#multiverse berlermo
janus-cadet · 1 year
Okay guys- I'm back with another drawing for my very, very niche ship. But hey. Multiverse Berlermo, my beloved.
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A little remake of that bowtie scene in the Casa de Papel. I guess they are in the monastere, preparing to go somewhere for dinner :D let's hope no one would have the misfortune to make the acquaintance of a fork.
And there it is, @the--sound--of--rain, @justanerdalltheway, @natures-marvel ! I hope you won't mind me tagging you on that, but you did seemed the most interested in my last post about them- and I'm kinda aiming to get you on that ship too :D
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roccinan · 2 years
ok u know what tho that gets me thinking. we assume either andres recruited martin into crime or they were both already into crime but like. imagine a scenario where martin is the mark?criminal or not. and andres is gonna use him for engineering info or steal some blueprints from him and then move on, but when he meets him in person he's so?? enamored?? and ends up bringing him onto the heist bc he cant let this man walk out of his life???? anyway i am rotating this at light speed right now
Hi a.! I'm a fan of the "they were both into crime and just fell into work together" possibility, but really, I enjoy all the potential origins ;)
And I love this take. No reason for Andres to "recruit" Martin, but he just enjoyed his vibes so much he let him in on all his plans, and proposed asked Martin to be his partner in crime.
I also think in such a case, there wouldn't be much convincing or recruiting necessary. Martin has no moral compass and just automatically agrees and without anyone prompting, says he is also okay with murder and arson, and then robs the nearest person just to prove how enthusiastic he is about a life of crime.
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pedroalonso · 3 years
Do you have berlermo fic recommendations?
A lot, actually! I'm usually such a lazy ass, so I'm just going to list down my absolute fucking fave authors ever, because I am extremely confident whatever fic of theirs you decide to click and read will undoubtedly be a good one. However, I will list down some of my personal favorites among their writing so you know where to start!
Also please leave kudos and comments if you liked their work. It would mean so much. Even if you just do a "KDHJSDJAGJ I love it!" keyboard smash like I usually do. lmao. Anyway:
givebackmylifecas (Ellen) - Ellen is one of the most, if not THEE most prolific writer in the Berlermo fandom. She has a record of a whopping 58 fics in total for the two evil bastards, and was one of the few people who kept providing fanfic content during the great Berlermo drought of 2020. An absolute legend. A fantastic writer. All her fics are "mwah, chef's kiss* and I'm happy to call her my wifey.
Recommended works: Yucatan AU, Daemon AU, Divorced AU, Andrés Getting Punched AU (5+1), Hallucination AU, Another 5+1 Fic where people assume they are dating, THIS absolute RIDE of an AU, Berlin the Cat AU, Amnesia AU
shotgun_cake (Shotgun) - QUEEN OF SMUT, and no one will refute me for this. Because anyone who has ever read Shotgun's writing will agree with me. Perfect blend off fluff, smut, and just enough sprinkling of angst to tug on your heartstrings and make you yearn.
Recommended works: Flavours of Lust Series, The Knight Fic, Wedding AU, Lawyers AU (still a WIP! but worth the read anyway), Sugar Daddy AU, One of the First Berlermo Smuts ever written and my GOD is it still good, Spin the Bottle AU
boom_slap (Boom) - QUEEN OF ANGST, and again, no one will challenge this claim because anyone who has ever read Boom’s fics will know what I’m talking about. Every single sentence she writes just evokes a very sharp pang of pain, but in a really good cathartic way that really captures the essence of Berlermo as a whole.
Recommended works: Unlikely Alliances (which is actually the fluffiest shit ever and an absolute masterpiece of an AU, but still has great angst I love Boomer for), really really amazing hurt/comfort fic that makes me cry, another really amazing hurt./comfort fic that makes me bawl my eyes out,  Andrés overdoes it with the dirty talk AU that has great hurt/comfot and makes me weep like a baby, really painful but beautiful hurt/comfort Attempted Suicide AU that reduces me to a puddle of tears, Short Studies in Pleasure series,  Berlermo Sick Fic,  Andrés’s wonderful journey through discovering his sexuality and spoiler alert! He bottoms in the end but it’s masterfully and carefully written so Bottom!Berlin Antis, give it a go you cowards!
phcbosz (Mav) - Mav’s a goddamn talented writer and he writes some of the best hurt/comfort fics out there too. And they’re heartbreaking and sad, but it also feels warm. Like you’re being hugged, like you’re being understood. 
Recommended works: MY COMFORT ANGST FIC,  Andrés falls in love FIRST AU, Bittersweet Fic About Andrés’s Illness, Trans!Martín AU, Cuddling for Warmth AU
marirable (Marie) - Marie is also like lowkey highkey an emotional terrorist and her works are incredibly underrated which is an injustice!!! So here I am trying to make up for that so please give this woman some love right now.
Recommended works: Marie has 5 fics so literally I recommend all of them thank you, but I would start with her first fic: the Soulmate/Soulmark AU
Recommended works: Single Parents AU, Faculty AU, In Vino Veritas, Multiverse AU
Recommended works: Soulmates No Backstory AU where Berlin meets Martín in the Mint,  Delicious Dubcon Criminal VS Spy AU, THIS PAINFEST
Some of these authors I’ve only read a few works of but I think they deserve some mention anyway! These are the works of theirs I like:
veterveter: stay awhile, rat king
rainbowcat: put on your war paint, just to follow the siren
sherwoodfox: Flowers for Bellerophon 
Names in bold are obviously my friends! Who I become friends with because I read their fics and hunted them down lmao. Also, huge disclaimer! This is my personal opinion. Fics are subjective so these are the ones that work for me, because I’m actually very particular with dynamics and characterization. And I think these fics manage to really capture Andrés and Martín’s personalities and relationship perfectly and also maintain a respect for the source material, which I know is hard to do, so I admire them greatly. Thanks for sharing your works!
If any of my mates have suggestions too, feel free to add them all here y’all: @hefellfordean @shotgun-cake @boom-slap @marirable
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dormarunt · 3 years
What if Berlin2023 is an alternate universe? Berlin lives, Berlermo endgame. One can dream..
YES. Multiverse theory. Everything is the same, except Martin is straight. Just kidding. Except Andres isn't a coward and after he gets out of prison, he finds Martin and kisses him again and they gently work on recruiting that lost mitochondrion to the side of the majority.
We'd get Berlermo in the Mint (bonus: Andres almost surely won't rape anyone! ✨) And I'd love to see them both playing with Arturito (I wrote a scene like that in one of the last chapters of Parabola - loved it, these two could be the ultimate chaos to reign in the mess that is Arturo)
Maybe they do the Gold heist too, but not because they'd have to save Rio, just because they always wanted to. Different stakes, different configuration of circumstances entirely. Andres would probably send Gandia out the same way he did with Tokio during the Mint heist so they'll be rid of that pest too.
Sadly I think the writers will have to live with the consequences of having killed Andres (booo) BUT this still gives us Berlermo hopes! Berlermo interrupted, lol, but I'll take it over The Story of a Thief and his Many Ex Wives or whatever.
TBH I'm now afraid we might actually, somehow**, get that story, you know? Because I remember everyone speculating about a LCdP spinoff until the writers and actors were like, nah, not gonna happen. And then came that article about that possible spin-off with the wives and I'm afraid - what if it was just to test the waters? To see how the audience would react to the idea?
(** and I say somehow because Pedro Alonso isn't aging backwards so how can they film him and his first wives? The first of which was at least Rafael's-age years ago. They made a show about how Berlin 2023 is about Berlin, and Berlin is Pedro Alonso. UNLESS that spinoff I read about focuses on the ex-wives and not Andres? Somehow? Makes no sense to me.)
Because they surely have some overarching plot in mind to be able to sell it to Netflix, to make sure the actors are available etc. And that article about the spinoff with the five ex-wives came at the end of October while the Berlin spinoff was officially confirmed at the beginning of December. I don't know; I just don't.
I only hope for the spin-off to be good; if it includes Berlermo? I'll be ecstatic. Hopefully the fandom will revive again - even for 3 weeks, which is for how long it seems to active for after a new season. Or maybe they'll do a weekly episode type of deal, I'd love that.
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signorin-anarchia · 3 years
I'm beyond awkward because I was tagged by @veterveter like ... 3 months ago? and I didn't get the notification.
Anyway ... hope someone still care about this fandom (and my writing).
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.  
Ok, here we are.
I'm ready for public shaming.
No need to say that's almost all Berlermo.
• Gold and the Banker (deal with the devil AU)
• Sentimiento tácito (Sergio/Andrés/Martín character study)
• Prison Break/Vis a Vis Berlermo AU - still untitled
• Carving white lines in dark matter (Berlermo fix-it AU)
• Six of Crows AU - still untitled
• Denouement (Atonement AU)
• Hasta que te conocí (drabble collection - Berlermo multiverse)
• Pages of a poem we burn (character study AU in which everyone dies in the Bank robbery except Sergio & Martín)
• Cages I don't want to get out of (Stockholm Syndrome AU)
• Northern lights - pathetic attempt to make sense out of the scenes filmed in Copenhagen
• Historia de una anarquía (my favourite. V for Vendetta/political resistance AU)
• Wake up (psychiatric hospital AU)
• Worst case scenario lullaby (drabbles in which I try to explore - probably failing - the backstory of each member of the banda).
• Vinum Stygis (Crimson Peak AU)
• Keys (to the city of your dreams) - junkie AU
• Los sombras que los dos forjamos (Don't Move AU)
• Apotheosis - where Martín is the robber, Andrés is the hostage
• Bravado (Breaking Bad AU)
Yeah, I know what you're thinking.
Are you really this procrastinating?
I'll just tag some of my favourite authors: @stilljustbitten @dormarunt @nharidy @roccinan.
You probably did this months ago, but I just don't care, gimme your WIPS.
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janus-cadet · 1 year
I drew them in front of a sunset. Now, it's night time! And a out-of-frame firework.
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I'm still sailing that ship and I will not stop. They live rent-free in my mind. And I had so much fun with that piece- I'm a sucker for them being happy, you know.
(Am I binge watching La Casa de Papel again? Nope. You can't prove it.)
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janus-cadet · 2 years
First drawing of the year, eh! I went on my own little bubble, there.
So, let me introduce you to the wonderful concept of ☆ multiverse Berlermo ☆ !
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I know.
Too many mushrooms in my tea, this morning. Damn you, Ethan.
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Funny thing is, I will go down with that ship.
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