#mountain guide bucky barnes
biteofcherry · 2 years
"You stole all the covers and got me cold, so it's only fair I steal your underwear and get warm inside you"
😳 wow, that's a hot line 🥵 daaamn
It's your friend's older brother, Bucky, with whom you're sharing a bed in a small mountain lodge (because your friend and her boyfriend selfishly took the other available bed, telling you that you and Bucky are mature adults who can simply share a bed without making it awkward).
Bucky's a mountain range guide and is taking care of your small group for free. He's very stern about safety and proper behavior on hiking trails, but also caring and answers all your curious questions about the area, flora, as well animals roaming the mountain range.
He's also very handsome and a little intimidating, even when he speaks in that soft, low tone.
So when he slowly slides your shorts down your legs, while pining you down to the mattress, you can only stare at him with wide eyes and increasing heart rate.
His thumb draws lazy circles on your clit while he compliments you - how sweet you are, how beautiful, how smart, You're a good girl, ain't you baby?
You're already a tad wet, but not wet enough not to feel the burn of his cock sliding inside you. Bucky's fast, clamping his hand over your mouth when you nearly scream. But the drag of his length inside of you is slow. He's cherishing every second of it.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 3 months
the treacherous tyrant
the wistful wyvern, chapter three
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a/n: I'm just gonna take this moment as an excuse to say that if you haven't yet checked out the info or maps about this world i've created, then i highly recommend you do, it'll make it much more fun, for example when we hop around from place to place in this one? you can spot on the map where we are.
summary: halting a moment, he turned to tug your horse’s reins out of your grasp and let her stand on her own, “look, just follow my lead,” before he turned with the expectancy of you shadowing him, “I have a plan.” 
warnings: knight!bucky barnes x knight!reader, fantasy AU (monsters, but not much magic), original fantasy world, ex-friends to lovers, coworkers to lovers, former fuckboy!bucky, tattooed!bucky, slow burn, one-sided pinning, forced proximity
word count: 1374
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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“What is it?” you asked when Bucky suddenly leapt off his horse and kneeled down to investigate a spot on the dusty path that split the treacherous terrain. 
“…boot marks…” he mumbled, “fairly recent too…” 
It had been a week or so that you’d been stuck trying to navigate through the jagged landscape of The Asadånie Mountains. From climbing rocky hillsides to the crumbly trail you now followed, it had been hard to know if you were making any headway at all or simply walking in circles. 
Straightening back up to his full height, you slid off your horse as well just as a low rustling noise, from further up where the path curved, found both your alert ears. 
Swiftly, you rushed in behind the tall shrubs that grounded the thin pine trees that shot up towards the blue skies above the mountains. 
The bigger of the peaks before you appeared to open up into a dark cave. In the mouth of it, posted just outside, stood three figures that sent a chill down your spine. 
Silently nudging the knight hiding beside you, his eyes too grew wide with recognition of the uniforms they wore. 
“What are Oblén soldiers doing up here in the mountains?” he whispered, sharing a glance with you before you turned your gaze back to the guards. 
A fourth figure then appeared, marching out of the cavern and prompting the other warriors to go rigid at his presence. 
“Commander Abbot,” one of the soldiers addressed the man clad in gilded armour, “did it go as planned?”
“Well, I still have my head, you idiot,” he rolled his eyes, “so yes, it went as well as it could.” 
“So, The Treacherous Tyrant is agreeable to the king’s orders, then?” one of the others asked as their commander began to walk away from the grotto, the guard’s feet slightly shuffling to keep up, “will he strike again before next full moon?” 
“As long as we keep his dearest safe, then he will continue to do as the king commands.” 
You both stood frozen, hidden behind the flora as the soldiers from the southern kingdom passed, scarlessly even breathing at all before they were long gone. 
“The dragon’s in cahoots with them?” you uttered as you guided your horse back up onto the narrow path, “how is that even possible?”
With his gaze low to the ground, Bucky then mumbled, “The Treacherous Tyrant… I’ve heard that before… what was it…” he shut his eyes a moment, “Farrowghol,” his vision blinked open once more as he remembered, “Farrowghol, The Treacherous Tyrant.”
“Holy fuck…” you shuttered, unable to stop the terror that began to rain down upon you as you stared over at Bucky and saw the wheels in his brain still turning. 
“They mentioned something about keeping something dear to him safe?” his features crinkled up in thought before unfurling with clarity, “oh, what if–…” and before he could finish his own sentence, share his brilliant idea with you, his feet began to move. 
“What are you doing?” 
“I have a feeling,” he began to walk towards the cave entrance, “something’s off.”
“You have a feeling? You’re gonna go get flambeed based on a fucking feeling?”
Halting a moment, he turned to tug your horse’s reins out of your grasp and let her stand on her own, “look, just follow my lead,” before he turned with the expectancy of you shadowing him, “I have a plan.” 
“Fuck your plan!” you screeched, standing your ground, “I’m not going in there!”
But as you watched him get swallowed by the darkness of the cave, only a few seconds passed by before a sharp curse burst out of you and you reluctantly followed him inside. 
Catching up to him, the dark tunnel soon unfolded into a vast and echoing grotto. Stalagmites burst up from the rocky floor and surrounded various mountainous boulders that might have crashed from parts of the caved-in ceiling where light now streamed in through the cracks and lit up the dim interior. 
For a moment, you thought perhaps the beast had flown away right before you’d entered the cavern.
But that moment didn’t get to linger for long as one of the enormous silhouettes you’d assumed was just another boulder began to move. 
The deep growl that then rumbled throughout the lair caused the small rubble on the ground to vibrate around your boots. 
Its scales were such a murky brown that it nearly looked pitch black, and as it reflected in the rays of light gushing in from above, an opalescent sheen glistened on its hide at its movements as its head unfurled, towering above you and eclipsing the low light before its wide jaw unhinged and a smouldering glow began to appear in the back of its throat. 
Throwing an arm around your waist, Bucky yanked you with him as he ducked behind a nearby boulder just before the monster began to spew fire at you. 
As flames licked up the sides of the rock, the view of them cresting over the top caused you to curl further into Bucky’s side. 
But when the dragon paused a moment, reeling before another go, the man beside you unexpectedly yelled, “we’re here to help!”
Shooting a glare up at him, “what the fuck, man?” you cursed in a hushed tone, “what are you doing? Shaking its hand and offering it a fucking pint?”
The leviathan’s booming rumble then invaded the entire cavern, “Farrowghol doesn’t need the help of wheezily little insects,” his heavy stride shook the space as he circled you like a large cat ready to pounce on their prey. 
“King Ivan has something you love,” Bucky bellowed, “we can get it back for you!” 
Farrowghol then suddenly halted, the entire cavern growing dead quiet. 
“That’s why you’re doing their bidding, correct?” Bucky went on, “they took something from you?” he then shifted, slowly sliding his crossbow off his back, “you can trust us. See?” he tossed the weapon off to the side for the beast to spot, “you and I, we share the same enemy.”  
Squeezing your eyes tightly shut, you thought for sure the dragon would let you feel his wrath once more, but instead, his deep roar resounded once more. 
“Not something,” he corrected, “someone.”
“A person?” Bucky carefully stepped out, leaving your hidden frame still in his eye line as he faced the beast with his palms raised up high. 
“My kin,” the dragon bellowed, “that’s who he has imprisoned. Ready to crush each and every one of them if I don’t obey. They’re hidden deep within his walls, in a chamber made entirely of hellstone,” he spoke of the rare material, which was the only thing known to be able to withstand the obliterating breath of a dragon, “I could never reach them, even if I tried, and I have.” 
“We can get them back!” Bucky promised, “set you free from the king’s control!” 
You couldn’t help but tremble as the beast's words shook the lair once more, “I lost my mate aeons ago… Those eggs are all I have left,” he shared hesitantly, “if something happens to them,” he warned with a crackle that raised the temperature a significant amount, “I will burn down everything you hold sacred.” 
“Sounds fair enough,” your fellow warden nodded tensely, “and if we do this, you’ll hold out on their commands of attack?”
“You have one lunar cycle,” he slowly settled, “if my kin have not returned to my cave within that time, I will not hesitate to strike.”
When you finally exited the cave and the bright sunlight once more licked at your skin, Bucky’s tense shoulders dropped back down with a long exhale, whereas yours, on the other hand, did not. 
“Alright,” he muttered, passing you as he briskly walked up to where your horses were still waiting, “so we just break into the palace in Ingorn. The chamber, it’s probably like a vault or something? That can’t be too hard, right?” 
Trailing behind him, you breathed, “no, it is…” before halting your step completely as you sighed, “fuck…” staring daggers down at the ground as you then uttered, “I have to go speak to my father.”
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© 2024 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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fluffysucker · 4 months
Once every few lifetimes.
Bucky Barnes x Reader
The prophecy was redone.
A/N: Written in Third POV. No use of Y/N. However, the reader is referred to as a female.Likes, comments, reblogs are VERY VERY highly appreciated. Opinions really matter to me
This could be avenger!Bucky or an AU. Whatever you like and fit your imagination
This idea sounded so good in my mind. Hopefully, it turned out fine. Please, tell me if you catch the many songs references in here
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You knew you shouldn't be out here. You should be in the king-sized bed in your hotel room. You should be sleeping so you didn't miss your flight tomorrow.
But you couldn't. Even if you wanted, you wouldn't be able to. You had to do it.
The streets were empty. There was barely anyone out at this hour. Only you and a few people getting back home after a party. It was the weekend, after all.
You made it to your destination. You looked at the famous momentum. You had been here earlier this week. But at night, it was different.
There was no crowd. It was barely lit, with only the moonlight shining above it. You took in everything about the landmark. The perfectly sculptured statues. The ancient buildings behind it. The stones around it. The clear water. Everything about it, right now, felt holy.
You took small steps until you were standing right in front of it. You touched the stones at the end, moving your fingers over them slowly. The stones were worn out. Signs of age and afflictions showing.
You smiled pathetically when your fingers greased the two names with a heart between them craved on one of the stones. Their wish must have been to stay together forever.
You wished for that, too. You wish you had stayed together. You wish he would have come with you. You wish this was the trip of your dreams, like you had always planned. You wish he hadn't broken up with you at the airport minutes before your flight. You wish he would have told you earlier.
You wished your boyfriend of three years hadn't chosen your sister over you.
You wished the man who you thought was the love of your life, the man who you thought was the one, the man who you thought loved you, would have chosen you.
You wish anyone would have chosen you.
Hand on the throttle
Thought I caught lightning in a bottle
Oh, but it's gone again
And it was written
I got cursed like Eve got bitten
Oh, was it punishment?
You wiped the tear that slipped your eyes quickly, wishing the two strangers all the love and happiness in the world, hoping that at least someone had good luck.
You sat on one of the stones, letting your fingers dance in the water. You could see the large number of coins at the bottom. You thought about the lovers who made the wish to stay together forever. You thought about the lovers who got to experience this beautiful city together. You thought about all the trips, get-togethers, proposals, and honeymoons that happen in this city.
Tears gathered in your eyes as you thought about how your dreams were ruined. You thought about how you got back here again. You thought it would never happen. You thought you were finally someone's first choice.
You were wrong.
For the past week, you acted like nothing happened. You ignored all the phone calls trying to reach you and talk about it. You tried to enjoy the trip you had been crafting to perfection for years. You tried not to think about it.
But as you were lying in the hotel's bed after packing your bags, you couldn't help it anymore. That was how you found yourself here in the middle of the night.
The Trevi Fountain
During your tour earlier this week, the Italian tour guide told everyone how all wishes made on this mountain were granted. You laughed when the locals agreed with him. Every country has its own myth. Apparently, that was Italy's
But you were hopeless.
I guess a lesser woman would've lost hope.
A greater woman wouldn't beg.
You brought a coin out of the pocket in your jacket. You stood up and looked at the many statues.
Everything was finally hitting you. For a moment, you felt numb. You thought it was a dream that would end once you were back. But you knew you were waking up to a nightmare.
You were going to be back to the fact that your boyfriend and your sister had been seeing and sleeping together for a year now. The fact that your man and your own blood played you for a fool and betrayed you. The fact that the two closest people to you decided to work on their relationship after stabbing you in the back.
What could be worse than that? The fact that you didn't know how to move on. The fact that you almost slipped many times and sent them pictures during this trip. The fact that you still wanted them.
Cards on the table
Mine play out like fools in a fable, oh
It was sinking in.
Slow is the quicksand.
Poison blood from the wound of the pricked hand
Oh, still, I dream of him.
It was painful to think how, after many failed relationships, Josh, your ex-boyfriend, was supposed to be it. He was supposed to be your forever. He was the one you complained to about the tragedies of your love life. And he promised to be your fairytale ending.
But here you were. Alone. All alone.
The knife was driven so deep into your heart that you didn't know where it didn't hurt. Too many emotions invading your being.
You wanted to scream so loudly and let the pain out. But you couldn't. Because you were drained. You were sad. You were disappointed.
And I sound like an infant.
Feeling like the very last drops of an ink pen
A greater woman stays cool.
But I howl like a wolf at the moon.
And I look unstable.
Gathered with a coven around a sorceress' table
A greater woman has faith.
But even statues crumble if they're made to wait.
But most importantly, you were afraid.
Was this how your life was meant to be? Utterly alone. Were all these failed attempts at love a sign of your miserable future? How were you intended to find someone to choose you when the two people presumed to love you the most didn't? Were you doomed to only watch from the sidelines?
Were you cursed to a never-ending cycle of pain and rejection while others had their happily ever after? Were you never meant to have your person?
Were you going to stay alone like this forever? Were you going to die alone?
I'm so afraid I sealed my fate.
No sign of soulmates
I'm just a paperweight.
In shades of greige
With the coin still in your hand, you found yourself getting on your knees on the cobblestones.
Before you could try and form words to express your excruciating feelings, you dropped the coin into the water, hoping the ache was enough to deliver the message.
But you didn't stop. You had another one.
Spending my last coin so someone will tell me
It'll be ok
Still on your knees, a coin so tight between your fingers, you closed your eyes, thinking about your wish, thinking about everything, and thinking about your future.
"Please,I've been on my knees. Change the prophecy. Don't want money. Just someone who wants my company. Let it once be me. Who do I have to speak to. About if they can redo the prophecy?"
Tears streamed down your face as you finally let the pain and fear in. Sobs flew from you uncontrollably. You felt the crushing weight of the doubts and torment. Everything was hurting.
Were you destined for this agony and loneliness?
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You were sitting in your boarding gate area. Every few minutes, you would look at the big screens to check that you were in the right area.
The last thing you needed was to run around before boarding or miss your flight. You were already tired enough.
You sipped on your coffee as you tried to get some energy and help with the headache. You barely got any sleep last night. Spending your last night in your dream city crying your eyes out wasn't on your bucket list. But it was what it was.
You considered staying in Italy forever, but you didn't know if you wanted to taint the city more. Also, you knew you had to go back at some point. So you preferred to rip the bandage off and get it done.
You kept looking at the phone in your hand. You had your phone on airplane mode the whole trip. And you knew it was going to blow on your face once you turned the mood off. Josh and Maddy, your sister, probably made their relationship public.
You signed before putting the phone in your bag. You weren't ready for this. You got up to get some very needed food in your system.
You only took a few steps before a brick wall hit you, making you fall to the ground. This couldn't be a man. Nobody was this heavy or strong.
"Oh, I'm so sorry." You heard as you tried to sit up.
"Barnes, watch it. Can't have you knocking girls like this." Another voice added.
"If you weren't so childish, that wouldn't have happened, Sam." The first person spoke again.
"How is your blindness my problem?" The second guy, whom you figured was called Sam, replied.
"Ma'am. Are you okay?" The first guy, Barnes, asked you.
"Yeah. Don't worry about it." You started checking around to see if all your stuff was with you.
"Here, let me help you." The guy offered you his hand when you tried to get up. You took it and gave him a small smile.
"Everything okay?" He rechecked with you as you looked at your bag.
"Yeah. Thank you." You replied, finally looking at him properly.
You had to suppress the urge to say, "Wow," out loud. He was gorgeous. He was probably the most handsome man you had ever seen. He was tall, very well built, and had the most amazing face. His features were beautiful. Blue ocean eyes. Sharp jawline. Small dimples. He was very attractive.
You coughed quickly, disguising the fact that you were checking him out.
"Sorry about your coffee." He pointed towards your cup of coffee that had spilled as you fell.
"It's no problem." You said. You were thankful that it didn't spill all over you. That really would have been your last straw.
"Let me buy you another one." He offered it sincerely.
"No, thank you. I was already on my way to get something to eat." You declined his offer politely.
"Perfect. Me too." He said it in a cheerful tone that cracked a smile on your face.
"If you agree, I would like to join you and buy the food as an apology for this." He offered again. He was insistent.
"You can join me, but you don't have to pay." You told him. It would be nice to have someone company after a week of doing everything alone.
"Oh, we will see." He was really taking this seriously.
You laughed softly as you went to get your bags before going with him, but he stopped you.
"Leave them. Sam will keep an eye on them." You turned to Sam, who had a smirk all over his face.
You tried to turn it down, but again, he insisted. You thanked Sam before leaving with the mystery man. The two men shared a couple of words that you couldn't hear before both of you left.
"I'm James, by the way. But most people call me Bucky." He told you as you started walking away. You shared your name with him as well.
"So what brings you to Italy?" Bucky asked you.
"Well, that's a long story." You laughed sarcastically.
"We have time." Bucky said it with a smile. You returned the smile, too.
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The tension was high in the house. Everyone was nervous. The holiday spirit wasn't enough to overshadow the stress looming around. This was the first big family reunion after what your family chose to call 'the incident'.
You didn't bother to care when your family decided to let Maddy pass with what she did. You didn't want them to cut her off, but at least hold her accountable. But they didn't, and you didn't care.
Tonight would be the first time you saw your sister after what happened. Your lack of reaction to the news that Maddy and Josh would be at Christmas dinner made your family worried. They didn't know what to expect from you. Which made your whole family anxious about tonight.
However, what happened wasn't remotely close to anything they had in mind.
You showed up at your parents' house with a big smile and a honk of a man in your hand.
"Everyone, this is James Barnes, my boyfriend." You introduced him to them all. You could swear you heard your sister-in-law mumbling 'Yummy' under her breath. And you understood.
Nobody had expected you to have moved on and upgraded like this. But you did.
All throughout the night, everyone was surprised. You were very civilized with both Maddy and Josh, acting like nothing had ever happened.
But the bigger surprise was Bucky. He was perfect. A successful, charming gentleman. A true man. Everyone loved him.
You watched from the side as Bucky was chatting with your uncle. God, he was winning everybody over. You joined him, and his hands immediately came around your waist. He was cracking jokes as you sipped from your drink.
And in a blink of a crinkling eye
I'm sinking, our fingers entwined
Cheeks pink in the twinkling lights
Tell me 'bout the first time you saw me
I'll drink what you think, and I'm high
From smoking your jokes all damn night
The brink of a wrinkle in time
Bittersweet sixteen suddenly
"Where did you find this specimen?" Your cousin, Lily, asked as she entered the kitchen where you were currently loading the dishwasher.
"No, we need to know." When you didn't answer, your other cousin, Daisy, joined in.
"I got lucky." You weren't going to tell them how you fell for him when you first met. Literally.
"You look so happy." Lily said with a smile.
"Never been happier in my life." You answered honestly. Bucky made you the happiest.
"I thought you said the same about every man you have been with." Karen, your aunt, who always preferred Maddy to you, said. It was clear neither she nor Maddy were enjoying your new profound happiness. They expected misery from you today.
"Everybody makes mistakes. And I'm glad I didn't keep mine." You knew who she was referring to, and you refused to give her satisfaction.
"Plus, I wouldn't call them men." You smiled at her and Maddy before you left the kitchen.
You found Bucky before you could see him. He had his back to you as he was talking to your dad and brother. The mention of your name made you stop and listen.
"So, do you love her?" Your dad asked. You already said the words to each other, but you wanted to hear his answer.
"More than I have loved anyone in my life. She holds my heart in the palm of her hands. I'm completely defenseless in front of her. She owns every part of my being and soul. She is my life."
You could swear you felt your heart jump from your chest. How did you get so lucky.
Are you gonna marry, kiss, or kill me?
It's just a game, but really
I'm bettin' on all three for us two
Get my car door, isn't that sweet?
Then pull me to the backseat
No one's ever had me , not like you
"I think she is a bit annoying." Your bother said that after a couple of seconds, making the three of them laugh.
You took this as your cue to join the conversation. You gave Bucky a peck on the cheek as you wrapped your arm around him.
Tonight was the greatest Christmas you have had in years. Everyone was sitting in the living room. There weren't enough seats, so you retired to the most comfortable seat in the room. Bucky's lap.
Bucky had his arms tightly around you as you laid comfortably on his thighs. Everyone was talking. But you were in your own world.
I feel so high school every time I look at you
I wanna find you in a crowd just to hide from you
"Did you have fun?" You asked as you played with the ends of his hair.
"Yes. Your family seems lovely." You laughed at his sarcasm. Bucky had a personal vendetta with your family. You made him promise he wouldn't act on it today and to be on his best behavior. And he did.
"They all loved you." You told him. He may have to act like he liked your family, but he won them all over.
"Did you have fun, doll?" His question was more serious than yours. He was prepared to snap at them the second he felt you weren't fully okay. Bucky wanted to check that he didn't miss any signs.
"Yes. It was really fun seeing their reactions." You whispered the last part in his ear, making you both laugh.
"Nobody thought I would be bringing the hottest man on Earth." You added as you pecked his lips.
"A pretty girl like you only deserves the best of the best." Bucky kissed you
"For the record, you really had a terrible taste, doll." Bucky said this after he broke the kiss. You couldn't stop the loud laugh from escaping.
"Can't argue with that." You replied.
Of course, Bucky knew all about Maddy and Josh. You may not have told him early on in your relationship. But you told him. Which is why he didn't like your family much. They should have thrown both of them out once they knew.
As for Josh, Bucky had to physically restrain himself from punching him when he met him today. He only stopped himself because he promised you. And after meeting, God, Bucky thought Josh the worst guy that had ever lived. And Bucky had met criminals and killers
Who ,in their right state of mind, leaves you? . Who breaks your heart and hurts you like that? Who chooses anyone above you?
Bucky could never understand. Bucky would choose you in every lifetime.
"For it's worth, I heard there is some trouble in paradise." Bucky shared the gossip he heard from your cousin, Amy, with you.
"Yeah, well, I hope they figure it out." Bucky looked at you confusedly after your answer.
"What? If they wanted so badly to be together, then I hope they stay together. I wish them all the happiness." You answered honestly.
"You really don't mind?" Bucky asked you.
"Not all." You were truly honest.
"I'm actually grateful for them." You added. Bucky looked at you questioningly.
"How would I have ended up with the greatest man on the planet if they broke my heart?" You answered Bucky.
The fact that you thought Josh was the love of your life made you laugh now. That relationship was doomed from the beginning. All the signs were there, and you chose to ignore them.
However, you were truly grateful, because, now, you had Bucky. The best thing that has ever happened to you. The man who showed you what true love really looked like.
"Can't say I'm grateful for your heartbreak. But I'm so grateful for Sam's childish tendencies that led me to you." Bucky said before he kissed you.
The kiss was soft yet sweet. Both of you were reminding each other how much you loved each other. How grateful for the incident that brought you together.
Truth, dare, spin bottles
You know how to ball I know Aristotle
Brand new, full-throttle
Touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto
It's true, swear, scouts honor
You knew what you wanted and boy, you got her
Brand new, full-throttle
You already know, babe
"We should go to Italy together," Bucky suggested after he broke the kiss.
You looked at him with love and adoration, pouring out your eyes. You would love to go to Italy with Bucky. Experience the city like you have always dreamed.
But you wanted to go to thank those who heard you. Those who granted your wish. Those who altered your destiny. Those who changed the prophecy
"Yeah, I would love that, Bucky."
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year
Dark!NSFW Alphabet Bucky Barnes
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This is a Yandere oneshot! It is DARK! That’s the entire point so if you don’t like that then don’t read it.
There are some mentions of abuse, kidnapping and Dub/Non-Con!
Dead Dove: Do Not Eat!
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A stands for AFFECTION: how would they show affection?
•Bucky would bring you all kinds of gifts when he comes home from work
•Flowers, Chocolates, cute stuffed animals, soft warm pajamas to repel the cold mountain air and a plethora of blankets
•He's also a very touchy person whether you like it or not, his favorite thing is to snuggle up with you in a nest of the blankets you have
B stands for BLOODY: how bloody are they willing to get for their object of obsession?
•As bloody as he needs to get
•You don't leave his cabin ever but the one time that a ranger came upon you outside the cabin Bucky guided you inside before getting rid of him and ensuring no one would ever know about you again
C stands for CRUELTY: would they ever hurt their object of obsession?
•Bucky works hard at training you to be what he wants in a wife and when you fight him he can get very upset, he will more often than not take you over his knee and spank you until you're ass is bloody or on occasion lock you out of the cabin in the rain or snow
D stands for DARLING: would they cross their object of obsession's limits?
•Bucky will push you as far as he needs to to achieve his desired effect
•He doesn't want to hurt you but he won't let you refuse him or pull away and if he needs to fuck you back into submission he absolutely will
E stands for EXPOSED: how much do they expose their own feelings to their object of obsession?
•After he locks you in he will pour out his heart and soul, you will know exactly how much he loves you
•He doesn't hesitate to tell you what he wants and needs from you as well as what he can give to you
F stands for FIGHT: how would they react to their object of obsession fighting back?
•He won't take it well
•Bucky needs you to love him too, he's put so much work into making his cabin perfect over the years for his future wife so you can be alone together, you not showing him your appreciation would push him a bit too far
•He will spank you but if that doesn't work he will lock you out in the rain
•His last resort is sedating you. He will do this when you get too worked up and he needs you to calm down but it also allows him to have to help you do everything because you're so doped up
G stands for GAME: do they think this is just a game?
•In no way is this a game to James Barnes
•You are his everything and after all he has had to suffer in his life, he deserves you and you deserve to be cared for. He doesn't play games when it comes to his perfect little wife unless of course you're feeling playful and you want him to chase you. That's his favorite game because he always wins and his prize is getting to fuck you in the middle of the woods
H stands for HELL: what would be their object of obsession's worst experience with them?
•Your worst experience was probably your third night with him when you tried to get away the first time. It was pouring rain and you didn't yet know how far you were from civilization
•Bucky caught you trying to open the locks on the door and decided if you want to be outside then you will. He tightened and locked a collar around your neck with a magnetic strip that you could never remove without him and chained you to a tree outside
•You we're out there for what felt like hours to you in the freezing cold rain but what was probably only an hour all together. Your screaming for him died down as you began to lose your strength and he came to get you a few moments later, frozen to the bone and unable to talk. He changed you after getting you warmed up in a shower so you didn't get hypothermia and he held you for the rest of the night, his ungodly hot body thanks to the serum being a blessing for the both of you as he warmed you up so well and he finally got you to snuggle into him all night long
I stands for IDEAL: what are their plans for their object of obsession?
•He plans to make you his housewife
•James Barnes had wanted a normal life before being drafted, he was a ladies man but he wanted to find a cute dame and settle down, give her a good life and provide for his family while his women kept the house clean, made dinner and took care of him and the children they were going to have
•He never got that and he's determined to have it now with you, you'll eventually settle into your roll and be his sweet little wife and bear him children
J stands for JEALOUSY: how they react when jealous? Do they get jealous?
•He often got jealous when he asked you about your life before and you told him about past relationships but other than that he has no reason to be jealous, there's no one else around
K stands for KINDNESS: how they act around their object of obsession?
•Bucky loves and worships you, when he's in a good mood and you haven't upset him he dotes on you and it would be something you loved very much in other circumstances, and you will grow to love it as you grow to love him...or at least as you develop Stockholm Syndrome which you can practically feel your brain giving into in those sweet moments
•You learn after the first 2 weeks of fighting that it's not worth it, he's a super soldier and you are never getting away. You may as well just do what he wants and bask in the sweet worship of the man who loves you
L stands for LOVE LETTER: how would they approach their object of obsession?
•He took you the moment he met you
•And he didn't so much 'take you' as kept you since you walked up to his cabin in the woods when you got lost
M stands for MASK: how different are their public persona from their true selves?
•Bucky is a hero now that he works with The Avengers and people know him as the sweet, sort of quiet gentleman who's best friends with Captain America
•Only you seem to know how terrifying he can really be or how romantic and dramatic he can be
N stands for NAUGHTY: how would they punish their object of obsession?
•Spanking mostly, he's only locked you outside twice and you never tried to get away again since the first time, especially since it’s winter and you don’t want to risk losing toes
•Other than that if you fight he will happily keep you medicated if that's what you need to learn your lesson, it’s only more fun for him to take care of you when your stoned and snuggly
O stands for OPPRESSION: how many rights would they take from their object of obsession?
•Basically everything
•All you know in the world anymore is him and that's how he wanted it
P stands for PATIENCE: how patient are they with their object of obsession?
•Not very patient at all
•Bucky wants you to learn fast and be the house wife he wants
•He shouldn't have to say things more than once
Q stands for QUIT: if their object of obsession died or escaped, would they ever be able to move on?
•Died- He would be a recluse. He would remain in the cabin and bring flowers to your grave everyday
•Escaped- He would catch you. You're in a remote cabin in the middle of nowhere and Bucky knows these woods better than anyone but the animals, you are never going to get away
R stands for REGRET: would they ever regret harming their object of obsession? Would they ever let them go?
•Bucky doesn't want to hurt you, hurting you is just a means to an end
•Once you are trained and obedient, Bucky will be happy never having to hurt you again
S stands for STIGMA: what made their yandere tendencies bloom?
•Bucky had been hoping for a good little wife for a long time and when you showed up, hurt and admitting no one knew where you were, it was too perfect for him not to jump on the opportunity
T stands for TEARS: how would they react to their object of obsession crying/breaking?
•Bucky has no desire to see you cry
•If you're crying after a punishment then he will let you cry it out but if you're crying for another reason, missing your family or something like that he will absolutely hold and comfort you
•Even though you've been trying to get away from him he was very comfortable and warm, he comforted you in a way you never had been in your regular day to day life and he could tell how much you liked it when he was soft with you, Bucky knows that's how he's going to win you over
U stands for UNIQUE: something different they would do compared to others yanderes.
•Bucky keeps you with him isolated in a cabin in the woods where you have no chance of seeing anyone again
•The one Ranger that happened upon you he made sure would never see the light of day again and no one has come since, you will never be found even if someone was looking
V stands for VICE: what weakness their object of obsession could use against them?
•One thing Bucky wants more than anything is to get you pregnant
•He wants you barefoot and pregnant in his cabin and once you catch onto that you try and use it to your advantage, teasing him and wearing as few clothes as possible knowing seeing you like this makes him happy and he's less likely to punish you for whatever it is you do wrong that day
W stands for WIT'S END: would they hurt their object of obsession?
•If he has to hurt you to keep you in line then he will
•Whether that's locking you outside in the rain or snow, or letting you hurt yourself when you try and run from him, or drugging you up, either way he'll take care of you after but you're going to learn
X stands for XOANON: would they worship their object of obsession?
•Bucky loves you with everything he has and he will never let you go
•Once you’re pregnant Bucky will worship the ground you walk on, you will be the most cherished and protected person on the face of the Earth
Y stands for YEARN: how long would they pine after their object of obsession before they snap?
•Bucky takes you immediately the moment he meets you
•From the second you show up in his cabin he will never let you leave him
Z stands for ZENITH: would they ever break their object of obsession?
•He wouldn't let up until you give in and give him what he wants
•After a few months you realize you’re never getting away and you begin to give in quickly, finding out that if you do what he wants and tempt and flirt with him he will go much easier on you and begin breaking you down as you start to enjoy his loving, gentle moments
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Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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ahrahrahraha · 11 months
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Your Hands Have Made Some Good Mistakes by @thenhewaswrongaboutme
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3B by @softlyspector
"Bucky is used to being alone, so is the girl living in apartment 3B. He keeps to his routine, to crossing off amends. But mutual loneliness forges an unlikely friendship. Alone and reclusive, sweet and incredibly strange, with deep secrets and regrets, 3B has more to reveal than meets the eye".
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Sugar by @softlyspector
"By a miracle of fate, Bucky Barnes does not fall off of the train. He does not spend decades as a brainwashed assassin. Instead, he goes home to Brooklyn to spend his life with a girl he adores, a snarky nurse that he met during the war.  Told through a series of non-chronological one-shots."
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
The Florist, The Beekeeper & The Pumpkin Carver by @softlyspector
Home & Better by @softlyspector
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For The Love Of The Game by @pellucid-constellations (college/baseball AU)
"Bucky Barnes was a menace. NYU’s top baseball player, he was used to girls falling at his feet and could smooth talk his way out of just about anything. You hated him. He couldn’t figure out why. So when the novelty of weekend parties and quick hookups finally wore off—and his feelings for you began to grow—he made it his mission to fix it." 
Pairing:  College Athlete!Bucky x Reader 
Undisclosed by @pellucid-constellations (lumberjack!bucky)
"Desperate to outrun a secret that could cost you your life, you seek refuge in a small mountain town. Its deep forests and small cabins make it the perfect place to hide, but the travel website hadn’t mentioned anything about the quiet, burly lumberjack that wouldn’t leave your thoughts. No one had warned Bucky about you either." 
Pairing: Lumberjack!Bucky x Reader
A Correspondence Of Obligation by @pellucid-constellations (prince!bucky)
"Obedience, duty, pristine smiles—raised as the princess of an oppressive kingdom, you knew nothing else. Your father signed your life away at the ripe age of five, black ink bleeding into a contract between nations, fate cemented with the flick of a quill. So when the time came to fulfill the promises you were too young to make, you expected much of the same in the land of Brookshire. But Prince James had other plans, as did the enemies looming outside the castle walls".
Pairing: Prince!Bucky x Princess!Reader (Royal AU)
A Million Reasons by @pellucid-constellations
"Bucky Barnes, with all of his trust fund money and family connections, gets assigned community service. You, as someone that's technically part of the community, have to put up with him. Every day. And he won't stop killing your plants."
Pairing: College!Bucky x Reader
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Never Let You Go by @bitsandbobsandstuff
"After losing the woman they love, Bucky and Steve make a desperate decision with unimaginable consequences."
A Love That Never Leaves by @bitsandbobsandstuff
"Sometimes when you go looking for the past, you find things you never expected. When an accident brings him face to face with something he never knew he lost, Bucky Barnes begins to understand an age old truth – it’s so easy, sometimes, to love the things that destroy us."
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Safe With Me by @bitsandbobsandstuff
"When an unknown threat enters your life, protection is offered at the highest level. As Bucky Barnes comes into your life, the game changes, and you realise falling for the man tasked with keeping you safe is the last thing you expected."
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Three Shades of A Man by @bitsandbobsandstuff
"It was different every time, what Bucky needed from you to survive himself. It was in these moments you saw the shades behind the mask he wore in front of the world"
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
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Guiding Light by @wkemeup
The Witness by @wkemeup (detective!bucky)
By Any Other Name by @wkemeup (FBI!bucky)
Sunrise by @wkemeup (armyvet!bucky)
Delicate Edges by @wkemeup (biker!bucky)
Sky Full Of Song by @wkemeup (pirate!bucky)
Pride & Privacy by @adrinktostopyourthirst
Feelings Are Fatal by @sunmoonandeddie
Appointments by @noctumbra
Codename: Lazarus by @sagechanoafterdark
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I'll Take Care Of It by @tellmealovestory
Something More by @tellmealovestory (modern au)
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It's a Deal by @justreadingfics
Looking For A Heartbeat by @justreadingfics
Bad Match by @justreadingfics
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Lumby & Bunny by @sweetdreamsbuck (lumberjack!bucky)
Florist Bucky by @navybrat817
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Biker Bucky by @angrythingstarlight
Soft Mafia Bucky by @angrythingstarlight
Chubby Baker Bucky by @angrythingstarlight
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The Two of Us by @bucky-bucket-barnes
The Five Times Bucky Saved You... by @buckysknifecollection
Tiktok Trend by @tuiccim
Snow by @delaber
Personal Pillow by @buckyalpine
Untouched by @buckyalpine
Wait, What? by @buckyalpine
Untouched by @buckyalpine
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Project V by @babyboibucky
"You ask your best friend Bucky a favor of a lifetime." Pairing College!Bucky Barnes x Reader"
What's Left Behind by @ussgallifrey
"The world turned upside down the minute you let your guard down and, despite it all, you just had to keep going because… what else could you do at a time like this?"
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Gender Neutral Reader
The Kids Aren't Alright by @ussgallifrey
"Nobody wants to hear you sing about tragedy but, between the three of you, there’s enough lyrics to write an anthem. You’re doomed from the start"
Pairing: Steve x named!Female Reader x Bucky
Updated 4/11/2023
173 notes · View notes
duckybarnes1917 · 2 years
Pretty Baby
Bucky Barnes x Reader
18+ ONLY.
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Summary: I had this slutty little thought about Bucky's leg over your shoulder while you suck his dick...so here's a quick drabble about it.
A/N: This is my first attempt at writing something short and sweet. I see other authors do it all the time and it's not something I'm 100% comfortable with yet. I still spent way too much time on this, edited it, and had to force myself to cut it short. But I hope with practice, I can get more drabbles like this out!
Warnings: subby Bucky, blowjob, mention of prostate massage, Bucky being insecure
I'm imagining your evening starts with Bucky being nervous about an event you both have to attend. And once there, some asshole agent makes a snide comment about Bucky and his arm in front of a lot of people. Despite how much he tries, Bucky can't let it go. He spends the rest of the evening spiraling, desperately wanting to escape the room. So when you finally get home, you notice immediately that he's not okay...
"Buck?" You called to him from the bathroom doorway, and the look on his face when he turned to you made you frown.  
The stress and anxiety manifested in the form of a red flush over his chest and neck. His eyes were far away. 
"What can I do, babe?" You quickly joined his side, touching his cheek gently. 
He sighed and nuzzled against your hand. "I'm okay," he mumbled. "Just need to clear my head." 
"Come on," you led him back to the bedroom, gently guiding him to the bed. "Let me help." 
Bucky started to protest, but you kissed his neck delicately while you began to work on the knots in his shoulders. He shut up quickly, letting you help. 
You knew how these massages usually ended–with Bucky between your legs for hours if you let him. But you were determined to flip the script–take care of him this time. He could be a pillow princess for once…maybe he would discover how good it felt to let go. 
You pushed Bucky's shoulder, laying him back on the mountain of pillows piled on the bed. 
"Let me–" Bucky started. 
You shushed him gently and kissed his lips. "No, let me." You kissed both his eyelids, tasting the lone tear Bucky had let slip. The taste of it broke your heart. You kissed his cheeks and his nose before finding his lips again. "Let me show you how beautiful you are, baby. So fucking perfect." 
Your lips moved to kiss the dimple in his chin and then made a path across his strong jaw and down his neck. 
Bucky swallowed hard; this was not how he had expected the rest of his evening to go. After spending hours being mortified, he had just wanted to come home and hide. Maybe crawl under the comforter with his headphones until he could forget everything. But you were having none of it. Your hands gently slid under his shirt, and he tensed. 
"Shhh, it's okay, baby. Do you want me to stop?" 
Bucky bit his lip; it didn't make sense. He had moved past being ashamed of his body with you. He hadn't been anxious to shed his clothes in front of you in months. It wasn't fair that one asshole could change that and put that pit of anxiety and fear back in his belly. 
"Don't stop," he finally whispered because no one was going to take you from him. 
You slowly pulled his shirt over his head, and your lips went to work, touching every inch of his bruised and scarred skin. With each kiss you gave, he felt a little more like himself. No one had been so gentle with him, not before you. By the time your lips finished trailing down his vibranium arm, the evening's events were far from his mind. And when you wrapped your lips around two of his metal fingers, all thoughts flew out of his head completely. 
"Doll," he groaned, "can I taste you?" 
You shook your head. "After I'm done taking care of you, lay back down." 
Bucky hadn't even realized he had sat up in an attempt to get closer to you. He listened and flopped down against the pillows as you unbuttoned his slacks. You took your time, but Bucky didn't mind. Every touch, every kiss, every swipe of your warm tongue was a blessing to him. You hadn't even taken his cock out yet, but he didn't care. He would gladly live suspended in this euphoria, basking in your attention forever. 
For once, he let his mind go blank, focusing only on the pleasure you were giving him, on the whispered praise you gave against his skin. He didn't notice you had completely undressed him until suddenly something wet and warm was wrapped around his cock. He squeezed his eyes shut and groaned quietly. 
Your hands moved over his thighs and lifted his knees, so his feet were planted on the bed. But he didn't use the leverage to thrust. He let you remain in control, focusing on the way your movements were controlled and slow, but your lips remained tight, tongue never missing a swipe over his sensitive head. 
Your hands massaged the backs of his thick thighs, and Bucky was only vaguely aware of you slowly pushing his left leg up and over your shoulder. Before he realized what you had done, your shoulder pushed into the back of his thigh, lifting his leg higher as you took his cock deeper into your throat. 
"Oh fuck!" Bucky snapped out of his trance, his hand flying to the back of your head and his heel digging into your back. 
You moaned around him, and he hissed as pleasure shot through every nerve ending in his body. Even then, he realized his leg was over your shoulder and attempted to put it back on the bed. But you gently slapped his thigh, pulling your mouth off his cock. 
"I said, let me take care of you, pretty baby." 
You looked at him with heavy lust-filled eyes, and all Bucky could do was whimper as he nodded his agreement. 
You grinned big before quickly hoisting his other leg up over your shoulder. 
"Oh fuck me," Bucky whispered. 
"That's the plan," you kept eye contact with him while you ran your tongue up and down his cock before sliding it back into your throat. 
Bucky squeezed his eyes shut; he swore he was even deeper than before. "Oh–" his words were lost in a deep groan as your finger started stimulating his prostate. 
His head dropped back, his back arched, and his hands scrambled for purchase in the sheets. He knew he must be quite the picture, mouth dropped open in a silent scream, his legs starting to shake as his heels dug into your back. His cock throbbed, and he couldn't help but start thrusting in your mouth. All his anxieties were long gone; the only thing he could focus on was the consistent throbbing in the head of his cock, and the slick tightness of your throat every time he slid down it. 
When he came, white-hot pleasure coursing through him, you swallowed every drop. Your throat contracting around him prolonged his orgasm until he was teetering between pleasure in pain. He could have stayed in limbo forever—head empty–only you–but you slowly pulled your mouth off him and placed his legs back on the bed. 
You gently pushed his hair out of his face as you cuddled against his heaving chest. "See, you should let me take care of you more often." 
Bucky nodded, finally gathering himself enough to pull you closer to him. "Thank you–you didn't have to–"
"I wanted to, pretty baby. I love you."
Bucky pulled you up to his lips, searing his love for you on every inch of skin he could reach.
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ichorkurt · 2 years
ficrecs masterlist.
welcome to my ficrecs masterlist! find my main blog @ichorai. find my own fics here.
below the cut includes marvel, game of thrones, house of the dragon, dc, star wars, the boys, friends, bridgerton, bullet train, the gray man, the walking dead, arcane, and succession fics!
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ೃ⁀➷ bucky barnes.
be still, my indelible love by @pellucid-constellations​
code words by @cinebration​ 
cookies and tea by @han-writings​
counting by @/pellucid-constellations
depth of a shade by @softlybarnes
dreamscape by @wkemeup​ 
first date by @melwilson​
flight risk by @/wkemeup
guiding light by @/wkemeup
harmless by @shurisneakers​
henleys and hairties by @lovelybarnes​
if without you by @rassvetsky 
it will come back by @shedobewritingalittle​
i've got you by @majestyeverlasting​
keep you warm by @heavenlybarnes​
lavender by @/wkemeup
lilac wine by @nexusnyx​
looped by @/softlybarnes
nostalgia for the new by @real-jane​​
safe by @hailhydra920​
sleeping on the floor by @duckie-bee​
snow days by @bucky-bucket-barnes​
the sound of your heart by @jobean12-blog​​
stairs by @/lovelybarnes
time after time by @intrepidacious​
two sides of the same coin by @anonymityisfunwriter 
under oath by @ugh-supersoldiers​ 
untitled by @vanderlustwords​
valentine by @/softlybarnes
waiting waiting waiting by @/wkemeup
the way he loves by @/lovelybarnes
whatever happens, wherever i go... by @foreverindreamlandd​
ೃ⁀➷ charles xavier.
gravitational pull by @lazydoodlesandfanfic​ 
ೃ⁀➷ eddie brock.
exchanges by @whirlybirbs 
ೃ⁀➷ frank castle.
wherever you go, i go by @amhrosina​ 
ೃ⁀➷ jack russell.
come back to me by @/cinebration 
a good night by @noforkingclue
untitled by @ruby-dragon​ 
ೃ⁀➷ jake lockley.
bad days by @gooddaysmeanwritingdays​
the jake problem by @bensolosbluesaber 
keep the secret? by @mkfluffluv​
trouble sleeping by @the-butterfly-blues​
ೃ⁀➷ kate bishop.
this is a hospital by @alotofpockets​ 
ೃ⁀➷ logan howlett.
blast from the past by @lune-hime 
the breaking point by @stardustdreams-andcaffeine 
dating logan howlett would include... by @chiefdirector 
i don’t mind by @siren-and-faies-writing 
family outing by @/lune-hime 
forever winter by @luna-writes-stuff​ 
if you’ll have me by @make-me-imagine​​ 
laura saw you two making-out... by @ellana-ravenwood 
logan headcanons by @n1ghtw1ng01 
reluctantly here by @moonlit-imagines 
tragic endings by @buckyseddie 
world on fire by @cobbvanthsblaster 
ೃ⁀➷ marc spector.
bad days by @gooddaysmeanwritingdays
a future without you by @/mkfluffluv
halloween again by @/softlybarnes 
jealousy by @stevenspector
just let me dream a little more by @the-archxr
lavender kisses by @kiwicider​ 
loss by @b6cky 
sleepy thief by @slightlypossessed
trouble sleeping by @/the-butterfly-blues
untitled by @/softlybarnes 
untitled by @/softlybarnes 
ೃ⁀➷ m’baku.
lord of the mountains by @/foreverindreamlandd 
ೃ⁀➷ miles morales.
corazón despeinado & cielo en la miente by @parkerflix​ 
ೃ⁀➷ namor.
safest place in the world by @legends-of-apex​
sanctuary by @eunsuri 
until the waves call me home by @harrysweasleys​ 
ೃ⁀➷ natasha romanoff.
lazy days by @alotofpockets​​ 
penguin by @luthorgarbage​
ೃ⁀➷ peter parker.
banana split by @/kiwicider
caviar and cigarettes by @curseofaphrodite​ 
ೃ⁀➷ pietro maximoff.
at the end of the day by @acciopietro 
peter with an s/o who’s too nice by @takenbypeter​ 
waking up with pietro maximoff by @angelltheninth 
ೃ⁀➷ steve rogers.
as you wish by @rookthorne 
bridges break by @/shurisneakers 
hide and seek by @earth616variant 
parade by @rodrikstark​
surname by @withbuckybarnes
a threat beneath the nice veneer by @witchywithwhiskey​ 
untitled by @blushstories​
ೃ⁀➷ steven grant.
10.21 am by @brockify​​
bad days by @/gooddaysmeanwritingdays
cuddling headcanons by @bowieandqueen11​​
heaven's cloud by @/brockify
jealousy by @/stevenspector
loss by @/b6cky​
trouble sleeping by @/the-butterfly-blues
untitled by @forever-rogue​
ೃ⁀➷ wade wilson.
untitled by @thebisexualdogdad​ 
wade hitting on you, clossus’ sibling by @/moonlit-imagines 
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game of thrones / house of the dragon.
ೃ⁀➷ aegon targaryen.
pretty when you cry by @/kiwicider 
ೃ⁀➷ aemond targaryen.
and what of your love? by @endless-ineffabilities 
the campain by @sapphire-writes
can’t help falling in love by @lauraneedstochill 
can i sit here? by @aemonds-war-crime 
citrus by @aemondx 
devotion by @milliesdiary 
the dance between dragons by @house-strong 
dragons, knights, and princesses by @runningmunson 
education by @oneeyedvisenya​
haven’t i been good to you? by @cosmoeticss 
heartbeat by @spideymatcha 
i’d rather be sad with you, than anywhere away from you by @jasonsmirrorball 
i’m a damsel, i’m in distress, i can handle this by @valeskafics 
in a week by @/oneeyedvisenya
in dreams by @/oneeyedvisenya 
in the beginning by @avtrbee 
judas by @s-brant 
just kill me and be done with it by @targaryenrealnessdarling 
a mother for a son by @/targaryenrealnessdarling
nectar of the gods by @aemndx 
now i draw a luxury nxde by @xfancyuu 
not at all in love by @/oneeyedvisenya
one eye open when i’m sleeping by @just-some-random-blogger 
persuasion by @aemonds-sapphire 
practice makes perfect by @1800-fight-me 
she was lovin’ me, she was wantin’ me by @astrumark 
a song of flames and fury by @/sapphire-writes 
a stranger by @/targaryenrealnessdarling 
time can’t stop me quite like you did by @/jasonsmirrorball 
tipping point by @/oneeyedvisenya 
touch starved aemond by @aemondsbeloved 
unexplained illness by @warmfieldofgrass 
the warrior princess by @theold-ultraviolence
whispers unsaid by @/theold-ultraviolence 
unnoticed by @/aemonds-sapphire
untitled by @/aemonds-war-crime 
untitled by @/aemonds-war-crime
untitled by @themotherofhorses 
ೃ⁀➷ daemon targaryen.
in the shadow of your heart by @/endless-ineffabilities
puppy love by @/just-some-random-blogger​ 
ೃ⁀➷ jacaerys velaryon.
the dance between dragons by @/house-strong 
love, parents, and truths by @/house-strong 
under the weirdwood tree by @targaryen-jpg​ 
unexpected visit by @jacesbeloved 
ೃ⁀➷ jon snow.
the jealous type by @ninjasawakenedmystar 
the making of a man by @januaryembrs​ 
moon of my life by @depends-on-the-sellsword 
a northern light by @fallatyourfeet 
snow by @l4verq
ೃ⁀➷ robb stark.
robb stark being protective would include... by @imagines-all-day-everyday​ 
ೃ⁀➷ sansa stark.
warmth by @megsironthrone​​
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ೃ⁀➷ adrian chase.
complex simplicity by @bingoboingobongo 
my favorite girl by @vigilvntes 
now or never by @/whirlybirbs 
on her majesty’s supersonic service by @training4theapocalypse-backup​ 
ೃ⁀➷ bruce wayne.
convenience by @imaginingmarvelandeverything 
lingering shadows by @/foreverindreamlandd
middle of the night and shadows in the night by @hollandorks 
i won’t drown, batman by @twinklelilstarkey 
the way down by @whats-rambled-rambled 
a world alone by @/vigilvntes
world’s greatest detective by @bkwrm523​ 
ೃ⁀➷ dream / morpheus.
darling by @daddyjackfrost 
the deal by @spideybatsy 
exit light, enter night by @clints-lucky-arrow 
how to mistakenly summon an ancient being & keep him by @writethrough 
imagine being the one who releases morpheus by @undiscovered-horizon 
love game by @/avtrbee 
playing with morpheus’ hair by @paradiseinaverno 
the mixup by @7-wonders​ 
morpheus’ love languages by @auroraborealyss 
saving grace by @/avtrbee
today i bury you in me by @the-darklings 
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star wars.
ೃ⁀➷ poe dameron.
the f-word by @the-little-ewok​
heartless by @youvebeenlivingfictional​
officially unofficial by @thelovelylolly 
one last dance by @loud-mouth-loser 
peacetime by @lomlpoedameron​​​
untitled by @starryeyedstories​​
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the boys.
ೃ⁀➷ black noir.
domestic by @mlmxreader​ 
in your dreams by @seeds-and-sins​
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ೃ⁀➷ friends.
how the friends characters would react to you asking for their pronouns by @lanawinterscigarettes 
ೃ⁀➷ joey tribbiani.
the one where you’re dating joey by @charliewritesfanfic 
untitled by @maximoff-pan 
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ೃ⁀➷ benedict bridgerton.
365 days of you by @promenadewithme​ 
as a kite by @saintlike78 
benedict bridgerton and marriage by @iliveiloveiwrite 
en garde by @delphispoeticals 
forgive me by @benedictscanvas 
invisible string by @purelyfiction 
it is just tea by @leahsficemporium 
knight in shining armor by @magpiencrow 
matchmakers by @siempre-bucky 
muse of mine by @murswrites 
my heart, my future by @/make-me-imagine
pall mall by @tontattletale 
paint with me by @/magpiencrow
the princess and the lord by @ficnacs 
that’s my wife! by @wysteria-clad 
they’re not the only ones by @/maximoff-pan
this and the next by @/iliveiloveiwrite
whatever the poets say by @cressidaclearwood 
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bullet train.
ೃ⁀➷ tangerine.
all in a days work by @fookinfandoms 
bathroom b!tch by @keravnous​ 
confessionals by @dragoneye01 
crazy in love by @danny-cordray 
tangerine comes home to you asleep by @magicchai 
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the gray man.
ೃ⁀➷ court gentry / lloyd hansen.
only the lonely and stop all the clocks by @charnelhouse​​ 
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the walking dead.
ೃ⁀➷ rick grimes.
rick protecting you would include... by @joelsgeetar​ 
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ೃ⁀➷ viktor.
all nighter by @shimmerforall 
aphrodisiac with academy student viktor by @zaunitearchives 
forgotten by @ficfanatictrf 
human testing by @the-hidden-pages 
rest by @writingmysanity​ 
a theory by @gaybybirth
untitled by @astudyincontrasts 
viktor with a sleey s/o headcanons by @kitt357 
wet dreams by @/gaybybirth 
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ೃ⁀➷ roman roy.
bear hug by @richeeduvie
the blood pours by @bowieandqueen11 
cuddling with roman roy by @/richeeduvie 
date death by @/richeeduvie
heartbreaker by @the-west-meadow 
hit me by @/the-west-meadow
jump then fall by @lukas-matsson 
just close your eyes by @/lukas-matsson
like a leopard’s tongue in the mouth of a snake by @z3nitsusgf 
neck and neck by @/richeeduvie
out of control by @jaebeomsbitch 
phone line by @/richeeduvie
pining and anticipation by @aprilthearcher​ 
the poison drips through by @itsasainz 
red bird by @wildlunar 
resolved issues by @/bowieandqueen11
roman roy being jealous would include... by @/bowieandqueen11
roman roy x age-gap reader headcanons & part two by @missscarlettangel 
roman roy smut headcanons by @succcession 
romeo take me somewhere we can be alone by @/missscarlettangel 
romulus by @/richeeduvie
sneakers by @/richeeduvie 
steamed by @/richeeduvie
sunlight by @/bowieandqueen11
this slant of light by @/richeeduvie
touch me (i’m sick) by @/richeeduvie
untitled by @/richeeduvie 
untitled by @/the-west-meadow
untitled by @/the-west-meadow
untitled by @/z3nitsusgf
what’s an office crush? by @/missscarlettangel
when he’s gone by @/the-west-meadow
while you were sleeping by @/richeeduvie
876 notes · View notes
sstan-hoe · 2 years
𝒊𝒊. 𝑰 𝑴𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝑩𝒆 𝑫𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — fem!reader × incubus!andy barber/bucky barnes/steve kemp/steve rogers/nick fowler/ari levinson/ransom drysdale/lloyd hansen
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — all you wanted was to go on vacation but your car didn't have the same idea. Almost breaking down in the middle of nowhere you luckily made it to a house with lights. A handsome stranger and his friends offer to help you. They're devilishly handsome…or almost demon like? Something about them entrances you.
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 — there is no violence but reader is scared shitless, trigger warning
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 — I hope this is not too fast, the next chapter will be complete filth so he prepared and it might take longer as it will be longer — the following smut chapter will only include the name of the character in the tags!!
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You found yourself in a neat bedroom, it had an included bathroom, a King-sized bed, a dark wooden desk and one big closet next to a drawer.
The room was simple yet beautiful, the walls painted in a cool white, the furniture was in the same dark wood which paired perfectly with the velvet red bedsheets and pillows of the bed. It gave the room a rich atmosphere.
As your gaze drifted to the closet you remembered your clothes that were still in your car. You weren’t sure if Bucky and Ari could get your car to the mansion or helped you get your clothes.
You walked back down to the kitchen in search for one of the two men, but there was only Lloyd getting a beer from the fridge. He looked intimidating and had to build up all your confidence to speak to him.
Lloyd had notice you standing behind him, how could he not your scent was too strong.
“Uhm, uh Lloyd?” you asked carefully stepping towards him. Said man turned around with a smirk, “what can I do for you, trésor?” he asked putting the beer on the counter next to him.
“I have no clothes, they’re still in my car…,” you tod him fumbling with your fingers. Lloyd gave a sigh and he started to think, he wouldn’t let you go out that was for sure. It was too late and the journey too long for his liking.
“Mhm, I could give you a shirt of mine and some shorts until tomorrow. Then we can get everything,” he proposed, and you nodded along, the idea wasn’t bad, so you accepted.
“Then come on,” he said waving his hand telling you to follow him. Lloyd left the beer in the kitchen and led you through the foyer to the steps. “Tomorrow Bucky can give you a complete tour of all the rooms, all the bedrooms are on the second floor which means we will be just a few feet away,” Lloyd reassured you.
It did make you feel better as you didn’t have to worry about finding no one in the big house at night – or any daytime for that matter.
After you had climbed the stairs, Lloyd walked in into the direction of your room but two door prior he opened mahogany door. He stepped to the side letting you enter his quarters, your mouth dropping as you took in the breath-taking room.
The bedroom was spacious, there was a little hallway before you were able to see the whole room. Right next to it was a nightstand and a king-sized bed with black sheets, red pillows, and a red duvet. The headboard had a rounded triangle top and pillars on each side. Opposite from the bed where tall windows which overlooked the forest and a few mountains.
Lloyd turned on the light causing your eyes to snap up to the chandelier, it was made out of the same mahogany wood as the rest of the room.
He took your hand guided you to sit on his bed, “relax trésor,” he said before walking to his closet that was on the left of the windows. Opening the immense doors he revealed a row of black suits, dress shirts, polo shirts and expensive looking jackets.
“What does that mean?” you couldn’t help but ask as he again used the nickname for you. Lloyd turned around, “it means ‘treasure’ in French,” he smirked a little. Your cheeks heat up at the reveal of the meaning.
The man pulled out a white dress shirt, then he opened a drawer from beneath and took out a short sweatpants.
You watched him closely as he walked around the room, you still couldn’t believe how you ended up in a house with eight gorgeous man.
The moon was shining through the tanned windows, the light glazing onto Lloyd’s skin. At second glance his skin looked dark red, but that was probably just because his room was coloured in the dark red.
“Here you go,” he snapped you out as he laid the clothes on your lap. The light of the moon was now on his back, you couldn’t see that it turned his skin red once again, that it looked like his upper body was completely bare.
Your fingers touched the soft fabric, gently stroking it, “thank you Lloyd,” you mumbled absently as your mind was focused on the smooth fabric.
The bed dipped next to you, “everything okay?” Lloyd pulled you from your thoughts again. You turned your head towards him, and a frightened scream left your lips. His face was now fully exposed to the moonlight, his skin dark red, eyes pitch black, on his head allusions to two horns and behind him unfolded dragon like wings that were only a few shades darker than his skin.
Scrambling off the bed you took a run towards the door, Lloyd looked confused but as his eyes glazed over his hand, he realized what had happened, “shit, fucking shit,” he cursed.
As you opened the door you ran right into Bucky, he caught you in his arms, “hey, hey, hey what’s wrong?” he asked while his eyes scanned over your features. You looked up at him just as the moonlight was lightening his face, Bucky looked just like Lloyd.
Instead of screaming you wriggled yourself out of his arms and ran down the hallway to the stairs, fear written all over your face.
You knew this was a bad idea to even step into this house, you should have realized it when you noticed that all of them were hot as fuck - hot as hell more like.
Back in Lloyd’s room Bucky finally noticed why you ran, his eyes scanned his friend's features before he looked at his own hands. “Why didn’t you close the curtains?!” the brunette scolded Lloyd who glared at him, “because I wanted her to leave. Obviously, I wasn’t aware that today was a fucking full moon!”
“Oh, now stop acting like you’re a werewolf, we can decide when we change appearance,” Bucky turned around walking out of Lloyd’s room with him following close behind. “Yeah, but when the full moon shines on our skin you fucking see it,” he kept arguing with Bucky.
“Stop trying to find excuses, she’s gone now and we gotta find her,” Bucky got louder as walked along the hallway.
The others came from their rooms as they heard the loud noises, Steve Rogers was the first to speak up, “Buck what’s going on?”
Bucky huffed an annoyed laugh, “Hansen over here couldn’t hide his true form in front of our little guest who now has run off,” he explained, receiving rows of groans. “Hey! None of you were against the idea of telling her anyway,” Lloyd began defending himself.
“Let’s just find her and you stay away from her until she decides it’s okay,” Ari ordered, pointing his finger at Lloyd at the end of the sentence.
The men parted ways in search of you.
You run, your brain tells you to run faster and faster. Tree after tree passed your sight until you couldn’t run anymore, you were out of breath. You didn’t want to stop, but your waist hurt, and your feet screamed at you to stop.
Looking around you saw a few trees further away from the road, a good hiding spot. You let yourself fall against the tree slowly drifting down with heavy breaths. This wasn’t real, this isn’t real, you’re dreaming. You told yourself over and over again, demons were not real.
Suddenly all air was knocked from your lungs as you heard Ari call your name, was he like them? Of course, he was! Why else would he live with them?
“Please, we won’t hurt you! Can we at least talk? Just listen to us and then when you don’t want to stay Rogers, Bucky and I will fix your car instantly, please,” his tone sounded sad and you could almost think he was begging, almost. You didn’t believe him one bit, you tried slowing down your breathing in hopes he wouldn’t hear you.
Ari’s enhanced hearing picked up on your breathing and carefully walked into the direction of the trees. He had no intentions of hurting you - neither did one of the men. All of them were aware that they had to tell you in some way and as soon as possible, but this was certainly not how they wanted you to find out.
You heard leaves rustle around you and closed your eyes in fear. A quiet whimper left your lips, never in your life before had you been so scared.
“Please, I promise you that we will not hurt you and for what it’s worth I’m not allowed to break promises,” Ari continued talking, his voice coming closer and closer to you. There was not a bone in your body that believed him.
Ari carefully rounded the trees and came face to face with you, his sudden appearance caused you to scream loudly and hit the back of your head against the tree. The piercing pain made a few tears roll down your cheeks.
“No, oh, cherry I didn’t mean to scare you,” he instantly started talking. You realized that all of the different nicknames annoyed you, couldn’t they settle for one?
“Go away, please I don’t want to die,” you cried, choking on your own saliva. Ari looked horrified, he didn’t want you to think they were going to kill you.
He slowly walked towards you while you tried to squeeze yourself inside the tree which did not work.
“I promise you, we will not hurt you. We just want to be friends, get to know you, help you. Let me look at your head or better Brandon, he’s a doctor,” the demon tried again. Your eyes hardened, why wouldn’t he just go away? You realized that he wouldn’t leave you alone so it was either sit here and he might force you or act confident, threaten him and then run as soon as you can.
“Fine, but if you dare to do anything but the promise you made, then I will cut off your dick,” you threatened him and pushed yourself up with the help of the tree. A piercing pain runs through your body making you whimper.
“Cher-,” “Don’t touch me. Stop with the nickname.”
You walked by him and into the direction of the house with him trailing behind you. Ari had called the others to tell them he found you and you were on the way.
Back at the house Ari told you to go into the living room where the other men - demons already sat. All of them looked like kicked puppies. You sat down in an armchair opposite from the demons.
“Why are you all so silent? You want to explain? Then explain,” you didn’t know where the boots of confidence were coming from, but you loved it. “Could Steve look at your head while we explain?” Ari asked and you rolled your eyes, “if he must.”
Lloyd and Nick had a shit eating grin on their faces. It was clearly visible how much they enjoyed your mannerism at the moment. Steve Kemp got up to get the first aid kit, Rogers and Ransom sat there not knowing what to do and Bucky desperately wanted to apologize.
“We’re sorry, we wanted to tell you! But not just yet because we were scared how you would react, we don’t want to hurt you. Actually, we really want to spend time with you, doll,” Bucky immediately began and the nickname was making your blood boil again.
“Okay let’s pause for a second, either find one nickname or none,” you interrupted him. The men looked at each other, all of them thinking they understood each other.
“Trésor,” “cherry,” “darling,” “bunny,” “kitten,” “doll,” “sweetheart,” “princess,” they said unison, and quickly realized their mistake. You groaned and clutched your hand against your head, if you were really going to stay you would make them have a therapy session together once a day.
“We will come back to that later, what are you?” you changed the subject back right as Steve moved your head to inspect it for any major injuries. “You seem good, but if you decide to stay here the night, we gotta keep an eye on you to make sure you don’t have a concussion,” the brunette explained, you nodded in response - you wondered if Steve was even a real doctor.
“Well, uh, we’re incubus…,” your eyes instantly widened in shock at Ransom's words. You weren’t all in the topic about incubus and succubus, but you knew they were sex demons.
“You, all of you are sex demons?” you asked slowly, still not believing what was happening, “I’m dreaming, I must be dreaming….”
“No, you’re not, please believe us. We would never harm you and-,” “even if we were to harm you, first we would fuck you,” all eyes went from Andy to Ransom.
Your jaw dropped at his words, your thoughts were all over the place, your head hurt and all you wanted to do was sleep. A part of you wanted to give and just be with them, their aura was alluring, it might have been the reason why you wanted to stay with them.
However, you also asked yourself if their explanation was of any use on how your judgment about them would change.
“Ignore Ransom. We will answer all of your questions,” Bucky continued and stood up from his seat to walk over to you. He got on one knee in front of you, “can you forgive us? I will do everything you want,” he looked at you with big puppy eyes and you wanted to slap yourself for thinking how cute he looked.
You also wanted to slap yourself for what you were about to say, “I will forgive you…not now, but at one point,” if all of them were going to be like Bucky and had the need to worship the ground to walked on then you could get used to this.
“Thank you, thank you doll-,” Buck closed his hand around yours kissing the back of your hand. “Nickname…,” you reminded him gently which caused his face to fall.
“Then give us one, tell us what you want us to call you,” Nick interjected and it got you thinking.
What would be a fitting nickname for you? It needed to be something cute for sure and it should be fit for you. You mentally went through every nickname you could think of, but nothing seemed to fit.
The room was silent for five until the moonlight shined though the curtains again to reveal Andy’s dark red skin. When he noticed he instantly moved to the side, it was then you realised you were the complete opposite of them.
“Angel, call me angel,” you announced to them.
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You could see that the incubus likes the name, the demons and their little angel. It was really fitting.
"Now I really need a shower," you stated as you stood up. Your legs were still a little wobbly which caused you to almost fall if Bucky hadn't catched you, "careful angel," he whispered, making goosebumps dance on your skin.
"I can do the rest alone thank you," you waved him off. It wasn't like you didn't enjoy it, but you were tired and wanted to snuggle up in a big pile of blankets after taking a gracious shower and sitting in front of the blow dryer for at least thirty minutes.
"Do you remember where the bathroom is?" he asked with a cocked eye brow and you nodded your head. You bid everyone good night, hoping for this day to come to an end.
As you reached the top of the stairs, a big question mark formed above your head…where was the bathroom again. You could swear only seconds ago you knew. First however you went to your room to get the needed supplies.
With a toothbrush, towel, razor, Lloyd’s clothes and shampoo in hand you went on the search for the bathroom. To your surprise you quickly found one.
It was a big bathroom with a toilet, shower, mirror with sink and a few cabinets. The bathroom looked expensive and high quality – which it probably was – thanks to the black tiles against the wall and on the floor.
From above white light shined on you which came from a niche between the ceiling and the tiles. The shower however had no glass which confused you. Shrugging it off you placed your toothbrush, towel, razor and shampoo along with Lloyd's clothes on the sink.
You then turned on the blow dryer before doing the same with the water, luckily for you the blow dryer was far away enough to stay dry. The water came like rain falling from the sky from the shower head or more like a rectangle. Removing your clothes you folded them to put them next to the other stuff.
As you stepped into the shower a relief washed over you, all the bad thoughts, the fear, everything washed off.
At the loud noise from the blow dryer, the sound of the water running and you soft humming as you shampooed your hair you did not hear anyone enter.
Bucky got curious as he heard the water running from his bathroom. It was the only bathroom – besides the guest bathroom – accessible from the outside. As he stepped inside he could already smell your faint arousal and your sweet perfume.
Suddenly as he saw you it hit him, he was standing there with a naked upper body and you were completely naked in his shower.
"Angel?" He asked slowly, Bucky didn't want to frighten you. You opened your eyes and saw him, the demon with a naked chest that was sculptured like a good.
𝑫𝑬𝑽𝑰𝑳𝑺 𝑫𝑬𝑵 — @smile1318 @georgiapeach30513 @alina02 @rogersbarber @antisocialwritingx @broadwaybabe18
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 | @sstanhoe-updates blog where new fics will always be reblogged in case you're not interested in the taglist as it has conditions
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Omg the mixtape requests!! I love the idea!!
The song: like a tattoo by Sade with Bucky Barnes! Specially from the min 1:35 to 2:03 I think you’ll love it x fem reader
The Scar of Age
This drabble is part of JJ’s Mixtape - a mini series based on my followers’ favourite songs and characters. You can read more of them here!
Song Prompt: Like a Tattoo
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader (romantic, no pronouns used)
Word Count: ~2350
CW: Talking about death and killing, reader has killed people on a mission, kissing, allusions to rough kissing/six (consensual), overwhelmed response that could be interpreted as a panic attack (but isn’t intended to be one)
Note: Thank you for your beautiful request, anon !! (I wrote this for a female reader and then realised no pronouns/gendered descriptions were used, so have tagged it accordingly) When I heard this song the image I instantly had was riding a motorbike through a snowy mountain road, and what was supposed to be a steamy little safe-house number turned into something a little more heavy. I was so inspired by the lyrics of this song, thank you for sharing 💜
The war is still raging inside of me // I still feel the chill // as I reveal my shame to you // I wear it like a tattoo
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It’s been growing for months. This budding, rising magnetism alive between you and him. Still unspoken, still untouched, now unfettered.
It started not long after he returned from Wakanda. The attraction was instant, the pull soon became hard to resist but, by the gods, you resisted it with all you had. You kept a respectful and professional distance where possible. He’d been through a lot.
But the breathing room has seen it grow beyond control and now, for the first time in forever, you and Bucky are going to be truly alone.
The frostbitten air bites at your leathers as you snake up the icy switchbacks, giving and taking on the throttle, gently guiding the electric motorcycle through the snowy mountain roads towards somewhere out of the way. To the solitude you had been gifted.
He's sitting behind you, and though he’s an anchor of his own his hands are on your waist. It distracts you more than once and you're sure he knows it because he firms his touch when the bike slows from your wayward thoughts. If he dared to broach the subject, you'd blame the ice on the road. Or would you?
The night had been long and rough. Snowcapped mountains begin to glow as you ride to one of Stark's more isolated houses. The beauty of the new day only makes you feel worse after the events of the night; three enemy guards, dead by your hand.
They will never see another sunrise.
Sure, you had an important job to do to keep the public safe, and sure, they were trying to kill you, but damned you'd be if every life ended by your hand didn't eat away at you.
The dirt feeling that gnaws at your gut is your only place of solace because it still hurts. If it ever stopped hurting, you'd walk away for good. Steve promised to help you disappear if that day comes.
Steve. A wry smile threatens to burst under the helmet as you finally see the house in the distance. Steve is the one who rostered this assignment, knowing where it was, knowing the airspace would be tightly monitored the days after your mission, knowing whoever was assigned to it would need to be under the radar until extraction would be less risky. A few nights at least.
He had arranged all of this in front of a room full of highly-perceptive people. No jibing comments were thrown from the other seats, which was so unusual that awkwardness rushed into the void. The panic of perception started to sink in your bones but when you met Bucky’s eye, you stilled. You ceased to wish the ground would swallow you whole the moment his usually stony glare was soft, almost apologetic, as if he was afraid you’d think he’d done this to get you alone. You didn’t smile, hyperaware of the eyes all around, but the look you returned to him seemed to smooth his frayed edges.
Now, there are no prying eyes. Your quickening heartbeat becomes the score of your final stretch towards this unusual hollow of privacy. The house comes more into view. It’s at the end of a straight stretch of road. You tilt your wrist and roll the throttle. As the bike picks up speed, Bucky’s hands slide from your waist down to rest at your hips. It makes your toes curl inside your boots, and you have to hone your focus on the house you’re fast approaching.
The sharp and grey abode look harsh yet at home nestled into the snow-covered bedrock, and the unforgiving structure looks strange bathed in warm pink sunlight. It’s one of those boxy houses made of cool concrete and glass that looks as if it should always be shrouded in cloud cover, but the windows are alive with the rising sun and it pulls a sad smile to your lips.
You ease the bike to a stop when you reach the gate. Both yours and Bucky’s right feet meet the ground to hold the bike as you punch the code into the gate, which opens along with a hidden garage door beneath the house towards which you slip through the fenced doors and quickly guide the bike down a ramp.
The lights gradually flick on as you slow the bike to its final stop next to a few others. You dismount with haste and pull your helmet and gloves off, blowing hot air on your fingers as you rub your hands together. Bucky swings his leg off the bike and removes his own helmet. Strands of his chestnut hair come loose from the knot at the nape of his neck, striking something real and imperfect against his cold-flushed cheekbones. You steal only a quick glance at his rugged tired eyes before he nods his chin towards a staircase that goes up. “Go warm up. I’ll unload.” All you can do is nod, thankful that you can skip off to find a hot shower. The cold is turning painful and the house, though industrial and cavernous, is already pleasantly warm. It isn’t ridiculously large though, and it doesn’t take you long to find a bedroom.
Earlier on in your career, the preparedness of these houses used to haunt you. Somehow, they always had fresh clothes in your size ready and waiting in the wardrobes. Now, you’re desensitised to it all. It’s just another part of the job.
The hot spray is soon welcoming you to your place of rest, easing that chill that had set into your bones, reminding you that you are now safe. Alone. Your pulse drops to your stomach, you breathe through it, and hope you’re not emanating something less savoury than contentment at being here alone with Bucky.
You’re soon dressed and in an industrial-styled kitchen that overlooks a sprawling, picturesque landscape. The floor is warm beneath your socked feet, a feature of the house, and the fridge is stocked for you to begin preparing some food to tame snarling stomachs. Somewhere in your field of sound, the spray of another showed subsides. That pulse picks up again and you focus on cracking some eggs into a white ceramic bowl.
Bucky needs a lot of food, that much is obvious, with the super serum cranking his metabolism, and a lot of protein at that. You’d just finished off breaking the last of the dozen eggs into the bowl when your companion enters the kitchen without a word.
You look up at him, because it would be weird not to, and give a brief, tight smile before opening a drawer in search of a whisk. His brief and welcome hand meets the small of your back as he passes behind you, making his way to start cutting the vegetables you put on the bench. It sends a surge of abashment through your nerves. You curl your toes against the smooth, strangely warm floor.
“I don’t mind cooking.” Your fingers close around a whisk and you close the drawer with your hip.
His head turns in your peripherals so you meet his eye. His stare is soft, framed by the drag of a sleepless night, but not by a hopelessness they once held. He shrugs with one shoulder and almost smiles. “It’s nice to do something normal.” He turns back to the counter and picks up a mushroom, and your eyes roam over him.
The African sun had been kind to him, tinting his skin with pinprick freckles and a tan that had almost faded. His hair holds the summer too. He keeps it pulled back but the shorter pieces frame his face and are laced with tiny threads of gold and the beginnings of grey. You can see the hues even through the post-shower dampness clinging to his waves. The colours are beautiful, you think, because they're signs of life lived after the stolen decades. Of all the scars, age is the only one he deserves. Maybe if you were a different person in a different life, you would've said it out loud. Romanticism doesn't seem to befit you. It feels too soft and too good.
He speaks again as soon as you turn back to the bowl.
“I should’ve got to them first,” he sniffs back the cold. “The guards.”
Your twirl your wrist to beat the eggs and keep your tone level. “I handled it just fine.”
“Yeah, well… I can see-” He lets a breath out and collects his thoughts. “I know y’don’t like it.”
You release your own deep breath through your nose, whisk stilling in your hand. “No one likes it, but it’s part of the job.”
He puts the knife down and turns his head towards you again. “I’m just saying… I can-”
“I don’t want you to do that for me, Bucky.”
Your voice is measured and the whisk doesn’t stop. You smooth a hand against side of the bowl and stare into the milky yellow mixture as it spins and spins and spins. He spent too long taking lives because other people couldn’t do their own dirty work.
“It’s not fair to you.” You sighed once, quickly, almost in a huff, before slowing the whisk again and correcting yourself. “It’s not fair to either of us, but that’s the way the world works.” Indecisive, you put down the utensil and turn your head towards him, shifting your eyes to his chopping board. His body heat skims your left arm. “I don’t want you to protect me from what has to be done. I don’t want you to see me as-”
The words die at your lips and Bucky’s head tilts. “As what?” He prompts in a gentle nudge. His hands are against the counter.
You close your eyes and smile involuntarily, so you force out a dry laugh to cover it up with a shake of your head. Every bit of air in your lungs is screaming out for him to come closer, to rid you of this mounting feeling inside, to break through this barrier of professionalism and fear that you wouldn’t be good for him.
“As one of them,” you can’t meet his eye. “As someone you have to kill for.”
You refused to be the reason he took a life. You weren’t going to do that to him.
You’d be no better than HYDRA.
He responds with something pained, something just above a whisper. “You know how I see you.” It’s not a question, nor an answer. It’s pure honesty simmering just below the horizon.
A strand of his hair is the first thing you feel as he draws closer. It ghosts along your cheekbone and catches the breath in your throat, only for a second though. Your eyes flit upwards, your chin lifts and turns ever so slightly towards him. You soften, to say yes. To say please. And it's all he needs.
His kiss is the opposite of what you expected. It's warm, and gentle.
It's a passion like you've never known.
There's this expectation, with passion, that the intensity should feel like a bolt of lighting or a supernova. Tension builds and builds and it's supposed to break. And sure, it's breaks, but so does the day over the darkness.
If the sun can pour dawn over the horizon, giving a gentle wake to the earth with rosy hues and still remain as powerful, who's to say something as good and inevitable surging through you at the speed of light has to explode. Why couldn't it fill you to the brim and stay full, keeping you bathed in a vivid sunrise.
Everything about him has been severe and guarded, until now. For the first time, while feeling the tenderness of his kiss, you consider that he hadn't built his walls so high because he wanted to keep others out but to keep himself in. You take note that his open palms are still on the counter. His hands were used for so much destruction, perhaps he didn't feel right putting them on you.
Your younger self would have resented his restraint. You would've goaded, chastised, pushed him away until he could meet you with a power you deserved. Why shouldn't he? You can take it; the fingertips sinking into you skin, storm-coloured bruises levied from fun, the gentle ache that pulses through your back from being pinned rough against a wall.
But you’re tired. Exhausted, even. Drained from tensing and flexing and always having to show every ounce of strength. Always a solider, silent and stoic. Always with a job to do. But maybe here, you were just a person.
He pulls away after several moments, still close enough for his breath to graze your lips. You don't look for his eyes because you know he won't meet you there. His tongue peaks out for half a second and he releases a breath before he lifts his head. The gentle warmth of his kiss lingers and emanates.
There's something inside you clawing to get out. A confession, maybe, or a sigh of relief. Or a declaration that you don’t deserve anything as good as what just happened. Whatever it is, it cuts through the air in a haggard little breath.
Sleep deprivation hangs like a thick chain around your neck, your hands are still numb with the lives you ended, you’re filled with an overwhelming warmth that you don’t feel worthy of. It all hits. Every fibre of you aches with the impact.
Bucky turns to steady you before you slouch against the counter.
Maybe he didn’t have to kill for you to make you feel okay. Because more than you could ever know, he gets it. He’s felt it, lived and bled it. All the shame and fleeting doses of heroism that make it all seem justified.
He holds you close. You bury your face in his shoulder with breath heavy and conflicted. His fingers curl against the base of your neck and his arm tightens around your waist, his sure breath is hot above your ear, his heartbeat loud in his chest.
His body say it so his words don’t have to:
I know.
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ao3feed-sambucky · 5 months
Off Mission
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/teFkv1z by Writer_Lethogica Sam might have gotten hurt on a mission. He didn't expect to find Bucky on the same mountain, ready to help him pick a lock into a cabin. EXCERPT: Sam wouldn’t say that he was the most adept at picking locks. Sam could hotwire a quinjet without a thought. Sam could hack security cameras from muscle memory. Sam could reconfigure the system on a drone blindfolded. But give Sam an old-fashioned lock and he was fumbling. It didn’t help that Sam’s wound had already reopened. Sam was pretty good at giving himself stitches, but the amount of movement he had to do to hike the forested mountain to find a seasonal cabin combined with trying to pick this damned lock had opened the wound up. “Sam. Let me.” Sam froze. Sam felt him. The gentle hand on his waist. Sam closed his eyes as he let that hand guide him closer to the warm body connected to it; allowed Sam to lean on him. “Bucky,” Sam breathed. Words: 1994, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 7 of TFATWS Anniversary 2024 Fics Fandoms: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV), Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson Additional Tags: no beta we die like men, POV Sam Wilson (Marvel), Cabin Fic, Hurt/Comfort, Bucky Barnes Takes Care of Sam Wilson, Bittersweet, Speculation for Thunderbolts (Marvel Cinematic Universe), But Just A Better Idea For What Thunderbolts Could Be, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Mission Fic read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/teFkv1z
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artficlly · 1 year
lady of the ghosts [chapter 6]
After a great plague ravages your city, you are looking to marry to secure safety for your people. With a war finally ending, the nearby kingdoms are looking to celebrate. King James "Bucky" Barnes decides to continue his family's tradition of hosting a courting season. A medieval courting marvel AU.
Pairing: king!bucky x lady!reader
Warnings: death, mention of dead body, anxiety, doubt, discussion of funerals, mentions of sexism, angst, tension, FLUFF, lovebites, steve is cocky, lmk if i've missed anything
Word Count: 3.4k
A/N: heres a short n sweet one for ya <3 the funeral is coming up next chapter, are you ready??? i think if i start writing smaller chapters i might be able to get them out more frequently instead of the 10k+ monster this chapter was supposed to be. also i've put this fic onto ao3 (same name and username - pls leave some kudos to help boost) please enjoy and let me know what you think, reblogs and likes appreciated! as always, not proof read - sorry for any typos
chapter masterlist | main masterlist
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Before the Stormfall Mountain’s Pass had been created, Faliene had been impenetrable. The city was only accessible by the frigid Northern Ocean, and few dared to challenge her depths. All those years ago, men feared the gods and what may have lurked under the surface. The children of Neume harnessed the wind and waves, so her inky depths spared them. The same could not be said for the others. The pass had been a success, but it was also the beginning of the end. Her secrets and spirit were lost to the passage of time, devoured by Haiford the moment her underbelly was revealed. The fall was inevitable.
The pass had fallen into disrepair since you last traveled it, with entire sections of the path swallowed by snow and ice. You had been a child back then, ushered from inn to carriage day after day as you and your mother had escaped the plague-ridden city. You wondered if the mountains remembered you as you remembered them. Did your footprints remain buried deep under layers of snow? Or had they been washed away in the thaw as quickly as a wave over sand? 
You had never thought you would see those thick blankets of snow again, your breath was constant and loud as the thin air burned your lungs. How many years have you dreamed of this pass? Your fingers and toes numb as you barreled through the blizzard, reaching and screaming for that distant city. How many years has it been since you last saw Faliene in all her glory? As excited as you were to be reunited with your home, apprehension clawed at your gut. 
Would your people remember you? Would they accept you – their lady, who had spent half her childhood coddled away in Haiford Capital while they starved? Would they hate you or forgive you? You had spent so long fighting and trying to return; would you even recognize Faliene anymore? You had been stripped of so many things – a mother, a home, a culture – did you even know how to be a part of your own heritage, your legacy? So many questions clawed at your mind that your stomach would ache at night as you lay awake contemplating the vastness of it all. 
With stiff hands, you wrapped your fur cloak closer around your body, your eyes straining against the bitter wind that blew polar air straight to your core. Around you, thick flakes of snow floated, a layer of ice clinging to your eyelashes and exposed hair. In the distance, you could make out the warm orange candlelight of the inn; in the time you had been gone, the sky had darkened dramatically. You were not afraid of the cold or the dark, and you relished the opportunity to breathe in the frosty night sky. 
So many years you had spent cooped up. What would be a nightmare for most would be freedom for you. 
Due to King Harrison not having the foresight to hire a Falienean guide, it fell to you to scout the barely-used path. Although inexperienced, you had not failed so far. Following your intuition and fuzzy memories, you were able to locate the paths long buried under months of snow. In the evenings, while the others sheltered in the inns and boardhouses throughout the pass, you would scout ahead to ensure the path was safe to follow.
Thankfully, due to the many families that still braved living in the mountains, most of the main path remained relatively intact. The families were mainly farmers raising mountain goats and sheep, offering board for travelers and traders for extra income. And much to your rising concern, many of the families didn’t recognize you as their lady until you introduced yourself. 
Once dismounted, you quickly settled your horse in the small stable attached to the inn. Due to navigational convenience and your growing resentment of being cooped up in a carriage, you had mostly traveled on horseback. The first days between Haiford Capital and the mountains, you would have nightmares of being trapped inside a coffin – like your mothers – clawing your nails bloody on the wood. When you would finally rip off the lid of the coffin, you would find yourself in a carriage, the horses charging at a neck-breaking speed. 
As you passed the carriages tucked away beside the stables, you frowned. One for King Harrison, Peggy, and Michael. The other for your mother in her coffin. Although you were nearly two weeks into your journey, her body would show no signs of decomposition. The mountains would have frozen her solid, her body like a porcelain doll. 
Once inside the inn, you quickly ascended the stairs to the upper level. Although you were freezing and craving a warm drink, the idea of fighting past the Haifordian guard that crowded the kitchen stove sounded exhausting. Shrugging off your cloak, jacket, and hat, you reached the room you shared with Peggy. With such a small inn and a large traveling party, it was easier for certain groups to sleep in the same room. Both you and Peggy being unmarried women meant you were paired together, while some of the Haifordian guards were cramming more than six men into a room. 
Your hand paused over the doorknob, a sound from the other side catching you off guard. You were so busy contemplating how best to dry your damp clothing that you nearly missed it. Leaning your ear closer to the door, you roll your eyes in irritation. The sound of Peggy giggling carried through the wood, a familiar male voice spoke low words you couldn’t quite make out. 
Steve. With a huff, you step away from the door. Both of them had been playing a risky game the entire trip, regularly visiting each other's rooms. The wrong person would eventually learn about them, it was only a matter of time. 
You hesitate in the hallway. They had never visited so late into the evening before; normally Peggy was preparing for or already in bed by the time you came back from your scouting missions. Traveling through thick snow was as hard as expected, exhausting even for those tucked into the carriages. It wasn’t unusual for the party to be in bed straight after an early supper. 
You were half tempted to barge in and interrupt them; you were tired from a long day on horseback. You still didn’t feel like braving the kitchen and sitting outside and waiting would be highly suspicious. Lingering in the hallway for a few more minutes, you grumble a few unsavory words under your breath before trying to find your next best options. James. 
To the surprise of everyone but you, James had canceled the season. He had also insisted on traveling with the first party – your party – to Faliene. Another party was a few days behind yours, made up of Galantian and Asgardian guards, a group of the Galantian court, and Asgardian royalty. You had a sneaking suspicion that while half of them were there to show their respect, the others were there to see a Falienean funeral firsthand. Due to the rituals and traditions involved, Falienean funerals were frequently regarded as barbaric spectacles. 
You waver outside James’ room. Despite him traveling with your party, the two of you had barely spoken since the library. You suspected he was trying to draw attention away from the both of you, but his presence mustered up enough rumors with the Haifordian guard. Most of your conversations were spent with Steve. When he wasn’t bluntly flirting with Peggy, he would be complaining about the growing cold, much to your mockery and amusement. You were unsure of how he would cope with the chill of Faliene; the Stormfall Mountains were cold, but nothing in comparison to the chill that blew in off the northern sea. 
Chewing your lip, you finally gave in and rapped your knuckles lightly against the door. With your breath held, you wait, wondering if he even heard the knock at all. You might have missed him downstairs, or maybe he had already fallen asleep–
The door suddenly swung open, startling you as you took a step back. James stood in the doorway, an equally surprised expression flashing across his features momentarily. It wasn’t just the expression that hinted at his shock at your presence, but also the fact that he was shirtless. You hug your discarded clothing closer to your chest. You tried to keep your eyes anywhere but his bare skin, your mouth growing dry as you struggled to find words to explain your sudden presence at his door. 
Now no longer covered, you could get a better look at his tattooed arm, with swirling blue ink patterning his entire left arm and shoulder. A large, raised scar ran across his shoulder joint, nearly entirely encircling the flesh. The scar was ghostly white and gnarled like the roots of a tree. It looked impossible – the type of scar someone shouldn’t have survived. But the ink decorating his skin told a story you already knew. Magic. Magic had saved his arm and, most likely, his life. So many denied its existence when it stood so blatantly in front of them. 
Swallowing hard, you glance upward to meet his gaze. You couldn’t ignore the smirk that tugged at his lips, his right side now leaning against the doorframe as he eyed you with a silent satisfaction. 
“Can I come in?” You abruptly say, suddenly remembering how to speak. James’ chuckles lowly at you before motioning you inside. 
Still flustered, you quickly duck past his muscled form, peeling off your gloves as you stand in the center of the room with a quiet huff. James’ still snickers at you as he closes the door. 
“You knocked so quietly, I thought I was hearing things.” He says this while you continue to refuse to look at him. Instead, your gaze falls on the room around you; it is nearly identical to yours. Two beds are layered with furs and blankets, one for him and one for Steve. A sheepskin rug thrown over the wooden floors. On the other side of the room is a roaring fireplace, with two seats positioned in front of it. 
“Sorry, I didn’t know where else to go.” You mutter, squeezing your hand into a fist as you try to regain feeling in your numb fingers. 
“Peggy and Steve?” He asks, the floorboards creaking softly under his weight as he inches closer to where you stand. 
“They’re going to get caught–” You begin to grumble but cut yourself off as you realize how close James has grown. Your breath catches in your throat as he reaches out, a single tattooed finger twirling around a damp strand of your hair. 
“You’re soaking.” His voice cuts into the abrupt silence, but your focus is on the closeness of his body rather than the state of your clothes and hair. “Come, sit by the fire.”
You wordlessly oblige, allowing him to lead you to one of the seats. In the low light, James’ muscles and veins are illuminated by the orange glow of the fire. Peeling off another damp layer, James takes your previously discarded clothing and lines it in front of the fireplace to dry. 
“The snow must have melted.” You mutter, remembering the snowflakes and ice that had clung to your clothes and hair before you came inside. James hums in reply, running a hand through his hair as he looks down at you, ensuring you are settled before finally pulling on a shirt. You sigh through your nose, half in relief and half in disappointment. 
A comfortable silence falls as he takes a seat across from you. You could feel his gaze watching as you quietly unlaced your seal-leather snow boots. The leather was more successful at keeping out the creeping wetness and dampness of the snow. Without the blubber to insulate the cold, your toes felt frozen beneath your thick, woolen socks.
During the weeks of travel, you had found yourself hoping for a moment alone like this to talk after so much silence had passed between the both of you. Nearly daily, when you weren’t consumed by anxieties for the quickly approaching future, you would think back to that moment in the library and what you would say once you were alone. 
Now that you were here, you were near speechless. 
As you twisted the rings on your fingers, you recounted all of the questions and thoughts that had lingered in your mind for so long – so many conversations you wished to have with the King in front of you. You were unsure where to start. 
“Why does Steve call you Bucky?” You ask, breaking the stillness. You mentally curse yourself at the bluntness of the question. You couldn’t bring yourself to ask the heavy questions: ‘Why did you come?’ or ‘What will become of us once this funeral is over?’. To your surprise, a gentle look crosses his face, and you lean back into your seat. 
“It’s just a nickname I had as a child, I suppose there's some familiarity to it.” He replies with a light chuckle, running his hand up through his hair again as if in thought. You keep an intense gaze on him, distracted by the movement.
“I thought there was going to be a dramatic story.” You admit lightheartedly, finally breaking your stare. Maybe something soft and lighthearted was the way to start, to ease yourself back into the familiarity of conversation. You had spent so long silent; your jaw clenched as you rode through the snow each day. It was a wonder you even remembered how to form words and that your mouth hadn’t become frozen shut. 
“No. I was always Bucky or Buck, and Steve was Stevie sometimes.” 
“Stevie? That’s too cute for that brute.” You mutter, and James’ gives you a lopsided grin.
“I think it was because of Becca. She would call me Jamie sometimes, so naturally Steve was Stevie.” He explains, though there is a twinge of sadness in his tone. Your gut squeezes, an anxious reminder of the past and the grief attached to it.
“I wish I had been able to meet her.” Your words are gentle and slow, almost hesitant. 
James stared long and hard into the fire for a time. “Becca? Well…she could be a mean, spoiled brat sometimes.” 
You could sense the deflection in his words and tone. You had noticed that he rarely spoke of Rebecca, and when he did, it pained him. He rarely went beyond the surface, never talking of their relationship beyond the fact that they were siblings. You could understand not wanting to revisit such memories. You often treated the memories of your father in similar ways, holding them close to your chest as secrets only you could know. 
“I think that is just the way with siblings. At least, that is what Peggy has told me.” You offer, lightheartedly. 
“I think she’s right. As much of a brat as Becca could be, I still loved her.” A dark look comes over his face, and you watch as he clenches and unclenches his fist before speaking once more. “What were your nicknames?”
You don’t push the subject of Rebecca further, instead latching onto his latter question. “I never had any.”
“None? Really?” He asked in surprise. 
You take a moment to think back and remember the warm, fuzzy memories of your childhood. You could remember running rampant through the halls of Fort Faliene, peeling off your stockings to wade in the waters near the dock. You could remember sitting on your father's desk, legs swinging through the air as you watched him organize his bookshelf, a half-played chess game abandoned nearby. 
“My father used to call me a wild cat, or his little wild cat, like the snow leopards that live deeper in the mountains. It’s ironic to think back on now, considering the leopards are called Ghosts of the Mountain.” You hum in thought, that warm, fuzzy feeling replaced with something bitter in your chest as your mind moves closer to recent history. Your nails tap against the wooden arm of the chair. 
“And then the endearing names turned to cruel ones, words to belittle me because of my gender and my culture. They called my mother the Lady of the Ghosts before me. She always shouldered it so easily, she would call me her Little Ghost.”
“Little Ghost?” James questioned you, his voice low as if he did not wish to interrupt your sudden openness. 
“It was because the Haifordian’s said I was like a little ghost when we first left Faliene.” A sad smile plays across your lips as you recount the memory. “I was barely fourteen, my father was dead, and my home was ripped from me. When I couldn’t sleep in that terrible castle, I would wander the halls and gardens. The maids would go to my mother in the morning and say, ‘Your little ghost was wandering the halls again’, expecting her to reprimand me. My mother would just laugh at them and say, ‘She is a ghost, what do you expect?’–
“Sometimes she would join me at night. We would look at the moon and the stars in the garden. When the moon was visible, she would say, ‘Tonight is a high tide, the men will be bringing in the hauls’, as if we were still there, walking along the docks. That was before she got sick, of course… By the time I was sixteen, she was bedridden and had entirely forgotten who I was. That’s when I became the Lady of the Ghosts, not just the little ghost that haunted the halls of the Haifordian court.” 
The silence that follows your words is deafening, with James watching you with a soft expression as you sigh sharply and lean back further into your seat. 
“You carry a piece of her with you everywhere, then.” James speaks, his voice gentle. Your eyes flutter upward, surprised. “Every time your enemies mock you with those names, they are breathing life into her legacy. Your legacy.” 
The wave of emotion that rolled over your body at his words was indescribable. You had felt fondness toward others before, but never to this degree. Your heart thumped in your chest as you swallowed hard, leaning forward in your seat. How could he take such a melancholic, painful memory and turn it into something of beauty? How could he take the anxiety clawing at your chest and simply replace it with calm?
Your hand reached out to grasp his, causing a fuzzy feeling in your gut and skull as you tried to figure out the words to say. Nothing came, nothing you could quite describe or express. Desire tingled across your skin as you contemplated clambering into his lap, allowing him to embrace you like he had in the library. Just you and him, his arms sheltering you from reality. 
“James I–” You start, and his gaze is intense as he watches you creep closer. But as quickly as the moment began, it abruptly stopped. Your body jolted back involuntarily in fright as the door to the room slammed open. 
You gaped as Steve walked in with a shit-eating grin, the exposed skin of his neck and collarbones dotted with quickly bruising love bites. James visibly deflates beside you, a tense breath leaving his nose sharply as he avoids eye contact with you. You try to ignore the hurt that squeezes your chest at that sight, instead turning your attention to a smug Steve.
“Steve!” You scold, clambering to your feet. “You are so lucky we have to dress heavy with the snow! If King Harrison caught you, he would have you head–” 
“Y/N, relax. It’s fine, no one saw us.” Steve reassures you, almost immediately stealing your seat in front of the fire. You roll your eyes, slapping him on the shoulder as you shimmy past to pick up your clothing from in front of the fire. 
James remains silent, locked in an intense stare with Steve as you hand your still damp clothing over your arm. Steve glances between the two of you with a quizzical yet knowing stare. You watch on in confusion as the two men seem to have a silent conversation with their eyes, James shaking his head at the blond. You reach down and collect your boots with a huff, deciding to exit the room before the sting of James’ sudden snub sets in. 
“I am going to bed.” You say, noting James’ reluctance to catch your eye.
“Sweet dreams.” Steve hums, an even wider smile spreading across his face, watching as if he knew something you didn’t. All you can muster is a scoff, closing the door behind you without looking back. 
taglist| @liter4ti @just-someone11 @champagnejoker @scooobies @queerqueenlynn @roryhaarts @fanfictionjunkie1112 @themotherof10 @diaries-of-a-hopelessromantic
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biteofcherry · 1 year
Sleepover questioning…
Did mountain guide Bucky and reader have any history with each other before their excursions or was this the first time they had met?
Mountain guide Bucky is your friend's older brother, so you did know him before. But you never really spent time together, it was just a passing 'Hi' and a few laughs when you both helped your friend move into her new apartment.
Back in school, you didn't pay Bucky much attention. Mostly because he's older by a few good years, so you both ran in different circles and had different things on your minds. You had a brief crush on Bucky's best friend, after you saw him do a backflip into a pool. Never on Bucky, or at least you never allowed yourself to fall for him.
You notice him more when you're all grown up. He's definitely a man now, though some boyish charm stayed.
It was when he met your small group at a parking lot by the start of a trail, that you noticed how much of a man Bucky's become. And by much I mean huge and beefy, with muscles straining his tight t-shirt, and a backpack that would undoubtedly crush you to death just casually hanging on his shoulders.
And perhaps your gaze, as he led you up the trail, often strayed from the stunning wild nature onto Bucky's ass.
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frostironfudge · 1 year
Tenebrous - Loki (AU) - Epilogue
Pairings: Vampire! Professor Loki x Fem!Reader, Bucky x Loki x Reader
Characters: Loki, Reader, Bucky Barnes, Stephen Strange, Baron Zemo, Other OCs
Warnings: witch-vampire bonds, coven dynamics, blood drinking, emotional, swearing, mild sm/ut
Word Count: 1.5k || Dividers: @firefly-graphics​
Chapter Twenty || Main Masterlist || Fic Masterlist || My AO3
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One and a Half Year Later.
Nia squeals in anticipation. Loki and Bucky stand from their seats the loudest hoots and cheers from their seats. 
Stephen Strange is all smiles as he reads out Y/N’s name. Emery holds up her degree beaming brightly at their friend.
Y/N walks across the stage, heart full of happiness and love, finally completing her degree. The thick folder graces her hands. Happy tears as her fingers trace the university’s embossed logo. 
She meets them all outside, her parents travelling for the ceremony. They are all smiles and full of brimming pride. Some relationships still stung but she no longer focused upon the hurt. Instead she chose to move ahead, onto the brighter people who flooded love and light into her life.
The bonds tug at her, she turns away from her parents. Loki and Bucky dressed in suits walking towards her holding a bouquet of flowers each. Nia takes the degree from her hands, recording the video as her best friend runs towards her mates. 
Loki and Bucky hold onto her as she hugs the both of them, “I did it!” She cheers, laughing.
“You did it, love.” Loki kisses her cheek.
“We’re so proud of you.” Bucky kisses her other cheek. 
They embrace for a while longer before they part but not too far, always close enough. 
“Flowers for our little graduate.” They beam at her, basking in the happiness that resonates through their own chests. 
“Thank you.” She kisses their cheeks. 
Bucky frowns, “What no real kisses?” He pouts, making her roll her eyes. 
“Such demanding professors.” She shakes her head but stands on her tiptoes to kiss Bucky and then Loki. 
Bucky cups her cheek, his rings cool against her jaw, “Wasn’t that hard was it, Poetess?” 
“You’re an insatiable vampire, Warlock.” Loki murmurs, making the two laugh. 
“I hope you all will attend dinner.” Emery reminds as they make their way through the crowd. Their coven members nod. It was a small coven but was their family. 
“On our way there.” Loki assures, heading to where Y/N’s parents stood with Bucky to guide them to the dinner venue.
Nia waits back with Y/N. 
“I’m happy you made it back for graduation.” Y/N loops her arm through Nia’s. The vampire smiles at her best friend.
“I wouldn’t miss it.”
“How are you doing?” 
“Today is about you.” Nia reminds.
“Yes, then I demand to know about my best friend.” Y/N argues.
Nia shakes her head, “Ditched the alcohol, had meaningless hookups, trekked up the highest mountains, deep dived the deepest oceans, travelled alone and with acquaintances. However, my cloud bed is the most comfortable.” 
“You miss sleeping the most don’t you?” Y/N chuckles, Nia groans longingly.
“So much but now I’m back permanently. How are you coping with the longer stay in Romania?” Nia changes the subject.
“I’m excited, we went there during Christmas, Bucky is eager to begin restoration on the house.” Y/N smiles, “I’m happy, he can help the place heal.”
“So he’s a high priest now?” 
“Well technically, Moonmy–,”
“The moon who is also your mom.” Nia adds with a laugh.
“Yes so when the transfer occurred, Moonmy intervened right? We presume Bucky is now part Celestial since he did retain his magick as a vampire. He has a recruit too, the star tattoo apparently is a guide to this new coven. The recruit also lost his coven to Alexander. Bucky thinks he’s probably going to get more members who are from lost covens.” Y/N explains, Nia nods.
The entire discovery of Bucky being a High Priest worried them, but with the retention of his powers and his own drive to want to make things easier for other witches and warlocks cemented the fact that he is fit for the role. 
The intention to honour his own lost coven, by rebuilding the ruined home in Romania was one of the first few steps in the process of setting forth the path of the type of High Priest he wanted to be for the coven.
Bucky gazes across the great hall, easily finding his mate in conversation with Nia. Loki hands him a paper cup with the switched out drink.
“Professor.” Loki teases, Bucky shakes his head and takes a sip.
“Is this ever going to get old?” Bucky muses, making Loki chuckle.
“You’re the youngest person to be recruited in the History Department’s history. It will always amuse me.” 
“Though I do have a smidge of regret not being able to hold the position for longer, given our upcoming move.” He sighs, looking down at the drink and then across the hall.
Loki observes Bucky looking at Y/N.
“She is happy about the decision, excited even.” Loki assures his mate.
“I know I can feel it, sometimes I worry however if it will serve as a reminder of what she could not have despite being a witch.” The warlock-vampire traces the rim of the glass.
“James, if by some miracle she could have a kind High Priest as you she would have loved her powers and felt more connected to her heritage. I know you would have made her feel accepted and safe.” Loki’s lips brush over his temple.
Bucky nods, “I would have made her feel as safe and accepted and loved as she needs.”
The two watch as Y/N  makes her way over to them, her plate stacked with the small sandwiches she enjoyed and chatting animatedly with Nia about their post graduation trip to explore Europe before heading to Romania.
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“Maybe I’ll come with you guys to Romania, to help out.” Nia suggests at the end of the night as they are walking into the house. 
Loki and Bucky walk behind them conversing about the furniture shipments and when they will be arriving at the Romanian Coven House.
“You could, yes.” Y/N smiles, “It will be fun!”
The door opens before they ring it and Nia pauses midstep, a soft tickle on her forearm moves upwards as though a spider climbing up her skin. A soft wisp of a web string. 
Nia looks up from her forearms to the man standing at the door.
His brown eyes accentuated by his glasses, hair floppily messed up. He smiles at her and then his lips part when their gazes lock. 
“H-how?” Nia questions, Y/N only smiles recognising the emotions playing across both their features.
“A gift from Moonmy.” Bucky explains as they head inside. 
“Peter, this is Nia, Nia this is Peter. He’s from New York City.”  Y/N introduces.
“Your favourite city.” Peter vocalises her thoughts.
“Yes…” Nia looks at Loki.
“You deserve to be happy Nia.” Bucky says holding his hand out to Y/N, “The patio is very cosy this time of night.”
Y/N takes her mate’s hand and enters the home, the three of them allow the young warlock and vampire to have moments alone.
Peter blushes, scratching the back of his neck, his rings gleam in the soft light.
“Do all warlocks wear rings?” Nia walks closer.
“It is part of our aesthetic.” Peter chuckles.
“You’re cute.”
Peter raises a brow, “Cute? I can change that.”
“Change what?”
“Your thoughts that they're cute.”
“How so?” Nia raises a brow.
Peter smirks, “The way you want to change my thinking that you are cute.”
Nia rolls her eyes, but leads him towards the patio.
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Three and A Half Years Later
Y/N opens her eyes, her mates are near. She can tell from their amplified scents alone. Sitting up, her gaze falls to her hands. There is a small crescent on her right wrist. Her eyes move to Bucky; he stands at the door with Loki.
He holds up his wrist, his mark now missing but placed onto her. 
“Baby vampire and baby witch.” Loki explains, handing her the bottle of blood. She drinks it eagerly, the snow outside picks up. Then more till her hunger satiates, the bonds thrum stronger. 
The house withstands the storm better after the renovation. Bucky admires the mark on her wrist, he would give her initiation she deserves, the patience, the care. He would do everything for her and they have all the time to hone her skills.
Her eyes move to the ottoman, the small pillow on it, her gaze narrows. Urging for it to levitate, it does.
“I get a do over?” Her focus breaks and her mates move to her, smiling as they cup her cheek and run their fingers through her hair.
“You’re going to get the initiation you deserve, Poetess.” Bucky assures.
“Also having vampire sex with a High Priest is very scandalous.” Loki playfully adds, Y/N giggles as Bucky rolls his eyes.
“You enjoy every moment.”
“True, I do.” 
“So what would you like to do first, Witchling?” Loki gestures to the door.
“The two of you?” Her eyes grow dark and the red rims surround her irises.
Her two mates follow suit, to the first night of forever.
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A.N: thank you for sticking around💖
tagging: @stevesmewmew @pandaxnienke
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cherry-shake · 2 years
A buckynat OC
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Alyona (A-lona) Romanova-Barnes
Alias: Wolf Spider, Brown Recluse, Subject 3, Lonnie
Age: 18
Place of Birth: South Siberian Mountains
Parents: James Barnes, Natalia Romanov
Affiliations: Russia, Red Room (defunct), U.S. government
Abilities: super spy, super soldier, red room serum
Universe: Earth 616
Alyona's creation start well before her time with the start of the Wolf Spider program by the Red Room. The Winter Soldier was used to train Constantin and was punished greatly when he failed. Dimitri Petrov was the scientist in charge and knew he would be next. Dimitri stole his unstable red room serum and gave it to his oldest son Sergei at 9 years old. The Winter Soldier killed both Dimitri and his wife leaving their two sons in care of the state. Sergei, much like the wolf-spider volunteer, was hostile and full of rage. Yet he was able to pull it together in order to get his doctorate.
The Russian Government became tired of the failures of the Red Room and largely stopped funding. However, they turned their interest to the young Sergei Ivanov (who changed his name in his youth). He proposed the idea of a soldier who was given no identity and knew nothing but Russia. It was a way to keep the Red Room in check and kill anymore subjects who went out of line. Of course, Sergei had his own plan in mind. Alyona's targets would be anyone associated with the Red Room.
Using D.N.A. from both Natasha Romanov and James Barnes, Sergei made several attempts to grow a child and eventually was successful. However, a girl was not pleasing to many funders. Alyona was dubbed subject 3 and was fed Russian propaganda from the moment she could breath. Isolated deep in the mountains of Siberia, Alyona was given no name, no parents, no background. She learned to talk from the history videos and Sergei barking orders. As soon as she could walk, she started training and had schooling by several child specialist one of them being Nikita Alexovna. Alyona started killing at a young age and was adept at hand-to-hand combat, espionage, and weapons. Her targets she was forced to kill were mainly red room survivors or retired government officials who approved the program. What Sergei did not plan for was Alyona's temper and stubbornness. She was often punished harshly by Sergei himself or left outside with nothing but her tanktop in the Siberian winter. After a particularly harsh beating, Nikita bandaged her wounds. This was one of her first kind memories.
Alyona was able to sneak into Sergei's private quarters with Nikita's key and read his files on her parents. She kept her head down and behaved herself. Soon she was on her first kill outside of the base. Her target was Katerina, a KGB agent and one of the founders of the Red Room. She wasn't able to pull the trigger and went on the run. Wanted by not only Sergei's guards but also the Russian government once they discovered their plan. She went into hiding deep in the forests at the edge of Moscow.
Hydra also heard of the opportunity to steal a Russian asset. Alyona was swarmed by Hydra agents that Captain America and Black Widow were tracking. Black Widow helped to guide her to cover. Sergei arrived with his personal soldiers. While fighting, Sergei yelled out "Laika". Alyona's main mission was started and immediately started to fight Bucky. He avoided her blows the best he could and was able to talk her down. Alyona was able to resist her programming albeit painfully. Natasha and Bucky were able to get her out before Russian forces came. Sergei was arrested by Russian forces after discovering his long list of government officials killed by Alyona. The officials still have a watch out for Alyona. Alyona was rendered unconscious and was unable to be awaken. SHIELD doctors discovered a chip in her neck that allowed them to control her, make her unconscious, and even had a kill switch. They were able to remove it safely leaving a small scar on the back of her neck. The relationship with her parents was rocky at first. She refused to trust Bucky until he showed her his red star. Bucky proceeded to train her and nickname her "Lonnie" and she got extremally close to her mom
Other Comic Tie-ins:
During the Siege of Asgard, Alyona watched her father be killed on T.V. and struggled while he was in the hospital.
The Breakup - When Leo kidnapped and brainwashed Natasha, he also targeted her daughter and wanted her to call him "dad". When Bucky left, Alyona was raised by Natasha and solely used the last name of Romanov. Natasha believed that Alyona was created from her DNA and a random red room donor. Bucky regularly called and checked on his daughter despite the face she often told her she hated him.
Captain America going Hydra: Alyona joined the army at 18 wanting to find herself and truing believing that her only point in life is to be a soldier. Once Captain America took over as a Hydra agent, Alyona abandoned the army not wanting to help Hydra and joined the underground. She spoke at her mother's funeral.
Afterwards: Alyona began her own vigilante work and really became her own person. Without Shield, the U.S. government hired Alyona and a few other military personnel to be trained to handle espionage and Hydra. This included working largely with the OFU along with Ian Rogers.
Natasha's revival: Alyona struggled to bond with her mom after she was cloned because she felt she wasn't real. When Natasha was brainwashed into her life with Stevie and James, Alyona was pulled in from a mission by her aunt Yelena and told the news. She was hesitant but agreed to let her be happy. After all, it’s been a rough few years. Albeit, she still felt hurt that she was not included in her mom’s perfect life. This was purposeful in the plan because Madame Hydra did want her daughter’s namesake to affect the brainwashing.
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mrsbuckybarnes1917 · 2 months
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Masterlist > Chapter 2
Summary: You were born into HYDRA, it wasn't a choice you were offered. The Winter Soldier is thrust into your care and you realize there is more to him than meets the eye.
Pairing: Winter Soldier x HYDRA!reader, Bucky Barnes x HYDRA!reader
Word count: 3.4k
Warnings: SMUT: guided masturbation— If there is any more you find not listed here please be sure to let me know so I can add it.
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Being born into a HYDRA legacy family was a burden you never asked to bear, a responsibility thrust upon you from the moment you took your first breath. Try as you might, you could never fully escape the dark shadow cast by your family's ties to the sinister organization, its tendrils snaking through every facet of society. No matter how hard you fought, HYDRA's grip was inescapable. As a child, you were shipped off to the HYDRA Preparatory Academy nestled deep in the Appalachian Mountains, where you were indoctrinated in the group's twisted ideology and forced to endure the bitterness of the unforgiving winters - a trial by fire meant to temper your resolve.
Yet, despite HYDRA's best efforts to mold you into a loyal, unquestioning soldier, your sympathetic and tender nature refused to be extinguished. This inherent compassion led you down an unlikely path, guiding you towards a nurturing profession that eventually landed you in the frozen tundra of Siberia. Here, you and two colleagues were tasked with attending to a single HYDRA asset, expected to provide the organization with your complete and unwavering dedication. It was a duty you were well-trained to fulfill, for you were the type who gave your all to every task, driven by an unyielding desire to do good in the world, one person at a time. No matter the personal cost, you would fulfill your obligations to the best of your abilities, driven by a sense of duty that spoke louder than the icy winds that howled outside your door.
You reported to Karpov. He was a ruthless man. He marched you into a room with a leather bound red book in his hand.
“Stay,” he barked at you.
Karpov's gravelly voice then laid bare your new mission; to cater to the asset's every need, to attend to the most minute details of the Winter Soldier's care. From the mundane tasks of washing and grooming him, to tending to his injuries or indulging his wildest desires, you were to be wholly devoted to his well being. The weight of this responsibility settled upon you as you silently nodded, your mind racing with the implications of this assignment.
Suddenly, the ominous sound of a door creaking open pierced the tense silence, and you felt your breath catch in your throat as the infamous Winter Soldier strode into the room, his heavy footfalls echoing with each step. Towering before you, the living embodiment of HYDRA's ruthless efficiency, you could scarcely believe that this legendary operative was now your charge. His history of unparalleled skill and merciless brutality was the stuff of whispered legends, and now you were tasked with catering to his every need. In that moment, the gravity of your mission became painfully clear, and you steeled your resolve, prepared to serve the asset with unwavering dedication.
He was your mission.
“Soldat has just been woken from the cryostasis chamber. Ensure he is ready for his mission in 24 hours.”
As you stood before the soldier, his vacant yet handsome features captivated you. His eyes, devoid of any discernible emotion, seemed to gaze through you rather than at you, leaving you transfixed by the paradox of his striking appearance and unsettling detachment. You found yourself utterly enraptured, unable to look away from this enigmatic figure, your awe manifesting in a stunned silence. It was in this moment of captivation that Karpov, observing your reaction, must have mistaken your rapt fascination for fear. Sensing your unease, he swiftly moved to reassure you, his words cutting through the heavy silence that had enveloped the space between you. 
“He will not hurt you. He will comply,” he said before leaving you alone with the beast before you.
After a few moments of staring at Soldat, his gaze flicked down to meet yours. His ocean blue eyes seemed to soften slightly as they surveyed your form. They raked their way over your appearance with an emotion you couldn't quite identify. His face was still a blank slate but the pale blue windows into his soul betrayed the fire that blazed deep down inside him. 
“Soldat?” you whispered, unsure of how to address your new ward.
Immediately his attention was focused on your face, his gaze boring into yours. “Gotov soblyudat' (ready to comply).” His response was barely a breath.
You surveyed your charge with curiosity, walking around him slowly, taking in his appearance. From the way his unwashed hair stuck to his scalp and his unevenly trimmed bangs obscured his eyes like a sheepdog, down to his dirt covered boots. The higher powers of the agency hadn’t even seen it fit to grace the soldier with the dignity of clean clothes before they had placed him back into the stasis chamber. You clicked your tongue against the roof of your mouth and a quiet ‘tsk’ left your mouth before you looked back into his surprisingly handsome face. You had never been this close to an asset before and you were shocked by his natural beauty. There was an irresistible pull inside you and you found yourself reaching out to sweep the hair from his eyes, your thumb brushing over his well defined cheek smearing the black camouflage paint over his face.
“We need to get you cleaned up, Soldat.” You turned and made your way over to the dresser on the side of the room that you knew contained clean clothes and towels.
Despite your back being to the soldier, you could feel his stare following you around the room. He didn’t make a sound, just watching as you moved around collecting different items. Unbeknownst to you, the Winter Soldier was suffering from an internal quandary. For the first time in many years, his body was behaving in a way that hadn't been ordered, but it was still out of his control.
His attention was drawn to the unique features of your face, tracing the smooth curves of your waist, right down to the fullness of your ass in the tailored scrubs that hugged your figure in a rather erotic manner. It was always a conscious choice you made, dressing in a way that highlighted your assets. It helped you get noticed in a world full of sadistic, testosterone driven egomaniacs who otherwise wouldn’t lift a finger to help you or those in your care. Your form and bearing were definitely getting you noticed today, not that you’d had a chance to see it.
You handed him a towel and waited for him to move. But the soldier’s only move was to accept your offering, waiting on you for further instruction. The intensity of his stare was unnerving, almost like he could see into your soul. For a moment, you wondered who he had been before, before HYDRA had made him. There was a fire behind those blue eyes, maybe his dreams weren’t as empty as his conscience seemed to be. You lost yourself in contemplation for a moment, admiring the allure of his majestic form, seemingly unaware of the way his presence warmed your body.
“Soldat!” you exclaimed, shaking yourself out of your reverie. Suddenly you remembered the task at hand, not wanting to be caught slacking your duties on the first day of your assignment. “Go and take a shower.”
You watched him comply, traipsing into the adjoining room without closing the door, stopping short of the glass cubicle. He hesitated before stepping inside, fully clothed.
“Stop!” you cried with exasperation, following him without thinking. “You need to take off your clothes first.”
He looked at you with an unfathomable expression and you felt a pang of guilt for your tone. “Take off your clothes first,” you repeated in a more gentle voice. “Before you get in the shower.”
Slowly, Soldat held out the towel gripped in his titanium arm and you accepted. His stillness made you wonder if he even knew what to do next. Did he need more specific instruction? Or were you going to have to undress him yourself? The thought made you blush slightly. This had never come up in the job description. Not that you would object seeing him without clothing. Just as you opened your mouth, he brought his right hand up to his chest.
You watched him undo the fastenings on the vest covering his torso. His biceps bulged with his actions and you wondered if he felt the cold when he slept. It made your heart contract with an unexpected sadness.
Winter shed his layers one at a time as you watched with a burning curiosity. The leather around him unraveling to reveal his chiseled abs and lithe torso. The tiniest gasp escaped your lips as he undid the zipper on his pants, burying his thumbs under the seam to push them down. You averted your gaze as he pushed them to the floor unabashedly. He stood up, frowning with confusion at your reaction. Dignity wasn’t a luxury he had been offered for the last half century and he didn’t understand it.
Seeing you flush made him feel something foreign. It wasn't new, but it wasn't familiar. Like a dim distant memory of a life unlived. It awakened a part of him that they considered to be long dead. Passion. If you hadn’t turned away, you would have noticed how his body reacted to you. His impressive girth swelled and lengthened in response to your presence. Desire. But as he entered the shower, his arousal remained unseen by you. 
“Turn on the water,” you instructed. It finally occurred to you that maybe he needed more detailed instruction, like a complex computer programme. You’d seen how other handlers had kept soldiers as blank slates with electric stimulation targeted at the hippocampus. It suppressed their ability to recall memories and your Soldat had only just been wiped, immediately after being woken from stasis. It made sense that he was befuddled by his handler’s actions.
“Make sure the water isn’t too hot or too cold,” you added, listening for him to adjust the taps.
You closed your eyes, picturing his actions in your mind’s eye, resisting the urge to look over your shoulder to take a peek. It was the lack of change in sound that got your attention. The sound of water falling against his body didn’t seem to be changing in the way you expected of someone who was attempting to clean themselves. There was nothing else for you to do but to look.
If your life was a cartoon, your eyes would have been popping out of your head before falling to the floor and rolling around like golf balls. You wanted to trace the well defined contours of his toned back, eyes settling on where flesh met metal, following the branching scars that spread out like a mycelial network, leaching their poison into his sturdy form. You bit your lower lip to stop a soft whimper escaping when you finally dragged your eyes down to look at his firm ass.
Maybe he could sense the ferocity of your stare, or maybe he caught the soft sound of your stimulation, but he turned around to face you. And as he did so, you became aware of his soldier, standing tall and ready for attention. You were caught off guard by the gargantuan signs of his arousal, not having considered the man before you as anything other than an asset. But here he stood, before you, giving you a full view of his humanity, the passion that resided within. His state was more than just a mere physical response. The asset that you’d been assigned wasn’t just the empty shell of someone who had once been a man, there was still someone behind those cold blue eyes.
“Do you understand what you need to do, Soldat?” you asked, feeling flustered by the situation you had found yourself in.
He nodded and you took this as a cue for you to leave, turning to drape his towel over the nearest hook, you took a step towards the door. Except-
“Ostavat'sya.” (Stay)
There was such a raspiness to his voice, that it was a wonder you even understood the word. Your Russian wasn't as fluent as you would have liked it to be. There was definitely more behind those blue eyes than you had been led to believe. There was more to your job that you'd initially expected. Karpov’s words rang in your ears from earlier. The asset’s every need. The longer you spent with him, the more you noticed that he was coming to life. The emptiness you’d seen when he had stepped into the room had given way to something new, something intense. It was that intensity which drew you in, that made you seek out a connection, that made you feel bold. Bold enough to speak up.
You weren’t exactly shy, there was no room for that in HYDRA. But you were more reserved than the other men and women you’d trained with. You would often let your suitors come to you rather than seek them out. Today though, you were in control.
“Do you need some help with that, Soldat?” you purred.
The Winter Soldier didn’t answer but you saw the ways his eyes became darker, pupils dilated and his breath came faster with anticipation.
“What is it, Soldat? Are you expecting me to do that for you?”
He looked back at you, fire dancing in his eyes. His tongue slipped out of his mouth, ghosting over his stunning lips before giving you a hint of a smirk.
“Do you speak?” you demanded, accepting your dominating role.
“Da.” (yes)
“Do you speak English?” you wondered out loud. Your language skills were not quite as sharp as some of your others. Russian was not your strong suit.
“If you want me to.” The husky tone of his voice made you swoon and your core tingle.
“Is this what you want?”
“Put your hand on it,” you commanded. 
With a firm, authoritative tone, you commanded him to comply, leaving him no choice but to obey. The moment his warm, calloused hand made contact with the sensitive skin of his shaft, a jolt of electric pleasure shot through him, igniting a burning desire within. Wrapping his fingers around his impressive, throbbing length, he could feel the blood pulsing through his veins as his breath quickened into short, shallow pants. The sensation was overwhelming, every nerve ending alight with sensation. He was rock hard now, aching to be touched, to be stimulated further. Your words had elicited a visceral reaction, and as you wondered what it would feel like to have that rigid, engorged member buried deep inside you, a shiver of anticipation ran down your spine. The very thought of him filling you, stretching you, driving you wild with ecstasy was enough to make your core throb with need. You yearned to find out firsthand just how incredible it would feel, to experience the full, throbbing weight of him inside your most intimate depths. 
“Squeeze.” You ordered and he complied. He would gladly obey you, he was under your spell. His hand tightened around himself, eliciting a low groan. The constriction made his hips jerked involuntarily, making his dick slide through his calloused digits. It was the most salacious sound you'd heard in a long time and you wondered if he would come right then. “Slowly,” you warned.
The blood flow to his cock seemed to have woken his brain as well and he started to take his own initiative. He slid a finger through the small bit of precum dripping from the slit and spread it over the head. You watched as he did as you instructed, running his fist up and down his slick cock.
“That's right. Up and down, loosen on up and tighten going down.”
Your mouth was practically watering, as you pushed away the urge to kneel down and take him into your own mouth. Your front teeth bit down on your lower lip to suppress a whimper as you watched his balls rise up with each stroke. You pondered for a moment before deciding that they needed their own attention. 
“Use your other hand.” You pointed in an instructive way. 
The soldier looked down to where your finger was aimed, at the shining titanium prosthetic they had mercilessly fused to his skin. He started lifting his metal palm as you asked, always ready to comply. But something in his face changed. It was subtle, but you could sense the disgust of what you had asked of him. What did he think of the gift that HYDRA had given him?
He slowed his pumping to answer you. “Net… no.”
“Fine.” You had never been cruel. Your job was care. “Carry on.”
His eyes flicked back up to yours in an unasked question. Did he want something more? Did you dare ask for something you weren't sure you were ready for?
You watched your soldier, studying his expressions as he pleasured himself. Attention to detail had always been your strong point, reading the flickers of emotions on people's faces and how they told their untold stories, things they wished to keep undisclosed. It wasn’t just his face that told you that he was close to coming undone.
He had increased the speed of his movements, his eyes half closed, his spine arched and pelvis thrusted forwards into his hand, almost mindless in his lust and uncaring of his audience. His reckless abandon seemed to defy all your preconceptions for the Winter Soldier. Everything you had heard about him came down to control, and here he stood before you lost in an almost animalistic appetite with no thought or concern of judgment. You were taken aback by the vulnerability he showed in front of you, sharing this intimate part of him, you’d never seen any documentation of this sort of behavior from an asset before. It felt exhilarating and your body responded to it in kind.
You could feel your arousal pooling between your legs and you pushed your thighs together in an attempt to quell the feeling, only succeeding in creating a thrilling friction that sent a shock through your body. It was instinctive. You reached out, slipping a finger under the rugged ridge of his chin, gently tiling his face up towards yours. As his gaze met yours, his eyes widened, blazing with a mixture of lust and surprise. The blues of his irises had vanished completely, his eyes blackened completely by desire. A low guttural sound came from his throat. Then you understood, he wanted your permission to let go. So you gave it to him.
“Do it. Cum.”
You shivered as his eyes lost their focus, you watched as his cock throbbed expectantly. Your breath shuddered along with his as he made a mess, his cock spurting out what looked like a river of pent up seed, painting the tiles of the shabby bathroom. Your eyes widened as lewd moans fell off his lips in the most sinful manner as he pumped himself as the last and strongest wave of pleasure engulfed him. Goosebumps erupted across your flesh as a shiver traveled down your spine as you watched his jaw slacken and his member soften. He finally looked back up at you.
“Spasibo.” (Thank you) His hoarse voice was barely audible.
“That's quite a mess you've made, Soldat. I hope you aren't expecting me to clean you up.” You turned around and left him to his own devices. 
You tinkered around with his uniform, checking the fastening and leather harness that he usually wore. Waiting for him to return to you. You knew he would and he did. In silence, he followed your instructions, let you dry his hair and paint his face, finally tightening his belt. Just in time as Karpov unceremoniously stormed into the room.
“Soldat!” He pointed at the door, indicating for the asset to move out.
Your heart shattered into pieces, hearing the cruel tone he had used when addressing the Winter Soldier. Your instinctual response was to defend your asset, but you knew better than to go up against Karpov. He would only take your protest as an excuse to punish the soldier.
With one last look, he lowered his head and whispered. “Do svidaniya, Kotyonok.” (Goodbye, Kitten)
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Masterlist > Chapter 2
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themculibrary · 1 year
America Chavez Masterlist
All It Took Was The Star Above (ao3) - BrightSkiesToni wanda/vision T, 188k
Summary: DSMOM Spoilers: Wanda Maximoff was no stranger to being alone, everyone she loved and cared for was taken away from her, starting with her parents, then her brother, her lover (multiple times) and ending with her boys. Alone, always alone. After the events of Westview, she finds herself isolated in a cabin well hidden in the Sokovian mountains without anyone. Yet, one sleepless night she sees a child fall from a star and makes it her mission to help this girl. In the process, she gets more family than she ever thought would come back to her.
Can't Man (ao3) - LifeOfRoos G, 2k
Summary: Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes need someone to get really small to infiltrate some buildings. Sadly enough, Scott Lang died a couple of months prior. But don’t fret: there is Magician-in-training America Chavez and her ability to open up portals. Sam and Bucky seek her out and request she go on a multiversal journey to find a new Scott. Shenanigans ensue!
Finding Family (ao3) - aparticularbandit wanda/vision M, 374k
Summary: When America begins universe-hopping again to try and find her moms, she realizes that's too much scope for her. She looks for smaller scope, and instead she finds Wanda.
Guess That This Must Be The Place (ao3) - LocalFeministKilljoy stephen/wong G, 1k
Summary: America Chavez reflects on her relationship with Steven and Wong.
how to care for your calimiris: a guide by America Chavez (ao3) - DarkKitty1208 tony/stephen G, 5k
Summary: When an interdimensional being manages to slip into the Sanctum, what would America do? Make it her pet, of course.
And if that happens to result in uncontrollable chaos… How bad could it be?
(Very, very bad, as it turns out.)
i just want to make a change (ao3) - subwaycars kate/america G, 24k
Summary: After everything, America is the constant Kate expected least.
I'm Going To Watch You Shine (ao3) - Webtrinsic T, 3k
Summary: Five times America called Stephen dad, and one time he referred to her as his daughter.
i promise you this, i'll always look out for you (ao3) - LadyLiv G, 3k
Summary: America falls through a frozen lake.
I've Lost My Strength Completely (ao3) - Webtrinsic M, 3k
Summary: The Scarlet Witch isn't gentle in retrieving the supernatural being America Chavez from Earth-838.
Making it up to Wanda (ao3) - AndrezFetish E, 6k
Summary: The Scarlet Witch put universe 838's Wanda Maxinoff through a lot. Having captured America Chavez she had what she came for. It's time that they made it up to the sexy 838's MILF Wanda in the hottest way possible: a lesbian foursome!
neither of us will be missed (ao3) - UnicornOfTheSun G, 3k
Summary: America Chavez didn't have that many friends.
Then she met Spiderman and decided he wasn’t as weird as she initially thought.
Or America makes it her mission to befriend Spiderman and they bond over being screwed over by the multiverse.
Sit & Wait On Pale Mist (ao3) - Webtrinsic T, 3k
Summary: Assailants storm the Sanctum Sanctorum in search of an artifact capable of multiversal travel, unaware America is the artifact they seek.
She's Beauty and She's Grace, She's Miss United States (ao3) - imkerfuffled G, 1k
Summary: America Chavez can out-America Captain America. (Shut up, of course that's a word)
Sticks and Stones (ao3) - UnicornOfTheSun T, 4k
Summary: America has always been good at hiding her pain. She insists everything is okay because why wouldn’t it be? They won. They survived.
Stephen notices anyway.
Or having her magic drained affects America more than she lets on and they deal with the consequences. One step at a time.
The Crush (ao3) - Webtrinsic G, 1k
Summary: Stephen fears with America making new friends and relationships she won't have time for him any longer, it gets even worse when he figures out she has a crush on Kate Bishop.
Who Am I To You? (ao3) - Webtrinsic T, 3k
Summary: Stephen makes the mistake of leaving her at Kamar-Taj when he should have taken her to New York to live with him.
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