#more of my shit house acotar opinions
bookishlegacy · 7 months
Anyways the way that books such as ACoTaR (and many of its later copycats) could have been so much more interesting and entertaining to read if the authors had an ounce of self-awareness into the intricacies they could’ve explored with their main characters and were at least honest about what sort of characters they were writing.
Do you even know how interested I would be with a “Beauty and the Beast retelling with fae” but the protagonist is one of the selfish wicked older sisters (listen in my mind and heart feyre is the forgotten middle child between nesta and elain ok) instead of the kind and virtuous Beauty archetype. Do you even know how obsessed I would be about a female protagonist who is so self-absorbed and lacks empathy and obsesses with being a martyr for the people she doesn’t even seem to like precisely because she doesn’t know herself outside of that role. Do you even fucking know how hard I would go for a fairytale centering around the reconciliation of a family and sisters torn apart by tragedy and trauma and learning to understand and support one another amidst a weird and fantastical world and plot.
Likewise with Fourth Wing actually I would go crazy over a protagonist bound and determined to make her ableist mother proud of her in spite of her disability within the context of a “might makes right” dominant fantasy cultural hegemony and has internalized the whole “you just have to keep pushing harder” mentality to the detriment of herself and her wellbeing in this dangerous situation she’s nonetheless resolved to make the best of anyways and how she comes to realize and grow out of that mindset from the emotional connection she has with her own disabled bonded dragon partner as they learn to navigate a space that wasn’t made for either of them through said connection and mutual support of one another. Like I would be losing my mind if those were the plotlines we were given. But they’re not. Sad! Oh well there’s always my own wips.
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sophiewith7es · 1 year
some of my six of crows modern headcanons xx
nina and inej are taylor swift and phoebe bridgers best friends
inej is vegan and i will not be explaining myself
matthias’ snapchat username is matthiashelvqr but jesper’s is animal_loverjes123 because he made it when he was nine
wylan is scared of planes but not helicopters
jesper is scared of helicopters but not planes
nina and inej listened to midnights together when it was first released
jesper got matthias into star wars
jesper loves the prequels and clone wars, matthias prefers the original trilogy and rogue one
both nina and jespers first bi panic was watching pirates of the caribbean
kaz has a secret fear of escalators so he always takes the stairs even though it actively causes him more pain
kaz and wylan watch criminal minds together in silence, but they both say the line about tracy lambert together
matthias falls asleep to animal documentaries narrated by david attenborough
inej jesper and nina are big greys anatomy fans
wylan’s first crush was teenage simba
matthias plays rugby
they have a book club (audiobook for wylan)
they read the acotar series and all had vastly different opinions
nina was an avid zoella watcher
kaz doesnt pay for any streaming services but has all of them anyway, jesper also doesn’t pay but uses everyone elses
matthias pays for the netflix account though
him and nina share one profile and everyone else has their own profile
nina cried when they took new girl off netflix
kaz says he prefers dc over marvel just to cause conflict
jesper read percy jackson growing up and still has the same battered copies he read as a kid in his room no matter where he lives
nina was a harry potter reading child and also still has her original copies of the books
wylan is a secret marauders stan
nina jesper inej and wylan are all marauders era fans but wylan is soooo much worse
wesper = wolfstar
jesper’s favourite movie is the breakfast club
kaz says his favourite movie is fight club but it’s actually fantastic mr fox
kaz follows six people on instagram: inej and all the members of one direction
he does that to piss the others off
jesper went viral on tik tok one time
matthias loves oasis (both the band and the drink)
nina fought for eras tour tickets and managed to get them all tickets
kaz is going as reputation (his usual attire) jesper as lover, wylan as evermore, inej as speak now (she got the speak now dress), matthias as debut (they got him a cowboy hat) and nina as red.
matthias secretly cried over the how to train your dragon ending
matthias and inej read a lot of classics and share their collection, they both annotate the books as well and enjoy seeing what the other has written
kaz has a do not disturb sign on his bedroom door like in a hotel and puts it on the door handle even when he’s not in there
kaz is weirdly good with technology
jesper collects mugs
kaz and inej steal pint glasses from pubs
when inej and nina listened nothing new on red(tv) they lost their minds
kaz loves boygenius
matthias and wylan love modern family, wylan’s favourite character is gloria and matthias’ is jay
jesper loves formula 1 and its the only sport he’ll watch
nina and matthias play animal crossing together
kaz terrors jesper on terraria
when they play minecraft functionally, inej is the builder, jesper is the farmer, matthias and wylan mine, kaz has netherite armour in like half an hour and nina collects flowers and tames animals
when they play minecraft disfunctionally they just blow shit up
kaz plays the guitar
inej DEVOURED the cruel prince series
zoya and genya are nina’s foster/adoptive sisters
wylan is scared of clowns and is like that one episode of new girl when nick has to go into the haunted house
whenever jesper does something stupid or doesnt do something or whatever he says ‘#yolo’ and moves on and it drives kaz insane
jesper has muggies of everyone
inej takes 0.5 pictures of everyone when theyre sleeping without them knowing
matthias loves the hunger games series
kaz regularly predicts major global events
wylan loves breaking bad
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bookishly-ariel · 5 months
As someone who read the Acotar series once, I dove into the sailboat my brain branded Elriel and by the end of Acomaf I realized it wasn't a small sail boat anymore.
By the time Azriel flew her to the house of wind the boat was decorated with Cobalt sails, flowers, and shadows. At end of Acomaf it was built for the deep seas of a shipping war I knew I'd eventually have to sail through if I wanted to enjoy online content of them.
By the end of Acosf I was looking out across that ocean from a Destroyer.
And through it all my love for the story and the characters was not overshadowed by the ship I had built from the small moments given between two characters who were briefly shown through the eyes of Feyre, Rhysand, Nesta, and Cassian but mostly through Sjm's words.
I loved Feyre's story, but I did not hate her sisters, I did hate her father, tamlin, and more of a dislike for his decision to let Tamlin bring Feyre beyond her breaking point and still support him, Lucien.
(Yes, I loved that papa archeron showed up and saved the day, still mad it took Fae intervention and healing to get him there but Feyre still loved him anyways. Tamlin's help at Hyberns camp was the only thing I let slide cause he owed it to them. Lucien . . . Well, I don't forgive him turning his eye on all the bullshit, but I do hope we get to see him grow and I do have a small ship in my head for him and vassa and a small enjoyment on how him and Gwyn would be as friends if not partners.)
I loved Nesta's story, but I supported them having an intervention because she was killing herself and through her healing, the friends she made and she found herself along the way. Actions taken by Nesta did upset me but so to did the actions and choices of others in the book.
(This book was therapeutic to the eldest daughter in me who was a shit sister to her own baby sister till something happened and we patched our relationship.)
I know I will love Elain's story, but I am content in my knowledge that Feyre shipped Azriel and Elain, humored it aloud to Rhys even.
Nesta wasn't blind either, she too realized her friend was distant and when finding out why she did not chase him off or shut down his feelings and neither did she blast him to the whole Inner circle. She understood and offered a small comfort.
I don't know how anyone who has read the books over and over cannot see beyond the sails of their sail boats.
These characters are more than their ships, and to claim your thoughts and opinions as those of the characters is baffling.
All this to say, You don't decide that someone can't be a Nesta Stan and support Elriel because "Nesta would never"
It's right there in A Court of Silver Flames, did you not read the book? I'm just saying, Nesta is many things but she isn't the type of woman to bite her tongue when she disapproves of something.
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It's right there in the books, just saying.
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nightcourtreader · 5 months
After my acotar re-read I am more convinced that once the series end, Lucien’s permanent residence is not in the Spring Court and it’s going to be in Day Court.
I really think he needs to get out of the SC & away from Tamlin. Lucien was always the better friend to Tamlin and Lucien needs to be somewhere where he’s truly appreciated and to me personally that doesn’t include Spring, Autumn or Night.
I hate the fact Lucien feels indebted to Tamlin because he took him in and helped him against his brothers but it was clear Lucien was deadly afraid of Tamlin and the power imbalance between the two was bad, and it became worse in acomaf when Tamlin got his full powers back. Tamlin didn’t care for Lucien’s opinion and barely, if at all, took it into consideration. Then him beating him in acosf because he’s angry at life isn’t cool. Then he also threw Lucien’s belongings out the house.
Then with both Feyre & Rhys saying how Lucien is fated to be more than what he was in spring & how Lucien’s talents were wasted in spring just makes me think once his story is told, spring is not where he’s ending up in the end and I think that’s a good thing.
I think that Tamlin and Lucien will patch up their relationship but it’s never going to be as “close” as they were before. I can see Lucien helping repair spring but even then, he stated the people there don’t like him anymore and we clearly see Tamlin doesn’t either, so it’ll be a challenge if he does decide to help. I don’t see SJM killing Tamlin despite him being down and out at the moment. I really think she’s going to have Tamlin rally back before another war comes.
We all know how Lucien is Helions son. I would love to see how he finds that out. I know a lot of people want Feyre to tell him and talk shit about her not saying anything, but that’s not Feyre’s business, and with beron being a nut at the moment, that’s going to open up a can of worms. Honestly, I think it’s LOA obligation to tell both Lucien and Helion that Lucien is his son. Not Feyre’s.
It sucks Helion doesn’t know and if he did I really could see him wanting a blood duel. Like Lucien is his literally life and blood that he’s missed out on 300+ years. I know Lucien might not want a father in his life at the moment due to beron being a pos but I just have a feeling after they get pass the emotional barrier of things, Lucien and Helion will become close and have a good relationship.
Plus knowing Lucien is the day court heir just makes sense for him to end up in day. I know that Elain is very connected to the spring court. But Elain craves sunshine and she loves to sit by the windows all the time and the day court is the sun personified. I get it spring has gardens that Elain would love but if Elain likes gardening, I think she’ll appreciate and love the gardens of spring but she would still want to create more and with spring already being filled with gardens I think she would love to build ones in day. I think her and Lucien will have a higher position in day than in spring anyway since I don’t think SJM is going to have Tamlin kick the bucket at the moment.
I’m not sure how Lucien’s future relationships with autumn will be if eris succeeds in killing Beron and putting himself on the throne, but I just don’t see them being close. Lucien wants nothing to do with Beron or Eris. No matter how Eris mentions to others that he tried to help Lucien. It’s different with them since it’s so much bad blood between them and I don’t ever really see them having a good brother relationship, I can see Lucien tolerating Eris. Eris whole focus is the autumn court and his mother anyway.
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azsazz · 7 months
answering this one here too because cc spoilers :)
I like CC for different reasons than I like acotar, for example in CC I feel like a lot of the friendships/relationships felt more organic to me. Like Danika was not a good person but she and Bryce were good friends. Also Bryce and LeLe felt like real friends to me, same with Ruhn and his friends. I feel like Feyre’s friendship with Mor for example is really forced, everyone says their best friends but I feel like they barley interacted in the books? And I feel like no one respects Feyre’s leadership as much as Rhys’s (honestly I feel like the ENTIRE ic dynamic is weird af and an attempt to write close friends that kind of fell flat.) Mor gives me more pick me energy than Bryce but I see how you think that.
i did like lele a lot, and yeah, their relationship was a good one. i agree that feyre and mor didn't really interact. it does feel a bit forced also with the fact that obviously her and rhys are mates so who's going to actually say something if they don't like her? also mor is rhys' only family so she kind of doesn't have a choice to be feyre's friend
also I feel like Hunt gets unnecessarily picked on bc he’s boring but he’s one of the only SJM males that didn’t do some sketchy shit with his partner in some way. (Ik the synth deal but that didn’t really happen to Bryce) I haven’t read it in a while but nothing comes to the top of my head besides like them being mean to each other in the beginning
i do like hunt, i'll give sjm that. he's a good man.
Examples: Rhys had the dancing and the pregnancy (which Ik Rhys stans like to explain away but I still think it’s messed up). Cassian didn’t defend his mate and took Nesta on a week long hike where she physically collapsed from malnutrition and exhaustion bc she told feyre the TRUTH. Rowan punching Aelin in the face etc.
rhys has def done some questionable things. like yeah we can all get mad at fucking tamlin for wanting to keep feyre safe in his house when he knew they weren't out of the woods yet and worse was coming. and yeah, he went about it the wrong way but he was terrified for her? he didn't know what he was going? and rhys literally locked her in a fucking bubble while she was pregnant? yeah she could roam around but if that were me i'd feel suffocated as fuck? like its not really that different.
sjm loves talking about how her fmc's are so strong and stuff but she glorifies all the men they can do no wrong
CC had terribly world building, but let’s be honest SJM hasn’t had good world building since TOG and even that is sometimes questionable, but I think the relationships between characters are better and the individual emotions of the characters feel more human to me in some aspects.
Idk that’s just my opinion of the two books. Overall I still do think ACOTAR is the better series of the two, and the cross over is def a cash grab. But sometimes I feel like the good parts of CC get overlooked bc of shitty world building
that's def a fair point. i got so lost in trying to figure out what the fuck was going on i couldn't even focus on the relationships, i'll admit that!
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rosenecklaces · 2 years
Elain and Azriel for the ask game
Hii bestie tsm for the ask 💓
- For elain
First impression: she was just like me fr LMAO No but in all seriousness, I don't know if sjm intended to write a typical young girl with no job that just isn't fan of doing stuff but... that's me? I have getting better tho but when I started acotar almost two years ago I don't particularly hated her because I am just as lazy and kind of "in the clouds" ( tho we don't know if she and nesta took care of the house/cleaning so there's that)
Impression now: Azriel better square the fuck up or I make her my wife. I love the gradually little glimpses of who she is that we had been given, I am delighted by her grow and who she had become since the first book to acosf. I am glad I didn't gave up to read the rest of the series because GOD I needed an unapologetically soft and kind character that isn't a pushover and actually haves narrative relevance, is surprising to find (for me) esp. in a fantasy book series
Favorite moment: All? Lol genuinely practically all she does and says I'm like "yes queen get into it". But if I have to choose 100% the killing of hybern and "don't you touch my sister", the headache powder scene and the "come find me when you wish to begin" it was hot as hell + omg "and that makes him entitled of my attention?" The way I GASPED I was clapping and screaming like crazy I swear, also when she confronted lucien and called him out for his betrayal and left him GAGGED god I was smiling like crazy
Idea for a story: I'm into creepy shit and I think seer elain have potential for some spooky and gothic kind of stuff. "mother nature" elain is also an idea I'm interested in. Would love if she haves some weird extra connection to the cauldron/the mother too
Unpopular opinion: OH fuck I have a lot of those but gonna try keep it basic= She wouldn't have kids on her own but she would adopt, I see she+ az are more of the adopting side. She's morr chubby than her sisters and her arm are way stronger that you would think (this woman is a gardener full time c'mon) and I feel, in her mind, she is way more "rude" and the only think stopping her from insulting someone in their face is her self control and education, she is big lover of nature and animals but insects is a no no for her ( especially when they eat her flowers!) She likes parties and knowing new people but her social battery can get drained easily
Favorite relationship: Tamlain :)... could you imagine LOL, obviously elriel they are my 4 lifers. I also like some morlain and vasslain and casslain on the side,nice and cute. I like the archeron sisters messiness and their moments, little but good for my heart
Favorite headcanon: she's bi but tbh half the characters i like I see them as bi sowrry. I like the dusk theory a lot and I'll forever be a believer of it. I think her seer powers are just the tip of the iceberg and she actually haves mind powers (Jean Grey type of powerful) and I think she knows of her charms/how people views her and use it as an advantage she definetely could kill a person and get away with it ( gaslight gatekeep girlboss 💅)
- Azriel
F.I : 100% tought he was gonna be the typical "mysterious bad boy that doesn't give a shit and is cold as ice" I was so ready to ignore his ass, then he started to talk and do some stuff in his first pages and I was like "hmm, maybe your just like me fr.." and OH. MY .GOD I was RIGHT
I.N: He couldn't get over his crush of allegedly 500+ years? he didn't like to lost his breath in meaningless convos? he loves knifes and daggers and doesn't like to be touched by sweaty people? he hides his emotions because God forbid people realize you can FEEL? he's honest but also polite? his touch starved? like-, the online fandom tricked me... he isn't some sexy mysterious god he's just me but more baddass and a hot emo 🤷🏽‍♀️. He's everything to me now, he's like a brother to me he's my lost twin he's an emotional represed emo too weak for a woman's touch and I love him so much if sjm ruins him if someone speak ill of him if anything (more) bad happens to him I'm going to kill everyone in this room and then myself — I'm very normal about him yes.
F.M: as with elain love them all. In my top there's his moments with the archeron sisters, defending feyre and understanding nesta, the seeing and befriending elain slowly. The "im getting her back" whole scene, fucking hell that was awesome. carrying elain while injured and gotta ad the putting the necklace in elain, man's hands where SHAKING love that for him. Bonus the "I don't know what your talking about" to rhys when he knew damn well he catched him in the act, "what if the cauldron was wrong"+ knowing he would win in the BR, Slayyyyyyyyyyyy king
IFAS: hmm, gonna go with him finding his his step bros and killing them for what they did 🤷🏽‍♀️ give me vengeful azriel the bastards deserves it. As with elain, him as a high lord of dusk could be so nice. I also wish SJM didn't had ruined his+ rhys and cass relationship with the illyrians, she did awful making him hate his own people it could had been interesting exploring his illyrian blood more
Unpopular opinion: OH BOYYY AHAH. I don't believe he's a crazy sex casanova that had lovers left and right 24/7, just don't see him this much sex drived as cass/rhys, I do think he has various lovers but the number is exaggerated/no one really knows if those where different people or a same group he trust on. I REFUSE, you heard me, REFUSE to believe he has decades pining for Mor, that was 100% exaggerated and the way he felt for elain so naturally and kinda quick makes me think he has not being that crushing in mor for a good while (he also knew she likes women there's no way the spymaster couldn't know, of course he wouldn't tell anyone something so private of mor). He's older than cass and a little bit older than rhysand/same age (he gives me oldest daughter syndrome is all). For me shadowsinger is some kind of person that can literally heard and feel stuff others can't, I do think he can heard messages from the wind/any elements with vibration (like a BAT :) ) of course the shadows are a plus to detect stuff and protection but shadowsinger seems like a more highly sensorial power of a fae. He's an introvert and hate loudlyness ( sensible to big noises) except if is a family gathering
FAV.R: ELAINNN, elriel 4lifers friendship and romance and sluttyness in one package mwahh Delicious. I also like his dinamic with Cass and Rhys (AS BROTHERS AND BESTIES don't get it twisted), I kind of have a crackship of him and Varian yah, he seems like his type for some reason. I also think azriel could had a crush on Helion (well who wouldn't is the real question) and yeah bi azriel all the way idc
FAV.H: His shadows being from Hel and maybe he's connected to it so that's why they came to him ( maybe koschei knows and sees him as worth having by his side?). I like to think he is indeed into poetry, his mom likes it a lot and he picked it up from her, which gets me in the next point that is about him being a fae nerd lol, I feel he would had read a lot about bodies functions and anatomy for his torturer job, a lot about the other courts and stations, temperatures all that stuff, survival stuff for rough missions, how to cook without much resources, rosehall must be a place with a big garden so I love thinking he even gave elain advice when they talked about her plans, overall this guy reads a lot and loves to do so but mostly about practical stuff/poems and philosophy ( he's a workaholic but that's canon I think). I see him as more slim in body than cassian and rhys, kind of a little waist & big shoulders like rhysand but his arm and legs are more thick (since training) also larger, he's taller than Cass. I'm an azriel with big nose and curly emo haircut truther all the way. He doesn't know how to sing and haves a BIG sweet tooth
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brieq · 2 years
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I posted 2,360 times in 2022
That's 584 more posts than 2021!
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#lucien vanserra - 36 posts
#rhysand - 35 posts
#my asks - 34 posts
#azriel - 28 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#she couldve really used the fact that he has these regressions to connect to traumas in his past and have him criticized by feyre or someone
My Top Posts in 2022:
can i knee rowan whitethorn in the balls? i’m still going to give him a chance but holy shit bro. what crawled up your ass and died?💀
13 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
I forgot to share this gem from my autocorrect💀
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15 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
Favorite sjm character?
oh damn…this is actually hard.
i hope this isn’t cheating but
TOG: Dorian and Yrene
ACOTAR: Rhys and Nesta
i can’t pick just one😩
16 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
I had a thought...
You know the scene right after Feyre gave birth where Rhys and Nesta have that little moment of reconciliation?
It obviously was a powerful moment because they finally seem to be laying their weapons down with each other and they finally see each other as in-laws in that moment. But I also think there’s some symbolism in this moment too.
Rhys gets on his knees and bows to Nesta because he is obviously extremely grateful to her because his wife and son are no longer in danger. But then Nesta bends down too, I’ve seen some people interpret this as her bowing to him but I don’t think so. She’s going down to him to look him in the face, it says in the book that she studied what layed in his expression when she took his face in her hands. I saw it more as her getting down to face him then bowing. (Also why would she need to bow in this scene?💀) 
I think it’s symbolic in the sense that they are literally on the same level (both on the ground facing each other) which correlates them into finally seeing eye to eye metaphorically now. They see each other differently now and now their dynamic is going to be different in future books (hopefully). I think this would make sense because in the last 2 chapters we see they are finally having more comfortable convos (or at least alluding to that) when he asked to see parts of the rite and gave her and Cassian the House of Wind. 
18 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
my acotar unpopular opinions
I got bored so, i decided to make this, with some of these i use the word “unpopular” lightly 
i love all the archeron sisters 
nesta is my favorite archeron sister
i love feyre on her own and w/ rhys however, i do think acosf did her dirty at times
speaking of acosf...feysand was done dirty in this book. like what was the point of putting them through more emotional turmoil, especially feyre. it also went back on both feyre and rhys character decisions made in maf and war (im not saying that were acting ooc though) feysand deserved a peaceful pregnancy, which couldve happened in the background while nesta’s story still happened. 
which leads me to my next point, nesta deserved to not have her story be overshadowed by that shit baby plot 
the intervention scene should’ve only been nesta and her sisters 
my favorite characters are nesta, rhys, gwyn, honorable mentions are lucien, eris, cassian and feyre
this is probably rlly unpopular after acosf but my favorite bat boy is still rhys
azriel is my least favorite of the bat boys 
i dont think tamlin is a bad person and id like to see him get better for himself and others. i think he should get an arc
technically all the acotar characters are morally grey (well maybe except gwyn, emerie and tarquin..lucien too i guess)
i know there’s debates on whether rhys can be considered one but I think he is. the issue is sjm wrote the acotar world very black and white. sometimes she picks and chooses when her characters are allowed to be morally grey and this happens a lot with rhys (honestly with tamlin and nesta..etc. practically where we see odd double standards) this honeslty does a disservice to rhys’s character and the others as well
i’m not saying that tamlin didnt abuse feyre because he did but it’s pretty clear that he gets over demonized a bit
rhys may be one of my favs but im fully aware that he’s been abusive at times and isnt not a perfect character (clearly). i dont think he was ever meant to be technically.
i feel like a lot of the male characters trauma gets swept under the rug. (Lucien, Rhys, Cassian and even Tamlin) idk about azriel yet tbh
for some reason im obsessed with vassa and jurian..honestly the band of exiles in general. i cant wait to see more of them
i hope elain ends up with lucien and the band of exiles
i know a lot of ppl hate the idea of nesta or gwyn getting to some degree with rhys but i think it’ll be good for him bc they’d give it too him straight (maybe even elain tbh)
you know how cassian and feyre have special friendship as well as nesta and azriel...i’d like to see that with rhys and someone (most likely gwyn, i think she makes more sense than elain..plus they have more in common)
im not anti any characters. i like all of them but ill still call them out on their shit when warranted 
my least favorite character in general is amren tho
the most believable friendships in the IC are the bat boys (rhys, cassian and azriel) and cassian and feyre (maybe feyre and mor)
i do think azriel and rhys are in a rough patch atm tho (doesnt mean that they dont love each other tho)
id like to see feyre make friends outside of the IC (im not saying that mor has been terrible to her but she should branch out)
the valkyries definitely have a healthier full group
19 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
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thebowlofsoup · 3 years
no, rhys isn’t a ‘feminist icon’ but not because he isn’t a feminist
onto more rhys slander. i’ve seen so many people criticize rhys because he isn’t a ‘feminist icon’ or he ‘doesn’t do anything for women’s rights other than make feyre high lady’.
first of all, did we read the same book? did rhys not: make the practice of wing clipping women illegal, mandate that women be allowed to train in the war camps, make amren his second, give mor full control over the fate of her abusers, rescue feyre from an abusive situation, provide refuge for abused women to be librarians in a safe space.
no, he isn’t an icon. he’s simply doing the right thing by attempting to rewrite several hundred years of history. it’s important to remember that rhys isn’t a dictator, he can’t simply outlaw something and then assume that will immediately stop. it’s literally canon that the illyrians are their own race of people living under the night court. it’s the same as in our world, just because something is illegal doesn’t mean people aren’t going to do it. rhys isn’t responsible for the ill treatment of illyrian women in the past. all he can do is exactly what he does which is, over the centuries he’s been alive, try to make slow, PERMANENT, change. with the help of cas enforcing it in the camps, of course.
it’s not lame to like the love interest of a book series. y’all aren’t being unique because you don’t like rhys and think az/ cas is better- saying this as a total az simp, mind you.
so no, he isn’t a ‘feminist icon’ but he sure as shit isn’t the sexist dictator some of y’all pretend him to be.
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tbmaybank · 2 years
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Azriel x Reader 
Just a little intro to a series I’m starting for Azriel! It’s my first time writing for him (or anyone in ACOTAR for that fact) so please let me know what you think so far and if you’re interested in more of this story? (also my grammar sucks sometimes, so sorry in advance)
As much as Azriel hated going to the Autumn Court, he understood Rhysands concerns, and he would be lying if he said he didn’t have a dreadful feeling at the news they received yesterday. It appears that Baron had arranged for Eris to get married. It’s not that they really cared if he got married, but given everything in the past, they just wanted to ensure that his new soon to be wife was safe, and not subject to any of the torture they knew she could face at the hands of anyone in that family. So, Rhys had asked Azriel to peek in every now and then, just to check on her. (And to see who she was, knowing to well the type of  alliances Baron tended to form.) 
He had been watching for a couple days now, and from what he could see, she seemed happy. Seemed almost in love with the High Lords son. She wasn’t anyone he recognized, and there hasn’t been any talk of where shes come from. Other than the fact she seemed safe, he didn’t have much to report to Rhys. He supposed he should stop hanging around once he felt confident she wasn’t in danger, but he kept coming back each day. Something about this day, though, felt different. He felt very uneasy at the thought of not returning. It wasn’t curiosity on who she was bringing him back today, it was something more, he just wasn’t sure why he felt like he truly needed to be there today. 
He stood on the edge of the woods, hidden from view by his shadows, watching her and Eris talk in the field ahead of him. Eris was trying to get her to come back to the house, but she insisted he go without her, saying that if she was going to be living here, she wanted to explore a little bit by herself. Azriel watched as she walked backwards towards the woods as Eris stayed where he was. The girl made a promise to not be late to dinner while giggling and giving him a short wave, and Eris finally turned and walked to the house. It was when she turned around to face the woods that Azriel realized why he needed to come today. As she turned, her face went from smiling wide, looking as in love as ever, to cold and furious as she thought no one was looking. She had a look of pure determination on her face as she walked through the woods, Azriel following her silently. Being this close to her, he could tell there was something...different about her. 
He stayed a few feet back, still hidden by shadows, as she knelt in front of a tree in the middle of the woods. She seemed to be digging for something, and eventually pulled a box out of the ground. He silently went a little closer, curiosity getting the best of him to see what was in this box. That curiosity only grew when he saw what she pulled out of it: 2 daggers. Beautiful ones, in his opinion. She stood from the ground, and he watched in amazement as she started practicing with them. She made several mistakes that he had to stop himself from blowing his cover to correct, but even with the mistakes, she clearly knew a lot. 
She practiced for about twenty minutes, fighting off the imaginary threats before she went and leaned against a tree to catch her breath. 
“So,” she said into the quiet air, “are you going to just keep hiding, or would you like to introduce yourself?” She finishes the question right as she looks directly at where he’s standing.
Part 2
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iceprincessviviane · 3 years
Whispers in the darkness
Paring: Yandere!C!Technoblade x BookwormEnchanter!Female!Reader
Type: Romantic (Technoblade is yandere) Trilogy - part two. (Previous part, next part)
Warnings: swearing, possessivness, yandere, angst, injury, blood, threats, sugestive content, silly jokes created by me.
Summary: Technoblade is trying to convince and adjust Y/N to new situation and himself. Some time has passed, but troubles are showing.
Author's note: Continuation from part one. Insipration from ACOTAR. English isn't my first language, so sorry for any mistakes.
Words in red colour are Technoblade's voices.
Words in blue colours are Y/N thoughts.
Three days have passed and Y/N felt better. She was almost lying in bed all day, but she started to fast recovery. All her energy was restored and she could left their room. Technoblade went at adventure in Nether, for some supplies. She slowly went downstairs, hearing the cooking sounds and humming. Of course Phil was standing in the kitchen, preparing something. They both froze for a while. Realization hit her harder, than she expected. He knew... he had to know. Winged man sighed and his shoulders dropped. As he thought, he didn't know what to do.
"I... I noticed that Techno has thing for you, I adviced him conversation or something... when he left two days ago for training I have never expected, that he will come back with you in his arms. I was shocked, afraid and confused." Phil explained slowly.
Y/N bit her lip and hugged herself. He was one of her the most trusted person here, aside with Foolish and Bench Trio.
"Listen, I was with Techno through a lot of shit. He is my friend and I will always be on his side, no matter what. I don't fully support... this kidnapping, but I am still with him." He continued, then took cups of tea and plate with sandwiches. "Hungry?"
Y/N nodded and sat down. He put everything on table and sat too. Everything looked like during her last visit. Phil was living in house in opposite combined with Techno's by bridge.
"So... you won't help me convince him to let me go, right?" She asked with saddness.
"Unfortunetly no. I am not going to be involved in stuff between you and him. But is it that bad? You are not missing anything, Techno is caring about you, here is safe and all the stuff you need." He looked at her.
"I used to be a free person, you know..."
"I am sure, that he will let you go on backyard. On attic, we can set up enchanting place with books and stuff. Sometimes Ranboo is visiting us." Phil was determined to show good sides of current situation.
He didn't want to be manipulative, but for everyone's greater good, was that she had to accept her fate. Technoblade could be rough, when it came to be obedient. He really acted diffrent, since he found his thing for her and now, when Y/N was there, he was calmer and more relaxed. If she would escape, he will for sure track her down and then, everyone which would help, will be in great danger. Technoblade wasn't leaving something behind. Probably whole Smp will be burning. Maybe it was selfish, but Phil didn't want any argues or wars for now. Y/N was eating quietly, thinking about his words. It wasn't that bad for sure. She expected being injured and thrown into cellar or something and actually they didn't even tie her.
"You are being serious with that enchanting place and yard?" She asked quietly.
Phil nodded and smiled to her gently. After eating he took her to the attic, where was some space and shelfes. Immediately her humor improved, they even started to talk about setting up enchanting place. Later this day, Phil left to his house and Y/N was reading on the couch, cover by the blanket, because days here were colder than in main Smp part. Technoblade managed to bring most of her personal stuff here including clothes. She was wearing warm sweater and pants, but still got closer to the fireplace, which was very nice in her opinion. Sun started to go down, she was thinking if Techno will come, Phil said that he sometimes made trips, which lasted days.
Sudden sound of opening door caused her to turned at it's direction. Piglin hybrid stepped inside and smiled to her warm.
"Hi darliIIIAAAAAA!" He screamed and dropped something.
Y/N frowned and stood up. Small ball of fur squeaked and immediately recognized it's owner, it asap ran to her and hid behind her.
"Snowflake!" She screamed and picked up her fox gently, then petted it's head softly.
"It bit me!" Techno growled and sucked his injured finger. "This had to be surprise..."
She sent him warm smile and again sat on the couch. Snowflake snuggle her head into Y/N's chest, she hugged her back.
"Thank you for bringing her here..." She looked at him softly. "It mean a lot to me..."
The Blade smiled proudly and came closer. Fox started to growl, when he approached. Y/N gently petted her.
"It's all right my little one. He isn't that scary as he seems in first take." She smiled at Techno.
After a few minutes small ball of fur calmed and accommodate itself on Y/N's lap and went to sleep. Technoblade quietly sat on couch and looked at them curiously.
"Do you know that I am scary, intimidating and grim huh?" He whispered.
Y/N rolled eyes and looked at him. "Of course I know. I experienced that few days ago."
Silence fell upon them, Technoblade didn't excatly know what to say, this whole situation shloud looked way diffrent, he just didn't predict this whole chase, althought is was fun.
'Make her forget about it.' 'She will understand.' 'Chase was interesting.'
"Phil showed me the attic and mentioned, that there we could make enchanting place. Is that true?" She asked quietly, looking deep into his eyes.
"Yes of course! It's all yours, you can make there your working place." He said and took her hand, then gently rub it with his thumb.
He nodded with honest smile. Y/N hugged him gently, watching out at fox. "Thank you. Also I need a basket and blanket for Snowflake..."
"This isn't a trouble princess."
Some days passed Y/N was busy with making her workplace. Technoblade helped her, Phil occasionaly showed, but didn't want to interrupt them both. They worked hard with wood, she made enchanting table, because he brought most of her supplies to cottage, being careful and avoided everyone. For now none was looking for her and Techno wished, that this would last the longest, no troubles, no worries, just him and Y/N happy.
Piglin hybrid also brought her notes and books, so Y/N could study again, she was so happy about it, finally could do something useful. When the attic was finally done, she went into their shared bedroom. Deep inside she was still hesitant, when it came to Technoblade, but decided to don't make him angry. Being in tundra wasn't so bad, but also wasn't a paradise. Yes, she was thinking how to get herself from this awkward situation, but hasn't find solution yet.
Immediately Snowflake get up from her basket and sniffed around. Y/N smiled softly, recently her fox was more curious and brave, even tried to play with Techno's fox named Aura.
"Let's go to outside for a while, we both need fresh air."
They went outside, Y/N took a deep breath. Fox immediately jump off and started to run through the snow. She covered herself more by cloak and sit near, watching cute ball of fur playing around. Fresh air let her relaxed more and clean up thoughts. Around were silence, hound was sleeping in special building, sometimes Steve was moving in snow, to find a good position. Around the fence slept more wolfes, guarding the exits. Y/N swallowed slowly, she wasn't able to go through. Unfortunately, Snowflake had another idea, fox fast ran away from yard, jumping in snow and spinning around.
"Snowflake!" Y/N stood up immediately and ran to her. "Come back!"
But little fox puppy didn't want to listen, it ran away even more far. Worrying owner didn't think too much, just found place, where dogs were away and jumped over the fence. One of them woke up and started to bark and howl. Snowflake put her ears back, came back into her owner's arms, curling up. She hugged her tightly.
"Don't do it again, you scared me..." she whispered quietly into it's fur.
Cold wind started to blow and Y/N heard the whole hound howling, it was terrifying. She turned back just to meet Technoblade standing intimidating with sword in his hand.
"Are you trying to escape?" He asked slowly observing her.
"What? No! Snowflake ran away, she got over the fence..." Y/N explained quietly.
"You really think, that I am going to belive in this?" He made one step further, she responed with one step back.
"I am not lying!"
"You better not be lying, because you won't like my punishment, my dear." Technoblade looked deep into her eyes. "If fox is causing troubles, maybe it should disappear?"
Y/N shook her head. "I promise, it won't happen again, please don't hurt her!" She had almost tears in her eyes.
Piglin hybrid nodded slowly and gave her his hand. She took it gently and together came back inside. Silence remained between them, Phil was in his house, busy with books. Y/N took Snowflake upstairs and put in the basket. Fox immediately curled up and went to sleep, she backed into kitchen. Technoblade waited with narrowed eyes, she swallowed hard.
"You broke a rule."
'She wanted to run away from us!' 'She deserve punishment!' 'We won't let her leave the house!'
"I know, but I just wanted to catch Snowflake! You really think, that I would escape without nothing, only in cloak?"
"No, but rule is a rule."
He moved closer, towering at her. Their eyes met, red and y/c. She saw there anger and disbelief, but she didn't do something bad. Technoblade gripped her chin once more, Y/N hissed, when she was forced to look at him.
"Listen Y/N. I really feel diffrent around you, calmer and stable, but that doesn't mean that my true nature disappeared." He said slowly.
"I know, I told you... Snowflake ran away, I just wanted to save her..." a single tear strimmed down at her cheek.
Piglin hybrid moved his hand to wip it out, then cupped her face. Atmosphere changed immediately. Maybe it was warm, which radiated from his body or this gentle touch, but somehow room became hotter. Red crawled at Y/N's cheeks and Technoblade sighed quietly. His thumb has been found on her down lip. Time has frozen, she was looking straight into his eyes, their gaze locked. She grabbed his wirst gently, but he didn't stop.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm admiring. Be quiet."
But when he leaned in and Y/N colsed eyes, pending what will come next, silence distrubed light grunt from the door. They immediately turned heads at this direction. Of course Phil was standing there with awkward face.
"I am assuming, that I am bothering you..."
"Yes." Technoblade's eyes narrowed.
"Of course not. Come in." Y/N said and left Techno's grasp with smile.
Phil stayed till late hours, they discussed some cases, she left them quite soon, because conversation bored her. Y/N started to work in attic, but when night has fallen, she moved to their bedroom and started to read book. Snowflake laid on her lap, so she could pet it's head slowly. Phil and Techno talked quietly, so it was immpossible to hear anything.
When the door opened, Y/N lifted her sight, piglin hybrid entered into the bedroom. His eyes narrowed, when he spotted cute, little ball of fur, but didn't say anything.
"Talking is over?"
Technoblade nodded and closed the door, she put away book. Snowflake jumped off bed and went straight into her basket, avoiding him at all cost. Y/N sighed quietly and stood up, Techno locked his sight on her posture.
"I am going to take bath. You can go to sleep, if you want."
He blocked her way out, she looked at him with surprise. In one heart beat Technoblade pinned her to the closest wall. Quiet 'welp' left her lips.
"We had a thing, before Phil naughty interrupted us." The Blade whispered with deep voice.
"Did we have?" Y/N asked while looking at him, she tried to act tough.
"Oh yes, we had my dear."
He put left hand on wall near her head and right hand gripped her chin, forcing her to look at him. Their eyes met again, confidence faced uncertainty. His touch was more gentle, that she might expect.
"Let myself be clear. You will have to pay, for today's little bad behaviour."
"Wh-what do you mean?" She suttered.
"Let's say... if you don't want me to throw out this little, annoy ball of fur... you will have to kiss me." Technoblade said with deep voice.
Y/N looked at Snowflake peacefuly sleeping at basket and sighed helplessly.
"Do you promise? And never, ever again will threat her?"
"Yes. I always keep my word."
She nodded slowly, red crawled on her cheeks, cupped his face carefuly, hesitated for a moment. Y/N, closing eyes, gently pressed their lips together, in slow, shy kiss. She had to stand on her tiptoes, to reach Technoblade's lips. His hand moved at her waist and pulled her closer and he kissed her back in more confident way.
Y/N was so sweet and her lips so soft, like they were made for him. Piglin hybrid fast took control of the situation. Hand from her chin slipped on neck, to press their lips closer. Y/N made quiet moan, which caused his blood to boil. He smiled through a kiss.
'So good for us.' 'So sweet, so soft.' 'Don't stop, don't stop!'
Voices went feral, their demands and screamings filled his head, in one smooth move Technoblade grabbed her thighs and lifted Y/N up, without breaking the kiss. Now, she slipped hand into pink hair. He muttered with satisfaction, but then she broke away and opened eyes. The Blade snorted, greedy for touch, contact and pressed lips to her neck, kissing slowly.
"Techno!" Y/N winced and grabbed his shoulders.
"Relax princess." He whispered into her skin softly. "It's part of the punishment."
She blushed even at her ears, when he pressed few more kisses, then broke away too. They looked at each other in silence.
"Well, now I think, that it wasn't a punishment for you at all." Technoblade laughed slighty. She shook head with disbelief and helpless, then looked down.
"Oh, don't be so shy, I mean, I like it, but you don't need to be."
"Are you going to put me down?" Y/N asked with impatience.
"Maybe yes... maybe no." He hid head in her neck's crook.
In fact Technoblade just had to chill a little bit. His blood was still boiling, lips were touch starved and hands didn't want to let her go. After a few deep breaths, he gently put her on the floor.
"Thanks you." Y/N giggled softly.
"Go for this bath." The Blade smiled haughty and kissed her forehead.
She nodded, grabbed night clothes and left bedroom. Technoblade was smiling like idiot, when she went out. Feeling in his chest grew only bigger through days, when she was here. Also he wanted show everyone that Y/N is his and only his, he would bite her shoulder or neck, maybe give her golden jewelry, but for now it was pointless. As long, as she wasn't leaving the basement, all of this could come later. Of course Technoblade desired to mark her, but her shyness and innocence were too adorable and entertainment.
Next week has passed without any serious problems. Technoblade was always in cottage, Phil sticked around lot, so they could spend time together. Usually, they were talking, pair of friends described Y/N their adventures, Phil was telling of far away lands, and she was always listening witn true amazement. When Techno and Y/N were alone, he usually read her books or they just cuddled on couch. Sometimes she was trying to work on attic, but it was quite hard, since piglin hybrid has become clingy and very touch starved. He stole her few kisses during this week, but they weren't so intense as their first kiss. But since yesterday Technoblade has acted like he was always lost in his thoughts. That was something diffrent, so she noticed quite easily.
Y/N was sitting at the table and watching piglin hybrid carefuly. He was making her cup of tea, but silence reminded between them for too long.
"You are taciturn, since yesterday... something happend?" She asked finally.
He smiled and turned back to her with cup of tea. "You are so caring darling." He put the cup on the table.
"That isn't answer of my question..."
"You don't need to worry about it. Everyone has a quiet days, even me." Technoblade grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently, it caused Y/N to smile too. She took a sip.
"It taste better than Phil's?"
"Um... I can't tell the diffrence." Y/N shrugged, it tasted good, tea like tea.
"Great." His smile widened and she felt warning twist in her stomach. Something was odd...
"You... are sure, that everything is all right?"
This time, he didn't even bother to answer. Just looked at her and studied her face. Y/N blinked... but suddenly her eyelids became very heavy. Though she was sleeping today well. Fatigue mastered her body, Y/N groaned quietly and put cup down with loud sound.
"Feeling tired?" Technoblade asked slowly.
She lifted her sight at him with little struggle. His face was stern, but something in his eyes... made her shiver inside.
"What... what did you do?"
"Nothing... nothing at all."
Y/N stood up slowly, but she tripped at first step, needed to support herself by table. He squeezed her hand harder and embrece waist, to hold her. She couldn't push him back, all energy went out, her sight found half full cup of tea...
"You bastard..."
Dark laugh left his lips, he lifted her in bride style, like she was like a feather. Technoblade kissed her forehead reassuring.
"I think, you shloud go to sleep my love."
Then, Y/N started to see blurry and finally lost consciousness. She didn't know how long she has been unconscious, but when she woke up, she has seen their shared bedroom. Then felt cold metal around her wrist. Still little tired and probably under the influence of drugs, Y/N tried to move herself from bed. Chain from her wirst was attached to wall and it was pretty long.
'What the hell happend...?'
Y/N didn't want to believe, that Technoblade drugged her... maybe staying here wasn't the best idea... Door opened with quiet noise, causing her, to look at it's direction. Piglin hybrid went inside with tray full of food. She clenched jaw and looked at him with narrowed eyes. If she could, she would throw at him fireballs again.
"Don't even think to get closer." She hissed quietly. "What is this?" She rose her hand with a handcuff.
Technoblade put a tray on table and sighed. Actually he had all his netherite armor on, sword at his belt, then trident and axe on back. Y/N swallowed hard.
"I am going on adventure with Phil... actually it's for supplies..." The Blade said slowly.
"So you chained me?!"
"I don't want to risk anything darling."
"Take it off." Y/N said totally serious.
"Take it off!" Tears started to come up into her eyes.
Technoblade didn't even move slighty. He just watched, when she tugged chain couple of times, then sat helpless on the bed and quiet sob left her lips. He immediately came closer and crouch on her level. Despite her protests, Techno grabbed her hands and rub them gently with thumbs.
"I will be back in three, four days. You have food on table and I brought you new books. Chain can reach bathroom."
"Please take the chain off!"
'Music for our ears.' 'Make her stop crying.' 'We already miss her...'
He kissed her forehead, but then stood up and left her room, closing it on a key. Y/N was too shooked to make any move, she pulled her legs closer to chest and hugged them. Loud sob left her lips this time and tears strimming down at her cheeks freely. Snowflake jumped on the bed and snuggled near, to cheer up it's owner, but without any success.
Y/N just couldn't believe, that Technoblade actually did this. She behaved good all the time, didn't even fight his... sudden whims or whishes. He wasn't exactly as people talk about him, he had feelings, goals and persons which he cared about. He was a person, not a weapon. But this... she called fire at her fingers and grabbed the metal. After a few minutes, it didn't make any effect, but she spotted slight purple light on metal.
Closing eyes, she focused on chain. After a second she had an answer. Mending and Unbreaking. Y/N cursed aloud, without key or magic, there was no way to open it. She was too weak for casting spells. It was made by Phil for sure, Technoblade didn't know enchanting that good... she curled up on bed, trying to find a way out of this horrible situation.
Ranboo sighed stepping at outisde stairs in Technoblade's basement. He was here so long ago, at least three weeks ago. Moving into mansion took a lot of time and they had to finish filling the rooms. After this, Eret told Foolish, that Y/N is missing, they immediately went to her home, only to find out it was empty and some things were taken. He helped with searching, because Eret and Foolish stated, that she couldn't just leave without a word. A week of no progress caused them to stop. Ranboo saw the true sadness on demi-god's face and he wished he would help. Tommy and Tubbo missed her too and Michael wanted, that Y/N read his tales. Enderman hybrid sighed once more and stepped inside. Main door wasn't locked, none dared to come here and steal something, maybe except Tommy. He would do that without any hesitation.
He needed blaze rods and some honey, to start bee farm for Tubbo. He was in the middle of searching, when heard suspicious nosie from on top. Ranboo looked at celling unsure. Technoblade and Phil were on trip, he know that, because they met in the Nether once in fortress. He knew only one ghost and he wasn't here for sure... Then he heard quiet whimper and sob. Tall teenager swallowed hard and started to head upstairs. The noises were coming from Techno's bedroom, that was really odd. He tried to open door, but it was locked. Looking around, he spotted the key on the nearest shelf, so took it and open door slowly and quietly.
Ranboo almost dropped everything in his hands, when he saw Y/N on floor, chain around her wrist, eyes full of tears, skin more pale than usually. She immediately looked up, her gaze was full of shock and disbelief.
"Y/N?" He knelt near her, look if there were any injures or wounds.
"Ranboo?" She almost cried this words. "What... what are you doing here?"
"I am getting supplies from Techno... and you? For gods sake, Foolish and Eret were looking for you!"
Tears left her eyes, when she heard this words. None has known what exactly happend... telling whole story wasn't a great idea.
"Why there is a chain on your wirst?"
Y/N bit her down lip and looked at him embarrased. This whole story was an absurd, what if he won't believe her?
"Technoblade..." she whispered quietly.
"Why Techno would do that? And Phil, he wouldn't allow it..."
"But he did!" She screamed, clearly with fear in her voice.
Enderman hybrid was confused, this didn't has sense or logic. He sighed slowly and looked at Y/N, no she wasn't lying, so what was the case? What was going on here?
"Let me help you with this..." He took metal into his hands and tried to break it. After few minutes, he grabbed sword, but still, stubborn chain didn't want to let her go.
"It's enchanted... only key or magic can release me... " Y/N explained quietly. "And if I leave... gods help us... Technoblade will be after me."
"But... why? What did you do?" Ranboo asked without even thinking.
"I don't know! This is madness, I just want to get back to home, but they won't allow me." Y/N started to shake and tears strimmed down at her cheeks.
Ranboo hugged her gently, she was watching out to not water his skin or suit too much. He rubbed Y/N's back gently.
"We will need help... to get you out of this I guess."
"No... Technoblade will be after them... please don't tell anyone!"
"But, what about you?" He seemed worried.
"I don't know... I will try to break out, but I don't know when... just please promise me, that you won't tell anyone!"
Ranboo hesitated for a moment. How will she manage to break herself? And how could he be quiet about it? Eret and Foolish are still sad and hopeful or her returning, Michael every night is asking, where is aunt Y/N.
"Right, I won't... but someone will know, now or later."
Y/N sighed, he had right... someone will eventually step inside Technoblade's house and find her... but now there was no better plan.
"Yes, but at least maybe that won't be my close friend... you shloud go, before they see you."
He again hesitated, but after all, hugged her for goodbye, stood up and left. Also put everything as it was when he came. Still he was torn, because, wanted to help, but didn't want to let down Y/N or betrayed Technoblade's trust. Finally he left closing the door carefuly, lost in thoughts.
As Technoblade promised, he stepped into house exactly four days after leaving. Inside was silence, he had full backpacks and was tired, Phil went to his part, they both needed rest. After put everything in magazine, he went upstairs and entered his shared bedroom. Y/N was sitting under wall, where chain was attached, room didn't changed at all, some things were moved, but nothing odd.
'We didn't see her for such a long time...' 'We are going to hold her whole day.' 'Can't wait to see her again!'
"I'm finally back princess." He hummed and got closer.
She looked at him and stood up slowly, a little bit shaky, she unsure wrapped arms around his waist and closed her eyes.
"Please, never ever again leave me alone here... please." Quiet whisper left Y/N's lips.
Technoblade smiled satisfactorily, then hugged her back and pressed soft kiss on her forehead.
"Will you be obedient now?" He asked cupping her face in hands and wiped out tears.
Y/N nodded almost immediately, Piglin's hybrid smile widened, well that was better than he has expected. He couldn't complain, more things could be complicated, but for now, he wanted her to calm and be nice as she shloud be.
"Good. Let me help you with this." The Blade took gently her wirst and pulled out small, golden key from his pocket, then opened handcuff. Skin where it was, was violated, red abrasions and scabs, his eyes narrowed.
"I will take care of this don't worry."
Y/N sat on bed and looked as he put away his cape, weapons and grabbed bandages, then cover injuries with it.
"Thanks..." she said after everything was done.
"Now I am going to take off my armor, then maybe bath. If you want... you can go downstairs or help me."
Y/N looked at him with a hesitation. They together started to undo Technoblade's armor, after a while he ended looking at her, when she was patiently helping. It took a moment, netherite armor was heavy and parts were big, but after everything was done The Blade hugged her tightly.
"I missed you sweetheart..." he whispered into her ear. "I'm glad, that we are on good terms now."
Y/N bit her lip, most important thing was, that they couldn't know, that Ranboo was here. This made her anxious, poor boy, wouldn't have chances with Technoblade...
"I missed you too." She smiled gently and pressed shy kiss to his cheek.
Night has fallen quickly, piglin hybrid was napping a lot after bath and Y/N finally could go to the attic or kitchen, so she spent time mostly there. Working and making herself her favourite meal. When she entered the shared bedroom, Technoblade was sitting on bed shirtless and taking care of his sword, he lifted his eyes in her.
"Come in."
Y/N closed door and walked few steps forward, this view reminded her, that actually she had trident with her, when got kidnapped. Where it could be now?
"Yes sweetheart?"
"When we met in forest, I had trident with myself... what happend with it?"
Piglin hybrid stopped and put sword away, then stood up. She swallowed hard, maybe it wasn't a good idea...
"Why do you want to know?"
"Trident is important thing for enchanters... and this was my only one. I also spent a lot of time searching for it and enchanting it..." Y/N said honestly.
"It's safe in the cellar." He got closer to her and smiled gently.
She nodded and let him hug her, then wrapped her arms around his waist. Technoblade placed hand on her neck, kiss was slow and gentle. Piglin hybrid smiled after breaking out. Inside, Y/N sighed with relief, he didn't noticed, that Ranboo was here.
She let her guard down in vain. The Blade's gentle touch fast, became inescapable grasp on her throat, Y/N pupils widened immediately. Tried to pull him out, but that was only a weak try.
"You think, that I am stupid or blind?" He asked, then lifted her up, still holding her throat, air started to go out and didn't come back.
Y/N tried to kick him of, but again that was only a weak try, even when he was tired. She grabbed his wrist and trying to push off his hand, only to take breath.
"After a whole week, you just casualy asking me about your trident huh?" His eyes narrowed looking at her reaction.
'Grip her harder!' 'Make her cry and scream!' 'Show, who is in charge here!'
Voices again went feral, but this time they demanded violence and wildness. His sight almost became red and ears was full of noise.
"Techno!" Y/N whispered quietly, fighting to stay focused.
"Apologize and everything will be all right."
"Please..." Tears started to strimming down at her cheeks, she became weak.
He shook his head. "That's not how you apologize. Just say that you are sorry for being dirty, little girl, forgive me."
"I... am sorry... for being... dirty little girl. Please forgive... me." Words slowly left Y/N' lips.
Technoblade smiled with satisfaction, then just let her go. Y/N' body hit hard the floor, she hissed at sudden pain and looked up at male. He grabbed her chin, forcing her to stay like this, on knees.
"I hate do it to you. I really do. Please promise me, that you will be good, obedient, little girl."
Graps on her chin hardened, Y/N nodded almost immediately. After this, she had enough, hear pounded so fast, eyes full of tears.
"It's late, let's go to sleep princess." He left her chin and went straight into the bed.
She stood up shaky and quietly, then grabbed her night clothes and went into bathroom. When came back, Technoblade is sleeping peacefuly on his side. Y/N without any distrubing noise, snuggled into bed and turned her back at him. She couldn't sleep at all, just laying there and thinking. After today for sure her mind changed and situation seemed to be horrible and without exit.
The mattress sagged under the weight of Technoblade, when he changed his position. She immediately froze, again he put an arm around her waits and his head right behind her's. Y/N swallowed her tears in silence.
Couple of days have passed and Y/N became much more shy and quiet. Technoblade usually held her around, but when not, she was in attic working or reading books. Piglin hybrid was satisfied with her behavior, showing his affection and caring way.
It was almost an evening, Phil was working on supper, Technoblade and Y/N were sitting on couch, he held her hand and read ancient poem with shinning eyes. Winged man couldn't resist to smile, while was hearing it.
Everything became much calmer. Well it ended, when Ranboo stormed into cottage, heavy breathing, burns on his face from tears and he was in full netherite armor.
"I am sorry! Please forgive me..."
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katexrenee · 3 years
I’ve seen a lot of criticism over ACOSF since it was published — unsurprising because people were complaining well before it was out. I’ll be the first to admit that it was not the book I hoped for. The plot was weak and the character development was lacking, and I’ve learned to accept it.
One criticism I cannot get on board with is the complaints that the IC handles Nesta’s substance abuse. Specifically, these criticisms read as entirely opinion based; it’s painfully clear that the “critics” have little to no experience or knowledge on substance abuse. I have a professional understanding of substance abuse and how it relates to mental health, but I’m going to speak from personal experience here because it’s far more relevant.
SO. Let’s get to it then. People want to shit on the IC for how they reacted to Nesta’s drinking. So, so many complaints. Rhys is mean. Feyre is abusing her sister. They “gentrified” her apartment. They made her go to the house of wind. Cassian had no idea how to handle Nesta. Amren was vicious and lashed out. How dare they cut Nesta off like that. The list goes on and on.
Everyone is so caught up on complaining about how SJM dropped the ball with the character dynamics that they’ve missed the key point:
This is what substance abuse looks like. Their reactions, feelings and behaviors are incredibly realistic.
I prefer to keep my personal experiences to myself, but I’ll share a bit. I grew up with a parental figure who was an alcoholic (and recreational drug user). I watched one of my best friends turn into a drug addict as teen/young adult — there was a time where I saw her and didn’t even recognize her because of how sickly she looked. I slowly lost touch with other friends as they took a nose dive into addiction. My other friend’s (now ex) husband was also addicted to drugs. I also have friends who struggle with mental health issues and self-medicate with drugs/alcohol because they just can’t cope.
I’ve literally seen it all. Done the “interventions”. Sat through family weekend at rehab. Been stolen from. Found someone unconscious in their car (they survived). Found one of their toddlers wandering down the street unattended while my friends husband was high (DISCLOSURE: the little one was safe and the parent now cannot have visits unless they are supervised). I’ve enabled some of them financially and emotionally. I came to terms with the deaths via overdose years after I lost touch with friends. This is just the mild stuff, I won’t even touch on some of the behaviors that ensued from months/years of drugs and alcohol.
Why am I saying this, and how does it relate to ACOSF?
The emotional toll substance abuse takes on individuals and their loved ones is unbelievable. There is heartbreak, fighting, enabling, co-dependence, financial burdens, and emotionally charged interactions like you wouldn’t believe. What SJM portrayed with the IC and Nesta was mild to moderate dysfunction. It was not abuse.
Fighting over how to handle a loved one who abused alcohol and has risky behaviors as a result?? - this is a normal reaction to stress. This is not an example of controlling behavior.
Refusing to continue making rent payments? This is an excellent example of what it looks like to stop enabling someone. It was not an example of abuse.
Relocating someone who is actively using and lives in their own filth? This is a way of promoting safety and reducing the chance of future relapses. This is not an example of controlling behavior and it is not abusive.
Ganging up on someone and “forcing” them to temporarily relocate to a secure living environment? This is also known as an intervention. There is no equivalent to rehab/inpatient psych in ACOTAR, so sending Nesta to the house and having her work with the priestesses is an acceptable alternative (it’s fantasy after all).
Making Nesta choose between Illyria or living at the house to train/work? This sounds a lot like the typical deal of “You’re drug use is out of control and *insert unsafe or illegal behaviors* cannot be ignored. If you agree to seek treatment, you will not be involuntarily committed/incarcerated”. It’s a depressing reality.
Telling a loved one to shape up or that they will be forced to leave (aka go to the mortal realm)? Hitting rock bottom is heartbreaking for everyone. It’s hard to stop enabling and to stop being enabled. Loved ones can’t force you to change, and you can’t force them to watch you destroy yourself. This is setting boundaries and it is not abusive.
You’ve been sober for months now but everyone still treats you like you’re a train wreck? It probably took a long time for loved ones to lose trust, and it takes a long time to earn it back. It’s sad and frustrating to everyone involved; developing trust and redefining boundaries is hard. This is not an example of being cruel and uncaring.
Substance abuse is scary, and it takes an incredible toll on everyone involved. Consider this: you’re driving to a loved one’s home because you’re scared that you haven’t heard from them. It’s terrifying to wonder if this will finally be the day you find them dead in their living room. I truly believe the majority of the IC acted with good intentions, and I think ALL of their interactions and behaviors were accurate depictions.
I hope this was enlightening and helpful to anyone in the fandom who do not have experience with substance abuse. Please recognize that it is a blessing if you could not relate to or understand portion of acofs.
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queenestarcheron · 4 years
No Nuance November (ACOTAR Opinions)
(because i saw other people doing it and thought it was fun also dont hurt me for any of these but feel free to challenge anything i say bc im not omniscient and probably forgot/missed stuff from the books) 
 - elain has a lot of potential but is really underdeveloped as a character atm and i would have rather read a novella about her after the war and settling in with the ic than whatever tf acofas was
 - elain is not the useless sister (i dont think there is one)
 - nesta is not the villain of anyone’s story 
 - papa archeron may have been disabled but still could’ve done more for his family instead of watch them starve
 - rhys doesn’t actually believe in feminism
 - eris is kind of morally grey but i would have rather read a novella about him taking over the autumn court and killing his father (we all know it’s coming) than whatever tf acofas was
 - cassian and mor’s friendship blurs and crosses way too many lines (especially since they slept together once upon a time)
 - all of the characters are controversial in some way or another (some more than others though)
 - this may sound insensitive but the ic are 500 years old and should be able to deal with someone not liking them 
 - tamlin’s not a good person but rhys showing up to his house uninvited just to insult him when his court is a mess and he’s basically miserable was not necessary and didn’t make me like either of them any more than i did before 
 - i love azriel as much as the next person but him not saying anything about the ic’s actions doesn’t sit right with me
 - feyre and rhys are terrible rulers and should not be responsible for looking after a whole court (i blame rhys for this more than feyre)
 - rhys sexually assaulted feyre in acotar and his actions shoudln’t be excused because it was ‘for her protection’ or because ‘she forgave him’ (don’t bother telling me im wrong because i know im right)
 - if you will justify the rhys’s actions utm bc they were to ‘protect feyre’ then you sort of have to defend tamlin’s actions too because they were to ‘protect feyre’
 - nesta was not responsible for feeding her family when they were in poverty
 - feyre was not justified in sending nesta to the war camps 
 - lucien is one of the most interesting characters in the series but everyone just sleeps on him
 - i would rather have read a novella about lucien and his band of exiles than whatever tf acofas was
 - i agree that feyre should’ve thought about the spring court’s people before ruining their lives just to get back at tamlin but being super impulsive has always been part of her personality so i really was not surprised (i would’ve liked her to see what she did to the place and the people in acofas)
 - nesta does not need a redemption arc, she is not a villain nor an antagonist
 - amarantha was one of the most poorly written villains ive ever had to read about 
 - mor’s ‘protectiveness’ over cassian feels more like possessiveness and it doesn’t sit right with me
 - what mother tells their youngest child to look after the family?
 - the archeron sister/family dynamic is way more interesting than the ic’s and i would have rather read a novella about them talking to each other and trying to understand each other better than whatever tf acofas was
 - nesta really did not need to give up her and elain’s safety and security for the fae but she did and everyone sleeps on that 
 - im tired of sjm telling us how powerful her characters are and then not backing it up with actual evidence 
 - speaking of... how is rhys the most powerful high lord in history and how would he even know if he was?
 - acofas was bad 
there’s a shit ton more (i don’t think i even added any relationships) but i don’t feel like typing. im also not going to tag this as ‘anti’ anything bc i don’t think i said anything particularly mean about the characters but im just going to tag this for nesta, lucien, eris and elain bc i guess my opinions could be offensive to people who like the ic
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A Court of Silver Flames book review (heavy spoilers)
This is just copy and pasted from my Goodreads review because I am TOO lazy to write it again:
Rating: 13/10
This book, in my opinion, was the best one in the ACOTAR series, maybe just her best book yet (excluding Heir of Fire). I loved it so much. I loved the different perspectives and I love getting to know Nesta better (even though I already loved her character). First of all, I just want to say that the smut in this book is the best out of every book SJM has ever written and I am so proud of her for it. The chemistry really had me rolling. Also, Nesta is just so funny and I love that Az just eggs her on when she makes fun of Cassian. Nesta is such a complex character. She is strong, yet scared, to admit her feelings to Cassian, to her family, and even to herself. She goes through so many challenges that no one really understood except Cassian (and sometimes Azriel). Everyone I know said they didn't want to read this book because they hate Nesta's character but I think I've always understood Nesta. No one knew how bad she hurt and how deep her scars went. No one really cared to find out. Everyone assumed she was just lashing out at everyone for no reason. No one tried to understand. At the beginning of the book, Nesta enters the River Estate and she's sad because there aren't any pictures of her. She is upset because even though she declined offers to be around them all, she still wanted them. She wanted them to ask her if she wanted to come over or go out. She wanted them to fight for her but they gave up and that truly hurt her even more than anything. She was hurt that Elain and Amren chose Feyre over her. While reading the other books, of course I was a Feyre fan but this book really helped me switch up perspectives. I do think that Feyre sending her to the House of Wind with Cassian and Az was the best decision ever but it also pains me to know that she didn't keep trying to connect with Nesta. She didn't paint her. Every time Nesta heard a fire, all she could hear and see was her father's neck snapping in front of her. She didn't believe she deserved Cassian because she thought so low of herself. During the book, we see her truly want to end her life because she believes her life isn't worth anything. She doesn't believe anyone loves or cares about her. Growing up, she wasn't treated with love from her parents. Her father feared her and her mother thought her a weapon. No one told her they loved her. She never told anyone she loved them. 
After the war, she just wanted to get drunk and listen to music (honestly I don't see what everyone's problem was. She just wanted alone time). She convinces Az and Cassian to train Priestesses and women who have been abused or raped so they can fight back. She is entered into the Blood Rite against her will and almost gives her life to save her friends. She could have won the whole thing, proving so many people wrong but instead she saved her friends. Amren was her only friend and then Amren, for a lack of better words, betrayed her. On that bridge, Amren told her they were going to train again but she wasn't ready. Nesta didn't want to train and so when she clapped back at Amren, she spoke nothing but truth. When she was hooking up with Cassian she didn't think he had feelings for her, so even though she wanted to ask him to stay every night, she didn't because she didn't want him to say no. She gives up her powers, her GODDESS powers, to save Feyre, Rhys', and the baby's lives. She is still struggling with the sexual assault from her ex-fiance but no one cares except Cassian. For a time, her only friend was a house. Nesta deserves so much and more. 
Cassian is my favorite. I love him. So much. I really can't explain it because he's just that amazing. All he wants is to help Nesta heal. He just wants her to be whole again. He wants her to love him back because he loves her so much. He is the only person to stand up for her through the entire book. When the entire family is against her, he just wants to protect her and cherish her. He wanted to tell her about the swords but Amren and Rhys didn't. He wanted to tell her that she is his mate but didn't want to force anything on her. He trains priestesses because she wants to help them. He wants to save her from the Blood Rite even if it causes his murder, the only reason he doesn't is because he knows she will want to win for herself. He encourages her and loves her when no one else does. Cassian is so loyal I just truly love him so much. This book really made me see Feyre, Rhys, Amren, and Elain from a whole different perspective. In the other books, I thought them so amazing and just the best but they do have flaws and they royally pissed me off in this book. Yes, Feyre made the right decision sending Nesta to the House of Wind but she never apologizes for anything. She doesn't apologize for not being there for Nesta when she needed someone. She doesn't apologize for not inviting her places anymore, even though it hurts Nesta. She doesn't apologize for forcing her to the House of Wind, even if it was for her benefit. Don't even get me started on Rhysand. He was truly my favorite character but I will not tolerate the way he talks to Nesta. He is so disrespectful. Like sis you are thriving with your pregnant wife, you are in love and high king and everyone loves you. He is so rude to Nesta for literally ✨existing✨. Yes, Nesta messed up but so did everyone. He is literally allies with someone who left his cousin to die and is trying to save his wife's abusive ex-fiance but can't forgive Nesta for being rude (which idk if he's noticed but there is a reason Amren and Nesta got along so well). Rhysand and everyone else have all been through tons of shit but they've also had hundreds of years to heal AND they had support systems in each other. Nesta doesn't have that. He exiles Nesta for literally telling her sister that everyone has been lying to her and that she's going to die and then the only reason he likes her now is because the only reason Feyre DOESN'T die is because she saves her life. I can't even get into the topic of Elain because this book made me strongly dislike her. Like sis I know you don't have feelings for Lucien but you can be nice to him. Of course, Azriel is Azriel and I love him so much. I can't say anything bad about him because he is just such a lil bean I love him. I love Gwyn and Emerie so much. I love that they accept Nesta, flaws and all and they don't turn from her. They are willing to die with her because they are family. I love the House of Winds. I love that the house and Nesta read smut. I love a lot of things about this book. I haven't slept in almost 3 days and now that I have finally finished this book, I don't know what to do. Sarah J. Maas said yesterday that she is writing at least 2 more books in this series and if another one of them isn't another Nesta/Cassian one I'm gonna be mad. Yea, Feyre and Rhysand are nice and all but Nessian really keeps you on your toes. I'm going to go to sleep now and then find a new book to read. Toodles.
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unclecassian · 4 years
On the Topic of High Lord of the Night Court vs. Tamlin the Tool
*Spoilers for A Court of Thorns and Roses, and A Court of Mist and Fury*
Many people have been turned away from ACOTAR because of the transition from Rhys as a villain to the main love interest and thinking it’s promoting unhealthy and abusive relationships. If I had strictly only read the first book and found out that Feyre ends up with Rhys, I could understand where they were coming from. I admit, even halfway through ACOMAF my first time reading it, I was still rooting for Tamlin. Even as I fell in love with Feysand there was a part of me still hoping Tamlin could redeem himself.
He was the good guy in ACOTAR, he was Feyre’s first love and since I had yet to read TOG, I based my expectations off every other YA book I had read before where the first love interest is the last; that somehow they will find their way back to each other. But as I read the series now, it’s easy to see the differences in Tamlin and Rhys that display just how wrong Tamlin is for Feyre after Under the Mountain.
One of the biggest distinctions I always see when reading is Tamlin’s response every time Feyre asks to accompany them either in a meeting or on a trip to a nearby village versus Rhys’ reaction to the plan to nullify the Cauldron. While Rhys worries about leaving Feyre and not being able to help her, he tells her that at the end of the day it is her choice, and Feyre’s reaction to it is heartbreaking. “If I hadn’t been already in love with him, I might have loved him for that—for not insisting I stay, even if it drove his instincts mad, for not locking me away in the aftermath of what had happened yesterday.” Tamlin says no every time she asks to go with him, every time she wants to know more about something, he says no so much that his first line of the book is no. Let me repeat that. Tamlin’s first line of the book is NO. If that doesn’t say something about where his character is at during this time… And not to mention that when Feyre finally stands up for herself and says that he can’t stop her from coming, he locks her in the house, knowing how broken she is from being in a cell Under the Mountain for three months.
Not only that, but also both of the males’ responses to finding out Feyre was picking the other says more than anything IMO. Rhys: I heard you were going to marry him, and I told myself you were happy. I should let you be happy, even if it killed me. Even if you were my mate, you’d earned that happiness. Versus Tamlin: I don’t give a shit if she’s your mate. I don’t give a shit if you think you’re entitled to her. She is mine. Sorry, honey, Feyre is her own person and doesn’t belong to anyone.
To the readers who claim they hate Rhys and argue he’s more abusive and manipulative than Tamlin but haven’t finished the second book, that’s exactly what SJM was going for. In the first book, you’re not supposed to like Rhys. He’s working for the villain as her whore and right hand. He’s Tamlin’s enemy and since Tamlin is the good guy in the first book, he’s also the reader’s enemy. You not liking him is exactly the goal. That means SJM is a good and effective writer. 
At the end of the day you’re entitled to your own opinion so if you want to hate Rhys, then that’s your choice. But I’m going to love my cinnamon roll <3
“If I could date any fictional character…. I would of course pick Rhys, I heard he has great table manners”
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raveismysublime · 4 years
Why the IC needs to grow the fuckity fuck up
The IC “Mor, Feyre, Cassian, Rhysand, Azriel and EXCLUDING AMREN CUZ THIS DOES NOT RELATE TO HER” needs to grow the fuck up. AND I AM HERE TO TELL YOU WHY THE FUCKING WHY.
***If you guys want to read my post about Nesta you can here ***
**** I have a really shitty blog about why I hate Rhysand here if you guys want to read that too haha ****
If you agree, that’s cool, if you disagree, that’s cool too. BUT do not deny facts my dear friends, because facts are facts are facts are facts and I said what I fucking said. 
Before really getting into each character, which I am going to do, I’m gonna start by saying my main problem with the whole IC is that they are all over 500 fifty fucking years old (excluding Feyre) and still act like fucking cunts of a children. One main thing I’m going to repeat is that they all need to grow the fuck up, yes Feyre too, because 500 years on this planet should teach someone fucking something. 
Honestly the whole IC needs to communicate with each other, but that’s another post for another time. 
Alrightyyyyy this is gonna be LONG so like, sit back? 
Let’s start with Mor shall we: 
Mor, oh Mor. So I actually enjoyed Mor as a character, I didn’t despise her or love her, but I liked her enough to not skip her scenes. She seemed like a fun, girl who was also deep at heart and I liked that. BUT Mor has problems that she needs to solve. What happened to Mor was traumatizing and I actually cried with what happened because, fuck that’s fucked up. BUT that does not give her an excuse and allows her to trail Azriel along, and use Cassian as a buffer for all the problems she refuses to face. Their needs to come a point where you fucking acknowledge your problems and stop tormenting those around you.
Like what did she expect, for all of eternity to never drop poor Azriel (he is not innocent, I’ll get to him soon) out of his misery AND TELL THE GUY YOU DON’T LIKE HIM. I understand it’s deeper than that, but it’s also not. Mor at surface level is this chill, bitchy (that’s a compliment) bad ass, but inside she’s all shades of fucked up (so am I, no judgment). Mor needs to realize that hiding in her little happy bubble of running around the bush is gonna let up.
For instance, when Cassian starts falling for Nesta, Mor is rude to Nesta, snarky, and in the most convenient times, such as during solstice in ACOFAS when for the two seconds Cassian actually looks at Nesta, she decides to give her his present. Mor knows that what’s happening between Nesta and Cassian isn’t some bullshit and she’s not happy. She knows her times out, and she gotta admit to herself her problems and admit it to everyone around her because they fucking deserve it. 
What happened to Mor when she was 17 was all shades of fucked, but you cannot keep defining yourself by that. Mor is so much more than what happened all those years ago, and she deserves to be happy, and should want that for Azriel as well, and everyone for that matter. Mor coming out to Feyre “which in itself IS SOMETHING ELSE I CAN RANT ABOUT FOR HOURS BUT I WON’T” is, I think, one step towards her to being happy.
Mor needs to grow up, and realize she can’t fuck around and expect no one to speak out on shit. 
Now Feyre: 
I don’t like Feyre. From the beginning of ACOTAR to ACOFAS any likeness I had for her just deterred into a pit full of shit. Feel free to disagree with me, I don’t really care. 
So Feyre to me, is a hypocrite and just a annoying character and narrator. I usually enjoy the main characters in books, but this one wasn’t for me. 
Throughout the books, Feyre prided herself on never being a house wife, to never let a man talk for her, to never sit around while the men did the work. 
Well, guess what. She did just that in the end. 
The whole IC coddles her, even when she is out rightly wrong. What happened to Feyre under the mountain was tragic, pitiful but nothing compared to what the rest of the IC went through. I am not downplaying her PTSD, merley saying the world does not revolve around her and that she needs to grow up and realize that, and shits not always perfect. 
After the war, Feyre’s life went into “perfect fairytale mode”. She shops, she cleans, she has sex, blah blah blah. Whenever anyone disagrees with her or Rhys, she justifies her and Rhy’s actions??? because they are always right???
Feyre is young, yet acts older and more responsible than everyone around her and they just let her. In my opinion, Feyre needs to grow up and understand that it is not always about her and Rhys. She needs to realize that she is not perfect, and that she is not always right and makes mistakes. 
Now Nesta has her own issues and I wrote a blog about that here but the way Feyre treats Nesta to me, is downright pathetic and rude. 
I am not saying Nesta is a angle, she has done fucked up things but Feyre just irks me whenever she tries to make amends with her. For instance in ACOFAS (she pissed me off the most here) she pressures and blackmails Nesta into going to starlight, says to do it for Elaine not for her, to make “Elaine happy”. Then she gets mad at Nesta for taking the money??? like what the fuck did she expect???
With Lucien, Feyre goes “he’s a good male” to Elaine. Like no. It doesn’t matter if he’s the most perfect man ever, not everything is perfect with a man. 
Feyre only likes Elaine because she is easy to deal with, like the flower of a rose while Nesta is the thorne. 
I just feel Feyre needs to be more aware about everything around her. Nesta is hurting and you bribing her to come to your little gathering with your pose of friends that just humiliated her the whole time is not right. 
I could get into every thing I hate about Feyre and why I do, highlighting all of her actions and everything she does that is just so wrong, but I wont in this post. 
YAY now Cassian!!!!!!: 
Okay I love Cassian. Him and Azriel are like my literal children but that does not mean that they don’t got maddd issues. 
Cassian’s issue is that he has insecurities, and those insecurities affect his daily life. For example, when he gets Nesta the present and she won’t accept it and he throws it away, we see that occurence from his POV. But, we can also see his insecurities shine through. Him always still being thought of a bastard no body, thinking that no one will ever want him or love him all of those things still affect him.
Mor chose him over Azriel because she knew the affect of her actions would hit harder if she lost her virginity to a “bastard no body”. The one thing that always hurt Cassian was when someone would comment about him being a Bastard nobody. 
He hides these insecurities behind his humour and lax behaviour (okay same) and I think he needs to find a way to deal with it. 
Another point about Cassian is that he does not respect Nesta’s privacy, and basically a minion for Feyre and Rhys to keep tabs on Nesta. If a girl does not want to talk to you and asks you repeatedly to leave her alone, you fucking leave her alone. It does not matter if you meant well, when someone does not want to talk to you leave them alone. Cassian’s insecurities are shown more when he is alone with Nesta, and that is something he needs to grow up and figure out himself. He can’t keep allowing his insecurities and lack of confidence affect his actions, especially around Nesta. 
To me, Cassian is better without the rest of the IC around him BUT that is also when all his problems are shown. He cannot hide behind Rhysand and make jokes with Azriel, flirt with Feyre or Mor, and he has to be by himself. 
The fact that he doesn’t talk to Nesta when Mor is around, or would be talking to her then immediately stop the second Mor walks in shows he cares more about her validation, and that also sends the wrong messege to Nesta. 
I love Cass, I really do but he has problems that he won’t acknowledge. They ALL DO. 
               If yall still reading all this way through I LOVE YALL!!!! 
Okay Azriel!!!!: 
I actually don’t have a lot of negative things to say about Az cause he is literally the most unproblematic one out of them all, but he, like Cass runs on Mor’s validation. 
I understand that he loves Mor and is still waiting out for her and all of that, but (and I may be wrong) shouldn’t their come a time when you talk about things? When you get tired of 500 years of silence and just talk about what the fuck is happening? 
I just want Az to be happy, and he thinks he deserves all the pain he’s got because of his cruel brothers. I want Az to get the light, not Feyre or Mor. 
I want Az to get over Mor, find love, and be fucking happy. I want him to want it for himself. I do NOT want Mor to tell him, I want him to tell her because its what Mor deserves for toying with him this whole time. 
I want Az to find out who his real father is, and for his mother to get justice as well (ugh, it just hurts me) and to be fucking happy. AND TO FORGET ABOUT MOR BECAUSE SHE DOES NOT DESERVE HIM!!!!!!
Now, last but not least 
So I actually already wrote a really shitty blog (it is honestly terrible lmfao, I’m just angry the whole time) about why I don’t like Riceman and I go into detail from each book on why I do not like him. If you guys want you can find it here  and leave your opinions!!!!!!!!
But one thing I do want to address is how whenever Rhysand does something absolutely terrible, Feyre justifies it by “its something that you had to do” or “they’ll forgive you and understand” (same to Feyre). 
For example, when he makes Mor work with his abuser, and Feyre’s like “she’ll understand it is what you had to do” does he not know how traumatic that would be for someone? He didn’t even talk to Mor before to warn her, to prepare her. No, he just threw it in front of everyone like what the fuck. 
It’s just, Rhysand is so problematic on many levels, and he was one of my favorite characters but then ACOWAR came out and we all know how that turned out. 
ooookayyyyyy that’s the end!!!!!!! If you read all this way your the best omg love yous!
make sure you check out the Nesta blog and the Riceman one, I go into a lot more depth about them and give actual points and factors 
make sure to tell me what you guys think! Y'all agree? Disagree? did i miss any points?? Lemme know
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king-smaurent · 3 years
So I finished the entirety of the Throne of Glass series and I’m still pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed it, considering my opinion of ACOTAR and House of Earth and Blood.
Stuff wrapped together a little too nicely for me in some parts, but it’s also technically a YA fantasy romance so that’s just the nature of things so I don’t fault it too much. Except Lysandra’s character. That was too much and end the end I wasn’t a fan of her or her role.
Also felt like we were finally a step closer with miss Maas having main cast queer characters, but I’m still begging her for more tbh.
I thought the romances all around were pretty solid, even with the pair the spare vibes some of the couples gave me.
Overall like 4 stars. Good shit. My thoughts aren’t organized but I’m still thinking a lot about it. I also think the world is totally set up for room for more stories in it but. Ya know.
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