#ms office 2007
dullahandyke · 6 months
Ok the lesbianism has passed im gonna go work on the essay. Motivating myself by going ham with the highlighter tool in ms word
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threadmonster · 5 months
I obtained a laptop with a disc drive and my dad has Microsoft office software from 2007 so I installed it for funsies and I remember this being a thing but it's still funny
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I wonder how many people did active it by telephone?
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scoonsalicious · 6 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 17, Unanswered - Pt. 2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, Pocket embraces her inner Karen (just a little bit)
Word Count: 1.1k
Previously On...: Word on the street is that you and Steve are a Thing. You try to give Bucky a head's up that it's all bullshit, but he's not answering his phone. That can't be bad, right?! RIGHT??? 😬
A/N: Time for Pocket to set the record straight! (ALSO! Surprise, besties: Three updates tonight! - 445, 5, 515 EST)
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Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
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You’d never had an opportunity to meet Lisa Galvin, head of the PR firm that exclusively represented Stark Industries, but you figured that, if she could handle the public relations nightmare that was Tony Stark, you were obviously in good hands.
“Ms. (Y/L/N),” Lisa said, rising to shake your hand as you were shown into her office, “it’s so lovely to finally meet you. I’ve heard such good things.” Her firm’s suite was on one of the Tower’s mid floors, and was bright and spacious, but lacked any real sense of character or personal warmth. Given that Galvin & Associates represented all of Stark Industries, plus every Avenger, you kind of expected the space to be a bit more… colorful.
“‘Pocket’s fine,” you said, sitting down in the chair she offered you. “Thanks for meeting with me on such short notice.”
Lisa smiled. “My pleasure. Though, we wish you’d come to see us much sooner. In terms of a PR footprint, you’re practically a ghost! We could do so much for your public image, if you’d only let us, dear.”
You looked around, wondering who the ‘we’ was that she was referring to, as it was only the two of you in the room. “I actually prefer it that way,” you told her. “I highly value my privacy, and I took my job to create and innovate, not to become public property.”
Lisa pursed her lips, as though she could think of nothing more disdainful than wanting to remain out of the public eye. “Well, to each their own, I suppose,” she said, her voice betraying that she very much did not agree with you. “Now, what is it you wanted to meet about?”
“I’m sure that you’ve seen the articles by now,” you told her, something about her beginning to rub you the wrong way. “You wouldn’t be very good at your job if you hadn’t.”
“Ah, yes,” she replied, and if she heard the edge in your voice, she didn’t acknowledge it. “The ones about you and our very own Captain Rogers! Congratulations, I might add! Just delightful! What about them?”
“I want to issue a statement refuting them,” you said. 
Lisa looked at you as if you asked her if she wanted to go out and kill any and every puppy you could find. “But Pocket, my dear, why? You must understand that being romantically linked to one of the most eligible bachelors in the entire world– nay; throughout all of history can only increase your public approval ratings. Do you know how many of my clients would literally kill to have exposure like that?”
You widened your eyes. She was slightly scary, like a deranged Effie Trinket. “Well,” you began slowly, “first, there’s the fact that it’s not the truth. I am not now, nor have I ever been, romantically linked with Steve Rogers. And second, and most importantly, I’m deeply committed to someone else, and I don’t want him getting hurt by these lies.”
Lisa rolled her eyes at you. “My dear, in the court of public opinion, no one gives a damn about the truth. It’s all about optics. And given the public’s engagement with the articles that have been posted since the gala, the optics you and the Captain present together are divine.”
“Yeeeeaaaah,” you drew out, “I really don’t give a shit about optics. I’d just like the record to reflect the facts.” You leaned forward, putting your elbows on Lisa’s desk as you looked her in the eye. “And if you’re not going to do that for me, I’ll speak to Ms. Potts and Mr. Stark about finding a new firm for the company that can.”
You smiled your “did you forget exactly what my position was in this company?” smile; not one that you used very often, as it tended to give you the ick, but you felt it was more than appropriate, given the circumstances. It wasn’t uncommon for people to underestimate or dismiss you, or think they could intimidate you or bend you to their will due to your small stature or your relatively young age, or just because you were a woman. It didn’t hurt to give them an occasional reminder.
Lisa looked properly concerned. “Well, I – there’s no need for that!” she spluttered. “I see no reason Mr. Stark needs to be involved. It’s a simple matter of having you write out a statement, after all. From there, my associates will send it along the AP wire, and to the outlets that wrote the articles, asking for a retraction, or at the very least, that they publish your response.” She opened a drawer in her desk and pulled out a legal pad. Handing it to you, along with a pen, she said “Just write the basic sentiment you wish to get across, and my team will tweak it into something befitting a proper press release.”
You raised an eyebrow. “I’d prefer to have my statement in my own words, thanks,” you said, before bowing your head and beginning to write:
While Ms. (Y/L/N) greatly values her friendship with Captain Rogers and admires all he has done for his country, she would like to clarify that they are not now, nor have they ever been, involved in a romantic relationship of any kind. Ms. (Y/L/N) is involved in a committed, long-term relationship with another party and kindly requests that her privacy in this arena be respected, and she be left to continue living her life as a private citizen.
“There,” you said, handing her the sheet of paper. “That should do it.”
Lisa looked it over and nodded her approval. “It will do,” she said. “It’ll go out straight away; I’ll do it myself.” You nodded and, thanking her for her time, stood and turned to leave. “Oh, Pocket, dear,” she called to you. You turned, wondering what more she needed from you. “Just for the sake of curiosity, when you wrote you were already in a long-term relationship, who were you referring to? Is it someone in the Tower? I only ask because it may become a relevant issue at some point in the future.” “James Barnes,” you told her proudly. You loved him, and you honestly didn’t care who knew it.
Lisa clutched her chest as if you were attempting to steal her pearls. “The Winter Soldier?! Oh, my dear– you better pray that little nugget never gets out, because if it does, you’ll be running back here in tears, begging me to fix your ruined public image.”
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ukrfeminism · 7 months
Wayne Couzens’ deviant behaviour may have started almost 30 years before the abduction, rape and murder of Sarah Everard and includes a second alleged kidnapping and the alleged sexual assault of a child, a damning report has found.
Alleged offences included attempting to kidnap someone at knifepoint, raping a woman under a bridge and indecent exposure, a report on the first part of a Home Office-commissioned inquiry into his policing career concluded.
Couzens should never have been given a job as a police officer and chances to stop the sexual predator were repeatedly ignored and missed, inquiry chair Lady Elish Angiolini found.
Failures in police investigations into allegations of indecent exposure meant opportunities to disrupt Couzens’ offending and halt his career were missed, according to the report.
Couzens was reported to police eight times for exposing himself in the years before he murdered Ms Everard in March 2021 while he was a serving Metropolitan Police firearms officer.
Three separate police forces – Kent Police, the Met and the Civil Nuclear Constabulary – missed signs of Couzens’ behaviour, with the inquiry chair Lady Elish calling for a radical overhaul of police vetting procedures.
The first report from the Angiolini Inquiry was provided with evidence relating to alleged sexual abuse perpetrated by Couzens in his early twenties.
This included an alleged very serious sexual assault of a child barely in her teens carried out by Couzens in his twenties before he began his policing career.
It was also alleged Couzens attempted to carry out a kidnapping at knifepoint in north London in 1995. The allegation was included in Couzens’ police interview on 23 March, 2022. Due to there being insufficient evidence no further action was taken.
The victim re-contacted the police after media reports of Couzens’ arrest over Ms Everard’s murder.
In October 2019, the inquiry said it is alleged that Couzens raped a woman in a tunnel under a bridge in London.
Following a police investigation, a decision to take no further action was made on the basis of “evidential difficulties”.
Another alleged rape occurred between November 2006 and January 2007 during a singles event at a bar in east London.
The Everard family said they believed the 33-year-old died because Couzens was a police officer, adding: “She would never have got into a stranger’s car” as they welcomed the inquiry’s findings.
Lady Elish said: “Wayne Couzens should never have been a police officer. And, without a significant overhaul, there is nothing to stop another Couzens operating in plain sight. Now is the time for change.”
Three police investigations of reports of indecent exposure – a 2020 case involving a cyclist, a 2015 report and a 2021 report at aMcDonald’s drive-through days before Couzens abducted and murdered Ms Everard – were “of poor quality and inadequate”, the report found.
Officers involved in the June 2015 and 2021 drive-through investigations “displayed apathy and disinterest and found reasons not to pursue the cases”.
If those assessing Couzens’ risk to be authorised as a firearms officer were able to access information about the 2015 indecent exposure allegation it is likely his application would have been rejected, the inquiry found.
Couzens is also accused of sharing unsolicited photographs of his penis and sexual touching, and possession of indecent images of children.
The inquiry also found Couzens allegedly behaved in an intimidating manner towards a woman at an event for reservists in 2003 while he was in the Territorial Army.
He also allegedly showed pornographic videos to a group of reservists in a social setting in 2004, with material featuring “forceful oral sex” and bestiality.
If Couzens’ behaviour had been available or properly considered by employers his police career could have been stopped before it started, the report found.
Other allegations came to light after his arrest for the abduction, rape and murder of Ms Everard, including an indecent exposure allegation made by a teenage girl in 2004 and an attempted rape allegation between late 2006 and early 2007, which were not reported to police at the time.
The findings identified at least five incidents which were not reported to police, with Lady Elish saying she believes there could be more victims.
There was also evidence from a WhatsApp group containing former members of the Civil Nuclear Constabulary, some of who had transferred to Met, in which Couzens’ “deeply offensive and misogynistic views, relating to the sexual abuse of female victims of domestic violence and other vulnerable members of the public, were treated as acceptable and went unchallenged”.
Among the measures, Lady Elish called for an urgent review of indecent exposure charges against serving officers and said reports of the crime need to be taken seriously.
Ms Everard’s parents and siblings Sue, Jeremy, Katie and James, said in a statement following publication of the report: “As a family, the inquiry has helped us, not just because of its significant findings, but because its implementation made us feel that Sarah’s life was valued and her memory honoured.
“Her death has not been dismissed as a tragic event to be acknowledged with sympathy and then forgotten – questions have been raised and actions taken to investigate how this tragedy happened.
The eight times Couzens was reported for indecent exposure – with no action taken
The inquiry found that of nine allegations of indecent exposure involving Wayne Couzens, eight were initially reported to the police at or shortly after the time the offence occurred. 
Just one came to police attention following Couzens’ arrest for the abduction, rape and murder of Sarah Everard.
In two cases, complainants who had reported prior to the arrest recontacted the police to say that they had recognised Couzens as the offender in their case.
Alleged offences
In summer 2004, indecent exposure to shock a passerby while driving. Reported to Met Police in March 2021 
21 November, 2008, indecent exposure to shock a passerby while on foot. Reported to Met Police the same day 
9 June, 2015. Indecent exposure in town centre. Reported to Kent Police on the same day 
13 November, 2020. Indecent exposure while standing next to woodland with intent to shock a passing cyclist. Reported to Kent Police the same day 
3 February, 2021. Indecent exposure to a passer-by while on foot. Reported to Kent Police the same day 
Between 22 January and 1 February, 2021. Indecent exposure to shock a female employee at drive-through restaurant. Reported to Met Police on 28 February, 2021. 
Between 30 January and 6 February, 2021. Indecent exposure to shock a female employee at drive-through restaurant. Reported to Met Police on 28 February, 2021 
14 February, 2021. Indecent exposure to shock a female employee at drive-through restaurant. Reported to Met Police on 28 February, 2021 
27 February, 2021. Indecent exposure to shock a female employee at drive-through restaurant. Reported to Met Police on 28 February, 2021 
“As a family, we have not had to fight for answers and, for this, we are very thankful.
“It is obvious that Wayne Couzens should never have been a police officer. Whilst holding a position of trust, in reality he was a serial sex offender.
“Warning signs were overlooked throughout his career and opportunities to confront him were missed.
“We believe that Sarah died because he was a police officer, she would never have got into a stranger’s car.”
Their statement continued: “It is almost three years now since Sarah died. We no longer wait for her call; we no longer expect to see her.
“We know she won’t be there at family gatherings. But the desperate longing to have her with us remains and the loss of Sarah pervades every part of our lives.”
Met Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley described the findings as “an urgent call to action for all of us in policing” and said the service must “go further and faster” to gain back the trust of the public in the wake of the scandal.
Repeated failures in vetting and recruitment
The report set out failures in vetting and the investigation into allegations of indecent exposure that meant Couzens was able to work for three different police forces despite being a sexual predator.
Lady Elish called for the National Police Chief’s Council and all force vetting units to conduct a review of the circumstances of all allegations of indecent exposure and other sexual offences recorded on the Police National Database and the Police National Computer against serving officers.
These measures were to identify, investigate and ultimately remove officers found to have committed sexual offences from all police forces, she said.
She said she was “astonished” to learn that Couzens would have passed vetting for the Metropolitan Police even if the force had known about a previous accusation of indecent exposure.
Lady Elish also recommended that with immediate effect new policing candidates undergoes an interview and home visit so a holistic picture of the candidate and a better understanding of their motivations can be gained.
The report also recommends further developing the vetting code of practice, authorised professional practice on vetting, and other guidance on recruitment and vetting practices in order to prevent those who commit sexually motivated crimes against women and those otherwise unsuitable for policing from holding the office of constable.
If adopted, the candidates will be required to undergo an assessment of their psychological suitability for the role.
The inquiry also called for a more robust use of the Police National Database during vetting, noting that it should be used in particular when officers attempt to move between forces.
Any individual identified as having a conviction or caution for a sexual offence should also be rejected during police vetting, according to the inquiry’s recommendations.
Lady Elish said: “Repeated failures in recruitment and vetting meant that Couzens could enjoy the powers and privileges that accompany the role of police officer.
“He went on to use his knowledge of police powers to falsely arrest Sarah Everard.
“Even after Couzens’ arrest, and a review of his vetting clearance, the Metropolitan Police Service told the inquiry in 2022 that they would still have recruited him if provided with the same information.
“I found this astonishing.” 
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andmaybegayer · 2 years
every single time I think hey maybe Microsoft has learned how to make software that isn't terrible and won't make me hate them they reveal that they have developed an all new trick designed to make me angry.
I'm in Windows for reasons and I notice that my performance is weird so I check the task manager and some process called "Microsoft Office Click To Run" is eating a full core worth of performance. What is Click To Run, you ask? Great question! it is:
Click-to-Run products use streaming. Think of this in the same way that you think about streaming video. You can watch the first part of the video before the whole file is downloaded. Similarly, with Click-to-Run, you can start using Office before the whole suite or product has been downloaded. While you are using your application, the rest of Office is being downloaded quietly in the background. Another aspect of Office Click-to-Run is the unique way that Office is stored after it is downloaded onto your computer. Click-to-Run uses Microsoft virtualization technology to contain Office 2010 inside a virtualized application space. This virtual "bubble" separates Office from the regular file system and applications on your hard disk. This lets Office 2010 Click-to-Run coexist side-by-side with any existing version of Office that is already installed on your computer. There are also other benefits to Office Click-to-Run.
God. Why is this running all the time. Just download an installer binary, use an update manager like a normal adult. It's streaming in as needed, there's no reason for this to be a service!
How much can this possibly improve over how we distributed Microsoft Office literally a decade ago. The Steam Hardware Survey pre-filters for moderate power users with high-end systems and according to it, about 38% of PC users have four or fewer cores in their computers. You should not be eating a quarter or more of the performance of a third of your users without even blipping up a notification.
I don't mind the concept of an auto-updater, but this is enabled on every single computer with Microsoft Office all the time, and the switch to turn it off is disabling the service in the Windows System Management Console. This is not something even a relatively capable Windows user knows how to do! This is an enterprise solution, why is it set up in the least convenient mode by default on every computer with MS Office.
If you ignore Excel, there have been no significant feature changes to Microsoft Office that matter to your median user in fifteen years. If you told me that the only version of Microsoft Office I could ever use again was 2007 I would literally not care because until last year that WAS the only version of Office I ever used. It introduced the XML document format and the Ribbon UI model which were the last innovations MS Office ever had. Hell, Ribbon UI was stolen from Vista.
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iczer-ryuga2 · 2 years
How Toei wanted to make their own ver. of Silver Surfer in the early 80′s (Get ready because it’s about to get wild)
All the information I’ve gotten is in this one blog here, documenting about what Toei and Marvel were collabing on at the time: https://spider-man.at.webry.info/200802/article_3.html 
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From the blog in the link above:
‘As mentioned in this blog several times before, after Spider-Man aired from 1978 to 1979, Toei planned and considered several programs using Marvel characters, including 3-D Man, Moon Knight and Silver Surfer. We introduced 3-D Man (26 May 2007) and Moon Knight (14 January 2008), but Silver Surfer had not yet been introduced, so we thought we would introduce it sooner or later, but the other day we happened to receive a copy of the "New Programme Proposal" that resulted in Silver Surfer's death. I was planning to introduce it sooner or later, but I happened to get a copy of the Silver Surfer's lost 'New Programme Proposal' the other day, so I'll write about it this time, weaving in its contents as I go along.
This is the Silver Surfer proposal. Four colour photos of the main characters are attached.
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The show is a colourful and varied action series centered on three Marvel Comics heroes - Silver Surfer, Ms Marvel and The Thing - and features Marvel characters from time to time, plus original characters from Japan.
Title: Silver Surfer Type: SF hero action film Format: TV film with extensive use of VTR synthesis, 30-minute complete episodes, 26 or more episodes. Target audience: Young people and other families in general. Based on the novel by Saburo Hate (from the Marvel Comics version) Planning cooperation: Kikakusha 104 Production: Toei Co.
Planning details The Great Invasion Army, led by the space emperor Galactus, extends its power across the universe. Their next target is our home planet, Earth. At ・・・・・, Ms Marvel and The Thing, who belong to the Japan Branch of the Independent Strategy Office, have a fateful encounter with the superhero Silver Surfer, who has escaped from Galactus' army to Earth, and are told by him of the enemy's true intentions. The three are united by a strong sense of comradeship and rivalry as they face their giant enemy.
Introduction of the characters
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Silver Surfer (Koushi Shibuki). A silver-coloured alien who pilots a surfboard named Skyboard and travels through space at the speed of light. He was a resident of the planet Zen Ra, but was captured when an invasion force destroyed the planet and converted into a space combat soldier in the psychic strategic development section. After being converted, he attempted to escape to his late mother's planet.
Fights enemies with Cosmic Power, an ability that allows him to manipulate cosmic energy. Cosmic Blast = Attacks by firing energy blasts from the fingertips. Cosmic Burst = Energy discharge generated from both hands spread wide. Cosmic Attack = The strongest attack method, in which the energy stored in the body is released, the entire body is enveloped in energy and the attacker strikes with the body. However, this technique drains all of Silver Surfer's energy and can only be used once in battle, as he has no attack ability for "one hour" until the Cosmic Energy is charged up in his body again.
Usually a young man who enjoys ocean sports, mainly surfing. When he catches sight of an enemy invasion, he heads for the battlefield as a warrior Silver Surfer. His father is from the planet Zen Ra and his mother is from Earth.
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Miz Marvel (Masumi Suzuka). An Earth superheroine with inherently superior precognition and clairvoyant abilities. In everyday life, she is a female university student who works part-time at a coffee shop frequented by Koushi Shibuki. She is actually the daughter of the wealthy Suzuka family.
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Thing (Gen Ishihara). A power fighter who punches with great destructive power, defeats his enemies with great monstrous strength, and is an earthling who specialises in ground combat. He is usually a truck driver. He often frequents the coffee shop where Suzuka Masumi works part-time. During the investigation of a previous case, he was involved in an explosion at an enemy hideout, at which time he was exposed to special energy along with a monstrous beam of light, and became a superhuman with immeasurable power.
That's roughly how it went down. The rest of the book contains information about the 'Independent Strategy Office of the Earth Defence Organisation' to which the three belong, an introduction to the 'Galactus Army', a sample story of the first episode, and so on. We will introduce this proposal when we have a chance.
By the way, I looked into this lost project to see if it was utilized in any later Toei special effects programs, and found some matching settings in Space Detective Gavan, which was broadcast from March 1982. The Gavan project started in the spring of 1981, around the same time as Silver Surfer. The story is about the defense of peace in space, which is a different dimension from existing heroes. He wears a silver combat suit. He emits rays of light from his fingertips. His father is an alien and his mother is from Earth. He rides in a sidecar (Cyberian), reminiscent of the Silver Surfer. 
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[Image reference.]
There may be more, but I don't think I'm the only one who feels that this is similar. However, I haven't seen any reference book that states the fact that the 'Silver Surfer' setting was used for 'Gavan', so this is a matter of speculation.’
------------------------------------- End of Translation
So that was my find of this info. All while I’m trying to find info of ‘Tomb of Dracula’ anime animated by Toei so I tried to find info on Google using Dracula’s Japanese title and lo and behold, I found this blog that has quite the info on it.
Next time, info on ‘Tomb of Dracula’ anime movie and how Harmony Gold crammed WAAAY Too much story into a condensed movie that was different in the intended way by Toei.
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lamyaasfaraini · 8 months
Meet up college mates
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Alhamdulillah akhirnya bisa ktemuan sama sobi2 satu ini. Yang 1 mantan manager ms glow yg skrg lg nyari kerjaan yg lebih baik dan berkah, yang 1 lg manager cafe di cikole, tebih eyymmm.. Baru pisan kerjanya dirasa anak2nya udah pada gede, yaiya atuh nikah tahun 2012 nikah muda, wkt kondangan dia kayanya org pertama yg nikah deh di angkatan 2007, dia tp ngga slesei kuliahnya, keburu kerja dan berbagi hal pergulatan dlm kehidupannya lah yaa. Tp dia satu2nya yg selalu keep in touch sama kita, bahkan 5 thn kemudian aja dia dtg ke nikahan aku. Sobi jualanku, jajastipan, skrg kerja aja cenah barijeung pgn resign krn kejauhan da di cikole wkwk. Padahal wkt kerjanya enakeun tiap hari cuma mantau2 doang, 3 jam doang bisa lsg balik tp kalo ada tamu VIP biasanya full kerja atau lg high season udah kaya 9 to 5 office hours bgt.
Tiba2 aja saling komen di igs trus ngajak ktemuan satset hayu deh nyesuain jdwl kerja dulu, akhirnya bisanya maksi dan ya berarti aku harus bawa nemo hemm memang bawa anak tuh ngga jongjon yaa terbukti ada aja ngerengeknya pgn inilah itulah. Gabisa titip anak pula krn dadakan ktemuannya.
Hani si manager cafe ngide makan di Dailah resto nusantara gt, di cisangkuy. Hemm sering lewat sih tp gatau aja dalemnya belom pernah coba. Ternyata pricey dan fancy cuy.. Konsepnya nusantara bgt memang, mejanya udah kek fine dining ada serbetnya no tisu tisu kleub, wangi2 ruangan fancy otentik lemongrass gt jd inget di jogja kan kalo ngga wangi2 lemongrass, wangi dupa gt. Menu nya nusantara bgt jg kaya sei sapi, maranggi, betutu, sop konro, ayam lengkuas, opor bakar dll lah banyak bgt trus enak2 yg kami order tuh haaaaa.. Kalo masakan indo2 gini tuh suka inget suamikuuu suka bgt blio. Pankapan kita kesitu yuk~ kata Ipeh si mantan manager ms glow kalo di Jkt mirip Remboelan, ohhh iya tau resto itu mreka kalo di Jkt meet up nya kadang disitu.
Nemo tetiba bgt dessert cake biscoff. Rasanya leh uga sih akutu kureng sama yg giung2, buatku ini giungg huhu..
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Obrolan kami berbobot bgt ya dah umur 35 mah wkwk. Tentang kehidupan, tentang kerjaan, sharing2 managerial tuh berdua hahaha. Ya gitu kadang ngga ada wkt buat julidin org, ya ada sih dikit lebih banyaknya tentang diri kami. Kalo sama ipeh ini kami 1 geng sih tp udah jrg ktemuan sama membernya, ya begitulah.. Tp ttp kalo dah sefrekuensi mah candaannya ttp masookkk.. Sama hani yg bukan geng kita jg tp hani mah selalu se frekuensi wkwk.
Alhamdulillah bgt ih punya temen baik2 bgt, yg satu bayarin makanan, yg satu anterin pulang hahaha. Semoga rejeki kalian makin melimpaaah berkaaaah yaa aamiin.
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Next kita ke cikole okey, samperin hani yg gawe skalian culik balik wkwk. Jamnya di jam anak sekulah dong pleass~
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because-she-goes · 1 year
NME’s Writer Profile: 6/12/23
Ms. Rooney Atkinson
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Born Rooney Bleu Atkinson
February 18, 1990 (Aquarius)
resides in the Lake District, UK
Hobbies include film photography, fashion, gardening, record shopping, cooking and acoustic guitar
Prefers tea over coffee, specifically peppermint
Winner of the “Messiest Desk In The Office” 3 years running
constantly reading, favorite authors include Emerson, Thompson, Burroughs and Didion
Favorite albums include: Parachutes by Coldplay, Brand New Eyes by Paramore, Conditions by The Temper Trap, Transformer by Lou Reed and Grace by Jeff Buckley
Has worked at NME since 2018, her first album review was for “El Mal Querer” by Rosalía
Noted by her colleagues to always be the first one in the office and the last one out
Favorite smell is of fresh earth after a rainstorm and also baked bread
Favorite season is autumn - “because it is the coziest”
Favorite movies include Atonement (2007), Little Women (2018), The Holiday (2006) and Leap Year (2010)
Upcoming piece: A profile on the frontman of the 1975, Matty Healy, entitled “Being Funny, Sincerely”, available to read in this year’s October edition
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heavenboy09 · 11 months
She was born in the Westminster area of London on 6 November 1972, the daughter of Zimbabwean mother Nyasha Jombe and English father Nick Newton. Her mother was a member of a Shona chieftaincy family, while her father worked as a laboratory technician and artist
Newton is known for starring roles such as the title character in Beloved (1998), Nyah Nordoff-Hall in Mission: Impossible 2 (2000), Tiffany in Shade (2003), Dame Vaako in The Chronicles of Riddick (2004), Christine in Crash (2004), Linda in The Pursuit of Happyness (2006), Libby in Run Fatboy Run (2007), Stella in RockNRolla (2008), Condoleezza Rice in W. (2008), Laura Wilson in 2012 (2009), Tangie Adrose in For Colored Girls (2010), Maeve Millay in Westworld (2016–2022), Roz Huntley in Line of Duty (2017), and Val in Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018).
Newton has received various awards, including an Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series, a BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role, and two Critics' Choice Awards, in addition to nominations for two Golden Globe Awards, a Saturn Award, a Screen Actors Guild Award, and a British Academy Television Award for Best Actress. She was appointed Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the 2019 New Year Honours for services to film and charity.
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void-ink-studios · 1 year
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Day 3: Marrow
Sent from: [email protected] on December 15th, 2007
Received by: [email protected]
Subject: NEW CASE
Dames, we got a new case.  The cops want our help, finally.  I know you’re frustrated with them for taking so long, but at least we can look into it now.  Don’t let Maddie read this one, it’s gruesome.  Something about it feels familiar though, like I read it somewhere before.
Anyway, read it when you can, and get back to me ASAP.
Attachment: MindyReidReport.pdf
Case No: 050782
Date: December 13th, 2007
Reporting Officer: Officer Jerome Parker
Dead body discovered off the sidewalk on East Ivy Street.  Body was identified as Mindy Reid.  Potentially rabid animal to blame.
Detail of Event:
On December 13th, at 0500 hours, I was dispatched to 275 East Ivy Street in response to a 911 call.  Upon arrival, I was directed by the caller to the bushes, to which I discovered the deceased body of who was later identified as Mindy Reid.  Ms. Reid was remarked as a local grocery store clerk, who worked at Harbor Corner Groceries.  Body was mauled, similarly to an animal attack.  Chest was open and ribs were cracked open.  Body was missing part of its right arm.  The caller reported to see some kind of animal to be chewing on the bones when they made the discovery.
Description of animal: Human-like proportions, animal-like in posture, mouth described as “overstuffed with teeth”.
Action Taken:
Ambulance and forensic team were called.  Street was closed off for investigation.  Pictures of the scene and forensic samples taken.  Body was removed from the scene to be examined by the coroner.
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dullahandyke · 4 months
Actuslly CD collection ^_^ burned my first CD for unhappy refrain and then got bored so mostly this like. Years old
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[Image description: CD cases spread out on my bed, sorted into the following groups.
Cool kid corner:
The Family Jewels by Marina and the Diamonds
Unhappy Refrain by Wowaka
Ripely Pine by Lady Lamb the Beekeeper
12 year old me had taste
Music Rox by Moshi Monsters
Victory by Jedward
Theatre kid
Wicked Original Broadway Cast
Les Misérables Live: Dream the Dream
Matilda the Musical Original London Cast
Blood Brothers 1995 London Cast
Theatre kid but mom booked the tickets (love u mom)
Mamma Mia
Dirty Dancing
Hamilton Original Broadway Cast
End image description.]
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Maybe not a new plan, but this could have implications for Doctor Who as history repeats itself.
The last major Hollywood strike in 2007 resulted in the American networks scrambling to find "new" content. One network aired the BBC series Merlin over the summer and there was serious talk of the first and/or second seasons of the Doctor Who revival also airing. (This was around the time Syfy picked up the series, which was likely why we didn't see Christopher Eccleston or David Tennant on something like NBC).
Of course now we have the double-barrelled writers and actors strike and Disney has announced its Ms Marvel series from Disney+ will air this fall on the Disney-owned ABC network.
Since it's been reported that Ms Marvel was one of the lower-rated of the Disney+ series, there's been some headscratching as to why it was chosen and not, say, Loki or Winter Soldier and the Falcon (or even the now-cancelled She-Hulk Attorney at Law), or even something like The Mandalorian. Likely easy answer is Ms Marvel is the more family-friendly of the series and would likely require less editing for language and violence (Disney+ isn't Netflix but its shows can have a harder edge than what you might see on ABC). Also, the character will be in the upcoming Marvels film so maybe trying to avoid the box office underperformance of other recent MCU films, Disney might see this as an easy way to promote it (plus, without spoiler, Ms Marvel does tie-in directly to the upcoming movie).
The reason why I bring all this up is if the strikes continue, there is another family-friendly property due to stream on Disney+ in the coming months. Doctor Who's 60th anniversary could potentially turn up on American network TV. (I am assuming that BBC America will not be showing future episodes of Doctor Who now that it's on Disney+. Even then I think some network in the states like BBC America was airing Merlin when it also showed on NBC; I'm also hopeful that the strikes end before Series 14 - which won't air till sometime in 2024 - becomes a factor). Food for thought!
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Leslie David Baker (born February 19, 1958) is an actor. He is known for playing disgruntled paper salesman Stanley Hudson in The Office for nine seasons (2005–2013). He was born in Chicago. He holds a BS in Psychology from Loyola University Chicago and an MS in Human Services Administration from Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership in Chicago. He taught Special Education and played an office worker in OfficeMax commercials while working on his MS degree. He worked for the Board of Education, the Department of Public Health, and the Office of Cable and Communications. He moved to Los Angeles in the late 1990s. He was part of the Office cast which won Screen Actors Guild Awards in the Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series category in 2007 and 2008. In July 2020, he launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the production of a pilot for Uncle Stan, a proposed spin-off series of The Office focusing on Stanley as he moves to Los Angeles to help his widowed nephew Lucky run his failing motorcycle repair/flower shop. Heguest-starred in That '70s Show in season 3's "Backstage Pass" as a janitor at the Ted Nugent concert. He released the song "2 Be Simple" with an accompanying music video that features him in a bathrobe dancing with scantily clad women. He appeared in Raven's Home as Principal Wentworth; previously, he had small parts in Scorpion and Life in Pieces. He appeared in Still the King and in the films Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (2017), in a voice role, and The Happytime Murders (2018). He appeared in a January 2018 advertisement for FileMaker Inc. as a farmer. In 2020 he starred in a series of commercials for Honey Nut Cheerios. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/Co2BHd5LoJV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Specialty Classes Get Results - AdvanceTo Teaches Creation of Templates For Corporate and Litigation...
Premise: Whether you work on corporate or litigation legal documents or non legal environment documentation, we tend to work on certain types of documents over and over again. Some people use Litera, Payne. MacPac, Softwise, and other 3rd party number bars that let you save certain Multilevel Outline sequences while others do not use Number Bars at all.
Then there are those who truly like to create specific templates that contain not only certain Multilevel Outline arrangements but also certain body text styles, specific character styles and we teach you how to create a nice library of valuable templates.
A. This is a great skill to have because it gives you greater insight into the solid basics of MS Word.
B. It allows you to not waste development time on each document that you need to style.
C. We will share other techniques of sharing styles between documents.
D. This is a great skill to have if you work in a smaller firm because this exercise alone can mechanize the entire firm since the templates can shared amongst your peers. Your staff efficiency is increased and there is less energy expended from document to document.
E. This is also a great skill to be able to place on your resume.
F. This class also forces you to solidify your knowledge concerning Multilevel Outlines. For some, it will be the first time that they fully and clearly understand this topic.
For firms that want us to tailor templates, we can do so depending on the particular needs of a firm. We would create templates to take care of multiple scenarios. We also have ready made Templates for purchase. Just give us a call.
Training From An Inside Perspective...
AdvanceTo Training and Consulting
Basic-Advanced MS Office 2007-365 Training, Test Prep, Tailored Classes, Video On Demand for Secretaries. Administrative Assistants. Paralegals, Law Students, Attorneys and Business Professionals
888-422-0692 Extension 1 and 2
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alaturkanews · 1 month
Behind the Obama-Harris Friendship: A Key Endorsement and a Kindred Spirit
On New Year’s Eve in 2007, Kamala Harris, then the district attorney of San Francisco, prepared to spend the holiday more than a thousand miles away from her native California. She had flown to Iowa for the first time, touching down in Des Moines during one of the wettest winters on record. Ms. Harris turned up in a dingy campaign field office, wearing a puffy coat and boots. Near a tangle of…
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veryutils · 2 months
VeryUtils PDF to Word Converter SDK for Developers Royalty Free
VeryUtils PDF to Word Converter SDK for Developers Royalty Free.
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✅ VeryUtils PDF to Word Converter SDK/CLI VeryUtils PDF to Word Converter SDK enables programmers and system administrators to seamlessly integrate powerful VeryUtils PDF to Word conversion functions into applications and server environments. VeryUtils PDF to Word Converter SDK allows software developers or professional users to batch convert VeryUtils PDF to Word documents silently, giving you simple but incredibly powerful PDF conversion capabilities and workflow solutions.
You can integrate VeryUtils PDF to Word Conversion functions to your workflow or software, allowing your users to edit PDF contents, tables, text, or images as Word files. You can easily to integrate using C#, VB.NET, Java, PHP, Python.
With VeryUtils PDF to Word Converter SDK software, you can convert and edit Adobe PDF Documents in MS Word easily, just convert PDF files to Word files, then you can modify text, font, bullet lists, tables, images and more in MS Word application.
✅ VeryUtils PDF to Word SDK supports Command Line
VeryUtils PDF to Word SDK can be used as a VeryUtils PDF to Word Converter Command Line Tool. The Command Line Tool enables users to easily automate VeryUtils PDF to Word conversion tasks. Users can convert specific page ranges, entire PDF files, or even multiple PDFs at once to one of three output formats: DOCX (Microsoft Word 2007 and later), RTF, and DOC.
VeryUtils PDF to Word SDK offers different ways to integrate SDK into your projects using the native (C) or COM interfaces as well as .Net, Python, Java, C++, C proxy libraries.
✅ What is VeryUtils PDF to Word ActiveX DLL?
VeryUtils PDF to Word ActiveX DLL is a standalone ActiveX DLL/Component that facilitates the conversion of PDF files into Microsoft Word documents (RTF, DOC, DOCX formats). Unlike many other solutions, this component does not require Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader to function, making it a lightweight and independent choice for developers.
✅ VeryUtils PDF to Word Converter SDK/CLI features:
PDF to Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX, RTF).
Use Command Line to batch convert PDF files to Word documents.
Native support for batch conversions (bash, cmd, PS, sh).
Output file format customization and precise formatting options.
Specifying passwords for encrypted PDF files.
Subset conversion: define page range for conversion.
Scheduled conversion: automate VeryUtils PDF to Word conversion.
Batch PDF Conversion: convert multiple PDF files to Word documents quickly.
Three output formats: DOCX (Microsoft Word 2007 and later), RTF (rich text format), and DOC.
Reconstruct Word and RTF documents from PDF files.
Standalone software and don't require MS Word and Adobe Acrobat installed.
Quick extract values from PDFs.
Integrate VeryUtils PDF to Word conversion to your workflow or software easily.
Edit PDF contents, tables, text, or images in MS Word application.
Accurate VeryUtils PDF to Word conversion that preserves fonts, columns, tables, images, lists and page layouts.
Directly convert VeryUtils PDF to Word without needing any MS Office software or third-party software.
Multi-threaded conversion allows you to handle millions of document conversions.
Able to integrate into server and web applications.
Data mining PDF documents.
Folder watchers.
Populating databases from PDF.
Publishing PDF documents in Word.
Call the tool from script files with ease using the command line interface.
Batch PDF Conversion: convert multiple PDF files in a directory path with a single command.
✅ VeryUtils PDF to Word SDK Licensing:
The VeryUtils PDF to Word Conversion SDK is licensed as a Developer License and OEM Distribution License.
A Developer License allows the deployment of the licensed software to one (1) client computer (for internal usage only). It does not include the right for access by concurrent users. A desktop computer is a computer that is designed for and is used by a single user.
To distribute the developed software outside your organization you will need an OEM License.
✅ VeryUtils PDF to Word Converter SDK/CLI Advanced Features:
Accurate Conversion of Complex Documents: This DLL ensures that even complex PDF documents, including those with intricate layouts and designs, are accurately converted into Word format.
Support for Images and PDF Drawing Primitives: It efficiently handles the conversion of images and most drawing elements like lines, curves, and polygons found in PDFs.
Table Recognition: One of its standout features is the ability to recognize and convert tables, maintaining the structure and data integrity during the conversion.
Optimization Modes: Developers can choose between two conversion modes—preserving the original layout (Exact Mode) or preserving text flow (Flowing Mode). This flexibility allows for optimized outputs depending on the document's complexity and the need for editability.
Comprehensive Language Support: The component supports all Unicode languages in PDF files, making it suitable for global applications.
Standalone Operation: Since it doesn't rely on external software like Adobe Acrobat, it reduces dependencies and streamlines the development process.
Multi-Language Support: It’s compatible with a wide range of development languages including VB Script, Javascript, Perl, PHP, Python, ASP, ASP.Net, VB.Net, C#, VB, Delphi, VC++, and Java. This makes it a versatile tool across different programming environments.
Wide OS Compatibility: The DLL supports a broad spectrum of Windows versions, including Windows XP through to Windows 11, as well as Windows Server editions from 2003 to 2016 (including R2 versions).
Royalty-Free Distribution: Developers can integrate this DLL into their applications without worrying about additional distribution fees, offering a cost-effective solution for both commercial and non-commercial applications.
Unlimited Usage: There are no restrictions on the number of applications you can build with this DLL, providing developers with unlimited potential.
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