#which is a bit of a hint
gethoce · 3 months
Seeing your Morpho ask blog brings me joy in this time and I wanted to say oh so much many thanks for it you have no idea how much it makes me smile when I really need it the most I hope you have a good day or at least this makes it better for you if you aren't doing the best
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Glad to hear that the Morps can be a beacon of light during these dark times. The blog has been bringing me a lot of joy as well so far and I hope to continue working on it for a while. I'm very grateful for all the cool asks and pleasant interactions so far, including this. <3
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clouvu · 28 days
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yknow what. *undooms your yuri again*
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tohot4u · 4 months
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Macaque doodles
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litt1e-prince · 1 year
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"Who's your friend, MK?"
INSPIRED BY THE FIC: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46162438/chapters/116212117
Which, if you 'haven't read yet- why not?? go read it now!! It's literally so good, its so good- had me crying- LIKE. I WANNA FIGHT WUKONG FROM THIS FIC SOOOO BAD but at the same time,,, i wanna hug him and bring him nice things and make sure he's safe and happy! The author writes so amazingly and aaaah! the pain!!!!
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magnetic-rose · 2 years
there’s a lot of discourse about jen’s speech to bruce about rage and like... her being right about needing to regulate her anger as a woman AND the mcu’s continuous issue of ignoring bruce’s mental illness & childhood abuse being very frustrating can be two ideas that co-exist. because there was nothing wrong about jen’s speech about controlling her anger and dudebros getting bent out of shape over it is literally proving her point lol.
at the same time, bruce isn’t just some privileged dude who can’t control his emotions. his condition comes from years of childhood abuse and undiagnosed DID. it has been really frustrating being a bruce banner fan in the mcu because he’s become such a joke of a character. this is a character whose first appearance had him admitting to committing suicide. and then after 2012 avengers he was just never taken seriously again.
idk, man. bruce is a mentally ill ca survivor. his stories in the comics always emphasis that aspect: that he’s a survivor and perseveres and continues to try to better himself. every time he shows up in the mcu i’m worried if he’s just there to be a meme and not taken seriously.
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THIS is the banner i want to see. not hipster, silly, funny banner who just exists to make stupid jokes and then get nerfed when it’s convenient for the writers. bruce is a badass and a tragic character. let him be badass and tragic smdh.
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popponn · 6 months
a seat beside you. [isagi yoichi x reader]
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notes: reader's gender unspecified, however mentioned to wear make up to cover up eyebags.
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Isagi Yoichi doesn't really pay attention to many things that are not soccer. But, it was hard not to notice things about his seatmate. The one who was seated a few centimeters away from him every day—
You, the star student everyone relies on.
He knew that this was a way for his teachers to scold him to pay more attention to the class. Because if not so, then there was no reason to purposely put him—a student who is mediocre at most and forgetting assignments at worst—next to a perfect record of equally perfect scores like you. But, it wasn't as if it was a bad thing.
You helped Yoichi a lot by pointing at his textbook to where the teacher was explaining whenever he blanked out, explaining some parts on breaks when he asked, and even at some point you started to teasingly remind him about the homework through text.
All in all, you were very pleasant to have.
But, it truly was hard to not notice some things about you too as time went on.
Sometimes, your shoulder sagged and you had a faraway look on your face. At other times, your laugh comes out just a bit too stilted than usual. And just recently, the eyebags you hid under a tiddly applied makeup started to show up even more often.
At some point, to him, it became so easy to tell whenever you push yourself too much.
Yoichi was not quite sure he was close enough to ask you about things like this. He is just some classmate who happened to have his seat beside you and your number saved in his phone. He was also definitely not the best at reaching out to people effortlessly without any hint of awkwardness. Yoichi's anxious heart urged him to just stay silent—and it would not be wrong. He was simply not crossing the line of 'classmates' between the two of you.
But, it also felt wrong to do that.
You are a kind person. Yoichi didn't know many things about you, but you are indeed someone who helped him even when you didn't have to. You are also the only one who cared enough to ask him about his practice and how he was doing in class—it felt wrong to just ignore everything and watch you keep up the act in silence for whatever reason you might had.
That was why, during that Friday, Yoichi braved himself to ask you, his tone shushed, even as the class started to grow emptier.
"Hey, listen, you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but... are you okay? You look tired recently, so..."
And when he got a tired smile and a nervous laugh from you, let out through sagged shoulders and a long sigh with a hint of relief mixed in it, Yoichi felt so glad he chose to.
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notes: isagi is an observant person, and there are some people who keep up the "mask" more than anyone else. but don't you think when you are in close proximity with someone every day, you can't really help but notice things about them? isagi is very soccer-headed, but he is kind and not an ungrateful person i think. this thing is a bit more mellow than my usual ones since the main feeling here is "ah, someone who keeps up a mask a lot of time contrasts isagi a lot. but if you think about it, isn't someone like isagi a good match for someone like that too in some degree?". also at the time when i wrote this, my feelings were a bit heavy, but in the end, i still enjoy writing even under such a feeling. I hope to come back to this idea again one day. in the tone of 'developing romance' and such, especially with isagi who seems to understand how it was to accommodate other people. i will think more about this premise again someday, it seems fun to explore more. all in all, think of it as another "more of a prologue meet cute" thing.
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silverstark · 5 months
Beautiful moment of foreshadowing in SVSSS, after Luo Binghe learns that Shen Qingqiu praised him:
"Luo Binghe felt like a steady strength had taken root somewhere in the depths of his heart and was starting to bud. Even his hand, carrying the heavy wooden bucket, seemed to become stronger. At this time, not only did Luo Binghe not feel like other people were making things difficult for him, his expression became joyful and satisfied."
It's not suffering and trauma and Xin Mo that makes Luo Binghe stronger. What makes him stronger is feeling loved.
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youngpettyqueen · 1 month
pspspsps come closer dear followers. closer. im feeling very generous tonight. enjoy this excerpt from my current WIP-
“I sympathize with your nurse, you know” Garak is saying, his tone oh-so-serious and sincere, “Of course, I can’t say I’ve been bitten by a Klingon, but I’ve certainly been bitten.” He reminds him. “By a child,” Julian counters, “And if memory serves, which you know mine does, you were very dramatic about the whole affair- you would’ve thought you were dying with all the whining you were doing.” He recalls. “It hurt!” Garak exclaims, indignant. Julian chuckles. “I’ve been bitten before, Garak,” He tells him, “By much stronger jaws than those of a Cardassian child. I would’ve thought a former operative of the Obsidian Order would have thicker skin than that.” He teases. “Ah, but you forget, my dear Doctor,” Garak also adopts the teasing tone, Julian can hear the smirk he has on his face, “I had that infernal device implanted so that pain was a non-issue.” He says smugly, like he’s just won an argument. Julian rolls his eyes, and he hopes it comes through in his tone. “Believe me, I couldn’t possibly forget that,” He replies. Then a thought strikes him, and his brow furrows, “Hold on,” He says, “Didn’t you still have that implant when that child bit you?” He asks. Garak’s bravado has never deflated so fast. “Ah, well-“  “You shouldn’t have felt the pain at all!” Julian accuses, sitting up a bit on Garak’s back, “You faked that reaction, didn’t you?” Garak’s tail lashes. Julian swears he sees a blue blush rising on his cheeks. “I had to be convincing.” He huffs. Julian is absolutely not letting him off the hook. “You acted like you’d had your hand bitten clean off, you melodramatic serpent!”  “Were you not injured, Doctor, I would drop you.” Garak grumbles moodily, and Julian only laughs at him for sulking.
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WOE! object show doodles be upon ye!
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idk some doodles and some ss redraws of object shows i enjoy
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shadowslocked · 26 days
The thing that fascinates me about Caines adventure in Candy Kingdom is that there is a layer of complexity to it
Like, it could have been “retrieve the syrup truck from the bandits” and left at that, but instead the situation is made more complex by motives and an additional character
The gators aren’t just stealing the syrup because they want to, Gumigoo is specifically doing it to save his sickly mother. He also refers to his home as a ‘village’, meaning it likely is not nearly as large or prosperous as the Kingdom. This introduces a class conflict between the two sides, with the lower class resulting to stealing from the higher class in order to try to help those in their village
Added on, the Queen doesn’t fret about the syrup being taken for any noble reason. She wants it back simply because it belongs to her, making you more inclined to side with the Bandits/Gumigoo
Then you have the Fudge, a chaotic element in the story that the cast likely can only meet by being knocked off the road. Its goal is simple in wanting to eat candy people, having no moral dilemmas about committing murder to satisfy its hunger.
While most of the cast would be inclined not to entertain helping the Fudge, Jax is all for the possible chaos and destruction it could unleash.
I’m not sure if it’s due to Caine or him giving the NPC-AI a boost, but the story essentially introduces three to four routes you can take
1) Help the Queen, 2) Help the Gators, 3) Figure out a way to help both, 4) Join the Fudge
And even just making this list, I’m realizing there’s actually a lot of other ways this adventure could theoretically go. Such as letting the gators take the truck but then helping the Fudge destroy the Kingdom. The adventure doesn’t strictly have one outcome, it’s influenced by the players actions to surprising degree
A lot of the elements of the adventure seem to fit with another Cast members desire. The Fudge and chasing down the bandits is for Jax who craves action and violence, the Kingdom appeals to Ragatha and Gangle. While it’s not something that they encountered, it’s very likely they would have been affected by Gumigoos story abou lt wanting to save his mother. Kinger is more neutral and seems to be along for the ride. Caine tried to appeal to Zooble by emphasizing the improved AI, likely meaning they feel more realistic than previous versions.
It makes me curious if some future adventures will have the same level of complexity to them. Naturally, probably, because it also makes the show more interesting. But given its nature, it could also get away with a more simple idea like the first episode if it played its cards right
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saphushia · 1 year
oh my god i get to tell you this i'm so happy. this is going to get long because i just. adore how fucking cringefail deuce is at the start of the novel. the manga is great but it's so important to me how badly this man can fuck up within 10 minutes of meeting a stranger. his ass does NOT know how to keep his foot out of his mouth
going behind a read more bc long and spoiler filled (specifically heavy spoilers (essentially an abridged play-by-play of the first chapter) for Ace's Story book 1 and a little bit of the first chapter of the Episode A manga adaption)
if you don't want spoilers but are curious uhhhh basically deuce got a lil hangry ^-^ thats all ^-^
so, in the manga adaption, deuce pretty immediately warms up to ace, yeah?
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yeah. deuce is pretty fuckin easy in the manga. meanwhile, in the novel, when ace immediately asks for help...
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(if it's unclear, all first person is referring to deuce, the book is written from his POV)
in fact, deuce manages to fail basically every speech check in the first conversation they have together. i'm not kidding look at how fucking bad he is at this.
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my man falls ass first into a rant to a guy he just met and manages to find himself saying 'wow why don't you go cry to your mom and leave me alone to be depressed' to a man who's mom literally died in childbirth. less than 5 minutes after meeting the guy. and the best part? HE KEEPS GOING.
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he's gotta stop there, right? surely? surely even a man who's been stranded on an island alone for 3 days can tell when he's got his foot so wedged in his mouth he's practically deepthroating it? NOPE!
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at this point, you'd think there's literally nothing worse that he can say. you would be so, so wrong.
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MY MAN. MY GUY. i want to hammer in the fact that deuce managed to fuck up a conversation this badly with a man he's literally never met within like, 15 minutes at most. deuce then proceeds to recover from this utter failure at conversation by just. walking away into the woods and proceeding to continue slowly starving to death for several days whilst avoiding ace. he also eats ants on at least one occasion. this isn't really relevant to the hitting ace with a stick thing but it's important to me that you know that. he also despite all of this has this gayass moment
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again, not relevant, but important to me that you know he saw ace failing to sail on the worst raft you've ever seen and still called him 'dashing'. now, at this point, deuce has been without food and with only minimal water for days- probably close to a week, though it's a bit ambiguous. and my guy, brilliantly, thinks to himself 'well. ace doesn't look like he's starving to death. what if he has food?' and sneaks behind ace, following him until he sees ace with a huge fruit (the mera mera no mi).
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all of this... deuce sneaking up on ace planning to fight him for the fruit, kill him if he needs to, because he's the son of roger... and you know what ace fucking does??? you wanna know what this giant depressed puppy of a man fucking says to a guy who was abt to bash his brains out??
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"nice stick!" and deuce just fucking. starts sobbing on the spot out of guilt while they argue both trying to get the other to eat the fruit. they are. so stupid and i love them so much.
so yeah. deuce's first ever interaction with ace is loudly announcing that he'd want to kill himself if he was the son of roger, and his SECOND interaction is him attempting to kill ace with a stick because he's hangry. i love him so much he's so fucking shit.
tldr you're not you when you're hungry and also you should all read the ace novels. because of this and also because ace and deuce get cockblocked on a gay ferris wheel ride by a marine just deciding to jump in the gondola with them and sit there menacingly until ace breaks the door and just jumps out to escape her monologuing abt her traumatic backstory
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sherlock-is-ace · 1 month
watched the first ep of Dead Boy Detectives today, did anyone also think the dialogue was a bit clunky?
I don't mean it was unwatchable or anything i just feel like it didn't feel realistic the way they introduced the characters and world... It felt like the dialogue was for the viewer instead of an in character thing. We were gonna be introduced to a viewer surrogate within the first few minutes, there was no need to have the characters who already know how the show's world works spell it out for nobody... and then explain it again when Crystal showed up? idk it felt like something I would write (not a complient) 😅
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wavebiders · 5 months
Been trying to figure out what age Shadowheart was supposed to be in the wolf flashbacks, and turns out Viconia really did just kidnap a whole 8 year old huh?
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honeyjars-sims · 4 months
2.18 The L Word
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Johnny: I can’t believe it’s our last night here.
Lexie: I know, it went so fast! I hope my attitude didn’t ruin the trip for you.
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Johnny: Well, you did start behaving yourself so I guess I can forgive you, just this once.
Lexie: I’m serious! I feel really bad about it.
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Johnny: I know you do, and we talked it out. It’s fine, really. How are you, though? Are you still feeling upset?
Lexie: Not really. I just had to work through it. 
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Johnny: Ok. [pauses] Are you sure you were just feeling bad about Cece not coming? I’m just a little worried that there’s more to it that you’re not telling me.
Lexie: I don’t know, Johnny. Maybe there is more to it than that, but I can’t quite figure it out yet. I promise if I knew, I would tell you.
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Johnny: It’s really not me?
Lexie: No, you haven’t done anything wrong. Look, don’t worry about me, ok? I think everyone feels a little lost in college. I’ll get over it soon and everything will be back to normal. I promise.
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Johnny: Good, because I’m really happy with you, and I want you to be happy, too. I love you, and–oh, I didn’t mean to say that out loud! Uh, you don’t have to say it back if you’re not ready. I know you don’t want to move too fast, and–
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Lexie: No, it’s ok. I…love you, too.
Johnny: Really? 
Lexie: Yeah, I do.
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anguishmacgyver · 1 year
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tuck your innocence goodnight, (you sold your friends like guns for hire)
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floralstorms · 1 year
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