pandora-the-halfling · 2 years ago
I’m forever going to be pissed off about how my ex was a dick to me about how I like villains
It’s not like I ran a Tumblr blog thirsting over an actual serial killer, she was just being a dick to me over pixels
She really thought she had the moral high ground because she ONLY likes heroes/good side characters while constantly comparing a character that I like to a real world piece of shit
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chinesegal · 2 years ago
People need to learn that trying to understand the perspectives and motives of a villain isn't the same as excusing their actions. Personally, I believe that understanding the cause of evil actions is healthy and much more interesting than simply dismissing them as "evil" and irredeemable.
This post applies to any media and fandom, but I am specifically speaking from my experience in the Trollhunters/tales of Arcadia fandom, and some in One Piece.
Doflamingo is an evil, powerhungry ruler willing to kill millions, but you could see where he comes from when you see his backstory. Usurna is ruthless, backstabbing, prejudiced against humans and changelings alike, though for personal reasons I choose to believe that she is a little bit more complex than that and has her reasons for hating humanity. Morando is the same, though I enjoy the headcanon that part of his motivation is in the unfair caste system on Akiridion.
Of course, I can sort of understand why some people would have a negative reaction to people who connect said villain to real evil, even though I can't really empathize. Personally, I see fictional evil as strictly fictional unless explicitly based on real atrocities, though I want to be careful not to sound too sympathetic to said villains.
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evilwriter37 · 4 years ago
Rules: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 people you’d like to get to know better
I was tagged by @howtodrawyourdragon
1. Name: Archer
2. Nickname: Arch
3. Zodiac sign: Aries
4. Height: 5′4 and 3 quarters
5. Languages: English
6. Nationality: American
7. Favorite Season: Fall
8. Favorite Flower: Chrysanthemums
10. Favorite Color: any shade of dark blue
11. Favorite Animals: cats, harp seals
12. Favorite Fictional Character(s): Oh boy, you’re in for a list! Hiccup Haddock, Snotlout Jorgenson, Stoick the Vast, Viggo Grimborn Lydia Martin, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Natasha Romanoff, Loki, Tony Stark, Thor, Zuko, Katara, Toph, Korra, Mako, Asami, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Poe Dameron, Finn, Rey, Ben Solo, Jim Lake Jr. Claire Nunez, Toby Domzalski, Steve Palchuk, Eli Pepperjack, Aja Tarron, Krel Tarron, Val Morando
13. Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate and tea!
14. Average Amount of Sleep: Hahaha! Too much, but not enough at the same time.
15. Dogs or Cats: Cats
16. Number of Blankets you Sleep with: Two
17. Dream Trip: Iceland
18. Blog Established: April 2014
19. Followers: 2,389
20. Random Fact: I published a book when I was 12. 
I don’t know 20 people, lol. @cosmoetherockcat, @jayalaw, @iidigestive-readerii
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akozuheiwa · 5 years ago
What's the connection between Krel and Gaylen's core?
Okay, so, I don't know how to screenshot of gif, so here is the conversation from the show:
Fialkov: Are you sure that Krel is ready for all of this?
Coranda: Were you?
Fialkov: Krel is just a boy.
Coranda: And that is why, until he is ready, Gaylen's core rests in the hands of its protector.
In fiction, they don't just do things for no reason, usually. In animation, even less so. Why include this specific conversation? Even more, why single out Krel? Why not talk about both of them? Maybe it's because Aja flew the coop again, but to me that would make them worry more if she was ready. So why Krel?
Also, Kanjigar's spirit ball pushed Krel specifically, and Krel is the one that had to face his worst fears in the Deep. That's also significant. There is some connection between him and Gaylen's core, but I don't know what it is. And Morando was destroyed with it... at least it seems. So is this going to be something touched on in Wizards?
...or am I just over analysing a single conversation?
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lizzylucky · 5 years ago
3Below Part 2 - About The Parents
I wanted to bring something up with the King and Queen, Fialkov and Coranda. (Spelled right?)
First and foremost (and I am saying this through the perspectives of our main characters), they are parents. Mama and Papa. Krel and Aja, though they are obviously very mature and very intelligent, are still technically children. At least by our standards. And, if you ask me, they still exhibit many of the emotions and needs of kids. They rely on their parents for guidance and encouragement in everything. That they are being forced to prematurely face a life without that is heart breaking.
And with this in mind, it's easy to see their parents as being good, and virtually immortal beings. That's how we all used to see our parents, right? We could not comprehend death, and we could not comprehend a life in which our parents did not exist because we'd never existed that way ourselves. Parents don't go away, and there's no such thing as living a life where they aren't there for you. Though Aja and Krel know better than this, I suspect that they still had those kind of emotions in them, that it still would have been nearly impossible to accurately imagine a life without their parents' constant presence.
Throughout all of part one, this is how I see it. Coranda and Fialkov are ultimately good, pure, everlasting, and righteous. What becomes interesting is that the writers threw in unresolved moral debate relating to the King and Queen almost from the moment that part 2 began.
Probably the biggest example of this is when we encounter Tronos, that electricity dude, if you'll remember. If I interpreted correctly, his planet, Voltar, was all but destroyed. His kind begged for the assistance of the throne of Akiridian-5, which was fully equipped and well prepared for combat, and received none. This led to the destruction and loss that caused so much personal turmoil between the royals and this one villain.
What's more on this is that Aja specifically looks into it and can see no logical reason, or any reason at all, for this. It looked that the King and Queen had simply chosen not to intervene when they could have saved so many lives.
Another example, though I forgot how most the conversation went, is when Varvatos and Morando are fighting each other head on. Morando is, of course, incredibly clever and tricky with his words, but after verifying that he had hired the Zerons to destroy Varvatos's family in order to later use him, he implied that the royal family had chosen to do nothing about it, doing nothing more than to make a public appearance.
It is really incredibly easy to chose to believe that Morando was simply twisting words to hurt Varvatos, and that whatever happened on Voltar and with Tronos was a large misconception and the King and Queen had good reasoning.
On top of that, you have to take into consideration that when it comes to this stuff, there will always be people using their words to twist the actions of higher authorities, and that politics just kind of work this way. As Royalty, Fialkov and Coranda would have to pick and choose their battles. In the words of a certain fictional character, "sometimes the only choices you have are bad ones; but you still have to chose." There were going to be benefits and losses to every decision made within the throne, but we would have to trust that these decisions were, ultimately, wise decisions, regardless of negatives and rumours.
I'm honestly not sure where exactly I'm going with all of this, but in watching the second part to 3Below, they made it clear that there were some things the King and Queen did, or did not, do that some people didn't agree with or otherwise just downright hated. The ways that Morando spoke and the silver tongue he had developed in turn make you briefly, if only subconsciously, wonder about the moral goodness of the King and Queen, creating mental and emotional turmoil throughout the whole thing.
The one thing that makes this most interesting to me is that they leave it unresolved in that way. That's what makes this show so genius. They do not expand on the mess with Voltar. They do not tell us how exactly they became involved with the Zerons' attack on Varvatos's family. They leave us with our perception of kind, wise, and intelligent rulers and parents who were associated with some other very bad things. Even Krel and Aja don't have a perfect resolution for this, and as the now King and Queen, they are about to face the same kinds of challenges and moral dilemmas that they were never able to understand about their parents.
I dunno, I guess I'm just heartbroken about it. We are left with doubts and a lack of complete resolution, and have very little closure since Krel and Aja did not get to give their proper goodbyes and had almost no time to greive before picking up the throne. Aja will never lean into her mother's palm again. Krel will never be able to hug his papa- Aja will never be reprimanded by her parents for sneaking out, and she will not have the capacity or small freedom to try. Krel will never be chided for spending too much time with his electronics. Aja did not get to be crowned by her parents. Krel didn't get to finish his ceremonial duel. They will never be able to tell each other in person "I love you". And all of this political huba on top of the loving parents going gone gut punches every fan of this show.
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melifluos · 6 years ago
Un appartement à Uranus
(Paul Beatriz Preciado)
Alors qu’au cours de ces derniers mois, ma vie de veille a été, pour reprendre l’euphémisante expression catalane, «bonne, si nous n’entrons pas dans les détails», ma vie onirique a eu la puissance d’un roman d’Ursula K. Le Guin. Au cours de l’un de mes derniers rêves, je discutais avec l’artiste Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster de mon problème : après des années de vie nomade, il m’est difficile de décider d’un lieu où vivre dans le monde. Pendant que nous avions cette conversation, nous observions les planètes tourner doucement sur leur orbite, comme si nous étions deux enfants géants et que le système solaire était un mobile Calder. Je lui expliquais que, pour l’instant, afin d’éviter le conflit que la décision entraînait, j’avais loué un appartement sur chaque planète, mais que je ne passais pas plus d’un mois sur chacune d’entre elles, et que cette situation était économiquement et vitalement insoutenable. Probablement parce qu’elle est l’auteure du projet «Exotourisme», Dominique était dans ce rêve une experte de la gestion immobilière au sein de l’univers extraterrestre. «A ta place, j’aurais un appartement sur Mars et je garderais un pied-à-terre sur Saturne, me disait-elle, faisant preuve d’un grand pragmatisme. Mais je laisserais l’appartement d’Uranus. C’est trop loin.» Eveillé, je n’ai pas de connaissance particulière en astronomie ni aucune idée de la position et distance des différentes planètes du système solaire. Mais j’ai vérifié, en consultant la page Wikipédia consacrée à Uranus : c’est effectivement l’une des planètes les plus éloignées de la Terre. Seuls Neptune, Pluton et les planètes naines Hauméa, Makémaké et Eris sont plus lointaines. Uranus est ce que les physiciens appellent une «géante gazeuse». Composée de glace, de méthane et d’ammoniac, elle est la planète la plus froide du système solaire, avec des vents pouvant dépasser les 900 km/h. Bref, on ne peut pas dire que les conditions d’habitabilité conviennent. Dominique avait donc raison : je devrais quitter l’appartement d’Uranus. Le rêve fonctionne comme un virus. A partir de cette nuit, alors que je suis éveillé, la sensation d’avoir un appartement à Uranus augmente, et je suis de plus en plus convaincu que c’est là-bas que je veux vivre. Pour les Grecs, comme pour moi dans le rêve, Uranus était le toit solide du monde, la limite de la voûte céleste. Uranus est considéré comme la maison des dieux dans de nombreuses invocations rituelles grecques. Dans la mythologie, Uranus est le fils que Gea, la Terre, a conçu seule, sans insémination ni accouplement. La mythologie grecque est à la fois une sorte de conte de science-fiction rétro-anticipant, dans une modalité do it yourself, les technologies de reproduction et de transformation du corps qui apparaîtront tout au long des XXe et XXIe siècles ; et en même temps une série télé kitsch dans laquelle les personnages s’adonnent à une quantité inimaginable de relations qui sont hors la loi. Ainsi Gea a épousé son fils Uranus, un titan souvent représenté au milieu d’un nuage d’étoiles, tel une sorte de Tom of Finland dansant avec d’autres types musclés dans un club techno sur le mont Olympe. Des relations incestueuses et peu hétérosexuelles du Ciel et de la Terre naquirent la première génération de titans, parmi lesquels Océan, l’eau ; Chronos, le temps ; ou Mnémosyne, la mémoire… Uranus est à la fois le fils de la Terre et le père de tout le reste. On ne sait pas clairement quel était le problème d’Uranus, mais la vérité est qu’il n’était pas un bon père : soit il forçait ses enfants à rester dans le ventre de Gea, soit il les jetait dans le Tartare dès la naissance. Gea a donc convaincu l’un de ses enfants d’effectuer une opération contraceptive. On peut voir au palais Vecchio de Florence la représentation que Giorgio Vasari a faite au XVIe siècle de Chronos castrant son père Uranus avec une faux. Aphrodite, la déesse de l’amour, a émergé des organes génitaux amputés d’Uranus… ce qui pourrait suggérer que l’amour vient de la déconnexion des organes génitaux du corps, du déplacement et de l’extériorisation de la force génitale. Cette forme de conception non hétérosexuelle, citée dans le Banquet de Platon, a inspiré à Karl Heinrich Ulrichs le terme «uraniste» en 1864 pour désigner ce qu’il appelle les amours du «troisième sexe». Afin d’expliquer l’attirance d’homme pour d’autres hommes, Ulrichs, après Platon, coupe la subjectivité en deux, sépare l’âme et le corps, et imagine une combinatoire d’âmes et de corps qui l’autorise à revendiquer la dignité de ceux qui s’aiment contre la loi. La segmentation de l’âme et du corps reproduit dans l’ordre de l’expérience l’épistémologie binaire de la différence sexuelle : il n’y a que deux options. Les uranistes ne sont pas, dit Ulrichs, malades ou criminels, mais des âmes féminines enfermées dans des corps masculins attirés par les âmes masculines. Ulrichs ne fait pas cette déclaration en tant que scientifique, mais à la première personne. Il ne dit pas «il y a des uranistes», mais «moi, je suis uraniste», et il l’affirme encore, après avoir été condamné à la prison et vu ses livres interdits, devant un congrès de juristes à Munich. Ainsi Ulrichs était sans aucun doute le premier citoyen européen à déclarer publiquement qu’il voulait un appartement sur Uranus. Je réalise alors que ma condition trans est une nouvelle forme d’uranisme. Je n’ai plus besoin, comme Ulrichs, d’affirmer que je suis une âme masculine enfermée dans un corps de femme. Je n’ai pas d’âme et je n’ai pas de corps. J’ai un appartement sur Uranus, ce qui me situe assez loin de la plupart des Terriens, mais pas si loin que vous ne puissiez pas venir me voir. Même dans les rêves.
Um apartamento em Urano
(tradução de Luiz Morando)
Enquanto, ao longo desses últimos meses, minha vida acordada foi, para retomar a eufemística expressão catalã, “boa, se não entrarmos em detalhes”, minha vida onírica foi estimulada pela potência de um romance de Ursula K. Le Guin. Em um de meus últimos sonhos, eu discutia com a artista Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster sobre o meu problema: após anos de vida nômade, é difícil para mim decidir sobre um lugar onde viver no mundo. Enquanto conversávamos, observávamos os planetas girar suavemente em suas órbitas, como se fôssemos dois garotos gigantes e o sistema solar fosse um móbile de [Alexander] Calder. Eu lhe explicava que, no momento, a fim de evitar o conflito que a decisão me acarretava, eu alugara um apartamento em cada planeta, mas passara menos de um mês em cada um deles, e que essa situação era econômica e vitalmente insustentável. Provavelmente porque ela é a autora do projeto Exoturismo, Dominique era nesse sonho uma especialista em gestão imobiliária no cerne do universo extraterrestre. “Em seu lugar, eu teria um apartamento em Marte e ficaria em uma pousada em Saturno, me dizia ela, demonstrando um grande pragmatismo. Mas eu deixaria o apartamento de Urano. É muito longe.” Acordado, não tenho nenhum conhecimento particular em astronomia nem nenhuma ideia da posição e distância dos diferentes planetas do sistema solar. Mas verifiquei, ao consultar a página da Wikipédia destinada a Urano: é efetivamente um dos planetas mais distantes da Terra. Apenas Netuno, Plutão e os planetas-anões Haumea, Makemake e Éris estão mais distantes. Urano é o que os físicos chamam de “gigante gasoso”. Composto de gelo, metano e amoníaco, ele é o planeta mais frio do sistema solar, com ventos que podem ultrapassar 900 km/h. Em suma, não podemos dizer que as condições de habitabilidade sejam adequadas. Portanto, Dominique tinha razão: eu deveria deixar o apartamento de Urano. O sonho funciona como um vírus. Desde essa noite, enquanto estou acordado, a sensação de ter um apartamento em Urano aumenta, e fico cada vez mais convencido que é lá onde quero viver. Para os gregos, como para mim no sonho, Urano era o teto sólido do mundo, o limite da abóboda celeste. Urano é considerado a casa dos deuses em numerosas invocações rituais gregas. Na mitologia, Urano é o filho que Gaia, a Terra, concebeu sozinha, sem inseminação nem acasalamento. A mitologia grega é, ao mesmo tempo, uma espécie de conto de ficção científica retro-antecipatório, numa modalidade do “faça você mesmo”, das tecnologias de reprodução e de transformação do corpo que aparecerão ao longo dos séculos XX e XXI, e uma série de TV kitsch na qual as personagens se entregam a uma quantidade inimaginável de relações fora da lei. Assim, Gaia desposou seu filho Urano, um titã frequentemente representado em meio a uma nuvem de estrelas, como uma espécie de Tom of Finland dançando com outros tipos musculosos em um clube techno no monte Olimpo. De relações incestuosas e pouco heterossexuais do Céu e da Terra nasceram a primeira geração de titãs, dentre os quais Oceano, a água; Cronos, o tempo; ou Mnemosine, a memória… Urano é tanto filho da Terra quanto pai de todo o resto. Não está claro qual era o problema com Urano, mas a verdade é que ele não era um bom pai: ou forçava seus filhos a ficarem no ventre de Gaia, ou os atirava no Tártaro após seu nascimento. Gaia então convenceu um de seus filhos a realizar uma operação contraceptiva. Pode-se ver no Palácio Vecchio, em Florença, a representação que Giorgio Vasari fez no século XVI de Cronos castrando seu pai Urano com uma foice. Afrodite, a deusa do amor, emergiu dos genitais amputados de Urano… o que poderia sugerir que o amor vem da desconexão dos órgãos genitais do corpo, do deslocamento e da externalização da força genital. Essa forma de concepção não heterossexual, citada em O banquete, de Platão, inspirou a Karl Heinrich Ulrichs o termo “uranista”, em 1864, para designar o que ele chama de amores do “terceiro sexo”. Para explicar a atração de um homem por outros homens, Ulrichs, depois de Platão, corta a subjetividade em duas, separa a alma e o corpo, e imagina uma combinação de almas e corpos que o autoriza a reivindicar a dignidade daqueles que se ama contra a lei. A segmentação da alma e do corpo reproduz na ordem da experiência a epistemologia binária da diferença sexual: há apenas duas opções. Os uranistas não são, diz Ulrichs, doentes ou criminosos, mas almas femininas encerradas em corpos masculinos atraídos por almas masculinas. Ulrichs não faz essa declaração enquanto cientista, mas em primeira pessoa. Ele não diz “há uranistas”, mas “eu sou uranista”, e afirma isso, após ter sido condenado à prisão e visto seus livros serem proibidos, diante de um congresso de juristas em Munique. Assim, Ulrichs foi, sem dúvida alguma, o primeiro cidadão europeu a declarar publicamente que queria um apartamento em Urano. Percebo então que minha condição trans é uma nova forma de uranismo. Não tenho mais necessidade, como Ulrichs, de afirmar que sou uma alma masculina encerrada em um corpo de mulher. Não tenho alma e não tenho corpo. Eu tenho um apartamento em Urano, que é longe o suficiente da maioria dos terráqueos, mas não tão longe que você não possa vir me ver. Até nos sonhos.
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the-dork-neko · 7 years ago
Tumblr media
Gif original por @rose-of-pollux. Headcanon: apesar de três décadas terem se passado desde a formação da banda, os Monkees ainda são vistos morando na famosa casa de praia no especial "Hey, Hey, It's The Monkees" porque, por mais inesperado que pareça, Babbitt, o senhorio, deixou a casa, em testamento, para os rapazes de meia-idade. Apesar dos pagamentos atrasados, dos experimentos químicos e culinários indescritíveis, das imitações de lobisomens, e dos vilões furiosos à porta, os músicos salvaram a vizinhança de várias ameaças, inclusive Anjos Lamentadores, Daleks, e o Demônio em pessoa. Para não admitir a existência de tais existências dignas de pesadelo; a própria gratidão; ou a afeição que tinha pelos músicos azarados, como se fossem seus próprios filhos, o dono das casas de aluguel optou por deixar o 1334 em herança para a banda (fictícia) que ainda buscava o merecido lugar ao sol. Provavelmente, o senhorio se foi do mundo dos vivos no começo da década de 1980. Headcanon: the reason why the Monkees are still living in the Pad, during the TV special "Hey, Hey, It's The Monkees" (made to promote the album Justus) it's because, surprisingly, Mr. Babbitt left the house for them, in his will. Despite the late payments, the undescribable culinary and chemical experiments, the werewolf imitations, and the villains barging at the doors in a weekly basis, the band saved the neighborhood from countless threats, like Weeping Angels, Daleks, and the Devil in person. To stop himself from admiting the existance of such nightmare-like creatures; his own gratefulness; or the affection for the musicians, like they were his own sons, the owner opted to left the 1334 in inheritance for the (fictional) band, who was still looking for the well-deserved big hit. Mr. Babbitt probably passed away somewhere in the early 1980s.
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regulusplots · 7 years ago
216, 209, 5, 16 (super aleatória eu mesma)
Want to know me better? Send me any number!
216: Favourite fictional character?
Quem me conhece já sabe qual é essa resposta, ele mesmo meu filho esquecido no churrasco pela própria autora e pelo fandom, pode entrar: Regulus Arcturus Black.
209: Item of clothing or jewellery you’ll never see me without?
Meus piercings na orelha?? Eu não sou muito de usar acessórios no dia-a-dia, costumava usar um cordão com meu nome e uns aneis, mas depois que me mudei de país e morando em capital não dá pra ficar usando coisa cara por ai né, ainda mais quando foram presentes de 15 anos.
5: Book/series I reread?
Eu não sou muito de reler o livro inteiro, geralmente eu acabo pegando pra reler as partes que mais gosto e o que vira sempre acabo fazendo isso é A Court Of Mist and Fury que é o segundo livro de ACOTAR.
16: TV show I always recommend?
SKAM, SKAM E SKAM...MIL VEZES SKAM. Foi uma das minhas melhores descobertas de 2016 e eu sai recomendando pra todo mundo que eu via pela frente kkkkkkkk e tô bem triste porque amanhã é o último episódio. Mas é uma série que trata de muitos assuntos importantes e mostra uma cultura bem diferente da que estamos acostumados e cara sempre tem algum personagem pra fazer um discurso construtivo pro outro sobre esses assunto importantes.
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akozuheiwa · 5 years ago
Tagged by @kiwibirdlafayette ❤️
 1. Why do you write? (ie; what’s your motivation?)
Hmm, probably because I really love to create in as many forms as possible, and writing is a pretty unique form of creating because everyone who reads what I write is going to leave with a different image of a world I was able to create… I dunno I just think it’s neat.
2. Who, of your characters would you want to spend a day with?
Hmmm, I’m gonna do this by universe I think…
ToA fics: Krel, duh. He’s my boy and maybe he could actually teach me how to math.
Real Magic: This one is tough because they’re all my babies but probably Traavohn, he’s fun and an all around good dude.
Valkyrie: Lykke, probably, I adore him and he both could and would take me flying.
Parallax: Mahhi, probably, because they’re a good kid and I want to hug them to death. Also they, too, might be able to teach me how to math.
3. What’s your favorite part of writing?
Worldbuilding and dialogue. Worldbuilding is just so cool, to start with nothing and build up an entire world. It’s so much fun. And dialogue is also very fun, I love seeing characters interact and take on a life of their own.
4. What is one genre and/or trope you despise writing?
Political drama, probably. Like, anything where I have to know shit about politics. In other words, the current book in RM that I’m working on. My own fault.
5. Who are your biggest influences?
Oh, that’s a hard one… I’m not sure, but everything I’ve read and watched has shaped me as a writer, being in a “I hate that and will not write like that” or a “I love that and will try to emulate some of it” kind of way.
6. If your work got a film deal- Animated or Live action?
Animated!! Animation allows for all sorts of unique story-telling devices that live action doesn’t, and there’s so much love put into it… also then I don’t have to worry finding someone who can both act and looks like my characters, and, quite frankly, there’d be a lot of CGI anyway in most of what I write so why not go all out?
7. Are you more of an outline person or write-as-you go person?
I absolutely have to have an outline because if I don’t then weird shit happens like, I dunno, dinosaurs (I’m not kidding). Now, do my characters always listen to the outline? Absolutely not, but I have to have one.
8. What’s the most emotional thing you’ve ever written?
Oof, um… I’ve written a lot of rough scenes, and I’m not sure which I’d call the most emotional. The most emotional thing in the past few months has definitely been a concept scene from Legacies that I hope will rip your hearts out 🙂
9. Would you want to live in the world(s) of your story?
I’d totally live in my ToA fics because, duh, trolls and aliens and wizards and it’s cool. I’d totally live in RM because I modelled elven society almost exactly how I wish society could be so duh. I’d live in the Valkyrie universe as long as I’m not stuck in Kris’s position, I don’t need that kind of responsibility. I’d live in the Parallax universe because, duh, aliens.
10. (and, because I’ve seen most do this)- Any goals for your WIP?
Legacies: Finish and post it? And hopefully get y’all attached and make you cry.
Space Rogues and Morando AU: Finish and post, also.
Real Magic: My New Year’s Resolution was to finish the new covers and get all three books published (right now only two are out) – also my goal for it is that one day people will love it enough to write fanfiction or draw fanart.
Valkyrie: Get it picked up and actually made into a show, and from there I hope people will love it enough to write fics or make art.
Parallax: Same as Valkyrie.
 My questions for those tagged:
1.     What inspires you to write?
2.     Do you prefer writing fanfiction or original fiction?
3.     Describe your WIP(s) in five words.
4.     Do you have any characters you’d want to punch in the face? What about hug?
5.     What’s the hardest scene you’ve ever written?
6.     Do any characters come more naturally to you than others?
7.     What’s one piece of advice about writing you want to tell your younger self?
8.     What’s your favourite trope to write?
9.     Fluff or angst?
10.  Do you have any goals for your WIP(s)?
Tagging: @brising @lizzylucky @sheltie26 @dreyadeir @aeinridi @squash1-squash2-squash3 @trololololololooz @eurazba @infographicisminetocommand @yellowmagicalgirl @purplerose244 (sorry to anyone who has already done this rip) and anyone else if you want to do this consider yourself tagged by me
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