glosackmd · 1 year
BANGLADESH952 by a Psychiatrist's view Via Flickr: making her living in full Burkha counting on the generosity of Muslim men leaving Friday prayer @ Baitul Muharram Mosque in Dhaka Photography’s new conscience linktr.ee/GlennLosack
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mukarramirani · 2 years
एहसान फरामोश बाज़
वो चंचल मन और बाज़ जैसा बुलंद उड़ाने भरने वाला था। जब हमने उसे पाया तो वो सरकशों में क़ैद , हालतों से परेशान और ज़ख्मों से लबरेज़ था। ना जानें कितनी रातें उसकी परेशानियों को अपनी परेशानी समझकर सामना किया। तीमारदारी की और एक लंबे अरसे तक मेहनत करने के बाद उसके हर ज़ख्म भर जाने के बाद और ज़हनी तौर पर मज़बूत होने के बाद जब उसके उड़ान भरने का वक्त हुआ तो, उसने एहसान फरामोशी का मुजाहिरा पेश किया और…
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allthecanadianpolitics · 11 months
Dr. Mohamed Soliman doesn’t have any connection to people in Gaza – what he does have is empathy and a desire to help. “I’ve been waiting for some way to help. Any chance I can help, I am willing to help,” said Soliman from his dental clinic in northwest Calgary.  “When this came up I said if you get approval to go, I’m more than happy to go and help those kids from dying. I understand the risk.” Soliman responded to a call to action by a Calgary family physician who wants to organize a Canadian health convoy to Gaza. “As a physician activist, the only thing I can do is to be there and provide health care,” said Dr. Mukarram Zaidi, chair of Think for Actions, a Calgary-based national non-profit think tank, focused on the professional development of youth. Zaidi has written to federal politicians requesting that Canadian authorities allow him and other health-care professionals access to the medical supplies they need to offer help.
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada @abpoli
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ektenia · 2 years
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Preparation for the performance of the «Bakhor» State Dance Ensemble named after Mukarram Turgunbaeva
by Bobur Alimkhodjaev (source)
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royal-confessions · 9 months
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“Princess Esra (former wife of the eighth Nizam of Hyderabad, Mukarram Jah) is indeed an underrated woman.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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mdbaharulislam · 1 year
Please Pray for me all I dream Hajj. (Baitul Mukarram National Mosque Dhaka Bangladesh.)
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meetdheeraj · 1 year
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The name Chowmahalla means four palaces (chow being a variation of chār or chahār, meaning four; and mahala meaning palace). The erstwhile home of the Nizams of Hyderabad mirrors the architecture of Shah’s Palace in Tehran, is also recognised by UNESCO in 2010 for being exceptional in cultural heritage conservation. It is still owned by the heirs of the Nizams, and is currently the property of Barkat Ali Khan Mukarram Jah.
The construction of the palace was initiated in the year 1750 by Nizam Salabhat Jung but it was Nizam Afzar-ud-Dawla Bahadur who saw that the palace was completed between the years 1857 and 1869.
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taslimursunybilas · 2 years
Beautiful of Bangladesh
In Bangladesh's verdant land, Lies a beauty that's truly grand, From the hills of Sylhet to the plains of Barisal, This land's magnificence is simply surreal.
The rivers that flow through this land, Carry with them a beauty so grand, The mighty Padma, Jamuna, and Meghna, Flowing through the land like a symphony.
The green paddy fields that stretch for miles, Are a sight to behold, it truly beguiles, The yellow mustard flowers that bloom, Paint the landscape with colors that consume. The bustling cities with their bright lights, Are an experience that never quite fights, The flavors and aromas of the cuisine, Are a delight that can't be unseen. The ancient ruins and historic sites, Are a testament to the land's great might, The Lalbagh Fort, the Baitul Mukarram, Bear witness to a past that's truly humbling. And in the hearts of the people who live, Lies a beauty that's truly transformative, A kindness and warmth that can't be surpassed, A treasure that's destined to forever last. So let us cherish this land so grand, For its beauty is something that's truly unplanned, And in its midst, we find a peace and calm, A land so beautiful, a true balm.
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shabbir3434 · 19 hours
বাইতুল মোকাররম মসজিদ। Baitul Mukarram Mosque. জুম্মার দিনে তাণ্ডব
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robertt567 · 1 day
জীবনে যত কষ্ট আসুক একটু চুপ করে থাকুন। ধর্য্য ধারন করুন। Sayed Mukarram ...
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mzuhossain · 3 days
Massive condition Of National Mosque Baitul Mukarram. What's Going on My country's ?
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glosackmd · 2 years
BANGLADESH908 by a Psychiatrist's view Via Flickr: leaving Friday prayer at the largest mosque in Dhaka Baitul Mukarram Photography’s new conscience linktr.ee/GlennLosack
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smqazi · 3 months
Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir-Raheem, بسماللہالرحمنالرحیم
Rabbishrah lee sadree wa yassirlee amree wahlul ‘uqdatam-mil-lithaanee, yafqahoo qawlee.
Amma ba’d امابعد,
All Praises are due to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) Alone. Al-Hamdo lillahi Rabbil ‘aalameen الحمدللہربالعالمین. May Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) bless them all, one and all, young and old, men, women and children, Ameen آمین, and reward all of them with the best of everything in both the words, Thumma Ameen 
Bravo to Captain Imran Khan and his team, who worked hard with commitment and Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) and with sheer faith in Allah  (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala), Laa ilaaha illAllah لا الا الله, a commitment to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala), and a sincere promise not to beg from anyone else and bow to anyone but God Almighty, Iyyaka wa iyyaka nast’aeen  إياكنعبدوإياكنستعين.
God loves those who are steadfast” – Holy Qur'an Surah Al-e-‘Imran, 3, Ayah 146)
Say: "O My slaves who believe, be afraid of your Lord (Allah) and keep your duty to Him. Good is (the reward) for those who do good in this world, and Allah's earth is spacious! Only those who are patient shall receive their rewards in full, without reckoning.” Surah Az-Zumar, 39, Ayah 10.
Because of Yaqeen Muhkam یقیں محکم , ’Amal Paiham  عمل پیہم, and Muhabbat محبت  for the world, he has won the hearts of Muslim children, women and old people all over the world as their beloved leader. Thanks to Allah, the only ONE, Who gave victory to H.E. Imran Khan and his team of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) پاکستان تحریک انصاف.   
God Almighty proved beyond a shadow of doubt that if you obey Me, have faith in Me, and trust Me, I will keep you steadfast and remove any obstacle in your marathon run of thirty (30) years to victory both as a good Captain and as a Leader, who can prove to the whole world that he is a unique and one of a kind LEADER par excellence of the Islamic World, In shaa Allah!
The good news for the whole world of Islam is the Imran Khan is going to come back soon as the New Prime Minister of New Pakistan نیا پاکستان, a new Riaasat-e-Madinah  نئی ریاست مدینہ , In shaa Allah. 
It is his second coming to help the helpless, the needy, and the poor people of New Pakistan to get out of poverty and lead a decent life in the New Islamic Republic of Pakistan, just like in any other developed country anywhere in the world. It is just the beginning of a new coming and you haven't seen nothing yet.
Allahu (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) is going to make him the next Prime Minister, again, like he did before. The people of Makkah challenged Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) that how will Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) raise them again while they were be nothing but bones in the grave, Surah al-Qiyamah, 75, Ayaat 1-5.
So the answer given to Meccans by Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) was:
بِسۡمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.
لَآ أُقۡسِمُ بِيَوۡمِ ٱلۡقِيَٰمَ, I swear by the Day of Resurrection
وَلَآ أُقۡسِمُ بِٱلنَّفۡسِ ٱللَّوَّامَةِ, And I swear by the reproaching soul [to the certainty of resurrection].
أَيَحۡسَبُ ٱلۡإِنسَٰنُ أَلَّن نَّجۡمَعَ عِظَامَهُ, Does man think that We will not assemble his bones?
بَلَىٰ قَٰدِرِينَ عَلَىٰٓ أَن نُّسَوِّيَ بَنَانَه, Yes. [We are] Able [even] to proportion his fingertips.
Please pray two Rak’at رکعات of Salatu Hajah صلواة الحاجه  on behalf of Imran Khan begging Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) to give courage, wisdom and strength to Imran Khan to fulfill his promises that he made to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) in the Holy Ka’bah خانہ کعبہ in Makkah Mukarramah مکہ مکرمه , and to Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) in his Hujrah Mubarak حجرہ مبارک in Masjid-e-Nabwi مسجد نبوى, Madinah Munawwarah مدینہ منورہ.
As to the government officials in opposition to him, who want to get rid of him because they are jealous of his wonderful achievements in all fields of life, both here and abroad. They badly want what the Almighty has given him, but God Almighty has written curses in their fate. They are reaping what they sowed in last thirty (30) years. May God Almighty show them the light, Ameen, and make them also good Muslims, Thumma Ameen.
Last but least, please go to the Imam امام (Khateeb خطیب) of your Mosque (Masjid) on this coming Friday and request him to pray to Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) for his health, happiness and prosperity, Ameen,  and grant him the courage, the wisdom, the strength and Taufieeq توفیق  to be the Best Prime Minister of Pakistan for all times to come, Ameen Thumma Ameen Yaa Rabbil ‘aalameen آمین ثم آمین یا رب العالمین.
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prowurkdotcom · 3 months
As an experienced UI/UX Architect, I am dedicated to crafting engaging digital experiences that seamlessly blend aesthetics with functionality. With a passion for user-centered design principles, I strive to create interfaces that not only captivate audiences but also enhance usability and accessibility.
My journey in the realm of UI/UX design has equipped me with a deep understanding of user behavior, industry trends, and emerging technologies. I leverage this knowledge to conceptualize and execute innovative solutions that exceed client expectations and elevate brands in the digital landscape.
Through meticulous research, prototyping, and iterative testing, I ensure that every design decision is rooted in user insights and data-driven analysis. From wireframes to high-fidelity mockups, I meticulously refine each element to achieve intuitive navigation and a visually stunning interface.
Collaboration lies at the heart of my approach, as I believe in fostering strong partnerships with cross-functional teams to translate business goals into compelling user experiences. Whether working on web applications, mobile interfaces, or interactive prototypes, I thrive in dynamic environments where creativity and problem-solving converge.
In today's competitive market, the user experience is paramount, and I am committed to delivering solutions that resonate with audiences and drive measurable results. With a blend of creativity, technical expertise, and a user-centric mindset, I am poised to tackle the challenges of tomorrow's digital landscape and shape memorable experiences that leave a lasting impression.
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arinnaamin · 4 months
THE LIFE, ACCUSATION AND DEATH OF MAHSURI ; Falsehood, Innocence, and What her Curse Meant for Langkawi
POST 1/5 - We explore what's probably been one of my favourite Malaysian folk tales - or should I say, legends - growing up, discussing the reality of the curse she placed on all of Langkawi and the major role her flawless innocence served to play throughout it all.
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During the reign of Sultan Abdullah Mukarram Shah III, in Kampung Mawar, Mukim Ulu Melaka, Langkawi, a married couple by the names of Pandak Mayah and Endak Alang (Cik Alang) were blessed with the arrival of a beautiful daughter, by the name of Mahsuri binti Pandak Mayah.
She grew up with a rich understanding of her culture's beliefs and morals, and was quite different from the rest of her friends and playmates in her younger years, bearing a beautiful face and polite manners. In adulthood, her looks and kind heart only shone through even more, making her the talk of the town amongst practically all of Langkawi, with every man in the island practically clamoring to play the role of her suitor. Eventually, she was married to a young warrior named Wan Derus, the son of Wan Yahya, the village chief.
Around 1803-1843, under the reign of Sultan Abdul Halim Shah II Ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ziyauddin Mukarram Shah, relations between Kedah and Siam (now Thailand) became strained, forcing Wan Derus to leave Langkawi temporarily to fight against Siamese soldiers in Kuala Kedah (according to some sources), leaving a pregnant Mahsuri to live with her parents in his absence. At the time, a traveling poet named Deramang made his rounds to Langkawi, and sought refuge in her parents' home thanks to their courtesy, teaching Mahsuri about poetry during his stay. The two soon became good friends.
His way with words and Mahsuri's reputation invoked the jealousy of Wan Mahura (the village chief's wife). She used the birth of Mahsuri and Wan Derus's child, Wan Hakim, to her advantage to spread rumors and accuse her and Deramang of engaging in an affair. The two were apprehended and punished by Wan Yahya (Mahsuri's now-brother-in-law) and brought to the center of Langkawi at the time, Pulau Matsirat, where they would be executed.
Despite repeatedly begging for mercy, Mahsuri was tied to a tree and stabbed repeatedly with spears, but all of them only fell at her feet. Eventually, believing that only her death would appease them, she resorted to telling them that she could only be killed with her family's sacred keris (a traditional Malay dagger). When she was stabbed, the blood that flowed from her wound was not the usual red, but pure white, signifying her innocence. In the last moments of her life, she made her last stand, and for the injustice they had brought upon the land, she cursed Langkawi for the next seven generations.
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One thing I'm not too certain of in my retelling of this story is if whether Wan Yahya is Wan Derus's older brother or son. Some sources I made use of suggest the former rather than the latter, some vice versa, but it doesn't really matter since it doesn't change the story in any way.
It's important to note that the courteous, perfect Mary Sue trope that Mahsuri takes on in the legend plays a significant role in the rumors spread by Wan Mahura. Most versions of the reason behind the treachery, including mine, suggest that Wan Mahura was jealous of Mahsuri's beauty and popularity, while others imply that Wan Yahya initiated it, being enamoured by Mahsuri and wanting to use her husband's absence to his advantage. Nevertheless, Wan Mahura remains the main aggressor of the conflict.
At this point, I'm sure you all are curious about the curse, and let me tell you: the curse does have some elements of truth to it. Soon after Mahsuri's death, Langkawi was attacked by Siam, forcing the villagers to burn their rice fields to take control of the situation, but Siam still managed to conquer, leading to decades of failed crops and constant invasions. The villagers remained under the impression that this was all part of Mahsuri's curse.
It is during the 20th century that the seven generations affected finally came to pass, and since then, Mahsuri's descendants living in Thailand have visited her tomb in Langkawi on occasion.
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At the time in which the legend was thought to take place, adultery stood as a sin punishable by death, though themes of polygamy are also present in some versions where Mahsuri is portrayed as Wan Derus's second wife.
Furthermore, the strong beliefs of every citizen of the village and how convinced they were, having been swayed by Wan Mahura's lies, serve to represent patriarchal authority, slander, and injustice present within Malay communities in the past. This point in the story also serves to portray the close connections between citizens in spreading false allegations like wildfire, but the story's conclusion essentially delivers the message that whatever goes around comes around eventually.
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Works Cited
kathrynwp. “The Legend of the Mahsuri Curse - Langkawi - Chronically Ill Kat.” Chronically Ill Kat, 18 Apr. 2024, chronicallyillkat.com/2024/04/18/the-legend-of-the-mahsuri-curse-langkawi/. Accessed 29 May 2024.
Workman, Vanessa. “Makam Mahsuri, Mahsuri’s Tomb and Legend in Langkawi, Malaysia.” The Island Drum, 30 Oct. 2019, www.theislanddrum.com/mahsuris-tomb-langkawi/. Accessed 29 May 2024.
Catohrinner Joyce Guri. “Langkawi – the Legend of Mahsuri.” Asian Itinerary, Dec. 2014, asianitinerary.com/langkawi-the-legend-of-mahsuri/. Accessed 29 May 2024.
Shamsuddin, Heidi. "Nusantara: A Sea of Tales." Penguin Books, 2021.
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bdbuyingguide · 6 months
বায়তুল মোকাররম ফুটপাত মার্কেট ইসলামিক প্রডাক্ট এর দাম 🕌 Gulistan Baitul Mukarram Street Market
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