#more may be coming soon
ya-boi-alex · 6 months
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I've been cooking up a magical girls hc au in my head for a while and yk what? I have to start posting art again. Also yes, this is an excuse to draw cute dresses
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buggachat · 1 year
Hmm, sorry guys, I might skip posting beau today. Had an arm cramp last night and it’s not too bad, but I think I’d like a day to recover a little
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oh-biwan · 5 months
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buglaur · 9 months
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my favourite posts from 2023
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will-o-wyvern · 4 months
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goblin-a-gogo · 11 months
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Have a Lasagna & Pickles sketch dump on this fine evening!
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hollenka99 · 4 months
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Just got my first freeze and I'm yelling.
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themoodydoodles · 1 year
Calling it now, this mf is Jack.
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I’m not just saying this because Jack and ‘Kaufmo’ are two of the several characters (e.g., the shapes or the black tentacle thing in the teaser) that we know little to nothing about, but I actually have evidence.
Here is exhibit A: The Wacky Watch trailer, where Jack was first introduced. In one of the brief moments Jack are shown, we see him covering a cardboard cut-out of a clown of some sort.
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Coincidence? Well obviously not
This clown is Kaufmo. How can I tell? Though Jack covers most of the cutout, we can see a goofy ass pair of feet and a party hat with a sphere topping it. Who else has a hat just like that? Who the bloody hell else but Kaufmo?!
Exhibit B: They both scare the living shit out of me
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look at these motherfuckers
they cannot be trusted
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or maybe Jack is just a joke and I read into it too much
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letgomaggie · 4 months
All my bridgerton thoughts, compressed:
1. The true love story is definitely Penelope and Eloise. No matter how hard they try, they cannot pivot away from the fact that friendship is the heart of this season. Be it between Penelope and Eloise, or Eloise and Cressida, or Penelope and Colin: it is that which drives this particular season.
2. To add to the above point: Colin may be Penelope's love interest, but it is Eloise who understands her. Eloise asks if Penelope seems despondent or sad - not just a simple is she okay but instead here are things she could be, which one is it? She knows her friend, no matter what. And Colin, for all that he is, does not find it all too startling that Penelope is suddenly looking for marriage. Eloise does. If Colin's eyes follow Pen across the ballroom, so do Eloise's.
3. Eloise has someone to talk to about the effect her friendship breakup is taking on her. Penelope has no one. I find Nicola to be an increasingly fantastic actor because she holds this tension so very well throughout the whole of Part 1. When Eloise comes to visit her, you see why she asked Colin what Penelope was feeling. Because Penelope is feeling that, has been feeling that ever since. Its so raw and on her face for the world to see but only one person ever looked and understood and read her like a book.
4. The two fingers while fixing her dress? Gag me god gag me
5. I have not seen the point of the Mondrich plot until this season which is where they are really using it to root the show to reality. There are conversations to be had that the society simply does not want to and Mondriches are the embodiment of it. Constantly knocking at society's door and making themselves be heard and fighting for a seat at the table but unwilling to compromise on what feels good and right. It's subtle and ita frustrating and I like that it's getting to people. You're going to get annoyed enough that the looking glass metaphor will play out in real life for you.
6. I see how unhinged Colin is being about Penelope and while I love that for her, I also get how fucked up her situation is rn. She does need stability. She has found her purpose. And I want her to be selfish in protecting that bit of herself. Instead of what she has been doing. She tried with Debling and yes, it was vexing to see how she ran after him but. I get it too? It's not always roses and camomiles. Cressida is the foil to this same narrative. The Bridgertons are foolishly romantic but that is just them. The show is through their lens but we can take a step back and see it for it is as well. I found Debling to be perfect and his reasons for ending everything were as well. If a little crassly done. Colin proposing to Penelope and falling headfirst in love just as she starts looking out for herself? My heart still needs to be sold on this idea, no matter how hot and sexy everything is.
7. The hair grab oh. Colin Bridgerton you slut. You whore. Colin Bridgerton would like to be pegged I promise. These two will actually be the couple who try out shit in the bedroom out of intrigue and discover a hidden kink. Colin finding the answer to his pent up ruminations when Penelope drags her hand tenderly through his hair vs Penelope close to tears because it is a dream come true and how many times has she imagined this and now its happening and its all that and more? Fucking yes
8. The diaries intrigue me. I shit you not I started this season with the firm belief that Colin had in fact NOT travelled lasts season because he was being all quiet about it. End of Ep 1 and I am now convinced he only really wants to talk if people listen and the only one who ever listened was Pen and if she's not there to hear him what is the point of speaking? He functions on 0 braincells because like. He has all the facts he's just not looking at them.
9. Someone talked of how they want to know more about Colin because he's been coming off as 2D and I agree. This is being told more from Penelope's view than Colin's and that is skewing the narrative a bit. I need more than 'pirate fashion-current rake-newly minted fuckboy' from him.
10. I like the yellow bedsheet.
11. The opening with the pining looks from Pen towards Eloise really set the mood and I'm so glad for it. For that matter I feel like Colin's apology for the comment last season was rushed and half hearted and I understand the hot and heavy vibes but they are friends first and that is the heart of the season and so much, so fucking much is left unresolved and I need them to have a couple of heated conversations PLEASE. express emotions fr!!! Beyond breathing hard!!
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valcaine · 1 year
*Glides down into you inbox*
I got two things!
Um ok for the first you said you wanted drawing ideas? Mmm have Philza going mock fucking 10 as tech holds a speedometer and ran panics
And also what other cursed birdza/ emerald duo headcanons do you have
Teeth stew anon you have sparked my interest
*takes off*
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they are trying to see if his wings healed
(they did) (he destroyed the lawn)
cursed headcanons? uhhh philza can and will eat bugs and mice, he is the resident pest killer
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tmntstorycomp · 2 months
In the end.
Massy felt aimless, suspended in a pool of his own making. His fingers itched, a burning to reach for the pen and try to write his way out of this one. With his words, he could free them all. His words were his promise to get everyone home, all the friends he had made. He could save them. 
But his hands remained steady, extended far above him as he tried to find anyone. There would be no point to grab his pen and notepad, to write a simple escape that would solve all their problems. The words would simply disappear into the void he created. 
Funny, wasn’t it? 
The effort he had expended for all of this was now going to eat him alive. His skin already felt like it was dissolving, mixing with the energy that swirled around him. It would be funny to be consumed by it. Ink didn’t have problems, it simply existed. It morphed to your will and refused to be anything but permanent. Unapologetically on the pages, staining the world in which we see it. 
Wouldn’t it be funny to be so permanent?
The warmth in the ink was fading, the sounds of crying in his ears was so close that he didn’t even realize they were his own. 
He reflected on his past. To all the friends he had made here. It was odd, he wouldn’t give that up. Seeing versions of his family who were so young, so uninhibited, so damaged. They were strong, but they weren’t the turtles that Massy knew. They were softer, more guarded. 
He wondered if they hated him now, he hoped they did. Massy didn’t know where they were, spread out into the beyond. Who knows, maybe they were already home. But if they hated him, then they wouldn’t miss him. And that would make it easier to justify never having to see them again.
“Come on, Massy, you’re going to be okay.”
Massy hummed, the distant voice grew louder. He smiled, thinking of his father. The look of hurt in his expression when Massy held up the letters to his face. Massy felt guilt course through his body.
Massy had felt curious for awhile. He had known his mother wasn’t in his life, but he wanted to know more. He had asked anyone he could think to ask about it, but got a wide range of answers that ultimately lead him to nowhere. 
Uncle Raph would get all nervous when he asked. He would say that his mother was very kind but it was so long ago he couldn’t remember. Massy thought that was a load of crap given that Uncle Raph would be more than happy to tell Massy about the good ole days in his attempts to inspire Massy to be a better person. It seemed that Uncle Raph was trying to preserve something, but the young turtle couldn’t figure out what. So, no luck there. 
Uncle Donnie would flat out say they weren’t allowed to talk about her. They would carry a different expression, angered at the prospect of her mere existence. Massy tried to figure out why they were so angry, but Uncle Donnie would just push him out of the lab and tell him to come back later with better questions. Massy never had any. 
Uncle Leo wouldn’t answer at all. He would just laugh and tell Massy to stop worrying about what wasn’t there and focus on what was. He didn’t have a mom, but neither did Uncle Leo and he turned out fine. But Massy had an entire family who loved him and took care of him, couldn’t that be enough? Massy didn’t know why it wasn’t. 
Auntie April would fume, much like Uncle Donnie, but she didn’t hold back her words. She didn’t actually tell Massy anything he wanted to know, but she would grab him by the face and tell him that he didn’t need her. If she didn’t bother being in his life, he didn’t need her there. She would kiss him on the forehead and Massy would forget what he asked in the first place. 
But Dad would tell him something completely different. Dad would say that she simply disappeared one day and he had hopes she would come back. She was beautiful, kind, loving. She was a fantastic person. But Massy could see the sadness in his dad’s eyes everytime, so he tried not to ask. 
He wanted answers, but no one would give them to him. He snuck into his dad’s room while he was making dinner. Massy searched the closet and through some of his dad’s old sketchbooks, trying to find any piece of the puzzle he was missing. He tried to ignore the sketches of darkness that invaded some of the pages. 
Ultimately, he flopped into the old yellow beanbag, wrapping himself up in the tattered shawl that his father would wear. He lightly kicked at the carpet, letting his eyes gaze around the familiar space- 
Until they stopped on an old, worn out shoe box that lay under the bed. Massy moved to grab it, pulling it into his lap as he opened it up. The first thing he saw was a picture of a woman. A blue lizard woman who looked so tired but so happy. It was a candid shot of her on the couch, trying to tie ribbons onto her tail. 
Massy flipped the polaroid over to see the writing on the back.
“My Taina learns the beauty of having a tail!”
My Taina. 
Massy flipped the photo back over and stared at her. The fins on her arms. Massy’s fingers brushed against his arm warmers, feeling the identical fin beneath the fabric. 
There was no denying that this was his mother. He looked through a few more pictures, looking at how young and happy they were. They were smiling in every photograph, they looked in love. Massy couldn’t help but smile to himself, maybe his father was right. 
But then he found a new picture with a new member of the family. He’d never seen this picture before, his eyes growing wide. 
His parents and the little baby they held between them. Massy stared at himself, at the bright blue hands that held him secure. 
It was hard to imagine she once held him. He couldn’t remember her at all, and yet he could almost imagine her hand on his arm. His eyes flickered to his father, and he sighed. Dad had always told him how the day he was born was the best day of his life. But then Massy drifted over to her and his blood went cold. 
Why did she look like that?
Why did she look so.. Unhappy? She looked scared. Massy kept digging through the pictures and saw the change in pattern. No longer did his mother look happy in all the photos. Now, even when she smiled, there was something hollow within it. 
And what had changed? Massy was born. 
He tried to ignore the ache in his chest at the realization. His mom wasn’t happy with him. Did she hate him? Did she regret him? Massy had no answers, but he reached for the final few papers in the box. 
The infamous letters.
Massy poured over the words again and again, trying to process what they could mean. Why would she write two very different letters? Why would she leave him? 
“Massy, what are you doing in here, firefly?”
The young turtle turned his head to see his father standing in the doorway. His eyes were wide, guilt overtaking his expression.
And the fight started. 
Massy yelled at his father, asking him why he would lie. Why would he dare tell Massy that his mother- That Taina was a good person at all.
His dad would try to argue back, to justify himself. 
“I didn’t want you to hold anger towards her,”
“She truly did love you,”
“I just want us to move on,”
Massy laughed, bitter and angry, at the last one. How could he even begin to move on from this. He finally knew who his mother was and her tired, sad expression was etched into his brain. 
Was that how he always saw her?
Dad had tried to reach for the tearstained letter, but Massy held it tight. 
“He’s a screeching monster of tears and snot.”
The words stuck out on the page. She hated him. She always hated him, clearly. And how dare his father keep this letter?
And Massy reacted out of anger. 
“I hate you! I wish I was never even born!” 
His dad stood frozen, staring at him as he tried to process how to proceed. But Massy didn’t stay to see the damage he had caused. He didn’t want to know he was truly the monster she thought he was. 
Massy shoved past him, stuffing the letter away as he ran to his room and shut himself away. He cried, his body shaking as he grabbed the old magical pen he had snatched from his father days before and he wrote out-
“I want a place where no one can find me. Where everything is under my control.”
Massy’s eyes opened, a small smile gracing his lips. That last half really fell through, didn’t it? 
Slowly, Massy pulled the letter out from his sleeve, holding it up and letting go. It drifted away from him, the black ink sinking into the old paper and corrupting the words. They disappeared. 
Suddenly, the page burst into an orange flame, the ashes swirling in the ink. The sudden light exploded, forcing the ink back into the void to create a pocket of hope. The light swirled, energy crackling at the edges in a manner that was all too familiar. 
A figure pushed through the light looking around frantically for something. It was hard for Massy to make out, but he reached out, desperate-
The hand grabbed his, pulling him out of the ink. Arms enveloped his body and Massy pushed his face into the familiar body. The smell of ink was quickly replaced by the sweet smell of old paints. The strong notes of incense that still burned Massy’s nose no matter how many times he smelled it. 
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“It’s okay, Massy, daddy’s got you..” 
Massy gripped the other turtle’s body, his own shaking with broken sobs as he clung on. His eyes squeezed tightly shut. 
The ink, burned by the energy of the portal, started to recede. It sank lower and lower, the tendrils trying desperately to grab at the small turtle but were ultimately banished back. 
Mikey slowly sank to the floor with his son, landing on the bright white plane with his son in his arms. It was back to normal, no signs of libraries or woods or buildings. Just an empty white void with a crowd of recently undrowned bystanders. 
“I’m sorry, dad, I didn’t mean it..” Massy spoke softly and Mikey only tightened his hold.
“I know, Massy, I know.. It’s okay, we can talk about it when we get home,” He spoke softly and pressed a kiss to Massy’s temple. 
Massy nodded and pulled his head away in order to look at all the people around them. “I don’t know how to send them home…” He admitted softly. 
Mikey looked around, he could feel the energy coming off of every single one of them. Different universes all pulled into one location. His hands gripped Massy’s shoulders and he nodded, “Yes you do, come on, believe in yourself,”
Massy stepped away to pull his notepad from his pocket, grabbing the pen. He lifted it up then paused, looking at all the people. 
These strokes of his pen could not be reversed, they could not be altered. He could not take back the words. 
“I’m sorry I trapped you all here and forced you to play my games. But I.. I had fun. I hope you all had fun too. Maybe.. Maybe one day we can all come back and play again. But.. I have to go home now, and so do you, so.. Goodbye!”
Massy dotted his sentence with a period and suddenly inky portals opened up all around them. Contestants started to shuffle back to their respective dimensions, but Massy was caught off guard by the small group of turtles who pulled him into a group hug. 
“You better come visit! Well.. Maybe after you’re not grounded anymore.” One of the Leo’s said, followed by a metal hand coming down to pat his head. The group dispersed, all talking amongst themselves as they planned their next adventure and Massy smiled to himself. Maybe he could come visit. 
A hand on his shoulder pulled him back to reality and Massy looked back to see his father smiling down at him. 
“Let’s go home, my son.”
Massy’s small smile turned into a large grin and he leapt into his father’s arms, the two tumbling back through the portal where Mikey had emerged. 
The white void was left empty, nothing occupied the space except for a small piece of note paper that read “Until next time” along with a small pile of ashes.
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satans-knitwear · 10 months
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From the drafts! I can't wait for some of my time to be my own again 😂
Treat me ~ Tip Me ~ More of me
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vaguely-concerned · 9 days
the relationship between the chantry and the mortalitasi in nevarra is SO fucking funny. the carefully politic and civil syncretism of it all. the ‘I’ll refrain from scratching your back to bloody shreds if you refrain from scratching mine :)’. left hand politely averting its eyes from whatever the fuck the right hand is doing merrily up to its elbow in entrails because it usually knows what it’s doing I guess. speak softly, and have an army of the restless dead ready to go banapants horrorshow bonkers if you don’t get to tend to them. We Receive: being able to keep doing our goth thing mostly unimpeded. You receive: us not raising the great majority to protest your unwelcome meddling. render unto the chantry what is the chantry's and unto the watchers what is theirs (or, with all possible courtesy you understand, else…)
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gaycrittercentral · 1 year
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Just a quick virtues au thing that I sketched during yesterday’s lunch break and colored on today’s, teehee. I just think Sloth deserves to take a nap on his husband’s lap ok. And Patience is great for napping on bc he just sits still all day and seems incapable of getting uncomfortable :>
Oh btw I may be too busy to draw responses to every ask, but if anybody feels like asking questions abt these guys I’d be all too happy to write em! They’re just so fun to ramble about hhhdjdhsjhdhss
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lazywriter-artist · 7 months
Trying to make the battle brother feel comfy :)
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Though some people might feel a little left out-
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Just need to ask the guardsman for things, they always do what ya want!
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Maybe that’s not the best lesson to give the little berserker-
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marblerose-rue · 10 months
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ten years ago today i made my fursona :-D
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