coolthingsguyslike · 10 months
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emmynominees · 6 months
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tony curtis as david o. selznick in moviola: the scarlett o'hara war
primetime emmy award nominee for outstanding lead actor in a limited series or movie
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ilblogdellestorie · 11 months
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Il 22 ottobre 1967 alla Domenica Sportiva viene introdotto l'uso della moviola. E' Carlo Sassi ad analizzare le azioni dubbie delle partite. La prima è il derby Milan-Inter. Convalidato il gol di Rivera ma Sassi dimostrò che la sfera non aveva varcato la linea: era da annullare.
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cenaindie · 13 days
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Duo Moviola – O Retrato do Artista Quando Pede https://cenaindie.com/album/duo-moviola-o-retrato-do-artista-quando-pede/
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vintage1981 · 4 months
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Full Moon Announces David Allen's Lost Epic: The Primevals!
Full Moon's THE PRIMEVALS is arriving on Blu-ray in a massive limited edition box set, filled with extras, two cuts of the film and a few awesome items! The ultimate THE PRIMEVALS release!
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Only 100 box sets are available for PRE-SALE, and each of those 100 will be signed by producer Charles Band. At a later date, more units will become available. 
Deep in the Himalayas, a group of Sherpas subdue and kill a towering humanoid creature, one that Dr. Claire Collier believes to be the legendary Yeti. Soon, Dr. Collier and her colleagues lead an expedition into the mountains to find other beasts like it, only to uncover a race of beings even more fantastical!
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Stop motion FX wizard David Allen's long-planned passion project was shelved in the 1990's after Allen passed away from cancer. Finally completed in 2023 by Full Moon and former Allen associate Chris Endicott, THE PRIMEVALS is the ultimate retro-fantasy adventure, employing a wild array of arresting, 100% hand-rendered, stop-motion special effects and a rich orchestral score from composer Richard Band. Prepare yourself for the ultimate fantasy adventure, an epic over 30 years in the making!
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Full Moon presents THE PRIMEVALS in a gorgeous leather collector's case, with three Blu-rays inside featuring the theatrical cut, a new documentary on the making of the film, tons of never before seen special features and vintage BTS footage and the never before seen "David Allen Cut", an extended version that contains storyboards and other footage assembled to even more accurately reflect Allen's vision! You'll also get postcards and a pair of incredible enamel pins of the monstrous Yeti and one of the evil lizard men!
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Only 100 box sets are available for PRE-SALE, and each of those 100 will be signed by producer Charles Band. At a later date, more units will become available. 
Leather and Metal Case
Postcards (6)
Enamel Pins (2)
Theatrical Cut of the Film (Blu-ray)
David Allen Cut of the Film (Blu-ray)
Lost To Time - Making of Documentary w/ Bonus Features (Blu-ray)
A Celebration of Tenacity: Q/A at Industrial Light and Magic
Charles Band and David Allen on The Primevals
Randall William Cook visits The Primevals
The Primevals - 1984 promo reel
The Primevals - 1997 promo reel
Raiders of the Stone Ring - promo reel
The Primevals - Time-lapse animation
The Beginning and the End
David Allen at the Moviola
Primevals - A False Start
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eppysboys · 1 year
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Can you tell us about the film Harry and Ringo’s Night Out? I don’t think it’s ever been released, and plot details seem scarce. Why was it shelved, what was it about, and how were your artworks to be incorporated with the live-action footage?
"If you look it up online, it’s described as being a documentary film about Harry and Ringo’s wild night life. It wasn’t.
Harry and Ringo had done a movie called Son of Dracula. They had so much fun, they thought they’d like to do another. I wrote a synopsis of a movie I thought would work with who these guys were and the rapport they had. To be honest, I don’t remember where the title came from. They liked the treatment and asked me to write a full script, which I did. They made some changes, I made some changes, they made some changes, and after a while, we had a script everybody liked.
Early on, they decided they wanted it to be a live action/animation movie. Let me say, right from the start, I was way in over my head. I had no film experience. But they had faith in me and that was enough to make me believe I could do it.
The story – the short version – involves Ringo and Harry being sucked into an alternate reality in a place called Rockland, populated by a bunch of famous rock stars. Music is dying and these two were on a mission to save it. When they entered Rockland they acquired sidekicks. Ringo’s was the cherub and Harry’s was a wisecracking crow. Harry did the voice of the cherub and Ringo did the voice of the crow.
I designed the characters and painted the backgrounds. We contracted a couple of animators, on the sly, who worked at Hanna-Barbera to do the animation. The live action was shot on a Paramount sound stage in front of a blue screen. I directed the live action.
The sky, throughout the full three minute pilot was speeded up live action cloud formations, which was very cool. When it was complete, Harry and I went to Warner Brothers after hours and he worked on a moviola, editing the piece together. Harry picked the sound track, and we had a film to shop.
It went to a few studios but there were no takers. A live action/animated movie would have been a major undertaking and an expensive one at that and no studio wanted to bankroll a film starring the Beatles drummer and a pop star that had never performed in public… and the project was dead. I think the finished pilot went to Harry. I still have most of the backgrounds, cells and live action with some bits and pieces.
It’s never been seen in public and never will. I think no one will see it because nobody cares. It was done and over. I’m only guessing it’s with Harry’s family. It also might be with Ringo or Michael Viner (who died in 2009) who funded it. Whoever has it, it has been over 40 years and that ship has sailed." (Artist Tim Bruckner, 2015)
Eppy's Note: You can see a teeny tiny clip of promo for it here, and please take the time to scroll down to the comment section, there's very delightful exchange between two commenters.
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sayitaliano · 1 year
(this song is turning 40 years old this year)
Lasciatemi cantare Let me sing Con la chitarra in mano With the guitar in my hand Lasciatemi cantare Let me sing Sono un italiano I'm an Italian
Buongiorno Italia, gli spaghetti al dente Good morning Italy, spaghetti al dente E un partigiano come presidente And a partisan as a President (of the Republic, cfr. Sandro Pertini) Con l'autoradio sempre nella mano destra With the car radio* always in the right hand Un canarino sopra la finestra A canary on the window (*in the 80s it was common to not have a radio in the car: people bought them separately or bought tape players and removed them from the car anytime they parked cause those were easily robbed)
Buongiorno Italia con i tuoi artisti Good morning Italy with your artists Con troppa America sui manifesti With too much America on the posters Con le canzoni, con amore With the songs, with love Con il cuore With the heart Con più donne e sempre meno suore With more women and less and less nuns
Buongiorno Italia, buongiorno Maria Good morning Italy, good morning Mary Con gli occhi pieni di malinconia With your eyes filled with melancholy Buongiorno Dio Good morning God Lo sai che ci sono anch'io You know I'm here/exist as well
Lasciatemi cantare Let me sing Con la chitarra in mano With the guitar in my hand Lasciatemi cantare Let me sing Una canzone piano piano A song slowly/delicately
Lasciatemi cantare Let me sing Perché ne sono fiero Because I'm proud Sono un italiano I'm an Italian Un italiano vero A true Italian
Buongiorno Italia che non si spaventa Good morning Italy that doesn't get scared Con la crema da barba alla menta With the mint flavored shaving cream Con un vestito gessato sul blu With a blue-like pinstripe suit E la moviola la domenica in TV And the slow motion* on Sundays on TV (*the old version of the VAR in soccer/football but ofc it wasn't live. People could only see mistakes/goals at the end of matches through soccer/sports-dedicated TV shows which showed slowmos of actions and faults and they were ofc usually on Sunday afternoon/evening/night)
Buongiorno Italia col caffè ristretto Good morning Italy with the ristretto coffee Le calze nuove nel primo cassetto The new socks in the first drawer Con la bandiera in tintoria (=often used as a synonym of lavanderia) With the flag in the dry-cleaner E una Seicento giù di carrozzeria And a Seicento with a not-good body
Buongiorno Italia, buongiorno Maria Good morning Italy, good morning Mary Con gli occhi pieni di malinconia With your eyes filled with melancholy Buongiorno Dio Good morning God Lo sai che ci sono anch'io You know I'm here/exist as well
Lasciatemi cantare Let me sing Con la chitarra in mano With the guitar in my hand Lasciatemi cantare Let me sing Una canzone piano piano A song slowly/delicately
Lasciatemi cantare Let me sing Perché ne sono fiero Because I'm proud Sono un italiano I'm an Italian Un italiano vero A true Italian
(Ta-na-na-na-na-na-na Ta-na-na-na-na-na-na Ta-na-na-na-na, ta-na-na Ta-na-na, ta-na-na)
Lasciatemi cantare Let me sing Con la chitarra in mano With the guitar in my hand Lasciatemi cantare Let me sing Una canzone piano piano A song slowly/delicately
Lasciatemi cantare Let me sing Perché ne sono fiero Because I'm proud Sono un italiano I'm an Italian Un italiano vero A true Italian
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monologhidiunamarea · 7 months
Secondo caffè, le notti insonni non le conto nemmeno più, orario odioso oggi. La cucciola con tosse da due giorni pieni ed io che mi muovo a moviola. Uno di quei giorni dove l'autostima la trovo sotto il cemento della strada. E la voglia di uscire di casa ancora più sotto.
Chiudere gli occhi e riaprirli al mare sarebbe l'ideale.
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Eterno retorno
Viva sensación, esta mañana de sábado, del eterno retorno. Bajaba en metro hacia Príncipe Pío. El pálpito, extraordinariamente intenso, me ha sobrevenido en Plaza de Castilla, en el subsuelo, entre el tráfago de los viajeros y los retumbos de los trenes. Podríamos definir el sentimiento como un largo susurro de inmortalidad terrestre, que no ansiaba trascendencia alguna. Una total felicidad como parada en el instante, en el aquí y ahora, falible y pasajero, del mundo. Ni quería ni pedía ninguna otra cosa. Todo estaba tan bien que pensé en Nietzsche, aceptando gustosamente su envite: el de abrazar la vida como es, con tal plenitud que está dispuesto uno a revivirla eternamente, en perpetuo giro de la moviola de cada uno de sus días, desde el nacimiento hasta la muerte. Extraña oleada de suave bienestar, de aquiescencia incondicional y completa.
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En la ribera del Manzanares · Madrid, 21 de septiembre de 2024
Más tarde, caminando por Aniceto Marinas junto al Manzanares, la sensación ha regresado de nuevo, con mayor intensidad si cabe. Me he dicho que no puede haber nada más delicioso que este mes de septiembre en Madrid; pasear a la vera del río, viendo el lento discurrir del agua entre los juncos, la tupida vegetación, los árboles que surgen de las ondas, el silencio perezoso que todo lo envuelve, amenizado por los gorjeos de los pájaros y el entreverarse, en dulce amalgama tocada de melancolía, del momento presente y la memoria recuperada.
ROGER WOLFE · 21-22 de septiembre de 2024
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satureja13 · 1 year
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And so the Boys left Porto Azzurro and headed for Terra Amorosa. Signore Srini owns just a little Fiat so they had to walk. But he offered them to bring their stuff to the campside.
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It was a beautiful morning. Not too hot with a cooling breeze from the ocean.
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They can already see the campsite in the distance. It's lies on the hill with view over the lagoon!
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And Signore Srini is already waiting for them :)
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'Buongiorno Italia che non si spaventa E con la crema da barba alla menta Con un vestito gessato sul blu e la moviola la domenica in TV Buongiorno Italia col caffè ristretto Le calze nuove nel primo cassetto Con la bandiera in tintoria E una 600 giù di carrozzeria' (good afternoon italy that doesn't get scared and with the shaving cream with mint flavour with a blue pinstripe suit and the moviola (the first machine that could edit films) always on sundays on tv
good afternoon italy with the small coffee the new socks in the first drawer with the flag at the dry cleaner's and a broken 600 (fiat)
L'italiano - Toto Cutugno
They took photos. It's unsure where they will be hung up in the end. And it's sad that Kiyoshi isn't with them. But he is busy with the Council. To find out about their future plans. It will always be like this between Kiyoshi and Jack.
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
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crescent-coral-base · 5 months
Starts watching a three year old hour-long video/primer on tokusatsu for non-experts by one of them-there YouTube media "critics"/personalities with a large following.
Has to bail less than a half-hour in due to various inaccuracies.
I'm nowhere near an expert, and, yeah, it takes effort to do real research to separate mythical assertions made on fandom discussion boards and YouTube comment sections from fact, but if you put in real effort in the research it can be done.
It really gets up my nose when people presenting themselves as experts horribly butcher the pronunciation of a program's name in a video you intend to publish. (Hint: the Y in Zyuranger is NOT pronounced like the first-person singular pronoun.) It's a simple matter to pull up the themesong and opening sequence for any series you intend to reference and hear the series' name PRONOUNCED IN THE LYRICS. The callous disregard for even trying to get such a simple thing right smacks of gross unprofessionalism for a media scholar.
Second sin before I bailed: When discussing the Americanized Power Rangers franchise, the video essayist repeated the often-made false claim that the Japanese sentai footage it incorporated was shot years previously. This is, of course, not true. The Japanese effects and costumed stunt footage does look older than the American-shot footage, but that's NOT because it was shot YEARS before the America footage. The Japanese footage looks older than it was because it is GRAINIER than the American footage surrounding it. The Japanese footage is actually only roughly ONE YEAR OLDER than the American footage. The visual discontinuity is due to the film stock used and production methods such as color timing and editing methods. Early nineties sentai , like seventies and eighties sentai, was shot on grainy 16 mm film and edited the old fashioned way, with razors and adhesives on a moviola. American television tended to shoot on 35 mm film, and in the mid-to-late eighties transitioned away from editing on film to instead transferring the film footage to videotape for offline editing to create a video master.
Apparently, during the production of Carranger in 1996, Japanese television transitioned from editing on film to editing on video. From 1997 onward, the visual difference between the Japanese footage isn't as noticeable.
By the 21st century, the technical methods of production were even more in synch. My understanding, though, is that for the 21st century shows of the Disney Era and beyond, PR would tweak the digital color grading of the Sentai footage to better mesh with the aesthetics of the New Zealand-shot shows.
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emmynominees · 6 months
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carrie nye as tallulah bankhead in moviola: the scarlett o'hara war
primetime emmy award nominee for outstanding supporting actress in a limited series or movie
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gue-suita · 1 year
categoria di persone che odio: quelle che camminano per strada come la moviola
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bicchiere · 1 year
Fotti con me, metti il piede in una tagliola Guarda la tua gamba alla moviola che si fa viola Tutto giusto, oggi col reflusso, mangio col disgusto Mattina, pomeriggio e sera con Barbara D'Urso La taglio con la motosega, altezza mezzo busto Poi torno a casa e pranzo mentre guardo "Il prezzo è giusto" Entro con il bus a "Uomini e Donne" dalla platea Ammazzo gente random mozzandogli la trachea
Non perché sia rea, ma perché si senta come me in apnea Nella merda fino al collo con l'alta marea
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x----tine · 1 year
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Blah (2002)
SD VHS video
14 mins 26 secs
The Unity of Being January 21 - March 4, 2023 Caroline Snow is pleased to announce the grand opening of Snow Gallery. Located in Manhattan’s Lower East Side, the artist-run exhibition space will focus primarily on intergenerational group shows. Join us for the opening on Saturday, January 21st from 6 to 8pm
The very first video art work I ever made is on view at Snow Gallery in LES. I made it when I was 17 using an analog VTR editor. My TV production teacher used to let me use the editor after school at Southridge Senior High School. The video was made with my friend Maritza. I played a man who is s3xually attracted to trees and would m*sturbate at parks. Maritza, plays a park visitor who catches the man having s3x with a tree. The man runs off and the tree gets upset at the woman for interrupting them. The tree becomes violent and kills the woman. I don’t know that the story can be understood. This video was part of @mirandajuly’s Joanie4Jackie Chainletter Tapes, now archived at The Getty Research Institute. “In 1995 artist Miranda July, who was steeped in the Portland Riot Grrrl scene at the time, created a feminist ‘chainletter tape,’ a DIY effort to spark and distribute new video work by women nationwide. She handed out pamphlets asking budding artists and filmmakers to send their self-made shorts and $5 in exchange for inclusion in, and a copy of, a 10-movie VHS tape called the ‘Big Miss Moviola’ compilation.”
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dreadfulgentleman · 2 years
Remant/Agony Real?
Energy Work on Inanimate Objects (Machines, Animatronics, Puppets, Costumes, etc.)
Today I experimented doing a mixture of reiki work and Sensing on various inanimate objects. The idea was to see what could I Sense on non-living (?) things and whether or not it would be appropriate to interpret these items as haunted, imprinted on, “dead”, “happy”, “sad”, etc.
This experiment was inspired by agony and remnant from FNAF, and whether or not these fictional terms have genuine relevance in the real world. (TL;DR: Would I interpret inanimate objects as having agony or remnant inside them? That’s not the term I would use and it depends on the item, but yes.)
It should be noted first that I have interacted with inanimate objects in this manner (spiritually/energetically) before, such as in the case of my own vehicle (not discussed here). I already believe it to be true that inanimate objects get left with energetic impressions by its user. However, today’s experiment was a larger undertaking of “feeling out” multiple items all in one day, with the specific intention of testing “remnant” vs. “agony”, and as such only those items will be discussed under the cut.
The following is a list of items I tuned into. Below each name is a description of what occurred after energetically connecting. A conclusion summarizing the experiment follows the list.
Flatbed KEM Editor This machine was covered in energetic hands, specifically female. It felt as though all of the women who worked on this machine had left an imprint of some kind, some memory of when they used it. The machine itself felt proud of the work it did and was all too happy to chatter. It had a distinct personality that matched what I assume to be the average worker who used it. Overall, the machine felt quite happy with itself, and even gave off the energy of “put your hands on me, I’m ready to work, let’s go!” When I tried talking to the machine as if it were alive, it truly felt like I was talking to the machine itself, rather than a memory imprint of the ladies who used it. The machine’s responses were simple: work based and full of lady’s laughter. When I asked it if it knew what it was for, it described cutting and splicing. When I asked if it knew what movies were, the machine was confused. When I asked if it wanted reiki, the machine was again confused. When I explained it could perhaps help with glitching or any problems it might have, the machine was offended that I dare suggest that it was broken. The machine ignored me after that, and seemed to go right back into a nonstop mode of “Use me! Put your hands on me! Let’s work!” +++Final thoughts: It is hard to determine if this “personality” is real or if it became that over time with how many people worked with it. The machine was very distinctly able to communicate with me with emotion and personality, so would you interpret that as “alive”? I suppose it’s a matter of perspective. Either way, I’d classify this as Remnant. The “lives” of many woman are imprinted onto this machine.
Light Up Diorama Art Piece This simple art piece gave off an immediate impression of disliking me. While it did not reject the reiki I was sending it, the item felt as though it were turning its nose up at me, judging me, and/or wanting me to go away. When a friend who was with me walked up to it beside me, the energy changed immediately to being happy to see her. Confused, I told the friend what was going on. The friend took one look at the description of the item and then said, “This was created by a female artist. You’re male.” +++Final thoughts: Seems clear to me that this art piece was “brought to life” via the artist itself. I would argue that the artist left a piece of them energetically inside the item as they made it, just as any artist does with any part of their work. This is a perfect example of what I would call the real-life version of Remnant.
Upright Moviola Editor This item felt work-based only. No distinct impression of personality or feeling from the person(s) using it. It simply was used for work and nothing more. +++Final thoughts: Neutral object. Not much to go on. No Remnant or Agony.
Mitchell BNCR Camera Immediately upon tuning into this object did I connect with sexual abuse. It was so obvious and distinct I was shocked by it and it made me uncomfortable. The camera felt like it was trying to seduce me (or anyone that connected to it). This feeling felt so incredibly Wrong that I held still and started to flow reiki into it, determined to heal whatever bad energy this was. As I dug further, I discovered the feeling of a man who tried to flirt or seduce women in conjunction with the camera. It felt like whatever the man had done, the energy from it was splattered onto the camera. Disgusted by this, I tried to dig even further and try to get to the camera itself. As soon as I hit the camera’s individual self, it immediately “gasped” and energetically grabbed my reiki-filled hands and begged for me to help it. I told it I would and proceeded to stand there for several minutes, pulling away the disgusting sexually-abusive energy. I was successful in doing so after a while, and once I was finished, the camera “sighed” and proceeded to send a visual image of shaking, like a pine tree in winter shaking off snow. The camera thanked me, and then immediately went into a sort of hibernation. Dormant, and unfeeling. +++Final thoughts: Could this not be a more accurate example of Agony? I was horrified for the camera and disgusted by whoever had left that energy onto it. The camera clearly was scared of what was on it, and saw its opportunity for help and snatched it. I don’t blame it for a moment for doing so.
Phantasmagoria Lantern This item felt incredibly bored and impatient. All it wanted was to get out of its glass display case and be used. When I asked if it wanted reiki, it leaped at the chance and seemingly gobbled it up like a greedy little monster. The energy felt non-distinct and very much “machine”-like. +++Final thoughts: Did the user of this item leave the bored/impatient feeling? Was it used with haste and thus got used to that? How does an object get bored? No Remnant or Agony. Neutral machine.
Mechanical Deer Puppet This item felt extremely loved by its builder. The deer believed itself to be beautiful in a genuine non-vain way and looked forward to being held and played with by its owner. I could not have been happier for it. +++Final thoughts: This reminds me of the Velveteen Rabbit story. I’ve never doubted that story’s idea for a moment, but it’s nice to see more examples of it in person. I would classify the idea of bringing an object to “life” through loving it as Remnant.
Stop Motion Puppets Intriguingly, almost all of them felt dormant, as though waiting to feel “alive” under specific circumstances only. Considering the nature of what these items are, I would not be surprised if they only “awakened” once someone was filming them slowly over time. The only stop motion puppet out of all of them that did not feel dormant was an endoskeleton. However, that one felt like it would enter that dormant state once skinned.
+++Final thoughts: This is such a strange half-way state of being. I’m not sure I can classify it as Remnant yet. Even the endo felt like it had only enough “brain cells” to understand simple commands (like “move” and “not move”). I’d say no for now.
Animatronic Dinosaur W was immediately intrigued by this item. We both looked at it together. He was drawn to the head and noticed something was wrong. I was fixated by the foot and noticed something felt off. When I tried to flow reiki into the foot, W got my attention and pointed at the head again, as though asking me to try and fix it. I asked him if I should stop what I was doing, to which he thought for a moment and then said, “No, follow through with what you’re drawn to. This is your work.” Once the foot felt okay, I moved to the head and tried to find what W had noticed. I was drawn to the neck joint. Something felt wrong there but I don’t know what. I did reiki it, but felt the problem was physical. A bad part or something. I don’t know. As for energy feeling of the dinosaur overall, I could feel the memory of multiple men gathering around it and geeking out over it. The feeling was not unlike school children excited over a toy, but this was adults instead.
+++Final thoughts: The memories of the men were definitely there, but the dinosaur itself felt dead. If the memories could be considered Remnant, I’d say it had it, but if we’re classifying Remnant as the object itself feeling “alive”, I’d say no. Unless, of course, like the stop motion puppets, this dinosaur would only come “alive” once plugged in. But I doubt it considering what happened later with a different object.
Rabbit Costume This costume, which was featured in a film that was meant to be a mixture of fantasy and horror, gave off the feeling of exactly the type of energy it was used for in its film (off-putting, but you can’t look away). The costume wanted to hold my hand and I had the distinct feeling of not wanting to, despite also clearly feeling that the item had no intention of harm. It felt like the costume knew exactly what it was doing, but at the same time had no real goal in anything. It felt like it was just doing the motions it was trained to do: Be creepy and oddly comforting at the same time; Provide the feeling of making someone want to come towards you but also run away at the same time. Bonus: W told me I should be careful of this one, that I better be sure of disconnecting properly from this item or else it had the possibility of leaving a trace that could follow me. I found this suggestion ironic given what the costume itself was (a rabbit).
+++Final thoughts: I believe this item held the energy left over from the actor that wore it. The item itself had no goal or intention beyond doing what it was told, so there was no real threat. I’d classify this one as neutral, no Remnant or Agony. There was no personality here, just an item that was following command.
Animatronic Head This movie prop gave off a strange mixture of neutrality and confused personality. Sometimes it would feel “dead”, and other times it would sort of “spring to life” and try to answer questions I energetically asked it. The head felt as though it had been in storage for a long time and as such had lost a lot of its original feeling. When I asked if it knew what it was, the item said its name like a default computer trained to do so. When I asked if it knew what it was for, the head became confused, with a slight possible train of thought that led to its wiring. When I asked if it knew that it had been used in a popular movie, the head was confused over what a movie was. When I asked how it felt to be on display, the head gave off the impression of not caring, followed by a desire to stop talking to me. I obliged. +++Final thoughts: This feels like an example of what can happen to an inanimate object if it’s stored for too long without any attention given to it. I do, however, say that with the understanding that different items no doubt react differently to long-term storage, and it all depends on specific circumstances/energies. No Agony or Remnant. Neutral.
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All in all, I enjoyed this experiment and it was intriguing to see what I could Sense in varying types of objects. I was happy with some, saddened with others, and overall pleased with all of the results.
In conclusion, inanimate objects definitely have impressions of energy surrounding them, be they positive, negative, or neutral. These impressions can be felt as memories, personalities, or nothing at all, and each of them can be interpreted as either energy stuck to “blank” items, or else the items themselves having transformed into a sort of “living” entity itself. None of these items in question were haunted in my opinion. But in some cases they did appear to have a life of its own. So, I suppose the question now is what does it take to bring an item to life? (My head tingled writing that and I’m positive it was W)
In regards to the FNAF terminology, there’s really no reason to use them. Remnant and Agony do not really exist as they are exactly described in canon. That being said, if you boil those terms down to meaning “positive life energy” and “negative life energy”, I believe there’s an argument in using them just for fun. If it makes experimenting more fun and encourages curiosity in energetic work... why not?
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