#mrs. thorpe
bethanydelleman · 1 year
Northanger Abbey Readthrough, Ch 4
Catherine is fully prepared to meet Mr. Tilney again but he is nowhere to be found! Disaster!
However, good is on the horizon, Mrs. Allen finally finds a friend, Mrs. Thorpe, an old schoolfellow. Austen throws in a great joke:
Their joy on this meeting was very great, as well it might, since they had been contented to know nothing of each other for the last fifteen years.
Austen brings up this again in Mansfield Park, where for all her sisterly love, Mrs. Norris will not put herself in any expense to see her sister:
It had, in fact, occurred to her, that though taken to Portsmouth for nothing, it would be hardly possible for her to avoid paying her own expenses back again. So her poor dear sister Price was left to all the disappointment of her missing such an opportunity, and another twenty years’ absence, perhaps, begun. (Ch 37)
It is such a true thing, a sad thing, that we claim to love people and yet are content to never see them... (Or even write) This is clearly performative friendship, but it happens with real ones too.
I love the "friendship" between Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Thorpe because it is so true to life, they both talk about themselves and really don't listen to the other:
they proceeded to make inquiries and give intelligence as to their families, sisters, and cousins, talking both together, far more ready to give than to receive information, and each hearing very little of what the other said.
Also, Mrs. Allen unable to brag about children contents herself by knowing she has more handsome lace!
So I have heard theories that this whole meeting was planned by the Thorpes, but honestly, the Thorpes are not that good at planning. Also, the childhood acquaintance is real. It seems likely to me that the Thorpes were already going to Bath to husband hunt and John Thorpe planned to bring James, but everything else was a "happy" coincidence.
We meet the three Thorpe sisters:
Her eldest daughter had great personal beauty, and the younger ones, by pretending to be as handsome as their sister, imitating her air, and dressing in the same style, did very well.
This comes much later, but the younger Thorpe sisters are basically clones of Isabella. We hear them talk and it's identical to Isabella. I cannot imagine spending time with this family! I would explode.
Miss Thorpe, however, being four years older than Miss Morland, and at least four years better informed, had a very decided advantage in discussing such points; she could compare the balls of Bath with those of Tunbridge, its fashions with the fashions of London; could rectify the opinions of her new friend in many articles of tasteful attire; could discover a flirtation between any gentleman and lady who only smiled on each other; and point out a quiz through the thickness of a crowd.
Quiz does not mean "a short test" until the 1850s. The word quiz is used a lot in Northanger Abbey and it's current meaning is, "odd person, person or thing deemed ridiculous".
This passage reminds me a lot of a section from Austen's Love and Freindship:
Isabel had seen the World. She had passed 2 Years at one of the first Boarding-schools in London; had spent a fortnight in Bath and had supped one night in Southampton. “Beware my Laura (she would often say) Beware of the insipid Vanities and idle Dissipations of the Metropolis of England; Beware of the unmeaning Luxuries of Bath and of the stinking fish of Southampton.”
In both passages, I believe we are meant to understand that the informant is not actually that informed, they just look worldly to our poor naive heroine.
This passage is a jab at the novel style of the era:
This brief account of the family is intended to supersede the necessity of a long and minute detail from Mrs. Thorpe herself, of her past adventures and sufferings, which might otherwise be expected to occupy the three or four following chapters; in which the worthlessness of lords and attorneys might be set forth, and conversations, which had passed twenty years before, be minutely repeated.
I didn't really understand the reference until I read Belinda by Maria Edgeworth, wherein a character gave a 36 PAGE history of herself. It was very strange to read and not very natural. So good on Austen for realizing that style was terrible.
Also, this much loved quote is so sarcastic:
Catherine was delighted with this extension of her Bath acquaintance, and almost forgot Mr. Tilney while she talked to Miss Thorpe. Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love.
Ah yes, her disappointed love of not seeing the guy she danced with for one evening! And her friendship of about 10 minutes.
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hotjaneaustenmenpoll · 7 months
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romancedream · 4 months
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#xavierthorpe will always be Wednesday's true love 🖤
Her #gomezaddams ❤️‍🔥
Her #mrdarcy
The passion and fire in her life...🔥
We'll never forget the way you looked at her or the art that you made come to life for her 🖼🎭
And I would like to believe that she met him somewhere after Nevermore and they both had the happy life that they deserve 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
Guys follow @percy and his fans...
Follow me too 😄🤭 and support us for more #wavier and #winterspringsummerorfall Content...
I'll also post what I can about his other films like #myoldass 🩷
And I hope all my fanfic writers would continue their good work 😭
This is only the beginning for this fandom so don't give up on us 🫶
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musicandi · 2 years
Percy Hynes White aka Mr. Smol Casanova aka fashion King
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dmumtbz · 2 years
the only correct ronan fan cast. we can deal w the buzzcut later
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novemberwasgrey · 1 year
Hi!! Since you’re also into the pjo fandom, let me introduce you to this concept: Wednesday as the daughter of Hades and Xavier would totally be an *edgy* Apollo kid!!
I thought about this before and I just love this idea 😍 Some headcanons for my PJO/Wednesday mutuals:
‌First and foremost: Wednesday is older than Nico and is protective with him like she is with Pugsley and Eugene. They're so similar it's scary. In camp, they're considered to be the two creepy children of Hades who dress in black and eat souls for breakfast. They love this reputation.
‌She is one of the only kids whose name Mr D actually remembers.
‌Someone said somewhere about a possible Wednesday/HP crossover that Wednesday and Hermione wouldn't stand each other which I completely agree with and I feel the same about Annabeth. They're too different, they would contradict themselves and talk over the other all the time.
‌As much as I love Clarisse, I don't think her and Wednesday would get along very well at first either because it's canon that Wednesday doesn't like bullies. More than once, she got back at Ares kids for putting the newbies' heads in the toilet.
‌Later on, when Clarisse matures a little bit and stops the bullying, they learn to respect the other and find themselves several common interests. Like I can't stop thinking of them bonding about their knives collections.
She tolerates Leo and he's her go-to person when she wants a new dangerous weapon for unknown purposes.
‌Bianca would totally be a daughter of Nike (Cabin 17) and her and Wednesday are constantly in competition. Capturing the flag is always intense when they're on opposite sides.
‌...she also didn't like that Bianca happened to date this cute tortured Apollo kid Wednesday stares a bit too much at 👀
‌I think her and Xavier would be sort of friends at first, like they arrived in camp at the same time when they were ten and grew up together. Then one day, they came across a monster on a minor quest, Wednesday saved him (like in the show) and since then, he's always been secretly in awe of her.
‌The day Bianca and Xavier broke up after eight months, everyone in Camp Half-Blood was gossiping like crazy. Nico basically barged in Cabin 13 while she was reading in peace and went like:
Nico: Guess who's single? Now you can ask him out.
Wednesday: I will not do such a thing.
Nico: Yes, you will. Unless you want Drew and the other Aphrodite kids to get to him first.
Wednesday *snaps her book shut*: Fine. I'll do something about this Apollo kid. On the condition that you do something about your Apollo kid.
Nico: What?
Wednesday: You've been drooling over Will Solace for years. Grow yourself a pair.
‌With lots of help from her best friend Enid from the Iris Cabin (of course Enid would be the daughter of the goddess of rainbow) and the fact that Nico had landed a date with Will before her (there was no way she was letting her little brother win), she finally confessed her feelings to Xavier.
‌Of course, turns out this idiot was in love with her for years but thought she wasn't interested and got dumped by Bianca because she found way too many drawings he had made of Wednesday.
‌In a nutshell, I like my favorite Apollo-Hades pairs and they deserve to be happy 😘
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bethanydelleman · 1 year
Northanger Abbey Readthrough, Ch 5
Mr. Tilney is still missing! He is not to be found at the theatre, the pump room, or out of doors. However, according to the narrator, this absence is very clever of him:
This sort of mysteriousness, which is always so becoming in a hero, threw a fresh grace in Catherine’s imagination around his person and manners, and increased her anxiety to know more of him.
Also, poor Isbella keeps dropping hints about James, She liked him the better for being a clergyman, “for she must confess herself very partial to the profession”; and something like a sigh escaped her as she said it but Catherine has no idea what she is hinting at! The fact that Isabella wants "delicate raillery" reminds me of Anne Steele from Sense & Sensibility:
Miss Steele wanted only to be teazed about Dr. Davies to be perfectly happy. (Ch 34)
Mrs. Allen is highly gratified to find friends that are shabbier than her in dress! But she and Mrs. Thorpe hardly ever actually talk to each other, in what they called conversation, but in which there was scarcely ever any exchange of opinion, and not often any resemblance of subject, for Mrs. Thorpe talked chiefly of her children, and Mrs. Allen of her gowns. If you want an example of Austen actually writing one of these conversations down, check out the "bragversaion" between Mrs. Elton and Mr. Weston, where he only really talks of Frank and she brings literally every statement back to Maple Grove. (Emma, Ch 18, V2)
Catherine and Isabella rapidly become friends, perhaps a bit too rapidly. Their quick friendship will be contrasted later with the more properly and far slower intimacy between Catherine and Eleanor Tilney. However, I have definitely had vacation friendships like this, where due to the amount of time together and the knowledge that you will soon go home, the friendship moves very fast.
They called each other by their Christian name, were always arm in arm when they walked, pinned up each other’s train for the dance, and were not to be divided in the set; and if a rainy morning deprived them of other enjoyments, they were still resolute in meeting in defiance of wet and dirt, and shut themselves up, to read novels together.
And then we come to the famous rant against the degradation of novels! And you know what? Austen has a good point. Why not have heroines of freaking novels read novels? What a strange brand of doublethink! A heroine must not read novels whilst existing within them. Funny to think that many of the novels that Catherine might have been reading would be considered classic literature now, though many more have faded out of recognition.
Austen also rightly points out that people are far more likely to actually read novels than "edifying" materials such as poetry or history, something which will come up later on the country walk. This makes me think of the scorn towards YA novels and comic books/novels today, which I still see way too much of. Let kids read what they like! A general love of reading will get anyone far in life.
(To be honest, I still kind of prefer fantasy YA because way too much of the adult stuff features rape/non-con/sexual assault and that's far less likely in YA)
But yeah, you just tell me the last time someone came up to you gushing about a History of England, it's not those books that capture our imagination and make us feel, it's novels. There is a reason I'm still reading novels from 200 years ago today and little else, and it's not just because factual information is far out of date!
Only a novel indeed!
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hotjaneaustenmenpoll · 7 months
I like John Thorpe
So leave me alone and let me like things
Look I respect all of the 1.9% and I can dredge up some appreciation for John Thorpe's chaotic ways- outright lying about his "love rival" standing up Catherine so he could have a nice day out may not have been wise but it was bold I will give him that
Mr Bingley (1995) Vs John Thorpe (2007)
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romancedream · 7 months
You know, In the book, Mr. Darcy was so infatuated with Elizabeth... he believed that she was expecting a proposal from him...
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Wednesday/Xavier & Darcy/Elizabeth Parallels
“She certainly did not hate him. No hatred had vanished long ago, and she had almost as long been ashamed of ever feeling a dislike against him, that could be so called. The respect created by the conviction of his valuable qualities, though at first unwillingly admitted, had for some time ceased to be repugnant to her feelings and it was now heightened into somewhat of a friendlier nature, by the testimony so highly in his favour, and bringing forward his disposition in so amiable a light, which yesterday had produced. But above all, above respect and esteem, there was a motive within her of good will which could not be overlooked. It was gratitude.--Gratitude not merely for having once loved her, but for loving her still well enough, to forgive all the petulance and acrimony of her manner in rejecting him, and all the unjust accusations accompanying her rejection."
inspired by @realrollypratt
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dmumtbz · 2 years
GUYSSS he’s literally ronan
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Just finished the entirety of Netflix's Wednesday..... I enjoyed it and am definitely itching to do a re-watch to properly give an analysis for the show for each episode 😍😍😍
I can't wait till Real Life eases it's demands of me so I can get back to Writing and Fandom things 😮‍💨🥺😩😩
But to share my fresh impression of the show:
Jenna Ortega will undoubtedly be a legendary icon as an actress
Enid and Wednesday are my favorite type of character dynamics
Bianca has so much potential but I'm still not 100% feeling her
Idc whats been said, Ajax and Enid are so fucking adorable 😍 I ship it (but if they break up I'm not gonna cry about it so long as it ends well and they remain friends!!)
Eugene needs more development, same with pugsley, but they weren't annoying
I straight up didn't like Tyler from the moment he was introduced (which is weird for me because his character type is usually my immediate Stan). He was cute, the actor was amazing, but something about his way with Wednesday was a turn off for me.... Maybe it was because Wednesday actually seemed to have affection for him and I couldn't see a girl like her actracted to a guy like him ( sure he was a **** in the end but still.....)
Unsurprisingly, I was feeling Xavier. It was the obvious jealousy and constant tortured rejection face he made everytim Wednesday stomped,stabbed and ripped his heart to shreds. That for whatever reason really got me cheering for him to at least get a romantic moment only to eventually die (either by Wednesdays hand or something else 😂)
I....was not digging Morticia's dress... Catherine zeta Jones is an absolute babe but that dress was so low budget and unflattering. They could do better.
Enid's family gave me mild Weasley family vibes would love to see more about her character.
Uncle fester was defs more creeps eccentric but wasn't present long enough for me to care for.
Principal Weems is a Legend and will forever be an icon of Nevermore.
Overall.... I can't wait till Season 2 and a the fanfiction starts pumping out. There's probably gonna be a lot of Wednesday and Enid fics, but I honestly prefer them to be besties 🤷
To my Bridgerton followers worried I've ditched writing SMB for another fandom and abandoned you all.... I assure you, the next chapter will at least be out before Season 3 😅😅
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Day 9, you thought it'd be Italian Oblivion but no it's Mr Monkey's Banana Ride Appreciation today. This ride is as old as Nemesis. No rlly it is.
Once again, Offer to Adopt. Valid offers can be art, designs, and/or Money {min £10/usd equivalent} so may the best win!
Day 1 - X-Press: Platform 13 Day 2 - Spinball Whizzer Day 3 - Baron 1898 Day 4 - The Walking Dead: The Ride Day 5 - Creek Freak Massacre Day 6 - Hyperia {Project Exodus} Day 7 - The Dragon Day 8 - The Wickerman Day 9 - Mr Monkey's Banana Ride Day 10 - Mamba Day 11 - Valravn Day 12 - Maximus Day 13 - Th13teen Day 14 - Kondaa Day 15 - Luna
More Coming Soon...
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hitchell-mope · 3 months
Ajax: I had an auntie emigrated to America. We never heard from her again. Not even a letter.
Xavier: was this the one that was on the titanic?
Ajax: yeah. We never heard from her again.
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pieshopbarber · 1 year
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In 1983, Thorpe Park opened an attraction called “phantom fantasia”. This ambitious dark ride featured scenes from a variety of dark English legends and stories, including a scene past Sweeney Todd’s barbershop, and mrs. Lovett’s pie shop.
in 1993 the attraction closed, and became “wicked witches haunt” and burned down in 2000 during a fire in the park.
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