he finally saw. "Whatcha doin?"
"Nothin Daddy," Auggie chirped.
"Doesn't look like nothin," Joe chuckled.
"I gotta go milk the cows, Papa!" Auggie announced.
Joe and Bob were humored to say the least, more so when they saw Smokey, the crotchety old rooster weaving his way in and out from between Auggie's legs. They followed behind him to make sure he didn't get into trouble, when he approached the female dairy cow that Joe and Irene had taken in, singing in his chirpy little voice, one of the farm songs he had learned in his kindergarten class at the so-called "hippie school" he attended with the other Dagger children.
"Holy shit," Joe chuckled. "Get a load of this Bobby."
Bob was thunderstruck when he saw the old bat following Auggie into the barn with Smokey still clucking away between his little cowboy boots. Normally it would take two or three of the hands to lead her in, but here was Auggie, five years old and barely up to his father's hips, leading her into the stall with no issues.
"Un......believable," Bob laughed.
"How the fuck does this kid do it?" Joe wondered out loud, a broad smile on his face at the sight of his grandson.
Bob quickly pulled out his phone and began recording, hoping to be able to show the others when they had a chance to come by. Auggie chirped away as he milked the cow until a startled moo came from her.
"Sorry Peach, but that's what Daddy does to Mommy and it works."
Bob stifled a squawk in his throat but not before Auggie began yelling at him in his best Shrek voice.
"August Robert!" Bob laughed.
Auggie hurried over but Bob was in too good a mood to discipline his son. "Sorry for using a dirty word, Daddy," he apologized.
Bob picked his son up and kissed his cheek, Auggie's glasses falling slightly off the bridge of his nose. "I'm glad you said sorry, but Daddy should remember the rule the he and Mommy put into place."
When Bob was able to go back inside, he showed you the video including the one of Auggie's Shrek impression.
"You'd think he was an animal whisperer by the way Smokey follows him around," you laughed.
"Sometimes I like to think so sweetheart," Bob yawned as he lay on the couch.
You set aside your carding combs and the wool, covering Bob with the spring quilt and snuggling in beside him, the two of you proud as ever of Auggie.
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1980sactionfigures · 2 months
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Moo Montana - Cowboys of Moo Mesa (Hasbro)
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bovinefigureoftheday · 2 months
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Bovine figure of the day: The Nacelle Company "Marshal Moo Montana"
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guzhufuren · 4 months
do you want to bet that Moo, Tae and Payos got their inspiration for periodic table performance from the Hannah Montana bone song episode
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Lincoln to Helena, Helena Lewis & Clark National Forest
July 20-22
July 20
We hitched out of Lincoln with a man named Caleb, who keeps cattle up on the Lewis & Clark Pass. We hiked smooth switchbacks up and out of Roger Pass and cruised along some rolling mountains/hills. We had a 13 mile water carry to start the day; the thing about the Continental Divide is that it’s known for water flowing away to either side of the continent… so there isn’t a lot of water there. We got to Flesher Pass and had to go a quarter mile down a highway in order to get water. That’s when Greg showed up in his Toyota sedan. He was eager to help and to learn where the water source was, so he drove us to and from the water. He had a skeleton sitting in his backseat named Bernie, because he’d gotten him at or for Burning Man. Thanks, Greg!
After getting water, we ate lunch and hiked another 10 miles to water and camp. I was still having issues with my Achilles and wrapping my ankles in ace bandages. (Happy birthday to Liam and Zach!)
July 21
We got up and out early to go to High Divide Outfitters, a “gear shop” that a man named Dave runs out of his house that’s right on trail. That place was tiny and CHOCK FULL of gear! I bought new shoes — altra Olympus 2’s, so they were the model from before altra sold to VF. Owen bought a new pack, because his had been bothering him and was misaligned from his hip issues on the AT. We shipped our old gear home.
We decided to take some dirt roads as an alternate rather than take the ridge. That shaved 6 miles and skipped a 16-20 mile water carry. It was quite hot out — in the 90s. My ankles got sore midday but the pain subsided. Overall the new shoes were working out. We hiked a while with new friends Danger Dave and Wonder. The washed out road back up to the trail was STEEP! Owen exclaimed, “this is ridiculous!” and we heard a bellowing moo of agreement from one of the cattle ranging nearby. Well-timed.
We, Danger Dave, and Wonder all camped together back near the official trail. 
July 22
We hiked out to the highway in order to hitch into Helena. On the way, we saw a big, old wooden railroad truss with blown down trees resting on it. We also saw a caves in old cabin and outhouse. We assume these are remnants from some kind of mining operation. We walked out at Priest Pass Road and hitched into town. 
We resupplied and ate lunch at the Safeway. Then we went to the Montana Inn, which was a multi-room Airbnb with shared common spaces. It was a cool old building with many additions and a colorful history including suicide, nuns, unwed mothers, former convicts, and the elderly. There were lots of fun Knick knacks and antiques. I took a nice, hot shower; as I was finishing up and opening the shower curtain, the whole metal curtain rod came crashing down on me. I thought I broke my nose on impact! luckily it was just a big bruise and cut. The proprietor had to come back and close down that bathroom. Biggest injury wasn’t even on trail!
A woman named Lauren who works for the CDTC and, who Owen knows from the DTV / CDTC sock design, picked us up and we went out for beers and ice cream. Downtown Helena includes a “walking mall,” where there was a Grateful Dead cover band and a bunch of dancing boomers — very Burlington vibes. Lauren also drove us by the Montana Capitol building, which was lovely.
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likeshipsonthesea · 2 years
wip wthursday
oopsies i’m late, but ty for tagging me @prettyboybuckley i fucking love your snek pek, everyone go look at it it’s beautiful
tagging (with no pressure but if you wannaaa) @somaybeamystery @brassm @mooshkat @mothy-moo @deafgaynerd @child-of-wonderland @sadieyuki
under the read more is a snippet from my pre-canon eddie and buck 1.0 met on a hook-up app fic. a bit of smit w a dash of angst :))) warning for PTSD episode
Buck pulls away, leaving Eddie’s nipples swollen and glistening. His fucking obscene mouth stretches into a smile. “Still thinking about it?”
Eddie blinks for a few seconds to remember what Buck’s referring to. Just to be a shit, he says, “That’s the best you got?”
Buck’s smile turns sharp. Eddie hopes his responding shiver isn’t obvious.
Buck ducks back in, this time pressing into Eddie’s mouth so confidently it overwhelms him. Eddie can’t keep up with Buck’s mouth, licking past Eddie’s teeth, nipping at Eddie’s lips, all as he continues to torment one of Eddie’s nipples and brush teasingly everywhere but Eddie’s dick.
Eddie breaks eventually, huffing into Buck’s mouth with a complaining, “Buck,” and that’s when Buck’s hand drops between Eddie’s legs, his thumb pressing against Eddie’s taint.
“Jesus fuck,” Eddie swears. His hips jerk involuntarily and he’s abruptly overwhelmed with the desire for Buck to be inside him. They haven’t done that yet, closest they’ve come is Buck fingering himself as he blew Eddie, and Eddie’s done some tentative exploration on his own time, but fuck, he wants it now. He opens his mouth, too worked up to second-guess himself, ready to ask for what he wants when—
A gunshot.
Eddie jerks. The pressure above him gives but not enough. The gunshot rings in Eddie’s ears like helicopter blades. Sweat clings to his skin, his heart beats too fast in his chest, everything’s too loud and too quiet at the same time. Eddie’s trapped in his own skin, trapped between the weight above him and the ground below, and he just needs out.
The pressure above him finally gives fully and he shoots up off the ground, looking for cover, somewhere to hide from the gunshots, somewhere safe, but he can’t make sense of the terrain, he doesn’t remember—where’s his team, what’s his mission, where is he—
The next thing Eddie’s aware of is Buck’s face wrinkled in concern. He’s kneeling on the ground before Eddie, who has apparently backed himself against a wall and curled into a ball. Eddie blinks until any vestiges of the memory have left his mind, leaving just him, Buck, and the adult frat house where Eddie has just had a whole fucking episode.
“Sorry,” he says, quieter than he’d intended. “I didn’t—sorry.”
“Hey, don’t—no need to apologize. Just.” Buck worries at the inside of his lip for a moment. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Yes. I.” Eddie swallows. “That doesn’t usually. Happen.”
“I get it,” Buck says earnestly. “I worked with a guy in Montana who fought. He had stuff like this a lot.”
Eddie doesn’t know how to respond to that. He sort of wants to ask if Buck fucked that guy, too. He also wants to run out and never talk about this again. “I don’t.”
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cmesinic · 1 year
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Montana Moo~Shine.
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