kingdomimpacttv · 2 years
What is in these names and titles: Spirit of truth, Spirit of life, the Holy Spirit of promise, the promised Holy Spirit, good Spirit, eternal Spirit, and Spirit of Holiness and righteousness? Andrew reveals how they relate to the Holy Spirit's work, nature, personality, and character and what they mean for you. Get Andrew's new book, Catch and Release God's Supernatural on our website for in-depth activation and impartation of God's power https://kingdomimpactministry.org/product/catch-and-release-gods-supernatural. For a limited time, get free access to the online course School of the Anointing. Support our ministry with a donation today: https://kingdomimpactministry.org/give/ Get our anointed books and courses at https://kingdomimpactministry.org/store/ Read & watch our video blog: https://kingdomimpactministry.org/blog/ Watch & listen on TV & podcast platforms: https://kingdomimpactministry.org/tvappspodcast/
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kujo1597 · 8 months
I had a dream last night about an old Rhydon. I can't remember too many details.
There was a trainer who went through a heartbreaking loss and decided to never have another Pokémon, they couldn't handle the loss again.
There was a Rhydon who also went through a heartbreaking loss. When he was found he was curled up and scratched up, obviously been through some tough battles. The trainer and the Pokémon pulled each other out of their depression.
The Rhydon had a couple very unique things about him, his horn was missing its tip, and he could use Heal Pulse or some other healing move.
I think the Rhydon died in this dream. I remember seeing him curled up and surrounded by flowers and looking even more beaten up. The episode ended with the Rhydon't bombastic 90's anime theme song playing, I forgot many of the lyrics. I just remember.
MIRACLE POWER!!! They both lost their will to fight! MIRACLE POWER!!! They saved one another's life! MRACLE POWER!!!
And so on…
I kind of want to flesh out this Rhydon's story. There's a lot of stuff that could be really interesting and heart-wrenching. Rhydon can't learn Heal Pulse in any way. Which is one of the miraculous things about him. And now I'm thinking about this Rhydon's linage. Perhaps a Lucario father? This Rhydon has low levels of Aura powers?
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bylagunabay · 3 years
Prophetic Consensus
(2-minute read with Prayer to St. Gabriel)
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓹𝓻𝓪𝔂𝓮𝓻 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵𝓾𝓼 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓫𝓮 𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓲𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓱𝓲𝓵𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓷 𝓸𝓯 𝓖𝓸𝓭 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝔂, 𝓫𝓮𝓬𝓪𝓾𝓼𝓮 𝓰𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓽 𝓖𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓮𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓑𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓼𝓮 𝔀𝓱𝓸 𝓹𝓻𝓪𝔂 𝓲𝓽. 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓸𝓯 𝓞𝓾𝓻 𝓛𝓪𝓭𝔂 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷, 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓭𝓮𝓿𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓹𝓻𝓪𝔂𝓮𝓻 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵𝓾𝓼 𝓲𝓼 𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂 𝓹𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓾𝓵.
St. Gabriel to a Catholic visionary who seeks anonymity under the pseudonym Enoch:
1 Great Protection:
“Do not forget the prayer of the Angelus to our Beloved Queen and Lady, because this salute to the Mother of God has great power of protection.”
2 Great Graces and Blessings:
“Do it with faith, for it is also a mighty Armor to overcome the forces of evil. The prayer of the Angelus should not be lacking in any of the Children of God and Mary, because great Graces and Blessings receive those who pray it. The protection of Our Lady and Queen, for the devotees of the prayer of the Angelus is very powerful.”
3 Protected by the Celestial Militia:
“I, Gabriel, in the company of Myriad of Angeles, are present at the side of Our Lady, when you give this beautiful salutation to your Mother of Heaven. Do it in the morning, afternoon and at night, so that you do not lack the protection of Our Lady and our help. “
4 Save Your Soul:
“Do you want to save your soul? Become a devotee of the prayer of the Angelus!”
“I, Gabriel, am the Guardian of all Tabernacles where Jesus is in the Blessed Sacrament; defender of the Word of God and Protector of the Church. I am also in your midst by the Grace of my Father, in the company of my Brothers, Michael, Raphael and the Archangels and Angels of the Celestial Militia. We have been entrusted with the Mission to accompany the People of God, as they pass through the desert of purification.
Call me by saying:
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alright i’m sure plenty of people have made comparisons between the melodies of half of ME and labyrinth but that won’t stop me from spending all of today deep in music theory making an analysis on the classical structure of these two and how there’s like thematic parallels and whatnot so look forward to that
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Magic and Miracles and BEYOND Chapter 3
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aaaaaahhhhhh, do you know how LONG and HARD I had to look for that picture of Jon Campling?! Like the man keeps his hair to the small of his back. His hair is more glorious than mine. But seriously, that’s like the closest picture I can find of him to what I invision in my head, now just imagine the hair being cut and styled how it was in Kingsglaive but with a lot less gray, like more black in his youth because remember- he doesn’t have a ring sapping his youth and strength, he just has kids, draining his youth with their shenanigans, it’s debatable which is more tolling and taxing on him. That super yacht is actually the Serene, it’s glorious and I’m totally diving into the fantasy aspect of this fic because this is me indulging myself. Pry it from my cold dead hands.  
My apologies to everyone who has familes touched by drugs (including mine but thankfully not in my immediate family) and heads up because this touches on that a little. 
Yo- @the-immortal-marshal GURL. I had to pull the trigger. I had to. I’m sorry. And I’m just...so sorry. For all those reading this and going...why are you sorry? It’s fine? JUST WAIT. It’s not going to be fine for long. A storm is a BREWIN. 
AO3 or below and Tumblr- keep being cool and keep this under a cut. Be a Bro man. Don’t let me down. 
Magic and Miracles and BEYOND
Chapter 3
“So let me get this straight, you got this super yacht for going on one date with an Arab billionaire?” Crowe asked as she drank her super-food smoothie with extra ripe pineapple as the group sailed to the Caribbean.
“Uh huh- granted it was a week long “date” spent in Dubai at the demand of my mother but yeah.” Sylva nodded as she sipped her own drink with a smug grin.  
“Damn,” all the girls exclaimed.
“Oh and my super jet? That came from a Russian billionaire, when it came to the states, it had a case of beluga caviar in a secret compartment in the hold to get it past customs. I ate so much of it because it was only good for two weeks, I thought I was going to be sick and couldn’t eat it again for months. And that was another week long “date” spent in Moscow also at the demand of my mother.” Sylva revealed.
“Holy fucking shit.” All the girls giggled except for Selena, Luna and Stella who just shook their heads.  
“Hey, I’m not saying my parents pimped me out, but they totally tried and I can only hope my mother is rolling in her grave now. So if anything I’ve earned both putting up with those guys for as long as I did and the moment I got back from Moscow because Dubai and Moscow were consecutive weeks and before Dubai I spent a week between China and Tokyo going on even more “dates” with even more billionaires but that is besides the point. Anyway, my point is, I came home in the jet and drove straight to Regis’ house and fucked him so hard neither of us could walk straight to make up for my three week absence and nothing pushes you towards your true love quite like spite for your own gold digging parents, in particular my mother, it makes me so happy to see you wear her most prized pieces girls.” Sylva cooed to Selena, Luna and Stella as Selena giggled and touched her necklace as her own grin grew as Lunafreya and Stella just shook their heads and touched their own jewelry too. Between Sylva, Lunafreya, Selena and Stella they had divided up Agnes’ jewelry between them with Sylva getting the vast majority of it but Agnes’ favorite pieces that Sylva hated because she always felt her mother loved them more than she loved her, went to the three younger girls and Samantha as well to spite Agnes- with the promise that none of the girls would ever sell or give the jewelry away, simply pass it down to the next generation because the Anders line rightfully died with her and Sylva would be damned if the Nox Fleuret line ever would.
“So if any of you think that your parents are being unreasonable, or impossible, at least your parents aren’t nearly as bad as mine were.” Sylva cautioned all the girls.
“That’s so fucked up.” Crowe just shook her head.
“Well, what’s worse, your parents or Tredd’s mother?” Stella posed as Sylva and the other girls grimaced and hissed.
“Ooh, yikes, that’s a tough one.” Sylva had to admit. “How is she doing?” Sylva asked Stella.
“Well the day after Tredd proposed, Ted went looking for her and found her strung out at a crack house and put her into rehab that’s also a psyche ward, so it’s touch and go. If they can manage to get her on the right meds and with the right therapy, it’ll help but I don’t know if she’ll take to it or not.” Stella sighed tiredly.
“But she also has to want to get better for the right reason. Does she know about your trust fund? Because I’m worried that will be the only reason she gets better.” Sylva cautioned.
“Oh that worries me too and so far Tredd has forbidden his dad from telling her and won’t tell her either, he doesn’t want her around me and he’s mad at his dad for finding her to begin with. I think he would rather she die of an overdose than be a thieving leech on him and his dad again.” Stella answered. “I think for Ted, he sees me and Tredd together and doing well and it reminds him of what him and Shyanne used to be and he wants that again and misses that.” Stella ventured.
“If he’s that lonely there’s a lot of women he could be introduced to.” Sylva reminded her niece.
“Oh I know, Tredd and I both have offered but he’s not having it, it’s all or nothing with him.” Stella shrugged.  
“Well here’s to hoping she stays off of meth, crack and alcohol.” Sylva clinked her glass with Stella’s as the two shared a meaningful look.
“Same.” Stella snorted a laugh.
“I heard my name.” Tredd pointed out as he came up behind his fiance and stole a sip of her drink as he laid a hand over her shoulder and fingered her necklace teasingly as if he was itching to take it off of her but Stella knew that Tredd was only teasing- that he actually wouldn’t do such a thing. Part of his asshole behavior in the beginning had been bravado to cover up his own insecurity because he felt he knew that she was too good for him and if he was an ass enough, it would drive her away. Much the same way Stella liked to be a brashy bitch to drive nice guys away because she, deep down, didn’t think she deserved them even though her behavior spoke of entitlement, she was surprisingly not and once they both saw each other for what they really were and cut through each other’s bullshit, it only helped them fall in love with each other even if they felt they still needed to put on a show for appearances, when they were alone and by themselves with each other, they felt safe enough to be vulnerable with each other and really show their true colors and realize what a pair they made and how they were actually good to and for each other.
“We were talking about your mom, Mom was asking about her.” Stella said as she gestured to Sylva.
“Fucking bitch.” Tredd grumbled before he really started sucking Stella’s drink down.
“Why don’t you get your own if you like it this much?” Stella teased him.
“Because I’m not a pussy, but it’s really fucking good.” Tredd answered as all the girls rolled their eyes.  
“Well I hope your mom can make a recovery and sobers up.” Sylva offered sweetly.
“Yeah you’re the only one.” Tredd played off. “So anyone want to change their bets on Lil Mama?” Tredd asked, quickly changing the subject.  
Meanwhile Cor was meeting Clarus for a drink after work.
“You gotta help me.” Cor pleaded as they both sat at the bar as Clarus raised a curious brow.
“With?” Clarus asked warily.
“You gotta let me go on a drug bust or serve a warrant or something. I’m going insane.” Cor confessed.  “I haven’t left my desk in months, I go to get coffee from the shop down the street and I fantasize about some idiot knocking over the joint while I’m there or I go to the bank and I fantasize about someone robbing it while I’m in it. Like I’m looking over the bar and hoping someone gets drunk and will start a fight right this second.” Cor revealed and Clarus could only shake his head as Sylva’s words washed over his head.
“Well part of being settled down means actually liking the peace and quiet.” Clarus teased and Cor just whimpered and laid his head on his folded arms.
“Gradual peace and quiet! Not all at once!” Cor argued and Clarus just snorted a laugh and continued to shake his head. He could practically hear Sylva’s sing song tone of ‘I told you so’.
“Fine, if something comes up, I’ll let you know.” Clarus agreed.
Meanwhile back at home Ada eased into bathtub, she had splurged and got a little island getaway candle and a bath bomb and a sugar scrub for her skin and a deep hair conditioning mask and next to the bathtub sat a drink made out of some tropical blend juice spiked with whiskey, it was the closest to a tropical drink she could manage and enjoyed her night in alone. She dropped the bath bomb in and watched it swirl and dissolve in the hot water as she sipped her drink as she breathed in the scent of the little candle next to the tub. While she felt jealous of all her friends, at least she could do this for herself. Being furious with Cor over New York had only lasted a couple of days and it was broken by some amazing makeup sex before she groaned when she realized she forgot to pick up her birth control from the pharmacy again. She had been late getting it last month and now she was late getting it again this time. She had such a fickle memory lately.
She quickly shrugged it off and just as the bath bomb fully dissolved, her phone went off and she huffed and got it and saw all the pictures of Crowe and all her friends back on Sylva’s yacht before Crowe sent another picture of another ultrasound picture. She could see Luche in the background, talking with Tredd, Libertus, Nyx, Ravus and Pelna and smiling and still looking handsome as ever while Crowe was with all the girls, Sylva, Stella, Selena and Luna all wearing diamond necklaces and drinking proper island drinks. It wasn’t fair. Ada felt tears prick at her eyes before they fell from her eyes and down her cheeks. She sniffled and turned the phone off and tried to get back into the groove of her bath as she washed her hair then put the deep conditioning mask on it and then shaved her legs and underarms before scrubbing her skin with the sugar scrub then when she was done with that she took a foot file and tried to take off all the calluses from her feet. Being a waitress and being on her feet all the time meant her feet were tired and achy and often blistered if not callused.
When she was done the candle’s scent overpowered her nose and she blew it out before she started chugging her own drink again and before she knew it the drink was gone, the water was turning cold, the candle was out and her hair needed to get rinsed and instead of feeling refreshed, she felt even more frustrated...with everything. She laid back and rinsed the conditioning mask out of her hair and once she was done she sat back up and drained the tub and got out, putting a towel around her and got dressed and went to bed early after plugging in her phone again. Baxter jumped up on the bed and snuggled with her as she fell asleep.
In her dream she was back in the tea shop with Luche sitting across from her, pouring her a cup of tea, in a suit again and looking particularly handsome while she felt raw and compromised internally.
“I’ve missed you.” Luche finally said.
“You’ve been too busy to miss me.” Ada gently argued as she took the tea cup and drank from it again, the warmth of the tea cup warming her hands as the tea and his presence seemed warmed her soul.
“No I haven’t, it’s impossible for me to be too busy to miss you.” Luche countered with a gentle grin as he picked his own tea cup back up and sipped it.
“Are you sure you’re not missing something really important back at the office right now?” Ada questioned.
“Nope, I don’t deal with anything that’s life or death, whatever is there can wait until whenever I get back, you’re way more important than any paperwork I could do.” Luche insisted, his gentle grin turning reassuring and Ada felt warmed by the sentiment and she could tell he wanted to say more but forced his mouth to stay shut and let her have a moment of peace but part of her wanted to hear whatever he would say.
“What?” Ada asked, hoping that would help him say whatever he wanted or needed to stay.
“I’ve only ever wanted you. So anything I can do to spend time with you, no matter what the cost is- is something I’ll always do if it’s for you.” Luche finally spoke, his voice dropping to a low murmur so that he wouldn’t draw attention to them. But the look in his eyes brought tears to hers. The words were eating their way out of her throat as she stood as Luche did the same and came into his arms as he hugged her tight.
“I’ve only ever wanted you too. I love you.” Ada heard herself sniffle into his chest as she felt so safe and warm in his arms again. Like nothing could hurt her, like nothing could even disappoint her either.
“I love you too, let’s get out of here.” Luche proposed and Ada nodded before he kissed her and then Ada woke up with a start which woke Baxter up who started licking her tears away just as Cor came home from the bar and Ada quickly got control of herself again.
“Hey, you’re still up.” Cor grinned when he came into the room and noticed her sitting up in bed and petting Baxter.
“No, you woke me up when you came home.” Ada teased with a grin, praying her face didn’t betray her.
“Oh I’m sorry.” Cor apologized as he stripped out of his clothes and put his badge and his gun on the bedside table before he crawled into bed with her. “Well I’ll help put you back to sleep then.” Cor offered as he brought her into his embrace. “Wow, your skin is really soft.” Cor noticed as he smelled her hair as he kissed the crown of her head and touched the small of her back.
“Thanks, scrubbed it during my bath.” Ada smiled, pleased that he noticed and rewarded him with a kiss and soon that kiss led to another and a touch led to a caress and before either of them realized they were having soft, sweet sex with each other and when they were done, Cor noticed a little bit of blood on his shaft.
“Did you start your period Love?” Cor asked as he got a tissue to clean himself off with.
“Oh, I must have.” Ada blinked in surprise. “I feel like it’s early.” Ada muttered to herself as she got up and got a pad into her underwear.
“Well it’s always better to be early than it is to be late.” Cor joked and Ada laughed.
“I know right?” Ada grinned as she climbed back into the bed to rest and relax and really fall asleep.
Meanwhile back on the yacht.
“Why were you girls talking about Shyanne?” Tredd asked as he helped take the necklace off and put it away so himself and Stella could get ready for bed.
“Oh Mom was telling us the story of how she got the yacht and the jet.”
“Because her mom was the baddest pimp of them all, yeah.” Tredd nodded which got Stella to laugh.
“And she was telling us to be grateful our moms are nothing like that.” Stella added.
“And let me guess, you just had to drag Shyanne into it and go- ‘actually no, Tredd’s mom is much worse’.” Tredd surmised.
“Sorry if I embarrassed you.” Stella apologized softly as she hugged him and held him tight as he in turn clung to her and kissed the crown of her head. “I can promise you that I’ll never touch any of that.” Stella swore. “And just because she’s that way doesn’t mean you’ll ever be that way. I know we would beat the shit out of each other if we ever tried.” Stella lightly teased which got Tredd to crack a grin and huff a laugh through his nose as he continued to just hold her for a long while.
“So would you draw me like one of your French girls Jack?” Tredd teased as he let go of her and playfully tried to put the diamond necklace on himself which got Stella to crack up laughing.
“Yes I would.” Stella cackled.
“Show it to me when you’re done!” Crowe teased through the wall as Tredd jumped and panicked and threw the necklace back into case as Stella nearly went to her knees she started cracking up as she heard Crowe cackle a laugh too.
“Fucking go to sleep! Your knocked up body needs it!” Tredd spat at the wall as Stella was in tears and literally had to go to her knees, holding her sides and laughing her ass off as she could only imagine Crowe was in a similar state on the other side of the wall as Tredd got the necklace and made sure it wasn’t damaged before he put it back properly. “Or do I have to fuck Stella against that wall again?” Tredd threatened.
“Go to sleep! All of you! God!” Luche yelled through the other wall.
“Shut the fuck up and keep fapping!” Tredd yelled back at Luche.
“Fuck you!” Luche groaned before Tredd picked Stella up off the floor and pinned her to the wall between their room and Luche’s and started fucking her hard just to prove a point before Luche groaned again and left his room to go find refuge somewhere else but every room he passed he could hear every other couple being intimate which only made him more frustrated before he got to the couch in the main lounge and collapsed onto that before pulling a throw onto himself as he continued to grumble to himself, if Ada was here and back with him, he wouldn’t give a fuck because he’d be fucking her against the wall too. This wasn’t fair. Everyone else was with the love of their lives and he was in a constant state of anguish because his was still with someone else. Maybe he should have pushed Sylva to introduce him to her nieces. But at the same time Ravus kept reassuring him that if he was patient enough, that Ada would come back to him. He just had to be patient and endure this for now. He could do that. He had to. Now he understood what Ravus felt like when Selena had been with Pelna. If Ravus could wait for Selena, he could wait for Ada and they’d be just as happy too.
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v0iddr0id · 6 years
What the fuck?? Marble hornets and petscop get an update in the same week
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newlife4you · 5 years
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My dear friend today you might be discouraged, despondent and filled with doubt looking at the situation and listening to the opinion from higher authorities.But just remember about this for a second that “discouragement always comes from the Devil”.But today ask the Lord to solve it for you. He can and He will perform a miracle for you, if it is for His glory to do so. He is a MRACLE WORKING GOD and nothing is too hard for Him. Look up the following, and see how His power was put forth in the solution of His people’’s problems. 🔹He enabled them to pass through the Red Sea unharmed and on dry land –- Exodus 14:13-31. 🔹He solved the problem of the bitter water at Marah –- Exodus 15:23-26. 🔹He gave them water out of the rock –- Exodus 17:5-7. 🔹He turned the water into wine –- John 2:1-11. 🔹He stilled the storm –- Mark 4:35-41. 🔹He fed five thousand –- Matthew 14:15-21. 🔹He raised the dead –- John 11:38-46. What He did then He can do for you today???Believe in His promises.HE TRANSFORMS ASHES INTO BEAUTY. God Bless You Abundantly GOD WILL MAKE A WAY FOR YOU.. JESUS LOVES YOU. HAVE A GREAT YEAR IN JESUS CHRIST. GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY.. #encouragement #steppingintofavor #seasonofmore #giftofGod_Jesus #JesusChrist #20likes #amen #faith #india #mallu #beautiful #tweegram #photooftheday #cute #bible #bibleverse #motivation #bethelag #lakewoodchurch #Jesuslovesyou #hope #africa #inspirationalquotes #bestoftheday #happy #church #picoftheday #instagood #Godwillfightforyou #Godblessyouabundantly https://www.instagram.com/p/B20fRZeASNY/?igshid=10c26tqe9w28p
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somebodyelsesathome · 7 years
Miracles in Japan - Interview with Missionary Stephen Barrett
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blakedawson76 · 6 years
When the baby finally came was Jason and Dick relieved or were they still freakin out?
Dick would be relieved, and happier than he´s ever been. He´d be quite weak too after waking up from the C-section, but he´d be very lively, calm and overall just wanting to hold his baby in his arms, which he´d be very vocal about until they bring him the baby and leave him alone with his child. He´d act pretty much like his old self, sweet, gentle, looking at his baby like it is the biggest and best mracle in life, especially because it´s a boy, and he looks just like Jason. He´d feel his heart so full, his baby would bring him calm and at the same time the innate protective attitude of an omega that just became a parent, but for the most part he´d be pretty chill, as he´s always been. 
Jason would still be freaking out LOL. He´d still have this big, dangerous alpha about to pounce sign over his head and because you know, Jay is a big and thicc and badass as hell boy, aside from the doctor that helped deliver his baby, everyone would keep their distance. Jason would take the baby as soon as they´d gotten him out, he´d watch as they bathed and wrapped the child and up in a blanket and would stand guard one moment between the newborns room and the other outside of Dick´s room. When they told him Dick was awake he´d take their baby to him and leave them alone, but he´d still stand guard and pace outside. Once he was allowed back in, he´d go and cuddle his mate and child and mark them with his scent because now more than ever his protective instincts are spiraling out of control 
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kageyama-ritsu · 6 years
me bursting out of bed what if i just bought mracle mask and azran legacy right now. what if
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Instant Miracles Friday International Live Service I 05 June 2020 It's almost that time!! Get ready for the Mracles, Signs and Wonders!! Watch with your friends and family. #StayConnected https://www.instagram.com/p/CBBid_4DL14/?igshid=1staw8lc27ki0
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abiodunsblog · 5 years
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Happy birthday Thanksgiving today. Happy women's ANNIVERSARY Thanksgiving...... Happy first Sunday of the month!!! HAPPY NEW MONTH OF SEPTEMBER !!!👏👏👏 SPECIAL, EXCELLENT, POWERFUL, TRANSFORMING, EMPOWERING, MIRACULOUS, BEAUTIFUL, ENRICHING AND REWARDING For you and your family in Jesus name amen 🙏 Nine stands for 'finality' or 'completeness' Every Pregnant Woman awaits 9th month for Delivery of JOY. In this 9th month, All your Expected Mracles,shall be Delivered to you.🙏 God will make for you Feast of Fat things. As you step into September, may your pains, sorrows, fear, burdens and all you never desire cease finally in Jesus' name.🙏 This month, good fortunes shall surround you because God is the final authority in the matters of your life in Jesus mighty name - (Joel 2:25). HAPPY NEW MONTH OF SEPTEMBER (at Truevine Apostolic Church International.) https://www.instagram.com/p/B14pWu4nHX-/?igshid=17c6f8n7sed8l
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sbicconnect · 4 years
May 2015 Mracle Service-Koinonia with Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak.mp3
View On WordPress
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ferdyazhari-blog · 7 years
Ku sapu ku lari tepentak
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elliwoofles · 3 years
Some pipe work I’ve done over the last year
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submitted by /u/MrACL [link] [comments]
from Electricians of Reddit https://ift.tt/3oLEAcG
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ultimenotiziepuglia · 5 years
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