#mount vernon au !!!
binch-i-might-be · 1 year
i was just wondering, after seeing like all sorts of AUs for the Thin Ice Verse™, how would an AU where Alex came to America the way he did in the musical? pretty sure it'd change some things and i was just curious, especially for Gwash and Alex's relationship
ohhhh. oh oh oh
okay. this would be fascinating actually
well first of all, we would have to start at the beginning–Rachel's letter to Gwash. she would have definitely still sent it, because obviously she wanted at least one of her babies to have a good life. now, why didn't he receive it?
I think the spiciest option we have here is that because he was deployed at the time and constantly on the move, it was delivered to Mount Vernon. where, perhaps, someone's despicable mother was temporarily residing due to heavy construction work on her own house?
yes I'm grasping at straws but let me have this: I propose Gwash never received Rachel's letter because his mother intercepted it and destroyed it. as far as she's concerned, there are zero (0) creole bastards muddying her bloodline, thank you very much.
so little eight year old Alex grew up having to fight for everything, without his Mama and without the man she had so confidently claimed would come for him.
until the hurricane hit and he lost everything again. until he could write himself on that ship to New York.
we are following the musical timeline so he meets John before he meets Gwash, and we all know how that goes haha.
now I don't think Alex knows his father's whole name. he was a child and delirious with illness, so even if Rachel told him Gwash's whole name, who knows if he would have remembered it. no, he knows two things about his father: his name is George, and he's a soldier.
okay. so Alex still takes his homies to liberate some british cannons, John and Alex smooch, word gets out about that weirdo artillery captain kid who keeps refusing to join Generals' staffs.
Gwash is intrigued. he summons the boy, and good God, he's young. their conversation goes basically like in Right Hand Man. Gwash thinks the boy looks familiar. he's glad to keep him off the field.
I think Alex is much more hesitant to trust, especially older men who have power over him–James Hamilton's influence has never been counteracted by a loving father, after all. Alex has been fending for himself for ten long years, and one thing that has very seldom been challenged is his belief that men shouldn't be easily trusted.
they spend a lot of time together though, and a good chunk of it alone with each other. George takes a quick liking to Alex; he reminds him a bit of himself when he was a boy, and he can see he's intelligent and fierce and passionate for their cause. but he's also young, and George gets the feeling that he hasn't been taken care of in a long time. his ever-bleeding heart can barely take that.
George is casually paternal to all his boys- his aides, he means. surely Alex won't reject his careful affection if he can see he's not being singled out out of some sort of pity?
and Alex, while he tries to tell himself that he doesn't need his General's affectionate, fatherly nicknames or his concern for his wellbeing- well. he can't deny that it is a bit. nice. just a little. (John might have had to take him by the shoulders and tell him "darling, he likes you. he likes all of us. it's not an insult, it's a good thing." before he was ready to accept that lmao)
the two of them grow closer over many late nights shared. George learns Alex is used to working to hard. he learns he's prone to frequent illness due to a bad childhood sickness (and even after Alex's countless reassurances that he can handle himself just fine, he can't help but worry. he's mind keeps drifting to his older brother. his daughter.)
George learns that Alex was born in the West Indies. he tells him oh, what a coincidence, he went down there for business once twenty years ago. Charlestown, actually.
George learns that Alex is from Charlestown. huh. they talk about the area, how it changed within the last two decades, and Alex comes to life, getting to talk about his home with someone who has seen it himself, who knows firsthand how beautiful it is. the beaches remind him of his Mama. he hesitantly tells George about this.
George is sympathetic. he doesn't know a lot about the boy's prior life, but he can concur that it wasn't an easy lot. he knows what it's like to lose someone important.
he thinks. maybe Alex needs to talk about her. as a way to remember. to make sure the details don't swim into each other and blur with the passing of time.
he asks what her name was.
"Rachel," Alex says, and George stops. Rachel. Rachel, and suddenly the boy's name, Hamilton, springs out at him–he hadn't thought anything of it when he'd first met him, it was common, a common name-
"Faucette?" he asks carefully, telling himself that it couldn't possibly be the same woman, that it, it wasn't, it couldn't have been-
and Alex stares at him from those wide dark eyes that seems so oddly familiar.
"you- you knew my mother?" he says meekly, so obviously hopeful, wanting someone who shares her memory, and oh George would love to be that for him, but he fears he's something else entirely.
"how old are you, Alex? when were you born?" he says instead of answering, and Alex's eyes widen more and more. he stumbles a step backwards, right into the edge of a desk. his hands shake when he raises them to cross his arms over his chest in a gesture so desperately protective, George wants to cry.
he swallows. "my mother said- before she died, she told me I wasn't her husband's son. she said my father was a soldier. from the colonies. she said his name was George."
and there it is.
George doesn't know what to do. he wants to take him into his arms, wants to hold the pitifully trembling boy, wants to feel his hair and cup his cheeks and trace a finger down his nose and across his brow and look at him and try to make sense of everything, but he remains where he stands.
Alex's arms draw tighter around himself. his eyes glint wetly in the candlelight.
"she said she wrote to him. she said he would come for me. take care of me."
and George's whole heart falls out of his chest.
"there- there was no letter," he says at once, wracking his brain to be entirely sure of something he knows with such certainty, but- perhaps he had missed it, somehow? perhaps his wife had-? it must have gotten lost, there was no way he would have disregarded a letter from Rachel. "dear boy, there was nothing, I- oh, if I had known, Alex, you must believe me, if I had known-"
he breaks off. there are no words across the span of all human languages that could communicate the depth of his emotion. his regret.
his boy. Alex is his boy. has been all along.
Alex sobs bitterly, and he is across the space to fold his child into his arms in an instant. the boy struggles for half a second before he melts into him and just cries.
George joins him.
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icu-now · 1 year
hii!! i don’t mean to seem impatient but im really looking forward the dirty dancing au and im just wondering if you have any updates abt it?
hiiiiiii no ur not impatient at all it has been like 6 months 😭😭😭 its finally summer and i am pasting this without reading it for like three months. just to satiate you (and all tagged at the bottom lol).
and i owe it all to you - TEASER
It is the Monday after the fourth of July weekend, and the Mount Vernon Resort and Ski was bustling. It is the only Monday that ever bustles, with July Fourth weekenders leaving and summer residents moving in. Steve packed modestly. His single duffle serving him a good slouching companion the three-and-a-half-hour trip down to Mount Vernon. The Harringtons just pulled into loading zone of the resort, stretching and groaning from the drive.
Steve was helping the bell boy with his mother’s bags as a pudgy man approached his father’s Audi.
“Rich! It’s been a long off-season,” the men shake equally meaty hands and exchange pleasantries. Steve pulled down his ray bans to hide his eyeroll.
Mr. Thomas was the general manager of the resort, and his sticky fingers inspecting the appetizer table was more evident to Steve than it was three years ago. The older man’s belly hung over his belt, and his hair thinned considerably as well.
“We’ve got some craft tables most afternoons, music lessons, golf, dance lessons,” Mr. Thomas continued. “Even shuffleboard for those getting up there in age.” He friendly jabbed at Mr. Harrington, earning a guffaw from Mrs. Harrington.
“We’re here for the summer, Jimmy, I’m sure we’ll find something to do someplace,” Mr. Harrington said.
“Well, enjoy.” Mr. Thomas smiled and started toward Steve, clapping his shoulder. “You’ve been beefing up, boy? It’s been a while since you’ve last come down,”
Steve shrugged the man’s hand off his shoulder, his lips upticking in the slightest for courtesy's sake. “Yeah, been a few years, I guess.”
“Any plans for the future?”
God. It was the word Steve hated out of all the words in the dictionary. “Future.” He was glad he had his blacked-out sunglasses on, so Mr. Thomas would not see the absolute look of scorn Steve was shooting at him. He was also afraid his father might have heard, knowing that he would jump at the first opportunity to humiliate his son.
Steve pursed his lips in his smile, slamming the trunk shut as he piled the last of his parents’ luggage onto the golf cart. “Just figuring stuff out, you know.”
“Ah yes, adolescent indecision, I don’t miss it.” Mr. Thomas saw another family pulling into the drop off area, and he started his farewell to the Harringtons.
Steve felt a dark cloud forming above his head, and his head only, since his father pulled out of the driveway in Hawkins. Now at a mountain at the intersection of Indiana and Illinois, he could feel the downpour bringing a sore throat. (Not literally, but he might as well have the flu, based on how ill his body felt being there.)
Mr. Harrington deposited his keys to the valet, and pulled out a cigar as he mounted passenger seat of the golf cart. Of course, the Harringtons have their own cabin pushed closer to the edge of the resort. The bell boy peeled into the driving lane, and Mr. Harrington took a few puffs. Mrs. Harrington was in the back with Steve, commenting passively on the changes made to the resort since last year.
Mount Vernon Resort and Ski has been the Harringtons go to summer lodging destination since he was ten. A ridiculously overpriced membership and three hours across the state of Indiana later, granted Steve many summers of bottomless Coke slurpees. The resort lost much of its charm to Steve by the time he was thirteen, as the previous summer to London beat the sleepy resort by a longshot. Coke slurpees tasted like they were skimming on the syrup, and Steve could only make so many birdhouses in a summer.
By the time he was fifteen, he discovered the wonderful activity of babe watching by the pool, or lake, or golf course. (Or really, wherever there might be a babe.) That captured his attention and energy for that summer. But by the time he hit high school and social currency meant more to him than anything else, his trips to Mt. Vernon were limited to the odd Tuesday day trip when Tommy H. and Carol were busy. Steve has not been to the resort since the Starcourt fire of 1985. The event that properly traumatized him and brought him closer to the party and conversely, pushed him away from his parents even more. (It’s not like their relationship was any good to start with.)
Steve grew out of, or rather got sick of, all the uppity mandates that are brought with being in the upper class. He absolutely cannot take another fake smile flashed with pearly veneers and he hates that he knows the difference between the forks spread out at dinner. And the excess of everything. The mere fact that he is spending the entire summer with his parents at Mt. Vernon only after the Hawkins earthquake, says a lot about how he sees his future: his BMW crashed into a mountain, with his body laying limp. Dead obviously, and miserable every second until his death.
The Harrington cabin was located at the edge of the guest residences, surrounded by thick evergreens. Mr. Harrington has a golf cart to rent for the whole summer just so they can travel to the main hall.
Steve threw his duffel into his room, aiming for nowhere specific. As soon as it flopped to the foot of his bed post, he was calling out to his parents. “I’m going to explore a little, don’t wait up,”
His body was half way out the door, when his father stopped him from the kitchen. “Steve, before you go, I need to tell you something.”
Steve stopped in the doorway, but did not turn to look at his father,
“Son, this is a very important summer for the both of us. You’re now part of the business, and I’ve got a lot of friends vacationing here this summer, so I’d suggest you make some wise decisions.”
That was one of the biggest points to Steve: he was not yet technically part of his father’s company yet. Nor does he want to be.
In the summer of 1987, Richard Harrington gave his son a deal. An ultimatum, really. Join his business firm or get out of the house. (Or the enlist in the military, but it did not take Steve to rule that out.)  Steve became an expert in dodging his father during interrogations like this. For a week straight, the only words he said to his father was, “sorry, running late to work,” then a successful slip out the door. He could swear he said one thime as he was going into his bedroom.
“Yeah, dad, okay,” Steve whined. He needed to escape or else his fuse would explode.
“We just want the best for you son,”
Steve rolled his eyes, taking that as his cue to start walking. He heard his father grumble something before he shut the door, leaving Steve on the paved sidewalk connecting the cabins and amenities. Since his last visit, Mt Vernon has not changed much. The golf course was extended by four holes, and there are smaller cabins lining the opposite side of trees to where the member housing is. Everything is still too 50s, in Steve’s taste.
Steve walked the whole perimeter of the residence housing and started his way toward the main hall for lunch. He regretted taking the route he did, because it led him to the gazebo his father was smoking at the bottom of. He waved his son over, much to Steve’s attempts at avoiding his eyeline. 
“Son, this is Bradley, we usually conference together in Detroit,”
Steve politely smiled, lips tight. “Oh nice,”
“So your pops here is telling me that you’re looking forward to start up at the firm,”
Looking forward to was a gross stretch. “Mhm, the summer is still young though, so, heh, you never know,”
Mr. Harrington shot a pointed look to Steve, trying to maintain composure. “Steve, why don’t you go up there to and find your mother, they’re doing square dancing or whatever,”
Steve accepted the easy out when he could take it. He bids farewell to Bradley, climbing up the gazebo as A Kind of Magic by Queen (provides the bounce in the step of the guests.) He sticks to the railing as his eyes train on the woman dancing at the front, calling out steps as she ruffles her flouncy tulle dress. 
“There ya go, Mrs. Cooper, it's all in the hips!” she grinned.“...three, four, and step back– one!”  
Steve chuckled at her enthusiasm, puffing a laugh of amusement at the stumbling group. He finds his mother close to the front, dosey-doeing with a suited man with curly hair tied at the base of his skull. She trips over her kitten heels, but the man is already holding her, ready to catch her fall. Steve tried to hide his smirk from his mother’s stumble. 
“You know if you laugh without even trying, I would just call you a bully.” the girl bounces in her spot now in front of Steve, stepping with the beat of the changing song. 
Steve pulls his hands from his pocket. “I– She’s my mom, I think I have some right to poke fun.” 
“Still, it’s no fun if someone is laughing on the sidelines.” she points. “Alrighty y’all, everyone split up, we’re gonna do individual line dances!” she yells to the group, and the tulle of her dress brushes against Steve’s calves.
taglist: @claire0531 @gaysludge @hollandweather @stand-tall-pineapple @ssimplyobsessed
I cannot promise when it will be out but i have some time and.....
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mountphoenix-ads · 1 year
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Welcome to Mount Phoenix, the metropolis city of the Gods.
The city was created long ago for the children of the divine, who belong     neither in the worlds of man or god. A self-sustaining island off the coast of South Korea, near Incheon. The city offers education, employment, shelter and opportunity for demigods who may otherwise find integrating into society difficult for one reason or another. But when ancient gods and their children mix, some unique challenges are bound to pop up.
Tumblr | Closed | Literate | Themed AU | 18+
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firebarzzz · 1 month
DMX - Album: It's Dark And Hell Is Hot - (1998) - Def Jam - Hiphop - Ruff Ryders -
DMX - Album: It's Dark And Hell Is Hot - (1998) - Def Jam - Hiphop -
🎙️ARTIST: DMX💿ALBUM: It’s Dark And Hell Is Hot📆RELEASED: (1998) 📍La Note Firebarzzz 📍L’album “It’s Dark and Hell is Hot” de DMX est une pièce maîtresse du hip-hop qui a marqué les années 90. Sorti en 1998, il a propulsé DMX au sommet de l’industrie musicale et lui a valu une renommée mondiale. Né Earl Simmons le 18 décembre 1970 à Mount Vernon, dans l’État de New York, DMX a eu une jeunesse…
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buxberg · 2 months
Dans le premier épisode de la saison 9 de l'émission documentaire américaine sur la généalogie Who Do You Think You Are?
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Cox s'est avéré être un descendant des 18e et 19e générations de deux acteurs clés impliqués dans la déposition et l'assassinat présumé du roi Édouard II d'Angleterre en 1327, ainsi qu'un descendant de la 27e génération de Guillaume le Conquérant.  Cox pratique le karaté budokan.
Cox a fréquenté le Mountain Brook High School et après avoir obtenu son diplôme, elle est allée au Mount Vernon College à Washington, DC.  Cox n'a pas terminé son cours d'architecture et a plutôt poursuivi une carrière de mannequin et d'actrice.  Elle est également d'origine anglaise.
Cox est apparu dans le clip vidéo de 1984 de Dancing in the Dark de Bruce Springsteen en tant que jeune femme au St. Paul Civic Center pour danser avec Springsteen.
 Le travail télévisé comprend un rôle principal dans la série télévisée de courte durée Inappropriate Sciences en 1985, et plus tard un rôle récurrent en tant que Lauren Miller, la petite amie d'Alex P. Keaton, dans Family Ties de 1987 à 1989.  Parmi ses rôles au cinéma figurent "Masters of the Universe", 1987, "Cocoon: The Return", 1988 et "I'll be home for Christmas 1988".
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moocportedoree · 11 months
Lettre à Madeleine
Ma chère Madeleine, 
Quel dommage que tu aies ce vilain rhume qui t'empêche de m'accompagner à l'Exposition Coloniale... J'espère que tu auras une autre occasion d'y venir, peut-être avec André.
Ici, c'est fabuleux, fabuleux ! Je te fais grâce de l'esprit propagandiste du lieu, je me contente d'en prendre plein les yeux sans aucune autre pensée. L'affiche indiquait "Le tour du monde en un jour", c'est vraiment l'impression que j'en ai! Ici, le Maroc et ses bassins , là l'Indochine et... oui, tu lis bien, la reconstitutions de temples d'Angkor (c'est le clou de cette expo !!! beaucoup de monde s'y presse, impressionné), là c'est la mosquée de Djenné au Mali, et puis me voici devant un temple de Java; je suis tour à tour en Afrique, en Océanie, en Asie... et soudain devant la maison de George Washington au Mount Vernon ! Je côtoie les éléphants, les dromadaires, les hippopotames peints sur les fresques du Palais de la Porte Dorée, le tout dans une végétation luxuriante. 
Ah je suis fatiguée à force de marcher, je m'assois à l'ombre d'un palmier face à des bâtiments blancs (sans doute en béton armé, ce nouveau matériau) aux architectures ultramodernes, aux lignes épurées et je continue ma lettre. Je ne peux attendre mon retour à l'hôtel pour t'écrire, j'ai trop de choses à te raconter. Le Palais de la Porte Dorée est une merveille d'architecture de l'Art Déco ! Les plus grands noms du fleuron français y ont fait exploser leur art, qu'ils soient architectes, peintres, décorateurs : Laprade, Janniot, Ruhlmann, Sudes, Printz, Bouquet, Duclos de la Haille ; ils ont utilisé les bois les plus précieux  : palmier, ébène de macassar, bois de citronnier, bois de Patawa, sycomore, palissandre. Ce serait bien dommage qu'une si belle œuvre qui a pris cinq ans de travaux disparaisse une fois  l'exposition terminée, car c'est véritablement une œuvre d'art !
J'ai entendu dire que les surréalistes ont organisé une contre-exposition pour s'élever contre la colonisation. Je te l'ai dit, je ne m'intéresse pas à l'esprit propagandiste mais pour moi c'est une ouverture sur le monde qui est offerte à tous ceux qui ne peuvent voyager au-delà des frontières françaises. C'est une véritable leçon de géographie et si cette exposition n'éveille pas des vocations de colons, elle peut déclencher des vocations de géographes ! 
Voilà, ma chère Madeleine, mes impressions. Quel dommage que tu ne sois pas là !
Pour ta collection philatélique, je n'omets pas de t'envoyer le timbre qui est consacré à cette exposition.
Je t'embrasse.
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diazpoems · 3 years
besties im trying to find the non-super-angsty Samjosh fics I read like a year ago and I can't find them so im sitting here on the brink of crying what the fuck
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backtoplxto · 4 years
photos of how i imagined some of the settings to look in my fic:
dream’s house:
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white hall:
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jacepens · 3 years
Hey, how u doing? I wanted to ask for you for indications on washette fanfics, what are the best that you have
p.s. and yes, I do want to hear as well about yours in that list as well, 'cause they're gold
Hey! I'm doing alright:) Thanks for asking! What about you? (is this the correct tumblr to anon etiquette?)
Oh goodness this is such a loaded question because the answer is many. I hope you're alright with a big list sorted by category <3
Fluff! Fluff!!
The French Mistake
One of the first washette fics I read, so it holds a special place in my heart. A little silly, a little lams, ultimately very cute and good time.
Under the Arches of Moonlight and Sky
Just very good, cute, soft weary bed sharing. (this is only wholesome, I swear)
Let's Dance
Short, sweet fic with dance instructor George and our beloved two left feet Laf:)
I Like You Better in Real Life
Did someone say Influencer/Youtuber!Laf and President!George?? No??! Well start and read this fic. Seriously, it's a longer one, and just really damn cute. A bit of slow burn in terms of internalized homophobia (done in a good way) and trans Laf?? Yes. It's really so good.
The Prince
Ok, ok, it's one of mine. The one chapter is deceiving, it's decently long and featuring Prince!Laf and Royal Knight!George!:) Also magic!! angst, fluff, denial of feelings but then of course love confessions;) after angst though, don't worry haha.
Fathoms and Foundlings
Ooooohh boy. This. This one. Mermaid Laf and regular ol George! So so so well written, I mean, the feelings, the war, the weather, literally everything you can name, it's spectacular in this fic. Be warned, it is incomplete, but I remember when the latest chapter was released when I lost all hope (plus the author is still active) so I definitely don't count this one out of being updated!:) But, I'll be honest, I'm unsure about it being finished BUT I still think you should 1000% read this because you really will not find something like it anywhere else and it's just so cute!! Did I mention fucking amazing?
Whom can we trust now?
Platonic washette!! Really well written and just altogether really well put together!:) comfort after Arnold's betrayal! Seriously, I highly recommend this fic it's just so perfect of their relationship and cuuute.
The Particulars of Language
Oh goodness. Oooh goodness. This is so so cute. A nice little blend of angst and fluff and did I mention internalized homophobia? (In a good way, if that makes sense) Also so well-written by an incredible author, I just- language confusion. Need I say more??
Ok, ok, it's been too long since I read this one, so I will say, it is very tentatively going in this category. I just love soulmate au washette! Angst! Kidnapping? ...no final chapter. So I'm not sure, it could've been planned on ending very happy and fluffy! I do believe overall, this leans on the darker side, but I know I really love this one and they love each other. I want more washette soulmate aus.
Breaks your heart, puts it back together
what's my name, what's my station
Oh God oh fuck it's this one. (said with love). Brutal? Hot? Expanding my vocabulary?? An incredibly beautiful use of metaphors??? Actually feel like crying when I read it. Yeah. This is amazing.
May the Melody Disarm Us
Oh Godd oh Fuck it's this one. (maybe I should change this section's title) this one isn't even angsty per se, it's just like...brutally beautiful. They love each so much but oh my god. The metaphors, the way the author sets the scene and environment and everything! Ugh. So so good.
Let Down My Guard
Oh dear lord in heaven above preserve me. I'm gonna be dramatic but there are simply not enough words in the universe I have that can describe how I feel about this fic and how damn incredible it is!! And boy do I mean it when I say this one breaks your heart and puts it back together. I have seriously never sobbed over any piece of fiction like I did this. Just ahhhh. The feelings they develop for each other, the confusion of cultures, the secrets revealed?? I didn't even tell you Laf is a mermaid yet. Just- please. Please read this. It will rip your heart out, but it will put it back together. But really, this is just a fucking masterpiece and so so beautiful.
Porn With Plot
that dress you like
Very nicely done smut + feels! (Did I mention how nicely it's all done?) Oh! Did I mention genderqueer Laf? Yes.
Mon General / My Marquis
Ok the only reason this is going in this category is because I find the others up there more heart-breaky than this one. I love this one!! The historical details! Their loving relationship!! Very very good and lovely. With some angst of course.
The Mistranslation
Oh God oh Fuck it's this one. (I'll be saying that a lot). Would you like all these categories put into one beautiful fic?? Here it is, here. It's incredible. Please read it. It's free serotonin. (Did I mention incredibly written??)
The Things I Would Do to You
Ahhh ok. So. Super duper sweet, lots of angst sprinkled throughout but Laf's visit to Mount Vernon + feels + (smut). Need I say more??! Seriously, this is wonderful.
Not So Easy to be the Teacher's Pet
Oh. Oh god it's this one. So this is borderline Oof (Laf is 17) but if that does not bother you, then you are in for a treat!(??) Ok but really, lots of feels, denial of feelings, way-too-sweet-for-his-own-good Lafayette and poor confused George. Just fantastic.
Devil to Pay
Hoooo boy. If you like pirates or sea adventures, (hot pirate captains. I'm just gonna say it) then I'm literally begging you to read this. Kidnapped noble Laf?? Slowly falling for the pirate captain Washington?? Not to mention so many maritime details and wonderful emotions, beautifully crafted just. Spectacular. Please, read it if you haven't. Even if pirates don't appeal to you, they will after this fic.
A secret weapon
Ahhhh!!! Thiiiiiis. Is everything. Ok, yes, it includes more than washette, but I mean come on, it's (sexy) demons. It's desperate Washington trying to win a war and fight his gay feelings (guess which fight he wins?) But also, super well written and detailed and feels!! I adore this fic, and the whole series is a treat. Go read it. It's wonderful, you won't regret it.
Oof (not in a good way)
The Sweet Enjoyment of Partaking
If the not-so-sweet side intrigues you more, this is one of the few washette fics that I do love and is...not so nice. It's really good as a not nice piece! Pretty straightforward and fucked up. Ya (I) love to see it.
Oooohhhhhh. This is a fic I didn't read for a while just because I didn't know what it was but boy let me tell you, it is soo good. I'll say it's not as oof as the fic above, but oooh maaaannnnn. I don't know how to describe it just, don't expect sweet things, but if darker takes are your thing please go read this. You will not regret it. It's so damn good.
Day One Way, By Night Another
Ok ok here me out. This one might seem a bit random and it is. It's very short and for the longest time I didn't read it until I did and said ow because ow!!? I find this has the most impact going in unarmed so...watch out. (but like check it out. it's just so unique I really do love it)
Once More, With Feeling
Oh GOD. This one is quite brief and straightforward but if you are looking to rip your heart out with feels and angst then boy do I have the perfect fic for you. But seriously, it's so well-written and just expresses all the feelings so so perfectly. But at what cost? (Pls read it)
A Beautiful Tragedy
Hello darkness my old friend. Ok but seriously, this fic still remains so impactful in my own mind just as the writer. It's not a happy ending, but I try to leave you with hope. Pretty music that I highly recommend listening to, I don't know. I think it's really good, I don't say that often about my own stuff soo if you're ok with heavy amounts of angst and pretty aesthetics then check this ok!:) (but guard your heart, sorry not sorry<3)
Porn Without Plot
Betrayals and Allies
So, admittedly, this one very tentatively goes into this category because I find compared to the others, this one has less feels and less focus on it, but don't get me wrong this is very emotional!! It displays their relationship and love so cutely (and smutily..? new word) and as extra bonus it fills in the gaps of the deleted scene from Turn. You know the one;) It's very good!!
Cold Nights
Look at me adding another of my own. This is super duper short, but I kinda like how the emotions turned out. I think this was the beginning of my first dive into my current style of writing so that's cool I guess? But yeah no, it's porn without plot lol.
What Good is Honor When You're Starving?
Oh dear, another of mine in this category. I barely put this here, but the main focus is on the smut, but there are many many feels aplenty. Oh wait, did I mention vampire Laf? George definitely not falling in love... but really, I like how this one turned out!:) Good sexy vampire times (with feelings)
Ah wow! You stuck with me! Thank you! I...tried to keep it brief. This is not an exhaustive list by any means btw, there were a few (many) I decided to cut because I wanted this list to be all encompassing of many authors, styles, etc.
But anon, thank you for the ask and giving me the chance to rant about my favorite fics! My apologies on taking so long to finish, I hope you can understand my life has been a little hectic, but I always try to make time for washette;)
Thank you!!<3
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straysinfiltrator · 3 years
My Fics
The Dragon Prince
Constellations [~4k words, Aaravos/Viren, explicit, impact play, D/s undertones, please read the tags] Three hundred years was a long time to go without being touched.
The Witcher 2 & 3
Correspondence [~9k words, explicit, Geralt/Avallac'h, enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort] Inspired by Gwynbleidd an Crevan's wonderful art. Geralt was going to kill the snake-tongued Aen Elle bastard.
Pleasure Vine [~9.5k words, explicit, Iorveth/Vernon Roche, consent issues, kink with plot and feelings] “You always give such flowery speeches when you’re nervous, Iorveth.”
Chained [~3.8k words, explicit, Iorveth/Vernon Roche, captivity, consent issues, some negotiation, hopeful ending] “Come to slake your thirst, dh’oine?” “No,” Roche said, knowing Iorveth would recognize his voice. “I’ve come to flog you.”
The Werewolf You Feed [~6k words, briefly explicit, Geralt/OC, angst, comfort food] "Ahh hrrr… You are…cruel…" the werewolf said plaintively, which was pretty rich coming from a scoundrel who had once raided villages and murdered innocents for a living. "I have…nothing…can offer nothing… I can only beg…"
A Rivian Affair [~12k words, explicit, Gascon/Meve, spying mission, first time] Inspired by this incredibly hot NSFW art by Ástor Alexander.“Meve,” he said in a rush. “Don’t kill me.”
A Matter of the Heart [~12k words, explicit, Meve/Reynard, rivalry, angst, romance] “Everything concerns me when it comes to Her Majesty! Don’t play with me, Gascon, or else—”
A Hard Bargain [~3.6k words, explicit, Reynard/Gascon/Meve, playful power games] “Do it.” Her voice rang out, as commanding as always, and she made a go ahead gesture in Gascon’s direction.
The Cave-In [~1.2k words, rated T, Meve/Reynard, pining, love, kissing] “It could be worse,” Meve whispered, her body pressed tightly against Reynard’s in the pitch-black darkness.
Banished [~6k words, explicit, Gascon/Reynard, post-Red Lobidnen, almost hate-sex, but they work things out eventually] Gascon shrank back when he saw him, a hand on his knife and daggers in his eyes, clutching a flatbread to his chest as if he thought Reynard would jump him and steal it. Reynard glared back, a hand on his sword, hatred and hunger like hot coals in his gut.
Glimpse [~500 words, Meve/Reynard, dom Meve, light D/s but soft] His hands twitch at his sides like he wants t’touch her, but he doesn’t. A Private History [~1k words, OT3, TB fix-it ending that's mostly canon consistent] The heavy gates of Lyria Castle opened to deafening trumpet calls. Gascon rode in first, his mounted retinue and carriages following with great fanfare.
A Perfect Trap [~3k words, some fun, some angst; Gascon & Strays backstory] “Aye, a pretty lass that one. Pretty and strong, and a mind in ‘er head like Mahakam steel.” He turned his gaze on Gascon. “Think she don’t notice, when a man looks at ‘er like you just did? Think she don’t know what it means?”
A Dangerous Road [~4k words, Gascon-Reynard conflict, some blood/violence] “You’re in no position to bargain!” “On the contrary. I’m a dead man, so I’ve very little to lose.”
The Captive Brigand [~5k words, same universe AU, violence, angst, hurt/comfort] “Now, if you will permit, I shall update you on the progress of the interrogation of the leader of the Strays of Spalla…”
The Trial [~4k words, Gascon backstory, angst, younger Meve & Reynard] “Find the boy. Make sure he joins his family in their final resting place.”
Duke of Dogs [~2.8k words, Halloween fic, Gascon backstory, horror, corpses, eat the rich] He had heard tales of Queen Meve’s armor, but it was something else to see it before him. His quick impression was that every part of her was covered in gold and jewels.
Recipe for Love [~4k words, Eyck backstory, Meve/Reynard, fluff] “No no, Reynard,” Gascon pressed on, “‘tis most important that we hear all the particulars. We’ve had nothing for entertainment since gods know when. Cover your ears if you’re too proper for it, but I for one would like to be enlightened.”
The Rescue [~25k words, chaptered fic in progress, Reynard & Gascon, conflict, politics] “You don’t mind, do you?” she asked him as she watched the door close. “Serving as Gascon’s general.” “Of course not, Your Majesty,” Reynard said automatically, not allowing himself to think on it.
C.S. Friedman Coldfire Trilogy
Full Circle [~33k words, complete, Andrys/Gerald, Damien/Gerald, noncon, captivity] He was impossibly attractive in general. One could not be faulted for noticing it. His body had retained the grace of a predator even now that he was no longer the Hunter; and his eyes, when focused on his enemy, took on the glint and sharpness of a sword’s blade.
And on his knees like this, he was almost completely irresistible.
Winter Solstice [~1.2k words, Almea/Gerald, bittersweet] “I know how our story goes, Almea. And it is not a happy one.”
The Storm Within [in progress, fix-it for Sisa's story] Someone else had come up: the priest, Sisa realized, recognizing him even in the dark by his bulk and by the way he moved, all strength and purpose. He was shedding his clothes, speaking inaudible commands to the men around. The Hunter put an arm on his shoulder, and he shoved it away, yelling “Don’t you dare Work me.”
Blake's 7
Left Unsaid [Avon/Servalan, AU for Sand, not explicit] She was afraid of him, though she put on a halfway good show of staying cool and unconcerned. He liked to think she wouldn’t have been afraid of Tarrant in the same way. He enjoyed that thought, too, and the fear that was just for him. It was, in a perfectly perverse way, almost intimate.
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 4 years
Kitten Ears - Part 12
Jihoon x Cat Hybrid Female!Reader
Word Count: 5823
Contents: hybrid au, reader in heat, lingerie, marking and bruising, dom svt, bondage, use of toys, edging, begging and dirty talk, slight breast play, over stimulation, fingering, rough unprotected sex
Tag List: @skjdln, @funinfundamental, @kwanismsworld, @taikalinna, @svt-mangos, @strawberry-artini, @lovesickmark, @cliffordmonarchy, @skylions-den, @karenbcy, @jisooderulo, @sleepy-star-boy, @brokenheartloving, @sno-leopards, @livorna, @jaehyunluvcult, @chanivity, @seonghlory, @jqehyu, @kwanseo, @vernon-van-chwe, @lets-get-1t, @tearsofsyrup, @daydreamsfor, @exuwu, @jookyunhoevercoupshoe, @dumbasswoozi, @seventeeneration, @yumikitty74
Of everyone in your family, you knew Jihoon the least. You were nearing the end of four months so it wasn’t as if you didn’t know him at all, you had spent some time with him. But most of the time you were awkward, and Jihoon was shy. You had managed to get close to Wonwoo through cuddling and reading with him, but Jihoon always seemed more awkward with you.
You knew he cared. He checked up on you. He often noticed when you weren’t feeling very well or needed to be somewhere quiet, though he was awkward about approaching you and more often than not sent Joshua or Seungcheol to help you because he didn’t feel as if he knew how. There were only a few quiet moments so far that you had spent with him. At first you thought he was a little cold but was always nice to you and he helped you to bed when you fell asleep on the couch. He even let you sleep on his shoulder when you were watching movies, even though he was flustered afterwards.
Even so, he was the last person you thought you would ask for help during your heat. He was included and he had offered along with everyone else to help you but you thought it might end up being far too awkward for you both. You were both too shy and easily flustered so you figured he’d be happy if you didn’t bother him to help you get off.
But at the moment, that thought was nowhere to be found.
You could tell he was angry. Jihoon never came home early when they were all at rehearsal. But you heard the front door slam about three hours too early, and you knew that was his scent so he must have been home. You moved very quietly through the living room and peeked around the corner as he kicked his shoes off angrily. He grumbled to himself as he tore his jacket off, throwing it to the ground before stalking to his room, fuming. 
Your eyes followed him down the hallway, a predicament forming. You knew he was upset, he probably wanted to be alone right now. But all you could think about was his scent, they must have been practicing because he was still sweaty and that was just working you up even more. An idea started to form as you sniffed after him. If he was sad he may not be in the mood, but if he was frustrated? Well then you both needed release.
You rushed to your bedroom, rooting through your things. The black collar Jihoon had gifted you was easy enough to find, you couldn’t help but keep all of your collars in a special place. Figuring out what else to wear was more difficult. You searched through your closet, looking at dresses and cute skirts and some of your favourite things that were a little more comfortable, but nothing was standing out to you. Now that thoughts of Jihoon were spinning around in your mind you were getting worked up very fast and really, this should help both of you out, right?
You glanced towards you dresser and paused. There were a few pieces of lingerie that you had let Jeonghan buy you. You wore the regular bras and panties more often but there were one or two things that were much more sexy. At the time you brought them home you thought about trying them on but whenever you looked at them you got far too flustered. 
But, that seemed like a good way to get Jihoon’s attention. Jeonghan had insisted that it was okay to dress nice for yourself. And that it was nice to have a few nicer things in case you ever wanted them. Now you couldn’t help but wonder if this is what he was thinking of. You were slow as you pulled open the drawer and searched to the bottom, pulling out the nicest set you had. Everything else, no matter how nice or fancy it seemed, was still a bra and panties that you could wear on any normal day. But the black baby doll with white lace details and ribbons, that one you had never tried on.
You were a little shaky as you put it on before looking yourself over in the mirror. The black certainly matched the collar and you smoothed the sheer fabric a little anxiously. You weren’t sure if he would like this but you wanted him more and more every minute and if he said yes?
The thought was too tempting. You were far too curious not to try. And as you slipped out of your room, moving quietly and quickly through the nearly empty house, you thought this might be your boldest moment. Over the last few weeks your heat had melted away much of your apprehension, in its place a strong need for release. You wondered if you would still be so bold when your heat was over. You kind of liked this side of yourself, so much more confident, so much more seductive and enticing. You had to wonder if any of them saw you that way before your heat or if something had changed. You knew they couldn’t smell things the way you could, they couldn’t pick up on someone else’s arousal so quickly. So maybe you really were sexy.
It made you feel just a little bit powerful. You thought about how quickly Jun had gotten turned on, and Mingyu. As you crept towards Jihoon’s door you thought about how flustered Seungkwan and Seungcheol had been. You had some sort of affect on them. They had all helped you aside from Jihoon at this point. And it was nicer to think that they were affected by you than that you were merely throwing yourself at them.
You didn’t want to think about that.
You took a deep breath before knocking at Jihoon’s door. You heard him groan from the other side before padding across the floor. Anxiety bubbled up inside of you as you wondered whether you should have been more subtle. Maybe he would just slam the door in your face. But he could always say no if he really wasn’t in the mood. That would leave you craving him all day though so you hoped that didn’t happen.
Jihoon swung the door open, a look of surprise coming over his face and your cheeks started to burn, your tail flicking nervously as you worried in the moment that this was too much. But his expression changed just as quickly, his gaze darkened as he quickly backed you against the wall of the hallway. A whine escaped your lips as the scent of arousal started to waft off of him. He rested a hand on either side of your head, his lips curling unto a smirk.
“This is a nice surprise, pet,” he murmured. “I take it you want a hand?”
“Or something else,” your voice was more of a squeak then you meant it to be, the words slipping out quickly before you could think them over too much. Either way they seemed to have the intended effect.
“When did you get so bold?”
“I-I-” your confidence was starting to waver under his intense gaze, though your mind was clouding further with lust and his every word was sending shivers down your spine. “Y-You seemed so frustrated, I-I thought we could- could…”
Your words died on your tongue as Jihoon leaned in, capturing you in a searing kiss. He let one hand slip down to your hip and pulled you closer roughly. You moaned out quietly and he took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, his tongue slipping past your lips and exploring your mouth. You let him press his body into yours, his thigh pressing between your legs and his grip on your hip tight. You let out a whine as his fingers pressed down on the tender bruises Mingyu had left on your hips, but at present the slight pain was only adding to your mounting pleasure.
Jihoon rolled his hips into yours and you gripped his shoulders tightly, wanting him even closer as his kisses made your head spin. You breathed in his scent as he broke away from your lips, moving to kiss at your neck. You let your head fall against the wall as he sucked a hickie into the side of your neck before trailing his lips up to your ear.
“I think helping each other out is a wonderful idea,” he murmured, his hand slipping up under the sheer fabric of the baby doll and along your hot skin. “You know, I remember hearing that you have a few toys in your room.”
More heat rushed to your cheeks. Joshua must have told him what he bought you. You had yet to really use any of them. One was a small bullet virbator that was easy enough to figure out and it was cute but the larger wand and vibrating dildo intimidated you a little too much. You had considered using them here or there and the fact that you kept them charged as a testament to the fact that you wanted to. But between being too nervous early on, and too frustrated to experiment now when there were thirteen people who could help you out. You hadn’t tried them yet.
“I-I do, I haven’t really used them,” your voice was smaller than you expected it to be. Jihoon pressed an open mouthed kiss to your neck that left you whining as he disappeared back into his room. You stayed leaning against the wall, your head spinning and feeling far more turned on than before. Your gaze followed his form as he came back into the hallway, a handful of ties clenched in his hand. Curiosity bubbled up inside of you as he took ahold of your wrist and pulled you towards your room.
Your tail flicked with nervous excitement as he pulled you into the room, closing the door behind you before pushing you back onto the bed. Jihoon was quick to throw the ties onto the bed next to you before climbing on top of you. He pressed you down into the mattress as he kissed you hungrily. His hands found yours and he moved your arms above your head and held your wrists in his hand. His lips kissed you roughly as he thigh pressed between your legs again.
The way his lips moved on yours and the way his arousal was steadily building had you grinding into his thigh and whining, heat pooling in the pit of your stomach. He swallowed each one with his kisses, his fingers tight around your wrists and his other hand travelling up your side. You pressed into his touch, eager for more and he chuckled.
“You’re so eager, pet,” he murmured. “And you look so pretty, just for me.”
You bit your lip, feeling the heat rush to your cheeks again at the intensity of his gaze. Any words you would have said never made it off your tongue, turning into an impatient whimper as you took in his darkened gaze and kiss swollen lips.
“You’ve already got some pretty marks on you,” his fingers trailed along the edge of the collar, past the mirard of hickies on your skin. His voice was low as he spoke. “But you’re wearing my collar, you dressed up for me. Don’t you think I ought to leave a few marks of my own, pet?”
“Please,” you breathed quietly, getting desperate for more of his touch.
Jihoon pressed his lips to your neck, just under the collar, and started to trail them lower. You whined and pressed up against his lips as he sucked harshly on a spot along your collarbone. His hand held your wrists as you pulled at them, wanting to touch him. Small pants and whines fell from your lips and your tail flicked against the bed as he sucked hickies from your collarbone down along the edge of your lingerie. You squirmed under him, desperate for him to give you more, desperate for him to touch you more.
“Jihoon,” you whined.
He grinned, pressing a kiss to one of your breasts before looking up at you. “And here I thought you wanted to make me feel better.”
“I-I do, b-but…” you trailed off, again feeling flustered under his gaze. Jihoon leaned up and gave you kiss which you returned greedily.
“I suppose I really should play with you properly, pet,” he murmured against your lips and you whimpered in response. Jihoon’s free hand trailed and grabbed a tie and he grinned at the curiosity and desperation in your eyes as you awaited his next step. He brought the tie to your wrists, wrapping the smooth fabric around them gently.
Your eyes widened a bit and you felt a little silly that you hadn’t realized that was what the ties were for. The idea made you just a little nervous but also incredibly turned on. You caught your bottom lip between your teeth as Jihoon finished securing your wrists and met your gaze.
“You’ll be a good girl for me, won’t you?” he asked.
You nodded your head quickly and he gave you another quick kiss before moving down. You started to pant as he kissed down your body, settling himself between your legs. He trailed his lips along your thighs and you gasped each time he sucked harshly. More and more purple bruises blossomed along your inner thighs and closer to your core until you were whining and pressing your hips towards him as he lips gave you attention everywhere but where you needed.
You heard Jihoon chuckle. He brought his lips along the edge of your panties for a moment before leaving a few open mouthed kisses over your clothed core. A gasp escaped your lips as you bucked up against him, only for him to pull away from you with a smirk. You threw Jihoon a desperate look, panting slightly and wanting nothing more than for him to touch you properly.
“Where are those toys of yours, pet?” he asked, the slight breathiness to his voice giving away as much as his scent did about how turned on he was getting.
“The closet,” your voice came out quietly, more like a mumble than you meant it to. Jihoon gave you a smirk before climbing off the bed. Your gaze followed his form as he opened the closet, searching the floor before finding the bag of toys stuffed into the corner. You bit down on your lip as he came back to the bed, climbing between your legs and laying out the toys next to the unused ties. He trailed his fingers over them before taking the small bullet vibrator in his hand. You squirmed, pulling at the ties as he turned on the vibrator and ran through the settings before choosing one.
You let out a gasp as he dragged the small vibrator over your inner thigh. Each time he passed the toy over one of the sensitive marks he had left it sent a shock of pleasure and pain coursing through your body. He let the toy drag up your thighs, enjoying the way you gasped and spasmed as it passed over every sensitive mark. But each time he stopped just before reaching your core, dragging the toy in a different direction.
Whines started to fall from your lips as you pressed your hips towards the toy, only for him to pull it away again and again.
“You have to hold still if you want a treat, pet,” he hummed. “But you’re getting pretty needy, aren’t you?”
You nodded quickly, whimpering and trying to hold your hips still. Jihoon brought his lips to an unmarked spot on your inner thigh and sucked harshly as he trailed the toy along the edge of your panties. Small pants were mixing in with your whimpers and whines anytime you thought you might get the toy just where you wanted, your ears and tails flicking quickly.
“I wonder how much teasing you can take, pet,” he mused. “You’re already soaked through your panties.”
You pressed your face into the pillow as your cheeks burned. His teasing was only turning you on more and your desperation was growing, though his words made you feel a little flustered. Your thighs were starting to tremble as you tried to stay still for him, but you knew you needed something more.
“Jihoon, please,” you whimpered.
“What do you want, pet?” he teased.
“Please,  I need more.”
Jihoon pressed a kiss to your thigh. “You sound so pretty when you beg, pet.”
A gasp fell from your lips and your hips bucked up as he pressed the toy to your clothed clit. You started to roll your hips, desperate for more, only for him to pull the toy away.
“Nooo,” you whined, quick pants falling from your lips. “Please, please.”
Jihoon held your gaze, smirking as the brought the toy back to your clit. Again, he only held it there for a few moments before pulling it away again. Your toes curled and you couldn’t hold your hips still as you chased the toy, Jihoon holding it just out of reach. Your hands balled into fists as he continued to tease you like that. Each time he moved the toy away you followed it with your hips. Very soon you were panting quickly and whining loudly every time he pulled away. You were so close to your release and each time he brought you a little closer to your edge before pulling away. You were growing beyond frustrated, needing to cum badly.
“Jihoon, please,” you panted. “Please I need m-more.”
A smirk curled his lips. “You’re sure that’s what you want, pet?”
You nodded quickly, absolutely desperate to cum. Jihoon turned off the toy but you didn’t even have the time to pout or whine before he was pulling off your panties. For a few moments, your curiosity grasped you and stopped whining and squirming as Jihoon secured a tie around each of your thighs, just above the knees. He pulled your leg back, securing more ties together before tying your legs back to the headboard. Heat rose in your cheeks as Jihoon’s gaze trailed over your body, your legs held open for him. Your tail swayed and flicked out against the bed. You squirmed a little, the ties holding fast as he let his hands trail up to your chest, pushing down the cups on the babydoll.
A moan tumbled from your lips and you pressed up as Jihoon kneaded your breasts roughly. You needed more and you were relishing any moment of contact he gave you. All of his teasing had you needy beyond belief and you knew your orgasm was going to wrack through your body when it finally hit.
Jihoon let one hand trail away from your body. Your gaze followed his hand as he grabbed the wand, turning it over in his hand before meeting your gaze. The intensity and darkness in his eyes sent another shiver of arousal through your body and you whined as you tried to move your hips. The scent of his arousal had gotten stronger seeing you in this new position and it was doing you no favours.
He ran through the settings on the wand before settling on one of the lower ones. A whine fell from your lips as he dragged the toy along your inner thighs. You tried desperately to move your hips in a way that would give you the sensation you so desperately needed. Jihoon let the toy trail over the skin of your stomach before pressing it gently to your chest.
You gasped at the intensity of the vibration against one of your nipples. Your hands balled into fists and you heard your bed creak just a bit as you tugged at the restraints. A shiver ran through you as Jihoon pulled the toy away, only to bring it back for another few seconds. Your toes curled as frustrated mewls and whines fell from your lips. You wanted to cum so badly and the fact that Jihoon had you completely at his mercy only had you more and more aroused by the minute.
“Jihoon, Ji-” A cry left your lips on the heels of your pleading as Jihoon finally pressed the toy to your clit. Your hips bucked with what little movement they could.Your thighs started to tremble as he moved the toy in slow circles over your clit. Your toes curled and your thighs started to pull together as you felt the tightening in the pit of your stomach, so incredibly close to release.
Jihoon pulled the toy away with a smirk.
“No, no, no,” you whined. “Jihoon, please, please I need to cum,” you gasped again as the pressed the toy between your legs again, only for a moment before pulling it away.
Jihoon held your gaze with an immense amount of smugness. “Tell me how badly you want it, pet.”
Any sense of embarrassment or shyness had gone out the window. Your only thought now was on how badly you wanted to cum. “I need to cum s-so badly. Jihoon, p-please, please let me cum I-I’m so c-close.”
The fingers of Jihoon’s free hand trailed over the tender hickies on your thighs as he touched the toy to your clit over and over as you begged for him. Your whines were accentuated by gasps and moans each time he pressed the toy between your legs. Your hips tried to buck and your back arched as much as it could as he kept you right at the edge without letting you over just yet.
“P-Please, j-just a little more, I-I’m, ah, I’m almost there. Please I n-need it so badly,” you managed to gaze at him, trying to muster up a sweet expression. “I-I’ll be s-so good for you. I-I’ll be a good girl just, please, please let me cum.”
Jihoon turned up the toy just a little before pressing it to your clit and holding it there. Your body started to shake and your head fell back as you cried out at the shocks of pleasure as you finally released. Your orgasm crashed over you as your nails dug into your palms and you tried in vain to pull your legs together. The ties held you in place as you struggled to roll you hips against the toy as you worked through your orgasm.
You started to pant as you came down from your high, the sensitivity setting in. Jihoon turned up the toy and you whimpered, trying to shift your hips away. Your head was still spinning from your orgasm and you were trying to decide if it was too much. The feeling was so strong and yet you were so desperate for more as you mewed quietly.
“Are you sensitive, pet?” Jihoon asked sweetly.
You nodded, shifting your hips again as a moan tumbled from your lips.
His fingers trailed up your inner thigh. “You’re still burning up,” he hummed. When you opened your eyes he was watching you, some of his previous smugness replaced with fondness. “Can you handle a few more?”
You whined but found yourself nodding. The thought of more orgasms like that was working you up again. You couldn’t deny that it felt incredible and the last few days you got worked up so easily, this might give you a little more relief.
“Good girl,” he cooed sweetly. You let out a sigh as he pulled the toy away, properly catching your breath as he brought his other hand between your legs. He let two fingers tease your entrance before pushing them in slowly.
Another whimper fell from your lips as Jihoon moved his fingers, slowly stretching you open. He increased his movements little by little, curling his fingers deliciously as you arched your back and gasped when he hit just the right spot. You felt yourself clenching around his fingers and he groaned, the scent of his arousal growing stronger. His movements got just a bit rougher as he passed over your sweet spot with each thrust.
You let wanton moans pass your lips as you tried to move your hips in time with his fingers. They moved faster steadily, only slowing and pausing for him the push in a third. With each thrust of his fingers pleasure coursed through your body. Your felt your thighs starting to tremble again as he curled them in just the right spot, picking up speed. Moans started to fall from your lips amid pants as your started to clench more and more around his fingers as your orgasm approached you quickly.
A frustrated whine emitted from your throat, verging on a hiss, as Jihoon suddenly pulled his fingers away.
“S-So close,” you whined. “Please, I-” you gasped at the sudden feeling of the dildo teasing your entrance.
“There’s one more toy, pet,” Jihoon murmured, though his voice was lower, a little rougher. He changed his angle so his face was close to yours and smelling his scent now so close, it was dizzying. He was maintaining so much composure for being so turned on and that was only making him hotter.
He nipped at your neck, making your gasp as he pushed just the tip of the toy into you. “And I haven’t even had the chance to fuck you yet.”
Whether the thrill of pleasure that ran through your was from Jihoon’s words or the way he pushed the toy into you as he spoke you didn’t know. A moan of his name fell from your lips as he began to thrust the toy. The movements were much quicker and more rough than they were with his fingers and it had your body shaking.
You were nowhere near ready as he pressed the button on the end of the toy and it buzzed to life inside of you. The vibrations sent tendrils of pleasure shooting up your spine and you threw your head back, your eyes sliding shut as you took in the way each thrust sent another wave of pleasure over you. He experimented with the angle until he was hitting your sweet spot head on. Your nails dug into your palms again and your voice climbed higher than you thought it could go as you whined and moaned, ears pinned flat to your head and tail flicking wildly.
You felt the cool head of the wand pressed against your sensitive clit before Jihoon turned it on. The added vibrations mixed with the quick, rough thrusts of the toy had your body shaking as you gasped, the bed creaking as you pulled against the restraints. Your eyes still shut you could smell Jihoon’s strong scent as he pressed the toy against your clit far harder than he had before, the sensation nearly overwhelming you.
You cried out as the coil inside of you released again. Your hips bucked as much as the restraints would allow and you tried to grind against the toys as pleasure crashed over your body and stars burst behind your eyes. Your thighs tried to squeeze together in vain, his ties much stronger than your now tired body.
Your moans died to whimpers as he kept the toys moving in you and on you just a little longer, watching the way you squirmed and tried to pull your hips away. It was so much more sensitive than you ever remembered it being and the wand on your clit was starting to hurt as he held it there. Still, you could feel the slight build starting up again as he thrust the toy into you much slower for a few moments more.
A gentle sigh left your lips when he finally pulled the toys away from you turning them off. His hands trailed up your thighs, dragging his nails along the skin roughly until he reached the ties. You panted tiredly as he undid each leg, letting them fall to the bed before he undid your wrists. As you finally pulled them free he gazed down at you, something calculating behind the heat and intensity. He leaned in for a kiss and the hunger of it drew a mewl from your throat. Even in your tired state you kissed him back eagerly, finally wrapping your arms around him. He pressed a little closer to you and you could feel his cock, hard under his sweatpants. You pulled him closer and tried to urge him to press against you more with your legs, a little too tired to hook them around his back.
Jihoon pulled back so his lips were brushing yours. “You’re still so eager, pet.” His words were verging on a growl now, their earlier smoothness nowhere to be found. “You still want me to fuck you properly, don’t you?”
“Please,” you whimpered against his lips.
You felt him smirk. “Then get on your hands and knees, pet.”
Jihoon climbed off of you, striping off his clothes. You struggled up onto your hands and knees. Your body was shaking and you weren’t sure how well you would hold yourself up but you were still so desperate. Jihoon’s scent was quickly working you up again as you felt his hands smooth over your ass. A gasp fell from your lips as he gripped your ass harshly. He pressed his hips forward, sliding his cock through your folds and you pushed back against him with a whine. You heard him curse under his breath. As he aligned himself with your entrance you thanked the universe that he was as impatient as you were, that you wouldn’t have to wait.
You gasped as he pushed into, a groan falling from his lips. Your legs trembled as you stretched around his cock. Your head dropped forward as you struggled to stay up on your hands, a high pitched whine falling from your lips as he bottomed out. You felt Jihoon slip two fingers between your neck and the collar before he tugged back roughly.
You gasped as he caught you, his arm wrapping around your waist as your back fell against his chest. Jihoon rolled his hips into you and a loud moan came from your lips as your eyes slid shut.
“I’m much bigger than your toys, aren’t I pet?” he growled.
You nodded and gasped as he rolled his hips again. “S-So much bigger.”
“Do you want more, pet?”
“Please,” you breathed, whining as he hand trailed up and started to knead your breast roughly as his other hand held your hip tightly. 
“Then tell me what you, pet. And tell me how badly you want it.” He gave you a sharp thrust that made you cry out before going back to rolling his hips slowly.
“Jihoon, don’t make me wait, please,” you moaned, the only thought in your mind to have him finally fuck you properly. “J-Just like this. Take me just like this, please. I need it hard. I n-need it fast. D-Didn’t I dress pretty j-just for you? I-I’ve been s-such a good girl for you, please I need you to f-fuck me so bad.”
Jihoon let you fall forward and you managed to catch yourself on your hands as he gripped your hips harshly and started to fuck into you roughly.
“Fuck pet, for such a pretty kitten, you have such a dirty mouth,” he growled, his hips snapping into you quickly.
You cried out, wanton moans and gasps falling from your lips. Each thrust sent a shock of pleasure rushing through your body. The coil in the pit of your stomach is tightening again. You gripped the sheets below you tightly, nails ripping fabric, your head falling forward as your arms trembled. Jihoon’s fingers pressed into the bruises from Mingyu’s grip. The pain mixed with the pleasure coursing through you.
Babbles of Jihoon’s name mixed with the moans tumbling from your lips. He pulled you back onto his cock roughly with every thrust.
“You feel so fucking good, pet,” he growled. “Fuck, you take my cock so well.” His voice was growing breathy as his hips met yours, as rough and fast as he could. You felt yourself clenching around him at the way his voice came out, rough and low and just a bit breathy. The coil was tight in your core as your voice climbed higher and higher. You felt one of Jihoon’s hands leave your hip and slip around between your legs. His fingers found your clit and he rubbed it roughly.
You screamed out as the coil released again and your strongest orgasm yet crashed over you. Your body shook violently and your arms gave out, your body crashing to the bed as the pleasure coursed through you and stars burst behind your eyes again.
Jihoon’s hips snapped into yours roughly, a growl ripping from his throat at the way you clenched around him. You started to whimper, your body tired and over sensitive as he chased his high. His fingers dug into your hips even more harshly as he gave a few more hard thrusts before his hips stilled and he moaned lowly, releasing into you deeply.
You whined as he held up your hips, catching his breath. After so much roughness the careful way he pulled out of you and gentleness with which he let you down onto the bed could have made you giggle if you weren’t so exhausted.
Jihoon was panting slightly as he gently cleaned you up before pulling your shaking body against him, albeit a little awkwardly. You snuggled against him as best you could, holding onto him weakly as you took shaky breaths.
“Are you okay?” he asked quietly, concern laced in his tone.
“Mhm,” you hummed, nodding slightly. “I needed that.”
He relaxed a little. “I did too, though, I never expected you so be so forward, or to beg so well.”
You felt heat rise in your cheeks as you hide your face in his chest with  nervous giggle. “I never would have suspected you to be so dominant.”
“Yeah,” he breathed. “I guess I needed to let a lot out.”
You peeked up at him, feeling far more shy as you came down, settling after your last high. “Did you let it all out?”
He gave a small, almost shy smile. “Yeah I did, thank you.” He hesitated for a moment, as if he needed to build up the nerve, before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You let out a sleepy giggle as you nuzzled your head back under his chin, purring. “I’m glad.” Your eyes fluttered closed as you yawned. “Can we nap, now?”
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caffeinetheory · 4 years
Timinette school au? (And congrats on 200!)
This probably isn’t what you had in mind and kinda goes off in an off direction and might be a little fast but I hope you like it :>
Moving to Gotham had been a little of a culture shock, but not an unwelcome one. Finally out of Paris and the toxic environment it was Mari was 16 going on 17 and double Majoring in both business and fashion. It would be a lot of work but it kept her mind of the life she had left behind.
Marinette Prince was now a full time student and Guardian in training, though she left the box with the Amazons. Diana was basically her big sister while the woman herself viewed her as a daughter. Long gone was the shy girl who listened to misguided words and always looked like a child in pinks and pigtails, in her stead now stood the confident and selfasured young adult with an undercut and a more varied color palette in her closet.
Being able to start class and not be worried about being tripped was a god send she didn’t could be her norm again. While she won’t admit it when a lanky boy no older than her collapsed into the seat next to her in the lecture hall for her business class there was a small yelp. The snoring though put her at ease though did make her worry for his health.
It took 2 weeks before she learned his name, how they had become deskmate she didn’t know but he somehow always sat next to her, always without fail. To be fair it wasn’t even him who told her, what she presumed was his older brother, Tod was his name? Came in to drop off a rather large thermos of coffee based off the smell. “Come on Timmy you can’t keep texting me to bring you ‘the nectar of the gods’” the guy with a white streak in his hair had said from what she caught. Tim, who would have guessed.
It was on the friday the next week she took a shot and left a note with her number in his crossed arms. She was out of the room before she could see him wake up and smile, she had asked if he wanted some of the notes and if he wanted to study together. If only she knew the insanity she signed up for.
A text at 2 am from an unknown number was not something Mari had expected, and yes she was up that late why doesn’t matter. Why in the world was this person up and texting her!?!
Heyo mystery girl The text had said, mystery girl? She smacked her head, she forgot to leave her name, way to go Mari.
Whatcha doing up Timmy boy
oh god no’ not another one calling me timmy, please just call me tim
if you say so Tim, I’m Mari by the way
good to know, are you still open to a study session, if you haven’t noticed i’ve missed most of the material’
oh I’ve noticed, sure
Coffee place just outside of campus later today?
You still didn’t answer the question btw
What are YOU doing up
Fair point I’ll see you later sleepy boy
Get some actual sleep too
That was how their routine started, every Saturday they could they meet up to go over the notes of that week and they’d have study sessions in Mari’s apartment before test where they usually fall asleep on each other, the coffee someone goes missing before the morning on those days.
They were close, anyone could see it, the coffee duo were often seen together. Every café and coffee shop knew them by name when they walked in and would ask about the other if it was only one. They were both weird but they worked, who else would be 17 going to university and seemingly be up at all hours?
The summer after their first year was over Mari finally met the rest of his family properly. All that went through Mari’s head was ‘no wonder her poor boy was so touch starved, they paid him little mind,’ that would not stand. When did she start seeing him as hers, you know what that doesn’t matter right now, Tim does. Her bird boy deserves more love now than ever, and being the affection person she was Mari was more than happy to no longer hold back. Tim was startled at first, but he’d gladly take it.
Mari had a surprise for Tim’s birthday. Summer birthday meant they could actually go somewhere and not miss more class than they needed to. So where does she take him, Washington D.C.! she wanted to treat him, so she saved her commissions so she could take him on a week long vacation just the two of them. The International Spy Museum was what she was really looking forward to taking him to, with all his cold cases it would be perfect. D.C. also had many places to take amazing pictures, so the new camera she got him would get some good use. Her own polaroid was also at the ready. It would be a break for the two of them.
Imagine her surprise and annoyance when they were at Mount Vernon taking some photos of the view from the house of the water when a cough from behind messes up her shot of Tim just enjoying the view. Tim had turned around and the smile that once graced Mari’s lips was gone and a slight glare was aimed at the MAn, Bruce Wayne of all people, who had ruined it.
“Can we help you,” she couldn’t help the venom in her voice, of course he had to ruin this. Bruce didn’t acknowledge it though saying he needed Tim back for something important and private, that was not going to fly. She stood protectively in front of her friend, this was their time alone and together, he was not going to ruin this, “No, this is his time off and I won’t let you take him from the most relaxed he’s been in what I assume is years, if it is that important say it quickly and go. He’ll be back in a few days, I’m sure it can wait, you always make him wait-” a gentle touch on her arm from the boy behind cut her off, the pure admiration for someone taking into account his feeling was one that made her heart hurt a little -no lot- how often did this happen? Bruce just gave him a look and sighed before leaving, “Thank you.”
Tim had the best week of his life, he was actually rested and when he got back to the cave he wasn’t bombarded with a million cases. It was nice having time for himself. The next two weeks before classes started again was spent with Mari in her place, she was such a calming and nonjudgmental force in his life, what would he do without her?
When classes started again, he found he was spending more and more time in Mari’s apartment. It just felt like home, and she didn’t mind. Just before winter break after more classes and late night study sessions, she gave him a proper key to her place.
“Can you take care of my plants, I got to take care of something with my family,” she handed it to him as she asked. They were getting ready for their last final, one of the classes they shared that semester. “Sure I got you,” Tim was caught off guard but was more than happy to help her after all she had done for him. “Thank you so much, I knew I could count on you,” Kissing his cheek she left the campus library. The closing of the large oak door brought him back to reality, gently touching where he could still feel her warmth.
It was one of their ‘coffee dates’ that Tim asked her the question, “...Would you want to be my girlfriend,” saying the words out loud felt wrong. Her soft smile got him out of his head, Mari laid her hands on his, “I was starting to think you’d never ask.”
Just about two years later on the stage for graduation stood two valedictorians. Hand in hand they crossed the stage to deliver their speech in front of the massive audience, a squeeze and and light peck and they were ready for the masses. This would be one of the more memorable speeches, it had a surprise that everyone in the audience paying attention. The small box in Tim’s pocket didn’t stress him as much as it used to, he knew it would work out. She was the one, and he would do anything for her and he knew she would say the same thing.
Please send me more asks
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Martha Washington headcanons? Please
Martha Washington headcanons? Sure! I’ve had a busy couple of weeks so thanks for being so patient anon. Hope you enjoy:
Musical AU:
Martha can not figure out why George keeps singing like is this normal or something?? Ever since he met some guys named Hercules, Aaron, Alex, Laf and John, it’s gotten out of hand.
He sings every big moment in their life. She’s not sure why??? Are they in some sort of musical or something???
Found an orange tabby cat one morning. Couldn’t think of the name for the stray. Decided to write to George.
‘My love, what should I name this insatiable town cat? He’s charming everything and always in heat. Do you have any suggestions?’
The response: ‘Hamilton.’
Met Alex at a Winter’s Ball.
Interesting interaction of ‘I named my cat after you. You must be our second adopted son, then. Call me Martha.’
She’s scarier than Washington
Still wondering why everyone is singing??? Like why???
Had to meet Thomas Jefferson a year after her husband passed
On the date
Worst day of her life
In all honesty though
WHY IS EVERYONE SINGING?? What’s going on??
Modern au:
Was married once before she met George
Unfortunately, she lost him to illness after a few months of marriage.
It was pretty traumatic.
Through that, she ended up on a different course with life.
She decided to go into nursing once she settled her husband’s estate. While there, she realized how much she loved it.
She’s now an ER nurse.
It keeps her on her toes
Martha is very attune to nature. Some days she can tell if it’s going to rain (even on days with no clouds in the sky).
She actually knows a lot more about nature than most would believe.
Could it have to do with her experience as a nurse? Maybe.
Will we ever know? No.
Often gets compared to Kerry Washington Jackson, the First Lady of the first President.
It’s kinda of funny if not a little bit weird.
Takes the subway when they’re in the city, takes horseback when they’re at Mount Vernon.
That’s all I got. Thanks for the request anon!
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jack-the-sol · 5 years
Do you have any (modern or non modern) Washington headcanons? If so do tell please.
Historic Time: 
Washington considered all his aides his sons (except Martha, of course). 
Wash would request Martha to bring his dogs from Mount Vernon when she visited. The aides and himself would all have fun with new companions. 
He occasionally hit his head on a doorframe, but of course, he doesn’t curse when he does. Laurens, however, does curse. Quite vehemently. 
Washington is a better father than almost all of the aides’ own fathers. However, Tilghman is only ten or so years younger, but Wash still keeps up the father role. 
He assigned his aides ribands and cockades because when he didn’t originally have them, they were easily lost in a crowd. Now, the green markers let him know who is where. Even better: Laurens and Hamilton are nearly always with each other, so if Laurens wears his cockade on his hat, Washington knows that the tall aide that easily stands out is most certainly with the short aide that easily blends in. 
Even though he tries to deny it, Washington loves gossip. It’s extremely helpful that Martha and Lafayette do too. Some days, his office is buzzing with Lafayette and Martha exchanging the day's hot news. 
Lafayette once accidentally outed Laurens and Hamilton, but after a quick explanation of “their love is like yours and your wife’s”, Washington relaxed and understood better. He let them go on as they were because he couldn’t afford to lose a tie to Congress and two skilled aides. 
When he heard of Laurens’ death, he felt like he’d lost a son, and he was heartbroken to realize that it was the only official aide that he’d lost to the war. The reality of Laurens and Lawrence’s names sounding so similar made it even more painful for him. 
Washington loved his mother, but he definitely didn’t like how she didn’t really love him back as much. 
Lafayette’s son, Georges, is technically Washington’s grandson. 
Modern AU time!: 
Washington has pictures of his dogs in his wallet along with a card expressing that if he ever gets in an accident, he needs someone to check on them and his family, and on the card, he lists how to contact his family (his wife, mother, and ‘sons’). 
He would’ve consoled Laurens a lot, assuming his father is still an ass. 
He buys a newspaper every day because he appreciates it more than online articles which can be less trustworthy. Martha also likes to snip out headlines, sections that are funny or important, or mentions of people she knows, because she wants to keep them to remember later. 
Washington was a football star in his high school years. The aides are surprised when he finds an old yearbook and scrapbooks from then. Martha made the scrapbooks in high school. 
Martha and George are high school sweethearts. 
Washington was friends to Hercules Mulligan when he took in Hamilton when he was in high school. He saw potential in his and offered Ham a paid internship at his business (you guys can decide what that is), and it paid off. Ham learned a lot and earned extra cash. 
Henry Laurens managed to “snag” (he uses the term to make it sound like John should be grateful for the opportunity when really a paid internship wouldn’t even be hard to get) John an unpaid internship at Washington’s business and said to keep a close eye on him. His helicopter parenting on John was nearly abusive and Washington started providing false info to Henry to give John some wiggle-room away from his dad. Needless to say, John was very grateful and even happier when Washington promoted him to be a PAID intern without letting his dad know. 
Washington is actually kinda shy and doesn’t enjoy big groups and parties, so when he’s at a big gathering or conference, he tries to scoot out of there as fast as he can. Usually, he claims that something happened at the business and he needs to go ASAP, but the call he gets is Tench calling to ask what movie he would want to watch for the upcoming Holiday Party they throw in Washington’s inner circle. 
Washington is preferable to women reporters because he knows they don’t get as much focus as men. It’s nothing sexual. It’s giving the spotlight to people who deserve it. 
He has no wage discrimination in his business. Everyone is paid equally based on the work they do and their position in the company. If they’ve finished their daily work, they’re free to go home. Their pay remains the same. 
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jmeelee · 5 years
Hey! For the mini fic prompts, please can I request no. 21, things you said when we were on top of the world? For Sterek, if possible, but if you feel more inspired to write something for one of your other ships then go for it. Thank you!😊😘❤️
This prompt made me think SPACE!! So here is a Sterek + The 100 AU
The prisoners line up, two by two, a solemn procession through a wide, deserted corridor and down a steep launch ramp into the dropship, and the symbolism isn’t lost on Derek. Up until a week ago, Chancellor Argent probably fashioned himself a benevolent god, sparing two hundred juvenile delinquents from certain death while attempting to ensure the survival of the human race. But that death, while certain, was at least humane. A pin-prick to the vein and eternal oblivion. Today Chris Argent lords over the proceedings with a grim, stoic face as his only child—his daughter, Allison—boards the ship in her gray penitentiary jumpsuit, her heavy, rubber-soled boots squeaking against the floor, echoing over the persistent, invasive hum of the rocket engines. Today the Chancellor can’t deny what this really is: a probable suicide mission.
Allison makes her first of three stops before claiming her seat in the shuttlecraft, pausing in front of a guard who removes her handcuffs. Thus far, the guard has pushed each young man or woman roughly toward Nurse Melissa McCall, but he gently nudges Allison forward, a wary eye darting toward her father. With shaking fingers, Nurse McCall wipes antiseptic over the porcelain skin on the inside of Allison’s right arm, fastening a metal bracelet with colorful blinking lights around her wrist.
“It’s a vital transponder,” Melissa informs Allison. “With this, we’ll be able to monitor your blood pressure, breathing rate, radiation levels, and all sorts of things from right here in the control room of our space station.” Melissa offers a reassuring smile, but it trembles like her hands. Moments ago, Derek watched her fasten a transponder to the arm of her own son.
Now Allison faces to her father, the final stop on an assembly line sending kids to slaughter. He gives her the same canned speech he has to all the others. “When you walk onto this ship, you are hereby pardoned of your crimes. I hope you’ll use this chance to atone for your impermissible behaviors and mistakes. This is an unpress—“
Allison shoves her metal-cuffed wrist under his nose, stopping his spiel. This isn’t freedom, as her father would have the prisoners believe; she knows it, Chancellor Argent knows it, Melissa McCall and the rest of the Council know it. They’ve simply traded one set of shackles for another. She tilts up her chin and holds her father’s eye. “Good bye, Dad.” Derek swears more streaks of gray crop up at Argent’s temples, grooves deepening at the corners of his eyes. She turns away and takes her seat next to Scott McCall—the star-crossed lover for whom she’s defied both Colony law and her family—sitting back and letting Officer Camden Lahey fasten her harness. She doesn’t spare her father a second glance.
Chris Argent’s wounded face broadcasts so much pain Derek prays he’ll call an end to this crazed endeavor, but he straightens—the same steel in his spine hardens Allison’s, allowing her to walk with grace out of a detention cell and into what will likely become her coffin—continuing on with the pomp and circumstance. Derek’s rekindled hope burns out like a dying star.
When Derek averts his eyes from the dramatic family scene he spots who he’s searching for, prisoner 129, Stiles Stilinski, watching Derek with dawning horror, tension festering at the hunched line of his shoulders.
Stiles is smart. Too smart. Keen brown eyes take in Derek’s blue uniform, shirt fitting looser around his broad shoulders in the half-year they’ve been parted, and the other puzzle pieces snap into place. He’s working from the outside edges—extra rationing, his father’s execution, his stint in solitary confinement, this culling of convicts—but as he twists each piece this way and that in his mind’s eye, the picture becomes clear. There is a reason why capital punishment is the new norm for breaking the most mundane Colony laws. Their space station is dying; the powers that be are dropping extra cargo in the hopes of surviving a little longer. This time, it happens to be human cargo.
Every teenager who files into the ship brings Derek and Stiles closer together, until Stiles is passing right in front of him. Heat radiates from Stiles’ skin, like steam from a rare hot shower. Derek sways closer, imagines reaching across the infinitesimal space and having Stiles’ body under his hands one more time. He’s one of less than a dozen guards accompanying the prisoners to what will ultimately be their freedom, or their deaths; it would be so easy, and to do so after this period of separation would be a balm to his bruised soul. But now is not the time. The time has been cruelly stolen from them.
He’d happened upon Stiles, perched in a window seat on G deck during his first week on patrol. “This corridor is off limits,” Derek had told him, still high off the power trip of his newly earned guard title.
“Yes, sir.” Stiles offered a jaunty little salute and a sardonic smirk, and Derek was a goner. Stiles knew it, too, because he kept coming back, day after day, and Derek let him. Eventually, Derek had come to think of their meetings as cosmic kismet.
“Of all the windows on all the stations, you had to park your ass in mine,” Derek joked, watching Stiles doodle in his sketch pad with the graphite pencil Derek pilfered for him. “Why this particular window?”
“It has the best view,” Stiles whispered, brown eyes abandoning the page he’d been intently focused on, zeroing in on Derek’s face instead. But Stiles was right. Everyday, without fail, ten minutes before Derek’s shift was due to end, Earth came into view out the window, bursting with blues and greens and whites, the colors vivid, alive; nourishing their souls after a constant diet of stark, muted grey aboard the ship.
“When I see it, I feel like I’m on top of the world. Like anything is possible,” Stiles said. “It gives me hope for the future.”
“That’s funny,” Derek replied, heart beating a frantic tattoo against his sternum.
Stiles laughed, eyes twinkling. His face was pale as the moon under the circadian lights of the ship, a constellation of moles standing out in stark relief along his jawline. “Why is it funny? Because Earth is a toxic wasteland and won’t be able to support life for another hundred years?”
“No.” Derek smiled, softly. “Because that’s how I feel when I look at you.”
Now, as Stiles passes by, Derek feels anything but hopeful. Stiles shakes his head, the move tiny, imperceivable to anyone else, a flick of brown hair—grown long in his six-month confinement—off his forehead. Don’t be a hero, it screams.
He watches the transponder get fastened to Stiles wrist (I sucked a bruise there on our first night together), memorizes the hard line of Stiles’ mouth when the tiny needles inside the cuff pierce his pallid skin (his lips were always so soft when I kissed them). Derek shoves the memories to the back of his mind, where they need to stay if he has any hope of going through with this.
Once they’re all loaded into the shuttle, strapped into rows of harnessed seats, a Council member steps up to the small box mounted on the adjacent wall, presses a series of buttons, and a three-minute timer pops up onto the display, flashing green as it counts down. Hot beads of sweat roll down Derek’s spine, seeps through his shirt, but he ignores that, too.
When he’d first gotten wind of the culling, he’d gone straight to Erica Reyes—his friend Vernon Boyd’s girlfriend and an apprentice engineer—and bribed her to give him a breakdown of the launch process.
“Hypothetically, how could they make this happen?” Derek had desperately questioned, cutting through her technical muttering.
She shoved the extra ration coins he’d slipped her in the pocket of her moth-eaten lab coat. “Each station is equipped with cargo crafts, but the Council would never touch those. It’s too public, everyone would know they were launching defenseless kids into space. The only thing I can think of is the hunk of junk ferry rocket on S desk they use for spare parts.” She shook her head. “It’s prehistoric. I’m no rocket scientist, but that thing would be lucky to survive reentry into atmosphere.”
“There will be children on board, Erica. Most are eighteen, coming up for parole, but some are as young as twelve.”
She’d frowned, the coin’s jingling in her pocket. “I’m sorry, Derek. You don’t send people into space in a relic if you care whether or not they make it to their destination. Whether they’re twelve or twenty, the Council doesn’t give a shit.”
“So tell me what I can do.”
The Chancellor stands before the doors to the ship, monologuing like a villain, gaze focused on the harried teens in front of him. Some glare back, some blink away tears, some struggle against their restraints. “You’ve been given a second chance at life,” Chris Argent tell them. “You’re the pioneers; the course is yours.”
Derek’s eyes dart around, counting a total of sixteen adults, including the Chancellor, remaining on the deck. He’s lucky they valued secrecy over security today.
The time comes.
The descending numbers on the launch pad flash red, as Erica told him them would. He has twenty seconds before the hatch automatically shuts, and manual override becomes impossible.
Argent is still droning on, telling the teens they are making history, they will be the first humans to leave this space station in over three hundred years. They should be proud.
He steps up behind the Chancellor, pulse skyrocketing, and taps him on the shoulder. Chris Argent pivots, eyebrows lowered. “What is it, Officer Hale?”
Derek’s green eyes drop to the pin on the collar of the Chancellor’s shirt—the insignia of their Colony, that once stood for unity. So it’s in the spirit of togetherness, for better or for worse, that Derek lets his hand quickly drop to the holster attached to his belt, and before anyone can think to move, there’s the sharp sound of a gunshot.
Chris Argent grabs at his stomach, blood flowing like a river between fingers, splattering Derek’s boots like droplets of rain.
The sight of the Chancellor’s wound pulls the remaining people on the launch deck toward them like a black star, and Derek ducks under the arms of the guards who reach for him instead of helping their leader, rolling under the hatch as it seals shut, locking him inside the dropship. Furious banging erupts on the doors as he falls into the unoccupied seat next to Stiles, tucking the still-smoking gun between his knees as he buckles his harness.
“I could have survived anything, if I thought you were up here, safe and alive,” Stiles tells him. Derek can read the fear in his wet eyes. “Even if it was only for a little bit longer.”
A series of bleeps emit from the instruments in the cockpit. The purr of the engines becomes a roar, and Stiles’ fingers dig into the plastic armrest like claws.
“I couldn’t have lived with myself if I let you go alone,” Derek replies, wiping the star-bursts of blood off his face. “So here we are.”
Stiles nods. “Here we are. We won’t be on top of the world for much longer, but at least we’ll be together.”
With a jarring blast, the ship detaches from the space station, and they free-falling, barrelling toward Earth, a planet left for dead three hundred years ago, at a thousand kilometers an hour.
The first leg of their journey is relatively calm, the sun outside the windshield a red thumbprint against a blue-black sky dotted with stars. Some of the passengers pray, some excitedly discuss the probability of surviving on the surface of a world ravaged by nuclear and biological war. Stiles reaches over, squeezes Derek’s knee, and he jolts, losing the grip on his gun. It floats weightless through the cabin, prompting some of the former inmates to unfasten their harnesses and somersault through the air. But soon the stars fade, as does the light, replaced by smokey-gray clouds of atmosphere.
“Everyone, get back in your seats!” Allison Argent warns.
One boy mockingly laughs as he floats in front of her. “Who the hell are you to tell me what to do? Just because your daddy was the boss doesn’t mean you get to be in charge. You’re not—“
A loud bang on the port side cuts off whatever he was going to say, their calm voyage turning abruptly terrifying as turbulence jerks their vessel. The boy crashes into the front window as the ship lurches downward, his head leaving behind a smear of blood. He speaks no more. Muttered prayers become shrill screams, and the acrid scent of vomit fills the cabin.
The ship shakes, primal roar of the engine mutating into a piercing wail as they plummet. “Derek!” Stiles yells as grey smoke gives way to red flames and spiderweb cracks splinter the windshield. Erica’s voice fills his ears, warning him the shuttle’s sensor systems may be too antiquated to safety guide them through strong winds and dangerous atmospheric conditions. The prayers return at a fevered level, some people crying desperately for their mothers and fathers over the stuttering grind of failing mechanics.
“Give me your hand,” Derek yells back, locking their fingers together. The desire to say something profound flares in his gut, to use his last words to convey how much finding Stiles in that window seat on top of the world meant to Derek.
“Stiles,” He rasps, hardly recognizing his own voice. It’s the only thing he has time to say.
They are a meteor, burning fast and bright through the sky. Derek closes his eyes, and makes a wish.
The crash rattles every bone in his body, his front teeth slicing through his bottom lip like a razor through silk. His neck lolls with abandon, body jerking like a rag doll, but his harness—and Stiles’ solid grip on his hand—hold him secure as the shuttle skids to a halt, a gaping wound torn through the outer and inner hull on the starboard side. The smell of stale vomit is overpowered by melting metal, burning fuel and coppery blood.
“If the outside air is still poisonous, we’ll be dead in minutes,” Stiles gasps, and no one gets up, searching each other for signs of radiation sickness.
None come.
“It pains me to say this,” Scott McCall grimaces at Allison, “but maybe your father didn’t heartlessly send us to our deaths after all.”
“Maybe,” she concedes. “But he’s still a dick.”
One by one they slowly exit the ship. The buckle of Derek’s auto-release jams, so he pulls a utility knife from his holster with numb fingers and saws at the neon orange straps. He unhooks Stiles, and together they stumble, arms wrapped around each other’s waists, toward the laceration in the wall, holding each other steady as they adjust to the gravitational pull of Earth. They step outside.
Derek blinks, jaw dropping. It’s not the ravaged, nuclear wasteland they’ve read about in their Earth Studies textbooks; the unsurvivable world.
All around him chirping birds sing and clicking crickets jump. The sweet scent of soil fills his nose, sharper than anything he’s ever smelled aboard the space station.
Snow-capped mountains dot the distance landscape, a lush green canopy hangs above them, multi-colored blossoms bloom around their feet, and warm sunlight kisses Stiles’ moles.
“I’ve never seen so many colors,” Stiles exclaims, eyes roaming over the verdant hills, listening to the wind whisper through the tall grass.
“You were wrong,” Derek tells Stiles, cradling his smiling face between his palms. He laughs. “This is the best view.”
Their lips meet in a kiss that tastes like fresh air, like freedom, like hope.
They’ve hurtled through space, crash-landed in the dirt to face insurmountable odds.
They’re the lowest they’ve ever been.
They’re on top of the world.
Send me a pairing and a prompt and I’ll write you a mini fic
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baguettewithham · 7 years
Any Other Way
Prompt #2: “Are you okay?” “Of course, why?” “You have on two different shoes.”
Alexander and Thomas had been dating for a few months the first time it happened. He had been up all night writing and debating with strangers who disagreed with him on his blog. His birthday was the next day, which didn’t make his mental state any better.
John and Lafayette just wouldn’t stop texting in the group chat. He was trying to write something and had asked them to text in their chat if he wasn’t saying anything, but they just said he could text back later. Finally, he gave in and read the texts.
23:27 ham&cheese, turtle <3er, baguette 
baguette: but what if he does not actually like me? what if he just likes how i look? 
turtle <3er: oh please, it’s herc 
turtle <3er: of course he likes you, he’s liked you for years 
baguette: realy? 
turtle <3er: yes !!!! 
baguette: *really 
baguette: okay so i should go for it? 
baguette: mon petit lion, qu’est-ce que tu penses? 
ham&cheese: i think you should both shut up and let me work for once
It took him a second to realize what he just did.
23:34 ham&cheese, turtle <3er, baguette 
ham&cheese: oh shit wait 
ham&cheese: i didn’t mean that 
ham&cheese: that was extremely rude and mean and i’m sorry oh my gosh 
ham&cheese: i swear i didn’t mean that i’m just having a bad night and i’m trying to get work done and the buzzes were annoying me and i didn’t think and im sorry 
turtle <3er: alex calm down 
turtle <3er: its okay you’re under pressure and we should’ve listened when you told us to switch chats 
ham&cheese: no i shouldn’t have said that no matter wtf was going on 
baguette: alex i am coming over calm down
He almost started crying when he realized what was going on. Instead of being offended, Laf was trying to make him feel better.
23:41 ham&cheese, turtle <3er, baguette 
ham&cheese: nonono im fine stay home 
baguette: are you sure? 
ham&cheese: omg yes im sure 
baguette: well then go see thomas 
baguette: i may have accidentally caused him to worry. 
ham&cheese: what? nvm i’ll just call him
Alex sighed and pulled up Thomas’ number. He clicked the call icon and waited for him to pick up, which took approximately three seconds.
“Alex? Are you okay? Laf said you snapped, but I don’t know what that means.” He could hear the worry that resonated in his boyfriend’s words.
“Thomas, I’m fine. I’m a bit stressed, and I said something rude. That’s it.”
“I swear on… something really important that if you’re not telling the truth, I will come over there and… I don’t know, probably just cuddle you to death.”
A surprised laugh burst out of him. “Cuddle me to death?”
He heard the rustle of clothing that meant he had shrugged his shoulders. “Hey, it could happen.”
“Then it wouldn’t be cuddling; that’s called suffocation.”
“Whatever.” There was a brief pause. “Are you sure you don’t want me to come over? It won’t take very long, probably just-”
“Thomas, go to sleep. I’m fine; I’ll see you at ass-o’clock in the morning.”
“You too. I…”
After a second, Alex prompted, “Thomas?’
“What? Oh, nevermind. Happy early birthday, see you tomorrow.”
For a long time after Thomas hung up, he just sat there.
23:52 ham&cheese, turtle <3er, baguette
ham&cheese: done. im okay, both of you can go to sleep now
Alex went to sleep before his friends responded.
The next day, he found himself even more antsy than the day before. He was jotting ideas down all through breakfast (a Nutri-Grain bar and Diet Coke) and got so distracted writing that he was almost late leaving. After changing in about a minute, he ran down to his car and speeded to work.
Thankfully, his way to school wasn’t blocked by traffic or pedestrians. He managed to make it in early enough to visit his boyfriend. On his way to his own room, he was intercepted by the man himself.
“Alex! Hey, Alex!” He whirled around, smiling when he saw who it was.
“Hey! I was gonna come see you after I put up my stuff.”
Thomas caught up to him. “Happy birthday babe! Now I can come see you. What’s up?”
The small talk continued into his classroom. They had cleaned up some of the cubbies and gone through the movie collection when John appeared in the doorway.
“Oh. Hey, Jefferson.” Alex looked up and saw his best friend. “I can come back later if-”
“Nah dude, what’s up?” When John didn’t immediately answer, he walked over and closed the door behind them.
“I was just checking to make sure you’re really okay. Last night was weird, and you didn’t answer our texts.”
Alex tilted his head, getting out his phone. “Sorry, what texts?” Sure, enough, Lafayette and John had texted him.
23:56 ham&cheese, turtle <3er, baguette 
baguette: are you sure? i can still come over 
turtle <3er: yeah, we can just have a movie marathon or something 
turtle <3er: i mean we have work tomorrow, but when has that ever stopped us 
baguette: alexander? are you okay? 
turtle <3er: alex? 
turtle <3er: he’s probably just asleep 
baguette: peut-être, he didn’t answer my call
“Oh! Sorry. I was rushed this morning and forgot to check my texts.”
6:59 ham&cheese, turtle <3er, baguette 
ham&cheese: sorry, didn’t see these. im good !!
He looked up from his phone and smiled. “Well, I have some last minute things to do before school starts, so I gotta go.”
“Dude, school starts at 8! I didn’t know you were referring to Jefferson as a thing now!” John said with mock surprise.
After gasping and sputtering, Alex pushed his friend into his own room.
“Go organize plants or something. I’m gonna try and put the image of my students walking in on us out of my head.”
John laughed as he was manhandled into his room. “Please, keep the birthday sex to a minimum; there are children!”
Rolling his eyes, he responded, “Please, we aren’t idiots. Also, you’re one to talk, Mr. I-dropped-my-napkin-and-couldn’t-find-it-for-5-minutes.”
“One time!” They laughed for a few seconds before john’s face got serious. “Okay, but seriously, you are okay right? I mean, I know how you feel about your birthday, but are you good right now?”
Alexander took a moment to calm himself from being treated like a child. “I’m okay. Seriously, if I’m not I’ll get you to watch the kids for a few minutes.”
“Would me telling you to go home change your mind?”
“What do you think?” They glared at each other for a few seconds before John sighed and put a hand over his eyes.
“Go home Alex.”
He scoffed and walked back into his room, already back to the essay he was putting together at breakfast. As a result, he barely noted Thomas looking at him oddly.
“Alex, are you okay?”
“Course, why?”
“Um… you’re wearing two different shoes.”
Alex’s eyes shot to his feet before groaning. The shoes looked similar at first glance, but one was brown and the other was black. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just a busy morning.”
“Are you sure? Laf was telling me last night about-”
“I said I’m fine, can we not just drop it? Nothing is wrong!” He didn’t notice his eyes were closed until he felt Thomas touch his face.
He opened them to see nothing but worry in his boyfriend’s eyes. “Alex, I think you should take the day off. If you get like this with your kids, it won’t turn out well.”
“That’s not-”
After a moment, he sighed. “I hate my birthday.”
Jefferson looked at him oddly. “Pardon?”
“I already have, like, five mother hens constantly freaking out over my health. On my birthday, suddenly everyone needs to tell me that I look too tired or that I should take the day off. I’m still not used to all these people caring about me, and it makes me uncomfortable sometimes.”
His boyfriend looked at him and took his hand. “I’m not trying to be overbearing. I’m not trying to annoy you or shield you. I just…” he raked a hand through his own hair, “well, I guess now is as good a time as any. Alex, I think I love you.”
Alex stood in shock for a moment before slowly wrapping his arms around Thomas.
“Fine, I’ll go home,” he mumbled into his shirt. “But I’m texting you all day as retribution.”
Thomas smiled and dropped a kiss to his boyfriend’s forehead. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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