#mozzarella sticks and pickles tbh
disgustinggf · 1 year
What could you eat everyday without getting sick of it?
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sapphic-luthor · 2 months
Answering your in tag question last week: it is indeed hotter than ass out here. Any fun summer recipes? I’m discovering that my meager little cookbook really only has nice hearty recipes that while tasty make cooking even more of a chore than I find it to be when it’s so hot out here. Hope you’re at least staying cool! -SMA
Oh man I hope you’re staying cool, I recommend a great many ice creams above all. But secondary to that, I do have some food ideas that I’ve been making a lot of recently that I’ll stick below the read more here :-)
I love a big huge enormous salad in the summer (and all year round tbh) and I think the best salads are about 50/50 made up of base greens vs. fun stuff. My personal faves are to start with a romaine or romaine/iceberg base and then add:
italian seasoned chicken breast
cherry tomatoes
little mozzarella balls
cooked orzo
sun dried tomatoes
croutons or crispy onions (ideally both)
thinly sliced red onion
dressing (personal fav is a vinaigrette made of lemon juice, balsamic, olive oil, salt & pepper, oregano, and chili flakes)
soy sauce/ginger/white pepper marinated chicken
red cabbage
thinly sliced carrots
red bell pepper
sesame seeds
fresh coriander
wonton strips (which you can airfry out of wonton wrappers in like 3 seconds)
dressing (best is a combo of sesame oil, garlic, soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, honey, and ginger)
Now if you’re not mad for salads, also nice in the summer is
A crumbled sausage + broccoli pasta (i like orecchiette); it doesn’t need to have a real sauce per sé, you can just season however you like and then throw a bit of pasta water, and parmesan in at the end and it’s lovely
Caprese with nice fresh mozzarella (best gotten from the cheese counter if possible). If you ever see san marzano tomatoes buy them immediately and make them into caprese
Veg-based sandwiches, I have a special love for a vegan one that’s got homemade cucumber sriracha hummus, tomatoes and baby spinach. It doesnt sound like much but if you get the hummus right it’s very cool + has a little kick and it’s lovely with nice bread!
Homemade greek gyros— I use this recipe every time and the marinade is actually life changing. Like sometimes I lie in bed and dream about this chicken and I am not even kidding
A pork + pineapple rice bowl, which basically consists of rice topped with; minced pork cooked with soy sauce and sesame oil, long strips of carrot and courgette cooked in a pan with salt + pepper til soft, pickled shallot or red onion (just left in a water/vinegar/sugar bath for 30min or so), and pieces of pineapple right out of the tin. There’s also a light soy/rice wine vinegar/honey sauce that can be thrown over the top— i think the friend i learned the recipe from got it from one of those meal delivery services so it’s likely online (or i can track it down from her for you if you’re interested!)
Hopefully some of those are of some interest to you!! I’ll live vicariously through you and your heat but I hope you stay comfortable and safe friend
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blindspct · 7 months
cozy thing tag game 🧸
comfort food(s): uncrustables, mozzarella sticks, chicken nuggets, & sweet heat pickles
comfort drink(s): diet coke & pomegranate vitamin water
comfort movie(s): Any 90s lifetime movie, Midsommar, The Wedding Date, Stephen King's IT (the original)
comfort show(s): unsolved mysteries, your worst nightmare, deadly women, the heartstopper series, parks & rec
comfort clothing: bicycle shorts, big t shirts, & sweatshirts
comfort song(s): anything maddie zahm, one direction, or khalid
comfort book(s): i don't read anything more than once tbh
comfort game(s): monopoly, animal crossing
tagged by @aquamanandfriends
tagging @pryoria @h3rtzoom @mccntower @lightshcwer @seolinah @ofmymanymuses
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zuzuthejerkbender · 7 years
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions. (I’ll tag a few, but not as many as there are questions. lol!)
Tagged by @joeshmoe189  
Coke or Pepsi: Idk man, I’m not sure. lol!
Disney or Dreamworks: Disney as a whole is better imo.
Coffee or Tea: Tea. I can’t let Iroh down. lol!
Books or Movies: I haven’t read a book in a good while, so I’m going to say movies by default.
Windows or Mac: Windows
DC or Marvel: I think that Marvel has better movies, but historically DC has had better shows.
XBOX or Playstation: Playstation. I got me a PS4 back in 2015. I’ve never had an Xbox. 
Dragon Age or Mass Effect: Haven’t played either, bro. lol!
Night Owl or Early Riser: Night owl. *howls like a wolf*
Cards or Chess: Cards
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate, even though I love Vanilla too.
Vans or Converse: Neither hehe!
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar: Not sure
Fluff or Angst: Fluff. It’s easier on the mind. lol!
Beach or Forests: I’m going to say beach, because I live in a landlocked state, so it’s a treat to get to go to one.
Dogs or Cats: DOGS! I love cats too, but I’m a HUGE dog person. I’ve recently become the proud owner of a beagle puppy! :D
Clear skies or Rain: Clear skies
Cooking or Eating out: Eating out, because I can cook only a small number of things. xD
Spicy food or Mild food: Mild food, with just the right amount of spice for a little kick. ;)
Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: Ah man, I love both Halloween and Christmas a lot! I guess I’ll say Halloween because it’s getting closer to it’s season, and I’m looking forward to it. :)
Would you rather be a little too cold or a little too hot?: A little too cold. You can add layers. You can only take off so many. ;)
If you could have a superpower, what would it be: Control of all four elements.
Animation or Live action: Animation. What can I say? I’m a toonhead. lol!
Paragon or Renegade: Paragon
Baths or Showers: Baths, because I don’t get to take them often.
Team Cap or Team Iron Man: Team Cap
Fantasy or Sci-Fi: BOTH!
Do you have 3 or 4 favourite quotes: Literally anything that Iroh has said. I could put them on my tombstone. lol!
YouTube or Netflix: Youtube has drained hours from me. 
Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Harry Potter
When do you feel accomplished: When someone tells me “Good Job” :)
Star Wars or Star Trek: Star Wars
Paperback books or Hardback books: Hardback
Handwriting or Type: Type
Velvet or Satin: Search me. lol!
Video games or Movies: depends on my mood tbh.
Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon: own a dragon. I’d ride it like Zuko.
Learning Chinese or Learning Spanish: Spanish. I already know a little bit.
Would you rather be able to speak every language or be able to speak to animals: Talk to animals. I’d be the real Eliza Thornberry. lol!
Be front row for your favourite artists and not meet them, or meet them but have lawn seats : The one with the lawn chairs
Would you rather be a mutant, jedi or wizard: I was gonna say Jedi at first, but if I was a mutant, I could have a really rad power, so I’m gonna say mutant. :)
Fried pickles or Mozzarella Sticks: Mozzarella Sticks
Vampires or Werewolves: Werewolves
Pizza or Pasta: Pizza
Watching a movie at a cinema with the excitement of its night premiere or wait a few days and watch it later more relaxed: Premiere night are the best!
What is your favourite band or singer?: We’d be here forever if I said all of the musical artists I listen to. lol!
What is your favorite fruit?: Watermelon
Fuzzy socks or slippers?: Socks, but I often prefer to set my piggies free. 
Dusk or Dawn?: Dusk
Would you rather Travel Through Time or Travel Through Alternate Universes?: Alternate Universes. That’s Rick and Morty level stuff. ;)
What’s the first book you remember reading? By myself? Probably something simple like Dr. Seuss.
Deep space, or deep sea? Deep space
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? Legend claims that I’m sometimes funny. lol!
Would you rather play a physical sport or a sports video game? Physical sport. Never been big on sports video games.
Favorite baked good? homemade blackberry cobbler
My question: Pro-milk or Anti-milk? Pro-milk! Probably the most pro-milk guy you’ll meet. My parents usually get two gallons at a time from the store for me and my bro. lol!
My question is, what element would you bend in the Avatar world?  Tagging @thecaroliner, @purpleplatypusbear21, @focusas, @kuno-chan, @blue-eyed-korra @sm-over, @argyle-airbender, @metalclan, @unicorngundamrx-0, @norstrus
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timounes · 7 years
i was tagged by the lovely @balagamp3 to answer the questions, add one and tag as many people as there are questions (thank you for tagging me!! ily <3)
1. coke or pepsi: both 2. disney or dreamworks: disney  3. coffee or tea: both, but i like tea more 4. books or movies: books definitely 5. windows or mac: mac 6. dc or marvel: dc 7. xbox or playstation: xbox i guess 8. dragon age or mass effect: neither 9. night owl or early riser: both? (i go to sleep late and i wake up early) 10. cards or chess: cards  11. chocolate or vanilla: chocolate 12. vans or converse: converse  13. lavellan, trevelyan, cadash, or adaar: i? don’t?? know?? what? these? are?? 14. fluff or angst: fluff 15. beach or forest: forest! 16. dogs or cats: dogs!! 17. clear skies or rain: rain 18. cooking or eating out: eating out obviously 19. spicy food or mild food: spicy 20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas (why this doesnt just say ‘favorite holiday’ is beyond me): christmas 21. would you rather be a little too cold or a little too hot: cold 22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be: telekinesis 23. animation or live action: live action 24. paragon or renegade: idk what these are 25. baths or showers: showers 26. team cap or team iron man: idk 27. fantasy or sci-fi: both 28. do you have three or four favorite quotes?: i can’t come up with anything atm 29. youtube or netflix: netflix! 30. harry potter or percy jackson: i, a pjo stan, 31. when you feel accomplished: i have no idea 32. star wars or star trek: star wars 33. paperback books or hardback books: hardback 34. handwriting or type: both bc i type really fast + i love my handwriting 35. velvet or satin: velvet 36. video games or movies: both!! 37. would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon: own the dragon!! 38. learning chinese or learning spanish: learn spanish! 39. what is the best concert you’ve been to: queen bc thats the only one i’ve been to 40. would you rather be able to speak every language or be able to talk to animals: talk to animals!! 41. be front row for your favorite artist and not meet them, or meet them but have lawn seats: be fron row and not meet them tbh 42. city or countryside: city 43. would you rather be a mutant, jedi, or wizard: wizard 44. fried pickles or mozzarella sticks: mozzarella sticks 45. vampires or werewolves: vamipres 46. pizza or pasta: pizza 47. watching a movie at the cinema with the excitement of its night premiere or wait a few days and watch it later more relaxed: premiere!! 48. what is your favorite band or singer: various obcs + btr 49. what is your favorite fruit: watermelons 50. underwater or outer space: underwater!! 51. what’s the best gift you’ve ever gotten: my phone 52. do you prefer trucks or cars: i hate all vehicles except boats cause i get sick in all the other ones 52. who do you think will win the game of thrones: i don’t watch it 53. listening to music through headphones, earbuds, or speakers: headphones and speakers 54. if you had/have your ideal body, what era/styles of fashion would you choose to put in your wardrobe: 18th century i guess? 55. would you rather be caught in a blizzard or a heatwave?: blizzard
my question:
56: what’s your favorite greek god?
i tag @nabulungi, @evanhamsen, @gaynewsie, @songofgratitude and @spraceaesthetic, if y’all want to do it!
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spraceaesthetic · 7 years
The lovely @dearalanabeck tagged me in this! Answer the questions and then add one of your own! 1.) coke or Pepsi- I literally can’t tell the difference lmao 2.) Disney or dreamworks- depends on the movie 3.) coffee or tea- tea! 4.) books or movies- books 5.) windows or mac- windows 6.) dc or marvel- u kno, I used to be a marvel person but they’ve been fucking up a lot recently so idk 7.) Xbox or PlayStation- Xbox but I’m biased by my dad oops 8.) dragon age or mass effect- nah 9.) night owl or early riser- early riser. I go to bed sO early omg 10.) cards or chess- cards bc of the versatility 11.) chocolate or vanilla- chocolate 12.) vans or converse- converse, vans don’t work with orthotics 13.) lavellan, trevelyan, cadash, or adaar- what? 14.) fluff or angst- angst lmao 15.) beach or forest- beach! 16.) dogs or cats- dogs! I’m allergic to cats but they’re nice to look at 17.) clear skies or rain- my name is literally raine lmao 18.) cooking or eating out- cooking bc I’m picky af 19.) spicy or mild food- mild bc I’m picky af 20.) (I’m rephrasing) favorite holiday- Halloween 21.) would you rather be too cold or too hot- too cold 22.) if you could have a superpower, what would it be?- breathing underwater! 23.) animation or live action-
live action! 24.) paragon or renegade- what 25.) baths or showers- showers 26.) team cap or team iron man- team cap 27.) fantasy or sci fi- fantasy 28.) favorite quotes?- "courage cannot erase our fears, courage is when we face our fears" from newsies 29.) YouTube or Netflix- YouTube 30.) Harry Potter or Percy Jackson?- im going to go with pjo bc of Riordan's bitchin' diversity 31.) when you feel accomplished- after finishing a knitting project 32.) Star Wars or Star Trek- eh neither 33.) paperback books or hardcover- paperback 34.) handwriting or type- I'm a really fast typer but I like handwriting too so eh 35.) velvet or satin- neither I hate both those textures ew 36.) video games or movies- I dig a video game with a strong storyline and diverse character creator, if there were more of those I'd be video games but right now it's movies 37.) would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon- bE THE DRAGON 38.) learning Chinese or learning Spanish- I'm learning Spanish rn but Chinese is cool too 39.) what is the best concert you've gone to?- I've never been to one :'( 40.) would you rather be able to speak every language or talk to animals?- speak every language omg 41.) be front row for your favorite artist and not meet them, or meet them but have lawn seats- front row bc talking to people is scary 42.) city or countryside- city 43.) would you rather be a mutant, Jedi, or wizard- mutant bc I'm an xmen fanatic oops 44.) fried pickles or mozzarella sticks- what the fuck. What the actual fuck what 45.) vampires or werewolves- i can't choose omg 46.) pizza or pasta- pasta is the only food I like in this cruel, unforgiving world 47.) watching a movie at the cinema at the premiere or at home- ooh at the cinema 48.) what is your favorite band or singer?- other than musicals, I like modest mouse 49.) what is your favorite fruit?- apples bc the cronch 50.) underwater or outer space- underwater!!! 51.) what's the best gift you've ever gotten?- newsies tickets when the tour came here 😭😭 52.) trucks or cars- I don't care I'll just stare out the window either way 53.) listening to music through headphones, earbuds, or speakers- headphones 54.) what era/styles of fashion would you put in your wardrobe?- little bit of everything tbh 55.) would you rather be caught in a blizzard or heatwave?- blizzard o m g 56.) what's your favorite Greek god?- Aphrodite bc she loves the ocean and bees just like me!! My question: fave musical? I tag @gaynewsie and anyone else who wants to!!
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YALL I ate so much food today at work cause we were practicing cooking it First wave: Funnel Cakes and Pizza (we all had our own funnel cake plus a slice of pizza) Second wave: Burgers (chicken were the only edible ones) Chicken strips, fries, popcorn chicken Third wave: Mozzarella sticks, pizza rolls, deep fried pickles, onion rings, POUTINE, sweet potato fries, probably more TBH it was so wild
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sashthesloth · 7 years
rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions. Tagged by @iblamebioware honestly I saw this now and what's what's a better way to spend your 3am while jetlagged than by answering questions 1. coke or pepsi: no soft drinks for me no sir 2. disney or dreamworks: Dissnneeyy sorry dreamworks I love you too but I grew up with Disney more 3. coffee or tea: I STAY AWAKE OUT OF SHEER WILL neither 4. books or movies: ummm books. Lot more things in terms of different stories 5. windows or mac: windows most definitely 6. dc or marvel: DC solely because of the batfam 7. xbox or playstation: never owned an xbox while I had both ps1 and ps4 so yeah 8. dragon age or mass effect: fuuuuck I love dragon age so much but like I've only played inquisitor I can't believe I'm saying this Mass Effect 9. night owl or early riser: both. Hello 3 hours of sleep 10. cards or chess: cards. (I will crush my family at monopoly deal) 11. chocolate or vanilla: chocolate is love. Chocolate is life 12: vans or converse: as much as I love my pizza vans… converse is my fave 13. lavellan, trevelyan, cadash, or adaar: daaaamn I love lavellan but holy crap adaaaarrrr ♡ 14. fluff or angst: give me both I wasn't doing fine anyway 15. beach or forest: forest. Sand is ugh 16. dogs or cats: dogs dogs dogs. I've never had a cat so I wouldn't know 17. clear skies or rain: depends how hard it's raining but rain yes as long as it's not the *rains while the sun is out so everything is hot and no one can breathe* thing 18. cooking or eating out: I cannot cook. Eat out 19. spicy food or mild food: I'm trash at eating spicy things so mild 20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: don't celebrate Halloween that much here… christtmasss 21. would you rather be a little too cold or a little too hot: I am always a little too hot thanks to being near the equator and I hate it. So I'd rather be a little too cold 22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be: ohhh shapeshifting would be fun 23. animation or live action: depends on the animation and depends on the live action 24. paragon or renegade: I haven't actually gone on a paragon run yet so renegade. Even though I die a little 25. baths or showers: showers 26. team cap or team iron man: I didn't like either side tbh 27. fantasy or sci-fi: FANTASY SCI FI 28. do you have three or four favorite quotes? yes. Do I have to say them? Most of them are night Vale quotes. “mostly void. Partially stars” and others 29. youtube or netflix: YouTube. 30. harry potter or percy jackson: oh man that's hard cause Percy Jackson was the first book series I read. Percy. 31. when you feel accomplished: WHEN I FINISHED DEFENDING MY THESIS PROPOSAL 32. star wars or star trek: can't I pick both 33. paperback books or hardback books: paperback. Hardbound are too costly 34. handwriting or type: handwriting. 35. velvet or satin: velvet? 36. video games or movies: V I D E O G A M E S 37. would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon: I've read eragon and watched httyd too many times give me a best friend buddy dragon 38. learning chinese or learning spanish: I've tried learning both in school aND SCREW MANDARIN 6 YEARS OF IT AND ALL I KNOW IS HOW TO ASK FOR YOUR NAME AND HOW TO SING HAPPY BIRTHDAY I'll take Spanish class any day 39. what is the best concert you’ve been to? I've been to two. Idina Menzel and All Time Low. They're very different. 40. Would you rather be able to speak every language or be able to talk to animals? Every language anD THAT INCLUDES ANIMALS 41. be front row for your favorite artist and not meet them, or meet them but have lawn seats: meet them no doubt 42. city or countryside: countryside 43. would you rather be a mutant, jedi, or wizard? Do we have to live in that universe too? Um then a jedi 44. fried pickles or mozzarella sticks? Mozza 45. vampires or werewolves? I'm not particular to either 46. pizza or pasta? Pizza with stuffed cheese crust. Or lasagne 47. watching a movie at the cinema with the excitement of its night premiere or wait a few days and watch it later more relaxed? Relaxed 48. What is your favorite band or singer? You can't possibly make me pick. It's probably hozier 49. What is your favorite fruit? MANGOOES 50. underwater or outer space? outer space. There's so much we need to know and I've been influenced too much by mass effect but I've always loved studying the stars. HOWEVER I love marine life. 51. what’s the best gift you’ve ever gotten? My child the love of my life my laptop. 52: Do you prefer trucks or cars? Cars 53. give up chocolate or give up the internet? HOW?? I just…. I need the Internet to get through everyday. I'll find another source of sweets. 54. Ubisoft or EA? EA I guess. Solely because of bioware and the sims but I love AC so much Umm and I guess…. 55. Sweet or sour? And I'll tag some people then…. @nonbinarygirlscout @clararogersgallagher and who ever else
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wystarrya · 7 years
blurple (blue and purple fuk u)
— blue —
what do you do when you’re sad? - Shut down because my upbringing didn’t teach me how to properly express or vent emotion lmao
what are some things you do when you can’t sleep? - Literally just sort through whatevers on my YouTube Watch Later
what was the best (non-romantic) night you’ve had? - Uhh probably prom night. Meijers at 3am is lit, dude
what kind of covers do you have on your bed? - Honestly I kick the sheets off half the time but its just a stretch sheet and black comforter
who is the last person you told a secret to? - One of my friends w/ crush talk
— purple—
what’s your astrological sign? - Pisces
what’s the best piece of advice you ever received? - I don’t even fuckin remember tbh
when’s the last time you followed your instincts? - My instincts are say whatever stupid shit comes to mind, so literally whenever the last time I opened my mouth was
what’s your favorite food? - Mozzarella sticks, fried pickles, and shrimp are all really high on the list, faves are hard bc I like so many things
what’s your secret dream? - My only dream is happiness; what might actually bring that is always changing
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halfpintkay · 5 years
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
Tagged by: @kaspbraakspeaking​
Tagging: @redemptivexheroics​, @huntresscaraquinn​, I’m breaking a rule here but if you want to do this and have me tag you go right ahead.
1. Coke or Pepsi: pepsi 2. Disney or Dreamworks: I kind of like both but I tend to lean more towards Disney 3. Coffee or Tea: coffee 4. Books or movies: books when I have the time an energy to read 5. Windows or Mac: Windows 6. DC or Marvel: DC..although Marvel’s pretty good 7. Xbox or Playstation:  Playstation 8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: I don’t know I haven’t really played either 9. Night owl or early riser: I’m reluctantly an early riser 10. Cards or chess: Cards only because I don’t know how to play chess 11. favorite video game:  The Last of Us 12: Vans or converse: Converse 13. what are you listening too right now:  watching Fuller House on Netflix 14. Fluff or angst: ooh this tough I love both.  15. Beach or forest: beach 16. Dogs or cats: Dogs
17. Clear skies or rain: Clear skies..but I love the sound of rain on my tin roof 18. Cooking or eating out: cooking..I’m slowly learning how to cook different things 19. Spicy food or mild food: Mild...I can’t handle spice much tbh 20. Halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: for movies halloween and for family time Christmas 21. Would you rather be a little too cold or a little too hot: little too hot...I find I can at least work better when I can move my fingers 22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be: probably super speed 23. what song do you identify with the most:  I honestly don’t know so I’m going with my favorite at teh moment which is Cool by the Jonas Brothers 24. favorite superhero:  Superman 25. Baths or showers: shower  26. Team cap or team iron man:  Team Cap  27. Fantasy or sci-fi:  I lean more towards sci-fi I think but then again I tend to get surprised that books I like are considered fantasy (I don’t really stick to a specific genre I just pick up what sounds good or stick to my favorite authors)
28. Do you have three or four favorite quotes?  
“We accept the love we think we deserve” from the Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky, 
“I believe it to be a stupid activity but not an illegal one.” From Needful Things by Stephen King, 
 “We are taught to think of personality as a singular, private possession. All the ideas and beliefs and attitudes thst make you you-we are raised to believe them a set of files stored in the lockbox of the brain. Most people have no idea how much of themselves they store off-site. Your personality is not just a matter of what you know about yourself, but what others know about you. You are one person with your mother, and another with your lover, and yet another with your child. Those other people create you-finish you-we much as you create you. When you’re gone, the ones you’ve left behind get to keep the same part of you they always had.” - Joe Hill, The Fireman, 
and   there are many more I could chose from but those are ones I saved in my phone after reading. 
29. Youtube or netflix: Netflix...although if i find good videos on youtube I do tend to get lost in them, currently I’m obsessed with watching Nolan North play Uncharted for the first time.  30. Harry potter or percy jackson: Harry Potter...but I love Percy Jackson as well 31. When you feel accomplished:  Well I feel pretty accomplished now since I’m done with Christmas shopping and almost done wrapping presents 32. Star wars or star trek: Star Wars... I haven’t really watching that much Star Trek tbh 33. Paperback books or hardback books: Paperback because they are usually cheaper but damn I love the way hardbacks look 34. Handwriting or type: Typing...I just hate my hand writing 35. batman or superman: Superman
36. Video games or movies: oon this tough I really like both especially if a video game makes you feel like your playing a movie 37. Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon: I think I’d rather being a dragon...I’d love a bit too much to horde gold. 38. Learning chinese or learning spanish:  I guess Spanish 39. What is the best concert you’ve been to? Either Backstreet Boys or Jonas Brothers (basically the last two concerts I’ve been too)  40. Would you rather be able to speak every language or be able to talk to animals? I’m gonna go with speak every language. 41. Be front row for your favorite artist and not meet them, or meet them but have lawn seats: Meet and lawn seats. 42. City or countryside: Countryside...I like visiting cities but not to live..                                                                   
43. Would you rather be a mutant, jedi, or wizard? wizard 44. Fried pickles or mozzarella sticks? as much as I like mozzarella sticks I really love fried pickles 45. Vampires or werewolves? werewolves. 46. Pizza or pasta? Pasta.  47. Watching a movie at the cinema with the excitement of its night premiere or wait a few days and watch it later more relaxed? depends on what it is but I love going to the theater and getting popcorn and soda. I tend to go the weekend they are out and go to matinees...tends to be less people during the day
48. What’s one thing most people don’t know about you? I don’t know how many people know that I love musicals and my favorite musical is Rent (But a lot of people know about my obsession with horror) 49. Can you roll your tongue?  No I cannot
50. Any shows that you feel ended too soon or were cancelled just as they were getting good? 
0 notes
15 Trader Joe’s Snacks That Are Keto And/Or Low-Carb
New Post has been published on https://bestrawfoodrecipes.com/15-trader-joes-snacks-that-are-keto-and-or-low-carb/
15 Trader Joe’s Snacks That Are Keto And/Or Low-Carb
Mozzarella Rolloni
With just about 2 grams of carbs per serving, these seasonal roll-ups are an A+ way to ensure you’ve got all the protein and fat (…and sodium) you need to get through a long afternoon.
Who doesn’t love a little pickled veg as a snack? This classic mix is not only super low-carb, but it’s also low-everything. Seriously: One serving size yields 30 calories.
Riced Cauliflower Stirfry
OK, to be fair, this is less of a snack than it is a meal, but it still falls under the Trader Joe’s keto-friendly umbrella. Per TJ’s suggestion, it’s best topped with an egg, some avocado, and hot sauce—still keto!
Chili Lime Chicken Burgers
Probably the lowest-carb burger you’ll ever encounter, TBH. Only 4 grams of them here, which is heavily outweighed by the 15 grams of protein.
Oven-Baked Cheese Bites
They’re gluten-free (…as they’re made from 100% cheese). Have at it.
Coconut Sesame Seed Clusters
While these clusters aren’t the lowest-carb item on this list (8 grams per half a cup), they might be the snack-friendliest. Just a handful of these on a dairy-based snack of your choice and you’re golden.
Chomps Grass-Fed Beef Sticks
It was only a matter of time until we got to jerky. And ohhhh, what excellent jerky this is.
BUY NOW Chops Grass-Fed Beef Sticks, amazon.com
Everything But The Bagel Sesame Seasoning Blend
Granted, this seasoning also doesn’t qualify as a snack on its own, but it’s so good and healthy it may as well. Plus, it’s a Trader Joe’s icon.
Green Vegetable Foursome
Broccoli! Peas! Green beans! Zucchini! Put a buttload of salt and butter on it all and have yourself a keto feast!
At 2 grams of carbs per serving size, you can just go ahead and consider this your new favorite keto condiment.
Kale Chips
It says “a real nutrient superhero of a snack and a yummy alternative to traditional chips” right there on the packaging. What more do you need to know?
Pitted Salted Manzanilla Olives
Salty, healthy, and delicious.
BUY NOW Just A Handful Of Trader Joe’s Olives, amazon.com
Antipasto Assortment
This entire assortment is like the mozzarella rolloni’s bigger, badder brother. Quite a few more fatty options, zero carbs in sight.
Avocado’s Number Guacamole To Go
High fat, low carb. The dream. <3
Tess Koman Features Editor Tess Koman covers breaking (food) news, opinion pieces, and features on larger happenings in the food world.
Source link Keto Diet Dinner Ideas
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mac-and-kenz · 7 years
i was tagged by @pessimisticpunks to participate in this tag thingy! answer all of the questions listed, then add and answer one of your own!!
1. Coke or Pepsi: neither
2. disney or dreamworks: disney
3. coffee or tea: coffee
4. books or movies: both
5. windows or mac: windows
6. dc or marvel: both
7. xbox or playstation: neither
8. dragon age or mass effect: idk either of them
9. night owl or early riser: night owl
10. cards or chess: cards
11. chocolate or vanilla: both tbh
12. vans or converse: converse
13. lavellan, trevelyan, cadash, or adaar: idk these, so pass
14. fluff or angst: both please
15. beach or forest: beach
16. dogs or cats: doggos all  the way
17. clear skies or rain: i really like both!
18. cooking or eating out: i’m quite fond of both.
19. spicy food or mild food: mild. i can’t handle anything spicy.
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: that’s too hard omg. both pls.
21. would you rather a little too cold or a little too hot: a lil too cold.
22. if you could have a super power, what would it be: i’d want to be a wizard, honestly (like harry potter, bc i’m a giant dork)
23. animation or live action: i like both, depending on the circumstances.
24. paragon or renegade: idk what this refers to, sorry friend.
25. baths or showers: depends on my mood.
26. team cap or team iron man: team cap, yo.
27. fantasy or sci-fi: i dig both.
28. do you have three or four fav quotes: i have a few, and i don’t really feel like writing them all down.
29. youtube or netflix: both.
30. harry potter or percy jackson: harry potter pls 
31. when you feel accomplished: i reward myself w/ food or a lil video gaming.
32. star wars or star trek: star trek, though i appreciate star wars.
33. paperback or hardcover books: hardcover (even though they’re more expensive :-( )
34. handwriting or type: handwriting is more personal, but typing is faster, so both.
35. velvet or satin: velvet feels cool, but my prom dress was made of satin, so i’m going w/ satin.
36. video games or movies: both please. i like the full experience.
37. would you rather be a dragon or own the dragon: be the dragon. how cool would that be??
38. learning chinese or learning spanish: i kind of know a little spanish, but learning chinese would be fun!
39. what is the best concert you’ve been to: either Home Free or Pentatonix w/ Kelly Clarkson
40. would you rather be able to speak every language or be able to talk to animals: oh man… every language!!
41. be front row for your fav artist and not meet them, or meet them but have lawn seats: front row, i think.
42. city or countryside: city
43. would you rather be a mutant, jedi, or wizard: wizard!!
44. fried pickles or mozzarella sticks: mozzarella sticks yo.
45. vampires or werewolves: vampires
46. pizza or pasta: either one is a-okay w/ me.
47. waching a movie at the cinema with the excitement of its night premiere or wait a few days and watch it later more relaxed: i’d wait a few days tbh.
48. what is your favorite band or singer: i like too many of them to pick one, but i’ve been getting back into the beatles again.
49. cookie dough ice cream or cookies and cream: depends on my mood
and that’s the end!! i tag @alternative-realtize, @charcoalvoid, @onlybluepensokay, and @vitaminlester. have fun!! xx
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