i-can-even-burn-salad · 9 months
For the whimsical questions; 🕯️ if it hasn't already been asked.
Thank you for the ask! From this ask game.
🕯️ - What are your secret dreams and hopes?
That the missing piece of this offbrand lego set magically appears before I am done, but it doesn't look good.
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did-i-do-this-write · 10 months
For a fun WIP question, perhaps discuss your inspirations and how much your stories have diverted from them or in what ways they take from them.
Sarah shared that their original idea was based on Of Monsters and Men's first album, but it was very different. It was only focused on two characters and a lot of the original concepts are gone now. They think the character names might be the only thing that has stayed the same after all this time. Sarah said, and I quote "they've grown up after all this time! They are worse people."
They think this comes from them growing as a writer and being able to get past the "good guy v. bad guy" dichotomy and adding nuance to a character's actions and motivations.
Sarah's series, The Fall, started as one book but is now a 6 book series.
Madie said that her original idea was "Oh, pirates. I wanna make pirate story" 😂 she was inspired by the song Wonderland by ATEEZ. It's changed a lot over the years. Some of the characters have stayed the same at their core, but a lot of the plot has changed. It went from being a stand alone book, but it has also grown into a 6 book series with a sequel series planned.
Mine was actually an off-shoot of an AU fic I wrote when I was 15 in which the characters are transported to all kinds of different dimensions and one of the dimensions was a rough version of the Paragon world. And it grew a lot when I realized I was writing a more interesting story within my story :D
(Sarah is @harps-for-days)
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This ask motivated me to write 149 words for Home is Where Your Light Shines Brightest.
Experiment Total: 74,266
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🐕 - Favourite animal?
🥘 - Favourite food?
🍸- Favourite drink?
For any character you want!
RNG gave Elora, Dale and Adrian in that order, so!
FAVORITE ANIMAL: She has a fondness for most birds - petrels are a particular favorite, those and other seabirds that spend most of their time over the open ocean, since she looks at them and is just kind of 'lol same'. (She's also very fond of a common little golden-scaled snake endemic to the woods of her homeland.)
FAVORITE FOOD: Dale's particular to fresh greens (dandelion is her absolute favorite, when it's available) in a salad, with some grilled cherry tomatoes and chicken; dressings vary.
FAVORITE DRINK: Adrian's top non-alcoholic drink is spiced tea and honey; alcoholic pick is a 50/50 mix of a good hard cider and mead.
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ink-and-spite · 1 year
Just wanted to say Good, Bad, or Otherwise has such an interesting premise! Just reading the description has me hyped. If it has a taglist I'd love to be on it!
You guys are actually already on that tag list! I just haven’t posted about it much lately since I’m hoping to do a tiny bit of reworking on my plans with it
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runner-owen · 14 days
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“The Scarred Man”
Age Unknown
Cis Man
Arrogant + Patient + Knowledgeable
Seductive + Cunning + Mysterious
Dreaded and respected
A priest of the vampire gods, a leader of their malicious conquest…
He haunts the cobblestone streets of Therris, and leaves nightmares in his wake. Always a step ahead of his rival, he plans and prepares, learning human ways and praying to the five vampire gods for guidance in his mission. He is a man of many secrets. Humans do not know his true name, or the origins of the scars upon his face. They can't imagine what more they don't know. Only Prince Aurum grasps how dangerous this vampire may truly be. But there's so much even the Sire Commandant does not know. Flying through the skies in the form of a raven, he keeps close watch over those who catch his interest. A young man showed him kindness once. He has forgotten. The Scarred Man has not.
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@acannibalisticswordfish @slenders1ckn3ss @that-gay-jedi @underratedcockblock769 @steh-lar-uh-nuhs
@real-fragments7 @thebrownleathernotebook @izzyspussy @bee-barnes-author @jacqueswriteblrlibrary
@amielbjacobs @moremysteriesthantragedies @overdecorated-furniture @fractured-shield
@lychhiker-writes @inbloodandtears @rookfeatherrambles
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stesierra · 5 months
Hello, my beloved tag list! I'm just checking who is still active on here and updating you on what's going on with my writing. I'm planning on beginning to post one of my books in its entirety on my website and put up a link for each chapter on Tumblr each week. The book is Cast Out. Are you interested in being tagged on this?
Also, how are you doing? Sorry I disappeared for a couple months! Depression and holidays kicked my ass.
Tag list for everything
Just chapters and snippets
For The Many-faced Princess
The Halfway Revenant
For Stitches and Memories
The Bone Queen
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caxycreations · 2 months
Nine People to get to know
Thank you for the tag, @bigwipscholar!
Last Song -> Bink's Sake
Favorite Colors -> Aqua, black, forest green
Currently Watching? -> Tower Prep
Sweet/Savory/Spicy -> Savory 100%
Current Obsession -> My WIP (ngl just straight copied this answer cause it's 100% true)
Last thing I googled? -> How to find work as a voice actor
Favorite Season -> Autumn
Skills I'd like to learn -> How to sew
Best advice I've ever gotten -> "It's not your job to save the world, but you can't go wrong in trying to help it."
Tagging: @moremysteriesthantragedies @thetruearchmagos @verba-writing @akiwitch @mikathewriter
It won't let me tag anyone else D:
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shepardsherd · 6 months
Merry Christmas/ Happy Holidays everyone
I love you all
@antique-symbolism @athensoddcollections @amandacanwrite @bardicbeetle @blackandwhitecircus @blackrosesandwhump @bardic-tales @cometkov @chickensarentcheap @cheadarchesse @digital-chance @dyrewrites @enchantedlandcoffee @garthcelyn @hauntedluminarybbq @helathorloki @hxad-ovxr-hxart @icaruspendragon @irilenaps @insidedamienshead @joshuaorrizonte @kalu-chan @kaiusvnoir @kashas-stuff @ladywithalamp @lordkingsmith @multi-lefaiye @midnight-blue-moon-princess @midnight-and-his-melodiverse @moremysteriesthantragedies @n1ghtcrwler @olivescales3 @owlsandwich @pheita @pluttskutt @perasperaadastrawriting @rhikasa @ryns-ramblings @sleepyowlwrites @sergeantnarwhalwrites @sparrow-orion-writes @thorlokibrother @theprissythumbelina @uccelletto-di-kokuyo @ussrootcanal @violetcancerian @vacantgodling @wait-a-minute-lassie @waltzshouldbewriting
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hallwords · 7 months
Last Line Tag Game
tagged by @aestatismors from here! ty!!!!!
Rules: post the last line or snippet from your chosen WIP. it can be as long as you like.
Panicked, he decides the best action is to slam every lie into one.  Perhaps if he blends them together quickly enough, efficiently enough, the fact that they are lies will cancel out to the point that reality breaks and his words become true.
Tagging: @splashinkling @worldbuildng @yesireadbooks @fleurtygurl @serenanymph @liv-is @rydykg @halfbit @squarebracket-trick @moremysteriesthantragedies @scroll-of-aves @vollzz @poetinprose @breath-of-eternity @savvy-minnow and of course @canadjester
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thetruearchmagos · 3 months
On 'Energy Crystals'
Copying this over from a worldbuilding write up I posted on Discord!
Tagging @athenswrites @theprissythumbelina @hessdalen-globe @caxycreations @moremysteriesthantragedies @avrablake @thatndginger
While Energy Crystals are a very modern innovation, the pursuit for a crystal based means of high density energy storage is probably as old as the use of crystals in any of their myriad forms.
To skip the deep dive, 'magic crystals' operate through the highly ordered nature of their composition, a structure which extends beyond the three dimensions of the physical plane and which allows them to warp and rend the very fabric of the Underlay, that little understood realm of energy which permeates existence. In order to 'activate' their properties, however, energy in some form or another has to be supplied, 'forcing' the crystal's internal structure into the needed to act against the oppressive forces of the Underlay; heat, in the past, and these days truly massive amounts of electricity for the most intense applications.
A long noted characteristic of these crystals, however, has been their 'lag'. This effect describes the tendency for crystals to retain a small, rapidly decreasing degree of their powered properties even after their external energy source has been removed. The various physical characteristics of the crystal itself influences the degree of this lag, sheer size chief among them, which has at times been both a blessing and a curse for those using crystals for technical applications.
Still, it is not too difficult to see how a crystal's potential to retain energy might be a useful quality in and of itself. Various bodies have long attempted to harness this characteristic, but to little avail: having spent so long making crystals which efficiently utilised every scrap of energy fed to them to the fullest, it was very hard indeed to make one that would use no energy at all. Most interested parties would thus quickly decide to cut their losses early.
It would take modern developments in the field of micro-crystals and electrical-gate crystals to crack the problem. In the former field, a greater understanding of the internal structures of crystals at the most minute scale gave crystal forgers insight into the causes of crystal lag, and how crystals converted their input energy into work. The latter field was the result of the ability for crystals to act as incredibly efficient electrical conductors, leading to their application in the still nascent electronics and computing machine sector. Here, of course, understanding the interaction between crystal structures and electricity was key, as was minimising the 'waste' of a crystal's energy to activate the sorts of properties that in the past were their reasons for existence.
With the rise in this general understanding of just how a magic crystal worked, the secret to energy storage in crystals would be cracked in the 160s A.S. As with many technological developments, it was the United Commonwealth which would own the invention, lavishly funded from the sizeable cheque book of the Defence Consolidated Technical Establishment, whose leadership foresaw the many electricity intensive technologies poised to enter military use.
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 10 months
Happy WBW! Which detail in one of your worlds are you the most proud of?
I don't... I'm not. Don't get me wrong, that's not supposed to be a 'woe is me I suck' post - I just don't care about it much.
Half of my worldbuilding is taken from various video games I play (yeah, there's a general merchant and portals *shrug*), I have no idea how my landmasses look, I avoid everything politics until I can't *sweats* and they can have potatoes and sugar, because I'm too tired to invent a new vegetable and then have to explain it when I could make my chars cry instead.
For years, I lost myself in trying to set up a world to write in, and I ended up never writing. Only once I left that behind did I get words down, and quite a lot at that. Now I make up shit on the fly, and I'm not going back.
One thing I find fun personally is only planned for the future, which is one of the nyvi, a blind scientist, researching long-distance communication tools, and basically inventing the smartphone and braille in one go, because arranged 0 and 1 are easier to transfer through the aether lol.
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did-i-do-this-write · 10 months
For the ask game, I'd say your quirky but relatable characters.
Thank you so much! Characters are one of my main focuses so that really means a lot!
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This ask motivated me to write 100 words for Home is Where Your Light Shines Brightest.
Experiment Total: 74,666
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astorythatwritesitself · 10 months
1, 11, and 14 for the Halloween/Fall ask game please! -Essie
Does your OC love fall, hate fall, or are they indifferent? Why?
Sid and Mistyoak partially exist bc of my desire for an October Country style setting, so - yeah xD Fall is very much Sid's favorite season. She was an odd kid who was always digging up bugs and bringing back bones from dead things. Fall speaks to her in a way no other season does - everything in between and fading, not quite alive or dead, everything beautiful but eerie. Doesn't hurt that, for a little while, things she likes aren't seen as weird as they usually are.
Would your OC want to do a matching/couples costume with their s/o? -
Should she get an s/o (and I'm leaning towards someone who was originally like, a tertiary character filling that role, I need to see if the potential chemistry is there lol)... honestly? Probably, but she would straight up set fire to any of the cheesy/punny shit xD She'd be more into both going in on a theme more than... couple's costume, if that makes sense.
Does your OC like Halloween parties? -
As a kid? Fucking feral for them, it was her favorite thing in school, and one of the times she could half get along with the other kids. Soured on them as a teen/young adult, but once things settle up and she gets out to Mistyoak, she is right there in the thick of planning and setup, and parties hard. Probably even hosts some tours or ghost stories through the safer parts of the woods. (And hey, no better holiday when you're a sugar addict lol)
Thanks! c:
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yappincaxy · 2 months
First Voice Acting Commission
Thanks to the ever-incredible @moremysteriesthantragedies for commissioning this~!
If you want to commission me as well, you can place orders (or donate to support the artist) by clicking HERE!
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runner-owen · 26 days
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Prince Aurum Von Domini
30 years old
Cis man
Confident + Strict + Cynical
Determined + Defiant + Experienced
Feared and admired
A ruthless man capable of great cruelty, and greater desire...
The leader of the Knight Hunters, who turned it from a noble’s playground to the most feared and respected organization in the kingdom. A lesser prince, one not in line to become king of clan or kingdom, he remains the most desired bachelor in the whole of Therris for his cool nature, handsome features, and the golden magic he alone can channel. He was engaged to the youngest Vesperos daughter as a boy, before her kidnapping. Now it’s said she has been found. Aurum is not convinced. Something feels off. He will not marry her without undeniable proof. And it is her new companion that stirs his body and soul. A familiar young man with potential that Aurum no longer can ignore.
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Tag list, ask to be added or removed:
@acannibalisticswordfish @slenders1ckn3ss
@that-gay-jedi @underratedcockblock769
@steh-lar-uh-nuhs @heavenlyeden
@real-fragments7 @thebrownleathernotebook
@izzyspussy @bee-barnes-author
@jacqueswriteblrlibrary @amielbjacobs
@moremysteriesthantragedies @overdecorated-furniture
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stesierra · 11 months
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Title: the Bone Queen
Genre: NA fantasy
Setting: The kingdom of Sweelough
Tropes: forced marriage, undead ruler, undead fiancé, ghosts and skeletons, pattern magic, unwise affairs, pregnancy (no, it's not Aubrey's), poisonings, depression, anorexia, damn all nobles, big hair and big dresses, and illiterate peasant MC
Two years ago, Elise accidentally freed an army of the undead. She paid for it. The Bone Queen snatched Elise from her family and locked her away in Bandrum Palace. Elise hates everything about it: the dead maids who wait on her, the queen who tortures her when she forgets to play the perfect noblewoman, and her undead fiancé, Aubrey, who expects Elise to carry his heirs. Elise's magic, which lets her see the dead as if they're still alive, makes being a brood mare to a skeleton all too possible. She has to escape, but the Bone Queen has bound her to the palace with a spell that lights her nerves on fire when she tries to leave. Worse, if Elise refuses to marry Aubrey, the queen will lock her family up for life.
If Elise knew how to use her magic, maybe she'd have a chance, but the queen has made studying magic illegal. When Elise discovers a visiting ambassador is a spy and a secret magician, she blackmails him into giving her magic lessons. Maybe she should feel bad about that, especially when the ambassador falls in love with her. An affair with him risks everything, but Elise is desperate for comfort in the land of the dead. But his love and his help aren't what they seem. He never meant to free her. If Elise is going to escape and save her family, she'll have to do it alone. And she'll destroy Aubrey and the Bone Queen on her way out, or die trying.
The Characters:
Elise Cropper- our main character and POV. 18 years old. She was born a serf, bound to the land of Lord Moorthleigh, near the shores of Lake Langlyn.
Aubrey Sommer, Duke of Winworth- undead fiancé and true asshole. He tricked Elise into loving and freeing him. He deserved neither thing.
Mausart Tola, Earl of Ardaris- the ambassador from Ahheleisa. Late twenties. Hot as far as my ace ass can tell. But he has his secrets.
Queen Idony Allard of Scarlett- the bone queen, the new ruler of Sweelough. This is her second time ruling, but death took the crown from her last time. Never again.
Lord Moorthleigh- Elise's former landlord, who still owns her parents and little brothers.
Lady Moorthleigh- a friend? An enemy? Elise doesn't know.
Worst Comment from a Beta: Why doesn't Elise want to marry Aubrey? He's rich and she should be thrilled with her luxurious prison. Also, she's too mean to the undead maids who are spying on her. What a bitch. (Paraphrased)
Status Check: In rewrites, after about five drafts and a paid developmental editor. 109k words before revisions. I will try to query it when the rewrite is done. Not currently available for beta reading.
It has two complete standalone sequels (The Spellbound King (106k) and The Matriarch's Daughter (96k)) I must also rewrite. This series is going to kill me but I love it. My mom, who loves everything I write, complained that it was weird. I'm very proud.
First chapter here.
Fic snippet here.
Map here.
Please ask if you want to be added to my taglist and specify if it's just for this book or all books.
Credit for (modified) WIP intro format @sleepyowlwrites
Art commissioned from KozzDraws.
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