#most of these are promos for the mobile game i think but im not sure
touchlikethesun · 6 months
tsukki always looks so judgemental in non-volleyball promos like
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“this is what you wanted to see? really 🤨” that’s what he’s thinking a hundred percent in all of these
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storiesungaa · 3 years
mobile rules & information
about: this is an indie mutuals only rp blog for a multimuse with various fandoms from tv shows, movies, anime, and video games. mun is 25+, genderfluid lesbian, goes by he/him pronouns (but i am genderfluid so i don’t mind she/her pronouns, most just call me he/him) online and name Jay. Previously known as Ares and Snow.
Callout culture: Do not involve me in this. Period. I want no part of it and will block as soon as I see it, tagged or not. I believe it does more harm than good and something like tha is extremely harmful..
content: there will be some pretty heavy material featured here. such as suicidal thoughts, mentions of rape, incest, and anything else I want to write. I will not tolerate hate being sent to me about this and I will block anyone who tries to police me. The only hard limit i have and absolutely refuse to write is pedophilia.
Don’t ever be afraid to ask me to tag something!
side note: if you believe fiction equals reality, please don’t follow me.
discord: is open to those who follow me. simply ask for it. i do not write on discord though. ooc contact is highly encouraged!
disclaimer: i'm in no way affiliated with any of the actors, fandoms, or characters on this blog.  Banners, promos, and icons belong to me. Theme was made by inkfated.  all screencaps used to turn into icons on this blog are not mine and belong to their rightful owners. Lara Croft screencaps come from soulcluster. tsunade icons belong to hellspath. rectangle tsunade icons belong to me. Some psds are not mine. Credit to iconholic for Red Velvet psd. Credit to plutocommissions for psd 183 - wild. some psds used are made by rivercraze
Drama: There won’t be any. I’m too old for tumblr’s drama, if you try to start something, make me choose, or drag me into drama - you will be blocked.
DNI’s will get you blocked. I don’t agree with making people choose between people when there are things like blacklist and tumblr’s own filtering system to help you avoid a person
Hate: Character hate, show hate, etc will get you unfollowed. I don’t have time for that negativity, pls tag it so I can filter it out, thank you.
IMs: pls refrain from sending me multiple messages all at once as I’m autistic and it sends me into sensory overloads!!
follow/unfollowing: i usually follow back pretty quick. if i don't follow within a week, i'm probably not going to follow back. 9/10 i do follow back. i will not follow if i see vaguing, callouts, or any sort of drama on blogs. i also will not follow any under the age of 18.
if i’ve been following you for a month and you don’t interact with me within that time limit, I’m unfollowing. I won’t soft block because I’m totally okay with people still following me but I don’t see the point in following if we’re not gonna write.
If I do not follow you back, do not message me asking to write or become mutuals - you will be blocked.
If I block you, do not come to me asking why. It will only get you blocked all over again. Do not ask why i’ve unfollowed you, either.
side note: if you’re the type to blindly believe a callout because that’s what everyone else is doing  save yourself the trouble and don’t follow me.
Memes: Send as many as you want for as many muses as you want just be sure to specify muse or they’ll get deleted! Always feel free to turn meme answers into threads, too.
Do not use me as a meme resource. Send something in or reblog from the source, please.
note:  if you send memes multiple times and there’s clearly a way to continue them, ESPECIALLY if we’ve never interacted before, and you keep sending memes but have NO INTENTIONS on replying to them, I will be less likely to respond to them. memes, in my eyes, are used as alternatives to starters. if you don’t respond to them after i’ve responded to quite a few, that’s me putting work into it for no reason really, so yeah.
My triggers: Sharks. That’s it. Just tag pictures of sharks for me please
nsfw: smut will be present here. i can not play the dominant party in smut, please don't ask me too. if you don't feel comfortable with it, we can fade to black, easy peasy. i won't make myself uncomfortable for some smut. All muses involved in smut or ships are 18+. If you think that aging them up is pedophila, do me a favor and get off my blog. Smut may happen with aged up characters but that does not mean it was done specifically for smut. Do not assume.
OCS: I love them. Send them my way, please!
OOC:  I post ooc, sometimes quite a bit, sometimes rarely. I am human and I will act as such. I will not tag ooc posts mostly bc i’ll forget. Sorry if that bugs people but like i said, I’m human and I like to write things down and share things with the dash.
OOC note: please do not flirt with me or ask me to date you, thank you!
Shipping: all muses are LGBT+ in some shape or form so if you want to ship, just let me know. They’re pretty open to anyone, though gay and lesbian muses will stay gay and lesbian. I ship toxic pairings and incest so if that’s your cup of tea, just lemme know, and we can work something out if not? That’s alright too!!
As previously stated, all ships and smut scenes are involved with characters 18+. I will never under any circumstance write something with underage characters. Characters, however, can be aged up but are never simply just for the sake of smut. Smut may happen with aged up characters but that does not mean it was done specifically for smut. Do not assume.
wait time: sometimes i can take months, sometimes seconds, sometimes days. I’m not a fast rper, please respect this.
writing: i generally prefer writing multi-para or novella. one-liners or one-paragraphs usually end up getting dropped or made into much longer threads as i have absolutely no chill. 
edit: from now on any drafts that are below three paras will be deleted, i don’t have muse for short things.
End note: Do me a favor and like this post if you’ve read my rules. Not needed but deeply appreciated. Also below you’ll find important links:
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storieswrittcnarch · 4 years
mobile rules
about: this is an indie mutuals only rp blog for a multimuse with various fandoms from tv shows, movies, anime, and video games. mun is 25+, genderfluid lesbian, goes by he/him pronouns online and name Jay. Previously known as Ares and Snow.
Callout culture: Do not involve me in this. Period. I want no part of it and will block as soon as I see it, tagged or not. I believe it does more harm than good and something like tha is extremely harmful..
content: there will be some pretty heavy material featured here. such as suicidal thoughts, mentions of rape, incest, and anything else I want to write. I will not tolerate hate being sent to me about this and I will block anyone who tries to police me. The only hard limit i have and absolutely refuse to write is pedophilia.
Don’t ever be afraid to ask me to tag something!
side note: if you believe fiction equals reality, please don’t follow me.
discord: is open to those who follow me. simply ask for it. i do not write on discord though. ooc contact is highly encouraged!
disclaimer: i'm in no way affiliated with any of the actors, fandoms, or characters on this blog. Most icons on this blog are made by me using my own psd. Banners, promos, and icons belong to me. Theme was made by inkfated.  all screencaps used to turn into icons on this blog are not mine and belong to their rightful owners. Lara Croft screencaps come from soulcluster. tsunade icons belong to hellspath. rectangle tsunade icons belong to me.
Drama: There won’t be any. I’m too old for tumblr’s drama, if you try to start something, make me choose, or drag me into drama - you will be blocked.
DNI’s will get you blocked. I don’t agree with making people choose between people when there are things like blacklist and tumblr’s own filtering system to help you avoid a person
Hate: Character hate, show hate, etc will get you unfollowed. I don’t have time for that negativity, pls tag it so I can filter it out, thank you.
IMs: pls refrain from sending me multiple messages all at once as I’m autistic and it sends me into sensory overloads!!
follow/unfollowing: i usually follow back pretty quick. if i don't follow within a week, i'm probably not going to follow back. 9/10 i do follow back. i will not follow if i see vaguing, callouts, or any sort of drama on blogs. i also will not follow any under the age of 18.
If I do not follow you back, do not message me asking to write or become mutuals - you will be blocked.
If I block you, do not come to me asking why. It will only get you blocked all over again. Do not ask why i’ve unfollowed you, either.
side note: if you’re the type to blindly believe a callout because that’s what everyone else is doing  save yourself the trouble and don’t follow me.
Memes: Send as many as you want for as many muses as you want just be sure to specify muse or they’ll get deleted! Always feel free to turn meme answers into threads, too.
Do not use me as a meme resource. Send something in or reblog from the source, please.
note: if you send me a meme, the /ask link doesn’t work so you have to use the pop up on the blog! it’s the second link on the theme.
My triggers: Sharks. That’s it. Just tag pictures of sharks for me please
nsfw: smut will be present here. i can not play the dominant party in smut, please don't ask me too. if you don't feel comfortable with it, we can fade to black, easy peasy. i won't make myself uncomfortable for some smut. All muses involved in smut or ships are 18+. If you think that aging them up is pedophila, do me a favor and get off my blog. Smut may happen with aged up characters but that does not mean it was done specifically for smut. Do not assume.
OCS: I love them. Send them my way, please! 
OOC:  I post ooc, sometimes quite a bit, sometimes rarely. I am human and I will act as such. I will not tag ooc posts mostly bc i’ll forget. Sorry if that bugs people but like i said, I’m human and I like to write things down and share things with the dash.
Shipping: all muses are LGBT+ in some shape or form so if you want to ship, just let me know. They’re pretty open to anyone, though gay and lesbian muses will stay gay and lesbian. I ship toxic pairings and incest so if that’s your cup of tea, just lemme know, and we can work something out if not? That’s alright too!!
As previously stated, all ships and smut scenes are involved with characters 18+. I will never under any circumstance write something with underage characters. Characters, however, can be aged up but are never simply just for the sake of smut. Smut may happen with aged up characters but that does not mean it was done specifically for smut. Do not assume.
wait time: sometimes i can take months, sometimes seconds, sometimes days. I’m not a fast rper, please respect this.
writing: i generally prefer writing multi-para or novella. one-liners or one-paragraphs usually end up getting dropped or made into much longer threads as i have absolutely no chill.
End note: Do me a favor and like this post if you’ve read my rules. Not needed but deeply appreciated.
84 notes · View notes
ziracona · 4 years
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Keep ‘em comin’ lads
(Haha. I do gotta say tho Anon, if you want a body pillow for DbD, please consider getting a custom one instead. I think you’d actually like it much better! The rest was meant to be under a cut but tumblr is the dumbest shit site coding wise & I made this on mobile, which will not allow you to add read mores anymore. In past this has been no problem bc I can just save as a draft & edit + post on my laptop or edit the second I post & throw in a read-more but apparently now if you make a post on mobile you can never edit it in desktop again. : ) I love that. So fucking much! But this is going to be long now & I physically cannot fix that bc it also won’t let me swap it to html now it’s posted : ) : ) : ) fuck this site : ) —anyway! On a brighter note, here’s my pitch:
Okay! So to start.
First up. Let’s look at what the devs are offering you.
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Here are the official body pillows. Now, these aren’t the worst pictures of Anna and David I’ve ever seen, but they’re not great. David’s in his default queue pose, I got no idea wtf Anna’s doing, and neither of them have interesting, good, or attractive poses, lighting, expressions, or detail. Considering this is decently funded company with multiple artists on staff and full body 3D adjustable rendered models of Anna & David on every computer there, it’s lazy as hell. It’s not even as good art as their official sketches or character renders or promo art. They know how to do the work:
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They’re just being lazy.
Okay, though, but you really want a body pillow, so what to do? Well, maybe it’ll be cheap enough you don’t care about the quality too much. So, how much will this cost you? For me to ship to myself in the us with the cheapest shipping option, Anna would cost me $80.
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Okay, so. That sucks. But you really want this and what else can you do? There’s nothing else to pick.
OH WAIT. Yes there is! So here’s some actually good news for ya 💪
If you want a custom body pillow, you have two options: 1, buy a custom pillow case and a pillow separately, or 2, buy a custom pillow with the image on the pillow print itself. Now, you can get the second option, but it is exponentially more expensive. I’ve seen maybe 60something-70 as the cheapest option for this, although I didn’t spend a ton of time looking. Still, if you want to go full hog, it’s possible. If you don’t mind a pillowcase/the cheaper option, though, (and many pillow cases are custom to the exact specified pillow size and aren’t really noticeable at all), it’s a good deal. For example: A body pillow can be bought at many stores for about 15 bucks. There is some variance in pricing for size, shape, and material, but here I’d like to add the official DbD site doesn’t even list dimensions for their body pillow, let alone material. So, for me to get what I want if I wanted this, I could buy a $15 pillow at a store, and then a pillowcase from a place that I could get it custom made & delivered, IE price + shipping is $30 from here https://www.etsy.com/listing/653983430/custom-21-x-60-zipper-body-pillowcase?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=custom+body+pillow&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&bes=1
So we’re at about $45 right now. (eBay offers cheaper custom pillowcase options but I didn’t want to try to vet sellers for quality & reliability making this post & this is a good price).
This leaves about $35 to commission an artist for something to put on the pillow case. Now, price for commission varies greatly from artist to artist, and full body is the most expensive base option for a single subject, but there’s definitely people offering really freaking incredible commissions at this price, and sometimes even lower. Even though their art should really be worth more than that. Unfortunately, we artists gotta eat. And a lot of the people who buy commissions are also young adults who gotta eat and don’t have a ton of cash. 🤷🏻‍♀️ So there’s a lot of people who’d be genuinely very happy to be paid for that commission even though it kinda sucks we be there. And if you want to commission someone more expensive, sure you’ll be spending more on the body pillow than DbD officials $80ish. But uh. Would you rather give the same devs who picked the most racist Claudette design they could put into the game for the most recent costume contest $80 for one of these:
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Spend $37 for a David of @eggchef ‘s lookin this kinda fine:
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$40 for a full body Anna of @guud-night ‘s in the style they did this: https://guud-night.tumblr.com/post/185148722468/summer
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Or $42 for a full body Anna like this one by @sleazy-art https://sleazy-art.tumblr.com/post/169548091038
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or $70 for a full body of @guud-night ‘s in the style of this Anna seen here https://guud-night.tumblr.com/post/165476621798/the-huntress
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The fan artists do better work—I mean think of how amazing a pillow could look if your heart cries for one. Vs the low-grade renders the devs be offering. They do so much better it’s like a “Look at your body pillow. Now look at the body pillow the devs told you not to worry about” meme it truly is. TBH, you could screenshot a DbD store screen with Anna or David, edit out the BG in photoshop, and already have a better 3D image than the official offering. 😂 And with an artist? 👌 Mmmmm. Anyway, haha. There was my in-depth pitch to buy from fans instead of official. I was just very motivated to *Robin Williams Genie voice* Illuminate the possibilities! I hope it may have given you inspiration for something even more beautiful than what you thought your heart desired :’-)
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rulesofroleplay · 5 years
hello! im not sure if you've already answered a question like this or not, but i have been wanting to start a roleplay blog and i have looked at your blog for alot of help. so basically i was just wondering if you could give some adive on what my first post should be and how to introduce my blog and muses? thank you, & sorry to bother you x
it’s no problem!! we have some information here, in our faq! (though if you’re on mobile you might not have seen that; i just edited our theme to include the link in our mobile description, so that should help!
however, i do think it’s a bit lacking, so i’m going to add a bit more to it!
1. the first thing to do, is decide whether or not you want your roleplay blog to be “dash-only,” meaning that your blog can only be accessed in the app or from the dashboard, or not.
means you don’t have to worry about a theme. 
if you block someone, they won’t be able to access your blog even at your url (it’ll just redirect them to tumblr.com/blog/[username], which they won’t be able to access if you’ve blocked them)
means that your blog information will need to be in a post, rather than a page on your theme.
having to work out a theme
means navigation is neater and you can add information on the sidebar
pages are not always accessible on mobile
blocked users can access your blog, even if they can’t necessarily interact with it past that.
if you want to turn on dash only, go to http://tumblr.com/settings/blog/[username] and flip this switch:
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this can also be done on mobile by going to blog settings.
2. next, you should create a rules page! this is generally the thing that most people look for first, so it’s very important. (if you don’t have one, people are much less likely to interact with you.) edit: here’s a link to our post about what to include in a rules page!
3. then, an about page! basically, introducing your muse to people that might not know them. i’ll be posting a template for this that you can use!
4. then, go to your blog and find the permalink (the direct url) to the about/rules pages or posts, and link them in your description. (go to your blog settings again, click edit appearance, and then copy paste this in, replacing the bolded parts with your personal example.) this will make it accessible to mobile users
[permalink of rules page]”>rules. [permalink of about page]”>about.
5. then, a promo! there are many versions of this, but there are generally two basic formats, iconified & large image + description.
iconified ones usually have a set of icons in a row, showing examples of what your character looks like and your style, a brief description of your character (think of it as creating an ad for your character! they don’t have to be serious, just interesting) and ending with a request to like or reblog to spread it around.
large image + description ones will generally have one big picture (often art, edited. for this, it is important to source the artist or template (if using a psd) used! then people will often have a quote underneath. this one was a joke promo, but often it links to your mobile about/rules. and then a small notice, usually something like saying what character you play, and what fandom they’re in.
IMPORTANT NOTE: you won’t show up in people’s notifications or in the tags until a couple days(?) after you make your blog, so it’s good to post your tag dumps before this, so tumblr registers you as a real user, and then wait a couple of days to post your promo/follow people back.
general tags people use for tagging their promos will be:
the type of media it comes from, ex: manga rp, animanga rp, video game rp, anime rp, video game rp, etc.
how selective you are: selective rp, if applicable
the specific media your character(s) come from, ex: one piece rp, op rp, one piece roleplay, op roleplay
note that often the tags will be condensed in those 4 ways, especially for long-winded fandom names, such as boku no hero academia, which is often tagged as:
#bnha rp, (an abbreviation of the japanese romanized name)
#mha rp, (an abbreviation of the english name)
#my hero academia rp
#boku no hero academia rp
and then all of those above versions but ‘roleplay’ instead of ‘rp.’
or, if your character doesn’t exist in a fandom, #fandomless rp
another note about this: only the first 5 tags you use on your promo will show up in the tags themselves (ex: tumblr.com/tagged/bnha-rp), but the tags after that will show, often, if searched (ex: tumblr.com/search/bnha-rp) so put your most applicable tags/most popular first!!
6. download xkit. here’s the link for the extension, if you’re using chrome, or here, if you’re using firefox, or their blog is here. this is not helpful if you plan to rp solely on mobile. i’ll make a follow-up post to this with explanations of how it’s relevant to rp soon, since this post is already pretty long.
7. follow some blogs! this should be done when you are not on mobile. go into the tags (mentioned in #5), click on their blogs before following, read their rules, and if you agree to them, then follow. not reading rules is.. really bad manners and generally shows disinterest.
8. track your tag. go to http://tumblr.com/tagged/[your url], and click the ‘follow’ button near the search bar. this will let you know when you’ve been tagged in posts. (not when you’ve been @’d, but when your url has been put in the tags. this is often used when people are posting a starter call they made fro you, etc.)
9. make an open starter! this is where you make a sample writing post, without a clear partner. the idea of this is to make it so that multiple mutuals can jump on this to start interaction, and also get a feel for your writing style!
10. once you’ve gotten some followers, post a starter call! make sure to specify if there’s a cap (a limit to the amount you will do), or if it’s mutuals only or not! you can also put these in the rp tags (see number 5).
11. reblog some roleplay memes! make sure your ask is open first, though! (go to tumblr.com/settings/blog/[your url] and click the switch for asks to be enabled.
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as to how to find roleplay memes, there are tags that are frequently used, as well as blogs specifically for making them.
here are links to some tags:
rp memes  ( tagged. search. )
roleplay memes  ( tagged. search. )
rp sentence starters  ( tagged. search. )
rp lyric memes  ( tagged. search. )
lyric starters  ( tagged. search. )
sentence starters  ( tagged. search. )
and some rp meme blogs:
shittyrpmemes (ok this is my blog but it’s good so MSDKGDJ)
12. once you think up some tags, post a tag dump! here are some suggestions for types of posts to tag in a tag dump:
starter calls
asks / asks you’ve answered
ooc (out of character) posts
in character posts
different verses (if applicable) to your character, for during threads
rp memes
visage/appearance (posts you’ve reblogged that show your muse’s appearance)
hope this helps, and if you want any clarification, don’t hesitate to ask! that’s what we’re here for! c:
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incarnateirony · 5 years
S15 Spec/Discussion
So when the SPHT came out we all got to talking and I had some Thoughts(tm). Some of it is wildly speculatory but potential and interesting. I love the thinkie beans in my server. 
I love our little roundtable of speculation and meta that routinely crops up, sometimes I feel like we should record it and make a podcast.
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:34 PM
IM YELLING SO MUCH YELLING “you cant do this to the fans!” “i can do anything. im a writer.” FUCKING CHILLS
Leaf is a kittyYesterday at 9:36 PM
Jared's evil smirk has murdered me
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:38 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:38 PM
So we have Sam in a white suit MoC
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:38 PM
btw chucks lame ending is hilarious
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:38 PM
The colt
CastielYesterday at 9:39 PM
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:39 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:39 PM
I came out of aladdin to that
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:39 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:39 PM
Adam and most likely Michael taking in a diner Talking
CastielYesterday at 9:39 PM
Psfuck what anybody says the new aladdin is amazing
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:39 PM
Scruffy endverse Dean
CastielYesterday at 9:40 PM
I jave never Ever Seen such masterful seaming of cartoonverse cgi To real actorsHoly fuck me
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:40 PM
Leaf is a kittyYesterday at 9:40 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:40 PM
Leaf is a kittyYesterday at 9:40 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:40 PM
Leaf is a kittyYesterday at 9:41 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:41 PM
Yeah i intend to watch on pc when i canIm mobile rn
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:41 PM
And of course the crypt door being held shut with a screwdriver As direct14.10 parallel
CastielYesterday at 9:41 PM
Like we literally just left aladdin hence the yelling Yes yes Ive got him Im the cage Etc
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:42 PM
GlorifiedFanboy Is that not what I said friggin months ago?!
CastielYesterday at 9:42 PM
On brand a+ dean from whoever wrote that Ill guess Bobo or buckner For glorified fanboy line
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:43 PM
What? Do they read our tweets?
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:43 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:43 PM
Bobo reads mine a lot?
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:43 PM
I stg I heard that line and almost screamed
CastielYesterday at 9:43 PM
I never did upload his nerdy video to me in hindsight
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:44 PM
Interesting that they didn't use a single shot of Alex
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:44 PM
No AlexAt all
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:44 PM
So it's not gonna be just a hallucination with burnt out eyes No Billie either
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:45 PM
No empty
CastielYesterday at 9:45 PM
No its full on chuck villain framing its my sound of war vid with s15 footage dhdhdhd
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:46 PM
Yeah well it all blended into inky black at the end But that's hardly conclusive
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:46 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:46 PM
Since that happens a lot in trailers
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:46 PM
Maybe that’s for later in the season Or Maybe it’s a big secret
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:46 PM
10 bucks says they abandoned the Cas deal And that's the hill I die on
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:47 PM
Bc that’s how they fight Chuck? They can’t abandon that already It’s too fresh
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:48 PM
To me it read as a gateway to the Empty getting Jack
CastielYesterday at 9:48 PM
Placing bets now. Ep 1-3 is deancas tension over mary and jack and feeling distanced from the winchesters leaves eps 4 and 5. We know he works with sam at least briefly in 6. Deancas reunion in 7 midseason scheduled for 8 or 9. Deancas resolution then
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:48 PM
Before they knew for sure
CastielYesterday at 9:48 PM
Midseason finale whatever theyre keeping in the door
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:48 PM
That it was their final season To possibly stretch the plot accordeon
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:49 PM
Maybe final battle is with the empty and not chuck
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:49 PM
But now they've lost the need for a middle man ie Cas Nah
CastielYesterday at 9:49 PM
Id need more than a promo trailer to figure out if resolving cas is midseason or endgame
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:49 PM
Is amara coming back?
CastielYesterday at 9:49 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:50 PM
Dabb confirmed it's early
CastielYesterday at 9:50 PM
And deans weird old friend
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:50 PM
She wasn’t there either
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:50 PM
Yeah 15.02 I think Or 04? Very early
CastielYesterday at 9:50 PM
Its as much a mood piece as a trailer
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:50 PM
Was that Becky talking to Chuck?
CastielYesterday at 9:51 PM
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:51 PM
I think so
CastielYesterday at 9:51 PM
You cant do this to the fans
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:51 PM
It sounded like her
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
It’s her
CastielYesterday at 9:51 PM
We knew she was coming back Well
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:51 PM
Speculated educatedly
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
I’m so mad! I was just about to go to bed!
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
When even the crazed fangirl looks sane by comparison
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
And they dropped this
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:52 PM
Yeah I’ll never sleep now
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:52 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
Nah I'll head to bed in a few
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:52 PM
No. No sleep
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
I’ve gotten no sleep the past three days
CastielYesterday at 9:52 PM
Points if they still frame it for a swipe at the bronlies like all the other becky jokes
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
I find the fixation on the fan angle a bit weird
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:52 PM
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:53 PM
It seemed framed that way to me Min
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:53 PM
All the bronly jokes pls
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:53 PM
But maybe I’m just reading it with my own bias
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:53 PM
But it's only 2 pieces of Chuck dialogue so
CastielYesterday at 9:53 PM
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:54 PM
And he’s a melodramatic fuck
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:54 PM
I’ll forever want to refer to him as “glorified fanboy” Put it on a shirt
CastielYesterday at 9:55 PM
God imagine chuck bringing back kevin as his prophet to take down his word as the gospel of winchester is designed to end only in being felled, and only by the glory of god. He cant finish off his own book to print the new gospel
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:56 PM
Here to say fuck you chuck
CastielYesterday at 9:57 PM
What if we big bounce and he dubs adam the new michael since we saw jack. Can convert humans to angels
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:57 PM
Megalomaniacal Michael?
CastielYesterday at 9:58 PM
Kicking down the castles in his own sandbox as revelations told before, before men found the new gospel of the glory of god. Revelations might not be a prophecy. It may be history.
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:59 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:59 PM
Wildly speculatory and just playing but
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:00 PM
Oh the adam Michael idea
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:01 PM
I'm very glad about Chuck being in early episodes Adam is 100% gonna be Michael Cause all the summaries made it sound Like they weren't utilizing him
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:03 PM
It does sound like OG Michael is gonna be a real issue and it makes sense for it to be Adam
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:03 PM
Tumblr media
CastielYesterday at 10:09 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:10 PM
Yeah but he'd still be Adam and not Michael Just
CastielYesterday at 10:10 PM
if michael is useless to chuck as is, which he may or may not have been lying about MAKEA NEW
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:10 PM
Archangel Adam
CastielYesterday at 10:10 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:10 PM
Oh Doesn't fit with the pic above tho
CastielYesterday at 10:10 PM
Find another Eve. Oh look universal big bounce and I have a new mythology jazz hands Or better a Lilith Also this is literally unstoppable force immovable object logic if chuck can't destroy the human soulzapping the winchesters to death is just a stall game of exhausting futility they've proven they will inevitably doorkick down every afterlife or wherever they're cycled to what if there's like a hilariously extreme mystery spot where you see mini adventures out of whatever afterlife but eventually justtruncated to ridiculous extremes Chuck: -_-
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:18 PM
Like that's a given with all the scattered bits. Either Lucifer Sam and MoC Dean etc become big plot points Or they're part of Redux Mystery Spot
CastielYesterday at 10:18 PM
side eyes hidden mytharc uh
CastielYesterday at 10:18 PM
I really hope we didn't get the MOC Dean thing too close rip
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:19 PM
Why did you have to connect those two promo subplots for meW h y
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:20 PM
Also Cas next to that burnt up body I hope it isn't just Victim Of The Week
CastielYesterday at 10:20 PM
I'm wondering about the "arrogant betrayal" promo line on ep... 3 is it?
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:21 PM
CastielYesterday at 10:21 PM
Is it gonna be meaningful or is this like
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:21 PM
CastielYesterday at 10:21 PM
bringing back Sergei
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:21 PM
PR vagueblog
CastielYesterday at 10:21 PM
from his Byzantium bullshit
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:21 PM
The BL ep is 15.02 tho
CastielYesterday at 10:22 PM
authors sometimes soak up impact of -- oh no
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:22 PM
CastielYesterday at 10:23 PM
okay so let's pretend say, bobo or whoever wanted to finish up buckleming's plot point, or at least partially since it's the tie up season, but they knew they had to write misha out for a few episodes and with deancas tensions driving Cas away already, throwing out a Going For Revenge That Will Backfire spin before storming out for a few eps
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:24 PM
But then it would be Dean not being able to forgive the "betrayal"It's gotta be something else Watch it be like
CastielYesterday at 10:24 PM
the betrayal vague blog is about sergei in that thing
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:24 PM
Kevin working for Chuck
CastielYesterday at 10:24 PM
it's the phrasing "arrogant" that catches me
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:25 PM
Most vague summaries hardly fit the actual plot points anyway It's just to sound mysterious
CastielYesterday at 10:25 PM
no but it would be easier to simply not apply an adjective "Castiel deals with a betrayal" is still vague
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:25 PM
Yeah but adjectives give oomph
CastielYesterday at 10:26 PM
arrogant is an odd idea for even the vague bloggiest vague blogger to tilt towards after skimming the content so I really doubt it's like kevin being forced to betray them or something like thatso unless it's about chuck himself, unlikely just too early for that level of RAAA
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:28 PM
Oh right didn't Misha say Cas struggles with this new Chuck reveal
CastielYesterday at 10:28 PM
well yeah thats kinda a duh
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:28 PM
I think the arrogant betrayal is in reference to Chuck
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:29 PM
So maybe it's just oddly phrasing that Yea
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:29 PM
It’s a kinda weird phrasing imo
CastielYesterday at 10:29 PM
like on the one hand cas knows Chuck isn't father of the year so I think on a personal level it's not surprising, it's more the existential level for him previously chuck was a shit dad that was just trying his best in a world far too easy to do his worst, even as god, thinking he was generally trying to be inherently good
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:30 PM
I hope Megatron comes back :)
CastielYesterday at 10:30 PM
that last scrap of faith is also kind of critically attached to his very existance because if god is evil and part of this cruel design what has his entire pre-winchester existence been, and even waxing and waning through it in his time with them
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:31 PM
Yeah I think deep down part of his core sense of self is the idea that he comes from the side of good
CastielYesterday at 10:31 PM
the fundamental loss of "god is good" is kinda quantifiably huger to him, whereas the humans more will have to grapple with "What is free will, did we ever have it"
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:31 PM
And this rips that away
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:32 PM
Unrelated but the promo sorta Nulls the early human Cas idea
CastielYesterday at 10:32 PM
yeah I noticed that, but it was odd
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
Yeah I agree
CastielYesterday at 10:33 PM
i'm putting down at least foreshadowing then
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
Unless they pulled all of the Misha footage From like ep 1 and 2
CastielYesterday at 10:33 PM
or chuck playing with the light switch for shits and giggles
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
He does still have that shotgun
CastielYesterday at 10:33 PM
we know cas has his coat back in like
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
Watch Cas come back from his sabbatical
CastielYesterday at 10:33 PM
idkwe've seen him with it back
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
With his grace ripped out
CastielYesterday at 10:34 PM
put it in a karambit i mean what
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:34 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:34 PM
NOT SURE MISHA CAN HANDLE THAT Like on a pure choreography level
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:34 PM
Are you suggesting Misha isnt grace itself?For shame
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:35 PM
Not at all COUGH He has a cat-like agility
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:35 PM
CastielYesterday at 10:38 PM
KSJDFksjdf I think younger misha could have but knowing he's always at risk of blowing out his hip probably not so much now like I feel that limitation in my soul
GarthToday at 6:17 AM
Okay so I don't think Amara is a made up character. I think she is Chuck's sister for real (or whatever they claim as siblings) but he used his story to trap her. Help fuel his plot.
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:17 AM
Like to me personally the option of Amara being made up has the best potential for an IC Chuck plot twist Esp since I still hold the idea that he lied about the universe going splat with his death"Writers lie"/"I'm a writer, I can do anything"
GarthToday at 6:18 AM
Well he did admit he's a liar rubs hands together This is gonna be so much fun
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:19 AM
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:19 AM
And that would be a Dabb level retroactive canon ramification Which is sorta his thing
GarthToday at 6:19 AM
Mwahahahaha and he said said to Becky while she went on about "you can't do this to the fans!"
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:19 AM
they make sense at least
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:20 AM
But I'm not sure they wanna go the route of Stripping a female character of her entire agency for male pleasure But I don't see a whole lot of options on how they take Amara out of the playing field Unless Chuck deadass eats her for the joint Godhead
GarthToday at 6:21 AM
Honestly he just might
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:22 AM
But that's like DBZ power level bullshit
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:26 AM
AU!Dean who's a baddy pls
GarthToday at 6:26 AM
Damn trailer successfully tripping us up
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:27 AM
Deadass just have pull the jackass from the 5.04 reality Maybe that's why Lucifer Sam is tied to a chair as well Like Chuck just put him in white clothes to paint a big target for endverse!Dean And it's actually just Sam
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:28 AM
yeah that was my thought too
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:28 AM
GarthToday at 6:28 AM
We're just throwing things out there and laughing It looked like it might be
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:29 AM
GarthToday at 6:29 AM
But the new building is throwing it off
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:29 AM
GarthToday at 6:29 AM
Something else could have been built thoIt's been yrs
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:29 AM
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bellameblake · 6 years
how did you become so popular? i’m just starting out and want to do well on here yeah sorry if you don’t want to do this.
Hey nonny! I have to admit i laughed a little at this just because I don’t consider myself popular, not by a long shot! This message is really kind of you and kind of amazing! So welcome to tumblr! So this is probably going to much longer than actually needed by anyone so i’m going to put this under the cut!
So first make tumblr easier for yourself and download xkit. Basically on desktop you can reblog from you dash, tag this automatically, and a bunch of other amazing things that make tumblr 6743 times easier. You can find xkit here.
Then okay so this probably sounds bad but having a good mobile and desktop theme goes a long way. desktop themes can seem super scary especially with no coding experience what so ever but i promise it is easy to change a theme and it makes a world of difference. here is a pretty quick and easy tutorial. Okay, so where do find codes? well there are tons of amazing theme makers on tumblr I reblog themes i like and you can see those here. and if you find a theme maker you can go to their page and see what else they made! then onto mobile theme. Like everything else there are some amazing icon and header makers on tumblr. For icons you can see mine here, also try @bb-8, @grumpybell, @alecsizzy, @harrydraco to name a few! For headers and icons you can go to @johnmurphe (brooke makes amazing icons and headers!!)
Also having a navi page can be really important if you are in a lot of fandoms or even just one! that brings me to TAGGING! tagging makes a world of difference. i probably over tag things but being so multi fandom and i’m just organized i have to tag. some people wont follow you unless you have a tag system. it makes it easier to blacklist things you dont want on your dash! tagging can be from just the show #the 100, to #tv: the 100, to character names full or not. anything you want basically.
so that’s most of the basic stuff it comes down to who you follow and what you post. tumblr is yours. you decide who you follow and unfollow and what you see on your dash. you dont like something someone is posting either backlist their tag or unfollow them. people tend to hate things just for something to do which sounds exhausting to me so curate your dash how you want it! There are tons of networks out there that are about one specific character or show so check them out! a network is a blog run by a group of people usually post edits and things and reblogs the newest edits! so an example is my network @bellamyblakepositivity (small self promo ;) )
Now i know some people thing you have to make gifsets, edits, headcanons, write fics, graphics, icons ect. to get followers. you really don’t. can it help? hell yeah haha making things and knowing how to tag edits helps even more! (this is for original edits) There are a million tutorials for learning how to make gifs and things i used tutorials to teach myself! you can dig through my tag for tuorials if you want to try that. but like i said you dont have to make things to enjoy yourself and make friends on this site! Please if you make things cite where you get ideas like quotes and things. and do NOT repost other peoples work. making things takes a lot of time and effort. i’m not saying you will but i am saying it is a sure fire way to get no where fast and its just rude. kindness goes a long way here even though it seems like it might not.
I was for the longest time the blog out in the dark that didnt make things and didn’t talk to anyone. I’m shit at starting conversations so i just dont do it. luckily people started conversations with me and i have made some absolutely amazing friends on this site. Like @flawlessbellamy I asked for a blog rate or tagged her in something and she sent a message to me and that was a year and 3 months ago and we talk daily! So if you see an edit you like, or a fic or something message the creator of it! i know as a creator i love love LOVE hearing from people (i read the tags on my posts and the give me life)! A lot of the time we are all just awkward beans who want to talk to each other but are too damn afraid. I see a blog on my dash and think i want to know that person but that and actually messaging are two different things but i implore you to try. some people like @broodybellamy are social butterflies even when they say they aren’t they totally are and just talk to people like its nothing. i am not like that. either is completely fine start small by tagging someone in something like a tag game, join blogrates, anything and go from there!
I made a lot of my friends by joining networks. so i said above what networks are a blog run by a group of people. there used to be a bunch of different types but those have since died off and now i see networks as almost a but more professional? like there is an admin then members and things are supposed to be updated and all that but if you join a network usually you just have to reblog some some stuff to keep the blog active and make something if you can and if you cant thats totally fine too!! networks usually have group chats either via blog or by group texting apps like whatsapp and discord. There you can get to know lots of people some you get along with and some not so much. from joning one network i met some of my closest friends and i am in about 15 different chats with different variations of the same people! networks are a huge help in getting to know people.
I honestly don’t try to do well i mean like i just reblog what i like and go from there i dont try to actively think about followers and things of course it’s inevitable for me to check my follower count and the notes on my edits but its more fun if you do you and see where it takes you. pick a theme you like, people an icon you like, the header. follow the people you want and unfollow others. tumblr is what you make of it!
if you want to know more about anything im happy to answer specific questions. i generally have a tutorial for just about everything and if i dont have it i can find it lmao! see i told you this would be longer than anyone needed or wanted!
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