#most importantly this is just another lesson that this sport is all about money
luvscharlos · 6 months
welp, happy birthday to alex ig (his birthday present is logans car)
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ledenews · 2 months
Doug Boyd: He Checks His List and He Checks It Twice
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Smart guy, that Doug Boyd. He’s what they call an “intellectual sponge,” and he’s damn proud that much of the stored-away knowledge has something to do with his passion for sports. He knows all the names, positions, and record books along with all the current stats for each of the important players in - well, just name a sport - and “Dougie” knows what he speaks about and cites facts accurately so he bases his opinions on reality instead of misinformed information. Not many do that in the world of sports debate. But Mr. Boyd is much more than a brain full of names and numbers, and that’s because he’s chased and caught his dream of teaching and coaching which, IYKYK, are one in the same with the kind of classroom the only difference. He understands that “2+2” doesn’t always “= 4” for everyone, and that’s why he follows a student’s personal pace until “=4” is the final – and correct – solution to, yes, the math problem, but also to many other should-be simple situations.   That’s because Coach Boyd believes in you and us and every single student he encounters because he’s a firm promoter of personal potential as it pertains to curricula and extracurriculars. When it comes to coaching, he’s learned from legends like Mark Nardone, Mike Young, Chris Daugherty, Sam Andy, and so many others, and that means it’s about “Team” and everything that goes into a unified effort toward a common goal. Oh, and as far as “Dougie” is concerned, it’s him and his mother, Dottie, versus the world in a variety of ways, and if you don’t like it, well, find another seat at a different table because this good man judges life’s contents like Santa Claus does because the good people get his gifts and the bad people are, well, left to play with their own self-absorption. Most importantly, this educator realizes “winning” transcends the points on the scoreboard. Coaching is what Boyd loves most about his position with Ohio County Schools. Of all the coaches you have had as a team member in any sport, which one was the best mentor? Every coach I had growing up with had an impact, but all in different ways.  Sam Andy had a tremendous impact because of the things he did for his players that other people didn’t see. Whether it was letting a kid use his car for prom, having them over for a meal that Sandy cooked, or just advice in general, Sam was always there. For me personally, he knew I was heading to WVU and he called Gale Catlett to let him know that I was going to WVU and that I might be interested in helping out or being around during basketball season. When I went to the two-day walk-on tryout both years I was there, the coaches talked to me, knew who I was, and kind of helped me get through everything.  Even though I wasn’t “good enough” to play there or be on the team, it allowed me to make friends that I otherwise wouldn’t have thanks to Coach Catlett and his staff, and that only happened because of the phone call Sam made.  I have to give mention to a couple of others, too, though. Mark Nardone was a tremendous help to me after high school, especially when I went back to school to teach and coach. And I got some of the best life advice from Bill Stewart during a football spring practice and coaching class I took at WVU. Boyd learned a lot about coaching from a few local legends, and the number one lesson he was taught - always be honest with your student/athletes. What is your favorite story about the legend Sam Andy? I think my favorite Sam Andy stories are all about how he would get people riled up at rival schools.  During my time in high school, we were still playing Wheeling Central and Sam and “Doobie” Dailer would go back and forth at each other in the paper and I think people came more because of their “trash talk” back and forth than because of the game itself. At one point, I remember Sam said “Central has the best team money can buy.”  Also, during my time in high school, we had a student/athlete who came to Park from Marshall County. The weekend of the state tournament my senior year, John Marshall announced that they were dropping us (Wheeling Park) from their basketball schedule.  After losing a tough game in the State Championship game to Beckley Woodrow Wilson, a reporter from Charleston doing a post-game interview in the locker room said to Sam, “We heard that one of your rival schools is dropping you from their schedule next year, what are your thoughts about that?” Sam, without missing a beat, replied, “When you’re 7-67 against a team, you got to quit playing them some time, I guess” (referring to John Marshall’s record vs Wheeling Park).  It was just how quickly those things came out and how easily it riled up people from those schools and really added fuel to the fire of those rivalries and rivalry games. Doug and his father, Ralph, were inseparable until his dad lost his battle with cancer in 2011. What were the best parts involved with your mother working at Wheeling Park High School when you were a student, and now as an educator and coach? As a student, I got to see her every day at school, I got to know teachers, principals, staff, etc., better than a lot of “regular students,” and it helped keep me “in line.” I didn’t have to remember things like lunch money or picture day or whatever was going on.  Knowing that if I got in trouble at school or my grades were slipping or I wasn’t turning in my homework, she was going to know before I probably even realized, and it made me “do better” at that stuff because 1) I would have been in more trouble at home and I didn’t want that and 2) because I know it would have embarrassed her at work and the last thing I ever wanted to do was embarrass my parents or the “family name.”  With me teaching at other schools, her biggest impact there is if I need to get a hold of the copy center or someone at the high school, she is able to give me the best way to go about it and point me in the right direction.  As a coach, she is able to get me the information I need quickly.  For example, a student/athlete had a “family emergency” and had to leave school, so she let me know so 1) I could reach out to him and make sure everything was ok, and 2) I knew I would probably not have the kid available to play that day. Boyd has benefitted from the fact that his mother, Dottie, has been a secretary at WPHS since he was a student at the high school. When it comes to life lessons, what are the three most important things a mentor can offer a young person? The first thing is trust. I try to earn the trust of the players I coach. I want them to know they can come to me and I will try to help them, or get them help, in any way I can. I will never lie to a student/athlete of mine. They might not like the answer, but they’re going to get a truthful one. That is for everything, not just sports. The second life lesson is “you will be judged by the company you keep.”  I was taught this lesson at home, and it’s so true. If the “friends” you are always with aren’t doing “the right things,” whether true or not, it is going to be assumed that you aren’t doing “the right things”.  Your friends’ goals might be different than your goals and the things they do may negatively affect the chances of you reaching your goals. Mark Nardone used to always say, “The reason people fail instead of succeed is because they trade what they want the most for what they want at the moment.” The third is simply to do everything in my power and control to give them the tools they need to succeed in life. That includes work habits and accountability that come with being held to a standard that you’re going to show up and work hard every day. It possibly could include ways to better their situation as far as helping them develop as athletes to potentially receive scholarship dollars for college. Read the full article
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
I'm into the foursome lately and I don't know why but I love to imagine Michael being always anxious and lost about normal things, bc... well the man never had a real childhood so he is always scared that Jim will hurt himself while surfing. He never had to work so he doesn't understand why Duncan is never with them. Like, money? what is money? we dont need that. Same go for Reader, just stay safe at home with him. Michael is a dad, a mom and a child at the same time, which is cute and annoying
(A/N): Hello sweetie!
Sorry for taking a bit of time, with this and I hope this doesn’t end up being too different from what you meant, because I am not going to lie, I let myself be a... slightly be... creative, but I hope you won’t mind it!
Also... I absolutely love the two new asks, and the little AU we created and can’t wait to write more!
Thank you, lovely!
WARNINGS: Just the Foursome Being The Foursome.
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For some time, Michael had thought that he had had always had a single role in your little family, mostly when it had been just him and Duncan, but as his family grew, he couldn’t help but found himself pushed in new roles.
Such as when Jim would return from his surfing hours, lightly limping, justifying it as an incident, and needing just your cuddles (and a bit of cream against the pain) to feel better.
His reassurance (and yours) wouldn’t help in the slightest to calm Michael down, and he would try to stop him from another surfing session, at first justifying it as spending times together, offering either a trip to the mall all together or other fun activities that would keep Jim away from the ocean.
It never worked, or it did, but Jim would always go back to the ocean, and although Michael didn’t want him to be hurt, as an overbearing mother, he couldn’t also stop him from doing what he enjoyed although it would stress him out, extremely.
And the fact that he had to go through those worries alone, made it all feel even worse.
Duncan would be away for the entire day, off to work and you would be either at university of doing your own things.
Not that you didn’t like passing time with Michael, you did enjoy your own time together: you two understood each other better than the four of them, since you shared a deep worry for the others, but you didn’t let it stop you from going on and doing your own thing, unlike Michael.
The fact that Michael didn’t work or study didn’t help with his worries and boredom, but unlike you he didn’t feel the pressure or interest to pursue a studying career, alongside not appreciating the academic world, seeing your own stress and anxiety taking over your body whenever an exam would be near.
He also didn’t feel the pressure to work, most importantly after his terrible experience at the Cooperative, with the annoying bullying of Jeff and Mutt and he didn’t have many talents that could be used in the work world.
Duncan had insisted he tried to work with him, so that he could spend the day together, since Duncan was the one person he saw the least, but he had seen Duncan at work and knew that not only he would be all day constantly taking phone calls, but work! Duncan was desperately different from the soft Duncan he knew.
He was constantly stressed and easily snapped against anyone, either a colleague or his own lover, so Michael had stopped from even visiting him at work.
He had tried to take on hobbies, at first sport, trying surf so that he could try to match Jim and spend time with him, but just as he was getting the hang of it, encouraged softly by Jim, he had been roughly shoved off by the surfing table.
He had gone under, almost drowning, although he had been in calm and low waters, and Jim had tried to soothingly make him try again, but he had just rushed off back home.
He had tried gym and fencing, ending up discarding the idea of trying the sporty life, and choosing for other hobbies, at first reading and writing, taking on a creative writing course.
It didn’t end up well, when the teacher criticized his “masterpiece”.
He had then tried to move onto taking a few music lessons, sadly… he didn’t have the slight sense of rhythm and although his partners loved him (and Duncan had bribed handsomely the music instructor to avoid a similar thing, as with the writing course, happening), they had suggested he tried out dancing…
… which ended up being even worse, because people ended up being distracted by Michael’s beauty and a few dancers had tripped on his feet.
He had suggested they all tried couple dances, but not only he would get nasty stares, because his partners would be constantly changing, but also… his partners would end up bailing out in the end and he had ended up giving it up.
In the end, the only thing that low key brought some entertainment to him was the cooking of sweets, baking them for his lovers, but they always ended up not being eaten, and he would be shoving them in his mouth, and this had gotten him to disrupt that little hobby, worried that the constant eating of sweets would have brought him to gain weight and be unattractive.
All his insecurities and worries were slowly overpowering him, and he resorted to one final option: leaving.
He didn’t mean to worry the others, thinking they were used to his absence, he simply wanted to get out the house a bit and wander aimlessly around town, running away from his own insecurities and anxiety.
He had switched his phone off and when he had finally switched it back to see the nearest place with french toasts, he had ended up discovering that not only he was pretty much missed at home, but the police had also put an alarm on his car and him, thinking he had been kidnapped.
So, he had swiftly gone back home, renouncing to the delightful taste of french toasts.
When he had come through the door, he had found you trying to comfort Jim, who was roughly cradled on the ground of the elegant sitting room, looking at Duncan for news, meanwhile the man himself was pacing around with a phone next to his ear, desperately calling out whoever he was talking with.
But when you had seen him, realized he was back…
… you all rushed into him, basically almost making him trip on the ground.
Jim tightened his grip, meanwhile his tears wetted Michael’s shirt and you covered his face with kisses, meanwhile Duncan clutched you all together as if he could bring you even closer.
All the answers came rushed and Michael had to literally hold is hand up to make you all go quiet.
“… this, what you all have been feeling…” he mumbled, as soon as silence welcomed him “… is what I feel everyday: I can’t help but feel so so left alone…”.
Shame immediately came over all your eyes, and before you could pinpoint it onto the others, he swiftly added:
“… all you need to do is coordinate, so that I can have at least one of you with me each time”.
You all softly nodded, realizing what Michael had said wasn’t wrong, most importantly because in that period you had all been taken by your own thoughts and had been unable to properly cherish Michael, who accepted all your apologies, that night, whether they were doused in kisses, touches or worshipping words.
The promise of being together stayed this time.
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nicolewoo · 5 years
Speakeasy Part 1
Pairing: Fergal Devitt X Reader. Finn Balor X Reader
Scenario: Desperate to make enough money to live on during the great depression, Reader gets a job at a Speakeasy, and finds a dangerous ally. Can she trust this man and his stories or should she listen to her friend's advice and steer clear of him?
Warnings: Part 1 has no warnings. Future parts probably will.
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The minute I walked in, I could smell it.... the stale smell of cigarette smoke and alcohol were practically oozing out of the walls. This wasn't going to be good for my throat, but then again, this wasn't going to be good for anything except paying bills. It's 1930 and a girl's gotta do what she's gotta do.... especially living alone in Chicago.
I had a job at a diner, but the breakfast tips weren't enough to get by, and I'd been frantically trying to get a job in a proper theater. The problem was that everyone wanted dancers that could sing. I had the singing part down. The dancing? Well, I've got 2 left feet. No matter how many lessons I took, I just couldn't dance. So, here I am, in a speakeasy, getting ready to try out for a bunch of mafia guys, risking getting arrested just so I could pay the bills.
Count your blessings, girl. A lot of people are a lot worse off. I told myself as I remembered leaving Hutchinson Kansas due to The Great Depression. I remembered the sight of homeless families and bread lines and brawls for crumbs. Yes, I was doing something illegal, but I was going to be able to live because of it.
I was shaken out of my thoughts with the sound of a trumpet squeaking out. I knew before I even looked that it was my friend Tony getting my attention. “You made it. You look great, doll.” Tony said coming up to me. “Let me introduce you to the band.” He placed his hand on the small of my back and led me over to the stage.
“Marty,” Tony called out getting the band leader's attention. “This is Y/N, the singer I told you about.”
Marty barely looked up from the sheet music he was reviewing, “Hey. Let's hear those pipes, doll.” He sounded less than enthusiastic. “Guys.” He yelled to the band. “Give me some Mean to Me.”  He motioned me over to the mic.
Ok, well, let's do this. I sidled up to the mic, trying to insert some extra swag into my walk so I'd look more experienced than I was. The music began and I reached up to hold the mic stand as I started to sing.
“You're mean to me. Why must you be mean to me?” Marty looked up with a look of surprise.
“Gee, honey. It seems to me. You love to see me crying.” Tony gave me a big thumbs up to encourage me.
“I don't know why. I stay home. Each night when you say you'll phone.” I started to see the band members nodding and smiling to each other.
“You don't and I'm left alone. Singing the blues and crying.” I saw a couple of men come from the back room to see who was singing, but I couldn't make out their faces in the dark room.
I was ecstatic to see such a great reception, and I was pretty sure I'd gotten the job. As the song swelled to the harder part, I focused on hitting all the right notes and making the song sound as sexy as possible.
I saw one of the men who'd come in from the back signal to Marty, but I didn't know what the signal meant. I peeked at Marty, but I couldn't read his expression. He made me wait until the end of the song.
“Ok, kiddo. You got the gig. We'll see how tonight goes, and if you do well, we'll talk about something permanent.” Marty showed no emotion. I'd gotten the impression that he'd gone through a lot of singers, and didn't expect any better from me. “Guys,” He yelled over the sound of instruments playing different sections of the songs and talking among themselves. “We start a full practice in ½ an hour, so go get some food now. We're gonna be busy tonight.” He dismissed the band with the same lack of emotion as when he'd hired me.
Tony ran to me as excited as me. “You did it, doll!” He hugged me tight. Then started to lead me outside. “Lets get some chow.” He said as he pointed to a diner across the ally from the speakeasy.
As we sat down, I asked, “So, does Marty want me here or what?”
Tony chuckled under his breath, “Oh yeah yeah! He doesn't show emotion,” he explained. “But don't worry. You're in!” He assured me.
“I didn't know what the signal was from the guys in the back.... or even who they were.” I explained.
“Yeah, Hey. So....” Tony paused. “Ya know not to talk about... ya know.”
He didn't finish his thought, but I knew what he meant. Although I'd never spent any time in this seedy underworld, I was no dummy. “Say no more.” I replied.
“Ok. If you have any questions, just come to me, but not at the club.” He assured me. “Just focus on singing and let them do their stuff.” His gaze bored a hole in me, and I nodded in understanding. “Most importantly,” Tony reached over and put his hand on my arm, “DON'T get romantically involved with any one there. Do you understand?”
“You don't have to worry. I know who they are.” I assured him.
Tony was like a big brother to me. He'd been a regular at the diner where I worked; me always starting my day as he was ending his over breakfast. We became great friends, and Tony and his wife had taken me under their wing, inviting me over for dinner, watching out for me. Working at the speakeasy wasn't what Tony and his wife wanted for me, but when I couldn't get a theater job, they had finally given in and got me the audition. Tony had promised his wife that he'd protect me from the going ons of the club.
After dinner, I sat with Marty going over what songs I knew and what songs I needed to get to know in order to keep working there. He was pleasantly surprised at my song knowledge, and we both felt we had enough to put on a good show tonight. It was perfect because Marty had had to sing himself since losing their last singer. We went over the songs with the band until we were comfortable with each other's styles.
Afterward, I practiced in the back, pouring over the pages of sheet music Marty gave me while tinkering the notes out on an old, out-of-tune piano in a side room, hoping to add in some of these songs soon. The closer we got to show time, the more anxious I got. It was more than if I'd be entertaining... I was worried about getting arrested. Tony had assured me that if the cops came in, and I couldn't get away in time, he'd bail me out before morning, but still. A proper girl like me didn't get arrested. What would my parents think if they were alive? I pushed those thoughts out of my head and tried to focus on the music again.
I heard the band start, happy music flooding through the whole building. I peaked out at the crowd and was shocked to see the club almost full already. What surprised me the most was the class of the people in the club. I had expected to see hardened criminals and desolate prostitutes, but instead, the crowd was full of Chicago's best. Ladies in fine dresses with fringes everywhere. Men in tuxedo suits sporting walking sticks and monocles. I glanced at my own aged floor length dress that I'd bought from a theater who was throwing it out, and lamented at the state of it. Would these rich muckedy mucks accept me in this ragged thing? Before looking at them, I thought I'd looked good, but now. Now, I was wracked with every insecurity I'd ever felt.
I saw Tony rise from his seat at the bandstand and come backstage to me. “You ready?” He asked all excited.
“Tony!” I almost started crying. “Those people. They're all so fancy. This dress is so old and ratty.” I started to say, but he placed his hand on my shoulder.
“Doll, the minute you open your mouth, everyone is going to fall in love with you. You've got the voice of an angel. We can buy you more dresses when you get paid. In the meantime, don't worry about it. You look amazing, and the stage lights are going to hide any imperfections in the dress.” He gave me a quick hug as I heard Marty announce me.
“Ladies and gentlemen, We've got a special treat for you this evening.” How the hell did Marty have emotion now? He sounded positively jovial. I guess he was just a good actor. “Tonight, for the first time at Club Red, we are proud to present our new singer, Y/N.”
The crowd responded to Marty's happy announcement with excited applause. Tony took my arm and escorted me out to stage, depositing me in front of the mic before taking his own seat in the horn section.
We started with Ain't Misbehavin', and the crowd went silent as they focused on me. I prayed they were enjoying the performance, and I poured every ounce of energy I could muster into making the song sound sexy. I wasn't sure how I was doing until the song ended, and the crowd went nuts! They were applauding and giving me standing ovations. I even heard some lewd whistles from near the back where the mob guys had been earlier. I was a hit!
When I turned to find out what song we were singing next, Marty smiled warmly at me. “You did great.” He whispered just to me. “Am I Blue” is next.
The music sounded and the crowd quieted as the slow song changed the mood in the room.
“Am I blue? Am I blue? Ain't these tears in my eyes tellin' you.”
Marty whispered over my shoulder, “Go walk through the crowd, engage them.” he encouraged.
“Am I blue?” I slowly left the stage, pleasantly surprised when the spot light followed me with no notice. “You'd be too. If each plan with your man just fell through.” I placed my hand on a lady's shoulder emphasizing the phrase and she reached up to pat my hand in understanding. I wandered to another table. “Was a time. I was his only one.” I crooned to a table of men, and they smiled broadly at me. “Now I'm the sad and lonely one.” I continued to wander through the crowded room, placing my hand on a shoulder here, singing closely into a gentleman's ear there. The crowd was eating it up. “Now he's gone, and we're through. Am I blue?”
My eyes settled on a man at the table next to me in the back of the room. He was quite frankly the most beautiful man I'd ever seen, with a chiseled jaw, perfect black hair, sparkling blue eyes and his black tuxedo, black shirt and white bow tie matched by a white pocket square. He oozed money and sex. Logically, his table should have been the next I visited, but the way he was looking at me... lustfully... deterred me, and I skipped his table. He made no indication that my turn away from his table bothered him, but his eyes didn't leave me for the rest of the song causing butterflies in my stomach. He gazed so intently at me, I felt like he could see through my dress to my naked body.
I managed to gather my wits again as the song ended and I walked back up to the stage. This job was too important to me. It was this or I ended up being the one in the bread lines tomorrow. I couldn't let anyone, not even this wickedly beautiful man, get in the way of me making this money.
I stayed on the stage the rest of the night. I already had the crowd eating out of the palm of my hand, I didn't need to pander to them anymore. At the end of each song, the crowd cheered for me, and I noticed the lone man in the back smile as he gauged the mood of the crowd.
It was late... very late.... and I was tired when the show ended. “Heya doll. How bout I give ya a ride home?” Tony said as I started leaving the club with an extra few bucks in my pocket as the sun peeked over the horizon.
I was so tired, I could barely speak, but I nodded yes to Tony. He was full of energy, praising my performance, telling me how happy he was. Saying he was sure I'd be hired permanently tomorrow. I fell asleep in the gently rocking car, and Tony laughed when he had to wake me up. “Guess you're gonna have to get used to the schedule.” He teased. “Good thing you're not working at the diner this morning.” After I thanked him for the ride, Tony watched until I was safely in my apartment building before heading to the diner to get some breakfast before he went to bed. I didn't care that I was hungry, I took off my dress and fell asleep in my underclothes.
I dreamed of music notes flying through the air, of gathering them in a bag and presenting them on beautiful sheet music to the guests. I dreamed of the smoky bar and the man seated in the back and that he paid me for one of my music sheets, a small contained smile on his lips.
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stellar-imagines · 6 years
HEADCANONS REQUEST: ❝un-enrollment.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Shinsou Hitoshi ]
「Headcanons of Shinsou reacting to S/O suddenly unenrolling from UA.」
♤ You didn’t have a choice but to unenroll from UA. The teachers had understood your situation and respected your decision. Your parents’ didn’t have enough money to pay off your bills so you couldn’t stay in UA. There were lots of things you has thought about to solve this problem because you really wanted to be a hero.
♤ "I was against this whole thing to begin with. The USJ attack and that incident during the training camp got you hospitalized!" your father brought up the sensitive topics and you couldn't say anything back to him. It hit spots that hurt, you couldn't deny that those incidents were scary but they were what that changed you.
♤ All Might and Aizawa were disappointed with the whole thing and he even offered to forge some sort of special excuse so you can continue studying in UA. You were one of the many people that he had high hopes for. You have an interesting quirk and a great handling and mastering over it. It might appear simple but you were able to use it in so many ways.
♤ You left Tokyo almost immediately and didn’t even have the chance to even tell your friends. UA had been super fun, you learned a lot of things from the teachers, made lots of friends with the students from different classes. There was Hastume from the Department of Support who always offered you great ideas for your costume.
♤ Most importantly, there was Shinsou, he was from a different class but you bonded with him after the Sports Festival. You were proud to announce that he was a close friend of yours and someone you could invite out to have some coffee.
♤ What’s even worse was the fact that you couldn’t tell anyone yet. Sure you has friends in your class and have their phone numbers but you wished you could’ve at least tell them the reason behind your sudden departure. After all, Hokkaido was pretty far away from Musutafu—where UA is located. You were so excited to get your Provisional License and finally be a step closer to becoming a real hero but now you couldn’t.
♤ Your classmates in Class 1-A were confused when you suddenly stopped showing up in class. It was because you were one of the most diligent students, always working hard to become a hero. 
♤ Shinsou had been a little bit too busy to even notice your absence. His extra lessons with Aizawa had kept him occupied most of the day and he would run into you from time to time during lunch. He felt bad for turning down your offers every weekend for the sake of his training.
♤ But little did you know, this training was not only for his sake but for yours too. He wanted to prove that he was someone worthy of your attention and time. To do that,  he decided to work hard on getting into the Hero Course. He kept his schedule packed to the brim, always making sure there was a balance between studying, working out and improving his abilities with Aizawa. He wanted to surprise you and hopefully, confess when the time is right.
♤ It was when he was told to rest for once whole week that he realized your absence. He never really thought about it, just thinking that you both just missed each other or something. But after a week, he started to get a little curious. Were you sick or something?
♤ When he had the chance, he quickly asked the girls from your class about your absence. He mumbled out his questions while avoiding eye contact. The girls knew of how close you and the purple haired boy was, you always spoke so highly of him so none of them were afraid of his quirk like Shinsou thought. 
♤ "[First Name]-chan moved with his parents to Hokkaido, they have financial problems so they couldn't afford to pay for her school fees. So she didn't have much of a choice." Uraraka was the one to break the news.
♤ He was heartbroken. He had grown so much and the first person he wanted to show it off to was you but now that you were gone, he lost all motivation. Shinsou knew how passionate you were with all this. You always spoke so highly of heroes and hoped that you can become one someday. If he had accept your invitations, he would've help you convince your parents to let you stay or at least help you cover up the fees.
♤ Shinsou was depressed for a few days but he decided that the next time he saw you, he would be a full-fledged hero.
♤ Instead of just sitting there and doing nothing, he gathered the courage to give you a call after three months. To say he was nervous was an understatement. He was shaking and breaking out into cold sweat. When you finally picked up, he was relieved that your voice hadn't changed and that you sounded like you've already settled in.
♤ He misses you damn so much but you would never know about his feelings. You missed him and your friends, he swore he heard you cry a little on the other line. Shinsou was there for you, listening to every worry. You openly talked about how unfair it was that you couldn't chase your dream of becoming a hero and that you're now stuck in some normal high school. Just because your parents don’t realize how hard you’ve worked your way into UA and to keep up with your talented classmates.
♤ Shinsou couldn't relate and he hope that his presence was enough to calm you down a little. He tried his best to comfort you. "You're strong and talented. There's still a chance for you in college." He gave you lots of choices and hope they could lift up your spirits.
♤ "That's the [First Name] I fell in love with." Shinsou had said out of instinct when you finally calmed down and thanked him.
♤ Fuck. He had confessed to you. There was no way he could take it back at this point. His heart was beating so hard that he was afraid you could hear it over the speaker. When you told him you had the same feelings, he was ecstatic. In his head, he was literally doing flips, fist pumping and screaming.
♤ The long distance relationship was a little bit difficult for the two of you but you both put effort into it, always making time for one another. Calls and texts are common, anything you could do to lessen the distance. But you both couldn't help but wish for each other's presence, warmth and touch.
Total: 1134 words Published: 09.03.2019
Thank you for requesting! (ㅅ•᎑•) Is ‘unenrollment’ a word r is it supposed t be ‘un-enrollment’ Not as angsty as we wanted it to be but we did our best, hope we liked it. ― author Lou
Thank you for requesting! Lou who had been laying in a hotel miserably and trying to get wifi, sent me half of this draft while I finished the other half. Hope it was to your liking! ― author Natsuki
We opened up an ask meme [?] If you’re interested please have a look here
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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Survey #224
“i don’t miss you, i miss the misery.”
What’s a hobby you would like to try out? Digital art. What sort of a kiss do you count as the first kiss? A mutual effort to kiss. Like, you both purse your lips. What time is too early for you? 5:00 A.M. is generally when if I wake up, I'll go back to bed. Have you ever won a raffle? If so, what’ve you won? Yes, actually. I very faintly remember winning something up in New York at a bowling alley as a family when I was little. Idr what we won. What’s the most useless thing you have vast knowledge on? Probably Silent Hill lol, if we're talking about truly useless. Video game lore and such knowledge isn't exactly truly useful. Is there anything you feel you’re better at than anybody else? No. What’s the biggest insect you’ve ever seen? Uhhh probably some kind of beetle. How about the biggest spider? A bird-eating tarantula when I was at the reptile convention with Sara. When’s the last time you played Pac-Man? WOW, it's been years. I've only ever played it on my childhood GameBoy. What is your favorite winter Olympic sport? I guess ice skating is pretty, but I don't care about sports. You Internet dies; what do you do for the next little while? Ummm this is when I feel like a caveman lmao. Probably... play Nintendogs on my DS. I hate hate hate how reliant I am on technology. What was the last test you completely failed? Recently on my first math test of this year. I bombed it, but at least I wasn't alone I guess. Oh look, it’s snowing outside! Do you get excited? Hell yes. Is your room covered in posters, or pretty bare? My walls are coooooverrrrrred. What sport do you completely fail at? I went to a volleyball summer camp thing in school years upon years ago and that shit HURT. I don't think I stayed the whole duration of it. Do you ever question life and existence? Not really anymore. Why does it really even matter why we're here, just make the most of it. Admit it, we all love brand named clothes. What’s your favorite? I genuinely don't care about brand names. Would you ever risk having a house party when you’re parents are gone? Hell no. What are you plans for the future? Achieve a stable career, learn to drive and have my own car, buy my own home, move in with the person I love, have lots of pets, and most importantly just be happy and content. Is your cell phone on vibrate? It pretty much always is. Is your dishwasher full? We don't have a dishwasher; we have to wash by hand. What are your thoughts on Avenged Sevenfold? I don't know many of their songs, but they're fine, from what I've heard. Have you ever played tennis? No, I don't have that coordination. Have you ever played fetch with a dog? I think so. Have you ever pet a stingray? No. Who is the last baby you held? Colleen's son forever ago because she needed me to. Would you ever consider being a cannibal? Wow no. Do you have any scars from an animal? Possibly, idk. I have a lot of small scars. How have you been sleeping? Awful. I've pretty damn consistently been having screaming fits (I mean, actually shrieking) at night where I attack my bed from nightmares. I actually recently hurt my hand from it. I want to go to the doctor about it, it's really worrying me. Are you adopted? No. Do you like scrapbooking? I'm not really a crafts person, no. Do you collect anything valuable? No. How many house phones do you have? Zero. We only use cellphones. Do you know anyone with an eating disorder? I don't believe so, thankfully. What was the last thing you killed? I at least tried crushing a flea. Mom used some kind of spray on the dogs outside, but it resulted in them just hopping off them inside too, apparently. Whose number did you last get? I have no idea. Have you ever thought about stepping in front of a car? I mean, I've had like those passive thoughts; you know, like when you're up somewhere high and your brain tells you to jump. But never seriously. Have you ever lied down in the middle of the street? Don't give me The Notebook flashbacks pls sobs. Anyway, ha ha, yes, only because my sister wanted a picture of us huddled together when Misty was here? Everyone loves that picture though so thanks for taking it Jason, lol. Do you listen to explicit music? Some songs, sure. Have you ever used someone for money? I could never live with myself doing that. Do you own colored eyeliner? No, just black. When was the last time that you had a pet that died? Some time last year when we got two sick rats in a row. Have you ever tried peanut butter and bananas together? Yeah, pb&banana sandwiches are pretty good. Do you have any mental disorders? *opens notes* Chronic depression, crippling social anxiety, severe generalized anxiety, bipolarity II, AvPD, PTSD, and OCD W O W ! ! ! ! ! Have you ever had to live with a friend? Yes, when we got evicted in '17. Do you believe everything happens for a reason? Hell no. Why does the little kid have leukemia? So God can scare you into faith to save the child he cursed with the disease? Why did my sick kitten get run over when I was a kid? Why was my sister almost raped as a teen? I could go on forever about this. Life gets a lot more bearable once you just accept the shit isn't fair and has no rhyme or reason. You just have to live with it. Do you believe in sex before marriage? I believe in sex once you feel truly in love with someone. Just be safe with it. Do you know anyone who married their high school sweetheart? Two, off the top of my head. Have you ever known anyone who died at war? I don''t think so. Who was the last person to hug you? My niece of nephew, I'm sure. Who is your favorite female celebrity? ... Wowie, why are like, all the ones I'm seriously invested in males. I suppose maybe Eugenia Cooney? Her recovery and development is like so fucking beautiful and I am 99.99% there isn't a sweeter person in existence. Were you nervous on your first day of high school? A little bit, of course. Three words to describe your best friend: Loyal, honest, and supportive as all fuck. Are you literally afraid of anyone? Yes. Who did you last take a picture with? My dad, I think? Literally forever ago? Who was the last person to comfort you? Sara. Who was the last person to unsurprisingly disappoint you? Mom. If she says "yeah we'll do (whatever)," don't hold her to it, ever. If you answer a question wrong in class, does it embarrass you? YEAH. What’s your favorite Lady Gaga song? "Bad Romance" is the shit. I also really like the "Love Game" remix with Marilyn Manson in it. Would you date someone who smokes? No sir. Would you date someone who was addicted to drugs? Why or why not? That's an even bigger "no sir." Would you date the same sex? Why or why not? Well yeah, 'cuz I'm bisexual. What’s your biggest turn off? Physically, bad hygiene. Personality-wise, being full of yourself and overly-confident is such a turn-off. What’s your biggest turn on, physically? Do. Not. Touch. My. Boobs. Where would you go on a first date? Me personally, I think a safe bet is the movies. The first date is always so nerve-wracking, so a movie takes away some of the pressure to talk as much as you can. HOWEVER, I think it's very important to have bonding/getting to know each other time, so I think having a meal together is a nice addition. Most hurtful relationship? The ending of mine and Jason's. Ever regretted breaking up with someone? No. Have you ever dated someone more than once? No. Do you miss any of your exes? I mean, I miss Jason as a friend, though I know it's probably for the better we no longer associate with one another. What’s your biggest turn on, NOT physically? Romance. Act respectful, like you truly love and want me as a partner. Obviously see me as your equal. What is the sweetest thing someone you dated did for you? Probably Sara actually listening and not getting jealous or annoyed by me talking about my occasional bad PTSD days. Last time you got flowers? A random day Tyler came over when we were dating in early '17. Are you ready to get into a serious relationship right now? I'm in one now. Do you like cuddling? If I romantically like you, I am a total cuddlebug. Do you regret dating anyone? Why or why not? Idk. I wanna say Tyler, but I mean, it tested my ability to say "fuck no I'm not dealing with (whatever trait)." Most important lesson you have learned from dating? DO!!! NOT!!!!! EVER!!!!!! RELY!!!!! ON A PERSON!!!!!! TO BE!!!!!!!! YOUR SOLE SOURCE!!!!!!!!!!! OF HAPPINESS!!!!!!!!!!! What does it take to get you on a date? I mean, ask? Be clear that you're interested in me? Are you happier single or in a relationship? In a relationship. I just feel like there's some sort of validation I'm an interesting and/or fun person. Favorite ex? This is a... weird question. I mean, Girt is the only one I remain in contact with and adore as a friend, but I was VERY easily most in love with Jason. How important are looks? I really can't say I care much. I mean yes, it's harder to be sexually attracted to someone you don't find visually pleasing, but I've dated people I wasn't physically attracted to before, and looks didn't hold me back from dating them or being romantically attracted to them. How do you know when you are in love? Oh, you know. I can't really explain it, you just like... know. If someone cheated on you, would you take them back if you really loved them? NO SIR-EE. Have you ever been ashamed of anyone you were dating? No. Favorite memories with an ex? I don't want to ponder this for my PTSD's sake. I have a novel of "favorite" memories with him. Would you name a child of yours after you? Ugh, no. I honestly hate that. Like... it seems so egotistical, and why would you WANT to?? Like... that's your name. I just don't get it, at all. Obsessions? Markiplier is ACTUALLY the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, & I love lots of other YouTubers (no others really to the point of obsession tho, I'd say.... well, maybe Game Grumps), m e e r k a t s, the Silent Hill series, uhhhhh maybe that's it as far as real obsession goes. Perhaps Shadow of the Colossus with how many times I've played and beaten the thing. Addictions? I'm perfectly aware and regretful of just how reliant I am on technology. I turn into a caveman without it. I'm proooobably addicted to soda, fuckin' rip. Do you speak another language? Not anymore. I want to take German again, though, to refresh my memory and further improve, but I only really plan to if I have serious plans to visit Germany. Do you have a webpage? I have a Wix for my photography that I spent eons on jc. Do you live in the moment? Honestly, I don't feel so, most of the time at least. I'm always worrying and thinking about the future. Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? I'm, for the most part, extremely tolerant, though I can't decide if it's a good or bad thing that I'm becoming less so with time. Like ex., now, I seriously don't think I could be your friend if you don't support gay rights. There's just some shit I see as so ridiculous that I don't want to associate with you and give you my tolerance of your bullshit, hateful opinion. Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? I'm 23 years old. What are your #1 priorities in life? My happiness, my health, Sara, my pets. Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? Yeah. Certain types or urges in different situations, my religious anger and spite, my absolutely malice for my sister's horrid dog that for whatever fucking reason lives with us and not her... that kinda stuff. I think mostly just things relating to anger. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Hey anxiety, could you like?????????????? fuck off???????????????? Do you think you are emotionally strong? I will fucking NOT associate with your ass if you think I'm not after all the shit I've been through. Period. Not up for debate. What is your first name? *intro to B. Spears' "Gimme More" plays in the distance* Who was the first person you spoke to in person today? My mother. What was your first pet? The family cat Chance. If you mean like, actually mine, either Squeak the guinea pig or Shadow the Chinese water dragon. What was your first job? A GameStop sales clerk. How long was your first relationship? In my puppy-dog love middle school experience, maybe like, a couple of months? My first real one was three and half years. Who was the first person to break your heart? If you mean in any form, not just romantically, my dad when he abandoned us. Romantically, Jason. First person to give you flowers or candy on Valentine’s day? Other than my loved ones, Aaron, my 7th grade bf. First band you obsessed about? Truly obsessed with, Ozzy Osbourne. I loved Green Day as a kid, but it wasn't an obsession. First place you lived? Along the coastal plain/Piedmont border in North Carolina. First alcoholic beverage? Mike's Hard Lemonade. gud shit. First place someone took you on a date? I think Aaron and I went on a group date to the rollerskating rink first? That was a great day. Can you do a backflip? I'd break my neck, homie. Are you listening to anything right now? I'm binging Mother Mother. "Letter" is on right now. What do you do when you can’t fall asleep? Do exactly what you shouldn't do and get on the laptop, lmao. What’s the biggest lie you’ve told someone? There's something I told Jason in my first letter to him after the breakup that I honestly... don't know if it was a lie or not. I was so goddamn hurt that I'd say almost anything. I don't want to talk about it, though. Have you ever been hit on by someone of the same sex? She's my girlfriend of two years, I'd hope she woulda by now, lmao. Have you ever been engaged and broke it off? Nope. Have you ever found pictures on your camera you don’t remember taking? I don't think so. Has anyone ever drawn a picture of you? I don't believe so. WAIT. Tyler drew a picture of me and him, I think? At least she had my common outfit. Have you ever dated a redhead? No. Where is your favorite place to go when you want to be alone? I'm always in my room alone, so like- Do you have any nieces or nephews? Boy, a lot. Do any of your friends have children? Yes. Is there anything you’re craving right now? I've honestly been a horny POS for forever now. What caused the last argument you had? My sister's mother-in-law being a homophobic piece of garbage. What was the last movie you watched? Good question. It's been a long time. Where were you the last time you kissed someone? The airport. Where was your last paycheck from? The day I worked at the dollar store for two hours and got $9 lmao. What was the last school you received a degree from? My high school. What did the last key you used go to? My house. Don’t tell me lies, so is the last person you texted attractive? She's gorgeous. Have you ever thought about getting your tongue pierced? I have snake eyes now, which I got done twice, because the first time, it was pierced too far back, so the swelling of my tongue literally started to swallow/heal over the bar. :') But it was worth it; it was by far the most painful piercing (the second time actually made me nauseous), but it's my favorite. What’s the background on your phone? My lock screen is fanart of Darkiplier & the simple picture impregnated me; my home screen is Sara and me. Are you a parent? To pets. :') How are things between you and the person you are with? Great. Who was the last person you had a conversation with on the phone? Idk, my mom, probably. If you have a birthmark, where and what color? Yeah, exterior of my right arm. It's a slightly darker brown that the rest of my skin. When was the last time you felt nauseous? A while back. List three things that make you feel nauseous. THE SOUND OF VOMITING, even preparing to attempt to pick up pet shit, and uhhhh, how am I blanking. I guess certain smells? Idk. Do your parents support your dreams? Yes. List three of your favorite types of YouTube videos to watch. Comedy ones between friends, let's plays, and Mark's character ones are a unique and Supreme brand of video. What is your favorite park? Idk, I haven't been to many. Do you get fireflies where you live? Yep. What is the name of your YouTube channel, if you have one? 0zzkat (it's a zero). Do you wear the same shirt and shorts multiple times before washing? Only pj pants. If I actually go out in clothes, no, I change. What is your favorite store at the mall? Hot Topiiiiiic. Has a medication ever given you nightmares? Yes. I can't remember which it was, though. And I suppose one I'm on now might be causing them? Would you rather be surrounded by maple trees, fir trees, or palm trees? MAPLE!!!!!!!!!! How many different states have you lived in? Only one. What’s your favorite thing to do on a hot day? Swiiiiiim. Do you know anyone who’s allergic to bees? I don't think so. What does your favorite bikini look like? Sweetheart, nobody wants to see me in a bikini. What is your favorite thing to do at the beach? Swim. Do you think you are attractive? Nope. Who have you hugged in the past month? Mom, probably, and I actually think that's it. Are you good at recovering from injuries? Uh, I mean, I guess? Do you have more piercings or tattoos? They're tied at six, actually. Last bad news you heard? Some guy recently tried to break into Nicole's friend's house while she was home alone, but she scared him off with a shotgun through the window. I'm still not fucking over it. Last good news you heard? I got a 94 on the final test for the book we read in Writing. What was the last thing you posted on a Instagram? I only ever post photography on both of mine, so some picture. Do you prefer to live alone or live in a family? I wouldn't know; I never lived alone. What states have you visited, that you remember? New York, Florida, Virginia, South Carolina, and I recall Ohio VERY faintly. Oh yeah, and Tennessee, but that's a vague memory as well. OH, HOW DID I FORGET ILLINOIS?????????? What countries have you visited? I've never left North America. What are five careers you’ve considered? In chronological order, some that I've considered are paleontologist, vet, movie designer, game designer, and photographer. What do you wish your hair looked like? I really wanna dye it silver rn. Do you still feel anything for the first person you fell in love with? I still care for him, yeah. I guess I'm in a way still protective of him, too, as I saw very clearly when a tornado landed in his general area this summer, and I felt like a total mama bear that desperately wanted to know if he was okay. I know in my gut I'd probably knock a bitch out if he was seriously hurt. I know, the absolute apex of irony. Who was the last person you called? Mom. Do you take pictures on your phone? Very rarely. My camera SUCKS. How old were you the first time you encountered God? Oh, brother. Have you ever hallucinated? In middle school when I was coming off of a medication, I saw moving shadows. Do you struggle to get by? I'm not the one who cares for myself financially; I still live "under" my mother, but oh yeah, we struggle alright. Who is the best looking male celebrity, in your opinion? ggggggggggggggggggIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLLLLLL looking at him forces me into ovulation lmao y'all done know who it is. Do you use Snapchat? No. Do you know anyone who’s colorblind? Jason's brother was colorblind to I believe red and green. I know it was two colors. What is your favorite time of day to run? Run???????????????? If I run, bitch you best be running too. What’s a show you remember the very first episode of? Meerkat Manor and That '70s Show are quite clear. I'm sure there are others, I just don't care to think too long about this. Do you hate sleeping in? If I need it, not really, but generally, I don't want to sleep past ~10:30. How late do you consider too late to sleep in? 12:00. What is something of yours that is falling apart? Ha ha ha, the very first thing that came to mind was our poor shed door. Hurricanes have legit torn most of the white paint off of it to where it hangs in strips. It looks so bad; I've told my mom so many times to just tear them off, but she thinks it would look worse that way. When was the last time you saw your crush? February. Sobs loudly. When was your due date, and when were you born? I was due January 20-something, but was born on February 5th, but only because my mom was induced. Do you want to have kids? NO. What website do you usually check first when you get online? KM, just to ensure it's not on fire.
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jswdmb1 · 5 years
Up On Cripple Creek
“Good luck had just stung me, 
to the race track I did go. 
She bet on one horse to win 
and I bet on another to show”
- The Band
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I am an enormous fan of horse racing and have been for a long time.  I chuckled a bit at the recent “controversy” at the Kentucky Derby and at those who suggested the result was unfair.  Anyone who knows anything about the sport knows that was an easy call and we have all had winners taken down for that reason (on one glorious afternoon at Arlington a couple of summers ago I had TWO winners taken down after inquiries).  It’s part of a sport that needs to be carefully regulated due to the gambling involved and the danger recklessness can bring to the jockeys and horses involved.  So, while the decision was clear cut, I recognize how difficult it was for the judges to do what they did in front of millions of people who probably didn’t know much more about racing than the fancy hats and mint juleps.  I’m also grateful we are not talking about a catastrophe that was adverted by some skillful moves by the jockeys on the horses that were affected by the interference.  All-in-all, it was the best result possible given the circumstances.
But last week’s race is not what I want to talk about today.  Rather, why it is that I am such a big fan of a sport that is frankly not all that popular anymore.  The truth is that there was one very special person who help me develop the bug and who I thought of immediately when the Churchill Downs objection sign went up in that race.  You are probably thinking you know who it is, but I’ll give you 10-1 odds you can’t guess.....no, it’s not my dad, or an uncle or grandfather.  It was a quiet woman I knew named Rita Hendren.
Rita was, and still is to the day, one of the most interesting people I have ever met. Born in 1920 to a Southern Illinois coal miner, she was the fourth child of fifteen.  That is not a typo.  I met thirteen of them and can vouch that it was true (two passed away as infants as unfortunately was quite common at that time).  Unlike today, where coal miners are men of great wealth, it was a tough living back then (before you write me a note, that was a joke).  They lived in a small house with no indoor plumbing.  Then, the depression hit and things really got rough.  The story I was told was that when dinner time was called you ran to the table because the competition was fierce and there wasn’t always enough for everyone.  Still, Rita would talk fondly of a childhood that seemed to have plenty of good times.  I know better now that she likely sugarcoated some of the details, but generally she seemed to appreciate what she had.
She also appreciated her education and graduated high school in the late 30′s.  That may not impress many people these days, but a high school diploma was not an easy thing to obtain in that era, especially for a woman.  I’m certain that now she would have been offered free rides to the college of her choice as she was well-read on many subjects and could speak intelligently on them all  But for a career, she did what she had to do to make money and moved to Chicago where the jobs were.   She eventually landed at the Sunbeam factory in Cicero where she worked for many years as a quality control inspector.  But despite the blue-collar nature of her life, she spent whatever free time she had reading books and watching whatever was on WTTW.  In addition, she read the Sun-Times cover to cover every day and also enjoyed music.  She had this great old Zenith console stereo (her sister worked there) and played 45s all day long (lots of big band and country music).  She also made the best fried chicken I have ever tasted and rarely eat it to this day because nothing I have had since then can cut it (including me trying her recipe once - I just can’t figure it out!).
While she would be reading the paper, I noticed she would linger in the sports section.  Then, one day when I was at her house, she made a point to turn the TV to the old channel 26 to watch Phil Georgeff on his Hawthorne recap show.  I asked her why the interest in such an odd thing. She just said that she loved watching the horses and had all her life.  As I got older, I found out there was a guy at Sunbeam who booked bets (this was well before OTB’s on every corner) and she had some money down on a hot tip she got in one of the races.  This did not shock or surprise me.  I had been watching her rake in huge pots for years at the Christmas poker games with her brothers and she always talked about how she loved the excitement of Las Vegas the one time she had been there.  I was awfully curious about how she got so good at handicapping races, but I hit my teen years and got distracted.
Then, I found out at around the age of 18 that I could bet myself on the races.  I went a time or two and was pretty timid about the experience with limited success.  At one point, I mentioned my trips to the track to Rita and she suggested we go together sometime.  So, we planned for a nice day that spring when the Hawthorne meet started and I scraped up $20 to see what I could do with a real expert at my side.  I don’t remember the exact results that day (let’s just say I didn’t get rich), but I do remember learning every in and out of how to read a race program that you would ever want to know.  I came to appreciate the joy of the sport and getting to be an active participant.  I know it sounds insincere, but the money doesn’t really matter.  When I go to the track now, I don’t bet much more than I did then and still have tons of fun.  I was given a gift of analysis that could be used in a really fun way.  More importantly, it gave me insight into how this woman’s brilliant mind worked.  There were times I felt bad that she was just a factory worker and didn’t get a real opportunity in life, but I realized that she was a pretty happy person despite a tough life (lots of sorrow for her came in many ways, but those stories are not for public consumption).  Being around her taught me what it means to be tough and use what you’ve got and not to worry about what you don’t have.
I doubt it is much surprise that I’m talking about my grandmother (on my mom’s side).  Eventually, she developed a form of dementia and the last decade or so of her life was a real struggle.  That hurt me more than anything as I knew (along with many others) just how beautiful her mind was and it was tough to see her unable to use it.  I never forgot, however, the lessons she taught me and the countless hours we spent talking about the news, listening to old records, or the time she talked me into ditching a class in college to meet her at old Sportsman’s Park.  And, as bad as I felt for her not getting more opportunity in life, I was selfishly grateful that she didn’t.  It enabled her to spend so much time with me and give me wonderful gifts like appreciating how to handicap a horse race.  I look forward someday to sitting with one of my own grandkids and sharing whatever quirky knowledge I have that may be of interest.  Until then, I’ll keep plugging away at my two or three times a year visit to the track and I’ll never forget who got me there in the first place.
So on this Mother’s Day, in addition to wishing my beautiful wife and wonderful Mom the most joyful of days, I want to send a special thanks to my Grandma, who I just know had a bet on the long shot Country House and was slyly smiling when he was put on top at 30-1 odds.  I’m sure right now, she is using that bankroll to bluff her brothers out of another pot with a pair of fours with a glimmer in her eyes the whole time.  And while I miss her a lot, it warms my heart greatly to know that she can be back doing what she loved best.
And, for all of you out there who are Moms, thank you for the special talents you have that sometimes may be overlooked, but make such a huge difference on your children’s and grandchildren’s lives.  It is now more important ever that kids have strong female role models in their lives, and I was incredibly lucky to have several.  You are now providing that to a new generation, and I hope you had a wonderful day with those you love and they were able to show you the appreciation you deserve.
Happy Mother’s Day,
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dndplus · 6 years
Getting Started: Combat
Ah yes, combat, because what is a game about sword and sorcery without a reason to use the swords and sorcery?  For this post, we’re going to delve into the most basic details of designing an encounter that fits your campaign and power level.
For now, we’re going to start with those staple first encounters that seem to go well.  Now, some people will be wondering what to do if they’re starting things at a higher level (like at level 3, 5, or 7), and to this I have to say: this post isn’t for you.  If you are a new DM, ask your players to come down to level 1 with you.  Seeing your players grow through their levels will teach you so much about how to design encounters, and will also allow you to take things slow.
If you’re here, you’ve probably already put together a setting/setup for your campaign.  If you haven’t, go ahead and pop over to this post and come back when you’re ready.  (Hint: If you haven’t done that part yet, you’re not ready.  Step 1 will make this very clear).  Attached to this guide will be “quick start” notes that outline very simple ways to use the lessons you’ve learned along the way.
Step 1: Understand your locale.
So, you’ve got a setting, you’ve got interesting places to put your players, and you probably have an idea of where they’ll all be starting.  Odds are, this place isn’t going to be terribly dangerous, and if you’re new and wanted to go for dangerous, I’d suggest rethinking something so flashy.  You’re far beyond a “Getting Started” post if you’re really ready for that anyways.
The two best ways to start a campaign (in my opinion) are in a town, or in a prison.  A town works well enough, so long as you can orchestrate a way for all of your players come together.  A prison is much less complicated, as you typically give/discuss a reason for your players to be in that sort of setting.  A more detailed post on how to form adventures will come later, but for now, it’s more important you know how to challenge your players appropriately.
We’re going to use these possible starts as a way to analyze the way a locale affects things...
     Step 1a: Prison
Now, in the event of a “prison” start, you have guards to worry about.  These could be bandits they were captured by while walking the road, cultists of to some evil deity that wish not to be discovered, or if your campaign isn’t afraid to go full criminal, just plain guardsmen.  
The theme here is what’s important, and knowing bandits, cultists, or guards gives you more precise options down the line.  They’re all also perfectly viable, as bandits, cultists, and guards have the 1/8th challenge rating (Referred to as CR from here on out).  This makes them very easy to dispatch, but most importantly, they come with natural points of progression for harder enemies.  At level 1, a fantastic first encounter is matching a 1/8th CR enemy against your players 1-1, which is to say, if you have 4 players, you have them fight 4 bandits/cultists/guards.  
     Prison Quick Start, Part 1: 
The details of how you get to this point are up to you, at least until I get around to posting an adventure-building guide, but if you’re desperate and need a suggestion now, I recommend giving your players some time in their ‘cell��� to introduce themselves, before pointing out an obvious method of escape as whomever is watching them leaves the room to go to the bathroom.  
The room in question should contain their means of imprisonment, a place for the person watching them to sit, and for simplicity’s sake an obvious chest with their equipment.  Once the players have let themselves out and fetched their things, have the guard who stepped out earlier return, and then call for help.  Have however many bandits/cultists/guards you need storm the the chamber to create that 1-1 fight, and enjoy the show as your players test their abilities for the first time.
     Step 1b: Town
The ‘town’ start.  There is no simpler way to begin a campaign than this, as small towns tend to have no shortage of small problems.  The best part about the town start is, bar none, the variety of things you can throw at your players.  
Here’s a short list  of possible first jobs to get the brain going:  
Rat Infested Cellar (the ultimate classic)
Disturbance at the graveyard (skeletons + zombies are some of the absolute best early enemies)
Highwaymen terrorizing the roads (goblins, bandits, and whatever else makes sport of robbing poor townsfolk)
Something Unfriendly Taking up residence in a nearby cave (Giant Wolf Spiders!  Giant Beasts!  Madmen!  A fledgling necromancer!  Anything is fair game when a cave is involved!)
Aggressive Bullywugs in a Nearby Swamp (frog people, anyone?)
Less short would be a list of starts to some greater narratives to throw at a player.  This takes quite a bit more preparation, and understanding how to build encounters to match your players power level, which comes in Step 2.
    Town Quick Start, Part 1:
This couldn’t be simpler.  Have your players meet in the tavern, preferably one with a simple name and easily remembered name (The Full Flagon, The Drunken Fool, something maybe including the owner’s name, etc).  Let them introduce themselves to one another, and nudge them with the fact that fresh characters start with very little money if they don’t seem to know what to do.
The moment one of them brings up needing work, have the bartender tip them off to whatever job you’ve decided to throw their way.  Then, all you need is a person willing to pay to get it done (a guard captain who can’t spare any men, a group of local farmers living near the danger, the mayor, a local wizard who needs something procured; whatever works).  And then your players are on their way!  There’s not a lot you can safely ‘expect’ your players to do, but going to kill something they’ll get paid for is definitely one of them.
When your players get there, have them fight their first encounter.  Below is a simple list of how to keep it easy enough for a first fight based on Challenge Rating (referred to as CR from now on):
CR 1/8 - 1 for each player
CR 1/4 - 1 for each player, minus 1
CR 1/2 - This is trickier.  1 for 2 players.  1 + a CR 1/8 enemy for 3 players.  1 + a CR 1/4 for 4 players.  1 + 2 CR 1/8 enemies for 5 players, adding an additional CR 1/8 enemy for each player after that.
     Step 1 Conclusion:
At this point you’ve probably noticed that everything talked about here has something in common: it explains how a locale influences the foes your players will face.
What I haven’t talked about yet is how it all comes together - the influence of your setting.  Certain places are going to have different problems, problems you’ve probably already thought about when making your setting.  A kingdom at war with a necromancer is going to deal with more undead, a unsafe chain of islands is going to feature pirates, sahuagin, kuo-toa, and sea creatures more prominently, and a more pious kingdom might deal with demon-worshipping cultists carrying out the bidding of their dark masters.
This might not seem important, but I can assure you that it is.  Fitting enemies to their locale sets a mood; spiders live in caves, rats live in cellars, and goblins ambush traveling merchants outside of town.  If you have the spiders ambush people like highwaymen, you need to realize you’ve just created a very interest scenario that the players will demand an explanation for, and if you’ve got one, more power to you, but that’s really just another way the locale is important in how you set up your combat scenarios.
Step 2: Balance and Kobold Fight Club.
That’s right, i said Kobold Fight Club.  
THAT kobold fight club, every 5e Dungeon Master’s best friend.  This extraordinarily useful tool helps you “budget” out encounters for your party.  There’s more to it than that, though, and it’s what Step 2 is all about.  Unfortunately for other editions, this is a 5e blog, and that’s what I’ll be focusing on.  I’d love to get into the nuances of what came before, but as this is a blog for beginners, and 5e is the most beginner-friendly edition to ever exist, I’m going to keep it 5e for now.
So, how does it work?  Simple - you input the number of players you have, and their levels, and you look at what the adventure (and its locale) calls for in terms of potential enemies.  As an example, we’re going to use 4 level 1 characters to explore possible encounters.
Now, one of the very first things I did was recommend certain encounters to you in Step 1.  Here’s how they ration out by KFC’s calculations (assuming 4 players).
4 CR 1/8 Enemies - Medium Difficulty (200xp)
3 CR 1/4 Enemies - Hard Difficulty (300xp)
1 CR 1/2 Enemy +1 CR 1/4 Enemy - Medium Difficulty (225xp)
As you can see, they’re all in the 200-300 xp range, and are between hard and medium difficulty.  Believe it or not, “hard” is not very hard in this situation, as your players will be at full HP and have all of their spells/abilities ready to go.
In fact, don’t think of Easy, Medium, Hard, and Deadly as difficulties at all!  What you should do is think of them ‘resource sinks’.  Combat takes a toll, and your players will have to use spells to either keep their hitpoints high, or knock their enemies down fast.  Regardless, 4 CR 1/8 Enemies become far, far more menacing.
Quick Note: DMs managing new players should mention “Short Rests” after their first combat.  These short rests take only an hour, and let them roll their Hit Die (HD) to regain HP naturally.  They have one of these HD for every level acquired, so level 1 characters can only do it once, and adventures should be built with that in mind.
Now, KFC also includes what’s known as a ‘daily budget’.  Daily budgets are great, but at level 1, it’s a little misleading.  Not every party can handle 1200xp worth of fighting in one day right off the bat, after all!  That’s why it’s important to take things slow, and throw them into combat with what they can handle.  
We’re gonna get back in the ‘Prison’ and ‘Town’ starts now, and use what know about KFC and building encounters to build a ‘Deadly’ final encounter for the players!
     Prison Quick Start, Part 2:
So, your players have met, introduced themselves, broken out, and now have a pile of corpses around them.  Great!  But why, if your players could do that, were they captured in the first place?  Well clearly, there must be more bandits/cultists/guards around, and possibly even a leader among them!
Using KFC, your Monster Manual, and perhaps (THIS) extremely useful link, find a suitable ‘boss’ for your bumbling prison guards.  If you went bandits/cultists/guards, here’s a suggestion to make it even easier:
Guards - Knight (CR 3!?)
Cultists - Cult Fanatic (CR 2)
Bandits - Bandit Captain (CR 2)
Wait a minute, one of these things isn’t like the other.  A Knight has a CR of 3, making it worth 700xp!  Clearly it needs to be toned down, so tone it down we will!  How does one ‘tone down’ a creature, though?  Simply put, we look at its competition.
Knight - 52 Average Hit Points, Armor Class 18, +5 to hit, x2 Attacks, 20 Total Average Damage, Leadership
Cult Fanatic - 33 Average Hit Points, Armor Class 13, +4 to hit, x2 Attacks, 8 Total Average Damage, !SPELLS!
Bandit Captain - 65 Average Hit Points, Armor Class 15, +5 to hit, x3 Attacks, 17 Total Average Damage, Parry
Hmm...  Well, the Cult Fanatic is a spellcaster, making it very difficult to compare to the knight.  It’s best if we disregard that.  Looking further, the Knight is significantly more difficult to kill with it’s whopping 18 Armor Class than the Bandit Captain’s much more manageable 15.  In addition to this, the Knight’s leadership ability makes everyone around him much more dangerous.
In this instance, I would rename the knight to ‘Guard Captain’, and cut the Leadership ability altogether.  Next, I’d downgrade the armor class to 16.  This makes him a higher damage, slightly less durable variant of the Bandit Captain.  In addition to this, you can also just use the Bandit Captain’s stat block for a Guard Captain altogether, as nothing about his toolkit is completely unbelievable for a guard.
Next, we have to put it altogether in a proper, final showdown.  With a CR 2 creature commanding a 450 xp bounty, we have to be mindful of how it’s already in the ‘Deadly’ category of encounters.  What’s important to understand, though, is that quantity often beats quality, and a single enemy worth 450xp is much easier to beat than several enemies totaling 450xp.  Also, this is the finale!  A fight is allowed to get a little dicey in these situations.
I recommend going one of two routes - Adding a single CR 1/8 minion to support the big bad boss, (Giving us an adjusted bounty of 712xp!  Yikes!), or having a couple CR 1/8 minions fight the players alone, and then have the boss ambush the players just after they’ve dispatched the first wave of weaker guards.  Doing these two fights one after another, but separately, gives a 100xp fight followed by a 450xp fight with no time to rest, for a total of 600xp and plenty of breathing room for the players.  Either way, there’s a decent possibility that one player is knocked unconscious by this combat, and that’s really all you want to threaten so early on in the campaign.
     Town Quick Start, Part 2
Alright, everyone knows each other, they’ve found their job, and they just dealt with a group of skeletons/highwaymen/rats/spiders.  Why were they there, though?  What force (factoring in the setting and locale) made all of this happen?  Here’s a few examples below, based on the first scenario:
The rats in the cellar were chased up from below.
The local priest has turned to a darker master, and now defiles the graveyard they’re meant to tend.
The highwaymen you fought have a camp nearby, as show by a map found on one of their corpses.
The cave you’re in goes much deeper, and you’ve not yet cleared it of all dangers...
The Bullywug’s camp can be seen just up ahead!  It looks like there’s more of them...
Yeah, some of those were a little too self-explanatory and merely lent to a ‘what’s next?’, but it’s not always so complicated.  Using KFC, the Monster Manual, and THIS extremely useful link, let’s find appropriate enemies for a finale!
An ankheg burrows through the ground beneath the town, and is responsible for the rats! (CR 2)
The local priest is evil, and lucky for you, a standard priest fits the bill (CR 2)
Bandit Captains are CR 2, Goblin Bosses are CR 1 (with stronger minions to compensate).  All good stuff.
Those Giant Wolf Spiders are shacking up with a proper Giant Spider (CR 1), or perhaps you found wolves, and a Dire Wolf (CR 1) leads the pack!
Oh dear... those Bullywugs have tamed a man-eating Giant Toad! (CR 1)
These can all be worked with, and for a big final showdown, we want an adjusted XP of 600-750.  That puts us well into Deadly territory, and lets us explore with just what ‘adjusted’ XP is.  Basically, many smaller enemies totaling 100xp are much more dangerous than one enemy worth 100xp, so when fighting a group, the xp is adjusted upwards to compensate.  KFC does this automatically, so let’s look at how adjusted XP rates influence the final round of combat:
An Ankheg is pretty nasty all on its own, but have a fifth Giant Rat emerge alongside it and things just might get crazy (Adjusted XP 712)
The priest was corrupted, and the cultist (CR 1/8) who brought the words of a new, dark master to him is present.  Together, they make for a much more daunting fight (Adjusted XP 712)
The Bandit Captain and one of his bandits are more than enough for 4 level 1 characters (Adjusted XP 712).  Goblins, however, can be much meaner.  2 Goblins and a boss give us an Adjusted XP of 600, and a 3rd goblin brings us to 700.  Let’s not forget how dicey things can get when you add more enemies though and keep it at 2 goblins and their boss until we know more about the party’s capabilities.
Giant Wolf Spiders and Giant Spiders match the Goblin and Goblin Boss dynamic.  2 Giant Wolf Spiders and 1 Giant Spider give us a 600 Adjusted XP, which just barely gets us to the mark.
Like the goblins and the spiders, Bullywugs and their Giant Toad follow the 1/4 and 1 CR statline.  2 Bullywugs, 1 Giant Toad, 600 Adjusted XP, and probably 1 player scarred for life after they’re swallowed whole by the toad.  Perfect.
     Step 2 Conclusion:
Now, at this point, you’ve got what you need to start a campaign, but what about going forward?  Well, it’s different for every party.  What’s important is that you know how to build fights and adjust the values to suit your party’s needs.  Here are some extra notes to think about before we finish up:
Are enemies I’m using especially good against the party?  Dragons are famous for flying up and out of reach, turning that DPS machine barbarian into a rage-less, terrible archer.  On the other end, that cleric with tons of Wisdom that LOVES Hold Person might be a little too good against certain humanoids...
What advantages do I or the players have?  A group of archers shooting at the players from a point they can’t reach makes the players fight back with their own ranged attacks, which they might be lacking.  Underbudget encounters like this until you understand more about how they drain the party’s resources.
Am I giving the party too much time to rest and prepare?  Any fight seems easy if the party has ample time to rest up, so make plans to take that away from them!  Ambushing the players while they’re resting can be a great way of reminding them that Short Rests aren’t always free, and can up the difficulty when you find the content too easy to be engaging.
One Big Enemy.  These can be fun, especially as a finale, but can come off as too easy if the players have a knack for killing things quick.  Consider giving a single, larger enemy ‘Legendary Actions’.  These can happen at the end of any players’ turn, and a creature usually has 2-3 of them.  The Big Enemy gets those 2-3 actions refreshed at the end of one of its turns, and can use 1 to make a single attack, move, or even use 2-3 at a time to activate a signature ability on the fly!  More about this in a later post...
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ohmahree-blog · 6 years
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What is your full name? Omari Rashad Beckham
Where and when were you born? 3/18/1993
Who are your parents? Rodney Beckham; Rodney is an established real estate agent. He’s a firm believer in discipline and earning everything w/ no handouts. Though he’s stern on me, he’s a gentle giant to my mama. Giselle Beckham; She’s an elementary school teacher with tons of patience. She's very vocal and has an answer to everything. Though she’s molded me to be her very own mama’s boy, she still allowed my dad to make me into a man.
Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like? My brother, Demetrius, passed when I was 14 and he was 15 from drowning. He was my best friend, my partner in crime and even my role model despite the closeness in our age. Our dad taught us to always have each other’s back and we never strayed from that lesson. Demetrius was more rebellious but I was never one to say no to the adventures, including our last mischievous episode where we snuck out to hang with friends at the lake.
Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people. I currently live in a 3-bedroom 2-story home in Los Angeles that was sold to me by my dad with a small ass discount. It’s not a massive house but it’s my own sanctuary for myself, my shoes and my Frenchy.
What is your occupation? I am a retired drug dealer shoe store owner.
Write a full physical description of yourself.  A meal. Too many tattoos to count. Several marks from a curious childhood.
To which social class do you belong? Lower middle class.
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses? I’m allergic to kiwi and I’m honestly lactose intolerant but I often ignore it.
Are you right- or left-handed? Right-handed
What does your voice sound like? I wouldn’t know how to describe it tbh.
What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently? “Honestly” & “and shit”
What do you have in your pockets? Nothing.
Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics? I have to count steps on when taking stairs. I laugh alot, no matter the emotion I’m feeling, I laugh. I stare people in the eyes when they talk to me, I don’t like not seeing a person’s face when they’re physically in my presence talking to me.
How would you describe your childhood in general? It was a typically decent childhood. I had a strict ass father, but that didn’t stop me and my brother from rebelling and doing our own thing.
What is your earliest memory? Being dropped off at a daycare and crying like a lil’ bitch until my mama sat down on the carpet with me. I think she snuck out on me at one point though.
How much schooling have you had? Despite all my setbacks, I graduated college with my bachelor’s degree.
Did you enjoy school? Yeah, bitches, sports and I was the plug on campus. Even though all of that got me in trouble with the laws a few times.
Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities? My dad, my brother, the streets.
While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them. My brother, he was fearless and he was wise beyond his time. He put me onto hella game. My father as well. Even though we bumped heads alot, he taught me valuable lessons and also left me to learn a few lessons on my own.
While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family? No chaos here, typical teenage angst at times but it was fine once the dust settled.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A professional football player.
As a child, what were your favorite activities? Playing sports, real life and on game consoles.
As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display? I was a curious child. I also liked to test my limits and boundaries, what’s the word for that? I was a follower, but only to my brother.
As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like? Of course I was. Isaiah was one of my first best friends after we beat each other the fuck up. He was territorial and a smart ass. Still is. But he was loyal and a host of other things. My brother was another one. The rest were just friends in passing. People knowing me but me not knowing them was common.
When and with whom was your first kiss? This big booty bitch named Stacy in 5th grade. She was in 7th. I counted her as my first kiss because them other lil kisses was nothing compared to that.
Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity? Absolutely not. I lost it in 8th grade to my homeboy’s big sister.
Describe any influences in your past that led you to do the things you do today. After my brother died, I shut down. Nothing was worth experiencing without my him with me. I briefly dropped out of school unbeknownst to my parents and that’s when I got introduced to the trap. I started doing runs for the big guy and the money was good. That lasted for almost 8 years until the last time my parents had to bail me out of jail and gave me an ultimatum that was far worse than the one from the judge.
What do you consider the most important event of your life so far? The grand opening of my shoe store.
Who has had the most influence on you? My family
What do you consider your greatest achievement? Graduating from college
What is your greatest regret? Letting my dad down and making my mama cry.
What is the most evil thing you have ever done? I can’t say.
Do you have a criminal record of any kind? Absolutely.
When was the time you were the most frightened? When I thought I would get 10 years in the feds.
What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you? I had a wet dream while taking a nap at school and messed up my pants.
If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why? I’d have my brother here with me to make life worth living.
What is your best memory? Going to Disneyland when I was like 10 with my family.
What is your worst memory? I have too many.
Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic
What is your greatest fear? My parents dying, because then I’d really be alone.
What are your religious views? Organized religion isn’t for me, but I believe in the higher power.
What are your political views? I’m for what’s right.
What are your views on sex? Sex is a choice and should never be anything otherwise.
Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable? Yes. Various reasons but most importantly to protect.
In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do? Hurt a child.
Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love? Yeah eventually
What do you believe makes a successful life? Being able to change another person’s life.
How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)? Depends on the recipient and the circumstance
Do you have any biases or prejudices? Of course.
Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it? Yeah, I still have a conscience and I believe in karma.
Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)? My family.
In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how? I’m good to people as long as they’re good to me. My vibe depends on yours.
Who is the most important person in your life, and why? My mom, she’s a gem.
Who is the person you respect the most, and why? My father, he deserves it.
Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people. Isaiah & Hendrix. They’re my greater thirds. They get me.
Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person. My wife’s name is Krystal. She’s amazing and beautiful and patient and I don’t deserve her.
Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened. Yeah, but then the government told us to cut that shit short.
What do you look for in a potential lover? Everything I see between my parents. Patience, love, sacrifice, honesty, shit like that.
How close are you to your family? Very, they’re all I have.
Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not? No, not yet and I just haven’t found the right person or it just wasn’t the right time. But soon.
Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help? Hendrix
Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why? Not really. I would say my parents but I feel like they’ve done all the protecting they could.
If you died or went missing, who would miss you? I wish I knew.
Who is the person you despise the most, and why? Nobody that I can think of.
Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict? I avoid conflict. I know what I’m capable of when upset, so it’s always best for me to avoid.
Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations? Somewhat. Just depends if I become too uncomfortable I have to do something to fix it then.
Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not? No, I have to people watch in order to become comfortable in social settings. I can’t watch too many people.
Do you care what others think of you? Only those that I love.
What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes? I like to draw now, spend time with my peeps, try different strains of weed, nap.
What is your most treasured possession? My store, Urban Soles
What is your favorite color? Black
What is your favorite food? Anything with shrimp. or wings.
What, if anything, do you like to read? The 48 Laws of Power
What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)? Music of course, I love watching movies. If I watch a series it has to have completed seasons, if I can’t binge I dont want it.
Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit? I smoke weed and drink when I’m out. It’s not out of control but I don’t plan on stopping.
How do you spend a typical Saturday night? If I’m not with my wife now, I’m out with the boys, probably at Zay’s club.
What makes you laugh? Any and everything to be honest.
What, if anything, shocks or offends you? Rude mfs, bullies, people that are just unnecessarily disrespectful.
What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself? Wake up my wife. Watch Netflix. Eat. Scroll social media.
How do you deal with stress? Smoke, drink, sleep.
Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan? Spontaneous.
What are your pet peeves? People eating crunchy things, metal scraping metal, crowded spaces, poorly laced shoes, my time being wasted, people that are late on my time.
Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted? I wake up bout 8 or 9. Check emails for the most part. Stuff my face. Go to the store and handle bidness. Make time for food a few times throughout the day and then come back home.
What is your greatest strength as a person? I’m reliable and always come through.
What is your greatest weakness? I don’t always know how to say no.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? My temper.
Are you generally introverted or extroverted? I’m in between.
Are you generally organized or messy? Organized for the most part.
Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at. I’m good at getting my way, making others happy annnnd drawing. I’m terrible at lying, singing and admitting when I’m wrong.
Do you like yourself? Yeah, I’m cool.
What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime? Franchising my business.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I see myself being a father, happily married. Having a second store, maybe 3rd. Happy, healthy.
If you could choose, how would you want to die? Peacefully in my sleep.
If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left. Update my will, write letters to everyone I love, sleep.
What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death? My big heart.
What three words best describe your personality? Random, Spontaneous, Protective
What three words would others probably use to describe you? Annoying, Funny, Mannish
If you could, what advice would you, the player, give to your character? Don’t be scared to be who you supposed to be. If they don’t fuck with it, fuck em.
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The Bright Lights of the Big Leagues: Your Dream or Your Kid’s Goal?
FUNdamental Skills 
By Darren Fenster / June 1, 2018
Twenty-four years ago, I graduated from Thompson Middle School in Middletown, New Jersey, and as was tradition back then (and may very well still be today) my classmates and I would sign one another’s yearbooks with a short note reflecting back on memories of the past three years, and added well wishes for the next few in high school and beyond. Skimming through the pages of mine, still to this day, I am amazed to read the number of entries wishing me luck as a professional baseball player, in addition to the many ticket requests for when I got to the Major Leagues. I had just finished the eighth grade. Little did I know at the time that my professional career would begin some seven years later, because at that point, the bright lights of the Big Leagues were just a dream to me. 
A dream… like just about every single kid has when they don their first youth league uniform.
Looking back to that eighth grade yearbook, clearly as a 12- or 13-year-old kid, I was talking - and probably talking often enough for people to mention it as much as they did - about wanting to be a baseball player when I grew up. It’s very easy at an early age to pick any far-fetched, odds-against profession, and say, “I want to be this,” or “I want to be that when I get older,” but at one point or another, reality sets in for most and those dreams remain just that- dreams. For a very fortunate few, myself included, there comes a point and time when that dream becomes a realistic and attainable goal. Now while I am not sure of exactly when that was for me personally, what I do know is that it would have never happened without the support of my parents and coaches, as cautiously optimistic as they may have been.
To be honest, when sights are set so high to the point of turning a dream into a reality, there are going to be naysayers every step of the way. Being part naïve, part driven, and probably part stupid, negative talk from those who didn’t have my trust did nothing but motivate me even more. Truth be told, the only people who I actually would have listened to had they told me I couldn’t do it were the exact ones who never did. I cannot underestimate the importance of those close to you truly believing in you when setting your sights on something, whether it be in sports, or any other challenging facet of life.
I mentioned the cautiously optimistic support of those around me, because that’s exactly what it was. By no means did those who I trusted above all others give me blinding support, without any idea of how difficult accomplishing such a lofty goal would be. While their support was unwavering, it was more along the lines of, “OK… if you want to do this, then you have to work harder than everyone else, and figure out exactly how you plan on getting there,” rather than, “you’re the best and it’s just going to happen for you.”  They made me well aware of the things I needed to do, and the challenges that were going to cross my path, and as long as I was willing to go about it the right way, then they were going to be behind me, because this was my dream… NOT theirs.
And therein lies one of the biggest differences I have seen between today and what I experienced some 15-20 years ago when going through the same process of working to advance in the game. So before moving on, I’d like to ask one simple question:
Are those bright lights of the Big Leagues your dreams, or your kid’s goal?
My name is Darren Fenster, and as a self-proclaimed baseball-lifer, I have lived a pretty cool life in the game, having worn a number of different hats over the course of my years on the diamond. From a playing career that garnered All-American honors as a shortstop for Rutgers University, in addition to twice being named a Minor League All-Star while coming up with the Kansas City Royals, to becoming Director of Baseball Operations, Assistant Coach, and Recruiting Coordinator at my alma mater before returning to professional baseball as a hitting coach in A-ball, to my current position as Minor League manager with the Boston Red Sox, I have enjoyed a wide array of experiences around baseball that have helped give me a very unique perspective of the many different sides of the game. In those roles over time, I have witnessed firsthand the change in the way both players approach the game and their futures, and the unrealistic, uneducated, and ill-informed support and expectations of those around the player, where many have come to believe that a college scholarship is a foregone conclusion, and that playing professional baseball is like signing up for a youth league.
The odds are staggeringly against you when it comes to moving up the ranks:
2,200,000 play in youth leagues. 455,000 play in high school. 48,000 play in college. 5,480 play at a Division I college on a baseball scholarship. 1200 get drafted. 750 play in the Major Leagues.
.03%  of youth leaguers will play in the Major Leagues. .2% of high schoolers will play in the Major Leagues.
Also consider this when looking into playing in college:
Every year, the maximum number of scholarships Division I baseball teams are allowed to offer is 11.7. That’s not 11.7 scholarships each year for each new recruiting class of players, that’s 11.7 divided among 27 players within a program. One of the biggest misconceptions out there is the full scholarship. They are about as common as a solar eclipse: for the most part, they barely exist. Baseball is not like football (85 full scholarships) or basketball (12 full scholarships), but rather a sport that is forced to divide up their scholarship allotment amongst an entire roster. So when you hear every Tom, Bob, and Harry brag about their kids getting full rides, well unless their last names are Trout, Harper, and Kershaw, well then I’d be willing to bet the only thing that is full is them… of hot air.
10.5% of all high schoolers will play in college. That includes Division I, II, and III, all junior colleges, and NAIA schools. 1.2% of high school players earn a Division I baseball scholarship.
These are stats that your kids must see. By no means are they meant to deter them from going after it, but rather for them to understand the true difficulty in doing so. For the ones who will move on, those numbers will serve as motivation to work harder, and for the ones who get depressed after seeing them, it was probably never meant to be.
To many parents and coaches, those numbers will mean nothing and have little impact, leaving them unfazed in their conviction that their kid will have no trouble making it. To many players, those daunting statistics will barely even register, since in their minds, the odds won’t apply to them, because they have been told how great they are by those same parents and coaches who have no idea what it actually takes to make it. And therein lies the problem…
There is a fine line behind blind optimism, cautious support, and downright naysaying that will kill any and all hopes, but there are a few things that can be done to create reasonable expectations and attainable goals for your kid’s future in the game.
Knowing what you want to do is great, but knowing how you plan on getting there is better.  You have a starting point. You have a finishing point. What happens in between? Write down all the steps needed to climb toward the ultimate goal. Focusing on short-term goals is much easier and much more doable than just looking at the end-all, and not having a clue of how to get there.
The game is supposed to be FUN. The younger the kid, the more fun we, as coaches, have to make it. Players and parents shouldn’t even think or talk of scholarships or the draft until the sophomore year in high school, at the earliest. One of the more frustrating things to witness during my time as an assistant coach at Rutgers was going out to games where the players were more concerned with who was in the stands watching than they were actually going out and competing between the lines. Their joy of playing was, for all intents and purposes, non-existent. On very rare occasions, I would get a chance to see teams who had been playing together for years, playing the game the right way, playing the game to win, and most importantly, playing the game for fun. It’s disappointing that those teams are the exception in this day and age, and not the rule.  Bottom-line: in order to advance in the game, you have to love to play, because the higher you go, the more time you will spend out on the field. If you don’t enjoy it, then why play at all?
Be careful. In an age where baseball has somewhat turned into a pay-to-play sport, be very cautious with ANYONE who makes promises of scholarships or getting drafted. The only people who have that power are members of a college coaching staff, or professional scouts. Too many times have I heard stories of empty promises by private instructors or travel teams who sell their connections that will get the exposure the player needs. Here’s the simple truth about exposure: if the player is good enough, he will be found. Period. Money can buy some of the most overblown evaluations ever written, and the majority of coaches will not invest limited scholarship funds on a player he’s never seen. Just because the guy you’ve been paying since little Johnny was six for private lessons says he’s the best player ever might not mean anything other than he enjoys cashing your checks. Consider the source before trusting it.
As you get older, and college and professional baseball are legitimate goals, it is vital to get a feel for what collegiate level is best for you, and how talented those in the pro game truly are. There are various levels of the game just within Division I. Some conferences and programs could be viewed as comparable to low-level minor league baseball, whereas others are barely a step up from high school. I cannot tell you how many times we got calls from coaches, players, and parents saying how their kid is a perfect fit for us (when he wouldn’t even survive the first day of walk-on tryouts). We would respond with the question, “Well, have you ever seen us play?”  Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, the answer was no. Well then how on earth do you know that little Johnny is perfect for us when you have no idea how good we are??
As noted above, the guy who’s been on your payroll since little Johnny’s 3rd grade is not an unbiased party. Coaches of their own players will almost always give rave reviews, where the spotlight can be on him or his team. Search out an objective third party coach and ask for an honest evaluation. An opposing high school coach who may have seen some of the best players in the area over the years would be a great reference. Maybe there is a professional scout or player who can watch you play and note the things that must be improved upon in order to reach whatever level you are looking to get to.
With the explosion of travel baseball and private training facilities, while the game itself has not changed, the approach to it, has. We have moved into a culture of specialization and sport-specific training year-round, and it is saddening to see that the three-sport athlete is all but extinct, while the kid who plays two is now an endangered species. Players now have access to work on their game twelve months of the year, and had I have the same resources available to me when growing up, I’m sure I would have become one of the Joneses as well. But that’s not necessarily a good thing. Major League Baseball players- the very best in the world, who play from the start of spring training in mid-February well into October if they are lucky enough- DON’T play 12 months of the year. From that very last day of their season in the fall, they will pack up their gloves and bats, and not pick up a ball for a couple months. So if the most well conditioned athletes in the entire sport don’t train year round, then how on earth is it appropriate for kids ages 8-18 to do so?? If you have your kid pick one sport too soon, and you’ll risk him playing none before all is said and done. It’s amazing how much more they will appreciate the game when they don’t have to play it every single day.
My story is unique, and by no means would I expect anyone to follow the same path as I have over the years to get to where I am today, as we live in a completely different world. But there are definitely experiences that SHOULD translate to today’s player, and first and foremost it all starts with having a love for the game and a passion to play it. For me, while growing up, playing baseball was 100% about having fun playing a game, and it remained that way even when it became my job. I couldn’t get enough of it because I loved to play, not because I wanted the exposure to college recruiters and professional scouts. One of the best compliments I ever received as a player is the one that I enjoy giving most now as a coach: you show your love for the game by the way you play it.
In my current position with the Red Sox, I am fortunate beyond belief to be working with some incredibly talented players, from completely different walks of life, with completely different paths into the game, but all with the same goal that I had just a short time ago: to get to the Big Leagues. Beyond their athletic ability, there are three things that stand out with those who do move up and eventually make it: they absolutely love to play the game, they want to work at getting better each and every day and they will compete at all things, at all times. The simplicity of those three things is really amazing. If you don’t love the game, you aren’t going to make it. If you don’t work hard, you aren’t going to make it. If you don’t compete, you aren’t going to make it.
Now, let’s think about this one again…
Are those bright lights of the Big Leagues your dreams, or your kid’s goal?
For more resources, check out the links below:
Online Education Center USA Baseball Mobile Coach Long Term Athlete Development Plan  Keeping Perspective  The Play Ball Parent Building a Baseball Experience
Darren Fenster is a contributor to the USA Baseball Sport Development Blog, and is currently the Manager of the Boston Red Sox Double-A affiliate Portland Sea Dogs. A former player in the Kansas City Royals minor league system, Fenster joined the Red Sox organization in 2012 after filling various roles on the Rutgers University Baseball staff, where he was a two-time All-American for the Scarlet Knights. Fenster is also Founder and CEO of Coaching Your Kids, LLC, and can be found on Twitter @CoachYourKids.
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void-03 · 4 years
Mental Health Vent
This is just me venting, the post has no point. I just wanted to write my feelings out and post it publicly.
Around a month ago, I learned that I had my IQ score tested when I was a child (around 6-8 I imagine). Thinking further on it, I got upset. I don’t know why. Anyway, apparently I got an IQ score of 138, and my mum was recommended that I would be sent to a school for gifted children because I could struggle in a normal school environment. The test was done by a qualified professional who was a friend of my mum, though.
My mum didn’t really have options like that in my area, so I lived my life as regular kid (I’m not blaming her for this). I was a weird kid, I had my strange habits and I didn’t like to talk with people. I wasn’t shy, I didn’t really care what people thought of me, I just didn’t like to be around people or be in overwhelming spaces. I couldn’t even eat the food that was given to me, I had very specific preferences, so I’d bring the same crackers to school every single day for lunch. I’d eat those when everyone was out of the classroom at lunch time. They were all in the cafeteria. I also didn’t have a lot of energy, ever. If I did more than two things in one day (things like bathing, doing sports, going to an event, visiting a family member...) I’d feel mentally exhausted. This got me branded as boring by both my friends and family.
As I started to go to middle school, I found myself being interested in true crime and more importantly, psychology. I always struggled to understand the people around me and psychology was helpful about that. I had never been to a professional psychologist myself, my mum always said they were money-hungry and she only trusted that friend I mentioned above. But I was starting to suspect I may have mental issues, so I asked her to take me to her friend at least.
I knew this woman well though. I had spent time with her before, I knew her views. I remembered her talking about how she fixed gay people before, how they were all just confused. I decided that I would not mention my bisexuality to her, naturally. 
I continued researching psychologist, we didn’t immediately make an appointment as the woman lived in another city. I discovered something called Asperger Syndrome, as I read more about it (whether these were professional articles, Aspies expressing themselves, or tips on how to help people with Asperger’s get better at socialising) I found myself feeling rather close to something I’d read up on for the first time. I didn’t self diagnose myself, to be clear, I just suspected it.
After months, the time had finally come. Me and my first appointment with a professional, how exciting. I revealed my heart and soul to her (except the LGBT parts), talked about my deepest insecurities. She said I probably had generalised anxiety, social anxiety and a mild agorophobia. I asked her if it was possible I could have Asperger’s (I didn’t want to say Autism because people always imagine low-functioning Autistic people when you say that) and she shot down the possibility immediately. Her reasoning was “You can read body language, you just read it wrong.”
What? What does that mean? Wouldn’t reading it wrong mean I can’t fucking read it? 
I found her reasoning very stupid, but I trusted her. I continued to consider the possibilities she presented me, and read up further on social anxiety and agorophobia. My mum had already figured I had anxiety because all of my family members have it. But... I didn’t have social anxiety. I just didn’t like to talk with people and had stage fright. Stage fright doesn’t mean you have a disorder. High-functioning Autism fit my issues a whole lot better. 
I shrugged it off. I didn’t want to self diagnose myself with anything anyway because I didn’t agree with it. I blocked everything about Autism/Asperger’s from my life. If I read up on it, I’d relate. If I relate, I might suspect I have it.
At this point, my grades had started to drop. I never was able to watch the board and the lesson at the same time, I’d get distracted and fall into my thoughts, which were just chaotic. I could never stop thinking if I wasn’t reading, writing or drawing. Those were the things that comforted me.  Anyway, my grades started to drop because I couldn’t figure out the things the teachers had thought by myself anymore. I’d read the books before exams, but that wasn’t enough anymore. Books can’t answer your questions or guide you when teaching. 
I told my then boyfriend I suspected I might have Asperger’s, I was very shy about it because I didn’t want him to tell me I was wrong to claim I might have something. I’m insecure about these things.  He told me he believed I probably had it as well, and I should tell my mother about my suspicions, ask for help.
So I did. I presented her with the disorder, she said I might have it but she clearly didn’t like the idea of me having it. Everytime I found something weird that I did that was apparently a symptom, I got excited. Maybe I’m not just a weirdo, maybe these strange behaviours aren’t my fault. There are people who do the same things as me.  I would excitedly tell her about it each time I read up on something. She was displeased by this, she told me to stop insinuating I had it. That was fine, I didn’t mind it that much. I would keep those discoveries to myself in the future. After all, I just wanted a professional to speak to, who didn’t know my mother and me. 
So I asked her if she could take me to one, but she didn’t trust any. 
A year past until she found this psychologist online who she liked the videos and opinions of, so she wants to take me to him after the corona thing dies off. She wants this because she heard that one of her friends’ kid had the same problem with focus and was prescribed medicine for it, and it apparently helped him.  This is the reason she finally decided to research for psychologists, before then, she would say look for one online yourself. 
I told her the psychologist and I might not fit, as most people don’t find someone right for them immediately but she told me that she couldn’t find another psychologist so I better stick to the one I’ll probably be seeing. 
I don’t know if I want to pour my heart out like that again. This person will be a stranger. I know I wanted my psychologist to be a stranger, but I don’t even know if he is a reliable one. None of my friends tried him before. 
Well... I don’t know when I’ll be visiting him, but I’m still nervous. That’s it.
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thesevillereport · 4 years
You Need to Start Investing NOW! Pt II
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In part one of this blog we touched why you should start investing, how investing allows you to participate in the success of companies you're familiar with, and the beauty of owning a business without running a business. In part two we touch on why some people have avoided investing in the stock market. We tackle these issues head on including the risk of losing money. To be an investor, and a good investor - which I'm sure you're capable of - you need to have all the information, the good and the bad..
So many people go their entire lives not investing because they believe the stock market is a scam, which is the mindset of someone who just doesn't understand how it works, and to be honest with you, that is by design. Yes, it's by design that you weren't taught about how the stock market actually functions, but that's another topic for another day, for now let's address the stock market is a scam issue.
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The Stock Market is a Scam.
This mindset plagues a lot of people, According to Statista only 55% of American adults are investing, and of those people that are not investing, some have been told that the stock market is rigged or it's a scam.
One part of that last sentence is absolutely correct, the stock market is rigged. It's rigged for investors with patience to win in the end. It's rigged to take the money of anyone buying without an understanding of what they're buying and why they're buying it. It's rigged to leave anyone who believes they will get in, get out, and get rich quickly with nothing. I cannot deny it, it's definitely rigged. But I will argue against the stock market being a scam where only the rich guys win.
In part one I mentioned McDonalds and Johnson & Johnson, are those companies scams? Nike (NKE), Clorox (CLX), General Mills (GIS) the cereal manufacturer, Campbell the soup company (CPB), Dick's Sporting Goods (DKS), Target (TGT), Walmart (WMT), United Airlines (UAL), JetBlue (JBLU), Delta (DAL), Facebook (FB), Google (GOOGL), Netflix (NFLX), Apple (AAPL), Microsoft (MSFT), Amazon (AMZN), these are all publicly traded companies. To say the stock market is a scam is to say the products of the stock market, the companies I've just mentioned are a scam, and you're smart enough to know they are not. You wouldn't buy scammy shoes to put on your feet, or shop at a scammy store, or fly a scammy airline would you? If your answer is no, then you agree with me that Nike,Target, and JetBlue aren't running scams.
But from speaking to new investors about why they didn't invest earlier we usually hear the same story. A friend, cousin, uncle, or parent got a stock tip, bought in - without doing any other research - the stock price went down, and they lost their money, but the person that gave them the tip made out very well from the investment. This story is centuries old, and the last time I heard it, won't be the last time I hear it. It's unfortunate that it happens, but remember what I stated earlier, the market is rigged to take the money of anyone buying without an understanding of what they're buying and why they're buying it. A stock tip does not qualify as understanding what you're buying and why you're buying it.
Something else we've gathered from speaking to people that have had bad experiences in the market, their market outcomes had a lot to do with their mindset around money.
We've listened to people who were used to paying top dollar for everything. Getting the most expensive watch, car, wardrobe, house, meal, drink, et cetera, because they could.
That mindset is counterintuitive in investing.
Investors don't make money when they purchase shares of a company for $15 billion if the company is only worth $10 billion. Investors make money when they find a company worth $15 billion, but the market is selling the company for $10 billion. That $5 billion difference between the price the market is currently selling the investment for and what an investor believes the investment is worth is where the money is made.
For an investor to have success investing they have to be bargain hunters. Whether they decide to invest in value companies or high growth companies, they have to search for the bargain in order to make money. The same thing goes for real estate, buying a house for top dollar is an unwise move for a real estate investor. Buying high for the sake of buying high doesn't work in investing.
I hope this does a little bit to clear up the stock market is a scam notion. How can it be a scam when some of the largest companies in the world are a part of it? If an investor is constantly losing money and seeing more loses than gains over a long period of time, it's not because the stock market is a scam, it's because they aren't investing correctly, and are overpaying for their investments.
The Fear of Losing
Another reason many people avoid the markets is because they're scared of losing money. I was up front with you on the markets being rigged, and I'll be up front with you here, if you invest, there will be a time when you will lose money. There is no way to sugarcoat that.
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The greatest investors in the world, the billionaire money managers that are featured on CNBC and Fox Business have all lost money investing at some point, and these are the worlds best and brightest investing minds. Losses happen, and this is why it is important when investing to think long term.
On the bright side, every dollar lost is a lesson learned in investing. It's a lesson on what to look out for on the next investment.
If we buy McDonalds at a value price with plans to hold it long term, we increase our chances of making a very good return on our money and decrease our chances of losing money.
McDonald's may have a rough quarter or a rough year, but it will likely be here long after you and I are gone, and it will likely be worth more money ten years from now than it is today.
There is Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself
Today investing is easier than it's ever been. More importantly it's easier to start small than it's ever been. I started investing when I had to call a broker, listen to that broker chuckle at the few dollars I had to buy the few shares of stock I wanted, and then pay that broker's commission for taking my order.
It's so much easier today. First, everything is online, and setting up a trading account is as easy as filling out a job application. You can log in to your trading account, deposit money, withdraw money, buy stocks and sell stocks without speaking to anyone at all.
Also trading apps like Robinhood and WeBull initiated the zero-commission trading phenomenon, which eventually caught fire and forced larger investment houses to adopt a zero-commission fee structure. Now investing is easy and almost free, in addition some sites even allow investors to buy fractional shares. Now investors don't have to buy a full share of stock outright, they can buy a fraction of a share, and still enjoy in the success of that company to the degree of the ownership stake they have.
Why Stocks (and ETFs Sometimes)?
There are enough people yelling at you in those four minute YouTube commercials about the best, easiest, quickest way to get rich, I want to avoid that crowd, but still explain to you why The Seville Report is focused on stocks/equity.
First and foremost stocks are incredibly easy to buy and sell. Open an app, enter the stock symbol, enter the number of shares I want, hit the buy button and I'm done. If I need to know the value of my investment I can easily find it. When I'm ready to sell the stock it's just as easy; open the app, enter the symbol, the amount of shares I want to sell, hit the sell button and I'm done. I just can't beat the simplicity of conducting a stock transaction compared to other investments.
Also stocks provide the ability to gain exposure to a multitude of markets. For example a stock in a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) can provide exposure to the real estate markets. A REIT that pays a monthly dividend can give me the sense of collecting rent, without having to secure a mortgage, locate a property, and qualify tenants.
If I foresee something great happening that will positively impact a specific industry, I can buy an ETF and gain exposure to that industry. An ETF like the SPDR S&P 500 Trust ETF (SPY) tracks the S&P500, and this one investment instrument provides investors exposure to the best companies in the United States.
Also, I find the process of researching publicly traded companies easier than researching most other types of investments. I also enjoy that as long as I have an internet connection I can research a company from anywhere, and there's the euphoric feeling I get when I find an undervalued gem. Life is hard, so I try take the easy way when I can, and stock investing is just easy to me.
Invest Now!
No matter what you decide to invest in, it doesn't matter to me, I just want you to invest. We can all use a money multiplier, something that grows the money we have, while we're trying to make more money, and there is no easier way to do that than by investing.
A case for investing in stocks is that investing in stocks gives you the opportunity to own a business without the huge cash outlay needed to start a business. Also, owning stocks allows you to participate in the success of companies you know and whose products you use.
Remember the stock market is not a scam. Real companies are traded every day in the stock market, companies that you know. Don't fear losing money, because you will eventually take a loss if you're investing, that's in stocks as well as real estate, losses are a part of the territory. But when all is said and done the wins should more than outweigh the losses.
Don't let the process overwhelm you, opening an investment account is like filling out a job application or opening a bank account. Once your account is established you're ready to start funding your account and investing.
If you weren't investing or never thought about investing, I hope that you are seriously considering it after reading this. If you're ever in need of investment ideas, we publish our investment newsletter quarterly, and it can be purchased here. In our newsletter we discuss undervalued opportunities in the market. Good luck, and may your next investment be your best investment.
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uprising-hqarchive · 4 years
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we’re glad to have you. don’t forget to check the current timeline of events, and send in your account within the NEXT 24 HOURS. most importantly; don’t forget to have fun!
NAME/ALIAS, PRONOUNS, AGE — Kate, she/her. TIMEZONE AND ACTIVITY — EST, I’m usually on most days and able to do replies every 1-3 days depending on what’s going on. I also tend to lurk on the ooc discord :) ANYTHING ELSE? — nope!
— is that JESSICA CHASTAIN? oh, no it’s just GINNY POTTER. SHE is a 47 year old PUREBLOOD witch, whose occupation is a COACH FOR THE HOLYHEAD HARPIES. i guess that’s why her former house is GRYFFINDOR. she is prepared for the uprising, her alliance is ORDER SUPPORTING.
BIRTHDAY: 11 August 1981
SOCIAL MEDIA: @mrschosen-one
RESIDENCE: with her husband, Harry Potter
Ginevra “Ginny” Molly Potter (nee Weasley) — the youngest Weasley and the girl that her mother had dreamed of for so long, Ginny was named for two strong women — her grandmother Ginevra and her mother Molly. In her name, she carried a heritage of Prewett and Weasley. Making the decision to give up her maiden name (especially after she was already a successful and well-known Quidditch player) wasn’t as difficult as Ginny had always imagined it would be — Harry deserved to have someone he loved who was alive share his last name.
pureblood — blood status has never been something that Ginny cared or noticed about her own life; she was proud to be considered a blood traitor. There was definitely a certain privilege that Ginny had and continues to have in her blood status that she can tend to be blind to.
11 august 1981 — a happy day for the Weasley family; finally a baby girl to fulfill all of her mother’s dreams of pink and frills, though it became quite clear by the time she was a toddler that Ginny was more like her brothers than the stereotypical girl Molly had dreamed of. Still, a daughter was a gift, and Molly didn’t mind that Ginny cared more for playing in the mud than playing house.
cis-female (she/her), pansexual — gender has never been something that Ginny really pays that much attention to. To her, it’s all about personality and heart. She falls in love with people – the fact that all of her serious relationships are with men is purely coincidental.
Gryffindor — there was never another option for a Weasley, nor for one with the firecracker and stubborn personality that Ginny had. She was proud to join the rest of her siblings in Gryffindor house, and it was clear from the start that she belonged there.
During her time at Hogwarts, Ginny didn’t think very much about life after school. Sure, she had dreams and passions, but her family was pulled into a war when she was fourteen, and from then on, her main focus (outside of typical teenage woes and worries) was preparing for the fight. But when the war was over and Ginny returned to Hogwarts for her final year and wore the badge of Gryffindor Captain, she was free to dream, and all of her dreams included Quidditch. Upon leaving Hogwarts, she was recruited to the Holyhead Harpies and played for them for many years, even through her three pregnancies, eventually even making team Captain. Upon nearing her 35th birthday, a terrible injury to her rotator cuff pulled her out of the action, but her love for Quidditch was too strong for her to walk away from the sport, so she took on a position as coach, which she still holds to this day.
Married to Harry James Potter. I definitely super ship hinny. I think they’re perfect for each other — Ginny is warmth and love that Harry grew up longing for; Harry is steady and rational where Ginny is fiery and headstrong; Ginny is laughter and light where Harry has known so much darkness and terror. Harry is home for Ginny who has always known what home felt like and Ginny is home for Harry in a way he’s never experienced. In all, Ginny is made of the sort of strong stuff you need to be married to the Chosen One.
But also, chemistry is fine too LOL.
Ginny was born the youngest of the Weasley family, and the only girl. As much as her parents delighted in her birth and her family was tight-knit and warm, Ginny’s childhood wasn’t perfect. Their poverty made all of their children uncomfortably aware of a kind of stress that those with wealth never encounter, and it manifested in each of them in different ways. Ginny wasn’t ashamed of her second-hand possessions, and she never went hungry, but she knew what it was like to hide her desire for something because she didn’t want to upset her parents who could never afford it. A watchful child, Ginny saw early on what this poverty did to her brothers – Charlie and Bill were always so much older and already off at Hogwarts that it didn’t seem to affect them that much, but Ginny saw the greed and shame in Percy, Fred, George, and Ron’s eyes, a fact that only grew as time went on.
It was also hard to be the only girl and the youngest child – Ginny sometimes felt that she was always running behind her brothers, unable to keep up with their antics, unable to convince them to slow down so that she could be a part of the fun too. They saw her as the pesky, annoying sister, which meant that a good portion of her childhood was spent alone. But instead of making Ginny into a shy soul, these periods of isolation made her strong. She had a thirst to prove herself and a nerve that meant she always succeeded, whether it was climbing to the highest part of the tree to beat Ron or breaking into the broom shed to steal Fred’s broom when he wasn’t looking. She devoured books and longed for adventure, and got herself into many scrapes with her parents with her tendency to wander off and explore the world of Ottery St. Catchpole outside of the Burrow.
Charlie and Bill were the brothers she looked up to the most, Fred and George were her favorites, and Percy had a way of tenderness about him that was reserved just for her, but Ron was her closest companion. They bickered and fought, played pranks on one another and got into trouble when they took turns tattling to their parents, but Ron was always there, and close enough in age that he couldn’t force her away from his plans like the rest of them did. Ginny knew his heart better than anyone, saw his desire to be different, unique, special, and tried to prove to him that he was enough for her. Her parents were happily married and in love with each other and each of their children, and though Molly had a fiery temper (that Ginny inherited) and Aruthur a few odd quirks, Ginny couldn’t have wished for better parents. Though they were poor in resources, they were rich in love, and Ginny learned the lessons that her brothers failed to see — money doesn’t bring happiness, people do.
Going off to Hogwarts was a dream come true for Ginny. Every couple of years, she saw another brother (or two) sent off to Hogwarts without her, until finally it was just her alone at home. She loved her parents, but the Burrow was always eerily quiet without her brothers stomping down the stairs or bickering with one another. The year between when Ron left and it was Ginny’s turn was the loneliest year of her life, and she reread all of her brothers’ letters home until the pages were soft and worn, longing for the day when it would be her turn.
When it finally was Ginny’s turn to go to Hogwarts, she was ecstatic. Proud in a different way than her brothers, Ginny didn’t care that her belongings were all second-hand, and the way she carried herself dared anyone to mock her for her family’s poverty. Ginny had such a vivacious and open personality that it should have been the best year of her life, but a last minute switch on the part of Lucius Malfoy turned Ginny’s dream into a nightmare. The year passed faster than any other ever had, with large chunks of it missing, and Ginny turned in on herself, becoming pale and quiet. Her brothers should have noticed that more was going on, but they were all too wrapped up in their own pursuits to see that their sister had disappeared, to be replaced with someone who was meek and fearful. Instead of making a close group of friends around her, Ginny isolated more and more, until that fateful night when Tom Riddle made her lock herself in the Chamber of Secrets.
When Harry destroyed the diary, Ginny was free, and that summer, she began to regain more and more of her typical personality (though for a couple more years, she reverted back to shy and quaking in the presence of Harry). The next few years were the dream that Ginny had always imagined Hogwarts to be — she excelled in her classes, made an excellent group of friends, found that she was quite popular with the boys, and even made the Quidditch squad, proving to all of her brothers that she was made of more mettle than they gave her credit for. She took the brewing war and darkness seriously, but it didn’t make her turn overly serious, and she faced the future with a grim knowledge that she would fight until they won or she died. Once she had that knowledge, she didn’t obsess over it, accepting it with her matter-of-fact personality.
What Ginny didn’t plan on was falling in love with Harry, this time for real. The few weeks that they spent together were the happiest of her life — it finally felt that someone knew all of her and understood her in a way that went deeper than anything verbal. When he broke things off with her after Dumbledore’s death, she faced it with the same determination she faced everything else in life — she would always love Harry, but they each had their role to play in the war, and some things were just bigger than love.
Ginny fought every way she could in the year that followed — joining Neville and Luna in sowing dissension to Snape and the Carrows’ reign, protecting more vulnerable students when she could, rebelling against the darkness other classmates seemed to thrive in. When the battle was finally upon them, Ginny followed the rest of her family to Hogwarts, unable to stay behind and wait while they all flung themselves into danger. Ginny’s quick thinking and bold fearlessness kept her safe throughout the battle, but the horrors she saw that night changed her for good. After losing Fred, there was a seriousness about Ginny that she had lacked before, one that only comes from knowing deep sorrow. In the months that followed, Ginny did everything she could to hold her family together in the midst of their grief. She returned to Hogwarts because she knew she owed it to her parents to finish her education, and she enjoyed her last year of school, but not with the same carelessness that she had once known.
It was a relief for Ginny to leave Hogwarts, to be able to be with her family again and learn what it meant to live in a world with no Dark Lord. Light entered back into her world, but it wasn’t the same untainted light that she had once known, and Ginny knew that she would always carry with her the horrors of that battle. Even if she could choose to wipe them from  her memory, she wouldn’t — it would be a dishonor to Fred’s memory.
Still, Ginny experienced much light and joy in these next years of her life. She was recruited to play for her favorite team, she grew ever closer to her family, her world began to fill with nieces and nephews, and she fell back in love (as if she had ever fallen out of it) with the man she wanted to walk beside forever. Eventually, she and Harry were married and started a family of their own. While Ginny kept doing the job that she loved, she found a part of herself that she didn’t know existed in becoming a mother. Her fiery temper and reckless streak didn’t disappear, but were partnered with a tenderness and sense of fear that became constant companions. She discovered that dueling Bellatrix Lestrange wasn’t half so frightening as having your heart walk outside of your body, which was what motherhood felt like for her.
The Potter family settled into a happy little life, finally free from darkness and fear, full of light and life and love. Little did they know what was coming to threaten all of that.
Ginny was not prepared for darkness and conflict to creep back into her life and rob her children of a carefree young adulthood, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t ready to fight in order to restore her world once more.
Random little headcanons I have for Ginny
✨Ginny has a notorious sweet tooth; she needs to eat something sweet at least once a day ✨ Harry does most of the cooking, but Ginny has mastered the art of baking bread, and the smell lingers around their house because of how often she has to stick a new loaf in the oven after her family devours the latest one ✨ If Ginny had her way, she would go barefoot all the time, but since she can’t, she wears sandals whenever she gets the chance ✨ Ginny prefers muggle jeans to wizarding robes, and now that she doesn’t have to basically live in her quidditch robes, she’s most often found in jeans, a sweater, and her birkenstocks – with or without socks (she’s very hip in muggle fashion) ✨ Ginny is not a morning person. Harry has to lure her out of bed with the smell of freshly brewed coffee. When she has to be out of the house really early for morning practices, Harry wakes up to brew her coffee and then goes back to bed once she’s up ✨ Ginny doesn’t really drink. When she was pregnant with Albus, she realized that she actually preferred butterbeer anyway, so she sticks to that. ✨ Ginny has one on one tea with her mum every week, and always stops by her father’s work shed on the way out to see his latest project. ✨ Ginny convinced Harry to let them get a cat, and she promptly named it Minnie (after Minerva McGonagall, of course. Minnie’s become another member of the family. ✨ Ginny loves the ocean, and spent as much time as she could at shell cottage when the kids were all young. Now she makes the family go on vacation to the coast every summer. ✨ Ginny found that after Albus was born, she wanted a daughter just as much as her own mother had wanted her. When Lily was young, Ginny would dress them up in matching outfits and stick her tongue out at Harry whenever he made fun of her for it.
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nickgossett · 4 years
Almost a Man...
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Well my son you are 12 years old today …. You are venturing into uncharted waters, you are slowly creeping into MANHOOD. I think it’s time to finally give you a real dose of reality...
You may not want to hear this, but the truth is life’s about to get hard…. You are about to be considered a mini adult, you are going to have more responsibilities that suck, and take up more of your Xbox time. You are about to actually see and understand how your actions have real consequences, plus your balls are going to get hairy and they are going to drop and your voice is going to start to become more like Barry White and less like Barry Manilow. Believe it or not…. You are nearly officially a man.
The truth is you have always been a pretty good kid, not an angel by any means, but you have always been kind hearted, very smart and we have never been called to the principal’s office for you. You have always just accepted people for who they are, you hold the door for old people, the disabled, and for the ladies. You always show respect to any adults. 
But the reality is that shit’s about to get real, you are going to learn that people can be total assholes, your friends are going show you they can be total assholes and when you start working in a couple of years you are going to work with a few assholes. You’re going to learn some serious life lessons pretty quickly. I promise you that it’s going to suck donkey balls but you will get through and you will survive.
You’ll totally survive, you are far more stronger than you believe you are. Much wiser than I ever was at your age, your mom and I couldn’t be any more proud of who you’ve become so far. I sincerely hope your next journey is going to be as smooth sailing as your last 11, because let’s be honest, you have it pretty damn good son….
Unfortunately, I know that things are going to change, you are going to start becoming  a real little man. You are going to get full of testosterone, you are going to start to let your friends make you believe you are the shit, and everyone else is the smell…. and you are going to be filled with rage and aggression against the world and everyone who’s “against you”.  We know from Yoda that anger is the path to the Dark Side, right? Just like Anakin and his hatred of sand, it can be your undoing. Always remember what I tell you….Every choice you make has consequences, good and bad….
Always keep your chin high and be proud of who are and what you accomplish. Believe in yourself and go follow those big dreams you have set out to do. Just don’t be a dick. No one ever likes a dick, they will pretend that they do but really, they just want them to go away and then they talk shit about them after they leave…. don’t be that person….And don’t always try to prove you are the smartest person in the room. It’s ok if you are, but no one likes a dick for continuously pointing it out.
The reason I’m so hard on you because I want you to always be a man that knows right from wrong;  a man who still does the right thing when it’s the hardest thing to do sometimes…. A man that’s strong deep in his soul,  but so, so kind in his heart….. a man that is hard and tough as fuck when the need comes, but that is also a voice of reason who still protects those not as strong as himself or those who may be weak. I’m raising you so that you can always stand on your own two feet. I want you to know right now that you are going to stumble, you are going to make a bunch of mistakes….But I also want you to know that mistakes are good, you learn just as much from them, sometimes even more, than you will your successes…. That is what life is son. Constantly learning how to be the best version of yourself that you can be….Period.
Make no mistake, life is going to get hard, you are going to lose loved ones, some of them unexpected. That’s God’s way of showing us that we are never in control, our time here is limited so we must be grateful for every day we are here and make these days count. I want you to feel every emotion, experience every hurt, dive into love, drown in the pain, crawl through the healing, I want all of it this for you son. Because that’s called living my man…. And that’s what I want for you. I want you to be your own person, to know what to waste your anger, time and tears on, and to be strong enough to “suck it up buttercup” and get back to it. Nobody is going to go get it and bring it to you…You got to wipe those tears, dust yourself off and go get whatever it is you want.
I want you to experience love like your mother and I share, a love like no other, and learn that together you and your woman are a team, you both are in lock step moving in the same direction, sharing the same dreams, striving for the same goals….together. Neither one better than the other, no gender equality bullshit, just two people in love working together to live their best life son. That’s what I hope for you. When you do eventually find that special girlfriend…Support  each other in your dreams, encourage each other in everything, and above all you respect each other. There are going to be girls that will break your heart in a million pieces, there will be girls who will absolutely disappoint you…. And you’ll still believe you love them….and maybe you will…. But son I say to you, you must protect your heart you must know when to walk away from the rain so that you can enjoy the fireworks.
Speaking of women….You treat them with respect at all times. You will be around other boys who may find it cool to discuss other girls in “locker room” ways and have tons of peer pressure to brag or boast about your girlfriend, or say mean shit about other girls….Don’t do that shit man….Life is hard enough for girls man and that shit is not cool at all….Always keep in your mind, would I want some guy saying this shit about my mom, or your cousins, or if you had a daughter…Would you want some guys talking about them that way? Some women still hold scars on their hearts from some nasty shit that guys said “to the boys” that the boys could not wait to go use to their advantage, which is another lesson….Your “boys” most of them, will fuck you over in a minute and step all over you to get whatever it is they want at that time. Girls….a spot on the sports team…a lead in the school play…Whatever…But especially girls. Guys will fuck up a lifelong friendship for one night of fun with a girl. It’s stupid…
I love to see you interested in travelling, seeing the world. You have really been getting out of your comfort zone. You have been trying more foods, and watching things on tv about different cultures and places. I hope you get to see every inch of this world we live in. Those experiences will help to ensure that you remain humble. It will also encourage you to always give back when you can, whether that be time or money. It helps maintain balance in your life, it keeps you grounded and grateful. You will need that balance when you are older. In an instant your life will become complicated, crazy and ever consuming. Perhaps most importantly though, you will learn that big expensive materialistic things don’t matter, and you can never find your happiness in them. You want to make memories, share in life experiences, your family and real friend.... that is what you find happiness in….And Disney….You’ll always be happy at Disney...
Try every job you can, play every sport you can learn, You sometimes get lazy with this and just assume you won’t like it or that “it’s too much work”….But you really should try everything at least once, you never know what may spark an interest in something that could be something you enjoy for the rest of your life. You should always try to be active a little each day doing SOMETHING, trust me you’ll thank me later. Staying active is good for your body, and it’s good for your mind.
I always want you to stand up for what you believe in, and do not let anyone silence you. Do not let others influence or persuade you that you should feel or believe a certain way. You do your own research, learn your own facts and form your own opinion. Don’t let anyone form it for you. Be a wolf…Not a sheep. You will soon learn that people love to gossip, people love drama, but you do your best to stay as far away from that bullshit as you can. I mean it’s ok to talk shit to each other as friends and family…I mean your uncle Nyles and I take serious shots at each other. However, we both know it’s all in love and it’s not meant or said to be hurtful. Never ever say something that may potentially ruin someone’s day, or even worse, their life….And No matter how cool and funny people think it is….Don’t be a fucking troll....Don’t be one online, not on Xbox, not anywhere…Its just fucking stupid….You will  likely just end up in trouble and it’s just another form of bullying. It goes back to not being a dick…Jokes are one thing…But trying to intentionally hurt another person’s feelings? You should be stopping people from doing that.
You just keep being you son...Keep working hard...Keep learning...Adn always try to do the right thing...You’ll do ok kid...
Happy 12th Birthday!!! You are becoming a little man and you are killing it buddy, and your mom and I are so proud of you!! Love you to the moon and back!
Mom and Dad
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studylizziee · 7 years
Tips for starting sixth form
Okay so I have survived my first year of A Levels and sixth form! These are the tips I would give to upcoming Year 11s. Enjoy :) 
1)     the step up
I’m not gonna lie - there is a big step up from GCSE to A Level, both in terms of the difficulty of what you are learning, and the workload you have to manage. But it’s not as bad as you might think, as long as you are prepared.
It’s very common for people to find that their grades slip in the first term, so don’t freak out if that happens! I got an E in one of my first Maths topic tests aha. Also, teachers are really understanding at the start of the year because they know people are adjusting, so they won’t get angry if you’re struggling. They’re really supportive and helpful.
2)    organisation
Over the summer, make sure you get all the supplies you’ll need. I would suggest 2 options (but feel free to do whatever is best for you, whether it be one of these or not). Either:
write notes in exercise books and have a small folder for each subject (for handouts etc)
write notes on loose leaf paper, and then file them into arch lever folders 
I chose the second option, but it really doesn’t matter what you do as long as you have a system.
VERY IMPORTANT: I recommend printing a copy of your specification to go in each subject folder. You need to be able to keep track of the content you are covering in lessons throughout the year, so I use it as a checklist to make sure I’ve covered everything.
3)    notes
It took me a while to figure out what the best note-taking process was for me. I think the process I ended up with is great (even if sometimes I’m lazy and don’t stick to it): 
STAGE 1: pre-reading
I don’t always have time for this stage because life can be hectic! But I’d really recommend reading the textbook pages and getting an overview of the topic before the lesson. It’s incredible what a difference it makes, and it means you can focus on trying to understand the more difficult concepts
STAGE 2: class notes
During the lesson I will take some rough notes in a notebook, just jotting down any key points that my teacher says. I don’t take them from the textbook because in my opinion that’s a waste of lesson time
STAGE 3: final rewritten notes
After the lesson, either during my free periods or at home, I will re-write my notes. I use a mixture of the following resources: my class notes, the textbook, revision guides, & any PowerPoint slides that are available. For bio & chem I will also often watch a YouTube video on the topic, usually from Khan Academy or E Rintoul.
[Of course, this is just my method of note-taking! Study in the way that is most effective for you.]
4)   free periods
This year, about 1/3 of my timetable was made up of free periods, and next year it will be more as I’m dropping English Lit. It is absolutely vital that you make good use of this time. For each A Level subject, it is estimated that you should be doing 5 hours of independent study a week, and a lot of this you can do in your frees.
I’m not saying you can never have a chat with your friends during frees (I know I definitely do), but that should be the exception and not the norm. Make good habits from the start of the year, and be productive in your free periods. It doesn’t always have to be studying! Here are some suggestions of productive things to do in your free periods:
do your pre-reading, notes or homework
watch some academic YouTube videos 
research university courses / apprenticeships
email professionals about potential work experience
book open days
read (around the subject or just for pleasure)
do some exercise (we have a leisure centre attached to our school so I sometimes go for a swim; some people I know go to the gym together)
5)    revision
Start early by using spaced review. This means revisiting topics you have covered in lessons several times; re-writing your notes comes in handy here!
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Secondly, take topic tests and mocks seriously. Revise for them properly and then when you come to actual exams, you will have already revised the content a few times over.
6)     teachers
Talk to them!! They teach the subject because they love it - they’ll be happy to answer any questions you have, or explain things to you if you’re struggling. It’s not like GCSE where you can memorise a revision guide and get away with it - you really have to understand the content at A Level, and teachers are your best resource. 
Show enthusiasm! You should (hopefully) be studying the subject because you like it, so don’t be afraid to show your interest. It will also make a really good impression to your teachers, who ultimately will be writing your reference & giving your predicted grades. Having a good attitude will go a long way; even if you mess up a few exams they will be more likely to view you favourably.
7)    volunteering
At the start of the year, if your sixth form is anything like mine, you will be bombarded with opportunities to volunteer in school, e.g. mentoring younger students, becoming a prefect. It’s great to take up at least one of these activities and - more importantly - stick with it. It is commitment and dedication that will impress, rather than a massive range of things done half-heartedly. 
For example, I’ve been volunteering at a care home for people with Alzheimer’s and dementia for nearly 2 years, something that when I’ve had interviews has been picked up on. But it’s not just about making you look good - I really think volunteering is rewarding and worthwhile. I know it’s definitely helped me grow as a person.
8)    part-time jobs
I can totally understand why many sixth formers work part-time. The money is much needed, and it’s also great experience to put on your CV.
However, a line must be drawn when your job is affecting your studies. Most sixth forms will have a guideline, but in general I would say if your work is asking you to do more than 2-3 shifts a week on a regular basis, it’s too much.
Personally, I didn’t have a job this year, & I still found it hard at times to juggle everything with my A Levels. I’ve found a compromise this year, & I’ve just gotten a waitressing job with a zero hours contract. This is perfect for me as I can sign up for events as and when I feel I can do it.
Ultimately, it’s a very personal decision about how much you can manage. If you are considering applying to study a competitive course such as Medicine, that requires really high grades, it might be worth reading this by @dxmedstudent.
9)    socialising
The most important thing with socialising is simply: know when to and when not to. It is absolutely fine to meet up with friends and go to parties - in fact, you definitely should do because it’s a great way to have fun and relieve stress (more on that later). But sometimes your studies have to come first. If your friend is having a party the night before a test, maybe reconsider. 
Don’t let anyone pressure you, and make informed decisions for yourself.
10)   stress relief
A Levels can be really stressful at times, and the absolute best thing you can do for yourself is talk to people: friends, family, or just writing in a journal - get it off your chest before it builds up and causes you anxiety.
Do extra-curriculars like music or sports, because sometimes you need a distraction to take your mind off school. I play the piano, and recently stopped doing grades as it was causing me unnecessary stress. Now I play for pleasure and relaxation, and I love it so much. Also, READ! Reading is the single best way to get lost in another world and relax (in my opinion at least).
Post-18 pathways
start thinking and researching your options early 
if you want to do an apprenticeship, applications open all throughout the year, so be looking out for them!
tell people what you’re interested in (e.g. head of sixth form, your tutor, careers adviser). The school / college get sent promotions for loads of different courses and summer schools etc so if they know you want to do x, they can tell you about any opportunities that come up
Super-curricular activities
These are the sort of things you want to be writing about in your personal statement. They are evidence of your academic interests, and dedication to the subject you want to study. Here are some examples:
reading beyond the A Level syllabus (I recently read this one on medical ethics)
listening to podcasts (‘inside the ethics committee’ is one I’ve been listening to that was recommended by @muststudy)
following accounts on twitter
joining school societies / clubs that are relevant to your subject
getting some work experience!! 
Side note: another thing that looks really great is applying for senior roles in school. I’ve just been appointed deputy head girl on the senior leadership team, and I’m going to include it in my personal statement.
I hope this has been useful! I’ve also done some posts on my A Level subjects (except Biology, but the advice in Chemistry is pretty much the same):
English Literature
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wishescrown-blog · 5 years
Best Happy Birthday Wishes For Dad : Happy Birthday Dad [2019]
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Growing up, a father plays a huge role in the lives of his kids. Our fathers protect us, guide us, provide us with whatever we need and most importantly, they show us how to live. We feel like they are superheroes, unbreakable and strong. And in a way, they are. They sacrifice for us, try to save us from any pain and do things to keep us happy. And they do all this without complaining. As kids grow up, they may have to follow their own dreams and leave their dads behind or get busy with their own lives. It’s painful and there will be a lot of missing involved but that is the way of life. What you can do at times like those is keep in touch with them. Spend time with them when you’re free, call them, text them, ask them how they’re doing and let them know you’re okay. Also, you could think of some happy birthday wishes for dad. There are a lot of things you could do on your dad’s birthday. It depends on his personality and interests. If you know your father well, you would know what he’s fond of, if he likes to celebrate quietly or throw a party and what you may need to avoid. Take some time and ask yourself what would be some good birthday wishes for dad. I would say the best present you can give your dad is to spend time with him. You could arrange for the whole family to be together and enjoy each other’s’ company, have meals together and maybe even cook his favorite dishes. It will definitely make him immensely happy. Another alternative is to take him to his favorite restaurant. Another great year of having the greatest papa in the world to spend time with. Happy Birthday Dad! Dad, happy birthday! You’ve always been an amazing father. Now, I’m glad to say, you’re an even more amazing friend. Dad, I remember when you didn’t need help blowing out your candles but you still let me help. Happy Birthday Dad. Dad, you are my hero, my role model, the man who I look up, to and dream to become. Happy birthday, Dad! Dear dad, I am so lucky to have such a wise and encouraging father like you. Wishing you the most enjoyable day! Growing up, you taught me to laugh, I hope you laugh on your special day. Happy birthday to my incredible father and my best friend! I love you and wish a day filled with joy! Happy Birthday Dad Happy birthday to my inspiration and my hero, who have taught me to aim for the stars! Wishing you all the best in life, daddy.
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Happy birthday to the greatest father in the world! Let your special day be fun and amazing, I love you! Happy birthday to the world’s most incredible, wonderful, unbelievable, amazing, awesome, marvelous and, of course, handsome Dad! Happy birthday, Dad! May you always be as happy, healthy, and whole as you’ve made everyone you love. I am the best that I can be because you taught me to never give up. Happy Birthday Dad! I could never find a gift that would measure to the love you have showered me in. Happy Birthday Dad
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I‘m so proud to have such a great father like you and I will always cherish all the priceless lessons that you have given me! Have a wonderful birthday, dad! If I had a dollar for every thing I love about you, I’d be rich! Happy birthday to a million dollar dad! No words can ever take the place of the feelings of my heart for you, hope your day is joyful.   Thanks for making me rich. Not with money but with love, caring and a happy family. Happy Birthday Dad. Thanks for showing me how the world works. I may need a few more tips though. Happy Birthday Dad. The older I get, the more I realize that a Dad like you is as rare as a desert rose — and just as beautiful. I’m so grateful you’re my Dad. Happy birthday to the best father anywhere. The warmest birthday wishes to the kindest and wisest dad. You are the man that I‘ve always looked up to. May your day be nothing but wonderful! They say that wisdom comes with age. Today, you have to be the wisest man I know. Just kidding! Have a great birthday! Happy Birthday Dad Wishing you a very healthy, incredibly happy and entirely peaceful birthday, Dad!
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You are the greatest Dad in the world.  If this was Father’s Day, I would give you a tie. But it’s your birthday, so I’ll give you all my love, respect and affection, the ties that bind. Happy Birthday Dad! Your soul is pure, your heart is priceless, and your wisdom is astounding. Happy Birthday Dad! Your unconditional love has always helped me to feel warm and safe. Thanks. Happy Birthday. You could also save up and get him something. If your dad is the type who reads a lot or is into books, try to find out some really good ones that he will like and buy them in advance as they may not be available in your city and you may have to order them online. Also, make sure he did not buy them already. If he’s into sports, you could get him something related to that like tennis bats, balls, golf sticks or other sports gear. Then there are the obvious things like a watch, shirt or wallet. Some fathers enjoy getting emails or letters as well. Especially if you’re away from home, think of some birthday wishes for dad that are nice, funny and touching. The bond between a father and daughter or son is very important and must always stay strong. For this, we need to do our best to show them respect and love. Even birthday wishes for dads are a part of it because we should not miss any opportunity to make them happy. Read the full article
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