#mr kanda
Right??? Thanks so much! I actually first fell in love with Jo's character when RGGJo's voice lines came out haha, so it's super fun to be able to share them.
But I can think of a couple of reasons for the wild personality gap, and for me it starts at their respective roles. Obviously main antagonist and major supporting character are going to draw different levels of attention to themselves, but I think it's chiefly that RGGJo is not just Jo, but he's both Jo and Masato as one character.
RGGJo is much, much closer in age to Ichi, and though they're not "twins" like Ichi and Masato are (RGGJo is a little more than 2 years older), it's thematically there I think. The whole "twin dragonfish," dark and light, two sides of the same coin kind of thing.
And just as Ichi was initially conceptualized as a sort of "greatest hits compilation" of the previous protagonists' most compelling traits, I think there's a strong case for RGGJo being the same for the previous antagonists--specifically Nishiki, Ryuji, and Mine, who are pretty clearly Yokoyama's favorites anyway lol.
I have a feeling casting has something to do with it as well. RGGJo's actor, Hiroki Takahashi, is actually the exact same age as he is, and he's voiced his fair share of fun, flamboyant villains. If I wanted to speculate, he's also voiced his fair share of BL, so that may be why RGGJo's voice lines have a Certain Slant to them; directing his delivery to capitalize on his established appeal (although he has quite a range) makes sense.
Tsutsumi is also only a few years off from Y7Jo, and he was cast for having the dignity and screen presence to "make every word feel like it might have a deeper meaning." Yokoyama (and Takeuchi) wrote the games, he and Nagoshi handled the casting, and Yokoyama generally handles the voice direction for the main story, so a lot of it's specific to his vision.
Within that context I think it's relevant that he wrote Y7Jo while picturing Tsutsumi specifically. RGGJo was more malleable and less "consequential" in terms of the franchise, so, y'know, why not have a little fun with it? I think that's reflected in their designs as well. RGGJo's is larger-than-life while Y7Jo's is relatively subdued.
Overall, I get the sense RGGJo's role is more akin to "son" and "brother," (aniki, if you will), like Masato, whereas Y7Jo's role is more akin to "co-parent" and "father" and I guess "Evil Stepdad" in a Cinderella kind of way. It's not exact across the board, it's not literal across the board, but it's the archetype, right? And I think that does, exactly like you said, have far-reaching consequences for their backgrounds and who they've become as a result.
BTW, you actually are up to speed on Ichi's story, because uh… that's where it stops lol. It was discontinued at roughly the equivalent of the start of Chapter 12 in 7; the rest of the story was written, but not published. It Kills Me.
But I think, despite any concrete backstory, the implication for RGGJo is that (if I assume he joined earlier than Ichi, which would make sense given he's captain), he was at most 18 or 19 when he joined, and he's exactly the same kind of Arakawa fanboy Ichi is. The 15th anniversary book goes on to say he "was purely in love with [Arakawa]'s greatness" and so cannot tolerate the idea of allowing him to live and die in obscurity at the bottom rungs, of Arakawa being in a position not equivalent to his "greatness" in his eyes.
But Ichi thinks that's regardless of what Arakawa himself may want, since RGGJo is apparently not going to stop until he makes him chairman, which the Arakawa Ichi knows wouldn't really care about. I think there's an interesting mix of selflessness and selfishness in his desires that reminds me of Mine.
And that's explicitly as opposed to Y7Jo, whose loyalty remains the same, but whose feelings and motivations are complicated by the existence of Masato; the usage of "purely" before is notable here, as another suitable translation would be "uncomplicatedly," which to me would suggest that degree of admiration is a component of his loyalty in 7 as well.
So I think you're absolutely right the circumstances with Masato are a major aspect of what's going on with Y7Jo. It's inextricable because he's got this immense gratitude towards Arakawa for raising his son and also a need, a primary driving force, to be a part of his son's life at (almost) all costs. The natural result of that is going to be reluctance to do anything that tips the balance.
I think that's one of the things that make him so compelling, he's forced to make a lot of tough, meaningful decisions and there's often (but not always) no right answer. And that's really clear to see with Aoki, as you say.
(Kind of a side note, but somewhat contrary to the above, Masato may actually have existed in RGGO's timeline. There was a comment from Yokoyama or Takeuchi suggesting he's not in RGGO not because he simply "doesn't exist, but specifically because Arakawa may not have opened the right locker or may not have made it to the lockers in time. I guess the other implication would be that Masato would've been Arakawa's biological son in RGGO instead, since RGGJo would've been too young and there was no need for a switcheroo? It was just an off-hand comment, but it's interesting to think about.)
Also, loved your tags haha. It's SO funny you start off like you're going to say something crazy and then it turns out to actually be something I wanted to write about in the previous ask, but that I cut out because I couldn't make it flow. I guess it might just be the case that I'm crazy on the same wavelength?
But yes! I think a lot of the time, impressions of that aspect Jo's backstory sort of begin and end at Evil Stepdad Perpetuates Cycle Of Abuse, perhaps understandably, but there's genuinely so much that's established in both his and Arakawa's backstories that have clearly stayed with them that I'm positive your take on it is at the very least least true to the character, whether or not it's intentional.
Because like, Arakawa and Jo both came from abusive households. And they're both affected by Aoki's "parental abuse" (although Aoki doesn't know it himself, I guess he doesn't need to). But the way Arakawa has always dealt with abuse is defiance; I think the implication of one of the first scenes is that that's how he got his scar. Jo, on the other hand, has always dealt with abuse with avoidance. Running away. Brushing it under the rug, like he says he and Ikumi had done all their lives; I think that statement's fairly clearly linked to abuse and neglect.
And I think that shows both in Arakawa and Jo's respective responses to traditional authority figures and in how they choose to handle things with Aoki. Arakawa defies Aoki's plans in his own way at every turn, and he ends up getting killed for it. Jo, on the other hand, ignores it until there's nothing left to do but sever himself completely, in the same way there was nothing left to do back then but run. IT'S SO. Ugh.
Each Jo's respective role in the overall plot of their stories definitely plays a part in why they turn out different from each other the way they do; it's interesting to see how RGG decided to handle Jo's character to sort of 'adjust him' to fit better as more of a background figure than The Big Bad, and to especially see how his relationships end up is spectacular. Choosing to divide that devotion between his son and his boss in Y7 is something I'm just positively obsessed with: it's clear he joined the yakuza predominantly for Masato's sake, but the concept of Jo gradually coming to genuinely respect Arakawa as an individual opposed to someone that he just happens to have to follow after because his son's involved heightens him as a character for me (I might have to write a side piece on the psyche of Jo- there's just a bunch of aspects to him that I want to explore better and really intrigue me, but I refuse to try and squeeze any of that into this long-as-is answer lmao).
I definitely recognize Ryuji and Mine the easiest in RGGJo (Mine's influence still persists a bit in Y7 to me, if not solely for his devotion and his own version of The Knife Scene existing as The Eye Scene; though Jo's anger wasn't purely due to Arakawa's death in that scene like Mine's was due to Daigo's 'death', it was clear Arakawa's passing was a sore subject). Jo's dedication to Arakawa in RGGO really is totally reminiscent of Mine's devotion to Daigo: both willing to take drastic measures to secure the ones they idolize the spot they feel they deserve and to exterminate any opposition to that dream (if I'm remembering Mine's RGGO story right wherein he partakes in the Okinawa deal as a HUGE ploy just to secure Daigo remains chairman should he wake up, but I don't have to clarify how that didn't go as planned).
As for Nishiki, it's clear Jo borrows his 'position' in the story, just as Ichi obviously takes Kiryu's. To yoink a phrasing from another ask I got, they're 'dark parallels': though they both clearly want the best for Arakawa, they're going about it in different ways (in that sense, Y7Arakawa's line about him seeing the Arakawa Family as his 'sons' makes this situation a little funny: just two kids fighting each other for what's best for their dad lmao). It's a shame the story didn't go on any more after the Millenium fight, but I'm a little happy knowing in that I'm not missing anything (what I will scratch my head over is what RGGOMasato would've been like. I guess it's not exactly certain whether or not he survived The Locker Incident or he was just so considerably normal he wasn't worth bringing up, but regardless I'll have a ponder about it..). It'd be rad if RGG ever decided to release at least the drafts of the rest of the story one day, but I won't hold my breath.
I've peaked over at Takahashi's past roles (I didn't realize he's voiced so many characters I know omg), and I think that's a fair conclusion to come to: he repertoire combines characters with sort of 'harsh' tones to their voices/dialogue, but as you said he does benefit from having voiced some 'lighter' characters! As for Tsutsumi, I think I've made it a little clear on my blog that I've taken time to look at his past projects, and though I haven't seen all of his roles, Jo's an interesting inclusion to his list (but by no means an inappropriate fit. If I were to compare him to one of Tsutsumi's past roles, Nobunaga Oda from Honnouji Hotel is similar in being an intimidating man with a violent reputation but still having a 'soft'/deeper side). It gets more fun when I think of it: Tsutsumi, from what I can gather, is a tad renowned for playing loving fathers (whether they're perfect fathers depends on the character, but they all absolutely adore their kid/family- this might be the only time I've seen him play a father and he isn't doting on his kid, lmao). Yokoyama and Nagoshi are definitely masters at deciding who should play who and how to utilize their talents efficiently, and having prior knowledge to Tsutsumi's roles, I feel as though audience members would have been able to get a hint at Jo's whole character early on (just as RGG had capitalized on Takahashi's reputation) which I personally find to be a fun tidbit, if not just grateful that they chose such an excellent actor to play such an intricate character. Ergo, his ability to give 'deep' performances and have that sort of presence and give his character that type of atmosphere definitely helps enhance the human aspect of Jo's character.
It's a great blend into Jo's otherwise cold demeanor, and going off the idea that RGGJo was a combination of Masato and Jo, the decision to have Jo be a committed father to Masato (as much as he's allowed to be, anyhow) while Masato became the power-hungry villain (even if RGGJo's motivations were ironically centered around Arakawa succeeding moreover himself), it's somewhat of a roundabout way to have them still be connected: though they're not the same character anymore, there's that bond that keeps them stitched together that I find neat.
AND THANK YOU ABOUT MY TAGS I can't sugarcoat it, I'm not a very confident person, so I'm glad you've gleamed there's some validity to what I'm saying. And I'm glad you've expanded on not just Jo, but Arakawa's upbringing as well: though they both come from abusive homes, they do handle it differently, and I feel so blind for not even having wholly noticed it in how they react to Aoki- it's so brilliant I almost want to scream. It's a tragic irony that despite Jo resolving to not 'half-ass' things anymore and to face things head-on, to 'take responsibility', he incidentally falls back into trying to avoid the problem for as long as he can. It's poetic really, and I'm positively going to go insane over the fact.
#long post#fave#i AM faving all of these because any disucssion about jo/the arakawas is my favorite ☠️#snap chats#i'm still screaming about the parental bits at the end though like god how could i have been so blind.. thank you for pointing that out#it always fascinates me how abused kids turn out based on circumstances#I'm Rambling Again but i think arakawa got some benefit of his dad being there for him. until he died of course#even if kids come from broken homes so long as they have at least one positive adult figure in their life theyre likely to turn out alright#i guess 'alright' is subjective- i wouldnt exactly say becoming a yakuza leader is the most conventional lifestyle but hey what can you do#in any case jo's absolute abandonment certainly paved the way for- despite his wishes to reject it- him to fall back into being avoidant#ouugh that hits close to home im gonna throw up but its so also so good i love these details so much#also can we all ignore like. The Phat Chunk i dedicated to mr tsutsumi LMAO i really have become a fan of his work through all of this#AND I REPEAT HE IS SUCH A GOOD FIT FOR SAWASHIRO another role i can think of is mr tatsuya kanda from meishi game#he's more blatantly an antagonistic and selfish figure but we find out he's such an asshole because he's trying to make his daughter proud#so yeah definitely not mr tsutsumi's first time playing a dickish dad who loves his kid#i feel like im everywhere with this response ngl- im always so crummy with organizing my thoughts#but of course again thank you for writing in ! always fun reading your asks ^^#AND DEFINITELY THANK YOU FOR TAKING TIME TO DEDICATE TO THE WIKI i cant type enough o7's to convey that respect
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cosmicdream222 · 7 months
An interview with a shifter who has been “time leaping” since 2001
I found this website of an interview with a Japanese shifter known as Mr. Kanda. He figured out how to shift back in time when he was in middle school - he calls it “time leaping”.
The original website is in Japanese and can be found here.
Mr. Kanda was born in 1986, and around 2001 failed his high school entrance exam. Due to his intense regret, he shifted back in time to repeat middle school. He then made multiple time leaps repeating certain years of his life, studying different subjects in high school and pursuing different careers. At the time of the interview, he says he has lived about 70-80 years of life.
I translated some of the most interesting parts below.
Note: a Tulpa is a phenomenon that’s like an imaginary friend that actually becomes a sentient separate consciousness from you. It’s an entirely different rabbit hole, so you can just think of it as a dream character to understand his story.
My notes are written in [brackets].
Mr Kanda’s First Time Leap Story
Kanda: When I was meditating on my futon, I started to have a lucid dream.
At that time, Tulpa talked to me and said, "If you raise your clarity to the maximum in your dream, wouldn't it be possible to time leap, or even move around the world?" I tried it, but no matter how much I increased the clarity, it still felt like a dream.
So Tulpa said, "If you get absorbed in something you like, you won't be able to hear the voices around you, and your focus will gain momentum. You will eventually forget that you’re dreaming," so as a result of playing in the dreamworld, I spent about a week in a dream without knowing it.
At that time, I suddenly realized, "This is a dream", but I had already completely forgotten the feeling of the original world, and the dream world had become my new reality.
After thinking about why I didn't come back even though I realized it was a dream, the answer I came up with was, “It's because I completely lost my sense of the original world.”
To explain it another way, wouldn’t it be disorienting if I told you that the person you are right now is in a lucid dream of another person? That’s what it was like for me. My dream had actually become my reality, and I forgot about my old reality.
Q: What was the reason for your first time-leap?
Kanda: I think because something bad happened and I wanted to pretend it never happened.
The first time for me was probably a coincidence/accident. In fact, when I tried to do it again, I couldn't, so I started practicing with time leaps through lucid dreaming and meditation, and I got better at stabilizing and controlling them.
When people can’t do something, they hate it, but when they can do it, they love it. So once you succeed, even just once, your faith increases, and you know you can do it again!
Mr. Kanda’s Lucid Dreaming Method
Mr. Kanda recommends lucid dreams the most as a time-leap method. This is how he does it:
Before you go to sleep, first visualize in your head where you want to go. Then lie on your back and meditate. When you fall asleep, the images you were thinking about will run through your dreams. If you shift your consciousness to yourself in the dream, you will be able to act without being aware of what you are currently dreaming about.
In normal lucid dreaming, you become aware that you are dreaming right now [known as DILD or dream-induced lucid dream]. When trying to time-leap, the important thing is how much you can act in the dream in a way that is consistent with reality. He says it is important to “improve your clarity” to the point where it doesn’t feel like a dream anymore.
Mr. Kanda seems to be able to suddenly enter into a lucid dream from the moment he begins to sleep, [WILD - wake induced lucid dreaming] and he also teaches us how to do so:
First, relax.
In Kanda's case, he darkens his room 70 minutes before going to bed and drinks hot herbal tea. Adjust the temperature in the room to a comfortable level, then listen to some calming music. It's better to feel a little tired.
Once you get into bed, visualize and replay strong happy and positive memories in your mind. When you feel happy, close your eyes and calm down all at once and enter a meditative state.
Mr. Kanda recommends mindfulness meditation. Don't think about anything, just focus on the sound of your heart and breathing. When you successfully fall asleep from meditation, you are conscious but your body is asleep, and lucid dreaming begins.
Kanda meditates for 20 minutes every morning, not just when he wants to lucid dream. According to him, “conditioned reflexes” [creating habits] are important. By repeatedly performing a certain action, one eventually becomes able to enter that state without even trying.
Q: If the ‘you’ from another world were to time-leap to this world, what would happen to ‘you’ now?
Kanda: There seems to be a misunderstanding: there is only one consciousness.
Reality changes depending on where we place our consciousness in a world of infinite possibilities.
I do have consciousness in my other reality, but from the perspective of me in the current reality, it seems like I don't have consciousness.
In other words, my life in this other reality is as if it were controlled by a computer.
Of course, the same can be said for us. From the perspective of another reality’s consciousness, we too live our lives as if controlled by a computer.
In the end, even if consciousness from another reality shifts, the consciousness we see is always here. So no matter what they do, it has no effect on us.
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skippersthecat · 9 months
Because we all hate fandom wiki, here are the birthdays of every Saiki K. character that had one listed:
January 1: Mineo Nobuaki (Alphonse Calcifer Raiden)
January 4: Kumi Kouji
January 7: Azuma Muto
January 7: Kanda Pinsuke
January 8: Tadatsugu Takayuki
January 25: Satou Hiroshi
February 20: Masuda Shuuji
February 28: Makino Arisu
March 4: Teruhashi Makoto
March 7: Yokota Jaga
March 21: Saiko's Father
March 24: Saiki Kumi
March 25: Saiki Kumagoro
March 28: Morikawa Minoru
April 5: Nakamaru Kousaku
April 6: Mishima Nobuaki
April 9: Hanako (the tiger)
April 10: Shinoda Takeru
April 10: Makishima Seiya
April 13: Imu Rifuta
April 12: Takahashi
April 12: Koriki No. 2
April 15: Mera Chisato
April 24: Mikami Aiko
May 4: Tanaka Ichirou
May 9: Nendou Riki
May 9: Pushi (the cat)
May 13: Saiki Kuniharu
May 13: Busujima Susumu
May 13: Clairvoyance Mikiko
May 14: Saiki Kurumi
May 19: Kongou Tsuyoshi
June 3: Yuuta Iridatsu
June 11: Yumehara Chiyo
June 14: Kouki Sawakita
June 16: Saiki Kuusuke
June 18: Hairo Kineshi
June 19: Zolbe
June 27: Chouno Uryoko
June 29: Tanihara Kenji
July 12: Café Mami's Manager
July 12: Manabe Baiku
July 20: Akanishi Shinichi
July 23: Niwayama Kyuuji
July 29: Nakanishi Shinya
August 1: Kihachi Bunta
August 6: Teruhashi Kokomi
August 16: Saiki Kusuo
August 18: Haruno Akio
August 24: Murata Shuuji
August 28: Suzumiya Hii
August 29: Nishi Soujirou
September 2: Kuboyasu Aren
September 5: Akechi Touma
September 5: Takeuchi Riki
September 7: Aiura Mikoto
September 8: Saiko Metori
September 10: Toritsuka Reita
September 19: Oohori Kouichi
September 21: Matsuzaki
September 23: Soul Shout
September 26: Ikemi Kazuya (Michael)
October 3: Kaidou Shun
October 14: Mrs. Kaidou
October 14: Ooshima Yuuji
October 22: Kuramochi Shinsuke
October 31: Nendou Midori
November 10: Hotei Tomotaka
November 20: Takizawa Kazushi
November 29: Anpu
December 3: Itano Yoriko
December 13: Shima Kyouka
December 15: Honekawa Kinsuke
December 16: Matsuda Ippei
December 24: Onimatsu Gokuya
December 27: Sugiyama Haruo
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jeidafei · 2 years
Komui’s Lounge: Vol. 28 (Part 1/4)
(T/N: Big thanks to @candy-crackpot for the raws! This Lounge contains 20 questions in all. I've divided it into 4 parts for ease of reading and translating!)
Featuring: Reever, Lenalee, Allen, Lavi, Kanda
Lenalee: Good afternoon, everyone! As usual, my brother is nowhere to be found. I’m so, so sorry! Anyway, without further ado, we bring you the Komui’s Lounge corner!  
Allen: YES! I finally get to feature alongside Lenalee~!
Lenalee: Teehee. I’m so happy, too~! (Allen and Lenalee joining hands and squealing giddily in unison.)
Lavi: Yaaay! Me too~! (Reaches out)
*Thwack!!* (The SFX of Allen’s smiling smackdown)
Lavi: OW!!! That’s your left hand, Mr. Allen!! He literally just smacked me with Innocence!!
Reever: Oi, Allen. You can’t go slapping people with your left hand, you know?
(T/N: “Hear, hear!” said Mana.)
Allen: My apologies. I sensed ulterior motives from Lavi directed towards Lenalee and I just…
Kanda: All this noise. Would you shut your yammering already, you danged rabbit?
Reever: Aaah, the nostalgia (heartily). How long has it been since you four were last together like this?
Lavi: It seems we’ve received several requests along the lines of, “We want to see the four teens having fun together,” so Hoshino basically bankrupted herself to put this together as a huge fanservice.
Allen: So, it wasn’t because she couldn’t be bothered thinking up new cast combinations every single time…?
Lavi: That’s also highly possible.
Lenalee: Now that you’ve mentioned it, looks like the comic’s supervisor warned her in no uncertain tones to really, really, have the word count in mind when writing this time. One thing led to another and last time was a big no-no, as well…I guess we’ll have to be more mindful as we speak.
Reever: This is especially the case for you, Allen, Lavi. You two have a rich history of fooling about and wasting precious paper. And Kanda, you don’t fight with Allen, too, get it?
Kanda: What the—That’s up to Beansprout, isn’t it?
Allen: HUH!?
Reever: OI! (sweating) Come on! They’re really at our throats with the word count this time, so work with me, for heaven’s sake!
Q1: How popular is Section Chief Reever with the ladies of the Order, romantically?
Reever: Eh?
Lavi: Don’t “eh” us, Section Chief. Come on, man, get a grip!
Reever: Ah, nah. I was thinking it’s a question for Kanda or something…Huh? Me!? You’re talking to me? (sweating)
Kanda: Aren’t you overreacting?
Allen: Please, allow me! I know the answer! Section Chief Reever does have himself a fanclub!
Reever: WHAT!?!?!? (shock)
Lavi: For many a year, Jeryy was club president, and all was peaceful under his management. Then, everything changed when Bonnaire joined the club and began vying for the seat.
Lenalee: I’ve lost track of the number of times people ask me about Section Chief Reever, too. “Wonder if he has a girlfriend,” and all that jazz.
Allen: Well, I guess it’s to be expected. After all, unlike Lavi, Section Chief Reever is handsome and unmatched when it comes to trustworthiness…Wait. Mr. Reever? You’re spacing out.
Lavi: Oi, back the heck up! Didn’t you just diss me in passing?!
Reever: M-my bad…Never thought I’d have anything to do with this topic, after all. Ah, guess I’m hopeless…Also, Allen! Lavi! Haven’t I warned you to watch the idle chitchat?
Allen and Lavi: Ehehe.
Lenalee: So, now that we’ve breached the subject…Do you have a girlfriend, Section Chief? (smiling)
Reever: Whoa, what’s up, Lenalee? You look so happy all of a sudden (sweating).
Lenalee: Well, we’ve never chatted about your love life like this before. I don’t know, it just makes me happy. Soooo, do you have one? Do you? You wanna know, too, right Kanda?
Kanda: Whatever!
Reever: Ah, nah. Well, now I don’t…but I had a girlfriend, once. Right! And that brings us to the end of this discussion!! Moving on!
Allen and Lavi: Aaaaaaaaaawwww! That’s it!?
Reever: Yeah, yeah. Shut up, the lot of you!
Lenalee: ……
Kanda: What’s up, Lena?
Lenalee: Well, just now, he looked kinda sad for a second. So, I just thought, could it be that it ended tragically? Maybe I shouldn’t have asked in the first place.
Kanda: As if them scientists are the oversensitive type who’d be depressed over such things. Don’t you worry.
Q2: Since when did you develop such a huge appetite, Allen-kun? After all, you didn’t seem to eat all that much back in your circus days.
Allen: In my circus days, it’s more like they didn’t let me eat rather than me not eating of my own volition. Then, later, when I was travelling with Mana, we didn’t have much money, so I had no choice but to put up with it. I’ve only been able to eat my fill after Master took me on, and he wasn’t that surprised by my appetite.
Reever: Well, General Cross probably had known Parasitic type exorcists are voracious eaters, after all. And since you were starved like that at such a young age, it took a toll on your growth, didn’t it, Allen?
Allen: Hmm…Yes, I definitely was tiny back then. Although I did hit this growth spurt when I was around thirteen. What a relief it was. And, someday, I would surpass Kanda and Lavi, as well.
Kanda: Wha—Is that so, Beansprout?
Allen: Mwahahaha! How I look forward to the day I would look down upon you, Kanda.
Reever: Cut it out. You cut it out right there (sweating).
Lavi: Could be that Allen’s past trauma is the reason he’s so strongly fixated on food even before he became active as a Parasitic type.
Lenalee: The General made sure to let you eat as much as you needed, didn’t he?
Allen: Well, it wasn’t exactly Master who let me eat, actually…his lovers, more like. The good misses were all extremely wealthy, you see.
Lavi: Man, I’m jealous. The man was living the dream, he was.
Q3: Does Allen like Lenalee romantically? Or is she simply a dear friend?
(T/N—Aight I know I was screaming at Lenalee and Allen featuring together earlier but now I wish one of them wasn’t here because how would we get an honest reaction out of them both now come friggin’ on gaaaaaaaaaargh gurgle gurgle)
Reever: Oh, there’s also the same question for Lavi and Kanda in the pile as well. Alright, lads. Step right up and take turns enlightening us.
Allen: Y-ye-ye-ye-yes??? (Blushing deep red)
Lavi: Oi, Reever! How come you get to dodge this and we don’t, you cheater!!?
Kanda: What a load of bullsh*t……
Lenalee: I love all of you guys (T/N: Agh, f*** me dead, lass!). Aren’t you guys the same…?
Allen: Of course, I love you, Lenalee! You’re my beloved…family, after all. (T/N: After I’m done with this IMMA GO KILL YOU, HOSHINO!)
Lavi: M-m-me too! I love you, too!
Kanda: Ugh. More bullsh*t.
Reever: So, you guys don’t like her as a potential romantic partner?
Allen, Lavi and Kanda: NEXT!! NEXT QUESTION!!! (sweating)
Q4: What is Tyki’s type in women?
Allen and Lavi: THE HELL WE KNOW!!!
Kanda: Reever, choose decent questions, will you?
Reever: Nah. This isn’t me. Hoshino chose all these!
Allen: Whooooo~caaaaaares! Really...
Lavi: Wait, but isn’t he quite obsessed with Allen? Could it be that Allen’s his ty—(and that is when Allen let him have a whack on the dome)
Reever: Oi, oi. Don’t start fighting!
Lenalee: Huh…so, he considers Allen-kun his type?
Allen: No!!! Really! Screw-you-Lavi-you-arse-what-the-hell-did-you-go-blabbering-all-that-crap-for-Oi! (seething)
Lavi: Mr. Allen! Language! Language!
Allen: Lenalee, please! It’s really not like that! That curlyhead’s just your regular old pervert.
Lenalee: But, Allen-kun, you’re…you must know you’re an androgynous, gorgeous young man. That’s why I’m so, so worried right now. Allen-kun…promise me you’ll be careful, okay…?
Allen: Er...Urgh…Alright…(I’m-gunna-freaking-kill-Lavi…)
Lavi: Eep. I sense murderous intent from Alleeeen~
>> Part 2
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thefinalsnart · 1 year
Top 5 Link moments 👀
OH STELLA WHERE DO I BEGIN. I genuinely thought this would be easy but I had to go through and double check so many chapters, I ended up with double the amount of scenes and had to narrow it back down to just 5.
I haven't read the latest chapter yet but I know he's back again, so this might just have more tacked on later LMAO.
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5. Link Fighting the Akuma in Hearst Orphanage
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This was maybe the first time we got to see what Link could do, and where I really started to go "Now, who is this guy?" He only gets a couple licks in, but what he did for a 'civilian' was so impressive. I went with this page because the kick is just so incredible, and I love him talking about being a CROW-- "I have black wings." Love love love this whole scene.
(Also just before this, he carries Emilia and Timothy over his shoulder and jumps down a whole flight of stairs. That I didn't really remember until looking for these panels, but GOD does that really do it for me. Mr. Link please carry me over your shoulder like a bag of four.) 4. His 'Last Words'
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I don't have a lot to say about this one. I love how Link can be a little sassy on occasion, and I just love his bitchy smirk as he delivers his 'last words.' His death CRUSHED me, but I can't lie he really served here.
3. His Backstory and the Thirds
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I love love love not only Link, but the Third Exorcists as well. I wish we got to know more about them all. This also felt like such a sweet, rare little moment of Link opening up to Allen for once. Allen has talked to Link about Mana a bit at this point, but Link is still such a mystery. But it's also bittersweet! Kiredori and Goushi are dead, and they haven't a clue as to Tewaku, Tokusa, and Madaro's fates... In the pages before this Link has extra lines under his eyes, has he been sleeping? Has he been crying? I just love him so much. I hope someone asks about the Thirds in a discussion room one day so we might learn more about them and Link.
2. Link's Inner Conflict
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First of all, this page is GORGEOUS. His expression, the tattoo in full view. But I love this scene because we start to see some more character development in Link. He's always been one to follow orders, and we see him wrestling with these decisions and the consequences they might have. He wants to save Allen, but Lvellie is pulling him to Nea. Who will he choose? I just love a character whose faith gets challenged. What are you going to do Link?
1. Link's Return from the Dead
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Alternatively titled "Link's First Smile." I lost my MIND when he was revealed to be alive. And then he shows up in thigh highs and a slutty little turtleneck? The audacity. But what I love about this is that he's smiling. Even if it's just a ruse for Kanda, this is one of if not the first time we see Link smile? In one of the discussion rooms I believe Allen comments on how he always tried to get Link to laugh or smile, but he never could. As much as I love this scene, truly a Cunt vs Cunt moment, it also stresses me out so much. Link what do you have planned? Where will this lead him? Will you ever be free of Lvellie? Do you even want to be free of Lvellie?
He tortures me. I love him so much and he tortures me!!
Bonus: I'll leave you with Link's sexy little Artificial Exorcist Arc outfit
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Also thank you so much to the website d-gray-man-manga for all the pages! I went through their translations/scans to jog my memory and grab these panels.
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dread-red-queen · 4 months
🚫 Do Not Re-Upload/Edit My Shots/Art Without My Permission🚫
---💲Commissions Open for Virtual Photography & AMM Presets💲---
💲Commissions open for fan art of your ocs/fave NPC/characters💲
-------------📋𝕄𝔸𝕊𝕋𝔼ℝ 𝕃𝕀𝕊𝕋📋------------
----------------🖋️𝒢𝑜𝓇𝑜 & 𝑅𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓃 𝐹𝒶𝓃 𝐹𝒾𝒸𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝑀𝒶𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉🖋️-----
Impressions Blood In The Boardroom Present & Future
----------------------🖋️𝐿𝑜𝓃𝑔-𝐹𝒾𝒸 𝒩𝑜 𝑅𝑒𝓁𝒾𝒸 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓃𝒹𝒶𝓁𝑜𝓃𝑒🖋️----------
Arasaka Stud - Chapter List
--------------------------------🖋️𝒱𝒶𝓂𝓅𝒾𝓇𝑒 𝒜𝒰🖋️----------------------
Dark Tower - (Chapter list)
Mecha Under My Skin Our Little Secret
Control Private Dance
Soft Prompt 14 Soft Prompt 21
--------------------📷𝒢𝑜𝓇𝑜 & 𝑅𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓃 𝒫𝒽𝑜𝓉𝑜 𝒮𝓉𝑜𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓈📷---------------
Wedding proposal Wedding Honeymoon
The Virgin Flatliner Dress Break Time at Arasaka
The Stolen Shirt Relaxing in an Onsen An Intimate moment
Vacation Mission Briefing The Crash First Meetings
The Body Pillow Present & Future Finale
Blood In The Boardroom - Recognisance Mission
Coffee Date Romantic Date The Dark Tower  The Library
Welcome To The Wasteland Interrupting The Cook
----------------💗𝒢𝑜𝓇𝑜 & 𝑅𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓃 𝑅𝑒𝓁𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓅 𝓈𝓉𝓊𝒻𝒻💗-----------
Relationship Card Kissing Booth Relationship lore
-----------------------🎨𝒢𝑜𝓇𝑜 & 𝑅𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓃 𝒜𝓇𝓉🎨-------------------------
Valkyrie Raven & Goro
Under The Moon - Goro & Raven
--------------------------------🎨𝒢𝑜𝓇𝑜 𝒜𝓇𝓉🎨---------------------------
Stripping Vampire Goro Belt Buckle Yakuza Goro Suit Goro
Tattooed Goro Goro as Rome Kanda Goro's dinner date suit
Shower Time Goro more tattoo Goro Open Shirt Arasaka Stud
---------------------------🎨𝑅𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓃 𝒜𝓇𝓉🎨------------------------------
Vampire Raven Raven in the leaves Ravens Netrunner Suit
-----------------🖳𝑀𝓎 𝒜𝑀𝑀 𝒫𝓇𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓉𝓈 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝒫𝒽𝑜𝓉𝑜𝓂𝑜𝒹𝑒🖳--------------
Arasaka Medical Facility Spec-ops & Security Office
Japanese onsen Training Dojo
---------------------------🖳 𝒪𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝑀𝑜𝒹𝓈🖳-------------------------------
Goro Should Be A Romance Option T-shirt Dreads T-shirts
Meme T-shirt Collection Even more T-shirts
Arasaka Stud - Mr Stud Advert Replacer
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L'AUTOMNEの神田さんから頂いたシェクルローズ。 先日、東京に来てた母にプレゼントしてきました。 LOUDNESSの高崎さん経由でKillerから紹介して頂いた、L'AUTOMNEの神田さんのスイーツはいつも最高に美味しいです。 ありがとうございます、神田さん。 I received  a rose en sucre from Mr. Kanda from L'AUTOMNE. I gave it to my mother who came to Tokyo the other day.
I was introduced to these sweets made by Mr. Kanda for L’AUTOMNE by Killer (bass) thanks to LOUDNESS' Mr. Takasaki, and they are always the most delicious ones. Thank you, Mr. Kanda.
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saotome-michi · 9 months
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Ao ni Fureru (Seeing Blue) by Suzuki Nozomi
Aoyama Ruriko, a second-year in high school, was born with a condition called "Nevus of Ota", which manifests as a large, blue birthmark on her face. She has lived her life trying to not make a big deal out of it, but can't help but be conscious of how people regard her. One day, Ruriko finds a notebook belonging to her new homeroom teacher, Mr. Kanda. Inside are all of her classmates' names and their distinguishing physical features. However, Ruriko notices that the space next to her own name is inexplicably blank. When she confronts her homeroom teacher, Ruriko discovers that Mr. Kanda lives with prosopagnosia, more popularly known as "face blindness" -- a disorder which prevents him from being able to make sense of and distinguish the human face.
I am being serious when I say that this was one of my favorite works of manga I read in 2023 and definitely my favorite romance of the year. I was instantly hooked by the premise; on one side, you have a girl whose face is visibly different from others and is self-conscious due to the different treatment she gets from the people around her; and on the other side, you have a man who has an invisible disability that makes it difficult for him to tell faces apart, and who struggles immensely to make sure it doesn't impact his career and his life. Like just tell me that that isn't an interesting set-up, I dare you. I've only read 18 chapters, but so far the execution is more than meeting my expectations. The two leads are well developed and endearing, and the connection they form through their similar struggles over being different is just beautiful to see.
Now, from the summary you may have gathered that this contains teacher-student romance. As of ch 18, Ruriko has a crush on Kanda, and there are signs of Kanda feeling the same, but it's not guaranteed that they will end up together. That being said, even if you do dislike teacher-student romances, I still ask that you give this manga a try, because the relationship between the two leads is just so heartwarming and I think a lot of people can appreciate the thought and care put into the depiction of disabilities and mental illness in this story.
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iamyme · 7 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
@dual-domination tagged me. Thank u! It was really fun
3 ships you like: I started thinking about this one and I realized that I have away less ships that I actually engage with than I thought, but, Shen Wei x Zhao Yulan (my currently obsession), Andrew x Neil from All for the Game (love love love them) and Aziraphale x Crowley from Good Omens.
First ship ever: God, this one bring *so* many memories hahah it was Mu x Aolia and Milo x Camus from Saint Seiya. Ironically, I never read the manga or watched the anime, I just found one day and randomly strated reading the fics, after that I read/watched The Lost Canvas and it was that. And from something that I *have* actually readed/watched: Kanda Yu x Allen Walker from D.Grey-man.
Last song you heard: To Well by Reneé Rapp
Favourite childhood book: "Um trem de janelas acesas", " A fada que tinha ideias" and "Loló Barnabé". "Loló Barnabe" was the first "real" book with lots of words that I got to read (I thought I was so grown up at the time hahah) and to this day is a favourite. It is the only one of the three that I don´t have anymore though :(
Currently reading: Catched up with the translation of "Lie Huo Jiao Chou" (and now I am suffering wainting) by Priest, started reading "Mrs Dalloway" by Virginia Woolf, and in the midlle of "Capitães de Areia" by Jorge Amado.
Currently watching: Just finished Hotel Hazbin (loved it), and gotta finish The Favourite By Yorgos Lanthimos that I paused yesterday.
Currently consuming: Right now? Water.
Currently craving: Chocolate. And brownies.
tagging @kebriones @robininthelabyrinth @lunarriviera
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allen-san · 1 year
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Type : Yaoi
Genre : Action - Lemon - Aventure
Couple : Allen x Kanda .
Ame sensible ou homophobe s'abstenir
Cela à commencer pendant une mission comme une autre; Allen, Kanda, Lenalee ainsi qu'un Finder étaient à Albuquerque pour trouver une Innocence. Ils avaient réussi à avoir une chambre dans un petit hôtel de la ville et avait cherché l'Innocence toute la journée chacun de son côté.
La nuit arrivée, tout le monde étaient rentré à l'hôtel sauf Allen. - Lenalee, Où est Moyashi ? Demanda Kanda. - On a rencontré des Akuma pendant notre recherche et Allen-kun m'a demandé de revenir avant lui. - Tch ! Quel idiot ! . Quelques minutes plus tard Allen arriva la joue droite en sang . - Mr Walker ! Cria le Finder. Vous allez bien ? . - Oui je vais bien Hiroki. Rassura le blandinet. Kanda s'approcha de celui-ci et l'attrapa par le col de sa tenue. - Tu était censé être sous la surveillance de Lenalee, alors pourquoi l'avoir retiré du combat ?. - Je sais très bien combattre tout seul. - Vraiment ?. - Kanda s'il te plaît lâche-le. Fit la jeune fille. C'est entièrement ma faute, j'aurais dû rester. - Peu importe. Dit le brun en lâchant Allen. Demain j'irai avec lui et Lenalee ira avec le Finder. - D'accord . Dit-elle. - Je prend le premier tour de garde avec Hiroki. Annonça Allen.
Dans l'hôtel alors que Hiroki commençait à s'endormir dans la chambre d'Allen, Kanda arriva et le congédia. - Tu es venu me surveiller ou pour me remplacer ?. - Selon toi . - Le 14ème ne c'est pas encore montré et je trouve ça vraiment énervant. - Tu sais que tu es mignon quand tu t'énerve ?.Demanda Kanda avec une voix suave. - Qu...Quoi ?!. S'exclama le blandinet avec stupéfaction . - Tu devrais soigner cette blessure à la joue. Lui dit-il en la lui caressant. - Mais qu'est-ce qui te prend Kanda ?! . Celui-ci lui agrippa la tête et la rapprocha afin de l'embrasser. Cela surpris Allen mais il ne résista pas, puis Kanda lâcha les lèvres de son compagnon . - Ose me dire que cela t'a déplu Moyashi . Lui susurra-t-il. Le blandinet se mit à rougir et le Kendoka ne lui laissa pas le temps de répondre, lui prenant amoureusement ses lèvres; puis le baiser s'intensifia, Allen senti alors quelque chose d'humide entrer dans sa bouche à la recherche de sa jumelle. Ils s'enlacèrent tendrement. Alors que leur baiser devenait sulfureux, Kanda commença à vouloir déshabiller son amant lorsqu'ils entendirent un bruit qui venait de l'autre côté de la porte .Les deux Exorcistes s'arrêtèrent dans leurs mouvements. - Allen-kun tu es encore là ? Je suis venue relever Kanda . Cria Lenalee avant d'entrer et les trouver tout deux . - Je n'avais pas sommeil, alors Kanda est venu me surveiller. Mais je pense maintenant que je vais me coucher. - Je vais le suivre pour continuer la surveillance . Annonça Kanda . - Ok, dans ce cas je monte la garde extérieur seule . Bonne nuit tout les deux . Leur dit-elle doucement . - Bonne nuit . Lui répondit Allen .
Le lendemain .
- Kanda derrière toi ! . Cria Allen. - Mugen !! . L'Akuma de niveau 2 fût taillé en pièce par le Kendoka . - Il en reste d'autres ? . Demanda-t-il . - Non c'était le dernier qui restait . - Aaaah! Oh mon Dieu !! Hurla une femme non loin d'eux. Mais qu'est-ce que c'est que cet oeil ?!! . Tout de suite, Allen cacha son oeil avec sa main gauche. - Euh ... Ecoutez Mme, ce n'est rien, c'est tout à fait normal si je puis dire ... - Normal ? Normal ?!. -Moyashi, regarde ce qu'elle tient . En effet, elle avait à la main une dague dont on ressentait le pouvoir de l'Innocence. - Une compatible. Dit Allen en enlevant sa main de son œil, celui-ci s'étant enfin calmé et revenu à la normale. - Mais qui êtes-vous bon sang ?!. Et qu'avez-vous fait à ces créatures ?! Lança-t-elle. Nous sommes des Exorcistes, des hommes au service du Vatican et utilisant un pouvoir Divin nommé Innocence, que d'ailleurs vous possédez aussi. Lui annonça Lenalee . - C'est n'importe quoi !! . - Activation de l'Innocence ! Cria Allen . - V.. Vôtre bras !. Qu... Que lui est-il arrivé ? . - J'ai activé mon Innocence, c'est elle qui me permet de battre ces créatures que l'on nomme Akuma . - Je ne comprends pas . -Moyashi, emmenons-là à l'hôtel . - Oui tu as raison. Suivez-nous s'il vous plaît.
Une fois à notre hôtel, les trois Exorcistes apprirent qu'elle s'appelait Rose, son histoire et en retour lui parlèrent des Akuma ainsi que du monde sombre des Exorcistes. Cela accompli, les compagnons rentrèrent à la Congrégation avec leur nouvel amie. - Bon retour chers Exorcistes. - Nous sommes rentrés Grand-Frère ! . - Je vois que vous avez trouver une compatible, c'est très bien . Les félicita Komui . - Oui, elle est de Type Equipement . - C'est fort bien, enchanté, je me nomme Komui Lee et je suis le Grand-Intendant de la Congrégation . - Enchantée, mon nom est Rose Cabera. - Je te souhaite la bienvenue Rose ! . Bien, suis-moi je te prie, quand à vous Exorcistes et Finder vous pouvez disposer, Kanda, tu me fera un rapport plus tard dans la journée . - Très bien . - A plus tard Grand-Frère ! . Fit Lenalee. - A pluuuuuus tarrdd Lenaleeeee !! Tu va me manqueeeeeeeer !!!!! .
Les trois amis se séparèrent et se retrouvèrent, sauf Kanda qui mangeais toujours seul, le soir lorsque était venue l'heure de manger. Leur ami Lavi se joignit à eux et parlèrent de leur mission respective. Plus tard, Kanda alla trouver Allen qui ranger son plat et lui demanda discrètement à l'oreille de le rejoindre plus tard dans sa chambre. Allen, gêné, déglutit difficilement et avoua aux deux autres qu'il était fatigué, il fit alors semblant d'aller se coucher , puis alla rejoindre son amant. " Toc, toc " . - Te voilà enfin Moyashi. Fit le Kendoka en lui ouvrant la porte et en s'approchant de lui. - Mon nom c'est Allen !. - Tu es vraiment irrésistible lorsque tu t'énerves. Kanda lui prit tendrement la main et l'attira vers sa chambre, ils commencèrent par s'asseoir sur le lit et le brun pris l'initiative .
* Lemon .
Les lèvres du Kendoka alla sur celles du blandinet et leurs langues entrèrent en contact, tournant et retournant dans leur bouche. Kanda commença à déshabiller son amant, ainsi que lui-même. Alors que celui-ci baisait le cou d'Allen, ses mains touchèrent le torse du blandinet, celui-ci sentit le désir monter en lui; puis le brun se mit à titiller de ses doigts le téton gauche de son compagnon, ce qui eut pour effet de faire gémir Allen. Les baiser du bruns descendirent et se dirigèrent vers le téton, il se mit alors à le lécher goulûment . Allen rougissait de plus en plus et le désir était de plus en plus fort. C'est alors que la main du Kendoka s'immisça dans la partie la plus au Sud du jeune homme qui se mit à gémir de plus belle. -K..Kanda ! Fit-il dans un souffle. Pas là.. Mais celui-ci n'écouta pas et se mit à faire des va-et-vient. La respiration d'Allen était saccadée, ne pouvant plus supporter pour très longtemps le désir de la chair qui grimper en flèche. Kanda délaissa le téton pour aller saisir à pleine bouche le membre de son amant. C'était fini, la goutte d'eau qui fait déborder le vase, il ne pouvait plus tenir et laissa éclater ce qui bouillonnait en lui, un liquide blanchâtre apparu et Kanda se réjouit de le voir enfin venir. Il continua à lécher avec délectation le membre d'Allen et chercha l'entrée de son intimité avec ses doigts. -K...Kanda !!! . S'essouffla le jeune homme. Il lâcha le membre du blandinet avec un sourire en coin. - Je l'ai trouvé. - Hein ?!. - Prépare-toi, je vais " entrer ". Allen sentit alors une chose aller dans son intimité dans un mouvement lascif et tendre. Kanda se pencha et embrassa à nouveau son amant . Au fur et à mesure le brun accéléra, ses coups de reins se faisant sentir, il entendait Allen jouir de plaisir
* Fin du Lemon .
Lorsque ils eurent fini leurs ébats, Kanda murmura un " je t'aime Allen " au creux de l'oreille de celui-ci puis s'endormit de fatigue.
Le lendemain matin.
- Bonjour Allen. - Bonjour Kanda .Susurre-t-il. - Comment tu vas ? Pas trop mal ?. - Si un peu, il faut avouer que tu as été plutôt brusque cette nuit. Avoua le blandinet, rouge comme une tomate. - En effet ... Excuse-moi. Le silence s'installa. - Tu sais ce qui est vraiment dommage ?. Allen ne répondit pas . - C'est qu'on ne pourra pas montrer notre amour aux autres . - Oui, on sera obliger de faire comme cette nuit et se voir dans ta chambre ... Dans la mienne ça sera impossible, je peut échapper à Link mais pas faire des choses de ce genre avec lui à côté ... D'ailleurs, il va bientôt se réveiller et commencer à me chercher, je ferais bien d'y aller . - En effet, nous devrons agir ainsi à chaque fois . Allen eu un regard triste et parut démoralisé. - Ne t'inquiète pas, Le rassura Kanda en lui caressant doucement la joue. Nous pourrons toujours êtres ensemble et je profiterais de chaque occasion où nous serons seuls pour t'embrasser comme je vais le faire maintenant . Il prit les lèvres de son compagnon et joignit leur langue . - Je t'aime Allen et rien ni personne ne m'empêchera de ressentir cela. Ils s'embrassèrent langoureusement de nouveau, puis Kanda s'habilla et demanda à Allen d'attendre quelques minutes après son départ avant de faire de même. Cela fait, la vie reprit son cours et les amants firent ce qu'ils s'étaient promis ce matin-là, ne s'embrassant seulement qu'une fois de temps en temps lorsqu'ils étaient sûrs et certains d'être seuls dans une pièce ou au dehors lorsqu'ils étaient en mission .
Voilà, c'est un One-shot Yullen que j'ai écrit il y à hyyyyyyper longtemps lol et que je réécris ici en l'ayant un peu amélioré ( sauf les fautes, je ne suis pas très bonne ... ) . Qu'en pensez-vous ? .
PS : j'avais écrit cet article en 2017 et ça faisait déjà hyper longtemps que l'avais inventé, alors maintenant elle est encore plus ancienne XD
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wahwealth · 3 months
John Howard, John Barrymore | Bulldog Drummond's Revenge (1937) Adventure Mystery
Bulldog Drummond's Revenge is a 1937 US adventure mystery movie.  The film was directed by Louis King, produced by Stuart Walker, and written by Edward T. Lowe Jr. and Herman C. McNeile.  The stars are John Howard and John Barrymore.   Captain Hugh "Bulldog" Drummond is a British officer who, while driving with his friend Algy Longworth and valet Tenny, is the first to find a mysterious suitcase parachuted from an aircraft above.  The suitcase was jettisoned minutes before the plane crashed. The case contains the highly explosive chemical hexanite, the plans for which have been stolen. Despite the urging of his fiancee Phyllis Claverling, Drummond is dragged into the mystery surrounding the whole affair, traveling by both train and ship to recover the formula. Cast John Barrymore as Col. J.A. Nielson John Howard as Capt. Hugh Chesterton 'Bulldog' Drummond Louise Campbell as Phyllis Clavering Reginald Denny as Algy Longworth E. E. Clive as "Tenny" Tennison Frank Puglia as Draven Nogais Nydia Westman as Gwen Longworth Robert Gleckler as Hardcastle Lucien Littlefield as Mr. Smith John Sutton as Jennings, Nielson's Secretary Miki Morita as Sumio Kanda Benny Bartlett as Cabin Boy Matthew Boulton as Sir John Haxton Never miss a video. Join the channel so that Mr. P can notify you when new videos are uploaded: https://www.youtube.com/@nrpsmovieclassics
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petnews2day · 3 months
A Man & His Cat Volume 11 Review • Anime UK News
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/62iBs
A Man & His Cat Volume 11 Review • Anime UK News
When we first met retired concert pianist Fuyuki Kanda, he had recently become a widower and – because his late wife Suzune loved cats – he decided to adopt Fukumaru, an exotic shorthair kitten. Since then, Mr. Kanda has become a complete convert to being a cat owner and has found many other allies among […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/62iBs #CatsNews
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chisaiyume · 5 months
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Title: Kore ga Koi!
Author: Kanda Neko
Genre: Comedy, Gender Bender, Romance, Yaoi
Synopsis[baka-updates]: College student Hiroki Tahara loses a game and has to walk to the store in drag. On his way there he gets accosted by a drunk, but scary-faced teacher Mr. Kuga saves him! Mr. Kuga looks grumpy, but he's actually nice. Hiroki's intrigued… This volume contains three extra short comics: There's a tale of puppy love between two flamboyant high schoolers! And of a handsome young man who finds out his cute lover wants to be on top! Finally, a college student is reunited with a childhood friend who's been harboring a secret crush on him all this time…
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maguro13-2 · 6 months
Demons Unleashed ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Gaiden Pt.7
Lenalee Lee : Come on, you bastards of the night. I am an almighty powerful God with this muscular body and I'm also an exorcist, which is why I am not afraid to going to use it.
Maka : This could get really messy here!
Moirai : I agree. I'm hope i'm not sure if we could withdraw from this monster fest.
Lenalee Lee : Alright, creatures of the night. Prepare to get your butt...
(sounds of the Dark Gaia minions getting beaten up)
Lenalee Lee : Kicked?
(the Dark Gaia Minions disappeared after being beaten up by a hedgehog-turned werewolf)
Lenalee Lee : Hey, who's idea was it to interrupt the fight?
Allen : Hey, I think those weird nightmare fellas were beaten up by this other monster guy? I don't think halloween didn't started just yet. Hey, Werewolf guy! Lenalee Lee the so-called almighty God of Fitness has a few words for you.
Lenalee Lee : (clears throat) As the almighty God of Fitness, I have owe you my gratitude for stopping evil creatures that tried to threaten us and you have shown your purpose. I would like have a few words with you...(with a kawaii face) Thanks for saving my life. Mr. Monster guy!
Maka : Eh? Mr. Sonic, is that you?
Lenalee Lee : Ehh, what did you say? Who's Mr. Sonic?
Sonic : (growling like a werewolf)
Allen : Uhh, guys?
Kanda : What is it, man?
[vs. Titan & Big Mother - Kenichi Tokoi]
Allen : I think we should step back from this guy.
Sonic (as a Werehog) : (growling furiously)
Allen : DUCK! (the group evades the attack)
Lenalee Lee : What's gotten into this guy!? Why is this video game character attacking us!?
Maka Albarn : Mr. Hedgehog, What are you doing!? I mean, Mr. Sonic! It's me, Maka! Don't you remember! Hey, what's with all that extra fur on his body? Those spikey shoes, those claws, and those sharp teeth...WITH FANGS!? Did the Wolfman named Free did this to you!? I'm gonna get to the bottom of this!
Kanda : Whatever it is, somebody stop that thing!
Allen : I have no idea how that thing appeared in the night! That's the world's greatest mascot, ain't it?
Kanda : When did something happened to this speedster?
Maka Albarn : What are the odds? Am I seeing this, or this is some newly weird halloween trick? But it's too early trick-or-treat.
Lenalee Lee : Hey, Maka! I gotta finally figured what caused this blue hedgehog to turn into a Werewolf! It's confirmed from the satellite in the Sonic universe that happened after the Black Knight story.
Maka Albarn : What's confirmed from Sonic's World?
Lenalee Lee : It's a picture of his world being like this! It's core has been unveiled! It originated from the disaster of his world that took place tens of thousands of years ago!
Maka Albarn : What do you mean by that, Jumper. Oh no...
Moirai Albarn : Is that...?
Maka Albarn : It can't be! (the picture of Sonic's world is shown on her cell phone, as the planet it broken into seven pieces revealing it's core] Something must've happened to Planet Mobius! That's what caused Sonic to turn into a Werewolf! Hey, Sonic! It's me! Maka! The Girl you've known before as the one who was mistaken for my crimes! Remember, who I am!
Sonic (as a Werehog) : (growls angrily) Ma...ka!
*Image flashing*
Jet : a 14 year-old girl name Maka Albarn was framed for the attacks on the American and of course for Tokyo itself.
*image flashes back*
Sonic (as a Werehog) : GRRAAAAAGHHHH!
Kanda : Alright, fur ball! You wanna play fetch? I'll play fetch with you! Hey, Wolfy! Fetch this! (tries to attack Sonic with a counter strike, but he jumps to avoid) Hey, no fair!
Sonic (as a Werehog) : HRRRAAAAAAGGGHHH!
*DBZ/One Piece SFX : Wall Hit/Crash+Explosion*
Lenlee Lee : Darn! This wolfy pack of arms is too fast and too strong! What's making the blue hedgehog to turn into into a...*Gasped* I get it! It was about something from tens of thousands of years ago in Sonic's world. His forefathers heard the the disaster that caused Planet Mobius to break into seven pieces, separating the two separate entities that became those gods as well, Light and Dark Gaia. Light Gaia was chosen Illumina to become the first ever mobian God to protect Mobius from The End that created it's deadly counterpart, the counterpart that we all known is the demon of the Planet's core, Dark Gaia. But unknown to the two gaia's, Dark Gaia himself spreaded his powers on the Hedgehog clan and were transformed into creature that combines the DNA of Hedgehog and Werewolf, the mobians calls these vicious creatures called "Werehogs". The Werehogs are the transformation of Hedgehogs that the have ability to strech arms and can use their claws as weapons for hunting!
Maka Albarn : Smart idea, Lenalee! I believed that it was someone who stolen a manuscripts from an old man named Professor Pickles and I realized that his Werehog DNA flows within his body! And the minions from Dark Gaia were it's spawns that spreaded over Mobius!
Lenalee Lee : Good thinking! I got it! (Allen holds Sonic from behind) Don't worry, buddy! I am an exorcist and I here to work on a cure for ya!
Allen : Do something while I'm holding him down!
Lenalee Lee : Prayers, give me strength! Let this divine beast turn him back to the way he was!
*DBZ/One Piece SFX : Finger Beam Charging*
Lenalee Lee : With this power from the light, I shall turn you back to the way you were. So then...DIVINE BEAST, TURN YOURSELF BACK FROM THIS CURSE! HAAAAAAH!
*DBZ/One Piece SFX : Grab+Energy Powering up*
Sonic (as a Werehog) : [screaming] GAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!
Lenalee Lee : Yes! I got you handed! You will never escape from the might of Lenalee Lee!
Maka Albarn : Alright! It's working!
Moirai Albarn : Way to Lenalee!
Lenalee Lee : No probs, ladies! An exorcist knows how to fight demons, vampires, ghouls, and werewolves! And I know to put this puppy on a leash! So stand back while me and Allen would make turn back into the world's fastest hedgehog again!
Allen : You don't say!
[Leo Leo! - Akihiro Honda]
Sonic (as a Werehog) : (howling)
Lenalee Lee : What the--!? Hey, it cancelled my finishing move! What gives!?
Sonic (as a Werehog) : You think that you're gonna take me down with that kind of attack as an exorcist. Nice try, but I do not like to be taken care of by a Jumper like you! I won't go easy on you if you really wanna fix me! I said I don't need light, I can control both Day and Night by myself!
Lenalee Lee : Hey, is it just me, or does his voice sound familiar?
Sonic (as a Werehog) : And now, it's light's out for you, girlie!
Lenalee Lee : Not on my watch! Feel the power of KAMI!
Lenalee Lee : Let me guess. Someone broke the planet, the planet of your world.
Sonic (As a Werehog) : It was Eggman! He lured me into a trap while I was saving the day on stopping his armada one last time in space! Before he could make an instellar amusement park by the year 2010, he pretends that he could surrender like Dr. Wily was and traps with a mysterious device that triggered the activation of a giant laser cannon that he built. So he drained the emeralds power, broke the planet into pieces, and I became the creature of what has ancestor became, the Werehog! Mystery solved, ain't it?
Lenalee Lee : Your arch-nemesis did this? Why am I not surprised. It would've been a shocking truth that your arch-enemy turned you into a wolf! That makes sense!
Sonic (As a Werehog) : But I wasn't destined to be in this form if it hadn't been for you girls.
Lenalee Lee : Trust me on this one and you will set free looking into truth.
Sonic (as a Werehog) : Will see about that! Hope you getting your salad tossed, causing it's shredding time! (Does the spin claw attack)
Lenalee Lee : I can't even dodge an attack like this!
Lenalee Lee : Allen!
Allen : WOLF SCRATCH!!! Don't worry, I have a Kingdom Hearts' Logic System! I haven't been using this since I bleeded out for action! Curaga! (heals himself) Heh! Too easy for me!...Huh? Did he just scratched me or did he just ripped my...*MGS SFX : EXCLAMATION MARK*
Allen : That was my favorite pair of (in slow-motion) CLOOOOOOOTHES!!!
Computer Voice : Conflict Resolved.
Sonic (as a Werehog) : You're pretty good. But right now, this fight between Cats and Dogs is over! See ya! (uses his stretching powers to leave)
Lenalee Lee : Hey, Mr. Hedgehog! Wait! Mr. Hedgehog...Come back.
Maka : He'll probably wake up somehow.
Moirai : For now.
Kanda : Oh man, Adam. Look what he did to your favorite pair of clothes.
[Crush the Game - Yutaka Minobe]
Allen : Darn it! How can a video game character turn into a Wolf? A hedgehog turns into a Werewolf? What kind of lame joke is that? It doesn't matter, I am going to get someone for ruining my favorite pair of clothing if it's the last thing I do! This time I'm gonna...(Lenalee pulls her ear) Ow! Ow! Ow! What are you doing!? That's smarts!
[A New Journey - Takahito Eguchi]
Lenalee Lee : I suggesting that we are leaving! We'll have to get you new pair of clothes. Thank you if you don't mind! (sees the sun rising meaning it's morning time) Oh, would you look at that? Sunrise. Well, I guess it's too early to say Good Morning.
Kanda : It's about damn time since that furball attacked us. Looks like we gotta get moving. Come on, you guys. Let's get back to Shounen Jump, our author is awaiting for us at the hospital.
Allen : Could you at least let go of me? I really need to get my hearings cleaned out. It really strings
Maka : You're more than to welcome to stay with us. Aren't you gonna come back to this place and feel free to visit us anytime.
Lenalee Lee : Of course, I will remind that. If I promise to stay at this town, but we gotta go. Our friends needs us. (releases Allen)
Allen : Owie, Lena...That's gotta sting. Just before you know it, I'm gonna get an ice pack for you damaging it. You had to get my gears pulling out. (allen and his group leaves, but Lenalee stops)
Lenalee : Hey, Maka.
Maka : ?
Lenalee : Take care!
Maka : Same here. (firmly handshakes)
Lenalee : No matter what the dangers lies within us, I'll be there for ya!
"Only a Kami itself can reign over Demons with power. They're nothing without this beautiful body of mine. A body that is the supreme being of Kami."
~ Stage 7 : Werehog Unleashed! ~
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jeidafei · 2 years
Komui's Lounge: Vol. 28 (Part 4/4)
>> Part 1
>> Part 2
>> Part 3
Q16: I would like to know if Hoshino-sensei ever felt super hyped while drawing a scene?
Hoshino: Lavi’s “Infinite Flame!! (火加減無し!!)” scene (vol.13)
(T/N: Lavi vs Road battle, below)
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Lavi: Whoa! Hoshino just popped outta nowhere!
Allen: Goes to show we’re already screwed in regards to the word count, I guess.
Hoshino: If you know, then watch it!
Reever: She was also pretty hyped during Krory’s “I don’t need no coffin” scene, as well (Vol.11). (T/N: Krory vs Jasdevi battle. Thanks @looniecartooni for the raw!)
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Q17: So Jasdevi has been called “monster” before?
Lenalee: Krory did mention them when we had a tea party some time ago. “Those Noah twins and I, we’re similar, so I have this feeling we’d meet again someday,” he said. I guess he must have been thinking what you’re thinking at some point.
Lavi: They’re weirdly simple-minded for their age. I guess it’s possible they’re nursing a wound in their heart.
Q18: Are there ever instances where a new accommodator eventually appeared for the Innocence shards of exorcists who died in the line of duty?
Reever: Yeah. Loads of them, in fact. Next!
Lavi: That was quick!
Allen: Mr. Reever, are they that strict about the word count limit this time?
Reever: The designer’s already at their limit from the looks of it, Allen. Whether we get to do this Lounge again next volume could depend on this!
Q19: Does Fo consume human food?
Allen: Fo doesn’t eat anything. That’s what I’ve heard back at the Asian Branch.
Lavi: Aaah, the Asian Branch’s Guardian Deity system is so interesting, really. Even Bookmen of old regarded the Chang Clan as a subject requiring special attention. Any clues on why they had their guardian deity take the form of a young lady?
Allen and Lenalee: Eh? No.
Kanda: …Didn’t Branch Head Bak’s great-grandfather who created the Guardian Deity system have it take the form of his late daughter?
Lavi: Wait, so Yu knew!
Reever: Who have you heard that from, Kanda?
Kanda: Alma said so.
Q20: A question for Allen-kun! If Kanda and General Cross were drowning in a river and you could save only one, whom would you save?
Reever: Al~righty!! Let’s wrap it up with this question.
Lavi: Welp, can’t be helped!! Welp, can’t be helped!! (T/N: Try reading it with a rhythm XD)
Allen: There must have been a better one in there! Come on!
Lenalee: Looks like Ms. Hoshino’s so nervous about the word count, she’s on the verge of a panic attack…(sweating). Let’s make do with this one for her, okay?
Kanda: If she’s gonna panic that much, then don’t do this Lounge thing, then.
Allen: No can do, huh…Or rather, these two don’t look like they’d ever find themselves drowning, seriously! Erm...Let’s see…I’ll save Master.
Lavi: And your reason behind that?!
Allen: Because Master could’ve been squirreling away the secret stash I’ve been saving!
Reever: Aaaaand we’re done! Thank you so much for being with us today! Now break it up! Chop chop! (Two big handclaps)
Lenalee: Would be nice if we managed to scrape a pass on the word count this time.
Allen: Which I reckon…we probably didn’t…
Lavi: Gave it our best shot, though……Alas, poor Hoshino……
Closing T/N:
Aaaand that’s it! Thank you so much for all your comments and tags. I had so much fun reading them.
@shashaspeaks The original Japanese dialogue for Allen cussing is the following:
(Rabi temee kono yarou nani kuchi hashitten dayo koraa//threatening voice).
It’s written with no punctuation, likely indicating he said it all in one breath XD.
//Don’t even get me started on Lenalee’s records gaaaaah what’s up now, Hoshino-sensei?!!
@candy-crackpot Again, thanks for the raws! Also super happy someone got my sneaky ATLA reference XD.
//Don’t worry, I know Komurin’s weakness is at the nape.
//Nah I think Cross is fascinated by the heartbeat of living beings precisely because he doesn’t have one. /ooooohh I think General Tiedoll would have approved of that burn.
//Highest Sci. Div. turnover rate prolly during Akuma Egg arc /oof!
@sauvechouris Yeah, I’m confused about the “kids OK but lovers NO-K” thing too. Like aren’t kids supposed to be even harder to leave behind, idk? LOL poor Bookman’s children, must have been one hell of a Daddy’s Issue for you all. Anyway, Past!Allen is Bookman’s kid headcanon anyone lmao?
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evrenselbilgi · 9 months
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