#muh feminism
subconsciousmysteries · 7 months
Men are absolutely losing it because women are seeing through their bullshit and I'm here to watch their collective narcissistic meltdown
#I understand anti feminists because feminism is a CIA funded plant that dug its own grave in regards to the trans stuff#I understand anti fems until they start saying we need to feel compassion for incels lol#I can tell these anti feminist women have never got stuck with a narcissist / borderline personality man before#The only way you can deal with a Cluster B is shut them down like the animal they are.#No sympathy no compassion... Their entire pathology is about exploiting your compassion to get you to enable their evil.#They are demonically possessed individuals#Even if you don't believe in that stuff... If you've dealt with one before and processed it... you know there's no fixing them#You can't love incels out of hating women#They have a deep-seated womb envy that transcends feminism or anything to do with the modern times#Coddling them literally makes it worse#See if the population understood enneagram things would be much easier lol#4s (incels) need to get they ass whooped by some harsh eugenic 1-ness#You cannot love them out of being hateful#And 2s (gender conforming women) need to grow some self awareness and understand that they keep themselves trapped in the “feminine role”#It's not muh social conditioning muh patriarchy keeping women sympathizing with gross men#It is our own 2-ish hubris#I need to write a book about gender dynamics inspired by enneagram 2 cuz this understanding is so so lacking in our culture#When you try to “fix” a broken man you are trying to impose your will on him and establish power over him.#It's absolutely not about you being a poor little innocent victim of patriarchy even though that's what you become when it backfires on you#Speaking as a 2-ish woman who has learned the hard way you can't fix broken hateful men
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gynkgobilobo · 2 months
Love how for feminism to be a mainstream thing it has to be a movement that also benefits men, almost as if the mainstream is patriarchal, following that, this so parroted male benefit is antithetical to the work of feminism itself
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papirouge · 8 months
like you guys didn't say SHIT for months!! until ppl started calling out selective white women outrage, and *that's* when you suddenly woke up and thought cute to make your shitty thinkpiece & retarded snarking against lEfTisM/the only people who've consistently spoken up in defense of Palestinian women, and how they are aktcHUally doing feminism wrong because.....they don't compel those women to stop "fucking men" I-
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vettelcore · 2 years
""leftist men"" when it becomes socially acceptable to hate on a group of women
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thephantomcasebook · 3 months
What’s the logic for HotD pretending that Alicent being in a relationship with Criston is the height of scandal. She’s the Queen Mother as far as Westeros is concerned she can retire. She did her job- bore several heirs, raised them, the heir now King is married with an heir of his own. If Alicent wants to do a soft retirement attended to by her long time bodyguard well that’s her business.
Because most people don't know history or understand aristocratic and noble traditions, spoken and unspoken, that exist not only in Westros but in actual real life.
When it comes to arrange marriages in aristocratic settings, it is genuinely understood by both participants that there is an unspoken contract that states that you're loyal to your spouse in public, that you are loyal to your family, and that you will do your duty to your family and your line of succession.
However, once that duty is discharged and or achieved that you are free to pursue other ends and relationships, as long as you follow the rules of the societal conventions.
And no, that is not just for men, it is for both men and women - so there is no "muh feminism!" in these arrangements.
Once a noblewoman gives birth to an heir, a spare, and a daughter of which to use to bargain for more connections to other noble houses, the wife is now free to pursue romance and dalliance's with other men, as long as she sticks to the unspoken social arrangements.
That means not making a spectacle of the Romance in public, being discreet in the affair as to not embarrass one's spouse, and to keep up the appearance of fidelity of the marriage, and you will never - EVER - takes sides against your spouse in favor of your lover.
This was and is still so common among the upper-classes that it is genuinely and widely accepted that the younger children of a Noble House or Aristocratic family are illegitimate children of random affairs had by the Lady of the House. It is not uncommon for aristocratic Great Ladies to have two or three children in the beginning of their marriage and then later in life - Late 30's to Mid 40's - to have more children, with the understanding that these children are not her husbands.
This is such an established rule in European Aristocratic Societies - Especially British High Society - that it is a cataclysmic social faux pas, black listing offense, to point out or comment on the likeness of younger children to their elder siblings or - if you're really fucking ignorant - their father.
With all this said, no one, and I mean no one, would blink in King's Landing or in any court in Westros, that Alicent and Criston are having an affair. The existence of Aegon, Aemond, and Helaena gives Alicent a free pass in the eyes of the nobility to pursue romance and intimacy with Criston. People would not at all be shocked by it, in fact, they'd probably expect it. And if Daeron is not Viserys son, that still wouldn't shock anyone at all. They simply just wouldn't acknowledge it at all. People don't expect Kingsguard to keep their vows and they certainly don't expect people in arranged marriages to stay faithful.
The issue with Rhaeynra is that she is not following the rules of society ... at all. She immediately jumped to having affairs and birthing bastards without doing her duty of producing legitimate heirs to both the Iron Thrones and to House Velaryon first. The reason nobody cares about illegitimate younger children is because they don't inherit anything, their presence doesn't usurp what is rightly the legacy of the Lord of the land or master of the estate. Having bastards and letting them steal the inheritance of the noble family you're supposed to be serving through contract with society and God(s) is spitting on the fabric and social contract of which everyone plays their part in.
Rhaenyra thinks that just because they're her children, that it gives her the right to break conventions that keep their society glued together. And we see at the end of the war just what happens when her direct actions breaks the fabric of that society and the fate that befalls her and Joffery.
The Alicent and Criston manufactured drama is based on the false assumption that them hooking up is a moral sin in the eyes of everyone, when, in reality, no one would care but Alicent and Criston from the torment of their own conscious.
Also that somehow Aegon, Helaena, and Aemond would somehow be shocked or angered by this is fucking laughable. Criston Cole is the closest thing to a father that Alicent's children have ever had. Criston and Alicent have been inseparable for eighteen years. The show already hinted in 1x09 that Aemond already knows about Alicent and Criston. All the Green kids probably suspect it if they don't outright know about how their mother feels about their pseudo-father.
In the end, it's a failure of the writers to understand the social rules of high society in medieval era Europe and to convey that to a really dumb normie audience that just assume that what Alicent and Criston are doing is evil and wrong, when - in reality - no one would blink at all at it.
Cause, unlike Rhaenyra, Alicent already did her duty to Viserys and House Targaryen.
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kittycomrad · 9 months
Let me get this straight, there's generations of men getting together talking about how "men" don't need to chase or impress women because they are the "prize." They talk about how women are "low value" because of multiple reasons. Reasons like "she's well experienced in regards of sex and dating", "she's a feminist", "she's a cat boss lady" etc. Their followers want their women to cook, clean, put effort into their appearance and still pay the bills "eQuALLy" because muh feminism. These men, MILLIONS of men btw, genuinely think they will all become billionaires. There's an influx of 35+ year old, bald, wrinkly men who think they're attractive alphas (lmao) who can attract 19 year old teenage girls because their counter parts have "hit the wall" and have nothing to offer. Mind you, not even the most pick me brainwashed girl with daddy issues is going to want them unless they are poor and vulnerable. Genuinely disgusting how grown ass males go around thinking girls my age including me might be attracted to them. There's also an influx of teenage boys SAing girls, forcing them to send nudes, calling them whores/gold diggers, saying every misogynistic thing in the book and having the same mentality while being unemployed and annoying. The way so many comment sections are filled with them bullying/ harassing girls and women. They move and talk like rabies ridden dogs. Cultlike and cringe. The absolute shit show women in the future would have to witness. Men and boys of the general population are being promised greatness and my goodness will it be funny when they get reality check.
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blackbullet99 · 2 months
Zutara’s Fake @$$ Feminism
Okay so @kidcaroline brought up this weird-@$$ take where this braindead dude says Zutara is a purely female fantasy and an expression of unapologetic female desire. And who’s the nutcase who said this.
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Of course only someone as delusional as longing-for-rain could say something as stupid as this. Love or hate Zutara, it being a purely female fantasy is objectively wrong, there are a lot of men who actually like Zutara, one guy on YouTube made tons of videos about them, there were some writers in A:TLA who shipped it, Dante Basco the proclaimed Captain of Zutara ships it. One person who shipped Zutara actually argued that a lot of men ship it and the ship shouldn’t be limited to just women, so naturally longing-for-(acid)rain personally attacked them because they’re a man. Misandrist much?
Let’s look at the reasons why Zutara is such a profoundly feminist ship, shall we…
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Okay, so skimming over the fact that Zutara literally started when Zuko captured Katara in “The Waterbending Scroll” and wanting better for Katara is wanting her to end with someone who relentlessly pursued her and attacked her for most of the show. Literally all of these points that supposedly support Zutara literally make no sense and many of which could easily apply to Kataang.
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Katara never caved into Aang out of guilt, that’s never suggested at all in the narrative, she was never uncomfortable with Aang, the average ZK might be, but Katara wasn’t.
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Where was the passion in Zuko and Katara’s relationship, seriously what passion are they talking about, does OP think constantly fighting each other is passion because “muh enemies to lovers”, do they Katara touching Zuko’s scar because she was going to heal him at one point is passion. How TF is that considered “passion”, it just comes across like you have a kink. You want passion…
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THIS is passion.
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Ignoring the fact that Zuko never had feelings for Katara. Aang literally loves Katara no matter what. If they’re referring to “The Southern Raiders” Aang never stopped loving Katara, he understood her pain, he was just concerned that killing a guy would take a strain on her mental state. But that obviously means he didn’t care about the “real” Katara, what a jerk, right guys.
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When did Katara ever have to change for Aang? Y’all are aware that Katara would have to change quite significantly if she married into The Fire Nation, right?
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Aang objectively did support Katara. That’s all there is to it really. He did throughout the whole show.
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Katara was never Aang’s babysitter. Darn Bryce for mentioning weird romantic tropes that have nothing to do with Kataang and desperate ZKs taking them out of context. Aang was a kid just like Katara, the latter of whom was often the voice of reason, but she never had to actively take care of Aang. He’s 12, he’s not a baby.
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Okay, but like, Katara is attracted to Aang. Not to get all weird on y’all but objectively speaking she is attracted to him (see “The Cave of Two Lovers” or the Kataang images above). Which makes sense because they’re only a couple of years apart. This comment, and really this whole post is just OP admitting that they’re self-inserting onto Katara, they don’t care about what she wants, so they twist the narrative of the show and act like Katara should be attracted to Zuko and not Aang because these 20-something women are attracted to Zuko and not Aang. They use Katara as a self-insert because 99% of the time these b!tches wanna f*ck Zuko and use Katara as vessel to live out their weird sexual desires. Ew.
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This final comment, just screams, “White Tumblr So-Called Feminism”. OP seriously thinks saying “I like Zutara” is advocating for women’s rights. She cannot be this stupid and delusional, for real? There’s nothing wrong with Zutara as a ship, there’s nothing wrong with most of the women who ship Zutara. But at the end of the day it’s a fictional pairing between two fictional characters, people who don’t like the ship aren’t attacking women, people who don’t like Zutara just don’t like the ship for whatever reasons. I don’t like the ship because not only is Kataang superior, seeing as they start of a close friends who mutually trust, support and admire each other and gradually develop feelings for one another (slow-burn friends-to-lovers is peak), but also because Zuko and Katara were enemies throughout most of the show, they only become friends near the very end of the show, great friends who do support and value each other, but let’s be real, their relationship isn’t profoundly different from Katara’s other relationships with The Gaang, and going from friends for 5 episodes to making out in the last episode is just crazy-forced.
Additionally there are plenty of men who ship Zutara as a pointed out, but also plenty of women who ship Kataang because these women genuinely like their relationship and acknowledge the love and positive aspects in Aang and Katara’s relationship. But of course longing-for-(sh!t)rain dismisses and invalidates these women by calling them “BoyMoms” (whatever that means) because they don’t share the seem POV as OP. Which leads to the fact that longing-for-sh!tstain really doesn’t care about women and what they want, they’re going out of their way to make Kataang look problematic and Zutara the epitome of female desire, but the only people who would actually believe that are fanfic obsessed idiots who have never left their computer and have no understanding of any real-world issues, in other words dumb b!tches just saying “eXaCtLy” to each other. Really whining-for-rain only cares about what they themselves desire and think their opinion is the only one that matters, hence they attack anyone who even slightly disagree’s with them. Just check the original post and you’ll see.
The only “feminism” they care about is in their weird Wattpad middle-school ship. She don’t care about the real Katara or her feelings if it doesn’t fit her self-insert narrative.
She writes torture-porn r@pe fics about Katara.
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She called an actually real-life indigenous women racist because said women hates the idea of Katara marrying into the nation the colonized her tribe, killed her mom and would make Ozai her father in-law, just so Katara, Sokka and Hakoda could essentially be trophies for Zuko. This @$$hole thinks supporting a crackship is supporting women’s rights, but will invalidate the feelings of a real-life indigenous women who doesn’t agree with said crackship.
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In conclusion, f*ck you longing-for-fascist and f*ck your fake-@$$ feminist, you objectively don’t care about A:TLA, or Katara or even women, if anything you’re nothing but an insult to women.
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thesoftboiledegg · 1 year
Rick and Morty if it were WOKE:
Rick is AUTISTIC and PANSEXUAL! ✨ Divursity win!!!
Rick uses buzzwords like "neurotypical" instead of saying...uhhh..."NORMAL"
Rick and Summer BEAT UP a NAZI for literally no reason 🙄😂 "itS mUh PoLiTiCaL BeLieFs!!!"
GIRL POWER!!! Space Beth joins the family for no reason because MORE GIRLS!!! All-girl team up! Rick is suddenly a doting dad because FeMiNiSm 👩‍👧‍👧
EVERYONE is gay or bi! Even background characters! Bis everywhere!! Straight people don't even exist!!!
There's one token straight, like Morty...and maybe even HE'S bi because the rest of the universe isn't enough 😂
Rick is in love with a dude 🤮 "More divursty win!!!!'
He also suddenly thinks capitalism is bad to please the socialist China commie libs 🇨🇳
Rick nags a guy about consent because he's so woke now 🤣😂
Girl says "Sorry, Rick, but your opinion means very little to me" because she's a StRoNg FeMaLe ChArAcTer
Rick dresses up like one of those gay goth Tumblr "witches" lmfao #gothgurl
No wait...Rick is nice to Jerry all of a sudden because WOKE. He even gets mad at the family for being MEAN to that fucking dweeb! 🤣
Rick makes fun of WHITE women! Down with whites!!
Jokes about how "tha police r RACIST!!!"
Can you even imagine? 🤢😂🤣
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goblinalchemist · 1 year
Only in Precure fandom you can find people fuming at a spinoff stage play with an all-male Cure team.
I've already seen the wildest claims about this "killing the feminism", "killing muh wlw content" or "being only aimed at straight female shippers" and all I can think of is - you people really need to relax. Go out, touch some grass, you know the drill.
I can assure you encouraging male Precure fans to embrace more feminine themes is not going to hurt your precious franchise with nearly 20 different all-female teams (+ one Wing). Even if they add more male Cures to the main line seasons in the future, it will not take away the female empowerment or whatever y'all are complaining about. Precure is still going to be a magical girl franchise aimed mainly at girls.
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theconcealedweapon · 2 years
Feminism has ruined western women. Most aren't interested in being housewives anymore. They refuse to cook or clean, they wanna focus on "muh career". This is why western men are traveling abroad in droves to find wives in countries that will actually cook and clean for them and be good wives, unlike loudmouth western feminist bitches.🤱🍳🧹🧼
How big does your ego have to be to think "not attractive to me" equals "ruined"?
Did you ever think that maybe being found unattractive by people like you is a bonus for them? Or maybe even the goal?
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The Way that some artists and writers full on silence and dismiss actual jewish fans when they point out the issues in kyle’s fanon portrayal, complete with extensive research and articles about jewish men in media, only to be told that they are being homophobic/sexist/whatever or “i can do whatever i want” is…actually insane. im not even jewish but it is literally so fucking strange to see. im a big proponent of writing and shipping whatever your heart desires because fiction ≠ reality, but in this case fiction DOES affect reality, because continues to perpetuate the stereotypes of jewish men in real life. you cannot twinkify and feminize the jewish character that has never shown any of those traits in canon and then be like “it’s just my opinion!!! you’re being sexist!!!” okay, why is that your opinion? is there possibly any underlying reason as to why you would view him that way? could it perhaps be the way we are conditioned to view jewish men through film? and don’t tell me “ohh it’s because he’s more nurturing and he’s the most neurotic therefore hes a mommy malewife femboy” because THAT is fucking sexist. why don’t you people actually listen to jewish voices about this and educate yourselves instead of getting so defensive about your weird kink that is actually just thinly veiled antisemitism.
i feel like the equivalent of this would be >artist or writer depicts tolkien as an aggressive thug >black fan explains why that portrayal is harmful to real life people because of racist stereotyping >black fan is told they should stop policing Muh Headcanons wahhh
see how fucked up that is? not that hard to understand guys. basic media literacy.
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runthepockets · 6 months
standard moid behavior to downplay women's rightful fears of men and hiding it behind "muh marginalized men!!!" guess what men of color, trans men, gay men and disabled men are every bit as good at upholding the patriarchy and perpetuating misogyny as yt cishet men and they do so on the daily. none of you are exempt from being feared, avoided, criticized, and ridiculed for your participation in women's oppression, ever.
Never at any point have I denied my male privilege irl or online, I'm just an intersectional feminist who's tired of white people (notice I said people, not women) bullshit and doesn't want the cops called on him every time he's singing too loud to a rock song while drinking on the train just cus some cracker bitch doesn't want me having fun in public, lol.
Just cus me and my friends are loud drunks does not mean we are a threat to women, it just means we're rowdy motherfuckers. And honestly, unless we're overtly putting our hands on you, catcalling you, or making explicit threats to you, I don't see how that's an issue. I can't speak for every guy you've come across in your life (and it's clear you've had the misfortune of meeting some shitty ones), but I have every right to speak for myself and my brothers. If us being loud is oh so scary to you, just go somewhere else. It's a free country and we're all adults. It's entirely possible to hold men accountable for their entitled, chauvinistic bullshit and acknowledge the ways in which sexist and sometimes racist bias effects them in material ways, IE overly sensitive Caucasians not understanding intersectional feminism 101. You're barking up the wrong tree here.
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actualadvocacybruh · 26 days
Why is it when I ask a rad fem to show me historical evidence of a claim or to back up their statement with medical data I get “I don’t have to prove anything moid”?
You claim your position is the moral, objective and correct therefore you should have zero problem putting forth substantial evidence that isn’t just “muh feelings”
You cannot change the word with “muh feelings” or “kys” when challenged this is why red pillers dog walked you dumb fucks back in 2014 and continue to control the narrative on feminism while you struggle to keep up and look like blue haired dipshits that just have a chip on your shoulder
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seeveekat · 4 months
I gound it really interesting how a lot of the stories and posts that were used in the latest Maintenance Phase episode talking about "Rapid Online Gender Dysphoria" comes from a "Fourth Wave Feminism" blog site where alot of parents, mainly mothers, complained about "their daughters think their men!!!" And all that.
I guess i finid it interesting because I've been told time and time again that transmen aren't targeted by TERF retoric or "don't have it as bad." And like one of the earliest anti trans/TERF sites basically was a place for transphobic mothers to be like "muh daughters!"
This isn't coherent because i have alot of thoughts running in my mind but idk.
I guess I just wish people took transmen seriously and acknowledge that they've always been a target, yknow?
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papirouge · 1 year
I cannot take abortion supporters seriously on this website... save for a few pro-choicers who are intellectually honest it seems like the vast majority of people who want abortion legal, especially Americans, are conspiracy theorists who believe every pro-lifer is a man, or that every pro-lifer is conservative, or that every pro-lifer wants women to die during botched abortions. really just don't understand this mindset lol. they know nothing about their ideological opponents, sad!
What is about to say might come off shocking, but the only morally consistent pro choicers are those advocating for abortion until birtn. Everyone else bending backwards to argue about MuH nOt vIabLe outsIde of tHe wOmB uwu" are just coping bc premies survival rates are quite variable. Thankfully, science is pushing forward to improve healthier early delivery of babies - youngest one was as young as 21 weeks
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But yeah, it's pretty annoying to see pro choicers paint every pro lifers as a White Conservative man who's only reason to be against abortion is bc they hate women. I'm not saying they don't exist, I'm just saying we're not just that. It's funny how these Western pro choicers consistently forget the rest of the world is mostly pro life.
That's something radfem especially seem pretty uncomfortable with since they always brag about how much of better allies they are to women oversea and embody true feminism™, when their brand of pro abortion feminism actually goes against the mindset of women anywhere else in the world... Linking abortion access to freedom and trying to shove it to every other women oversea is peak white savior complex. Those women's children isn't the reason their life condition are so bad : men are. Children are actually a formidable support system for women in many places where social insurance or healthcare aren't a thing. I am 100% confident my grandma wouldn't live that long is she didn't keep living with my uncles and grandchildren, playing with them and being so happy and spoiled by my whole family lol The "happy single old lady" model pulled out by radfem isn't the only one through what old women can thrive. Happy old woman surrounded by her grandchildren who will love her until she dies can also be a thing.
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vettelcore · 1 year
"fake accusations ruin lifes" but rubiales right now is giving a press conference saying he's not gonna resign because it was a ~consensual kiss~ when it fucking wasn't and anyone with a single braincell can see it wasn't, the player and victim herself SAID IT WASN'T CONSENSUAL, and ranting about how ~muh fake feminism is so bad for us men :((( im actually the victim here :((((~ while people clap and praise him for not kneeling down against the evil feminists who i guess just don't like to get forcibly kissed by their bosses
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