villains4hire · 2 months
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Pomni at this point did feel companionship toward the others, albeit there was that building rage toward certain beings like Jax. But right... right, there was a new guy, new guy? Could she call herself new anymore even if her arrival was fairly recent? It didn't matter, at least someone else looked fairly green in comparison to herself as a few weeks passed since this being's arrival. Yet zoning out again, they'd snap back into the unreality of this digital world, staring at Moufette, realizing they were there, "Eh? What did you need or- right, the game he wants us to play. I don't know, it sounds... kind of stupid, right?" Yet she's here anyway unlike a certain other who avoided these games like the plague.
The Jester's little quips could've been completely incorrect, often lost in her delusions or thoughts. Caine however, was nowhere to be seen at the moment, so it could be just a confusing statement to suddenly hear as well.
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stolencrownsofplenty · 6 months
@mouffete booped you!
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Without a second thought to process who was even poking them in the check, the Lamb almost flips onto their back to swipe their long neck over towards you. CHOMP! Down does their big chompers onto your hand; and not enough to draw blood, as reasonably... They had to hold back or they'd accidentally make a snack out of you. Regardless, holding tight onto your arm with their jaws, they are shaking you around like a ragdoll. They've been hanging with the dogs too much again and they have a sudden burst of energy to get out now!
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themcst · 2 months
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@mouffete // sc
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      The puppet can't help but stare at the mime. Always learning of the inhabitants within the circus. Never fulling knowing them, but always knowing who at least exists within said circus. Guests came and went like a virus. You never knew how long someone would stay before suddenly abstracting! 
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      Can he outstare a mime? Maybe? He could try as he converses with them! "I don't think we've ever talked properly?" It's hard to remember. Days do seemlessly mesh into each other it's hard to actually tell when he last spoke to other members within the circus.
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electricea · 6 months
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"Heh, are you challenging me to a booping duel?" He'll accept challenges from anyone, no matter the opponent 'cause booping wars are serious business!
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jokestcr · 10 months
♬ — @mouffete asked : “ pauvre petit ! how has settling in treating you so far ? I have been hearing that your first day was, ah... rough. ”
IT COMES AND GOES. the fear. the dread. the weight that crushes her every single time she's reminded that she's forever in this – this agonizing cage. there's no time nor logic nor a single drop of NORMALITY and it eats at her , god , does it eat her alive. settling in ? like a cinderblock to the skull. like quicksand.
no exit. no exit. it's a chant in her mind , perfectly underlined with that same jingle in the background. her eyes burn. sometimes she closes them and sees AFTERIMAGES of the structures , the colors too vibrant for her to bear.
❛ rough . . . ❜
understatement. she holds onto the question , but it's just a reminder of this reality. she feels her heart shatter , thinking about it again. words are like bracken water at the back of her throat. the room feels so much smaller.
this is all there is.
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❛ it’s . . . everything is so loud. and bright. it’s everything- and it’s not even th-the worst part about all of this. ❜ she wanted to scream. she finds she can't. she’d just scare the stranger away. but at least it's someone new. another face , but another prisoner nonetheless. ❛ this can't be it. but – but it is and i have to look at it all every single day- ! ❜
she does hug herself then. tight. she trembles , curls up like a pillbug. let her cave in on herself , let her constrict into nothing. ❛ i want to go home , a-and i don't even know what or . . . where home is. ❜
how can you miss something you barely remember ? a void in your heart , in your head ?
❛ p-people have been . . . nice. ❜ she sighs.
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timehcpper · 5 months
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"You alright there? Good thing I came in just in time. Those damn little savages would've torn you to shreds." A small snort. "Usually they aren't so bad, but in numbers they're little terrors to deal with." Jonathan would kneel down pulling out a rag from their coat and began to wipe off the black 'blood' off of the bo-staff. "Name's Jonathan. And what you just encountered were the little terrors that usually aren't seen by normal eyes. They're all underlings to a universal terror that haunts the living." Hopefully this explains SOMETHING.
"Anyway, glad you're okay. Thought I saw one of them take a bite out of you. Nothing serious will happen. Just a bite." He'd shrug. "So, what's your story? How come you're out here by yourself?" As if Jonathan had ANY room to talk in that regard. Jonathan didn't usually talk too long to the folks of the realms, but he's curious nonetheless..
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3-n-a · 1 year
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"I have just acquired burger fries! Would you care for some? You seem hungry... Not that hungry has any looks! I just saw you eying my food." She offers the plate of fries towards the stranger.
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apocalopalyptic · 10 months
@mouffete | Via
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Zooble blinks at her, not offended by the line of questioning but seemingly unimpressed-- par for the course, with them. "That's a dumb question." As in obviously they're better than a quote-unquote zombie, but also who really cares about being one in the first place?
"If it gets you abstracted you did it wrong. You gotta care about something to spiral."
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spxcemuses · 10 months
@mouffete asked: ✧ ;v; i love your writing though! and you portray your muses wonderfully <3
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[ why don’t we write together ] | Always Accepting
✧: i don’t have ideas so i can’t approach you yet
(( That's okay! I understand that some people may not have ideas to discuss with me right away, and I'm also okay with winging things out or sending RP memes/etc. unless you aren't comfortable with that! everyone has different ways they like to RP and I want to make sure both me and the person I write with are happy/comfortable! /gen
But THANK YOUUUU!! so much! I haven't been writing much as of late (or with a lot of muses, anyway) but I do appreciate the compliments!! I really enjoy seeing you on my dash and Coco/Moufette's antics with the TADC verse you have for him/her! I have considered at one point (and still may) consider writing up some TADC muses but I'm not 100% certain yet! Can't wait to RP with you at some point, whenever you feel up for it! <3
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strebcr · 8 months
New Ask Game! Send me a 🌻 and I’ll just tell you whatever the fuck I want to talk about!
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I have a soft spot for overly edgy creepy pasta mlp AUs. It brings me back to my own edgy youth, when I used to read and draw fanart for those creepypastas religiously 😤👍
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z0mburger · 9 months
// i know we haven't interacted much AND im sorry if this comes off as random but i wanna say rq that seeing your posts on the dash always gives me a good laugh. reading the shenanigans you write may as well be like im seeing lil clips of the show itself <3
ooc ; that's the HIGHEST HONOR thank you so much!! this guy has had his jaws locked on my ankle for a good few years now and i have such a blast writing him :'- )
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"I sincerely hope you are not suggesting that I have something to do with this." // for gangle maybe? :>
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"I-I'm not accusing you of anything. I was just asking if you've seen my comedy mask-"
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"I'm sorry..."
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villains4hire · 8 months
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//I have no real favorite songs but I like a lot of heavy metal, classical, then just random video game songs.
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necrolightguitar · 1 month
@mouffete liked for a starter!
Immediately, this world reminds Sal of the "cartoon" universe he'd briefly stepped into on his path to revival. Except where the other one mostly felt naive, this one manages to be purely unsettling, like he's having another one of those nightmares from when he was fresh from the incident.
...Of course, Sal also happens to be an anthropomorphic wolf in this one. So is his dad.
He avoids his dad and his reflection both as he gets ready for work, which is apparently a part-time job he's picked up to save up before he graduates. Sal must be somewhere around 18 or 19 years old here, then.
That's fine with him. He doesn't feel like revisiting his youth here, though he still pulls his hair up into his usual pigtails and brushes them smooth just like he always used to. Sal is only paying half attention as he walks to work.
It's only when he gets there that he realizes that he never tried to find out where he works, and he's surprised to find that it's a... Diner?
Not only that, but employees are gathered in the main area rather than customers- including who he distantly remembers is his boss. One of Sal's ears flicks without permission.
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"...Hey, uh... is something happening today?"
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themcst · 2 months
2 & 5 !
Topic Meme - Accepting
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2. drabbles
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I once wrote an angsty drabble that took be 4 hours to write and was around 20-30 paras? But with a certain muse due to lots of plotting with friends? A lot of the drabbles wrote related to a specific verse tended to be a good 10+ paras. I miss drabbles.
They're fun and interesting as it can give insight into how you write someone but also just showcase certain things that you might not get to write about much! I just unfortunately don't have the energy for extremely long winded drabbles anymore. I wish I did! Maybe I'll try and do some more time management so I can do something like that again in the future!
5. dash commentary
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I don't mind it. I don't have any strong opinions on it. It's always interesting to see a muses thoughts about other events on the dash or with friends. I just get lost sometimes if things are happening that get commented on and I am not following other blogs, then it seems out of place. But that happens sometimes when you aren't following the same people. It be like that. But as long as everyone is having fun my own minor confusion about events don't matter.
I also think that they're a nice way to get little things on the dash going or even just have muses voice out any thoughts they could have! I don't actively do it much myself honestly, but I do like seeing it on my dash when I'm lurking about the place.
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stolencrownsofplenty · 2 months
@mouffete : x
being the only follower with a depth of knowledge when it comes to all things medicinal, Coco is glad to help accompany the Lamb when they go on a crusade. it only makes sense to keep a source of healing around in the moment rather than when it’s too late, but this method still comes with a risk when the follower in question isn’t experienced in battle. && Coco is anything but dangerous. he’s as aggressive as a guppy at best. naturally an accident is bound to occur at some point && it most certainly did with their most recent adventure. all it took was for the small fellow to get scattered amidst a chaotic moment, end up in the reach of an enemy, then— shluk! a nasty gash left on his chest. fortunately; not deep enough to be life threatening. unfortunately; high risk for infection && it hurts like a bitch. Coco is no stranger to using their practices on himself, yet there still lies the issue of needing to see the wound itself when tending to it. this particular issue leading to the conundrum now && the instructions that fall onto the skunk’s ears, which fold back in response. posture faltering as a breath gets caught in his throat. “my.. robe?”
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“th-that’s all I’ve got on!” a pause to think, then he stammers on. “I mean - I have these… shorts, I guess. but I’m not used to showing my chest.” it’s not like Coco has anything to hide with the upper-half, though it doesn’t make it any less flustering.
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The familiar whiff of crisp, spicy incense faintly burned in the skunk’s nose when the Lamb gently guided them to the smoothed out purple rug.  With it already abandoned by the giant, red feathered bird who had often read out the ewe’s fate in constant, the arcane reader’s sanction felt quite empty without his looming presence; leaving only a few blankets, violet pillows, and some leftover incenses forever smoking in the creature’s absence.  Little bits of sunlight leaks in overhead through Darkwood’s overhanging trees, where their branches softly creaked and hissed idly in a constant sway as a drifting breeze blew through its broken cracks.  For now, the pair had found themselves a quiet clearing, where the Emperor only had themselves to blame for not getting their fellow healer to safety sooner.  Often they’d keep their followers within a protective distance, always having their godly sword drawn for any threat of harm that would come to their flock, whenever they went to take some out for a long few day crusade to hunt for some heavy supplies.
In their haste earlier to mow through the persistent heretics that often tried to oppose their unquestionable rule, they still left themselves undeniably blindsided to a hostile swordsman that had snuck up upon the pair from behind.  In the chaos, they were occupied with an archer trying to aim for their many blind spots (with their one remaining eye already going white, and already depending on their crowns for their vision, the ram wasn’t without their faults), they didn’t sense right away the ground shifting in the slightest tilt before it was too late to deflect the oncoming blade.  For one of their own flock to draw blood on their watch… It felt only a blur to them when they heard their companion’s sharp outcry from behind.  All the ram could remember in the moment of their sparked fury, the lowly heretic was already left dead by their sword, sliced to pieces where one could barely recognize what it was to begin with.
But with a soft shake of their head to rid themselves of agitation, their golden chains sang out its jiggling chime, being the lightest warning to any creature that would dare to come near the Lamb’s claimed area.  Not if their heretics were smart enough to keep away, that is.
“We would not ask more of you if it meant we could find a way to work around this, Coco.”  The Emperor sighs with equal weariness.  With their red veil already left to hang by the nape of their neck, the dark shades of their colorful crowns sweep their many eyes down the poor follower’s wounded form.  Although their voice still held its familiar warmth towards the other, it could not be helped that the air felt cold every time they drew away their mask; allowing any mortal to feel the icy touch of their magical allure.  “But we’d be remiss to leave you bleeding out by a fault of our own.”  A palm quickly settles to the other’s back, their hand sprouting a dab of warmth through the idle cool of their wedding bands.  
In their earnestness, they offer the other a light smile.  “We can’t have our only healer faint on our watch, can we not?”  With a free hand, they gesture towards a big bean bag chair that looked a bit discolored, with fraying pinks at its edges where the weather must’ve affected it some.  “Besides, as much as we can go without days to eat, you still need your rest.  In sickness and hunger, we made a promise to provide through hardships.”  The Lamb allows themselves to pause for an instant.   “.. Would you like it if we kept each other on equal footing, Coco?”
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