#ms paint turtles
shiba-liba · 1 year
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the screaming is because i did this in Ms Paint, which does not have layers.
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oh-gh0st · 2 years
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as another little funny treat even though the meme is Kinda dead
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squidsqwag · 2 years
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i love the mikey n donnie duo bc i just imagine it’s like this 24/7
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quartergremlin · 11 months
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tea-time221 · 2 years
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he forgets to feed them ONE time.
does this count for day 3 of rottmntober?
(feel free to use these as reaction images!!)
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toitlechaos · 8 months
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✨️Motivational Poster✨️
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taikk0 · 2 years
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shell hogs??? no.
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how do you fit more than 3 space delimited strings in the top bar? when I tried to do "empty chairs at empty TABLES" (which I now have stuck in my head) it gave me "empty chairs at EMPTY TABLES"
I was hoping someone would ask! The solution is deceptively simple.
So, as you've said, the formatting is built for 4 words, so if we put more than 4 words in the box, we get a really long "TURTLES" section, like so:
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But it turns out the generator doesn't sense words. It senses spaces. It only knows we have 5 words because there are 4 spaces in our input.
So we replace one of the spaces with some character that's about the same width as a space. I use apostrophes.
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Now the formatting looks good, so all we need to do is copy the image into any free image editing program. I use MS Paint, but if you do the same, be advised that you may have to save your image and then open it in Paint; pasting doesn't always work.
Once it's in there, we just use the fill tool to fill in the apostrophe!
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And hey, presto! Looks perfect, at least at a glance, and takes all of 30 seconds! If you wanted to make it a little neater, you could use the Paint select tool to shift the characters slightly and create more even spaces, but like. It's a meme. No one cares lmao
Similarly, if you want to do fewer than four words, you can literally just add spaces to your input. If you're only adding one, put it at the front and it'll look more balanced; if you need to add a second, put it after the first word.
Thanks for asking!
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vazaez · 1 year
oughh iim so happy to have a part in this :]
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lineart under the cut
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koriiiowl · 6 months
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Ms paint doodles my beloathed (and Donnie my boy <3)
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jthefruit · 1 year
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I apologize for not posting much, I've been pretty distracted and stuff so have some turtle tots as an apology
I've been trying to remember to work on the au aswell, but I unfortunately have really bad memory so I forget about it often so I also apologize for that, but the next 2 bits should be pretty good, I cant wait to finish them
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shiba-liba · 1 year
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Mikey says: eat transphobes.
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snailsnaps · 2 years
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I'm telling you, MS Paint has NO RIGHT being this fun to use.
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cippercopper · 22 days
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Ermmm, uhhhhhhh, I made this. Randomly. On MS paint. Because I unlocked a hyperfixation on Bendy and the Ink Machine again after 7 years. And I was bored so i drew this quickly.
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quartergremlin · 9 months
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Baseball time
Part 1/Part 2/Part 3/Part 4
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itsvalpenguin1 · 4 months
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es que...ustedes no se hacen NI LA MAS MINIMA IDEA de la obsesion por este au todo raro que tuve en quinto grado
ya de por si tmnt era la caricatura mas violenta que habia visto en mi vida, luego me encuentro una de esas presentaciones de powerpoint bien epicas con un monton de imagenes de mis tortugos favoritos pero con caras de villanos y haciendo cosas malas, cosas SANGRIENTAS y pues para rematar que estaba en una epoca muy edgy de mi vida asi que obvio eso me volo la mente XD
la verdad nunca supe si tenia un lore consiso o algo...solo se que el creador tiene (o tenia??) deviantart y la mayoria de imagenes al respecto estan ahi, pues leo tiene espirales en los ojos por alguna razon y una sonrisa siniestra, donnie es un cientifico loco que hace cosas raras, pero lo mas epico de esto, es que la que simpea a donnie es abril!! WOOOAH, rafa pues...es un chillon, y mikey...no se man la mayoria de dibujos siempre lo hacian igual de weon, supongo que tambien esta loquito o algo asi
y eso seria todo! la verdad es que parte de crecer es darse cuenta que esto tampoco era la gran cosa, pero el concepto esta curioso, me gusta el estilo del artista tambien, eso es todo lo que puedo decir
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