izzymoomoo · 6 months
Izzy is full of puppy bites and Full of drawing ideas
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xxsycamore · 1 year
MLM - Napoleon x Wellington mafia au >:)
Yes. With pleasure.
[ 🌈 character x character or genderbent!character x mc requests OPEN 🌈 ]
For Different Universe, Same Love content creation challenge, hosted by @queengiuliettafirstlady and me.
𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀 𝐀𝐔 ┅┅┅Napoleon x Wellington
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𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐮𝐨𝐢, 𝐥𝐨 𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐢
"Tsk. It was a bluff."
With the cigar between his teeth muffling words - meant for his own ears only, anyway - the gesture of fishing out a lighter from the inner pocket of his long black coat is met with a similar dead end. Rain keeps falling overhead. Not the best moment for having a smoke.
Half-mindedly pocketing back the cigar as well as the fine-crafted metal object with the emblem of the Buonaparte Family engraved on its side, the capo rushes to raise a hand in stern protest before an underling can open an umbrella over his head. He's then quick to give the impending order.
"We're returning to La Malmaison. I want the messenger in my office."
Sometimes going against the saying would be a better option. The sound of three dozen men loudly voicing their receiving of the order echoes around the alley. The sound of their footsteps follows like a march, one which Napoleone refuses to lead for the opportunity to enjoy his smoke in the company of his own nagging thoughts instead, under the eave of one of the nearby buildings painted in beige.
Not having taken a single step to his destination yet, he hears the familiar yet still blood-freezing sound of a gun being cocked behind him. The barrel touching the back of his head, cold and metallic and whispering both good day and goodbye.
"You decided to show up, after all, Wellington?"
The other party stays quiet, seemingly unamused with the capo's sense of humor in such circumstances. That Wellington, never the one to return a good greeting. Nor the one with good manners to apologize for showing up late to a meeting of his own arrangement.
Raindrops gather and spill over the edge of the wide brim lining the capo's fedora, a trademark accessory he can be often seen with, a near symbol of his persona. Their pitter-patter on the luxurious cashmere falls unbothered by the intensity of the scene which otherwise holds the power to make hearts belonging to some of the most capable men in the mafia stop.
"I take it as you've thought about the offer I extended to you."
"I have."
An offer of joining powers against the greater evil; such a classic. In fact, so much of a classic, that the don has already been offered the same, by the greater evil in question nonetheless. All that is left is for Wellington to decide which man has him seduced the best; privileges, goods, promises, and riches. And perhaps more.
Well, the barrel shoved against his nape is one way to announce his final decision.
"And I accept the offer."
A lifetime of control over those pesky facial muscles that like to spill the truth uncovered shatters as jade eyes widen. It's good that he has his back facing him; for once the unfavorable position is the preferable one.
The gun is lowered. Lips curved upwards, Napoleon turns around.
"You took the right decision, partner."
With the capo's leather-clad hand extended in invitation for a handshake, eyes meet eyes. The blonde has his full of looking at the familiar smirking face and directs his gaze to the extended hand instead, giving it a haste shake.
"I believe I interrupted your smoke." Wellington states, taking out his tobacco box; a symbol of his own famiglia engraved on it.
The drizzling rain halts to a stop as if to eavesdrop on the rare scene of the two powerful men standing side by side in the small alley.
And though the rain has stopped, they remain close, sheltered under the narrow eave overhead.
[whatever you want, you get.]
Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran  @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @my-day6 Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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sapientiia · 5 months
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trentskis · 1 year
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richarlisonny · 2 years
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m00sebaby · 1 year
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izzymoomoo · 6 months
Izzy is full of puppy bites and Full of drawing ideas
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overcastgames · 6 years
So Let’s Talk About Rune Factory
Ever since I was young, I have played and adored the Harvest Moon series. My first game was the N64 title, which I did not know at the time was a watered down version of the PlayStation game Harvest Moon: Back to Nature.
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For those unfamiliar with Harvest Moon as a series, it comes to us from Japanese game developer Marvelous AQL under the title Bokujou Monogatari, which apparently translates roughly to “Farm Story”. The series was localized in the west by Natsume for many years, up until around the early 2010′s, under the name Harvest Moon. Its history however dates all the way back to the original Gameboy. 
For reasons best left unsaid here, Natsume and Marvelous AQL no longer work together, and the two most recent games in the series have been localized under the title Story of Seasons. While Natsume holds the rights to the title Harvest Moon, the games that they have been publishing under that tittle are decidedly not those of the original series. 
Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons is a simple game. In each game a set of circumstances, usually involving the passing of a relative, leads the player character to owning and maintaining a rundown farm. Over the course of the game, they must work to rebuild the farm, and make it prosper. That is not all they do however, there is fishing, mining, socializing, various festivals to attend, and in most cases but not all, the player is free to pursue a romantic interest with eligible candidates in each game. 
This is the way the series lived for many years, rarely deviating from its formula. Sometimes games will have different mechanics to mess with, but it generally does not impact the overall Bokujou Monogatari formula. 
It’s important to explain what Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons/Bokujou Monogatari is because much of what makes Rune Factory what it is is derived from that formula. The very first title in the series on the DS was titled Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon.
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What sets Rune Factory apart, and what helped make it its own series is a set of RPG elements that were added to the games. While Harvest Moon has always had a story, it was never the main focus of the game. It was more like something that happened in the background while the game was playing. Rune Factory on the other hand sets clear goals in the path for the player to work toward. Though the player can choose to ignore these goals, they won’t make any significant progress unless they eventually meet them. The series also adds stats which level up as certain actions happen. The stats can get a little ridiculous in some games, like there’s a stat for bathing. 
The series uses simplistic Action RPG elements mixed with dungeon crawling. For pretty much anything that you need, you can craft with the right amount of materials and stats. Weapons, food, tools, clothes, and accessories are all things that must be crafted 
One of the big drawbacks to the games is the stamina meter. Every action taken takes away from the stamina meter, be it watering crops, fishing, or fighting. In the earlier games this was a huge problem, because there was no way to expand the stamina bar. Later games fix this by attaching the stamina bar to stat changes. Pretty much any stat change added to the stamina meter in addition to enhancing whatever attribute the stats had.
My first Rune Factory game was Tides of Destiny, known as Rune Factory Oceans in other regions.
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I wouldn’t recommend this game to newcomers simply because Marvelous streamlined the more Harvest Moon like elements in order to showcase the RPG side of the games. While there is nothing wrong with that, it does make the game unlike any other game in the series.
As of the time of writing this, the last game in the series was Rune Factory 4.
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Rune Factory 4 is perhaps the most successful game in the series, and my personal favorite not only in the series, but also my favorite 3DS game. It holds a place in my Top Ten games of all time, which is maybe something I will write about in the future. It is unfortunate that the company behind the series closed its doors some time ago. While many of its people got absorbed back into Marvelous, there hasn’t been an announcement about a possible new game in the Rune Factory series in years. I will remain optimistic though. I also can’t recommend this series enough both for people who like RPG’s, or chill farm social sims, Rune Factory is a series that is close to my heart.
Rune Factory 1 is available on the Nintendo DS
Rune Factory 2 is also available on the Nintendo DS
Rune Factory 3 is available on the Nintendo DS
Rune Factory Frontier is available on the Nintendo Wii
Rune Factory Tides of Destiny/Oceans is available on Nintendo Wii and PlayStation 3
Rune Factory 4 is available on the Nintendo 3DS
If you have or still have any of these systems, go check out the series.
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reveriewispart · 7 years
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Day 29 - Trees and friends
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After watching the vid itself a few times, I thought this would be funny.
Battle of the Lees Skit
Ft: Ava (me), Eun (@eunchancorner), TomLee (@t0mm33th3m0nst3r), and Izy (@boku-no-t-academia)
In Ava's war base:
*Ava, Eun and TomLee are sitting at a table in a kitchen-like area*
*Ava gets up and walks to the fridge*
Ava: Hey Eun, you got anything to drink?
Eun: Yeah, in the fridge.
TomLee: Hey Ava, uh, grab me a glass of malk.
Ava: *turns head to look at him* We don't have any MALK, but I can get you some MILK.
Eun: That's what he just said.
TomLee: Yeah, I just want some malk.
Ava: Nah, you're saying it wrong. You're saying “MALK”, like it's a disease.
Eun: *chuckles* How do YOU say it?
Ava: I'm saying it the way everyone ought to say it, milk, M-I-L-K.
Eun: Right, like 2%.
TomLee: Right, whole malk.
Ava: Nonononono, say milkshake.
TomLee: ...Milkshake.
Ava: Okay. Now say milk.
TomLee: ...Malk.
Ava: *looking slightly annoyed and lightly slams hands on the table before turning to Eun* Are you hearing this?
Eun: Yeah, the man wants a glass of molk.
Ava: MOLK??
Eun: *stern shouting* Give him the milk, Ava!
Izy: *pokes head in* Y'all, inside voices please.
Eun: Sorry, Izy, we'll quiet down..
Izy: *nods and walks out the room*
TomLee: *slams hands on table* AVA! POUR ME. A GLASS. OF MALK!
Ava: *steps back* Why are you yelling at me?
Eun: Just give him the forkin molk!
*just screaming malk in different tones while overlapping eachother*
TomLee somewhere in the mix: MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-!
Ava: SHUT UP! *has a tickle gun out and pointing it at them* SHUT! UP! *Points at herself*
Eun & TomLee: *both reach down and pull their own tickle guns out and point them at her*
Eun: Better put it down, Ava.
TomLee: Don't- Don't do it, Ava!
Eun & TomLee: *pause and look at eachother before turning the tickle guns on eachother (Eun pointing the gun at TomLee, vice versa)*
Eun: *teary eyed* JUST PUT IT DOWN NOW!
*Scene suddenly cuts to outside the base, Izy is doodling under a nearby tree*
Izy: Aaaaand then after that, they pulled the trigger, all of them.
*Izy glances at the base and you can hear loud, hysterical laughter coming from inside.*
Izy: *smirks at the viewer before taking her sketchpad and walking offscreen as someone screams “MAHAKE IT STOHOHOP!” from inside the base*
~End Scene~
I hope you guys liked this, it was just a small idea I had but I still think it was funny.
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trentskis · 6 months
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C:R ~VE~ Chapter 59
Hatteras and Aleister.
One with a rusted sword in his trembling hands, the other one holding me like a pillar of comfort.
One so much more dangerous than the other, and you would never know.
“My, what a scene to interrupt,” Aleister says with a warm laugh. “Jonathan, aren’t you being awfully rowdy?”
“Jimmy...” Hatteras begins to move towards Aleister, but a look from the older man makes him shrink back.
“Are you all right, Aronnax-kun?” He leans down so I can see him, gray-blonde hair brushing my cheek.
“I’m fine,” is my simple reply. I shift and begin to walk away, but Aleister’s hand curls on my shoulder just enough to keep me in place.
Nemo’s voice cuts through the panic beginning to chill my body.
“I’m surprised you haven’t left yet. You’re usually preeeeetty good at picking up when things are going south, hmmm?”
“You’re right, Nemo-kun,” replies Aleister. “I’ll be leaving shortly, there’s just something I want to do first.”
Aleister moves his arms and leans forward as though he means to embrace me, a tall shadow that’s already cast so much darkness on my existence.
But it’s no embrace. That serpent-headed cane comes into my view, and two gloved hands quickly pull it apart to reveal a thin blade that makes my hair stand on end.
My body feels so heavy, fear is stopping me from moving...!
“Nemo-kun,” says Aleister.
“I know how hard it is to lose a family,” Aleister continues.
Nemo, too, looks like he’s paralyzed.
“It was a firing squad, wasn’t it?”
That triggers something inside of Nemo, and he quickly reaches into his coat.
“Nemo-kun,” Aleister’s voice is sharp. “You’re too intelligent to risk an explosive in this situation, and you know that I’ve built an immunity to sleeping gases and the like.”
Nemo bites his lip, looking around helplessly. 
I shift, seeing him like this is--- but that metal feels cold, and it makes me whimper.
Even Hatteras’ face is twisted in confusion, his eyes darting from my neck to the blade and back to Nemo as if he’s trying to process what’s happening-- process, and figure out if it’s what he really wanted.
Of course, he was supposed to be dead when this scene played out...
“Nemo-kun, one of the things I regret is that I wasn’t able to meet you sooner,” says Aleister.
Nemo tilts his head, his voice tight. “W-What are you talking about...?”
Aleister sighs.
“Well, then. I’ll make sure it happens slowly this time, so that your mind will be better able process it. I want to see the shadows of that young man losing his home once again.”
Meeting him sooner.
Losing his home.
What Aleister plans to do is--!
I quickly raise my hands to push back against the cane, but Aleister’s strength makes my body as useless as paper.
The blade slowly dips into my skin, and I feel a wetness on my throat from a trickle of my own blood.
“A... aaaa....!”
At the sight of my blood, Nemo collapses to his knees with a scream that sounds like it will tear his throat apart.
It’s not just a scream for me.
As I watch his fingers twitch, digging into the cold metal, I know that he isn’t in Northernmost Base, anymore.
“Pl-please...” Nemo’s voice is hoarse. “They’ve done nothing...”
He slumps forward, his hair covering his face as he balls his trembling hands into fists.
“I’m the one who did it all...”
It isn’t Nemo speaking.
“I’m the one who... who started the Mutiny-- it was all me--!! They did nothing, they did nothing...!!! So why-- why bring them into this?!”
He suddenly throws his head back, screaming at British soldiers that aren’t there.
All of this was so close to the surface all this time. The difference between 'as long as we can' and 'always' was a mere drop of blood.
The memories that Aleister is making him relive makes my eyes burn with tears. An empire that makes a husband and father beg, plead, try to make sense of it all... as his family is the one punished in his stead.
To make him go through all of that again is abhorrent!
I begin to struggle with all my might, slamming my boot into Aleister’s shoe.
It does nothing.
Aleister doesn’t move, his blade doesn’t even tremble. It presses closer to me, cutting off the cry rising in my throat.
He has to remember where he is, who he has become--! How he lived, how he kept on living ever since that awful time!
None of us, save one, is enjoying this. Even Hatteras is staring down at Nemo-- no, Dakkar-- with wide eyes. The prince who stood against an empire, the figure of war that Hatteras wanted to face in combat... the truth in front of him is making him tremble.
None of us, save one-- the only one getting enjoyment out of this is Aleister. I can see his smile out of the corner of my eye. 
I’m able to tilt my head enough to see.
His dead, black eyes have a light inside of them now. A desire burning deep inside.
My ears are drumming with the echoes of explosions and something else thumping nearby. A far-off heartbeat.
Is Aleister truly the devil?
My mind swims as another bang interrupts these thoughts.
“Hey, hey! Woah, what’s with all the screaming?”
My mind feels groggy as that voice slowly registers in my mind: Impey Barbicane.
“Wha-- oh man!”
I hear the sound of Barbicane registering the reality of what’s happening.
“Don’t interrupt us,” says Aleister. “This blade is deep enough to kill her with a twitch of my hand. Not even a vampire is fast enough.”
“How--? You know what, I’m not going to ask. Anyway, Jimmy, can I call you Jimmy? Woah--!”
I wheeze as the blade is pulled back from my throat and swiped towards Barbicane. The quick removal makes me bleed even more, and I feel my legs go weak.
“Hey, hey, HEY!” Barbicane hobbles as he avoids Aleister’s strike (which really looks more  like him swatting at a fly).
“My, criminal, it sounds like you’re being rather ungentlemanly.”
A clear voice, calm and thoughtful, comes from a transmitter in Barbicane’s hands.
Aleister’s hand twitches on my shoulder.
“... It can’t be...” he murmurs.
“Don’t tell me the thought never occurred to you,” says the voice. “Or do you think you’re conversing with a ghost right now?”
Aleister lets go of my shoulder and rigidly slides the blade back into his cane with a click.
Without his support, I begin to slump over.
Barbicane tosses the aether transmitter to Aleister before he dives towards me to catch me in his arms.
Aleister raises the transmitter to his lips, and I can hear him say in a voice that sounds almost loving: “Detective.”
He glances down at me, then at Nemo. Without so much as a tilt of his hat or a nod, he turns on his heels and briskly walks out of the warehouse.
From that last glance he gave me, it was clear that all interest in me had turned towards that voice on the other end of the transmitter. I doubt I will ever see him again.
With Aleister’s imposing presence gone, I feel light. So much lighter...
“Polly-chan, hang in there!”
Barbicane is above me, his appearance blurring and refocusing as he pulls off one of his gloves and pushes it against my throat.
I feel like, perhaps, I should be more afraid? I was so close to dying, and even though my throat wasn’t truly slit, I’m still losing a lot of blood.
I turn my head, ignoring Barbicane’s protests.
Nemo is still trembling, his features hidden behind his hair, fingers spasming as he tries to hold on to himself.
“Nuh-uh, no way! You’re not moving!” Barbicane reaches into his pocket and pulls out another transmitter. “Cardia, we’re heading back your way! and we’ll need first aid! Disinfectant, bandages, all of it! Man, it’d be so much easier to treat her here, but this place is going up in smoke soon...!”
While Barbicane frets over me, I notice Hatteras looking down at Nemo. He tilts his head one way and then the next before looking down at the rusted sword in his hand.
Before my heartbeat can quicken, Hatteras sheathes it without a word.
“This is...” his voice has gone back to its usual volume, barely even a whisper. “... No victory for me.”
He kneels down next to Nemo and tries to search for his expression.
“I knew you were broken...” he continues. “But seeing it is different from hearing it. Aleister made it sound so beautiful. I suppose it was, to him.”
Nemo has no reaction, so Hatteras bends over and puts a hand on the other man’s back.
His lips part to take in a breath as he says a word, a name:
“....... Nemo.”
The scientist jolts like he had been hit by lightning, and slowly, jarringly, he turns his head to look at Hatteras.
“You are... Nemo... aren’t you?”
And a hoarse voice responds:
“I am the scientist who will shine the light of truth upon the world.”
Hatteras’ lips aren’t smiling, but a strange sort of relief comes over his eyes as he gingerly nods and puts his hands over his ears.
Nemo takes a deep breath, and though his voice is still tight with pain, it rings loud and true:
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