#moralis series
nikolaraftis · 1 year
In what way will Zena become powerful? 👀
Like, does she have powers of her own?
Zena does indeed have powers of her own. She has the same abilities that all Mundus Rimor have: to interact with the walls between worlds and use weak points to travel between them, as well as within a world (so, a bit like teleportation, except she and all the others can't do it like a blink in the air -- they literally have to walk/fall/jump/climb through these weak points, and they come out the other side. There's a lot more detail to this, but that can wait for the book). Mundus Rimor also have a certain skill with tracking (as you might have seen me demonstrate the start of in a draft), more in the sense that they have internal compasses and are tethered to the places of their birth which helps guide them (i.e. their own kind of true north). If magic is something that evolves in a species (well, I am my own worldbuilder, so I guess I can say it does), then this way to find home (and sometimes to track/find their own kind) is an evolutionary survival skill. But those are about the limits of that ability. I don't want Rimor to be able to track anything and everything, that just makes the powers too convenient, and there are also a number of rules for travelling between worlds, which are explained in Bones Of A God.
Because of certain decisions Zena makes throughout the series, her powers begin to manifest in a more rare fashion. The meaning of her full name, Zenaida, is a clue to that. It's not all that significant plot-wise, just something cool to look forward to!
Edit: also, most of her power is not in terms of, well, powers. These abilities are one aspect of her as a Mundus Rimor, and her eventual ability to wield weapons another, but power is also an interesting topic where Zena is concerned because, at one point, she has to cheat her way into it. More on that in the later books though ;)
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manawari · 1 year
( @tleeaves I wrote you another Zeronimo fic! Yep, it's their theme song — Maroon. I can't get through the song without picturing Geronimo and Zena dancing barefooted in a dark room. Seriously, you have created such magnificent characters that they became one of my otps that constantly invade my head! So, THANK YOU for making them exist in your universe 🫶 )
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pitter-patter, pitter-patter. . .
Her heels clicked against the waxed wooden floor, sending subtle echoes in the thick air of silence that weighted on her shoulders. The curled edges of her hair bounced even in her gentle gait. The party down the floor was bright and lively, though Zena thought she must get away, using her drained state as an excuse to be released from the crowd.
She did quite enjoy the event, yes. But there was a part of her that felt like a missing piece, begging to be completed. Zena could only question herself what could that be be so she would try and find a way to search for that "piece".
Lost in her thoughts, she found herself being lost as well. With only dim lampshades guiding her through the hallways, the shadows were still unrivaled, considering how she wasn't meant to be here, but to mingle with the people.
Her room was probably just around here. She was sure she had not locked it since none of her belongings were worthy to be stolen. So, Zena just fiddled with each doorknob until she found the one that was unlocked, but to her dismay, none was a success. Which door was she again? Damn these doors that had no numbers in front. . .
Her ankles had begun to ache, which only increased her boiling ire, so Zena had been desperately holding onto her string of patience. She loved her dignity to much to not allow herself do something so shameful such as screaming in frustration in the middle of a quiescent place.
As if the gods had finally pitied her, her hand found a door that was not unlocked. She twisted it and pushed it open to drag herself inside. At last, she was in her—
This was not her room.
Even if there was no light, the nebulous shine from the moon gave her the glimpse of her surroundings. The room she had stumbled upon was wider than her own, there was no bed — or any kind of furniture, and there was a balcony that stood across her, with a silhouette of a man in the center.
"Crap!" Zena whispered to herself. She turned around to leave the room when she heard someone call her voice.
She halted. Zena swung her head over her shoulder. "Geronimo?"
Geronimo? He was here? How. . . ?
"Why are you here?"
Zena chose to ignore the question. "How did you know it was me?"
"I can recognize you in any tone." He said. "I am no big of a fool as you think."
"Of course," grumbled Zena.
"So, why are you here?" Geronimo said his question again.
She sighed and began to make her way toward him, her heels tapping against the floor in a louder reverberation. "I was searching for my quarters. I've lost every energy I had in the party."
"That is very alike you."
"Is that an insult or an agreement?"
Geronimo chuckled deeply. He turned his head to the afar, the wind brushed against his face that caused his curls to bounce. "I came here to relish the cold air. The population in the main hall was making my lungs tight, but I can still hear the music which had somehow kept me to linger in this quiet and empty room."
Zena concurred. In their spot in the balcony, the violins and pianos still sang from the ballroom, interlaced with a chorus of laughter in the guests. The lights stretched to the outside, thus became the only place that was bright, unlike here — cold, empty, and dim.
The moon, however, it was big and brighter in its natural glow. Faint specks of stars dusted throughout the midnight blue sky.
"May I have a dance, Ms. Moralis?"
It was an abrupt shatter of silence. Zena glanced at Geronimo again. "Pardon me?"
"There is only the two of us here. It will be a shame if we stay in silence." Geronimo reached out his white-gloved hand to her.
"I. . . " Zena stared at it, though she had already raised her hand, albeit in reluctance. "Are you sure?"
Geronimo simply nodded his head.
Inhaling, Zena joined their hands together. Geronimo set his cane aside and gently tugged her closer, only then to feel a sharp bite of pain in his right foot. Zena winced at the grunt he had released.
"I'm very sorry!" She said. "Here, let me to take these shoes off."
It was so embarrassing. More embarrassing than the idea of screaming in the middle of a hallway. Without letting go of his hand, Zena removed her feet from her black heels and kicked them aside, allowing her naked feet on the cold floor. She shivered. Then, she noticed Geronimo too was taking his loafers off and then nudging them aside. Caught up in her mind, Zena suddenly felt Geronimo's other hand on her lower back, it urged her to jut her chin up to meet his gaze.
Geronimo turned their bodies around and placed his left foot forward, which Zena instinctively moved her right foot back as she had a steady grip on his shoulder. Good thing all those lessons from Florence had been paying off. Zena had never danced with anyone in her whole life, so having her first dance with none other than Geronimo gave her apprehension.
They danced with no shoes, inside of an empty dark room, and the hem of her bushy maroon dress brushed against his trousers. The edges of her hair lightly caressed the hand on her back. Their joined hands felt as though their emotions had become connected, due to how Geronimo's relaxed demeanor had erased her jittery away and Zena was now feeling nothing, but the moment itself.
The moon watched their waltzing figures. Their shadows narrowed across the floor smoothly as Geronimo sent Zena spinning in the air before pulling her back to him.
"You are beautiful." He said amidst the silence.
Her heart fluttered at the unexpected remark. Zena cleared her throat and pursed her lips together. "You seem very confident in your choice of words, Nimo."
"Of course," Geronimo spun her again. "I do not need sight to know how beautiful you are, Zena. Your brilliant mind, and the great determination that is burning innately in your kind heart are enough for me to define what beauty is."
Zena blushed this time. Terribly.
Geronimo, a reserved and grumpy man, had made her heart weak twice in a row. He was a lad who always flashed blunt looks at the people around him. People would complain how unapproachable he was, but to Zena, she was the only person who could see beyond his walls. Not even his long-time comrades. She witnessed his tears, his brightest smiles, his contagious laughter, and even the skeletons in his closet.
"You are. . . You are beautiful too." She said to him.
No, that was not enough.
If anything, Geronimo was sculptured by the heavens. A perfect embodiment of a man she had ever encountered. His features were sharp, yet would soften once his reddish lips curved into a smile. His eyes, ever so icy, would melt when love was filled within them. His skin was smooth and calloused in some areas. His scars, secluded behind his clothes, were tales in his skin, each carrying a different story.
His voice. . . Zena had never heard a voice so comforting until she heard his when he was soothing her after a nightmare. His tongue could be armed with the sharpest words, yet he could say the most sweetest words ever to be heard — or maybe it was just her?
Geronimo met many people before her. But deep inside, Zena wished to be the one by his side for eternity. Perhaps not eternally, but enough to linger her existence in his mind.
She chose him.
. . . And she hoped to be chosen by him.
Zena smiled. Oh, how she always loved his reaction whenever she said his nickname. "Can we— stay like this for a little longer? Even once this dance is over, I'd like to share at least a few minutes with you."
"I'll stay as long as you wish, Zena," Geronimo said, like an oath.
In the end, Zena rested her hand on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. She was no longer cold, shrouded in the heat radiating from his body and the arms he had around her figure, and she knew Geronimo must be feeling her heartbeat as well. She smiled longingly.
If there came a time that she would lose him, know that Geronimo would never lose her.
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tleeaves · 1 year
Follow @laylaraptis for unhinged original content and ramblings.
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swallowtail-ageha · 1 month
Fra mi sa che hai sbagliato mago quello era saruman
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jinx-blackout-84 · 3 months
Having ocs is so great because it's like yeah this is my emotional support guy. I made him up. Yeah I just draw him on everything. Yeah I kick him whe im bored. He's kinda traumatized but don't worry about that.
#jinx screams into the void#Atlasposting hours#Guys ypu don't understand how attatched I am to this OC#He used to be a dsmp self insert#And then I read passerine and became briefly insane#So now he's a God#And then things got out of hand#And now I'm writing a book series about hum and seven other ocs I made up#And if I even hear their names I will spontaneously combust and give everyone in the 10 foot blast radius autism#Because I am so autistic about them you guys have no idea#Ask me about theo's motifs#Ask me about the way that Auren's fold is used to represent love within the series#Ask me about how Theo's crown change ties into the Cursed Forest#Ask me about Atlas's deer motifs#Ask me about how when Jasper talks she is so confused by the thousands of voices no one else can hear that she ends up talking in riddles#Ask me about how Tripp's bracelet represents a tie to the times before he had killed thousands#Back when him and Juno would hunt together#And everything was okay#Ask me about what wing type Auren has and his fucked up shoulders that allow for more wing mobility#Ask about how nobody knows what Japser looks like because you can't actually focus your eyes on her because#She is the amalgamation of all of the things that have died in that forest#And ask me how Atlas's forks in his Antlers represent the times he's done things he finds to be moraly reprehensible#Ask me about Iris's hands and how they drip constellations into the universe and weave lives together#*immediately dies*
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la-pheacienne · 6 months
So let me get this straight.
If I believe that a particular character should be ruler/would be a good ruler/would have been a good ruler/deserves to be ruler/will probably end up being ruler/was unfairly deprived of their rulership, be it dany, or jon, or rhaenyra or rhaegar or arya or bran or stannis the mannis (ew) or my neighbour or your mother or whomever the hell you want them to be, I am classist. And royalist. And conservative. And going against the themes of asoiaf. Because no one can fix westeros, because there are no good rulers/there can be no good rulers/rulership is inherently bad/inherently moraly wrong/ the throne is doomed to be destroyed because it is the root of all evil-
But somehow if you believe that one particular character, coincidentally your fave, will probably be a ruler (queen in the north or in any other position of FEUDAL power- ruling is not just reserved to the iron throne btw), or that she should be a ruler or that she would be a good ruler, you are somehow not classist or royalist or conservative.
Can somebody tell me why that is? What is the justification behind your speculation in the first place? Why will she/why should she be a ruler? Because she deserves it? Because she has been through so much? Because she's strong and powerful and resilient? Okay? So, the only meaningful difference between your take and my take is that I actually (naively!) have faith in the possibility that a character that has been established again and again as a progressive and radical leader could possibly contribute to a meaningful radical collective change in the world while you just consider rulership as a prize, as a reward for individual struggle? And somehow that makes me more conservative? That makes me a classist? Besties, it is literally the other way round.
I don't even hate that character. I am pretty neutral towards her, I would even say that I am sympathetic towards her. And I actually believe she will end up in a position of power (not queen in the north but a position of power nonetheless). Yes, in a position of feudal power, that's what I mean, that's the only real power any character could ever have in a book series that is set in a pseudomedieval world. But you need to be very careful before you start throwing around classism and royalism and conservatism accusations at people for actively engaging with a pseudomedieval fantasy (fantasy!!) book series whose entire foundation is the question "what is a good leader?", "what makes a good leader?", "how does someone become a good leader?", "how could this system become slightly better?", "what are the powers that stop any real progress? how can these powers be defeated?" The answers to these questions in asoiaf are not easy or automatic. But they exist. All of these questions have answers in the text. Concrete, solid answers, whether you like it or not. Believing in the truth of those answers simply means we engage with the themes of the (fictional!) story. It simply makes us fans of the text. It does not make us stupid or naive, and it definitely does not make us conservative.
There is nothing that I despise more in this fandom than the double standard of "oh you are so lame if you actually believe someone could/will be a good ruler, nobody should be king or queen, meanwhile let's talk about my fave's ruling arc" (asoiaf version), or "oh you are so lame if you actually believe a particular character should have been ruler and not the other, that makes you a classist and we're not, all sides are bad because monarchy, meanwhile let's dedicate 99,9% of our posts explaining why one side is wrong. One specific side. Entirely coincidentally, since we do not take sides" (fire and blood version).
The meaningful difference between these two fandom "factions" is that one is honest and openly engages with the themes of the story in an organic and positive and hopeful way, while the other is just this annoying group of college kids repeating the same, holier-than-thou, pseudo-intellectual takes ad infinitum to appear smarter than anyone else while carefully concealing their obvious bias.
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ivys-garden · 11 months
You know, Whenever I hear people talking about what Hermit False did to Empires False it's always phrased as "Hermit False is evil and in the wrong!" And it honestly makes me question if y'all watched the same series
First of all, Hermit False was completely justified in locking Empires False away. Empires False was going completely insane and bloodthirsty, the best way to keep Empires False and The Hermits safe is to lock her away. Plus, it's not like Hermit False left here there and pretended she didn't exist, she was actually trying to find a way to cure Empires False of her blood lust so she clearly still cared for her.
And after Empires False escapes and Kills Everyone in the lab it makes sense for Hermit False to send her away and to make sure she can't remember anything, locking her up didn't work, there doesn't seem to be a way to cure her and Hermit False would be understandably reluctant to kill her sister, so to keep everyone safe the best thing to do is to send her away. And again, she did look after her, sending supplies through the rift to insure she survived. Plus after everything she sent that book through and gave Empires False her memory back.
And this whole thing did work out in the end, Empires False regained there sanity and love for building and ended there series by hanging up there Sword for good.
Is this 100% moraly ok? No. But Hermit False isn't the heartless evil monster some people make her out to be (while conveniently ignoring that Empire's False full on murders people regularly, including plotting to murder several Emporers and Hermits)
Yes I know I'm taking this to seriously. Shut up.
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emprysza · 8 months
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1. making trollsonas for trolls with explanations
2. branch is teal because he is the squarest troll alive and does everything by the book, he also sued creek once. vest is olive because lets pretend floyd is an oliveblood and since trolls don't have families they are platonic moyrals and branch is wearing his quadrants color and its very common in troll culture. branch is also already teal in movies.
3. cobaltblooded trolls usually have some kind of business, because they are mid aristocracy and guy is kinda rich judging by "glamping" episode in bgo series, he also made a lot of stuff to sell so he fits the stereotype. i thought about making him indigo because hes a big fan of drama (it's similar to loving art which is indigo stereotype) but it fits cobalt too.
his sign is a G mixed with diamond symbol..because he is..Guy....diamond
I also chose cobalt because guy has a lot of blue colors in his palette already (blue eyebrows blue eyes blue glitter undertone) and also cobalt trolls are usually very moraly controversial...SO ARE GUY'S HUMOR like... it's not high comedy for sure, his character is funny like a cobalt type of funny too.
4. in smidge's wiki it's written that she is a teaspoon troll so i made her horns look like teaspoons
SMIDGE IS AN OBVIOUS INDIGO firstly she is the strongest troll or something?? secondly she is queen's right hand so she should be violet OR AT LEAST indigo. also little indigo trolls are canon since there is amisia in hiveswap
smidge's dress can be fuchsia because umm they're best friends with poppy so like platonic moiral again and it means she uses her quadrant colors
5.poppy is fuchsia..because she is a queen..and she is also very pink, so it suits her. i think every queen and king of trolls are fuchsia because they are different tribes so it's ok to have more than one fuchsia.
also i think poppy is wearing not only her quadrants colors but also every best friend color. she has it on her dress and on her bracelets. she is also not limited with black and white colors since she is a queen.
her horns are flowers bc idk
5. sinth is violetblood because he is ambassador of techno trolls, a big shot, violetbloods are aristocracy so it fits, plus he can wear whatever due to status of aristocracy. he is also a fish and violetbloods are fishes, everything is perfectly fitting
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mirrored-movements · 1 year
A Rock and a Hard Place
(Miguel O'Hara x reader)
Synopsis: You'd always consider yourself an older sibling to the younger spider-folk, often taking them under your wing despite Miguel's distaste for it (Something you ignored knowing he'd have to just tolerate it) So what happens when you meet Miles and everything you'd looked at from behind rose-tinted glasses changes?
Warnings: SPOILERS FOR ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE- YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED (Also plot change- sue me if you don't like it IG)
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Since joining the Spider society you’ve accomplished three things:
One, taking anyone younger than you under your wing and practically acted as an older sibling to them. Two, established yourself as one of the higher ranking spider-people - Surprisingly enough, and three, somehow making it onto Miguel's good side- the man shockingly enough taking a liking to you despite the rambunctious and loud nature you had.
He was a grouchy man from what you could tell, stiff and nearly the equivalent to a locked box- however with enough prying and enough unannounced visits you found him beginning- albeit perhaps a bit reluctantly- warming up to you.
“You’re a pest (Y/N), you know that?” Letting out a deep sigh from where he stood Miguel casted his gaze back at where you sat, suit-clad feet resting up on one of the consoles while a screen hovering in front of you.
Some strange sitcom that you and Lyla had begun watching was playing across the screen.
Folding your arms over one another your gaze moved to meet his own, a playful hint to your expression. “Well if I’m a pest then why don’t you just kick me out?”
Starring at you for a good second he simply grumbled a few choice words, head shaking as you’d scrunched up your face in success.
You and Miguel were in some sort of unspoken relationship it seemed, neither wanted to say anything but also enjoying one another's presence to the extent that either of you would miss the other when they were gone on a mission.
“Whatever.” Rolling his eyes he huffed in annoyance, however the faintest of smiles quirked across his lips.
Moving to resume watching your show with Lyla the soft ping of your watch halted you from doing so, the edges of your lips fully quirking up at the series of messages sent from one of your ‘children’ as you’d like to refer to them.
Seeing you pop up and out of your chair he couldn’t help but let out a sigh. “Where are you going now?”
“Just going to check on the youngsters.” At the mention of that you could see Miguel roll his eyes, however, the man didn’t do anything to stop you merely just casting you a look that said ‘Stay out of trouble.’
Not that that was something you could easily do.
Honestly, you only meant to check in on Gwen and Pavitr, the latter of the two having sent you a quick message about the new guy who’d dropped in as well as the appearance of Hobi- much to your confusion. But upon arriving you were quickly met with- a mess.
“What even- what is that?!” Your feet skidded across the cement, the eyelets of your mask widening as you turned around to address the four standing behind you; almost as though the hole would somehow leap out and drag them in.
“Well, I said it was a metaphor for capitalism.” Stuffing his hands into his pockets Hobi mused out, his tall frame coming to peak into the void down below. “Poetic innit?”
You rolled your eyes at that, holding back a laugh knowing that the situation should be taken seriously. “I came here to say hello to the ‘new guy’ not deal with-” Looking down at the gaping hole you finished. “A black hole.”
“Sorry but mi-” “New guy? That’s me!” The slim form occupying the space beside Gwen piped in right away, the kid almost instantly hopping over to shake your hand despite you not offering it. “Miles Moralis, or Spiderman- but I mean Spiderman of my world of course but were not there right now obviously- so just call me Miles.”
Leaning to the side a bit in order to spare Gwen a look, your attention returned to Miles, eyes partially closing and hand returning the handshake. “Nice to meet you Miles, you seem like a good kid.” At the slight praise, he visibly perked up. “(Y/N) is the name.”
You already liked the kid.
Slumping a little as an arm was thrown over your shoulder Hobi leaned his weight onto you, other hand motioning towards where you stood. “(Y/N) is like our big siblin, we can get away with anythin- well almost anythin.” Using his hand to cover part of his mouth as though he were telling a secret he added on. “They’re a little cushy with the big man though so-”
“Ok ok enough of that,” Cutting Hobi off and shaking off his arm you let out a mix between a huff and a laugh. “It’s nice to meet you though.” It was your turn to cover part of your mouth, “Gwen talks a lot about you.”
“Hey-” “Sorry not sorry!”
There was some more quick conversation between the three of you, Pavitr coming to join soon after inquiring on how his world would be- to which despite not knowing what had happened or who they were facing- you decided to reassure him.
Something that Jess did as well when her and a few others arrived in order to assess the damage and whatnot.
She seemed a little displeased with your presence however waved it off and gave you the brief instructions to bring the others; Hobi, Miles, and Gwen, back to HQ.
“The big boss- what’s he like?” Coming to walk beside you Miles spoke, hand fiddling with the day pass he’d been given in order not to glitch out.
“Scary-” “Kinda like a dictator a little.”
You gave Gwen and Hobi a look at their comments, the two hushing right after upon knowing how you and the man they spoke of were.
“He’s straightforward,” You began casting a quick look towards Gwen, “maybe a little scary,” Your eyes then moved back ahead. “But he had what’s best for all of us in mind.” Since entering HQ You’d taken off your mask, deciding now yo flash Miles a reassuring smile. “He has a kind heart and I trust in his decision.”
Taking your words to mind he nodded his head, a question popping into his brain quickly. “Uh are you and you know this boss uh-” “They're fuck buddies, respectfully.”
“Hobi!” Nearly hissing his name you flashed him a glare, finger pointing accusingly his way before your attention quickly returned to Miles opting to correct what was said. “Miguel and I aren’t fuck buddies- Just close, I mean I’d like to say we’re close.”
“That's why I’m saying you’ll be fine.”
Boy did you feel like a liar.
With the way Miles stared at you in disbelief- you might as well have traveled into his world to kill his dad yourself.
You had no clue this was the course of things, no clue of the pent-up anger and resentment held for the boy you’d just met, and you certainly had no clue he was going to contain Miles to a cage- basically.
Now, you just stood back, stunned at what was going on and stunned at the way Miguel handled the situation.
“Miguel, this- this isn't right.” Raising a hand you moved to place it on the man's arm, his attention flickering over to you. The angered and irritated look he had when addressing Miles softened only a bit as he spoke.
“This is what needs to happen. For his sake. For your sake. For all of us.”
Your heart fell at this, Miles’s banging against the containment shields growing more frantic until it stopped- a wave of electricity firing from the device or rather from Miles rendering it deactivated.
The shockwave had sent everyone tumbling to the floor, the first one to act being Miguel who’d lurched forward clawing at the ground in order to move quicker.
Your eyes met Peters from across the floor, a torn look being shared between you two- however, unlike you, he’d gotten up right away following after the herd.
Sucking in a few breaths trying to make a decision you’d slipped on your own mask, webs firing from your wrists in quick succession.
Your mind was made up.
You’re helping the kid go home.”
“Miguel!” Finally finding yourself catching up enough to call out you swung from side to side in order to avoid the traffic within the highway to the moon, body right away swinging full throttle into the man having caught him while he’d been pinning Miles. “This is wrong! What’s wrong with you?”
Recovering quickly from being tackled he stared back at you, a glare clearly shining through his mask as clawed hands gripped the vehicle you’d swung into. “This has to be done (Y/N)! You can’t change what is already written.” Despite not wanting to engage in a fight he let out an irritated breath, hand roughly gripping your shoulder intending to move once he’d noted Miles recovering.
“He’s just a kid!”
“He’s an anomaly!” Having enough Miguel shot his own web forward, the force of it dragging himself and by default you away from the vehicle you’d dragged him into, “He shouldn’t exist in the first place!” Shouting the last part he shot another web forward intending on continuing his pursuit.
“That’s not for you to decide!” Following suit and firing your own web you caught up quickly, heart hammering within your chest as you’d begun trying to deter him. “You preach for justice but is this really is?!”
“Stop interfering (Y/N)!”
Coming to swing at his side once more he caught your leg using your momentum to toss you back. “Just stay down!”
“I can’t!” 
The (F/C) strings of your webs came back, splatters of them sticking to Miguel's mask, inevitably leading him to backtrack for a moment- the surprise on your face must’ve been evident as you hadn’t expected to be football tackled and pinned to the side of the tunnel. Miguel’s angered frame towered over you, the front of his mask deactivating for a second as he spoke, ruby hues boreing through your mask.
“It’s me, or him (Y/N).”
Biting your tongue at the statement you watched his jaw tighten, gaze hardening at the lack of response.
Without much else to say he’d raised a hand, neon webs right away stucking your limbs down despite the protests that left your lips.
“Miguel wait-” “We’ll talk when I get back.”
Rising back up he casted you one last look, something that was almost disappointment before bolting off.
To say you were stuck between a rock and a hard place was an understatement.
Little but rushed tbh bc the exact plot of ATSP is escaping my brain at the moment <3
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thekingofwinterblog · 4 months
So there are some rather blatant Jesus imagery and paralells with Pomni in the Amazing Digital Circus so far, so i thought i might as well note them all down, since nobody else has done so yet.
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Obviously there is her taking Jesus place in the last supper shot at the end of episode 1, even sharing his color scheme of red and blue.
There is also some very specific imagery here, givem that the last aupper is... Well, Jesus last supper with his Apostles. It's signifigance is that it is the moment that heralds in the end of their journey together, where the inevitable march to the chrucifiction and resurrection truly begins.
Similarily, though none of the character knows it, Pomni's arrival similarily heralds in the end of their own journey.
This series story will end in one season, meaning that wheter they escape or falls to doom, their long tale of perserverance and suffering will be at an end soon.
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Then of course there is episode 2, where Pomni travels into a desert, where she ends up separated from her own fellowship, and is tested moraly and spiritually.
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Which has paralels with Jesus time alone in the desert, where he faced his temptations, preparing him for what is to come.
Though obviously rather different in nature, this very much is the two's darkest hours, their greatest moments of doubt and pain.
For Jesus it was facing and accepting his mortality as a Human being, and refusing to give in to the temptation of calling upon the divine to lessen his heavy burden, and accepting the cruel fate that was in store for him.
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His companion in this moment of darlness was of course the devil, there to tempt him, and challenge him in hope of derailing God's plan.
Instead he rebukes his words, and resolves to keep moving forward towards his destiny, to see his fate through to the end for the good of his fellow man.
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Pomni's situation and her companion is a bit different, but the overall point remains the same, that this is her great moment of temptation, and it is in response to her companion that she resolves to keep going.
The main difference of course is that Gummygoo's questioning of Pomni is not directly about her own worth, but instead of his own. The question of wheter he, a being with seemingly no soul, but with the capacity to think, has any value at all compared to her in his eyes, divinely blessed nature.
Pomni here shows the person she truly is deep down, a kind, gentle soul who gives Gummygoo the warmth, support and love he needs to keep going forward, affirming that yes, he does have worth, his existence does mean something.
He is as real as she is... And that means he is a real person, worthy of being loved and cared about. Which in turn means she is. She is not some worthless thing, but a Human being who is still alive despite it all. And she's going to live on.
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But of course her journey in this episode doesn't end there, for after finally finding the resolve to keep on living, that newly made resolve is then immediatly tested by Caine(Named after the first murder acording to the Bible) calously and with no hesitation or regret murders Gummygoo.
This part doesn't have a direct parallel in Jesus life, but one could view Caine's actions as being parallel to the Devil's words and temptations, where he puts the question to Jesus of why not take the easy way out as God's divine son, instead of continuing the hard road as a Human being of flesh and blood?
Both test our heroes resolve, but in different ways.
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Regardless, the story ultimately ends similarily, as though Pomni has a moment of nearly breaking under her trial, of truly giving up on the idea that her life matters, the message she discussed and preached to Gummygoo, Pomni ultimately manages to overcome her great test of character by embracing her bond with her fellow Human beings.
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She overcome her great temptation of giving in to darkness, and is now ready to keep moving forward on her journey.
It is that love for her fellow man, that gives her the resolve to keep moving forward towards her destiny, regardless of what it might hold in store for her.
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And regarding Jesus parallels, there is of course this shot from the production team that speaks for itself.
We have no idea of the context, or what episode this is gonna be from, but given the stuff we got from episode 1 and 2, it's not too hard to guess it's probably gonna be one of the more important moments of the story.
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nikolaraftis · 1 year
Sometimes being productive and working on your original series is not writing, but delivering a lecture for several hours about it to an audience that happens to be sitting in the loungeroom with you that is actively participating by asking questions for further information and context, which leads you down deeper rambles to explain the main ramble, and it helps you figure things out that you were previously lost or undecided upon.
That was all one sentence. I apologise. (Not really, I don't care.)
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manawari · 1 year
Zena, coming home covered in blood: dear, I'm home!
Geronimo, placing down their tea set in their table and can hear blood dripping from her clothes: welcome back, sweetheart.
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midnight-in-town · 2 years
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Witch Hat Atelier ch57 vs ch66
I wonder who’s really calling the shots and deciding what witches can/cannot learn and same for normal folks then? ‘Cause there’s been enough callout in the whole arc, on top of King Dean (the king of life and death) being sought after by the Brim Hats.
The heated discussion between King Dean and Beldarut in ch59 actually makes so much more sense and makes me think that the 3 Sages are involved in making and upholding these very strict laws. 
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Just like I think that King Dean broke the fourth wall in ch59 and directly addressed the readers when he said "it’s useless to tell me not to hope for it. Don’t you agree?”, because most of the fandom at this point indeed agrees that The Secret as it exists now creates a lot of unfair situations, as we saw with Coustas, Dagda, Eunie, Galga, Coco’s mom, etc.
The Knights Moralis’ reactions in ch57 when Atuarto asks for a chance to bring Galga’s memories back and when Tetia offers to help in ch66 are also pretty telling...
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...just like the previous Sage of Friendship knew and revealed why exactly magic and medicine are forbidden to interact (ch63)...
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because they can create unexpected magic such as the “demon” we encountered in this arc.
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The Sages aside, I also wonder how much the old Witch families (like the Arkromes) who first created the pact so long ago and thus the gap between “witches” (who know The Secret) and normal folks (who don’t know The Secret) weigh into these decisions...?
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After all, Agathe’s mom was invited to watch the festival with the Sages next to the monarchs and the king’s family, so I figure the first families or first houses might be pretty important (aside from her being head librarian) and have more knowledge they hide, which they pass on to their apprentice only, to keep the legacy going. 
TL;DR can’t wait to see Coco and all the kids from this series defecting to the Brim Hats’ side any time now lmao (just kidding, the Brim Hats probably only care about chaos and aren’t the real solution, but most Witches should be able to strive and create a good alternative, using ideas from both side of the magic community).
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randomthefox · 4 months
(same anon) I asked since I always hear that the recent classic sonic stuff isn't like classic Sonic from the 90s or that the recent classic sonic stuff is portraying classic sonic as cuter and not cool as 90s classic sonic or that classic sonic should go away or not be included in modern sonic stuff or classic sonic should never have come back . It Honestly reminds me of that Santiago meme that annoys me. Idk if I'm making sense or not.
Curmudgeon Sonic "fans" are really annoying and are always just making up ad hoc complaints on any given subject that fall apart under two seconds of scrutiny. Sonic Team reinvented Sonic into his Modern Design in the first place specifically because Sonic was being perceived as "too cute" for their taste and they wanted to emphasize his coolness with the new design. The suggestion that Classic Sonic wasn't cute in the 90s is just objectively wrong, because yes he was and that's the entire reason they redesigned him in the first place.
Sonic isn't NOT supposed to be cute. He's got a round little tummy tum for a reason. There's just supposed to be a balance. He's supposed to be cute enough for girls to like him, and cool enough for boys to like him. In games where both Modern AND Classic Sonic are in it together the difference in their design becomes prominent and effects the way their dynamic is written; they embrace the fact that Classic Sonic is the cuter design by emphasizing his relative inexperience. Classic becomes the Miles Moralis to Moderns Peter B Parker.
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It's hard to look as cool as your future god slaying self when he's standing right next to you and you're trying to imitate what he's doing but you aren't capable of doing it yet lol
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Classic Sonic's DESIGN is exactly the same, what they're observing is a difference in how he's PORTRAYED. Classic Sonic is definitely being PORTRAYED differently than he was in the 90s, because in the 90s "Classic" Sonic was all there WAS. Now, Modern Sonic exists. So Classic Sonic can be as cute as a button because Modern Sonic is standing right there to compensate.
And in THAT regard, it's understandable why some people might look unfavorably on Classic Sonic. In the same way really really insecure heterosexual men might look unfavorably upon Hello Kitty because they're afraid of being accused of being gay if they don't accuse anything girly of being for gay shit for women and beta pussies. I understand them not liking that Classic Sonic is being portrayed in a cute way, that's the real substance of their disliking for him.
They just make up stupid memes like "Santiago" because they're incapable of articulating their own feelings properly. Like how an infant might feel hungry but they don't have the proper tools to express how they're feeling in a way that can be understood, so they just resort to crying and screaming. In the same way, Sonic "fans" RECOGNIZE that there is a difference and know they don't like the difference, but they're illiterate and lack the ability for self reflection so they resort to ad hoc complaints like "his design is different."
I don't really care if they don't like Classic Sonic, it's just that their stated "reasons" for not liking him are fucking stupid. That's really what it comes down to for MOST complaints people levy against the series. You can have your personal preference and be ironclad, if you say "I don't like this" then that is a bullet proof argument that nobody could ever refute. But if you try and say "this is bad, here is why" well then I'm going to put that "why" under scrutiny and it never ever EVER holds up.
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plamglam · 6 months
Almost every female character in twdg series gets absolutely insanely ridiculous amount of hate for simply failing at something, being mentally unstable or making mistakes. When a male character does excatly the same OR MUCH WORSE they're always labeled as "love to hate", "great villain", "moraly dubious", "gray area" characters. ehhh. so tired of that bs. I mean I get it Bonnie or especialy Jane did mess up big time but ask yourself if they're really worse than literal cannibals or child kidnapper who takes his wife's head with himself everywhere he goes.
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coline7373 · 1 year
On the aftermath of Melida/Daan
Jedi Apprentice? I loved this serie!!!!
That said, I have long struggled with the way the aftermath of Melida/Daan seemed to be just swept under the rug and how, at the Temple, everyone seems to condamn Obi-Wan without a word about Qui-Gon's own behavior.
I long wanted to read a fic that tackled all that and now, I have.
So. First thing first.
The problem is two fold: one, whether or not Obi-Wan was wrong to abandon the Order to figh with the Young, and second, the matter of the probation.
And of course, Qui-Gon's role in all that.
Let me start of by saying that, yes, I do think Obi-Wan was wrong to do what he did. Not moraly, but in facts and consequences for others. Don't come at me with the pitchfoks and let me explain.
There 10 000 jedi for 4 quadrillions people in the galaxy far, far away. Just by the number, they physically cannot help everyone. Nor should they have to! Jedi are negociators, facilitators and investigators. It is not up to them to make the system work. They are elbow grease in a -supposedly- already functionning system. So, due to their limited numbers, they have to limit and choose where they intervene.
Jedi and the Senate have long decide to pick these missions by a democratic process of selection. The elected representatives of the people are the one who vote on where the priorities for jedi interventions lay.
And since the Republic is a democracy, there is a legal separation of power. Jedi can't just go where it was voted they should go and do there whatever the hell they want there. They can't dispense off governments and their laws, customs, culture and choices just because jedi decided they knew better. Jedi help the people there. They don't make decisions for them.
Accountability, preventing abuse of authority, keeping each other in check, preserving freedom of self-determination, respect of governments' autonomy, equal treatement of all.... There are a multitude of very valid reasons for the separation between legislative, executive and judiciary powers.
The gffa is a special place and the jedi are a special people. There is probably some leeways for them to dispense, in certain specific situations, for the due process. But not entirely! Just, some.
War crimes and genocide are probably amongst those exceptions, but it would still need to be proven in galactic court. Think of the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo and the chill way the Senate decided to make a commitee so they could "assess" the situation. The Senate wouldn't just take jedi words for a situation like Melidaa/Daan. Hard evidences, investigation and a senatorial agreement of intervention decided by a majority vote would be what could make the Senate waves a government's rights to govern themselves.
And there is a difference between acting within the legal parameters provided for jedi, as representatives of the Republic, and acting as a religious follower of the Force, as it dictates a jedi should.
When it's at cross purpose, it threatens the legality of jedi actions, and probably the leeway power-hungry politicians give those seemingly over-powered individuals most of them fear.
So, a jedi dispensing "justice" in the way he thinks is justice, outside of due process, without the approval or demand of any governing official and/or body, it augments the risk of society deciding jedi are overreaching and therefore shouldn't have the legal authority to act without consultation anymore. Or at all. And in the end, isn't it what just happened? The clones killed the jedi under the Sith's chips influence and people cheered in relief to be "free" of the threat of the jedi.
(I'm basing myself on comics, here. Considering we're talking about the books, I think it's fair.)
The jedi can do as much as they do because they are a recognised and state sanctionned legal power, in a sort of no-men's land cross-road between diplomats, specialised tactical forces and intelligencia agents. And their reputation as monks-space-wizards, of course.
Obi-Wan, by going against the mandate of the Senate, threaten that.
Because if one jedi goes rogue, what's to say more won't follow? And if representatives of the Republic can't trust jedi anymore to act within the boundaries of the law, why should they have legal, executive and judiciary powers other citizens don't?
It's normal Obi-Wan was put on probation. He did exactly what jedi shouldn't do: let his emotions get the better of himself, lost the ability to see the situation with a clear head, act outside of his legal parameters of actions, without thinking of or caring for the consequences.
He acted on impulse, to save the children of Melidaa/Daan, yes, which is moraly commendable, yes, but also to sooth his own emotions. To stop the situation that was causing him distress, outside of the boundaries of the law for jedi, regardless of the consequences for the jedi Order and the billions of people they may not be able to help anymore if the jedi lost their freedom of action and its state sanctionned legality.
There's a lot of things he could have done to help the children of Melida/Daan beside what he did.
Don't get me wrong. I don't blame him for not having a better idea, he was just thirteen. Children were being killed by adults who had already been fighting each other for centuries. Hard not to feel a sense of urgency or to have a better solution at that age. Even harder to watch impassively.
But as a jedi, he should have stood by and watched. Because he should have been able to think on the situation impartialy until a legal, effective solution was found. It is what his duty as a jedi demanded of him. That he bears witness, without intervening. Because the legal governments of that planet didn't want jedi help, neither the Melidaa, nor the Daan.
He had to have that emotional strengh, if he was to be a jedi. To be able to abide by the legal decisions of the governing bodies of that planet, no matter how terrible, because it was their planet. And jedi have to respect of the autonomy of the peoples of the Republic to govern themselves. Otherwise it's not a democracy anymore.
And if you think Democracy is wrong, I put you to the challenge to find a better way for people to govern themselves, because people have been trying for centuries irl and no one have found one yet. Unless, of course, like Anakin, you think a dictature is a grand idea. In which case, you can go open a history book.
You probably think I'm terrible for saying that or that a Democracy that abide by children mass murder shouldn't exist. But we don't know that total annihilation of children on Melidaa Daan is what would have happen without Obi-Wan's intervention. All we know is that, in the end, he was not the key element that help stop the war. He helped some, but the one who saved the children are the adults jedi, who got the approbation of the Senate to intervened, the leaders of the Young who convinced their adults to make peace, Qui-Gon who helped settled the treaty between the Melida and the Daan and the people of Melidaan who made it stick.
Think, for one moment, if special foreign agents you cannot fight against because they are too powerfull, came and make you stop do something you think is necessary for your society? Would you be happy? That they change not a trivial aspect of your society but its very fabric?
That you don't think children murders and mutual genocide is necessary, good, fine. Me too. All the people who thinks jedi had it coming in RotS can get the f*ck out here.
But in this particular case, we judge the Melidaa/Daan with our own values. And jedi can't do that.
Because jedi have to respect the values of all. Because they represent the Republic, who represent all the peoples.
And unless the people in question ask for help, jedi cannot act legaly. And if you say jedi should just act illegaly, (aside from the fact it wasn't necessary in the end,) we go back to the problem of jedi loosing their legal, executive and judiciary special powers that help them save billions because of overreach.
Would you leave billions to suffer to help just one planet? Would you abandon Alderaan, Naboo, Chandrilla, Ord Mantell, Bith, Corellia and countless other just to help one Melidaa/Daan?
Sorry to quote Spock there but the needs of the many do outweigh the needs of the few. And the jedi are the guardians of that: the safeguard of most.
If, like me, you think it's horrible no more can saved or helped, you can get angry at the people of Melida/Daan who made the situation horrible in the first place, those who perpetrated it, and the outsiders, civilians and politicians alike, who witnessed the situation and did nothing.
Again, there is four quadrillion of people in the galaxy far, far, away. Certainly more than enough to help one planet. To reach for galactic peace if they all work for it.
Like Obi-Wan said in The Clone Wars, if civilians had all stood up and decided to stop the war, it would have stopped. Nothing politicians can do it they are all fired. Galactic War went on because the majority of people just let it go on. Not enough protested or fufilled their civilian duty to hold their governement accountable for their actions.
It shouldn't all depends on the jedi. And it certainly shouldn't depends on just one boy who had neither the knowledge nor the know-how to stop a centuries old civil war, with a side of children genocide.
But he choose to try. And, of course, he didn't came up with much better than "fight back", because he had no experience in warefare, diplomacy or politics, nor access to the ressources the jedi do have in case such as these. This is also the strengh of the jedi Order: strengh in numbers, support in term of hardware (weapons, tools, vehicules, ect) and legitimate influence on how the Senate punishes a planet that break galactic laws (economical embargo, emprisonnement of the leaders of terrorist/genocidal movement, ect).
He had the emotivity and impulsivity of someone young and had no one with his best interests in mind to help him cool off and look for others options rather then "stay and give up on the jedi path" or "leave and forget about Melida/Daan completely".
He did wrong but it was a mistake to be expected of someone his age, with no training and support.
And this is where Qui-Gon failed him.
By not offering support, no matter his own distress at Tahl's injuries or how Obi-Wan disobeying him awaken Xanatos' related PTSD. Because he was the Master and Obi-Wan the padawan. He was supposed to be able to master his own emotions and put Obi-Wan's training first.
Instead, Qui-Gon let his emotions get the better of him and blind him until he couldn't see the situation for what it was. He was so caught up in his own trauma about Xanathos, about his fear of making Obi-Wan like Xanathos because there is something inherently wrong with his teachings, his fear that there is something wrong with his judgement and those he choose, l5ike Xanathos,) his fear for the critical condition of the woman he loved that he didn't see his padawan was in emotional turnmoil and needed help.
He let fear blind him.
And Obi-Wan did need help. He needed someone to help him work through his outrage and horror at what was done on Melidaa/Daan, to be able to view the situation impartialy, and help to think of a workable solution to help the people on Melidaa/Daan while still being within the legal boundaries of the role of the jedi. Which is what Qui-Gon did, in the end. He came back and helped make the treaty that ended the war.
But, at the time, when Obi-Wan needed his help, he let his negative emotions, his attachements to Xanathos and Tahl, his pride in his own councel, his fear of repeated failure, his fear for Tahl's life overhelmed him. And thus Obi-Wan was left to make this life-altering decision without support.
I've seen a lot of people saying he should have just knock Obi-Wan out and grabbed him. Which -yes. One hundred percent. But again, this is something we wished for based on our own values.
Jedi's values say serving the Order is something that has to be done voluntarily, that one should respect one's autonomy to the fullest extent whenever possible. (Remember Mace giving droids killing people the choice to be re-programmed rather than destroyed?) And Obi-Wan has made it very clear what his will was, there.
"Obi-Wan was just a child." It's very canon, not even legends, but canon, that children are treated as seriously as we do adults very early in their lives, in the gffa. Padme became queen at twelve. Anakin swore a lifetime of servitude to the jedi Order (agreement to become a padawan) at nine. And no adults in the gffa had any problems with that.
"Qui-Gon didn't take the time to discuss the situation with him and argues his decision. " Yes. But, considering Tahl was dying, I think he was right to rush. What he he should have done was come back once Tahl was safe, to discuss it some more, rather than make it all hinge on a two minutes conversation. But he did come back, in the end. Months later, maybe, but he did. And that's why people feel so ambivalent toward him. Because Qui-Gon is exactly who G. Lucas wanted him to be: the reminder to the audience that jedi aren't infallible all knowing, all powerfull superheroes. That they can make mistake. Because they are just people.
In conclusion, for the first part of the Melidaa/Daan Problem, I think Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon were both wrong. Obi-Wan, in his choice, blindness to its consequences, and Qui-Gon in letting his attachements and fear get the better of him and consequentely in failing in his duties as a Master.
Now, onto the probation part.
I think a lot of people who criticize the probation have never been on one imposed by kind people who act from a position of honest goodwill with their most sincere best interest at heart.
It's not meant to be just a sanction, to say 'this was wrong'. It's an opportunity to have all the time in the world to reflect at lengh without any other demand on your time. It's a chance to improve, to open your mind to points of view you might not have seen before, to understand better how your own emotional mechanism work that it put you in said situation in the first place, to review the situation with more insight, to gain wisdom about past event and about yourself.
Failure is an opportunity for growth and probation is a an opportunity to dedicate your focus solely on reflection and emotional/social recovery.
That said, it's not how it's presented in the books.
It's all "You did wrong. Do your time and maybe Qui-Gon will take you back". There is no blame assigned to Qui-Gon, no self-admission of failure from him, no discussion of their bond, their duties to one another, their actions and what it means, no admittance of a need for changed behavior, no chance for growth...
I feel that they wanted to keep it simple because it's a book aimed at a young audience. But by wanting to avoid difficult discussions kids might not understand or be bored by, they by-passed the concepts of probation, guilt, accountability, and the responsabilities and boundaries of the role of jedi entirely and thus give a completly skewed view of the event and how jedi work when one of their member make a mistake.
I think it's a false short-cut, a misrepresentation of the jedi and a disservice to the audience, no matter how young. Because rather than struggling with understanding "adults can make mistake but it doesn't mean you're blameless by elimination or that every adult's entire authority should be put in question", the story ends up telling "You should never question authority. Adults are always right so you just shut up." And that's a terrible message to give, because it's definitively wrong.
It's not because an adult is wrong once you never have to obey them as a minor ever again or that they are wrong about everything on this particular matter. This fear of having to justify authority, it come from a place of not being sure of its reasons other than "I'm the boss" or how to explain it to a child well enough they will accept to obey to that authority. It's the fear not being able to justify the legitimacy of one's authority. And acting on fear, that's not the way of the jedi.
Qui-Gon clearly had wisdom and intelligence, beyond this incident. He was capable of thoughfull interpersonnal interactions or he wouldn't be the jedi everyone say he was. And Obi-Wan himself wouldn't regard him as highly as he did either.
He can be uncertain faced with Qui-Gon's everything but, come on, he's no shrinking violet either.
How many thirteen years old has the gall to stand up to such an intimidating adult the way Obi-Wan did? But he did. And yet, he still thinks Qui-Gon is strong and wise and a good jedi and wants to learn from him.
So, Qui-Gon screwed up. The problem was Qui-Gon have been screwing up a lot and, each time, they talked about none of it, neither with the High Council, the Council of Reassignment, nor between themselves. He didn't apologised either, so it build up and up until it actually became so big it was impossible to do adress without changing fundamentally who they were as characters in the story.
This is where the Order was supposed to intervene.
A neutral third party with authority over them both, a duty of overview, and recognised wisdom. They should have torn down that built-up mess of unspoken issues and make Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan work through it. Do a thorough review of eveything problematic that happen between them from the start, so that everyone can say their piece, offer insights into the other's actions or POV, and prompt apologises where necessary.
Not in an accusatory way. In a way that say "this is where Qui-Gon failed as a jedi, as a master because .... Here is how you might improve."
Transformative justice rather than punitive justice.
Opportunity of betterement of self, in his role as Obi-Wan's master, as a jedi in the Order whose actions can influence other jedi, as a jedi and therefore a representative of the Order to the wider galaxy, as a representative of the Republic... This is what was taken from Qui-Gon too.
And from other jedi.
By not condamning them both, the Council announce to the rest of the Order that they found no fault in Qui-Gon and that the fault fall solely on Obi-Wan.
The intelligent masters who have experience in padawanship before, or the perceptive knights, will know it's not true. It take two to make a relationship. To think a 13 years old apprentice was just as responsible for this mess as his 43 years old Master is just foolish. The social judgement of Qui-Gon's actions was maybe just done behind closed doors.
But not all jedi may see this. And that open a whole new can of worms where the blame is put solely on the shoulders of a 13 years old learner, instead of partially on the learner and mostly on his 43 years old teacher.
That say to the othe jedi "The wisest amongst us have decide it's just the padawan who screwed up."
And since it was no small screw-up with priors, the youngest and most dogmatic/short-sighted/mean members just turn on him.
That's to be expected. It's the normal reaction in any society to shun a member condamned by its governing body, when he threaten the society as a whole. Which Obi-Wan did (see above).
And that's where the Council messed up again. Either they don't see it happening or they do but don't do anything about it, when their role is to regulate the Order, in addition to decision making and interpretation of the will of the Force. So, it's allowed to go on and fester. It let those toxic emotions and behaviors grow. When those are emotions that open the door to the Dark Side! It taint the Jedi. Against a thirteen years old.
Again, I know it was written this way to probably make the probation, an act of self-reflection on one's mistakes and change -something no one, especially not a young audience, enjoy practicing- still a Dramatic Arc (tm). Look at mean padawans! Look at the masters who ignore him! Obi-Wan alone against the world! But he will prevails! Because he's the hero!
Yeah... no.
Self-reflection is difficult and boring. No one likes to spend days on thinking what they did wrong, what they missed, trying to internalised different point of views, how they should improve. Especially when the stakes are that high and the initial motivation that just, that moral.
But it was a mistake for how the jedi function in-universe, and he should reflect on what else he could have tried, on why he acted as he did, why he made the choices he did, what motivated him and what are sensitive points for him. So that he can learn from this and do better next time, in another mission. So he can understand the mechanisms of his own psyche better and recognise when he find himself in a situation where his emotional reaction might be a danger for his impartiality and how to safeguard against it.
That's just part of growing up.
Learning, making mistakes, learning again, putting in the work, even when it's unpleasant or boring... This is also what it takes to become a jedi. Not just telekinesis, mindfuckery or lightsaber fighting.
The attempt to make it seems unnecessary or even something grand to fight against where Obi-Wan is this righteous innocent lamb, just to make the episode exciting, it did a disservice to everyone: Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, the jedi, the Council...
I was always furious at how the functioning and the philosophy of the jedi was completely warped just for gratious storytelling purpose.
Or worse, because that's the author's honest opinion of the jedi Order. There is more than enough opinion the jedi are unfeeling cold bastards in the world already. To add to it just to make things dramatic... Ugh!
But this is what we've got so this what I think should have happened instead, if we stay with the canonical characterisation and motivation of jedi, as individuals and as a group.
All that to say, I have long wish for someone to have a go at it and cut this bullshit in half. Or more. And extract from it what a fall-out with in-canon motives, philosophy and good characterisation might look like.
And here we are! Finally! And not just a past wrong righten but also a look at how the jedi operate in "peace times" before everything became about the Sith and the war against the Separatists.
Just... the Order and the regular problems of being a jedi in a galaxy far, far away.
Thank you!!!!! I feel like I can breath because something that always bothered me immensely is finally right!
I thought the characters were on point and I love how the author represented Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's relationship. I love how they just said fucked it to the meal plan and went to treat themselves something appetising. I love how they opened up to each other and how each want the best for the other.
I loved the stories and everything in it. I loved the view at all the different jedi. I love how all the bullying might finally be adressed. I love when Obi-Wan talk about the war, even though it broke my heart. I love the chance to see regular citizens as characters. I love the description of the Temple and regular life there. I loved everything!
So a big, heartfelt thank you to this author!!! It was great serie and a great read and something that absolutely missing for me! I encourage everyone who struggle with the treatment of the aftermath of Melidaa/Daan in the books to read it!
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