smbhax · 1 year
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Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Trial) (PS3)
The full version is still on the PS3 store but I think its demo has been delisted. Steam version also doesn’t have a demo.
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thenarrativefoil · 1 month
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a slice of fresh pawpaw, microgreens, and flower petals on a bed of peanut butter. remy come back baby you know I didn't mean all that
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gothamsfinestdummy · 1 year
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Oh naur Brain got mousenapped by alternate universe (ex) husband
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shadybelievercat · 3 years
PATB AU ideas
1. [Redacted] and the Brain AU
Based off the tumblr post with Pinky as a ghost by @hopes-memes . Link
Pinky and Brain go on a highly dangerous and risky mission to take over the world. This one plan proving to be the most likely to succeed out of all of them. Unfortunately as luck would have it. They fail, but in the worst way possible. For the government has been watching the duo for a long time and consider Brain at this point a national threat and come to destroy him. Pinky, not wanting to lose his friend claims to be the genius behind all their schemes sacrificing himself. What he doesn’t realize is how determined they are to get rid of the threat as they immediately kill him on sight Brain, helpless to stop them, he watches as Pinky is destroyed and goes into hiding, not wanting his friend’s sacrifice to be in vain. Once alone he goes into mourning and a deep depression doing just about anything to bring pinky back, eventually giving up, and with no pinky to stop him, he returns to smoking and decides if the world really is that cruel, he’ll take over the world and make them pay, all while a pinky watches as the megalomaniac gets crueler over time and less empathetic without his only moral compass. Meanwhile, Romy watches as his father slowly goes crazy and tries to be there for him, with little to no success, However Pinky is determined to help Brain in whatever way he can as he finds out he can possess people and tries to communicate with Brain over time..he tries even to get into contact with his son which doesn’t work Eventually a few years later as Brain is on the brink(y) of conquering and becoming an evil tyrant with some help by Romy reluctantly. Pinky eventually manages to get into contact with his son and the two realize that if brain succeeds the earth will crumble and together they team up to stop him
2. Amnesia AU
Brain and Pinky go to take over the world, but ended up getting mousenapped by snowball. Snowball, wanting to get of the competition and use Brain’s intelligence to take over the world for himself brainwashes his old friend and the two work together whilst pinky is tossed aside. Pinky realizing what this means goes to get help from Romy, but by the time he finds his son..Snowball and Brain have reached the final step of their plan to take over the world, and Snowball intends to force Brain to be his partner or execute him. And while it may seem odd that Brain wouldn’t just agree since he’s brainwashed, snowball has noticed Brain starting to remember small things throughout.. The most vital memories brain isn’t getting back, are of snowball and pinky. He remembers certain things that he did with pinky, but not pinky himself, simply because most of the memories are only coming back because of what he does with snowball in the plan
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kittykatknits · 7 years
Do you think Sansa and Sandor can possibly end up together?
No, not really. I do believe they will reunite and the moment will be personally significant for both of them, but their relationship will not be physical nor will they be married, end-game, or some other variant.
This turned out longer than intended, sorry! 
I’ve always been pretty skeptical of the possibility but Sansa’s gift chapter squashed whatever lingering doubts I had. It’s pretty obvious there will be a (probably failed) Mad Mousenapping. The gift chapter also happens to be the lone Sansa POV in the entire series where Sandor Clegane does not appear either physically or in her thoughts. It’s not a huge surprise, she’s pretty solidly enmeshed in her Alayne persona. After that chapter, I’m thinking we will see the tourney next and then maybe a chapter or two after that, Sansa will be outed. For years, I was staunchly against the possibility of her marrying Harry (my nickname for him  is Harry the Red Herring) but I’m slowly coming around to it even though I absolutely abhor the idea. Frankly, this potential story line is one of many reasons why I’m annoyed with Martin and the story right now, but that’s a whole ‘nother discussion.
Back to the two of them. Their reunion requires him to leave the QI and my best guess is that it will happen in a similar manner to what we saw in the show. I don’t support the crack theory that the Elder Brother is already in the Vale doing investigative work or some such. The QI sounds like an idyllic place, almost to good to be true, so it’s pretty Martin-like to destroy it in preparation for the upcoming apocalypse. The only other way I can foresee him leaving is if he somehow hears news that Sansa Stark has been found and he decides to go serve her and I’m not willing to rule that out as a possibility.
So, as to what will happen between them? We need to go back and revisit the story.
This exchange occurs shortly before Blackwater:
“True knights protect the weak.”
He snorted. “There are no true knights, no more than there are gods. If you can’t protect yourself, die and get out of the way of those who can. Sharp steel and strong arms rule this world, don’t ever believe any different.”
Sansa backed away from him. “You’re awful.”
- Sansa IV, aCoK
This is the philosophy that has guided Sandor Clegane since the day his brother stuck his face in the fire and much of his life has only reinforced that position. He went to CR to work for the Lannisters, killed his first man at 12, probably in the sack of KL which would only have reinforced that view. It’s this belief that reconciled his killing of Mycah, a boy who couldn’t protect himself. Remember - he ran, but not very fast.  
Along comes Sansa, an innocent girl who has no sword or army, no protectors, no sworn shield. According to Sandor Clegane, she’s one of the very people who should die and get out of the way. But, Sansa doesn’t. Instead, she challenges his world view:
“The silence went on and on, so long that she began to grow afraid once more, but she was afraid for him now, not for herself. She found his massive shoulder with her hand. “He was no true knight,” she whispered to him.”
-Sansa II, Got
“The king stood. “A cask from the cellars! I’ll see him drowned in it.”
Sansa heard herself gasp. “No, you can’t.”
Joffrey turned his head. “What did you say?”
-Sansa, I, aCoK
…and again…
Sansa found herself possessed of a queer giddy courage. “You should go with her,” she told the king. “Your brother might be hurt.”
Joffrey shrugged. “What if he is?”
“You should help him up and tell him how well he rode.” Sansa could not seem to stop herself.
-Sansa I, aCoK
..and again…
Prince Tommen sobbed. “You mew like a suckling babe,” his brother hissed at him. “Princes aren’t supposed to cry.”
“Prince Aemon the Dragonknight cried the day Princess Naerys wed his brother Aegon,” Sansa Stark said, “and the twins Ser Arryk and Ser Erryk died with tears on their cheeks after each had given the other a mortal wound.”
“Be quiet, or I’ll have Ser Meryn give you a mortal wound,” Joffrey told his betrothed.
–Tyrion IX, aCoK
…and again…
“Joffrey looked for a moment as if he meant to ride her down, but Sansa Stark leaned over and said something to him. The king fumbled in his purse, and flung the woman a silver stag.”
-Tyrion IX, aCoK
Remember, Sandor Clegane is Joffrey’s Sworn Shield, he was right next to both of them for those last two exchanges and would have heard every word Sansa said.  I’d argue that in all of the above incidents, Sansa was acting the part of a true knight, doing what she could to protect the innocents in the face of her own abuser.
What does Sandor Clegane do?
Dog, hit her.“
"Let me beat her!” Ser Dontos shoved forward, tin armor clattering.
-Sansa III, aCok
Nothing. Nothing at all. Later, during the night of the Blackwater, he comes to her room to try and save her once more, and I do believe he was sincere in that, but, he completely botches it, putting a knife to her throat. That’s twice when Sandor had the chance to do the right thing, be a true knight just as Sansa showed him he could be, and he didn’t. He failed her and he knows it:
“I killed your butcher’s boy. I cut him near in half, and laughed about it after.” He made a queer sound, and it took her a moment to realize he was sobbing. “And the little bird, your pretty sister, I stood there in my white cloak and let them beat her. I took the bloody song, she never gave it. I meant to take her too. I should have. I should have fucked her bloody and ripped her heart out before leaving her for that dwarf.”
-Arya XIII, SoS
In case there is any doubt, Martin tells us his whole philosophy is wrong:
“Seven, Brienne thought again, despairing. She had no chance against seven, she knew. No chance, and no choice.”
-Brienne VII, aFfC
The king moved, so his shadow fell upon King’s Landing. “If Joffrey should die … what is the life of one bastard boy against a kingdom?”
“Everything,” said Davos, softly.
-Davos V, SoS
“If you would take a man’s life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die.”
-Bran I, GoT
So,,,hmmm, maybe it isn’t sharp steel that rules the world. Maybe, ultimately, it’s something else. So, let’s talk about Sansa some more.
“ In the sept they sing for the Mother’s mercy but on the walls it’s the Warrior they pray to, and all in silence. She remembered how Septa Mordane used to tell them that the Warrior and the Mother were only two faces of the same great god. But if there is only one, whose prayers will be heard?”
-Sansa V, aCoK
Later, Sansa sings the Mother’s Hymn to the Hound when he is in her room. So, who is it the gods listened to? Was it Sansa’s call for mercy or the Hound’s belief in sharp steel? Well, considering that he is, in fact, on the QI, finding a better way, I’d say Martin pretty explicitly answers that question for us. The Hound is dead and when the character next appears, it’s gonna be Sandor Clegane.
To get to the point, since this is ridiculously long, I believe their next meeting and impact on each other will be related to the above. Twice, the Hound failed at being a true knight and I think the third time, he will be and will do it under circumstances where he has no hope and no choice.
I’ve gone back and forth on the Clegane Bowl theory and argued against it quite a bit but it’s another one I’m slowly resigning myself too. Sandor’s older brother is the monster he cannot slay, the demon that set him on the path we see in the books. Now, Gregor has come back, a literal undead monster this time, a product of necromancy. The Hound was motivated by hate and vengeance. I can foresee Martin setting it up so the two brothers come together at last, only now, it will be Sandor Clegane fighting an actual monster, going to battle as a true knight to protect the innocent. I really don’t like the idea of Clegane Bowl though but I’m running out of arguments as to why it won’t happen…..
Them crossing paths and him finally having the chance to be a true knight, yep, that’ll happen. Heck, it was a toy knight that started all of it in the first place. It’s what he always wanted to be. Sansa’s mercy and ability to show him a different way is what will make it possible.
Other than the above, it’s anyone’s guess really. 
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anamelessknight · 7 years
Episode 3: Mousemania
Previous Episode: 2 Envoy from Galaxy Garrison
Episode Master List
Let’s Compare Voltrons
Three counts and out-of-rings.
Peter Cullen narrates and confirms that yes, it is Planet Doom.  Reconquered off-camera and the Force hasn’t responded because...
This actually appears to be a second castle of doom though, since it’s in a foggy valley than the dark storm hellscape prior.  Nearby, Lotor and some goons are directing slaves to build himself a new secret base to topple the king in full view of his father’s castle.  Some of then have pointy ears but I don’t know if it’s an animation mistake or aliens.
Anyway, a Robeast crashes through Lotor’s stupid base.  Under Haggar’s command.  Who’s under Zarkon’s command.  She could have perhaps done more, if Lotor let her in on things, but since he didn’t magical-mecha-winged-tiger here is having its fill.
Lotor swears vengeance and leaves.  Haggar’s got some more plans to take down Voltron after this.  She magics the Robeast into a sabre-tooth-tiger, then into a little white kitty.  Between it and her own cat the Voltron Force is DOOMED!
Meanwhile, at the Castle of Lions, Pidge is laying back and enjoying an apple so much he scarfs down the core.  The door opens, and Haggar’s blue cat puts in an appearance so Pidge gets up to chase him off.  But this is just a Space Mice trick to eat his last apple.  The pricks.
Pidge starts grabbing for them, and after they electrocute him, they flee the room.  Pidge starts running after them which gets all the other guys out of their rooms wondering what’s happening.
They run straight to Allura who’s in the middle of changing!  Oh what comedy! as he runs in.  He gets kicked out and the other guys pile up outside.  The robeast-cat walks by and Pidge adopts it to go after the Space Mice.
Allura giggles that the Space Mice tricked Pidge again!
The Force sit down to dinner with a meal from Chef Francois.  Or Pidge, as he’s more commonly known.  Pidge is actually a good chef and everyone gives him praise but the real reason for the dinner is to lure in the Space Mice, which he accomplishes with gusto thanks to his new cat.
This makes a complete mess of dinner and the guys eventually grab the trio of Mice.  Allura demands them let free, but Pidge is sick of them stealing from him.  Papa Mouse and Mama Mouse appear and talk with Allura to getting the kids settled down.
Everyone agrees and is super happy with the free mice.
Haggar enacts her magic.  This causes the castle to shoot at her coffin-ship and she flies off in the middle of the night.
She calls up to a nearby Lotor and explains the plan to him after she docks.  He takes credit to her grumbling.
The Force goes to sleep and Haggar’s magic restores the white kitten to the sabre-tooth tiger.
Instead of just murdering them in their sleep, it starts rampaging around and tearing things up with the blue cat’s help.  Like, tears through metal like it was paper.  They tear up the control room but the Space Mice spot tit.
Good thing they still have Mousetron!  And a new music track to go with it!
Mousetron distracts them for a bit but gets knocked down eventually.  One of the mice falls out and gets grabbed by blue cat, but Coran and the Force run in and scare the two cats off.
Allura reassures the Space Mice they’ll free the mousenapped Cheddar.  The Mice want to come along in their Mouse Plane (I will continue to call it Mousetron).  The five of them go into the take-off sequence (and Sven’s still there why!?).  This ends up being the closest to “complete” footage I think it’s ever been.
Lotor and Haggar gloat that the Force are coming to save a stupid mouse.
Voltron Force Pilot Color Error:
Pidge: 8
Lance: 1
The Lions arrive and start getting to work.  They exchange fire and Red Lion lands a big shot!  But it’s intercepted by the Robeast.
The Robeast smacks aside Yellow Lion, Keith orders Green Lion attack, then Yellow Lion attacks instead.  The Robeast grabs Green Lion in its jaws but Blue Lion frees him.  Black Lion stuns the Robeast and Green Lion destroys it with a torpedo barrage.
Yes, destroys.
Lions Are Useful Against the Robeast: 3
Robeasts Defeated: 3 
These guys are a far cry from Season 1′s highs and lows.
Lotor’s furious at the turn of battle and demands “what now?” but Haggar plans to leverage the Space Mouse.  She magic-ups a view of him to the outside space.
Voltron Force Pilot Color Error:
Pidge: 9
Lance: 1
The Lions float helplessly rather than attack and get barraged by ineffectual lasers.  The Mousetron leaves... Black Lion?  Why would it be in Black Lion?  And heads over to infiltrate Lotor’s ship.
Pidge will follow them, after Voltron?  What...?
Voltron Forming Rallying Cry:
Let’s go Voltron Force!: 3
Voltron Formed: 3
I can just BARELY hear the others here.
Voltron Force Pilot Color Error:
Pidge: 10
Lance: 1
Pidge stands in Green Lion’s maw while Green Lion Head Lion Head Attacks off to follow the Mousetron.  Except it’s aiming at the space bubble thing which the mouse is actually in?  What?
Pidge hangs out the side, completely abiding by having air in space and gets close... misses!  Lotor’s ship shoots him away.  Pidge comes back around and rescues the mouse anyway and reattaches to Voltron.
Lotor fires his Raider Missiles while Voltron shoots them down with its Electro-magnetic Light Pods.
Voltron’s Even More Absolutely Absurd Arsenal:
Lion Head Bite x 4
Blazing Sword
Isotopic Missiles
Spinning Laser Blade
Tornado Blaster x 2
Flamethrowers / Thermo Blaster / Lion Torch / Fire Blasters x 5
Tracking Coils / Ray Beam / Electro Blasters x 2
Electro-Force Cross / Insignia Crest
Eye Beams
Heat Beams / Lion Torch
Proton Missiles x 2 / Stingray Missiles x 2
Lion Torch
Stingray Missiles x 2
Deflector Shield
Argon Force Field
Lion Lariat x 2 (Nunchuks)
Ion Darts
Lion Head Attack
Rotor Guns
Crusher Ball
Neutron Needles x 2
Electro-force Cross Sword Edition
Ice Ray
Mega Missiles
Electro-magnetic Light Pods
Voltron gives a half-assed poke to the ship’s front which makes it explode for no real reason.
Voltron Force Pilot Color Error:
Pidge: 11
Lance: 1
Lotor and Haggar flee in his personal fighter.
Planet Doom’s New Wall of Failure:
Cossack the Terrible: 2
Haggar: 3
Lotor: 2
Nanny is grateful for Allura’s safe return and begs he to leave the fighting to the boys.  The Space Mice thank the Force, but Cheddar himself is missing...
Because he and the other two kids made Pidge a cake!  Awwwww...
Then Coran narrates the ongoing threat of Doom, and ongoing protection of Voltron.
Previous Episode: 2 Envoy from Galaxy Garrison
Episode Master List
Let’s Compare Voltrons
Next Episode: 4 The Shell Game
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lynxgriffin · 8 years
In Our Little Hideaway Beneath The Waves
Okay! Gonna make some more progress in KH 2.8 here…let’s continue on with Pinocchio-related areas!
Woooow I do not think I could fail harder at that dive with Riku if I tried
Trampoline Show! …Which Riku does not get to see cause he got Monstrostuck
YESSS I can finally make the Kooma Panda!
His name is…SPOTOPPLE
Ohh man I can make a Meowjesty too…but do I want to use my one Malleable Fantasy that I have so far…
Also an Elephant…man I’m not sure which Fantasies I should be saving, especially since what I really want is the dinos and the dragon
Anyway Geppetto what’s up
By the way did that Moogle get swallowed by Monstro too? Is it just trying to sell to Geppetto? Why is it here
Aaand total 180 for Riku from the last time he was in Monstro!
And everywhere you go there’s black coats around yeeup
At least this time Monstro has a friggin linear digestive system instead of whatever the heck was going on in KH1
That’s the most self-aware Pinocchio I’ve seen in awhile
Riku: Who are you?!
Repliku: I’m you but more annoying
Riku do you REALLY need to go investigate the bowels of the whale I mean your mission’s basically accomplished here
Okay how come the Dream Eaters get to run around in the stomach acid and not get burnt but Riku can’t
I mean logically speaking SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER so he should be able to, too!
Okay boss lobster is next and Riku’s about to drop, so we’ll switch back over to Sora for now
Oh I can make a fishy now!
Her name is…FINNABAR
Okay enough treasure hunting, we’re progressing the plot, since Sora has a bunch of that here
As the German saying goes, not my circus, not my…pandas?
Hells yeah high jump!
Nort and Nort appear to be like “I see you’ve learned how to jump higher”
Oh Xemnas your voice continues to be great
Mmmm I think I am gonna go ahead and make a Meowjesty, I seem to recall it having better abilities than the elephant
Blue Fairy back for the backstory exposition
Meowjesty is here! His name is…REGALLANT
Oh HECK YEAH it gives the ability Second Chance, definitely glad I used the stuff for that
OH it’s Sir Frog King again! TIME TO BEAT HIM UP SOME MORE
Bah, ruined my drop rate, but I got him down to about four health bars left.
But considering Pinocchio can do it too maybe it’s just this world or something
Bah didn’t get quite as far with Sora as I would’ve hoped, but that was because of Sir Frog
THERE we go, little Rising Wing did the trick
Man Riku got through this world fast with still lots of time left
…I guess I’ll send him on ahead to the next one anyway until Sora’s done
OH RIGHT we go back to Traverse Town before we’re on to Three Musketeers and Fantasia, siiigh
Oh wait Riku can’t progress until Sora is done ugh good grief okay
Okay Riku played with all the Dream Eaters so his turn wasn’t completely useless
I’d like to be…under the sea…in a dream lobster’s garden…with you!
My favorite battle ever just for the ridiculous ending
…And then a rainbow lobster came and froze the whale. Why? Because shut up!
This battle is the literal best because you win by EXPLODING A RAINBOW DREAM LOBSTER WITH A GIANT WHALE IN A BUBBLE
And then Monstro just sneezes you back on shore, ungrateful jerk
Mickey what were you pointing at when Mal’s raven came in from the opposite direction?
OH YEAH that whole bit about Minnie being mousenapped
Speaking of I really want Maleficent’s little real estate plans to feature back into the main plot again
Closest we got was that connection with Back Cover which I still need to watch
OKAY methinks we’ll drop Sora off at Traverse Town and then call it a night there
Oh yeah Sora gets to meet Joshua this time
I’m still not sure how well the Reapers Game is integrated into this game but oh well.
Oh Sora honey I just wanna squish your face
Okay, this seems like a good place to stop, so here we shall stop
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