mssjynx · 5 years
Hi, sweetheart 💙 I probably missed a lot cause Tumblr's been weird & doesn't give me my notifications properly >:( But I'm still desperately in love with your writing & hope you're eating & sleeping well 💙💙💙 Can you maybe do Krii7y, 7 or 32 from your kisses list? Only if you want to. Still sending you waves of inspiration ✨ (and promise to catch up with everything once I have time)
hard choice of two great prompts! thanks so much, and dont stress about catching up haha, i havent been active at all lately ^.^
kinds of kisses
krii7y drabble32. person A mumbles “stop biting your lip” and uses their thumb to drag person B’s lip out from between their teeth, only to press forward and kiss their chapped lips
“Jaren, you have to calm down.” 
John held the boy by his shoulders as he spoke, calm quiet words drawing Jaren’s eyes up to his. The boy was visibly terrified, his hands shaking as he curled them in fists. His speech was clenched in one hand and John very gently unfurled his fingers to release it and flatten it out. 
“You’re going to do amazing, okay? You just gotta trust yourself.” He offered a small smile as he spoke and Jaren hummed noncommitedly. 
“What if- What if I freak out?” he muttered, words almost too quiet for John to catch. He pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth, worrying it in his stress as he shoved his fingers through his hair. 
With a soft noise, John reached up to ruffle his hair back into place. His hand fell to Jaren’s cheek before he could question his own intention, thumb skidding over the hollow of Jaren’s lips to where he nibbled on his lip. 
“Hey,” he murmured softly, glancing up to those deep brown eyes that didn’t shift from his own. He looked back to his best friend’s lips. “You’re going to be amazing,” he promised, words hardly above a whisper. He caught the boy’s bottom lip with the tip of his thumb and gently dragged it out from beneath his teeth. 
Those lips were pliant beneath the pad of John’s thumb and he couldn’t help but notice how soft they were, red from the excessive attention. 
“Don’t bite your lip,” he mumbled, words falling from his tongue without much thought. Before he knew what he was doing, he was kissing Jaren. He leaned down and pressed their lips together without a second of hesitation and kissed the boy with all the love and encouragement he could muster. 
Jaren grasped at his shirt with a sense of desperation and John gently swept his thumb along that freckled cheekbone. 
“You’re going to nail it,” John whispered as their mouths broke apart. The act on stage came to an end as the audience erupted in applause. It was Jaren’s turn. They stayed that close for a long moment, neither willing to pull away, nor wanting to press in for another kiss. “I know you will,” John told him and took a reluctant step back. 
He ignored the dizziness in his head and smiled softly at his friend, who seemed unable to do anything but blink in shock. After a second, he swallowed tightly and shook his head. “Okay,” he breathed, flexing his fingers. John pressed his speech into his hands. “I got this.” 
“You do,” John told him and smile as the boy turned to the stage, ready to stride forward and take his place. The announcer began to introduce him and John noticed the twitch of Jaren’s shoulders as he tensed. 
Before he could step forward to run a hand down that tense spine, Jaren span on his heel and threw himself into John. He sought out his mouth with a bruising kiss and John held him as tightly to his chest as he could. It was passionate but short as Jaren staggered back and blinked rapidly. 
“Thank you,” he breathed, a blinding smile breaking out. He turned and walked on stage. 
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
Also not a scene but when Libahunt ended I was thinking a lot about how would've Brock's meeting with Brian's pack go. Like A LOT. Mostly was going all UwU and then just ಥ‿ಥ
Omg yeah Bels thinks about that at times too which is why I think that whole thing makes her sad since I didn’t really plan for the whole pack to get slaughtered at first, until she said something. But it was a super cool scene, so…yay? 
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jayphoenic · 2 years
MLB Class Salt Prompts/Fics Reccomendations 2
Part 1
A False Ladybug by @cornholio4
She looked and saw an open mouth Chat Noir and was surprised to see him there already but then saw everyone looking towards a nervous looking Lila and a girl she didn’t recognise. “Wait, you’re not Milady? Did you use the Mouse Miraculous to multiply yourself or something? Please tell me this wasn’t a lie!” Chat Noir demanded and Marinette demanded someone explain what was going on.
“The new student is Sara and she is Lila’s best friend; they had been telling us that she was you.” Sabrina spoke up and Marinette had her mouth wide open and was growing angry. This had gone far enough…
Not My Friends by @lenacraft
This doesn't actually have a title
“Then why won’t you help the class,” asked Adrien. Lately, he’d been on Lila’s heels. Her former crush was another name on a long list of betrayals.
“It’s simple, I’m always willing to help my friends. Now, please leave, I’m busy.”
They left the art room, her words sinking in. Oddly enough, it was Nathaniel who broke the news. Telling Alix, who told Kim, who told Max, and so on and so forth until it got to Alya.
Tattered Remains of Broken Dreams (Yours, not Mine) by @unmaskedagain
Marinette shook her head, “Fifteen thousand dollars of work you were going to get for free, gone.”
Most of her classmates’ faces had drained of color at the price, at realization of how big of a screw up they made. They had no idea just how much work Marinette did.
Lila was seething because it would be too hard to turn this around.
Marinettes Big Fall by @aliensunflower-fics
“What’s your best friends name? And can you describe them.”
Marinette froze and stayed silent. Tikki suddenly felt a strange twist in her tummy. Sabine and Tom looked at their daughter uncertainly. Finally after a long pause. Marinette spoke with a strained laugh.
“I uhh dont remember having one sir.” Sabine felt her stomach suddenly drop, hidden away behind a plant Tikki felt the same thing.
Nothing Left to Say Now by @musicfeedsmysoul12
“I suppose there’s nothing left to say then.” She told them, before she turned away from them, heading to the back of the class. She sat down and refused to speak for the rest of the class despite the confused looks she got and the annoyed ones. Even a few hurt ones.
Like they had any fucking right to be hurt.
Remember some chapters are longer than others
@the-dumber-scaramouche @madd-kwami @arty-shadow-morningstar @platinum-here @ao3s-ishouldreads @naturegreenr-2 @fandombetch @fangirlingfanatic @caney768 @funnybunnyxxx @sillyandquest @storylover04 @fangirlingfanatic @crazyyanderefangirlfan @sassakitty @alicesangelofmusic @virgil-is-a-cutie @babyizuwu @briansastro10 @harrietrile17 @actualnarislayer @d-starfairy @summerfox1988 @lcamila23 @wolf-for-life @mothwithglasses @xpxlxgxxs
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viridianv0id · 5 years
Tumblr media
honestly this is the best thing ive ever drawn and im kind of happy this is what i draw of ohm now  i said id do it, and i did. Enjoy our local crack head Ohm @qyukie @mothwithglasses @0kareo
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mssjynx · 5 years
Hey, I'm here for the first time & want to say that your writing really sets me in high spirits & inspires a lot. Thank you so much 💙💙💙 Could you maybe do TerrorMoo or OhmToonz 2 scenario from the ABO list? Only if you want to. Love you a lot & sending you waves of inspiration ⭐
alpha / beta / omega au
terrormoo drabble
2. You came up to me and starting spitting out awful pick up lines. My days been shit, I just got dumped and fired from my job, but now I can’t stop laughing.
a/n: hi omg!! i see you in my notifs all the time and i cant tell you how much your support means to me! thank you so much for enjoying my content- i hope you like this silly little terrormoo xx
Brock’s day couldn’t have been worse. He’d woken up with a clogged nose and a sore throat, sick at the beginning of the week. When he called his work to let them know he was sick, they let him know he was fired due to decreasing business.
His pre-heat had come two weeks earlier, catching him by surprise and he could feel the headache coming on before he’d even had his morning coffee (which he ended up burning his tongue on anyway). A distressing hour was spent raiding his bathroom, coming up with no suppressants, and dialing his boyfriend of five months. His stress was overwhelming by himself and as the phone dialed he couldn’t control it.
There, sitting on the floor of his messed up bathroom, his boyfriend picked up and reluctantly told him he’d found someone else, a smaller, younger omega female that he actually wanted to mate with. Brock hung up on him before he even caught the apology and didn’t try and stop himself from breaking down right there against the wall.
“Evan, I can’t go out tonight I’m- I’m out of suppressants and my pre-heat’s started.” He let the phone sit on the counter, face in his hands as he spoke to his friend. “I’m- Yeah, I’m sorry,” he mumbled, hearing the disappointed sounds from the other side of the receiver. “Connor broke up with me. Mm, just then on the- on the phone… He found a new omega. A girl.”
Words of sympathy barely reached his ears and he didn’t let them sink in. He’d never been a very good omega.
It was a surprise Connor had kept him around for so long anyway…
“I’ll buy you some suppressants. You, me and Tyler can go out; no one will know you’re about to hit your heat. We’ll treat you to drinks and who knows! Maybe you’ll find yourself a new, cuter Alpha. I always hated how Connor smelt.”
Brock scrunched his nose, knowing how sometimes his boyfr- ex-boyfriend’s scent could really be overbearing. Especially if he got angry- he always did have a short temper.
With a low sigh, he dropped his eyes shut and nodded to himself. “Okay, we can go out,” he murmured. “Please get me extra strength ones and I’ll pay you back tonight… Thank you so much Evan.”
The other omega flicked off his phone and Brock sighed to himself in the emptiness of his bathroom. His headache was throbbing and his energy was already waning. He dragged himself to his feet, stepping over the mess of bottles and bathroom products and heading straight for his room.
The first hour of his morning had been simply awful and he didn’t want to do anything but go back to bed.
“Evan, i don’t know about this.” His tapped out another two suppressant pills into the palm of his hand and popped them onto his tongue. With a wary look to his friend, he swallowed them. “What if they can still smell my heat, or- or if I get lost-”
“Brock.” Tyler’s firm voice from the front seat had the omega nervously snapping his attention to the driver. “I can’t smell a thing. I’ll let you know and you can stay by me if you’re scared of anything. Connor was a prick. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have a good night.”
Evan nodded along to the alpha’s words, flicking through radio stations as Brock sat anxiously in the back seat. “You don’t gotta be nervous, okay? We’ll be right with you the whole time!”
An hour later, Brock found himself alone at the bar, watching the crowd where Tyler had his hands on a beta’s hips. Evan had been bought a drink and was chatting away with an alpha in a booth. He sipped his cocktail, carding fingers through his hair and avoiding eye contact with those eyeing him up.
It was inevitable that finally someone slid into the chair that Tyler had left empty, arm settling on the counter and charming smile catching Brock’s gaze. “Hey, I just wanted to ask-” Pretty blue eyes. Straight white teeth. “Are you a magician, by chance?” he asked and Brock frowned. Magician? Before he could respond, that smile was widening and the man was leaning in, allowing Brock to get a whiff of the sweet scent of berries that seeped hung off his skin. “Because everytime I look at ye, everyone else just disappears.”
The realisation of the cheesy situation had Brock’s confusion falling, small smile quirking his lips. Really, the line was so bad, Brock couldn’t help his amusement. “Seriously?” he asked, settling back in his barstool and taking another sip of his drink.
That gorgeous grin didn’t falter as the alpha nodded, before his expression turned more serious. He held out a hand politely, not pushing Brock any further than he was comfortable with. But the omega wasn’t bothered at all, offering his hand for the alpha to pull into his.
His fingers were gentle, fingertips brushing along his knuckles as he examined the omega’s delicate hand. “When I first saw you over here,” pretty blue eyes lifted in confusion, “I looked for a signiature. All masterpieces have them, right?” Once again, a little proud smile pulled at his lips and Brock felt no need to retrieve his hand. “Also, also!” Brock just couldn’t stop his laughter as he listened with interest. “So I’m writing this essay on the finer things in life.” With ease, the man leaned forward, curling his hand around the leg of Brock’s barstool and pulling the omega closer by the chair. “I was wondering if ye’d let me interview you,” he asked, voice dropping to a more low, sweet tone. It felt reserved; special for the omega. With those gorgeous blue eyes on him and that handsome smile, Brock couldn’t help the buzz of butterflies in his chest.
He dropped his eyes, feeling red flush his cheeks at their new proximity. The fragrance of berries was stronger and it was hard for the omega to stop himself from leaning and taking a deep breath. The idea of scenting him made Brock almost weak in the knees and he gribbed the edge of his stool to keep himself grounded.
“You okay?” The alpha dropped his head to level his eyes with Brock’s, drawing the sensitive omega’s attention up to him. Patience and kindness was all the man offered and Brock smiled sweetly at his question.
“I’ve been having the worst day,” he explained, carding fingers through his hair and slipping his fingers between the alpha’s. The heat of his hand kept him stable as a frown pushed the man’s lips. “I got dumped, fired and my pre-heat’s come two weeks early. And- And now you’ve come in and made me feel like there’s nothing wrong at all-” He released a deep breath, returning that handsome smile. “I’m Brock,” he introduced, squeezing the fingers in his.
“Brian,” the alpha introduced. “And I’m glad I got ta see your beautiful smile. You don’t deserve to be havin’ such a bad day.”
Brock grinned. Brian. The Irish alpha suited the name and Brock couldn’t stop his smile as he inhaled subtley. Brian’s scent was delicious- Brock hadn’t ever met an alpha so alluring before. Before the omega could speak again, the alpha opened his mouth, cheeks dusted pink.
“Would ye- Would you wanna come back to mine tonight?” he asked, smiling welcomingly as he blushed a pretty pink. Brock couldn’t help his own smile, head tilted. “I know ye said you’re startin’ your heat but I know how some pre-heats can be tough- If you’re comfortable, I’d love to have ye around. You don’t have to stay with me long, I just- if you’d want- as long as you’re comfortable-!”
Brock’s laugh was breathless and sweet as he nodded happily. “You smell amazing,” he admitted, leaning in and taking in another lungful of the delicious scent. “I’d love to spend the night if you wanted me.”
Brian’s smile couldn’t have gotten any wider as dropped to his feet, standing between Brock’s legs and dropping his head to the side of Brock’s. “May I…?”
A pleased sound of affirmation released from Brock’s throat and he keened as Brian’ tucked his nose against his pulse, pressing against his scent gland. A deep inhale, Brock’s hand gripping his shirt, and his exhale drifted from his lips with a gentle purr. When he drew back, he pulled Brock to his feet too, smiling broadly.
The omega didn’t wait, pushing into the alpha’s face and fitting his face against the side of Brian’s warm neck. He drew his nose up the side of that tan skin before fitting against the alpha’s scent gland and breathing in nice and deep. The strength of his scent was dizzying and Brock couldn’t wait to be surrounded in it. The possibility of sharing his nest with the beautiful man had his heart beating faster and when Brian’s arm slipped around his waist he leant heavily into the touch.
“Let’s get out of here,” he whispered and Brock didn’t think about refusing for a second.
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
I've just finished rereading Libahunt and my soul is about to burst from love and wants to cry. I don't think I've ever felt so emotionally attached to any fanfiction. So yeah, you kinda responsible for adoration for you and your writing overwhelmingly bubbling inside my heart. Can you please take it, gotta study now though wanna keep mourning over this enormously brilliant piece of art ಥ‿ಥ💙
Awwww this is so sweet. Really you’re just the nicest! And just know I appriciate all your kind words and positive encouragement, you really are a wonderful soul
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mssjynx · 5 years
mothwithglasses replied to your post “psa”
you both cute cute
moth, she’s so pretty im losing my mind
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
Just realized that I've never commented on the Libahunt ending, dry on emotions in the middle of exams (still made me cry, you're unbelievable). So I'm coming to reread the whole thing, it's too brilliant to read it only once anyways. Wish me luck going through the story without tears. Love you 💙
Awwww thank you so much! And you don’t have to read it again silly. Don’t waste your summer of that XD
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
Last time I woke up to cry a bit before breakfast (hate the time difference) cause desperate cuddly Brian was exactly what I needed & then Minicat kiss totally ended me. Now I woke up to cry before breakfast A LOT, like as much as I did with the Kriity in ch23. #KeepOhmtoonzHappy I'm begging you. And Panda-the-parent-friend be like "If you kill yourself that will kill Brian so I'll kill you for that". Thanks for warm hugging TerrorMoo to cleanse our souls from tears, I'm soft :") Love you a lot
Awww this was so sweet! Thank you!
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mssjynx · 5 years
mothwithglasses replied to your post “would you guys be interested in me making compilations of clips from...”
Every idea is great, so we'll be happy to see whatever you want to make ^^
moth, youre a blessing <3 thank you
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crimsonbluemoon · 6 years
I'm kinda late on that superhero au talk (as usual) but looking at all the comments I suddenly remebered Raven from Teen Titans & how she had the darkness itself in her cape. So I just thought that if you had a cape there would be not darkness but worse. THE ANGST. Not only villians but the whole city is in tears...
Pfft omg I did love Raven I thought she was pretty cool. But I actually LOVED Starfire the most on the Teen Titans anime. Kihorri would probably be more Raven-ish and I’d be a little more Starfire-y ^.^
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crimsonbluemoon · 6 years
So: 1) Am I gonna cry at every new chapter now? 2) I'm kinda confused if I'm allowed to say that I hate you cause *long explanation about chewing on glass deleted* 3) Can't express how much I loved the emotions you put in the TerrorMoo scene, I got shivers when Brock said OUR pack 4) That's gonna sound hella stupid but I admire the way you make ALL the characters suffer kinda equally (?) so much 5) This is the best fic I've ever read & I'm still blanking out because it's just perfect 6) Love you
1) uh....no! I dont think so2) Chewing on glass? Yikes I hope you’re okay! 3) Ahhhh that TerrorMoo was super hard to write but I’m happy it came out nice. 4) Yeah I try to spread it around5) Thank you so much! Im really proud of this story6)
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crimsonbluemoon · 6 years
mothwithglasses replied to your post: Libahunt: Chapter Thirteen
So, I wasn’t planning on creating a tumblr account, and then I find this fic, so I had to. And guess now I have no choice either than taking my time going through your archive and slowly dying. Cause that’s something I really needed in my life.
....I feel like I should apologize for this...but I’m honestly floored that someone would be so beautiful as to make a Tumblr in order to do something with my writing. You are just amazing! Thank you so much for being so sweet. <3 
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crimsonbluemoon · 6 years
mothwithglasses replied to your post: New years resolution
Aww, you two are too cute ^^
Oh god please no...don’t think that. We’re not cute at all! 
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crimsonbluemoon · 6 years
mothwithglasses replied to your post: OhmToonz: Scarf Kisses
They’re connected!! Some of these drabbles!! Why am I so happy about that?? Anyways I was resting here from chapter 14 cause yes I’m slow to read this but I’m gonna catch up, not tonight but I’m gonna. STILL it was way too sweet & happy OhmToonz is something I really need in my life because of you
Yeah if you’re talking about the Christmas drabbles, there are 5 stories that actually all happen in the same day/party
Terrormoo Christmas proposal Kriity Pranked with Love MiniCat Secret Santa H2O Vanoss Mistletoe Kiss and Ohmtoonz Scarf kisses (this is the order of them haha sorry I should have aid that first)
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crimsonbluemoon · 6 years
mothwithglasses replied to your post: mothwithglasses replied to your post: Libahunt:...
Wow, I struggled a lot trying to find that respond button… Tumblr is weird xd I don’t usually have much free time, but I’ll make sure to give you and other artists I like as much love as I can cause you totally deserve it. It was such a nice reply from you & I’m so in love with you and all the work you do. Wish you all the best (and tons of inspiration in particular) in this new year. Have a nice holiday <3 <3 <3
Awww aren’t you just the sweetest?! I have such lovely people popping up toward the end of the year! <3 Thank you so much for the kind words, and I hope that you also have a fantastic end of the year! 
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