blackkatmagic · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel 616, Moon Knight (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steve Rogers/Marc Spector Characters: Marc Spector, Steve Rogers Additional Tags: Whump, Blood and Injury, Snowed In, Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Romance Summary:
“Thought you were dead,” Steve slurs, draped over Marc's shoulder and still twitching intermittently.
“Guess that’s going around tonight,” Marc mutters, squinting up the slope.
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silvermoon424 · 2 months
Happy Birthday!
Thank you <333
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accidentalmistress · 1 year
Accidental Mistress - Induce or Not?
Today's release is some light, sneezy fun with Oraion as the viewpoint character. Not gonna have a lot of preamble with this one, let's just get to it!
For more Accidental Mistress content, check the Master Post.
Title: Induce or Not?
Word Count: 2,019
Content and Warnings: snz (male), some light mess
In which Oraion, being exceedingly bored, decides to engage in a little sternutatory experimentation...
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Even when he wasn’t trying to tease or rile up the young witch to whom he was bound, the demon Oraion enjoyed experimenting with different ways to make himself sneeze. As an immortal being, he had reached a point in his life where an ever-dwindling number of things held novelty, so being presented with the newfound ability to sneeze was almost like being handed a new toy. The fact that sneezing was the primary method the incubus utilized in seducing his Mistress led him to form a strong connection between the reflex and feeding, which added an entire new layer of enjoyment to his experimentations.
He liked to call the game “Induce or Not?” and had thus far found that, to no great surprise, there were quite a lot of things in the ‘Induce’ category. Feathers, blades of grass, a bristle from Noelle’s broom, laundry soap, woodsmoke, looking at bright light, and a wide variety of aromatic spices were among the things that he’d tested and found to be effective to one degree or another.
To his surprise, he did not seem to be allergic to cats, as he and Noelle had discovered when they encountered a friendly, gray stray on a recent trip to town for supplies. He’d even gone so far as to shove his face into the animal’s fur when Noelle wasn’t looking, the only result being a few unpleasant hairs in his mouth. Horses, on the other hand, gave him a peculiar, low-level itch in his throat and sinuses that didn’t really get him sneezing so much as it made him cough and turned his nose into a sniffly, leaky mess.
One afternoon he lay in his bed with his hands clasped behind his head, staring up at the ceiling of his room as though it were an oracle that might dispense some wisdom toward alleviating his boredom, when he suddenly remembered his little game.
“That’s one way to pass the time…” he muttered.
Now, the only question was what to play with? Noelle was currently sequestered in the cellar, tending to her precious mooncaps. She'd been cultivating them for some weeks now and had expanded to several trays of maturing mushrooms. Once they were ripe, she said, she would take some to town and see if she could get a good price for them. He couldn’t begrudge her trying to make a living, of course, but he did find it a little sad that he was so bored as to be envious of a fungus for monopolizing his Mistress’s attention.
He supposed he could head down to her worktable and rifle through her magical reagents to see if there was anything interesting. He’d been meaning to check if she had any pixie dust—mundane dust did quite the number on him in sufficient quantities, it turned out, and he was rather curious what the fae variety might do. Although, he may want to try that outside or near a window—some source of fresh air—given what had happened with the dust incident in the library. Oraion turned toward the window, watching rivulets drip down the glass as fat raindrops struck it with a light staccato rhythm. Maybe today wasn’t the day for outdoor experimentation.
Another idea dead before fruition. A frustrated lash of his tail caused the crimson tuft of fur at the end to whip briefly into view. He froze, gears turning in his head, before he curled his tail back up into the air over the bed and waggled the end to and fro. The fur was long and silky—almost feathery.
That was something he hadn’t tried.
As he reached out and ran his fingertips through the fur, a chuckle rose to his lips. There was something a bit masturbatory about trying to induce with his own tail. The hairs were quite fine and soft. In fact, he worried they were too soft: he wouldn’t be able to insert them very far up his nostrils if they weren’t stiff enough. He placed his other hand on his chin and considered, and before long a smirk tugged his lips as inspiration struck. This would be fun, and it would add another layer of challenge as well.
A little secret he had yet to tell Noelle was the trick behind how he conjured things with a snap of his fingers, like his handkerchief. The truth was, he wasn’t conjuring anything at all. Conjuration implied the ability to create things from thin air, which was not something he was capable of. What he was actually doing was summoning—the handkerchief already existed, so all he did was call it to his hand. Still no mean feat, and quite the handy skill to have. It was especially effective on items one owned and was familiar with, so it was easy enough for Oraion to lift his arms above his head, snap his fingers, and have a set of restraints appear on his wrists. Supple brown leather hugged his skin while brass clasps secured his arms together. It was a little difficult to secure them to the bedframe, but through some magical manipulation he managed to rig up a summoned length of rope securely enough to do the trick.
A slightly nervous thrill ran in his veins, as it often did when he was about to induce, and he took a deep breath. Slowly he lowered his tail until the fringe of fur was just brushing the tip of his nose.
His nose scrunched up almost immediately, but the light tickle that resulted was not enough to accomplish much. It might get him itchy and hitchy, which had its own benefits—especially for teasing Noelle. Still, it was a bit early to tell. He tried swaying the end of his tail from side to side and was rewarded with a prickling just inside his nostrils.
“Now we’re getting somewhere…”
He wriggled his nose and sniffed lightly to encourage the tickle, continuing to sweep his tail across his nose in slow strokes that dragged the silky hairs across his nostrils and septum. His breathing started to get a touch unsteady, his chest rising and falling faster as his breaths grew deeper. On the right track, but still not enough to push him over the edge.
During feedings, sometimes Noelle would flutter a feather against the tip of his nose, so he tried to replicate the sensation with his tail, flicking it rapidly back and forth. He could feel his nose start to run as the buzzing tickle spread.
“Snff-snuff- … heh…. heh… haah, damn it…”
Almost, but he lost it at the last moment. He could just barely see the tip of his nose turning pink. He was getting close. Gods, it almost felt like edging.
He kept at it, varying the direction and speed of the strokes across his nose. His wrists tensed against the restraints. Though the itch had spread from his nares back near to the bridge, he still couldn’t get a sneeze out. He never imagined inducing could be quite so vexing, given his usual sensitivity.
“... hiih… -snf- mnhh… ih-heh-! … Oh, come on.”
Not to mention his sinuses were rather saturated from all of the irritation with no relief. The way it dripped back into his throat grew unpleasant, so he sniffed in as hard as he could in an attempt to clear it. It just so happened this was also at the precise moment and angle for several strands of tail fur to be drawn deep into his nares. 
“Nngh-! ih-hiihh-hhiiHH! heh… heh… HEH… HEHH’TCHUU! haah… ah-heh-... aah… AH… AHESSHHIU!”
Well, that worked. He could feel the hairs poking the ticklish spot just in front of where the bone ended in his nose. Finally—it felt practically orgasmic to sneeze after so much tickling and teasing. He left his tail in place for a few more sneezes before pulling it back, then he wriggled his nose back and forth and squinched it up and down to assuage some of the lingering tickle.
“Hmhm, I’d say that was a- w-was a- eh-heh- HEH! HEHSHHIUH! heh-SHIU! Nguuh… -snnff- Oh gods, it’s stuh-still so tiiiHHhckly-! iihhhHIIhhh! hhiihHHIITCHIEW!”
Perhaps he’d gone a little too far. The prickling, tickling itch in his sinuses kept on as though something was still poking that sensitive spot. His chest bobbed erratically with frantic, helpless hitches, each sneeze more desperate than the last. With mounting concern he tried to get a hold on himself, but he could hardly think, he was sneezing so much. In desperation he pressed his tongue to the roof of his mouth as hard as he could, which managed to stave off the next sneeze from being immediately on the heels of the last. It wouldn’t last long, though, he was already hitching and building up again.
However it was long enough to allow him a moment’s concentration, and he snapped his fingers. The restraints around his wrists vanished and Oraion sat up just as the next outburst overcame him. He grabbed the still-tingling appendage between a thumb and forefinger and squeezed, rubbing it up and down. At last the cause of his prolonged fit became clear when he felt something thin and silky sticking out of his right nostril: one of his tail hairs, shed from his tail and stuck inside his nose.
He drew the offending irritant out with a slippery tickle that triggered one final, powerful sneeze. He held up the crimson hair, covered in a slick coating of mess, and sighed. With another snap of his fingers he summoned his handkerchief and finally blew some of the miserable wetness out of his sinuses.
“Well, that was… a thing. -snnrff-”
As he sat there trying to catch his breath, there was a tentative knock at his door.
“Oraion? Are you in there?”
The demon smirked. Of course Noelle must have heard him, even in the cellar. He jumped up from the bed and ran a hand through his long, crimson hair before he answered the door. Though he didn’t bother to put on a shirt.
There stood Noelle, looking rather domestic with an apron on over her blouse and skirt. After Quinns had chided her for wiping dirt on her clothes while tending her mushrooms, Noelle had found an apron to wear. Oraion had to admit, it was a rather charming look.
“Oh, did something happen? Are you all right?”
Ah, right. He probably looked terrible, red-nosed and bleary eyed. He rubbed the back of his neck and tried to laugh it off.
“Oh, no, I’m fine. Something just set off my allergies. -snf- It happens. Often.”
Noelle wrung her hands with an uncomfortable look, and Oraion bit back a sigh. His allergic sensitivity was bestowed by their contract, tied to her sexual desires, and that fact continued to be a source of guilt for her. He wished she would let it go, but no matter how often he reassured her that he didn’t mind it, it didn’t seem to convince her.
“I-I see. Um, is there anything I can do for you? Oh! I know: I’ll make you some yarrow tea!”
“Hm, that would be lovely, but there is one other thing you could do for me first…”
The prospect of being useful seemed to perk her right up.
“Oh? What is it?”
With as sensitive as his nose was still feeling, this shouldn’t take long. He grinned and leaned in, snaking an arm around her waist to pull her close. He placed a deep kiss on her soft lips before giving her nose a quick nuzzle with his own. The ensuing blush on her face, the wide eyes and slightly parted lips, equal parts flustered surprise and burgeoning desire—oh, the satisfaction he derived from being the cause of such sweet expression.
“It’s such a miserable, dreary day, Mistress, and I’ve been terribly bored. Now I find myself feeling a bit peckish, so, if you’re amenable, I thought perhaps we could have a quick snack. And you know, while we’re at it, I’d like to introduce you to a rather interesting little game I've come up with…”
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thepig · 10 months
okay but like dex shouldve fucked mooncap. like the book had weird themes that were verging on an association of robots to native americans in their custodianship of land and solarpunk in general is kind of lame but also they shouldve fucked. the book wouldve been better if they fucked. i bet becky chambers uses tumblr where are they ive got stuff to say. why didnt you make your chatavters fuck
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34833asm · 1 year
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mooncaps · 2 years
hello! i was trying to download the mooncaps torrent but i believe the link is broken because it doesnt redirect/download anything TT is there any other alternative link? ty!
Usually magnet links will automatically open in your torrent client, but sometimes they don't. Try copying the link and then your torrent client should have a button for adding a torrent with a link.
I'm not sure which torrent client you use, but in qBittorrent the button is located here:
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It opens a little text field where you can paste the link.
Other torrent clients should have comparable options. Perhaps in the File menu you might find an option like "open from link" or something like that.
(Also my upload speed isn't great and I can't seed it all day every day so it will probably take quite a bit of time for the download to complete after you get it started.)
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fukko · 6 years
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    Sometimes you just gotta wonder why your best critic is Like This™. What did you do in a past life to deserve this kind of treatment. It’s even a special day today, and yet. KID firmly clamps down on the urge to yelp and just dodges, ducking and sidestepping in a single motion, the ball still whirling past too close for comfort.
“ Thanks, tantei-kun! ” he chirps, eyeing those shoes and that watch with trepidation. “ I don’t suppose you’ve brought a follow-up present. ” Please don’t.
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      ‘ nope, but you can have the soccer ball ~ ’ after kid dodged, conan’s body posture relaxes as he puts his arms behind his head, neck resting on his intertwined hands. a smirk places on his face as conan adds, ‘ and even what’s inside of it for a birthday present, if you’re unsatisfied with just a soccer ball. ’
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maelstromprodigy · 6 years
»  mooncaped replied to your post  :
“Do you have anything to say for yourself ~ ?”
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「    You bastard –– “ I wonder more about how you came to this conclusion ; based on what proof did I do such a thing ? ”    」
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showalupin · 6 years
mooncaped replied to your post: Wow, look at that fierce battle between an...
[ifrit voice] alternatively i could save everyone the wait and just push you into a puddle d:
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Wow. Rude. Guess since you’re making it clear that you’d rather have ice cream melt, then he’ll remember not to buy you any the next time he pokes at you to hang out.
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sarudorobou · 6 years
{ from here } @mooncaped
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“Hey, I’m down with whatever, kiddo. So long as I get some grub, I’ll eat anything!” Sure he’s a bit hungry, but he wants to make sure Kaito’s actually eating something. Darn kids these days. Time for dad Lupin to make his appearance. “If you know what’s good, I’m there.” 
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"Quite frankly, I don't think you /can/ overstay your welcome," Kaito points out with a touch of smugness. The illusionist will always be welcome, at this point. Kaito doesn't know if he's strong enough to make a mental stand against anyone, but there probably won't be a need to test it, since Pandora will be gone by the end of this check, Kaito thinks. Hopes. "It's good to have you here. And — thank you." The latter half of that sounds more serious than before.
Gunter hummed. Thought so. Still, welcome or not, doubt he’ll pop in for any amount of time unless there’s a reason. Or unless asked, because he’d be perfectly happy to do this without a check accompanying the visit. With Kaito, at least.
“You’re welcome. ...Thanks for having me.“
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silvermoon424 · 3 months
authentic, dedicated, thorough
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Thank you!!
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accidentalmistress · 2 years
New Noelle and Oraion Fic!
It is done, it is finished, it is here. Clocking in at 3,749 words, this one is quite a bit longer than the last. Check this post for all Noelle and Oraion content. I recommend reading the first fic, Experiment 239-185, before this one, as it comes first chronologically. Please enjoy the newest entry to the Noelle and Oraion series:
Enter Knight
Word count: 3,749
CW: some swearing
An unexpected guest drops by Noelle's tower. Can she keep her new "roommate" a secret from her old friend?
The cellar beneath Noelle's tower held the sort of atmosphere typical to many such places: dim, damp, dreary, and damn near perfect for cultivating certain varieties of cave-dwelling fungi. A week or so prior she found herself studying mooncaps, a type of bioluminescent mushroom that were so named for their glowing white caps, and she decided to try her hand at growing them. An acquaintance who frequented subterranean places acquired the initial sample for her. She never did understand why adventurers were always so enamored with going underground.
Once she isolated mycelium from the initial sample, she encouraged it to spawn in a bag of sterilized grain. Trays of damp sawdust and manure substrate, also sterilized, were then inoculated with spawn. A covering of oilcloth kept the moisture in while the trays waited on shelves for new life to form.
Each day she checked the progress of the new mycelium growth and gently sprayed the trays with a little water. They were coming along nicely: the mycelium had begun to form a white mat across the surface of the substrate. Surrounded by the smell of earth and stone, flecks of dirt under her fingernails, amid the magic of growing things—no witchcraft required—Noelle felt more at peace than she had in what felt like ages. If only it could last.
One day, as she spritzed a tray with her water mister, she heard a languid creaking in the tower above like the groaning of a large beast in some sort of gastrointestinal distress.
Someone had opened the front door.
The tower's only other occupant was forbidden from leaving, and only one other person knew the location of Noelle's tower and how to get past the various wards and defenses surrounding it. They also were not in the habit of knocking.
"Noooeeeelle! Guess who's here to enforce your biannual mandatory excursion into the outside world?"
"Oh, Quinns is here!" A bright smile lit up Noelle's face, but it quickly melted into a look of abject horror. "Oh no, Quinns is here."
She pelted up the stairs, her fungicultural endeavors forgotten as she tried to intercept her visitor before they discovered the most recent addition to Noelle's home: Oraion, her magical servant, bound to her by a ritual contract. He also just so happened to be a demon. An incubus, to be precise.
"Quinns! Quinns! I'm right here!" She dashed into the front hall and found them still hanging their cloak by the door. They regarded her with a quizzical look.
"Whoa, hey, what's the big hurry? You think I was gonna turn around and leave if I didn't see you within thirty seconds of arriving?"
"N-no, no, I was just… excited to see you! It's been a little while. H-how have you been?"
A nervous titter escaped her lips, and Quinns regarded her with narrowed green eyes, piercing as a hawk.
"Hmph.” They crossed their arms. “You really think you can hide it from me?"
Noelle's heart crept into her throat. "H-hide? I'm not hiding anything! Wh-what could I possibly be hiding?"
The fact that her voice came out about half an octave higher than normal did not help her case. Noelle was well aware that she was a terrible liar, but what choice did she have?
Quinns took a step towards her. Not as tall as Oraion, they couldn't loom over her quite as effectively as he did, but they knew how to use every inch of height advantage they had over her.
"It's written all over your face… You forgot again, didn't you?"
A bit of the tension fled Noelle's body and was replaced by genuine confusion.
"... Forgot? Forgot what?"
“About our plans today!”
“Oh! Ah, n-no, I didn’t forget! I just got distracted, and, um, I lost track of time.”
They raised an eyebrow. “Really? Then where are we supposed to go today?”
Heat rose in Noelle’s face as she wracked her brain, trying to remember. “Go? We were- w-we were, um, going to- t-to go… go to… the, uh…”
Quinns huffed. "I knew it…" They looked her up and down before they sighed with a shake of their head.  "The Silver Market. It’s over in Graystead this week, remember?"
Noelle’s shoulders slumped as she fidgeted sheepishly with her hands. "Oh, right. I'm sorry… I did forget. Completely." She perked back up, however, as she saw an opportunity to seize. "Oh! Um, I guess that means we should get going then, huh?"
"Wha— already? I just got here. Are you even ready to go?"
"I'll just… grab my bag! Uh, just, wait here a moment!"
"Oookay. I'm gonna grab something to drink in the meantime. I don't even wanna think about how much dirt is in my mouth from the road. Bleh."
They started heading for the kitchen, and Noelle stepped in front of them in a near panic, brown eyes wide behind her glasses. Without any idea of where in the tower Oraion might be, she did not want Quinns wandering around.
"Um! Maybe we could… g-get something on the way? I'll only be a second, really!"
Quinns pressed their lips together in a hard line as their brows knit.
"You're acting really weird, Noelle… What's going on?"
In the kitchen, Oraion leaned against the wall near the doorway, listening. Clearly Noelle didn't want this Quinns person to know he was there, but she was doing a rather terrible job of covering for it. He'd been poking about for a snack when the front door had opened, and unfortunately there was only one way in or out of the kitchen: the door that Noelle was trying to prevent Quinns from going through.
He weighed the options. He could adopt a human form and reveal himself, which would no doubt earn him an earful from Noelle later. With how hard she was trying to fend Quinns off, Oraion imagined that this friend of Noelle's would not have the best reaction to his presence regardless of his form.
Though he may not like being Noelle's servant, he didn't dislike the young witch herself. Teasing her was one thing, but causing her actual trouble… Something about that didn't sit right, though he wasn't sure why.
He didn't fancy trying to climb out one of the narrow windows, and turning invisible was never something he managed properly. He always considered it a cowardly skill and never bothered to put in the effort to study it, something he was beginning to regret.
Another option was to find someplace to keep out of sight until Quinns left. He cast his gaze around the kitchen until it fell upon the pantry door. Now that might work.
It was cramped, and he had to dismiss his wings and wrap his tail awkwardly around his legs, but he managed to get the door closed. Something bumped against one of his horns: several bundles of herbs were hanging to dry over his head. With a roll of his eyes and an irritated huff, he snapped his fingers and assumed his human guise. That got rid of the tail, at least, and he wouldn't knock into anything else with his horns.
"Hiding as a human in a cupboard. The things I do for this girl."
A gap in the door let him peer out into the kitchen just as Noelle backed in with a panicked look around, her russet curls bouncing. When she saw that the room was, apparently, empty, she seemed to relax, if only slightly.
"It's just that, uh, I… h-haven't had time to clean! So everything is, um, a bit of a mess."
That was true enough, what with the pile of dishes in and around the wash basin. Oraion wasn't that sort of servant, after all. He wasn't about to lower himself to the level of a common scullery maid.
He got his first look at Quinns as they stepped into the room. They were slim and androgynous, taller than Noelle yet still firmly in average territory. If Oraion had to guess, he would say that he was taller than Quinns by a head, though to be fair he was taller than most humans. Their hair, a light brown, was shorn close to the scalp on the back and sides, with the length on top pushed over their left ear. Dark circles hugged their green eyes, the world-weary look about them surprising for one so young.
They looked at the state of the kitchen with a frown. "Oh my gods, you're not kidding. You'd think a bachelor lived here."
Oraion snorted quietly and whispered, "You have no idea."
Without thinking he rubbed his nose with the edge of a finger, only to realize a moment later that it was due to a slight irritation.
"That's… not good."
This pantry was where Noelle kept all of her spices, Oraion realized as the smell of them enveloped him like a living thing that clung to him and probed his sinuses. He looked again at the herbs hanging above him and counted lavender and yarrow flowers among them.
"Oh, that's very not good."
Almost on cue, that slight irritation became a prickling, and he sniffled as wetness coated his nasal passages. Damn. He understood his Mistress's tastes, but did his nose have to be this sensitive?
He just needed to hold out until Quinns left, or at least was out of earshot. Surely he could handle that… right?
He grabbed the offending organ between his thumb and forefinger and rubbed, pinching the nostrils closed between his fingers in an attempt to assuage the itching. That earned him a blessed respite, but for how long? Muffled voices floated through the door, and he glanced through the crack again.
"... that dirt on your clothes? Give me your hand… uh-huh, also covered in dirt, and it's under your nails, too. What were you even doing down there?"
"Um, mushroom farming? Oh shoot, I didn't put everything away… I-I'll just take care of it later. Why don't I wash my hands while you drink your water, then I'll grab my bag and we can go!"
"You're gonna go out with dirt on your clothes?"
"Uh, well, they'll just get dirty from the road, right?"
"Not with big streaks of dirt like that. Sorry, but it's kinda obvious that you were wiping your hands on your skirt."
Gods, they needed to hurry it up. Oraion sniffled back a bit of mess that threatened to drip from his nose as it began to run in earnest. Every sniff brought more of the spicy scent into his nostrils, however, not to mention whatever pollen was floating around from when he bumped into the drying herbs.
The prickling returned in full force, tormenting his nares and making them twitch and flare as though they were being teased by a feather's tip. His breath caught.
With great effort he managed to keep the hitches to a breathy whisper. If he couldn't get this itch under control, though, it wouldn't matter. He pressed a forefinger tight under his septum, but still the tickle tortured him.
"hhiih… hiihh! Ngh, oh n-no- heh- heh!"
In desperation he slapped both hands over his nose and mouth, squeezing. His shoulders shuddered as his head dipped forward in a silent stifle.
"Fuck, that was too close."
Stifling was difficult enough for him; it was a minor miracle that he'd been able to keep that one quiet. It also did little to relieve the tickle spreading from nostrils to bridge. If anything, it felt worse, like the imaginary feather had slipped inside his nose to tease him.
"Hurry up, Mistress…"
Maybe blowing his nose would get rid of the itching. A quiet snap summoned a silk handkerchief to his fingers, and he blew into it as quietly as he could, forcing the mess from his sinuses. He sniffed in through his cleared nostrils.
That turned out to be a huge mistake.
"Oh shit, I can't-"
The thought couldn't even finish before the burning prickle redoubled and overtook him, that featherish feeling probing deep into his most sensitive spots. No holding back, and he had a feeling this one wouldn't be easy to stifle. His breath hitched helplessly, succumbing to the building sneeze.
"ih-hiihh… hiiHH… eh-hngxk'TSHIEW!"
"Gyah! What the fuck?!"
Quinns jumped like a kaltari deer ambushed by a firelian swamp dragon and looked sharply at the pantry door. Noelle felt the blood drain from her face.
"U-um, I, uh-" Noelle could only stammer, unable to stop Quinns as they marched over to the pantry and wrenched the door open.
There was Oraion, blowing his nose into a lovely silk handkerchief. At least, she was pretty sure it was Oraion. It looked like him, his eyes and long, flowing hair both of bright crimson, except he was human—a human of unearthly beauty, but a human nonetheless. That he even had a human form was news to Noelle, but welcome news at that. She gave a quiet sigh of relief. Perhaps the situation could be salvaged after all.
"Q-Quinns, I can explain. He's-"
Before she could finish speaking, before she could even blink, Quinns leapt back in front of Noelle, putting themself between her and Oraion. A knife had somehow materialized in their hand, and when they spoke their voice had dropped to a threatening growl.
"A demon. Hiding like some lowly brigand in a woman's home! You may look human, but I am a Knight of the Midnight Falcon and I will not be so easily fooled!"
Oraion finished wiping his nose and sighed.
"Well. Now I understand why you didn't want this one to find me."
Noelle grabbed Quinns by the arm, desperate to defuse the situation.
"Quinns, stop! He's not a threat!"
"Not a threat?! Noelle, this creature is extremely dangerous!" They lowered their voice before adding, "I've never encountered a demon of this power before."
Oraion stepped out of the pantry, and as he did so his human disguise melted away. He grinned as though Quinns had announced their last comment to the room.
"Hmph. I'm flattered, of course, but if I'm the most powerful demon you've met, you should count yourself lucky. Though it pains me t- t-to- h-heh-'' He paused, nose twitching. "H-hang on, I nheh- need to sn- snee- hih-hihSHOO! Ugh.” He rubbed his reddened nose with an irritated scowl before clearing his throat to continue. “As I was saying, though it pains me to admit, there are many demons far more powerful than I."
Noelle resisted the urge to smack him.
"Oraion! That's not really helping!"
When she used Oraion's name, Quinns regarded Noelle with some alarm.
"Wait, you know him? Did you know he was a demon, too?"
Before she could answer, Oraion cut in with a smug grin.
"I'll have you know I've been living here for weeks. A little over a month, maybe? Oh, and I'd say she knows quite a bit about me already."
That urge to slap him was growing increasingly difficult to resist with every word out of his mouth.
He shrugged. "What? The cat's out of the bag now."
Quinns grabbed Noelle by the shoulders, concern writ clear on their face and fear burning behind their eyes.
"It's worse than I thought: he already has you under his influence. Don't worry, Noelle, I'll free you from whatever enchantment he's placed on you."
"Pft, like I need enchantments. I can assure you that she wants me here."
"Silence, demon! You won’t fool me with your lies! I’ll make you pay for what you’ve done to Noelle!”
“You really think you can take me, little knight?”
“Both of you-!”
“Underestimate me at your peril, demon!”
“You know, this is the most fun I've had in weeks. Why don't you entertain me a bit more?”
“I’m ready when you are.”
Glowing wisps the color of rubies began to form around Oraion’s fingertips just as Quinns took a defensive stance and began chanting something in low tones, white runes materializing before them in the air.
Noelle cast about in a panic–she didn’t have any of her usual spellcasting materials on her, but she had to do something to stop them before they hurt each other or broke something important. Was there anything at hand she could use? Sticking out of the pile of dirty dishes in the wash basin was the handle of a long, wooden spoon. It would have to do.
Earth from the dirt on her clothes, water from the basin of dishes, the spoon as her wand, and the power of her own will; she leapt into the space between knight and demon and brought them all together.
“That’s enough! Dispel!”
A small shockwave rumbled through the room like a minor earthquake, rattling dishes and bottles and causing the occupants to adjust their footing. The red glow around Oraion’s hands was snuffed out, just as the runes Quinns had summoned were dispersed as though by a strong wind. Noelle turned on her demonic servant.
"Oraion, sit!"
The demon's eyes flashed with indignation, his lips curling into a sneer.
"You dare to- wuaah!" He yelped as he was involuntarily pulled to the floor by an unseen force, his rear firmly planted on the stone tiles.
"And you, Quinns!" She wheeled on her friend with her hands balled into fists. "If you would just listen to me for once, and trust me-!"
"What? I do trust you!"
"Well apparently not enough to believe me! I am not under anyone’s influence, and Oraion is not a threat!"
"Then why is he here?!"
"Because he's my servant!"
Quinns took a step back, the expression on their face warring between anger, confusion, and shock. When they spoke again, however, their voice seemed calmer.
"What do you mean your servant?"
Noelle took a deep breath and tried to steady herself and her racing heartbeat.
"I wasn't making progress with my studies, and I decided that I needed help. So, I set up a summoning ritual, and-"
"You summoned a demon on purpose?"
"I didn't mean to! I thought that I'd get some kind of familiar—a-a spirit or a minor elemental or… something! But, well, I got him."
The demon in question cleared his throat.
"May I get up now, Mistress?"
“Will you behave yourself?”
He rolled his eyes. “Oh yes, don’t worry, I’ll be a good boy.”
Noelle’s eyes widened and a violent blush rose in her cheeks as it sank in what she had done. "Oh… oh no… I ordered you to sit like a dog." She hid her reddening face in her scarf. “Uuuggh… Y-yes, you can get up now…”
"Wait, you told him to sit, and…" Quinns spoke slowly, sheathing their knife. "So he has to do absolutely anything you say?"
Oraion sighed as he stood and dusted himself off. "It certainly seems that way, doesn't it?"
“Look, I-I’m sorry, but I panicked and I didn’t know what else to do! Can’t we just… go over this like adults instead of having a battle royale in my kitchen?”
Despite his sarcasm moments earlier, Oraion now seemed in bright spirits.
“Well, we’ll have plenty of time to chat on our way to this—what was it? Silver Market?”
Quinns scowled. “Oh no, he is not coming.”
“Why not? It’s the perfect chance for us to get to know one another. Besides, she’s kept me cooped up in this tower ever since she summoned me, and it has grown astoundingly tiresome.”
“Well I didn’t know you had a human form!”
Oraion snapped his fingers, assuming said form with a flourish. “You never asked.”
“All right, fine.” Noelle sighed. “Quinns, I think we should take him along. It… doesn’t feel right to leave him here alone. I-I can keep him under control, and we’ll be in a public place, so it should be safe.”
“Oh come on, I’m a demon, not a monster. We’re just going to a market. You make it sound like you’ll need to hold me back from eating babies.”
“Who says we won’t?” Quinns put their hands on their hips, still scowling.
“Oraion.” Noelle fidgeted with the wooden spoon in her hands. “It’s not that I don’t trust you, but you almost attacked Quinns.”
“Oh, I wasn’t actually going to hurt him-” He looked past Noelle with a questioning glance. “Her? Them?”
“I wasn’t actually going to hurt them, and they started it!”
“Still, I… I expect you to be on your best behavior while we’re out. A-and that’s an order. Okay?”
A shiver ran through Oraion’s body. “Yes, Mistress… ugh, I can never get used to that. It’s like I’m saying it, but I’m not saying it.”
“All right, fine, whatever.” Quinns threw their hands up in surrender and sighed. “Let’s just get going already.”
They trudged back into the front hall. Oraion was close behind, humming merrily. It seemed the prospect of going out cleared any lingering animosity from the near-brawl. As she dropped the wooden spoon back into the wash basin, Noelle hoped she wasn’t making a huge mistake. She hurried into the hall after them.
“Um, I still have to go get my bag and get cleaned up…”
“Allow me, Mistress.” Oraion turned to her and extended his hand, bowing slightly. “Your hand, milady?”
Uncertain what to expect, she put her hand in his, and he spun her around as though they were dancers at a fancy ball. When she came back around, she found that her bag was slung over her shoulder and her clothes, once stained and dirty, were now as clean as if they had been freshly laundered.
“Oh! Thank you.”
“But of course.” He flashed her a grin that made her stomach flutter. “Now, let's finally get out of this dreary tower! I dare say this will be quite a bit of fun. I’m actually looking f-forward t- to- heh… heh… oh d-damn it- hihh-hiiihh… hah-hehHH-IISSHU!”
Quinns leaned towards Noelle with a sidelong look.
“What is wrong with him?”
“Allergies.” Oraion mumbled as he blew his nose into his handkerchief with a wet honk.
“Demons have allergies?”
“Yes, well. I seem to be, ah, rather unique in that regard.”
“That’s weird… Well, whatever, as long as you don’t give me any diseases.”
As they all made their way out of the tower, and the knight and demon bantered ahead of her, Noelle spared a wistful glance for the stairs leading down into the cellar. Ah well.
The mushrooms would have to wait.
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magicalxgirlsxrp · 6 years
     @mooncaped continued from here. 
“Kaito..” Aoko looked at the other rather concerned. Here she thought she could spend some time with him but that damn window had to shatter (which was totally weird- she could of sworn that she heard a little explosion before all that happened). 
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“Aoko will be fine, its just a few scratches.” she winced lightly at the pain as he tried to bandage her cuts and closed her eyes for a short moment. “Baka, Aoko is more worried about you.” 
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maelstromprodigy · 6 years
»  @mooncaped​  |  鴬  [ from here ]  .
「    It’s a WAVE of relief that briefly washes over the slight fidgetiness he feels, the surgeon unable to help the smile from emerging on his expression ( it’s in his cheeks and his eyes, a hint of unreserved adoration in the calm, deep azures ). Still... he quite isn’t sure if the gift by itself would please Nightingale –– even if Shinichi had taken time to pick out the right one ( the right fabrics with a flattering pattern to match Kaito’s prettiness and comfort, having memorized their measures, so the tailor could sew it in time when this particular day finally arrived ).
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“ You’re welcome, ” He answers with a sincerity, feeling a COALESCENCE of timidity and expectancy, and his current disposition makes him look as if he’s twenty one again ( the ‘age’ his physique is stuck in forever ), instead of over a thousand.
“ I thought, you could make use of it in the near future, since certain events will soon take place. ” –– the summer festivals which will be held during the next month, a tailored kimono specifically made for Kaito to wear without having their wings constricted –– “ Of course, I had imagined we could attend the ones held by those more... familiar with my kind. ” like the marketplace he had brought Nightingale to for a visit some time ago.    」
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sarudorobou · 6 years
Send 🗝 to force my muse to talk about a topic they never want to speak of
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His parents never came up in casual conversation. “I was with her the day she died,” he says reluctantly, his mouth moving on its own. “We were on the train, goin’ back to France. Petty bastards hijacked the train, some ol’ ‘friends’ of my dad’s.
“They... they killed her. She protected me. Somehow, I got away.” Frustrated, he takes out a cigarette and lights it, chewing on the butt. “Don’t make me talk about this, kiddo. It’s not somethin’ I’d like to remember.”
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