#more rp content
salamix · 2 months
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lil doodle I did of Cross
Not usually when I post but here you go lol
(If only I could share why this Alien plushie is there.. I mean all I can say for now is that this Cross is obsessed with Disney and that this was a limited edition plushie he got)
[Made with procreate]
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princeparadiso · 7 months
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conflicting views
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e-adlirez · 5 months
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“I’m gonna give you a chance to run, and go tell every single person who you know about what just happened today. I want you to tell Rat, I want you to tell everybody. This… this is what I’m capable of now.”
Crappy drawing I made as quickly as I could, I dunno exactly all the lore in the Content SMP but one too many @doctor4t videos has done this to me and my curiosity—
c!Lux belongs to @luxintrus and c!Blake belongs to @winsweep
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lankylunatic · 9 months
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As a follow up to my previous post
Just a bro with a smoothie. That's all Vash.
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kimabutch · 1 year
Finally watched EXU Calamity and I'm just in awe of how good that was. Heartbreaking, hilarious, nerve-wrecking (I was stress-crocheting through most of it), beautiful.
As someone who struggles to create characters that make terrible life choices and hurt other people, I'm just amazed by those characters, the roleplaying, and the choices. Luis really showing with Zerxus why paladins are my favourite class when they're fucked up in a righteously arrogant way, hitting so many of my favourite tropes at once. Marisha and Lou creating these amazing character arcs in a handful of sessions. Travis and Brennan roleplaying such a realistic parent/children dynamic. Aabria and Sam breaking my heart over and over again with Laerynn and Quay's love story. I could write so much more about the characters and they're going to live in my heart for a long time.
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totem-but-shark · 21 days
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hey i know that guy
from abes rust server player teaser
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zlataisawsome · 3 months
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Ok fine I’ll post this 🙄
So I got into rock paper scissors… this is my new oc Cassette (I know I misspelled the name in the model sheet I’m lazy as shit). She owns and works at the local record store and rewinds if you pull her hair, losing memory.
My bad for the shitty scissors drawings I can’t get him right 💀 (also I have art block) I wanna find ways to draw him accurately. Feel free to talk to me about the show it’s my current hyperfixation rn
Anyways byeee
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ahalliance · 7 months
would just like to mention that étoiles acknowledged all the couples going to blue team btw including 4halo
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employee052 · 5 months
me in the day thinking abt tsp: hehe funny british man get mad n pissy, buckets and average man
me at 2am: narry do you ever wonder if my worries of designing you in an original way are, in a sense, dramatic irony when considering the fact that its very much related to the topics of ultra deluxe, where both of us got stuck in the cycle of feeling anxious over changing ourselves for the sake of pleasing others and of fear of driving them away, only to realise that in giving external reviews of our art power and desperately trying to appeal to all of them do we end up losing the original joy of the art? do you think its fucked up how through this experience, ive ended up with a skip button ending of my own where ive been forcing myself to make the content i think others would love instead of the ones i love personally. would a redesign even feel fitting? should i forgo the whole originality aspect and just let you be yourself, like how i should let myself make the art i want to make, and let you speak and be heard rather than skipped over?
the narrator, tired: For fucks sake, go tO BED-
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hhoneycloves · 8 days
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myself and The Other Two [Kat and Randa] were doing character relationship charts recently for the Lost in a Dream five. The Mutuals were so normal and made simple charts with circles and lines.
I am, of course, JWr Mind-centric. I did what I'm best at and channeled JWr Mind. They're all on sticky notes.
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kesharik · 4 months
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saw on twi/tumblr photoshop of Valteil as a maid, so i decided to draw him in few maid costumes
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golden-golem · 19 days
Feeling The Blerghs About Gw2.
I feel so bad but like I haven't really felt like playing Guild Wars 2 lately. The down turn of interest happened with the release of End of Dragons (don't get me wrong, I enjoyed so much of it and that end fight was so good!) - but some things about Secrets of the Obscure ended my interest almost entirely. At first I thought it was burn out but I think it's just intrinsic elements of the writing and game design in it's current state. I still log in from time to time to play Fashion Wars - I even made two more! Xixbin ~ literally made her for fashion's sake, and Featheroot ~ a sylvari who I am playing the entire story through for funsies. Dude she's so muscley and strong though, look at her giant hands?! I just wanted to make a chubby character but this is what Arenanet gives us lol!
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IDK man, anyone have any suggestions?
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blindmagdalena · 5 months
Did you or do you ever struggle writing character x reader fanfiction? I read it quite a lot but I just can't get used to writing in that format. I'm writing an OC x Homelander story, though.
I had never created an OC before, but I am certainly more comfortable writing a character that has a name, face and backstory of their own than using a generic reader. Particularly when I'm writing about the character's past and other individual characteristics, addressing the reader as you seems so weird to me. It makes me feel like I can't give in to specifics because it breaks the illusion.
Also, I've enjoyed the act of creating an OC. Giving them a name, a story, motivations, designing their psychology, etc.
However, I find it discouraging to see that OC x HL stories are nowhere near as popular as HL x Reader and I worry that I may not find an audience. When I post anything in ao3 it gets like two likes and in tumblr I'm just ignored completely 😢
Could you please give me some advice pls?
oh my darling! i hear you. the disparity in interest between x oc content vs x reader content is undeniable, but it's also inevitable. all the reasons you describe struggling with reader perspective fics is why it's so popular: the lack of detail allows the reader to adopt a nebulous perspective, whether they see their own oc in that situation or their literal selves. it doesn't require them to get to know or become invested in your creation, it allows them to indulge in what feels like their own.
i don't think readers get enough credit for their suspension of disbelief and the mental work they put into filling in the blanks that authors leave. similarly, it's absolutely difficult to tell a compelling story while leaving what is often the perspective character a near blank slate. that said! the fics i get the most feedback on are where the reader does have a stronger personality. people love banter, and even if the reader's voice doesn't always feel like something they would actually say, it always produces much more engaging interactions.
i've definitely had my struggle with this in the past, but i'm still learning. the series i'm working on right now, Guilty Pleasures, features a reader with quite a lot of personality, and i've established things about her that i wouldn't normally go into such detail, and the response to it has been great! your reader perspective SHOULD still feel like a character with thoughts, motivations and feelings. otherwise, the story is going to fall a little flat.
if it's easier for you to write the reader perspective as if they're your oc, you should do that. there's a delicate balance between too much and too little information when it comes to reader fic. sometimes taking liberties really works, and i think you'd be surprised how well readers can stretch that illusion. reader perspective should resonate, but not be so overpowering that the actual person reading doesn't like them.
but you absolutely do not need to force yourself to write a particular style of story if it's not something you actually enjoy. i also write and enjoy oc fic! i honestly think my oc fic Eat Your Ego is some of my very best work. unfortunately, it's rare that any of those chapters ever break close to 100 notes, whereas even little reader drabbles will see 2-3x those numbers, sometimes more.
but i write it because i love it, and it's the story i want to tell. that's what matters! and because of my dedication to the story, people have been kind enough to trust me with their time and investment. oc fic will never have the same broad appeal that reader fic does, but that doesn't make it less valuable. you just have to invest more in promoting yourself and convincing people that your story has something to offer them.
my best advice is just don't give up! i'm horribly erratic when it comes to the creative projects i work on, but i've been writing Eat Your Ego for over a year and it has gathered a lovely little following. feedback on that fic means SO much to me. even though there's less of it, the joy it brings me is immeasurable because that fic is special to me. don't give up on your story! it deserves to be told. 🖤
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bittwitchy · 4 months
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gif count: 014. all gifs made by me. pls like or reblog if you find this helpful!
MAY BE USED FOR: roleplay purposes, 'crackships', relationship pages, turned into gif icons WITH CREDIT for original gif listed. MAY NOT: claim as your own, edit without permission, reupload, use on sites other than tumblr. CONTENT WARNING: Weddings
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svtskneecaps · 8 months
ok folks this lives and dies between us but i swear to god with every passing moment and every new fact i learn i am more and more convinced that had i spoken portuguese at age 11 when i got into minecraft youtube the first time i would BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT have had a tiny little baby 11 year old celebrity crush on pactw
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squidcandy · 2 years
Late to Halloween but welcome to the worst clinic of your days (dramatica led)
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