#more like intended to have a couple cookies' worth and couldn't stop and then had no room for dinner
kiralamouse · 3 months
Me: Yikes, my sister's ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD is dealing with a nasty stomach bug; hope I didn't catch anything when I hung out with them yesterday! Better stay outside and be quick while dropping off their groceries. Also Me: Why yes, I would love to have a dinner consisting of nothing but tons of last week's raw cookie dough! Nothing bad ever came of raw egg and flour, right?
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magicmanias · 5 years
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: You were found in the ruins of the city of Sokovia when Ultron attacked—a helpless, thrown out HYDRA experiment that was left to die. The Avengers take you in and love you as if they were your own. And though you love your family, a certain sophomore at Midtown High lit the real sparks within you.
Warnings: Minor Angst in the beginning, Fluff!, so. much. fluff.
Word Count: 6.5k (this was way longer than I intended it to be)
A/N: Sorry for the long exposition, but I feel like it makes it all worth it when Peter and Y/N meet. And I didn’t heavily edit it, so I’m sorry for that.
AU where Tony discovers Peter earlier, Civil War happens but all is forgiven, and Homecoming has not happened.
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There were loud booms and crashes in the distance. Flurries of terrified strangers ran past you. You didn’t know anything. Any of this. You placed your hands over your ears and closed your eyes shut. The screams. You couldn’t take the screams. You ignored the blood on your bare feet that began to run onto the dirt ground. Where were you? Where was your commander? You needed orders. Tears started to stream down your face.
“Hey Cap?” Tony flew down from the sky and landed on the once floating city of Sokovia. In the chaos amongst the terrified civilians, there was a girl. She couldn’t be more than fourteen. She looked normal—except for the red and yellow sparks that flew around her. Surrounding bits of debris floated around the girl, who appeared to be in agony as she sobbed on the ground. “I think I found something.”
“Hey, could I… ask you your name?” A tall, blond man in a blue suit sat down calmly in front of you. You backed away from him and cowered in the corner of your containment cell.
“Well, my name is Steve.” He reached his hand out. You refused to touch it. “We're here to help you.”
“Where's Mr. Strucker?” you whimpered. “He's my commander.”
“I-I um…” The man named Steve crunched down to your height. “Do you have a name?”
“I'm Soldier #82467. Experiment XIV,” you repeat what you were always referred to as. You were a number, not a name.
“How long has Mr. Strucker been your commander?” Steve asked you calmly.
Maybe this man could help you find your commander. Or was he the plague of the earth, as your commander always told you about? “My whole life. 14 years.”
“Do you know your birthday?” Steve continued.
You shook your head. You didn't know why that was important.
“I think we can give you a name. If you want one,” Steve said, with a small smile. You couldn't tell if it was genuine or not.  “Would you like a name?”
You slowly nodded your head. A name would be better than a number.
“Let's see what we can do.”
“Miss, could you sit here, please?” Bruce asked you. That's what Steve said his name was. It was strange to be on a first name basis with these men.
They were very odd. They weren't… intense like the men back home. They smiled a lot more too.
Bruce placed many strange items on you, similar to the doctors back at the base. The tools he used were cold, but you were used to being cold.
“Breath in, and out,” he said. Another man came into the room. He seemed older than the man who questioned you, Steve.
“Tony,” Steve approached Tony. “Did you get the results?”
“Yeah, Capsicle. She's definitely enhanced.”
“So what did Wanda say?” Bruce asked.
“She didn't know about her. They must have placed her away from the twins,” Tony answered. “And Nat is seeing if she can pull up anything on a Soldier—”
“Don't call her that,” Steve interrupted. He looked back at you. “We don't know her name yet, but she's a kid, Tony. Not a soldier.”
“Well, Nat is seeing if she can pull anything up on her in the old files that were recovered from SHIELD.” Tony cleared his voice and muttered a small, but sincere ‘sorry.’
The three men directed their attention to you. “Um, do you know what your powers are exactly?”
You hesitated before whispering softly, “That's classified.”
“You can tell us, kid. We're the good guys. The people you used to know, weren't very nice people. And we're trying to fix that,” Tony said, placing a hand on his shoulder in uncertainty. “If you tell us, we can help you control them.”
“They already tried,” you mumbled. “And they couldn't… I killed everyone who tried. I-I didn't mean t-to.”
“Hey, hey. Doll, it's ok,” Steve put a hand on your shoulder. You flinched at his touch. Sparks began to fly around you. Steve quickly moved his hand away and backed up. The sparks faded out.
“I don't w-want to hurt you…”
“Nat, what do you have on her?” Steve asked. Nat walked into the living room with a file in her hand.
She placed the file down and opened it up. Inside, there was very little, but enough to give them something.
“She never… had a name,” Natasha explained. “But they did label her. Project Y/N. Maybe we could call her that?”
“It's better than Soldier #82467,” Sam said from the couch.
“I agree,” Steve said. “How come Wanda never knew her?”
“Y/N said she killed everyone who tried to stop her?” Natasha pointed to a paragraph in the file. “They put her in solitary confinement for the past few months.”
“Do you think we can help her?” Clint asked. He always had a place in his heart for kids.
“We already have,” Tony said. He entered the room with Bruce. You trailed behind Bruce meekly.
“Hi, Y/N,” the redhead said. She gave you a tight-lipped smile.
“Is that my name?” you asked her. She nodded. You liked it.
“It's not perfect, but we gave her a cuff that can stop her powers from emerging when she gets stressed.”
“Can she use them otherwise?” Wanda asked. The rest of the Avengers had walked into the room to meet you
“Yeah, with practice I think,” Bruce said.
“What can she do, exactly?” Rhodey asked.
“It appears she gained her abilities from the mind stone as well,” Vision thought aloud. “I believe her powers were given to her recently. Definitely later than Wanda.”
“I've had them for about five months,” you told everyone. “I shoot sparks and I can create heat and fires. And I can move things—without touching them.”
“I know a man who is well versed in the Mystical Arts. His name is Stephen Strange. Perhaps he could help Y/N harness her abilities,” Thor suggested.
“Thor, that's a good—” The alarm blared throughout the tower. It startled you and sparks began to fly around the room. Part of Thor's cape almost set on fire.
“Like I said, it's a work in progress,” Tony yelled over the alarm.
“Suit up, Avengers!” Rhodey called out.
“Hey hey! We should call this chick Sparky!” Sam laughed at his own joke. Everyone glared at him.
You laughed quietly. Yeah, you liked the Avengers.
[One Year Later]
A lot had happened in a year: Steve found Bucky, the Avengers met Ant-Man, Wakanda had opened itself to the world, and you were succeeding in your training with Dr. Strange.
Steve and Tony were very protective of you and kind of acted like your dads—you even took Tony’s last name and he and Steve signed on to be your official guardians. Nat and Wanda were like big sisters to you and you told them everything. Bucky, Clint, and Sam were the “cool” uncles that you hung out with to get away with stuff and pull pranks. Rhodey taught you how to drive and told you funny stories about Tony. Scott taught you magic tricks and you were friends with his daughter, Cassie. You often helped Bruce in the lab with his research and he definitely taught you some sciency things. And you always helped Thor out because you were the only one who could help keep Loki under control; he had a soft spot for you. You also liked to help Vision in the kitchen. You made some mean cookies.
“Friday, where's Tony?” you asked, getting up from bed.
“Mr. Stark is on the bottom floor.”
You threw on a pair of loose shorts and a tank top and went downstairs to the foyer.
You walked to the main door to see Tony with a boy. He looked around your age. He had short, brown hair and a matching set of eyes.
“Sparky!” Tony called you over. You rolled your eyes at the nickname. You cannot believe that stuck. Sam sucks so much, you thought.
“Hi, Tony.” The boy looked at you and you returned his gaze with yours. He swallowed deeply. Your eyes widened.
Your eyes widened.
“Peter, this is my daughter. Well, technically she’s Steve’s too, but she has my last name, so she’s like 60% my daughter. And drop the staring, Parker. She's off limits.” Tony gripped Peter's shoulder playfully. He blushed, still looking at you.
“Hi, Peter. I'm Y/N,” you squeaked. You smiled nervously at him. You didn't have much contact with people outside of the Avengers and Cassie was really the only person you knew who was close to your age.
“I-I'm Pe— I'm P-Peter. Oh wait, you knew that…” he stuttered. He closed his mouth and bit his lip. You thought it was cute and you lightly giggled.
“I said she's off limits, Parker,” Tony almost growled. You felt the embarrassment rise to your cheeks and suddenly you felt panic. There was something about that kid that threw you off.
“I have to go,” you mumbled quickly before scurrying away.
Peter frowned at your early leave. He gulped. Stupid, Peter thought. God, why can’t you just talk like a normal person?
“She's just a little shy…” Tony sighed. “Y/N doesn’t really know any people around her age. She’s fifteen, like you.”
“I-I didn't know you-you had a daughter,” Peter inquired. He thought you were really pretty and you didn't really look like Tony.
“She's not my actual daughter. I took her in,” Tony paused. “Do you remember Sokovia?”
It had been a couple of days since you saw Peter. Even though you ran away from him, you couldn’t stop thinking about him. You didn’t really understand why and when you went to talk to Nat about it, she just smiled and said that you had a “crush on him.” You didn’t know what that meant though. She said it meant you liked him.
You did like Peter, you didn’t like him the same way you did the Avengers. The Avengers were your family, but he wasn’t like that to you. It was a different kind of like. You regretted running away from Peter before you could really soak up his features. His brown eyes that had looked straight into yours. It made your stomach feel weird but in a good way. His lips were… nice, too.
You decided not to talk to your “dads” about it. It didn’t seem like something a person would ask their father figures about.
Summer was ending. Tony knew it was about time you’d be around people your age. Sure, the Avengers were good company and they were your family, but you needed to make connections on your own. You had lived with them for a year now, and Tony knew you were adjusting to your new life well.  
You needed to go to school.
Of course, he knew you’d be just fine education-wise. Before they gave you powers, you were training to be a spy for HYDRA, so you were given a rich education. Tony and Bruce would often teach you about science and math as well, so you were definitely well off there. Making friends was the challenge—but Tony knew a certain high schooler with spider-powers and a large knowledge on pop culture who could help her out.
“School? Tony, are you sure? She’s barely been here a year. And she doesn’t even have her powers fully under control,” Steve argued. He walked around the kitchen counter to get a mug from the cabinet.
“Yes, I think she’s ready. She’s gotta make some friends, Rogers. And what could go wrong? It’s high school,” Tony shot back. “I just want her to have some friends her age. I mean, we may have to leave her behind one day. This isn’t safe work.” Tony frowned at the thought of leaving Y/N if something were to happen to him. She was his daughter.
“You know she’s just as much mine as she is yours. I get a say in this,” Steve countered. “I mean, I’m just worried for her.”
There was a long moment of silence. Steve looked down at his coffee in contemplation. Tony came closer to him before finally saying, “Do you remember when we found Y/N?” he asked.
“Of course I do,” he answered. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
“And do you remember what you said to me when I called her ‘Soldier?’” Tony continued.
Steve realized where Tony was coming from. “I said, ‘She’s just a kid, not a soldier,’” he recited, like lines from a play. Steve sighed. “You’re right.”
“I know I am. We have to give her a chance to have some sort of childhood. Let her go to school,” Tony pleaded. His eyes grew with hope. Steve knew he couldn’t say no.
“Fine, but I want someone to look over her. She doesn’t know how to interact with people her age and I don’t want her to burn the school down,” Steve urged.
“I already have someone. You know the kid that stole your shield?” Tony laughed at the memory. Steve groaned.
“So we’re going to Queens?”
Peter had finished making his way around patrolling the streets of Queens as Spider-Man. He didn’t have much action today—just a couple of petty thefts. But for once, he was actually glad about the lack of opportunity. It meant he could swing around, daydreaming about her. Y/N Stark. Damn, she was pretty, he thought. Granted, his turned focus almost caused him to crash into a pole, but it was worth it. He hoped he would be able to see her again. Maybe next time Mr. Stark needed him, she would be there.
Turns out, Mr. Stark needed him right now.
“May?” Peter opened the door and walked into his apartment.
His aunt was on the couch. She turned to face him, “Hey baby. How’s Ned?”
Peter tossed his keys into the bowl next to the door. “Ned? Oh, uh. Ned—Ned is good. He’s fine. Hey, did you see that crazy car outside…?”
Tony Stark and Captain America were here. In his apartment. Two Avengers. At the same time. I mean, Mr. Stark had come by once, but he was here again—with Steve Rogers.
“M-Mr. Stark? Wh-What are you doing here? Uh, Ca-Captain,” Peter stuttered.
“Relax, alright? You should be used to this by now,” Tony said as he sat up from the couch.
“Tony Stark was talking to me about his daughter, Y/N,” May smiled at Peter and walked over to him. She gave him a hug, before quickly retreating. “Honey, you need a shower.”
Peter nodded silently and continued to stare at Steve freaking Rogers.
Steve, who was standing in the corner of the room, also walked over to Peter. He swallowed hard. “Hello, Mr. Parker.”
“Uh, hi-hi, sir.”
“Peter, I’m gonna hand it to you straight. We want Y/N to go to Midtown High,” Tony started. Peter zoned out every word after that. Y/N was going to school with him. He would be able to see her every day.
“Pete? Peter, are you even listening to me?” Tony asked, annoyed. Peter snapped out of his thoughts.
“What? Oh, yes, sir. I-I was listening.”
“Great, I thought you were drooling over my-our daughter,” Tony smirked. Steve glared at Peter.
“So, your Aunt has so graciously allowed Y/N to stay here for the school year,” Steve said, dropping the glare to thank his aunt.
Peter glanced at May, giving her a look of surprise. May smiled overly sweetly at him. Like she knew something he didn’t.
“Yeah, what, with the Avengers moving upstate and all, we wouldn’t be able to drive her down her every day and Midtown is a great school,” Tony added innocently.
Steve’s face darkened as he came closer to Peter. He went full-on dad mode, “Son, we want you to help her out. Now, she’s new to all this, like Stark told you, and we don’t want her to freak out. We’re giving you this responsibility. Do you think you can handle it?”
Peter nodded vigorously, “Yes. Yes, sir, Captain America. Yeah.”
“See? What’d I tell you, Rogers? He’s a good kid. He’ll watch after her,” Tony cheerfully patted a frowning Steve.
Tony turned back to Peter and his face too, darkened for a moment. Peter almost didn’t catch it. “No funny business, okay? We don’t want grandkids just yet.”
Peter blushed bright red. “Nope, no funny business. Got it.”
And with that, the two men exited the small apartment after thanking his aunt one last time.
May closed the door behind them and faced Peter. She smiled wickedly, “So, is she cute?”
“Wh-What?” Peter half-laughed to cover up his blush. “N-No, no. Well, I mean she’s not—not pretty, well I mean she’s beautiful, but not in a weird way! I-I mean. Wait, like she-she—”
“Okay, okay, baby. I get it. You love her.” May left him to process and walked into the kitchen.
“What? Wait—May!”
You looked out of the window of the car. You’d never been this far out into New York before. “Happy, are we there yet?”
“No, not yet,” he answered bluntly.
“Mr. Stark and Mr. Rogers are calling you, Miss,” Friday announced. You answered the call and your dads came onto the holo-screen.
“Hi, doll,” Steve waved at you. “How’s it going?”
“Well, the traffic is pretty bad, but we’re almost there,” Happy answered for you.
“Happy, what did I tell you about answering someone else’s questions?” Tony snapped at him.
“If someone calls me honey, sweetheart, or doll, it’s not for me,” Happy repeated.
“Anyways, we want you to know that Peter is a good kid, okay? He’ll help you around school. You have all the same classes as him, except one. So, he can show you around the school and help you make friends.”
“Yeah, I know,” you tried you sound annoyed, but you were teeming with excitement.
“If he tries anything, you tell us so I can—”
You interrupted Steve, “Hey hey hey, I get it. I get it. You know, you should warm up to him, dad.”
“I know, I just—” Steve sighed. “I just want you to be safe, baby.”
“I love you, dad. I love you, other dad,” you said, waving goodbye to them.
“Wait, am I ‘other dad?’ Y/N—” You hung up before Tony could finish.
Finally, you arrived at Peter’s apartment. Happy walked you up and left your bags with you, before leaving.
You hesitated to knock. Your hands shook with anxiety. You took a deep breath and slowly knocked.
A woman opened the door.
“Hey, you must be Y/N. I’m Peter’s aunt. You can call me May,” she told you. She shook your hand gently. “Let me help with your bags, honey.”
“Oh ok. Thanks, May.” You walked into the apartment and looked around. It was small, but it felt homey.
May placed your bags down near the couch and walked into the kitchen. “Oh sorry. Peter’s not here right now. He’ll be back tonight.” You nodded and sat at the dinner table. You were slightly disappointed, but still, you would see him tonight.
“I just ordered some pizza, so if you’re hungry, you can eat that,” May reminded.
Later, May had to run out for work but promised that Peter would be there soon. She already set up a small mattress for you next to the couch and taught you how to use the shower. So, you sat and waited for Peter to come while you ate a piece of pizza.
After two slices, you already felt pretty full, so you threw the plate into the sink, and got ready to take a shower.
Peter swung from the building across his apartment. He landed quietly on the fire escape in front of his room. Crime fighting took a little longer than expected today.
He felt pretty beat up on his side. Luckily, May wouldn't be able to see the damage there. It was definitely going to bruise.
He peeked inside the apartment to check if May was there. He heard the water running and assumed she was in the shower.
He crept into his room and slowly closed the door. He took his suit off and let it fall to the floor. Before he changed, he checked out his side. Yep, it was definitely going to bruise. It looked like someone colored his entire right side with a purple magic marker.
He slowly picked up his suit and winced at the pain of bending down. He had to stand still for a moment to bear the pain.
The door suddenly opened. In a panic, Peter threw his suit into his closet. It was Y/N, with nothing but a flimsy towel covering herself. And he was in nothing but his boxers. 
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“Oh, sorry!” you squeaked out. Were you supposed to leave? Did you want to leave? “I-I just heard noise s-so I thought I wouldn't make s-sure N-no one broke in or-or some-something.”
You blushed at the sight of his half-naked body. There went that feeling again. The one that felt weird but amazing all at the same time.
“I-It's Okay. I thought you were May. God, I'm so stupid. I thought you weren't coming u-until later! And I-I just got home so I figured I'd change and…” If Peter was panicking before, he didn't know what this was. His cheeks burned. You looked really hot. Even though your hair was wet and you were wrapped in a towel, you were still really pretty. He once again realized he was in his boxers and tried to shift certain parts.
Suddenly, you realized you were staring at his body and quickly retreated, “I should go.” You turned on your heel and headed for the door.
When he heard the door close, Peter quietly groaned and collapsed onto his bed.
“Why can't anything go right? It's only day one and you're already messing up,” he mumbled into his pillow.
Slowly, he sat back up and ran a hand through his hair and over his face. “Mr. Stark said, ‘No funny business, Peter.’ So no funny business, ok? She's… just your roommate/friend… Your super pretty roommate.”
School didn't start for another week, so it gave you a chance to get to know Peter.
At first, he avoided you like the plague. You tried to get to know the boy, but he always made an excuse to leave. It upset you. You had started to think he didn’t like you the way you liked him.
But eventually, he warmed up and started to speak to you, and… smile. He had a nice smile. It made your cheeks hot and the fluttery feeling would come back.
He made you laugh, more than Clint or even Sam. He showed you a bunch of new things too: memes, vines, old movies (you liked Star Wars a lot), and The Office.
You met his friends, Ned and MJ. They were really nice to you. MJ even drew a picture of you. You were “hanging out,” as Peter called it, with them and at one point you had stepped out to go to the bathroom. When you came back, you overheard them telling Peter something that he strongly denied.
“No! I don’t. She… doesn’t like me like that,” Peter argued.
“Yes! She totally does. And you do too,” Ned pushed.
“Dude, you’re a bad liar,” MJ scoffed.
School started the next day and Peter suggested a good distraction for your anxious nerves. Tonight, you were watching Alien. And though you used to live in a place full of nothing of fear, you were still scared. Come on! The alien ate people!! It was freaky.
After a long stretch of silence, the alien popped out of nowhere and started to chase the people in the movie.
“Ah!” you yelped. You jumped and dug your face into Peter’s chest. He was just glad you couldn’t see his face. He was so flustered, he forgot how to breathe.
Finally, he managed to croak out, “A-Are you scared?”
“A little,” you whimpered. “I thought this was supposed to be a comedy.”
“I told you it was scary, Y/N,” he laughed. You continued to hide your face in his chest. Carefully, he placed his hand on your hair and began to pet it to calm you down.
A couple of sparks flew around you and Peter noticed it. “Hey, hey. It’s ok, Y/N. We can watch something else if you want. I don’t mind.”
Slowly, you lifted your head to meet your eyes with his. Your face was really close to his. Peter stared back at you in uncertainty. His eyes dilated and his mouth was tight-lipped. Your heart thumped in your chest and you felt the urge to close the small space in between you. You knew what a crush was now.
Suddenly, the door flew open. Peter jumped away from you and you sat back in your spot. It was May.
“What’re you two doing?” she asked.
“We were watching a movie,” Peter explained quickly.
“Really? It seemed like something else,” she chuckled.
“No! It wasn’t anything!” Peter yelled and retreated into the kitchen.
“What does she mean?” you asked, puzzled.
“No! Nothing, it’s nothing, Y/N,” Peter interrupted his aunt from the fridge.
“Ok, well I guess I’ll just let you two finish,” May said nonchalantly. She turned to Peter, “Don’t have too much fun, baby. You know what Mr. Rogers said.”
“I know! I know, May,” Peter sighed. Oh, that’s what she meant, you thought.
“I’m going to go to bed,” you blurted. Peter looked up at you from the fridge.
He frowned. “Oh ok, that’s fine. Um, I’ll turn the TV off.”
He switched the TV off and turned to his room. Before he went in, he turned to you and softly said, “Night, Y/N.”
“Night, Petey.” He gave you a small smile and entered his room.
You took a shower and changed into a thin white t-shirt and sweatpants. You tried to sleep, but your nerves got the better of you. You were really nervous.
After several hours, you gave up and crept into Peter’s room. “Peter?” you whispered softly. No answer.
“Peter,” you tried again as you closed the door and approached his bed. He looked really peaceful asleep. You hated to wake him up, but you needed to see his big, brown eyes again.
You slightly shook him until he woke up.
“Huh? What? Y/N?” Peter rubbed his tired eyes and sat up. “What time is it?”
“I don’t know. Like two. I couldn’t sleep,” you told him. You played with the hem of your shirt nervously. “I-I’m nervous about school.”
“Hey, it’s ok. School isn’t so bad. Kids’ll like you,” he assured. You placed your head on his shoulder and pouted.
“I-I don’t know. I’ve never gone to school before. I don’t know what to do,” you fretted.
“It’s easy,” he said. “I’ll help you out. You know, with finding your classes, homework, checking out books, all that.”
“Thanks,” you mumbled. You hesitated before saying, “Can I sleep here?” Peter could barely hear you.
“Can I sleep here? Just tonight?”
“Um, yeah. Sure,” he breathed. Peter knew it probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do, but he wanted to be near you just as much as you wanted to be near him. Mr. Stark’s gonna kill me, but it’s worth it, he thought.
You climbed into bed with him and nuzzled into his body. He was warm.
“Night, Petey,” you yawned. You closed your eyes and you were out like a light. Peter, on the other hand, couldn’t sleep anymore. You were so close to him. You were sleeping right next to him. You were touching him.
Peter thought about you for the rest of the night. Not only were you beautiful, but you were smart, nice, funny, and dorky. He loved every bit of you. He knew there were sparks the first time he met you and with each minute, his affections only grew.
He dreaded the morning to come when you would both have to get up.
School wasn’t so bad. You had all your periods with Peter, except fourth period. So, you had some time to cope with that.
First period AP European History was fun. You liked learning about the history of Europe. You would often glance over at Peter and sometimes he would glance at you. You don’t even remember what the teacher said the homework was because you were too busy focusing on the piece of hair that stuck out on Peter’s head.
Second period Honors Humanities was too easy. You already read most of the literature the teacher said you were going to read. Lord of the Flies, Macbeth, The Odyssey, The Great Gatsby, Great Expectations. Done and done.
Third period Honors Pre-calc was incredibly boring. You already knew stuff like that up to the math of radioactive gamma rays and neutron stars. So, you spent the whole period messing with Peter using your powers. You rolled his pencil across his desk and untied his shoelace. He rolled his eyes playfully at you and made an ‘I’m going to get you back’ face at you.
Fourth period was when you had to leave Peter. He was in Spanish 5 while you were in AP French. Your fear subsided, however. You had grown used to other kids and French was easy. After all, you already knew that amongst seven other languages fluently. So it was a breeze.
Trying to find Peter at lunch was difficult and you tried to focus on controlling your stress so sparks wouldn’t fly everywhere. After about ten minutes of wandering around the school trying to find the cafeteria, you finally bumped into Ned and MJ, who led you to Peter. You opened your lunch to find a note that Tony had slipped into it somehow.
We love you, baby. -TS and SR
You smiled at the small note. You looked over at Peter to see him chewing on a PB&J sandwich. He was so cute.
“Subtle,” MJ whispered to you.
“What do you mean?” you asked nervously.
“Don’t worry. He likes you too. Trust me,” she winked at you. He liked you too?
After lunch, you departed from Ned and MJ and walked to PE. You were in deep thought the entire time. Peter liked you?
Finally, you made it to the gym. The teacher just let you do whatever you wanted for the first day, so Peter asked if you wanted to walk around with him, which you quickly agreed to.
“So, how was French?” he started.
“Facile,” you answered, smiling.
“Easy?” he asked. You nodded. A gust of wind flew towards you and you shivered.
“Are you cold?” he asked.
“Um, a little. But I’ll be fine,” you said. You brought your arms up to hug yourself for warmth.
“Here,” Peter slid his sweatshirt off. “Take this.”
You blushed. “No, it’s fine. Then you’ll be cold.”
“Nah, I’m fine. Take it,” he assured. Hesitantly, you took the sweatshirt and slipped it over your body. It smelled like him.
“Thanks,” you mumbled. There was Peter’s smile again.
After gym, you had AP Chem. Once again, easy A. For you and Peter. You guys even got to be lab partners. You messed around with each other while the teacher talked out how H2O and O2 yielded H2O2.
Finally, the day was over and you sat next to Peter on the bus. Ned allowed it. He sat with MJ. You were still wearing Peter’s sweatshirt and embraced the warmth it gave you. 
Later, you were finishing up chem homework, when you heard a crash in Peter’s room. You ran in to see Peter in a red suit. He slid his mask off to reveal cuts and bruises all over his face.
“Oh my God, Peter what happened? What are you doing?” you sat him on the bed and examined his wounds.
“I-I was um…”
“Are you that Spider-Man guy?” you questioned him, shocked. “Is that why you were at Avengers Tower the other day with my dad?”
“Yeah,” he winced when you touched one of his cuts. You muttered a small ‘sorry.’
“Oh my god. My dad never told me,” you gasped.
“Yeah, he didn’t want you to know. I’m so screwed,” Peter said through gritted teeth.
“Let me help you, Pete. Should I—Should I get May?” you asked.
“No, May doesn’t know.”
“She doesn’t? Oh ok, well um… Do you have a first aid kit?” you asked in a panic. He was pretty beat up.
“Yeah, under the sink in the bathroom.” He lied on the bed and groaned.
You got the kit from the bathroom and proceeded to clean the cuts on his face.
“Ok, we’re done with your face,” you said, placing the cotton ball down. “Now take off your suit.”
“No, it’s ok. I got it, Y/N.”
“Peter, it’s fine. I got it,” you urged. You gave him your best puppy dog face and he couldn’t resist.
“Fine.” He slipped his suit off and looked away from you. You tried to ignore his toned chest and stomach and placed bandage wrap on his torso.
“Got beat up pretty bad, huh? Tough bad guys?” you asked to distract him.
“Uh not really. I got kind of distracted,” he laughed. Your hand slipped and he hissed in pain.
“Sorry, uh go on.”
“I um…” If you’re going to tell her, I guess now would be the time, he thought. “I was thinking about you,” he continued.
You dropped the wrap and opened your mouth slightly in shock. “What do you mean?”
“Kids, I’m home!” May opened the door. Yours and Peter’s eyes widened. He threw his suit out of sight and quickly slipped on some clothes.
May entered the room. “Pete, what happened to your face?”
“He fell!” you blurted out. “We were running during gym and he slid face-first onto the floor.”
You and Peter laughed nervously. “Yeah, I uh, fell.”
“Ok, be more careful baby,” May closed the door.
You ate dinner in awkward silence with May and Peter. You stared at your food the entire time. Peter glanced every now and again at you, but you refused to make eye contact with him. Did you not like him back? Great, he thought.
Peter laid in his bed wide awake. He couldn’t stop thinking about you and how he had completely screwed up your friendship. He needed to fix this. He got up from bed and walked into the living room.
He saw you, still in his sweatshirt, sleeping. He tripped over the couch and fell onto it.
“Oof!” You quickly sat up at the noise and sent sparks through your hands.
“It’s me! It’s just me!” Peter whispered loudly. You lowered your hand and sighed.
“Peter you scared the hell out of me.”
“Sorry,” he muttered.
“What are you doing here?”
“I-I um…”
“Peter… do you… like me?” you closed your eyes shut in embarrassment.
“I-I uh…” Peter blushed for probably the hundredth time this week.
You frowned. “I get it if you don’t.”
“What? No, Y/N I do like you! I like you a lot. Ever since I first met you actually. Even though you ran away and all but—”
“I like you too,” you smiled widely.
“I didn’t tell you because your dads said I couldn’t be with you,” Peter pouted at your fathers’s warnings.
“I don’t care what they say. I want you,” you whispered.
“I want you too.”
Your faces were really close. You were unsure of what to do next, but before you could decide, Peter closed the distance between the two of you.
Wanda had told you what kissing was but you never expected it to be this great.
His lips were soft and moved carefully as if he was scared of rejection. You pushed back a little and placed your hands on his face. He wrapped his arms around your waist and deepened the kiss.
Peter never wanted it to stop. He quickly ended it for a breath of air but crashed his lips back onto yours. His hands moved up your waist and into your hair. You wrapped your arms around his neck in reply.
“Go out with me,” he said, releasing you from his grasp.
“Like-Like on a date?”
“Yeah, we could go out and eat dinner and take a walk around Central Park or Coney Island and ride the Ferris Wheel or—”
“Yes,” you breathed.
“R-Really?” Peter was surprised you agreed.
You nodded in reply and kissed him again.
On Saturday, Happy drove you and Peter to the Avengers complex to visit. The Avengers greeted the both of you.
“Man of Spiders! Lady Y/N. It is wonderful to see you both,” Thor greeted.
“Sparky, eh how’s it going?” Sam asked.
“Hello, guys!” Wanda waved at you both.
You greeted all of the Avengers and lastly your dads.
“Hi, peanut. How was school?” Tony asked, giving you a hug.
“It was great. Peter really helped and he introduced me to his friends.
“Oh, that’s awesome, sweetheart.” Tony let go and turned to Peter.
“Peter, did you go a good job?”
Peter swallowed. “Uh, yeah. I-I think so,” he sputtered nervously. You hadn’t told them you were dating yet. Only MJ, Ned, and May knew.
“You think so?” Steve questioned.
“I mean, yeah—yes, sir. I think so…”
“Dad, lay off, will you?” You pushed against his chest to get him to back away from Peter.
Nat came up to you to give you a hug, but before she did, she stared at you for a long moment before yelling out, “You kissed Peter, didn’t you?”
“Wh-What? No, I didn’t,” You were bright red. Shit, shit, shit.
“What?!” Tony and Steve yelled simultaneously. They stared at Peter.
“Parker, what was the one thing I told you not to do?!” Tony yelled.
“Uh, n-not to-to—”
“Not to hook up with our daughter!” Steve finished.
“But I—”
“You what!?” Tony screamed. “You did it anyway. I trusted you, Peter”
“I called you son…” Steve growled.
“Hey!” you yelled over the chaos. “I like him, ok? And he’s a nice guy. Come on, guys. Let him be.”
“But-But he—” Tony tried to defend.
“But nothing! He likes me and he’s nice and smart and he makes me laugh, ok? He’s good. You like him, don’t you?” You gave them your puppy dog sad face.
Steve and Tony softened. “Ok, fine,” Steve raised his arms in defeat. “But I’m watching you son.”
“Yes-Yes, sir,” Peter stuttered.
“But don’t kiss each other in front of me please,” Bucky added.
In spite, you smirked and pulled Peter to you by his shirt and gave him a quick peck.
Everyone groaned.
“My eyes!” Clint yelled.
“Oh boy,” Bruce turned to the face the other direction.
“Aw,” Wanda clasped her hands to her chest.
“Just—Just fucking… kill me,” Tony said.
You leaned over to Peter, who was sweating nervously at Steve, who glared at him angrily. “I think they like you.”
Tag List: @kitphi @loxbbg @weasleyisourjedi @sunnynightt @starlightfound @dennasaur @saturn-aka-six @peter-spider-parker-man @imbumkyung @thegloryofliterature @queenmadness @emilymarie0422 @tegan-eva @babebenhardy
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