#mostly just trying to figure out coloring and such
gracefireheart · 15 hours
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Got DnD on my mind, so here's Demoman as an Elf Blood Hunter, Medic as a Tiefling Cleric, and Heavy as a Half-Orc Barbarian 💃
Btw, if you haven't already, please go and sign the petition for #FixTF2 that's on this site right here: https://save.tf/
A few side notes for these three drawings:
If you're wondering what race and class (and maybe subclass) I chose for the rest of the squad, you can read the post I made right here. And since making that post, I also tried assigning backgrounds as well (that comes with the basic DnD Player's Handbook). Demoman would be (as you can obv see) a Sailor, but moreso specifically the Pirate variant. Medic meanwhile would be a Sage (that was actually pretty well respected, but then did something that got him kicked out). And I thought that Heavy would probably be a Hermit. As for what I picked out for the others; Soldier is a Soldier, Spy is a Criminal (Spy variant), Scout is a Charlatan, Sniper is an Outlander, Engineer is a Guild Artisan, and idk what to pick for Pyro between Folk hero, Urchin, and Noble.
At first, I was a bit iffy what to pick for Demoman between him being an Elf, Half-Elf, and a Minotaur. But then I said "Fuck it. I don't care if Elves are supposed to have lighter skin and straighter hair or whatever, let this handsome af man be an Elf with long, curly hair." I like it :)
I had such a struggle trying to figure out how to color Medic's outfit o(-( At first, it was going to be a lot of off-white colors with a bit of red, then some off-white along with some red and black, then darker colors with some red, so on and so forth. Ngl, it tired me out a lil' orz Oh, and his holy symbol is an amulet he has hidden away in his clothing.
The staff Medic's holding is something I tinkered around with quite a few days ago riiiight here. Idk, I just really liked how the staff looked :')
Imo, I was a bit lazy with Heavy's outfit orz Mostly 'cause I have no clue how to spice up Barbarian clothes besides "give it a bit of fur."
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adobe-outdesign · 2 days
thoughts on the skeith? or elephante? whichever isn't in your queue yet
(The Skeith review can be found here.)
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Ironically, despite its incredibly original name, the Elephante is actually not just a regular elephant; it's bipedal, it has small semi-vestigal wings/a fluffy tail, and it has a fancy headpiece with a gemstone in it. I'm not always big on "default" clothing on Neopets, but the hats here actually look pretty nice and are passable as fancy jewelry that anthro characters could potentially wear.
Color-wise, the default Elephante colours are mostly solid, though the toenails, hats, and tail break things up a bit. I do wish the default colours had more cohesion—like the gemstones matching the base color instead of always being red—and the pink snout feels ever-so-slightly out of place, but otherwise they look fine.
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Elephantes definitely benefited from customization. Their lineart was cleaned up considerably, which helped fix some of the jankier elements like the wings and legs. Another big benefit of customization is the ability to remove the default clothing, which is always appreciated.
I also like the change in expression—the old Elephantes always felt a bit weird, like they burned down the house while you were gone and now they're trying to act normal while they figure out how to break the news to you.
Favorite Colours:
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Relic: The relic Elephante just released earlier this year, and I gotta say, I really like it. The base is nicely shaded and textured with plenty of cracks, and it's then complimented by beautiful bronze metal accents. The body is also covered in leaves, which match the green of the eyes and hat, which are slightly lighter to make sure they pop. Great stuff. The base also looks great with just the little bit of bronze around the iris.
My only minor issue is that the amount of plants feels just a smidge too much. They are removable, but it's an all-or-nothing situation. I wish the ones on the body were separate from the ones on the base—especially because that could open non-relic Elephantes to wearing them.
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Candy: Peppermint swirls aren't technically anything too fancy, but the sutble texturing here is great and really makes it look like hard candy. I also love how the stripes properly fit with and conform to the body shape, which is something a lot of Neopet colours forget to do. Also, the extra little peppermint in the hat is absolutely perfect.
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Royal: Neopets evidently decided to take the "Indian elephant" idea to its logical conclusion by giving the royal Elephants things like sari wraps. Granted, I'm not sure what region India would be considered in Neopia, but hey, it's a fun concept and it looks beautiful. Between the two I think I like the royal girl more just for the palette, but both are solid.
UC/styled versions also exist. These versions obviously have more personality, but thankfully the converted designs are pretty spot-on save for the strange lack of fingernail polish.
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BONUS: The zombie Elephante is shockingly gory for Neopets all things considered, only rivaled by the zombie Jubjub. Exposed skull, giant gaping wounds, stitches, ripped ears and wings—you name it. It looks fantastic and properly undead, and the whole thing is nicely drawn and shaded. It comes with clothing but the base itself is also solid (it's a bit strange that the skull is considered a wearable, but it's a play on the normal hats so I suppose that's why).
My only issue with it, and the reason it's a bonus, is that the expression is WAY too cheerful. The irises needed to be way smaller, less focused, or just plain missing, and the mouth looks too smile-ly. If it had a slightly more haunted expression it would've been perfect, but as is, it's still pretty good.
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All good things must come to an end. This is the final chapter/epilogue to the story taking place in @rottentricks’s universe. Will I return? I may. I love this interpretation of the characters. But, for now, this is the end. Enjoy!
T/W: Suicide, manipulation, sexual innuendos, fantasy racism
Animals Ch. 5: Pigs on the Wing
A green 2000 Honda Accord pulled into the Medical Center parking lot around 2 pm. A fair skinned brunette woman in a black leather coat and a red scarf emerged from the passenger side. She winced a bit at the cold, but marched forward anyway.
“Ella! Wait for me!” her husband, similarly pale, in a tan duster and blue baker’s boy cap, stumbled out of the driver’s side, hurriedly putting his keys and cellphone into his pocket.
“I just need to see her,” the woman replied.
“I didn’t realize I wasn’t allowed to worry as well,” her husband muttered.
“Vladimir, save your carping for later!” Ella snapped.
A woman with curly red hair and an eyepatch over her right eye stood outside the entrance in a violet peacoat and white-and-pink Pompom hat. She took a drag off of a mostly spent cigarette, dropping it and grinding it into the snow with her boot upon seeing the two out-of-towners.
“Ella and Vladimir?” she asked with a glowing smile.
“That’s us, you must be Ragatha,” Ella replied, giving a thin and nervous smile in return. “It’s a pleasure to put a face to a name. How’s Pomni?”
Ragatha led them inside, tamping the snow off her boots. She led them down the hall.
“She’s just fine! I know you two must be worried sick, but she’s right as rain. She’s eating and drinking, and… well she’s definitely talking. She’s actually talking to some police officers right now.”
“Police offi- Excuse me?!” Ella cried.
“No, no, don’t worry! She did something really amazing! Come on, she’s in here.”
Ragatha led them into room 6. In addition to two local police officers, one of whom appeared to the sheriff if the cowboy hat and aviators were any indication, an enormous rabbitman in a white shirt and suspenders stood off in the corner. He eyed the two of them with mild suspicion, before seeming to understand their relation to Pomni and looking away again.
“Mom, Dad!” Pomni smiled and held out her hands from her hospital bed. She looked tired and her voice rasped, but she had color in her cheeks.
“Oh, honey! I’m sorry we took so long!” Ella went over and grabbed her daughter’s hands. “Are you okay? What’s going on? You’re not in trouble, are you?”
“That’s what we’re trying to figure out, ma’am.” one of the officers, the woman without a cowboy hat, answered.
Ella looked from the police officer back to Pomni. “Pomni, what happened?”
“Well… she appears to have helped us solve a murder case.”
“Oh, is that all?” Vladimir replied distantly.
“What?!” Ella cried. “Pomni, what have you been doing?! You said you were just attacked by an animal, what’s all this about- murder?”
“I’m sorry, mom. It’s been… it’s been a wild few days.”
Pomni turned to the police officers. “Can I fill them in on everything?”
“Might as well, we could stand to hear the whole story over again.” the sheriff drawled.
Pomni told them everything. From the biased detectives, to looking for clues in Kaufmo’s condo, to the Nightwalker, to Jax rescuing her. All the way to the announcement she made on the news. She only left out the part about Jax going to investigate, since she didn’t want him nailed for breaking and entering. By the end of the story, both of her parents looked like they had run a marathon. Pomni paused to take a long drink of water.
“I know it wasn’t safe, or smart, but I needed to do something. Anything. I knew as soon as I saw that fake pill, that…”
“Pomni. It’s okay, I just… it’s so much at once.” Ella admitted.
“Normally you’d be in a lot more trouble, Ms. Freeman. You trespassed, and that evidence you found is inadmissible in court, since it was obtained illegally.”
Pomni looked down. “So there goes my scholarship, right?”
“Well… Dr. Wren came forward and admitted everything. Seems like you were correct. He had been giving Kaufmo fake pills, in hopes of him killing himself and stirring up advocacy for his cause.”
“Bastard…” Pomni whispered.
“So, even though your methods were unorthodox, you did help us track down the real culprit,” the female officer continued. “The sheriff and I agree that we can let you off with a warning this time.”
Pomni’s parents sighed in unison.
“All of that said, we don’t want you poking around in police business anymore,” the sheriff said. “You got incredibly lucky that our perp had no spine. If he had decided to shut his mouth and get a lawyer, he probably would have walked.”
“I know. I just…” She looked across the room at Jax. They locked eyes. “I knew you had the wrong guy…”
Jax gave her a small smile.
“We did,” the female officer said. “And for that, we owe Mr. Kingston an apology.”
The sheriff seemed to clam up a bit, but he chewed his lower lip and walked over to Jax.
“On behalf of the Autumnvale Police Department, I’d like to apologize for the mistake we made.” he groused.
“…Thanks,” was Jax’s curt reply.
The sheriff nodded stiffly then motioned towards the door. “Let’s go, Melissa, paperwork ain’t gonna finish itself.”
He stepped out the door, the female officer smiling at Pomni’s parents.
“Pleasure meeting you two, enjoy the rest of your day.”
She followed the sheriff out of the room. Pomni’s father looked at Jax, the rabbit-wolf blinking in response.
“You rescued my little girl, sir,” Vladimir said.
Jax got to his feet after a moment. Even though Vladimir was the tallest in the family, he only came up to Jax’s armpit.
“Just doing the right thing, Mr. Freeman…” he muttered. Pomni had to swallow a giggle at how shy the crossbreed was acting around her dad.
“Thank you so much… I’m forever in your debt, Mr. Kingston.” Vladimir extended a hand. Jax looked at Vladimir’s hand for a few moments before he took it in his own enormous mitt and shook it gingerly.
Ella approached the butcher as well. She opened her mouth to say something, finding no words. She threw her arms around Jax, who jolted and held his arms out to the sides.
“We owe you the world, sir…” she whispered tearfully. The top of her head only came up to his diaphragm.
“Uh… I uh… Y-Yeah, thanks. I mean- you’re welcome.” Jax stammered.
“Mom…” Pomni whined, blushing.
Her parents stayed for as long as they were allowed, chatting with Ragatha and septuple-checking if Pomni was alright and that she for certain had everything she needed. Jax mostly stood outside the room, sizing up anyone who came too close. It wasn’t until Pomni called him inside the room that he began to speak more to her parents.
“So, you’re a butcher, Mr. Kingston? Is that a very lucrative business in this town?” Vladimir asked.
Jax had to think for a moment. Lucrative. What did that mean again..?
“Erm… yes. I have a lot of customers.” he replied after a pause.
“I’ve been a satisfied customer for years,” Ragatha added with a glowing smile. “He’s got the best bacon, the best pork chops, the best steaks- oh my gosh, you guys need to try my steak and eggs tomorrow! It’s the blue-plate special!”
“I’ve had one of his steaks… they’re amazing.” Pomni said, sucking on a cherry menthol drop. The hospital thankfully had some of those in stock along with the lemon-honey kind.
“Wow, I’m surprised. The drive into town seems like nothing but wheat and cornfields…” Ella said.
Jax made an unpleasant sound in his throat. “I hate corn.”
“I was going to ask. You are part wolf, right? Are you an omnivore?” Vladimir asked.
“Dad…” Pomni chided, but Jax raised a paw at her and nodded reassuringly.
“Yeah. I eat meat and greens. Just not corn. Fuc- Uh, screws with my stomach.”
“Well, that’s no love lost, really. As a dietitian, I can tell you that corn is mostly just starch and sugar,” Ella said. “And I can tell you’ve been eating right, Mr. Jax.”
“Mom…!” Pomni exclaimed.
“What? He’s in excellent shape. You could learn a thing or two from him, Pomni.” Ella’s tone became a bit more stern. “You’re not just eating instant noodles and toaster pastries, right?”
“No, mom…” Pomni grumbled.
“I make sure she’s well fed, Ella, don’t you worry.” Ragatha chirped.
There was a small commotion from down the hall as Gangle, in her beret and holding her libretto for A Winter’s Tale, hurried in along with Zooble. Jax looked up from examining his own bicep and smiled at his cowboy friend.
“Hey, ‘Secret Admirer.’” he said, a knowing gleam in his moon-yellow eyes.
Gangle spoke up before Zooble had time for a retort.
“Guys! We should turn on the-” Gangle noticed Vladimir and Ella, holding her libretto a little closer to herself. “Oh, uh… excuse me. Hi, am I interrupting?”
Pomni’s mom smiled and got to her feet, shaking one of Gangle’s ribbons. “No, not at all. I’m Mirella Amadeo, Pomni’s mother.”
“Hello,” Vladimir said shortly.
Pomni smiled a bit, her mom was always the most social in the family.
“Oh, it’s a pleasure to meet you!” Gangle said with a nervous but happy laugh. “My name is Gangle, and this is my friend Zooble. Their pronouns are they/them.”
“Howdy,” said Zooble, doffing their hat.
“We should turn on the news, it’s gonna start any minute! Channel 03!”
Pomni picked up the remote from the nightstand and switched on the small, wall mounted CRT television in the corner of her room. When the screen fuzzed with snow, she pressed a few buttons before the picture flicked to black, then to an animated intro for the 5 o’clock news.
“ADC News: Your window to the world,” a smooth-voiced man announced.
The picture cut to a well-dressed cougarman and human woman behind a glass desk in a somewhat futuristic-looking newsroom.
“Good evening, I’m Robert Watts,” the man began.
“And I’m Jennifer Silman, and this is ADC News. Our top story tonight…”
The camera zoomed in on Silman, a screen over her right shoulder showing a photo of the Autumnvale Regional Medical Center.
“…the ongoing homicide investigation of Autumnvale man Kaufmo Hawkins has taken yet another startling twist. Earlier today, Pomni Freeman, the young woman rescued from a Nightwalker attack by the previous suspect Jax Kingston, gave an explosive accusation in front of Autumnvale Regional Medical Center.”
The picture cut to footage of Pomni talking into the megaphone earlier that day.
“You’re not a hero. You’re a freak! All you did was bully a man that everyone loved into killing himself, then you made the guy who was already the town pariah into the main suspect because it looked good to defend him!”
Pomni covered her face with her blanket, her parents looking at her incredulously. Jax gave a proud smirk. The picture cut back to the cougarman news anchor.
“The man Miss Freeman accuses in that clip is Dr. Cole Wren, Autumnvale’s 64-year old psychiatrist…”
A photo appeared over his right shoulder, showing a mugshot of Dr. Wren. His eyes were hollow and his expression vacant.
“…who Miss Freeman accused of prescribing fake antidepressants to Hawkins, in the hopes that he would take his own life. Wren swiftly turned himself in after being accused, and, according to the APD, confessed to everything.”
The picture cut to a high ranking officer, who the screen identified as Commissioner Waylon Richmond, at a press conference. Flash bulbs blinked intermittently as he stood on a podium.
“The coroner’s report shows that Mr. Hawkins had no trace of antidepressants in his bloodstream at the time of his death… He had to have been off of them for months.”
It cut to the mugshot of Dr. Wren again, with the male news anchor narrating over it.
“The reason? Wren says that he wanted to be seen as a pioneer for social justice, framing Autumnvale’s butcher Jax Kingston…”
It cut to an image of Jax being handcuffed and let into a squad car. He glared daggers at the camera.
“…for the crime. Kingston is a crossbreed and has faced tremendous prejudice both as a child and an adult.”
It cut to Kinger, sitting in his living room, looking forlorn.
“When he was a boy he would come home from school with bruises and cuts all over… He said the other kids trapped him in the jungle gym, poked him with sticks and threw pebbles at him. They said he was a ‘[censored]’ and belonged in a zoo or the circus… he was only seven.”
Pomni looked at Jax. He simply watched the screen, poker-faced, with his arms crossed. The news footage cut to a picture of Dr. Wren shouting into a bullhorn in front of the crowd of protestors.
“Wren confessed that he wanted to have Kingston wrongly convicted so he could lead a protest for crossbreed rights, to not only raise awareness for the cause, but also to be seen as a hero. ADC News, Robert Watts.”
The footage cut back to the newsroom, the female anchor turning to the male.
“I gotta tell you Rob, this entire case was like something out of a spy thriller. So many twists and turns!” she exclaimed.
“I have to agree, Jen, and we have to commend the work of the young lady who brought this accusation forward-”
Pomni swiftly mute the television and covered her face, which had turned tomato-red.
“Please no more…” she begged.
“No more? Pomni, you’re a hero! You got a vile human being arrested!” her father declared.
“I’m not a hero! I just…”
“Impostor syndrome, it’s a bitch.” Zooble said.
Visiting hours ended at 5:30, so soon enough it was time for everyone to head out. Pomni was gently encouraged by both her surgeon and her parents to stay overnight to let the bites knit and in case any of her stitches popped. Pomni agreed. She had work she needed to do, but her parents insisted they would call her school and inform them of the situation so she could get an extension. Besides, she didn’t much feel like moving anyway.
Her mother and father (and Ragatha) all kissed her goodbye and wished her a peaceful evening, her parents promising to return as early as possible with breakfast. Gangle lent her a book to read, the works of Eugene Ionesco, and Pomni politely accepted it even if she was too tired to read much of anything. Zooble merely bid her goodnight, but, after everyone left, squeezed Pomni’s hand and thanked her “from the bottom of their heart” for helping Jax.
As for Jax, he excused himself to the restroom a few minutes before closing time. He remained missing as everyone said their goodbyes, but a few minutes after Zooble left, he returned.
“You’re gonna get in trouble…” Pomni said with a weary smile.
Jax smiled right back, his sharp teeth on full display. Pomni was either too familiar with him or too fuzzy inside to be frightened of the sight of it anymore.
“I’ll risk it. You know, I still owe you for helping clear my name. Even if Caine bailed me out, I’m sure the cops would have been gangstalking me for ages…”
Pomni shook her head. “You don’t owe me a thing. You saved my life and got me the clue I needed to get a confession out of Wren. We’re even Steven.”
Jax chuckled. “Alright, so we’re even. But what if I wanted to give you something anyway?”
“Depends on what you wanted to give me.” Pomni replied, as coquettishly as she could given her exhaustion.
Jax walked across the room and knelt at her bedside. “Just a question. Would you ever want to go out and see the town together? Preferably not while I’m carrying you, unless you enjoyed that.” Another wolfish smile.
“Har har. But yeah, I’d love that.” Pomni replied. “As soon as I’m feeling better and get some of my work done.”
“Sounds good. …You know…” Jax looked at the floor, still maintaining a smile. “I was kind of hoping to give you something else.”
“I was kind of hoping you’d give me something too.” Pomni replied, taking a hand and petting one of his ears. They were thick and shaggy. She wanted to cuddle one.
Jax knelt forward and pressed a kiss to her lips. He had gained a bit more confidence since their last kiss a few hours ago. Pomni felt the tip of his tongue on his lips, fighting the urge to slide her own hungrily into his mouth, but she overcame her id. She was in the hospital, after all, there was a time and a place for that sort of thing.
She held the back of his head gently, keeping his lips against hers for a good half minute. He let out a low, long but gentle rumble against her lips that tingled her all over, giving her gooseflesh. Oof, the thought of hearing that right in her ear…
The kiss broke, Pomni petting his ears and tickling under his chin. He crooned happily. She kissed him again on the forehead.
“Alright. More tomorrow, you don’t need to get in trouble again.”
“Okay. Promise?” he asked with a tiny, eager smile.
“I promise.”
Jax nodded and gave her another toothy grin. It was so threatening before… He passed by the sheepwoman nurse as he went through the doorway.
“Sir, visiting hours have-”
“Already leavin.’” Jax replied, holding up a hand without looking at her.
He walked to the front door, hands in his pockets. It had been a day of firsts. The first time he’d ever had a guest to his house that wasn’t his parents, the first time he’d ever been really thanked for doing a good deed for a stranger, the first time he’d ever been kissed by someone other than his family… Hell, three kisses in one day. That was pretty amazing. His first girlfriend. Was she his girlfriend? Maybe. It was surreal to think about. Girlfriends and boyfriends weren’t for him. For two decades now, he’d grown to accept this. But, here he was.
He half expected to wake up back in jail. A pleasant dream his mind had cooked up about a pretty customer he met at his shop, right before those three dick-swingers woke him up behind bars and told him they were transferring him to prison for the rest of his days. Where had they gone, anyway? Probably back to the big city. They hadn’t done much of anything other than find planted evidence and get shouted at by a cute little lady. What men. Muy chulo.
He stepped outside. It had dipped down into 20 degrees, but it felt good. Bracing. Tonight he’d stoke a fire and make some beef stew, maybe chicken soup. Something good for a winter night. He wanted to call Zooble and tell them what happened. No, wait. He didn’t have a phone. What the hell was he thinking? Call up his best friend and gossip about a relationship? That sounded more like the kind of girl that would have picked on him back in school.
“Hey, freak.”
Speak of the devil.
Trevor took a drag on his cigarette, stepping out from behind a parked truck.
“Hey, Cyclops. That your truck? Or you taking a leak behind it?” Jax smiled, showing all of his teeth.
Trevor snorted mirthlessly. “I suppose you think you’re in the clear since the mayor decided to pardon you. Am I right?”
“Well, the guy who actually did it turned himself in. So, yes. I can tell you’re just broken up that it wasn’t me that killed the comedian. I can see tears in your eyes- sorry, eye.”
Trevor’s lips peeled back in a snarl. “Hilarious. You oughta be a comedian. I’m laughing real hard on the inside.”
Jax tilted his head in mock curiosity. “So, why’re you here, Trevvy-boy? You want a kiss?”
“I’m here to tell you, mutt, that you’re not off the hook. I still owe you for this-” Trevor pointed to his eyepatch. “-and just cuz you got a little bleeding heart from the city to call out that quack, doesn’t mean you get to walk.”
“Hm? What, are you saying you did it, Trevor?”
“No, I’m saying-”
“Yeah, you don’t have the spine to kill someone.”
Trevor’s lip curled upwards again. “I’m saying, I think you did it, and you got Little Miss Moneybags to bribe the mayor into bailing you out.”
Jax snorted. “Please. You honestly think I got that kind of influence?”
“I do know that Miss Daddy’s Money in there is a bleeding heart, who’d probably fall for your sob story.” Trevor grunted. “Maybe even get a wittle cwush on you. Isn’t that right, half-breed?”
“Aw, someone needs new material. Look, you gonna take your shot, or no? ‘Cause I’d like to go home.” Jax said, passing by Trevor and stepping out onto the road.
“Hm. So you’ve not had her.” Trevor said pensively. “Funny. She had a great time with me.” Trevor grinned lasciviously and lolled his tongue out.
Jax stopped walking and turned to look at his bully. “What did you say?” His pupils dilated, his yellow eyes gleaming rings of bloodlust.
“I said Miss Richie Rich had a go-”
In an instant, Jax rushed towards Trevor. His claw flashed in the orange sunset, rocketing towards Trevor’s face. The wolf instinctually raised a hand to block the swing, but it was too late. His claw was within jabbing distance of his one good eyeball. He feebly braced for impact, even as the claw rocketed past him and poked him gently on the snout.
Jax prodded Trevor on the nose, pulling his claw back and smiling mischievously. Trevor growled and rubbed his nose with the back of his arm.
“What the fuck was that, freak? Huh?”
Jax shrugged. “Today has been the best day of my life. I feel too good to fight you. Besides, I know for a fact Pomni wouldn’t even touch your cretin ass, because she’s my girlfriend.”
“Yeah right-” Trevor began, only for Jax to spin about on his heel and head off towards his house.”
“Yeah. Right.”
“I’m not done talking to you, freak!” Trevor shouted.
“Yeah you are.” Jax replied.
“She’ll see you for what you are! You’re a monster! I know you are!”
“Yeah yeah yeah. Keep shouting. You got nothin.’” Jax replied, and he began to whistle.
And as the sun dipped below the horizon, gleaming an iridescent orange, no more words were exchanged. Both of them knew Jax was right.
So, I don't feel alone on the weight of the stone
Now that I've found somewhere safe to bury my bone
And any fool knows a dog needs a home
A shelter from pigs on the wing
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volfoss · 4 months
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i would like to find a yarn color that is roughly close to this shade of orange:
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as the doll is going to be using dark blue eyes and the contrast would look pretty good (ty to my friend for helping me narrow down colors here lol) but well. you would not believe how hard it is to find a more muted light orange. i have been to specialty yarn sites. if i did either of the two multi-colored yarns, it would be for highlights/still mostly orange just with other tones in there :) if u have specific opinions on this please comment bc good god i hate yarn shopping for this.
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elfsyellowflowerzart · 2 months
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hey this is a long shot but ill draw a one character fullbody flat colored cleaned up sketch like the things above for anyone who wants to give me 15,000 treasure in flight rising i need to expand my lair, i can finish the art today 👍
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rains-pace · 1 year
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in honor of the new spider-verse movie i did a quick study of one of my favorite shots from the original !! <33
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gingerph0bix · 18 days
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He hates his job
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crunchchute · 36 minutes
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my attempt at a bunch of my fav artists styles :] idea by sootnuki!!
i would love to do more but this was already a huge challenge
if any artist here dislikes this/is uncomfortable with it/any reason i can take it down or turn off reblogs etc. otherwise i hope its ok 🫡 im not gonna tag anyone just gonna let it do its thing in the wild lol
#crunchchute art#my art#sam and max#sam & max#i hope it will be viewable as i dont know how much tumblr will crunch it#in any case i have it up on twitter also and it seems to be in good quality there#it looks like a 'the 7 human souls:' meme hfhdhf#hey i can put more thoughts in the tags right? so first i didnt really put enough effort into my own one and i kinda realized my style#is kinda mid ngl. cause im lazy + this coloring style might not really fit them. anyway.#for sootnukis style i adore the rendering of the clothing folds and stuff but i couldnt get it just right it remains a mystery to me#silcrow i tried to do a traditional drawing but kinda messed up some of the coloring especially on the pants#also couldnt figure out if its just markers or markers + pencils or what. so i kinda did my own take of 90% markers 10% pencils#mtsodie i love the color palettes and the shapes so that was a lot of fun to try; i like the outcome#narnour i absolutely love the tiny little eyes and how goofy and round they look so that was fun to try to replicate too#as well as the colors which i mostly color picked cause i couldnt get a red overlay right#zembo was a nice way to revisit a chalky brush that i havent used in ages not sure if i got it right though#applettoast i feel like theres some gorillaz influence or its at least something i used while coloring. as you might know i used to draw#gorillaz a lot and tried to replicate the coloring etc. and i think it fit here. correct me if im wrong lol#snuckeys was also hella fun cause i love the cartooniness and the details like the teeth showing gums and stuff. hope i did it justice#also the eyes! i love the big highlight and that the eyes are brown its cute#it was nice to branch out for a bit
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lulubeanie · 16 days
Psychonauts dream.. Compton was there and hanging out with Ford :]
#duck speaks#they were going through a brain that was elementary school themed (like an elementary school but if it were weird mostly)#Otto and Bob had apparently already went in but they got lost or something so they went to find them and get them out#Helmut and Lucy and Cassie were sitting this one out I think. having fun elsewhere#a lot of the dream was like. going through a the halls and looking in the rooms (while also trying not to distract the kids)#or sometimes when you went in a room it would teleport you into a seat and you'd have to answer the questions correctly to get out#if you did something wrong it would restart I think#in one of the rooms though there was a flower pot with like.#a toy flower that had been grown really tall and large so that it could reach an open ceiling panel#oh I forgot to mention that this brain would make you small. shrunk#also for some reason Compton was leading this and Ford was following and doing what he said ?#he was kinda nervous and seemed like mostly he was winging it but Ford trusted him#anyways.#they figured that probably Bob grew that plant. which means him and Otto probably went up there#when they got into the ceiling it switched to be like. a neighbor and bus drop off ?#and they were in the bus but there was no driver. Ford took the driver's place and Compton would tell him which way to go#they drove around and helped kids (one of them brought their dog on the bus and it ran out the door and Compton had to go get it back)#but Bob and Otto weren't anywhere to be seen#I think they saw another plant somewhere but I woke up before they could check it out#I hope they found them wherever that one wouldn't taken them#psychonauts#<- forgot that#this is just what my dreams are like btw#they're beautiful and vivid and colorful and they always tell me some kind of story :]#and characters love to be in them also
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bratniadusza · 2 years
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Jonathan Sims, head archivist of The Magnus Institute, London.
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kyurochurro · 1 year
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only now ive lost the main piece;
where might it be?
(redraw of the MV art for puzzle by kuwagata-p ft. hatsune miku, originally illustrated by ryono ♡ )
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scrybeofvibes · 1 year
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more grimora! been trying to figure out how to draw her consistently
also the base sketch and a smaller sketch i like :)
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leavingautumn13 · 8 months
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wip wednesday this week is the partial inventory of three ocs for an oc-tober prompt
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friarvelune · 8 months
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Some day you will grow up and learn to lie / just like your daddy did when he told you no one ever really dies
I hope that I'm not there when you realize / that those with their nose in the air will never look you in the eye
(toe to toe, streetlight manifesto)
[Image description: two photos of the same drawing, the first one just the inked sketch and the second with color from colored pencils, of Lord Sterling Whitetower from Inn Between. He is a man with an athletic build, slightly pointed ears, medium brown skin, and short, curly, dark brown hair. He is wearing silver plate armor with a blue cloth wrap and a belt with a scabbard around his waist, and is holding a simple broadsword and a shield with the symbol of St. Cuthbert. His eyes are closed. The color drawing has a silver D&D dice on each corner of the page. End of image description.]
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socksandbuttons · 10 months
Notbme staring at my inktover knd 2019 drawings and going Damn
I need to practice inking agaib
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saladv · 1 year
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on their way to your local crochet circle
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