eljokerbabey · 7 years
Do all of them.
fuck you nick fine
200: My crush’s name is: haha she follows me so no199: I was born in: California 198: I am really: hella dope197: My cellphone company is: sprint, what the fuck kinda question196: My eye color is: brown195: My shoe size is: like 9194: My ring size is: I’m not sure193: My height is: 5′8192: I am allergic to: Absolutely Nothing191: My 1st car was: haha i can’t drive190: My 1st job was: Working for my dad I guess189: Last book you read: Interview With The Vampire188: My bed is: A mess187: My pet: 4 cats named Delilah, L.E., Perro, and Mallory186: My best friend: Michael Gregorio Trainstation, i think his name was, its been a while, he moved to idaho like 30 years ago185: My favorite shampoo is: that one from my childhood that looks like a fish184: Xbox or ps3: ecks bawks183: Piggy banks are: a metaphor for greed? I dunno, they’re neat182: In my pockets: nothin at the moment 181: On my calendar: many photos of my friend brenton180: Marriage is: something that requires a lot of thought179: Spongebob can: and will find you178: My mom: is the best177: The last three songs I bought were?176: Last YouTube video watched: probably a podcast175: How many cousins do you have?: at least 12? probably more, I have 9 uncles on my dads side alone, and most of them have kids, so174: Do you have any siblings? older brother, younger sister173: Are your parents divorced? nah 172: Are you taller than your mom? yes171: Do you play an instrument? I play a pretty sub par piano170: What did you do yesterday? kicked the shit out of my friends at party games[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: logically no, but 168: Luck: Yeah pretty much167: Fate: Sort of166: Yourself: ye165: Aliens: yep164: Heaven: I like to163: Hell: nope, well, not exactly162: God: in some form or another161: Horoscopes: nah 160: Soul mates: I like the idea159: Ghosts: Sure158: Gay Marriage: Hell yeah157: War: no bueno, unless its like, against some super actual evil I guess156: Orbs: I don’t know what this means, the shape? yes?155: Magic: sure[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: both? i can’t decide153: Drunk or High: Drunk152: Phone or Online: Online151: Red heads or Black haired: Redheads150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes149: Hot or cold: Cold148: Summer or winter: Winter147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn146: Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate145: Night or Day: day144: Oranges or Apples: Oranges143: Curly or Straight hair:142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk Chocolate140: Mac or PC: PC139: Flip flops or high heals: I dunno138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Sweet and Poor, the fuck kinda question137: Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi, but only because cherry pepsi exists136: Hillary or Obama: Obama135: Burried or cremated: I like to ignore my mortality mostly134: Singing or Dancing: as a thing for me to do; Singing, but I like watching other people dance 133: Coach or Chanel: I don’t uh, I don’t care132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who131: Small town or Big city: Small town130: Wal-Mart or Target: kmart, fuck you129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben Stiller128: Manicure or Pedicure: fuck if i know127: East Coast or West Coast: west coast126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas125: Chocolate or Flowers: Flowers, sure124: Disney or Six Flags: I’m told that my answer should be disney, but i’ve never been to either123: Yankees or Red Sox: sport sport sport sport[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: Its bad121: George Bush: would make a pretty fun neighbor120: Gay Marriage: its good119: The presidential election: a trainwreck118: Abortion: none of my business117: MySpace: rip116: Reality TV: i used to be all about it115: Parents: pretty much the coolest114: Back stabbers: not good113: Ebay: an important step towards the existence of amazon112: Facebook: damn millenials 111: Work: another day another dollar, sir110: My Neighbors: santaman is pretty cool109: Gas Prices: haha i don’t drive108: Designer Clothes: hella107: College: expensive106: Sports: sport sport sport sport105: My family: pretty okay, there are lots104: The future: we’ll see what happens[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: yesterday probably102: Last time you ate: yesterday101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: saturday, I saw caylen, hadn’t seen him for a couple weeks100: Cried in front of someone: midway last year I think, I had a weird unexplained pretty bad panic attack out of nowhere99: Went to a movie theater: a few days ago, I saw Your Name, it was good98: Took a vacation:  months ago probably97: Swam in a pool: I don’t remember96: Changed a diaper: Probably never95: Got my nails done: Never?94: Went to a wedding: I think my best friends was the last one I went to, it was august 2016 I guess?93: Broke a bone: Never92: Got a peircing: Never91: Broke the law: Couple weeks ago maybe?90: Texted: last night[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: too difficult everyone I know is hilarious88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my family87: The last movie I saw: Your Name, it was really good86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: leaving town for a bit, in the near future, to my friends in redding for a bit, in the later future, to fort bragg to camp 85: The thing im not looking forward to: potentially running into a specific person who I think hates me now 84: People call me: a pretty funny guy83: The most difficult thing to do is: let go of people82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: no81: My zodiac sign is: taurus80: The first person i talked to today was: Enrique79: First time you had a crush: Like first grade78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: Michael Gorgon Trombone, i think his name was, my best friend, he moved to idaho like a hundred years ago77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Probably the other day76: Right now I am talking to: nobody75: What are you going to do when you grow up: I guess I want to go to school for psychology74: I have/will get a job: at some point73: Tomorrow: never dies72: Today: gonna hang out with a couple of chuckleheads i guess71: Next Summer: Who knows70: Next Weekend: I’ll have just gotten back into town and will probably go to a friends house to play boardgames69: I have these pets: cats, dogs68: The worst sound in the world: nail filing67: The person that makes me cry the most is: I dunno, I haven’t really cried in a while66: People that make you happy: all my friends and most of my family65: Last time I cried: like last year64: My friends are: interesting and cool63: My computer is: okay62: My School: will not be that bad61: My Car: haha i don’t drive60: I lose all respect for people who: hurt others59: The movie I cried at was: I don’t remember the last time I cried at a movie58: Your hair color is: Black, naturally, but I dyed it a different color for a while, which required bleaching, so its sorta fading into a weird light color now57: TV shows you watch: lots, i’ve been really into my hero academia lately56: Favorite web site: all websites are bad55: Your dream vacation: like a cabin somewhere in the mountains54: The worst pain I was ever in was: probably when my appendix burst53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium rare52: My room is: not utilized properly, its big, but its too messy and cluttered, gotta fix that at some point 51: My favorite celebrity is: i dunno, NPH or something 50: Where would you like to be: somewhere norther with someone I care about49: Do you want children: I’m neutral48: Ever been in love: yeah lots47: Who’s your best friend: michaelangelo Gardengnome Teatime, he moved to idaho an indeterminate amount of time ago46: More guy friends or girl friends: I have more guy friends than girl friends, if thats what this is asking45: One thing that makes you feel great is: when people tell me what my positive traits are, or mention that they thought of me, I guess44: One person that you wish you could see right now: Probably Mike Gatorade Turbulence, I always want to hang with that fool43: Do you have a 5 year plan: not really, more like a general idea42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: loosely41: Have you pre-named your children: I’ve thought of it, but like Idk if I’ll have kids40: Last person I got mad at: myself probably39: I would like to move to: somewhere north, washington or oregon maybe, on a large property thats mostly wilderness that I own, haha38: I wish I was a professional: entertainer, probably[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: recess cups I guess36: Vehicle: I think motorcycles are cool35: President: Teddy Roosevelt I guess34: State visited: I’ve only really visited Idaho so I guess it wins by default33: Cellphone provider: If I say anything other than sprint they’ll make me disappear32: Athlete: Usain Bolt is pretty cool31: Actor: I like Michael Fassbender lately, RDJ is also cool, this is a hard question30: Actress: this is a harder question I’ll just say betty white  29: Singer: probably Damien Verrett of The Speed of Sound in Seawater/So Much Light, or Sean Bonnette of AJJ28: Band: AJJ27: Clothing store: do thrift stores count26: Grocery store: i dunno i guess the one up the street25: TV show: Over The Garden Wall maybe24: Movie: I dunno, uh, I like Kung Fu Hustle a lot23: Website: the internet was a mistake22: Animal: cats, or crows21: Theme park: I don’t uh, I haven’t20: Holiday: Christmas or Halloween 19: Sport to watch: combat juggling18: Sport to play: does catch count17: Magazine: I dunno, national geographic or something16: Book: there’s too many I can’t answer this15: Day of the week: saturday I guess14: Beach: Caspar13: Concert attended: Golden Youth I think, is one that I went to, with my friend? its the only one I really remember, I don’t go to concerts really, I went to an Earth Wind and Fire concert as a little kid too I guess12: Thing to cook: Top Ramen is the height of my abilities11: Food: I dunno, pizza or something, whatever’s hip with the kids, no wait, sushi10: Restaurant: Ikkyu9: Radio station: whatever it is my mom listens to, classic rock?8: Yankee candle scent: I don’t know candle scent names so I’ll just come up with one; “Civilian Casualties”7: Perfume: uh, I don’t know perfume names so I’ll just come up with one “I never heard from her again”6: Flower: Uh, I like most of them5: Color: Blue, also I really like, oranges/reds in nature, like leaves, and hair, and stuff like that4: Talk show host: Eric Andre, but if we mean like actual talk shows, then Conan I guess3: Comedian: Dave Chappelle 2: Dog breed: I like many, maybe german shepards or border collies I dunno1: Did you answer all these truthfully? More or lessfuck you nick this took like 2 hours
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eljokerbabey · 6 years
baby’s breath, bleeding heart, bell flower, evening primrose, forget-me-not, daffodil, foxglove, lavender, love in a mist, daisy, painter’s palette, sugarbush, windflower, golden rod, peony, marigold, hyacinth, lilac, poppy, dandelion
baby’s breath: 5 things you associate yourself withRings, Dice, Rain, Cats, The Color Greybleeding heart: what makes you heart go mushy?When people I care about display their affection to mebell flower: what’s the title of the song that makes you want to jump around out of joy?In The Fall by Jared Mees & The Grown Childrenevening primrose: what’s your sleeping playlist (give me 5 songs)?This is hard but I’ll tryThe Intro by The XXSummer’s Day [Version 2] remix by Jinsangwe’ve never met but, can we have a coffee or something?  by In Love With A GhostFlagship by So Much LightEverytime by Boy Pabloforget-me-not: who is your favorite blog who isn’t following you?I dunno, maybe squeakadeeks or setheverman or somethingdaffodil: what is one plant that you want to have but can never get?I’m not sure, maybe like a cherry blossom tree or something, though that’s not like impossible I guess. foxglove: what is your favorite color and in what shade?some kind of blue, in like a darker but pale shade I guesslavender: what is something that you’ve always wanted to be/have/get but can never have?Uhhh, there are a lot of answers to this question, there’s lots of neat items or clothes that fit that I guess.love in a mist: what is the latest dream that you remember?I think I was taking a nap with someone in the dream, I mean, I know who but it would be embarrassing to say here! daisy: what is your favorite flavor of cotton candy, ice cream, and juice?yellow cotton candy is pretty good, COOKIE DOUGH ICE CREAM, and I like cran-rasberry I guess?painter’s palette: are you more of a singer, dancer, painter, or instrumentalist?I like to do all of them but I’m not entirely confident in any of them so I dunnosugarbush: do you have sweet tooth? if yes, what’s your favorite sweets? if no, why?Kind of, less so now. I don’t really idly snack too much. Mostly when I’m trying to sate that its via Dutch Bros drinks or Cinnabon Delights from Taco Bellwindflower: list 5 of your favorite blogs and explain why i like themall of these can pretty much be found in my about though but okMayax81: good friend, good posts about a variety of thingsMumboTheJumbo: lives with me, also good posts about stuffgrooveonfight: team daniel solidarity, fighting game posts, advanced shitposts, buys me food sometimescenturion-falin: filthy team dave menace, comfy/cute posts, buys me food a lot, will never diegreen-slurpee: eyy its enrico forgeddabouditgolden rod: are you more of a baker or a cook?in my limited experience I guess I’m more of a cook, but I think I’d like to bake morepeony: what is something that you wish your parents could’ve told you?I don’t really know, my parents give me a lot of wisdom all the time, so I don’t feel as though there was anything I should’ve known that I didn’t growing up. marigold: what’s your favorite tea?the uh, the leaf kindhyacinth: do you name your plants?I have named plants before but I haven’t named any of the plants here lilac: would you rather sleep and be cozy or hang out with your friends?It varies from moment to momentpoppy: do you like to dip your fries or do you like it as is?It depends on the friesdandelion: any special talent that you have?Apparently i’m a good DM, haha. Uhh, I dunno, I make good joekz and am creative I guess. 
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eljokerbabey · 6 years
Unusual asks - 1 through 20
Do you ever think about a specific time in your past you could travel to and change? There are several, I am a person who makes a lot of mistakes for various reasons, sometimes on purpose, I confuse myself sometimes.
Without looking them up, can you name 10 types of cheese?uhhh, provolone, cheddar, pepperjack, mozzarella, american, swiss, blue, cottage, chuck e, macararoni and
Have you ever tried to roll through an embarrassing decision by pretending you weren’t embarrassed and that you were going for that outcome?thats all of my decisions, babey
What’s the last strong feeling you had?  Can you describe it metaphorically?If my body was a candle, my brain was an old tv running warm on a static channel, slowly melting it
What’s the first time you remember smiling?I don’t know, there’s a picture of me smiling as a baby but I don’t remember it.
Do you believe that hipsters have always existed in human society?  Can you provide an example?Every major change in trend starts as a group of people being different, and other people liking that, in a way, those people were hipsters. 
What food, snack, or dessert are you craving by the end of this sentence?I’m really full, actually, eating sounds like a pain. I’m always thinking about dutch bros or foster freeze twisters though.
Are you a fan of confrontation?The song from Les Mis? Absolutely. Nah but as for real confrontation; sometimes, I don’t know, I think I try to avoid it but I also don’t shy from being forward with certain problems. I guess it depends on the confrontation.
You’re back to when you were a kid. It’s Saturday morning, what are you doing?  If it involves cartoons tell me your favorites.I am sleeping until like noon
Pick a keepsake, will you tell me the story behind it?I’ve got some art on my walls that were gifts from my friend @mayax81​ that I treasure. I also have a wrist band that @mumbothejumbo​ gave me from his old workplace, that we’re pretty sure is lucky, he wears the other one. I have a Safeway nametag that one of my best friends gave me after he stopped working there. Said friends sister has also given me some cool stuff. Some other friends have given me cool dice. There’s a lot of keepsakes. Pretty much, rest assured if you get me something I keep it safe somewhere.
What form do you prefer your chocolate to be?uh, edible
Silliest name you or your family ever bestowed on a pet?We had a cat when I was very little who was called Mr. President
What is something that you love that you feel like nobody else even knows about?There’s a lot of webcomics I read that are pretty slept on. Uhh, I feel like there are some bands/artists that I really like that I don’t know anybody who is into them. 
What is something that you hate that you feel like nobody else even cares about?I don’t really know, I don’t actively hate on too much nowadays. I maybe have small pet peeves that it feels like nobody else shares. Oh, I hate the sound nail files make, I can’t stand it, it hurts my whole body
Why is the ocean blue?It’s always trying to reach for the moon, but it can’t, so its sad.
What genre would you choose to live in?Contemporary Fantasy Slice of Life
What’s the last thing you judged someone for that you remembered you also do?I don’t really know, probably something to do with minor rudeness or something and then my doing that same thing later and being like “o dam”
Can you tell me a random fact not related to bacon?Bananas produce the same chemical in their smell that bees use to warn eachother about danger, so eating a banana near a bee would make it angry at you
What do you perceive the most beauty through; touch, taste, sight, hearing, or smell?Sight.
Is there a particular store or company you harbor ill will towards?  Why?I have a healthy fear of Dollar Generals, they’re too ominous. Thanks for the ask, anonymous stranger. 
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eljokerbabey · 7 years
I got dang darn tagged by @mayax81 What’s your favourite song(s) to sing/hum? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5X6F1URAzs
What are your favourite flower/tree/plant (all 3 or whatever you have an answer to)? Flower: Rose I guess Tree: I like the big pine trees we have here, also cherry blossom trees because i’m a weeb Favourite colour(s)?
I like blue a lot, pretty much anything cool or earthy
What do you always doodle (if you ever do)? I feel like i doodle skeletons a lot
How do you take your coffee/tea? Coffee: Black Tea: Not sure
Favourite candle scent? I like frasier/pine/woodsy stuff 
Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise
What perfume do you wear if any? I don’t typically wear scents unless I’m going to hang out with someone whose opinions really really really matter to me, so if I ever smell extra good its because you’re very important
What’s your go to dance move when you’re alone? I just kinda wiggle from side to side
Favorite quote? this is really difficult  edit: it was so difficult that i moved on and then forgot to answer it
Favourite self care thing(s) or routine(s)? Self... care? nah jk. But uh, come to think of it I don’t particularly know? I guess I sometimes go out with friends to alleviate stress. 
What colour are your eyes? Brown, like soil, or treebark, or chocolate, though perhaps a fair bit darker than those things
What’s your favourite eye colour on others? I like all the colors, I do like interesting shades though, some brands of blue eyes are very striking, and green is so uncommon that I can’t help but take preference sometimes
Favourite season? Why? Winter, because weather
Cheek, neck, or nose kisses? here’s a thing not many people know, this is insider information, an ultimate weakness. If you kiss me on the neck I will fall over. Every time. It basically shuts off my entire body. 
What does your happy place look like? Snowy cabin, warm fire, people I care about
Favourite breed of dog? german shepards or borzois
Do you ever want to be married? If so what colours would you pick for your wedding theme? yeah I mean ideally I guess I’d like to get married someday but only if I meet like the absolute right person. I guess I’d defer to the brides decision but I’d like to do something interesting for sure, I could combine it with my long life dream to do a fancy mask party. 
Favourite weather? rrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaainnnnnnnnnnn thanks for tagging me I’m just gonna tag a bunch of mutuals @mumbothejumbo @green-slurpee @mrs-entwistle @lolyousaidtraps @coffeesleeprepeat @castella626 @happylittlefandomplace @tz-the-confused-aussie @dumbrobut and anyone else who wants to do it 
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