#mostly Zarahs
bubblegumstardust · 10 months
So, the RWRB wasn't as bad as I had feared at times and I did enjoy it, but it just wasn't what it had the potential to be. Also it should have been a show instead, the story needed so much more breathing room.
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grimmshood · 9 months
i was thinking abt angst but couldnt find this in my writing tag so im posting it again. zarahjiwoon ficlet based off events in an old rp server, where ji-woon went kind of insane and kept getting into losing fights with people. theres murder in it too i guess
wordcount: 1129
she’s been huffing and puffing about something ever since the two of them got back to the hospital. ji-woon’s been humming the whole time, more occupied by some vague elevator music buzzing in his ears among the entity’s whispers.
she has him sitting on a gurney, medkit lying open next to him. she’d say he’s not hurt too bad, but she’d be lying. the gunshot wounds in his thigh are glaringly obvious from the blood seeping into his bright maroon and yellow pinstripe pants, and the bruises on his shoulders and abdomen have turned dark purple. there are several knife wounds across his chest and his lip is split, blood running from his nose down past his lips and onto his chin. he hasn’t said a word about any of it.
“you cause me so much trouble.” she grumbles. she shoves his trench coat down to further expose the bruises on his shoulders and look for any other cuts on his arms. when she doesn’t find any more, she looks up at him.
“take your pants off.” his eyes widen as his cheeks grow red.
“a little more forward than usual, aren’t we?” he teases. she furrows her brow, looking back up at him- then returning her eyes back to the fabric stuck to his leg, she notices the slight tent.
“ugh. that’s not what i meant. i’m just going to cut this off.” her face flushes as she reaches for a pair of scissors and roughly folds up a portion of his pant leg before cutting away. she tears the rest of the fabric off before starting to look closer at the wounds, lifting his thigh to look for where the bullet passed through his leg. she silently took the pant fabric and began wrapping it tightly around his leg.
“you really can’t feel any of this?” she ties off the fabric, then looks over and picks up a piece of gauze before wiping down the blood from nose.
“not at all!” ji-woon responds with a smile. she grunts, grabbing another piece of gauze and shoving it in his hand.
“put this in your nose for now.”
he obeys her order, sticking the gauze in and letting her push his head back, tilting his chin up.
she continues to clean his wounds, stitching what she can and dressing the rest.
she puts her hands on his cheeks, pulling him down to face her again. he looks incredibly stupid, but he put himself in this situation.
“i’m tired of seeing you get hurt. I know i did part of this.” she frowns. “but you keep making people upset. it doesn’t help that they already don’t like you.”
“it’s okay. i don’t need their approval anymore, i have you and her!” he gives another stupid boyish grin when he speaks. “nothing hurts now. i can’t feel anything, not even the pain.” she can feel her heart begin to crack. he doesn’t seem to care at all, even when people want him dead, and it hurts to watch.
“it hurts to look at you like this. i know you said you don’t feel anything,” she puts her forehead to his, trying to look into his eyes- “but even if it doesn’t hurt you, it hurts me.”
“it shouldn’t. i can survive it, and it makes Her smile, you know.” he glances upwards.
“i don’t care if it makes her happy.” zarah lets go of his face. “the stuff you’re doing makes everyone upset. and it makes us fight, and it fucking sucks. it’s miserable.”
“it’s entertaining, though, isn’t it?” he smiles again, and this time it doesn’t look so cute.
she braces herself, clenching her fist. calm down. don’t be rash. he stands up, picking up his coat, walking past her and through the halls of the hospital. she turns, following him out. he passes the front desk, stepping outside into the snow.
“it’s cold.” he spreads the coat out, wrapping it over her shoulders. she stares back up at him, bare chested and bandaged, noticing the way he shivers but doesn’t react to the cold. it doesn’t make sense. it’s stupid, and it’s hard to let him keep acting like this.
he takes a step forward, and everything freezes. she clenches her fist, staring at the blank smile on his face before she grabs him by the arm, feeling the sluggish force of time fighting against her. she pulls him forward, pushing him to his back on the ground.
and time begins again, her straddling him as she has one hand keeping him pinned to the ground.
“that’s the first time you’ve done your thing with me, isn’t it?” he giggles, giving her yet another smile. she clenches her fist again, raising it up in the air as it begins to vibrate and glow blue- but he’s still the one she loves, even if he’s not acting right. she hesitates, lowering her fist.
he pulls a hand up, dragging the hand pinning him down onto his neck.
“it’s okay. if you’re doing it, i won’t fight back.”
she bites back the sob in her throat as she looks down at him, smiling so happily even when she’s thinking about hurting him. it doesn’t feel right, but she can’t handle him like this. she misses when he was mean, when he’d actually fight back.
his hand travels up her arm.
“it’s okay. you can cry. it makes it better.” he puts his hand out towards her free hand, gently pushing her fist open. “it’s more intimate do it like this,” he continues, pulling her hand onto the other side of his neck.
she sniffles, squeezing her eyes closed.
“my love. it’s alright. i’m not going to be mad at you. i’ll come back.”
he pushes her hands further, and she slowly grips his neck tighter.
“like that. you’re a good girl, you know. everything will be okay,” he smiles again. he puts one hand on her cheek, gently brushing away the tears welling in her eye.
“i don’t know. i can’t do this. i need you to be yourself again.” her head falls, hands squeezing harder.
“please…don’t be upset.” she begins to sob, feeling his windpipe close under her grasp.
“i need you back so we can fix this. i can’t do this by myself.” she presses even harder, squeezing her eyes shut. he gasps, and she keeps her eyes closed as she hears him fall unconscious. she keeps her hands wrapped around his neck, squeezing as hard as she can.
when she feels his hand loosen from her cheek, she opens one eye to look. she leans down, pressing her ear to his chest to check for his pulse- when she doesn’t hear anything, she loosens her grip.
“i’m sorry.”
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o0anapher0o · 6 months
So I’ve mostly been lurking in the rwrb fandom but I’ve seen some discussions about what the sequel could look like so I thought I’d throw in my two cents:
Cold open with the proposal.  Dealer’s choice who, how and where (Paris seems an obvious choice, but also, well, rather obvious, dare I say a bit on the nose). Bonus points if Nora, Pez and/or Bea are somehow involved.
General background for the film would be Alex and Henry’s big fat royal wedding (I know in the book Henry left the royal family but from a narrative pov that would be wasting so much material). The wrinkled white racists at Buckingham Palace obviously come up with the most absurd obstacles and demands giving the boys plenty of opportunities to be adorably mutually supportive and cute. Or bang out their frustration.
One plot line could involve Alex getting princess diaried and finally being forced into those desperately needed etiquette lessons.  I imagine Shaan is heavily,  long-sufferingly involved (Zarah sends some very creative threats should Alex damage her boyfriend). Alex, of course, fights tooth and nail against any bit of royal protocol the point of which cannot be explained to him by anything other that ' that’s how we do it‘. Because is not a good enough reason for him to do stupid stuff. As a fellow English lit major I have a strong need for Henry to remind his grandfather that 'great customs curtesy to great kings' and maybe the royal protocols need some updates (they really, really do) and if the king can’t change then then who can?
Another plot line could centre around Philipp noticing that Henry is feeling some kind of way about certain people on the guest list. The 'I had my first time with one of my big brother’s friends when I was 17‘ bit wasn’t in the movie, but given we’ve only heard a fraction of those 72 emails it wouldn’t be a stretch to say it was in there. Pip could regain some of Alex's and Bea's trust as they work together to find out who took advantage of Henry (they eventually realise the person to ask is obviously Pez, but getting him to spil takes some convincing).  Philipp concludes his redemption arc in the grand finale of the film by punching the guy at the reception, causing a major scandal at his brother’s wedding thus making them even. Alex and Pez shameless cheer, Henry is surprised but very touched.
And then they lived happily ever after (until part 3)
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zarahfavoritegem · 5 months
Headcanon: Zarah Shipping
I have seen people that love or headcanon ship for Zarah which so far I remember there: Zarah x Denali, Zarah x Scott, Zarah X Yuri, Zarah X Mark, Zarah x Senja, Zarah X Rafael. However i never seen someone ship Zarah x Eva which i notice sometimes based on their dialogue. So i will share the evident i found:
[Warning: Long Post]
Someone give Zarah bread secretly.
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This happened more than once.
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If you go to Coral Island Wiki you will found only two characters that give bread to player: Eva and Sam. Which make sense as Sam sell bread and Eva the one that own the recipe and work for Sam as baker.
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Of course is possible Sam the one give Zarah bread, but based on this dialogue. Sam openly offer food to Zarah in the past so there no reason for Sam to give Zarah bread secretly. So Eva the one that give Zarah bread.
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2. Cookies
Zarah activity always the same all year except winter where every saturday she visit Sam store.
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Her unique activity in winter does get noticed by Eva.
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Because she dont really know Zarah she assume Zarah loves cookies because Zarah buy the cookies in bulk. Which she not, she just like it.
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That the reason why she bring cookies to hot pot festival because she buy cookies in bulk during winter so she still has some cookies to donate.
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Those cookies topic remind me of this dialogue by Eva which I cant help found it to be more fit if she talking with Zarah than player.
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3. Decorative Pillows
If player talk to Eva she will told you how she love DIY to safe cost including:
A. crocheted her own scarf;
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B. draw batik pattern on her shirts, and
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C. sewing decorative pillows.
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While she sew it for herself. I can’t help (again) connect it to Zarah because Zarah seems to love decorative pillows and probably NPC bedroom with the most decorative pillows. So, i found it cute they have same interest! Despite how they look and act opposite of each other.
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There also another screenshots that make me support this pairing more and more however those screenshot mostly about how they have opposite personality, but compliment each other. So i plan to post those screenshot on another post later.
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indiaalphawhiskey · 9 months
India you are cruel. You keep posting these amazing fake fic titles prompt. I want to read those fics. Anyways, if you don't mind I wanted to ask if you are married, have kids? What job do you work? Is it possible for you to become a full time author? You have an amazing talent at writing.
Hey, love!
Thank you for the compliment! It’s so sweet of you to be interested! 🩷 honestly, I’m not super comfortable getting into specifics on the internet but I am single and I do work a regular full-time job.
To be quite honest, while it feels like it’s not entirely possible for me to be a professional author right now, I think that’s mostly down to my unwillingness to step out of my comfort zone. I’ve had countless discussions with @twopoppies (not to mention my therapist) on how to properly make the leap, and to be frank, the thing that’s standing in my way the most is me.
I’m really scared to fail. I’m scared that failing will taint writing for me, will take the joy away from the activity. The funny thing is, I don’t even know what “failing” is. Is it being rejected by agents/publishers? Is it losing creative control to fit into the market? Is it self-publishing and finding out it’s not actually financially lucrative? Is it realizing I’m really not all that good? Does any of that really matter if I’m spending most of my time on earth doing something that feels so invigorating and brings joy to whatever audience finds it, big or small? Why does everything have to be all or nothing?
The long and short of it is, I’m scared, but I’m working on it, because I truly want nothing more than to spend my life writing, and after hearing this advice from Zarah (the writer who inspired me to start writing in the first place), I’m gathering all my courage in a little basket and trying to find a way to get the fuck over myself. 🤣
Me to me:
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brainzz · 10 months
i loved the rwrb movie but my main issue with it is the fact that they didnt do any justice to the women. nora and bea's arcs and personalities were completly erased. ellen was mostly fine but the fact that she and alexs dad are married in the movie rubs me the wrong way. zarahs personality isnt really any different but her friendship with ellen is completly ignored so she just seems like a tired overworked poor woman who has to go around cleaning the president's son's messes. don't even get me started on june whose character doesnt even exist and why did they made the queen a man? ik the story isnt about them but for a movie that's so about progress and equality...
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promiseimnotacop · 2 months
fucking fuming about cass report but not surprised, been analysing this movement for years now. mostly incredibly pissed st*rmer has decided to accept all the reccomendations - including banning transition until age fucking 25. i want to unalive wes fucking streeting. they are yet again using trans lives , as well as course as palestinian lives, as fucking pawns in the game of posturing as 'the most calm and rational and leaderly'. if anyone needs links or help with diy-ing i can maybe link you up. probably gonna have to join you lot imminently (i got on the waitlist at 21 ish, I am now 24.5 . 6 months ago i started pursuing informed consent with the one fucking gp in the country that does that, but the horrible disorganisation of the gp practice has ground to halt and i am gonna have to move away from here asap anyway.)
anyway unless your local candidate is on the proper left of the labour party (the zarah sultana, lloyd russel-moyle, clive lewis-es) I do not understand how you can in good conscious vote this fucking itteration of the party
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marlovian · 2 years
🎤 Snowpiercer Karaoke 🎵
It's just like Fight Night, brutal and cutthroat...but with lots of fun songs! Sooo,
Which dynamic Snowpiercer duo performs 'The Ten Duel Commandments' from Hamilton?
Which of them approaches the whole thing as if the most important thing is to have fun? Which of them takes it all way too seriously?
Which of them insists on singing as many of the parts as humanly possible?
Do they use props and costumes? Are there any scares with real guns making it into their act?
Does preparing their act bring the two of them closer together or mostly just stress them out?
Till gets it in her head that (even though performing in front of people is very much not her thing) doing well at karaoke could be a nice way to connect with and impress her beautiful singing girlfriend Audrey. She asks Osweiller to sing with her first because they’re trying to be friendly again. And she knows Oz can sing from Wilford’s Nightmare Dinner Party. But LJ vetoes on his behalf because she wants Oz to sing “You’re The One That I Want” with her, instead.
Till then remembers overhearing Layton sing in the shower while they were on their six month, ten car adventure. Pretty decent voice (his song choice of “Party in the USA”? Less decent). Layton agrees to sing with her because he wants to promote his image of a Cool And Accessible Leader to Snowpiercer’s passengers.
Till takes their performance preparation very seriously. She really wants to impress Audrey! Layton just wants to have fun. And Till’s seriousness is starting to stress him out.
Till initially doesn’t say anything about the performance to Audrey because she wants it to be a surprise. But Layton mentions it to Zarah as an excuse to get out of diaper duty for Liana. Zarah tells Audrey and the two of them get very excited about helping out. They insist on making Till and Layton costumes, and Audrey uses her black market connections to get them some props. The pair of hunting pistols she gets from Katya are technically real but they’ve never been loaded or fired. Wilford bought them to look impressive that time he went endangered animal hunting with *insert evil billionaire of your choice here*. Wilford, of course, did not do any actual hunting because he has people to do that for him.
As the performance draws closer, Till gets more and more stressed. And irritated with Layton’s “just having fun” attitude. They end up having a big fight a few hours before the performance. Audrey is very confused when Till comes to her upset and says the performance is off. Then Till confesses that she cared so much about the performance going well because she’d wanted to impress Audrey. Audrey says something sweet and romantic about Till impressing her all the time, no matter what she’s doing. They kiss because this has turned into a sappy romcom fanfic now. Zarah and Audrey coordinate Layton and Till making up and apologizing to each other. The performance goes forward and is a rousing success. The End.
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missaudreystiara · 2 years
5, 10, and 12 for the fandom asks! <3
5: what is your favourite over used trope?
I’m basic, so I’m a sucker for enemies to lovers - preferably done well, but I’ll take it even when it’s done rubbishy (see brakenight … sort of friends/comrades to sort of enemies to lovers 😂)
10: characters that deserved worse?
I’m gonna do Snowpiercer ones only, mostly because I don’t think I have strong enough opinions on other characters at this point in time 🙈
Wilford, for obvious general reasons but mostly for Audrey based reasons 🖤
Zarah … I think I dislike Zarah less now than I did, but I still think she got away with far too much to have such a perfect (in the context of Snowpiercer) ending… currently at least 😂
… Ben 🙈 but this is actually a tricky one because I don’t think Mel deserved worse and for whatever reason, her happy ending seems to be tied up with his 🤷🏻‍♀️
12: if you could change one ending to a book/show/game/etc, what would you change about it?
This is really interesting! I think I might need to cheat a little, because it isn’t strictly speaking the ending (though it was for a while) and say Torchwood series 3! This was my OG obsession and it absolutely crushed me when Ianto was killed off (genuinely sobbed - proceeded to carry on writing over 200K words of fanfic about him circa early 2010s 😂), and I’d have loved the series to end in a way that meant he didn’t have to die! I never really wrote s fix it for it though… just added more pre canon death or AU nonsense haha!
Thank you for asking 🖤
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zarahdarling · 2 years
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Oh so torn by this Human Deign experiment, and my open throat center.
It would indicate video and stage is it my strongest, go to platform. Yet, I really want to podcast. As in the verb.
I also feel the calling to experience writing more. So I’m not discounting that insight.
But I’ve simultaneously been hard at thinking, coming up with ways I COULD work with my open throat center and have a literal voice.
One thought was to tap into my heart center and “speak” from there. Doable.
Or if I did host a podcast, maybe it would look like doing interviews and my open throat center would allow me to be “the voice of the room” like Oprah’s open throat center provides for her. I mean, her career flourished when she got out of network news and into hosting a talk show.
One way I could have guests is to hold anonymous Untanglement Readings and that become the episode. Then my open throat center would be buoyed up by my energetic receiving.
There, I just wrote this out - that’s some writing experience. And yes, I do feel it was grounding and comforting as I wrote. Which is nice because sometimes it feels like only paper writing will hit the spot. But this typing on my phone note did well. Side note, I’ve also dictated my essay ideas and that is also another type of experience.
Okay, going big picture again with my Human Design experiment, my chart indicates I’d like more consistency and I think that’s a pile of hooey but pulling away from consistency could be a stress response so I’m willing to test out the design prompt.
Which gets me to the idea of consistency in writing. See how I bridge those two elements? Now, the type of consistency I’ll be playing with is NOT every minute is earmarked and every day looks the same. No ma’am.
I’ll be going for the loose ritual energy of consistency and focusing on inviting in my interest and awareness around writing.
I know when I took an 18 month sabbatical to detox from healing burnout (after years of improving my chronic illness) I got to hear a lot more of my inner wisdom and downloaded so much mystery to offer my clients.
Aaannddd, I didn’t even do that much writing. It was mostly reflecting in the woods and desert. So what potency would come if I combined my writing as a channeling tool with my Being and Body’s wisdom?
Okay, now we’re getting somewhere. I’m getting activated which creates a direct like to accessing my essence. 💖💖💖
Let’s do one more full circle, high view of this open throat center situation. I’ve also considered making audio recordings of my written work. Cuz people have definitely said my voice is soothing. So perhaps reading my material. And I’d also love to offer guided visualization audios to support you on finding similar insights into yourself.
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drustvar · 2 years
A sequel to this post, but this time its a comparison of Rosie / LI’s youngest children bc im still on a fankid kick
Loreley (Rosie / Julian): Honestly just looks like SJP as sarah sanderson roflmao. She’s got the strongest magical abilities out of the 3 siblings, especially with enchantments and illusions. She has a special bond with the raven flock that lives in the barn (Malak has had his own family), and has drawers upon drawers of trinkets they’ve gifted her that she makes into charms and talismans. She’s closer with Gideon than she is with Laoise, but that’s mostly from the age gap between them. Loreley is on the spectrum and is selectively mute, she usually communicates via her older brother.  ||
Sarnai (Rosie / Muriel): Clever, sharp tongued, and a bit of a trickster. Sarnai is very passionate about the history and culture of the Kokhuri people, and as an adult they work as the curator of the museum, and regularly travel south to organize festivals. Very close with their older brother, Willow, and may or may not encourage him to get into fights at the tavern lmao (brawn + brains duo). Very skilled in scrying and runic magic, but is often overconfident in their abilities or is just plain lazy with their magic. Fun fact, they’re the only one out of the five children to get  Rosie’s pale hair color.  ||
Pierrot (Rosie / Portia): Adopted after his family’s ship wrecked along the coastline. Shyer and more reserved than Sasha and Angelo, definitely was the one to stay inside and read while his siblings were outside playing. He has a natural talent for wind and sea based magic, though his true love is cartography. Despite having only barely survived a shipwreck as a child, he loves sailing and was always the first on the boat whenever the family went on trips. Portia and Rosie used to call him their “little pirate” ||
Farah and Zarah (Rosie / Asra): Gemini twins trope to the MAX. Zarah is older by about 15 minutes and never lets her brother forget it. Farah is, unfortunately, the only jock in a family of art kids lmao. He’s very sweet, though he does like to play pranks. Zarah is cooler and more calculated, and isn’t quite as outgoing (Has a lot of acquaintances, but few actual friends.). She loves to gossip, though. Her focus of magic is on enchanting, and she makes candles for the shop with her older brother, Jericho. Zarah is the shortest of the family. The magic gene seems to have skipped over Farah, something commonly observed in twins. (one has magic and the other has none, or both are incredibly powerful) 
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whatevergreen · 2 years
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There are a few decent politicians out there and Zarah Sultana is one of them.
A woman, non-white, and a Muslim. And a socialist.
Odd isn't it how she's mostly ignored by the media and centrists who'll usually fall over themselves to boost any "minority" woman in politics.
As long as they toe the neoliberal to outright fascist line.
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brightgnosis · 1 year
"Do not worship HaShem in a manner not prescribed by The Law" Can you elaborate on this and why it's considered idolatrous? Thanks :)
The way it's been explained to me thus far, as someone who hasn't been a Noahide very long and is still learning the intricacies of the basic Laws, is thus:
In Judaism "Idolatry" does not just refer to the worship of images, concepts, or items as if they were HaShem- as it mostly does within Christianity ... But to a complex system of action and belief surrounding the complete interaction with foreign (or non-Jewish) groups and cultures as well as their Gods and Spirits- or Avodah Zarah; Foreign Worship. Assuming a stance of active Polytheism, here ... We're not supposed to worship other Gods once we choose HaShem. That is a part of the agreement of choosing HaShem in the first place. Another part of that agreement is acknowledging / recognizing, and abiding by the rules HaShem set down for its worship itself.
Though there are some things that are confusing, and some things that can no longer be done, and so on ... HaShem did set out very clear particulars for its worship when it gave us the Torah (both Oral and Written). And it very clearly commanded those who chose to worship it to do so using these outlined methods specifically, and not to do so using methods used to worship other Gods of "foreign" groups.
Worshiping other Gods, and participating in their rites of worship (etc), once you've chosen HaShem, then, is Idolatry. To worship HaShem in a manner not prescribed by The Law (referring to the instructions of the Written and Oral Torah), is also a form of Idolatry- especially because you are treating HaShem as if they were a different God by using these other methods of worship (as opposed to treating them how they've told you to treat them).
That being said: This is the opinion I've been specifically taught thus far, and my overly-simplistic understanding of it. But I am not a Jew. I'm a Noahide- and I haven't been one for very long. My own understandings may be limited, incomplete, or incorrect as of currently, given my newness to the movement.
I would highly recommend reading the books suggested about Noahidism (if that's the topic that specifically interests you), and speaking with an actual Rabbi who is far more qualified to actually answer this question from the Jewish perspective (the correct perspective) than I am as a lay Noahide and non-Jew; or even just someone who is Jewish in general, as they'd have a much better grasp on this concept and its intricacies.
There are plenty- both Rabbi and Lay, from across several movements- whom I follow on Tik Tok in particular (since that's the app people appreciate most these days) that I'm happy to recommend, who are active in Jewish outreach and education, and who may be more than willing to answer questions like this:
rabbi_360 (Rabbi Seth Goldstein; Progressive Rabbi)
rabbisandra (Rabbi Sandra; Reconstruction, I think? -- also has Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, etc)
rabbichana (The Rebel Rabbi; Sephardic Rabbi -- also has Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, etc)
alyssagoldwater (Alyssa Goldwater; Orthodox Lay that typically fields all sorts of educational questions about Orthodoxy)
jewitches (Jewitches; ? Lay active in Antisemitism + Jewish Magic & Foklore education, but also fields questions about other Jewish traditions on occasion -- Also has Tumblr & Instagram)
miriamezagui (Miriam Ezagui; Orthodox Lay, questions are usually relevant to her life, but she'll occasionally field other questions -- also has Instagram)
devotaj (Ketzirah haMa'agelet; Kohenet Priestess and Artist, but I don't know if they actually do education. I would ask politely first -- also has Instagram)
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sunselves · 2 years
tentative muse list:
canon muses:
nina zenik
alina starkov
elena gilbert (the 100 based?)
tris prior
raven reyes (tvd based)
hermione granger (mostly au based)
draco malfoy (mostly au based)
rory gilmore
logan huntzberger
jess mariano
liz ortecho
original characters:
zarah novak
thalia bennett
theo james oc (affiliated with @scriyptures‘s cassie)
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gohoubi · 2 years
Pike, Layton, Zarah, Miss Gillies, Dr Pelton and Martin
You know, this is my fear with these kinds of asks. That I get questions like this mostly full of characters I dislike. Lmao
Push off a cliff: Layton
Marry: Pelton
Kiss: Miss Gillies
Set on fire: Pike
Wrap a blanket around: Martin
Be roommates with: Zarah
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onetrainscifi · 2 years
This is probably callous but given how precarious terraforming can be I expect there may be tough times ahead for New Eden. Which three characters who chose to go do you think are in the most danger of dying before the s4 finale? (I think it's Javi)
Okay I actually have answers this time!!
1) Alex. This is based solely off the fact of that Rowan has barely been on set or even in Vancouver it seems.
2) Probably Javi. Mostly because he seems to be an attractor of bad luck
3) Zarah. Has anyone even *seen* Sheila?
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