spaceorphan18 · 2 months
R: Which writers (fanfic or otherwise) do you consider the biggest influence on you and your writing?
Ooh, thanks, RB! This is a great question.
I think @misqueue might be one of the most influential writers in regards to fanfiction. The way they wrote, they made fanfic literature. They made fanfic be something deeper than people in funny situations or getting it on. They really knew how to explore character -- and in a way I've always wanted to emulate.
I also think Rainjoy and a profound effect on me. While I have mixed feelings now about All The Other Ghosts -- that work was an analytical evaluation of fandom, and the conversations in it transcends just being a piece of fanfic. It's a commentary on fandom and I find that so fascinating.
Of course there's also @damnpene - who was my first beta, and really taught me a lot about writing. She always had the ability to write concise things and helped me hone in my skills as a writer.
There's my old friend @multsicorn - who used to stay up with me and discuss discourse and fanfic and all the complicated things that can go into good storytelling and character work.
And of course there's @snarkyhag - who is my beta now, and whom I love and adore because she's a constant cheerleader and it always brightens my day when she finds something I've written worth value.
<3 <3
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winepresswrath · 4 years
Tumblr media
I assumed it was tumblr being dumb, when actually it was me being dumb and bad at tumblr. My ask box is on now!
How I feel about this character
I love him very much! I also think he’s also just an absurd amount of fun as a main character. He has chemistry (platonic or otherwise) with everyone and you can always count on him to blow up a formerly stable situation. I think my favourite thing about him is the way he adopts people and makes family wherever he goes, but a close second is that sense of justice and fairness that’s always so close to the surface with him. Without getting too personal about it the realization that a bunch of stuff endemic to the culture you were raised in is actually morally indefensible being intimately tied to a big gay crush is very relatable to me, as I imagine it is to a lot of older queer people. I love that he gets to be angry, and arrogant, and make some CHOICES without that taking away from the validity of that moral revelation or his fundamental goodness. One of my absolute favourite moments with him is the scene in the second life where he remembers being kind of a dick to Nie Huaisang about his fan- not in a big or important way, just by being a little thoughtless and self absorbed, and then taking a moment to be kind in a way it didn’t occur to him to be when they were kids. In general my favourite parts of the show come from the first life, but I love that he got to grow up. Somehow. While being dead. Details! 
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I’m going to cheat and just say Lan Wangi and also basically the rest of the cast to spare myself typing out every name. I am a multishipper who loves random crackships at heart so it’s been kind of weird to get into a fandom where there is such a strong soulmates vibe from the main character’s ship. They are extremely perfect for each other and they get such a good, satisfying romantic arc that ties in very well with both their individual characters and the broader themes of the series, but also I would like some rarepairs. Toss him in a meadow with some sex pollen and the random character of your choice. Wei Wuxian/everybody.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I love him in mentor/teacher/uncle mode and I would read one millions words of fic about him and the junior squad. I am extremely soft for his relationships with Jin Ling and Sizhui, but I also really love that Jingyi and especially Zizhen just decide he’s awesome and adopt him despite the authority figures in their lives, Lan Qiren and Zizhen’s dumb dad be damned. I am not interested in sex pollen anywhere near the juniors for any reason.
OK, yes, I have EXTENSIVE yunmeng trio feelings, but I also just love him with pretty much everyone? I love his relationships with the Wens, I love his friendship with Nie Huaisang, I basically powered through this series a) turning to my friend in increasing consternation being like “i think... i am being tricked into finding Jiang Cheng hot” b) gently mocking my friend because she developed earnest feelings about Jiang Cheng first c) enduring my rightful comeuppance for (b) as I began openly weeping in my living room over yunmeng siblings and expounding at great length about how Jiang Cheng is trying very hard actually and there is a lot going on with Yanli d) being delighted by Wei Wuxian interacting with people. He’s just a joy to watch!
My unpopular opinion about this character
I don’t actually know what the broad consensus is. I think he can be a dick and that’s one of my favourite things about him? I think he has done several things wrong in his life and that’s ok? are those unpopular? I sometimes feel like I spend half my fandom time being shouting THESE CHARACTERS ARE ASSHOLES about my favourites and the other half of my fandom time shouting FOR REASONS WHICH I TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IN CONTEMPLATING. This is fun for me. Wei Wuxian tries very hard in appalling circumstances. If he’s not allowed to be a dick sometimes I don’t know who is. It’s very impressive to me that most of the time he is kind and generous as well as being righteous.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
YUNMENG BROS RECONCILIATION or at least a couple steps closer towards it than we got. There’s this really good piece of meta going around twitter about why it’s great that they didn’t reconcile in canon. It is very moving and has several gut wrenching things to say about those unfixable relationships that make up the emotional scar tissue of most people over 25. I see where they are coming from but. BUT. First off, I genuinely think their relationship in canon is pretty hopeful, which may be an unpopular opinion in and of itself. They’re alive, they have a good reason to talk, Jiang Cheng at least canonically kind of wants to, and they’re actually very good at forgiving each other. And I just don’t think their relationship has settled at the end of the show. They haven’t adjusted to their new normal, which means there’s a lot of room for them to decide what that’s going to look like. And I wanted them to hug, OK, I just did.
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3 fandom questions
A meme, from @multsicorn!
What are three questions you would ask to find out if you’re interested in consuming the canon for someone else’s fandom? 
1) How fun is it to watch/read/listen to? (As in, are the characters likeable? Is it funny, or musical? Are there moments of lightness/joy/comfort?)
2) Are there gender non-conforming characters? (Or, failing that, otherwise queer characters?)
3) How thoughtful is it? (About diversity, about the effects of violence on the world, on what is the right way to bring about justice for its villains, or about any other themes it might have.)
1. reblog this post with the answers to these questions for a favorite fandom of yours, and/or
2. make another post with your own set of three questions!  (and these two rules, of course.)
Mults didn’t include instructions to tag anyone. However, (no pressure) I’m tagging @poemsingreenink, @stultiloquentia, @depressedstressedlemonzest, @thetimesinbetween, and @shamelesslymkp :D
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c-is-for-circinate · 4 years
I came for Glee fandom way way back in the day but I've stayed because I just love the way you talk about stories - even though we haven't been in the same fandoms for years. Sometimes in origfic or dm'ing-related posts of course, but, also, even though I can't get into crit role (I've tried! I can't!), I still love the stories you tell (in meta form) about how people (can) grow/cope/heal/build things etc. even in source canons I haven't consumed.
Mults!!!  Oh man!!!  It’s been so long!!!  I am likewise still following you while completely baffled by these pretty long-haired Chinese boys with their demons and their romance and their many, many names, because it’s great seeing old friends get excited about things :-).  I have such a short list of the old Glee crew around here these days, but I treasure you all.  (You do not have to get into my fandom, I ABSOLUTELY GET that it isn’t for everyone.  I’m freaking flattered that you’re willing to wade through it on your dash anyway.)
Also, ugh, you say such nice things about me build new things from the remnants of trauma, that’s it, that’s the entire thing, that is what all of it’s always, always for, isn’t it?  I think that’s always been the story I was telling, from That Ridiculous Glee/HP Crossover back in the day, straight up to Here Is Why I Love Beauregard Lionett.  Of course that’s it.  It means a lot that you get that.
Someday, if we both just keep holding out for long enough, I bet we’ll be in a fandom together again.  Someday.  And until then, eh, vicarious living and fannish osmosis will get us through.
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rainbowrites · 5 years
I sometimes wish that I was more ‘in’ fandom like I used to be with Glee, where I had a posse and wrote fic and was pretty much just... constantly around yelling at people and being yelled at and yelling about everything. Lots of yelling. It was Glee fandom after all. 
But as much as I like things (I often REALLY LIKE things) nothing has really... enflamed me, reached out and yanked my heart out of it’s chest and demanded that I interact with it the way Glee did. I got into Glee fandom when I was traveling for a year with my family, half a world and many hours away from anyone else I knew in real life. As is the by now old story, I didn’t have friends in the physical world, so I developed friendships in the online world. This kept going even after I came back from traveling, when I went to college. But after Glee, I drifted away from directly interacting with fandom. I still do sometimes, such as when I leaped into @wellntruly DS9′s fandom. But it’s no where to the level I was before, and I don’t often do things like that anymore. Similarly to how after college, I drifted away from people there. I still talk to some, I still sometimes do alumni things, but it’s not my life anymore. It’s not that it wasn’t important, and that I didn’t love so many parts and people from it. But it was a part of my life that is over now, even as I still keep an eye on them sometimes.
I haven’t even really watched Glee since it stopped. It was a special, perfect thing for me at that time. There’s a part of me that’s afraid that it won’t hold up if I watch it again, that I won’t like it anymore. That I won’t watch it and have it grab my whole heart in it’s perfectly imperfect hands.
I’m not sure what this is. I just, for some weird reason, decided to go back through my rainbowrites tag to see old conversations and remembered all over again how much Glee fandom meant to me. How those friendships buoyed me when I was down, intrigued and inspired me, and over all developed me as a person. I learned so much. About how to analyze shows and also how to just lean back and let the story enchant you motherfucker. About lives and situations and perspectives other than my own. About history and feminism and queerness and disability. About writing and editing and characters and stories. About how to think. About me. I
I guess this is a bit of a wistful love letter to the person I was then, and the show and fandom that meant so much to me. I’m not that person anymore, but I wouldn’t be the person I am NOW without them. I sometimes wish I was still that person, still had that drive and connection to fandom. But overall I like being a bit more of a lurker now, content to just enjoy things without saying too much about them. Maybe that will change. Maybe it won’t. But for now, I like who I am, both in the internet and physical world. And part of who I am now is all the people who helped make me along the way. So....
thanks guys <3 you’re amazing
particular shout outs to @luckyjak @sarahexplosions @mzminola @penroseparticle @into-the-weeds @soundingonlyatnightasyousleep @multsicorn @hedgerose @wintercreek and a million others. I originally didn’t tag you but I do want to throw my love not into the void but actually AT YOU so <3 Thanks
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jazzypizzaz · 6 years
multsicorn replied to your post: hey! I knew that reference!!!
nice! and i meant constellation games, i read uplift in eighth grade #formysins
it’s so weird to me how stuff like The Uplift War is classic Hugo-winning scifi, and yet before this year I had NEVER HEARD OF IT... like there’s whole swaths of books I haven’t heard of ofc, but I consider myself fairly knowledgeable of major works, especially when they’re part of a whole series??  IDK!  it’s because it’s genre I guess!  I’m realizing how I seemed to have stopped reading (as much) scifi/fantasy between high school and recently and thus I have so much to catch up on.
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wowbright · 7 years
As a gift to @redheadgleek and also because I am an asshole, today I will start posting my pics from the Naperville TLOS stop in a slow, seductive tease. One at a time.
For however long it takes. For @redheadgleek and all the other Chris-lovers out there. <3
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januarium · 7 years
Hey Jan!!! Hi!!! Um... five favorite filk songs? :D
Oooh hmmm okay! Again I’m sure there’s many more I could think of.
Valerie Housden - Beautiful People. This is a Jubilee from X Men song and I love it loads.
Talis Kimberley - Still Catch the Tide. Selkie song! I love selkies. This one is actually findable in some forms online.
Phil Allcock - Pies. A very silly parody of a very beautiful song (Lies by Stan Rogers) about Cut-Me-Own-Throat-Dibbler from Discworld, we have a special dance thing we do for it whenever it’s done in circles.
Seanan McGuire - Wicked Girls. Feels an obvious choice, but I love it so dearly so who cares.
Katy and Ju - 1000 Ships. Helen of Troy. Telling the woman’s story. Making me cry. These are a few of my favourite things.
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multsicorn - FTH Contributor Page
See multsicorn’s works here and here!
To contact the seller before bidding, please send an ask to multsicorn.
If you have a very specific prompt and are not flexible, it’s best to contact the seller before bidding, even if it fits within their listed parameters. If you are asking for a specific kink, always ask first.
Charities these auctions benefit: Lambda Legal, National Immigrant Justice Center, Planned Parenthood, Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network, Standing Rock
(See full list at our FAQ)
multsicorn’s offerings:
multsicorn Auction #1
Type of fanwork: fic Fandom(s): Glee, Hamilton, Check Please Rating(s): G, Teen, Mature, Explicit Length/size: up to 5k words Especially interested in: klaine, kadam, kelliott, blam, brittana, marlique, rynique; lams, hamliza, hamilton/angelica, hamilton/mulligan, hamilton/lafayette, angelica/adrienne, angelica/maria cosway; zimbits, jackparse, bittyparse, parswoops, patater, pb&j, jack/shitty; gen or poly ship fics with any of these characters.. Will not: domestic discipline, non-con, incest Notes: I will try any pairing you wanna throw at me! I love unexpected challenges. However, I've tried and failed before to write certain pairings *as* pairings, so I'll take on, say, whamilton, if you want, but only if you're okay with it maybe ending up 'weirdly intense but gen,' (as in 'drown me in a sea of pens and feathers'). The length requirement I've selected says 'up to 5k,' but I have a weirdly consistent habit of writing fic that's between 2-3k, usually on the higher end, around ~2700-2900 words. (Talk about ~natural length.~) So, um, if you want my fic, that's almost certainly what you'll get! I WILL WRITE WEIRD KINKS. I WILL WRITE RANDOM FRIENDSHIPS. I will write tropes anywhere between deconstructed and straight-up. I will write anything in between. (And, like, if you know me, or if you don't know me but wanna know what you might be getting? I will write 'weird kinks' and 'random friendships' together, if you want such a thing.)
Auctions run from 12 January 2017 (Midnight, EST) to 19 January 2017 (Midnight, EST). Bids before or after this period are invalid and will not be counted. If you would like to bid on this auction:
Step 1: Check the bidding spreadsheet to find out what the current high bid is. (Note: It may take up to five minutes for a bid to appear.)
Step 2: Fill out the seller’s bidding form with a bid that is higher than the current high bid. If you want to make it harder for someone to outbid you, bid higher! You will NOT be notified if someone outbids you, so please bookmark this page and check frequently. You will only be notified if you are the high bidder after the auctions end.
Thanks for participating in Fandom Trumps Hate!
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1, 14, 22, 51?
(meme link)
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?The first fandom I ever wrote for was actually technically JAG, because I was a twelve-year-old with wide-ranging tastes. The first fandom I was ever involved in, in the sense of forming relationships with other fans, was Tamora Pierce.
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?In OMGCP? Hmmm. Jack/Shitty, of course, and I actually super could buy platonic Holsom.  I mean, part of the point of canon is that they’re all bros with each other.  But I feel like my true brotp has slipped my mind, that it’s somewhere just around a corner, out of reach...
22. Is there anything you regret writing?I do my best not to regret anything, and to act in a way that wouldn’t cause me to, so, not really?  I mean, every time the Justin Trudeau posts go around again I’m like “OH GOD HOW LONG WILL THIS HAUNT ME” but I’m laughing at the same time. I think maybe it’s a thing about having had depression for 20 years straight: I don’t indulge in emotions like regret or shame over little crap.  I can’t afford to, because I have to be so ruthless about cutting them out of my habits of thought and behaviour. They’re like an invasive species.
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!ALL THE AMAZING DETAIL PEOPLE BRING TO THEIR FANWORKS.  Like, there’s a Patater AU out there where Kent is a cardiac surgeon facing a wrongful death lawsuit, and Alexei is a master carpenter who restores old houses. It was amazing. Like, who on earth would think that shit up?! And yet! It was so amazingly perfect for them as characters--Kent as a habitual hotshot who’s dealing with a ton of grief and shame, Alexei as someone whose work is only considered “humble” when you haven’t seen the things he can do with his hands. The diversity of experiences and imaginings in fic is so much of what makes so many stories on the same topic so very different.
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multsicorn · 3 years
wow 'm' in my browser tab-completes to multsicorn @ twitter now rather than multsicorn @ tumblr so i guess that's WHERE I"M AT
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spaceorphan18 · 1 year
So: how many OTPs do you have?
This is from 6-ish years ago, and you have long gone away.  but I hope you’re doing well wherever you are in the world.  Lots of love to you if you get notice of this.  
Also the answer is 4 and I’ll let people figure out who they are. ;) 
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theleakypen · 4 years
I got tagged by @ameliarating for Heads Up Seven Up! This appears to be a thing where you share the last 7 sentences you wrote from a WIP and then tag 7 more people to do the same thing. I’m super excited to see everyone’s works in progress!
I currently have several WIPs going, and one of them I’ve been writing horrendously out of order so I actually don’t remember what the last seven sentences I wrote were so, let’s see.
Here’s from But, After All, I Am a Wen (my Wen Qing Joins the Sunshot Campaign canon-divergence fic); I’ve actually written a couple other sentences out of order, but that doesn’t count for this. Also I’m pretty sure I’ve got the order of events wrong here so this dialogue is also subject to change 😂
“You have a piece of Yin Iron,” she breathes.
“What?” Wei Wuxian exclaims. “No I don’t.” He starts to shift and bites back a cry.
“I said don’t move,” she snaps, and he subsides. “You think after all these years with Wen Ruohan that I don’t know the traces it leaves? What have you been doing with it, Wei Wuxian?”
Wei Wuxian worries his lip between his teeth. “Nothing. It’s like I said to Zewu-jun—we need a way to counter Wen Ruohan’s Yin Iron. I’m finding a way to do it.”
And here’s from the Chengxian fic that grabbed me and won’t let go. Again, I’m pretty sure I’ve written other disjointed sentences here and there, but this is the latest complete-ish 7-sentence chunk.
The eighth move is stepping around his unarmed attack and grappling him to the ground. Wei Wuxian gives a grunt as his cheek hits the dirt and then yelps when Jiang Cheng abruptly yanks his hand up his back, pinning him thoroughly.
“Jiang Cheng, you’ve really improved!” he exclaims. “Taking me down in less than ten moves—that’s skill.” 
Jiang Cheng hates the pleased warmth that washes over him at Wei Wuxian’s praise. He’s a grown man, a master in his own right; he’s outgrown the need for his shixiong to tell him how well he did. Jiang Cheng bends forward over Wei Wuxian, dipping his head down so his lips nearly brush Wei Wuxian’s ear. “And what should I do with you, now that I’ve got you?”
I am tagging (no pressure! only if you want to!): @bot-romance, @iamwestiec, @bladedweaponsandswishycoats, @zylaa, @pumpkinpaix, @multsicorn, @biwenqing
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oh was that for the ‘thing i want to know about you’. hm. what’s your favorite instrument? favorite animal? and how do you decide What To Do Next??
I’m not really sure what this is in response to but thank you for asking me!
My favourite instrument to play is the piano because 1) you can do lots of notes at once, 2) it’s the easiest way for me to go from notes/chords in my head to playing them, since it was the first instrument I learned and I visualize notes as piano keys (as opposed to guitar which is still real hard for me even after many years). My favourite instrument to watch someone else play is... the computer? There are so many cool musical things you can do with software! The sounds and effects are so varied! Things can happen so instantaneously! You can include randomness in your composing! You can use alternative tunings including microtonal scales! It’s all so interesting :)
Favourite animal is hard because I feel like cat is too boring an answer but listen, have you seen kittens???? THEY’RE SO GOOD!
How do I decide what to do next? Okay. okay. this might get long. Here’s the thing. I have Many systems which overlap with each other and which in combination would probably be terrible for anyone else. Here we go.
1) TeuxDeux app. In this app I store long term to do lists. Any time I think of anything I will ever need to do, I put it in some kind of list in TeuxDeux. Gift ideas, groceries, hobbies, work, online banking, things I want to buy, books I want to read, an article about how my website could be more accessible... Doesn’t matter. It all goes in TeuxDeux.
2) Apple Calendar. In this app I put things that need to happen on a schedule, including appointments, meetings, meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner), and No Screen time before bed. Also I have imported some Google Calendars for a couple projects I’m involved with.
3) Sorted app. In this app I put my to do list just for today. It automatically grabs the calendar tasks, and I add work stuff, chores, emails I need to reply to, exercise, shower, take vitamins, etc.
4) Bullet journal. In my journal I do Yearly Memories, Monthly layouts, Weekly layouts, and when I’m extra stressed, Daily schedules. (Also note taking and stuff.) A Daily schedule is the tasks down the right, and the hours down the left, where I write what I actually did and/or estimate how long things will take. A Weekly layout includes a habit tracker, a to do list, an hours grid for scribbling in Sleep and Work in two different colours, and Notes where I recap highlights. A Monthly layout includes a to do list on the right and dates down the left where I write in appointments. Yearly Memories is where I write highlights so that on New Years I can look back and see what I accomplished without reading my entire journal. So basically each week I copy to do items from my monthly layout, and each month I copy to do items from my TeuxDeux lists and copy accomplishments into my yearly memories.
5) Important/Urgent grid. Every now and then my daily to do list gets TOO LONG and I have to trim it down, which I do by writing it all into a grid labeled important/urgent, important, urgent, neither.
6) Sims meters. On days when I’m having a lot of trouble doing anything, I write myself a list of Sims meters (the meters that provide info about a sim’s needs in the Sims games. There used to be 8 but newer games have only 6, but I still use 8.) Hunger, bladder, energy, comfort, fun, social, environment, and hygiene. The I add medicine, maybe exercise, and maybe one or two work tasks. And that’s it, that’s all I’m allowed to focus on that day.
As for what to do NEXT: if it’s not already afternoon: self-care in the morning (exercise, shower, walk, chores). Work in the afternoon. Rest/hobbies in the evening. Sleep at night. If the order matters (eg exercise before shower) take that into account. Alternate muscle-intensive tasks with brain intensive tasks. Other than that the order doesn’t matter. Look at the list and pick literally anything I feel capable of doing right now. That’s it!
This is... probably 10 times more info than you were looking for but I had fun writing it down lol! :D
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winepresswrath · 4 years
Thinking about how Madame Yu clings to the things Jiang Fengmian owes her as his wife and the objective ways he's failing her on that front to cover for her hurt and sadness about him not loving her and their children and the way Jiang Cheng fixates on the promise Wei Wuxian made him and the objective ways he broke that promise to cover for his hurt and sadness over his belief that Wei Wuxian doesn't really love him or their family.
And now I am sad. This is all your fault @multsicorn
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todaydreambelievers · 5 years
TDB’s Final Bow
Every journey has an end... 
There’s a joke out there that reads - Bilbo Baggins was abruptly awoken to his alarm clock playing Don’t Stop Believin’.  It was an Unexpected Journey.  :D  I especially appreciate that joke because Bilbo has always been one of my fictional character kindred spirits.  :D :D 
Four years ago, Glee ended, and I was a little at a loss for what I was going to do with my life.  I knew that I had more Glee thoughts, and things I wanted to say, and I had just met so many great people in fandom, that I feared that without Glee to hold us together, I’d be left alone in the wastelands that are the internet.  So, after talking it through with a good friend (@multsicorn​ - this is a shoutout to you) I decided to start To Daydream Believers.  (And in case you’re wondering - no I didn’t spell ‘to’ wrong, it was meant to be a celebration - a toast! but also a pun.)  
My intention was to give a safe space for people who enjoyed both Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson - because way back when, there wasn’t one.  Either you liked one or the other, but if you claimed you liked ‘Klaine’ then you were a 12yo who counted kisses and whose opinion didn’t deserve recognition.  I tried to make this space as welcoming and positive as I could - and today, it amazes me that I ever had to give such stipulations because this community has grown and learned from each other, and we have become a place where you can enjoy Kurt and Blaine equally.  I am incredibly proud of that.  And I’m grateful that I’ve had a small part in trying to heal a very splintered and angry fandom.  
Amazingly, TDB started as just a fic prompt blog.  It was meant to keep the creative spirits going and the fic flowing.  But over the years it blossomed into so much more.  We began to add in Author Spotlights and Tournaments and Polls and meta discussions (all of which you can find on the main blog site, btw).  And then - I’m not sure how it happened but I decided I’d try a podcast and then - y’all talked me into doing the rewatch.  And here we are! 
I was advised early on to only keep going as long as I was having fun, and I did! But projects aren’t meant to last forever.  I knew the podcast would have a finite date - Glee is, after all, a closed canon, and there is only so much one can bring to the table of a story that had long finished.  I purposely timed the end of the podcast to go along with the end of the rewatch.  I knew when the end would be a long, long time ago.  
In truth, running this blog and doing a podcast is almost like a second job.  And while I’m grateful for the experience, I was beginning to get a little worn down.  I knew that it was time for me to move on with other endeavors - but I’m incredibly proud that I was able to see the project to its end.  We discussed and watched every episode of the show, looked deeply into every subject, talked about every aspect of Kurt and Blaine and Glee that I could come up with.  I feel like this is an extensive look at a show and characters who’ve touched so many of our hearts.  And the fact that it’s now complete is amazing to me.  
They say go out on a high note - and I really feel that I am.  
I don’t really know how to express how much this blog, this podcast, this community has meant to me.  You guys have taken me through some dark times, through some hard personal things, and brought me through us living in what is probably not the best time line (lol).  But you’ve also helped me grow as a person and expand my horizons.  I’ve met so many wonderful people whom I’m grateful to now call friends.  
I’m no longer scared that once I wrap up my own chapter on Glee, that I’ll lose the community we’ve built.  Sure, we’ll be in new, different places in our lives, talking about new obsessions and exploring new things and god I’ll say it - going into new directions.  But sharing Glee will always be a bond that connects us.  And that is special.  
I want people to know that even though TDB is coming to its natural conclusion - fandom doesn’t have to end here.  
There are still parts that will always be going.  @todaydreambelieversfic​ will always be active as long as someone has a new fic to share.  There’s the Discord Channel that will continue to be up as long as someone wants to talk about anything.  And of course, you can always find me on my personal blog @spaceorphan18​ to chat about anything you like! You know I’m always up for a conversation.  As long as Kurt and Blaine remain in our hearts - fandom is always alive.  
TDB’s end is here, but know that I’m never saying goodbye to any of you.    
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Glee is about opening yourself up to joy.  And all of you have given me so much joy throughout the years.  Thank you for being on this journey with me.  <3
Much love always,
~SpaceOrphan18 xoxo
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