#moshed too hard gotta respect that
spocksmalewife · 3 months
Pic dump
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So I ended up getting an underbust corset (not this one) but I fucking LEFT IT in the rideshare car on the way back like a dumbass. I was able to get in contact with the guy and I'm grateful he's willing to meet again but it's like pulling teeth to try to get a straight answer out of him AAAAAA anyway wish me luck on getting it back 🤞
Also got a shaggy black and white animal hood there (I'll post it later) and a guy on the street fist bumped me and was like "not gonna lie I really fuck with the drip" bless 🙏
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Also every time I visit that city I need my fix of Paint Ice Cream (matcha icecream that tastes and feels like eating gesso, it's such a unique textural experience I love it and there's only one place that makes it)
UPDATE got the corset back GB 🙏🙏🙏
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It looks really good with my hoodie, I'll get a good fit pic tomorrow + the animal hood. Finally can zhuzh up my T's 😜 (also one step closer to going full cybergoth, I picked up some hair extensions at the drag show cuz they had a clothing swap)
And the third and final thing I got was this sick necklace, I love the glass:
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Oh! And almost forgot! Picked up a copy of welt at a used cd store. Have yet to listen to it, I only know cracker so far
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0 notes
bigupsdog · 2 months
Intro dialog for every Guilty Gear character day 2: Elphelt
Sol: A Rockstar now eh, ya like Queen?
El: Whoa, that's super retro, you really know your stuff, wait how old are you again?
Ky: Just so you know, no one back at Illyria castle saw you as any kind of burden.
El: I know, but I needed leave, I have to spread my voice.
May: Hay Elphelt, how are your sisters?
El: They're doing great, how are yours, it's alright if this takes a while.
Axl: You ever lose a person ya love?
El: Kind of, he was also a metal singer, but i'm still not really sure if I loved him or if I was told to love him.
Chipp: A rock star? Well I'm a ninja star.
El: The two of us will shine so bright we'll ignite the sky.
Potemkin: I always wanted to learn music, but I would break any instrument I'd get my hands on.
El: Oh no buddy, I'm sure we can make an instrument tough enough to handle your metal.
Faust: Diagnosis… butterflies… in… stomach.
El: Gross, get them out!
Milia: Not all love stories end in happily ever after I'm afraid.
El: Don't worry Millia you'll find the perfect someone someday.
Zato: Love? Is that what I feel when I'm around, her?
El: By her, do you mean, me!?!
Ram: Speothos Venaticus, hmm maybe we should get you a dog of your own.
El: Yes! Yes! Yes! Then your dog and my dog could be boyfriend and girlfriends, eek!
Leo: The castle has definitely been a lot less noisy since you left.
El: You can't scream your heart out in a place like that without someone else screaming at you to quiet down.
Nago: If you hand me that marriage certificate one more time I'll cut it to shreds.
El: Luckily I have hundreds more, so stop playing hard to get.
Gio: Speothos Venaticus? Met a couple of those where I'm from.
El: YOU DID! Tell me all about them and how they're the cutest, best thing in the world!
Anji: I wouldn't exactly say your music is good to dance too.
El: Oh you have to do a specific kind of dance, I think it's called the mosh.
I-No: Music, I prefer to call whatever you're doing, shit.
El: Well you're not very radio friendly.
Goldlewis: Never been much of a fan of metal, ya like county?
El: Nope :) But that's ok we all can like the music we like.
Jack-O: Just took Soooool on a really sappy daaaate.
El: Well don't hold out on me, let me hear all the juicy details.
HC: I've never heard anything like your music before, gotta say I'm a fan.
El: REALLY! If you sign here you can join my fanclub, it currently only has 4 members so seats are open!
Baiken: You're too loud I can barely hear myself think.
El: Oh sorry I'll try to play my new song “The Demons Deadly Wedding from Hell” a little quieter.
Testament: You were almost pupited to kill those you love… I'm happy you managed to avoid that fate.
El: Kliff… I know he loved you more than anything, even after you became a gear.
Bridget: I've heard about a secret energy called “Girl Power” can you teach me how to harness it?
El: My first decipl! I'll teach you everything I know!
Sin: So you decided to leave the castle and march to the beat of your own drum, I can respect that.
El: I'm marching alright and nothing's gonna slow me down, unless I trip.
Delilah: Would you mind quieting down? I'm trying to sleep.
El: I could sing you a death metal lullaby if you want.
Asuka R#: Just to warn you I am an artificial lifeform, but I am nothing like the Universal Will.
El: Just don't force people to do stuff they don't want to do and I guess you're fine.
Asuka R Kreutz: Any advice on being more entertaining for my podcast.
El: It's your lucky day cause you're talking to a girl who's listener count has doubled to 18, we'll get you your fans in no time.
Johnny: Love songs eh, ya got one for me?
El: Of course, and soon I'll have a song for every person on this planet.
ABA: Maybe one day you'll have half my charm and you can get a man half as good as Paracelsus.
El: Ahh thanks ABA, that's really sweet :)
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cali-is-my-canvas · 3 years
Part 1
Ok so I had started artworks for this idea because being a weeb and a raver, it only made sense to me.
So here’s a list of the MHA characters (all 18+) and what I think they’d be like as ravers including the genre, style and uh….. “party favors” they’d indulge in if they do indulge.
Izuku Midoriya
You can’t convince me that Deku isn’t a baby raver. He’s one of those that starts off wide eyed and so excited to start raving.
Definitely a budding Kandi Kid. He loves making kandi and trading with other people and he definitely takes videos or pics of his trades to add to his scrapbook.
Is the kind of baby raver that scrapbooks for his memories of each show/festival he goes to. He saves the admission bands and takes tons of pics.
Is fairly mainstream with his taste is DJs but will go to check out other sub genres if he goes with other groups. Mostly along the lines of Zedd, The Chainsmokers, David Guetta. Very house/pop vibes.
He’s very comfy style. Is big on merch shirts. Has a Fanny pack and a camel pack with essentials like gum, water, hair ties, a mini first aid kit, power banks, a couple fans and Vick’s.
Is the kind of guy that is very sweet so girls flock to him to either treat him like baby or flirt with him cuz he’s good boi. Will lift people on his shoulders, guy or girl.
Light show caretaker. He’s the one who holds your hand, fans you, will probably sit you in his lap whether you’re a guy gal or non binary pal.
His rave name is either Deku or Broccoli.
Izuku isn’t one to take any kind of “party favors”. If anything, he’s the one making sure everybody else is staying hydrated and safe. Usually the designated driver.
OFA gives him great strength which proves very useful when going to 3 day festivals as he ends up as the pack mule. Along with the multitude of other quirks attached ro OFA, he uses them as needed.
Shoto Todoroki
Wasn’t really ecstatic about raving but also didn’t hate the idea. He kinda just tagged along because Izuku wanted to go.
Also very big on house/pop/mainstream stuff. Will listen to trance on occasion but he has to really be in the mood.
Only really takes pics if he remembers or if Izuku tells him to. He likes to enjoy the shows in the moment.
Because he’s from a rich family, he usually gets to have VIP passes and will either sneak his friends in or just flat out walk them in. No fucks given.
Also very comfy. Will take his shirt off only if it gets too hot. Very little kandi but faithfully wears the one Izuku gave him.
Gets hit on a lot. Gives the strong silent type vibes so he lures in the girls but he’s kinda clueless. Will help put people on his shoulders if they ask but he’s not one to offer.
Not a big “party favor” person so he’ll just drink every now and again.
I feel like his rave name will be IcyHot, Peppermint, or something along those lines.
His dual-quirks of ice and fire help tremendously in warming people up or cooling them down.
Katsuki Bakugou
Katsuki took a bit of convincing but when he heard the boom of the bass, he was hooked. He loves the heavy beats and drops and loves to mosh pit.
Is a kandi kid but focuses more on head banging and rail breaking. The ones he trades kandi with are usually the ones he liked head banging with or got good vibes from. Will infamously wear his kandi gauntlets to festivals.
He is HEAVY on the bass. Very into hard style, dubstep, deathstep, drum and bass and moombatah. Sullivan King, Excision, Dion Timmer, etc.
Loves doing that headbanger thing with Kirishima where they lock hands and headbang at each other. Will also break his neck with Kirishima.
Absolutely is the type of guy to be shirtless the entire time. Will vary between bandanas, face masks, kandi masks or gas masks. Camel pack is a necessity and so is gum and vicks.
Does get hit on but his aggressive nature is off putting to most. Takes pics with a lot of people because of his Kandi gauntlets. If he does click with somebody he’s very possessive and the “party favors” make him very flirtatious and grabby but he’s v respectful.
Gives amazing back/shoulder rubs. Will usually put a girl in his lap when she gets a light show so she’s not uncomfy on the floor. For guys, he’s very selective but good vibes unless you give off Chad energy.
If he didn’t click with anybody at the show/festival and is feeling touchy feely, Kiri is his go to. Even if Kiri makes a connection, you’ll often see Katsuki close by and being the “tag team top” to Kiri.
Definitely uses “party favors”. Prefers E and acid. Big on Kandi Flipping. Will try Jedi Flipping but doesn’t wanna overdo it.
His rave name is either Dynamite or Grenade. Was almost gonna be Kacchan when he went with Izuku but he shut that down real fast.
His explosion quirk comes in handy with hyping up the crowd with mini explosion. They also double for giving light shows. Likes watching faces melt.
Kyoka Jirou
I definitely think she’s one of the ones that introduced everyone to raving to open up their music taste.
She listens to a little of everything but prefers house, trance, techno and probably a little psy-trance.
She’s definitely a budding DJ/Producer. Has her own EPs out on SoundCloud and shit. Definitely invites everyone she knows to her shows.
Not so big on kandi but she loves spreading the PLUR vibes. Will give hugs, braid hair, have spare hair ties, etc.
Super into hearing different types of music so will definitely wander around different stages.
Style is very lax but also very rocker. Ripped tank tops, fishnets, leg wraps face masks, boots.
Sometimes partakes in “party favors” but very low doses. Mostly E or molly water
She’s the kind that will give amazing massages when someone is getting a light show. Does get hit on but usually ends up befriending everybody.
Her raver name is tricky. I feel like she’d get something Joane Jet or something very rocker.
Her quirk is tricky for this environment. It can be a hit or miss. Because of the volume she obviously can’t amplify the sound. Because her ear jacks can move on their own, she usually is the one catching people’s stuff, getting a better grip on them etc.
Ochako Uraraka
Very bubbly and upbeat. Definitely pop-ish/mainstream vibes. Will randomly be on a bass kick and it’s frightening.
She was super excited to go to a rave and was very baby raver but she loves it now.
She’s definitely the type to wear the cutesy outfits with tutus and bright colors and patterns and the body glitter everywhere and jewels. Probably leg warmer floofs.
Loves Kandi and trading kandi. Super friendly and bubbly. Makes friends with everybody.
Carries a fanny pack with the basics. Usually relies on Izuku for water and stuffs.
She’s a molly water chick. No debating. She can’t take a whole dosage. She’s gotta take it in Gatorade or water. Has to be watched cuz her bubbly nature makes her wander off so she’ll usually be tethered to somebody.
Usually hyping up the light show artist while they melt your face off. Will fan you off, hold your hand, give you shoulder and scalp massages.
I feel like her nickname would be something like Pinkie Pie or Bubbles. Very fitting for her personality.
Her quirk is definitely a god send for the other vertically challenged ravers. She’ll use her quirk to help float up to get a better view. Izuku is usually nearby keeping Ochaco and whoever she floats in his hands so they don’t float away.
Eijirou Kirishima
Is good boi himbo who wanted to be included. Listened to dubstep and loved it.
Very much into dubstep, hard style, deathstep and moombatah. Drum and bass too because of Katsuki.
Is a headbanger and rail breaker. Loves doing the hand holding, head banging thingy with Bakugou and is always ready to dive into the moshpits. Is totally that guy that’s crazy in mosh pits but then profusely apologizes after.
Trades kandi like it’s water. He’s so cute and always down to make trades.
Is absolutely big good himbo boi who drank his respecc womens juice. He will happily give them a lift on his shoulders and will fight everybody who disrespects any girl at the raves. Douchebag Chads beware.
Relies on Katsuki for stuff like water and gum and shit.
Will partake in some “party favors” and makes sure he doesn’t dose too high so he can keep an eye out for the females in his group. E, Molly and Acid are a yes. Shrooms scare him
His rave name is totally Daddy Shark or Jaws or something shark related.
Unbreakable gives Kiri great strength which, much like Izuku, makes him one of the packmules for festivals. Also keeps him unscathed by moshpits and makes him a terror to Chads that are quick to throw hands.
Tsuyu Asui
Was invited to a show by Jirou at first but always tags along with Izuku and Ochaco and Shoto. The bigger the crowd the better.
I feel like while she’s very cute and bubbly, her outfits are more on the conservative side. Still cute and slightly sexy but she’s heavy on the frog aesthetic. Lots of greens and Froggies. Braid to keep her hair out of the way.
Also very mainstream. House heavy. Pop main.
Comfy shoes are a must. Has a camel back that is always filled with water. Carries a giant fan and always has Kandi. During the day, she likes to carry an umbrella so the sun isn’t such a pain.
Has tried “party favors” and every now and again she’ll partake. Prefers super light drinking around her group tho.
Is hit on but is always very nice to turn people down. She’s more focused on the fun and her friends rather than hooking up or anything.
Her froggy quirk isn’t of too much in the rave environment other than using that long tongue to reign in her wander friends.
Denki Kaminari
Was introduced to raving by Jirou and loves it. He’s definitely her hype machine, promoting her shows, pushing merch and even volunteering to use his quirk for lighting during her sets.
Will definitely join the Bakusquad at the hard style and dubstep stages. Also loves techno and moombatah. Loves the high energy stuff.
Neons and glow in the darks are big in his rave wardrobe. Can and will rock fishnets with pride. Tank tops are more common but will go shirtless if it gets too hot or he gets too touchy feely. Kind of a cyberpunk feel sometimes.
Is a die hard kandi kid. Usually has them in the theme of video games or anime. Basically his arms are covered in kandi but the ones from his friends stay safe in a Fanny pack.
As an avid raver, he knows what you need and has it when you need it. Chapstick? Check. Gum? Tons. Lighters? Honey it’s a sin that you’re even asking.
Absolutely partakes in “party favors” and gets very handsy and flirtatious. Is respectful but can be a handful. Usually ends up being babysat by Jirou. E, Molly, acid and shrooms.
Is a huge flirt. I personally feel like he’s Pan so the whole crowd is fair game for his flirting. Hella good kisser with guys girls and non binaries. Uses his quirk for minimal stimulation.
His quirk is definitely a raver’s delight. He’s usually the one helping power people’s phones, helping keep machines running in the off chance the power surge is too much. Uses it for stimulation during make out sessions or light shows. Will also give light shows. Can’t do it for too long though because the light shows require a lot of focus on maintaining the output to smaller levels.
His rave name is Pikachu and I’m not taking any arguments/complaints/criticisms.
Tenya Iida
Was invited a rave and didn’t mind it but too chaotic for his taste.
He’s usually the guy working the rave at the water stands, merch stands or medical tent.
Rave dad vibes. Yells to not run, drink water and highly discourages use of “party favors”.
Has been hit on a couple times but is a dork and it usually goes over his head.
T-shirts and cargo shorts are his staple outfit. Always with a camel pack
His engine quirk helps him get from one end of the festival grounds to the other in no time flat so he has a specific path for him to run through cuz those speeds will knock a bitch out.
Even though he doesn’t really rave he was given a rave name and it’s Sonic.
Mina Ashido
The epitome of a fucking rave queen. She’s one of the other reasons that everybody else got into raving.
Is everywhere. She listens to a bit of everything. Loves the energy of dubstep, loves shuffling to techno, can and will throws elbows in a mosh pit at a hard style stage and will sing with you at the mainstream stages.
She’s definitely a brand ambassador and wears all the cutest outfits with the coolest patterns and most awesome styles. Tastefully sexy outfits that show off just enough.
Absolutely a kandi kid. Very alien friendly themed kandi. Full arms of traded kandi and kandi that is yet to be traded.
She’s a super bright personality that draws people in. She gets equal attention from guys and girls and non binaries and will gladly make out with anybody that gives her a good vibe.
Definitely partakes in “party favors”. Loves Kandi Flipping and Jedi flipping. Is the kind to chew her cheek raw so she needs either a pacifier or lots of gum.
For obvious reasons, her quirk is a no no. Shooting acid everywhere? Yea let’s not.
Her rave name is Alien Queen or ET Babe
Hanta Sero
Absolutely loves raving and I’m gonna stick with the Latino HC. He is a moombatah and trap king. Also loves artists like Deorro that have a lot of Latin fusion in their stuff. When “Bailar” came out, he played it for hours on end.
Very lax clothes. Very much stoner style. But on rare occasions he goes with the Chad aesthetic. Has that undercut but with longer hair up top style and will often swing it it up in a man bun.
He’s a promoter for sure. Usually has access to backstage because he gets in good with DJs.
Does use “party favors” but is mainly 4/20 friendly. Loves shotgunning. Is usually the guy that carries extra “party favors”. Will def go on an acid or shroom trip with first timers.
Very sexually fluid so good vibes are pretty much all that are required. Hella god dancer and uses that to his advantage.
Has all the essentials. Especially lighters. Is the one that remembers the eye drops.
His rave name is definitely Papi or Rey (Spanish for King).
His quirk is another one that doesn’t have much use other than to wrangle in his wandering friends.
Momo Yaoyorozu
Wasn’t keen on going at first but when she saw that even Shoto was going, she thought she’d give it a try. Is another rich kid so does have the VIP access for the sake of having a good/comfy place to sit and rest.
Mainstream for sure. Very pop heavy vibes. Some house and trance
Very much the rave mom. Keeping everybody hydrated and safe.
Given that her quirk relies heavily on her energy and all that, she doesn’t partake in party favors
Tries to keep it cute but usually ends up looking more on the sexy side.
She’s been convinced to be a brand ambassador for the sake of modeling the clothes. But she always asks for the more covered up options.
Is too busy taking care of everybody to worry about meeting people.
Her quirk is perfect for raving. Being able to create anything certainly has come in handy. Makes her a god send to those who forgot something like lighter, chapstick, hair tie etc.
Her rave name would probably be Mama Momo.
Hitoshi Shinsou
Now this guy is heavy into psy-trance. Think more along the lines of artists like Infected Mushroom.
He’s the connect that everybody goes to. Meaning yes, he partakes in party favors. Particularly the psychedelics like shrooms and acid.
Very cyber punk/street wear vibes. Comfy but still fits that aesthetic. Absolutely uses either his voice mask or a gas mask.
He gives the mysterious vibe so he has a lot of people drawn to him. I feel like he gives major Pansexual vibes. He’ll mainly go make out with Denki if he’s solo.
Just a basic Fanny pack with a few things in it like gum, chapstick, lighter.
Definitely a glover. Loves giving light shows because it almost feels like he’s using his quirk.
Can use his quirk in this type of environment but the loudness makes it tricky. Will mainly use it for the purpose of making sure people take care of themselves.
Fumikage Tokoyami
I feel like Tokoyami would definitely be into more dubstep and psytrance.
He was very open minded about raving and definitely wanted to try it at least once.
Occasionally partakes in party favors but likes to be lucid.
Is also a glover like Shinsou. But with Dark Shadow, he can go all out with the tricks and visuals.
Very casual and comfortable. Baggy t shirts and sweats. Will sometimes dress with a cyber punk aesthetic if he feels like adding a little extra oomf.
Trades some kandi but not always.
Dark shadow is a conversation starter and the darkness proves to be particularly tricked but because there are constant sources of light (glow sticks, laser light shows, etc) it’s easily tamable.
Won’t put anybody on his shoulders but Dark Shadow will definitely help hoist somebody up for a better view.
Rave name would probably be things along the lines of ominous authors. So probably Edgar Allan Crow, F.T. Lovecraft, or just Lovecraft.
Keigo “Hawks” Takami
Oh this man? This man eats, sleeps, raves, repeats. He breathes PLUR.
He does partake in party favors but is responsible. He’s the one making sure you keep dosage to a minimal. E and Molly water. Acid sometimes. Shrooms make him feel funny
Can definitely afford the VIP tickets but would rather be in the crowd. Especially because he loves big groups. He’s definitely the kind of guy that gives Chad vibes when you first see him but he’s the complete opposite. Will definitely be the kind of guy to start shit with a Chad that won’t leave girls alone.
Totally shirt off the entire time. Will purposely do some subtle flexing just cuz he can.
Is totally hit on by guys gals and non binary alike. He is a looker so that’s to be expected. Usually cargo shorts are a go-to and he rocks bandanas.
Is a kandi kid for sure and loves to trade. He’s even made a few with his feathers attached but those are especially for people he REALLY vibes with.
He’s got a good mix of music taste. Will totally throw down with the hard stylers but definitely get lost and philosophical with the trancies.
Is a HELLA good kisser and uses his wings when he wants a little privacy.
Speaking of wings, those definitely come in handy at raves. I mean for one thing, they work like an umbrella when it’s hot out. Secondly they’re basically built in fans. Thirdly, they work for privacy. And he’ll totally fly you up and get you a better view of the show.
His charisma is definitely at 100 and I can totally see him getting you backstage to meet your fave artists.
The rave name is tricky but maybe Hawks will be the basic one. His friends use KFC or Red. No wait. Fuck it. Maverick or Top Gun. Something like that.
Alrighty my thirsty gremlins. I’m gonna stop this here. I’m getting a tad lazy so if there are other characters you wanna see from MHA as ravers, blow up my asks and I’ll make a part 2.
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headoverhiddles · 4 years
Hey There, Demons - Marilyn Manson x Reader [Smut]
Synopsis: You, drummer for the Spooky Kids, aka the Dumbass Idiots, decide with the band to go ghost hunting in LA one night after a show. Bad idea for the most part, good idea for the sole reason of finally putting you and Manson together in a dark room. Feelings? What are those? 
Notes: Spooky Kids era! I’ve been watching a lot of Buzzfeed Unsolved, so here you go. Also features a bit of Twiggy x Pogo for good measure. 
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"I don't believe in ghosts."
You toss a napkin at Brian. "Poser." You're all sitting in an airport, waiting for your flight from Jacksonville to Los Angeles for a show tonight.
He grins. "Nah. I'm just bullshitting, of course I do. I mean, I've never seen one, other than that whole Necronomicon thing when I was a kid, but half of me thinks that was from drinking bong water.” 
“Yeah. Well. Imagination is a beautiful thing." 
He licks his lips. "Especially when I'm jacking off."
"Gross," you mutter.
"That's not what you said last night."
"You wish," you huff.
"Cool it you two, we all know you're banging," Pogo calls out, and starts making high pitched moaning noises. You (and everyone else in the band) looks at the keyboardist, wondering if it'd attract even more attention to tape his mouth shut. "Ah! Ah! Ah!”
Jeordie joins in. “Oh, god! Oh, Brian! Yes! What a big dick you have!"
"All the better to fuck you with," Brian plays along. Jeordie climbs into Brian’s lap.
"Stop it, big boy, you're turning me on!"
"I don't sound like that," you mutter.
"Ohhh yeeeeah," Jeordie groans out a climax, and Daisy scoffs, slipping on his sunglasses to avoid the odd stares you're getting.
"I'll have what he's having."
"Unless... Brian is the one taking it," Pogo muses, "That's possible." He drops his voice. "Mmmm. Bette, make me your bitch!"
"Yeah, I just love it when (y/n) gets the strap on out and destroys my ass," Brian grumbles. You blush a little, but hide it under a laugh.
"Again. You wish."
“Am I the only one who finds it very hard to believe (y/n) would put out for Bri?” Jeordie asks. It’s Brian’s turn to toss something at his best friend.
“We all know if she had good taste in men, she’d be fucking me already.”
You hold up three fingers. “Read between the lines.”
You and Brian had been skirting around one another since you had joined the band. You had known Jeordie since working at a crappy part time job at a used record shop with him, and had met the others when Brian had moved to Florida from Ohio, which was a few years ago. They had gotten this band together with another drummer who called himself Sarah Lee Lucas.
Recently, Sarah had left the band to pursue something else, and since banging on things with sticks isn't too hard in your books, you convinced the Spooky Kids to hand you the drumsticks as the newly christened member, Bette Davis x Jeffery Dahmer: Bette Dahmer. It hadn't been easy to convince them to let a girl in, since they’re all a bunch of juvenile assholes, but with Jeordie backing you, eventually they caved.
"Back to the matter at hand," Brian says.
"Hand job," Jeordie giggles, picking a scab off. He pouts as it bleeds.
"Later," Brian quips, standing on a chair. You tug him down before a security guard can do it, and he falls on his ass. "Ow, fuck you."
"That's what anal feels like," you say.
"You would know Bets, you probably take it up the ass from fifty guys at a time, ya fuckin whore," Pogo laughs.
"Stephen, Jesus," Daisy chuckles a little. Pogo has zero filter, and sometimes it's refreshing, sometimes it's annoying. You take your wad of gum out, balling it up, and use your hair elastic to slingshot it right in his face. The guy just picks it up and pops it in his mouth.
"You're fucking disgusting, man."
"Eat shit and die." Pogo gives you all the finger, and Jeordie speaks up, laying his head in your lap and stretching out over the airport seats.
"Someone said something about ghosts. I like ghosts. Space ghosts."
"Yes!" Brian brings it back. "Thank you Jeordie, back on track. We are all going ghost hunting tonight, after the show."
"Who died and made you god?" Pogo asks.
"God did," Brian snapped. "And when I'm god everyone dies."
"That's profound, poetry-man," you smirk, crossing your arms, "Got any more emo shit to say before Scott gives every reason why we shouldn't break into some haunted building tonight with video cameras?"
"Who has a video camera?" Jeordie asks, wide eyed, "I wanna see how big my dick looks on screen."
"It looks just like your namesake," Brian says. "Twiggy." Jeordie looks crestfallen.
"It's not that small," you assure him, "It's average, but not small."
"Yeah. I'd let you have a go, if you weren’t..." You smirk, alluding to the crush Jeordie had on another band member. He goes red.
"If Brian wasn't already balls deep in that," Pogo chides.
"I bet your dick looks like a pickle," you shoot back, sticking your tongue out.
"Wanna check?"
"Okay," Daisy blushes, standing up, "Just cause we're a band, doesn't mean we need to have an orgy."
"What was the point, then?" you joke.
"Anyway. Like Bette said, I really don't think we should be doing this tonight. If we get arrested for trespassing, what'll that do to the band?"
Brian crosses his arms. "Well I'm the leader, and I say it'd give us a cool reputation!”
"Right. Members of the Marilyn Manson family get arrested for... what, looking for ghosts? What a hardcore group of people.”
"We can tell the press we killed someone. Besides, this is the type of shit we’re supposed to do as a metal band. We gotta do dumb, risky things that make us look like bonified Satanists. Otherwise we’re just posers like the rest of ‘em.”
“No, we just have to go on a couple benders in hotel rooms with some blow and a couple tatted up prostitutes, and we’ll fit in.”
“Look, we can do cocaine off girls’ tits and go ghost hunting and still be rock stars, so shut the fuck up Berkowitz, we're doing it," Brian says. Daisy puts his hands up, unwilling to argue with him any more than he already has. So, it’s settled.
You bump your foot against Brian's, and he gives a lopsided smile, brushing the long black hair out of his face and bumping your foot back. Momentarily, his attention is diverted.
"Will someone go get Jeordie? He's pissing in the water fountain."
You look out at the crowd. This is a bigger audience than usual here in LA.
“Lots of motherfuckers came out to see us,” Bri comes by to whisper at you, parting his hair and making sure his lipstick is nice and smeared. You nod, and toss him his big floppy top hat. He sticks it on his head as you’re introduced.
“All the way from the South Florida music scene, we’ve got Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids!”
Jeordie starts the first song, Negative Three, off with a bassline intro, and you start the band off with a four count on your drumsticks, then hit the drums as Brian begins to wail into the mic.
“Give me your blood, your teeth, your high school pictures...”
You watch him, not skipping a beat on your rhythm. Daisy headbangs as you launch into the chorus, and Twiggy fiddles with his bass guitar across the stage, dressed in one of his ragdoll dresses. Pogo is to the right of you, hammering away at his keys and jolting around. You always have a good time performing with the guys, but Brian’s got your attention tonight.
He keeps looking back at you, for some reason.
You almost don’t realize the change in song and the fact that you’d been playing it, and nearly jump when Brian screams into the mic: “I bring you!”
You look away from his shirtless figure, and focus on putting on a good show with them as the crowd moshes in front of you.
After the show, everyone stops back at the motel quickly, drying off and getting changed. You all reconvene after getting into more comfortable clothes, avoid the small group of fans waiting to follow you, and get ready to leave.
“You were great tonight,” Brian says.
“Really? I nearly missed the beginning of Lunchbox,” you huff.
“Nah, I didn’t notice it. If I had, I would’ve yelled at you til you cried.” He gives a shit eating grin.
The Viper Room. The five of you stare at it. The sun has long since set after the show, and you're in front of the LA nightclub with amateur ghost hunting equipment. (AKA, anything you could find at a five and dime store on the sunset strip this late at night).
"River Phoenix died here,” Jeordie mentions.
“And Johnny Depp owns the place," Daisy remarks.
"I know him," Brian says.
"River Phoenix?” Pogo asks, stroking his beard. “Yeah? You climb into his grave often?"
"Depp, I know Johnny Depp."
"If you know Johnny Depp, then Twiggy's Luke Skywalker," Pogo scoffs.
"Like my father before me," Twiggy mumbles. 
"No, I know him! I was an extra on his show, 21 Jump Street. He's cool, we're friends."
Even Jeordie snickers at that, after emerging from his Star Wars fantasy. "Fuck you guys," Brian mutters, "If Johnny was here right now--"
"Oh, you're on a first name basis, huh?"
"If Johnny was here right now, you fucking clown asshole, he'd say hi Brian, and tell you to go fuck yourself."
"He'd say ‘hi Brian’?" you tease, and he smiles.
"Yes, he would. He's nice."
“Would he like me?”
“Anyone would like you.”
"Does he think this place is haunted?"
"I don't know," the singer hums, "I never asked."
You pick the lock, all enter, and shut the door behind you. It's pitch black, and frankly a little nerve-wracking.
"We shouldn't be here," Daisy sing songs.
"One more word out of you and we're feeding you to the ghosts," Pogo says.
"The same could be said for you," you say to the keyboardist. He shoots a dirty look your way that you can't see through the dark. "I did some reading,” you admit, and everyone turns to you. “Apparently there’s a body buried downstairs, in the crawlspace.”
“Johnny’s a killer,” Jeordie whispers in awe.
“That’s fucking rad,” Brian mutters, “I have even more respect for the guy now.”
“It wasn’t Johnny, don’t say that shit out loud in Hollywood or you’ll get sued,” you say, rolling your eyes. “So aside from the bones, the ghostly activity is downstairs in the basement, the VIP room, and by the bar.”
"I know where I'll be," Jeordie smiles, and walks over to the bar. "Pour me a stiff one River, and don't spare the rum."
Pogo sighs. "C'mon, Daisy. The odd couple are going down to the basement."
"Uh, now I think I should be the one to stay at the bar." Daisy shakes his head. "If Jeordie does, we'll have smashed bottles and cop sirens."
"Fine," Jeordie complains, shoving his red and black dreads out of his face.  
“Whatever, dude. It’s just a bunch of bullshit anyway,” Pogo mutters, “It’s like Santa Clause, parents invent ghosts and all that shit to scare kids into behaving themselves, the ever present fascism of the oppressed American youth...” Jeordie follows the ranting keyboardist downstairs, shooting you a desperate look. You just smile, giving a little good luck wave.  
“That leaves you and me in the VIP room,” you say, turning to Brian.
“That it does,” he replies, licking his lip ring. “Just don’t try to hold my hand. That’s sick.”
“If you touch me, I’ll scream,” you retort, and walk ahead of him. He admires your ass with the flashlight, and you smile a little.
Downstairs in the basement, Pogo starts banging on the walls.
“Hello! My friends, my ghoulish friends! My... ghoulfriends, if you will. ANYONE WHO’S GOT THEIR BONES BURIED BACK HERE, MAKE A NOISE! Fart or something!” He swings his arms around.  
“Did Johnny Depp kill you?” Jeordie asks, eyes wide. He twitches at a car honk outside.
Pogo bounces up and down. “Come attack me, bones! Make me one of you! Come on, murder me and bury me, daddy! I’m into that kinky shit! I am here for the taking!”
“That sounds a little forceful,” Jeordie whispers.
“On my part, or their part?” Silence.
“Good point.”  
They keep walking around, and Jeordie trips on something. Pogo keeps banging and yelling obnoxiously. “GOBLINS, GHOULIES, FROM LAST HALLOWEEN! AWAKEN THE SPIRITS WITH YOUR TAMBOR—hey Jeordie, what the fuck are you doing on the ground?”
“I just like the taste of carpet,” Jeordie retorts, sarcasm apparently not evident enough for Pogo to catch it.  
“Jesus, what are you on? I want some.”  
“Help me up?”  
“Yeah, yeah,” the mad clown mutters, and leans down. Jeordie takes his arm, and the two look at each other for a few seconds, the flashlight beneath them illuminating the specks of dust floating through the inch or so between their faces. “Uh...” Pogo whispers, deep voice grumbling.
“Yeah,” Jeordie swallows, and the two stand again, looking away from one another.
Upstairs, you and Brian enter the VIP room.
“Hey there demons, it’s me. Marilyn Manson,” he says, “This is my concubine, Bette Dahmer. Scare us.”  
You glare at him. “Actually, scare me. You can just kill him.” The two of you look around with the flashlight a bit, inspecting the dark wallpaper and decor.
“This is kinda spooky,” Brian admits.
“It’s nice,” you say, stroking the dust off a lamp, “Very gothic. I can see why movie stars like this place.”
“Yeah.” Brian turns the flashlight on and off, finally setting it on a small table and letting the beam keep the room dimly lit. “Lots of old Hollywood glamour. You’d fit right in.”
“Yeah, you’d look pretty in an old Marilyn Monroe dress. Or at least one of Jeordie’s.”  
“What if Marilyn Monroe came here?” you giggle.
“Hey, Mar! Thanks for the name!” Brian calls, “If we get rich and famous, we’ll give you the royalties!” You lounge out on one of the couches, and he eyes you. “You could be sitting on a ghost right now,” he says, “You could have a ghost inside you.”
“You could be sitting right on his big ghost cock.”
“That’s hot.”
“You could have me inside you too, if you wanted.”
“Y’know, I think we’ve been on the road too long,” you laugh, “Pogo’s jokes are getting to you.”
“It’s not the jokes.”
“Yeah, well. If I’m starting to look hot to you, you must be delirious.”
“Nah... I really do think you’re hot, Bets.”
He sits next to you, and you look over at him. “Seriously?”
He ducks his head. “Yeah.”
“I... feel the same way. I mean, I was never ever gonna tell you, cause soon, with any luck, we’ll be big rock and roll stars, and you-- well, you know how it works. You’ll have a million groupies, you’ll be drowning in free pussy.”
“Fuck the groupies. I want your pussy.”
You laugh. “You say that now.”
“Yeah, I do. Til someone better comes along, which I doubt will happen.” He lifts his eyes to meet yours. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you all night. It was weird onstage—usually I can hide it, but tonight... I don’t know. You sitting there, in that top, with your eyes... you were just...” He looks down again, his old shyness coming back. You don’t know what to say. You can only stare at his lips.
Over at the bar, Daisy sits patiently, watching the glass he’s set on a napkin. “Hello, ghosts. It’s me, Scott. You can call me Daisy if you like. If you can hear me, move the cup.”
He stares at the cup. The cup does not move.
Downstairs, Pogo and Twiggy are awkwardly trying to continue their ghost hunt without talking about the moment they just had.
“So, uh, so ghoulies. Where ya from?” Pogo shouts. “Is SATAN in the room with us? We are BIG FANS, sir.” Jeordie starts giggling about something. “What is it?!”
“I just heard a bang above us.”
“That means the demons have come out to play, Jeordie-boy!” Pogo cackles, hopping up on a booth seat and drumming the ceiling.
“No. It means Bette and Manson are screwing around,” Twigs laughs. Then his face gets dead serious. “What if, uh...”
“What if what?” Pogo glances over suspiciously.
“What if... they weren’t the only ones?”
You gasp, standing up and staring at the shattered lamp that had just fallen off the table. “Oh my god. That wasn’t me.”
“Wasn’t me.”
“They’re totally gonna think we’re screwing around up here.”
“Maybe we are,” Brian gets up too, tucking his hair behind his ear.
“Y-you wanna?” you back up. He nods, and falls on top of you on the other couch.
At the bar, Daisy sits, staring at the cup. He patters his fingers on his knees. “It’s okay, ghosts,” he says, smiling politely, “I can wait.”
He stares at it some more. The cup does not move.
In the room, you reach your hand up Brian’s back underneath his black t-shirt. “Fuck, I can’t believe we’re doing this.”
“Shut up and take my pants off.”
“Don’t tell me to shut up. Take your own pants o... ohhh, god, yeah.” Brian reaches up to massage your breasts, and you throw your head back, undoing his fly.  “How long have you wanted to do this?”
“Since the day I walked into the dumb record shop and stole that David Bowie EP.”
“What the fuck?! I got fired for that!”
Downstairs, Pogo runs a hand over his smooth bald head. “I don’t know, man. This sounds very gay to me.”
“I mean,” Jeordie scuffs his shoe on the ground, “It doesn’t have to be. Or like, it could be. If you’re cool with that.”
“If I’m cool with being a homo?”
Pogo looks up at Jeordie, and sighs. “For you?” He glances around the dark, creepy basement, then back to the bassist. “I could be cool with that.”
Daisy changes tactics. “Here. Don’t like moving cups? That’s okay, neither do I sometimes. Let’s try this again.” He smiles. “What’s your name?”
“Oh, god... Brian!” you moan from the VIP room.
“Br... Brian!” Daisy says, excitedly, standing up. “You have the same name as my friend! Oh god... okay, um... how did you die, Brian?”
“Get inside me,” you groan, and Brian takes his boxers down, kissing you as he sinks into your tight heat. The two of you moan, base instincts taking over.
“In... inside you?!” Daisy repeats, eyes lighting up at the apparent paranormal activity he’s discovered. “Oh! You died from an overdose, just like River, didn’t you? You had too many narcotics inside you!”
Downstairs, Pogo steps forward, and swallows. Jeordie closes his eyes, and waits. Suddenly, a car screeches through a red light outside, and Jeordie practically jumps into Pogo’s arms, forcing the two together at the lips. Pogo’s eyes fly open, and Jeordie’s close again, enjoying the kiss. They break away, and stare at one another. Pogo swears, and goes in for another kiss.
“Harder,” you whisper, wrapping your arms around the singer’s neck. He pushes his hips in faster.
“You like it rough, sweetheart?”
“Yeah Bri, I like it rough, yeah...”
He reaches down, finding your sweet spot. You arch into him, scratching your nails up his slender back. He keeps pounding into you, and grunts into your neck.
“Baby, baby, baby...”
“Do you have a message for me, or for any members of our band?” Daisy asks, and lowers his voice conspiratorially. “You know... some insider’s industry tips?” He winks.
“Goood, you’re so fucking good!”
Daisy raises his eyebrows. “I... well thank you! Thank you very much, we really try to reach people with our music.”
“What the fuck are you blabbering about?” Pogo mutters on the stairs, wiping Twiggy’s lipstick off his chin. Daisy beckons them over.
“Shhh! Watch this. I’m sorry I ever doubted you guys... the spirits are so active in this place! Forget making records. We could be mediums!” Jeordie joined Pogo over by the bar as Daisy went on. “Okay—if you’re here with us now, give us a sign.”
There’s a loud bang, followed by a creak and a faint gasp. Jeordie and Pogo look at one another, actually a little bit freaked out by the response. Then comes the “communication.”
“I’m coming, oh-- I’m coming!”
“Where?!” Daisy cries, “Show yourself, come!” Pogo sighs, and Jeordie falls to the floor, laughing.
“I think they already did, pal.” The keyboardist raises his painted on eyebrows, and points to the VIP room. You stumble out, hair messed to hell, and Brian comes out behind you, buckling up his belt. Daisy stares at the two of you for the longest time, before getting up and walking toward the door.
The rest of you go to walk out, deeming the place a paranormal dud, when a gust of wind blows behind you. Brian’s about to turn around, accusing Jeordie of leaving a window open or something, but there’s nothing there. Then, everything happens at once. Daisy’s cup tips over the side of the counter and shatters. The door to the VIP room slams shut, and you all start to hear thumping footsteps coming up the stairs from the basement.  
You and Brian grab at each other, running out first while laughing. Pogo shoves Jeordie over and bolts out. A few seconds later, he runs back in, grabbing the bassist by the hand and dragging him out too. Daisy stays, getting out the video camera. Brian walks back in, guiding the guitarist out calmly, and closes the club’s front door with a click.
“Hey uh, Bri?” you say, taking his arm. He grunts, putting an arm around you. “Next time you see your friend Johnny Depp... maybe don’t mention that we fucked in his haunted club. Kay?”
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captainkippen · 5 years
RATED TEEN for smoking and swearing. 
TJ never expected to fall in love with a guy who hung out in the library for fun. Cyrus never expected to kiss a guy in the middle of a mosh pit. Once in a while, life surprises everybody. 
Chapter One: Respect The Tub
"Shut up. I'm having a mid-life crisis."
"You're twenty-one."
"Fine, an almost-quarter-life crisis or something, whatever."
"You know, I've seen you overreact before, but this time really takes the cake. Are you sure this is a good idea?"
"Pfft. It's a great idea. The best idea I've ever had."
"You literally just said yourself that you're having a crisis."
TJ let out a long suffering sigh and glared at Marty. Andi snickered from where she was perched on the edge of the tub behind him. She had two gloved hands covered in bright red sludge buried deep in TJ's hair.
"Don't worry, Marts," she said. "I used to help Bex do her hair all the time when she got bored. Well… one time. If it goes wrong, we can just cut it off. Hair grows back usually."
"Usually?!" TJ spluttered, attempting to turn and face her only to be held in place by her firm grip.
Marty snorted. "Still sure about this?"
"Shut up, Marty. Jeez. You're worse than my mom."
"Hey, your shut your mouth about your mom. That woman is a saint. How she put up with your annoying all these years without committing murder, I’ll never know."
That earned him the bird and he snorted again, blowing smoke into T.J's face. The bathroom of their crappy apartment didn't have a smoke detector, which was probably the only reason Marty was even sat in the room with them. 
"Gross," Andi said with an appreciative smile. She might have stolen the cigarette for herself had her hands not been busy. TJ wrinkled his nose at the two of them. He wouldn't say anything, it hadn't worked the first thousand times and it wouldn't work now, but he had learned that if he made enough disgusted faces Marty would eventually put the cigarettes away.
"Whatever," he rolled his eyes at TJ's face and stubbed it out in the sink. "I'm meant to be quitting anyway. I promised Buffy."
"You made that promise like three months ago."
"Well I gotta have at least one flaw, otherwise it wouldn't be fair to you mere mortals, would it now?" Marty grinned and stood up, stretching his arms up until his back gave a satisfying click. 
"Careful bro," TJ said. "If your head gets any bigger you won't be able to get out of the door."
It was Marty's turn to cheerfully flip him off. As he wandered out of the bathroom he called over his shoulder asking if they wanted any snacks, even though TJ was pretty sure he knew they only had ketchup and coffee left in the kitchen.
"So, this mid-life crisis of yours," Andi said, slipping some more dye on to TJ's head. It slid against his scalp cold and unpleasant, dripping down his neck in a wet mess. "You think Epic Death Red is gonna fix it?"
He considered this for a moment. The brand name was splashed bright and obvious on the bottle, and it glared at him from the sink. It had made them laugh at the time, but now it was in his hair it felt a little daunting. "Nah, probably not. But it'll make me feel better about it, feels productive."
"Turning in your assignments would probably feel more productive."
"Hey, I thought we banned school talk from the tub. The tub rules are sacred. Respect the tub."
"I'm just saying-"
"Did you finish your figure drawing assignment yet?"
They lapsed into a comfortable silence. After a few minutes, Marty loped back in holding a paper plate with an unwrapped Twinkie carefully cut into three pieces on it. Andi let him shove a piece unceremoniously into her mouth without a word.
It had become a sort of tradition. Well... not a tradition. TJ didn't know what you would call it. A habit maybe? Anyways, it had become usual for the three of them to hang out in the bathroom. Sometimes they'd be joined by friends and roommates. Two or three of them cramped in the tub, maybe splitting a bottle of cheap wine between them all, with someone else balanced on the toilet seat and another sprawled across the floor. But today, everyone else was out at work or class or living their life in some tub-free environment.
It was only TJ and Marty that lived in the apartment of the three of them. They had two other roommates, Walker and Jonah, who were pretty decent guys. Walker was an art major like Andi and Jonah had awesome taste in music. Sometimes he and TJ would walk to campus together, they were both based in the music department, but other than that and a shared interest in sports and skateboards they didn't really have anything in common. Buffy, Marty's girlfriend and (by apparent coincidence) Andi's childhood best friend with whom she was now reconnecting, would sometimes swing by to join them too. However, her disgust at  just how useless four boys could be at keeping their apartment in order mostly kept her at bay. Old take-out containers were not part of her ‘aesthetic’ or whatever. TJ was never sure if he was glad about that or not, the two of them spent most of the time squabbling, but she did make Marty happy and it was hard not to be cheerful when Marty was.
"So I had this dream right," TJ said. 
"Oh God."
"No, it's good right. Because it made me, like, realise I should be doing something."
Andi and Marty exchanged amused looks. They were used to it, TJ's various whims and impulses and Important Decisions About The Future That Usually Turned Out To Be Not So Important. They found it funny. TJ might be offended if it weren't for the fact he had listened to them spout of conspiracy theories more times than he could count.
"Go on," Andi prompted. 
"Okay, so like... I'm standing on this cliff, right? Like on the very very edge of it. And I'm staring out to sea all dramatic and shit, and then suddenly it gives way underneath me, right? And I'm falling and falling, and I look down and there's just like... nothing there."
Another pause. "...and that's it?"
"That's it. That's the dream."
"Okay, lay it out for me. How did you go from falling off a cliff to dyeing your hair red? Give me the logic. I wanna follow your train of thought here."
He takes a deep breath, trying to shake away the lightheadedness the mingling scents of cigarettes and ammonia is bringing on, then twists around to face her.
"When you're falling to your death you're supposed to reminisce about, like, all the good shit you did in your life before you fall to your death right? And for me it was a total blank. Like nothing. Like I haven't lived."
Marty groaned. "Not this again."
"You have this same crisis like every other month. Last time you wanted to 'live your life' we got arrested for trespassing on private property."
"Well, if you had run faster-"
"Fuck you! I run faster than you, asshole. It's not my fault there were literal guard dogs-"
"Guys!" Andi interrupted before they could really get going. They both muttered half hearted apologies with a huff. Marty sighed and leaned back, stretching his legs up to rest on the edge of the bath.
"The point is," TJ resumed, knocking Marty’s foot away from his face. "The point is that I've done, like, zero important things in my life. And we're adults now, y'know? I can't just bum around doing nothing forever. I wanna do something that matters."
Andi rolled her eyes. "'Adult' is a strong word for a guy who just this week learned what fabric softener is."
"I never claimed to be Martha Stewart."
Marty laughed. "You're criminal enough to be."
"Okay but," Andi said, before another bickering match could spark up. "The real point is... we're only in our twenties. Pretty sure we're not meant to have everything figured out yet, right? I mean, we haven't even graduated yet."
TJ and Marty both hissed.
"The G word is also banned, remember?"
Andi made a face, but didn't press the point. She hated thinking about the future just as much as the guys did. None of them knew what they wanted to do. They spent all their time in sleazy bars moshing to terrible local bands, getting drunk in a moulding tub and watching Andi paint in the student studios. TJ couldn't imagine any of them with nine-to-five jobs, commuting or working for some big evil corporation. He said as much.
"It's two thousand and five," Marty complained in response. "We should totally have robots to do all the boring jobs by now."
TJ agreed. How could humanity not yet be at the point where they had hover boards and flying cars? They had the internet for crying out loud. The possibilities were endless.
"So what're you gonna do?" Andi asked. “How are you, TJ Kippen, going to change the world?
TJ pondered this for a moment. 
"I'm gonna start a band."
Sometimes Cyrus seriously hated his friends.
Not in an actual 'I wish I didn't know you' way but in an 'oh man, you suck so hard right now' kind of way. Tonight was one of those times. He would never say that to them, of course, he had no desire to hurt anybody’s feelings, but a little mental cursing never hurt anyone.
He shivered and pulled his jacket tighter around himself. Rain smattered down on the concrete around him. Water seeped through the canvas of his sneakers, soaking his socks and mood both at once. He was cold, wet and fed up. Buffy had asked him to meet her here, outside some dingy rock club filled with scary kids wearing studs and too much makeup, but she was nowhere to be found. She had answered her phone when he called, but the line mostly crackled and all he got was a muffled "-inside" from here.
Whatever. It was fine. It was totally cool that he was stuck out here being eyed by suspicious punks in leather jackets and scary scene kids with scary scene hair. It was great. He could totally cope with the fact that the bouncer wouldn't let him in because he forgot his I.D. and apparently he looked like he was twelve years old. Totally, totally fine. Really, it couldn’t get any worse.
It was as if the universe had heard this very thought and decided to have the last laugh. A large truck roared down the street, sending a fresh wave of freezing water over his legs and shoes. 
Screw this. He was going home.
He hadn't even wanted to come out in the first place. He should be back in his nice cosy dorm room, preferably doing the lit assignment he had due in on Monday, maybe wrapped in a blanket. Two blankets, even. Yeah, his dorm sounded pretty great right now, even if he did have the roommate from hell. Fate had other plans, though. Right as he made the decision to head back, he heard his name being called. Turning, he saw Buffy waving frantically from the door. Huffing to himself, he turned back again and headed to meet her.
"He's with me," Buffy said with a smile to the bouncer. The guy looked doubtful as Cyrus slipped passed, but he didn't question it again. 
"The reception is really bad in here," Buffy said apologetically, pulling him into a sideways hug. "But you found the place okay, right? I mean you're here, so that's good. I didn't think you'd come. I’m glad you did.”
She seemed unusually antsy, and he suspected she was a little nervous about introducing him to her friends. He would be nervous too if he was her, he knew he wasn’t much, especially to a group of cool and interesting people. He decided it was best not to tell her that he almost didn't come. He had been perfectly ready to stay in his dorm all night, even though it was a Friday night and he had little to no social life at the current moment in time with all the work his professors had been throwing at him. Except, Roommate-From-Hell-Reed had come banging into the room, all but yelling into his cellphone to some girl. Cyrus had been able to stand it for about ten minutes, and then he got tired of hearing the word "baby". A night at some dive being shoved around by sweaty drunks wasn't much of an improvement, but at least he didn't have to listen to Reed's obnoxious flirting. 
"It's good you came," Buffy continued. "You don’t get out enough. I think you'll like the band too, and they're friends with Andi and Marty. They’re pretty good - I mean, TJ is a little obnoxious, but they’ve already got a big following on MySpace, and they’re close to getting a deal with Cranked...” Cyrus let her pull him through the crowd, nodding in all the right places but struggling to keep up. Who was TJ? Cranked? What was that? He felt like she was speaking another language. “
They've even got some songs recorded now... did you know Gus- you know Gus Knight? He works at the dining hall. Apparently he’s local and has this whole studio set up in his mom’s basement. He has all the equipment and everything. It's crazy.”
"Crazy," Cyrus agreed, narrowly avoiding getting elbowed by a teary girl gesturing wildly at a boy that looked too out of it to be taking in what she said. The whole arena smelled like puked. He prayed that none got on him. "So when are these Cranked guys meant to go on?"
Buffy rolled her eyes. “Cranked is a record label, Cy. The band’s called Conduit For Gods.”
The problem was not that Cyrus wasn’t into music. He liked music. He thought it was fun, especially if you could sing bad karaoke to it, and who didn't like to listen to their iPod on the bus? But Buffy's friends' world seemed to revolve around music, more specifically punk music, and the whole scene that came with it. He had accepted a few of their invitations to hang out just to be polite, but most of them involved parties and shows. Parties and shows meant drinking and coming home with wild stories. Cyrus wasn’t a wild stories kind of guy.
As a kid, he had really wanted to be a wild stories kind of guy. He’d longed to be one of the popular kids who knew how to make friends with everybody, who was never bored on a Friday night and wasn’t totally invisible. He had never succeeded in becoming that kind of guy. Even at college, where he'd figured it would be easy. All the television shows and magazines had made it seem like that was what you were meant to do in college - party and drink. Become your own person. Become interesting. 
What he'd learned from actually being in college? He didn't like to party and drink. He had no problem with other people doing it, obviously, but he'd rather he was far away from them while they did. Drunk people had a habit of throwing up on him, and in crowds like this Cyrus had lost his shoe more than once. They might be drenched in grimy rainwater, but tonight he felt like keeping his shoes firmly on his feet. Preferably not covered in somebody's dinner. The other thing he’d learned was that he didn’t really vibe with the whole alternative music scene... or it didn’t vibe with him. He liked things neat and non-violent. In his experience, college-aged punks liked things sweaty and aggressive. Sometimes with a hint of insane thrown in. It’s not like it scared him or anything, he just didn’t want to die in a mosh pit.
“They’re on at ten. You want me to grab you a drink? I got us a table - I know you don’t like being in the crowd.”
He gave her a grateful smile, forgiving and forgetting the last half an hour in one fell swoop. Buffy was a really good friend not just sometimes, but all the time, even if she did make him hang out with scary people that wore studs and eyeliner. She always respected his boundaries.
As she disappeared towards the bar, he meandered his way over to the table she’d pointed out to him. There were a couple of bags and jackets strewn across the booth’s seats, but no people present. Scanning the crowd, he managed to spot Marty and Andi stood off to the side with a couple of other people. Andi caught his eye and waved him over, but he shook his head. She rolled her eyes, but smiled and sent him a thumbs up anyway. He smiled back.
Andi was a nice girl. A cool girl. She wore her hair cropped short and spiky, had a leather jacket with her name painted artfully across the back and her skin was constantly smudged with paint or coal or glue from her art projects. She’d known Buffy forever, and Cyrus was still surprised someone as cool as her was willing to hang out with a loser like him. It was the same with Buffy, honestly. He was always one step behind the laughter and she was the one making people laugh. Once, he’d made the mistake of voicing these thoughts out loud and Buffy had smacked him over the head with a copy of Rolling Stone, telling him he was being stupid and that he was cool. He knew she was lying, but he appreciated the lie anyway. 
A figure loomed over him and he turned.
“That was quick,” he started to say, but the words died on his lips. It wasn’t Buffy.
“Um, hi,” Said the most beautiful boy in the history of all existence.
Bright red hair. Green eyes ringed in black. Torn up denim jacket over plaid over faded t-shirt. Cyrus mentally catalogued all of these things and tried to unstick his tongue from where it seemed to be stuck to the roof of his mouth. He wasn’t sure what to do. How did English work again? What were words?
In the end, he stuck one awkward hand out before he could stop himself and stuttered out a greeted. The guy took it with a warm smile and shook. 
“I’m Cyrus,” Cyrus finally managed to say.
Understanding dawned on the guy’s face. “Oh, you’re Buffy’s friend. That’s cool. I’m TJ, Marty’s roommate,” he jerked a thumb back towards the crowd. Much to Cyrus’ horror, he realised Andi and Marty were watching them with interest. He dropped TJ’s hand quickly. “I was just grabbing the keys to the van, could you pass me that bag?”
Cyrus did as asked, expecting TJ to take it and flee from the obviously crazy person who had just shaken his hand like they were at some sort of business meeting instead of a nightclub, but he didn’t move from where he was standing. Instead, he rummaged through the bag for a second and then withdraw a set of car keys and dumped it back on the table. Turning, he signalled to one of the guys in the crowd and launched the keys through the crowd. 
“So are you sticking around after the show?” TJ said, turning back to Cyrus with a curious smile. 
No. Cyrus was going to go home and shower at least twice then snuggle up in bed and get a good night’s sleep where nobody could accidentally spill a suspicious substance on his nice clean pants.
“Yeah, I think so,” is what came out of Cyrus’ mouth.
“Awesome,” TJ grinned, the thousand-watt smile disarming Cyrus once again. “Well, I gotta scoot, ‘cause it’s my band…”
“Oh! You’re in Condu-whatsit?”
“Conduit For Gods,” he laughed. “Yeah, I’m the singer.”
Oh great, a cute guy in a band. Just what Cyrus needed to make this interaction less intimidating.
“Break a leg?” He offered.
He didn’t know if he was imagining it or not (probably) but TJ looked a little reluctant to go, but after a moment he flashed him another smile and departed. Cyrus resisted the urge to bang his head on the table and berated himself for not being able to hold a conversation like a normal person. Oh man, he had made himself look like a total idiot. Luckily, Buffy returned not long after, and he drowned his sorrows in his drink. 
“Okay, not to be dramatic but we have to play the best show we’ve ever played tonight,” TJ said, speeding over to Jonah behind the stage.
Jonah looked up from tuning his guitar in surprise. “I thought the label weren’t seeing us ‘til next week?”
“It’s not a rep,” he shook his head and sighed as dramatically as he could manage. “I just met the most amazing guy I’ve ever seen and I’m pretty sure we’re soulmates, so we have to impress him, okay?”
“Soulmates, huh?” Jonah grinned. “Do you even know this guy’s name?”
“Cyrus? As in Buffy’s Cyrus?”
“That’s the one.”
“Okay, man. If you say so.”
The stage fright seemed twice as intense as usual as TJ clicked the microphone on. Through the glare of the lights and the packed room he could barely make out the table tucked away in the corner where Cyrus was sat. The crowd roared back as he greeted them, and it felt like the entire room exploded into life as the boys launched into the first song. For the first time ever, TJ worried less about cracking a rib as he surfed across the top of the crowd and more about how exactly he was going to ask Cyrus for his number without sounding weird. 
But by the time the show was over and TJ was drenched in his own sweat while blood dripped down from his nose from where someone had accidentally hit him in the face during the last song, Cyrus was nowhere to be found, and the question of the phone number became obsolete. 
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catch22write · 4 years
Hayden had waited until she returned from the mosh pit to open up her Valentines day cards, an idea that was starting to seem less and less of a good once since her head was now pounding. She grabbed a bag of peas from the campervan freezer, that she wouldn’t be eating anyway because ew, and pressed it to her eye before crashing down on her bed and grabbing a card at random. 
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It’s been a rough month, huh? And I know there’s no one to blame, but me. I want to apologize, and I know we’ve had this conversation but I need it in writing. I’m sorry for the way I acted, for how jealous I was.
I don’t know if you know this, but I don’t think I would have had the courage to take the giant leap and ask Sydnee to be official if it wasn’t for you. And, I appreciate that.
Someone’s gotta call me out on my shit, and there’s no one better to do that than a little sister. I love you, but please don’t kiss my girlfriend again.
- CJ @grlx-almighty​
Hayden snorted, the action causing a wave of pain reverberating in her head and she winced before flipping the polaroid picture over a couple of times, a small smile on her face. She would have to text CJ later, bygones be bygones and all that. She reached down and grabbed another card. This one was inside an envelop and Hayden admired the pocket knife and mini surfboard before reaching for the card. it had a small dinosaur and Hayden traced it a couple times over before opening it. 
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I been a dick lately, and for that, I’m sorry. I love you, dude. Actions speak louder than words though, so, use this card as a coupon for diner pancakes on me! Expires: Never. ‘cause you’re my buddy forever. From, Crick @simplesublime​
Hayden smiled again. She blamed the fact that she’d just gotten punched in the face for the fact that her eyes were tearing up and she was getting a little emotional. The four of them would need to hang out soon, she thought, if only for her sanity. The next card she grabbed had a little surfer dude on it. Cute, Hayden thought before turning the card over. 
To Hayden, I meant it when I said you’re cute. I’m not always good with words but don’t think I haven’t wondered, too. - Mattie @makebelicve​
The words caused Hayden to sit up abruptly and Hayden whacked her head hard against the above bed lamp. The action caused the bag of frozen peas she had been holding to burst and send little frozen peas flying all over the mattress and Hayden flying back down into her pillow. “Fuuuudge berries,” she cried out in the empty campervan, “holy fish sticks that flipping hurt. Urghhh son of a really nice and respectable woman, flapjack!” She continued for a few more seconds, spewing random words in an attempt to subdue the pain she was feeling in her head.Once the throbbing in her head had subsided, Hayden looked at the card again through blurry eyes. Mattie had thought about it, them... dating... Hayden couldn’t believe it. She smiled and held the card close to her chest. 
She kept going, grabbing another card, this one simple and welcoming, a la Coyote style. 
To CJ, Cricket, and Hayden: E hele me ka pu’olo. Mahalo my dudes. @lauralaword​
Hayden would have to google it in the morning but the thought of Coyote sending them all a card warmed Hayden’s heart. She had enjoyed getting to know Coyote these last few days, respected her as a boss but admired her as a friend and she was happy they had had a good evening, even if the mosh pit had been an entirely new experience for Hayden. 
As she read the cards, Hayden began absentmindedly eating the half frozen peas that were now scattered on her bed. She reasoned she would go get a real icepack from Retro as soon as she was done reading the cards. It wasn’t until she got to Sydnee’s card that she realized she’d been eating frozen peas and Hayden made a face before grabbing the card with two lollipops attached to them. 
happy valentine’s day, hayds! thanks for bringing me to my special valentine this year, hope someone is lucky enough to spend this lovey day with you. love you always!
xo syd @outsidethelines​
^ these “dum dums” are the candy representation of us when we go out drinking together LOL ♡
Hayden popped one of the lollipops into her mouth and read Sydnee’s card over again. She was happy that CJ and Sydnee had figured out their shit, it certainly had helped fixed her and CJ’s relationship at least closer to what it had been before everything had fallen out. Again, she’d have to message Sydnee and make plans to hang out.
The last card she grabbed was anonymous, though one look at the name she’d been addressed by was enough for Hayden to have a pretty good idea as to who had sent it. 
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blondie, confession: i used to watch you surfing and wonder if you would ride my face as well as that board. i’m pleased to confirm, it was even better. still is. just like those signs by the marina, ‘slippery when wet’… holy guacamole was that an understatement. if you are when you eat (ocean water - i’ve seen you eat it way more times than i can count), then that explains a lot about the state of my mouth (and bed) that first time. good game, surfer girl. there’s a lot of fish in the ocean… thanks for letting me be shellfish and reel you in now and then. high tide or low tide, i’ll be by your side - shake ‘n’ fry shake at the ready. glad you know what makes you happy. fuck the rest, right? your secret admirer, 💙 @edencardoso​
By the end of the card, Hayden’s face was beat red and she swallowed before closing the card. Eden, the girl was a confusing mystery to Hayden. She wasn’t sure when their relationship had shifted, knew that Eden never really liked hanging around Hayden until one day she did. Urgh, her head hurt. She would have to do some more thinking about this tomorrow. For now, she had peas to clean up and ice to get. Hayden gathered up her valentines day card and threw them in the basket beside her bed. With much on her mind, Hayden began picking up the frozen peas, painstakingly one by one... 
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level99games · 6 years
Voco Update - Raising Hell with Balance Changes
From the very beginning, Soak has been something really hard to value in BattleCON. UA-granted Soak in particular, like on Eustace and Kallistar and Voco, is really hard to value because adding a free “and sometimes your attacks fail” to opponent kits means that if Soak UAs are strong then they feel really terrible to play against - and Voco was no exception. His character concept was originally a runaway zoner that absorbed attacks and kited opponents with life loss, requiring awkward ranges and lots of mobility.
But somewhere along the line there was a test build with too much Soak (turns out Soak 2 per Zombie made games take forever), and he ended up with awkward ranges and lots of movement. And the difference between movement and mobility? The part where you’re in range to hit the opponent but you end up with a strange gap at Range 2 and 3 where things sorta don’t work out at all.
From the beginning, we were pretty sure that either Voco’s UA had to change, or his Styles needed to be reworked entirely. It’s not that the UA was weak (it needed to be optional or Ignore Soak felt awful, but otherwise Soak 2 is pretty good) or boring really (you needed to fight in a mob of Zombies), it’s that it didn’t really mesh with the rest of his kit. Voco as-designed needed to be at very specific ranges, but if anything went wrong his threat just fell apart entirely and his UA would just help you soak and maybe do some damage by zombie-ing the opponent in the foot or something. But the two Alternate UAs also played pretty well, and they meshed a lot better with Voco’s actual gameplan.
Voco’s new Unique Ability is essentially the same as his old Everyone Together Now! alternate ability from Devastation Extended, granting him improved Range and a bonus to Power based on his Zombie coverage on the board. It plays much closer to Burgundy than his old kit, letting him spew out fan-zombies and then pick them back up for a big hit - which is nice, since his Power was never anything to write home about. This gives his gameplay a bit of a logical ebb and flow: some beats he’s got a ton of threat al across the board, and some beats he’s got to run around and set up.
Card Changes
The first and most important change is that many of his Range problems (especially the Minrange-related ones) are fixed while he has Zombies nearby. He unfortunately needs to spend them all, but +1 or +2 Power is a respectable bonus on top of being able to actually hit. Abyssal becomes a lot better like this, with opponents needing to dodge all his Zombies if they want to hit a safe spot - which is fine, but he’s gotta set it up. The End: effect is just gravy, letting Voco slide the opponent into a better position for his antics (and likely into a just-placed Zombie marker).
On top of that, his stats were bumped up a little as well. While his Priority definitely isn’t good, he can get a lot of mileage out of Thunderous’ improved Priority, synergizing well with its Damage: push effect and the ability to quickly duck into the opponent’s face and spend the generated Zombie for a total of +0 Power.
And on the slow side, Hellraising is a major Power style, generating Zombies for the +1 Power while trading up with new Soak 1 in order to mitigate a bit of opponent damage. It’s now one of the most consistent Styles in the game when combined with his UA, though it tends to have issues with Burst if not set up right.
Speaking of consistency, Metal got a simple but important change - moving past an opponent now generates a Zombie in their space. This turns on Metal Shred even from no Zombies on board (which is pretty powerful when threatening opponents that have high Soak), but also gives him massive confirm with Metal Drive from just about anywhere on the board.
Unlike the rest, Monster needed a bit of a separate fix - with Zombies on both sides of the opponent, Monster had the ability to generate infinite (optional) Advance 1 effects. Which was pretty silly. The new version keeps the huge advance and now features a guest appearance from Voco’s old UA, which means its trading potential (Soak 2 and potentially +2 Power) is nothing to laugh about.
The Damage: benefit means you never really feel bad spending Zombies for Power on it, either
Shred’s pretty much the same card. Similar to most of his other changes, the it’s easier to use now since it counts Zombies all across the board.
Finishers are basically the same as well. The Wave changed to a Power bonus in line with most other multi-attacks so he doesn’t randomly kill folks like Alexian, and Z-Mosh has better defenses, but they should do just about the same things as they used t
In general, the hardest part of the rework was finding what to do with his UA. We tried shuffling the pieces of his old UA onto cards (Abyssal had “End: Remove a Zombie to make the opponent lose 1 life.” for a number of tests), but in general the biggest concern was making sure the massive disconnect between his Minrange and his uncontrollable advancing was resolved somehow… which meant basing everything off of Everyone Together Now! New Voco’s a lot better in an all-out brawl, but he’s still a slippery defensive character with the ability to occasionally blow up the board and a lot of damage mitigation based on Zombies he’s set up.
We hope you enjoy the Hellraiser’s new flair! He’s a hell of a brawler, and his revamped goal of powersliding around and wailing on people with zombies has picked up some new methods and a nice coat of bonus Power to get the job done.
Until next time!
  If you’re liking what you see, consider backing the game on Kickstarter by CLICKING HERE!
Content - Daniel Honig, Balance Lead
Editing - Marco De Santos
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dickplinko · 6 years
Vans Warped Tour survival guide part 1
Packing list
Note: These are in drawstring bags, backpacks are prohibited. We should be able to fit everything in two, but dad may have to carry one
A charged cell phone ( there are many reasons for this. Turn on airplane mode, turn off data and wifi. Also, turn on battery saver and do whatever the heck it takes you to get  ten hours out of that thing)
Cash ( merch, food, water, emergencies cash is key)
Portable charger (just in case)
Sunscreen (lotion, cans aren’t allowed)
Chapstick with spf
Hair ties ( your hair better be up, no one wants a sweaty mane in there face. People don't want to eat hair)
Sharpies more than just black (bring gold or silver never know who you might run into)
Sunglasses ( preferably cheap 3 dollar ones, not your favorite pair or the ones for marching band you don't want your band director mad because you smashed them at Warped Tour)
Aspirin or advil ( it’s warped tour people there are 50 different reasons why you’d possibly need this the chances of getting kicked by a crowd surfer is likely)
Empty water bottle (there is the cool gear hydration station where you can fill up your water bottle as much as needed FOR FREE throughout the day. Bring it empty though because the make you empty it for entry. If you use a throw away water bottle that’s filled they open it upon entry and throw away the cap so make sure you bring an extra)
Food ( larabars, a couple pb&j, homemade trail mix, fruit leather DON'T BRING JUNK FOOD anything you can eat on the trek across the grounds to see the next band no one wants to miss Black Veil Brides because they have to buy food)
Deodorant ( nobody wants to smell those sweaty pits)
Ziploc bags (the last thing anybody wants is there cash, phone, or charger getting waterlogged. It will happen, the tour is rain or shine and even without rain you will get wet)
Toilet paper (don’t bring a whole roll it takes up too much space, just take enough to do what ya gotta do. Porta potties normally don’t have it)
Hand sanitizer (two words porta pottie)
Band aids
Notebook (never know who you might run into)
The night before:
Eat a good meal, high protein
Drink loads of water that day (hydration is key)
Get a goodnight’s sleep
Pack everything the night before
Make food
The morning of:
Eat high protein breakfast (egg bagel sandwich, glass of milk, fruit)
Get up early ( 6 at latest the doors open at 11 so you want to get there early)
Get dressed
Grab bag and cheak to make sure we have everything and go
DON'T WEAR JEANS (you will be very unhappy due to heat, close proximity to people, and mass amounts of sweat)
Tank Top or tee
Wear vans (hint: Vans Warped Tour, wear ones you don’t care about because they WILL get dirty)
Wear a swimsuit under your clothes ( there’s the slip n slide, fans that have water that sprays out and hoses to cool down if you aren’t wearing a swimsuit it will chaif very very bad)
Chat with the people next to you while you’re waiting for a bands set to start. You will be in close quarters with then for the next hour and a half why not chat.
Tip merch people (they work hard)
Bring markers you might run into a band member and will want stuff signed.
Be nice to band members they are normal people this is there job
Be respectful to people, band members, crew members, non-profits, sponsors, volunteers, musicians, and merch people
Have fun
Wear a cheap watch (that way you don’t have to check your phone)
Have a gameplan: know what bands you want to see, where they’re playing, and get the  meet and greet and signing information.
Watch the set of a new band that you’ve never heard of. Look at the lineup and pick out a band to check out. You never know you could be walking and hear something you like and go watch it
Stick together
New bands might go around giving away stuff and promoting, just be nice and take it
Get there early
Donate 5$ to skip the line plus you get early entry
Walk around nonprofits, sponsors, record labels, and bands give out free stuff
Go to the bathroom right before you get to the venue and poop in the morning before you leave
Help crowd surfers (don't be that bitch that let's them fall)
Help the people next to you if they fall
If a band requests a mosh pit give them a fucking mosh pit
Keep calm and fangirl after the show
Put your hair up no one wants to eat hair for lunch
If someone wants out of a mosh pit help them out
If you want to get something signed bring it
Bring enough money to get everything
Dress comfy
Locate medical tent
Take breaks
Look out for crowd surfers
Reverse daycare do it
Expect free stuff
Watch the pit before you get in
Use your judgement before deciding to get in a pit
Locate stages, bathrooms, and tents (you don't want to get lost)
Spend the two dollars to get a map and set list don't be dumb
Take pictures you want to cherish this moment, it's the last year
Stay cool
Chill out there's shade tents and places to Escape the heat.
Drink water and only water, alcohol will only dehydrate you
Watch the elbows they are pointy and hurt when they hit you
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rebeccacclarke-blog · 5 years
Y1 / S1 / Week 3: Interview Practice
Interview Questions: 
Have you been to many festival / events?
Please Tell me more about your least favourite experiences…? Or something you saw happening?
What were you thinking in those moments…?
How did that make you feel…?
What did you do about that…?
Have you ever had items stolen or damaged at an event?
How did this make you feel?
Did you make any changes or take action because of this?
Do you feel that people at events respect your belongs and self…?
Do you feel safe in mosh pits?
Have you had any bad experiences in mosh pits? 
How often do you drink?
Do you feel pressured…?
How does this make you feel…? 
Who pressures you usually…? 
Do you ever have any regrets from drinking…?
Have these regrets made you change your behaviours…?
Has drinking impacted your everyday life, if so how?
Has drinking ever led you to a situation where you were not in control…?
Please explain, how did you feel?
How do you define sexual assaulted?
Have you ever been sexually assaulted?  
How did this make you feel?
Did you do anything about it, if so what?
Have you ever felt vulnerable in a social situation?
Please explain…?
What do you think could make an event better…?
First interview:
Gender / age?
24, female
Have you been to many festival / events?
Only been to one last new years, I went to Northern Bass
We would like to hear about your experiences…?
Really good experience, one of my favourite new years, really good time
Please Tell me more about your least favourite experiences…? Or something you saw happening?
Security is daunting a little bit, it completely depends on what security guard you get, they either don’t care or they are a bit too intimidating, your not the police.
What were you thinking in those moments…?
Don't care or too intimidation, calm down bro, swat team
How did that make you feel…?
On edge
What did you do about that…?
Have you ever had items stolen or damaged at an event?
Not me personally
Friends- goods stolen
How did this make you feel?
He was pissed off
Did you make any changes or take action because of this?
No actions
Do you feel that people at events respect your belongs and self…?
No- everyone is selfish and notice this at festivals, no one gives a shit while under influence, not very hard to break down this barrier, donate tentpegs, crowd is just ppl not real, but when you talk to them its more human
Do you feel safe in mosh pits?
Yes reasonably
Do you like being in mosh pits?
Have you had any bad experiences in mosh pits?
Not bad bad, its overwhelming cause im 5.3, claustrophobic
How often do you drink?
On average, 1 time a week
Do you feel pressured…?
Not pressured, its encouraged, works at bar
How does this make you feel…?
Most of time strong enough, but im susceptible with peer pressure
Who pressures you usually…?
Do you ever have any regrets from drinking…?
Yes. definitely, why did I post on snapchat
Have these regrets made you change your behaviours…?
Grown slowly as i've grown up, not a result of reflecting on regrets
Has drinking impacted your everyday life, if so how?
Yeah, but positively, makes things easier, making mates, social is a plus espech when anxious
Has drinking ever led you to a situation where you were not in control…? Please explain, how did you feel?
Definitely, stupid, take it too far
How do you define sexual assaulted?
Any sexual advance without consent
Have you ever been sexually assaulted?  
How did this make you feel?
Pissed and mad every time
Did you do anything about it, if so what?
No- hit people, not legally tho, yelled and reacted
Have you ever felt vulnerable in a social situation?
Please explain…?
In any situ where you don’t have anyone to rely on, who’s close, unfamiliar is most vulnerable
What do you think could make an event better…?
Drug testing- offering safe way to make sure drugs safe, but then it just promotes it, even preventing mad bad trips, correct dosage
Second Interview:
Gender / age?
Female, 20 years
Have you been to many festival/events?
Concert and events can’t even count, but festivals RnV twice, Bay Dreams once and Laneway.
We would like to hear about your experiences…?
Pretty good, the three day events it gets a but hectic at the end, even Bay Dreams which is a one day events, Hectic as in dirty and everyone is dead not literally but hungover and come downs and stuff.
Please Tell me more about your least favourite experiences…?
My personal experience of what I disliked the most was when you lose your friends or have to find your friends, it's such a struggle.
When I lose them I try text them and that usually doesn't send, and you and on other person just sit there, like I’m not usually by myself, just like me and my boyfriend and we are just chilling, never been alone usually always been with at least one person, but sometimes have gone to the toilet by myself or run off to meet up with someone else.
What were you thinking in those moments…?
In those moments when I was by yourself I was just thinking where are my friends, just trying to find someone because I hate being by myself.
How did that make you feel…?
I feel anxious when I am by myself.
What did you do about that…?
I found my friends.
Have you ever had items stolen or damaged at an event?
Not really, just damaged because I stood on it, so it was my own fault.
How did this make you feel?
...did not apply
Did you make any changes or take action because of this?
...did not apply
Do you feel that people at events respect your belongs and self…?
...did not apply
Do you feel safe in mosh pits?
Yes I do, but I know one of my friends, she hates them. With friends I feel safe and myself in mosh pits I would feel a bit eugh, but also if there is someone kinda grotty in the mosh pits I like like get out of her.
Why Do you like being in mosh pits?
Generally its a good vibe and everybody is there for the same reason, and everyone wants to have fun, so I like them and just having a dance.
Have you had any bad experiences in mosh pits?
I usually try stay out of it but there are people that are aggressive and will push and then kinda, if you say anything and if they get angry they will almost start a fight but I would never let it get that far, I’m not that type of person.
Have you ever seen anything bad things, like fights in mosh pits?
Yes, I’ve seen chicks fighting and pulling each others hair and it got quite intense.
How often do you drink?
Weekends only, but not every weekend, like when uni gets more intense lees socialising and less drinking every second or third weekend.
How much do you usually drink in one night?
I binge, I am a lightweight, to get drunk it would be like 5.
Do you feel pressured…?
No, I don’t think so, If I don’t really feel like it I won’t, or I will just have one or two and be like nah that's alright.
How does this make you feel…?
...did not apply
Who pressures you usually…?
...did not apply
Do you ever have any regrets from drinking…?
I honestly don’t, when your drunk your excuse is that your drunk, my regret would be when I am sober and I have done something stupid and it's like you can only blame your stupid self.
Have these regrets made you change your behaviours…?
...did not apply
Has drinking impacted your everyday life, if so how?
Yea, being hungover and if I have work the next day, gotta think about the consequences.
Has drinking ever led you to a situation where you were not in control…? Please explain, how did you feel?
I don’t think so, I haven’t really ever gotten blackout drunk, like I have never forgotten anything, never gotten that far, it would take alot and I just don't get like that, always felt in control even if technically I wasn’t I have always thought I was.
How do you define sexual assaulted?
Anything unwanted, any advance that there was no consent for.
Have you ever been sexually assaulted?  
How did this make you feel?
Just scared, thought it was my fault, you think about what you have done to bring it on yourself/ cause it to happen?
Did you do anything about it, if so what?
Have you ever felt vulnerable in a social situation?
Please explain…?
Vulnerable in social situations is like everyday, coming into uni, walking into the classroom, coming in late.
What do you think could make any event better…?
They often have stuff already set up and I either don’t pay attention to it, can’t think of anything because I feel like they try do as much as they can generally and then its whether people want to use it or not, with helplines and things, Laneway had their own helpline number you could call if you needed.
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wasabi-duck · 7 years
concert recount
sorry i feel like this is really bad and im forgetting stuff i hope you dont mind :(
okay so firstly i dressed like hobi from fire??? and a few people got it and i was like hell yah my dudes shout out to you. i met a lot of new and wonderful people there and i felt like i made friends even though you know those moments are fleeting. i bought a jhope fan and it is my prized possession atm i keep it on my bed and tuck it under the covers lol rip. um there were so many people there?? like so many i was blown away honestly. like our boys have come so so far and i am so incredibly proud of them. they all spoke in english the entire time and you can tell they have been working so so so hard in that respect and they all did so wonderful!! i am truly proud of them???
okay but they opened with jeez imagine if my memory is that bad--- not today and everyone was singing!! the crowd was so so amazing like everyone was so lively!! i always like to hear who gets the most screams, and jin got so much cheering like damn he maybe got the most along with yoongi?? jeongguk too of course got a lot of attention. namjoon was also up there with tae, and then jimin too. hoseok.... was at the boTTOM BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I SCREAMED I LOVE YOU AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS WHENEVER HE HAD A SOLO AND HE KEPT LOOKING AT OUR SECTION AND SMILING ALSO MY BOY DIO WHO WAS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STADIUM SAID HE LOW KEY HEARD ME!! so i hope that hoseok knows how loved and appreciated he is. also before his solo, i started chanting jhope and a lot of people joined and i was !!!
i have never seen someone more perfect than hoseok. like in my life. you could see his smile with eveey dance movie, but he also knows how to turn it on all sexy for certain moves. he moves so effortlessly as if his bones were like nonexistent? surprise, he’s water. the entire time he was beaming and you could tell he wanted to be there, like you could tell nothing made him happier. nothing made me happier, i cried over him too many times . after namjoon ofc, he spoke the most english?? he’s definitely been working so hard and im so so proud of him. he introduced himself with the iconic, im your hope, im your angel and i melted holy hell god he is so handsome and amazing and he looked so damn fine okay that blond hair was doing wonders for him jeez almighty. god i wanna get a tattoo okay look if anyone was help me pick some out that would be great. god his smile like cured my depression everyone, i think i can stop going to therapy. he is such a vocal powerhouse. both rapping and singing he is very very strong and powerful and his voice sounds just as enthusiastic and strong love as on tracks, if not a million times more?? like yoongi sounds mores soft and reserved live but hoseok damn im--- he got to sing for spring day and i cried then??? for mama they put up a bunch of his baby pictures and i was blown away he was adorable oh my god it was too much for me, the most weak and pathetic hoseok stan around ahhh. alSO during cypher he was bopping and he got his water bottle and like flung the water on the mosh pit kids holy hell how lucky. and at the very end people were throwing stuffed animals on stage like pokemon and he was going around and grabbing them all in his arms and hugging them AND THEN HE WOULD LITERALLY WADDLE TO GRAB THE NEXT ONE WHAT AN AMAZING PURE WONDERFUL PERFECT BOY . i could keep going but i have more to talk about. oh um i gotta add that he was all up in peoples cameras rip them they were blessed fuck does everyone know i love hoseok because i love hoseok i have never ever been so happy in my entire life
jimin is so tiny??? he is adorable and very small but he definitely is probably the most talented live after hoseok. maybe they’re tired. lie he used to blind fold and danced and he hit every single high note in every single song?? also during lie they (back up dancers) hoisted him up and he touched this chandelier and it was so amazing he is such an amazing and talented dancer and words cant describe how flawless that boy is?? also he ran his hands through his hair at least seventy two million times thanks
yoongi took his ear piece out when he introduced himself to hear the crowd and i was like bitch what please dont--- his english is super duper cute and it made me very happy to see the gummy smile in person. he gave his everything for first love and god i was blown away. he’s so talented. he makes me so happy to see him living his dream up there. his verse in cypher was so powerful i was ready to cry again tbh. and he made us all sing a lot which i thought was adorable and at point we were all screaming and he kept shouting louder isn’t he so cute???
taehyung is such a cutie like at the end someone threw a banner up on stage and he grabbed it and unfolded it and held it up and kissed it. also you know that iconic scene in blood sweat and tears with him and jin?? im like 99.99% sure they were both tearing up and that got me rael emotional. stigma was so so amazing?? he is super talented and such a cutie!! like he does the whole sexy to cute and it blows my mind im like boy where did that come from, rip tae stans
namjoon thank you for existing. he really was so so grateful to be there like they all were but him especially. he is such a good leader and you can tell in how he was helping them all along with their english and like introducing and explaining things to the crowd ya know?? does that make sense?? reflection he would sing the  “i wish that i could love myself” and the entire stadium would chant we love you. and it was really touching god namjoon ilysm. also in cypher, the sorry bae part?? he would make us all sing and he would bow whenever it came out i busted my lung singing that one???
jin!!! got so many screams!!! his english is so so cute!! he works so hard with it!! he sent so many flying kisses oh god have mercy what a cheese??? he cried during awake unless my eyes were broken or something and the crowd was so supportive of him and he got so many cheers awake was one of the best okay like i was dying he is so talented and his voice live is better than studio by far he has such a unique voice and he works so hard i love him everyone thank you?? still has the weird bowl cut thing going on but---
jeongguk blows me away. his vocals are so so powerful?? his dancing during begin was so damn fast like i dont know how he managed to like idk do it all while singing?? begin was so beautiful and you can tell he also wants nothing more than to be up there. i felt like he was trying to play it cool a lot of the time but nothing could stop the biggest of smiles from appearing on his lips when people were cheering. he’s such an amazing vocalist and dancer and he’s such a cutie. like someone threw an american flag on stage and he wore it like a cape lol the hero we all needed but never knew we needed??? his smile is so cute i just rememer it and :)))
they did silver spoon!! which was my fave besides mama and boy meets evil which made me cry did i say that?? lost and cypher were amazing?? i especially loved lost the vocals were so powerful and i love the song and the meaning and them all together was so so good and pure. and cypher was so hyped?? they did parts of boy in luv, no, danger!! they did dope and save me oh my god save me got me crying too i forgot that happened lol. blood sweat and tears was something else oh oh my god someone end me i saw the hip thrust live and real??? i mean they obviously did more songs than that but like look im still crying okay im still dead and amazed. after blood sweat and tears they were like that;s it we’re done and for maybe ten minutes the crowd chanted for them and that’s when the rainbow ocean with the army bombs happened and the boys were so happy and amazed and blown away when they came back out to see that!!! i was like what is happening i thought they were really done but they came back out and wings interlude was the last yes?? and i cried then fuck i love them. taehyung and hoseok stayed out on stage the longest and god---
it was truly the best day of my life, like seeing hoseok smile is all i ever needed in my life, seeing him beam and smile and be so happy like--- i cant even out y love for him into words
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slushonem · 7 years
Sawyer Lee
An upcoming artist from Jasper, Alabama who currently resides in California making his dreams come true. 
“I love the way I can express myself and my words through music. God has given me the ability to sing and a humble soul to spread wisdom. I feel like that is apart of his purpose for me.”
When did all of this start? 
 "My brother... shoutout to C4. I started up a studio in his room w/ just his laptop & a crack’d version of Pro Tools. No mic no interface not even any speakers just singing into the laptop haha but we loved it bc it was ours. At first it was just a hobby but our county really started supporting. Big shot out to walker county!" You're from Jasper, Alabama right? "Yea, I was actually born in Birmingham at the St. Vincent’s but raised in Jasper on 9th Ave. 205." I started in LA but I actually moved to the bay in june & live in Santa Cruz (about an hour from SF & Oakland).  Honestly I just needed a change of scene & pace. I am very young in my artistry & feel the importance of starting new beginnings that will create new stories that in return will create new music.”
“Jasper is one of those small towns where everyone knows everyone. Whether good or bad it’s my home and I love it. It’s very old fashioned but our millennium is different and I see such a positive change happening. I have noticed since I started my musical journey that more and more people are becoming appreciative of my music. I love it when they give me feedback like.. wow people actually listen.”
Sawyer is now, currently recording in San Jose.
“Shout out to sound cave.”
He is working towards his degree as a student while also working as a music therapist for non nerotypical individuals. “If you know me you know that I have a soft spot for that population and always will.”
How do you feel when you’re performing? 
“I take the stage very serious. If I don’t know you then sorry you can t be on the stage. no hard feelings just a respect thing.. its otf over here. but fr when I step on stage my alter ego comes out of me *lauhgs* what can I say? I go from sawyer to sawyer lee real quick. I pride myself on my stage presence though and always try keep the energy up. mosh pit, stage dive, whatever we r turning up though.”
What projects are you currently working on? 
“I recorded a lot of material in Nashville before I moved- Shout out to Tha Underground Stu and @prodbyjminor, I was going to make it into my debut EP which I had named "ANGLES”. After many listening sessions  with the crew I decided to release them for free on soundcloud as singles and continue working on ANGLES in Cali. I picked up a different wave since I have been out here. I kept my roots & added a west coast feel to it. I can’t wait to finish it. I named it ANGLES because I want to show my versatility through this EP. You will just have to wait and see...”
What collaborations have you had thus far?
 “Gotta shout out my bro Kenny Loften doing it for Hoover! Whenever we hop in the stu it’s like we are riding the same wave. Shit is ill. Also, shout out to Missle another dope Birmingham artist on the rise... got a couple features with him. DJ Redd is dropping his own exclusive tape too! I fuck with the socially awkwrd gang as well. As far as my collabs on the west side go wellllll.. you will just have to wait and see.”
What else do you do besides sing and song- write? 
“I love playing the keys and having jam sessions with friends. Also just locking myself in my personal zone and steadily working on my production skills. I also have a girlfriend. Her name is Mary Jane and she’s pretty loud but she takes the pain away... ya feel me?”
What inspires your music?
“My family, it’s all for them. They’ve been with me through it all, they motivate me to be myself, and be myself to my fullest potential. Also, I have made it through a lot of relatable trials and tribulations. Just the power to share my story and connect with someone who has been through a similar situation is all the inspiration I need.”
“I know this sounds clique but money really is the motive. I mean I would love the opportunity to share wisdom through fame but seeing the face on my mom when I buy her whatever she wants. Yea dat way.”
What are some artist you look up to?
 Off the top of my head:     *Alice in Chains          Nirvana       Led Zeppelin       *Goodie Mob          OutKast         *Lil Wayne  *Chance The Rapper      PartyNextDoor       Majid Jordan          Yelawolf     Sebastian Cole
“Another point I would like to add is racial tension is very high at this time especially in the south. I think if I could pass anything on to my fellow caucasian Americans is that just try to be more accepting. I am a supporter of the black lives matter movement bc what is so wrong about a race wanting to ‘matter?’ That’s it.. Just accept that even though we didn’t live during the troubling times of slavery and segregation doesn’t escape the fact that it still happened. We have to respect, recognize and act accordingly.
Also my friends are like family to me bc at one time they were the only family I had. I will never forget that and forever be in there debt. Shout out to medina, jaiquan, phat, shields, matt, charlie, hall, Nic & nick, and the whole 205.”
Check me out on soundcloud: @SawyerLeeMusic Twitter or IG: @sawyerleemusic
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themanguidemg · 7 years
Check Out The Best New Albums From January
New year, new music.  The only silver lining about a terrible political situation is that great music tends to rise from times like these. Tons of long awaited new albums are set to be released this year. For now, check out the Best New Albums from January 2017:
Run The Jewels – Run The Jewels 3
(Album Of The Month)
Few groups can accomplish three truly great albums in their career.  Run The Jewels, however, has done so with their first three releases in a row. This time the duo composed of Killer Mike and El-P have dropped arguably their best material yet. RTJ3 was surprisingly released a few weeks early on Christmas Day, for free as always, but the album was officially made available for purchase on it’s original date of January 13th. El-P’s post-apocalyptic trap b-boy production remains a signature force as the two MCs trade raps with effortless skills. Call Ticketron shows off Killer Mike’s brutal flow and wordplay over a bass heavy beat that’ll rip through your speakers. Talk To Me, the album’s first single, continues on their tradition of adrenaline rap that will force you into a mosh pit.
The guest spots, from Tunde Adebimpe (TV On The Radio) to Trina, are few and about as diverse as you’d expect from the combination of Mike and El. Kamasi Washington adds the sax to Thursday In The Danger Room, which is the duo’s most personal track yet. El touches on his feelings watching a friend slowly succumb to a fatal illness, while Mike speaks on forgiving the man who killed his friend during an armed robbery. It’s verses like this that make Run The Jewels stand out above most artists in today’s hip hop landscape. Zach de la Rocha is back once again for another blistering 16 to close the album out on Kill Your Masters.
Run The Jewels 3 is a call to action for a revolution, all while promoting respect, maturity, togetherness and debauchery. This isn’t a kumbaya sing-a-long rap album, these topics are presented in the most hardcore, thumping package you’ll hear this year. With every album RTJ manages to step it up notch and once again with RTJ3 it seems like they’ve taken their unbridled chemistry one step further to create one of the most relevant and necessary music of their careers.
Stand out tracks: Talk To Me, Panther Like A Panther, Thursday In The Danger Room
Cloud Nothings –  Life Without Sound
Frontman Dylan Baldi said this album would be his “version of new age music.” Albeit a gross over exaggeration, this is Cloud Nothings’ most mellow record. Know that they haven’t bitched out and turned into Coldplay, but they have ironed out their sound so it’s not a constant stream of punk infused chaos. Life Without Sound is their most melodic album so far and finds the trio introducing a 4th member and an additional guitar that enhances the album’s sound.
Their singles, Modern Act and Internal World. highlight their newer cleaner music while retaining memorable hooks and Baldi’s  cryptic lyrics (which might split their fan base). One of the album’s best tracks, Enter Entirely, manages to successfully blend both new and old styles better than the singles did. The album’s last three tracks come closer to what we’ve come to expect from previous Cloud Nothings outings, especially the closer (Realize My Fate) which is a slow 6 minute burn that’s marked by Baldi’s hoarse vocals. Whether you’re a new fan, or a loyal follower, Life Without Sound is a solid listen from top to bottom, and marks the further growth of a very talented band.
Stand out tracks: Up To The Surface, Darkened Rings, Enter Entirely
Nick Grant – Return Of The Cool
When I first heard Nick Grant’s 88, his debut mixtape released last year, there were signs of a very skilled rapper that still needed to find his own voice. Often through out that tape I found his sound too similar to that of other rappers. However, fast forward less than 12 months later and Grant has showed a trait that is rarely seen in hip hop: rapid artistic growth. Return Of The Cool is Nick Grant’s debut album and he set the mark high for future efforts. Everything from beat choice, flows and lyrics are light years ahead of his previous project.
On the Dilla-esque Gotta Be More, accompanied by BJ The Chicago Kid, Grant proclaims “N****s ain’t rapping lately, guess I’m trapped in the 80’s.” A similar concept is applied on The Sing Along as Grant shuns the record industry for it’s lack of originality and the disposable artists that settle for it: “Need of revenue, please never let em Jerry Heller you/ As the regret screams, I pray that the weed settles you/ Nothing is worse than having it and then losing it/ The hunger starts fading and then you become cool with it.”
If you haven’t checked out his appearance on the Late Show With Colbert, make sure you do as he performs another album stand out, Get Up along with WatchTheDuck. Nick Grant’s has shown he cares about improving his craft in order to rise above early comparisons. His long term career will benefit because of it as everyone is just starting to really take notice of the rising rap star.
Stand out tracks: Drug Lord Couture, The Sing Along, Get Up
Leopold and His Fiction – Darling Destroyer
Vocalist Daniel James has received comparisons to Jack White for years now and thanks to the new album he will most likely accrue some more. Leopold and His Fiction’s Darling Destroyer seems like the true culmination of their sound. It’s a polished garage blues-rock album that takes elements from their previous releases and distills them in some whiskey barrels. This is also their cleanest and best engineered album which makes it even more enjoyable than any of their previous projects.
The mood is set as Cowboy opens up the album and it encapsulates what Darling Destroyer is all about with it’s high energy riff driven blues-rock. I’m Caving In is a gorgeous vintage rock track that contains influences of old Zeppelin, as well as early Aerosmith. Darling Destroyer displays James at his most dominant vocal performance in his career and the band sounds more cohesive than ever.
Stand out tracks: Cowboy, I’m Caving In, Saturday
Sheer Mag – Compilation LP
If you’ve never heard of Sheer Mag, I can’t blame you but now it’s a good time to start. The Philly DIY rock outfit prides themselves on having no social media presence whatsoever, besides their SoundCloud page. Not only that, but none of their music is available on streaming services. The only way to get your hands on their three past releases is on their Bandcamp site, in which you can stream and/or purchase their three 7″ EPs on vinyl. Compilation LP groups a remastered version these three projects into one album, which is once again available exclusively on Bandcamp. This compilation serves as a primer to their debut album which will be released later this year.
Sheer Mag is an in your face throwback mixture of 70s rock, punk and soul. You’ll go through the first rawer sounding four tracks that defined their style and hear them evolve in real time as the album progresses. The highlights occur in the last 2/3rds of the album, as Sheer Mag really hits their stride with material from their 2nd and 3rd EPs. Tina Halladay’s screeching vocals reverberate over Hard Lovin’ and Nobody’s Baby. The band shines on Fan The Flames and Can’t Stop Fighting, songs which are able to project each member’s individual talent.
Trust me, stop sleeping on Sheer Mag. They’re one of the truly rare talents in today’s rock scene. Hopefully when their debut album drops later this summer, they become more accessible so more people can appreciate and acknowledge that great rock is far from dead.
Stand out tracks: Fan The Flames. Can’t Stop Fighting, Nobody’s Baby
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