#moomin prospector
flowerbloom-arts · 1 year
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Hemulgust day 27
Augh! This guy! He was really cute.
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hemulenish-hijinks · 2 years
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Hatton the Prospector
A character who only appears in the 90s episode the Treasure Hunt, he is a prospector with an expertise in rocks and is looking for gold (but not for himself). He visits Moominhouse for some tea and comes down with a terrible fever for the next few weeks, after he gets better, he leaves the Moomins with a map to supposed gold, though he doesn't believe in it himself. This starts a chain reaction where everyone in Moominvalley is looking for gold in that exact spot, leading to the formation of Mr. Hemulen's new garden.
The Muffle
A character who only appears in the 90s episode the Big Explosion, he fancies himself a famous inventor but only invents practically useless things based on already existing things (perhaps he's a delusional novelty artist?). He came to Moominvalley to help out the Snork and his flying boat by providing an efficient and powerful source of energy despite the boat only using liquid fuel, only to be kicked out by the Snork for being a fraud. He then forces his help late at night with the help of Stinky's lockpicking and accidentally blows up the flying boat, then gets arrested by the Inspector.
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littlemystolemypie · 3 years
✨ prospector boi ✨
requested by @flowerbloom-arts, i had fun drawing this good boi U_U
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bubble-of-illusions · 5 years
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Idv crossover
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I've picked up Moomin again and it's so good :)
I'm at the episode with the prospector and there are some exciting titles coming up
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gitzyuniverse-blog · 5 years
According to one Moomin episode- involving prospectors trying to find a hot spring in Moominvalley- the best way to chase off people who want to turn your peaceful home into a tourist trap is to make them experience Texas weather.
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hemulenish-hijinks · 2 years
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Dragon Adopter
A small but important character in the Last Dragon on Earth chapter of Tales From Moominvalley, he rows down a river looking for fish but no luck. He comes across Snufkin who is looking to get rid of the tiny dragon and the Hemulen felt suspicious because he's not used to receiving gifts. Snufkin then tells him what to do with the dragon and sends him on the way.
Hatton the Prospector
A character who only appears in the 90s episode the Treasure Hunt, he is a prospector with an expertise in rocks and is looking for gold (but not for himself). He visits Moominhouse for some tea and comes down with a terrible fever for the next few weeks, after he gets better, he leaves the Moomins with a map to supposed gold, though he doesn't believe in it himself. This starts a chain reaction where everyone in Moominvalley is looking for gold in that exact spot, leading to the formation of Mr. Hemulen's new garden.
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hemulenish-hijinks · 2 years
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Welcome to the first round of the Best Hemulen Bracket!
I am your host, @flowerbloom-arts, and over the next few weeks we are going to pick our favorite hemulens from each pair, carefully selected according to commonality.
There are many, many hemulens in the Moomin franchise as a whole, but who is the best?
After careful considering, I sadly must only pick 32 of them to compete against eachother. You may not know some of them, but I will be providing information on each one for each poll!
Side 1:
Mr. Hemulen (bug collector) vs Mr. Hemulen (plant collector)
Aunt Hemulen vs Nana's Fiance/Mr. Hemulen's Nephew
Party Dresser vs Riviera Boutique Keep
Charity Volunteer vs La Goona
The Pisciculturist vs the Philatelist
The Botanist vs the Zoologist
The Inspector vs Henry
Officer 1 (Moomin Begins a New Life) vs Officer 2 (Moomin Builds a House)
Side 2
The House Seller vs Sadling
Wimsy vs the Big Hemulen
The Park Keeper vs the Park Wardress
The Small Hemulen vs the Jailer
The Orphanage Principal vs the Hemulen Aunt
The November Hemulen vs the Hemulen Who Loved Silence
Dragon Adopter vs Intruder
Hatton the Prospector vs the Muffle
Here are some reasons why I chose these hemulens in particular, you may skip this part:
1. I didn't pick any 2019 Hemulens because they tended to be rather muddled adaptations of other pre-existing hemulens. You may consider those versions when it comes to voting if you'd like, but be warned, nearly none of them are accurate to the source material.
2. The Hemulens had to have atleast 2 panels of dialog (the Charity Volunteer) or a relevant role to the story's plot (the Dragon Adopter and Intruder). So, apologies to the cowboy Hemulens from Moomin Goes Wild West and the like.
3. These are honestly the 32 I could remember off the top of my head, there were a handful few others but these were the ones I was personally interested in enough to remember.
4. Sadly some resources are unavailable to me like the Fuzzy Felt adaptation, so if there were any hemulens exclusive to that show that you were confused as to why they weren't included, I'm very sorry.
5. Some characters are either in a grey area or difficult to tell if they're meant to be hemulens, so I picked those who are unmistakably hemulens or atleast generally accepted as such.
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hemulenish-hijinks · 2 years
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Welcome to the second round of the Best Hemulen Bracket!
I am your host, @flowerbloom-arts , and over the next few weeks we are going to pick our favorite hemulens from each pair, carefully selected according to commonality.
There are many, many hemulens in the Moomin franchise as a whole, but who is the best?
16 out of the 32 contestants have made it to the second round, what a spectacle! There were some choices that were very obvious to some, and there were also some unexpected and close winners among them! Will they be able to keep up? Vote to find out!
Mr. Hemulen vs Nana's Fiance
Party Dresser vs La Goona
The Philatelist vs the Botanist
The Inspector vs the Officer (Moomin Begins a New Life)
Sadling vs Wimsy
The Park Wardress vs the Small Hemulen
The Hemulen Aunt vs the Hemulen Who Loved Silence
Dragon Adopter vs Hatton the Prospector
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flowerbloom-arts · 3 years
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This all sprung up from a dumb pun and a flare of too many ideas not to draw, I haven't even watched the anime or read the manga, but...
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flowerbloom-arts · 3 years
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Alright so
I guess I finally cracked when it comes to these guys.
And since I love them so much, I've made a little guide for them since I kind of find myself unsatisfied with the hemulen representation in the fandom, like come on, there's like 2 canon mumriks in the whole franchise yet everyone is all the rage about them! Unbelievable. [Not serious]
Also, every hemulen illustrated in the guide is canon, every single one (except the naked ones on page 3), this is kind of the first guide I ever did that's longer than like, 2 pages, so I'm pretty proud of it! I hope you like it aswell!
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flowerbloom-arts · 3 years
Day 4: Hatton the Prospector
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The Prospector was traveling down the Lonely Mountains not too far from Moomin Valley which he had departed recently, being sick so suddenly was such a weird occurrence in hindsight, he was lucky to have such a kind family look after him like that for 2 whole weeks. All anyone could hear was, if there was anyone besides him, was the wind howling between the cliffs and ranges and the echoes of his pickaxe hitting the ground as he used it as a walking stick.
It was lonely, but peaceful, and that's how his prospecting's always been. He grew used to it, he doesn't mind it in the least. He doesn't have anyone to really worry about besides himself and his job, and nobody should ever worry about him, that's how things should go, he believes. Just a hemulen trying to find gold for someone else to collect, no gold for himself, nothing but his backpack of supplies to weigh him down. He's happy this way.
"Are you sure?" a hollow voice came suddenly, the Prospector turned around quickly to see who it could be, but nothing was there. Odd. He cautiously continued down his path, then it came again; "That seems like alot of hassle with no pay-off," it sneered from no discernable direction.
"H- Hello? Who is this? What are you talking about?" the Prospector asked, looking for anything or anywhere that the voice could come from.
"I'm Nobody," the voice said, the sound mingling with the wind "And you are?"
"I'm just a humble prospector, sir... Madam... Whatever you are."
"I meant your name," the voice replied sternly
The Prospector adjusted his hat nervously "Ha- hat- Hatton, my name is Hatton."
"No surname?"
"That's no information that I wanna give to you, I'm sorry," Hatton answered and moved along
"Ooohhh we have a Mr. Keeps To Himself over here it seems," it taunted "Funny that you don't keep anything of value for yourself, do you have any idea how much you could've made from all the gold deposits you found?"
"And how would you know about those?"
"I know lots of things, Hatton, but you know the bare minimum for your job."
"Really now?" Hatton asked nervously and quickened his pace "Look, it's been nice chattin' with you Nobody but I gotta get to business-" he jumped at the sight of a shadowy creature, one of those creeps, the species I mean, and Hatton froze at the sight of it.
"Are you really happy by yourself, prospector? No friends, no family, no ties to hold you to a home?" the creep spoke with the same voice, but still no sense of direction where it came from.
Hatton stared at the black creature and tried to avoid it "Why do you care so much?"
"I'm simply trying to make sure if you're really happy in this trap everyone built around you, sir,"
"What trap?" Hatton asked with increasing irritation.
The creep appeared before him from seemingly nowhere "The idea that you're perfectly fine on your own. Why do you think that?"
Hatton hesitated "We- well, I just... There's alot less things to worry about when you're on your own, is all, less things on your mind to worry about and make you upset..."
"And that's what they teach to make you less smart for yourself," the creep said and scurried behind the hemulen "The less you take or want for yourself the more they can have for themselves, leaving you oblivious and unrewarded for the hard work you've done. You're cheap labor."
Hatton came to a halt and turned his head to look at the creep "Ain't that every hemulen?" he asked menacingly.
"Yes, and that's the issue, you hemulens think your jobs have inherent value yet none of your work gets treated with respect as it should be, and you don't care, it's ridiculous! How are you meant to survive in society otherwise?"
"Well I don't live in a modern society,"
"And yet you still contribute by finding those gold deposits, don't you? The big guys are using you and you don't even care, any other creature would be outraged!"
Hatton turned around and spread his arms in a baffled manner "And what should I do? Quit my job?"
"Ask for better, you foolish horse! You hemulens are so job-centered that too many of you perish either from working an awful job or doing it yourself when you lose it!"
"And why do you care?"
"Because you are not! How much does it take to get it through your thick skull that you're worth more than picking away at rocks all day when you creatures are more stubborn than mules? Is it that ingrained in you that you're worthless outside of what you do?"
"Well maybe it is!" Hatton blurted out
The creep stood silent for a moment and looked down "Fine, then. Have it their way, Prospector."
The Prospector glared at the creep for a moment and rubbed his eyes, only for it to disappear when he opened them. He looked around to see where it could have go to, nowhere without dying in the process.
He stood there for a second, and turned around continue on his merry way once again.
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