#ms. anonymous
skyeward-otp · 1 year
I’m stashing away my materials for a riot if they make Jess go ooc and she doesn’t choose Liam. Literally I need this more than anything
Babe, I will gladly help, lol.
I haven’t been too worried about the “love triangle” because Jess has made it clear from the start that she doesn’t want to start a relationship with Ethan because she doesn’t want to ruin their friendship/friend group if things go sideways, and it’s very clear that she’s got some strong feelings for Liam, otherwise she wouldn’t have been so hurt both times she thought he betrayed them. If she didn’t feel anything for him, it wouldn’t be as much of a gut punch for her. But obviously there’s still that small part of my brain that say “you’ve been burned before with ships, it’ll happen again” that I am desperately trying to ignore because Jess and Liam have me in a very tight grip and I need them to be together.
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markscherz · 6 months
Your last name is a joke. (Scherz means Joke in German)
Hello yes I do in fact know what my own surname means. I am half German by descent and grew up in Switzerland and speak fluent German and lived in Germany for almost ten years and married a German (who for some strange reason didn’t want to take my name 😅).
Try being taken seriously on the phone when they ask who it is and you say anything followed by ‘Scherz’.
Ironically, nobody in my family—as far as I’m aware, and we’ve traced part of our family tree back several centuries—has ever run a joke shop or had any other on-brand occupation.
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popfizzles · 2 days
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yall think there's a reason she wants to be called "miss" 🤔
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veryluckyclovers · 9 months
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arttuff · 6 months
Your art is so cute it made me decide to read the impulse 1995 series (:
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
in your most recent tyson post, you said something about leo being distinctly autistic-coded and I was wondering if you could elaborate on that? it sounds really interesting (sorry if you've already posted something on this, I couldn't find anything though)
Of course! I do have a specific tag for talking about Leo's autistic-coding/traits - [here], and [one for Nico as well].
The main aspects with Leo being autistic-coded actually have a lot to do with Nico being autistic-coded, because it's the comparisons between the two that most clearly indicate Leo is autistic-coded rather than it just being his ADHD or etc.
So with Nico being autistic-coded, it's very clear in the Titan's Curse that he's intended to be autistic. First, the first series has a repeating pattern of secondary characters being very distinctly neurodivergent-coded in different ways (Annabeth's adhd/dyslexia, Tyson's down syndrome-coding, Nico's autism-coding). With Nico's introduction, he's pretty stereotypically autistic and we're given a lot of descriptors about him that are notably not attributed to him being ADHD, like it would be for other demigod characters. He doesn't register social cues such as people getting annoyed at him, he's asking/making inappropriate or impolite questions/comments, he gets particularly upset about change (such as Bianca joining the Hunt) and generally gets emotional, and one of his most notable traits he's introduced with is the fact that he has a special interest (MythoMagic) - and we're shown that this special interest particularly colors how Nico navigates the world. While ADHD has hyperfixations, we don't really get much acknowledgement of hyperfixations with demigods usually - Annabeth gets a little, but most others don't and it's not nearly as focused-in on as Nico's is.
Then as the series continues we see these traits stick with him and him start to show or voice more traits that similarly indicate he's autistic: He regularly mentions how he doesn't understand living people and prefers the company of the dead (social issues). He has more notable stims than other demigods (twisting his ring, fiddling with bones, etc). He's indicated to have strong sensory preferences (usually wearing mostly black/aversion to bright colors, usually wearing layers/his coat, multiple times he's described as wearing loose/baggy clothing or clothes too big for him). He has specific comfort items (his ring, likely his jacket(s) as well). We later get even more information about his special interests (Mythomagic/mythology/history and an older interest in pirates - the latter he specifically notes likely heavily influenced his feelings towards Percy). He struggles with emotions and facial expressions and tone. He struggles particularly with ostracism and feeling like he doesn't fit in and has something distinctly different about him from the people around him (who notably, all have ADHD, which indicates it isn't the ADHD that's making him feel that way), and other characters regularly describe him as being off-putting because of his strange behaviors - again, different from specific ADHD traits they recognize. And that last point is kind of notable because we have Hazel and Bianca for comparison - we know people are off-put by both Nico and Hazel because of being children of Hades/Pluto and their powers/aura, but other characters get past that general feeling of discomfort way faster with Hazel. And even after characters get past the death stuff with Nico, there's a second thing that they aren't moving past that isn't a factor with Hazel (Nico's autism).
So that brings us to Leo - Leo is paralleled to Nico a lot. And there's some very specific traits about him that we know are autistic-coding because of how they're used with Nico: He similarly struggles with social cues/etc, and in a very similar parallel to Nico describes how he prefers the company of machines to people because machines make more sense to him. He has similar types of clothing/sensory preferences (again some stuff with layers but also - pockets! He likes having pockets and things to put stuff in! He's even introduced as having a jacket with lots of pockets), and he has a distinct special interest (machinery) that we specifically know heavily influences how he views and navigates the world (constantly comparing things to machinery, describing things with machinery metaphors/terminology, etc etc). He even describes his entire general worldview to Hazel and it's a machine metaphor. He also similarly struggles with ostracization like Nico does, the only difference being that Leo specifically puts on a persona to compensate for areas he knows he's lacking in and very explicitly describes it as a means to make people like him, because without it he normally struggles to fit in (He's masking!). We also see notes of characters describing that similar discomfort with Leo's behaviors that they do with Nico, except without the aura of death this time. And when we're in Leo's POVs we see a very stark difference between his masking and his actual personality/behaviors such as his internal dialogues or how he behaves when he's alone. Also, like Nico, he stims more than other demigods, though for Leo it's more attributed to his ADHD. Leo also, more often than most, similarly struggles with tone and reading the room, such as making misplaced jokes/comments or etc.
But yeah! It's really interesting. Also it's just a fun thing that ADHD/dyslexia and autism have comorbidity, so it makes sense that we see demigods who are also autistic. It's also really fun to look at how other characters are coded in the series, what coding looks like in the riordanverse specifically (usually it's tied into the mythological stuff - like Chiron being in a wheelchair but he's actually a centaur, Grover being introduced as having a muscular disease but he's actually a satyr, demigods having adhd/dyslexia, Tyson being coded as having down syndrome but he's a cyclops, etc etc - it's a lot of specific metaphor stuff that I've talked about a bit before), and to look at how characters are compared to one another.
#pjo#riordanverse#leo valdez#nico di angelo#autistic nico#autistic leo#autism#analysis#Anonymous#ask#long post //#woof sorry that got long#im very passionate about this topic#re: characters being paralleled#Ms. ''Constantly Neutral - No Emotions'' Reyna looking at Nico stimming in the exact same way she does (twisting ring)#and internally going ''We have a lot in common. I don't know how I feel about that.'' is one of my favorites.#like. reyna. ma'am. you might be autistic. good luck with that.#with the pattern of coding in the first series i do suspect Rachel has some coding as well but i haven't been able to pinpoint what it is#I think it may be the whole seer thing and the fact that she could see the future#even before becoming the oracle/despite being a mortal rather than a demigod (who just get rare prophetic dreams normally)#and in BoTL her entire thing is that she's able to see things that no one else can and that's how they navigate the maze#particularly also with how the labyrinth is treated/how it affects people within it (see: Chris)#and how the only other seer in the first series - May - is characterized and her coding compared to Rachel's#also something something the seer traits become more prominent once Rachel meets Percy#something something metaphor about only being able to recognize neurodivergency traits once you're familiar with them#so Rachel meets Percy = introduction to the community > Rachel recognizes her own traits/symptoms > gets a support system (oracle)
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werepires · 6 months
Eileen in Ms paint edition pls!
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Send me a ✍ and a character and I’ll draw the character horribly on MS Paint.
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pja-party · 9 months
are we going to get more Chalice lore on your series? Like, about her parents, or about her nightmares...
Her parents' names are Alice Xilac (Mother) & Grail Xilac ( Father) .
In my au, Chalice has complicated...lores... ( ?)
This is the Legendary Chalice
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And this is Charlotte, a rebirth of Legendary Chalice. " Chalice" is more like her nickname.
But her soul is the Legendary Chalice.
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When the Cup brothers meet The Legendary Chalice at the mausoleums, she is in ghost form, which means she died again.
The Legendary Chalice ---> Died---> Charlotte Xilac (rebirth)--->died---> The Legendary Chalice ( Ghost form ) ---> Ms. Chalice ( with Astral Cookie )
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kanrix · 10 months
could you draw Ms Sculptham if you haven’t
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mspaintakus · 4 months
It's my exam season soooo Aku stressing over Maths plssss (bonus points if he just makes Rashoumon 'take care' of it)
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Exams are hard, but with the help of hot cocoa and believing in himself and rashoumon he will make it through!
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tf2incorrectquotes · 6 months
Medic, at chevy’s dead body: he’s.. he’s so…
Spy: Dead. He’s incredibly dead.
Medic: Fertile. He’s so fertile I think I could fit like two baboon uterus’s in him
Spy: *staring at the Medic as he works on the corpse*
Ms. Pauling: *a little concerned* You've been completely still for the past... five minutes? You know what he's doing?
Spy: Oui, but... *takes a long puff of his cigerette* Truth be told, this has come so far out of left field for me, I don't actually have any feelings about it!
Ms. Pauling: *getting scared* What?
Medic: *happily turns around holding two newborn baboons*
Ms. Pauling: Oh... What? Wait... what?
Spy: *nods in understanding* Pretty much what I was thinking. No one is going to understand but... *shrugs* here we are.
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skyeward-otp · 1 year
I expected fbi guy was working with Billie but aaaah
Honestly, I feel like I should have figured it out sooner because I’m usually so good at picking out characters who are shady. Maybe it’s because I love the og movies so much and he’s in the first one so my head was all, “no, he’s sedusky’s friend, he wouldn’t do that” not at all thinking about the fact that betrayal’s always come from the ones closest to you.
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hey-imma-fangirl · 2 months
How are Chips and Wheezy doing?
The way they’ve always been
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But we know Wheezy loves her 😉
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arealtrashact · 11 hours
(Anonymous because i tend to be Shy af when it comes to making asks like this XD)
First things first, your artwork Always takes away my breath and legit You're one of my inspirations to keep drawing and improving Myself as seeing your art always brings a smile to my face and def makes me want to practice digital arts
Secondlly, if its ok to ask. What are program do you use? I am always curious into what other programs artist as the curious cat that I can be. Personally I use Clip Art Studio and i've love it so far (Still learning how to fully use it tho lol) Sorry if it came out as a weird question or you have answered it before
Thank you for the kind words ♥ Knowing that my work helps motivate you to create in any small way makes me very happy.
Not a weird question at all. I use Paint Tool Sai. I've been trying to make the transition to Clip Studio for a little while now but I'm an old dog. Learning new tricks seems less and less appealing these days.
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dailyhatsune · 2 years
miku with a 'women want me, fish fear me' hat
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ekingston · 4 months
I just stumbled upon your You me & holiday wine fic and binged it and may i just say thank you for your service 🫡🫡🫡 that work it’s everything to me and was just so fun to read!! you ate that up
hi hello & thank you so much! it makes me SO happy people are still discovering YMHW in 2024. i’m really glad you enjoyed it, it was a lot of fun to write as well!
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