#mtap oaks
vani-candy · 9 months
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i redesigned my Portia builder OC because i barely remember anything about her HAHAHAHA.....all i remember is her name is Piper and she's dating Oaks
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raystimeatportia · 1 year
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the fact i cant platonically hug mei is an injustice and i will be suing for emotional damages
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murmurtown · 3 years
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a daisy and oaks doodle for my oc journal.
Daisy mistakenly stole cottons from builder's planters and pass it as a flower gift for oaks 🙈
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pai-pu · 3 years
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Oaks 🐻
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athenagc94 · 3 years
Just One Thing
With Beta Sandrock keys out, I’m back on my MTAP nonsense. Please, allow me to introduce my next builder - Eden King! Originally, I was gunning to have her marry Dr. Xu, but Oaks kind of snuck up on me and now, here we are. I hope you enjoy. You can also read it here on AO3
“When was the last time you had a full night’s sleep?”
Eden didn’t even look up from the monitor as she casually shot back, “When’s the last time you had a full night’s sleep?”
Petra huffed. “Don’t turn the tables on me. I asked you first.” She tried to sound irritated, but Eden heard the smile in her voice. She knew her sleep schedule was as fucked as hers, so kettle meet the pot. She had no right to lecture her. When she didn’t respond, Petra continued, “Why don’t you head out for the night? You’ve already done more than enough and I don’t mind finishing things up.”
“I like helping you.” Eden pressed a few keys on the pad in front of her. “It’s nostalgic, or whatever.”
She hit the enter key and a string of code appeared on the screen. She scrutinized it for patterns, then from those patterns, she picked out the irregularities and jotted them down on her notepad. Hopefully, they’d find something a little more useful this time around. The cooking mechanism they stumbled across last time was nice and all, but if she had to rely on her crumbling furnace for much longer, she was going to yank her hair out. This builder gig was supposed to be easier than her job back in Vega 5, but she might have made a marginal error when she drew that conclusion. Her father's old diagrams left a lot to be desired.
“You came to Portia to recover from your burnout,” she chided, jostling the back of her chair. Eden cut her with a glare, but it lacked its usual sting. “Old tech research isn’t your job anymore.”
“Old habits die hard,” she mumbled. “And then you die.”
“That’s exactly what I’m talking about.” Petra tugged at her chair, pulling her just out of arm’s reach of the keypad. She almost clamored after it, but she resisted that overwhelming urge in favor of preserving some small part of her dignity. “Go home. Or am I going to have to get Phyllis on your ass?”
Eden pouted. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Try me,” she said, chuckling. “I can literally see the tension building around your shoulders. We both know Phyllis would love to get her hands on you for an acupuncture session.” Eden tried and failed to suppress the paralyzing fear that curled up her spine, stacking right on top of that rock hard stress that had settled in her shoulders. She liked to think she was a practical woman who trusted a vast majority of the advancements in medical sciences. And research did show that acupuncture has a positive impact on things like stress and anxiety ー both things she definitely suffered from.
That being said, fuck needles.
Petra smirked, reading her mind. “Exactly,” she snapped. “So, if you don’t want her using you as a living pin cushion, get out of here. Take the long way home. Get some fresh air. Something to unwind a little so she doesn’t have a reason to.”
“Why do you always have to be right?” Eden sighed, pushing herself out of her chair. She stretched her arms over her head, groaning as her back cracked and popped. “Can’t you just let me self-destruct in peace?”
“It’s part of my job to preserve the relic tech of the Free Cities.” Eden flipped her off and she laughed, a soft sound that reminded her of windchimes. She plopped down in her chair and turned back to the computer, picking up where Eden had left off. “I’ll let you know when I find something on these disks. A couple of days at most. So, I don’t want to see you before then unless it’s over a drink at the Round Table.”
Eden rolled her eyes. “How does Friday sound?”
“Only if you’re buying.”
“Of course,” Eden said as she shrugged on her cardigan. “It’s always on me, isn’t it?”
“Well, you’ve been threatening to get that new shop addition for months now. I think you’re purposely spending all your money on alcohol, so you don’t have to pull the trigger on it,” Petra shot back. She fluttered her lashes at her and quickly added, “I’m merely giving you an excuse to hold off on it for a while longer. That’s all.”
“I’m not afraid to pull the trigger on it,” she countered defensively, pulling the dark knit fabric a little more tightly around her shoulders. “It’s just, you know, this whole thing is only a temporary position. I plan on going back to Vega 5 once I’veー”
“Once the year is up. Yeah, I know what a sabbatical is.”
“Exactly,” Eden said, pulling the door open. The brisk spring air whipped up around her, rustling the dark curls around her jaw. She shivered and closed it a little to stave off the chill. “This is just a little vacation, I’ll be heading right back to continue my ongoing research with the Alliance by next spring. Portia is merely a stepping stone in my ten year plan.”
“That’s what I thought too when I took my internship out here, but here I am, three years later,” Petra said, with a wink. “You’ve only been a few months, but you’ll be surprised to see how quickly Portia grows on you. You’ll see.”
“Whatever you say. I’ll see you later this week.” She threw Portia a mock salute and ducked out into the Central Plaza.
The sun had long since set and if the clock on the old school building was correct (And it should be, she fixed it herself.) then it was far later than she realized. She regarded the stars that dotted the sky. The moon wasn’t out that evening, which only made the stars shine even more brightly in the sky. She smiled to herself. Maybe she would take Petra’s advice and go on a late night stroll ー just because it was such a beautiful night and not because she needed to unwind.
She rubbed her hands together, trying to warm them as she strolled out the city gates. The apple trees that grew along the path outside the city had started to bud with small white flowers, ready to bloom any day now. They filled the air with a sweet scent that reminded her of freshly baked apple pie. Eden stopped in the middle of the trail and took a deep breath. A ghost of a smile tugged at her lips as she basked in the smell and let the wind rustle her hair.
“What’re ya doin?”
Eden started, pressing a palm flat over her heart. It hammered so violently that she feared it would beat straight out of her chest. She glanced up only to find Oaks, the city vagabond, hanging precariously from one of the branches overhead. “By the Light, Oaks,” she breathed, her expression hardening. “You scared the shit out of me.”
He swung his legs up and over the branch, settling in the small nook it provided. “Sorry about that,” he said, chuckling. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look that happy before. It was nice.”
“What’re you even doing out?” She glanced at her watch, swearing. “It’s well past midnight.”
He shrugged, kicking his legs with a childlike glee. “I dunno? Papa Bear doesn’t care what time I make it back these days and sometimes I just like to sit in the trees and listen to the sounds of the forest.” He grinned at her. “You should really try it sometime. I always see you passing through here late at night anyway. Do you want to join me?”
Eden pinched the bridge of her nose. “Join you? Why would I join you? It’s late. I have to get up in the morning and work. You know a job? Like normal people.” A troubled frown tugged at the corners of his mouth and his playful kicking abruptly stopped. Only then did she realize how bad that sounded.
She groaned, scrubbing hard at her face. “I’m sorry, that came out wrong. That’s not what I meant, it’s just...” She trailed off, muffling another groan in her hand. “I don’t know what I meant.”
Maybe Petra was right. Her stress had gotten so out of hand that she was taking it out on Oaks, of all people. She hadn't spent too much time with him, but there was no denying that he was one of the sweetest residents in all of Portia. He loved to make people smile with his antics. He was especially good with the kids. She caught herself watching him dash around the plaza with them, their shrill laughter making her feel some kind of way that was hard to describe. In all, he was a good guy and now, she was screaming at him in the middle of the woods ー just like her father had done to her when he got a little too wound up.
How far she’d fallen.
He tilted his head off to one side and said, “You’re stressed.”
“Yeah,” she managed tightly. “Just a little bit.”
His frown deepened, which looked weird on a face that was always full of smiles. “Well, if that’s all that’s bothering you, I can show you what I do when I’m feeling a little stressed.”
She peered up at him, squinting. What kind of things did he have to be stressed about? As far as she knew, his days were spent wandering the fields with colorful llamas outside her workshop or snooping around the stalls in town. Sometimes, late in the afternoons, she’d catch him whittling while she was out gathering supplies. He always looked so engrossed in his work, but even then, there was a serene aura that surrounded him at all times. Frankly, it wasn’t fair.
But her curiosity got the better of her.
“What do you do when you’re stressed?”
He grinned, radiantly, and said, “Follow me.” He shifted his weight, tumbling to the ground in front of her. She flinched, but he quickly pulled himself up and wiped the dirt from the front of his pants. She never realized how tall he was before now, which was saying something considering she towered over most of Portia’s residents, even Gust. He had her beat by an inch or two, which was something. She didn’t know how old he was, but his broad shoulders and the sharp cut of his jaw suggested he was well into his twenties. She just always assumed he was a lot younger because of how he acted.
Another error. Two months into sabbatical and she was already losing her edge.
“If you liked the smell of the apple blossoms, then I think you’ll like this place just as much, but it’s top secret, you can’t tell anyone.” He leaned in, looking earnest. He smelled vaguely of apples and cinnamon. She furrowed her brow. Was that what she was smelling earlier? “It’ll be our secret. Do you promise?”
Eden sputtered, “I mean, I guess?”
Seemingly satisfied with that response, he took her by the hand and tugged her off the beaten path. Eden stumbled after him, nearly losing her footing on the roots and divots on the forest floor. She’d changed out of her work clothes earlier, before meeting up with Petra, so she wasn’t dressed for trekking through the forest. “Oaks, do you mind slowing down a little, I, uh, ahー”
Her foot caught a particularly vindictive tree root, sending her careening forward. She braced herself for the inevitable impact, but Oaks reacted quickly. He scooped her up, pulling her flush against his chest with one arm. She blinked up at him in surprise, one hand pressed flat against the bare pectoral. His heart thundered under her palm, nearly as fast hers was beating at that moment. This close, she could make out the individual freckles smattered across the bridge of his nose.
Eden suddenly found it very hard to catch her breath.
“My bad.” He pulled away, looking a little sheepish. “I got a little excited.” His hand slipped back around hers and they moved on, albeit a little more slowly. “But we aren’t in a rush. Part of the fun is the journey to get somewhere, am I right?”
“Honestly,” Eden said, smoothing her unruly curls up and out of her eyes. “I’ve never really been a fan of traveling.” That was kind of why she picked Portia for her sabbatical year. It was vaguely familiar from the one or two times she visited as a child with her aunt and uncle. She already had a connection or two with Presley and Isaac, not that she considered them close friends or anything. It seemed like a low maintenance location. Traveling always seemed like an unnecessary risk, but she needed to get away from the bustle of Vega 5 to fully recover from all her, as her therapist put it, issues
“It was never really my speed.”
“Well, with that attitude, you never will,” Oaks said with a chuckle. “Every new place is an adventure if you believe it is.” He gave her another radiant smile. “Take this top secret location for an example, you’ve never seen it before, right?” She nodded. “Well, aside from that little snag earlier, I think I can make it pretty fun for you.”
She snorted. “And how do you reckon that?”
Oaks paused, his nose wrinkling as he considered her question. Eden resisted the urge to roll her eyes. So, he didn’t even know. It shouldn’t have surprised her. After twenty six years. she still didn’t know how to cut loose and have fun. She had the PhD hanging over her desk to prove it.
“Who do you think would win in a fight ー a panbat or an illusion bunny?”
They shared a long look. “What?”
Oaks shrugged. “It’s a question. Which do you think?” He held out his hands, as if he were weighing his options. “On the one hand panbats are small and move faster than the illusion bunnies, but the bunnies have a hat, so it feels like a toss up. I’ve always been curious, but I’ve never been able to come to a decision. You seem smart, so what do you think in your expert opinion?”
Eden bit back a smile. He was too pure for his own good. “You do realize my area of expertise is in relic tech, right?”
Oaks hummed thoughtfully. “In that case, have you considered there are tech versions of panbats?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, that would be…” She trailed off and thought about it. Maybe Oaks was onto something there. A lot of people thought panbats were cute, but the fact remained that they were wild panbats. One couldn’t just pluck one out of the forest and call it a pet. “That would be pretty amazing actually. Do you think someone would invent it so they could keep a versions as a pet without the social repercussions of capturing and domesticating an actual panbat?”
Eden got swept away in their conversation. Every time she hit the proverbial wall, Oaks was right there with another wild idea that kept the momentum going. She had written off when she arrived in Portia. He was a wild child, born and raised in the forest, but he overflowed with new ideas. In Vega 5, Eden was expected to be a cog in the well-oiled machine. Cogs didn’t change. They didn’t question. But here she was, discussing the intricacies of how one would cuddle a panbot model without realizing it was a machine.
It wasn’t even possible.
She’d been in the field long enough to know that, but Oaks made her feel like she could do anything as long as she was willing to put in the effort.
And she wasn’t sure how to feel about that.
“And here we are,” Oaks announced with a swipe of his hand. Eden blinked in surprise. They had been walking that whole time, hadn’t they? She didn’t even notice.
They weren’t in the forest anymore, rather, the sloping hills at the foot of the Bassanio Heights. She’d seen it from a distance, but up close, it was absolutely breathtaking. A waterfall rushed over the edge of the cliffside, coating the grass and wildflowers in a soft dew. The flowers looked freshly bloomed and filled the air with a soft floral scent that eased the tension coiling around her shoulders. She always found flowers calming, but there weren’t too many patches of green in Vega 5.
“When I’m a little overwhelmed with everything, I like to come up here and watch the waterfall. The sound is calming to me,” Oaks explained, tugging her closer to the edge of the cliff that overlooked the water. It rushed past, filling the empty air between them with a soothing white noise. The flowers reached her calves in some places. He picked one, pale blue with teardrop shaped petals, and offered it to her. She took it, twirling it sheepishly between her fingers.
“Do you know how to make flower crowns?”
She shook her head. “Do I look like someone who knows how to make flower crowns?”
“Anyone can make flower crowns,” he said with a shrug. “Looks have nothing to do with it. And Molly says that mine are the best in all of Portia.” He plopped down on the ground and plucked a few more. Pink, blue, yellow. His hands moved of their own accord as he expertly wove the stems in and out. “I can show you my secret.” He peered up at her, donning a soft smile that left her chest swelling with a warm glow. He had a dimple on his right cheek. “I mean, if you aren’t too busy with all your real adult work, that is.”
Eden laughed despite herself and took a seat across from him. “You’re a little cheeky,” she said. “I would have never expected that from you.”
“Well, Papa Bear has the best sense of humor. I learned it from him.”
“Naturally.” She regarded her flower fondly, then tucked it behind her ear.
Oaks beamed. “That color looks nice with your hair.” He immediately grabbed a few more of the blue flowers to lace into the crown that was quickly taking shape in his lap. “Molly only likes the pink and yellow flowers when I make them for her, so I rarely get to use the blue ones.”
“Use as many as you want. I’ve never had someone make me a flower crown before.”
“Well, they should,” Oaks said with firm conviction. “They’re scientifically proven to make you happier.”
“Well, I’m going to need to see your research because I’m a little skeptical.”
He presented her with the flower crown, beautifully crafted with blue and yellow. “Let us try our hand at a little experiment,” he said, imitating Merlin’s haughty drawl. He placed the crown on her head, adjusting a few of her curls. He settled back on his knees and regarded her with this fond look on his face. “Perfect.” She cracked a small smile and dipped her head, trying to hide it. “Exhibit A. You’re smiling.”
“Correlation doesn’t equal causation,” Eden countered.
“I don’t know what that means,” Oaks said. “But, I do know that people smile when they’re happy and yours just keeps getting bigger. That has to mean something, right? You normally have such a serious look on your face.” He made a face, furrowing his brow and setting his mouth in a hard line. It was the same look that greeted her when she looked in the mirror every morning. He was spot on. She couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled and burst out of her. “See, and now you’re laughing. That’s not a coral nation or whatever you said.”
“Correlation,” she corrected. “It means a mutual relationship between two things. So, just because we can measure a relationship between those two things, that doesn’t mean one is the cause of the other.” For instance, there was no quantifiable proof that the heat burning at her cheeks had anything to do with Oaks or his close proximity to her at that moment.
None whatsoever.
Still, she cleared her throat and pulled away, just to be safe. “It’s beautiful.” She straightened the flower crown, lingering on the silken petals. “Thank you.”
“I told you I make the best flower crowns.”
“Not so fast there, nature boy.” She wagged her finger at him. “I don’t know if I’ve gathered enough data to draw that conclusion.”
His brow pitched as he considered that. “Well, I can make you another one tomorrow? With more flowers if you’re worried about me not gathering enough before.” he offered after a long moment. Eden tilted her head at him, confused, but he was already moving on. “Or maybe we can go apple picking? I know where to find the really sweet ones.”
“I have a lot of work to do tomorrow,” Eden said. “I have to gather some ore in the mines, Gale wants me to catch him a few fish, and then I’m meeting with the Civil Corps to discuss the bridge construction to Amber Island.” She drafted her mental checklist for everything she still needed to get done and felt the tension pulling taut across her shoulders. There wasn’t enough time in the day to finish everything.
Oaks shrugged. “That’s just three things.”
Her thoughts ground to a halt. “W-What?”
He blinked at her. “That’s just three things,” he reiterated. “I might not be super smart like you, but even I know that’s not that many.”
When he phrased it that way, her to-do list seemed a little less daunting. “Just three things.” She chuckled to herself. “You’re a lot smarter than you give yourself credit for.”
He wheezed and plucked another flower from the field. It was a deep red, almost the same shade as his hair. “Well, if that’s the case, you’d be the first person who thinks so.” The sad resignation in his tone made something inside her ache.
“How about this? While I’m fishing tomorrow, you can hang out with me and show me how to make one of these things.” She pointed to the crown. “I’m pretty handy myself. I might be able to give you a run for your title as the best of the best.”
He grinned. “I like that plan.”
“Me too.”
Oaks hummed contentedly and sprawled out in front of her. He pointed at the sky. “Do you want to hear the stories Papa Bear used to tell me about the stars?” Eden glanced at her watch, the back at Oaks hopeful expression. An hour had already passed, but it certainly didn’t feel like it. She would even be so bold as to say that this little adventure was fun.
He added quickly after a moment, “Or I can walk you home if you want to sleep?”
“This is just one thing.” Eden laid down next to him and smiled at him. He mirrored it. “Tell me a story.”
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skygemspeaks · 3 years
trying to sleep and can't stop thinking about him (papa bear). oaks, tell me about your father's secrets. Clearly you understand him. Let me talk to my father in law. Share his wisdom with me
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kayladorabarts · 3 years
I've decided Oaks is the half-sib of Gust and Ginger who was left outside of town as a baby
No I will not be taking questions
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mta-prompts · 4 years
Let’s look at Oaks.
He was abandoned as a baby then raised by Papa Bear until he was brought to Portia as a boy.
But what age was that? How old was Oaks when Papa found him? Old enough to be weaned at least, or was there a Mama bear who fed Oaks who didn’t make it to Portia?
How old was he when he got to town? Why did he continue to live with Papa Bear outside the walls, instead of being adopted by a human family? Was he still relatively young, so he’d only spent a few years with just Papa, or was he older, closer to 10-11?
He says he made his bear cloak himself out of other furs, so before he was old enough to use needles and thread, what did he wear? Stolen clothes from another town, animal furs wrapped messily around him and tied with vines?
What did he eat? Did Abu cook for him, or did he mostly eat fruits, nuts, and berries?
Is he skinny because he’s malnourished, or because he’s entirely lean muscle?
Who called him “slow”, so he now thinks so badly of himself when he talks to you?
What is he looking through the boxes along main street for?
How did he learn to carve? And has he ever been given the chance to be creative in other ways? The llamas he makes show he has a good eye for detail, so does he also draw or paint?
Who in town is he friends with? Do Martha and Carol go out of their way to feed him? Do Minister Lee and Nora look out for him? What do he and Ack talk about, since they’re friends?
Have the people in town gone out of their way to teach him kindness and respect and how humans behave, since he missed out on that growing up? Or is he more wild, having been left alone because he was half feral?
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nonsensical-guild · 3 years
His little dance _(:''''3 」∠)_
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bigjigglyidi8 · 4 years
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I’m absolutely in love with this town and all its people.
Also, Cassiopeia wanted to be in the picture as well.
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bekahxgaming · 4 years
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I’ve been binge playing “My Time At Portia” - its a great mix of games I love.. like the 3d version of stardew valley, with minecraft and others say harvest moon, which I’ve yet to play.   I will say, I enjoy this current save and I’m married to Oaks, but part of me wants to make another save and approach things differently from the start.. hmm! decisions, decisions.  Who else has played this?
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murmurtown · 4 years
Small Chairs
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mytimeatlautia · 4 years
Fellas we are really sleeping on Ginger/Oaks as a pairing.
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bronzeflower · 4 years
32.  “Sometimes the happiest people, are often the ones who need the most cheering up.” with any pairing you'd like!!!
hi i did Builder/Oaks for this prompt bc i’ve been emotional about Oaks lately and i just love him so much
“Sorry, sorry, sorry,” Oaks sobbed. “You shouldn’t have to see me like this.”
“Wha- Oaks, why?” Rayden asked, his hands hovering around Oaks without touching him.
“I’m just, *sniff*, supposed to be the happy one,” Oaks admitted.
“You don’t…” Rayden struggled to find his words as he carefully cradled Oaks face. “You don’t have to be. Even if you’re the happy one, sometimes the happiest people are often the ones who need the most cheering up. You’re...allowed to be sad.”
Tears continued to stream down Oaks’ face, and they fell harder as Rayden said that.
“Oof!” Rayden huffed as Oaks brought him into a harsh hug and cried into his chest.
Rayden froze for a moment before wrapping his arms around Oaks, gently rubbing his back.
“It’s okay,” Rayden whispered. “You can cry. I’m here for you.”
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thetitza · 5 years
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it has recently come to my attention that there is a serious lack of oaks fanart in the mtap fandom
this should be rectified immediately
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skygemspeaks · 4 years
gonna start a new save of mtap and marry oaks so i can have abu as my father-in-law
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