#more lore for the lion babe
A Tale of Chiefs (The Lion King AU)
First of, they are not lions. Someday, I may write a re-do of my friend's old fic A Viking's Pride. At first, I wanted to write an ending for her work but I can never find the muse enough to do it. Maybe I'll figure it out by doing this. For this story, I may or may not do it. If not, then this is here for anyone who wants to use it too.
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An Awkward Scion (The Lion King!AU)
Stoick is the proud chief of Berk, recently made a father to what their people would consider a hiccup. Regardless, he had fate that his son would grow to a fine chief someday. A few years later, his son grew and the people still think it's a little less then evident that he would be expected to become as fine a chief that Stoick currently was. Still, Stoick and Valka knew the time would come that their son would grow into the role. A hidden foe intends to stir up trouble. However, it may just be what would be necessary for the young man to grow into his destined role.
Drago wants to become the ultimate chieftain. To do that, he intends to wipe out all the scions of each island; Hiccup, Jack, Rapunzel, and Merida.
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The Rebellious Scion (Simba's Pride!AU)
Years after Hiccup was made chief of Berk, he becomes the proud father to a young boy. Jim's part Viking and another part mageborn, everyone expects him to be the most powerful chief to be yet. Jim thinks it would be much more fun to become a normal person, without any obligation to take care of a whole village. Meanwhile, Dimitri is an orphan and bought as a slave warrior. He works for Viggo and Ryker, later becoming the key to a plan to take down all the chiefs of Berk, Crescentia, Corona, and Dun Broch.
Except nobody expected a chance encounter of two youngsters to interfere with the plan.
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An Awkward Scion characters
Stoick - Mufasa Valka - Serabi Hiccup - Simba Jack - Nala Nightlight - as himself Timon and Pumba - Gobber and Aster Zazu - North Pitch - Rafiki Scar - Drago
The Rebellious Scion characters
Hiccup - Simba Jack - Nala Jim - Kiara Kovu - Dimitri Vitani - Viggo Nuka - Ryker Zeera - Rasputin
AU Lore
Berk is only one of the important islands. The others are Crescentia, the island of Mageborns. Corona island, ruled by chief Frederic and lady Arianna. Dunbroch island, ruled by chief Fergus and lady Elinor.
Drago, similar to Httyd 2, tries getting all the chief to turn to him and acknowledge him to become a supreme chieftain. Of course, they refused. For a while, he was never seen again after an attempt to kill them all.
The four islands were once at war with each other. But when dragons arrived, they worked together to fend them off.
Dialogue ideas
Stoick: Look at the people, Hiccup. They are yours; someday, you will become a fine chief worthy of leading them. Hiccup: But... All of them? They all look... Much strongew and bravew than me. 'm just... Tiny. Valka: Of course you are, you're but a babe, love. *hugs him tightly* Hiccup, giggling: But Snotlout's 'bout my age... But he's already bigger than me. Valka: Maybe, but you know, there's more to strength than by just how big you are. Hiccup: Huh? Stoick: Don't worry about it now, son. When you're ready... You'll understand.
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Jack: So how do we ditch the big guy? Hiccup: I'm thinkin'... You could distract him, then I'll go on ahead and wait for you there. Jack: Wha... How? Hiccup: I don't know, you come up with a plan for that yourself. Jack: C'mon Hic, you can think of a plan better than that...
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Gobber: One day you two are going to be married! Jack: Uh, ew... Hiccup: Gross! I can't marry him; he's my friend, and a guy! Jack: What he said. Aster: Sorry to burst it to ya, but it's been arranged. Aster: Besides Jack, that isn't an issue with our kind. With mageborns being as scarce a race as we are, even guys adapted to copulate and produce offsprings. Jack: A what? Gobber, nudging the man: Uh, too early for that talk, don't ya think? Aster: You're the one who brought up bloody marriage. Hiccup: THERE'S BLOOD IN MARRIAGE?! Jack: That's it, I'm never getting married.
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Nightlight: You have to go Jack. Jack: No! I'm not leaving you. Nightlight: If Crescentia and our neighboring islands are to have a future, you must. Nightlight: And I still have some magic in me, so don't you count your brother out just yet. Jack: Please... Don't ask me to leave you, I can help! Nightlight: You can. But it's not by staying, you need to find Hiccup. Jack: Hiccup?! But... He's been dead for years! Nightlight: It seems like not everything is what it appeared...
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Hiccup: Wait, no Jack! Stop, stop! Jack: What?! How do you know my name?! Hiccup: How do I... Oh, sorry. Mask. *takes of his mask* It's me, Hiccup! Jack, widening his eyes: Stars above, Hiccup! *rushes towards him* Hiccup: *opening his arms and getting ready for a hug* Jack: *punches him at the shoulder* Hiccup: OW! Jack: Serves you right, have you any idea how I felt when I thought you died?! *hugs Hiccup tightly* Gods, I missed you. Hiccup: *hugging Jack back* Next time, maybe just go for the hug? Jack: What happened to you? Hiccup: It's... A long story. Jack, narrowing his eyes and pinching Hiccup by the ear: Hiccup: Again, ow, ow, ow! Jack: Uh, yeah, I've been grieving for years. It's a long story? I fucking deserve to hear it then.
A growl is then heard, making Jack jerk away and he sees a dragon charging towards him. He screams, and pulls his staff out
Hiccup: No, no, no! *charges at Jack and makes him drop the staff before blocking Toothless' way* It's okay! He's a friend. Jack, staring at them incredulously: Holy moon... Hiccup: You just scared him. Jack: I scared... Wait, him? Hiccup: Uh... Long story? Jack: Ohhh, you are definitely telling me this story.
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Jim: What if I don't wanna be chief of Berk? Jack: Does that mean you want to fight your cousin and try to become the chief of Crescentia? Jim: NO! Don't wanna be chief at all! Hiccup: Well, what do you want then? Jim: I dunno... Anything else! Maybe... Fly to the moon! Hiccup: Well, Berk has dragons now. You can do that! Jack: Way to miss the metaphor, Hic.
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Jim: Aster! I'm bored! Aster: Okay, I can show you how to throw a boomerang again. Jim: Nah... Let's go exploring! Aster: What did you dad and papa tell you? Jim: Not to leave home. Aster: So, what makes you think I'm going to let you? Jim: Because you once told papa he's not the boss of you anymore. Aster: Aster: I didn't mean it that way, and you know it. Jim: So... You were lying? Aster: Jim: Dad says it's bad to lie.
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Dimitri: What the hell are you doing? Jim: Watching my back, duh! Dad told me never to leave it open to an enemy! Dimitri: And I betcha always listen to what daddy says. Jim: Don't you? Dimitri: Don't have any. So, I get to do whatever I want when I want to. Jim, beaming: Really?! Cool! Dimitri, caught off guard with the smile: Huh?
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Rasputin: And at the final battle, we take no one alive. They're all to be killed. Ryker: Can we keep the mate of Berk's chief though? Rasputin: What? Ryker: I think he's pretty. Viggo, face palming: Odin's beard, Ryker... They need to be killed to be re-summoned for the undead army. Ryker: But he won't look pretty anymore as an undead. Rasputin: Rasputin: I'm surrounded by idiots...
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Jim: Hey, uh, thanks for saving me earlier. Dimitri: Well, anyone can make mistakes. Jim: I'm sorry? Dimitri: I mean, was probably pointless doing so. I saved you, I'm still at the stocks. Talk about gratitude, right? And you're probably going to get in trouble again, which means saving you would be for nothing since I see that you haven't learned how to pick your fights more carefully. Jim: Hey, like I said, I had everything under control. Dimitri: Didn't look like it. You should really work on your hunting skills. Jim: Oh, and I suppose you're such an expert you could show me how it's done? Dimitri: Definitely. It's a date then. Jim: Wait, what? Dimitri: What? Do you or don't you want to become a better fighter? Jim: Uh, I want to... Fight better? Dimitri: All right then, just name the time and place, puppy. Jim: I'm not a pup! I'm a mighty mageborn Viking! Dimitri: Pup it is then.
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thenightling · 1 year
“The Land”
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“Your land has been home to many since your day.” - Morpheus to Alianora in The Sandman: A Game of You.  As The Land holds striking similarities to a popular form of coming-of-age fantasy story that means within the lore of The Sandman that the skerry (island) in The Dreaming known as “The Land” may have also been the realms of: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland / Through the Looking glass Lilith and Phantastes by George MacDonald.    Babes in Toyland  The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz / L. Frank Baum’s Oz books and The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus (Same continuity) The Adventures of Peter Pan The Chronicles of Narnia (Mostly just The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, before the Christian allegories became too blatant) The Phantom Toll Booth  The Company of Wolves The Thief of Always  Labyrinth (Jim Henson’s Labyrinth) The 10th Kingdom Pan’s Labyrinth (El laberinto del fauno) Beauty and the Beast AKA  La Belle et la Bête (The novel is not actually set in France) Halloweentown  Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland (which is Underland instead of Wonderland) Over the Garden Wall  Wonderland Oz Neverland   Narnia  Toyland  The Labyrinth / The Underground  The Summer Isle  The House of Always  The 9 Kingdoms Halloweentown Underland The Enchanted Forest  The Unknown There are more but you get the idea. Pretty much every fantasy story where a child (usually a girl) goes on an adventure of self-discovery and growth in a surreal fantasy world full of odd characters may well be Barbie’s The Land in The Sandman.   
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the-melting-world · 3 years
Strength | Playbook Commentary [Side B]
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Need to catch up? The full album can be found here: Strength
Note: Song lyric application may not always correspond with the original meaning / intention of the song’s origins.
Enjoy these breakdowns of the lyrics that influenced and inspired some of the events and imagery used in Strength. All songs are borrowed from Blanco White’s albums On the Other Side, Colder Heavens, and Nocturne EP.
cw: mentions of pregnancy
~ Side B Playlist ~
"Chasing Dials"
"The Lily"
"Colder Heavens"
"El Búho"
"November Rain"
"So Certain"
“Chasing Dials”
Lyrics that had the most impact on the chapter:
Chasing dials, it ain't ever enough / No, no, no, it ain't ever enough
One life, smothering the whispers and sounds / Waiting as the hand comes back around / So seek while you can and run it down / Or the time is lost, forgotten in the crowd / Or the missing time will be lost / And like me, you won't know how
“Chasing dials, it ain't ever enough / No, no, no, it ain't ever enough” – Not only do these lines capture the tone and message of this fic, but they also establish one of the major themes in the album. Khleo has been “chasing” her dream of owning a beer garden for most of her adult life. Every year, she’s reminded that no matter how much progress she has made, she’s nowhere close to achieving her goals. The “dials” connect to ideas of endless cycles.
“One life, smothering the whispers and sounds / Waiting as the hand comes back around / So seek while you can and run it down” – Khleo often feels like the struggle/hustle of her position in life makes it hard to pay attention to her goals and dreams. Life has a way of “smothering” the “whispers and sounds” – those small voices in her head telling her to keep going or pursuing her dream. Khleo often feels like she’s caught in this cycle of “waiting as the hand comes back around” but even though it gets exhausting, she always pulls herself back up to go after what she wants “seek while you can and run it down.”
Lyrics that had the most impact on the chapter:
I need no rest / In my mind, we're alone / You said, "Life is a long road" / Was I just waiting to arrive / For one day by your side?
Has my time ended to say so? / Has my time ended? Would I know? / Has my time ended to say so? / Has my time ended? Time to let you know
“I need no rest” – When asked by the Strength Major Arcana if she wants to have a seat on her throne, Khleo turns her down and keeps running up the hills of her patron’s gate.
“Has my time ended to say so? / Has my time ended? Would I know?” – These lyrics reflect what Lucio’s going through at this stage in his own journey. He’s sort of in a state of limbo and doesn’t really know where or how he fits in the communities that he’s passing through. He’s still trying to figure out if he has a say in what’s going to happen to him or in how his life will play out.
“The Lily”
Lyrics that had the most impact on the chapter:
Now they tell me she’s just vanished / Some other place by the sea / But to me she was banished / By herself not by me
Lily spoke of a city’s bones / An ancient rubble of time and stone / Where the walls tremor under the sky / Covered day after day by the tide / Could I save them if I tried? / If only I could
“Now they tell me she’s just vanished / Some other place by the sea” – These lyrics reflect Samira’s behavior in the chapters leading up to her confiding in Khleo about her pregnancy. She has been keeping it a secret from her coworkers and her boss. One way this is shown is her “vanishing” from social events like the New Year’s Day bar crawl in the “Chasing Dials” chapter, in which her friends were staying up late drinking and partying.
“But to me she was banished / By herself not by me” – Samira has chosen to keep her baby for reasons undisclosed to Khleo or anyone else. She’s determined to pay for her passage across the ocean to get to her sister in Nevivon so she can have and raise the child comfortably. The word “banished” echoes society’s inflexibility when it comes to single parents, especially young ones without an education or a traditional family there to support them. “By herself not by me” once again emphasizes the fact that by choosing to keep her child, Samira is essentially accepting to enter a world of decreased opportunities. No matter how hard she works or how healthy/competent of a parent she is, her current situation will not support her transition to motherhood without significant costs to her and her unborn child’s standard of living.
“Colder Heavens”
Lyrics that had the most impact on the chapter:
Now we’re so tired by the things we have seen / All we’ve forgotten only visits in dreams / How I misunderstood / Here I stand undressed / Here I confess my doubt
Only once I saw the killer / Once I saw the killer up close
If colder heavens come / Carry me further down / Where our madness rests / Where I’ll have less to doubt
“Now we’re so tired by the things we have seen / All we’ve forgotten only visits in dreams” – These lyrics reflect Khleo’s origins as a fighter. In some ways she has grown “tired” of the challenges that cross her path to test her mettle or in which she has to defend her territory. This can be seen in her fight against the raiders. She doesn’t want glory or a title. She just wants them to leave her patrons alone so she can peacefully run her club. “All we’ve forgotten only visits in dreams” echoes the beginning of the chapter that shows a young Khleo who does not even have the strength to lift her arms, let alone pull off the feats of strength that she does later on in the story.
“Only once I saw the killer / Once I saw the killer up close” – These lyrics connect to Khleo giving into the temptation of wrath during her fight with the raiders. Usually, she’s careful about downplaying her abilities to heal and regenerate, but in this moment she is seeing “the killer up close” and embracing the darker side of her nature in order to solve the conflict.
“If colder heavens come / Carry me further down / Where our madness rests / Where I’ll have less to doubt” – I really like this idea of Khleo’s fight club being this sort of “colder heaven” in the sense that she can use it as an escape, but it’s still “cold” in that if word gets out about it, it can lead to dangerous territory. The club also comes with a lot of negative history from when Khleo was a street fighter. “Where our madness rests / Where I’ll have less to doubt” once again emphasizes the fact that Khleo uses fight club to unleash her inner beast in a safe space, so to speak. She doesn’t have to doubt herself as much as she does when she’s working during the day.
“El Búho”
Lyrics that had the most impact on the chapter:
In the night I hear them call, Move in the dark, their shapes unfold, In these eyes I quiver, darker still In closed doors / Don’t speak like you were there
This time I’m torn, please wake me if I lose that face / Search in these eyes / There’s still fire in the darkness / And rooms of light
Still I dream in greens and blues / Days that break and skies that move / Memory’s eyes that quiver
“In the night I hear them call / Move in the dark, their shapes unfold, In these eyes I quiver, darker still in closed doors / Don’t speak like you were there” – These lyrics are all about Khleo once again getting in touch with the darker parts of herself that are associated with enraged beasts. They also speak to Lucio’s experience with Valdemar, who shows up to claim Lucio and rip him away from the support system that he’s been developing during his time with Khleo.
“This time I’m torn, please wake me if I lose that face / Search in these eyes / There’s still fire in the darkness / And rooms of light” – Khleo is being violently separated from her biggest support system and source of emotional stability – Hefe. Khleo’s familiar has been the one to redirect her when she’s at risking at “losing that face” or giving into her darker side. “There’s still fire in the darkness” connects to the imagery of the fireplace, which serves as the real world equivalent of Khleo’s throne back in Strength’s realm. The imagery and connection between the throne and the hearth play a major role in this chapter.
“Still I dream in greens and blues / Days that break and skies that move / Memory’s eyes that quiver” – When everything has been taken away from Khleo at the end, they still try to return to Strength’s gate, where they know they can rest. But without Hefe, they cannot reach that realm.
“November Rain”
Lyrics that had the most impact on the chapter:
Don’t you wish it was clear? / I’ve been thinking these thoughts for years now / No not all’s been forgotten / Don’t you wish you were here?
I long for the tide’s straight line / Out on the shore / A bitter line, a solid wall / Never to fall
“Don’t you wish it was clear? / I’ve been thinking these thoughts for years now / No, not all’s been forgotten / Don’t you wish you were here?” – This chapter begins with another flashback from Khleo’s past. In this one, Khleo’s adoptive father, Hans, gives some insight into Khleo’s internal conflict. Khleo associates Hans with all the things that she finds nostalgic and things that bring her joy. Her dreams of her childhood are a safe place that she often wishes she could return to, even though the reader doesn’t always explicitly see Khleo reminiscing.
“I long for the tide’s straight line / Out on the shore / A bitter line, a solid wall / Never to fall” – Now that Hefe is gone, Khleo feels like she has even less answers on how to deal with forces that make her life harder. She longs for a “straight line” to get the things she wants. And the promise that she will “never fall” or fail at trying to achieve her dreams.
“So Certain”
Lyrics that had the most impact on the chapter:
Do we see the world with eyes alone? / Here it feels like there's a house that I've always known / So certain that something reminds me / Of a place and time that were only in my dreams
Is the real world ever known? / Here it feels like I'm an exile who's coming home
“Do we see the world with eyes alone? / Here it feels like there's a house that I've always known” – As seen in Khleo’s reading with Asra, it’s clear that she has a very strong, unique connection to the Arcana, but she doesn’t know how to describe it or fully understands her own connection to the Strength card
“So certain that something reminds me / Of a place and time that were only in my dreams” – These lyrics once again echo the familiarity Khleo experiences when they look upon the Strength card. Even though Khleo has been to Strength’s gate many times and was even, in a sense, born there, it’s still a place that they only register as a dream.
Lyrics that had the most impact on the chapter:
And time fell away with the sound of each step / If the stars align then for us they were meant in the lunar sky
About time for a night away – I never saw the day come / When they dream again
“And time fell away with the sound of each step / If the stars align then for us they were meant in the lunar sky” – These lyrics are not so significant in meaning, but rather capture the vibe of what’s going on in Nadia’s vision with the High Priestess. Whenever Nadia or anyone in these fics have interactions with their patrons, time and reality have a way of splitting as the character gets in touch with more cosmic energies.
“About time for a night away – I never saw the day come / When they dream again” – Once again the theme of night is emphasized here, as it is in the title. However, where darkness was regarded as something that one should avoid (Khleo’s rage, the abuse she suffers in the darkness of the basement, Lucio’s imprisonment in the basement of the Lazaret, etc) now it means something more hopeful (night holds darkness, but it also promises the day/dawn). This can be seen at the end of the chapter when Khleo is recovering from a very bloody fight. She has a moment with Kipling, who encourages Khleo to keep going even though she’s totally defeated. In the last lines, Khleo is waking up to the morning light and clings to those feelings of hope after reading the poem that Kip left her.
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lockawayknight · 3 years
❤️ of-forossa and yellowfingcr <3
from send ❤️ + a url for some positivity [accepting!!]
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listen @yellowfingcr was one of the first rp blogs i ever followed, like i think the second ever fjdkd even before i was writing or in the community like i just loved their heysel so much i couldnt NOT follow it was like a Requirement, THE TALENT,,, THE RANGE to muse heysel and licia AND NITA listen im gonna scream,,,, i could go off about each individual muse i really really could cus each one is so fuckin unique and developed and feels so real and my GOODNESS i just am obsessed
and that WRITING TALENT and the energy and passion and love that goes in it like?? keep my dash ALIVE babes every time heysel pops up to ask what the mood of the day is i know it’s gonna be a good day,,,, such drive and love gets put into everything u can tell, GOD i wish i could keep up with stuff that diligently and passionately anD UGH IDK i just am full of such a baffling amt of admiration
AND THE ART?? HELLO 911 IM HAVING A HEART ATTACK THIS ART IS SO STUNNING??? every character is so unique and so beautiful!! the striking features, strong and defined, the range of style, the beautiful paintings and crisp comics, i just!!! i scream every DAY i look at every gift i’ve been given with so much love i just am blessed to have had my stinkman drawn by someone so talented BLESSED i say
and literally the nicest person ever??? hello??? we muse in the dms a lot and it is the most wonderful thing in the world to have someone i can just go off memeing abt the fingers with it is SO GOOD AND NICE i always feel like such a burden when i send ppl random posts but they just always help with confidence and positivity and always check in on health and it is so nice like i cannot BELIEVE how kind they are hhhh im gonna freicken cry just thinking abt it….
AND @of-forossa LISTEN can we just talk abt this dude’s skill with the english language like??? everything is PURE POETRY every post every drabble every reply every OOC POST literally this mf could talk abt his dog chewing thru ethernet cables and it’ll make me feel like i’m back in oregon at the shakespeare festival, he words everything SO GOOD AND NICE
and the passion behind the writing??? so much thought and love and dedication to the craft, so much imagery and thought, so much emotion through location and everything, i really just cannot express how incredible it is. who else takes simple meme prompts and turns them into goddamn vignettes like literally he is a PAINTER OF WORDS yr inbox is a canvass whenever he touches it literally it is like a little blessing every gd time i can’t even explain,,,
and brom??? hello brom the best man in the fuckin world??? and all the hcs abt forossa and the lion knights and everything that comes with it??? this man is a WORLDBUILDER who the FUCK else can craft not just an oc detailed and complex enough to feel completey human but also craft them an entire world that feels real enough it’s like i’ve been there. so much intricate knowledge and lore, and written with so much carefully detailed crafting, it’s so effortless to insert your own char into the world bc it is so fleshed out it feels like home. AND BROM IS ONE OF MY FAVES EVER ngl me and my partner are always talking abt brom just in our everydays we just have entirely replaced the cursebearer with brom in our lexicon cus he’s so fucking good he is the BEST
and the mun is just generally such a sweetheart? while STILL being a poet, every ooc message and meme and musinng feels crafted by gods but still is so sweet and entertaining like i CANNOT give this guy enough props for how sweet and wonderful he is,,,,
hey did i mention the language by the way. what about the language. and the language?? listen i’m a fangirl ngl cjcnsks
god there is so much more i could say abt both these wonderful folks but i’m already super over my break JFNFMSMSK ty ty sm!!💕💕
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A Forest Interlude Chapter 26   An Audience with the King
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Summary: Eleonore (OFC) discovers a wounded man in the woods near her home and seeks to heal him. Little does she know that it is none other than the heir to the throne, Prince Hal of England.
Chapter: 26 of 27
Rated E
Warnings: smut, sex fluff, angst, oral sex, fingering, hand jobs
(spoiler - don’t worry, it will all work out okay in the end)
In this chapter: Henry give his verdict on their marriage
Read the entire story on AO3
@nrthmnsplbnd09 ;  @nonsensicalobsessions @yespolkadotkitty@just-the-hiddles @from-hel-i-with-love  livviedoo@hopelessromanticspoonie @arch-venus25 @caffiend-queen@dangertoozmanykids101 @kellatron55 @myoxisbroken@thecutestlittlebunbunfairy @vodka-and-some-sass @shiningloki@hiddlesholic @isitmadnessrpg​
It was something of an understatement to say that Hal was not having the best day. Between his embarrassing scene at the palace and his confrontation with his former companions, he was having to take a good, hard look at his behavior, and he was not enjoying what he saw. His youthful indiscretions were fine when it had only been his safety and good name that were at risk; he could fend off any affronts on either flank, he knew. But today those indiscretions had put Nell and their unborn child in harms way, and that he could not abide.
Hal had loved others in his life of course. He still remembered the devastation he felt when his mother had passed away, for instance. He felt a filial affection for Jon and, to a lesser extent, his other siblings. In his own way, yes, Hal loved his father. It was sometimes a bitter, self-mocking love, but it was love nonetheless. He even, deep down where he blushed to look, love that old rascal Falstaff.
None of that had prepared him for the sweeping emotion he felt for the beautiful woman now seated in the circle of his arms on the saddle before him. If any harm should have befallen her, he would have burnt the Boars Head to the ground with all of those thieving reprobates inside. Add to that the fact that she was giving him the greatest gift a man could hope for - a child, heir of his body and product of their love for each other - and that the japes of careless fools had also put the well being of the babe at risk. Hal felt his blood begin to boil again just at the thought.
It was not, all things considered, the state of mind best suited for a second audience with his royal sire. Hal tried to keep to a minimum his interactions with Henry. It seemed best for both their sakes since conversations usually left them both in states of heightened agitation. Two in one day was a disaster waiting to happen. At best Hal knew he could expect a dressing down over his actions earlier that day, at worst... well, just let Henry try to take Nell away from him! He would learn that Hal was not a tame cat to be ordered about at will, but a Lion in his own right ready fight to defend his own.
In this mood he rode into his father's courtyard, helped his obviously anxious wife to dismount, and handed his reins to an expectant groom. Nell looked up at him with eyes clouded with anxiety and he smiled at her, hoping to shield his own worry from her.
"All will be well my love, I give my word," he told her softly, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.
"Tis not the way I hoped the time would come when you and I would once more meet the king," she sighed, giving him a shaky smile.
"Why no? How could we e'er improve on this?" he laughed, brushing her hair back from her face.
"For one, I might perhaps have worn a dress," she groaned.
"You look divine, my goddess, as you always do. Let any man say otherwise to me, and I will teach him better with my sword."
"Aye, that will ease our entrance to the court," she said with an eye roll. "Well, best to face the music and have done. Shall we proceed then to the lion's den?"
"Your bravery doth quite put me to shame. Onward, dear wife, to victory obtained."
Hand in hand, with a silent Renaldo shadowing their heels, they made their way down the twisted halls until they reached the entry to Henry's audience chamber. With a curt nod of his head, Hal signaled to the attendant to announce them. He would not repeat his faux pas of that morning and barge in unannounced. Better to pick his battles.
"His Royal Highness, Henry, Prince of Wales," the man intoned, "And Princess Eleanor to see you, Sire."
Well, Nell had been given her proper title. He supposed that was something. Wrapping his arm around her protectively, Hal sauntered into the room. A quick glance around showed it to be surprisingly empty of functionaries. Henry would of course have had advanced word of their arrival, the court was full of spies. Apparently it was a private audience with his wayward son that he desired.
"My lord and father, health be with you sir," he said by way of greeting, dipping his head in salute.
Nell stayed silent but dipped an elegant curtsy, prying herself free from his arm to do so. Henry slouched on his throne, eyes hooded as he looked over the pair. Renaldo, ever the vigilant servant, quickly dropped to his knee and then, at a wave from the king, took up his place beside and slightly behind the throne. As the silence stretched on, Hal let a small, ironic smile play about his lips, the one he knew Henry hated. His father sought to play power games, fine. He would wait the old bastard out.
"I am most sorry for the trouble, sire," Nell blurted out, stepping slightly forward. "I promise that I had it well in hand, but was yet grateful that you gave Hal help."
One of the king's eyebrows raised itself at her nervous outburst, and Hal closed his eyes briefly, unable to blame her. She did not have his years of sparring with the cold king to draw on. At last his father lifted his head and met Hal's eye.
“I see you managed to retrieve the girl,” Henry groused. “I can’t say that is an unmixed delight.”
"I am as always left quite humbled sir, by your enthusiasm for my joy."
"Presumptuous cub, who gave you leave to speak?" the king snapped as Nell elbowed Hal in the ribs. "Well now you know us guiltless in the crime, who was it then that took the girl from you? Or did she come at last into her wits and seek to fly from you all on her own? Tell me, Renaldo, where you found her out?"
"A drinking house in Eastcheap, good my lord," the guard said, with a quick glance towards Nell and Hal. "It seems the patrons of the public house did seek to make acquaintance of her grace."
"I do suppose it serves no good to ask if this be the same house that often times her loving husband hath been known to haunt?"
"It is the one, my king, I must confess. And that same rascal Falstaff, as he's called, did look to be the author of the prank."
"For which offense, too great for me to bear, I have henceforth exiled him from my life. If he or any of his merry band do seek me out then all that they will find shall be my door shut firmly in their face."
"He told the knight as much before we left," Renaldo confirmed when the king looked over at him, "in terms so stark they could not be misheard."
Henry rose from his throne and crossed to the window, staring out of it for some time. Once again time seemed to stretch on in silence. Hal could tell Nell was getting antsy again, and gave her hand a squeeze. She darted her eyes up to him and he shook his head slightly. He could understand her anxiety, he was feeling it himself. Unfortunately, any attempt to rush the king would only end in pushing him into anger. Finally Henry turned and walked back over, stopping to look penetratingly at Nell.
"For years God knows how I have strove to find a way to free him from the fat knight's sway. It seems instead of guards and royal writs I should have sent a pair of pretty eyes. If it is true that he has turned away from all these gross and undesirable ways, not just myself but all of this our realm would seem to be indebted now to you."
"I did no more than love him, majesty," Nell replied simply, blush staining her cheek.
"And if we are to talk of gratitude," Henry went on, ignoring her statement completely, "it seems mine must not end with this today. I hear from doctor Hobbs that it was you who cared for me when I was last beset."
Ah, there it was! The reason that there were no others in the room. He would not want any more people knowing of his seizures than absolutely necessary.
"I am right glad that I could be of help," Nell said. "Though Dr. Hobbs was not too long absent. I chanced to have seen something similar when I was learning to care for the ill."
"Your mother also, if I be correct, knew much of lore pertaining to the sick."
"She did my lord, and still knows more today."
"She and my younger son do think me blind, that I see not their shameful goings on. But I suppose at least in that one case I need not fear a wedding in the end. Which brings us back to you and the crown prince."
Hal, uncharacteristically quiet up until now, snapped to attention. His father met his eye and held it with an open appraisal. What he was looking for Hal was uncertain, but he seemed to find it at last, as he gave a nod of his head.
"I do not like the way you two were wed, in clandestine a manner gainst my will. I sometimes think your only goal in life is but to mock my wishes and my name."
"Oh do not think it father, tis not so. I seek to bring no shame upon our house, or any other way disgrace our name. I am a man full grown, my will's my own. But tell me, would you wish it otherwise than that the future king of this our realm, refuse to dance to any other's tune?"
"There maybe something there in what you say. When it doth comes to choosing your revolts, I must admit I greatly do prefer you to defy me for noble lass who bringeth out your chivalry and grace than for a brace of mottle pated fools who seek only to lead you into sin."
"Oh fear not sir, for this my lady wife doth lead me into heady sin enough!" Hal could not resist saying.
"Must you vex me thus you willful boy?" Henry growled, eyes flashing. "Tis pain enough to speak what I must say without you making matters harder still."
"And what, good father, is it you would say?"
"That since you have been married in the church, and Lady Eleonor is of fit rank, kin to the royal families of name, and seeing as she has in some small ways been of good use already to our throne..."
"Come, out with it sir! Say what you would say!"
"Keep silent, Hal, and let your father speak!" Nell snapped at him, with a glare to equal Henry's.
"I only hope that there will come a day when some of her wit doth rub off on you. But being as it may, know you my son, that I will to your marriage make no cross."
"Your Majesty, you have my deepest thanks!" Nell said, sinking once more into a curtsy and shooting Hal a speaking look.
"And mine, as well, my father, add to that," he hastened to say, the specter of fear at last lifting from them. "But tell me father, ere your fit did come, do you remember aught of what we spoke?"
"But little Harry, if the truth be told," Henry admitted, sitting back in his throne. "And that I do is shrouded in a haze."
"Then let me tell you once again, good sir. There is another reason to rejoice. For my beloved, clever little wife is even now expectant with our heir. And so you see, the marriage hath been blessed, and God as well as you do smile on it."
"I will not count the days upon my hands that you two have been married under God and in union have conceived this child," Henry remarked dryly. "I only will say that it pleases me."
"It pleases me as well, I must confess," Hal said with a cocky grin, embracing Nell and making her squeal. "And now, if you'll excuse us, majesty, it has been quite the day for my dear bride. If we may have your leave sir to depart, I wish to take her home and tend to her."
Only on the last words did he let his eyes go hot as he looked at Nell.
"Well, do so then. And god go with your both. But one last thing that I would ask of you. The lady is a princess now by right. See to it, would, you, she be properly dressed. The bills for this you may all send to me."
"Why father, there is naught would please me more!" Hal grinned, bowing his exit.
When the reached the courtyard, he tossed her up onto his horse.
"Well, lovely wife, is seems the day is one! How doth it feel to be a true princess?"
"A bit unreal, if I am speaking true. But Hal, how I do wish I'd worn a dress!"
"Think not of that, for I shall see to all," he told her, a glint in his eye. "And when I have a wardrobe made for you appropriate for my own sweet princess, you will not need to fear his grace's ire, for none but me will ever see it worn!"
Nell blushed and he grinned wider, imagining just what he would have made for her at his father's expense.
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badass-at-fandoming · 4 years
Are you ready for more Morbid Initiation snarky summary!!!!!
Previous here.
Chapters 9-14
Beckett: Halim, I need to leave London ASAP
Halim Bey, a well-respected member of the Camarilla who also has Seen Some Shit: I take it you did not find the book you were looking for?
Beckett: Excuse you, I’m a professional. Of course I got the book!
Halim: then why--
Halim: Mr. Beckett, did you do a Naughty
Halim, I shit you not, stuffs renowned Gangrel scholar Cuthbert Beckett into a Punishment Cabinet to think about what he’s done.
By “Punishment Cabinet,” I mean a literal cabinet, which is then packed up and mailed to Lisbon so Beckett can angrily drink blood tea and get a lore dump about a lady with a void for a head. Something something Kemintiri. The author actually cuts away from the lore dump and I’m sad about it. :(
Edward Bainbridge: hi, my name is Ed and I can do something no one else can
Wallig: and what is that?
Bainbridge: I’m going to creep out the creepiest dude in the World of Darkness.
Wallig: wh
Bainbridge: This is Wollig, the Tremere Regent. He’s the Regent of the Lion’s Green Chantry, which is a pulsing magical heart of the British Empire, upon which the sun never rises and British Kindred rule the night. Wallig is the scholar among scholars, dripping uncanny magical spark that others only have nightmares of.
Wallig: ...thank you?
Bainbridge, with his Food Merit: [sips tea]
Wallig: holy fuc--what the shit, oh my goD
Uh, Malcom Seward joins a secret society of imperialist white dudes who secretly rule the Empire???? Their secret is that they’re competent at military strategy.
Regina: Dad, I know I’m teenager and therefore have little experience of the world, but what’s going on is Not Normal and I think we should talk about our feelings, air out our grief, and maybe scale back on the heavy drinking and Uber Goth phase you seem to be going through.
Colonel Blake, a grown ass man: no.
Emma, literally breaking out of the Tremere Chantry and risking torture to visit him: Babe, I love you and need you to Get Your Shit Together for our daughter.
Colonel Blake, still a grown ass man: no.
Badass Alert: Regina breaks into Elysium
Badass Alert: baby Theo Bell!!!! He’s so cute!!!!! His sire, Don Cerro de Leon, is a bit of a tosser because he keeps showing off Theo like a shiny object, but, uh, it also sounds like he’s excessively proud of his childe and wants Theo to make all the right connections to become an Archon later? Very double bladed “hey, have you met my son who is handsome and intelligent and good and murdered several slaveholders with his bare hands.”
Badass Alert: Juliet Parr is a genderqueer Sheriff and I love her. (though TW for suicidal idealation because White Wolf cannot write non-ableist Malkavians)
Badass Alert:
Victoria, in most ominous, spooky Goth tones: now, to be your guide and patron in this secret night society, we must make a solemn oath...in blood.
Regina: all right. [takes hat pin, stabs her own finger, drops some blood in the glass, and downs it in one swig]
Me: holy shit, I love her.
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beezuku-midoriya · 7 years
i was tagged by my amazing gf @aquasexualcat
1. What is your favorite podcast?(if you listen to any) well,,, gosh golly that’s a fucking hard one it’s a tie between Lore, The Black Tapes, Wolf 359, and The Bright Sessions. 2. What is your least favorite color i… i really like colours. this is another hard one. fuck. uh. um. its hard to describe but this certain shade of pink and another shade of purple. i’d have to see it to show you. 3. What are your favorite Disney and Pixar films UP, The Lion King, Moana, Toy Story 3, Lady & the Tramp, Mary Poppins (not a cartoon but disney made it and it makes me cry every time), and probably a lot more. i’m just really tired rn babe. 4.What was your favorite toy as a kid? I had this giant simba stuffed animal my dad came home with one night. i remember being really happy and playing with it for years. what i don’t remember was how poor we were when he gave me that, how expensive it was from the video store by my house at the time, and how much it meant to him for me to love it so much. i wish i still had it. 5. If you could be any piece of furniture, what would you be? a futon or bed. something for people to stretch out and take comfort in. nothing fancy though. comforting. 6. Roller blades or roller skates (or neither?) oh dear lord neither. but if i had to, blades. skates are clunky and i fall more. 7.Do you think laser tag should be added to the winter and summer olympics? personally, yEAH. realistically no. 8. What is your favorite comic book series and/or graphic novel SCOTT PILGRIM OR SPIDERGWEN OR MS. MARVEL 9. What is your favorite fictional paring(s)? • scott pilgrim x ramona flowers • lars x sadie • ruby x sapphire • patroclus x achilles • izuku x uraraka • kiki x tombo • blue sargent x noah czerny • cecil palmer x carlos • alex regan x dr. strand • eliza schuyler x happiness • angelica schuyler x feminism • kanaya x rose • hinata x kageyama • bokuto x kuroo • so many more oml 10. What was your Least favorite show as a kid? besides the show of family arguments in public, GOD I HATED REGULAR SHOW. still don’t like it.
MY QUESTIONS 1.) hours or years? 2.) blankets or pillows? 3.) what’s your favourite kind of drink? 4.) what was the last song you had stuck in your head? 5.) what do your hands remind you of? 6.) opinions on feet? 7.) what does the sun sound like? 8.) do you like candles? 9.) anime or manga? (/ movie or book?) 10.) socks?
i tag: @glitter-glue-pop @sarcastic-neek-love
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ao3feed-theonsa · 4 years
The Silver Lioness [Book 1/Season 1]
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3kcxw4y
by BananaDew
In the world of A Song of Ice and Fire, the God of Light has decided to reverse time and birth an alternate timeline. With a slight change, a birth of a single character, a ripple effect will shake the way the story was told. Through blood, through love, through loyalty and Roar. Through Fire and Ice this child will remake a world.
Hidden mysteries surround Cyra Lannister, the so called true born daughter of Jamie Lannister and a Dornish handmaiden. A babe found swaddled in red Dornish silk and laying in the jaw bone of a dragon at the siege of Kings Landing. A child with the Lord of Light's touch, a girl with an unearthly beauty, and a woman with the authority of a queen.
As she rises and falls through a world torn apart by power and love, by revenge and coin, can she truly be the Princess who was Promised?
Book One follows Season 1. Background lore will be added.
 A whychoose Game of Thrones fanfiction. All characters, themes, plots, and world building belong to the original creator George R. R. Martin. He was a genius...at killing characters we fell in love with.
Words: 5892, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Game of Dragons
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi, M/M
Characters: Cyra Lannister - Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Jon Snow/Original Female Character(s), Jon Snow & Robb Stark, Robb Stark/Original Female Character(s), Robb Stark/Original Female Character(s)/Jon Snow, Minor Joffrey Baratheon/Original Female Character(s), Original Female Character(s)/Edric Baratheon - Onesided, Robert Baratheon/Cersei Lannister, Lyanna Stark/Robert Baratheon - Onesided, Robert Baratheon/various women, Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister, Implied Jaime Lannister/Original Character (s), Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen, Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen, Elia Martell & Lyanna Stark, Elia Martell & Oberyn Martell, Tyrion Lannister/Shae, Tyrion Lannister/Various Women and Wine, Tyrion Lannister/Elia Martell, Khal Drogo/Daenerys Targaryen, Jorah Mormont/Daenerys Targaryen, Daario Naharis/Daenerys Targaryen, Grey Worm/Missandei/Daenerys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister/Daenerys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister & Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen, Original Female Character(s) & Daenerys Targaryen, Catelyn Stark/Ned Stark, Jon Arryn/Lysa Tully Arryn, Lysa Tully Arryn/Petyr Baelish, Robin Arryn/Bran Stark, Robert "Sweetrobin" Arryn & Tommen Baratheon, Shireen Baratheon/Rickon Stark, Tommen Baratheon/Margaery Tyrell, Myrcella Baratheon/Trystane Martell, Renly Baratheon/Loras Tyrell, Oberyn Martell/Ellaria Sand, Oberyn Martell & Willas Tyrell, Theon Greyjoy/Sansa Stark, Sandor Clegane/Sansa Stark, Tommen Baratheon/Lyanna Mormont
Additional Tags: Tyrion Lannister is a Targaryen, Jon Snow is a Targaryen, Queen of Esso, queen of the north, Queen of the South - Freeform, R'hllor Lord of Light, Lord of Light in Westeros, Prince that was Promised, Lies, Betrayal, Angst, Slow Burn, Polyanderous, Polyandry, Polyamorous Character, Sibling Incest, Robert Baratheon hates Targaryens, Jaime is a good father and uncle, slight AU, Alternate Timeline, King Beyond the Wall, King of the North, Magic Revived, White Walkers are more than Frozen Zombies, The Night King, The Night Queen, Born of Ice and Fire, Born of Fire and Earth, Freys are DOOMED, Tywin is a Git, Flowers need weeded, Love is true, Various Sex Happens - too many sex tags, Trigger Warning Moments, Fanfiction, gameofthrones - Freeform, Powerful fluff, tears will fall, GameofThrones is its own warning, Dragons are a girls children, Wolves are a mans best friend, Lions are loud and prideful, Third person point of view, Dragon Poop - You'll get it
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3kcxw4y
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dusudaunord · 7 years
Things to do in Montréal April 28 to May 4
Montréal coasts into May with colourful shows from Cirque du Soleil and more international productions, visual art that illuminates the city, the return of gourmet food trucks, the literary delights of Blue Metropolis, and live pop, punk, soul and electro.
May in motion
Hop on a swing and make some music at mini-playground 21 Swings outside Place des Arts in the Quartier des Spectacles, part of this year’s Digital Spring art-meets-tech creations. It’s the final weekend to see hundreds of pre-migration butterflies at the Botanical Garden greenhouse’s Butterflies Go Free event and the start of Bird Fest at the Biodôme, part of the Montréal Space for Life‘s many activities. Attend readings, panel discussions, workshops, parties and more at the annual Blue Metropolis literary festival, April 24-30 – also featuring a wonderful Children’s Series. Or let kids solve forensic problems at the Montréal Science Centre’s CSI: The Experience. Walk up Saint-Laurent to see bright building-sized murals or take a walk off the beaten path to discover welcoming and wonderful quirky spots in Montréal, from urban caves to arcades to Montréal’s best karaoke bars. Watch Major League Soccer team the Montréal Impact take on the Vancouver Whitecaps at Stade Saputo on April 29. And have fun for free with free things to do this Spring in Montréal.
Food and drink
See the city sights and eat well in the process on Montréal’s best food tours. Treat yourself to fine dining in one of downtown’s most historic and decadent districts during Golden Square Mile Restaurant Week. Catch Québéc’s traditional sugar shack season just before it ends at Cabane à sucre urbaine in Plateau-Mont-Royal on April 30 at Parc Wilfrid-Laurier, featuring maple syrup taffy, pouding chômeur, folk music and more. There’s more sugar where that came from at the city’s best candy shops. Explore the menus of new Montréal restaurants, relax with a cup of tea at Montréal’s tea houses, or try a signature cocktail at one of Montréal’s hidden bars. Whether you’re a committed vegan or just trying it out, consult our ultimate guide to vegan eating in Montréal. And as the weather warms to al fresco dining temperatures, consult our 2017 guide to Montréal’s food trucks and street food.
On stage
Don’t miss incredible acrobatics, costumes, parkour and motor bikes in the millennial-era story of Cirque du Soleil’s VOLTA, under the big top in the Old Port of Montréal. A visual and musical spectacle, Russian performance artist Slava Polunin’s Slava’s Snowshow wows at Theâtre St-Denis May 2-14. In theatre: at Centaur Theatre see Clybourne Park, a neighbourhood drama tracing racial tensions in Chicago, and hilarious and heartwarming Bed & Breakfast; The Segal Centre presents hit musical Million Dollar Quartet, inspired by the true rock ‘n’ roll story of Sam Phillips gathering Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins and Elvis Presley for an historic recording session. As part of Montréal’s winter-spring dance program: the National Ballet of Ukraine performs The Marriage of Figaro at Place des Arts; Danse Danse presents Flemish choreographer Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker’s Rain at Place des Arts May 4-6; Agora de la Danse presents free outdoor show 15 X LA NUIT every night at 9 p.m. in Place des Festivals; Danse Cité presents TIERRA by Netherlands choreographer Jens van Daele and O Vertigo’s Ginette Laurin, inspired by the invisible maelstrom of the universe, at Cinquième Salle to April 29; and (MORE) Propositions for the Aids Museum merges music, images and movement in memory of the AIDS crisis, at La Chapelle on April 28, followed May 2-6 by Mykalle Bielinski’s immersive multimedia opera Gloria.
Une publication partagée par Musée McCord Museum (@museemccord) le 26 Avril 2017 à 14h59 PDT
Montréal past and present
See how the ’60s changed the city in three new exhibitions: the photography of The Sixties in Montréal: Archives de Montréal at City Hall, colourful outfits and products created by Québec designers for Expo 67 at the McCord Museum‘s Fashioning Expo 67, and the technological innovations of EXPO 67: A World of Dreams at the Stewart Museum. Old Montréal landmark Notre-Dame Basilica is not only one of the city’s most stunning churches but currently lights up with beautiful high-tech spectacle Aura, while the surrounding streets are illuminated by the historic tableaux projections of mobile-app project Cité Memoire. Photography exhibition Aime comme Montréal celebrates the city’s diversity in an installation at Place des arts. And Aboriginal Spring of Art 3 presents Kahnawakeró:non (Kahnawá:ke) artists Carla Hemlock and Babe Hemlock’s Tehatikonhsatatie: For the Faces That Are Yet to Come at the Maison de la culture Frontenac in the HOMA neighbourhood.
Art and film
Bring vivid colour into your springtime at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts special exhibition CHAGALL: COLOUR AND MUSIC, featuring 340 pieces by the Russian-French artist with musical accompaniment. Over at the Musée d’art contemporain see work by foremost Mexican artist Teresa Margolles and Québec artist Emanuel Licha’s Now Have a Look at This Machine documentary installation. The eclectic and multidisciplinary Festival Accès Asie opens May 2 and coincides with Canada’s Asian Heritage Month – its first week features a free opening night cocktail party at Lion d’Or, recital by Japanese pianist Kimihiro Yasaka on May 6, exhibition Smile of Afghanistan by Iranian photographer Hamed Tabein at the Gesù, and the Afghanistan & Culture Shock talk on May 7. Berlin-based British artist Ed Atkins poses questions on human bodies, digital creation and reality in video exhibition Modern Piano Music at DHC-ART. Never Apart‘s Spring Exhibition features Two-Spirit Sur-Thrivance and the Art of Interrupting Narratives. Pointe-à-Callière archaeology and history museum presents the fascinating Amazonia: The Shaman and the Mind of the Forest. Travel through virtual worlds in films by Felix & Paul Studios at the Phi Centre‘s Virtual Reality Garden and in the high-tech visuals and music of Résonances Boréales and the Music Legacy Project at the Satosphere surround-sound dome to April 29.
Live music
Friday night’s eclectic: singer Fredy V lauches his world-music meets disco-funk album #ItTakesAVillage at the Phi Centre, atmospheric Brooklyn indie-rockers Wilsen play Bar Le Ritz P.D.B., and none other than cult Canadian metal band Anvil let loose at Foufounes Electriques. On Saturday, popular French singer-songwriter Zaz jazzes up the Bell Centre, South African electronic dance music duo Goldfish make waves at Bar Le Ritz P.D.B., and trance producer Andrew Rayel conjures up a magical night on the New City Gas dance floor. Bernard Labadie returns to conduct The Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal in a concert of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven on April 29 and 30 at Maison Symphonique. Chill out with the live ambient music of Californian-based Tycho, with opener Beacon, on Sunday, April 30 at Metropolis, while folk-soul duo Overcoats and Yoke Lore add more smoothness to Sunday night in an early show at Divan Orange. Legendary British punk band The Damned slips into town with soulful garage rockers The BellRays on Tuesday, May 2 at Club Soda, while L.A. psych-rockers Froth trip us out at Bar Le Ritz P.D.B. Wednesday night features British rockers Catfish & The Bottlemen at Théâtre Corona, ’90s rock stars Supersuckers and The Von Rebels at Divan Orange, hip hop artist and Juno award winner Jazz Cartier at Le Belmont, and the joys of local jazzy singer-songwriter Sara-Danielle at Bar Le Ritz P.D.B. On May 4, Miguel Harth-Bedoya conducts violinist Alexandre Da Costa and the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal in a concert of contemporary Latin music at Maison symphonique, while Florida pop-punk band Mayday Parade and Knuckle Puck give lessons in romantics at Théâtre Corona, and Philly’s Laser Background brings his psych-pop stylings to Bar Le Ritz P.D.B.
Up next:Montréal history awes in Montréal Avudo
    The post Things to do in Montréal April 28 to May 4 appeared first on Tourisme Montréal Blog.
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netherwar-rpg-blog · 8 years
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Welcome to the Wardens, Isaac! Your application for THE DRAGONBORN has been accepted with a Colin Morgan FC.
It was a genuine pleasure to read through such a detailed and thorough application. You really made this skeleton profile your own precious character and I can see how much thought you put into it! The misc links at the bottom show that you’ve really imagined this Dragonborn clearly and you’ve explored his personality, his motives and background so perfectly! It makes me, as a worldbuilder, so delighted that you clearly read the Crywrenian and Fenarious lore, and used it to make a really well thought out character! I couldn’t imagine a more wonderful Dragonborn in the Wardens. I can totally understand why Aneirin wants to be free from the Elders’ watchful eyes and find his place in the world, with his dragons calling him to freedom, so we will all be cheering him on to reach those skies he so desperately deserves to explore!
The application can be found under the cut. You have 48 hours to create a roleplay account (cannot be a sideblog) for your character and we will be updating our opening date soon!
O O C - I N F O
Name: Isaac Age: 21 Timezone: EST Activity Level: I’m a university student that works Thursday – Saturday most weeks, so I’m mostly able to be around on my off days! Extra: Anything to do with seizure activity makes me uncomfortable.
S K E L E T O N - I N F O
T H E - B A S I C S
Skeleton Title: THE DRAGONBORN Name: Aneirin Eruantien Myrddin Frey Nickname: Eirin (air-in) Gender: Cisgender male Age: 25 Class: Ranger Faceclaim: Colin Morgan
C H A R A C T E R - D E T A I L S
Nationality: Crywrenian Appearance: Composed of sinew and skin, pale porcelain and delicate wrists, one would not expect the appearance of the Dragonborn to be that of the fair fae folk talked of in legend. Hair dark and thick, curling around teacup ears, eyes as blue as tumultuous seas, lips pouty and pink, long lashes fanning over impossibly high cheekbones, sharp collarbones and lean muscle: Aneirin is a man that’s beauty can be compared to that of a flower’s fragility in the chilly frost of a Crywrenian spring morning; and yet the power set deep in his bones makes him anything but fragile. But perhaps the most notable physical traits of the Dragonborn are those that connect him to his dragon kin. The Dragonborn’s Mark was given to him by the Druids the day he came of age, all painted with a Celtic brush; knowing that wherever he travelled, the Dragonborn could not be mistaken. The other unmistakable feature that few have yet to see is the way Aneirin’s eyes glow molten gold as a dragon’s when his power moves through him, connecting him to the earth and sky; an ancient magic making his gaze foreboding and ethereal as storms churn overhead.
{ + } Courageous – Aneirin has never been described as faint of heart. Even as a boy, he had a lion’s heart, his mother having to hold him back as he thrashed, hoping to run and save his father from the flames of execution without a thread of fear in his entire body.
{ + } Gentle – The boy’s always had a sweet disposition ever since he was just a babe, something he inherited from his father that was nurtured by all his mother’s love. Though his voice could move mountains, it is often as soft as his touch, light and delicate. It is simply not in his nature to be brutish.
{ + } Kind – Not even becoming the prized caged bird of the Fenarious elders could change the kindness in Aneirin’s heart. His mother always taught him that kindness is the most valuable thing in the world and that his ability to give it freely is a gift from the gods.
{ ­­- } Brash – Bold, unafraid of speaking his mind, Aneirin will not be silenced. He has spent too long bending to the elders’ will to allow himself to roll over for anyone in the Wardens; though, diplomacy is not always his strong suit.
{ - } Unrepentant – Aneirin stands resolute in his beliefs and this means that he is never sorry for standing up for what he deems is right; no matter the dissension it may bring. If he feels strongly enough about something, you will never hear him apologize for his actions.
{ - } Impatient – At the ripe age of twenty-five, Aneirin has been treated as if he was born for greatness his entire life. Kept tucked away and restrained from following the calls carried on the wind has made him antsy, fidgety, and impatient in all matters; be it waiting for a meal or running with the wind to find what the Singing Tree has gifted him.
C H A R A C T E R - B A C K G R O U N D
History: It began one fateful El Dyine nearly twenty-six years ago, when a young maiden – with complexion fair, blue eyes, and red hair – walked up to a fisherman (tall, dark features, locks thick waves that fell around his shoulders; a danger to all women’s hearts) and tucked a pretty pink flower behind his ear. Aneirin was born less than a year later.
He seemed no different from any other babe, perhaps apart from the storms in his eyes (the storms that raged just outside the night his mother borne him) and the brightness in his laugh, twinkling like starlight. And though his uncle – his mother’s brother, a healer more dedicated to the gods than any man could hope to be – warned Aneirin’s parents of the power set deep in the boy’s bones, claiming terrible things had come to him in his dreams, they simply would not listen; would not risk confiding the strange happenings around the house to the elders; would not risk the boy being taken to the Singing Tree, being taken away from them.
Inevitably, he was; after the early morning Aneirin’s father was set to be executed for crimes that Aneirin did not understand, for he was just a boy, barely eight years old. Fires climbing up the pyre, licking the leather toes of his father’s boots that still smelt of sea salt, thunder crashed overhead as the boy screamed, the hot gold of the flames reflected in eyes that shed the tears of a soon to be fatherless child, barely able to be held back as the rains came down in buckets, lightning striking fury down around those who dare accuse the man set to burn before their eyes.
Slick with water that came down like heaven’s wrath, the boy broke free from those trying to hold him back. He did not hesitate to jump into the flames. Aneirin will never forget the sound of his mother’s screams. But when the rains washed the flames away, all that was left was the boy, untouched, eyes on fire, hands and feet blackened from the ashes, clutching the dagger that had hung from his father’s belt.
The storms waged war for three days.
And so the elders took him to the Singing Tree, set him before the Great Goddess, with her barked limbs spreading wide as if to encompass the whole earth. His mother said she’d never seen the Tree blossom as beautifully as it did that day, petals lush as the winds whipped up around them. And it is the wind Aneirin remembers most vividly, knowing for the first time that it is a dragon’s blood that flows through his veins (his family’s reputation’s only saving grace after the flames).
It is perhaps the greatest grief of all that from that day forward he became a caged bird unsung, taken in by the elders and raised as a delicate thing, kept in captivity. A precious flower too fragile to tamper with, the elders did not allow him to follow the call of the winds, did not allow him to train with a sword, and didn’t even allow him to study and harness his own abilities to control the heavens.
In fact, the only skill he was allowed to hone was his natural inclination for medicine, his uncle’s healing hands seeming to run in the family. And so this was how he learned – his uncle sticking his nose in book after book until he was as well learned as a Crywrenian Druid could be. If he could not run with the winds, he would escape through means of any book he could get his hands on.
But as he grew the cage felt smaller, and the winds grew incessant in their taunting, never leaving him a moment’s peace. He knew he needed to break free, and when he heard of the faction forming in the south, he saw his opportunity.
He carries little more than the clothes on his back and his father’s dagger.
Reason for joining the Wardens: When Aneirin heard of the new faction forming in the south, he fought the Fenarious elders tooth and nail just to be able to procure a horse in order to ride south and join them. Tired of being treated like he might break at any moment, he put his foot down, kissing his mother goodbye, wishing he could spit at the elders’ feet, before spiriting away with not much more than the clothes on his back. The elders could not give him answers; the Archmages would not give him answers; clearly he had to seek them out for himself, and the Wardens could very well be his only opportunity to do so.
The Singing Tree granted him a great destiny, and it is his right as a Druid to answer the wind’s call. He will not waste it.
R O L E P L A Y - S A M P L E
There is a rustle in the leaves of the Singing Tree as lightning strikes above, silhouetting the Great Goddess in all her glory; branches spread wide, standing silent and apathetic. It is purely to taunt him, he knows, as the water comes down and soaks him through sinew and skin and straight to the bone, frame slight, pale as the fabric of the shift he’d been sleeping in clings to every curve, and shaking as shivers run down his spine; wind like icicles prickling just behind his ear as it whips up around him, pushing him forward, to his knees, carrying away the soft sob as his forehead touches dirt, fingers curling into the earth.
He wants to scream; wants his body to heave with the force of it, wretched and broken as his hand scrape the earth, digging his claws in as if he could choke the roots of this Tree that borne him. The leaves rustle, and the Goddess is laughing.
And so he does, eyes snapping up and flashing molten gold as he lets out a lion’s roar, thunder rolling; all the anger and frustration of a wounded animal, kept caged for far too long poured forth as the heavens above him wage the rage of his war.
The elders will find him sleeping at the feet of the Goddess come morning, having run as far as his feet could carry him not for the first time, but the night will bear his agony like the cliffs bear the waves in a storm.
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