#mun rambles in tags
petals-and-ink · 4 months
Oh Vanilla Orchid, your eyes betray your very smile
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What are you if not a serene being?
Are you truthly who you appear to be?
Or are you just a being sinking into it's own regret and shame, unknowingly dooming itself to a constant pain lurking just around the corner?
Do I you shield my your soul away, wishing for it all to leave my your mind someday?
Or is it a self inflicted punishment against what I you abandoned?
Is this truthly how I you wish to live?
Should I you speak up and tell the truth I you claim to be oh so important?
How could I risk loosing and hurting the ones I care for the most again?
After my failure, what would it do? How would it even turn out?
I can't live another tragedy, I can't fail everyone all over again, what would the two even feel if they were here?
Gods, they would be so devastated..
I must keep this to myself, it would be only fair wouldn't it? No one will get hurt if I keep quiet for now, after all.
I'm guilty of not reaching them in time, and this is my price to pay.
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misteria247 · 1 year
Gonna do some propaganda for one of my favorite aus, Shellshock so sit down and please accept my ramblings!
Y'all should totally place your votes into the Shellshock au because in this au includes-
Baby turtles! More specifically baby Rise turtles!!!!
Awesome uncles Leo, Donnie and Mikey!!!!
Mama Mona Lisa and Papa Raph!!!!
Raph and his beloved wife Mona being super cute and domesticated!!!
The Hamato clan growing bigger with the adorable babies!!!!!
There's a hella amazing fanfic that goes with this awesome au!!!!
As well as beautiful artwork by none other than the talented artist and creator of the au, @lieutenantbiscute!!!!
Absolute family shenanigans involving the boys!!!!
Mama Mona and Papa Raph smothering their babies in trademark affection!!
Auntie April, Auntie Karai and Uncle Casey!!!! (Like come on that's amazing!!!!)
So many amazing things!!! So many awesome bits and pieces!!!! And did I mention there's some angst material in this au??????????????? Cuz mmmmmm girl there's some delicious fucking food in this au.
So please vote for the Shellshock au to be included in the Tmnt au polls!!!! Cuz it's amazing!!!!!
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donuts4evry1 · 1 year
I've had this quiz lying around one of my 704 tabs, so I thought I might try to finish it up now, hehe.
Hope you enjoy it!
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talesofourworlds · 2 months
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(ooc: I feel like if I ever did start utilizing the queue on this blog, I'd be legally obligated to name the queue tag 'Mutton! Fresh Mutton!' If you know, you know.)
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ask-killer-dubstep · 4 months
A thank you
It's been forever since I really posted much. I feel likes it's been a little over a year I would say? Maybe more? Least an actually post and not reblogs to show I still exist.
To really sum up why I'm missing so much is I used this place as a cope and escape from my real life. I'm doing a whole lot better, though busy working so that's ya... but life's better.
I got a fiance and a plan to move far away from my problems lmao. Might pick up a second job to help pay for it. Money's tight but life's still good.
I would like to apologize to those who I rp'd with and ended up flaking on them. I do get randomly busy often and forgot or I simply just didn't have the mental space to keep up. I'm honestly really sorry as I did really enjoy so many lost threads. And the friendships I've made on here truly do still matter to me.
So this is both a 'hey I'm alive and might come back once in a while to role-playing within my new boundaries' and also a thank you note.
So to these people I'm tagging, this is an update and thank you. (I do apologize for the random tag though but I hope you enjoy it <3)
@gathering-storm : you never needed an update since we text weekly...ish. But still thank you. You've known me for over a decade now and you've been such a good friend to me. I truly owe you my life.
@xanican-exile : thank you for saving my ass when I went to get my fiance and just being super cool dude. You're legit a fucking great friend even if we don't talk much.
@special-delivery-in-blue : sorry for the scare in this tag but you were also a great friend even if we haven't talked in a while. I always love sharing wiggle noodle videos with you.
@the-broken-monster : you were legit one of my first followers and role-playing friends. I genuinely wouldn't have had such an awesome time if it hadn't been for you. And it's been awesome seeing our lives go mostly up. We've had our downs lol.
@green-x-reaper : our first role play legit changed my entire writing life and made me feel so many good things. We may have never been super close friends but thank you for giving me that experience.
@themuseforest : it's been ages since we talked but you bothering to text back years ago made such a difference on how I thought about this site.
And to everyone else that sees this and talked/roleplayed/just interacted with posts. Thank you as well. There have been many ups and downs in the decade I've been on here and with the people I've known. But the ups always made me love this place more. So thank you for letting me have this space. If anyone wants to message me, you're more than welcome to. I still warn that I'm not always present on here but still. Thank you.
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pudgy-planets · 7 days
Gulped once at breakfast, gulped again at lunch, and one last time before bed.
The Minakos convincing their Reis to be Trillian’s three meals that day. Two spicy omelettes with veggies and Reis, Two BLTR’s with a side of fries (Bacon Lettuce Rei Tomato), and Two Oreo Cookies with a tall glass of Makoto’s milk.
Himiko winding up being swallowed by Carmilla on three separate instances due to her unique form of luck inevitably making the Shortstack encounter the Vampire.
Makima having seafood for all three meals of the day-
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shining-gem34 · 12 days
||Dan Feng is staring respectfully. He wants to be that peach getting the CHOMP.
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wishfulmuses · 6 months
When you and @pompedia suddenly starting talking about the old days,,, now we're going back to our roots on the spot—. I AM FILLED WITH NOSTALGIA.
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shkika · 1 year
Wow thank you everyone for the absolutely fun and really creative asks oh my gosh you make planning for this little project so so very exciting I don’t even know what to say ah!!!!
I genuinely couldn’t have hoped for better,,
Expect answers no later than Thursday- Friday!!!!
Also the quantity wowee. I’ll avoid closing the inbox for now, I’ll get to as many as I can !
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ask-sibverse · 5 months
*vaguely frustrated noises* tag yer fics properly peopleeeeeeee I wanna be able to filter out crossovers but if you only tag *one* of the fandoms it's fucking useless!
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blackbirdffxiv · 4 months
one of these days I'll actually get into the WoL AU verse of Ellie and the ships with NPCs I got with her
But that day ain't today. or tomorrow.
Bad brain energy tonight y'all, I'm sorry ;;
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misteria247 · 1 year
I just realized that if Ben Schwartz has a Tumblr account......
Then he's probably seen all the Rise Leo posts of everyone simping for this dorky loser. Myself included.
..........It's a knowledge that's surprisingly haunting me in ways I didn't think possible.
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donuts4evry1 · 5 months
I watched somewhere that Raya's whole "Dragon Nerd" thing was kinda demeaning(?) towards the sanctity of Dragons in SEA culture and while I do agree with that to some degree... I personally think they also went too tame with Raya's whole "Dragon nerd" thing
Raya was only nerd enough to plot dump, but if someone was truly a "Dragon nerd" then they should have really went harder with it. Made her absolutely fanatical about it. To the point where she freaks out other characters about it. We were robbed of adorkable nerd fighter Raya and I'm a little sad about it
(Also, this post was inspired by Xiran's video where a group of SEA people assembled to talk about Raya... And also the character of Elrand from "Campfire Cooking in another world with my absurd skill". Just see what I mean here:
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THIS is what I'm looking for in a "nerd" character.
Granted, this is unholy levels of obsession from a single character, but I LIVE for this kind of character. It gives them life and animation!)
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hyaciiintho · 10 months
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🌸。*゚+. THIS IS A TEST POST !! This is not an actual inbox call, I just wanted to test and see how the graphic would look posted to tumblr ;; ;; Might use this when doing inbox calls and then a copy/paste text body.
With that being said-- how do people feel about a "permanent" inbox call post? Just for my own reassurance so I don't feel like I'm bothering people but don't wanna like... constantly make a new inbox call post. Basically just a list of people commenting below a post, one that maybe specifies whether people prefer random IC interactions or want asks leaning more to IC questions/ooc headcanons stuff?
I know it's silly because if we're mutuals, we shouldn't be afraid to reach out to each other, BUT !! I also know some people do not like random asks, so... it would just be for the sake of... "You have permission to send random things whenever you feel like it" but of course it's not like I'm expecting you to answer things immediately after I send them either.
But yeah, just a thought! If it seems too silly I'll just keep making individual posts each time ♡ c':
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mghtfall · 3 months
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@cxncrie asked:
What are some things you worry about in terms of new people?
Anxious Munday Meme! ((accepting for the rest of today))
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Oh boy, where do I even start.
I worry about missing social cues, or maybe being too weird/excitable thus making people uncomfortable. I can go on really long tangents if I'm talking about my interests and I try to not do that. bc some of my interests is myths/religions all over the world.. And I get that it's an uncomfortable topic for peeps, which is totally valid
I am always worried I might over step a boundary on accident.
There are always a lot of worries and concerns running through my head, but since starting this blog I've been lucky enough to feel a little more comfortable interacting with people. *bein' medicated helps me. Yeah, mostly I'm just a very anxious bean that struggles with Social interactions as a whole.
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just-bendy · 2 years
//howdys! already sent an ask to here before (unless tumblr ate the ask in which oops) but i have a lowkey suggestion for a name that you can call your AU with, i've noticed the word Flawed in the character informations and in the au's lore so perhaps the AU itself could be called "The flawed Au" or just "Flawed AU" in short since the main trio here seemed to be more or less different clones in a sense to the other cartoons, just a small suggestion, but anyways happy early christmas
(( :O !!
thank u! i've been wanting to get a name for this au for so long but i couldnt think of anything! i think "flawed clones au" sounds good! thank you for coming up with the name, this au really needed it 😂
bendy, alice, and barry are all flawed in some way, boris although given the Frankenstein treatment was a perfect clone. but all 65 bendy clones, most of the alice clones, and a handful of the boris clones were all flawed or imperfect so its a good name for the au! hope you don't mind me using the name 🥺️ ))
(( and yes i got your other ask! i will be posting it next ))
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