#moss russian posting
moss-in-hiding · 2 months
(i’m making basically translation of my previous post that’s fully in Russian) 
today I watched an old Soviet two episode show called Ordinary Miracle, which I haven’t seen since I was a kid. however, while I was watching it, I realize that two of the characters the Wizard and his wife are basically just Howl and Sophie from Howl’s Moving Castle.
because the wizard is on one hand trying to live normally, but also turned a bear into a human just for his own amusement? (but also it’s heavily implied he did it because he wanted the bear to feel love and get to be human) and his wife, who is ginger by the way, just like book Sophie, is basically his conscience telling him that it’s inhumane to force the bear to be human if he doesn’t want to be.
oh, and also the movie starts off with the line my wife who I’ve been in love with since I was a boy- which is literally Howl.
but yeah, it’s on YouTube if you’re into subbed surreal soviet musicals from the 70s!
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pasternaksmuse · 1 year
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pitruli · 3 months
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One Piece - Warrior Cats AU, but it's a post-apo world with cats playing pirates to replace humans; here's the strawhats first!
Finally made small clean designs of the ideas i had for months haha- Not sure who i'll make next but there's so many characters i want to draw as cats hehe (i can take suggestions)
got some notes under cut
Monkeydawn: can't remember why i made him a colour point- Warrior cat names are a pirate thing, and Dawn is exclusive to the Ds. The ribbon is basically the strawhat here, given by Redscar (i didn't like the look of hats on cats-). Leader of Strawclan but he's bad at names so everyone named themselves
Mossthorn: gray oriental cat. Formerly named Thorn the Fox, Moss is a joke from Snail but also his favorite colour so- He's Clan deputy and a knife wielder, the harness is to keep them on his back.
Waveberry: long hair calico cat. Formerly named Wave, and was Wavestorm in the fishcats' clan. Berries are still a currency here but it sounded better than trying to fit Tangerine in her name. First warrior of the clan and terrain painter. Oh and there's Cloudstar too (names in -star are deities names)
Pebbleflight: black tabby cat. Formerly Pebble and had too many ideas for his pirate name. He grows poisonous plants for projectiles. Wanted as Flyingspark and then Pebblestar (he also has a star on his forehead like WC leaders have in fanarts!)
Snailswirl: Turkish van. Snail is a name he was given by Redleg (such a joke for a french cook but i love it), and Swirl is a joke from Moss. He's both a warrior and a med cat, his cooking experiments helping with faster recoveries.
Antlerfall: Neko no mi, model: lynx. Was named like a pirate by med cat Cherrytree, as his antlers disappear in his full lynx form. He's actually taller than most of the crew in all his forms. The one and only med reindeer !
Ravenbloom: russian blue. Went by the name Newmoon in Baroque Works, and is wanted as "Devilkit". She took back her childhood name Raven when joining the clan. Six legged most of the time because come on it's useful. Studies the extinction of humans (the existence of humans is still to be proven)
Blueflame: blue Mainecoon. Formerly named Littleflame, and renamed Blue by Iceberg, mixed both names when joining the crew. Lost his tail and badly injured his paws in the train accident, so the cyborg part is more like an exoskeleton. And hey, being six legged is fun. Assigned builder of the crew.
Whalesong: Siberian cat. Had his name from the black and white pattern of his fur making him look like an orca, and it fits with Laboon! So yes he is wearing his own fur because of course. His soul form also look like a typical starclan spirit fanarts, and starclan is an old pirate legend here.
Sharkstrike: fishcat! I'm so close to make a whole speculative evolution project about fishcats, but basically, they are cats if they had taken the same evolutionary path as whales. He's not a shark, he's still "just" a cat, but most fishcats are named after sea creatures.
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nogacheloveka-blog · 2 months
The Bad Sanses somehow ended up in the Backrooms. №14
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This is the translation of the another post from Russian to English. I understand English, but it is very difficult for me to write in English, so I asked chat GPT to help me. I have corrected some parts, but there still may be mistakes.
There will be no romantic lines in this story. I don't think it's appropriate to introduce romance, the story just isn't about that. Perhaps there will be some hints (I love some pairing and polyamory in the gang), but this work is just a research and hobby for me, a platform for experiments. Killer is just fooling around because he gets an interesting reaction in return.
Well, now I want to experiment with the number of images. I will be adding more relevant illustrations to the text. For now, I'll start with two or three and see how it turns out. I don't think I'll have time to add the gang to all the images, but perhaps in the future, I'll do.
What Error identified as an "exit" turned out to be a broken arcade machine. The power cable was torn and led to a small dirty puddle, one of the walls was scratched with claw marks, as if a wild beast had sharpened its claws on it, and the coin slot was overgrown with moss. But Error was convinced that this thing could serve as a way out of here (he sees more than the others), when they look around. After all, they have just arrived. However, level 25, where the arcade machine presumably led, was a good opportunity to choose their own path ahead (Nightmare was happy to have the chance to predict his own life).
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The description of level 23 in the database described the ruins of a past civilization. Engaging in archaeology would not be amiss. Moreover, in addition to items, human organizations hunted for information (Killer understood their curiosity). Old bricks, ruins, a couple of rusty coins, sketches of various architectural styles - the group looked with admiration (except for Error) at their boss, who surprisingly well oriented himself in the value of archaeological finds.
Many of them sometimes forgot that their boss had lived a long life and loved learning new things.
The group's inventory, although it allowed carrying many items, was limited and had already been filled with essential items. They had to choose. Some things were discarded based on data from the Backroom database, some did not represent historical value. Mostly, the subordinates of Nightmare were engaged in the search: Killer brought everything he saw, while Horror enthusiastically searched for edible and medicinal plants.
Dust was the only one who purposefully searched for artifacts. He admired Nightmare's skills and was interested in learning more about history from him. Forest butterflies flocked to him. It even seemed to Dust that they were trying to help him in his search within their capabilities. Perhaps it was his imagination. But he managed to find a couple of interesting frescoes and fragments of some strange tools, which Nightmare identified as "valuable".
Some of the finds resembled musical instruments, some looked like weapons or tools. They seemed damaged, but Killer's attempt to break one of the ancient items failed: they turned out to be surprisingly strong.
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Horror found wild grapes and a bunch of snails on them. It took him a couple of days to prepare the snails (each of them knew about snails from the old lady), but the berries tasted good. As if the plant came here not from the forest, but from the plantation. That explained the snails.
Error used strings to catch animals and let Horror cook it. It was just rational. The big guy could cook well. In a way, Horror bought Error's loyalty. For now.
Overall, they stayed in these forests for about two weeks and did not notice any signs of a possible way to get to their home dimension. It seemed that the human settlement was also too far from the place where they were (Enrico could have had a hard time). And everything that people knew, they immediately published on Reddit or the knowledge base, and they had not yet come across any secret communities. The latter was very disappointing Nightmare.
With some caution (the dimension-killer could play a trick on them, but going all the way back was too tedious. They were, after all, Sanses), the group returned to the arcade machine by a shortcut.
It was standing there.
Waiting for them.
Error could not make it work just like that. He saw the executable code for moving to level 25. But the Backrooms did not allow him to change or initiate anything. Fortunately, there was a real thing in front of him. And the code for moving was launched manually. He just needed to reconnect the wires and microchips that would do all the work for him.
Error stuck his hands inside the broken machine and released the threads. They slid inside, weaving through the broken parts. The power source was still working - the cord outside was decoration.
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The mechanism seemed complex, but Error only needed to fix what was involved in executing the code. It took some time, but the Destroyer managed to do it. The machine still looked deactivated, and its screen remained dark. But inside, music could be heard, and the coin slot glowed with light bulbs. One of the ancient coins they found managed to squeeze inside. Now they just needed to press a few buttons, simulating the game. Killer happily pounced on the levers and keyboard. After a few actions, Error began to reboot, and Killer got into the game - it seemed that the arcade machine contained some kind of fighting game. It was difficult to orientate oneself by the sounds of battle, but the skeleton got carried away and played until the transfer worked.
They all appeared in the hall, level 25. The second crossroads of the Backrooms. Many arcade machines, billiards, mini-bars, soda machines, ping-pong and other entertainment.
Killer immediately offered to play something. He playfully used his body as a bet.
Nightmare belongs to Jokublog Killer belongs to RahafWabas Dust belongs to Ask-DustTale Horror belongs to Sour-Apple-Studios Error belongs to CrayonQueen Cross belongs to JakeiArtwork
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gophergal · 22 days
Author Commentary - I Know Where to Look (Chapter 1)
Howdy y'all! I just posted the first chapter of my first tf2 fic, and figured that rambling about my thought processes from writing it would be fun. So, enjoy?
Welcome to my first Author Commentary post!
Regardless of if anyone other than my best bud (and partner in word crimes) @cursed—alien read these going forward, I thought it would be fun to explain references and thoughts from the process of fic writing. These are the sort of thing I love to know about my favorite art. I’m a great lover of artist interviews (specifically the ones where the artist in question explains the development of the concept and reasoning for the techniques they use) and an avid reader of author’s notes, so I hope that if anyone reading my fic is like me that they will enjoy this addition to the story.
I feel that the most notable thing about this fic is that, despite being rated as explicit, every explicitly sexual scene is under a cut. Why do this instead of just making the scenes fade to black or formatting it in a standard manner? Because, dear reader, I have had the experience of reading explicitly rated fic solely for the buildup to the smut scenes. I experience fluctuations between sex favorability to neutrality, all the way to aversion. When I’m feeling uncomfortable with explicit sexual content, I often wish there was a way to just skip those scenes entirely. But on the other hand, I also acknowledge that sex scenes CAN have narrative and character importance. For the specific dynamic that Corey and I envisioned for Red Oktoberfest- that being a relationship that starts as professional and sexual before becoming emotionally involved, those scenes would be a shame to ignore entirely on my part.
Behaviors and thoughts during sexual intimacy are rich with characterization, and I wanted to be able to express that. So, the best of both worlds, to me, was to have a second layer of opting in to reading those scenes. I may have to redo them later, however, because the way I had to go about it doesn’t work with pdf downloads and likely isn’t screen reader accessible. My current thoughts in regards to those problems is to encourage folks to download as some other format, and eventually create a podfic of this story.
Headcanons Involved
Something you may notice about this is the amount of headcanon I’m trying to cram into it. To be frank, I use most fic writing as a vehicle with which to go “look at my headcanons, boy”, so this isn’t surprising.
The first of which I would like to note is Heavy’s love of pulp romance. I couldn’t tell you why I first thought of it, but it’s grown on me like moss. Mikhail is a lover and a fighter. To me. In my heart. He views all art for what it is, and values the stories themselves pretty equally. The only important difference between the two books he’s carried with him from Russia and the pulp he’s collected in the US is sentimentality.
Speaking of those books, why the two I picked? Brothers Karamazov is a pretty obvious choice. It’s a classic and widely studied. Tsar Hunger by Leonid Andreyev, however was actually mentioned by name in Poker Night At The Inventory. In one conversation, Tycho asks Heavy what his favorite book is, to which he replies that he “prefers war.” Eventually, though, he does end up saying that he likes Tsar Hunger. I wanted to know if this was just a book picked at random, or if it actually meant something about Telltale’s interpretation of Heavy’s character. After all, the tumblr side of the fandom LOVES Heavy’s PhD in Russian Literature. It was. A BITCH. To find any information about that book. There isn’t a goodreads page for it. Or a wikipedia. Or even an amazon page selling copies. Like, what the fuck? Eventually, I found that the Internet Archive has it available to borrow by the hour. The particular copy that was archived was originally from the University of Texas and has a fabric cover. So no synopsis.
At this point I was thinking “oh my fucking god I’m two hours into this research process,” and decided I wouldn’t be reading King Hunger. I’ve skimmed it a bit and, filling in the blanks with some guesses based on the information Wikipedia provided about the author, it’s a symbolic/expressionist criticism of the monarchy, but one which also criticizes bloody revolution. Please take that with a pound of salt though. Once again, I spent a solid three hours getting to that amount of understanding.
This actually leads me to discussing another element that’s important to my interpretation of Heavy. Namely, who is father was. On r/TF2, I constantly see people arguing back and forth whether its fine to joke about Mikhail being “Heavy Communism Guy” or if that’s a gross misunderstanding since his father was declared a counterrevolutionary. (Meanwhile these same dimwits are happily joking about Medic being a member of a certain fascist regime, but I digress)
Personally, I think Mikhail’s father (who I will be calling Ivan Melnyk going forward, as I headcanon Heavy’s full name to be Mikhail Ivanovich Melnyk) was counterrevolutionary, but not anti-communist. That venn diagram isn’t just a circle my friends. In political matters, it’s very easy to get stuck in black and white thinking- and that’s fair for large matters- but, when it comes down to how people believe they should go about making changes, that’s where you get in-fighting between allied groups.
More clearly, I believe that Ivan was a man who believed in progress and common good, but found disproportionate violence distasteful. And he would have tried to impart those values on his son. However, Ivan’s death and his family’s imprisonment would really sour that for Mikhail. It adds a level of complexity where he is both someone who hates senseless violence (see: the sparrow story in Poker Night), but is extremely wrathful (see: the engineer story in Poker Night).
Switching gears, let’s talk respawn. Personally, I like the idea of it as something that exists in universe, rather than just being a game mechanic in the Documentary Video Game About the Gravel Wars. It adds some more leeway for goofy shit the mercs can get up to while also opening up more avenues for mentally trauma. Angst my beloved.
Respawn, in my mind, works by teleporting the remains to a mechanism that then recycles the matter into a pre-programmed form. I imagine that this is updated every day for the TF2 mercs, but only by the week or month for the Classic era systems. Upon exiting respawn, subjects may experience “respawn sickness,” which includes symptoms of nausea, diziness, anxiety, sensitivity to light and sound, disorientation, soreness, ect. One can become accustomed to respawn over time, and this is expedited by the modern systems, but some might remain sensitive to respawn even after years of use.
TFI standard protocol is to switch respawn systems over to the older system in order save money and perform diagnostics/maintenance without risking the permanent death of one of their “specialists.”
Another book note
The passage Heavy reads at the end is from a novella called Special Nurse by Lucy Agnes Hancock. It is Yet Another book I haven’t read, but decided to reference. Originally, I had wanted to reference a Harlequin Romance published in 1960-63, as I really didn’t want to include that flavor of anachronism. Dont fucking ask me why, but it mattered to me. However, the vast majority of what I could find online to read was published between 1975 and 1998. There were three books that technically fit my requirements, but the two from 1961 were either vacation romance or noble romance. Which just didn’t fit the vibe I was looking for. And the one from 1963 was published in November of that year. Which would have been fine, but I envisioned this chapter taking place in late May or early June.
In the late 40’s to mid 60’s Harlequin published SOOOOO many hospital romances. And this amused me, so I desperately wanted Heavy to be reading one. But I searched multiple times and just. Couldn’t find any that I could skim through. Fuck, dude, I couldn’t even find samples or excerpts. I COULD BARELY FIND SYNOPSES. I got desperate and dug through my mom’s old romance novel collection and lo and behold, there it was. Special Nurse. It’s not Harlequin (published by Pocket Books) and it wasn’t technically from 60-63 (originally published in 1948, but received 5 print runs from 1950-19060. Mine is from August 1960), but it WAS A DOCTOR ROMANCE. HUZZAH.
Dear fucking lord why do I do this shit to myself ahhhhhhhh
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littleeyesofpallas · 2 years
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Now that i've made some headway into the new games I can revisit this* little series of posts:
*[Kanto] [Johto] [Hoenn] [Sinnoh] [Unova] [Kalos] [Alola] [Galar] [Hisui] [Champs] [Paldea] [Paldea2] [Paldea3] [Teams] [Misc.]
Katy's name in Japanese is Kaede[カエデ] from kaede[楓] the japanese word for the maple tree. While the link is likely the Japanese use of maple syrup as a natural sugar in a lot of traditional pastries, it's kind of an odd choice of design when the Japanese maple is so well known for its deep red leaves, and even other maple trees are distinctly associated with various shades of red, orange, and yellow... Yet she's all brown with just a dash of minty green in there?
I covered Brassius' name in the lead up to game release but his Japanese name is Korusa[コルサ] as in Colza, another name for rapeseed or canola. He shares a namesake plant with Natane and Nabana, in Sinnoh/Hisui, but appears otherwise unrelated. Weird that his design is plant themed yet totally unrelated.
Iono's name was one I wasnt sure of at first, in Japanese it's Nanjamo[ナンジャモ] which is a pun on Nanjamonja[何じゃもんじゃ], which is and exclamation that gets translated very loosely as something like "what the hell is that!?" What i didnt realize at first and that apparently Nanjamonja-no-ki[なんじゃもんじゃの木] is actually the common name of the Chionanthus retusus, the Chinese fringetree. Incidentally I also thought for a moment that her name was a reference to nanjamonja-goke[ナンジャモンジャゴケ], the Takakia lepidozioides moss. But Iono's English name seems to come from the "...iona..." in Chionanthus...
Kofu's name is Haidai[ハイダイ] from the chinese name hǎidài[海带] for a type of Kelp/seaweed(Saccharina japonica). The English name might be a halfbaked attempt at appropriating makonbu[真昆布], the japanese name for the same plant; noting that the ko...bu[こ...ぶ] and kofu[こふ] are written similarly. Anyway... Given the chef gimmick, the seaweed you have to barter for for him, and the fact that one of his town's unique features is a chinese restaurant, it would appear to refer to it specifically as food. It's also the logo on his apron.
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Larry's name is Aoki[アオキ] from aoki[青木] the spotted laurel/Japanese laurel tree.(Aucuba japonica​) Funny enough it reminds me of Norman's name being Senri from the Senryo plant, which is a similar looking plant with red berries, and they're both normal type specialists. His highlights are similar in shape and color to aoki leaves. And they seem to have gotten Larry from Laurel.
Ryme... Her name is Raimu[ライム] as in Lime, homonym with Rhyme. She raps, but she does not appear to resemble limes... Her sister Tyme is taimu[タイム] like the herb thyme. I dont know why the english localization felt the need to remove the "h" in both of these.
Tulip's name was already Rippu[リップ] as in Lip from tulip.
Grusha/guruusha[グルーシャ] I've done before too. He's named in Russian, grusha[груша]: "pear." His big winter coat makes his head and torso pearshaped.
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Rika's name is Chiri[チリ] like Chilipeppers, the genus Capsicum. Some other languages opted to name her after cayenne, but the English name Rika comes from Paprika. Funny enough it has nothing to do with Chili from Unova, as his name, like all his brothers', was originally a reference to corn, not any sort of pepper.
Poppy is popii[ポピー] is poppy. Although they come in a few colors they all have the distinctive black center, which I assume is meant to be reflected in the design of Poppy's hair.
It's just Larry/Aoki again...
Hassel's name in Japanese is hassaku[ハッサク] from hassaku[八朔] aka the "jagada," a type of orange cultivated in Japan, known for being larger than most oranges; about the size of a grapefruit.
Geeta's name is Omodaka[オモダ] from Omodaka[沢瀉] a tree called the threeleaf arrowhead/Chinese arrowhead (Sagittaria trifolia). Its also prominently featured in Japanese family crests, like that of the Sawada, included above.
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Might as well get Team Star is in on this too! In the same way Guzma and Plumeria were kind of villainous alternatives to trial captains, for bug and poison type respectively, the Team Star sub-bosses kind of occupy a sort of pseudo/demi-gym leader status.
Giacomo's name is Piinya[ピーニャ] as in Piña:"Pineapple." His puffy autumn uniform vest and spiky hair makes him look like a pineapple.
Mela's name is Meroko[メロコ] seemingly taken from the Meloco... Of melocotón, Spanish word for "peach." Her red is a little too vibrant for it to be obvious, but her yellow to red hair appears to be peach inspired.
Atticus's name is Shuumei[シュウメイ] from Shumeigiku[秋明菊] Japanese name of a flower called the "fall-blooming anemone"(Anemone hupehensis japonica​). It comes in a few shades of pink and violet that seem to match the poison type color motif.
Ortega's name is just a tiny tweak from Orutiga[オルティガ]:"Ortiga" spanish name for nettle, a broad family of herbs known for their stinging hairs.
Eri's Japanese mame is Biwa[ビワ] from biwa[枇杷]: "loquat"(Eriobotrya japonica) a tree with a long history of its fruit and leaves bring used for food and tea. It is sometimes erroneously called the "Japanese Plum."
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And just to round things out a little...
Nemona's English name came from her Japanese name, Nemo[ネモ] from the Nemo nemphilia, a broad range of flowers known for their baby blue color. Oddly thats not reflected in her actual design..
Laughably Arven's name was Pepaa[ペパー]:"Pepper" and you would think it would refer to... You know... peppers. But given the English name, Arven from Mentha arvensis, it's actually a reference to peppermint which does make sense with his herb theme.
Penny's name is Botan[ボタン] from Botan[牡丹] Japanese name for the "tree Peony"(Paeonia suffruticosa) The peony has long standing cultural importance in China and by some proxy Japan, and is often compared to the Rose's prominence in Western Europe; this is incidentally why Chairman Rose's brother in Galar is named Peony. Incidentally this is likely why they had to name her Penny, as Peony had been taken.
Clavell's name is actually the same, Kuraberu[クラベル] approximating "Clavel" the Spanish name for the Carnation. He shares a flower name with Champion Diantha in Kalos.
Oops, first pass thru i forgot about the school faculty so i've added a post for those
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izothepsych0skrunkly · 2 months
andreas suvok
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Andreas suvok is a russian and Korean man,he is 21 years old,he works as a librarian,he is a relatively stern and serious person at his job,yet he is a very sweet guy if you've known him for long enough,his relationship with his family are extremely toxic (but that's a topic I'll cover in another post),He doesn't know most of his neighbours due to his fear of being hurt again by people,he is a massive people pleaser and he never considers himself most of the time,he lives with Francis mosses,and the two have a pretty healthy relationship,
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homomenhommes · 2 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … March 30
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1844 – Paul Verlaine, French poet, born, (d.1896); Born in Metz, he was educated in Paris and then took up a post in the civil service. He began writing poetry at an early age.
Verlaine's private life spills over into his work, beginning with his love for Mathilde Mauté de Fleurville. Mauté became Verlaine's wife in 1870. At the proclamation of the Third Republic in the same year, Verlaine joined the 160th battalion of the Garde nationale, turning Communard on 18 March 1871.
He became head of the press bureau of the Central Committee of the Paris Commune. Verlaine escaped the deadly street fighting known as the Bloody Week, or Semaine Sanglante, and went into hiding in the Pas-de-Calais.
Verlaine returned to Paris in 1871, and, in September, he received the first letter from Arthur Rimbaud. By 1872, he had lost interest in Mathilde, and effectively abandoned her and their son, preferring the company of his new lover, Rimbaud.
Rimbaud and Verlaine's stormy affair took them to London in 1872. In July 1873 in a drunken, jealous rage, he fired two shots with a pistol at Rimbaud, wounding his left wrist, though not seriously injuring the poet. As an indirect result of this incident, Verlaine was arrested and imprisoned at Mons, where he underwent a conversion to Roman Catholicism, which again influenced his work and provoked Rimbaud's sharp criticism.
The poems collected in Romances sans paroles (1874) were inspired by Verlaine's recollections of his life with Mathilde on the one hand and impressionistic sketches of his on-again off-again year-long escapade with Rimbaud on the other. Romances sans paroles was published while Verlaine was imprisoned.
Following his release from prison, Verlaine again traveled to England, where he worked for some years as a teacher, Boston, and Bournemouth. He returned to France in 1877 and, while teaching English, fell in love with one of his pupils, Lucien Létinois, who inspired Verlaine to write further poems. Verlaine was devastated when Létinois died of typhus in 1883.
Verlaine's last years saw his descent into drug addiction, alcoholism, and poverty. He lived in slums and public hospitals, and spent his days drinking absinthe in Paris cafes. His drug dependence and alcoholism caught up with him and took a toll on his life. Paul Verlaine died in Paris at the age of 51 on 8 January 1896;
But did he in fact write a poem that is almost certain never to be taught in French 101 — the so-called "Sonnet to an Asshole"? The chances are that he did. Even in English, the poem reflects the musical quality that was Verlaine's hallmark: "Dark and wrinkled like a deep pink, / It breathes, humbly nestled among the moss / Still wet with love ...
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1867 – Alaska is purchased from Russia. All Russian law had been abrogated there five years earlier, and Congress passes no criminal code for it, meaning that sodomy is legal.
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1933 – Jean-Claude Brialy, French actor and director, born (d.2007); a French actor, director and socialite who starred in French films, Brialy was born in Aumale, French Algeria, where his father was stationed with the French Army. Brialy moved to mainland France with his family in 1942, to Paris in 1954, and appeared in his first film in 1955.
When he went to Paris in 1954 it was without much money because his parents refused to help him, but with the hope of an acting career. He became friendly with a group of young critics on the influential magazine Cahiers du Cinéma, but before he could achieve his ambition, he was called up for military service in Germany. While on leave, he and a number of friends, among them Claude Chabrol, Jean-Luc Godard and Jacques Rivette, piled into an old Buick and drove from Paris to Provence to appear as extras in Jean Renoir's production of Julius Cesar in the Roman arena in Arles. "All night they spoke of cinema, in a manner that I hadn't heard before," Brialy recalled. "They were like a clandestine group plotting revolution. Most of them were hardly 20 years old. They spoke with incredible clarity of Rossellini, Hitchcock and Renoir as connoisseurs speak of Mozart and Beethoven."
In France, he went on to become one of the most prominent figures in the arts, prolific in films, on television and in the theatre; a brilliant raconteur with the air of a boulevardier, he was also one of the few French stars to be openly gay.
He became a star in the late 1950s when he was one of the most prolific actors of the French "nouvelle vague." He made films with such important nouvelle vague filmmakers as Claude Chabrol, Eric Rohmer, Jean-Luc Godard, Louis Malle, Francois Truffaut, Agnes Varda and Jacques Rozier; and with other filmmakers such as Roger Vadim, Claude Lelouche and Luis Bunuel. He was also himself a director of a number of films, including Eglantine (1971).
In his autobiographies, Le Ruisseau des singes (River of Monkeys) (2000) and J'ai oublié de vous dire... (I Forgot to Tell You ...) (2004), he revealed that he was bisexual.
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"Saddle Tramp" 
1949 – Tank aka Paul Clark Tankersley, American artist, born in Nassau County, NY, died 1992 in Dallas, Texas. The overriding aesthetic of his work was the glorification of the American Cowboy. Working mainly in graphite and colored pencil, occasionally in oils, Tank displayed a strong eye for realism. In his drawings, one had a sense that each man stood alone, strong and upright - truly capturing the spirit of the cowboy, the farmhand and other stoic men. His work also underscored the bond between men, and suggested a strong current of eroticism.
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He was very fond of the work he created and rarely parted with an original. Instead, he produced high quality photo prints available by mail order and at Gay Rodeo weekends. TANK's career was tragically interrupted by his sudden death of AIDS complications in 1992. His artwork has been showcased in several national publications across Canada, Europe and Australia.
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1964 – Tracy Chapman, American singer, born; Although Chapman has never spoken publicly about her sexuality, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Alice Walker discussed her love affair with Chapman in an interview with The Guardian on December 15th 2006. She explained why they did not go public with their relationship at the time (the mid 1990s), and said "[the relationship] was delicious and lovely and wonderful and I totally enjoyed it and I was completely in love with her, but it was not anybody's business but ours."
After waiting to graduate college, Chapman signed to Elektra Records, releasing Tracy Chapman (1988). The album was critically acclaimed, and she began touring and building a fanbase. Soon after she performed it at the televised Nelson Mandela 70th Birthday Tribute concert in June 1988, Chapman's "Fast Car" began its rise on the US charts, eventually becoming a Top 10 pop hit on the Billboard Hot 100. "Talkin' 'bout a Revolution," the follow-up, charted at #75, and was followed by "Baby Can I Hold You," which peaked at #48 The album sold well, going multi- platinum and winning three Grammys, including an honor for Chapman as Best New Artist.
In 1988, Chapman was a featured performer on the worldwide Amnesty International Human Rights Now! Tour. Chapman often performs at and attends AIDS charity events such as AMFAR and AIDS/LifeCycle
Chapman maintains a strong separation between her personal and professional life. "I have a public life that's my work life and I have my personal life," she said. "In some ways, the decision to keep the two things separate relates to the work I do."
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1966 – The Oregon Supreme Court upholds the sodomy conviction of two lovers, one of whom has cross-dressed.
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1967 – Gerald McCullouch is an award-winning American actor, director, screenwriter, and singer. He is best known for playing Bobby Dawson on CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.
McCullouch, an Irish-American, was born in Huntsville, Alabama. He first got his professional performing job at 16 was as a singer in the country western revue at Six Flags Over Georgia. He declined a scholarship to Savannah College of Art and Design to study in the BFA Musical Theatre Program at Florida State University. After surviving a near fatal car crash during his sophomore year, which left him in a coma, he began his career in Atlanta, Georgia.
McCullouch has been interviewedin many publications, including the New York Daily News, Los Angeles Daily News, Jezebel, The Advocate, and the Instinct.
In January 2009, McCullough was on the New York City subway when a man attempted to steal his laptop; McCullough, a trained boxer, successfully fought him off, even when the thief attempted to stab him with a kitchen knife. The thief was arrested by New York City police officers. He had previously been robbed at gunpoint in Atlanta in 2001.
McCullough is openly gay and has directed and starred in several gay-themed productions, including Bear City and Bear City 2.
In 2014, he revealed that he was in a relationship with college basketball player Derrick Gordon.
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1972 – Vestal McIntyre is an American author currently based in the UK. He was born in Nampa, Idaho, and educated at Tufts University, Massachusetts. He lived for many years in New York City, where he was a waiter at Restaurant Florent in the Meatpacking District.
He claims to have three gay siblings, brothers and sisters, and tells of how his mother handled the fact:
It was very difficult at first, especially for my mother who was deeply religious and had led a sheltered life. She said she hadn't even known gay people existed growing up! But she and my dad both loved us a lot and were open-minded, intelligent people. My mother ended up standing up for us in church. American Baptist churches all had to vote whether they'd be "open and affirming" or "open and transforming" to gay people. (Transforming, meaning gays and lesbians would have to become straight in order to stay members.) My mom stood up at a deacon's meeting and said, "I have four gay children, and they grew up in this church and we need to make them feel welcome!" This, from a woman who, a few years before, could not get the word "gay" out of her mouth! I tell that story all the time—I'm so proud of her.
His first collection of short stories, You Are Not the One, was published by the independent Scottish publisher Canongate in 2006. His follow-up book, Lake Overturn, was published in 2009, and won the Grub Street National Book Prize and the Lambda Literary Award for Gay Fiction.
He now lives in southeast London, where he is working on a second novel and wrapping up a collection of stories based on his years in New York.
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1984 – Died: Gaëtan Dugas (b.1953) who was a Canadian who worked for Air Canada as a flight attendant. Dugas became notorious as the alleged patient zero for AIDS.
A study published in the American Journal of Medicine in 1984 traced many of New York City's early HIV infections to an unnamed infected homosexual male flight attendant. Epidemiologists hypothesized that Dugas had carried the virus out of Africa and introduced it into the Western gay community.
Dugas was described as being a charming, handsome sexual athlete, who, according to his own estimation, averaged hundreds of sex partners a year. He claimed to have had over 2,500 sexual partners across North America since becoming sexually active in 1972.
As a flight attendant Dugas was able to travel the globe, at little cost, to such early HIV epicenters as London and Paris in Europe and Los Angeles, New York City, and San Francisco in the U.S. Being diagnosed with Kaposi's Sarcoma in June 1980, and after being warned that this could be caused and spread by a sexually transmitted virus, Dugas refused to stop having unprotected sex, claiming that he could do what he wanted with his body. He allegedly informed some of his sex partners, just after having sex, that he had the "gay cancer" and perhaps they would get it too.
Dugas died in Quebec City on March 30, 1984 as a result of kidney failure caused by continual AIDS-related infections.
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Translation Note: This is the only poem known to have been composed jointly by Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine. The Parnassien poet Albert Mérat had published a book of sonnets entitled L'Idole, in which each poem extolled a part of his mistress' body — with one omission, which the two young homosexual poets and lovers proceeded to "rectify." This sonnet appeared in the Album Zutique, a book of scabrous parodies by the Parisian literary circle who called themselves Les Zutistes.
Sonnet to an Asshole Dark and wrinkled like a violet carnation, It sighs, humbly nestling in the moss still moist from love That follows the descent of sweet white cheeks Down to their edge. Filaments like tears of milk Have wept beneath the cruel south wind That drives them back across the little clots of russet clay, And disappeared there where the slope has called them. My Dream has often kissed its opening; My Soul, that envies mortal intercourse Has chosen this to be its wild and musky nest of sobs. It is the swooning olive and the sweet cajoling flute The tube through which celestial creamy pralines tumble down Female Promised Land rimmed round with dew! et en Francais :Sonnet du Trou du Cul Obscur et froncé comme un oeillet violet Il respire, humblement tapi parmi la mousse Humide encor d'amour qui suit la fuite douce Des Fesses blanches jusqu'au coeur de son ourlet. Des filaments pareils à des larmes de lait Ont pleuré, sous le vent cruel qui les repousse, À travers de petits caillots de marne rousse Pour s'aller perdre où la pente les appelait. Mon Rêve s'aboucha souvent à sa ventouse ; Mon âme, du coït matériel jalouse, En fit son larmier fauve et son nid de sanglots. C'est l'olive pâmée, et la flûte caline, C'est le tube où descend la céleste praline : Chanaan féminin dans les moiteurs enclos !
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poppy-purpura · 1 year
is the nosk grimm child evil? do i have to punch them?
Honestly I should give him a name. I call him just Nightmare in an affectionate way (Кошмарик in russian). He just live in moss pura's dreams and does not allow her to sleep so strong. And it helps to moss pura live because infection cant get her. Pura get infected if someone kick him out of dreams and he is just a baby in real world.
Actually he is just a silly creature.
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Alternatively, he can be kicked out in post canon and will grow to the right size. After that, Pura will be able to travel by leaning on him (she cant walk normally, she has a weak legs)
But you can punch him
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moss-ghoulette · 3 months
If any of you use Telegram (especially if you're Russian, because I'm posting it russian there) you can follow me there too. It's not much there yet tho
I'll put as many fandom tags as possible, sorry :)
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the-mouse-joust · 1 year
Mouse Joust List
Hi everyone!
I’ve put together the list of mice participating in this tournament. There will be 48 mice competing!
I’ll be posting the bracket itself separately, along with what matchups you should expect to see first and when.
Without further ado, under the Keep Reading is our list of competitors, ordered alphabetically:
Algernon from Flowers for Algernon
Angelina Ballerina from Angelina Ballerina
Basil of Baker Street from The Great Mouse Detective
Cartesian from The Underland Chronicles by Suzanne Collins
Celestine from Ernest and Celestine
Chrysanthemum from Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes
Click the Mouse from Between the Lions
Danger Mouse from Danger Mouse
Daroach from Kirby Squeak Squad
Despereaux Tilling from The Tale of Despereaux
Diddl from Diddl
Fieval Mousekewitz from An American Tail
Gadget Hackwrench from Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers
Geronimo Stilton from the Geronimo Stilton books and cartoon
Gus and Jaq from Cinderella
Jerry from Tom and Jerry
KiracChu from Kiratto Pri☆Chan
La Souris Verte from “Une souris verte” (French folksong)
Maisy Mouse from Maisy
Martin of Redwall from the Redwall series
Maus from Deltarune
Mickey Mouse from Disney
Mona from Super Lesbian Animal RPG
Mouse from The Gruffalo
Mouser from Super Mario Bros. 2
Mrs. Frisby/Brisby from Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH/The Secret of NIMH
Ms. Mowz from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Oliver from Purrgatory
Pinky and the Brain from Animaniacs
Poppy from Poppy and Ragweed (The Tales Of Dimwood Forest)
Quill from Moss (Video Game)
Quinley from If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
Ralph S. Mouse from The Mouse and the Motorcycle
Ralph Stilton from Bojack Horseman
Rastamouse from Rastamouse
Reepicheep from The Chronicles of Narnia
Roquefort from The Aristocats
Speedy Gonzales from Looney Tunes
Squeak from Garfield
Stuart Little from Stuart Little
Tandemaus from Pokémon
The Mouse from Froth on the Daydream (L'Écume des jours)
The Mouse from “The Giant Turnip” (Russian folktale)
The Three Blind Mice from Shrek/Nursery rhyme
Tutter from Bear in the Big Blue House
Warehouse Mouse from Imagination Movers
Wemberly from Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes
Wooden Mouse from “Tomcat Disposables” by Will Wood
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moss-in-hiding · 2 months
Окей извините мой хреновый русский но я диктую этот пост - из-за того что говорю по-русски я много но печатаю или пишу очень мало И выпал из практики.
Ну потому что тема этого поста будет русское кино я думаю лучше будет если меня поймут русскоговорящие. Я сегодня пересмотрел сериал Обыкновенное Чудо и до меня дошло что персонажи волшебник и его жена это просто старшая версия Хаула и Софи из ходячего замка.
Послушайте волшебник который превратил медведя в человека просто потому что он хотел попробовать дать больше жизни к живому? Его жена в которую он влюблён с детство? Та жена которая его ругает за то что он для своего развлечения замучил бедного медведя? И у неё рыжие волосы? Клянусь это они!! 
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potatogoats1blog · 2 years
Hi, welcome to my blog!
Im Alex, you can call me Soap/Moss(or both), Neko, Goat/Potato, or anything you like!
I speak Russian/Ukrainian, Italian, and English. No war or russiaphobia mentions, i chose stay on the neutral side and I'm glad if you get that.
My pronouns are he/they/it. You may use "she" only if we're close and im comfy with you
Im genderfluid!
This blog is Drama-free! That means i will not support or enter any gender/sexuality drama in the UT/DR fandom or any fandom in general.
KFC gang and many other characters canonically use They/Them pronouns. That doesn't give you the right to envade personal space of someone who thinks otherwise or makes AU's with ANY of them using different pronouns. Keep your believes and headcanons(and the urge to spread canons) to yourself.
Warning list:
Ban list:
@lovesupportbot (for being cringe, homophobic and pushing me(and other ppl) to blackwash my characters)
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DNI undercut
Do not(or try not to) interact if you're:
· Racist, Homophobic, transphobic, anti-feminist or an asshole in general
· Pedofilia supporter (including such ship as Frans. I know there's some version of Frans that is NOT pedofilia or where both characters dont have a huge age gap, but please, still do your best to not interact with me if you ship those
Upd 4.1.23: Such ships as Chans, Chariel, and any other type of incest/pedophilia(/big age gap ships), are in the list too! )
· Art tracer. Fuck you i will spit on you and slap you
· Hi! There was a black/white-washing and making characters trans/nb part of the DNI. I wrote it when i was the person who misgendered KFC and other nb characters and i absolutely didnt remember it was there, when i was updating my DNI list. I am sorry if you ever saw that. I am deleting this part because i do not think about these things anymore. Everyone is free to do their HC's how they like them as long as they dont disrespect any other authors or the canons of the characters. Peace <33
And the usual!
Now what you may see in my blog? <3
CHARISK! - It's my comfort ship, so yeah, you may see it alot here!
My Chara and Frisk are absolutely not canon. My Chara uses she/they and My Frisk uses all(she/he/they/it!! No neo)pronouns. Please do not misgender them.
T.H.D - which stands for "The hero disappeared", which is.. My Deltarune AU! You may ask more about it, but im currently working on an animatic for it!!
THD TRIGGER WARNING: Minor smoke, drugs, death, sh/su1c1de, homophobia and violence. Also injuries and blood and many non kid-friendly things
NONAMETALE - it has no name, but it's my AU, check it uwu
And also other au's, fanarts, reblogs and sh!tposts.
IM OK WITH MINORS ON MY BLOG, but my blog contains GORE, BLOOD, SH/SU1C1DE, AND MANY OTHER NOT KID-FRIENDLY THINGS. So it's going to be YOUR responsibility if you get traumatized. I warned you.
To get an anonim ask write "/Anon". I will not answer the ask directly from the askbox and i will not look at your blog. I'll post the question in a regular post and answer it
Being a child with special needs doesn't free you from your responsibilities! So be careful of what you write.
Important info: i have 4 sonas, all of them use the same pronouns as me and all of them are genderfluid. I have suicidal intentions, SH problems, and should get therapy but can't afford that. I seek happiness in my comfort characters and i may change them to stay even more comfy. Its my happy space, do not ruin it and I'll be respectful in your space.
[Upd 23/09/2022]
[Upd 20/12/2022]
Read this.
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whiskyarts · 10 months
Your Hugo is for the autistic people. He smells like toilet cleaner
he smells like uhhh
*checks other blog for that associated senses post*
burnt leaves, moss, decay, cinnamon, russian tea, ichor, leather, bone marrow, open paint cans, orchids, cheap perfume, grave dirt, and old books
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nogacheloveka-blog · 4 months
The Bad Sanses somehow ended up in the Backrooms. №7
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next 8
prev 6
This is the translation of the another post from Russian to English. I understand English, but it is very difficult for me to write in English, so I asked chat GPT to help me. I have corrected some parts, but there still may be mistakes.
I'm experimenting with shadows) I like that Nightmer now looks like a happy octopus. Contrary to tradition, he was the first one in the photo, not Killer(I like how his fur turned out). But with Cross, I can't seem to draw his mech sharper and harder. Maybe in the future, I'll be able to do something that satisfies me. I feel like I messed up the perspective a bit in the drawing, and maybe some characters seem a bit lower/higher than I tried to draw them before, but I tried to maintain proportions =)
The new level was a network of mazes with walls made of ancient brick, through the gaps of which light passed. They were so narrow that Nightmer clearly felt a wave of irritation from the Destroyer, apparently afraid of accidental touches with someone. He himself didn't like the excess of disturbing light in this place.
Their smiling pets, on the other hand, enthusiastically entered the bright tunnels, gathering in groups around lanterns and torches, gradually depleting them until they went out with a characteristic sound. Since the author of the notes did not specify the exact path of penetration to level 3 through this place, most likely they had to wander back and forth for quite a long time until they finally came somewhere, or Error did not feel the transition between levels.
They slowly walked in the dark through the corridors following the Smilers absorbing the light. The material of the walls changed more often than on level 0: they passed through caves with glowing moss, hospital corridors with long incandescent lamps, round tunnel-pipes with blinding light from grilles. The latter gave them hope that they could finally get out at least to the Antivoid, but when Killer tried to stick his head out of the window, he received a very painful burn, which made his bones blacken. Insensitive to pain, he looked more surprised than angry. Fortunately, his HP was not affected. Nevertheless, the group stopped so that Horror could treat his injury.
It seems that the light on this level was not particularly friendly. And this helped them to pay attention to the fact that there were fewer former dog monsters around them now. Continuing to watch them, it turned out that their number decreased when they attacked flashing sources of light. Apparently, the decision to follow them protected the guys from unnecessary injuries. When their pack's number approached critical, Error was hit by a flashing light. Fortunately, the flash only hit his scarf, completely destroying it, which made the enraged Destroyer unleash his fury on hostile photons, at the same time completely destroying their accompaniment.
Fortunately, not far from the battle site, they still stumbled upon a hole in the wall leading to a richly decorated but empty bathroom. This was level 3.
The author of the notebook has no records about this level. He wrote a lot about how to get there, but did not describe it. Since all the levels before this one were quite empty and not heavily populated with hostile creatures, the group did not worry about the future.
Nightmer reacted quite optimistically to this place. He felt that sweet negativity was flowing in the pipes around them, which was unusual for him and deafened any presence of other creatures. It was clear that he would not be able to use his aura effectively here, for example, to search for lost ones or communicate with entities. Although the power that now overwhelmed him was good. (he is worried about the condition of others, maybe they should leave this place as soon as possible)
Error is still too vulnerable from the damage to his scarf and doesn't want to talk to anyone.
Cross saw through an open window a neighboring room where hundreds of garlands wrapped around prison bars. A mesmerizing sight. He heard a distant sound like a working generator and a faint smell of gasoline.
The rest decided to take a break from running away from the light show.
Nightmare belongs to Jokublog Killer belongs to RahafWabas Dust belongs to Ask-DustTale Horror belongs to Sour-Apple-Studios Error belongs to CrayonQueen Cross belongs to JakeiArtwork
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resolvedbrunette · 7 months
about me
director’s cut
Note: I don't know everything. I don't have an opinion on everything. Please don't expect me to.
astrology: sun in capricorn, moon in aquarius, libra ascendant.
age: not a minor. not old enough to legally drink in the US. however, I do mention my age in some of my posts. please don’t ask otherwise unless you’re really that concerned. if you are a minor, please leave my blog. this ain’t a space for lil people.
location: the South. a border state
background: medical/health science field. nha-certified ekg technician (04/2022). certified in cpr/bls with the aha (01/2023). nha-certified clinical medical assistant (04/2023). planning to enter laboratory research field as soon as degree finished
brain soup: self-diagnosed adhd-c, supported by external observers. highly probable asd, not seeking professional diagnosis due to cost and other demographic factors. interrogate me if you wish.
ethnic background/race: black American, white American. raised speaking academic English and Ebonics (AAVE). primarily of English, Irish, Scottish, and German descent.
spanish (conversational)
english (native)
latin (professional)
french (conversational)
asl (intermediate)
russian (a few words. very familiar with Cyrillic and can transliterate with good accuracy)
politics: do not ask me what my political party is. I am registered as independent. that is all you need to know.
belief system: non-denominational Biblical Christian. mostly literal interpretation. I love learning about other people’s beliefs. Please tell me about yours!
hobbies/things i obsess over:
witch and nature-reverent culture, neopaganism
animals: passerine (perching) birds, corvids (ravens in particular), bears, wolves
music: especially: fleetwood. mac. I will live and die on this hill. also I apparently like Taylor Swift now
film study
handicrafts: sewing, quilting, knitting
geographical locations: montana, iceland, new zealand, the appalachian mountain range (my grandparents live in the blue ridge mountains), north.
space anything
old things: england and english fashion in the eras of: 1400s, late 1700s, early-mid 1800s, old art.
art: i have an art tag
other cultures (religions especially)
ted lasso: this show is everything to me
football: gridiron and normal
tag list:
personal: wide range of stuff about my life, from short form brain occurrences to long winded posts
brain chaos: asd related content
brain chaos.2: adhd related content
a journal of sorts: generally mid length to longer posts about me + life + emotions
successes: common Vega Ws
cultcha: things related to Black/African American culture
diary of a not so mad scientist: my science tag
nature: about nature
hobbitposting: I am a hobbit soul in a human body and this is how it is expressed
musique: music tag
the oc varga: au where an author surrogate werewolf falls in love with a female knight (probably in a universe similar to skyrim)
nature ascendant: closely related to hobbitposting but instead of a hobbit i am the moss. the trees, the wind in their branches
fashun: clothing and other wearables
original: original content that is created by me and might be published eventually
khenma: the tag for my conlang (2 years in the making so far - 12/2023)
cinema: film related content
college: anything related to college
article: online articles
ask game/asks: ask tags
bookmark: keepsake tags
meme: memes
rebagled: reblog but goofy
products: things I've made
emotion tags:
a little vent: short form vents
anger. just anger: vents about prolonged/repeated issues that anger me to my bones
happy vent: no one will listen in real life so I am happying into the ether of the internet
rant: rant posts... more so long winded than venty
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