#moonknight tickles
just-a-fluffy-knight · 4 months
(it’s under the cut because I got so embarrassed making it and now I’m scared to post it 😭😭)
Disclaimer: I do not speak Spanish nor do I really know how to do a New York accent so pls forgive me if the voice or pronunciation sounds off 😭 the dialogue was also improvised again so,,,, 🙁
I had to stay HIDDEN under my bed covers because I was so scared someone was gonna hear me recording 😞
I even took breaks in between recording audios because of how embarrassed I made myself 💔
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fandomtcikles · 2 years
Ler Steven tickle head cannons (because Steven as a ler is underrated af)
* Like for real he is so careful about making sure his lee is comfortable and actually enjoying them selves
* And is way more likely to show mercy than Jake or Marc
* That is not to say however that he can’t be ruthless
* Like he takes the role of the tickle monster VERY SERIOUSLY (especially if the lee has been a little shit or he is after revenge on Marc or Jake)
* Mainly Marc tho cause let’s face it Steven is way too innocent to take down Jake
* A big believer in cheer up tickles, so as long as he knows the persons ok with it he’ll just playfully nuzzle their neck and spider across their tummy in an attempt to cheer someone up.
* He’ll even just give their sides a few lil squeezes just to see them smile and giggle a lil bit whilst looking at them with the softest smile ever (I love him ok😭)
* Also a big lover of casual tickles so will lightly trace shapes on your skin, or pepper tickly kisses up and down your neck, or even just trace circles on your tummy when you two are cuddling.
* If he’s feeling seriously playful, he’ll pin your hands to your sides with his and growl and attack your tummy with tickly bites and kisses and nuzzles whilst you lightly shove at his head.
* I also have a theory that cause he loves casual and cheer up tickles, he does this thing where particularly if he’s trying to cheer you up, he’ll just cuddle you and trace your palms or lightly tickle them to get you to calm down.
* And if he’s feeling like being a little shit he’ll sneak up behind you pretending to give you a hug before attacking your sides and armpits.
I got a lot more of these so might do a part two
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squiggly-mctwig · 2 years
Hiiii! Ik you were prob expecting a request like this T~T but could I request ler!jake and lee!marc plz? :)
Ehehe no worries, BEHOLD it is here my good friend >:)))))
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Don't leave yet
A/N: This came to my mind from watching a cat video. A CAT VIDEO! Those things are the best. I'll send the link in here later. Anyway enjoy!
Summary: Peter 1 and Steven are having the best time at the Knight House (get it? cause he's Moonknight? I'll stop). However, when it's time to go, Peter 1 doesn't wanna leave yet so Peter 3, Jake, and Marc have to tire the two boys out. Also for context (and cause I'm a sucker for children), in this AU, Peter 1 and Steven are around the age of 9. Hope you still like it.
"Okay, ready!"
"Rock, paper, scissors, SHOOT!" Peter 1 and Steven exclaimed as one of them pulled out a pair of scissors while the other pulled out a rock. After the two of them met in kindergarten, Steven and Peter 1 had become fast friends. The two of them bonded over the fact of being the youngest in the family with two older brothers. Steven talked about Jake and Marc while Peter 1 talked about Peter 2 and 3. The two of them also shared a love for history and monopoly. And they both hated not being included in everything. It was a perfect match.
So when it came to the opportunity that Peter 2 would be running late to pick him up from school, Peter 1 automatically suggested going to Steven's house. The 4 brothers knew each other and had a close relationship so it was okay. Steven and Peter 1 sang the Inspector Gadget theme song all the way to the house (even though they didn't know the words).
Now, it was almost 8 o'clock and Peter 1 and Steven should've been in bed by now. But because he had a friend over, he could stay up a little later than originally planned. "Aw man!" Steven said as Peter 1 cheered, winning another round of rock paper scissors. "Wanna play again?"
"Yeah. I wanna beat you!"
"Peter! Your brother's here!" Marc called from downstairs. Peter 1's face fell. His brother was here to pick him up. He couldn't wait to see him, but he also didn't wanna leave Steven. Shaking his head, Peter 1 hopped onto his best friend's bed and pulled the covers over him. "What's wrong, Uno?" Steven asked using his best friend's nickname. Peter 1 poked his head out and put his finger on his lips. "Be quiet Steven. If my brother finds me, he'll take me home."
"What? I don't want you to go." Steven cried with worry. "Peter!" Jake called this time as Steven scrambled under the covers next to Peter 1. "Shhh, if we stay quiet, they won't find us."
"Uno! Your favorite brother Tres is here!" Now it was Peter 3 followed by three pairs of footsteps going upstairs. Peter 1 and Steven covered their mouths to keep from making a sound.
The two boys heard the bedroom door open. "Come on lil' bro, we all know you're in here." Marc said as a matter of fact. Marc took notice of the two lumps on his little brother's bed. It took everything in the Moon Knight's power to keep from laughing. "Hey Peter 3, I don't think your brother's in here." Marc looked at his brother and Peter 3 with a smirk, letting them know that the boys were 'hiding'. Sensing the hint, the others wore the exact same smirk Marc had and played along.
As quietly as a mouse, Peter 3 tip-toed into the room. "Oh I think you're right. I can't find them anywhere." Peter 3 replied. The Moon Knights and the Spider-Man heard a pair of giggles from under the covers.
"Guess we'll just have to revisa la sala de estar." Jake agreed following pursuit of Peter 3. Jake made his way to one side of the bed while Peter 3 made it to the other. Marc stayed and closed the door, the room now filled with silence. A moment passed before the covers began to shuffle.
"Are they gone?" Peter 1 whispered to Steven. Steven listened from under the covers but heard nothing. "I think so." Steven slowly lifted the covers to reveal himself and Peter 1.
Big mistake.
"GOTCHA!" Peter 1 squealed as Peter 3 grabbed his brother and lifted him off the bed. Peter 3 held him in his arms and scribbled his fingers all over the 9 year old's sides. "I gotcha little bro. You can't hide from me." Peter 3 teased, blowing a short raspberry in the boy's belly. Poor Uno tried to get out of his brother's grasp but the tickles were too much. All he could do was take it.
"Uno!" Steven called out as he went to help his friend, but Jake grabbed him before he could take a step. "And where do you think you're going, hermano?" Jake said before he drilled his fingers in his brother's belly. "Jahahahake lemme ehehehehehe gohohohohoho!" Jake didn't replied and lowered his hand a bit. "I got your belly. Tengo tu barriga!" The teasing only made Steven laugh more.
Deciding to join in on the fun, Marc moved away from the door and got to work on his brother's bare feet. "Hey, guess who's got your feet? Guess who's got your feet?" Steven didn't bother to reply as his eldest brother rubbed his two thumbs on the soles of his feet.
With Uno, Tres was busy blowing raspberries on his little tummy. "TREHEHEHEHEHES STAHAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIHIHIT!"
"Om nom nom nom nom. Mmmm this is a tasty strawberry." Tres moved from his brother's tummy to his neck. "Let's see how many fruits you're hiding up here." With his chin full of hair from the beard he was going out, Peter 3 rubbed his face in Uno's neck. "Where are the fruits? Where are you hiding them?"
"Liar! I will find them." Tres declared as he nibbled his brother's neck while his fingers scribbled the boy's knees.
With the Knight brothers, Jake slowed down his tickles a bit so Steven can breathe. Marc traveled up from his feet to his knees. "Hey hey, guess what?"
"I got your knees. I got your knees." Marc squeezed Steven's knees so gently, he was surprised when his brother screamed like a little girl. Jake smiled at the two of them, making sure that Steven didn't fall out of his grip. "Look at you. Eres tan lindo hermanito." Placing a kiss on his brother's forehead, Jake gave Steven one last raspberry on his neck. "Come on Marc, he's had enough." Jake said as Marc gave him a sad look and let go of Steven's knees. "But I wanted his knees." Marc whined playfully making wiggly finger at his brother. Steven squealed and hid in Jake's chest, making his brothers laugh.
With the Spider bros, Tres was just finishing up Uno's armpits and whispering nonsense in his neck. "TREHEHEHEHEHEHES!" Uno pleaded as Tres finally relented. Tres tossed his brother in the air and caught him. "Ready to go home?" Tres asked while his brother got all of the tingles out of his system.
Uno looked at Steven. "But, me and Steven-"
"Will see each other tomorrow at school. Now, we gotta get home before we both get in trouble with Dos." Tres replied referring to their older brother. Uno still looked sad but was happy to know that he'll see Steven at school tomorrow.
Jake and Peter 3 put their brothers down as they watch them give each other a hug. The brothers tried and failed not to melt at the sight. "Bye Steven."
"Adios Uno." Steven replied as he watched his friend and his brother leave.
Once they were gone, Steven sniffed a bit. "Hey what's wrong buddy?" Marc asked, scooping up the youngest in his arms. Rubbing his eyes, Steven shook his head. "Nothing."
"You're lying. You know what big brothers do to little brothers who lie?" Marc smirked as Steven looked at him with confusion. "Tell him Jake." Marc said as Jake trotted over to his two brothers. Jake wiggled his fingers at the boy. "We cosquillas them!" With that, another tickle game had be brought to light.
Here’s the video (short) that inspired me
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cantsaythetword · 2 years
TickleTober Day 10: Drive-in Scary Movie (Moonknight)
~A/N  - OKOKOKOK I know it's late af but I was initially really struggling for ideas for this and I was gonna do heartstopper but then in the shower I had a great thought to do moonknight!!!
It's short but sweet, and I hope you like it.
- Enoy! ~
Tag List: I'm gonna stop tagging mysterious-marvel for tickletober cause it's probably really annoying to get pinged every single day, but feel free to lemme know if you want to still be on it for this month!
Also if anyone else wants to get added to the tag list feel free to hmu or shoot me an ask!
Masterpost Link || TickleTober 2022 Masterpost Link
Steven was in a mood.
Not a grumpy one, or a sad one.
He wanted something. One thing, and one thing only.
He wanted tickles.
Unfortunately he was too shy to ask anyone for them. Fearful they'd reluctantly accept, be weirded out, or straight up refuse. This constant inner battle between being socially anxious and touch starved was not unusual, but it's familiarity didn't make it any easier.
He had agreed to go to a drive-in movie night with Layla, the pair looking forward to a bit of private time away from their busy lives of work. And while Steven was usually a huge horror fan, the movie would be the last thing on his mind.
Caught in a perpetual state of wanting but not asking for tickles from the one woman he trusted the most in his life. He so wished he would just blurt it out, but couldn't bring himself to take the plunge.
And that's where Marc came in.
While Steven and Layla were snuggled up in the boot of the car, blankets and pillows decorating the space around them, Steven felt his hand squeeze into Layla's side.
"Steheven I'm trying to watch." She giggled, brushing his hand away.
Steven blushed, knowing for a fact that wasn't him who moved his fingers. He shot a nervous glare towards the car window, perfectly reflecting a cheeky looking Marc grinning back at him.
"We both know this is how to get what you want Steven." Marc shrugged casually, smirking at his counterpart.
"Marc sh!" Steven said internally, muffling the nervous laugh that bubbled in the back of his throat.
"Oh come on! You're desperate!" Marc exclaimed. "I can feel how badly you want tic-."
The man didn't reply, instead he brought Steven's hand spidering up Layla's back to end up tickling the base of her neck.
She let out a small yelp, body crinkling at the sensation, before turning to face Steven with a mischievous smile.
"You want tickled, don't you."
Steven, unable to speak, fumbled with various starts of words.
"I- uh-... no-... well-..."
"Oh stop pretending." She laughed. "I've seen how you've been acting all day. You always get all quiet and reserved when you're in one of your moods."
Goosebumps rippled down Steven's back. Oh god was this really going where he thought it was going?
"So, are you gonna be honest with me?" She smirked. "Or am I gonna have to tickle it out of you?"
Steven squeaked at the sound of that word, nervously shuffling himself away towards the edge of the car. He wasn't sure if he was purposely trapping himself in a corner, or attempting a pitiful escape.
"I see how it is then." Layla smiled evilly. "Let's begin, shall we?"
And though the movie playing that night was filled with jump scares, nothing made Steven scream more than Layla's unbearable tickle attack.
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serenityiskey · 2 years
Y’all throw some type of plot at me. I wanna write stuff but I have no muse or idea of what to write.it doesn’t even have to be tickle related 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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potatohater · 2 years
hello everyone)) I wanted to say that I decided to write tickle fics beside i was silent for years and I want to write some fics ab daredevil or any other characters (i just have daredevil hyper fixation rn) because THERE ONLY A FEW FICS I COULD FIND😭😭 so if you have any requests you know what to do but i do NOT do any nsfw stuff😨😨 and eng is not my first language so lets go
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Never Let Me Go
AN: Fourth fic for @moonknight-events MK Bingo! So….this isn’t exactly what I’d intended it to be lol (no dialogue? No full on smut?? What’s wrong with me???) but I also kind of like how it turned out? Idk. Hopefully someone other than me enjoys this lol
Jake is feeling lonely and disconnected and you help make him feel better.
Rated: M+ (labeling this as M since it has cockwarming. not very smutty tho) Prompt: Cockwarming Words: 560 Pairing: Jake Lockley x GN!Reader (pretty sure this could be read as GN, please let me know if that's incorrect) Warnings: cockwarming, angst, feelings of loneliness (please let me know if i missed anything) AO3
You’re in Jake’s lap, knees bracketing his hips, his cock buried inside you. You’re both still, his strong arms wrapped around your middle, fingers loosely fisted in the worn fabric of your sleep shirt. He buries his face in the crook of your neck, eyelids fluttering slightly as you comb your fingers gently through his curls. He inhales slowly, deeply, nuzzling your collarbone with his nose, his mustache tickling your skin. 
He’s been feeling disconnected, your Jake, lonely even. Tonight is the first night you’ve had with him in weeks. He’d let himself in about an hour ago looking tired, his movements sluggish as he’d toed off his shoes, shucked his jacket, and loosened his tie. You’d gone to him immediately, anxious to see him after such an extended absence. It’s not that he hadn’t looked happy to see you, he had—he was—he’d just looked so down, almost defeated. 
He hadn’t wanted to talk about it, whatever it was that was bothering him, and you didn’t push, knowing he’d open up when he was ready. For now, he just needed you, to be with you. He’d never ask for this though, for comfort, even though he needs it and knows you’d happily give it. He forgets, you see, forgets that he doesn’t have to handle everything on his own, forgets that his troubles are also your troubles…forgets that you chose this, chose him.
So, you remind him. Remind him that you love him (and that he is worthy of that love), that you care for him, that you are a team, that it’s okay to need people, to be vulnerable. When he finally gives into you (and he always does), you lead him to the bed and just hold him for a while, your body draped over him like a blanket. You can tell when he starts to get antsy, when his mind is racing at top speed, when he’s no longer present. You know what he needs, how to calm his mind, to bring him back to you. 
You raise yourself up on all fours, motioning for him to sit up as you slowly crawl up his body. He does what you want without argument, his eyes focused on you, intently following your every movement. When you kiss him, he sags against the headboard, keeping his arms limp at his sides as you straddle his hips. His lips are soft against yours, his tongue warm and wet as it slides against yours languidly. When you sink onto him, he breaks the kiss, his head thudding back against the wall as he sucks in a breath. You watch him for a moment, taking in the state of him—the tinge of pink on his skin, the way his dark lashes fan across his cheek as he closes his eyes, the kiss-bitten look of his mouth.
He opens his eyes after a moment, smiling softly at your attention. You smile back, the tightness you hadn’t realized was in your chest easing slightly. You shift forward, wrapping yourself around him and pulling him close. He sighs, pushing his face against your neck as he winds his arms around your torso. 
Jake forgets sometimes, what it’s like to be this close to someone, to be loved, to be cared for. He’s grateful that he has you here to remind him.
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If you enjoyed this, please let me know! I appreciate every single reblog and/or comment. Thank you. 💖
🌟 Masterlist 🌟 MK Bingo Masterlist 🌟
i am no longer doing a taglist. please follow @charmingupdates for updates and turn on notifications.
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winniethewife · 7 months
Got one inside the pants, the other on your- (Marc Spector x F!reader)
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Prompt: Dirty Talk
A/N; Happy Valentine’s day <3
Warning: Smut under the cut, Fingering, PinV, Unprotected sex, Good Girl, Babygirl, other petnames, choking
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Words: 579
Marc already had his fingers deep inside her as he leaned her over the back of the couch, his mouth attached to her neck, her pants pulled down past her hips, his other hand palming his bulge as he fucks her with his fingers. He had just come home and needed her the second he saw her. He growls lowly into her skin as she moans. His thumb making circles on her clit as he moved her fingers in and out of her.
“Fuck baby, wet for me already?” His voice tickled her earlobe as he spoke to her, his voice dripping with desire. “That’s it babygirl, let me take care of you. Let me fuck you with just my fingers, then my cock, Fuck you sound so pretty. Keep moaning like that for me…good girl, that’s my good fucking girl.” She can’t help it, she loves it when he gets all needy for her, when he needs her so bad he can’t even be bothered to make it all the way inside the door before she’s bent over the nearest piece of furniture as he says all those horribly wonderful things. He pulls out his hand, licking her slick from that hand while using the other to pull his cock from his jeans, Not even bothering to pull his pants all the way off in desperation to get to her.
“M-Marc…” She whimpers his name as he looks into her eyes, he takes his fingers from his mouth and puts them against her lips, a single look telling her exactly what to do. She opens her mouth taking his fingers in her mouth and sucking on them. He smiles.
“Good girl.” He growls before thrusting into her, letting himself bottom out inside her, letting her adjust around him. He hisses softly. “Fuck baby, you’re so fucking tight, Just like that. Mgh. Yes… that’s it. Fuck. I’m gonna fuck you so good you aren’t gonna walk right for days. Fuck you so hard that you feel me inside you until morning. Right baby? Yeah, You love this cock, Need this cock. My cock, My girl.” He starts to move, at first a slow but steady pace, all the way out, all the way back in, again and again, but its only a moment before he’s rutting into her like it’s the only thing keeping him alive.  She moans on this fingers, Her nails digging into the couch, she feels the knot of pleasure wound tight in her lower stomach. She was so close, she ever so slightly bites down on his fingers. He groans as he fucks her harder and faster seeking his own release in her tight walls. He moves his hand from her mouth to around her neck, putting just enough pressure on her neck to delay the blood to her brain, and restrict her breathing slightly “Fuck baby you feel so damn good, Fuck I’m gonna fill you up baby. Ngh. Yes, fuck yes. That’s it baby cum with me baby, cum with me…there there there there…Fuck” Marc kept whispering every filthy idea that came up in his mind as he coated her insides with his spend, releasing the pressure on her neck as she clamped down on him, gasping for air as her body shakes with pleasure. He starts kissing her softly, the marks on her neck truning a deeper red as he gently kisses her, muttering into her.
“Such a good fucking girl…My girl…Mine”
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Bingo Masterlist
Tag: @moonknight-events @juneknight @spacecowboyhotch @burymesanti @silver-night-m @justafandomgvrl
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keraxxx · 2 years
Stop messing with me.
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Joel Miller x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Smut, some dry humping, teasing, pet names, p in the v, soft!Joel(sorta), not proof read
A/N: so.. this is based off an audio i heard a while ago and as soon as i heard it i was like “damn this is so joel.” AND I JUST HAD TO WRITE THIS FOR YALL. Also i know i said i would write a moonknight ff but i feel like a joel one would be better. Anyways enjoy the short smut i wrote.
“Hey stop messing with me.” Joel let out a chuckle as you kissed his neck, his little stubble tickling your face as you did. “How am I messing with you?” You teased, playing coy. You made doe eyes as you faced Joel, intertwining your fingers with his.
“You uh.. ” He cleared his throat as he got slightly flustered
“Oh i’m sorry,” You grabbed his neck going close to his ear, your soft lips wrapping around his ear lobe as you nibbled on him gently “did I make you nervous?” You heard him groan to himself, his hand going to cover the hard on in his jeans.
“W-wait no I didn’t say that.” He cleared his throat as he felt your soft and delicate fingers grazing his chest, the soft fabric kissing the pads of your fingers. “You didn’t have to say anything. I can tell by the look on your face.” You grinned as his breathing got heavier, face getting red. “Fuck come here.” You giggled as he picked you up by you waist and placed you ever so gently on his lap. His lips slammed into yours, teeth clashing and moans transferring into each other mouthes.
Your tongues battled for dominance, you rubbed yourself against his twitching dick, your clit throbbing. Your jeans rubbing against his wasn’t enough so you started to undo the button on your jeans. Joel’s hands flew to your waist, tugging your jeans down. “Joel, fuck, I want you inside me.” He chuckled as his fingers rubbed your wet underwear. “My fingers or my cock baby?” You gulped at the statement, Joel’s fingers feeling the fabric of your shirt. “Fuck, your cock..” You yelped as his mouth went straight to your neck as he straddled you, your hips moving aggressively fast against him still.
“God, sugar, you’re gonna be the death of me.”
You could feel his hot breath against your neck. His large callused hands exploring your back, his bulge throbbing underneath you. “Fuck I can’t” You groaned as you lifted yourself up to take off your jeans, Joel unbuckling his. You slid them off your legs and immediately Joel’s senses were corrupted with the sweet smell of you, juices leaking through your underwear.
“I want you.”
Joel smirked as he took off his boxers. His cock sprung up, pre-cum leaking from his red screaming tip. One of his hands rested on the side of your waist, the other sliding your soaked panties to the side. “Please.” you practically cried as Joel lined himself up with your cunt. He huffed in response as he slowly inserted himself.
You immediately sunk down onto him. You no longer felt empty, Joel cock filled you up and was stretching you out as you sat on top of him. “You ready?” You nodded as Joel started slowly thrusting up into you. Your walls were already clenching around him, his hips bucking into you faster and harder each time. “Please- don’t stop.”
Your juices were soaking his cock as well as the couch beneath you both. Joel reached a hand down to your clit to stimulate the bundle of nerves. Your head tilted back at the amount of pleasure you were receiving. “Joel, m’gonna cum.” You mumbled through your moans. “Cum for me.”
Your mouth hung open in a inaudible moan as you both came. You rode out your orgasm and Joel controlled your waist, slowing you down. “Fuck..” Joel kissed you again before he chuckled.
“You have got to stop teasing me.” He said out of breath. “Never.”
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aew-kun · 7 months
*⁠.⁠✧MoonKnight x teen!reader/child!reader/platonic!reader/Regressor!Reader Masterslist <3*⁠.⁠✧
(all for personal reasons lol :) will be updated as I find more)
( * - Agere Works)
Baby Scarab
New to life
Burden of truth
Scribe of the Gods
One finn wonder
Friendly neighbourhood gift shopist
Help from your friends
Homophobic parents
Steven Grant as your older brother
Marc Spector as your older brother
How the Moonknight system is with a teen reader
Prom dress
Glimpse of the past
Guy in the chair
To the moon and back
Louder than words
The parkourist and the scarab
How to get fired
Tempers to rival
Idiots meet maths
Fish fascination
Water works
Chaotic normalcy
Shiny rock
Night stroll
Annoying partners
Their surprise
Would have stayed
By your side
Homework help
The best medicine
First meetings
Piano lessons
School stress
No time
Falling asleep on them
Friends with the moon
Quiet after a storm
The librarian
Marc as a Caregiver *
Steven as a Caregiver *
Jake as a Caregiver *
Steven as a Caregiver PT 2 *
Nighty knight *
No fight *
Sleep time *
Little scarab *
Communication *
Little moon goes to school *
Protector of the night *
The goddess of caregiving *
Protector of the playground *
Halloween *
Lights will flicker *
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just-a-fluffy-knight · 5 months
Little surprise for ya guys while I try and finish my moonknight fic!!
So, I made the discovery of this lil website called ‘Weights’!!
A website that allows you to make AI covers for non-commercial purposes :)
Saw a few people from the Hazbin Hotel fandom use it for the characters to make lil tickle audios, and although I’m not in the fandom they sound amazing!!
Decided to check it out, found an Oscar Isaac model and after playing around w the controls n stuff,,,, I made something 🫣 (I improvised it as well so… the dialogue may be a little off 😭)
(Sorry that it’s kinda short and that the laughs sound rlly quiet :’( BUT I GOT TWO EXCUSES:)
I got embarrassed while recording 😭
I got super scared that someone in the house was gonna hear me 💔
(But I think it kind of fits with how Marc is stoic and tries to hold back his giggles and stuff :])
Hope you guys like this!! <33
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minigirl87 · 9 months
Ice is the only hard thing
Steven Grant x Reader
You and Steven go ice skating and accidentally stimulate Steven, but let's be honest, it wouldn't take much to turn that sweetheart on. This is part of @moonknight-events Bingo. There is no description of the reader and no use of y/n.
I used Google translate for the French words
Quelle surprise - I'm surprised
Oui mon amor- yes my love
Salope- bitch.
Please enjoy and feel free to comment and reblog ❤️
⚠️ 🔞 🤬 over 18s only
Male receiving oral, cum eating.
Word Count:- 1290
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London in winter time is a mixture of miserable bitter weather and fun activities. You're currently standing at the bottom step of the National Art Gallery wait for Steven, who, as per usual, is running late. You let out a chuckle as Steven stumbles out from behind a Victorian Greco column for the Galleries stunning entrance, the lights dancing of the creamy stonework, making the building stand out against the velvety inky sky of evening.
Your warm breath making patterns in the cold air as you call his name Steven stops in front of you, looking exasperated and dishevelled. You smile up at him, taking in his rosy cheek, goofy smile, and sparkling dark eyes, a stray chocolate curl popping out of his Egyptian hieroglyphic patterned woolly hat.
“Hiya love” he says excitedly, kissing you and rubbing his nose against yours as he speaks. “You ready, my love?”
“Yep sweetheart. I’ve been looking forward to this all day.” You reply as you zip his navy jacket up and sort his scarf. “That’s better. Can’t have you freezing on me, sweetheart.” You giggle as Stevens face flushed “sorry love. Didn’t have time inside to get sorted because of Donna.”
"Quelle surprise," you mutter. Steven smiles happily “Oui mon amour” you both laugh “enough of Madame salope, she’s not spoiling our night sweetheart” Taking his hand you walk of towards Tottenham Court Road underground looking forward to your evening together.
Oyster cards at the ready you both head through the barriers to catch the tube to go to Waterloo train station. The Bakerloo line was busy commuters heading home, exasperated Christmas shoppers, and loved up couples like you and Steven heading to Hampton Court Palace. As if sensing your uncomfortableness of the busy carriage, Steven instinctively wraps his arm around you and kisses your nose, his scarf tickling your chin as you smile and snuggle against him.
At Waterloo Station, after checking your connection, the Christmassy smells moreishly filling both you and Stevens nostrils. “Come on love let’s get 2 hot chocolates for the train. You roll on the balls of your feet as you wait in line at Starbucks. Steven speaks calmly and with appreciation in his voice to the barista. As you both carry a almond milk praline hot chocolate away from the counter you hear the staff say how nice it was to deal with Steven and how they wished every customer could be like him Stevens cheeks flushing pinky red at the compliment.
“See you really are a sweet boy, sweetheart* taking his arm heading for the train to Hampton Court Palace. “I’m just me” he mumbles. Sitting on the train together, listening to Steven, listening to historical Christmas facts, and drinking the hot chocolate.
“you’re a walking encyclopaedia sweetheart. You really should go on who wants to be a millionaire” Steven, not listening, continues to chat and explain about Chanukah and his, Marc’s and Jakes beliefs. You listen carefully to him and get him to explain when you weren’t too sure. The 36 minutes of the journey pass quickly. You can listen to Steven talk for hours, loving his beautiful voice.
Once out of Hampton Court Station, the bitter air stings your face as you draw your scarf tightly around your neck. Standing at the start of the walk way up, you both look at the Palace light up and colourfully decorated as the noise of the ice skaters is hear hum of laughing, shouting and fun fill the air. You look up at Steven lovingly and squeeze his hand “Thank you for this sweetheart” The coloured lights twinkle and fade against his face and eyes, and you share a sweet and tender kiss. “anything for you love, now let’s get our skates on literally” he chuckles as you roll your eyes.
Having collected 2 pairs of ice skates you help each other to put them on as Christmas music adds to atmosphere listening happily and not paying attention as you lace up Stevens skate you unknowingly pulled him forward slightly and as you moved to stand up your nose brushes against his clothed cock and Stevens eyes flutter and a soft whimper escapes his velvety plush lips. “You ok, sweetheart?” his eyes snap open, and a look of embarrassment covers his handsome features “no love, all hunky dory” as they kiss his lips, the wetness glistening in the Christmassy lights.
You raise an eyebrow but shake it off, giggling as you walk like bambi onto the rink, grabbing onto the side as you almost fall flat. Steven follows suit, but he’s as graceful as a Swan. Soon you’re both moving in sync around the ice having fun. Hand in hand, you circle around, and, trying to be smart, you decide to try spinning, and as quick as you try, you fall on your back side. As ever your knight in shining armour Steven rushes to pick you up and the angle he’s at means your cheek brushes against his cock, his hard cock.
“Have you been hard this whole time sweetheart” licking your lips. Steven swallows hard “yeah pretty much love”
Standing up and looking at him with a soft smirk. “come with me, my love.” Skating to the edge of the rink and leaving to change your skates to your boots hurriedly with Steven and handing them back to the woman at the counter. You grab and pull Steven away and walk down a gravel path, and push him into some trees and shrubbery. The darkness engulfing you both.
Steven stammers “what you doing, love?” as you unbuckle his belt and undo his jeans pulling his hard weeping cock out his boxers giving his shaft a few strokes with left pointer and middle on top and thumb under the shaft giving just the right amount of pressure for Stevens eyes to clamp shut and his body to shiver.
“All it took was for me to accidentally rub my nose against your clothed cock and you get stimulated sweetheart?” Smirking up at him as he nods biting his lip. “have you been aching to cum my love?” Steven jerks his cock further into your fist. A soft whimper leaves his lips “please love, don’t torture me more than I already am. Please”
You kiss the head, swirling your tongue around him, tasting him, letting out a satisfied moan around him. As you start bobbing your head you feel his hand grab your hair as he starts moving you faster against him his thrusts matching as the fucks your mouth, grunting as he stops moving holding you in place as he cums covering your throat with his warm creamy seed your nostrils filled with his musky scent it still amazes you how each of them taste and smell different. You run your hand down his softening cock squeezing the last drops in your mouth before swallowing as you then tuck him back in and fastening him up.
Steven breathes heavily against the tree he’s leaning on as you stand up. He smiles and leans into you licking a dribble of his cum from the side of your mouth swallowing as he kisses you.
“That was amazing love” his cheeks all rosy as you adjust yourself, taking his hand and walking back onto the gravel path to walk to the exit and start your journey home.
“anything for you, my love, I think I should make this a yearly tradition from now?” You squeezing his hand “definitely my love. We will.” As you get to Hampton Court Station, Steven looks like he’s concentrating, which means he’s talking to Marc and Jake. “Um love! Marc and Jake want to know when it’s there turn?.”
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@melodygatesauthor @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @my-secret-shame @missscarlettangel @missdictatorme @jake-g-lockley @steven-grants-world @romanarose @campingwiththecharmings @writingforcurrentobsessions2 @welcometostayingawake @novanitee @micheleamidalajedi @annautumnsoul @guruan-is-not-here @ivystoryweaver @whirlybirbs @whatthefishh @lonely-dark-moon @missscarlettangel @missdictatorme @lonelyisamyw-0love @madlittlecriminal @midgardian-witch @saturn-rings-writes @madlittlecriminal @gigachadcowboy @yeetus-thyboomer @draggolblackthorn @he-burnt-my-shake @musicsavedme98 @mess-of-fandom @hon3yboy @ominoose @jayke0 @theaussiedragon @reallyrallyauthor @moonknight-events
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Banners and deviders by @saradika thank you❤️
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Love, Lunacy, Time: Ch 1
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summary: When you fall asleep in the Avengers Compound, you don’t expect your world to be turned upside down when they wake up in the 1950s, alongside a man who oozes Chaos.
pairing: Moonknight x afab!ScarletWitch!reader
warning: 18+ content, Eventual smut, Unprotected sex, Violence, Blood, Age-Gap, Kidnapping, Domestic Bliss, Fluff, a sprinkle of Angst, Strangers to Married, Flirting, Scarlet Witch!reader, Chaos Magic, Not an accurate representation of D.I.D.
The morning sun seeps through sheer lace curtains, casting a warm golden glow upon the bedroom. Soft shadows dance along the walls, creating an atmosphere of tranquility.
The stillness of the morning hangs in the air, as if time itself pauses in quiet anticipation. Distant birdsong gently serenades the room, adding a touch of melody to the serene ambiance.
Like mischievous dancers, the sunbeams tiptoe across your features, tenderly awakening your senses. Gradually, the warmth spreads, seeping into your skin and tickling your brain with a delicate embrace of consciousness.
Slowly, you become aware of the softness of the sheets beneath you, cradling your body in gentle comfort. The rhythmic rise and fall of your chest accompanies the whispering stillness that surrounds you.
Reluctantly, you muster the strength to detach yourself from the embrace of sleep, the allure of remaining nestled in the comforting cocoon of your dreams tugging at you.
The desire to stay a little while longer in the softness of the bed is a tempting whisper in your mind.
As you rub your eyes, still in the process of awakening, you gather your thoughts and gradually sit up in bed. The realization dawns upon you that today is going to be a long day.
Last night, Steve called for a team training in the morning, a prospect that doesn't quite excite you, especially if you haven't had your daily dose of caffeine, much like Tony.
And hey, there's always one thing to look forward to after a grueling training session: Tony’s extravagant breakfast spread. The man knows how to satisfy the Avengers' appetites like no other.
From the tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed coffee to the mouthwatering display of culinary delights, the breakfast table becomes a haven of indulgence.
Waking with a contented sigh, your anticipation for breakfast lingers in the air. Stretching your arms high above your head, you allow the languid motion to wash away any remnants of sleep.
However, as your eyelids flutter open, any thoughts of a delicious breakfast and team training fade into the recesses of your mind.
The moment your eyes adjust to the unfamiliar surroundings, a sense of unease settles within you, overshadowing any lingering expectations.
The room that greets your gaze is far from what you had anticipated. Instead of the cozy familiarity of the Avengers compound, you feel like you have stepped into one of those vintage homey magazines in Steve’s room.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, you take a moment to absorb the details of the room, while your eyes sweep across it.
The walls are painted in a soft, pastel hue, lending an air of serenity to the space. A dainty floral pattern adorns the curtains, their fabric billowing gently in the breeze.
The bed itself is adorned with a neatly arranged floral bedspread, its delicate patterns mirroring those of the curtains. As you run your fingers along the fabric, you can almost feel the intricate stitching beneath your touch.
A wooden dresser stands against one wall, adorned with a small mirror framed by delicate carvings. Its surface showcases a few cherished possessions —a photograph, you can’t see as you are still a bit disoriented, a porcelain trinket box, and a stack of handwritten letters.
Positioned snugly beside the dresser is a diminutive vintage television, the screen, encased in a wooden frame, rests upon sturdy legs.
Your gaze shifts from the television towards the left side of the room, where your attention is drawn to a closed door that leads outside the room.
A small vanity table, adorned with an array of beauty products, catches your attention. Lipsticks, powder compacts, and hair accessories are neatly arranged, as if awaiting the touch of a graceful hand.
A tall wooden closet stands proudly beside the vanity. Its polished surface reflects the gentle light that filters into the room, creating a subtle sheen.
As you sit there, a mix of emotions washes over you. There is a sense of curiosity tinged with confusion, as you grapple with the unknown. How did you end up in this room?
Your mind races, searching for answers and piecing together fragments of memories. Was this the doing of a new supervillian? Was it Thanos again?
After the exhausting battle between the Avengers and Thanos, where you almost lost your father-figure, Tony Stark and your mother-like, Natasha, you don’t think you can handle one again.
Especially after being snapped away for five years by that purple space grape. Not the best experience.
Questions swirl in your mind, each one vying for attention, but none providing a satisfactory answer. You try to recall the events leading up to this moment, but your memory remains frustratingly elusive.
Suddenly, your thoughts are interrupted by a faint rustling sound emanating from the left side of bed beside you. The noise draws your attention like a whisper in the wind, breaking the silence that envelops the room.
The stranger lying beside you emanates an air of tranquil serenity, his slumber undisturbed by the world around him. Rays of sunlight and your shadow gently caress his features, accentuating the delicate contours of his face.
His eyes, closed in peaceful repose, are framed by long lashes that brush against his cheeks. His brows, gracefully arched with an exquisite curvature. His nose, elegantly sculpted and gracefully arched.
His sun-kissed forehead is adorned with tousled curls of dark hair, ruffled by the embrace of slumber.
His lips, slightly parted in peaceful slumber, bear the subtle presence of a small, well-groomed mustache and his strong jawline is sculpted and chiseled.
You continue to gaze at him, almost compelled to keep looking at him. While observing him, a wave of curiosity washes over you. Who is he? How did you end up here together?
While you are pondering this, unconsciously, your hand extends, gliding gently through the air until your fingertips graze his cheek with utmost tenderness.
The touch is electric, sending a subtle current of warmth and connection coursing through your veins. His skin beneath your touch feels velvety and inviting, radiating a soothing heat that envelopes your fingertips.
A soft smile dances upon your lips, a reflection of the quiet awe that fills your being as you witness the tranquility that emanates from him.
With a delicate motion, your hand continues its exploration, guided by a mix of curiosity and reverence. Your fingers traverse the expanse of his cheek, tracing a path of featherlight caresses, to his forehead.
Gently, you brush away the curl that had playfully encroached upon his peaceful slumber, threatening to disturb his serene rest.
Just as your fingertips brush away the curl, a captivating glimmer of light captures your attention. Sunlight caresses your left hand, casting a radiant glow upon something that on your finger.
And there, adorning your ring finger, you notice two rings—a wedding band and an engagement ring.
Your heart skips a beat as realization settles within you, stirring a mix of emotions that cascade like a gentle waterfall. Married?
The word hangs in the air, heavy with implications and uncertainties. You can't deny the surge of anxiety that accompanies the newfound knowledge.
Without a second thought, a surge of urgency propels you to pull the blanket away from his body, your heart pounding with a mixture of confusion and apprehension.
As you reach for his left hand, a shiver of uncertainty runs down your spine, the weight of the unknown bearing down on your shoulders.
And then, as your eyes linger on his hand, the weight of the realization settles upon you like a heavy cloak. His wedding band.
The symbol of a commitment you cannot recall making, with a man whose name remains unknown.
A wave of unease washes over you, clouding the air with uncertainty. Questions flood your mind, each one more pressing than the last. Where are you? How did this happen? Why can't you remember? And most importantly, who is this man lying beside you?
You carefully withdraw your hand, your fingertips tingling with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. The silence in the room stretches, heavy with unspoken words and unexplained circumstances.
How did you end up in this unfamiliar room, married to a stranger? The circumstances defy logic, and a knot of unease tightens in your stomach.
A scream shatters the tranquility of the room, jolting you out of your contemplative state. Startled, your gaze darts to the source of the commotion—your left side—just in time to witness a sight that defies all expectations.
In an instant, the man lying beside you springs to life with an almost comical urgency. His body lunges forward, propelled by an inexplicable force, as if he's been startled by an invisible adversary.
With an uncoordinated tumble, he careens off the end of the bed, crashing unceremoniously onto the floor.
The abruptness of his awakening sends shockwaves through the room, breaking the fragile peace that had settled. As you watch his disoriented scramble, you can't help but feel a mixture of concern and confusion.
Swiftly casting aside the duvet, you scramble to onto your feet, with a sense of urgency, which proves to be a bit hard with this light blue, long feathered robe you find yourself wearing.
Caught between a state of curiosity and worry, you rush to the man's side, kneeling down beside him on the soft carpeted floor.
His eyes dart around the room, his breathing rapid and shallow as he tries to make sense of his surroundings.
"Hey, are you okay?" you ask, your voice filled with genuine concern. He looks up at you, his gaze filled with a mix of confusion and disbelief.
"What... where... who are you?" he stammers, his voice tinged with both fear and curiosity. His eyes scan your face, searching for any hint of recognition or familiarity.
"I... I don't know," you admit, your own voice wavering slightly. "I woke up here, just like you. I just remember falling asleep in my bedroom and then I was just here."
His eyebrows knit together, a furrow of concern etching across his forehead. "This is... this is insane. I told Marc not to eat that steak," he mutters, his words a mere whisper in the air.
The man's words hang in the air, leaving a sense of intrigue mingled with confusion. Who is Marc, and why would eating a steak have any connection to your current predicament?
The room is enveloped in an uncomfortable silence as you and the man exchange bewildered glances, both grappling with the bizarre circumstances that have brought you together.
Steven's gaze darts around the room, his eyes searching for anything familiar amidst the unfamiliar setting. As he takes in the vintage decor and the delicate details that adorn the space, his reflection catches his attention in the multitude of mirrors that grace the room.
His gaze lands upon Marc who is equally bewildered and struggling to comprehend the circumstances that surround them. Confusion lingers in his expression mirroring the perplexity etched across Steven's own face.
However, Jake stands in silence, his eyes fixed upon a black and white photograph hanging on the wall. Steven, curious about Jake's intense focus, traces his eyes to see what he is looking at from the mirror.
Walking closer to the photograph, Steven feels his breath catching in his throat as he observes the photograph in front of him. His heart skips a beat, and a shiver runs down his spine.
The realization dawns upon him, and his mind races to grasp the subject and concept captured within the frame.
In the photograph, you stand resplendent, adorned in a beautiful wedding dress that cascades elegantly around you. A bouquet of delicate flowers rests gently in your hands, completing the picture of radiant joy.
And beside you, Steven finds himself in that moment frozen in time, as your groom. Your arms are intertwined, a symbol of unity and shared commitment.
As Steven's gaze fixates on the photograph, his eyes trace the exquisite details, taking in every nuance and emotion captured within the frame. The significance of the date imprinted at the bottom of the photograph—July 12, 1952.
You stand beside Steven, peering over his shoulder as you both gaze at the photograph in front of you. A mixture of emotions swirls within you—confusion, and disbelief.
"Yeah, I forgot to mention it," you say softly, your voice tinged with a hint of disbelief. "It seems we're married. I noticed the rings on our fingers, and it's hard to ignore what that implies."
“MARRIED?!” Marc yells from the mirror, causing Steven and you to jump. “You know my last marriage ended. And now I am married again with a woman who I’ve never even met?!”
"Who was that?!" you question, your voice laced with panic. Instinctively, you turn around, your eyes scanning the room for the source of the voice. And then, to your surprise and growing unease, your gaze lands on Marc’s reflection in the mirror.
With practiced finesse, your delicate hands, peeking out from the feathery sleeves of your robe, deftly weave intricate gestures, conjuring a ball of magic within your grasp.
"¡Puedes vernos y escucharnos?!" Jake's voice echoes from another mirror, his words laced with a hint of disbelief and awe. [Can you see us and hear us?!]
"Sí, puedo, pero qué diablos está pasando?!" you reply, your voice filled with a mix of astonishment and confusion. [Yes, I can, but what the hell is going on?!]
You send a quick thanks to Nat for forcing you to learn various languages.
Marc, his gaze fixed on the swirling red encircling your hand, breaks the silence and draws your attention toward him. "Look," he begins, his voice earnest, "I can explain, as can Steven back there. But please, allow us the opportunity to explain."
His words hang in the air, a plea for understanding and patience. The weight of the unknown still lingers, but there is a glimmer of hope that explanations might shed light on the bewildering situation you find yourselves in.
"You've got one minute," you assert, channeling your inner Natasha with a determined tone. This mirror situation demands clarity, and you are determined to get some answers within the limited timeframe you've set.
Steven takes a deep breath, his voice filled with a mixture of vulnerability and sincerity. "I... I have Dissociative Identity Disorder or D.I.D.," he confesses, his gaze locked with yours. "It's a mental health condition where different identities, or alters, coexist within one body."
He pauses for a moment, collecting his thoughts before continuing. "Marc, Jake, and I... we share one body. Marc is the original host in the system. Each of us has our own distinct personalities, memories, and experiences. We don't always have control over who's in the driver's seat, so to speak."
You listen intently, absorbing this unexpected revelation. The complexity of the situation begins to unravel, and you try to grasp the implications of what Steven has just shared.
"Okay," you say, your voice softening as you take in the weight of their revelation. "I... I appreciate your honesty, Steven. This explains some of the confusion and the presence of multiple voices. But the mirror reflections?"
Steven nods, understanding the confusion his previous explanation may have caused. "The mirror reflections are a manifestation of our internal world," he explains. "For us, mirrors serve as a gateway to communication and connection between the three of us."
He gestures toward the mirror where Marc's and Jake's reflections had been nodding earlier. "When one of us takes control or wants to communicate, the other's reflection appears in the mirror. It's a way for us to interact and share our thoughts, even if we can't always be in control of the physical body."
You glance at the mirror, now understanding the significance it holds for them. The mysterious occurrences and the presence of their reflections suddenly make more sense. Having gained a deep understanding of Steven, Marc, and Jake's situation, you inhale deeply, allowing your powers to recede. The vibrant red ball of magic that had encircled your hand gradually dissipates, leaving you in your usual state.
"I... I think I understand," you say, a mix of curiosity and empathy coloring your words. "Thank you for sharing this with me. It's a brave and vulnerable thing to do."
Steven's eyes reflect a mixture of relief and gratitude as he meets your gaze. The weight of their secret seems to lighten, and a sense of trust begins to blossom between all of you. "Can you explain the magic?" Marc asks, his voice tinged with curiosity and a touch of skepticism. His curl falls onto his forehead, adding to his already perplexed expression. "I don't think people can usually hear us or see us." You shift your eyes toward Marc, acknowledging the genuine curiosity reflected in his eyes. Given the extraordinary nature of the magic you just demonstrated, it's only natural for skepticism to arise.
"It's something that has been a part of me since I was very young," you explain, your voice tinged with a touch of nostalgia. "My earliest memories involve me being able to use magic."
There's a hint of wistfulness in your tone as you convey the enigmatic nature of your powers. The memories associated with them feel distant, like fragments of a puzzle waiting to be assembled.
"I wish I could provide a definitive explanation," you continue, your voice tinged with sincerity. "But the truth is, even I don't fully understand the origin or extent of my powers. They've always been a part of me, and I've learned to control and harness them over the years."
"I can tell you that my powers are connected to my emotions," you add, offering a glimpse into the nature of your magic. "When I feel strongly about something, whether it's joy, fear, anger, or love, my powers tend to manifest in different ways. The magic you just witnessed was an example of that."
Steven's expression softens as he listens to your explanation, his skepticism gradually giving way to curiosity and understanding. "That's... incredible," he admits, his voice laced with a mix of awe and acceptance.
You chuckle and nod your head, feeling a warmth in your heart. "Thanks. Now, can I get an introduction to my husbands?" you ask playfully, your eyes sparkling with anticipation. "I am Steven Grant," he introduces himself with a warm smile. "I work at the gift shop in the British Museum." His voice carries a hint of enthusiasm as he speaks.
From the mirror reflection, you see Marc wave at you, his voice filled with a mix of confidence and a touch of weariness. "I'm Marc Spector. Former U.S. Marine, and a mercenary who's seen more than my fair share of action," he introduces himself, his eyes reflecting the weight of his past. A mischievous grin appears on Jake's face as he leans closer, in the mirror's reflection, his voice oozing with charm. "Me llamo Jake Lockley, hermosa," he says, his Spanish accent rolling off his tongue. [The name's Jake Lockley, beautiful.] You give them your own name, a warm smile gracing your lips as you extend your hand to Steven for a friendly handshake. "It's truly a pleasure to meet all of you, although, I wish it was under different circumstances."
Shaking hands, you are abruptly brought back to the present moment, reality sinking in as you take note of your vintage attire and the man's matching vintage nightwear. The nostalgic garments serve as a reminder that you and this man are in a different time. With your hand still in his clasp, Steven takes a step back from you, observing your appearance with a mix of intrigue and admiration. His eyes sweep over your long light blue feathery robe, noting the delicate elegance it adds to your figure.
His eyes then wander up to your hair, which has been meticulously curled in a style reminiscent of the year they are in. The waves cascade down, framing your face and adding a touch of timeless sophistication to your overall look.
As Steven takes in your attire and coiffed hair, he can't help but be captivated by your beauty. It's not merely the physical aspects that enchant him, but the way you carry yourself, exuding an aura of confidence and allure.
There's a certain glow about you, an inner radiance that shines through, making it clear that you possess a beauty that transcends mere appearances.
In this moment, as you both stand there, still relative strangers despite the intimate connection forged by your shared powers, Steven finds himself drawn to your presence. He feels a subtle stirring of curiosity, a desire to unravel the layers that lie beneath your enchanting exterior.
Marc and Jake share a knowing look as they catch Steven's lingering gaze upon you. Smirks creep across their faces, a silent acknowledgment of his unspoken thoughts and the emotions he harbors for you.
The sweet serenade of the doorbell fills the room, abruptly pulling you both out of the enchanting moment you shared.
Startled, you and Steven exchange a glance, your gazes filled with curiosity and a touch of confusion. Who could be at the door so early in the morning?
With a shared nod, you both make your way toward the front door, eager to unravel the mystery that awaits on the other side. The possibilities swirl in your mind, each one tinged with anticipation and a hint of apprehension.
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☼ Please note that I do not wish to have my work translated or published on any third-party reading websites. I claim the rights to my work.
☼ Where I don’t have any rights to the characters, many ideas and OC are my own creation. Please respect that.
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taglist: @lalalily03, @cicithemess2000, @elliewilliamswhore
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phantomtickles · 11 months
Intro Post!
I've been on tumblr for so long but figured it was time to make a more official introductory first step!
Name: G
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 25
I am a bisexual switch from the East Coast, close to the DMV area
If you are a minor please do not interact with my page. Respectfully
Since this is partially NSFW blog, I will have kink/sex-related things posted/reblogged so please be aware if that makes you uncomfortable or if that's not what you're interested in.
If you are racist. homophobic, transphobic, and/or hateful or dsicriminatory towards any marginalized groups of people, I am not interested and you will be blocked.
Please understand that if you do not respect or follow my boundaries. you will be blocked. Please treat me with kindness. I am a human. An adult human that has responsibilties and cannot always respond/ does not always have the mental ability to.
While we are talking, remember CONSENT IS KEY!! If you do not follow this, and try forcing me to do something I am not comfortable with or is unconsensual intentionally you will be blocked.
I am not really comfy sharing photos of myself with strangers
Things I'm into:
Kink/blog-related: Tickling (giving and receiving), teasing, bondage, voice, hands, body worship, edging, food play, temperature play, brat play. sensation play, sensory deprivation, praise
Hobbies: Reading, cozy-gaming, watching movies, going to the theater, going to the movies
Some of my favorite authors: Rick Riordan, Ruta Sepetys, V.E. Schwab, Sarah J. Maas, Olivia Dade, Stephen King
Some of my favorite movies: Toy Story 2, Moulin Rouge, Werewolf by Midnight, Nightmare Before Christmas, The Lord of the Rings Triology, Harry Potter, Silence of the Lambs, Spirited Away
Some of my favorite TV shows: Criminal Minds, Supernatural, The Masked Singer, Moonknight, Only Murders in the Building, Ms. Marvel, Stranger Things, The Haunting of Bly Manor
I'm really shy at first and probably will spam you instead of reaching out like the introvert I am so here are some conversation starters if you feel the same way or just for fun!!
Anything about Disneyworld (Listen it's a problem, but it's not hurting anyone LOL)
What is your favorite Disney movie? (it changes frequently)
Favorite book you've read? Or currently reading?
What muppet character do you most relate too?
What is your favorite food?
Ask me about my cat! (I talk too much about him)
Favorite broadway show? (Also changes frequently)
What's your favorite fruit?
Favorite season and why?
If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?
If you've made it this far, thank you!! I appreciate you taking the time to read this and I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about me. If you want to reach out please don't be nervous! Have a good day!
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serenityiskey · 2 years
UPDATE 12/03/2022
Hey lovelies! I just wanted to apologize for the wait time on the new fanfics. I’m about to head into my college final exam week and I am super busy. My goal is to have them before Christmas(Dec 25, if you don’t celebrate this holiday :)) wish me luck on this stressful week and I will post them as fast as I can!
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