#mothwood forest
littleprincessfawn · 1 month
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My real estate rental agent called and now I'm stressing because he didn't leave a text or a voicemail and I'm worried what I might have done wrong or that I'm going to be asked to give access inside the house or any number of things and I hate how stressed and scared I am about this.
I'm gonna have a shower and put on clothes and get into my strong empowered professional woman mindset (nevermind that I don't actually have a job right now) and call him back and deal with whatever it is.
But the little side of me, the broken side of me, just wants to stay curled up in a little ball in bed.
With the housing crisis I can't afford to make any agent or landlord unhappy with me. I live in constant fear of being turfed out and unable to find cheap rental and forced to live in my car.
I specifically bought a Subaru Forester because I like how spacious it is in the back, you could live in it if you became homeless, at least for a bit. And I think that is a damning statement about what it's like being a single woman who rents in Australia, or in many other countries actually, right now. Remember I have my child to think of too.
Anyway. Breathe. He can't kick me out straight away without warning. He probably just wants to confirm getting a tree guy in to remove the dead tree that has been lying on my balcony since the storms around Christmas last year.
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littleprincessfawn · 2 months
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I wanna put on my big heavy hiking boots and stomp around in the Australian rainforests that I live near, having adventures, meeting satin bowerbirds, getting leeches, pulling/salting leeches off, smelling the rich dark dirt, listening to the birdsong and the waterfalls trickle, breathing in the cool crisp rainforest air. It's my home. It's where I belong.
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littleprincessfawn · 2 months
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---- About Me ----
Hello! You can call me Fae or Princess
37-year-old cis-gender female bisexual/queer kinky single mum disaster living in Australia.
I have: Leukemia (in treatment) (probably not gonna die?), ADHD, C-PTSD, Anxiety
- - - - My posts - - - -
Journal entries of my VERY BIG feelings (#personal #deerdiary)
Medical posts about my leukemia journey or medication (#leukemia #medical post)
Kink/ 18+ posts (#fae being thirsty #bd/sm dynamic #bd/sm journal)
MTG, Pathfinder, tabletop, etc. (#fae being nerdy)
I also post about hope, staying alive (#hopesparks)
My forest home, real + imagined (#mothwood)
Things about my kid (#mumstuff)
Scary/Triggering/Negative content is tagged with #darkfae (please block this tag if you need to!) (need to scroll back to retag everything with this, will remove this bracket when done)
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