#oc journal
fizzydreamz · 2 months
I love using real journals to fill with in character diary logs. I’m doing one for Gabriel and it’s so fun to tear out random pages, have small doodles of people he’s close to, etc.
⭐️Moot Tags⭐️: @captain-liminal @kuroii-chan
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neneru-nowhere · 7 days
Finding Love - Thavnair
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"Dear Diary
Do the gods still speak with us? Until a short while ago, I was not certain they even truly existed."
Neneru sat on the edge of a fountain, charcoals in hand. Smudges smeared her hands as well as the front of her dress where she'd attempted to wipe them clean. The little sketchbook she would soon mail to her publisher back home was nearly full now--the newest volume detailing her most recent months spent abroad in Ilsabard and now Thavnair.
Kugane had been nice, but she felt as though she were staring at an exhibit. It was as though there were always a pane of glass between her and what she saw, as though she were doomed to only ever be the observer. Thavnair broke down those barriers with the abundant warmth of hospitality.
It didn't stop her from feeling like an observer. Rather, it made her yearn to be part of something all the more. Before the riots in Ul'Dah, before Sister Grimalkin, before the Masaraja pits, Neneru found life and love in her work writing down the stories and traditions she learned in her travels. Books full of folklore, recipes, truisms, history, anything people were willing to provide her. And along all of them, simple sketches in charcoal or full portraits from the little watercolor kit she sometimes carried.
But since those last days back home, there was a hole sitting inside her.
Neneru noticed it first when her magic lost its strength. She attributed it to the loss of her beloved staff during the fighting. Her mistress, F'reya, saw something different.
"You need to find that joy again. You've lost sight of what you're using magic for. What you're doing any of this for. My little dove, you used to love traveling before you came to me."
Neneru stared.
"Am I wrong," 'Reya asked.
"No, sir." The Lalafellin apprentice opened her mouth to protest. "But my studies. My work with the Cross. Don't you need me here?"
"That's your lesson. That's your studies." F'Reya Fahl styled herself as the self-appointed 'Wizard Prince,' including the over-the-top regalia of her alleged station. The Miquote gave a shrug of a single shoulder and smiled down at her charge. "Neru, my little bell pepper, I want you to hit the road."
"If it ever happened that my mother found my journals, she would be broken hearted to know that I haven't believed in the Traders--or any of the Twelve for that matter--since I was a little girl. Nald'thal didn't rescue their city when the calamity came. And all the wealth of Ul'dah did nothing for my family and the other refugees who'd lost our homes all about Thanalan when we were hungry and dying.
When I later learned the nature of such constructs as Primals, well, I suppose that sealed it for me. If the Twelve ever truly existed at all, then surely they were Aetherial constructs of fanatical devotion. No true gods. None who could delivery us from evil, least-wise.
So why do I feel so strange about this encounter?"
"Your technique is lovely."
A shadow fell across her, darkening the page. Looking up, Neneru saw a Ciera woman towering above her. The simple size difference between the two made it seem like the older woman eclipsed the very sun. The lines of her face felt familiar as though she could be related to any of the Ciera Nene held dear. But the blue-green hue of her pale hair marked the tall woman as a clearly unrelated individual.
"May I?" She gestured to the fountain lip beside Neneru.
Nene affected her brightest smile--the one she kept on hand for children, stubborn merchants, and unexpected guests.
"Please. Do." The lalafell scooched to one side to give her new companion room. Nene resumed her sketch, now aware of the audience.
The centerpiece of the two pages laid flat across her lap was a detailed drawing of the bazaar's plaza with quick impressions of locals, hawkers, and guards occupying it. Surrounding the tableau, Neneru filled the pages with rough gestures of clothing and architectural details with notes about their cultural, religious, or political significance.
At this moment, however, her hands roughed in a pair of kneeling children she watched playing on the colorful pavers. She'd been watching the game for all of a half hour--since the children first settled to the task--and as near as she could tell it was a distant cousin of the game Jacks.
"Yes," the Viera hummed to herself. "Very good technical skill. Were you perchance a member of some guild?"
Neneru shook her head. "Self-taught." It was a skill picked up during her years at the Ossuary when she suddenly had ready access to more paper than she'd ever seen in her life. The skill proved especially useful when she'd started submitting her travel journals to the publisher. Not many bought the papers with her articles, but it was a thrill to know even a handful of people had copies of her writing.
"Well, you're quite talented."
Neneru did not take her eyes from the children, but the comment made her forced smile loosen with genuine warmth. "Thank you."
Blowing stray charcoal dust from the pages, she closed the book and set it aside. "I sense a 'but' at the end of your sentence."
If the Viera felt called out, she did not show it. Instead, she beamed. "Well, I complimented the technical skill because that seemed your focus. They are practical drawings. Do you not enjoying what you do?"
All technique and no passion. A familiar refrain these days.
"I do." Neneru gave the comment a diffident shrug.
"I sense a 'but' at the end of your sentence," the Viera returned with a wry smile.
A breath of a laugh escaped Neneru's throat. "Guilty. Mm, I suppose I'm just trying to find myself. I've been through much lately, and though I find naught to be wrong with me, there's no more flame."
"No more flame." The Viera woman mulled over the words. She had no other response, and the two of them sat in companionable silence for a time.
Across from them, the children's game was interrupted by the arrival of a hyuran boy. By appearance he seemed to be the big brother of one of their number. When the two hugged, Neneru caught the Viera woman shining with a joyous look.
As if sensing her questioning look, the Viera leaned in and stage whispered, "Don't these scenes always warm you? The love between two people?"
Neneru only smiled politely in reply.
In retrospect, the way she spoke was strange. As though she were the mentor figure in a parable. I told her nothing of my late sister, but I get the impression she knew. It didn't need to be said. I fear I must sound paranoid. Her question after sounded so much like Mistress 'Reya's. Had I not such familiarity with my teacher's glamours as to be able to spot them, I would swear it were her trying to clumsily teach me some moral lesson.
"Is there aught that you love, Miss Neneru?"
Nene regarded her through hooded eyes. "How did you know my name?"
"Did you not tell me?" The woman considered it for a moment. "I am certain you did."
Nene did not feel so confident, but she corralled her protests. To the original question she said, "Certainly I do. We all do, don't we?"
"Not everyone." The woman's smile turned sad now. "We are full capable of forgetting how to love after hard times, and there is something of it that can cause your humanity to wither. Food becomes tasteless, things that once propelled you forward now provide no impelling fuel, things that came so naturally no longer click into place."
The comment thumped uncomfortably close and Neneru looked away, schooling her face and voice to mirror stillness. "Yes, well, is not everyone undergoing hard times?"
"Of course. Interesting times we live in, are they not? Calamities and scions, and the End of Days. Abominations in Thavnair, famine in Garlemald, riots in Ul'Dah. One could easily lose their way in all this despair."
"But it's all over, is it not?" Neneru hated that the question sounded so uncertain. The riots, at least, were over for the time being.
"Like as not, we'll see more trials ahead. And I think people need to remember how much they need each other, need the things and people they love. The passions that push them forward."
Half turning, Neneru fixed the woman with a searching look. "Do I know you?"
"No, I apologize. I think I just lose hold of my tongue some times. Please forgive me if I'm being over-familiar. Say..."
"Could you perhaps draw me? I'll pay."
Neneru considered it for a moment.
A warmth like the first gulp of a cup of chain heated her smile and Neneru took up her leather sketchbook once more.
We talked for a time, and she said much the same as Mistress 'Reya and even Miss Trachynwyda about needing to remember what I care about. After, she paid me. A handful of gil coins from a scattering of nations. I made to tear the page out to give to her, but she merely asked to inspect the drawing. She smiled and handed it back to me, leaving without another word. Though the entire encounter has left me with the sense of something larger happening beyond my sight, I did not find the last piece until looking back over my day's work before bed. In the footer of the woman's portrait someone had written "There are many kinds of love."
And beside it, a drawing of two circles, one greater and one lesser. The moons Menphina and Dalamud. Though I counted coins from Thavnair, Kugane, and even Sharlyan, the lion's share came from Ishgard. Didn't the archon Louisoix put one of his monuments to the Twelve in the slopes of Coerthas? I will make a note to visit when I return to the Cross. I'm still unsure what good I am to the organization, but I'll keep trying. People I love are counting on me.
Neneru stuffed her journal back into her travel bag and leaned against the walkway's railing, watching people in the plaza below. Two days now she'd come back, hoping for some glimpse of the mysterious pale-haired Viera. But so far she was disappointed. But her time was up. Mistress 'Reya was due to arrive by Aetheryte soon, and she wanted to clean up and look presentable for her mentor.
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journalofsindosa · 1 year
"Do or do not, there is no try." -Master Yoda
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slayerkid · 1 year
Journal #3
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Whenever December 24th and 25th come around, I sometimes see how the other mes spend those days.
Though in my earlier years, they've been pleasant for the most part.
I guess to some extent so was this year's vision.
This time around I saw that version of me running around Christmas Town.
The universe I saw from this year was from a universe I saw a lot from my childhood. I just call it the Kingdom Hearts universe because for some reason, parts of whatever happens in that universe is considered a video game in my universe. But I'm not in the game...
Well running around is one way of putting it. More like I was helping Sora clear out some heartlesses that were in front of Santa's workshop.
Sometimes those two humor me. There's a heartless there called "Bulky Vendor" and sometimes they'll mid battle attempt to get a capsule from that gashapon machine.
Surprisingly that idea came from the other me that is from that universe, Kirsis.
So they made it a competition between each other to see who gets the more rare items.
Donald and Goofy would kinda supervise watch the two almost get themselves hurt trying to get capsules. Occasionally Donald would cast thundaga to make sure a heartless' attention would go away from the two boys.
Though in the end Sora won. Santa was a bit baffled to see those two boys literally goof off to the Bulky Vendor heartless while also at the same time still somehow fighting off heartless. Because while Donald and Goofy occasionally jumped in to finish a few heartless off, they didn't do so often.
On the bright side, the two boys would use those rare materials to craft more keychains for Sora to equip onto his keyblade. While Kirsis held onto some of them since, while he isn't a keyblade wielder, he found his own way to fight. And that's by using the keychains and turning them into weapons. Kinda like how Sora does Keyblade transformations in Kingdom Hearts 3.
Only in this case for the other Kirsis, it was called KeyCHAIN transformation.
I'm never getting over the fact that the keychain to Decisive Pumpkin turns into in orb in the shape of Zero and it shoots out pumpkins and sometimes candy canes.
Okay so when the other Kirsis tried out that weapon, Jack Skellington was adamant on having that be inspo for next Halloween. Sometimes I forget that dude takes the phrase "Trick-or-treat" literally.
To be fair though, it was kinda funny seeing him make Dr. Finkelstein make a machine that shot out pumpkins and candy canes.
"The unity of fright and joy!" Is what he classified it as.
Sometimes I wonder if that version of me ended up on the naughty list after that.
All I know for sure is that when Sora, Kirsis, Donald, and Goofy met Santa for the first time, he was on the good list. Mostly because he still believed in Santa even after Riku kept insisting to even him that Santa wasn't real.
Zamn he and I still believe in Santa-
Wait I remember, he was still on the nice list after that because he was able to ask Sally to have Jack kick it down a few notches on the machine idea.
Huh, wonder if I'm on the nice list for my universe's Santa Claus-?
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leftsidebonfire · 2 years
Ive continuously procrastinated making the Jocasta dnd journal but know I really think I should fully buckle down and do it. That was the entire point of getting a cool aged notebook was to turn it into Jocasta's diary. I've been missing her like crazy lately
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I created this new OC! Her name is Aura Red! Inspiration came from the trailer for Descendants 4: The Rise of Red! I even wrote some info about her!😁 Might be a bit tricky to read.🙃
What do you guys think?
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jo-jaska · 5 months
Jo'jaska's Diary: 3rd of Frostfall
It is done. The Heart of Lorkhaj is banished, Dagoth Ur is defeated, and the skies above Red Mountain are clear for the first time in a very long time. Centuries, perhaps.
It was not as difficult as Jo'jaska expected. The Cliff Racers were as much a nuisance as ever, but he has grown strong these past weeks. The sharmat's servants were dispatched with little difficulty, and Vivec's plan worked just as promised. The day is saved, the Sixth House has fallen, and Azurah even appeared to offer khajiit a ring and her congratulations.
Though this one is still thinking about something that Dagoth Ur said to him before they fought. He asked Jo'jaska if Jo'jaska truly believed himself to be Nerevar reborn. It gave this one pause. Jo'jaska had assumed that he must have been, for he fit the prophecy and Azurah told him that he was. But Azurah is the Prince of prophecy, and the Mother of All Khajiit is as tricksy as her children. Perhaps she simply guided Jo'jaska down the path to this moment, to avenge her champion Nerevar and cast down the living gods who usurped her. Vivec thought her an enemy, at least, and with the Heart gone the Tribunal's power will fade as well.
Khajiit supposes that it does not matter. He is alive, and Dagoth Ur is not. The Tribunal may go to Oblivion for all he cares.
There is still much to do. There are many he can help, much work to do with the guilds, and he still means to speak to Yagrum Bagarn in Tel Fyr about what happened to the Dwemer.
For now though, this one will rest. He feels that he has earned it.
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in-death-do-we-rest · 6 months
If there is any limit to the things I would do, how far I am willing to go, it is him. Without him, without his kindness to give me reason, I fear I could become something as cursed as Letron or Renegade. A soul lost in a mire of their own devilish ambition.
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sztarwanko · 3 months
You got booped by Panini the wanderer frog
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He likes you very much and wishes you good booping day
(or only day if you aren't into booping)
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He also documented it on his little journal
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marttapav · 3 months
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oc posting again. 🥹🥹
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bunniebi · 4 months
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Maya! and some guy she's a fan of
I don't really know what style Maya is into but she had colourful nails and a jean jacket so I just went with that.
(dont read the journal too closely lol I didnt know what to write)
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oc collage
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[ID: a very busy collage made mostly of warm colors. it's covered with stickers of hearts, stars, suns, smiley faces, and food. there are a few pictures of yellow roses, one of a dog, three frying pans, a big heart that says "there goes my heart," a picture of Winnie the Pooh and Piglet at the top with text saying "thinking happy thoughts in your direction" beside them, and a big cloud with a rainbow that says "Sunny" on it.]
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neneru-nowhere · 2 years
Limsa and Goobbue Hunting
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It’s hard to speak of Limsa Lominsa without broaching the subject of piracy. The city state started its life as a safe-port for the various pirate crews and fleets that troubled the seas around Eorzea and even beyond to places like Thavnair and (in rare cases) Kugane.
In the modern age they are the alliance’s de facto naval presence. No force in Eorzea can come close to matching the sheer number of vessels under the admiral’s command, save perhaps East Aldenard Trading. Their primary military force is the Maelstrom Grand Company, which combines the Knights of the Barracuda and conscripted pirates and adventurers. This lends a certain wildness to their tactics that makes the Maelstrom formidable in their unpredictability.
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As a Thalassocracy, Limsa Lominsa is the governmental seat for coastal communities all over the Rhotano sea and La Noscea. The cultural hallmarks of construction and aesthetic are striking in their fusion of piratical practicality and stark beauty. Most communities are shining white, built from the white limestone and sandstone that makes up the cliffs of the local islands. Many locations, including Limsa herself, are built out over the open water on hoodoos and columns rising out of the water. The sight of the city stretched over dozens of trunk-like pillars and laced over with bridges has earned Limsa Lominsa the nickname The Navigator’s Veil.
I arrived by ferry early in the morning and had a full day to explore the city, quickly becoming lost in the thick knot of bridges and sky-ways. Ships hoisted from the water created make-shift buildings, while in other cases the hoodoos were carved hollow to form luxurious cave dwellings. Even as used to the desert sun as I am, though, I found that the glare of light off the white stone eventually started to make my head hurt and I took my wanderings inside. Fortunately, several of the pillars are large enough to constitute entire neighborhoods or boroughs once hollowed out. I found myself exploring vast indoor marketplaces, guild halls, training areas, and plazas. All of these smelled wonderfully of the myriad spices on sale, fish, linseed oil, and salt. Even with the press of sweaty bodies, it was hard to find a corner of the city that was not a bouquet of pleasant aromas.
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My favorite phenomenon was the wave-talk. Some trick of the hollow stone pillars and the waves that beat on them continually created hallways that rumbled and roared with the sounds of the ocean. I could stand still and close my eyes and listen—and a less credulous mage might start to swear they could hear speech. Indeed, I almost felt the ocean talking to me in a language I could nearly understand. It was like I heard words that were just beyond the tip of my tongue, some ancient syntax studied as a child and since long forgotten. It reminded me of the wind sweeping through the trees of the Shroud in that sense.
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I registered my name as a visitor with the Arcanist’s guild and purchased a few books for study, but did not have time to do much more than watch a handful of students practicing arcanima. Loathe as I am to pass on seeing forms of magic I’ve not played with, I have a job to do. I’ve been asked to track and slay a Goobbue causing trouble for some vineyards east of Limsa, so in the afternoon I loaded Telemachus’ saddle bags with fresh supplies bought in the port and set off on the road. Personal entry: Sea travel must be one of Hells used to punish the sinful. I had to walk as much to steady my own stomach as to sate my curiosity. An apothecary recognized my green gills when I stepped off the boat and sold me some herbal gum to chew for what I suspect was entirely too much money. Flipping hells, if I hadn’t been about to lose my breakfast, I might not have paid.
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I’ve received a call on my link pearl asking me to travel back to Ishgard with all haste. I am to join a handful of other Drakes in investigating something in the Brume. Apparently there are deaths among the refugee population. I said yes, of course. I wouldn’t be able to look mama and papa in the eyes if I refused to help a fellow refugee. I’m going to try to purchase a ticket on an airship. Admiral Bloefhiswyn has supposedly relaxed travel restrictions on air travel.
I’m stuck in my head. The whole trip across Vylbrand I’ve had hardly a thought for anything but those refugees in Ishgard. It had been nearly a year before my family was allowed to live inside Ul’Dah’s walls and that was only once I’d won sponsorship to learn at the Ossuary. There are children I grew up with whose families still live in the tent city outside the Gate of Nald. I remember crime families taking advantage of those of us desperate for work and without the skills of an artisan. Papa stayed away by stroke of luck, but Didiru wasn’t so lucky. Her death still hurts even after four years. I only wish we’d found the body. Then at least I could have given her an honorable funeral.
I met my contact in Aleport after I took care of the Goobbue. There wasn’t much in the way of gil, but the man had a few good bottles of wine to sweeten the pot. I know naught of wine but the Roe waitress serving us seemed surprised by the vintage. I think I can bribe my way on to an airship with one.
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journalofsindosa · 1 year
The year is 365 BBY, it is The High Republic era. And I, Sheva Sindosa, have never been so excited, today is the day I finally get to graduate. TODAY! I will become a Padawan Learner!!! I have been waiting forever for this day to come, and it finally has! I don't really have many people to tell this to so I am writing it down here, in my journal, this might be my first ever entry but I think it is well deserved.
Signing off for now, Sheva Sindosa.
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rileys-castle · 4 days
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this is Lightning!! he's so fast but also so cutes
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bisquiibits · 9 months
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Character: "Blip" (OC) Introduction: "Only small chunks of food fit into his mouth so he eats berries. He loves anything sweet, especially shakes, smoothies, bubble tea and melted ice cream." His design is based on an anteater, that's why I gave him "Mari" (the violet ant in the picture in the bottom right corner) as a friend! :D He was actually created 2018 but for some reason I didn't take the time to draw him properly outside of my sketchbook, so here he is~♫ (or maybe I drew him so late because he was too shy? who knows :'3)
> Please do not repost, recreate, trace, edit or use my art, thanks~ :3 Reblogs are appreciated ^^
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