#movers are worth the cost
notfknapplicable · 4 months
I signed my lease at my new place today! Now I need to go to the water office at some point and turn on the water/trash service, and I'll be all set to move in on the 15th. And lemme tell ya I am so ready. I catch myself fantasizing about the most boring stuff ever - taking naps on my couch, reading on the porch, cooking whenever I'd like, cleaning with bleach and other chemicals, pooping with the bathroom door open, deep cleaning behind things and in the corners, showering with the bathroom door open, playing video games for hours, baking cakes, keeping the temperature where I'd like it to be, not having a dirty-wheeled bike hanging over my couch, doing aerobics in the liminal space where the kitchen and living room meet in my lil open-plan duplex. I really like this new duplex's layout way more than my old one too because the bedrooms are on the outside walls instead of on the inside ones, so the only thing on the other side of the wall from me is the outdoors. Our living room and kitchens are butted up to each other and I'll take that any day over having to hear my casually racist Spanish neighbors fucking in the middle of the day while I'm trying to pot nap.
My roommate seems to be calming down (she's started speaking to me again), but she's also doing passively aggressive things like turning the heat down lower and lower. When I came back from SF she was in there with the heat on 66 while it was below freezing outside, if you need an indication of how she keeps it. Always burning hot in the summer, always freezing cold in the winter. Honestly she just needs to live alone again. She's very particular about certain things and isn't great at compromising. I'm the exact same way, and I am willing to cough up a few extra bucks in service of being at peace in my home. She makes way more money than me and I'm fairly certain that she can afford the rent and bills on her own. Hahahahaha I bet that I'm gonna do all of this scrambling to find her a new roommate just for her to tell me "actually I'm gonna live alone / my dude is gonna move in" or something. She's been seeing this guy for a good lil' minute anyway - take the plunge!
All of that is one note. I'm gonna have my own place again soon, and just in time for summer. I was really dreading having to do another summer in that house (for real she wants the air on like 77 in Georgia in the summer) so I'm incredibly happy to have found this place. The yard is pretty much a dust bowl but that's okay, I'll probably plant vegetables and herbs once spring gets here proper. I just have no words. It'll be more expensive, sure, but it'll also be worth every penny.
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Mɪᴛᴄʜᴇʟʟ Esᴛᴀᴛᴇs (Chapter 1) "Mᴏᴠɪɴɢ Iɴ"
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EwanMitchell Verse x F!Reader
A/N: Hello! This is the first chapter of my Mitchell Estates Series! This chapter is for introduction so not much going on! //Dividers by@firefly-graphics
Summary: You finally arrive at what will be your new home. You hope this fresh start will be able to bring you some peace and less drama in your life.
Tw: Nothing!
Word Count: 1.8k
Masterlist • Next Chapter → (WIP)
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The road feels never-ending. Everything moving outside of the car feels like a blur and you feel as if you're driving in a fishbowl.
Your eyelids feel like they're being weighed down. You've gotten to the point where you've imagined taping them open. Constantly feeling the need to shake your head as you try to stay awake.
You've spent the entire day packing, and loading all your belongings to your new apartment all on 2 hours of sleep. The cost of movers was not an expense you were willing to pay, the truck itself was already putting a dent in your wallet.
"Your destination is on the right."
You turn on your signals and carefully pull into the small building complex.
It wasn't an easy find. A friend of yours luckily knew the person who had just moved out and managed to get in contact with the landlord before they could give the space to anyone else.
It was an old Motel that had been renovated into apartments, though, it still looked like it was a motel.
You pull into a random parking spot near a smaller building that looks to be the office. It feels good to finally put the car in park and unbuckle.
"Fucking finally" You lean your head back on the headrest and close your eyes just for a second. You listen to the sounds of the cars passing by and the music coming from your radio on low. You had work until 2 in the morning, a rare occurrence, they needed help and you needed the money. And it was only natural that when you finally got home at 3 your neighbours were having sex loudly followed by someone being a dick revving their engine outside the building. You ended up falling asleep at 5 but had to be up by 7 to start packing.
As you relax in your car someone comes and knocks on the window. You look out it to see a man standing there with a clipboard. Annoyed, you hold the button to roll down the window.
"Yes?" He eyes you for a moment not saying anything simply looking between his clipboard and you. You notice his eyes go to your chest then your lips.
Fucking creep.
"You're late." He stares at you and then looks down at his watch. "You were supposed to be here 5 minutes ago." He sighs angrily and starts flipping through pages on his clipboard.
"Sorry, there was traffic." You apologize to which he just rolls his eyes.
What the fuck is up his ass?
Technically you were 3 minutes late since you spent 2 minutes taking a breather. Either way, 5 minutes is not that big of a deal.
"Are you going to get out of the car or am I supposed to give you the tour from here?" He chews his gum like one of the cocky guys that come up to you in bars who act as if they're walking around with the biggest dicks on the planet. You sigh and glare at him as you press the button to slowly roll up the window while staring into his soul.
Once it's up you take the keys out of the ignition, grab your bag and step out of your car. It belonged to your dad, it had been all banged up so you had to get it repaired but it was worth it. It was probably the most expensive thing you owned.
You look around now that you're out and fully take in the building. They did a pretty good job at not making it look like a motel the vibrant blue and orange colours of the doors paired with the black finishings as well as the white walls just made it all pop. You could tell the trees were just recently planted and the gardens were actually tended to.
For a moment you had been worried the place your friend found would be a dump considering the side of town it was on and the price of the rent. You were in too much of a desperate situation to come to look at the apartment itself so you had no other choice but
"Any day now..." You look over at the man who is glaring daggers at you. You take in his appearance now that you can see him better. He's wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a red sweater. You notice that just above the neckline you can catch a glimpse of a tattoo on the side of his neck. He's cute you'd give him that, but the cutest thing about him has to be that nose. Your thoughts grew a little lewd as you thought about riding his face. His nose perfectly nuzzling against your clit.
Why are the hot ones always so fucking rude?
You close your door, locking the car a couple times before following him.
"You're in B3. Thats the second floor, unit 3." He walks over to that office-like building you noticed earlier and leads you inside, holding the door open.
At least he has some fucking manners.
You take a seat across from the desk as he walks around and sits down in front of you while going through the desk drawers. "No loud noises past 11pm, no pets if it's not on your lease, no in-unit laundry machines, no renovations without clearance."
He finally finds what he's looking for. He pulls out a lanyard, attached to it are 2 sets of keys, a laminated pass and a plastic card. The lanyard itself is decorated with the building's name Mitchell Estates and two phone numbers.
"You only get two keys. If you lose them you owe me 30$ for a new one. The pass gets hung up in your car. If I see no pass and no paid ticket I tow the car. The plastic card is your laundry card. The lanyard has my phone number, don't call me, I promise whatever it is I don't care enough to answer. There is also the maintenance number, call him." He speaks with a dead look on his face and no emotion.
He stands up and walks over to the door and holds it open waiting for you to get up and follow him out. You grab your bag stand up and follow him out of the building. He begins leading you over to the actual apartment.
"The spot you're parked in now is empty so you can have it. Over there is the laundry rooms." He points to the left side of the building, you see a boy and a child walk out dragging baskets behind them. "There are garbage shutes on every floor. Recycling is at the back of the buildings. Those vending machines work." You look over to the vending machines and see some guy leaning against it while smoking. He gives you a grin before stomping out his cigarette and walking into his unit. You try to keep up with the Landlord but frankly, he's walking so fast like he's trying to get rid of you.
You follow him upstairs below you see someone walk into the complex and look toward you. He's wearing glasses and a burgundy cardigan paired with cargo pants. He notices you but quickly looks away.
"Over here is yours." He walks you over to a unit. As you get to the door he searches for the keys, a man comes up the stairs and goes into the unit next to you. You notice the cases of beer he's carrying and a tattoo of a horse on his bicep.
He finally finds the right key and unlocks the door. "Over there on the counter is a copy of the rental agreement. Sign it and drop it off by tomorrow. Rent is due on the first of every month. I don't make exceptions and I don't care for sob stories. If you can't pay I call the police. I trust we will have no issues?" He eyes you up and down again.
Isn't he just a ray of sunshine ladies and gentlemen?
"No need to worry. I don't plan on causing any problems." He nods his head and turns to leave. "Wait," you call after him and he turns back around with an annoyed look. You put out your hand and introduce yourself. "Your name is?"
He looks down at your hand and then back up at you.
"Ettore." With that, he's out your door slamming it behind him.
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An hour later the moving truck arrived. Your friends hopped out and began helping you unload your stuff. Since you couldn't afford it on your own and they needed a truck too, you split the cost.
One of your friends stops to look around quickly before walking back over to the truck.
"Wow. It's actually nice." Boyse blocks the sun from her eyes as she looks up at the building. "And that man up there is hot."
You look to see who she's looking at. You see the man before who lives next to you leaning on the railing while drinking a beer. He takes another sip before turning around and going back into his apartment.
"How...kind...and I wouldn't call it nice. It's...an improvement." Boyse rolled her eyes at Farleigh's statement. "I guess considering how it looked before...I can see the appeal." He lowered and handed down a box from inside the truck.
"For $900 a month. Im just fine with how it looks." When Farleigh told you the price even you were shocked in this day and age you were looking at about $2k for more apartments. "Now come on and help me get these boxes upstairs. Im not paying a late fee for this truck." You grabbed a box.
The three of you spent the next 2 hours unloading the truck and then unpacking your stuff. You didn't have much since you were only renting a bedroom before but luckily you had good friends who would be bringing by furniture to help fill in your new space.
"Fuck that was rough." Farleigh leaned against the wall and fanned himself with his hand.
"You didn't even do anything." Boyse rolled her eyes as she took a swig from her water before putting back on the cap and sitting on the counter. "You spent the entire time talking about fucking Felix and his new boy toy."
"I'm 100% sure that fucker framed me." Farleigh had been boring you and Boyse about his family drama for the whole day. He only came back to see his mother for a day and tell her what happened. "Which reminds me we have to leave if im going to make my flight. I have a party to crash."
He blew a kiss in the air which you pretended to dodge earning you a dramatic heart clutch from him. Boyse laughed and walked over and hugged you.
"At least you're a bit closer to me now." You followed her over to the door. The next-door neighbour walked by Boyse and watched him walk away before turning to you and winking and running off when Farleigh honked the truck. "Bye, babe! Have fun."
You turn around locking the door before eyeing your plain and empty apartment.
"This is going to take some work..."
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A/N: This was SUPER short but it was just meant to introduce the story and set the scene. Hopefully, you guys can figure out who some characters are just by my vague descriptions but if not do not fear! We will meet them all in due time! (Also it is not easy to describe them when they all look alike 🤣) The next chapter will be longer and better and we will also get to meet Will!
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General Taglist: @thought--bubble, @valeskafics Series Taglist: @slytherincursebreaker, @watercolorskyy, @dixie-elocin, @venmondiese, @briefcollectivepersona
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thursdaygirlmp3 · 2 months
big day for media business girlies now that watcher is trying to go the dropout route - some thoughts below the cut
>big L on the fact that they don't have first mover advantage as a lot of their audience already has crossover with other paid subscriptions for independent productions (eg. Dropout, Nebula etc) and they still have a fairly young audience who don't have enough purchase power to subscribe to multiple services past a certain point. my sense is that the average viewer will put watcher on the chopping block - their output unfortunately simply isn't high enough to justify it as a good deal for most folks
>I do understand why they would make this move given how high their production quality is. one only has to assume that their 11k patreon supporters were not enough to meet their P&L. i'm assuming an 80% conversion of patreon subscribers to watcher subscribers will probably happen
>they've had 2 rounds of funding from what I remember, I'm sure there was some push from the investors also to meet their profit line so they could see returns. if they drop a few business focused interviews (hoping for a colin and samir episode, they're one of the best in the YouTube business news space) I'll have a little more to work with in terms of understanding why they did the damn thing
>bigger L on putting their back catalogue behind a 50$ paywall - a bad move both in a business and viewer satisfaction sense
>the value for subscription looks? okay? it's not tooo bad. but if I had to make a choice, i probably wouldn't want to dish out the money for this singular service. superfans probably won't mind but as someone who has become a moderate-to-casual fan, it's just not worth it for me, even to access a few comfort episodes of their back catalogue. it's YouTube, someone will have it backed up on a drive link somewhere.
>i'm hoping for the best for them because more independent creators being able to properly fund the work they'd like to do is ultimately a good thing, but media and entertainment is very much an economies of scale business - you need be certain you have a very high and dedicated viewership to undertake large projects which cost a lot of money. if they don't have enough supporters immediately they'll be unable to launch at the scale at which they want to, which also means it'll take longer and harder for new viewers to pour in. it's not company-ending stuff, but it's a tough journey and i wish them the best
will probably reblog this with more thoughts as more details come out
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digitalmeowmix · 6 months
happy ww! <3 if sam and dean don't get together until they are older, what do you think that looks like for them? how they come to realize their feelings, how they act on/address them, how they even begin to broach the subject with the other?
Hi ! Thanks for the ask. ❤️
I think that my favorite type getting together in latter seasons would start with domesticity and simple affection. I think their movie nights and home cooked dinners and nesting would start to break down barriers . Sitting right next to each other while researching in the library ,their armchairs in the DeanCave mover closer,Sam reading a book in a chair in the garage while Dean works on Baby and occasionally handing his brother a tool with looking up from his book, Sam praising Dean for cooking another amazing meal and Dean blushing a bit.
Eventually comfy nights at home end with falling asleep together while drunk, sharing memories that make them emotional, flirty games of poker , giving each other backrubs etc .
Then it happens . I like it when someone makes the first move and the other is suprised but happy , but it is even better when they both want it and go for the kiss at the same time. Their just looking at each intently and they both realize “I’m so happy and comfortable I could live like this forever, I want to kiss him , I NEED to kiss him, I’m done waiting and ignoring it” And they can tell the other wants it just as much. I love when they then have a honest discussion and admit being together is all they want and need , because it’s not worth denying it any more and their tired
Then add some bittersweet from all their past pain and conflict with each other , and how long it took them to get there , and the pain in cost them. But it was worth it all just for this happiness they found together
The gentleness of how simple it really is and their mutual desire is the best.
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nexility-sims · 2 years
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𝐍𝐎. 𝟐𝟏: 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐥   /   THE BERMET-PERLA HOTEL, NAKAWE, 1935
❧  𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠  /  𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬  /  𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭.
Back in Nakawe, Rowena returns to her primary occupation as of late: planning a grand social event to set the tone for 1936.
{Rowena laughing.}
[??] There’s still work to be done, but it is coming along.
[R] It looks fabulous, Sylvester. I knew bringing you here was worth it. [M] Did you replace the piano, too? [S] The good folks at the Bermet-Perla have been quite  indulgent.
[M] I suppose they decline to replace the wallpaper. [R] These are murals, Merce! The theme is whatever I want it to be; we shall simply dance the night away in a rococo jungle.
[S] So, that accounts for the basics. Have a look around, and anything that isn’t yet up to snuff can and will be righted immediately.
[M] I would like to chat with him about Maria’s birthday party. I’ll join you on your tour in a few minutes. [R] If anyone can make a children’s affair elegant, it would be him.
[R] {to a mover} Yoo-hoo! Sir! Let me see inside that... [M] Now, is it possible to convince a venue to replace their murals because—
[M] Rowena, some news!
[R] About what? [M] The budget. Sylvester mentioned the crystal sets you wanted have proved both difficult to acquire and expensive.
[R] As it should be. What’s the problem? We need the dinnerware and the serveware to match, and the hotel’s sets are terribly unfashionable.
[M] And the cost? He said we’re already over budget. [R] This is why I have a personal account, Merce. Tell him to charge it. This must be the event of the year. Can’t I have fun without overcomplicating matters and embarrassing myself?
[M] {chuckles} That’s the spirit! I’m sure he will be judicious. [R] I trust him, yes. In any case, I cannot have a repeat of last year’s New Year fiasco. The Eldwine papers talked about that hideous, cheap fireworks display well into the month of March!
[M] Where are you going? [R] To make myself a drink. A Manhattan for you, too?
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hodgeswong98 · 6 months
5 Techniques to Pick the Most effective Packers and Movers Provider in Town
With a zillion of packers and movers corporations out there out there, it is usually complicated to decide on the very best one in your relocation wishes. Relocation is a trouble by alone and in situation your packer and mover is inefficient, it is likely to consequence in an infinite headache. The costliest ones are not in essence just one of the ideal and neither are those people that supply their vendors at filth reduced-price rates. The ideal Packers and Movers providers are individuals that provide trusted and responsible suppliers at cheap selling prices. Right here are five different strategies to select just one of the most effective movers and packers in your city. Don't get lured by very low-expense fees For the duration of the relocation training course of, most economical achievable features will lure you. But you have to preserve absent from these kinds of gives. The cause why some movers and packers firms seem low-charge is as a conclusion end result of they do not have insurance policy coverage and there are concealed price ranges worried. Rather of the truly worth, give interest to the typical of their expert services and check out to find out if the corporations match your relocation wants. Seek the advice of your social circle Even though relocating, practically nothing will come as practical as consulting your social circle or discovering out from your folks, home and neighbors about 1 of the most effective Packers and Movers providers at inexpensive value. You would be shocked by the superb insights that they are going to present anytime you research their enable. Persons who've relocated beforehand have tons of expertise and their priceless assistance will help you to choose 1 of the most effective services. Verify On-line critiques In this digitized planet, just about each business has an internet existence. It is feasible to examine their reviews and obtain out if they give trustworthy and reputable providers. There are many impartial platforms obtainable on the net, which give unbiased evaluations of the companies. Social media is also practical as people publish their genuine-existence encounters and you can use it to your logic. Though examining on-line evaluations, just make sure you flick thru various websites to have a greater comprehension of the corporate. Check out their workplace A serious-time take a look at to the place of work of the potential company will give a better comprehension of their working. Speak to the included person and permit him know your specific prerequisites. A lot could be judged from a solitary dialog. Take a look at workplaces of diverse businesses and finalize only any time you sense these types of as you've acquired the most efficient deal attainable. Verify for insurance policies and hidden costs While deciding upon movers and packers organizations, locate out if they deliver insurance plan protection and if there are any concealed expenditures involved. If they do not offer insurance protection, do not avail their companies. Breakage of goods while transporting is normally a true heartbreak if there is not a insurance policy protection coverage for the gadgets. Also, permit them to know about the precise quantity of objects and their dimensions and finalize the deal. If there are hidden prices included, attempt to uncover a agency that is far more apparent in their providers. Even though on the lookout for any movers and packers services in your locality, at all instances manage these five quick strategies in intellect and you are going to select the very best one for all of your necessities. Packers and Movers Chennai to Bangalore appear in beneficial each time you have to relocate and may well support you pick out the ideal packers and movers in your metropolis.
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someinstant · 1 year
So it's the week before Spring Break, and that means that my students are currently INSANE, and also I'm an AP teacher so we're in the final sprint towards College Board exams, and also most of my students are seniors and are Going Through It in terms of college acceptance and scholarship drama right now, and also I'm the faculty advisor for Beta Club and I'm doing all the paperwork for new memberships (sidenote: did you know that it costs more than 3k for 100 kids to join National Beta? because it does. discuss), and my six week grades are due, like, NOW, and also the air here is 90% pollen right now so I don't think I've breathed in about three weeks. Yesterday my lunch was literally half a Pop-Tart, because that's all I had time to eat before the kids came back.
What I am trying to express is: I am a little overwhelmed and stressed right now. So when my mother texted me on Monday saying that a friend of hers had some furniture she was willing to give me for free, did I want it?, my response initially was: yes, but I am incapable of organizing anything else this week. And then she sent me the pictures, and--
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I mean, did I then have to scramble and find a truck and movers, because my mother's friend needed it out of the apartment by Friday? Yes. This is because I couldn't take time off this week to move it myself because (a) TOO BUSY and (b) days before vacations are deemed "critical days" and have to be approved by admin at least a month in advance unless it's an emergency and (c) writing sub plans is actually worse than being absent and also (d) we have no subs right now and everyone is having to cover classes and I don't want to be That Person to my colleagues if I can help it. And the movers cost me, like, 300 bucks, and I had to get my mom to coordinate the pick up and my sister to coordinate the drop off because I was teaching the whole time, and then I had to move my old dresser and a chair to the guest room and clean everything in preparation.
But all things considered-- worth it.
Now. I just need to make it through the end of the school day tomorrow and I'll be okay. Maybe.
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rylredrants · 1 year
Now and Then, Pretty and Home
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On the left is a picture from a photo shoot that came up in today's Memories. I was 25-ish: At a glance- look at how thin and pretty I was!
That year was one of my personal worst, including an entire month spent in bed detoxing from an accidental opioid addiction. In the early 2000s, there were no warnings about the prescriptions that came with the enhanced curves on display in that photo shoot.
On the right is the only selfie from this weekend. I'm 44 now: At a glance- I look awful!
That was taken in the middle of a 2-day long project that included refinishing & sealing a deck and installing railings around it. My allergies were (are) killing me, and today I'm sore all over from the physical labor. I don't remember the last time I was this proud of myself and excited for what's on the horizon.
Seeing these side-by-side and knowing the 'me' underneath each image really struck me this morning. As a cis-femme woman, I've spent my entire life bombarded with messages about how important it is to be "pretty." I've pinned so much of my self-worth to the paint and glitter, the numbers on the scale, inside my pants, and all of the things you can take a picture of.
The loudest voice in my head always asked if I was pretty enough, f*¢kable enough, too old, too fat... enough, but not too much. Be soft emotionally but not physically, be sexy but not too sexy. Don’t take up too much space but don’t hide, but don’t put yourself on display but remember, people are always looking at you. And it was all always reflected by a mirror or a man.
I’ve known for years that that voice was wrong, and I AM more than those pictures. I’m smart and super-organized; I’ve got “the patience of a saint” and amazing communication skills. I did more physical labor this weekend than I've done in a decade or more. We got the job done, and the only injury was the sunburn on the top of Pirate’s hands.
We did all that work because the lender wanted it done to approve the loan. Neither our agent nor the sellers’ agent could find a contractor to do it in time for closing on the 16th, so we agreed to do it. The initial bidding war for the property meant we would pay closing costs, but they are paying us an amount that will more than cover things.
Our movers are booked for Memorial Day weekend, Starlink is in a box in the living room, and my moving kit will be fully assembled so we can start packing next weekend. It has been a hard few years between multiple moves, changing jobs, the deaths of a significant childhood friend (Byron) and a pet (Sweet Dane), and well… *gestures broadly* but I’m almost HOME at last.
Home will be 38 acres in Northern AZ, with chunks of quartz all over the property, wild horses at the fence line, and a deck I helped make code-compliant with my two hands and two dudes.
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PS: I've hesitated to share anything about the ranch until the ink is on paper. There are still more pieces in motion, but even if the deal falls apart, I'm damn proud of the work we did, and I know what we can have.
Even if somehow this isn't forever home, it will be more home than I've had in a long time. Being a renter and always knowing the lease will expire differs from being an owner.
Having done this before and having to start over has taught me that it's always for the best. Having been married before and preparing to get married again, I know each time has been a lesson and a piece of my story that I wouldn't change even if I could.
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FAQs of Sara Movers and Packers
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What To Consider When Moving Offices?
Take into account the new office's accessibility, convenience, and surroundings. Rent, utilities, moving charges, and any improvements or modifications required for the new area should all be considered.
How Much Are Moving Services In Dubai?
The cost of moving services in Dubai can vary depending on several factors, such as the distance of the move, the size of the belongings, and the type of service required. Therefore, getting quotes from multiple moving companies to compare prices and services is recommended before deciding.
How Do I Choose An Office Moving Company?
Online company research can be done by reading customer reviews and ratings. Then, request quotes from several businesses, evaluate their offerings and costs and pick the one that best fits your requirements and price range.
How Do I Choose A Moving Company In Dubai?
When choosing a moving company in Dubai, consider their reputation and experience in the industry. Also, compare their services and prices with other companies to find the best adjustment for your needs and budget.
Are Packers Worth It For Moving?
If you have a lot of delicate or priceless objects to move, hiring professional packers can save you time, effort, and frustration. The complexity of your move, your tastes, and your budget will all impact whether or not they are worthwhile.
What Is The Meaning Of Packers And Movers?
Packers and Movers are expert services that help people and businesses relocate their possessions from one place to another. While movers are in charge of transporting the items to their new location, packers protect and pack the items.
How Do I Prepare My House For A Packer?
Before the relocation, organize your home and pack any unused items. Create a strategy for how you want your belongings to be packed and put onto the moving truck, and mark all your boxes.
How Long Does An Office Move Take?
The duration of an office move can vary depending on several factors, such as the size of the office, the distance of the move, and the complexity of the relocation process. Generally, it can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks to complete.
What Is The Difference Between Packers And Movers?
While movers are in charge of moving these items to the new location, packers put household or office items into boxes or crates. In a nutshell, movers move while packers pack. However, as part of their relocation package, many moving companies provide both packing and moving services.
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findingmypeace · 1 year
So sorry about your belongings! But I’m confused about where they are getting the figure of $14,000 from.  There’s no way that packing, storage, & moving costs could amount to anything close to that for a 1 bedroom apartment, even in California. Perhaps $14,000 reflects the total cost of repairs & restoration from the leak? If that’s the case, I wonder if there is a way to pay the movers strictly for fees related to your belongings. Because that fee by itself will likely be hundreds of dollars, not thousands, which I know still sucks, but maybe you could pull that together somehow. I know idk the particulars of the situation, like if you signed any contracts, etc. I just want you to be able to get your things back! Sometimes insurance companies present things a certain way to strong arm desperate people into a pay out, counting on the fact that these situations  are so rare that we as consumers don’t know what options we have. I really feel for you though!
I was confused too! When the owners of the house told me that number I thought they meant that was the cost of everything (demo, supplies, repair, etc). In fact I even told LS it was the cost of everything. However, apparently it IS just the cost of packing, storing, and moving my belongings. The reason it costs so much is that the moving company is charging me for SIX months worth of storage. At least that's what I've been told by the owners of the house. Honestly, I have no idea why the moving company is charging me for that long and I find it highly unfair and even illegal. I'm not asking for that length of storage nor has it even been close to that long. If it weren't for them refusing to give my stuff back it would have only been stored by them for 4 days. 6 months is outrageous! My only guess is that they are thinking it will take approximately six months for all the litigation to be done but it still makes no sense. Why would they charge me for something I haven't even used yet.
This is why I think I need a lawyer. I am being charged for services I never used nor do I want. But, again, this is according to the owners of the house. I am hearing this second hand. I can only hope that the owners told me the wrong information. Unfortunately, I can't get the storage company to return my calls or I would just deal with them myself. But, on the off chance that this is real, I need a lawyer. One thing LS pointed out to me is that the storage company did not give me all the information. I was not warned that this could happen. I was basically told, sign here because we have to get this stuff out asap or it will be damaged. So that's what I did. If I was warned that this could happen I would have moved the stuff myself instead of dealing with a third party that could possibly keep a lifetime's worth of my belongings.
But I've been avoiding all of this. It's just too much for me at this point. The owners of the house are getting a lawyer and right now I'm letting them handle it. I probably should get more involved but I really don't have emotional energy to deal with it right now.
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sandshrew · 2 years
A and I have been planning the move more lately and he (basically a minimalist) said I should sell most of my things and try to take the least amount of stuff possible, which I agree, bc renting a truck or hiring movers would literally cost us way too much money than what my stuff is worth, but I feel kinda sad about it since my parents helped me get a lot of this stuff and bought me my bed and things like that…I also am attached to a lot of my holiday decor since I love decorating for holidays :(
I know it’s silly to be attached to things and I genuinely want to be more minimalist myself, but it’s mentally hard. Thankfully I have some time (like….a month lol) and A is so nice and understanding and literally said he will rebuy anything I want or need when I get there that I’ve sold or gotten rid of here, but it’s still hard getting rid of things I worked hard for and paid money for!! Like my couch :( I spent forever trying to find the perfect one and paid for it and went through so much pain moving it in and out of apartments and it’s comforting to me, but I know it’s just a couch and we can always get a new couch but I do feel sad about thinking of getting rid of it. Sunk cost fallacy and all that I know
I think it’s all just heavy on my mind bc I’m having to make so many decisions so quickly, like quitting my job and getting rid of all my stuff and moving states away, which is ok!!! I’m excited, but it is a bit scary. I WANT to move and start my life with A and have a change of environment/home, but I’ve been alone for the past few years and I love a lot of my items bc they bring me comfort when I’m alone as silly as that sounds. but I guess I gotta think of it as I’ll have new comforts in my new home with him and I truly only have a handful of things that are irreplaceable so I need to just get past the mental block of “Aw but my things :(“
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meldgaardwvikaas · 2 years
Relocating Companies - 8 Steps to Seek the services of a great Mover
Moving property is 1 of life's most stressful experience. It eats upward gobs of your energy, will be always more complex you expect, plus risks damage to be able to your precious possessions. Then you will find the unknowns of any new home within a fresh town. So you don't need unpleasant impresses from an inexperienced or unethical moving company. In fact, you want your transferring company to help make it all simpler!
Here are seven steps to assist make a wise selection:
Do your research. Before you decide to look intended for a mover, deal with the job in order to be done:
Cut out everything not necessarily worth moving, in addition all hazardous items and plants. Incorporate all other merchandise to look. Don't neglect your attic, garage, basement, and so forth Regarding high-value items, put together accurate descriptions like value. Check whether https://bulkquotesnow.com/topic-about-moving-services-in-new-braunfels-tx/ covers damage or loss in a move? What kind involving mover do typically the load size, worth, and distance indicate? You don't need full-service, long-distance ocasionar for a local move that would fit in a pickup truck. Get out any move-in challenges at destination, e. g. long carry or filter stairs.
Start earlier to find a mover.
Sometimes they will are all ordered up, in regular monthly or seasonal top periods. You no longer want your selection to be raced.
Benefit from some other people's experiences.
A valuable source is definitely word of mouth. What do your pals say? As shifting companies for sources from previous customers, then talk to them. Call your Bbb about any mover you usually are considering. Were presently there complaints? How has been resolution? (Bear found in mind how the BBB is complaint-oriented, a few customers are complainers, and movers using more business may also be open to more complaints. )
Monitor movers by easily available information.
A new mover that offers full-service and long-distance moves has a solid commitment to the particular business. Membership and/or certification in some sort of trade association almost certainly implies high quality and even ethics. May be the mover an agent to get a major van line network? These networks protect their title by watching the quality of their agents.
Have a detailed, written quote from each emocionar you are considering.
Good movers usually quote free. Work with the quotation method to help determine the mover. Make sure the appraisal is done inside on-site, and be there personally. Give complete advice about the work, and discuss most your concerns e. g. time. Observe the estimator: Does he/she listen carefully, explain everything in detail, and take health care to avoid afterwards surprises? Ensure that promised timing in addition to other factors in shape your needs. The particular lowest quote is certainly often not the very best.
Check the financial factors
Get typically the quote in writing, and even know in what circumstances the cost could change. Make certain that no less than your own higher-value items have insurance coverage. In case you get it from the mover, get the terms in writing. Know the mover's claim procedures, inside case of reduction or damage. Your best companies sometimes break things. Discover what payment options the mover allows.
Trust your gut feeling. If you feel comfortable with this mover, after speaking with the estimator and checking points out, this mover is probably an excellent one.
If an individual follow these 7 steps, the shifting company you seek the services of will happily provide the move you anticipate, and will most likely also offer plenty of tips to manage your moving and actually help to decrease your stress.
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diamondhandsmoving · 2 years
Choose Your Moving Company Carefully
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At the point when the opportunity arrives for you to move your effects starting with one spot then onto the next the main thing you need to do is request that yourself exactly how get your stuff from your current area to your objective. Furthermore, you need to track down a decent trucking organization. Fortunately there are a lot of organizations that can offer an answer for each sort of migration situation Moving Companies.
 You might be hoping to get the nation over or you may just need to get across town. Notwithstanding, you need to ensure that you manage a respectable and reasonable trucking organization. The right organization will actually want to assist you with moving all your stuff in a most calm and easy manner. The following are a couple of tips to assist you with picking the right trucking organization.
 The main thing that you ought to do is find an organization that makes an effective showing of pressing every one of your possessions. Luckily, there are a few organizations that can make an effective showing of pressing every one of your possessions into boxes. It pays to enlist a moving assist organization for this errand as they with canning deal with all your pressing prerequisites.
 On the off chance that your move is to a spot that is somewhat far away, you will need to employ an expert trucking organization. This is on the grounds that main expert organizations can stand to utilize a group of packers who will be prepared to help you in pressing as well as unloading every one of your effects. The main issue with recruiting an expert organization to deal with your migration work is that they will generally charge a greater cost. Nonetheless, at the cost you pay you will get great worth thus it pays to spend somewhat more to get great help.
 Whenever you have settled on a trucking organization the following thing you need to do is getting composed gauges. On the off chance that the gauge is too low you ought to think of it as a warning as it shows bad quality work. Subsequent to getting a gauge you ought to check whether the organization has a working permit. This is particularly significant in the event that you really want to move starting with one state then onto the next. You should check this permit prior to recruiting the organization.
 You actually must make sure that the trucking organization you anticipate managing is one that has protection. Harm to your furniture during the moving system can set you back huge load of cash. It thusly pays to manage an organization that has protection. This mover's protection will cover you for any harm to your assets during the move.
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Is George Magazine’s Collector’s Edition Worth the Investment?
Curious about George Magazine’s Collector’s Edition and whether it’s worth the investment? This blog explores its unique features and value. Plus, discover how you can get a free copy by signing up today!
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George Magazine has captured the interest of readers for years with its unique blend of politics and pop culture. The latest Collector’s Edition promises exclusive content and insights that you won’t find anywhere else. But is it really worth the investment? Let’s dive into what makes this special edition stand out and why you might want to get your hands on a copy.
What Makes the Collector’s Edition Special?
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The George Magazine Collector’s Edition isn’t just another issue. It’s designed to be a keepsake, packed with content that appeals to both long-time fans and new readers.
Exclusive Interviews: The Collector’s Edition features in-depth interviews with prominent figures in politics, entertainment, and culture.
Unique Articles: It includes articles that delve into the intersections of politics and pop culture, offering fresh perspectives.
High-Quality Design: With its premium design and high-quality print, this edition is meant to be kept and cherished.
Content Highlights
Deep Dives into Current Events: The Collector’s Edition covers significant current events with the insightful analysis that George Magazine is known for.
Profiles of Influential Personalities: Get to know the stories behind the movers and shakers in both the political and entertainment spheres.
Cultural Commentary: Articles that explore how politics and culture influence each other, providing readers with a deeper understanding of the world around them.
Why It’s Worth the Investment
Exclusive Content: The Collector’s Edition includes content you won’t find in regular issues or online, making it a valuable addition to any collection.
Timeless Value: The high-quality print and design ensure that this edition will stand the test of time, making it a great keepsake.
Broad Appeal: Whether you’re a politics enthusiast, a pop culture fan, or both, the content in this edition has something for everyone.
Get Your Free Copy of George Magazine
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Excited about the George Magazine Collector’s Edition? Here’s your chance to get a free copy. Simply sign up to receive this exclusive issue filled with engaging content and high-quality design.
Click here to get your free copy of George Magazine!
Why You Should Sign Up
No Cost: This offer is completely free—just sign up with your email, and we’ll send you a copy.
Exclusive Content: Access interviews, articles, and features that you won’t find anywhere else.
Collector’s Item: Own a piece of George Magazine history with this special edition.
George Magazine’s Collector’s Edition offers a unique blend of politics and pop culture in a high-quality, collectible format. Whether you’re a long-time reader or new to the magazine, this edition is worth checking out. Don’t miss out on the chance to own this exclusive issue—sign up today and get your free copy!
1. What is the George Magazine Collector’s Edition?The Collector’s Edition is a special issue of George Magazine that features exclusive interviews, unique articles, and a high-quality design meant to be a keepsake.
2. Why should I sign up for the free copy?By signing up, you get access to exclusive content and a high-quality collector’s item at no cost.
3. What kind of content can I expect in the Collector’s Edition?Expect in-depth interviews with prominent figures, insightful articles on current events, and commentary on the intersection of politics and pop culture.
4. How can I get a free copy of George Magazine?You can get a free copy by signing up on the George Magazine website. Just provide your email, and we’ll send you the latest issue!
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enviro123 · 8 days
What To Look For In A Man and Van Removals Services?
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Packing everything up by yourself might be frightening if you don't have much experience moving. This won’t be a problem as experienced specialists like man and van movers will assist you in moving your possessions from one location to another. You will be able to devote more of your efforts to learning and getting ready for the new year if you do this. 
Enlist their help in packing up your belongings
This benefit of using a man and van removal services near Glasgow to help you move into student housing may not have occurred to you. Many people only consider man and van movers to be professionals who will help them transfer their belongings to the new home; they are unaware that they also offer packing services. You can concentrate just on the transfer itself and delegate the labour-intensive chores to the professionals.
Easy way to save time
Hiring a man and van removals in Glasgow has several benefits, chief among them being that it's one of the easiest methods to save time. If you're packing and unpacking by yourself, it might take hours which means you'll have to spend extra time at home before heading to school. But you will have more time to work on vital things like getting ready for and adjusting to your new home if you have the help of a reliable moving company.
Cost efficient option
Student movers charge exorbitant fees that they cannot afford. You also get the wonderful benefit of man and van removal services near Glasgow at affordable prices. Hiring a specialist to help with the relocation will provide you peace of mind when it comes to tackling the challenging parts, so it's well worth the money.
These services may prove to be reasonably priced when compared to the expenses of doing this task alone, should everything else fail. If you made the journey alone, you would be responsible for paying for the truck, gas, insurance and everything else. 
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homecleaningvic · 9 days
Professional Moveout Cleaning: Why It's Worth the Investment
Moving out of a rental property can be both exciting and overwhelming. Amidst the chaos of packing boxes and coordinating logistics, one crucial aspect that often gets overlooked is moveout cleaning.
While it may seem like just another task on your to-do list, investing in Professional Moveout Cleaning Melbourne can make a world of difference in ensuring a smooth transition and safeguarding your security deposit.
Let's delve into why moveout cleaning is worth every penny.
Impress Your Landlord with Impeccable Cleanliness
First impressions matter, especially when it comes to moveout cleaning. Your landlord or property manager will inspect the premises before returning your security deposit. A sparkling clean space not only reflects positively on you as a tenant but also increases the likelihood of getting your deposit back in full.
Professional cleaners are trained to tackle every nook and cranny, leaving your former residence looking better than the day you moved in.
Save Time and Energy for Other Moving Tasks
Moving is a demanding process that requires careful planning and execution. By entrusting the moveout cleaning to professionals, you can free up valuable time and energy to focus on other essential tasks, such as organising belongings, coordinating movers, and updating your address.
With experts handling the cleaning, you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that this aspect is taken care of with precision and efficiency.
Ensure Compliance with the Lease Agreement
Many lease agreements stipulate specific cleaning requirements that tenants must adhere to upon moving out. Failure to meet these standards can result in deductions from your security deposit or even legal repercussions.
Professional moveout cleaning Melbourne services are well-versed in lease requirements and know exactly what it takes to satisfy them. By hiring professionals, you can rest assured that your cleaning obligations are met comprehensively, minimising the risk of disputes with your landlord.
Thorough Cleaning for Health and Hygiene
Moving out involves more than just packing up belongings; it's also an opportunity to leave behind a hygienic environment for the next occupants. Deep cleaning surfaces, sanitising high-touch areas, and eliminating accumulated dust and debris are essential steps in maintaining a healthy living space.
Professional Carpet Cleaning Abbotsford goes beyond surface-level tidying to ensure a thorough and hygienic clean, promoting the well-being of future tenants and leaving a positive legacy behind.
Eliminate Stress and Hassle
The days leading up to a move are often filled with stress and anxiety as you juggle multiple responsibilities. Adding moveout cleaning to your already lengthy checklist can exacerbate the pressure and strain.
By hiring professionals, you can alleviate this burden and enjoy peace of mind, knowing that experienced cleaners will handle the job with proficiency and attention to detail. Say goodbye to scrubbing floors and scrubbing stains and hello to a stress-free moving experience.
Cost-Effective Investment in Property Preservation
While it's tempting to cut costs by tackling moveout cleaning yourself, investing in professional services can actually save you money in the long run. A thorough cleaning helps maintain the condition of the property, reducing the likelihood of wear and tear that could lead to costly repairs down the line.
Additionally, securing your full security deposit through meticulous cleaning translates to significant savings compared to potential deductions for insufficient cleaning efforts.
Moveout cleaning is a worthwhile investment that offers numerous benefits beyond just maintaining cleanliness. From impressing your landlord to saving time and ensuring compliance with lease agreements, the advantages are undeniable.
So, the next time you're preparing to move out, consider enlisting the help of moveout cleaning Melbourne professionals to make the process smoother, stress-free, and ultimately more rewarding. Your future self—and your wallet—will thank you for it.
Source - https://www.atoallinks.com/2024/professional-moveout-cleaning-why-its-worth-the-investment/
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