#much love to alice x carlos and alice x claire but i have always been an alice x rain believer
prognostik-a2 · 1 year
just finished and watched all of andersen’s resident evil films so that you don’t have to
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youmissedone · 5 months
For each of Carlos’ ships, what was the moment he realized he was in love with them? What was the moment he confessed?
{out of smokes} Alright, Carlos has had soooo many ships over the years that I’m only going to do the major ones that are active on this blog right now. Below the cut because this got long, haha. And inevitably, every time I do something like this, I always forget something major because my brain is actual swiss cheese. So if I’ve forgotten an important ship, please let me know! XD
CARLOS X ALICE ( @realprojectalice, @illbringthechaosmagic )
The moment he realized: I think it probably happened between the events of RE: Apocalypse and RE: Extinction. During that time, when he, Alice, Jill, L.J., and Angie all went “underground” and tried to become involved with resistance fighters and get the word out about Umbrella’s treachery, I think Carlos and Alice had a lot of long conversations. At the point at which those conversations became less playfully superficial and began delving into their pasts, their work with Umbrella, what happened in the Hive, and where to go from here, Carlos would’ve started opening up to Alice. Even though Alice is a very closed-off and defensive person, I wanna say she started to open up to him too, even just a little, in her own way. I think Carlos was always someone she found it easier to open up with compared to others, and they’ve always had a natural rapport and chemistry with each other. It would’ve been at this time that their sexual relationship began as well. With that level of physical intimacy as well as them starting to have serious conversations about Life™, it was only a matter of time before Carlos fell hard. So I think it would be around this time that Carlos would realize he had some serious feelings for Alice and that he might be in love with her. Which made the fact that she left without saying goodbye shortly thereafter all the more painful for him.
When he confessed: He never did. She left before they could have that kind of conversation, and before Carlos could even really understand where he was at in his head. Looking back on it years later, he knew that was when he fell in love, but it never got to the point of him saying so or them really discussing a “relationship” at all. Alice and Carlos really left a lot unsaid, but that was because they had such a “goes without saying” sort of understanding of each other. They didn’t need to say a lot because they just got each other so well. So even though Carlos never explicitly said he loved her, I think Alice knew.
CARLOS X CLAIRE( @mxrvelouscreations )
The moment he realized: Oh, I imagine it was rather unceremonious, haha. And yet somehow that makes it really sweet. Like... they met and developed this working relationship based off of the fact that they were both natural leaders and protectors whose sanity during the apocalypse depended on 1) keeping busy, 2) feeling useful, and 3) helping other people to survive. So their day-to-day activities, while often mundane drudgery, monotonous repetition, or strenuous survival, often held some amount of emotional intimacy, because they were depending on each other and playing off each other in a very mutually beneficial way. They supported each other, didn’t undermine each other’s authority, didn’t argue a lot or cause drama... they just... clicked. And what was borne out of necessity for both of them became a closeness that developed so organically over time that I just imagine Carlos one night sitting up late with Claire talking about whatever over the last embers of a fire and he looks over at her and- Damn. Heh. I just feel like it happened on some nondescript night that was like any other, but for the fact that on this particular night he suddenly realized how much he cared for her.
When he confessed: Again, he never did. I feel like if Alice hadn’t come back into his life, and if he hadn’t of course gotten infected and died, he would’ve confessed soon. If Alice hadn’t come back, I think he might’ve told her before he sacrificed himself, or at least given her some idea of his feelings through his actions (e.g. kissing her goodbye, though obviously not on the lips like he did Alice because Claire can actually get infected from him, haha). Alice coming back brought back all his feelings for her, and even though she hurt him by leaving, he was so ready to forgive and forget, and really he did that within the first few minutes of seeing her again. That rekindled things with her and I’m not saying that therefore his love for Claire goes away in an instant, but he wouldn’t have pursued something with her with Alice there. But without Alice, moving on with Claire would have been something he would’ve pursued at some point, if she wanted it as well.
CARLOS X WANDA ( @illbringthechaosmagic )
The moment he realized: I think it would’ve happened after spending a lot of time with her at the Avengers compound. With everything that happened at the Umbrella/Hydra facility and with the awkward/contentious start they had, I think there would’ve been a lot of trust-building and starting over from scratch with them. From being on opposite sides to co-workers to friends and finally lovers would’ve progressed slowly over time, and I think once Carlos got to the point of friendship with Wanda where he began seeing her differently and wanting more, he’d realize that he was in love with her. He certainly would have been physically attracted to her very early on, so once the emotional aspects caught up to that, he’d know he’d fallen for her.
When he confessed: Omg, I imagine some awkward moment when they’re saying goodbye for the night to return to their separate rooms but then they just. Stand there. And stare. Maybe Wanda says he doesn’t have to leave or something to that effect, and Carlos has this now or never feeling and just... confesses. Maybe that’s the start of their physical relationship as well, if they both confess to each other after developing a close emotional relationship over time.
CARLOS X CLONE WANDA ( @illbringthechaosmagic​ )
The moment he realized: When she started going to him against the wishes of their teammates because she’d just imprinted on him so damn hard, I think Carlos knew. Because by that time, for him, he’d felt so protective for so long, and his care of her following the traumatic events of being found and woken up as a clone would’ve absolutely led him to develop feelings for her. Initially he probably cared because... it’s Wanda, but it would not take long at all for him to separate the two, the original and the clone, in his mind. It wouldn’t take long for Carlos to see her as a separate person with her own thoughts and feelings, and then he’s still in this position of being her protector and knowing he has an immense amount of responsibility to not take advantage of this person who has imprinted on him in a very vulnerable state. The sense of duty and humanity he would have felt towards her would’ve really worked on his heart and emotions and I think love was something that was always going to come out of that for him.
When he confessed: After taking care of her for a while, once Wanda began recovering from her trauma and was feeling a little better about herself, or at the very least when it became clear to him that she felt more for him than just seeing him as someone who would keep her safe, I think he’d tell her. I think in their threads, Wanda actually said it first, heh, so he’d certainly say it back. He would be very careful, though, not to move too fast with her or to project his feelings onto her, because she does have a lot to overcome as far as being a clone and being perhaps a bit more impressionable at first because of that. Like, he wouldn’t want her to think she loves him just because he loves her. So maybe it’s good that she says it first, because then he knows it’s her own true emotions and not something she’s just perceiving from him. Because of her origins as a clone, Carlos would always want to make sure to encourage her own independent thoughts and that she’s comfortable with voicing them.
CARLOS X LEAH  ( @mxrvelouscreations )
The moment he realized: Probably one night as they’re laying in bed and he’s holding her. Maybe she’s sleeping and he isn’t yet or he wakes up and just watches her for a moment and realizes... yeah, I love this woman. Just like with Alice, the realization would’ve snuck up on him because it would’ve been building organically over time. It wasn’t like there was a single major event that made him realize he loved her or anything, but rather it was more that little things here and there had been building for a while, and she was checking all his boxes, until it suddenly hit him how he really felt about her.
When he confessed: Honestly, I think a few dates in, it wouldn’t take long haha. Like with Alice, he and Leah had a lot of initial chemistry that developed into a strong bond of closeness and understanding, and I think Carlos would’ve felt that happening and one night just he just came out and said it. Certainly if Leah had been the one to say it first instead, he would’ve been right there with her saying it too. Maybe they didn’t need to say it because it was more than obvious, but hey, it doesn’t hurt. Everyone likes to be told they’re loved.
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