arofili · 1 year
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YESSSS 😍😍😍😍😍😍
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curiouselleth · 4 months
Thanks for the tag @fictionalmenjusthitdifferent!
Rules: Shuffle your repeat playlist 10 times and tag 10 people.
Chasm Between Brothers (the Last Trial, 2017 film)
Lord of Nothing (the Last Trial, 2022)
Mamma Mia by Alexander Kazmin, Evgeny Egorov, and Rostislav Kolpakov
The Duel from the Lay of Leithian rock opera (June 2023)
The Battle of Sauron and Finrod Felagund by Clamavi de Profundis
Now and for Always from the LOTR Musical 2023
Don't stop me now by Evgeny Egorov
Mr. Blue Sky
Lullaby from the Last Trial english dub
Istina duet by Yaroslav Bayarunas and Maxim Rakovsky
@nonlinear-nonsubjective, @maellor, @general-illyrin, @moriquendii, @solarcola, @silmarillionopsessed, @gondolin-but-not-forgottenlin, @myrtaceaae, @dreamingthroughthenoise, @quixoticanarchy
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mirkwood · 3 months
I was tagged by @haleths thank you so much !!! 🥳
Are you named after anyone? yes, my grandmother
when was the last time you cried? yesterday bc im reading rotk and the very last interaction between Theoden and Merry fucked me up so bad
do you have kids? nope
what sports do you play/have played? volleyball probably but that was so long ago (when i was like. 12 or something)
do you use sarcasm? definitely yes
what is the first thing you notice about people? their eyes!!! or maybe their smile
what's your eye colour? dark brown
scary movies or happy endings? i enjoy both equally
any talents? intuitively knowing when something is wrong probably and also being able to remember names and dates and specific things that happened on those dates (my memory is too good sometimes)
where were you born? Thessaloniki, Greece
what are your hobbies? reading, listening to music and also reading tarot (im still a beginner but im slowly getting better at it so that makes me happy)
do you have any pets? no but i really want a cat omg
how tall are you? 4'11
favourite subject in school? history ftw
dream job? either a barista working in a cat cafe/bookstore or a make up artist for movies (but mostly the first one bc it combines three of my favourite things)
Tagging : @lordoftheelves , @elvain , @lotrlorien , @ass-deep-in-demons , @realmofautumn , @moriquendii , @rivnedell , @afaramir , @morgoths-ring and anyone else who wants to do this (consider yourself tagged!!!)
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haleths · 9 months
BIG thank you to @lotrlorien for tagging me in this 💕💕 i nearly didn't bother bc i didn't think my answers would be very interesting hngfnjhxc but i powered through and here we are!!
last song: gold dust woman - fleetwood mac
last movie: women on the verge of a nervous breakdown (1988) which was.... fine? i know a lot of people really love it but it didn't make me laugh and rather than being feminist it just sorta pits all the women against each other which i didn't vibe with. would've been a much better movie if all the women had teamed up to take down the one man who was fucking them all over
currently watching: hopefully the next episode of ghost files which should be dropping any minute now 🤞
currently reading: nothing
currently craving: for the weather to acknowledge that autumn starts in a few weeks time (it's 30°C in the uk right now and i simply cannotttttt)
currently playing: with my finances? yes
last thing you researched: the mamma mia! franchise. this morning my hairdresser swore there are 3 mamma mia movies and i was like 97% sure she was wrong but didn't want to start an argument.... transpires there are in fact only 2
and i'll tag @southfarthing, @zelkam, @moriquendii, @shiveringsoldier, and @emyn-arnens but no pressure of course!!
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absynthe--minded · 3 years
for the ship questions: all the odd numbers for russingon??? please and thank you
all the odd numbers!!
okay I am answering this one First but there are some other asks I technically got first so I’m going to exclude a few for the sake of answering all of them! I hope that’s okay. Below the cut for length and some quasi-NSFW discussion.
1. How did they first meet?
this is actually the plot of one of my fics! Finno goes to a party with his parents, wanders off to get drunk and enjoy the free food, and winds up getting very drunk and then seeing Maitimo and assuming he’s a Maia because of how hot he is. he is in fact so very drunk that he straight up forgets that “Curufinwë” and “Fëanáro” are the same person and doesn’t understand why Maitimo is like “what the fuck why are you talking to me oh shit you’re hot”. (Maitimo ditches his date to the party to climb a tree, drink wine, and deal with the fact that he’s suddenly interested in a boy.)
5. Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Maitimo tried so fucking hard to resist his feelings. He basically tried to be like. Gay But By Telperion’s Light Only. he’d write poetry and burn it, he’d stare into the stars and the silver light and be Dreamy and Distant. (Finno leapt into having feelings with his whole self and everyone knew he was pining after someone. He kept trying to play it off as nothing serious, but everyone around him knew. Everyone.)
7. What would their lives be like if they had never met?
Maitimo would be married to the daughter of one of Fëanáro’s first and most loyal allies in the Tirion court. Her name was Cirissë, she was chosen for him by Fëanáro (with the clear caveat of “if you’d rather marry someone else please give me the name and I’ll arrange it”) and the expectation was that they’d have at least one child named Cantëafinwë. As the eldest of his House and since he didn’t have any great works or passions of his own, his “job” was to carry on Míriel Þerindë’s legacy. If he had objected to this or found something else to do with his life, Fëanáro would have given way, but Maitimo prior to meeting Findekáno was okay with having an arranged marriage. This wasn’t a decision made in spite of his feelings - he’d never said he wasn’t all right with it.
Findekáno would probably be drifting through life without really any sense of purpose - I’m going to assume that history goes very differently if they don’t meet, because not meeting implies that even the Darkening doesn’t quite go as planned - and I think he’d have settled for the single life, floating from party to party and social event to social event without ever really being rooted in something.
1. Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Findekáno was the one who insisted they become proper friends and start spending time together, and who introduced Maitimo to the joys of fucking around in the meadows outside Tirion on their free days. He was bold, and intense, and bright, and constantly smiling. But it was Maitimo who confessed his feelings. They went out one day - it was Finno’s begetting day, and Maitimo had gotten him a falcon (they took up falconry as an excuse to be out and about and alone for days, but they’d been using Finwë’s mews and Finwë’s birds) and they were with their horses and their birds, and Maitimo very shyly admitted that what he felt was more than friendship.
Finno kissed him, and he almost fell out of his saddle and off his mare.
5. What’s their height difference? Age difference?
Their height difference is a little ridiculous. Maitimo is eight and a half feet tall, which is Very Tall by elvish standards. Finno is seven feet tall, which is on the taller side of “average” - his mother Anairë is taller than he is, and Artanís is like 7′9″. He comes up to about his husband’s sternum. Maitimo isn’t really built, though? He’s actually quite delicate and slender when you look at him on his own, but compared to quite a lot of other elves he’s buff as hell just by virtue of needing to be muscular to move all those bones around. Their age difference is actually something that’s kind of hard to calculate but I’ve worked it out - Maitimo is 90 solar years older than Finno, he was about the human equivalent of eighteen when his husband was born. They met for the first time when Maitimo was 190 solar years old and Finno was 100 solar years old - they were both adults, in the same stage of life.
7. Who takes the lead in social situations?
It depends on the social situation tbh! Findekáno tends to take the lead in most things that involve being a bright and shiny polite happy public figure, because he’s charismatic and intuitive and good at that kind of thing, but Maitimo will lead if it’s one of his few areas of expertise or if his husband is floundering. He does have a flair for the dramatic and it’s a very natural thing for him.
9. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
They both do, because they’re fortunate enough to have a telepathic bond that lets them communicate silently in a room full of other people. It made for some fascinating council meetings the few times they wound up sharing a space in that way.
3. Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
Elves don’t really have cheesy pick-up lines, but they’ve both fallen victim to sappy poetry. Maitimo probably holds the record there for sheer number of dumb things he’s said solely for the purposes of getting Finno’s attention, though. There are. A Lot of those.
5. Who initiates kisses?
Maitimo. Always, constantly. His primary method of affection and of emotional expression is “Kiss Husband” and he does it all the time.
7. What are their favorite things to do together?
I’m excluding sex from this because the answer to that question is “sex”, honestly. They like cooking (Maitimo cooks and Finno watches him), and going riding, and one time Maitimo climbed the side of a cliff and Finno went along with it solely to stare at his ass. Finno is terrible at archery and at the harp but he’ll do both of those things because they make his husband happy. They like reading, and discussing what they’ve read, and if they’d had the chance they would have enjoyed the theater.
9. Who’s more protective?
see this is sort of a weird question because like
Maitimo is Obviously Protective. He glowers, and he glowers protectively, and he does things like plant spies in Nolofinwë’s household so he can keep an eye on his husband’s movements. He considers himself Findekáno’s guard, and he’s very very paranoid so he’s very very good at guarding. (The one time he saves Findekáno from orcs and from Sauron he has several mental breakdowns all at once.) Maitimo is the obvious answer here.
But Finno will cross a room in half a second and vault over like sixteen tables to smack you with his riding glove and demand you duel him if he’s all the way on the other side of the hall and thinks he heard you considering insulting Maitimo.
It goes both ways tbh.
11. What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
The in-universe songs that apply to their relationship are basically all written about them, lol. I tend to headcanon that the song Findekáno sang is preserved through the ages to some extent and its ultimate form is the song that Sam sings in the tower of Cirith Ungol? So take that as you will.
Out of universe... well, I have a shitton of playlists, but I’ll leave you with the song that inspired my Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang fic, “Last Train Home” by Ryan Star.
13. Who remembers the little things?
It depends on the little things. Maitimo remembers every detail of every military operation he ever devised, but Findekáno remembers what day of the week it is.
3. How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
Gil-galad would have been their kid in a happier world. He’s the biological son of Lalwendë Finwiel and Gildor Inglorion of the House of Finrod, sent to Barad Eithel when his mother and father were missing-presumed-dead after the Dagor Bragollach, and Findekáno adopted him as his ward and heir but didn’t keep him in Hithlum due to the danger.
(They do, however, have three additional children that they don’t find out about until Valinor, because Sauron is a mad scientist and he had unrestricted access to Maitimo for sixty years, and because Findekáno bled all over the Thangorodrim cliff-face when he slammed face-first into it. Those children are Autamar Autahala, whom I’ve mentioned before (he’s their eldest and the only one who’s descended from both of them), and Alya and Ailinwë, twins who are descended solely from Maitimo. Their three kids show up at their house one day, the same ages as they were when they all died, and that’s a fun time for everyone.)
Gil-galad is brave and fair and just and all that good shit you need to be a king. Autamar is kind of terrifying because growing up in Angband and being groomed to be a puppet ruler will do that to you, but he’s very smart and very dry-witted. Alya and Ailinwë died when they were quite young, but they’re very bright, and Alya is as fond of horses as Maitimo is. She also likes knives.
5. Who’s the stricter parent?
Maitimo. He’s got more experience parenting, as opposed to Finno who died and then suddenly found out that his ward had claimed him as a father - Maitimo basically raised his four youngest siblings, and Elrond and Elros, and he’s very good at being the strict dad. It’s the one thing he’s actually strict about outside his military work. But he’s actually a giant marshmallow underneath his stern exterior and he really wants to be a good father.
7. Who kills the bugs in the house?
This is a non-answer but they don’t kill bugs as a rule they’ll either let them outside or allow predator bugs to live in their spaces - lots of spider neighbors who pay rent by eating gnats. But as a rule Maitimo will do the gross or unseemly things just because he wants them done. Finno is a bit more of an obvious coward when it comes to those things.
9. Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Maitimo doesn’t sleep as often as Findekáno does, but Findekáno can usually entice him into coming back to bed.
11. Who likes to dance?
Maitimo is the one who really truly loves partnered dancing. He leads. Findekáno can and will dance alone, but it’s only after he marries that he truly becomes enchanted by the high romance of a good querië.
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what sort of mischief is the indomitable Dave up to today?
I was trying to put clean sheets on my bed and he leapt up and tried to bite my face! 😬
He’s now having some calm down time while locked in my bedroom. Unfortunately he is also locked in there with all my freshly clean sheets, as well as the band-aids and polysporin that I need for the chunk he also just took out of my knee.
He is not up to any good today.
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alackofghosts · 4 years
moriquendii replied to your post “i love… sherlock holmes….”
I’m still strangely fond of rdj’s Sherlock, but only the first movie
it’s such a fun movie!! :D i really liked it too and i feel like i’m long overdue a rewatch haha
gnarlykickflip replied to your post “i love… sherlock holmes….”
sherlock gnomes
...i’m. i’m a fake fan who has never seen sherlock gnomes. adaptations with goofy premises are such a Rich Field, but i’ve never got around to it!
elesianne replied to your post “i love… sherlock holmes….”
Jeremy Brett has been my favourite Sherlock Holmes since I was a kid and still is
brett is such a Classic and i adore him as holmes too <3
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captainadwen · 4 years
I had to watch Troy for history in high school except the projector was broken so the whole thing was tinted hot pink. Didn’t make it any better though
Now I am highly tempted to figure out a way to tint the movie hot pink just to make it more interesting
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pawprinterfanfic · 4 years
in regards to your tags on that pride and prejudice gifset you just reblogged - the second gif (the kiss with darcy and lizzie) is only in the american version of the film.
THANK YOU!!! One of life’s mysteries has been solved. I feel so much better knowing there’s a version out there that they kiss in. 😌
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baesarenraes · 5 years
“im playing da2 for the first time ever and i want to make fenris my...”
i have found that checking the wiki guide for what quests get approval/disapproval is the best way to go about it lol.
“im playing da2 for the first time ever and i want to make fenris my...”
If you google “guide to friendmancing Fenris” there is a long tumblr post with advice about how to friend him while openly being pro-mage, and it’s really helped me. Also if it helps: while I do recommend going the friend path with him rather than rivalry (it is easier to support him and he seems more able to relax with you by Act 3), he and Hawke can still be close or romantic on the rivalry path
thank youu guys, i will prob do this on my second playthrough,i wanna see how this one plays out  👀 👀 👀 👀
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happyhealthycats · 5 years
i have a 14yo cat, who will only play with one very specific toy: a wand with a ball & feathery tail on a string. She absolutely adores this toy, and will run after it when i play with her...unless it goes off the rug. Then it doesn't exist. Also, whenever she catches it, she doesn't act like she is hunting it, she won't bite or kick it, she'll just... sit on it. Lick it a bit. Look very offended if i try and get the toy back, although she'll quickly go back to playing with it afterwards. Weird
Learning about behavior there’s a lot of “usually”s and “typically”s thrown into the writing. Cats are cats to a certain degree. Some cats develop alternative behaviors because of conditions, or lack of certain care, or lack of stimulus. Other times, cats develop these behaviors...just...’cause. And there’s a lot we can’t account for. It’s one of those situations where I’m SURE there’s a reason for it? But it’s not harmful at all and it sounds a) precious and b) like she’s very happy with her play situation that you’ve figured out.
But seriously, it sounds like you figured out what your cat likes and you’re adhering to that to make sure she gets the most out of her play, and that’s HUGE. Give yourself a huge pat on the back, because finding what works for your cat and going with it in terms of what they love to do can be seriously tough, especially when they stray from the “norm” of what is expected in feline behavior.
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arofili · 2 years
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prideboards ♡ genderfluid ace maeglin ♡ art from this picrew ♡ for @moriquendii
As Maeglin grew to full stature he resembled in face and form rather his kindred of the Noldor, but in mood and mind he was the son of his father. His words were few save in matters that touched him near, and then his voice had a power to move those that heard him and to overthrow those that withstood him. He was tall and black-haired; his eyes were dark, yet bright and keen as the eyes of the Noldor, and his skin was white. Often he went with Eöl to the cities of the Dwarves in the east of Ered Lindon, and there he learned eagerly what they would teach, and above all the craft of finding the ores of metals in the mountains.
—The Silmarillion, “Of Maeglin”
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curiouselleth · 2 months
15 Questions With 15 Friends
I was tagged by @thecoolblackwaves, thanks!
1. Are you named after anyone?
My grandmas
2. When was the last time you cried?
The night before last 😅 (every time I get that question it always happens to be right after the last time lol)
3. Do you have kids?
4. What sports do you/have you played?
Dance when I was younger, and now archery for fun
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Yep! Quite a bit depending on the company
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Hair, color, length, etc
7. What's your eye color?
8. Do you prefer scary or happy endings for movies?
Happy usually!
9. Any talents?
A few different kinds of art and mediums, I use a pretty wide variety!
10. Where were you born?
East coast of the US
11. What are your hobbies?
Archery, so many kinds of art, making costumes/cosplays, reading, writing fanfic, I go in phases of playing and not playing minecraft a lot
12. Do you have any pets?
Yes, my family has two dogs, Pumpkin, a chihuahua-rat terrier mix, she's a goblin. And Oreo, a black lab chihuahua mix. Then I have a bunny named Loki, and two parakeets; Osse and Legolas!
13. How tall are you?
About 5ft 4in
14. Favorite school subject?
Art! Then english
15. Dream occupation?
No idea! I'd love to be a Tolkien scholar someday though
no pressure tagging: @maellor, @dreamingthroughthenoise, @general-illyrin, @backgroundelf, @wayfaringminstrel, @tathrin, @moriquendii or anyone else who wants to!
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dalishious · 6 years
hey dude, it's been a while since i modded da:o and i could have sworn there was a mod to make sten and other qunari in the game look like the qunari from da:2 and da:i? but i can't find it. Would you have a link please?
Here you go, and here’s a link to the required mod since the BSN was killed
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PS: I also rec checking out this mod!
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haleths · 2 years
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I posted 4,876 times in 2022
183 posts created (4%)
4,693 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@jiangwanyin (@bananayoshimoto it's you!! 💕💕💕)
I tagged 4,875 of my posts in 2022
#queue you fools! - 3,830 posts
#lotr - 2,525 posts
#fanart - 881 posts
#the silmarillion - 561 posts
#the fellowship of the ring - 534 posts
#the hobbit - 398 posts
#frodo baggins - 335 posts
#aragorn - 306 posts
#movies - 288 posts
#the return of the king - 285 posts
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sheithness · 5 years
yo! i'm making a voltron playlist to write fic to: what are your top five songs that you'd associate with Voltron? :D
soooo I don’t have songs I associate with Voltron per say but I do have songs I associate with sheith so here are the top 5: 
Find You - Ruelle 
Hurts Like Hell - Fleurie 
Somewhere - Within Temptation 
Compass - Zella Day 
When You’re Gone - Avril Lavigne 
when I write for sheith, those are my go to! 
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