#not sure if this warrents a @
theokusgallery · 10 months
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He's just being nice really
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rosiegardenlove · 5 months
Shade don't touch the butterfly shade run NOOOO
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[It seems you have discovered a fixation of his.]
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0-sunstranger-0 · 1 year
I swear there is nothing more insane to me than watching the n*tflix adaptation of Archive81 after listening to the original podcast and then seeing people not hating the show, it gives me such intense whiplash
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br1ghtestlight · 8 months
i have been in another (much bigger) fandom that did like fandom events where artists and writers would sign up and then either artists would draw something and writers would write a fanfic based on their drawing or vice versa and it was actually really fun. if the bob's burgers fandom was sliiiightly bigger it might work but im not sure if there would be enough writers and/or artists?? or maybe people could sign up for multiple roles or work on multiple projects at once (which would of course take longer but this was a multi-month long thing)
anyway the idea of doing partnerships for a bob's burgers fandom week or event isn't necessarily a bad thing.......
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coldmori · 1 year
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it's just a pile of hands it doesn't look like anyone don't think about it ^_^
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kickedin17 · 4 months
This feels obvious but maybe it's not so. The silence in Paladin Strait is. The strait. That's the crossing. He can't sing because he's schwimming. Right
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rachelblairy · 5 days
i try really hard to be as optimistic as i can be, all things considered. i know i have a fairly decent life. but i would like things to stop. fucking. happening.
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cecedownbad · 3 months
I played RE7 while I was away for the first time, tell me why Chris did not look anything like Chris.
This: And this:
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Are not the same person.
What happened to him in RE7 that he looked like a random GTA npc? Dude looks like he'd stop you for some fries.
Did Claire slap him to shape or something? I'm just—why does Biohazard Chris look like a biohazard?
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abblegum · 9 months
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i have no explanation im sorry
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mintydogg · 5 months
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I find myself here once again
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snazum · 1 year
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He’s presenting his heart to you, go ahead and take it
this was the original concept of what i posted last night lol, decided not to redraw it cause i’m lazy
AHH!! I always forget to add this on: I do commissions!! Feel free to use my Ko-Fi or DM me ^v^ All the infos on Ko-Fi or my pinned post :D
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negativepeanuthoarder · 10 months
It's kind of funny because it just confirms that everyone is aware that he was a good looking guy. If Dream was actually "ugly" people would definitely have rallied behind him for being bullied. Same if he was fat or disfigured in some way because obviously people who claim to have morals recognise in those situations that kind of behaviour is cruel and inappropriate, but since Dream was none of those things it's just a joke.
Dream lives in this weird limbo where everyone is apparently always punching up when it comes to him therefore it's fair game.
I'm going to be honest anon even if he wasn't handsome I doubt people would've rallied behind him anyways. The internet fundamentally refuses to see Dream as a human being with feelings and therefore they would've likely justified bullying with "oh it's DREAM he just deserves it! just for being Dream!"
Like the recent situation. Dream had slurs screamed at him and was physically assaulted but we need to support the other guy (even though he's racist) because It's Dream and We Hate Dream and any abuse Dream suffers is fine because this is Dream and he deserves it for whatever fucking reason.
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bugsinthebayou · 2 years
having red signal memorized is great because i can just start singing it as soon as someone tells me to. in the vc today wali told me to sing it and i did so without question and i summoned yogsothoth into reality ^_^ good times
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silhouettecrow · 1 year
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 262
Adjective: Heavy
Noun: Echo
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Heavy: of great weight, or difficult to lift or move; used in questions about weight; (of a class of thing) above the average weight, or large of its kind; weighed down, or full of something; (of a person's head or eyes) feeling weighed down by weariness; of great density, or thick or substantial; not delicate or graceful, or coarse; (of food or a meal) hard to digest, or too filling; (of ground or soil) hard to travel over or work with because muddy or full of clay; (of a smell) very strong, or overpowering; (of the sky) full of dark clouds, or oppressive; (physics) of or containing atoms of an isotope of greater than the usual mass; of more than the usual size, amount, or force; using a lot of; doing something to excess; striking or falling with force; (of music, especially rock) having a strong bass component and a forceful rhythm; needing much physical effort; moving slowly or with difficulty; very important or serious; (of a literary work) hard to read or understand because overly serious or difficult; mentally oppressive, or hard to endure; feeling or expressing sadness; (informal) (of a situation) serious and hard to deal with; (informal) (of a person) strict or harsh
Echo: a sound or series of sounds caused by the reflection of sound waves from a surface back to the listener; a close parallel or repetition of an idea, feeling, style, or event
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thydungeongal · 27 days
You know there's sometimes I see your posts outta context and I'm like "well of course! Everyone knows that! Idk if it needed a whole post" and then it comes back on my dash a day later with at least 3 essays of people who did not read the original post and believe things about TTRPGs that are just wrong and I have to go "hmm you know maybe people didn't know that, guess the post was warrented"
This is unironically where gleeblor came from. A lot of the things I say about RPGs are self-evident to me but then occasionally I'll see some take floating around that makes me think "Oh! It's literally like I am speaking about some strange alien concepts to some people!"
Like, when I first started posting about Encounters and how the modern D&D model of pre-planned Encounters balanced in favor of the player characters isn't the only way to handle conflict in RPGs people reacted to it with varying degrees of incredulity. Even the idea that neotrad games' model of handling conflict and planning content isn't universal met with reactions like "well surely that can't be the case."
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abyssal-ilk · 2 days
it doesnt feel like a coincidence that the two characters whom the writers dislike the most / expect you to dislike the most are the black woman and the lesbian
oh it's absolutely not. it can't be. the way the game essentially sets you up to being extremely suspicious of vivienne for quite literally zero reason (she does nothing wrong! nothing to warrent that treatment, even with low approval!) and allows you to fuck her over for seemingly no damn reason + the way so many of the dialogue options are so weirdly antagonistic with sera when she imo so easy to get along with and understand is. hm. well. i'm sure it doesn't mean anything at all (sarcastic)
and the entire damn thing becomes glaringly obvious when you don't view either of those characters negatively. vivienne is my favorite dragon age character overall and sera is SUCH an interesting, complex character. their treatment in dai in comparison to the other companions genuinely infuriates me to no fucking end.
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