#mujin imagine
xpialidociousy · 1 year
Suppression | Choi Mujin x Reader
A/N: I’ve written this about a year ago and I just left it in my drafts so I didn’t proofread this. Hopefully, you’ll still get the story. 
Word Count: 6.4k
Warnings: 18+, angst, age gap, eventual smut, pining, jealousy
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You first joined the gang when you were 19 and only three years after that, you were able to climb the ranks of Dongcheon. Sighing, you collapsed on the couch of the private gym wherein you practice with the other higher ranks.
 “You’re still here?” You abruptly stood up as you look at the source of the voice.
 “Oh... Taeju-yah, you scared me.” I sighed, sitting up and resting my back on the couch. He chuckled and sat beside me.
 “Taeju-yah? I’m older than you by two years, you know?” I rolled my eyes at him.
 “Don’t expect me to call you oppa, please..” He laughed once again and ruffled your hair.
“And what’s wrong with that?”
 I eyed him from head to toe. “You’re not exactly an oppa-type-of-guy. Sorry.”
 He chuckled once again as we both heard two pairs of footsteps entering the gym. I stood up as I greet them.
 “Hyungnim,” Taeju muttered.
 “Sunbae,” I greeted Donghoon-sunbaenim. During my stay here, Donghoon sunbaenim has always guided me and helped me. In a sense, he’s like a father to me.
 “Hey, you guys are still here?” Donghoon asked.
 “Oh, I was just wrapping up when Taeju came in.”
 “Again, careful with the Taeju, I told you I’m older than you.” He wrapped his arm on my shoulder, making contact with my exposed skin. Then his other hand gently pat my head as if to scold me.
 “As I said earlier, don’t expect me to call you oppa.” I whispered back while Donghoon sunbae watched us, laughing at our exchange.
 “I won’t be surprised if you two end up marrying each other.”
 I glared at him. “Sunbae, please.”
 “I don’t know why you’re assuming that I’ll get married at all, Hyung-nim.” - Taeju
 “Yes, bold of you to assume that someone would marry this guy.”
 “Woah, make sure you will not eat your words once you fall in love with me and force me into marrying you.”
 “That will never happen, so you can now sleep peacefully.” I pat his shoulder gently.
 “Oh Mujin, are you going to give them your blessings? Because I would.” That’s when I realized that the boss of Dongcheon was also standing behind Donghoon sunbae.
 “Sir,” I bowed.
 “Eyyy no need to call Hyungnim boss or sir when it’s just us.” Taeju said. “Right, Hyung?”
 I was dazed, his eyes were fixed on me. Have I mentioned that I have a tiny crush on the mob boss, Choi Mujin? I mean, who doesn’t?
 “Right,” Donghoon sunbae encourages, putting his arm over the boss’ shoulder, he can freely do that because Mujin is wayyyy younger than he is.
 After waiting for any reaction, I began to ask. “So, uhm, what should I call you si- uhm.” I start to blabber nonsense, I wish that I did not, but as I said.... I have a little crush for the boss.
 “Mujin, just call me Mujin casually, Y/N.” He said as he intently stared me to my eyes, oh boy. 
 Thankfully, Taeju butted in. “So I can call you Mujin too, right Hyung?”
 Mujin slightly smirked as he reluctantly took his eyes off of her, eyes temporarily settling at Taeju’s. “I clearly said Y/N, Taeju-yah.”
 Taeju sighed. “Arasseo,” he gripped my right arm in his hand and bowed at the two older men. “Then... we’ll be going now, Hyung-deul.”
 The two nodded at us before Taeju started dragging me out. “Wait, where are you taking me? I didn’t agree to your date proposal.”
 He squinted his eyes on me. “Shut up.”
 When the two kids left the room, Mujin found himself staring at the girl who was over 10 years younger his age while Donghoon’s laughs filled the room.
 “Is there really something between them?” He asked as soon as they disappeared.
 Donghoon found his answer interesting. “Why? Are you afraid that she isn’t good enough for your favorite Jung Taeju?”
Mujin shook his head as he look at Donghoon. Mujin knew that you were Donghoon’s favorite, sometimes he thinks Donghoon acts like your father. It makes sense, you and Donghoon has some similarities though it’s hard for Mujin to talk to you yet.
 An idea came into Donghoon’s mind as he watched Mujin. His eyes were on him but it was obvious that he was thinking about something else.
 “Don’t tell me..” Donghoon said, thinking it was absurd. “No, right?”
 Mujin was suddenly brought out from his thoughts. “What?”
 Donghoon stared at him longer for a moment, still observing Mujin’s face.
 Mujin found this weird so he took a step back. “What?”
 But the older guy only looked away and shook his head. “nothing,” Then he started walking to the ring.
 “What was that??”
 “Nevermind, it’s just nonsense.”
 For the next two years, me and Mujin became closer and it wasn’t awkward for us to talk about things anymore. We become a lot more friendly but not like how friendly I am with Taeju. He’s also overprotective with his people but not in a way similar to Donghoon. Though it confuses me, I find this side of him warm.
He stood from the bar and went off to look for you. You were sent to a mission to kidnap the new supplier of drugs that has been affecting your business for weeks now, you had to wear a rather revealing dress as a dress code to the party. You managed to succeed with the mission, leaving it to the hands of Taeju and Donghoon who carried out the unconscious body of your target from a while ago. 
From a far, Mujin saw her scanning the crowds looking for him. A slight smirk painted on his face thinking that she was only looking for him. He made his way towards her, increasing his speed once he saw males surrounding her bombarding her with questions. Without a word, Mujin managed to slip himself in the crowd, placing his hand on one side of your hip, pulling you against him.
 All the guys looked up to him, irritation was painted on their faces. He wanted to show who she is, at least to him, so smirking he said. “There you are,” whispering it to your ear.
 Mujin waited and Y/N seemed to catch up well as a smile painted to her face and her hand falling on his chest. “Oh, hey love.” you said with that voice. “I’ve been looking for you.” you began to snuggle against him, head falling in his chest. 
 “Sorry, let’s go?” All you replied was a nod. With that, Mujin took off his eyes from you and to the guys who was obviously disappointed. He couldn’t stop flashing them a smug grin as he placed his hand on your back, gently assisting you out of the room. His hand lingered even when you two made it to his car.
 “You’ve done so well..” Mujin complimented and I beamed up, of course, my boss was complimenting me so how can I not feel giddy?
 Mujin still wouldn’t take his eyes off of you.
 “Well, because you did so well and it’s such a waste to go home looking like that. Why don’t we go get dinner first?” Looking like that? Did he thought I was beautiful? You looked up at him and saw him already staring at you.
 “Sure,” that’s when Mujin finally took his eyes off of you as he opened the door to his seat, a hidden smile on his face from his approval of your answer. With that, you followed after him and opened your own door.
 Mujin took you to a rather fancy restaurant, the night was filled with just you two talking. You were admiring how he looked, as did he. His eyes never leaving yours. He watched you all night, from how you cut your steak, to how you laughed when he mentioned something funny and to how you drank the your wine. Your tongue running over your lower lip in an attempt to savor it up to its last drop. And though his thoughts ran wild again from this, he restrained himself, knowing all too well how you would react once he took action for his thoughts.
 And so the night ends by him dropping you off to your unit, both of you restraining yourselves, both thinking how the other would be furious once you’ve done something.
 “Oh right, I almost forgot. Here’s the telecomm,” You held the little device in your hand mid air, waiting for Mujin to take it. His hand extended to yours, fingers lightly grazing yours and you both stilled in that moment for a few seconds, both contemplating whether to hold each other hands but deciding not to do so.
 You look away and opened the door. Bowing you say, “Thank you for the dinner.”
 And all Mujin did was to nod his head, your hand closing the door as you proceed to walk off to your door. Mujin can only watch.
 Spending the next year together only worsen the tension. He wanted you more, but he couldn’t do anything about it. And so he observed you with his eyes, watched how you move and fight, and savor listening to your voice.
 You forget the amount of times you had to remind yourself not to think of lewd things when your boss calls you into his suite, instructing you for a mission. And you always had to remind yourself that he was just being a kind friend whenever he tells you to be careful as you turn your back to him after receiving orders. And he would always wait for you to look at him again whenever you halt in place when he does this, but you never did.
 Just like Donghoon and Taeju, Mujin only wanted you to be safe, there was no other underlying meaning to this. So you always convinced yourself to continue walking out of his office.
 One time, this happened in the presence of Donghoon. The moment you left the room, he asked. “What’s stopping you?”
 Mujin didn’t bother to lie, he knew it was useless. So, instead of answering, he just downed his whiskey, hoping that Donghoon will just drop the subject.
Thankfully, he did.
 You were busy in the gym, training the new guys. Especially Do Gangjae, he has the skills and he’s willed enough to win the brawls. Despite being the maknae, he earned the trust of the older trainees. You were having fun for a while, until you heard the news. 
Donghoon is dead.
 Donghoon, your only father figure.
 When you found out about the truth, you found yourself speechless. Asking yourself and even the ghost of Donghoon if everything was just a lie. Those stories, time, laughters and memories that you’ve shared together, was it all just a lie?
 You didn’t even have the courage to go to his funeral, opting never to associate with him again.
 You cared so much for Donghoon. As much as you care for Mujin and Taeju. So his death, despite his betrayal, was still as painful. What made it even worse is knowing who killed him, and still understanding why he was killed... why it was necessary. 
It was the most important rule of Dongcheon, betray the organization and you will be killed. Surely, Donghoon knew of this risk before he entered the organization as a spy.
 Though Mujin will never say it, you knew he hated the situation too. Donghoon was his most trusted friend, and you knew that, for a moment, he hesitated. But it was the rule of Dongcheon, and without it, the organization will crumble.
 His betrayal changed something in your leader, as well as Taeju. Mujin seemed to draw boundaries now, Taeju started calling him sir/boss/CEO again, so you decided to call him that too. Taeju, at first, didn’t want to strike any conversation with you at all, but he eventually came around. 
Mujin did not. It’s as if he had taken all the steps he made towards you, and now you’re both back to zero. He realized how wrong it was for him to trust someone, given his... profession and lifestyle. He should’ve known better. Everyone will betray him someday. And he would eventually have to kill them. 
 Never did the three of you spend your time together again, eating samgyeopsal at the same place, though Taeju will sometimes offer to treat you somewhere else.
 It all gets worse once Donghoon’s daughter came in the picture. She’s too driven by revenge. At times, you wanted to scare her away, to tell her to escape and rebuild her life, but she was too eager to avenge her dad. A part of you felt for her, for all the times that she had missed Donghoon, he was with you, looking after you like a father. Perhaps that was the reason why he was so fond of you? Maybe you reminded him of his own daughter? But you’ll never know.
 You never had the chance to convince Mujin to let go of his little revenge, believing that he wouldn’t listen to you. He seemed to have grown an interest for Donghoon’s girl. Finding her similar to Donghoon, yet different. She was much braver than him. You understood why Mujin was so interested in her and you knew, that if there was someone who could cause Mujin’s and Dongcheon’s downfall... then it would be her.  So you weren’t that surprised, watching Mujin training her in such late hour. He’s smiling again, you can taste jealousy in your tongue.
 Not really having the energy for other things, you volunteered to handle the deal in Japan, and when you came back.. you found out that Gangjae has killed Donghoon’s daughter, Ji-woo, was it?
 Such tragic life.
 Well, yours isn’t any different.
 For the next two years, Dongcheon only became more powerful. Which meant that there were more enemies. Taeju was in charge of transacting with the dealing of drugs while you were in charge of taking care of Dongcheon’s allies, always sent out to make sure that everything is in order. You thought 2 years would be enough for Mujin to come around, but it turns out that you were wrong. Still, you were happy that he seemed to be doing better now, and if your source was correct, a member of Dongcheon said that Mujin was frequently seeing a woman, though you never knew of her name and face. Except for the fact that Mujin drinks in her tumbler, chamomile. She gives him chamomile tea. 
 Mujin waited for you to enter his office, a glass of whiskey in his left hand. It’s been years, but he still finds himself anticipating every chance that he gets just to get a glimpse of you.
 “How are things with the other gangs? Are they demanding something else?” He asked, eyes on her, scanning her face. As always, she looked beautiful, though he wondered why she was wearing a turtle neck instead of their normal dress shirt.
 “There are no problems as of the moment sir, though Seotaji keeps demanding for more drugs, we were able to settle it.”
 “Yes sir, they have a new leader. But it’s all settled.” Mujin only nodded, eyes moving from your eyes and to your neck. He was surprised by what he saw than what he just heard.
 You realized where he was looking at so you quickly pulled your turtleneck higher, hiding the hickeys.
 “Okay, good work, leave.” He said, turning his chair from her form, downing his alcohol again in an attempt to bury the sting in his chest.
 Who was the bastard that left his mark on you? Did they purposely placed it there to remind Mujin how he can never have you? His mind flashed pictures of you with another man, watching and hearing you gasp and moan for someone else... so when he heard the door close behind you, he tossed his glass of whiskey to the floor, his right hand reaching to his pocket, desperately lighting his cigarette to ease his mind of these pictures.
 Taeju entered the room and had it cleaned up. “Is there a problem, sir?”
 Mujin only shook his head. “Is there anything happening with our members?”
 Taeju was confused, what is it that he wanted to know? Knowing that you entered before him, he must’ve realized it.
 “He’s not from Dongcheon,” Mujin nodded.
 Then who the fuck is he?
 “I’d look into it sir—“
 “Why would you?” Mujin grew defensive all of a sudden. “It’s none of my business, I was just curious..”
 “Just to make sure he wouldn’t bring trouble to the organization.” Taeju said, but the look in his eyes alone was enough confirmation that he did knew of Mujin’s intentions.
 “Okay, do that.” Taeju bowed once again before leaving the room.
 In no time, Taeju found out about your lover. He’s just a gangster from an allied gang. He’s at the same age as you.
 This went on for months, you walking in wearing a turtle neck and Mujin already knowing why. He would just dismiss you after that.
 Today was going to be the same, though when you walked in, you saw a tipsy Mujin. Which has never happened before. “Sir,” you bowed.
 “Again?” He asked, laughing bitterly. He stood up and walked around his desk, stopping just in front of it to sit. “Don’t you guys even rest? Is he that crazy for you?”
 You were flustered. “Sir—“
 “Shh, I don’t wanna hear it.” He shook his head. “Can I blame him? No. No."
Before you can even process his words, your attention was suddenly on his touch, he held your hand in his as gently as he could. He then caressed your fingers, his thumb tracing the ring on your finger. Another mark on you. Whoever this guy was, he certainly knew how to show possession, and it drives Mujin crazy but there’s nothing he can do about it. 
 “Are you marrying him?” He asked.
 Before she could even answer, Taeju entered the office. And she was gone in an instant, thinking about what he just said.
 The next time you saw each other, no one mentioned it again. The silent treatment went on until one day you didn’t show up for work, Taeju had no idea why too. And another day passed, still no you. Mujin grew impatient so he sent Taeju to you, but you were not in your apartment.
 The next day, you showed up late at night, apologizing. Mujin sat in his desk, looking at you. “Where have you been?”
 “I apologize sir—“
 “Wait,” he said, eyes scanning your face. He went down from his desk and took strides to stand in front of you. He lifted his right hand and let it fall on your left cheek, his thumb running over a bruise.
 “What happened to you?” You averted your gaze from him, wanting to hide.
 “It’s... I just got into a fight during—“
 “Stop lying, it’s been years since I last saw you with a bruise.” He knew full well that it wasn’t from an enemy, you had let your guard down, which meant that it was caused by someone you trust. Mujin’s hands started to slightly pull the collar of your dress shirt, looking for other bruises.
 All Mujin could feel was rage. “Where is he?”
 “It’s all settled, Mujin. I finished it—“ Mujin only shook his head, trying to calm himself.
 “Y/N, where is he?” When he was sure that you were alright, Mujin left to look for your ex. When he did found him, he was already bruised with a scar on his face, which is your doing.
 Taeju swung his fist first, while Mujin watched.
 When enough was done, Mujin held the guy’s chin and made him look at his eyes. “Who the fuck do you think you are to do that?” He then swung one punch on the man’s jaw, kicking him repeatedly on his chest. “Fucking. Bastard.”
 He then stopped. “Don’t you dare come near her again. Or I’ll make sure you’ll die slowly in the most painful way possible.”
 As the months go by, the little bruise disappeared. Taeju had learned the truth, he attacked you in your apartment when you were asleep after ending things with him, fortunately, your intense training had helped you. You were staying at Liber for the mean time, Mujin didn’t want to risk it. So you weren’t surprised when he suddenly showed up in front of your door step, asking if you two could talk.
 You served him wine that was left by Taeju. His eyes observed you all the while, something that you’re very used to. When you extended your arm to give him his wine. There was only silence between the two of you. When he finished his glass, Mujin only sat there staring at you, waiting for you to empty your own glass, his eyes focused on your lips. How long has it been since he met you? 8 years? And he’s been wanting to bend you in his desk for 6 years. Pining over you and being content with watching you.
 Feeling nervous under his gaze, you downed the remaining wine on your glass. “You’re not wondering why I’m here?”
 You shook your head.
 “How about everything that I said before? Or how I reacted? Are you not curious as to why I reacted like that?”
 “No sir, I thought it’s because it would’ve been a shame to Dongcheo—“
 “Stop pretending, I know you know it.” Mujin said, his teeth clenching as you watch him close his eyes in frustration. You’d be an idiot, if you still don’t know by now that the leader has romantic feelings for you.
 “Know what sir?” To change the topic, you stood up from the couch. “Do you want some more wine si—“ Mujin gently tugged her hand, causing her to fall on his lap.
 His touch was too much. Too much that she couldn’t find the strength to stand up from his lap. Her mind ran wild when he placed his rough hands on her hips, adjusting her thighs to straddle him, his eyes wandering from her eyes to her lips and back to her eyes again.
 “I’ll give you 5 seconds to stand up.” He whispered, looking at her eyes. “5....4.....3.....2....”
 Then his eyes fell on her lips as he gently held her chin. “1,” then he pulled her and kissed her.
 And though Mujin counted, he was expecting for her to pull away, so he was surprised when she rested her hands on his shoulders instead and kissed him back.
 Mujin’s desire only ran wild, his senses were high on alert as they took her in. The feeling of her body against his, her scent, the sound of their lips locking, and the taste of her lips. Suddenly, he felt himself getting drunk of her.
 Y/N thought she would melt, as she felt him gently caressing her arms, rubbing them up and down as if she was fragile. She felt so important, so adored. And if she only knew every thought of Mujin about her, she would definitely feel like a queen. If it was up to him, he could build a statue of her.
 They had to pull away for a while, their eyes opening at the same time. “You’re so beautiful,” Mujin said, scanning her whole face while his hand caressed her cheek, pulling her face close to him again and sticking her forehead to his, closing his eyes. “You taste and feel so good, even better than I imagined.” He then pulled his face away from her to stare at her. “You don’t deserve anything less than perfection, and though I can’t give that to you, I’ll do my best to give you everything that I can.”
 Through his half lidded eyes, Mujin stared in your eyes. “I’ll make sure you won’t ever regret it.... and all I ask in return is for you to stay by my side.”
 He softly traced your facial features with the back of his hand. “Can you do that for me?”
 With this question, you let your hand fall to the face of the man who was letting himself be vulnerable to you, despite of all the betrayals that he went through. “I will stay by your side, even if you don’t ask me to.” Mujin let himself take in the warmth of your hand, your touch drives him crazy that he wondered why he even restrained himself from doing this in the first place, then he would’ve had you for all those years, and you wouldn’t have to suffer from some lowly bastard.
 He nodded at your response before moving his hand from caressing your cheek and to the back of your neck, pulling you in for another kiss. This time, it was deeper. Mujin was eager to taste you, and you let him. Fighting for dominance, you were trying to beat his tongue but when you felt his hands rubbing your thigh, you lost it. Losing your mind, you let him win. Mujin was smirking because of this.
 “Mmmm,” The feel of his rough hands on your soft skin was so addicting. You’ve been touched before, but Mujin’s touch makes you feel like you’re burning up. You wanted more, wanting to feel his warmth, you arch your back and pushed your body closer to his.
 Mujin moaned at the feeling of your chest against his, growing excited by the fact that he could touch you and undress you now, his long time desire. Now that he was distracted, you took your chance to land soft kisses in his jaw and neck. You work on his necktie, loosening it and throwing it somewhere in the room. You then moved to take off his jacket that was tossed somewhere too. You excitedly unbuttoned his dress shirt, aching to feel his skin under your finger tips. Mujin only chuckled at this, helping you unbutton his shirt.
 “So eager for me,” he mused. You pulled away and stared at him through half lidded eyes.
 “Do you even have any idea how badly I wanted to do this?” You whispered, trailing kisses from his jaw, his exposed shoulders and up his neck again to his ear. “Every time you called for me in your office, I wanted nothing but to straddle you in your chair and to just grind into you while leaving kisses in your beautiful neck.”
Mujin felt his cock twitching at your sudden confession. “Is that so?”
 “Yes sir,” He moaned when you started grinding on top of him. “Fuck!” Hands falling on your butt and guiding them to grind against his hard-on. When you finally unbuttoned Mujin’s dress shirt, he took it off and tossed it behind him.
 “As much as I love the feel of your lips, love, I also have my own desires to fulfill.” With that, Mujin pulled you in once again for another hot kiss, this time it was more forceful, you felt the slight burning of your lips. He squeezed your breasts through your clothes and you couldn’t help but moan.
 “Please....” you said as you brushed his hair through your fingers. He held the hem of your t-shirt and pulled it over your head, he pulled away just so he can see you, his eyes filled with lust and burning desire. He expertly unclasped your bra and let them fall down, his eyes dilating at the sight, while he bit his lip with a smirk in his face.
 “So fucking beautiful,” he wasted no time, he pulled you closer and left a trail of kisses in your jaw, sucking everywhere that his lips touched, marking you. Finally. His kisses went down to your neck, finding the spot that made you moan, making sure to bite it and massage it with his tongue afterwards. Your shoulders were not excused, he left his marks too. As his kisses move closer to your breasts, he stopped.
 “Mujin?” He chuckled. “So needy,” he adjusts your position on his lap, making you high enough so that your nipples were on the same level as his lips. He stared at your eyes and you felt his breath on your now perked up left nipple. Then he teasingly licked it.
 “Ahhh...” you let your fingers pull on his hair, pushing him closer to your breasts. He started sucking, then finally, you felt his tongue playing with your nipples. “Shit!” You started grinding your core once again, too turned on.
 Mujin was so satisfied to see you so eager for him. He let go of your nipple with a pop. “So, you have a fetish for nipple sucking.” I felt myself blush from his words. “That’ll be fun, but let’s do that some other time, for now..”
 He moved to your right nipple, doing the same things that he did, he got the same reaction, which was you grinding your core against him. He made sure to leave marks on your breasts too. When he was satisfied, he pushed you up and guided you to clasp your legs on his torso, he then stood up and walked through your bed, not breaking the kiss. You let your hands slide down his heaving chest and the desire to kiss every inch of him took over you.
 Plopping you down to the bed, you took this chance to climb over him. Mujin sighed, knowing he should let you, he then felt your lips on his chest, gently sucking on his skin... he felt weird, never has he been marked before... but he still let you, your lips moved to his tattoo. You pulled away for a second and gave one kiss to it.. just when he though you were gone, you moved your kisses to his nipples. He hissed, strangely liking it. As you move your lips to his other nipple, your hand traveled to unzip his slacks, pushing it lower to palm his hardened member, but he held your hand and turned over, so you were now at the bottom once again.
 His lips fell on your breasts, wanting to feel the soft skin of your love handles... his finger traced your tattoo that was identical to him, while his left hand pulled your shorts down. He once again kissed your neck while his finger rubbed circles over your soaked panties.
 “Mmmmm...” you moaned. Your breath ragged. He bit you the junction of your neck and shoulder and you were losing your mind so you reached down to take off your panties but he stopped you.
 “I want it to be so soaked, love.” He said, kissing you once again, silencing your protests.
 “Mmm please, ahh— touch me please Mujin.” You wanted to feel his finger without the cloth and Mujin pulled away to watch you pleading. He buried his nose into your neck once again, inhaling your scent.
 “Sorry, I won’t be touching you... not yet.” He said before moving down, he then took off your panties in one move and pulled your legs over his shoulders. He slowly left small kisses in your thighs and his beard felt so heavenly in your skin, you watched under you as he buried his nose in your skin, seemingly wanting to take in your scent. He started moving again and you arch your back to get him where you wanted, but to no avail.
 “Mujin please..”
 “So wet for me, so eager, is this how much you want me, love?”
 “Yes—“ before you can even finished, Mujin licked your folds gently eliciting a loud moan from you. “You taste and smell so good,” you arched you back again, wanting nothing but to bury him in your pussy.
 “Please, Mujin.” He didn’t know you’d be the type to plead, but he likes it, so much. So he gave you what you want and began licking your clit, his mouth eating you as if he was starved for a long time. The moans that went out of your mouth were too loud accompanied by your hand in his hair and hearing his name with your gasps and whines made him so eager to draw out every single noise that he can get from you. He buried his nose in your pussy, while he worked his tongue, wanting to get you to come.
 “G-gonna come,”
 “Go on love, go on...” then he felt your body shaking under him, he looked up at you and in no time, you came in his mouth, his tongue helping you to ride out your high. He tasted your cum, loving how you taste, all the while staring at your face. You eyebrows were scrunched up and your eyes were almost closing, mouth open wide and your chest rising and falling. He then stood up for a while, taking off all of his remaining clothes as you watch him, you legs opening at the sight. He pumped his dick with a smirk on his face as he watched how you reacted.
 He then hovered over you once again.
 “W-wait, Mujin... I-I’m overstimulated.” Mujin only kissed your neck.
 “It’s alright. I think you can take it, love. You’ll do well, going to take me so well, right?”
 You had no choice but to nod, wanting to make him feel good.
 “You want this, right? I can stop now..”
 “No, please, please don’t stop.” Mujin nodded and he took your legs to help you lock them around him, they were powerless, looks like you’re only used to coming once. Huh. For a while, he kissed you to wait for you to move on from your high. Hands cupping your breasts and thumbs playing with your nipple, he noticed that he never failed to bring out a moan from you when it comes to your nipples.
 Once he felt you’re alright he placed his arms under yours and held your shoulders, pulling you close to him, his chest  touching yours and that alone can make him come. He slid his member on your folds, up and down, before he slowly entered you. You were already slick, but it still was hard for him to slide through. You buried your nails into his back while being stretched out. “Fuck, Y/N.” Once it was all in, he stopped for a moment, waiting for you to adjust, and when you left a kiss on his neck, Mujin knew he could start.
 He pulled his hips back and slowly pushed it in, making a sound from slapping his hips to your own. “You feel so good... fuck.. so so good,”
 He thrust into you one more time, almost losing his mind on how tight you were. “Mujin...” his thrust starting to get faster, though he always had to remind himself not to get too lost, but it was so hard not to lose control... you feel so good around him.
 “You were made to be mine, love. You were made to be fucked by me— oh,” he can hear your whines, the fact that you can’t even form words struck him. He almost came when he felt you clenching around him. “Shibal—ah.”
 He buried his face in your chest, moaning into your skin as his pace continued to pick up, your moans and whines only got louder. You were now meeting his thrusts, so it made him think that he could still go faster, which made you scream.
 “My noisy princess,” he chuckled, leaving sloppy kisses in every skin that he could reach. He watched as your breasts bounced in each of his thrusts and how you maintained eye contact with him through your half lidded eyes, forehead scrunched up. The image of you made him hornier.
 “I-I’m—“ he was mind blown by how you were able to cum for him again.
 “Good girl, you’re doing so well, princess...” he left kisses on your chests, knowing you were overstimulated once again, which made sense on why you were whining.
 “Shhh shhh, you can take it princess, just one more... one more, you’re doing so well.” He caressed your hair, stepped back for a minute moving your legs over his shoulders for a new angle. He pinned your wrists at the side of your head, now satisfied with the fact that he’s face to face with you, so he left sloppy kisses on your lips, muffling your moans.
 “MMMMMM,” you started writhing and he knew that he found your gspot, so he continued in this angle, detaching his lips from yours to bury his forehead to your left shoulder, he was going crazy.
 His thrusts became sloppy so you knew he was coming, you moved your hips a little to create a circular motion and he gasped. “Y/N...” you clenched your pussy to his and he buried his forehead deeper into your neck, leaving a bite on the junction while his finger stimulated your clit, causing you to come for the third time.... it finally caused him to come too, your name repeated like a mantra in your neck as he rode out both of your highs together.
 He pulled out from you as he let himself collapse beside you, the both of you were panting for a moment. When he moved on, he reached for your face and caress it. You were completely used and he knew you couldn’t even stand. He sat up and looked over at you, eyes falling at the pool of cum in your pussy, oozing out of you, he’s beginning to grow turned on again, but you clearly cannot take another round.
 Gently, he kissed your lips as softly as he could, his hands playing with your breasts, and you still reacted. “Let’s get you cleaned up, love.” And so he carried you to the bathroom and gave you a bath, his hands loving the softness of your skin. You tried to do the same to him but it was hard. He chuckled at this and assured you. “It’s alright, I got it.”
 He reminded you to pee and he washed your feminine area for you, longer than he had to, but it still did the trick. He dried your hair and your body, not wanting you to get sick, then he placed you back on the bed once again, placing a soft kiss beside your head. “Thank you for tonight,”
 All you could reply was a hum and then you fell asleep, Mujin engulfing you in his arms before draping the blanket over the two of you, still amazed at how good you felt against him, he swore never to stop touching you again.
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ioaezz · 2 years
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ACE my name characters with their idol!s/o (headcannons!)
choi mujin —
- this man will buy anything that has your name on it including the sport car that you created
- you had been given the chance to create your own car and when mujin found out about it he immediately tried to buy it
- key word tried
- apparently your fans were counting down the seconds that it came out
- and when it was finally his turn the bright screen of his computer said that the cars had been sold out already
- this man would become so frustrated by your fans bc no one would give up their car, no matter the price he offered
- when you came home from practice you found your boyfriend furiously tapping at his computer while a cigarette hung from his lips
- he looked up at you when he heard you entering his office
- when you asked what happened he told you that your fans are crazy maniacs
- apparently one of your fans tried to bribe him to get him to get you sign their turtle in exchange for the car
- as he annoyingly tapped his finger against his desk you walked up to him with a smile before kissing him
- he returned the kiss while pulling you onto his lap, his arms wrapping around your waist while yours were wrapped around his neck
- after a short make out session you parted with a bright smile on your face
- istg your man’s face dropped when you told him that you already owned the original car
- but he’d still try to buy your car from you bc he really wants that shit with your name on it
- you eventually gave in with a smile before you handed him the keys to now his new car
- he’s inseparable with that mf car
- and he’d get so mad whenever there’s a scratch on it or if there’s a splatter of blood that accidentally got on it during a fight
- he’ll side eye any other car he’s in bc it’s not as good as yours
- your groups songs would automatically be downloaded so he listens to it anytime he’s driving
- one time taeju got into his car and mujin insisted on driving and when he turned on his playlist which is filled with your songs taeju eyed him with a raised brow
- just imagine two feared gangsters listening to girly pop music with a straight face while chasing some other gangster that betrayed them
do gangjae —
- gangjae loved it when you did interviews but he really really hated it when you had to lie about your relationship
- he knew you had to do it bc of your company but it didn’t stop his annoyance though
- especially not as he watched your most recent interview in his car while a cigarette hung from his lips
- he had a fond look in his eyes as he watched you laugh at something that your members had said
- but when the man interviewing you asked you about your love life and you awkwardly laughed while denying having a relationship he could feel his fists tighten against his phone
- he watched the rest of the interview and glared at anyone that tried to speak to him
- later that evening when you came back home he grinned at you before kissing you heatedly
- the rest of the evening was spent in your shared bedroom and when you finally fell asleep gangjae took your phone
- he unlocked it quietly before opening instagram
- gangjae glanced at your sleeping form in his arms with a slight smile while choosing a couple of pictures of the two of you
- in one of the pictures his arms were wrapped around you while you held your phone
- while in another one the two of you were in his car after an event that you went to, he remembers picking you up and right before the two of you were about to kiss he snapped a picture of the moment claiming he didn’t have enough pictures of the two of you together
- the last picture of you was a mirror pic where you had your arms wrapped around his neck while kissing his cheek lovingly, his tattoos and abs were full on display and your body was pressed against his
- gangjae skimmed through the pictures one more time, putting a red heart in the caption before he posted the pictures for the whole world to see
- he quickly shut your phone off making sure it was silenced so nobody would disturb your time together before he wrapped his arms further around you placing a kiss against your nose
- the next morning you let out a groan but you weren’t able to reach for your phone because your boyfriend tightened his grip around your waist
- eventually you were able to escape from his grip and when you finally took your phone you saw a billion notifications from everyone you knew
- you furrowed your brows in confusion before replying to your manager who was talking about some instagram post so you immediately went to your page only to see a few pictures of you and gangjae blowing up
- your mouth fell open and your phone fell from your hand as you felt your boyfriend crawl behind you to kiss your neck
- ‘what’s wrong baby?’
- you quickly turned to him, already having figured out that he was the one to post those pictures
- he immediately calmed you down telling you that he’ll fully take the blame for it with a grin on his face while you complained to him with your head buried into his shoulder
- so for the next two weeks you were busy with interviews, lives and press conferences while gangjae enjoyed that he could finally be your proper boyfriend
jeon pildo —
- this man was sitting behind his computer screen waiting for your album to come out before immediately pre ordering it
- even though you told him that you would gladly give him an album for free he refused telling you that he wanted for you to make money out of it
- so he waited three weeks for his album to arrive
- his album arrived in the morning right before he had to leave for work but he couldn’t wait to open it so he took it with him to open during his lunch break despite the fact that his colleagues would tease him for it
- after a quiet morning of sitting at his desk he finally got the chance to open his album instead of eating his lunch
- he tore the carton box that was around the album before finally taking the album into his hands with a smile
- but just before he could even look through the album, his colleagues came in
- hyejin sat down at her desk next to his while glancing at the bright pink album in his hands
- she raised her brow which made pildo roll his eyes at her
- when she asked him what it was he quickly told her that it was his girlfriend’s album
- but when he said that she didn’t realise that he meant it as in that the album was made by you and not bought by you
- he quickly went through your members their pages before stopping at yours
- he took his time to admire you with heart eyes while hyejin looked curiously at his album
- ‘that’s my girlfriend’ pildo said proudly while showing her a picture of you
- ‘she’s pretty’ his partner told him while watching him staring at your pictures with loving eyes and an amazed smile
- and when he finally came to the extras he nervously shifted in his seat praying for one of your photocard
- he took the first pc before flipping it and falling back in his seat when he got one of your members instead of you
- he quickly pushed the pc away hoping that one of the two remaining pc’s is one of yours
- then he flipped the second one and let out a sigh when he got another member who wasn’t you
- he quickly readied himself and flipped the third and last pc a wide smile blooming on his face as he saw your sparkling eyes and kind smile
- pildo immediately send you a picture of his new photocard of you that he could add to his collection before taking his other photocards to try to trade them online with a pc of yours
- with a final smile he put the photocard in his wallet so he could always keep you close to him
jung taeju —
- the thing taeju hated more than anything was when you left for tours because he knew he could never go with you
- so he resorted to watching interviews and concerts of you after a hard day of work and coming home to an empty house
- he called you anytime he could and made a habit of sending you gifts as often as he could
- and you absolutely loved to come back to the hotel while knowing that there would be a present on your bed waiting for you after a long tiring concert that had absolutely drained you
- you opened your door while quickly bidding your members goodnight before closing your door with a sigh
- you entered your bedroom and a smile grew on your face when you saw an expensive looking gift neatly placed on your bed
- you pulled your phone from your pocket and quickly pressed on your boyfriend’s contact number
- taeju picked up his phone at the first ring while laying on your shared bed with his arm underneath his head
- a smile spread across his face when he heard your voice for the first time that day while you jumped onto the bed, quickly putting him on loudspeaker to be able to open the package he send you
- he quietly listened to you gleefully unpacking the expensive vivienne westwood necklace that he picked for you himself
- as you thanked him endlessly he asked to face time you so he would be able to see you and you happily did it while thanking him endlessly
- you put on the necklace and showed it to him while he compliments you endlessly
- for the next few hours you talk with each other until you fell asleep while taeju watched you lovingly already counting down the days that you come back home to him
- but he was pleased enough when he noticed you wearing your new necklace at your next concert
yoon jiwoo —
- you and your girlfriend were walking hand in hand through the empty streets while talking quietly with one another
- your relationship had to be kept secret so your company told you to tell people that she was just your friend
- fortunately jiwoo didn’t mind that much because she was a pretty private person and liked to be able to walk around without dispatch taking secret pictures of her
- as the two of you were talking about your weekend plans she noticed a group of high schoolers following the two of you while giggling loudly
- she tugged on your hand which made you turn towards her with a soft smile before it slightly fell at her serious expression
- you looked at the direction she nudged her head to before you smiled warmly at the teenagers that froze when they noticed you saw them
- after a few seconds they ran up to you before bowing at you and complimenting you for your hard work which made you smile wider
- you noticed jiwoo letting go of your hand when your fans asked for some pictures but decided to talk with her after the encounter
- a few minutes later you were having a friendly conversation with them but you noticed them squirming nervously while glancing at your girlfriend every few seconds
- your fingers grazed hers for a second and it seemed to wake her up from her daze
- your fans left shortly after and you quickly linked arms with your girlfriend again while continuing your walk
- when you asked what was wrong she just shrugged so you decided to drop the subject noticing that she wasn’t in the mood to talk to about it
- you quickly looked around before dragging your confused girlfriend into an empty, darkly lit street before kissing her softly
- she softened into the kiss and put her hand on your cheek
- and you knew she knew what you wanted to tell her when you parted with heavy breathing and soft smiles
©cupidsheqrt , 2023.
perm tag list: @redm4ri, @stopeatread, @yourfavoritefreakyhan, @saiewithakatana, @kyuupidwrites, @i-dont-know-me-either
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navidadfan · 1 year
~Everyone but you
Warning:death,grief,graphic images,parenting
You woke up to the sound of your newborn cries.You tried to lift yourself up but you were held back by a strong pair of arms.You pushed his arms away and held your baby."Looks like my girls are up,"a deep husky voice behind you spoke up.You chuckled to yourself and forced yourself out of bed.
"Looks like someone needs a diaper change,"and again the strong pair of arms snatched the baby away from your arms and walked to the diaper changing table.He placed the tiny human down and started to blow raspberries on her belly button,followed by giggles from her.
Jealous at the sight,you left the room and went straight to the penthouse.
Mujin received a call and judging from his look,there was something wrong again.He then proceeded to head to his wardrobe and changed up.
"Where are you going?"you asked,curious about his sudden change of expression.
"Something went wrong.Promise me,just stay home and I will be back soon,"Mujin said under his breath.
He was always like this.Why does he always have to put himself in positions like this?You know it's his job but not to the point you and the baby would feel neglected.You hated how even after the baby is born,he still has to leave.At this point of time,you couldn't take it anymore and you screamed at him.You gave in to that rage you held in your heart for months.
"Do you think I wanted this?You spoiled woman, unlike you I have work to be done."Mujin then stormed off,leaving you and the baby behind.
You were hurt and broken by what he said.Afterall he was the one who encouraged you to quit your job and live with him.What he did was over the board.You sat on the coach and curled yourself up and silently sobbed.This was when the door abruptly flew open and your head perked up,thinking it was Mujin that was home.It was Do GangJae instead.What was he doing here?He approached the baby and you quickly held your baby to your chest.He was dangerous and looking at the blood splattered all over his face,you knew he killed several guards.
"Oooooooooo...aren't you both the infamous choi mujin's darlings?He would kill for both of you,"and GangJae held a gun up to your head,"but what if i killed you both first?"
Mujin got the call of the situation and the first thing that came to his mind was his girls.Were they okay?"Forget everything,Taeju.Lets go now.,"mujin's voice trembled and Taeju swore he had never ever seen this side of him.Mujin was scared for his life,you and the little human was his world.Mujin was also guilty of all the things he had said to you earlier.It was a jerk of him to do that and he wanted to get home to you and apologize.They arrived at the hotel and went straight up to the penthouse.It didnt seem good.Mujin kicked open the door and there was a puddle of blood and he ran towards it.He wasn't ready for what he was seeing.His eyes widened and he collapsed to the ground.This wasn't possible...
To be continued
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mo-notmoe · 11 months
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I made these seals for each of the members kingdoms! And im working on on seals for each members which I hope to have done soon!!
If you don't stan Kingdom you are truly missing out! they are incredible. Had the chance to see them live and meet them last month! (Dann even saved me from falling off a riser after taking a photo together)
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wonwoonlight · 10 months
Also, watching dino appears in programs by himself makes me so proud.......
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chanis-banani · 1 year
king of cherry blossoms
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So I've been thinking about cute scenarios to kick off this short fluff campaign. And since spring is here, what would be cuter than having a cherry blossom picnic with the king himself? :)
genre: cute, lighthearted fluff
word count: ±600
"I think that would be a nice spot," you said to Mujin while pointing to one of the cherry trees ahead of you. It was a lovely day with a perfectly blue sky and an ideal temperature. Needless to say, almost everyone in town decided to go outside to enjoy the weather and thus the park was rather crowded. But luckily, you had spotted a beautiful little open space right beneath one of the many cherry trees. Mujin let out an excited squeal. "Yes! It's perfect! Come on, quickly! Let's go before somebody else sits there!" He immediately started running, clumsily carrying the big basket of food with him. "Hey, wait for me!" you yelled at him and you quickly followed him with the picnic blanket in your arms.
A large part of the grass beneath the tree was already covered in little blossom leaves, creating a beautiful sea of green and pastel pink. After you laid out the blanket, you helped Mujin set up the picnic. Since the two of you had decided to make it a French-themed picnic, you had mostly brought different kinds of fruits and cheeses, along with a big baguette and some cherry jam.
"Here, you should try this," you said while tearing a piece from the baguette and spreading some of the jam on it. Mujin wanted to take it from you, but you nodded your head with a big grin. "Just open your mouth and say aaa." With a little pout on his lips, he reluctantly opened his mouth so you could feed it to him. Once he tasted the delicious jam, he quickly began to smile again. "Wait wait, now you say aaa as well," he said excitedly with his mouth still full. He took one of the strawberries and brought it to your mouth, but just when you wanted to bite down on it, he quickly ate it instead. "Ppfffff, you're so childish," you murmured, but he just continued to laugh happily.
"Okay okay, for real this time," he grinned and he took another strawberry. Of course you didn't believe him anymore and this time you made sure to keep your mouth closed. Mujin pressed the strawberry firmly against your lips and gave you that puppy-eye look, insisting that you should take the it. Eventually you gave in and he smirked happily while he fed the strawberry to you. As you bit down on it, a drop of juice rolled down the corner of your mouth. Mujin gently grabbed your chin and he used his thumb to wipe the juice from your lip, causing your cheeks to flush. The nervous look on your face made him giggle. "Oh? Are you embarrassed?" he mocked. "I am not!" you sputtered and you quickly pushed his hand away from your face.
He laughed at you and pressed a quick kiss on your cheek, which still felt hot from embarrassment. When he pulled away, you noticed that he had a piece of cherry blossom stuck in his hair. "Wait, hold still," you said and you cupped his face in your hands. The clueless look on his face made him look absolutely adorable with the pink little flower in his hair. "What is it?" he asked cutely while you plucked the blossom from his head and showed it to him, making his eyes grow big.
"You really are the king of cherry blossoms," you grinned. He took the flower from you, examining it more closely. Suddenly a huge smirk appeared on his face and he turned to you again. He gently put the flower in your hair, still with a massive smirk on his lips and said: "Then you can be my little jester."
♡ ♡ ♡
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oneirataxia-haechan · 3 months
10:37 am [part 1]
Dann hasn't been treating you the best recently so you decide to play a prank on him with some help. [Part 2]
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Pairing: Dann x reader ft. Mujin and Louis Word Count: 962 words Genre: Angst with some fluff Prompts Chosen: 4: "Are you scared?" 52: "I don't love you anymore." 58: "We need to talk."
Dann had been working extra hard recently, overworking himself really. You had been missing him a lot and have gotten tired of only seeing him twice a day. When you were waking up and then, maybe, before going to bed. The good thing is you weren’t alone. The boys had noticed Dann’s recent absence and how it was affecting you. Even if he wasn’t around at least you were always entertained.
A warm beam of sun softly touched your face, causing you to begin waking up. As you began opening your eyes a sweet smile spread across your face. Today you had plans to go out with your boyfriend who has finally gotten a day off. You both have planned and talked about today for at least 2 weeks, you had become so excited. Not even sure what Dann had planned, as he said he wanted to be the one planning it, to make up for him being so busy recently. You hopped in the shower, had some breakfast, and then watched some tiktoks as you waited. A few hours had gone by with not a word from Dann. It was coming up on lunch time so you decided to shoot a text to your groupchat with the boys, excluding your boyfriend, asking about lunch plans. You really didn’t want to eat lunch alone after your boyfriend forgot about you.
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Mujin and Louis were the only boys that would be joining you but it was better than another lunch or day alone, again. Although you still hadn’t heard from your boyfriend you decided to text him to let him know where you’d be.
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No answer at all, so you finished getting ready and headed toward the restaurant.
Once you arrived you spotted the 2 boys as they waved you over. While waiting for your food Louis had been on tiktok and decided to show you a prank video he saw. The prank was a girlfriend pretending to break up with her boyfriend, he giggled then began.
“What if you pulled this prank on Seungbo?” He was waiting tentatively for you to agree.
“I’m not sure Dongsik. That just seems so me-.” Mujin interrupted.
“So why did you text the chat without Seungbo in it?” Remaining silent for a few seconds you then tried to defend and explain yourself, but he cut you off again.
“I don’t think it’s as mean as mistreating you, regardless of work and being busy.” You couldn’t answer, what were you going to say? That he was wrong? That would’ve been a lie, he wasn’t wrong.
“You are so upset today and you didn’t think we’d notice for some reason.” Mujin said with a concerned tone. You explained what happened and how it made you feel. Let’s just say Mujin was pretty upset. Yes, Dann was his leader and friend, but he also cared about you as well. It had been tearing Mujin up inside seeing one of his closest friends as upset as you were, and trying to hide it hurt him even worse. 
“We would help you pull the prank y/n.” Stated Louis. You stayed quiet for a few minutes, continuing to eat, thinking of what to do and say.
“Fine we’ll do it…” You said sharply. Both of the boys demeanors changed. You then continued, “But how should we do it? I don’t know if I could keep a straight face.” The boys began to laugh lightly. The 3 of you began planning it out as you finished up lunch and headed home.
A few hours had passed by since lunch with the boys and you still hadn’t heard from your boyfriend. By this point you were really upset and starting to get pretty angry about the whole situation. These emotions were only growing by the minute, making you more and more prepared to pull this prank on Seungbo. You decided to send him another text.
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An hour had passed by and he hadn’t even read your text. You couldn’t hold it back any longer and tears started rolling down your cheeks. Your phone began ringing and you jumped at the sound interrupting your quiet sobs. You wiped your tears before checking the contact name, hoping it was Seungbo. Picking up your phone you turned it over, only to see ‘Blossom Boy.’ You went ahead and answered, knowing he’d call until you’d answer. 
“Yes Sungho?” You questioned, looking at him on your screen. He was laying in bed listening to music. You didn’t even turn your camera on, you couldn’t let him see your puffy red eyes. He was going to be upset, but you gave yourself away anyways. Between your camera being off, choked sounding voice, and you calling him Sungho, he knew. He decided not to bother you about it, knowing how upset you must be.
“Have you heard from him yet today?” He asked gently.
You were silent for a few seconds then began crying again. This time around it was much worse. You didn’t even fully realize that you hadn’t heard a single word from Dann today, that is until Mujin brought it up. He began apologetically.
“I didn’t mean to make you feel worse y/n.” There was some silence, all you could hear was your sniffles and breathing. Taking a deep breath you finally felt okay to answer.
“It’s not your fault Mujin, it’s sweet that you even thought to check on me.” He took a deep breath, truly realizing the state you were in by saying such things. 
“Do you want me to come over until he gets home?” You couldn’t help but laugh softly in response. 
“You are in bed, I'm not going to make you come over, I’ll be fine.” He immediately hung up then texted you.  
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faceglitchsworld · 1 year
Lee Mujin can you please stop bringing my biases who also have the squirrel as their animal for once? 😭
I can't end up crying and being soft every time I watch your program 😭
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Olivia Rodrigo snatched this week’s top spot from Dan & Mujin with Vampire
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1. Vampire - Olivia Rodrigo
2. GENTO - SB19
3. Cupid - FIFTY FIFTY
4. Karma (feat. Ice Spice) - Taylor Swift
5. Angel Pt. 1 - NLE Choppa, Kodak Black, Jimin of BTS, JVKE & Muni Long
6. Satellite - Harry Styles
7. Traffic Accident - Dan & Mujin
8. Middle Ground - Maroon 5
9. Waffle House - Jonas Brothers
10. Angels Like You - Miley Cyrus
11. Crushed - Imagine Dragons
12. The Show - Niall Horan
13. Curtains - Ed Sheeran
14. WHERE SHE GOES - Bad Bunny
15. End Of Time - Zara Larsson
16. Attention - Doja Cat
17. Princess Diana - Ice Spice & Nicki Minaj
18. Lilith - Halsey & SUGA
19. Dance The Night - Dua Lipa
20. Barbie World (With Aqua) - Nicki Minaj & Ice Spice
21. Fall In Love Alone - Stacey Ryan
22. Cheetah - Jackson Wang
23. Double Fantasy (feat. Future) - The Weeknd
24. Jaded - Miley Cyrus
25. this is what losing someone feels like - JVKE
26. Favorite Song - Toosii
27. THAT’S NOT HOW IT WORKS (feat. Dan + Shay) - Charlie Puth
28. They Don’t Love It - Jack Harlow
29. Red Ruby Da Sleeze - Nicki Minaj
30. Chemical - Post Malone
31. Never Ending Song - Conan Gray
32. OK - Jeremy Zucker
33. Alone - Kim Petras & Nicki Minaj
34. Like Crazy - Jimin
35. VOID - Melanie Martinez
36. Home To Another One - Madison Beer
37. SWINE - Demi Lovato
38. Miracle - Calvin Harris & Ellie Goulding
39. Talm’ Bout - Chris Brown
40. Padam Padam - Kylie Minogue
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mugchild · 2 months
PT. V Mujin/Go Sungho: office romance
Mujin/Go Sungho x genderneutral!reader
ongoing | teen and up audience | slice of life, office au, slight cursing
There was snow falling and it was cold outside. But all you knew was that you were all cuddled up with a blanket and a cup of hot tea. Though you’d just gotten fired from your job (or in their words, ‘let go’), you weren’t feeling too bad about it. It had been a quiet office job with no room for you to grow and it had quite frankly sucked. Now you were free again and you decided it was a good time to catch up on some games. You’d start looking for a job some other day.
You messaged Mujin, your online friend, for a game but he didn’t respond until later in the evening.
Mujin: oh hey you!
You: :3 sup, wanna play?
Mujin: oh I’m kind of busy but another time?
You: aw :(
Mujin: I know :( work stuff
You: imagine having a job lol cant relate
Mujin: haha? What do you mean by that Mujin: wait did you get fired
You: jup :/
Mujin: omg I didn’t know, im sorry :(((
You: nooo it’s fine, the job sucked anyways
Mujin: aw yeah but still. Did they tell you why?
You: yeah, they’re reorganising so a lot of people were getting fired, not just me
Mujin: oh I see. already looking for a job?
You: starting the job hunt in a few weeks, maybe earlier but for now: resting nd recharging
Mujin: yeah that’s important. Treat yourself!!!
You: heck yeah!!!
Mujin: :) glad we talked, but I think I should sleep now
You: goodnight!
CONT. on AO3
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princesliveinhere · 2 years
Taking writing requests for mcnd and kingdom!! Send em in 💞💞
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ioaezz · 2 years
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( ℳy name ) . . . ♱ what is this? find 𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔶𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔤 i’ve written for my name ♱ . . . main masterlist ━━━ ioaezz. ౨ৎ
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nothing yet . . .
nothing yet . . .
nothing yet . . .
nothing yet . . .
nothing yet . . .
01. ace my name characters with their idol!s/o
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nori-the-cat · 5 months
RIIZE Hong Seunghan as a Boyfriend
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Cards: the fool, the lovers, the star, knight of wands, ten of swords, wheel of fortune, and the world.
Remember, this is just my interpretation based on the tarot spread. All of this are alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Take it with a grain of salt. This was a requested reading.
Channelled song:
This reading is somewhat like how I imagine Seunghan before I did the reading. So, I thought the song above suits his image as a boyfriend a lot.
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Seunghan seems like someone who would be invested in building a strong and lasting relationship. He might be the type to take commitment seriously and put effort into making things work. He approaches dating with a sense of purpose and a desire to see things through. This could manifest in a few ways. Perhaps he's big on planning thoughtful dates, making an effort to connect on a deeper level, or being a supportive partner who celebrates your wins and helps you through challenges.
Simultaneously, he seems to be the kind of boyfriend who brings joy to the relationship. He's probably someone who thrives on taking initiative and making things happen. Imagine him planning fun and thoughtful dates, taking the lead when it comes to showing affection, and never being shy about expressing his love. He'd likely be the one suggesting spontaneous weekend getaways or cooking a surprise dinner for two. This enthusiasm would extend to the emotional side of things as well. Expect him to be open and communicative, readily sharing his feelings and making sure you feel secure and loved.
With Seunghan, you might find yourself feeling excited. He thrives on new experiences and isn't one to shy away from it. This translates beautifully into a relationship, where he could be the mastermind behind unforgettable dates or your partner-in-crime for trying anything new together. It's never boring with him. He always has something fun to do with his partner (you) whether that's going to an amusement park, aquarium dates or travelling together.
While I do think he's not necessarily romantic, his desire to create unforgettable dates might suggest he puts thought and effort into making things special. With his Venus in Libra, he's the type to put thoughts into your dates. Dates like candle date dinner, assembling Legos together or even a picnic at the park are something Seunghan would do with his partner (you). Although he may find it cringe, he's willing to do it and puts extra effort into making it memorable.
Besides, his Moon is in Sagittarius, with this placement he is also someone who thrives on new experiences and isn't afraid of challenges. This means he'd likely be up for trying new things together, keeping the relationship dynamic alive.
He's the boyfriend who would do the TikTok couple or dancing challenges with you and try the newest and trendiest café on the block. For him, a relationship is an unforgettable experience. Every date that he initiates is most likely thought through and planned well.
He's also not just fun, thoughtful, loving, and creative. Seunghan seems like someone who wears his heart on his sleeve. He's pretty emotionally sensitive and intuitive. This side of him might stemmed from his Pisces placement. He has his Mars in Pisces. This aspect of him makes him value deep connections and makes creating a strong emotional bond a priority. In a relationship, expect him to go the extra mile to make you feel cherished and appreciated. Imagine thoughtful gestures, attentive listening, and a genuine desire to understand your world. He does this so he can understand you better.
He also thrives on emotional intimacy and will likely invest a lot of time and energy into making the relationship feel special. He'd be someone who invests in the emotional well-being of the relationship, creating a safe space where love and understanding can truly blossom. I think he can make his partner feel loved and appreciated.
Another thing about Seunghan that impresses me in this reading is that he seems like a boyfriend who brings positivity into his partner's life. He has a positive and optimistic outlook that's likely to be contagious. Imagine someone who constantly encourages you, helps you see the bright side of things, and inspires you to reach your full potential. He might be the type to celebrate your victories, big or small, and be your biggest cheerleader when you face challenges. With Seunghan by your side, you'd likely feel supported, motivated, and empowered to chase your dreams. Have you guys seen how he always compliments Sohee? That's Seunghan as your boyfriend.
On the other hand, Seunghan initial impression as a ray of sunshine – enthusiastic, easygoing, and always ready to take the initiative may not always show in the relationship. Although he'd likely be the one planning exciting dates and showering you with affection. The Ten of Swords following the Wheel of Fortune in this tarot reading suggests a potential secret to his personality. This carefree personality might have a hidden side. While the Ten of Swords suggests a positive outlook, it can also hint at a tendency to shy away from emotional challenges. When faced with serious conversations or difficulties, Seunghan might find it hard to express his true feelings or navigate conflict. This could lead to misunderstandings, especially if things get tough, and you might feel an emotional distance creep in. The good news is, this doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't care. It's more likely that Seunghan just needs a little nudge or some space to process his emotions before he can fully express himself.
Note: This is a requested reading from @jarrofkookie
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dearweirdme · 2 months
Hi Rain!
I think it is indisputable that Teahyung knows how to appreciate people who love him, he loves them and are his support system. I forgot to count how many times he appreciated mujin or his manager hyung or anyone for that matter. His love for Wooga is well known. So as you said, imagine having to invest so much time and energy on one particular member of BTS speaks volumes of his affection and other member's support.
Tae could 100% say this in an interview that 'Jungkook will do whatever he wants/asks him to do' because Jungkook proves it to him again and again.
The love (platonic/romantic) they have for each other is beyond anyone in this fandom can understand.
I don't know why I'm getting emotional (wipes a lone tear)
Hi @purplemoonlibra !
Yes! Exactly! It speaks volumes! And it’s absolutely okay to get emotional about this, because it’s so unfair how Tae showing his love for Jk is being made into him using Jk for attention.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 10 months
the way i thought hobi and taehyung will show the most support to jm during face and here comes taehyung with his closed mouth. I saw pjms saying thanks to him for letting jm see armys on his fanmeet but the way taehyung made me disappointed I'll never ever go back to liking this guy like never. He's there jm's bandmate and that's it. I don't care if jm loves him he's never gonna be same for me. Once i thought vmin were defination of soulmate but the way he behaved during face??? Nope, never, nada. I did got emotional yesterday seeing his bald head but that's that and I have that sympathy for all the humans no matter the person.
He has made it very clear that he's close with his wooga, jk and hobi and that's it. I just know they were having conflicts and somehow it got fine during the time jm went to his music show (the only one who showed some public support to him maybe apart from his wooga idk what they did but I'm sure they must have done something). I can bet my kidney that of jm didn't go to his music show he would have NOT asked jm to come to his fanmeet. i have Hardly ever been wrong about jm i just know that's how it was or would have been. Imagine being this selfish. This is why i wish jm drifts from those two cause They're just undeserving of his friendship his love and his support.
"I did got emotional yesterday seeing his bald head" I'm sorry this made me laugh
I've mentioned this when JK and Taehyung released their albums: JK and Taehyung never went anywhere to support Jimin, they didn't show up for him. Jimin was actually the one who showed up for both of them. He made his social media posts, and also was physically supporting them during a few of their activities. He's always been the one keeping both friendships afloat, and this year was just further proof of that, for me. In fact, JK ignored like crazy even existed until he had to do his own promo; same as Taehyung who only mentioned like crazy when he released his album.
I don't think he invited Jimin only because he went to the music show. That could've been his reasoning, but in my opinion he invited Jimin because he was the only one available. I'm sure he would've asked Jungkook to go, if Jungkook didn't refuse to involve himself professionaly with the other members.
I also came across this earlier today lmfao. I had forgotten about it.
If it was Jimin, he would've chosen a song from all of the members. Even when he went to the lee mujin show he was like, "Taehyung and Jungkook should come here since they have nice voices. Yoongi too". And Yoongi doesn't even sing... bffr Jimin!!
During some suchwita episode, Yoongi said that they went to celebrate Jungkook's bb #1, but none of them ever mentioned anything about celebrating Jimin's. Around those days, they got together because Jin was in leave if I recall correctly? But it's like... Jimin posted a photo at Hoseok's release party, then at Jungkook's release party; a couple with Namjoon while he was filming his stuff last year. He was publicly seen at Lolla, NYC, Taehyung's music show. There is factual, definite proof that he was cheering them on and happy for them in almost every step of the way. Meanwhile we had to assume, we had to imagine that some of them congratulated him. We should assume, we should imagine that they also went to dinner to celebrate his #1.
And it's like... the people want FACTS..! I was never one to assume that the things I believe to be true, are the reality. I don't want to imagine, I don't care to imagine that something nice is going on. I need to know that it's happening.
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0zru · 2 months
✦. ⊹ ˚ .꒰ sungho (tkd) hard thoughts ꒱ ‧₊˚★
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-req by my pookie wookie (x2) -𓆤mika
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mujin & teasing
oh, mujin loves to tease you. he just can't get enough of your little pleas and cute little whimpers. he's addicted to them. he loves the way you squirm whe he pinches you nipple or your bundle of nevers. he loves the glistening of your pussy and the helpless facial expressions you make when he has you trapped in his arms. "aw, does my baby want to be touched?" he would taunt.
mujin & breeding
nobody can tell me that mujin doesn't give off 'breeding kink' vibes, nobody!! mujin loves the thought of you walking around with his babies in your belly. he would be balls deep into your gummy walls and tell you how much he wants you to have his babies (even if he doesn't mean it). "oh bun, you would look so- so fucking beautiful with my babies. don'tcha think?" he would say between grunts. (also imagine pussy drunk mujin?!?!? matter of fact, it'll be the next one!)
mujin & being pussy drunk
oml, pussy drunk mujin is a gift from god himself. his moans, whimpers and the sloppy rhythm of his hips says it all. the way he speaks to you— "oh bun, this pussy was made just f'me, huh?" he would moan out. the wake he talks to you and about how much he loves your cunt and how well you take him— oh my goodness. he loves it as much as you do. he would also eat you out anytime and anywhere.
mujin & dacryphylia
oh, baby. mujin loves when you cry. whether that be from the immense pleasure you receive or from him degrading the living shit out of you. he loves doing both. "aw baby, don't cry yet, we're only getting started." he would taunt. or "you're such a fucking slut, hm? why do you have to act like that around everyone?" he degraded. he loves everything about your tears.
mujin & blindfolds / sensory deprivation
if you haven't caught on already, mujin is a kinky ass man. he loves putting you in blindfolds and touching you wherever he so pleases. he would use all type of objects, feathers, his hands, tongue, whatever. he loves the little jolts you make, the way you fidget when an unknown object touches your bare skin, oh how it turns him on. he also loves when you writhe in pleasure when he has you blindfolded and plays with your cunt. how about when he eats you out? oh he loves when you clench your thighs together on his head and beg for him to take off the blindfold so you can see him.
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