#most are from value village with a few other thrift stores in the mix
uglygirlstatus · 1 year
despite the fact that the pdfs are literally available for free online I’ve spent the last two ish years trying to collect every single Animorphs book through finding them by chance at thrift stores and bookshops and only then will I allow myself to indulge in the series from beginning to end. I only have 15 books left please clap
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mishallaneously · 7 years
Hi Nathalie! I'm going to be soloing it in Seattle for a couple of days next month and was wondering if you have any suggestions of where to go/the best ways to get around. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you and hope all is well!
i’m so sorry this has taken me almost 3 week to get to but let’s see. 
Seattle Must Sees… hm
welcome to 
Nathalie’s Unofficial and Last Minute Guide to Seattle
the Obvious: 
Pike Place Market: see them throw the fish, take a pic in front of the first starbucks but don’t wait in line cause there are 8 within walking distance that sell the same stuff, eat a pierogi and pierogi pierogi or some mac n cheese at beechers, see the gum wall, get a pizza at the alibi room next to the gum wall, buy some produce or just sample the produce, ooh also get yogurt at Ellenos (get a walkaround of marion berry pie it’s the bees knees)
Seattle Center: This is where the Space Needle is!! if it’s a nice day this is a lovely park to go to there’s a huge fountain! in this area you will find the aforementioned space needle ( he is the love of my life) which you don’t really need to go up cause lbr the view isn’t that great he’s not the tallest boy out there, the Chihuly glass museum which is rad if you like art and siqqq blown glass i rec that hard, and the Pacific Science Center which is nice, there’s an imax there but don’t see a movie there cause i have a better suggestion (MORE ON THAT LATER) also the EMP shit i mean the MoPOP
for VIEWS: 
Columbia Tower: this is where you’ll get the best view of everything, it’s the tallest building in the city! you can pay to go up OR you can use the women’s bathroom on the top floor and get sick views for free
Kerry Park: one of the most photographed views of seattle, she’s a sexy one, it’s on Queen Anne and parking can be a bitch sometimes but worth the shot you’ll get. also if you like greys anatomy meredith grey’s house is like a block from here
Smith Tower: first skyscraper in sea-town and u can go up the top where there’s a speakeasy and you can walk around outside. it costs money but it’s rad, i went before i was 21 so i didn’t sample the booze so i can’t attest to how good the drinks are
Volunteer Park: this is in Cap Hill and it’s lovely and green and you can see all of downtown even the lil space needle pokin his head up. there’s this water tower you can climb up and it has some unique views. if you do this, i recommend stopping at Hello Robin before hand and picking up a couple of cookies and some 2% milk to be enjoyed as you take in the Sights! (hello robin is a cookie place in cap hill that is delicious, you can get straight up cookies or a cookie ice cream sandwich with molly moons ice cream in it) ((i recommend trying a Macklesmore cookie))
Gasworks Park: this is over the bridge across the montlake cut and lake union in wallingford, if you’ve seen 10 Things I Hate About You it’s where they play paintball. but it’s an old abandoned oil refinery (i think?) that was turned into a park and there’s a lovely view of seattle across the water, also if you trek up the hill ( Kite Hill ) u can see even more and maybe have a picnic. A great place to watch the sunset! 
Alki Beach: also notable, this is in West Seattle so you get a different view. P nice beach but West Seattle is kinda deep if you don’t have your own transportation. If you do make it out there, definitely check out Easy Street records. 
To Do: 
shopping!!!: loads of places are based in seattle like nordstrom and REI so if you’re hankering for some retail those stores are huuuuge. also thrifting is huge in seattle (this notion popularized by the macklermore ofc), aside from value village and good will you can find some top notch thrifting locations all around with some googling. fremont and capitol hill are good neighborhoods to look!
hikes: idk if you’re going to have time or if you like nature but the pnw has some of the best hikes, definitely do a google search about what’s near by and what you could feasibly get to if you’re interested
tours: ok so the Duck Tours are kinda controversial cause they’ve killed some people before but it’s a great way to see the city. you can also do a Float Plane tour or a water tour of seattle that are both rad as well. I’ve also heard good things about the underground tour but have never done it. 
Museums: the SAM is right downtown and is good for art, if you’re there on the first thursday it’s free but that already passed so i fucked that up for you. there’s also the SAM Olympic Sculpture Park that’s totally FREE and is outside and lovely. other than that we’ve got the Pacific Science Center which i mentioned and the MoPOP: the recently renamed Museum of Pop Culture. If you’re on tumblr and you follow me i think that might be a top choice for ya cause it covers a ton of sci fi shows and movies as well as music and it’s pretty dope if i do say so
Catch a movie at the Seattle Cinerama!!!!: do this pls i work here and it’s honestly one of the happiest places in seattle. We’re currently showing Guardians of the Galaxy 2 !!! go to the cinerama get some mixed regular & chocolate popcorn, if you’re of age get a drink, and tell them you’re Nathalie’s friend and they’ll give it to you for free. it’s a state of the art movie theater and i love it tell them i said hi pls
Kayak on Lake Union: if you find yourself in the University District there’s this place you can rent kayaks if it’s warm enough/nice enough called Agua Verde, they also have good Mexican food!
smoke weed legally: self explanatory, find a dispensary, weed is cheap, smoke a joint in my honor 
To Eat: 
I’ve mentioned a few things but can’t hurt to do some other stuff
Tacos Chukis in Cap Hill are the best tacos I’ve ever had and I’m from LA 
Dicks: a drive-in burger that’s a Seattle staple and must have, get a shake too
((Other good burgers: Rain City Burgers in Roosevelt, Lil Woody’s in Cap Hill/Ballard, Red Mill Burger on Phinney Ridge, probably more))
The Pink Door: downtown in Post Alley right next to Pike Place is my favorite restaurant and the creators of the best lasagna i’ve ever had. go there for ambiance and italian food that will leave ur tummy warm and satiated. it’s about to reopen after being remodeled for the last couple of months so go christen it for me. ALSO they do burlesque shows there and other types of live performances
there’s so much other food i’m too lazy to talk about it. honestly, as much as i hate their reporting style and superior-than-thou attitude, you should check out The Stranger. it’s a weekly newspaper (if u can call it that) and they have a “things to do” section that never fails me. 
other than that! go blow my house a kiss in the U District, tour the UW campus, see the Fremont Troll, take a ferry to bainbridge, tour the theo chocolate factory, get in a protest, pet a cat at a cat cafe, who knows seattle is the best i love her dearly
if any seattleites follow me and have additional recs feel free to share
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tess-melaney · 7 years
Have you ever heard the saying “one mans trash is another mans treasure?” Well, if you haven't now you have and it’s so true. Going to a Vintage store is the best way to find great items that can have a second chance at life. There is no limit to what people cast aside and it may just be their trash that becomes your treasure. There are many great reasons why buying used is a great option, but I have managed to narrow down 10 reasons why you should consider becoming a thrifter!
#1 Exclusivity.
When you buy from a second hand store chances are you’ll be buying something no one else is going to have. A unique piece added to your closet is always something to strive for since you’ll never have to worry about if someone will be wearing the same thing as you to an event. Exclusivity is a rare thing with the fast fashion world growing and mass production is on the rise, finding a unique item will give your closet a one of a kind piece exclusive for you which is pretty awesome.
#2 Quality
Let’s be honest, clothing now a days is made pretty cheap. Unless you can afford to buy high-end designers, most clothing stores have taken on the principal of cheap chic or disposable clothing. Thrifted and Vintage clothing has the quality clothing had in the old days which will last much longer. Of course there will be both bad and good quality used clothing but it is much easier to pick out what will last and what won’t.
#3 You can mix and match vintage with new
Don’t be afraid of mixing and matching your new clothes with used clothes. Mixing and matching the two will evolve your style and creativity when picking out an outfit. Eliminate your one-track mind when it comes to vintage because some of the best looks can be created using old and new.
#4 Helping your community!
Lots of second hand stores contribute to local or national charities, for example, Hospice Thrift store in Burnaby. They raise funds to support hospice palliative care in the Vancouver area and when they help the community your helping the community when you shop there!
#5 Giving clothing a second chance at life and helping the earth!
Vintage and thrift shopping is extremely beneficial for the environment. Buying used goods cuts down on manufacturing demands and keeps more items out of the landfills and also helps in reducing emissions. There are certain amount of emissions produced in not only the creation of that product but also in the shipping required to get it out to local retailers, but none of that occurs when you buy those “new jeans” second hand.
#6 You save some serious dollar bills $$$
Who doesn’t love a sweet bargain?! For anyone who may be “embarrassed” to be seen in a thrift shop, no worries. The more you visit them, the more you notice that the people shopping are not the stereotypical customer that are in the lower money making bracket. Thrift shops are not just for financially strapped people anyone can shop second hand and you can find some amazing items at the thrift for half the cost of buying something new.
#7 Scavenger hunt!
Going to a vintage store is much more then just shopping like you would at H&M or Zara. Thrifting involves much more strategic thinking and hunting for the ideal item! With thrifting, it’s all about the joy of the hunt. Just grab a couple friends and head on down to your local Value Village, it can be a great way to spend your day with friends without breaking the bank.
#8 Your unique items can be a great conversational pieces
“Where did you get that awesome jacket?” If you are at a party where you are new to the crowd, or even shopping in unfamiliar territory; vintage clothing is the ultimate conversation piece. When you find a cool garment from thrifting you can explain your fun adventure to finding the piece it can be a great way to meet new people and start up interesting conversations.
#9 If you love the tag but not the price?
Thrift/vintage stores will often have recycled brand name clothing at a lower price point! If your are someone who loves the name on the tag, then thrifting would be very beneficial for finding vintage Gucci, Guess, Armani Exchange, Louis Vuitton and many other brands.
#10 You can still be trendy
Biker jackets, graphic tees, and mom jeans, if you love trends then shopping at second hand stores is an ideal location to find super trendy pieces that completely unique. 80’s leather jackets are an amazing piece to find at the thrift that will never go out of style!
Thrifting is a beautiful thing when you want a one of a kind piece that is not only good for the environment but good for your wallet! These are just a few reason why going to thrift/vintage stores is an ideal way to buy clothing.
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