#morpho knight hinting~
rosiegardenlove · 5 months
Shade don't touch the butterfly shade run NOOOO
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[It seems you have discovered a fixation of his.]
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moonverc3x · 7 months
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gethoce · 7 months
Seeing your Morpho ask blog brings me joy in this time and I wanted to say oh so much many thanks for it you have no idea how much it makes me smile when I really need it the most I hope you have a good day or at least this makes it better for you if you aren't doing the best
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Glad to hear that the Morps can be a beacon of light during these dark times. The blog has been bringing me a lot of joy as well so far and I hope to continue working on it for a while. I'm very grateful for all the cool asks and pleasant interactions so far, including this. <3
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quanblovk · 2 years
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george228732 · 28 days
Hero of Souls - Meta (Niono) Giovanni
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Fun facts:
Meta Knight's eyes were once gray, but his death and eventual revival (plus his links to the Galaxia Sword given to him by Morpho in the Afterlife) made them golden!
His wings and cape can make a distinct glow in them, with his wings creating constellations whenever he feels very strong emotions.
Like how I hinted, Meta Knight is dead, or at least, was dead, being killed in childhood, (which caused Galacta Knight to be sealed to easily due to how broken hearted he was that his child had passed away) and being taken in by Morpho as another parental figure in Hades until Morpho decided to bring him back to the Mortal World to stop a disaster that was close to coming.
He's married to Dedede because of course he is.
He's owner of the Spade Spear.
He's also owner of the Memento Mori, a Memento that allowed him to escape the Afterlife with Morpho's guidance.
The gray scar on his head is because of the scar that resulted in his death, so long ago.
He's inspired by the character, Giovanni from Night on the Galactic Railway, being the friend of Campanella with a dysfunctional and absent family that boards the train with his only friend, resulting in losing her by drowning.
He's also inspired by the story of Hamlet, being of Hamlet being tasked with the goal of killing the murderer of his father by his ghost, contemplating the concepts of life and death.
Meta is a direct reference and role of one of the Seven Deadly Sins, Pride.
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So how evil would you say Morgan is?
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In Morgan's last post, I mentioned one of the biggest changes in KBASW AU (to mix the anime & game lore...) is Dame Morgan the one who gave Hyness the Jamba Heart.
(I hinted at her ability in this post... when I said she's a black hole, I meant that.)
She was the one who created the dimensional rift that dropped the Jamba Heart at his & the cult's doorstep. Dame Morgan being very well aware that Hyness was in the position of the book of Legend made sure the circumstances a line with everything the book says.
And of course, she waltzes right in (pretending she just happened to pass by), "Could it be the Jamba Heart, and it's chosen you, imagine the great power you can do with that, only you could, this is your destiny... "
And presents herself "as a former star warrior who's become weary lost soul after the war just trying to find purpose." Needless to say, Hyness welcomes her with open arms. The raw power of an ex-gsa-soldier, he couldn't pass up this ...
The events of Star Allies are very different... The best way I can describe is (without spoilers/ this is a reference to Kirby Star Allies' game). The "Story Mode" doesn't happen but Star Allies Guest Star mode is happening... (Minus the boss battles MK & King Dedede since aren't there ... they have someone else to fight ~)
"Where's Kirby & the main gang during this..."
"Forgotten Land" is happening... and when Dream Friends are confronting Morpho Knight so is Kirby in the Isolated Isles (the Extra Mode), Morpho is testing Kirby and his friends all at the same time.
Basically (this Boss battle is happening), while everyone was fighting Morgan snatched the Jamba Heart away. However, one person notices and tries to stop her... Leading to... this zesty confrontation with Zan Partizanne and Dame Morgan.
Keep reading for spoilers~
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Zan Partizanne was able to realize that it was Morgan who delivered the Jamba heart to their doorstep once she saw (Morgan) create the dimensional rift to snatch it away.
And as any true villain does... Morgan comes after Zan Partizanne's entire life & entire existence ( as well as the hypocrisy of the cult) and rubs her mistakes in her face leaving no crumbs.
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And this is why Morgan's so dangerous. She takes advantage of everyone's very human flaws and calls people out on them... she knows how to play a good mind game. (via. Joker in the Dark Knight)
THE THREE MAGE SISTERS ARE MEANT PARALLEL TO UTHER'S & HIS THREE STUDENTS: Zan Partizanne - Sir Arthur/ Flamberge - Dame Morgan/ Francisca - Sir Nonsurat...
With a very key difference, the Mage sisters genuinely care for one another, Uther's students hated each other. Which is why the blind loyalty they put into Hyness sickened her (at least Uther had class but this bumbling moron's way to scrap at the bottom of the barrel.)
Dame Morgan is one of the most complex characters in the story. (Uther & Morgan's dynamic is basically Azula & Fire Lord Ozai...) She's very much out to get what she deserves, in a sense she played by the rules of the world but it was never enough.
Now she's out to make her own way, rule her own life... TO TAKE IT!
She's evil yes but you get why she's like this.
I also want to explain a bit more her power with the Jamba Heart, and how she was able to negate "insanity..." She's the middle man of the deal... that reaps the benefits. Getting that generated dark heat energy for herself. And it also helps that now she has her own personal sponge for that (*cough* Dark Matter *cough*).
And of course, after this, she departs for Dreamland... And this is where things get really interesting!~
I hope you all enjoyed Dame Morgan aka Morgan Le Faye.
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rubybloodhound · 20 days
[Pat one]
Lady Adeliza: Alright, what do you guys want? Galaxia: Mcdonalds. Meta Knight: Mcdonalds Morpho Knight: Mcdonalds! Papi: Mcdonalds! Dark Meta Knight: MCDONALDS! Galacta Knight: MCDONALDS! All (Expect Adeliza): MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! Lady Adeliza, sweating: Ok- The knights (And Papi): YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Animeta Knight: Who the hell is giving me pretty roc- IS THAT A FISH!?
Bandee: It's so sad Parasol died today.. Parasol Dee: STOP TELLING EVERYONE I'M DEAD! Bandee: Sometimes, I can still hear their voice...
Some GSA private: Question: why does the garbage disposal smell like rotting flesh? Sir Arthur: Counter question: Why are you looking through the garbage disposal? It handles itself pretty well
Magolor: Kirby! There's a pipebomb in your mailbox! Kirby: But I don't have a mailbox? Magolor: what Kirby, pulling out a banana with a pipebomb, a miniature version of Meta Knight, and Marx strapped to it: All I have is this banana...
Marx: First words? *Tire screeching sfx* Marx: Second words? *Car crashing sfx* Marx: Third words? *Heheheha clash royale sfx*
Marx: By the way, I'm dead Magolor: Your name is Dead?
Kirby: Is the sun edible?
Sword: Hey, Sir? What's with this? ("This" being a dead fish at Sword's door) Meta Knight: Ah. Uhm. Uh. Uhhh.
Doctor Healmore: Finally. The gay potion
Adeleine: Why did I draw that? I'm an artist
Galacta Knight is just standing there Galaxia: Kiss him. Meta Knight: What? Galaxia: Kiss. Him. Meta Knight: Why- Galaxia: I know you would love to. Meta Knight: I would not Galaxia: I will control your body so you know how good kissing him feels Meta Knight: ....I'm not ga- Galaxia: YOUR BI
Sir Arthur: Sending hints to the universe so it sends hints to me on how to escape this time loop
Meta Knight: Finally.. My identity crisis is done... Alright that was fun, but now it's time for part 2, pronouns edition! Meta Knight: wait wut
Just after GK gets unsealed Meta Knight, internally: They didn't say the greatest warrior in the galaxy would be so hot..
Morpho Knight: Wait, what do you mean there's no it/it's in halcandran?
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thewinterraven · 11 months
Hi! I just joined your channel and I can't get tired of it!!! I just wanted to ask, if Dark Meta Knight and Morpho Knight will appear in the Lefacy comic?
Hi there!
I’m glad you like the comic! DMK and the other mirrors don’t exist in this AU yet because they haven’t been near the mirror, and they aren’t in the comic I’m afraid!
Morpho has had very subtle hints in at least 2 pages so far, but he won’t be in the comic proper outside of a few more small hints
Morpho and GK in this AU are pretty tightly linked already, if I ever do a sequel (god it will def not be like Starliner and Legacy full colour wise! Probably just sketchy) it will be mentioned more then
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usps-first-class · 2 years
Conspiracy Theory Time
I feel like they are weirdly hinting at something regarding Triple Deluxe, be it a remake or sequel, or whatever, there's too many odd coincidences that I've picked up with all the info surrounding rtdldx (spoilers ahead regarding the masks and merry magoland)
But these are the things I've picked up on
The game is called Return to Dreamland "Deluxe" (this one is pretty obvious and can easily be brushed off as a coincidence)
The 3ds Eshop closes March 27th, almost exactly a month after rtdldx's release
We got the Merry Magoland reveal on January 11th (Triple Deluxe's anniversary)
We're getting a pre-corruption Sectonia mask and sound file so we're getting more info about her (This could also just be a cute easter egg though)
Below I have two sound clips from the themes of Merry Magoland and FLOWERED from Triple Deluxe played one after the other
The first 4 bell chimes sound eerily similar to eachother right? Like that's not just me?
And they don't ever use that bell noise in any other prominent theme let alone in such a similar fashion
TDX is also the next mainline game to come after RTDL
(I wont get into morpho knight and Sectonia and what judgement could mean for them and the lore since Sectonia is the first to die with the butterfly making a cameo in the game,but that's an entirely different theory for me and I have zero evidence backing that up, its just a hunch)
But I think it'd be really cool if rtdldx hints at a cohesive timeline of sorts by adding something to imply that the events of RTDL happen before the events of TDX or vice versa
I'm not one for conspiracies or game theories or whatever, so my apologies if this makes zero sense to anyone else or if I really am just looking too far into it, I just wanted to express some of the things I've noticed so don't take this too seriously haha
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rosiegardenlove · 5 months
Does Shade have a favorite color? If so, why that particular color?
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I tend to lean towards cooler colors like Blue and Purple, I mean I wear them for a reason right? But, I like warmer tones just as well. I think this little one wears them very nicely. Don't you think?
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fi3stazo · 2 years
Something I wrote based off of something that’s not canon in my Kirby interp’s timeline anymore
It has been years— no, millennia since the last of his family and friends had succumbed to old age and faded away. His once strong wings are now patchy and bony. His horns were chipped and worn—practically crumbling away—and was missing its golden glow. The bright fuchsia hue of his body had faded into a sickly pink, his bones the weakest they’ve ever been. Galacta Knight had lived far longer than he should have. Impossibly longer. He knows. 
The butterfly reaper watches him approach as he limps towards it. Its ghostly white eyes offer nothing but an unreadable stare. For not the first time, Galacta pleads to it.
“Please let me die,” he rasps, “I am very tired. The ones I loved and befriended are long gone. With too much time, I’ve lost my sense of purpose. I’ve lost everything.”
A hint of betrayal flashed in his company’s eyes, but dissolved as quickly as it came.
“Then wend and maketh yourself new friends,” Morpho Knight stated, it’s tone of voice eerily calm. Anger bubbled at the back of Galacta’s throat.
“There’s nothing left!” he groans. Long ago had he lost his ability to yell.
He grabs Morpho’s gloved paw with urgency. It’s wings twitch, and mirror the drooped posture of Galacta’s.
“Por favor,” Galacta pleads. “Déjame morir.”
Morpho’s glow dims ever so slightly. Something flickers behind it’s eyes. Frustration? Exasperation? … Sadness?
“It is not thy timeth yet,” Morpho only says.
It recoils from Galacta’s hands as if it were burned. Ignoring the whimper from said knight, it morphs into a butterfly and flutters away. It’s glow disappears into the darkness.
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gethoce · 1 year
I wonder how long it took Morpho to figure out that Elfilin is not Elfilis, considering Galacta figured that out almost immediately?
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It took Morpho Knight quite a bit longer to come to terms with the fact that Elfilin is his own being who doesn't deserve to get punished for the actions of another. The thing is Galacta Knight didn't nearly bear as much of a grudge against Elfilis as Morpho Knight did, therefore he didn't pursue every hint of them he could find with the same amount of blind hate
Morpho attempted to destroy Elfilin for some time after the events of Forgotten Land, until Elfilin himself confronted Morpho with nothing but kindness and compassion after learning what Elfilis had done back during ancient times. This lead to Morpho Knight finally leaving this dark chapter of their past behind and they even gained a new friend! Elfilin still checks in on them sometimes. ~
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quanblovk · 2 years
"Galacta Knight...."
"Yes, Dark?"
"Who..... is that?"
In dreamland, there's this special cafe that has tables out in the open, where the grassy fields and clear sky made for a great view while the customers enjoyed their coffee at this wonderful café! Because of this, Galacta Knight really wanted to have his first date here if he ever had a special somebody. That special person soon showed themselves to be a handsome, dark knight in ragged armor who had a distinct smell. Just a few days ago, Dark Meta Knight had confessed his love very romantically, during a very romantic scene (totally!). It touched Galacta Knight's heart, which then ached the moment right after and sent him into a very violent seizure. But that's a whole different story for another time.
Don't worry, Galacta Knight's fine after LOTS of sleep and now he's well enough to take DMK on a date at his favorite café!
However, the two of them didn't expect an univited guest to join their table. A butterfly flew down from out of nowhere and landed on a nearby dreamlander. Instantly, the victim was engulfed in a bright light before disappearing into thin air. In place, an orange clad astral appeared and took the cup of tea the person earlier was drinking. It teleported right to the two lovebirds and took a seat in front them. The butterfly knight extrudes its proboscis, sinking it into the teacup. As it silently sipped the beverage, Its face remains unchanged with pupiless eyes that never blinked. This was incredibly unnerving for the dark knight. From those wings, he could deduce that this was, perhaps, the knight from Hades that Meta Knight encountered some time ago. The thought of a literal entity from hell coming up to the surface to drink tea at such a place was rather unbelievable, but here it is, and it seemed to be very familiar with Galacta Knight.
Dark scoots over to his date, hoping to gain more distance from the entity and some comfort from Galacta's fluffy wings. Fortunately, his wishes were granted as the warrior's angelic wing wrapped around him, pulling him much closer.
"Dark, meet Morpho Knight! Morpho, this is Dark!"
"Well yes but- I don't like using that name for him...hehe...."
He started to become extremely confused, why was Galacta Knight talking to himself? Was that thing talking to him? But it didn't make any noise....perhaps it was using some form of telepathy?
Galacta Knight noticed his date's confusion and hastily explained that this was, in fact, telepathy. Morpho could only do one-way communications. Using telepathy on multiple people was like trying to read many books at once, this would mentally strain them immensely. So that's why they were only talking to Galacta Knight.
"He's my old childhood best friend, we've been through so much together! Though, I'm surprised that he's here though......Hey, Morpho! What are you doing here?"
Morpho Knight's expression remains unchanged, they were as still as a statue, excluding the occasional fluttering of their wings. After a few seconds had passed, Dark leaned closer to him. Galacta Knight catches his hint and lowers his head for their whispering exchanges.
"What did he say?"
"Apparently he wants to be the the third wheel of our date..."
"w-what?!? We can't have that!"
His whispering became more aggresive, he didn't want this demon to third wheel his date with Galacta Knight at all! He already got bad vibes from this thing, how can he continue this date normally?!
"W-why not? Also why are we whispering?"
"First.....I'm sorry, Galacta Knight, but he really creeps me out....also second, I wouldn't want him to hear this, duh."
"Oh no its alright, I understand you!"
"You do?"
"Yeah, Morpho always gives off that kind of vibe towards everyone but me. Or so he tells me....also whispering is useless. He hears everything!"
"I-I see...he certainly has powerful hearing..."
Galacta Knight suddenly shuts his eyes and pulls away from Dark for a moment, before turning back to him. Worried that his date was suffering from a headache, Dark readhed towards Gala's face and rubs his temples. That seemed to help him feel better.
"He says that he REALLY wants to be involved in our date though....he always wanted to try third wheeling again. Believe it or not, this isn't the first time we've done this together! I went on multiple dates in the past and Morpho was always there as the third wheel."
"Hm. How did they work out?"
Dark lets out a snicker, who knew the greatest warrior in the galaxy had such terrible luck with dates? Wait....aren't THEY on a date RIGHT NOW? He quickly dismissed the thought of any curses or bad omens and returned to the matter at hand.
His focus remains locked on that thing in front of them. Even if he was Galacta Knight's old friend, he still wasn't sure if this being was trustworthy. Unlike Galacta Knight, he couldn't bring himself blindly trust anybody so casually. Just earlier, Galacta Knight seemed like he had a headache from Morpho's telepathy. Maybe he suffered from abit of shock after suddenly being mentally spoken too. The experience didn't seem too pleasant, as he observed.
"Well, tell Morpho Knight he could third wheel another time. Afterall, didn't your last dates end up terribly or something with him?"
"Hmmm. Yeah you're right! Morpho! You're bad luck!! Shoo!!!!"
The knight immediately exitted, walking off before returning to their butterfly form, dropping the person they just consumed down to the ground. It may have been Dark Meta Knight's imagination, but he could've sworn he heard Morpho Knight emit a small hissing sound.
"Poor Morpho.......he always seemed so ethusiastic about third wheeling!"
"Out of curiousity, what exactly did he do on your dates?"
"He gave me advice!"
"Yup, and I always followed. I trust him with all my heart! Though the dates always end up in failure though. I've been dumped 101 times, could you believe it?!"
"..........Galacta Knight."
"......But you're my idiot."
Before Galacta Knight could react, Dark lifted his mask and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. His heart skipped a beat, this rare display of affection from Dark made him feel so soft and...happy! Gala couldn't help but let out a small giggle.
Until a sudden, sharp feeling sank into his cheeks, throwing his guard off completely.
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desultory-novice · 2 years
did you watch the trailer of magolor mode from the direct? looks like it's a hiad type. he lost his powers after the end of rtdl and is in between dimensions.
I did! We were all right about Magolor mode!
(By the way, in case anyone is still concerned about what was in leak, what everyone just saw in  the Nintendo Direct was entirety of the contents of said leak. Of course, now that there's a demo, there's certain to be more leaks soon...)
And speaking of HiAD, you're right that it seems to behave similarly. But I also think I spotted a hint of that familiar HiAD yellow flooring toward the end too. I'm amused by the weird checkerboard look the dimensional tunnels in the background have as well.
(Speaking of checkers, I recently watched a playthrough of Kirby's Airride, the only Kirby game I had zero experience with and was really fascinated by Checker Knights. I mean, did they just hide an entire highly-advanced underwater ruined city in the background of a stage? When are we getting lore about that!)
Outside of hype, I really hope there's some kind of explanation about what they mean by Magolor's "powers" because it really bugged me that they kept using the phrase "regain his powers" "restore his powers" "get back his powers." It feels like a story conflict...?? Because we all know Magolor is the (2nd) most broken Kirby character ever. Way stronger than Kirby actually is.
The Star Allies guide drops some heavy hints that the reason he's so powerful in a Post-RtDL world is the after-effects of having used the Master Crown. So, are we helping him regain his Master Crown powers, immediately after having to stop him from...using those powers? Or are these his own powers we're restoring? If he was always that powerful...why did the plot of RtDL have to happen...?
(I have this same complaint about Marx and his "True Form." Why did he not just activate the fountains himself and let Kirby sleep through his conquest of Pop Star? I don't care for "They were just lazy/wanted someone else to do the work" as an excuse and I hope that's not the conclusion we're left with.)
Anyway, current mood: CONFLICTED
Also, I'm not sure if it was obvious before but now it's clear that the boss we saw Magolor fighting in the leaked screenshot is a reskinned Fatty Puffer. I'm assuming the rest of the bosses will be back in some form too. (Mr. Dooter fans, rejoice!)
If there's 20 stages, that's enough for 5 stages per Dream Land boss. I wonder if we'll see Hades-ified versions of Metal General and Landia or if they'll be left out of this? I wouldn't be surprised if after Hades Goriath, you just go straight to Morpho Knight or Betalor or whoever ends up being the last boss of this mode.
Other random thoughts...
-I'm terribly amused that Magolor's clothes rip...only after he's sent into Another Dimension? Like... they're not that way because he lost to Kirby, which is the obvious conclusion.
Oh boy, my HC-formulating brain is whispering to me, "Hey, Dess! What if... what if like, the Magolor we see in game is an illusion cast by magic, and he ALWAYS looked grey and dirty with worn robes under the spell? Beating him just broke the illusion. I mean, he is from (?) a hell planet. Why should he have nice, clean clothes??"
...Dang, that actually makes a kind of sense??
Lastly, why do I get the strange feeling that a novelization of Magolor Epiloque will be out before the end of the year? XD
(...A sympathetic depiction of Magolor from Takase-sensei, finally??)
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icedragonlizard · 10 months
'Lost Miracles That Finally Become' story begins
Okay so... this is the very first AU that I'm writing a fanfiction about.
Basically, what happens in this AU is that Morpho Knight unexpectedly shows up at Kirby's house to allow him to make two wishes of whatever he wants. He does this because he's been so proud of Kirby for all of his heroic efforts over the years that he believes he deserves to make two wishes, as he thinks he earned it.
What wishes does Kirby make?
I suppose the tags could be a hint as to what he makes wishes about.
This story will have multiple chapters! So far, we've only got chapter 1, I'm planning to try to get chapter 2 done later this week since I'm in the mood to be a little bit rapid in writing the story and getting it done. I want to try to get it done before the end of this year.
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🦋 (Butterfly) - Does your OC ‘fear the reaper’, so to speak? If they fused with Morpho Knight, what sort of form would they take on?
For Celestine, Uther, Icarus, and Morgan
Fair warning the answers are a little spoilers... (but still enough room for some mystery)
Uther: Yes, for Uther... he did not want his name and legacy to die... using his apprentices as an extension of himself.
This is why he was extremely upset with Arthur (the one he tried so hard to mold), who had gone off and abandoned his privileged station as his right hand (as his pawn). Disobeying him and choosing Meta Knight over him.
And he feared death even more when he got ahold of Celestine's prophecy (A series of events I plan to explain later). Which predicted the end of Uther & the Ancient's reign over the galaxy... A prophecy she tried so hard to make into a reality.
Celestine tried her best to stop Uther from peering into it (so he could not stop it) ... destroying it before he even got a chance to see all of it...
All he saw were a few vivid images and colors... but the only thing he could see was an astral with a pink-hued warrior... (wait a minute GALACTA'S PINK...)
Uther has always believed the one who'd destroy and usurp his throne was Galacta Knight... but in reality, it was Kirby... he got the wrong star warrior. (he realized it too late)
Before taking his life Morpho gave him a small glimpse of the future, which was the greatest punishment of all for him.
He saw the child that he had forsaken & despised (Meta Knight) become the future leader of the GSA. And Kirby succeeded in destroying the era he created... ushering in the era of peace.
And the one whose legacy that was remembered and beloved by all was not his... but Arthur's. :3
Icarus: He feared death while astrals have a long life the concept of death always freighted him... he hoped to remove his "organic shell of a body" and create an immoral body... which he played around with creating life so much... got him in trouble with big time.
Once he triggered the creation of Kirby from Void... Morpho immediately came for his life. And made sure he felt the weight of his crimes... coming for his wings and burning them slowly & painfully.
Morpho despised Icraus' lack of respect for organic life and destroyed his soul... crushing it to never be reincarnated. (He did this with Uther's soul as well.)
He'd flown too close to the sun...
Morgan: She doesn't fear death... she's actually looking to dethrone Morpho... Respectless... (that's all I can say without spoilers)
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And my (HC) voice for her Velvet from Hazbin Hotel.
Morpho doesn't know whether or not to sympathize, despise, fear her, or be impressed by her... the actions she's doing are practically punishing herself.
She's sunken so deep that... he can't even call her soul a soul anymore... and no longer has any jurisdiction to collect... she's practically a walking corpse.
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I can't spoil anything but Morpho has great respect for Celestine... she is one of the few lucky souls he can say had outwitted him... and will go as far as to say congratulations to her without any hint of resentment.
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